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Free Analytical Reasoning Test Questions Practice – 2024

Aptitude Written Exams

What Is Analytical Reasoning?

Analytical reasoning, also known as logical reasoning , is a problem-solving method that focuses on identifying patterns and using logic to fill in missing pieces. This form of reasoning is slightly more detached from inferences and opinions, and places great emphasis on factual evidence. Analytical reasoning can be further simplified into two categories:

  • Deductive Reasoning Deductive reasoning, sometimes called top-down logic, is the formation of a specific conclusion from a general premise or, in some cases, multiple hypotheses. Deductive reasoning is best for situations with multiple variables that must be accounted for and handled.
  • Inductive Reasoning Inductive reasoning , also known as bottom-up logic, is the direct opposite of deductive reasoning as it forms plausible conclusions from a specific observation. Inductive reasoning works best when using context and practical intelligence to resolve an issue.
  • Numerical Reasoning Numerical reasoning is the ability to apply logic to problems that include data, charts and graphs. Someone who has strong numerical reasoning skills is proficient in basic mathematical functions, statistical interpretation, and algorithms to name a few.
  • Abstract Reasoning Abstract reasoning is the ability to identify patterns, extract main ideas, and analyze information. Abstract reasoning is an important factor of problem solving and decision making. This form of reasoning is complex and includes various aspects.

What Is an Analytical Reasoning Test?

Analytic reasoning tests are utilized by companies that wish to evaluate a candidate’s critical reasoning skills and their ability to pay attention to detail. This test is commonly administered for job seekers applying for mid- or high-level jobs that require a strength in mathematics. Management and human resource positions are also asked to partake in an analytical reasoning test so employers can measure their problem-solving capabilities. Depending on the role and company, participants may see one of three versions of the analytical reasoning assessment:

  • Data Most common in the financial industry, the data heavy version of the analytical reasoning test supplies applicants with graphs, charts and tables with subsequent questions. The math aspect of the data version is usually simple, so the problem-solving method can be highlighted and evaluated.
  • Written The written portion is used for leadership and management roles. Provided a passage, candidates must discern patterns and main ideas using the context and answer the multiple-choice questions that follow.
  • Images The analytical reasoning test that focuses on image-related questions slightly resembles the non-verbal reasoning test. The applicant is supplied puzzle-like questions containing shape sequences and objects and must find the missing piece.

How to Prepare for an Analytical Reasoning Test?

Analytical reasoning test can be difficult to study for because it examines your raw critical thinking skills. If you are looking to optimize and improve your score, the best way to prepare is running through sample questions or completing online practice tests. By doing this, you can become familiar with the idea of the content and the learn how to pace yourself under the time constraint. Due to the acumen required for each question, preparing for the time limit is essential because many candidates find themselves skipping and guessing at the questions rather than dedicating time and effort to them. It is also helpful to understand the qualities employers are looking for by administering these tests, that way you can narrow your preparation.

Analytical Skills Test Sample Questions

  • The facts prove the conclusion.
  • The facts disprove the conclusion.
  • Cannot say based on the information provided.

analytical reasoning job question

Aptitude Tests

  • Aptitude Tests Guide
  • Numerical Reasoning Test
  • Verbal Reasoning Test
  • Cognitive Ability Test
  • Critical Thinking Test
  • Logical Reasoning Test
  • Spatial Reasoning Test
  • Technical Aptitude Test
  • Inductive Reasoning Test
  • Analytical Reasoning Test
  • Deductive Reasoning Test
  • Mechanical Reasoning Test
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests
  • Diagrammatic Reasoning Test
  • Concentration Assessment Test
  • Finance Reasoning Aptitude Test
  • Fault Finding (Fault Diagnosis) Test
  • Senior Management Aptitude Tests
  • Error Checking Tests
  • In-Basket Exercise

How to Pass & Prepare for Analytical Reasoning Tests in {YEAR}?

What Is Analytical Reasoning Test?

What to expect when taking an analytical reasoning test, how to prepare for analytical reasoning tests in 2024, frequently asked questions, how to pass & prepare for analytical reasoning tests in 2024.

Updated November 10, 2023

Edward Melett

An analytical reasoning test is a way of measuring a candidate’s comprehension skills and their ability to identify key information, apply logic and find patterns.

This form of testing is used widely in recruitment, particularly when assessing candidates for training or graduate schemes.

Large organizations may use an analytical skills test in the early stages of the recruitment process to assess the aptitude of shortlisted candidates before moving onto the interview stage.

This allows recruiters to test several skills such as:

  • Attention to detail
  • Critical thinking
  • Ability to apply logic
  • Inductive reasoning
  • Deductive reasoning
  • Decision making

Analytical reasoning tests are often delivered online and completed by the candidate at a time of their choosing.

You will be given a final deadline for completing the test which, if missed, will eliminate you from the selection process.

The time allowed to complete the test is determined by the recruiter. Some apply rigid time constraints , so good time management and quick thinking is necessary.

Taking practice papers in advance can help you work out how long to spend on each question and which types of questions take more of your time.

Not all organizations apply a time limit, although they may give you an estimate of how long it will take or record the time taken.

In these cases, the testing program may present you with different questions, depending on how well you answered the previous one.

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Analytical Reasoning Test Formats

Non-verbal reasoning.

Non-verbal reasoning, or numerical reasoning , is the ability to analyze graphs, tables and data, to draw conclusions and make predictions.

Although based upon a numerical format, this method of testing is not designed to assess your mathematical knowledge; it focuses on logic and reasoning skills instead.

Many job roles rely on analyzing numerical data, and if you are applying for roles in the finance, engineering, marketing or human resources industries, you are very likely to be asked to complete an analytical reasoning test containing non-verbal reasoning assessments.

Verbal Reasoning

Verbal reasoning is the process of using written information, identifying and analyzing key points, to draw conclusions.

These skills are often assessed during an analytical reasoning test by presenting a text-based question, such as an excerpt of a business report or research paper.

You will then be expected to answer questions by interpreting the information and applying logic to come to your conclusion.

Deductive vs Inductive Reasoning

Deductive reasoning is taking a set of facts and using them to make further statements of fact. So, for example:

  • Package C weighs the same as package D
  • Package F weighs twice as much as package D

Therefore, it is also a fact that the weight of two F packages is equal to the weight of four C packages.

Of course, there are many other facts that we can deduce from the initial statements, and a question in an analytical skills test will be more complex than this.

Inductive reasoning is the process of using the information you have to identify patterns and make predictions about what is likely to happen next.

For example, take this table listing the population levels of Town A:

2014 55,020
2016 57,201
2018 59,404

If you were asked to estimate the town population for 2020, you would use inductive reasoning to make your prediction.

Of course, your answer isn’t fact – but it shows that you have identified patterns and used logic to make an informed prediction.

In a test, a question that is asking you to use your inductive reasoning skills will often ask “What comes next?”.

Inductive logic is valued highly in the fields of engineering, IT and science.

If you need to prepare for a number of different employment tests and want to outsmart the competition, choose a Premium Membership from JobTestPrep . You will get access to three PrepPacks of your choice, from a database that covers all the major test providers and employers and tailored profession packs.

Examples of Analytical Questions

Analytical question 1.

Here is an example of a relatively difficult analytical reasoning question.

It requires the candidate to use the statements that are presented to identify other statements that must also be true.

This question is a test of verbal and deductive reasoning skills:

From a group of seven undergraduate students (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G), four will be selected to give a presentation to the students' union. The following conditions must be met:

  • Either A or B must be selected, but A and B cannot both be selected.
  • Either E or F must be selected, but E and F cannot both be selected.
  • E cannot be selected unless C is selected.
  • G cannot be selected unless B is selected.

If we know that F is not selected to present, how many different groups of four can be made, following the above criteria?

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four e) Five

Analytical Question 2

A common form of numerical (or non-verbal) reasoning question is to identify pattern rules and predict what comes next.

An example of this type of question is:

Analytical Reasoning Tests

Look at the top row of images. Which box comes next in the sequence?

Analytical Question 3

Non-verbal reasoning may also be assessed by asking a number series question. This involves spotting patterns in a series of numbers, using some basic mathematical principles to predict the next number.

For example:

What number comes next?

9, 15, 13, 19, 17, 23...

Step 1 . Research the Test You Are Taking

Several different companies specialize in creating analytical reasoning tests. Asking your recruiter which provider they use will allow you to research practice papers beforehand.

Step 2 . Prepare Your Tech

To save unnecessary stress on the day, make sure you have the hardware and software needed to complete the test.

Discovering that your laptop is about to run out of battery at the last minute is the last thing you need.

Step 3 . Prepare the Necessary Equipment

Make sure you have all the necessary equipment with you.

You may need a pen and paper for jotting down details and helping you work out your answers. If allowed, a calculator may also prove useful.

Step 4 . Read the Instructions Carefully

Take your time to read through the test instructions before you start answering questions.

Making a note of time allowance is important, so be sure to revisit this as you progress through the test to make sure you manage your time efficiently.

Step 5 . Leave the Hard Questions ‘Till Last

Consider answering the test questions in a different order than they are set.

It may help to go through the test, answering questions you feel confident in, before returning to the more difficult questions.

Try out this method in your practice tests beforehand to find what works for you.

Step 6 . Use Process of Elimination

Use a process of elimination when answering questions. Sometimes, it’s easier to spot the wrong answers than the right one. If you rule out enough of the wrong answers, you’ll get a head start on identifying the correct one.

Step 7 . Stay Calm

Most importantly, stay calm . When faced with a difficult question, break it down, making notes as you go.

Trust your ability – remember that all the necessary information is provided in the question, you are not being tested on any professional knowledge, just on your reasoning skills.

How do you prepare for an analytical test?

Start by getting familiar with the format of the analytical test. Know whether it's multiple-choice, essay-based or involves data analysis.

Review any material or content that may be relevant to the test.

Practice solving analytical problems from past tests or sample questions.

On the day of the test, try to stay calm and focused.

What is an example of an analytical thinking test?

An example of an analytical thinking test might be a case study or a situational analysis. You could be presented with a real-world problem or scenario and asked to analyze it, identify key issues, and propose solutions based on the information provided. The test may include written responses, multiple-choice questions, or both.

What is the purpose of an analytical thinking test?

The purpose of an analytical thinking test is to assess your ability to think critically, analyze complex situations, make informed decisions, and solve problems. Employers often use these tests to evaluate a candidate's problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities. In an academic context, analytical tests are used to assess a student's understanding of a subject and their ability to apply knowledge to solve problems.

What are the best ways to enhance your analytical abilities?

Regularly engage in activities that require critical thinking, such as puzzles, brain teasers or debates.

Reading a variety of materials, from books to news articles, can expose you to different perspectives and ideas, enhancing your analytical skills.

Work on solving problems, both simple and complex, to strengthen your ability to analyze situations and find solutions.

Stay updated in your field and keep learning, as new information and perspectives can enhance your analytical abilities.

Many corporate recruiters rely on analytical reasoning tests as part of their selection process.

This type of psychometric test is designed to assess a candidate’s general aptitude as well as their ability to apply logic and reasoning.

Results are data-driven and can provide an objective measure of a candidate’s potential to fulfill the role they are applying for.

With adequate preparation, this is an ideal opportunity for a candidate to demonstrate their logical ability and professional competence.

Scores are compared against those of other candidates and will influence progression onto the next round of the process.

In some cases, candidates will automatically be discounted if they have poor results on the reasoning test.

Therefore, it is important that you practice. Take online practice tests to ensure your skills are honed before your test.

You might also be interested in these other Psychometric Success articles:

Logical Reasoning Tests: 2024 Guide for Logic Tests

Or explore the Aptitude Tests / Test Types sections.

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Practice Aptitude Tests

Practice Aptitude Tests

What is an aptitude test?

An aptitude test is a way to measure a job candidate’s cognitive abilities, work behaviours, or personality traits. Aptitude tests will examine your numeracy, logic and problem-solving skills, as well as how you deal with work situations. They are a proven method to assess employability skills.

Aptitude tests measure a range of skills such as numerical ability, language comprehension and logical reasoning.

What are the different types of aptitude tests?

There are a number of different types of aptitude test due to the range of cognitive capabilities and employer priorities. At Practice Aptitude Tests, we provide industry standard aptitude or psychometric tests for banking, accountancy, finance, law, engineering, business, marketing and vocational fields.

The most commonly used are numerical reasoning tests , verbal reasoning tests , diagrammatic reasoning tests , situational judgement tests , mechanical reasoning tests and personality tests .

Take a free practice aptitude test

Try a free practice aptitude test from the 16 test types below to prepare for your psychometric tests. All our assessments are written by accredited industry experts and are designed to replicate real exams used by leading employers.

Each has a strict time limit and at the end of the test you can view your score, benchmark and the full solutions to all the questions.

Numerical Reasoning

Numerical reasoning tests demonstrate your ability to deal with numbers quickly and accurately. These tests contain questions that assess your knowledge of ratios, percentages, number sequences, data interpretation, financial analysis and currency conversion

Verbal Reasoning

Verbal reasoning tests assess your understanding and comprehension skills. You will be presented with a short passage of text which you’ll be required to interpret before answering questions on. These are typically in the ‘True, False, Cannot Say’ multiple choice format, although there are a range of alternatives too.

Situational Judgement

Situational Judgement Tests assess how you approach situations encountered in the workplace. They are built around hypothetical scenarios to which you would be expected to react accordingly. Based on your answers it will be verified how aligned you are with values and behaviors of a particular company.

Diagrammatic Reasoning

Diagrammatic reasoning tests assess your logical reasoning ability. The questions measure your ability to infer a set of rules from a flowchart or sequence of diagrams and then to apply those rules to a new situation.

Abstract Reasoning

Abstract reasoning tests can also be referred to as diagrammatic and inductive reasoning tests. You will be expected to identify the relationships between shapes and figures, identify rules and similarities, and quickly apply these to establish the answer

Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning tests come in three forms: deductive, inductive and abstract. These types of tests do not present you with verbal or numerical information, but instead with logical patterns and shape sequences.

Basic Numeracy

Most job roles require a basic numerical skill set. This includes, but is not limited to, operational, customer service, administration, help desk and commercial. It’s so easy to forget some of the basic numeracy principles that we once learnt. With this in mind we have put together this test pack to help you refresh your skills and improve your performance.

Analytical Reasoning

Analytical reasoning tests examine an individual’s ability to apply logic to solve problems. The questions vary depending on the type of analytical reasoning test you’re taking: anything from extracting key information from complex passages of text (verbal reasoning), to looking for patterns in a series of images (non-verbal reasoning), or using given information to draw conclusions or make predictions (inductive and deductive reasoning).

Cognitive Ability

Cognitive ability tests are predictors of general intelligence. Like IQ tests, they examine your ability to solve problems and think logically, via verbal, numerical, mechanical, spatial and logical questions.

Spatial Reasoning

Spatial reasoning tests your ability to think about objects in both two and three dimensions, and draw conclusions to those objects from limited information. These tests allow you to visualise two and three-dimensional images in your mind, and mentally manipulate these images into the shape that you want.

Mechanical Reasoning

Mechanical and electrical aptitude tests are commonly administered for engineering and technical positions including the emergency services and the army. They are designed to measure your ability to understand and apply mechanical concepts and principles in order to solve problems. These tests are usually multiple choice and under timed conditions. You will typically have no more than 40 seconds to complete each question.

Basic Comprehension

These are foundation level verbal reasoning tests which assess your ability to reason using concepts wrapped in words. It verifies your level of understanding and comprehension, as well as your dexterity when it comes to filtering out key information from a bulk of text.

1000s of practice questions

Over 9 million practice tests taken, practice tests anytime, anywhere, retake tests, improve your scores, how do i prepare for aptitude tests.

The best way to prepare for aptitude tests is to practice them. The more you practice aptitude tests, the better you’ll get and the higher results you’ll achieve. You can start with these aptitude test sample questions and answers .

Practice isn’t just about taking test after test though. You need to practice smartly, define which assessments you’ll need to master, reveal which areas you need to work on and follow expert advice to help you improve.

If you’d like further practice you can try our free aptitude tests for online practice or our aptitude test pdf if you’d prefer to practice offline.

Practice smartly and measure your performance to show your results improve

We set up Practice Aptitude Tests to help people practice and we’re proud to say that we’ve now helped over 9 million people all over the world.

As well as a huge vault of online assessments, we’ve also created an aptitude test resource hub full of articles and videos to help you improve. Get started with our top aptitude test tips .

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Publisher Tests

If you’re due to take an aptitude test produced by a specific test publisher, we’ve got you covered. Practice free tests based on the style of those publishers via any of the links below, and check out all our publisher tests here.

Korn Ferry is a management consulting firm headquartered in Los Angeles. It was founded in 1969.

SHL Style Practice

SHL is one of the world’s leading psychometric test providers. Its tests are widely used by employers around the world to assess candidates during the recruitment process. The range of SHL tests varies from verbal and numerical to behavioural to cognitive and logical, and more — companies will ask job applicants to take the most relevant test to the job specifications. Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with SHL. We provide preparation services for SHL psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry.

Cut-e (AON)

Cut-e is a psychometric assessment and talent measurement company who provide recruitment tools to help businesses find the right candidate. It is owned by Aon and is used by many companies including Dell, Red Bull, Lidl, Grant Thornton and more.

Cubiks is an international assessment and development consultancy, designing products utilized by businesses in over 50 countries around the world throughout Europe, America, Asia and the Middle East. Cubiks combines business psychology with human resources and IT expertise to offer an extensive portfolio of products and services used by companies for selection, development, talent management and competency management.

Psytech International is another psychometric test provider and commonly used by employers as part of their recruitment process. They offer a range of aptitude and personality tests, which we have outlined below.

Established in 2006 by Roger Holdsworth (co-founder of SHL), Talent Q design and deliver online psychometric assessments, training programmes and consultancy services. They operate both nationally and internationally in over 40 languages and across 50 countries. Their psychometric training courses are accredited by the British Psychological Society and the Chartered Banker Institute. Their portfolio of ability assessments are called Aspect.

Kenexa is a global business psychology consultancy and psychometric test publisher. It was formed in 1987, initially as a recruitment service, expanding steadily throughout the 1990s and 2000s, now offering a variety of different services and solutions in the talent management sector to businesses. As an international company they have offices all over the world, including Europe, Asia and the Americas. They have over 1,500 assessments and provide a tailored approach to the organisation.

Saville Assessment

Saville Assessment (formerly Saville Consulting) is an international psychometric assessment business. They operate in over 80 countries and the products are available in 35 languages. The consultancy employs experiences occupational psychologists and their portfolio includes a variety of services from selection to development to talent management, to name but a few. Their aptitude tests include numerical, verbal and diagrammatic reasoning as well as abstract, error checking and mechanical and most take on average 20 minutes to complete.

Watson Glaser

Watson Glaser tests are produced by TalentLens who publish a variety of ability tests, personality tests and a range of other products which they organise into the areas of ‘select’, ‘develop’ and ‘engage’. They also offer a BPS accredited Test User Ability and Personality training. They are an international company with offices in Europe, Australasia, Asia and the Americas.

Employer Tests

Individual employers will use their own combination of aptitude tests as part of their assessment process. Click any link below to find out more about that organisation’s psychometric tests and practice some free examples. Or check out all of our employer tests.

Amazon is the largest Internet retailer in the world measured by the revenue. The company grows at an enormous pace and to reach it targets it needs a strong support from the creative, and talented people who are keen to work in electronic commerce and cloud computing.

Procter & Gamble

P&G is a multinational consumer good corporation employing people in over 150 countries around the globe. The company hosts a number of unique student programs across their departments spread across the UK and Ireland. From the day one, graduates jump into a rewarding on-the-job experience, that will leave them with a wealth of technical, functional and leadership skills.

Ernst & Young

A leader in professional services, EY helps other organisations make better decisions about business, finance and technology. They run graduate schemes in Technology, Transactions, Consulting and Assurance, so it’s important to find out which scheme is right for you.

UBS supplies wealth, institutional and corporate clients from around the world as well as private clients in Switzerland in financial advice and solutions. Its headquarter is in Zurich but its smaller offices are based in all major financial centers worldwide.

PwC belongs to the Big Four group of major auditors, which makes it one of the most sought after in the country – it has remained number 1 on the Times Top 100 Graduate Employers for the last fourteen years.

Lloyds Bank plc is a British retail and commercial bank with branches across England and Wales. It has traditionally been considered one of the "Big Four" clearing banks.

Every year University leavers can join the organisation through a range of graduate programmes which are held at HSBC departments all over the world. At HSBC you can take your first steps into a career in Commercial Banking, Global Banking and Markets, Retail Banking and Wealth Management, and Global Private Banking.

Barclays offers a wide range of career opportunities across its four distinct graduate development Programs in Retail and Business Banking, Investment Bank, Corporate Banking, Wealth and Investment Management sectors.

Citi works tirelessly to provide consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial services and products. They strive to create the best outcomes for our clients and customers with financial ingenuity that leads to solutions that are simple, creative and responsible.

How are aptitude tests scored?

There are various scoring systems, but the two most common are raw score and comparative score. Raw score is when all your correct answers are summarized and displayed in percentage ratio. Comparative score is when your results are compared to the results of other people who took the test in your group.

What are aptitude tests used for?

Aptitude tests are used for the evaluation of a person’s cognitive skills and character profile. They are increasingly used in recruitment to help hiring managers streamline their applicants. It’s the efficiency and accuracy of aptitude testing compared with hiring methods like interviewing that has made them so popular.

What do aptitude tests involve?

Aptitude tests assess a person’s skills, abilities, professional attitude and personality traits. There are a whole range of aptitude tests and the challenges you’ll face will depend on each. They’ll involve a combination of numerical tests, verbal concepts, abstract thinking , field-specific reasoning problems (financial, mechanical etc), personality tests and others.

What do aptitude tests measure?

Aptitude tests measure a huge range of skills such as numerical aptitude, language comprehension and logical thinking . Different aptitude tests measure different aptitudes and employers specifically hand-pick aptitude tests to reveal the traits they’re looking for. Aptitude tests in the financial industry will be totally different to those in healthcare.

Why do employers use aptitude tests?

Employers use aptitude tests due to analyze a potential worker’s profile. The test results are a strong predictor of how an employee will perform and fit in with the rest of the company. For instance, there are tests that estimate how well a potential hire will work in a team, or how strong their communication and problem-solving skills are.

Which employers use aptitude tests?

Aptitude tests are very common in the modern recruitment industry. Almost every big enterprise uses such tests as an additional tool for employee selection. Smaller companies often follow the practices of bigger business and are currently adopting aptitude tests as well. It is fair to assume that the majority of employers are using aptitude tests for HR purposes.

Why are aptitude tests so hard?

Aptitude tests are hard as they’re used to filter and differentiate candidates. By making them hard, assessors get a spread of results that provides a far more revealing view of test-takers. Some tests are made deliberately difficult to reveal how a potential hire performs under stress, or when facing unfamiliar information.

Where can I practice aptitude tests?

You’ll find many resources for practicing aptitude tests online. We suggest trying a handful to see which works for you. Feel free to begin with our full catalogue of psychometric tests – they’re all written by accredited professionals. You can also use our fully worked solutions and interactive dashboards to help you improve.

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McKinsey PST: Question Types, Study Plan & Mock Tests

The McKinsey Problem Solving Test (McKinsey PST) is a very crucial part of the McKinsey recruitment process. It is where most of the applicant pool is eliminated, and yet there are so few resources to help you prepare for it. Fortunately, you’ve found the ultimate guide to nail the test with an unbelievable level of detail!

Table of Contents

McKinsey PST overview

What is the mckinsey pst.

The McKinsey Problem Solving Test (or PST) is a paper-based test used at McKinsey & Company to select candidates for the case interviews. The PST is conducted after resume screening; it has 6 types of question, testing the candidate on 3 crucial problem-solving skills – data interpretation, mental calculations and logical reasoning.

McKinsey PST passing score / Acceptance rate

McKinsey has never officially stated the passing score or acceptance rate for the PST. However, these numbers can be estimated using reports from test-takers, with passing score being around 70%, and acceptance rate at roughly 30-35% (1 in every 3 candidates will pass).

Does McKinsey still use the PST?

Currently, the McKinsey PST is being replaced by the new Problem-Solving Game. However, the transition is not complete globally. In addition, the new Problem-Solving Game still retains the core principles from the old test, so preparing for the PST is still relevant.

problem solving written test

Why do they need PST?

It’s very similar to what we have here! McKinsey believes that the gap between CV screening and in-person case interviews is too big. The firm may miss many good candidates with bad resumes or may interview too many candidates who don’t live up to their resumes.

At the end of the day, in-person interviews are expensive, and the Problem Solving Test provides a cost-effective solution.

Who has to take the McKinsey PST?

Every candidate who passes the resume screening round has to take the McKinsey PST – if they apply for the management consulting track. Some report indicates that MBA applicants might be waived from the test – however, this is rare and you should confirm with the target office HR.

What does PST look like?

26 questions, 1 hour, paper-based, and no calculator! The test has 26 multiple choice questions set within the context of 3 business cases. A candidate has exactly 60 minutes to finish the test. He will be provided with a watch, pencils, scratch paper, and the test is in a paper-based format. No calculator is allowed. No personal assistant is allowed. Just you and the test!

As the business landscape is changing, candidate recruitment has become increasingly complex. This requires another way of presenting PST content for McKinsey. They have changed the format into gamification and planned to implement this method to all McKinsey offices within 2020. Visit the mock game designed exclusively for MConsultingPrep followers!

PST vs. GMAT vs. SAT?

If you are new to PST, you may hear the myth that PST is similar to the Math section in GMAT or SAT. In fact, being excellent in SAT Math does help with quantitative calculation in PST, however, the context is different. The SAT Math section includes only simple calculations in simple context; meanwhile, logic in business problems is highly emphasized in PST.

Why is this test so challenging?

  • You will not have enough time to properly think through each question.

If you are going to read every single word in the case background and do every calculation “asked”, you will not be able to finish the test. You will need to know how to work through stress and pressure, how to give out “high-probability” answers instead of “exactly-right” ones, and how to painlessly skip questions.

  • You will be judged by a machine (or if by a person, they will try to be like a machine).

I myself feel much more comfortable in an in-person case interview, where I will be fine as long as I have the right tactics. The interviewers generally allow candidates to make a few mistakes here and there, to slow down the process if needed, and to ask for help when necessary. In the PST, the result is all that matters. There will be no mercy granted. If you don’t get enough correct answers, you are out.

  • On top of those, the questions themselves are hard!

A huge amount of logical and analytical reasoning is required. You will need to really grasp the logical fundamentals of how management consultants solve problems, e.g: the difference between a conclusion vs a hypothesis; etc.

How to prepare for the McKinsey PST?

Step 1 : Seek confirmation from the target office if you must take the PST

Step 2: Get familiar with official sample tests from McKinsey

Step 3 : Learn the logic of each question type, common mistakes, and how to answer correctly

Step 4: Practice mental math to improve calculation speed and accuracy

Step 5 : Practice speed reading and data selection

Step 6 : Practice answering individual question type under time pressure

Step 7 : Do one mock test with simulated test conditions

Step 8 : Review the test and your performance

Step 9 : Return to step 3, 4, 5, 6 to for further practice on weakness

Step 10 : Do mock test again, repeat until you can confidently hit 90% or more

McKinsey PST question types

Some emailed me and asked what they should do if there were 3 days left until the PST. I would still suggest you follow our spirit of learning. When you have little time, choose which question you want to prioritize, tackle it carefully and decide how deep you will go into it. If I were in your shoes, I would use this prioritization table

In addition to the above, I would suggest you practice your math in these last days. The learning curve at the beginning is usually high for anything, including  Mental Math . Doing better math can significantly improve your test score. It reduces simple mistakes (which can still cost you points) and allows you to have more time for other questions.

McKinsey PST study plan

These are the same steps I took to pass the PST years ago, and the basis for my product – the PST Comprehensive Package which has helped countless candidates pass this notoriously difficult consulting test.

Step 1. Answer the questions correctly

You are recommended to first answer all the test questions correctly without time pressure. Before, you need to break down all the questions into 6 question types as below. Besides, it is necessary to understand how these questions are constructed, what are their logical foundation, and even how the wrong choices are made.

Step 2. Answer the questions quickly

There will be no turning point that indicates you it is about time to move to the second step, but you should gradually try to answer the questions both correctly and quickly. Once getting all the correct answers without clocking, you should put yourself under time constraint. If you don’t know how to increase your speed, you have better to start with 3 tips below:

#1. Increase your reading speed.

The PST contains 3 business cases with various number and case context, which requires you to read as fast as possible (of course correctly). Many candidates cannot finish their PST because of being overwhelmed in text. The Princeton intensive program is helpfulto increase your speed by 2 times faster without difficulties.

#2. Increase your calculator speed.

Half of the test involves math, which have no way to improve but practice rigorously. The more you practice, the better you gain. If you haven’t found any efficient tips, try our method to score well with Mental Math!

#3. Embrace test-hacking tips.

After years of coaching students to MBB, I have collected wonderful tips and tricks to nail your test with less effort! Find out some of those tricks as below or check out the McKinsey PST Comprehensive for more detail!

Reading facts

Reading-facts is the most common question type in the McKinsey PST (38%) and the BCG Potential Test (up to 100%). These questions test your ability to understand the facts/data itself. There will be no inferring, logic, hypothesizing, or creativity needed. Instead, proficiency in chart reading and calculations will be handy here. See the picture below for an illustration.

problem solving written test


The following are a few examples of typical question formats:

  • Which of the following values is the best estimate of…?
  • Which of the following statements is valid based on the data…?
  • Which of the following can be concluded from Exhibit…?

Sometimes even though the word “conclude” is used, questions don’t require any logical reasoning, just your ability to read facts and perform basic calculations. In these cases, I still classify these questions into the reading-facts category.


This question is written based on an official McKinsey practice PST.

Which of the following statements is valid based on the data in Table 1?

A) Soccer revenue was more than $325 thousand five years ago

B) Tennis revenue grew by no less than 1.2% in each of the last five years

C) The total revenue of Saigon League did not grow at all in the last five years

D) If the growth rate in the last 5 years is maintained, Soccer revenue will be more than $420K 5 years from now.

You will see that no tricky logical reasoning is needed here. All you need in order to answer these questions is the ability to read the table and perform calculations correctly.


A good way to determine the correct option is to investigate if the other three are wrong. Now there are two ways you can be wrong in this type of PST question: (1) Incorrect calculation and (2) Misread the facts/ data

Type #2 is harder to understand, so I will dive deeper into that here. Let’s look at the sample question above. Hope you got D, the correct choice.

Example 1: How you can misread the data – Why A is wrong

If you overlook the phrase “Average annual” on column 3′s title, then Soccer revenue 5 years ago would be: $342.8 k / (100% + 4.5%) = $328 k, which is more than $325 thousand. Revenue grew at an average rate of 4.5% in EACH of the last 5 years. It is NOT 4.5% over the whole period of 5 years.

Example 2: How you can misread the data – Why B is wrong

If you overlook the phrase “Average” in column 3′s title, then it seems like the growth rate for each of the last 5 years is exactly 1.2%, no more, no less. B, therefore, seems correct. However, as indicated in the table, 1.2% is just an average figure, which means there are years with a lower or higher growth rate.

Example 3: How you can misread the data – Why C is wrong

If you overlook the second column of the table (Revenue this year column), then it seems like the average overall growth rate for Saigon League is 0% (4.5% + 3.3% + 1.2% – 9% = 0%), which makes C correct. However, different lines have different sizes. Even though Golf had negative growth of 9%, it is a relatively small line so its impact on the overall rate is small as well.

Hope that you will not make this mistake in your real PST. Again, PST is a simple test… when you have enough time!


Skill #1: Calculation

We have a detailed article on Consulting Math and how to strengthen your quantitative proficiency.

Skill #2: Chart/exhibit/table reading

Always take a moment to read and understand every single chart or graph you encounter in your everyday life.After all, practice makes perfect.

You can also improve your reading speed through an amazing speed reading program by Princeton University .

Skill #3: Attention to details

The devil is in the details. It’s the little things that can make or break a project, and no true consultants would let themselves be caught unaware.

Develop a habit in daily life. Have the mindset that I am not going to miss any stupid details.

For every practice question you get in this type, make sure you understand not only why an answer is right, but also why an answer is wrong, exactly like what I did above.


problem solving written test

Which of the following statements is valid based on the data provided on Graph 3 above?

A) The Service-to-Agriculture ratio increased by more than 3 times between 1995 and 2007

B) Service GDP in 1995 is more than Industry GDP in 2007

C) Agriculture is where GDP value dropped the most between 1995 and 2007

D) In 2007, Service GDP is no less than 6 times Agriculture GDP

Correct answer: D

If you want to practice more, check out my PST Comprehensive Package for questions and answers!

Fact-based conclusion

Once you get into consulting, you will probably hear the term “fact-based” a million times a day. Consulting is the business of making conclusions based on facts. Consultants face tons of different problems throughout the course of any project: from the top to the granular level, from function to function, from industry to industry, etc. Fact-based conclusion is such a fundamental aspect of consulting that it weighs in heavily on the PST.

Fact-based conclusion questions test your ability to draw and recognize sound and logical conclusions based on a set of data/facts provided. See the picture below for an illustration.

problem solving written test

  • Which of the following statements is a valid conclusion based on …?
  • Which of the following statements can be concluded from …?

The McKinsey team has an interview with the Chief Operating Officer of the New Bingham Mine, Salt Lake City. During the interview, the following facts have been gathered:

  • The factory must have at least one safety inspector 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in accordance with Federal and State labor regulations.
  • To maximize operational efficiency, there must be exactly 10 line workers operating the mine.
  • The mine operates from 8 am until 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.
  • The mine employs 4 safety inspectors and 16 line workers to make 20 workers in total.
  • The total weekly labor cost for the Bingham Mine is $16,000.

Which of the following statements is a valid conclusion?

A. One-fifth of the total labor cost for the mine is for safety inspectors.

B. At least one safety inspector must work more than 40 hours per week.

C. Line workers do not work more than 40 hours per week.

D. The majority of the mine’s labor cost is for line workers.

A – Fit-well but not fact-based

There are 4 inspectors out of 20 employees so it seems like the cost of the inspectors can very well be 1/5 of total labor cost. But a missing piece of data to conclude that is: does each person get a similar total income?

C – Fit well but not fact-based

The mine opens for 9 hours per day, 7 days per week, and there must be 10 line workers at a time, so it is 630 man-hours per week at the line positions. There are 16 line workers, so on average each of them only needs to work 39 hours per week. This seems to fit very well with the proposed conclusion: line workers do not work more than 40 hours per week. However, a missing piece of data to conclude is: does every line worker work the same amount of time (if not, there can be some who work over 40 hours while others work less)?

D – Fit well but not fact-based

Similar to A, there are more line workers, so it seems like the total cost for line workers is more than the total cost for safety inspectors. But a missing piece of data needed to conclude is: does each worker get paid the same amount?

=> Only B is proven true by the provided facts

There are 24 * 7 = 168 inspector hours needed in a week, equaling 42 hours per week per inspector. So there must be one who works more than 40 hours.

Identifying proven true conclusions is an important foundation to master all conclusion-related questions. However, most conclusion-related questions in the McKinsey Problem Solving Test will be given in other formats. In this section, we will learn about the two types of twists: (1) False conclusions and (2) Conclusions reversed . Let’s start with the first one.


Any proposed conclusion must fall into one of the following three groups: Proven True, Proven False, and Unproven. This twist is when a question asks you to identify the False Conclusion instead of the True Conclusion.

  • Which of the following statements is FALSE based on …?
  • Which of the following statements is FALSE based on … ?


A proposed conclusion is proven false when you can point out at least one instance where the conclusion is wrong. Similarly, with true conclusion questions, unproven conclusions should also not be selected.

Notice that proven FALSE conclusions are NOT conclusions not proven TRUE. A conclusion will stay unproven until it is proved to be TRUE or FALSE.

Which of the following statements is FALSE based on Table 1?

A. A, Inc. had lower average economic growth in the last five years than D, LTD.

B. A, Inc. had higher average economic growth in the last five years than D, LTD.

C. Investment risk rating is based on the difference between maximum and minimum revenue growth in the past five years.

D. Potential rating is based on the maximum recent revenue.

Of A and B, A seems to be false and B seems to be true. However, both of them are unproven. The maximum and minimum figures are not enough to conclude the average.

We don’t know if C is right or not, but we know that it is not proven false. In the provided data, there is no instance where the larger difference between maximum and minimum recent revenue growth indicates smaller risk (and vice versa).

With D, we know for sure that it is proven false because we can point out an instance where the assertion conflicts with the data (B Corp. vs. D, LTD.).


Very often, conclusion questions in the McKinsey Problem Solving Test are given in a reversed format. You will be given the conclusion first and asked to pick what facts/ data would be enough to come up with that conclusion.

The key to answering this type of question is to recognize which proposed fact makes the stated conclusion proven or unproven.

This question is written based on an official McKinsey practice PST:

FOCUS Travel is a premium Russian tourism company, offering tours to South East Asian countries. Facing the economic downturn, FOCUS revenue has been hurt badly. While the CFO (Chief Finance Officer) proposed an overall price cut to stay competitive, the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) is concerned that a price reduction would negatively impact the premium perception of the brand, which drives a lot of sales.

Which of the following statements, if TRUE, would best support the CMO’s assertion?

A. In a recent survey, FOCUS’s customers quoted “price” as the most important indicator in choosing travel agencies in a list of ten factors.

B. In a recent survey, FOCUS’s customers quoted “price” as the most important indicator of quality in a list of ten factors.

C. In a recent survey, there were customers who said they would not buy FOCUS’s services if there was a 10% price increase.

D. In a recent survey, there were customers who said they would not buy FOCUS’s services if there was a 10% price decrease.

In this question, the “conclusion” has been given to us: Price reduction will negatively impact the premium perception, which will in turn negatively impact sales.

Of the four proposed answers, which facts are enough to prove the provided “conclusion” above?

A: This fact is only enough to conclude that price will impact sales. Not enough to prove that price reduction will negatively impact sales.

C: This fact is irrelevant.

D: This fact is not enough to conclude that price reduction will negatively impact sales because not all customers say so. The word “there were” can be understood as either a minority or a majority. It is only enough to conclude the proposed conclusions when “there were” is replaced with “the majority of” or “all“ .

With B, we can logically infer that price reduction will negatively impact the quality perception, which in turn will hurt to sales.

3.3. Root-cause reason

This question gives you a particular set of facts/data and asks you to identify what could be the cause for them. When doing a real consulting project, we consultants have to find out the root-cause reason. There may be various reasons that can cause the current situation, but the root-cause reason will help us tackle and solve it more efficiently. You can see the picture below for an illustration.

problem solving written test

The following are a few examples of typical root-cause reason question format:

  • Which of the following reasons, if TRUE, will help explain the Facts …?
  • Which of the following does NOT explain the Facts …?
  • Which of the following points is NOT a valid reason for the Facts …?

Only B is proven true by the provided facts

Facts provided: Visits to the website MConsultingPrep were relatively low last month.

Root-cause Reason Question: What reasons, if TRUE, would help explain the low traffic to MConsultingPrep last month?

The correct answers can be any of the following:

1. The quality of contents has been bad

2. Because of technical issues, some visitors could not access the website

3. Last month was December when the overall demand for job prep materials is lowest in the year

4. Other new consulting prep blogs opened recently

Fact-based Conclusion Question: What can be concluded from the data provided?

All of the statements above can be the reason for the stated fact, but NONE of them can be concluded from it.

An example of a statement that can be concluded: Because the conversion rate stayed constant over the years, revenue last month was relatively low.

What makes a statement NOT a potential reason for a particular fact?

There are two ways a statement cannot be the potential reason: (1) Wrong Subject and (2) Wrong Trend.

  • A statement is (1) Wrong on Subject when the subject is irrelevant, which means the statement has zero effect on the phenomenon mentioned in the stated fact.
  • A statement is (2) Wrong on Trend when the direction is reversed, which usually means the statement has a reversed effect on the phenomenon mentioned in the stated fact

Illustrative example Let’s continue with the simple example above. The Stated Fact: Visits to the MConsultingPrep blog were relatively low last month. (1) Example of a “Wrong Subject” statement: “Some new Investment Banking Prep blogs opened recently” Here the subject “Investment Banking Prep blogs” is irrelevant to the stated fact. The statement (1) will have zero effect on the stated fact. (2) Example of a “Wrong Trend” statement: “Some other existing Consulting Prep blogs closed recently” Here, even though the subject “Consulting Prep blogs” is relevant, the trend is reversed. The exit of Consulting Blogs will increase visits to MConsultingPrep. Therefore, statement (2) will have an opposite effect on the stated fact.


Fletcher is a major Steel producer in the Pacific continent. It has markets in New Zealand, Australia and other South East Asia countries. Of many types of steels, re-bar (reinforced bar) is typically used in high-rises and big construction projects.

There are three main groups of steel consumers in New Zealand:

  • Homeowners purchase steel at retail sizes for purposes of self-constructing and self-renovating their homes
  • Scaled private construction companies, who often contracts large construction projects and steel orders
  • State-owned Enterprises (SOE), who build government’s projects such as roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, etc. (SOEs usually have bargaining power since steel providers need governments’ permissions in order to be legally used in particular countries.)

Table 1 below shows the size of re-bar steel market (in billions of $US)

Which of the following statements, if TRUE, best explains why future trends for South East Asia sales differ from sales in the other two markets?

A) South East Asia population is expected to grow strongest, which lead to high steel demand from individual homeowners.

B) South East Asia economy will be heavily based on SOE, so will the construction market.

C) South East Asia economy will shift toward privatization, so will the construction market.

D) Developed markets of New Zealand and Australia will have the most advanced steel production technology and facilities.

Correct answer: C

Word Problem

Word Problem is a quantitative question where the answer cannot be calculated directly from the data provided. Usually, we have to set up one or more equations in order to solve this kind of question. Word Problem questions in the McKinsey PST and Case Interviews are just the word problems we usually see in schools, GMAT… but put into business contexts. The method to solve them, therefore, is the same.

Table 1: Data on the Washing Room of Jean Valjean Restaurant

Suppose the restaurant opens 350 days a year. There are 3 meal shifts per day, 1 shift lasts 3 hours, 1 customer uses an average of 5 dishes per visit, and currently the restaurant hosts 530 customers on average daily.

What percentage of increase in the number of daily visits would be required in order to make purchasing the machines financially beneficial?

Step 1 . Convert data/facts into manageable and standardized format and units (only needed for complex questions).

Step 2 . Set up an equation with one (or more) unknown variables, i.e. X, Y, Z, etc.

Tips: Don’t worry about having to make the variable as the question asked. Just set up the equation in a way that makes the most sense to you as long as the variables can be easily converted to the asked variable. It will save much more time and helps you avoid silly mistakes.

Step 3 . Solve the equation and get the answer.


Let’s solve the sample question above together.

Step 1: This is a very complex question with many non-standardized and not ready-to-use data. If I am going to tackle this question on my PST, I would convert the provided figures and write them out on a table as follows.

Notice that I have converted all the necessary data points into the same unit of “Franc per day”.

The only data point not fully converted is the Labor cost in Manual Process (measured by the “per dish” variable), yet I want to make sure that I go as far as I can.

See how simple the problem is now!

Step 2: Now that we have very manageable data, let’s go ahead and set up an equation that will help us find the answer. The asked variable here is: what percent increase in current daily visits does Jean Valjean need?

As mentioned above, it is NOT necessary to put the variable question is looking for in the equation. In this case, doing so will result in a very awkward and complicated equation.

Instead, I set up the equation that makes the most sense to me (do note that there is more than one way to set up equations). Let Y be the “break-even size” (measured by people). I can easily calculate the percentage asked for after getting the break-even size.

Cost per day of Manual Process = Cost per day of Machine Process

Washing cost + Set up cost = Washing cost + Set up cost + other cost

Y x 5 dishes x 0.1 Franc + 30 Franc = 270 Franc + 90 Franc + 200 Franc

After executing step 1 and step 2, the problem becomes a lot easier. Now we have:

0.5 Y = 530

Y = 2 x 530

Once we have Y (the new “break-even” visit volume) of 2 * 530, we can quickly convert Y into the asked variable: What percent increase of 530 customers/day does Jean Valjean need?

The final answer is C.

Client Interpretation

In every consulting project, communication with the clients’ top-level (usually the Chairman or CEO) is always important. During my time with McKinsey, we usually hear an update every one or two weeks from our Project Director (usually a partner) on his meeting with the clients’ top level. Messages from those meetings are important on-going steers for the project. No surprise it makes up an entire question category in the Problem Solving Test.

Client Interpretation questions test your ability to read, understand, and interpret the messages the client is trying to convey in the case question or description. To some extent, this is very similar to GMAT verbal questions.

  • Which of the following best summarizes the CEO’s concerns?
  • Which of the following statements best describes the thoughts of the CEO regarding…?
  • Based on the opinion of the head of the Department, which of the following statements is valid?
  • Which of the following statements best describes the CEO’s aims for the McKinsey research?

Case context:

Mommy said she saw some dirty clothes on the dining table. She is also quite shocked to see Kevin’s toys in every room throughout the house. She even complains about how much time it takes her every night to clean up Kevin’s mess. “I will have to have a very straightforward conversation with Kevin tonight!”, said mom

Which of the following statements best describes the Mom’s concern?

A. Mom is not happy about too many of Kevin’s toys sitting on the dining table

B. Mom does not expect to see that many of Kevin’s toys in the house

C. Mom does not like to be responsible for anyone’s mess

D. Mom is too busy these days

E. Mom wants to talk to Kevin

F. Mom wants Kevin to be tidier

In this example, we continuously get small data points, all leading to one bottom-line, not explicitly mentioned but can be reasonably interpreted:

Kevin is too messy and mom doesn’t like that!

Notice that, the bottom-line here is not explicitly stated but it IS the bottom-line. All 4 sentences in the case context are small pieces of data leading to that final “so-what”. Having this “so-what” in mind, you can just skim through the answer and quickly pick F without concern about other choices.

In case you are curious about how other choices are “wrong-choice” …

Choices B and E are in fact right according to the case context, but not the bottom-line.

Choices A is simple wrong according to the case context (Tip #2)

Choices C and D are neither right or wrong according to the case context. There are not enough “evidence” to be reasonably interpreted using common sense.


Tip #1: Read the case description before going to multiple choices!

Normally the strategy of scanning through the answers first before going back to the case description works when you have a very long case description and don’t know where to look for the right information. Scanning through the answers helps you get a more focused read on the case description. However, the client’s assertion is typically found in a very short and specific part of the case description. So once you realize it’s a Client Interpretation question, go back to the case description and find that very specific part of the client’s assertion. Make sure you understand it very well. Then the rest of the work is just determining which of the four choices has the same meaning as the original assertion.

Tip #2: Cross out some obviously wrong choices …

… by recognizing a few words or short phrases that make a choice incorrectly reflect the client’s assertion. Sometimes, you can do this very quickly and effectively. If not, please see tips #3.

Tip #3: Catch the bottom-line, the “so-what” of client’s assertion

Client’s expression as quoted in the case context is always a bit blur and confusing. That is very realistic of what you may encounter in the real consulting work. It also makes these question types challenging. But in almost every situation, there is always one “so-what”, stated explicitly or implicitly. The trick here is to catch that so-what, ignore the noise, and go straight for the answer choice. Most of the time, the wrong choices DO contain a part of the client’s assertion, but either not the whole idea or the main, the bottom-line, the most important one!

Using this method, you can fly and land straight to the correct choice, not having to care too much about how wrong choices are made of. But if you are curious, some of the most common wrong-choice types:

  • Choice that is simply wrong according to the client’s assertion (Tip #2 above).
  • Choice that is in fact right, but is a minor point, NOT the bottom-line of the client’s assertion.
  • Choice that seems to be right, but cannot be reasonably interpreted by common sense (not by scientifically supporting logic like in other question types).

Gangnam Market is a convenience-stores chain mainly in the Gangnam district, Seoul, Korea. Though it has been losing money almost every year since 2000, Gangnam Market secures a good deal of strategic locations in the highly populated Gangnam district. Recently, Gangnam Market was acquired by Lotte Mart in its aspiration to expand to the mini-market market. Lotte right away sets up a transformation project to get Gangnam Market back on track. The CEO of Gangnam Market states that aggressive transformation targets are fine for newly acquired stores with a similar operation model with Lotte’s big stores, but he hopes that the parent company is realistic about the convenience-stores model Gangnam has been operating with.

Which of the following statements best reflect the concerns of Gangnam Market’s CEO?

A) He is concerned that Gangnam Market will never be able to transform itself into Lotte system because Gangnam Market only presents in a specific geographic location

B) He is concerned that Lotte Mart sets transformation milestones that are too aggressive and not realistic for newly acquired companies like Gangnam Market

C) He is concerned that Lotte Mart’s transformation milestones are not realistic for companies with different operational model from Lotte Mart like Gangnam Market

D) He is concerned that Lotte Mart’s transformation targets are too high for Gangnam Market because it has been losing money for a while

Formulae questions are generally like word problems in PST where you don’t have to provide the actual numerical results, just the formulae containing letters representing input variables. Normally, the question will provide input variables in letter format and you will be asked to provide the right formulae in letter format (e.g. it takes the process center T hours to process each file. If the speed is doubled, it takes T/2 hours to process each file). This is one of the easiest PST question types on the McKinsey PST. Let’s make sure you don’t lose points on any question of this type in your exam!

Table 3.6.1: Labor Cost and Processing Data – Holcim Missouri plant

Which of the following formulae accurately calculates the annual cement output per worker?

A. (c x p) / (b + w)

B. (c x p) / [(b + w) x 12]

C. 144 x (c x p) / (b + w)

D. 12 x (c x p) / (b + w)


Formula 1: Calculate first before looking at the given option

A popular technique for multiple-choice questions is to read the answers first before coming back to the facts. However, that technique would not help you with Formulae Questions. The reason for this is that, often, the end-result formula has already been simplified (e.g. canceling out the same variable on both numerator and denominator) as much as possible. It gives you neither the path to get there nor any hints on how to solve the problem. For instance, when you look at the four options in the example above, does any of them give you a sense of what it represents or how to get there? What does (c x p) represent? What do you get by multiplying Cement output by Monthly labor income?

Formula 2: Divide the problem into smaller pieces (take one step at a time)

This is the universal tip for everybody in the consulting industry, and it also works great here! Often, the result cannot be directly calculated from the provided variables. However, if you take an extra step in-between, the problem becomes a lot easier. Let’s solve the sample question above together to illustrate this point. I broke the problem into smaller steps as below:

  • Step 1: Annual cement output per worker = Total annual cement output / Total number of workers
  • Step 2: Since we already have Total annual cement output of (c), the next step is to calculate the total number of workers. Total number of workers = Total labor cost / Salary of 1 worker Both Total labor cost and salary are provided. Bingo!
  • Step 3: Simplify the final formulae

Formula 3: Get the reading-facts tools right

In some aspects, the formulae question is also a tweaked version of reading-facts questions. You still need to read some facts and perform some calculations (with letters instead of real numbers). Therefore, it is important to master those reading-facts tools and apply them here.

Illustration of a usual mistake: Now come back to Step 2 above and explicitly solve it.

Step 2: Total number of workers = Total labor cost / Salary of 1 worker = (b + w) / p

Step 3: Annual cement output per worker = c / [(b + w) / p] = (c x p) / (b + w)]

Chosen choice: A

Unfortunately, A is NOT the correct answer, because the above calculation doesn’t take into account the difference in units – the salary is on a monthly basis whereas the total labor cost is on an annual basis. If you convert the unit, the final choice should be D.

No matter how beautifully you have tackled the problem, you will not get any credit if small mistakes like this slip through the crack. Make sure you don’t get blindsided by this kind of pitfall!

VICEM is a leading cement company in South East Asia. The following data regarding its business and production has been gathered.

Table 3.6.2: VICEM Business and Production data

Clinker factor is defined as the amount of clinker needed to produce 100 units of cement.

Which of the following formulas calculates the amount of clinker (in tons) needed to purchase in a year?

A) [(s x f) / 100] – c

B) [(p – s) / 100] – c

C) (p x f) – c

D) [(p x f) / 100] – c


McKinsey PST sample test

Download McKinsey PST practice test (PDF): TOYO case .

More free materials like this can be found in our Prospective Starter Pack - A-Z MBB Application – a collection of beginner’s materials to consulting resume, screening tests and case interviews. 

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The scoring mechanism in the McKinsey Digital Assessment

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Problem Solving test: Pre-employment screening assessment to hire the best candidates

Summary of the problem solving test.

This Problem Solving test evaluates candidates’ ability to define problems and analyze data/textual information to make correct decisions . Our test helps you identify candidates with the analytical skills to assess and respond to complex business situations quickly and accurately.

Covered skills

Creating and adjusting schedules

Interpreting data and applying logic to make decisions

Prioritizing tasks and applying order based on a given set of rules

Analyzing textual and numerical information to draw conclusions

Use the Problem Solving test to hire

Any role that involves managing constantly shifting variables with tight deadlines, including administrative assistants, project managers, customer service managers, web developers, and people working in hospitality or sales.

Sign up for a Free forever plan and use this Problem Solving assessment test for free!

graphic image for cognitive ability tests

About the Problem Solving test

Effective problem-solving involves the ability to:

Define complex problems

Break it down into manageable parts using verbal and numerical reasoning skills

Develop approaches to solve the (sub)problem using creativity and analytical thinking

Execute flawlessly

Problem-solving abilities are difficult to assess through resume screening alone. A candidate might say they’ve solved several problems in the past, but that doesn’t show their ability to work well under pressure or tell you how sophisticated their problem-solving abilities are.

That’s why our Problem Solving test enables candidates to show off their skills in real time. This problem resolution test presents candidates with typical problem-solving scenarios like 1) scheduling based on a diverse set of conditions, 2) identifying the right sequence of actions based on several business rules, and 3) drawing conclusions based on textual and numerical information

Check out our practice preview questions to see the Problem Solving test in action.

A successful problem solver can quickly identify the key elements of the problem and work through the problem at speed without making mistakes. This multiple-choice test is also useful to check candidates' overall analytical skills.

problem solving written test

The test is made by a subject-matter expert

The global IT industry has benefited from Anirban’s talents for over two decades. With a flawless reputation that precedes him, Anirban has earned a status as a sought-after agile project manager and consultant. He’s worked internationally as a Senior Project Manager with companies such as Ericsson, IBM, and T-Mobile.

Anirban’s love for learning helps him keep his skills sharp. He holds an MBA and a degree in engineering, is a certified Scrum Master, and has certifications in Prince2 and ITIL.

Crafted with expert knowledge

TestGorilla’s tests are created by subject matter experts. We assess potential subject-matter experts based on their knowledge, ability, and reputation. Before being published, each test is peer-reviewed by another expert, then calibrated using hundreds of test takers with relevant experience in the subject.

Our feedback mechanisms and unique algorithms allow our subject-matter experts to constantly improve their tests.

What our customers are saying

TestGorilla helps me to assess engineers rapidly. Creating assessments for different positions is easy due to pre-existing templates. You can create an assessment in less than 2 minutes. The interface is intuitive and it’s easy to visualize results per assessment.


VP of engineering, mid-market (51-1000 FTE)

Any tool can have functions—bells and whistles. Not every tool comes armed with staff passionate about making the user experience positive.

The TestGorilla team only offers useful insights to user challenges, they engage in conversation.

For instance, I recently asked a question about a Python test I intended to implement. Instead of receiving “oh, that test would work perfectly for your solution,” or, “at this time we’re thinking about implementing a solution that may or may not…” I received a direct and straightforward answer with additional thoughts to help shape the solution.

I hope that TestGorilla realizes the value proposition in their work is not only the platform but the type of support that’s provided.

For a bit of context—I am a diversity recruiter trying to create a platform that removes bias from the hiring process and encourages the discovery of new and unseen talent.

Chief Talent Connector, small business (50 or fewer FTE)

Use TestGorilla to hire the best faster, easier and bias-free

Our screening tests identify the best candidates and make your hiring decisions faster, easier, and bias-free.

Learn how each candidate performs on the job using our library of 400+ scientifically validated tests.

Test candidates for job-specific skills like coding or digital marketing, as well as general skills like critical thinking. Our unique personality and culture tests allow you to get to know your applicants as real people – not just pieces of paper.

Give all applicants an equal, unbiased opportunity to showcase their skills with our data-driven and performance-based ranking system.

With TestGorilla, you’ll get the best talent from all walks of life, allowing for a stronger, more diverse workplace.

Our short, customizable assessments and easy-to-use interface can be accessed from any device, with no login required.

Add your company logo, color theme, and more to leave a lasting impression that candidates will appreciate.

problem solving written test

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Building assessments is a breeze with TestGorilla. Get started with these simple steps.

Building assessments is quick and easy with TestGorilla. Just pick a name, select the tests you need, then add your own custom questions.

You can customize your assessments further by adding your company logo, color theme, and more. Build the assessment that works for you.

Send email invites directly from TestGorilla, straight from your ATS, or connect with candidates by sharing a direct link.

Have a long list of candidates? Easily send multiple invites with a single click. You can also customize your email invites.

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problem solving written test

View a sample report

The Problem Solving test will be included in a PDF report along with the other tests from your assessment. You can easily download and share this report with colleagues and candidates.

problem solving written test

Why are problem solving skills important to employers?

Employers should use problem solving skills assessment tests because nearly every role benefits from staff with positive, troubleshooting mindsets.

Problem solving skills in the workplace mean that employees can respond quickly to challenges, creating processes that mitigate or remove obstacles that prevent the company from achieving its goals.

These challenges can be anything, for example: 

Delays in your supply chain

Conflict between team members

Technological problems

Problem solving skills are especially important in roles such as project management, administrative assistance, and planning work with ever-changing circumstances and tight deadlines.

By asking candidates to pass a problem solving test online during the recruitment process, you ensure that all your recruits have what it takes to troubleshoot problems, improve your productivity, and increase your chances of innovation.

 A problem solving skills test also ensures that you do this with minimal bias, using an objective numerical measure to establish the required skill set and build a shortlist.

You should also explore candidates’ approaches to creative problem solving in more depth with problem solving questions in the interview stage.

Key problem solving abilities to measure with a problem solving test

A strong problem resolution test evaluates candidates’ ability to define problems and analyze data and textual information to make decisions that best serve the business. 

Some of the considerations for problem-solving test questions include:

Creating and adjusting schedules: Candidates should use a problem-solving process to understand what they can realistically achieve within time and how to adjust schedules to account for variable outcomes.

Interpreting data and applying logic to make decisions: Job seekers should have an aptitude for aligning data with business goals and making actionable decisions.

Prioritizing and applying order based on a given set of rules: Applicants can determine which project tasks take priority by using prioritization rules and supporting information.

Analyzing textual and numerical information to draw conclusions: Examining textual and numerical information to reveal patterns, relationships, and trends can help candidates draw accurate conclusions and pick the best choice from a selection of alternative solutions.

problem solving written test

What job roles can you hire with our Problem Solving test?

You can – and should – use an ability test of problem solving skills when screening for most roles to reduce time-to-hire, even when hiring globally like Nexus HR.

However, it is especially important when hiring for positions where effective problem-solving is needed – for example, managerial roles, project-focused roles, and jobs where employees frequently work under time limits.

Here are some examples of roles you should use a problem solving assessment for:

Administrative assistants: Employees who can think on their feet can swiftly resolve logistical challenges, manage schedules, and facilitate seamless communication.

Project managers : Problem solving skills are essential to keep projects on track and ensure deadlines are met, even when unexpected changes occur.

Customer service managers: Customer service reps must make prompt decisions to respond to customer queries and solve their issues quickly.

Web developers : Great programmers have the competency to spot problems in their code and identify possible solutions.

Venture capitalists: Venture capitalists must be able to think critically and spot both opportunities and risks in potential investments – problem solving skills are key here.

Hospitality staff : Hotel and restaurant workers thrive when they can identify and effectively respond to customer issues, turning negatives into positive experiences.

Salespeople: Sales professionals benefit from the ability to transform client challenges and objections into opportunities for problem-solving, which often leads to upsells and cross-sells.

problem solving written test

Create a multi-measure assessment: 4 tests to pair with the Problem Solving test

Of course, a problem solving test alone can’t tell you if a candidate has all the right skills for the role. Instead, include a problem solving skills test as part of a multi-measure psychometric assessment alongside up to four other essential skills tests to find the best candidates.

Here’s an example of four tests you might include to make a strong multi-measure assessment:

Communication test : Ensure your candidates maintain clear communication with teammates and direct reports, which is essential when discussing problems, brainstorming solutions, and implementing the chosen strategy

Time Management test : Dig deeper into jobseekers’ abilities to respond to time-pressured tasks and manage deadlines

Critical Thinking test : Identify prospects with the cognitive ability and logical reasoning to solve nuanced problems, stay objective, and balance complexities in their decision-making process

Big Five (OCEAN) Personality test : Get insight into what kind of worker a candidate is through five key metrics: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability.

Note: We haven’t included any role-specific skills tests here because they depend on the position you’re hiring for. However, we highly recommend you add at least one in your five-test assessment to ensure your candidates possess the right skills for the job.

An assessment is the total package of tests and custom questions that you put together to evaluate your candidates. Each individual test within an assessment is designed to test something specific, such as a job skill or language. An assessment can consist of up to 5 tests and 20 custom questions. You can have candidates respond to your custom questions in several ways, such as with a personalized video.

Yes! Custom questions are great for testing candidates in your own unique way. We support the following question types: video, multiple-choice, coding, file upload, and essay. Besides adding your own custom questions, you can also create your own tests.

A video question is a specific type of custom question you can add to your assessment. Video questions let you create a question and have your candidates use their webcam to record a video response. This is an excellent way to see how a candidate would conduct themselves in a live interview, and is especially useful for sales and hospitality roles. Some good examples of things to ask for video questions would be "Why do you want to work for our company?" or "Try to sell me an item you have on your desk right now."

Besides video questions, you can also add the following types of custom questions: multiple-choice, coding, file upload, and essay. Multiple-choice lets your candidates choose from a list of answers that you provide, coding lets you create a coding problem for them to solve, file upload allows your candidates to upload a file that you request (such as a resume or portfolio), and essay allows an open-ended text response to your question. You can learn more about different custom question types here .

Yes! You can add your own logo and company color theme to your assessments. This is a great way to leave a positive and lasting brand impression on your candidates.

Our team is always here to help. After you sign up, we’ll reach out to guide you through the first steps of setting up your TestGorilla account. If you have any further questions, you can contact our support team via email, chat or call. We also offer detailed guides in our extensive help center .

It depends! We offer five free tests, or unlimited access to our library of 400+ tests with the price based on your company size. Find more information on our pricing plans here , calculate the cost-benefit of using TestGorilla assessments, or speak to one of our sales team for your personalized demo and learn how we can help you revolutionize hiring today.

Yes. You can add up to five tests to each assessment.

We recommend using our assessment software as a pre-screening tool at the beginning of your recruitment process. You can add a link to the assessment in your job post or directly invite candidates by email.

TestGorilla replaces traditional resume screening with a much more reliable and efficient process, designed to find the most skilled candidates earlier and faster.

We offer the following cognitive ability tests : Numerical Reasoning, Problem Solving, Attention to Detail, Reading Comprehension, and Critical Thinking.

Our cognitive ability tests allow you to test for skills that are difficult to evaluate in an interview. Check out our blog on why these tests are so useful and how to choose the best one for your assessment.

Related tests

Attention to detail (textual), verbal reasoning, critical thinking, numerical reasoning, computational thinking, basic math calculations, mechanical reasoning, understanding instructions, attention to detail (visual), intermediate math.

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Critical Thinking Test: Sample Questions with Explanations (2024)

Employers value and seek candidates who demonstrate advanced critical thinking skills. They often administer critical thinking tests as part of their hiring process. Critical thinking tests can be very difficult for those who don’t prepare. A great way to start practicing is by taking our critical thinking free practice test.

What Does The Critical Thinking Test Include?

The Critical Thinking Test assesses your capacity to think critically and form logical conclusions when given written information. Critical thinking tests are generally used in job recruitment processes, in the legal sector. These tests measure the analytical critical thinking abilities of a candidate.

Why Is Critical Thinking Useful?

Critical thinking is put into action in various stages of decision-making and problem-solving tasks:

  • Identify the problem
  • Choose suitable information to find the solution
  • Identify the assumptions that are implied and written in the text
  • Form hypotheses and choose the most suitable and credible answers
  • Form well-founded conclusions and determine the soundness of inferences

What is Watson Glaser Test and what Critical Thinking Skills it Measures?

The most common type of critical thinking test is the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA). Typically used by legal and financial organizations, as well as management businesses, a Watson Glaser test is created to assess candidates’ critical thinking skills.

The test consists of 10 questions to be answered in 10 minutes approx (although there is no timer on the test itself). Our test is slightly harder than the real thing, to make it sufficiently challenging practice.

You need to get 70% correct to pass the test. Don’t forget to first check out the test techniques section further down this page beforehand.

Questions          25

Pass percentage          70%.

The test is broken down into five central areas:

  • Assumptions
  • Interpretation

Critical Thinking Course

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The Five Critical Thinking Skills Explained

1. recognition of assumption.

You’ll be presented with a statement. The statement is then followed by several proposed assumptions. When answering, you must work out if an assumption was made or if an assumption was not made in the statement. An assumption is a proclamation that an individual takes for granted. This section of the tests measures your ability to withhold from forming assumptions about things that are not necessarily correct.

  • 1: Assumption Made
  • 2: Assumption Not Made

Although the passage does state that Charlie’s fundraising team is doing its best so that the charity event can meet its goal, nowhere did it state that their team is leading the event.

2. Evaluation of Arguments

You will be presented with an argument. You will then be asked to decide whether the argument is strong or weak. An argument is considered strong if it directly connects to the statement provided, and is believed to be significant.

No, participation awards should not be given in every competition because studies have shown that this would cause the participants to put in less effort because they will get a prize no matter what the outcome is.

  • 1: Strong Argument
  • 2: Weak Argument

This is a strong argument as it provides evidence as to why participation awards should not be given in every competition

3. Deductions

In deduction questions, you will need to form conclusions based solely on the information provided in the question and not based on your knowledge. You will be given a small passage of information and you will need to evaluate a list of deductions made based on that passage. If the conclusion cannot be formed for the information provided, then the conclusion does not follow. The answer must be entirely founded on the statements made and not on conclusions drawn from your knowledge.

In a surprise party for Donna, Edna arrived after Felix and Gary did. Kelly arrived before Felix and Gary did.

  • 1: Conclusion Follows
  • 2: Conclusion Does not Follow

For questions like this, jot down the clues to help you out. Use initials as a quick reference.

K | F&G | E

Looking at the simple diagram, “K”, which stands for “Kelly,” arrived before Edna “E” did. The answer is A.

4. Interpretation

In these questions, you are given a passage of information followed by a list of possible conclusions. You will need to interpret the information in the paragraph and determine whether or not each conclusion follows, based solely on the information given.

A number of students were given the following advice:

“The use of powerful words is a technique, which makes you a better writer. Your choice of words is very important in molding the way people interaction with the article. You should use powerful words to spice up your article. Power words should be used liberally to enhance the flavor of what you write! ”

In the fourth sentence, it is stated, “Power words should be used liberally to enhance the flavor of what you write!”

Thus, if you were to write an essay, using powerful words can give more flavor to it.

5. Inferences

An inference is a conclusion made from observed or supposed facts and details. It is information that is not apparent in the information provided but rather is extracted from it. In this section, you will be provided with a passage of information about a specific scene or event. A list of possible inferences will then be given, and you will need to decide if they are ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘possibly true’, ‘possibly false’, or whether it is not possible to say based on the information provided.

With the advancement of technology, the need for more infrastructure has never been higher. According to the plan of the current U.S. Administration, it aims to put a $1 trillion investment on improving infrastructure, a portion of which will include priority projects and technologies that can strengthen its economic competitiveness such as transportation, 5G wireless communication technology, rural broadband technologies, advanced manufacturing technologies, and even artificial intelligence.

It stated that it expects to work with Congress to develop a comprehensive infrastructure package, which is expected to have a budget of $200 billion for certain priorities.

  • 2: Probably True
  • 3: Not Enough Information
  • 4: Probably False

Although it was mentioned in the passage that the U.S. government is to allocate $200 billion on certain priorities, it did not specify if these certain priorities were for ‘transportation, 5G wireless communication technology, rural broadband technologies, advanced manufacturing technologies, and artificial intelligence’ or if the aforementioned priorities will have a different allocation.

What we can be sure of, however, is that at least a portion of the $1 trillion infrastructure budget will be used on the mentioned priorities regardless, meaning that there is a chance that $200 billion will be used on those aforementioned areas.

Improve Your Score with Prepterminal’s Critical Thinking Course

The Critical Thinking test is difficult, but not impossible to overcome with practice. At PrepTerminal our psychometric test experts have developed a critical thinking preparatory test to provide you with the material you need to practice for your critical thinking test. Prepare with us to increase your chance of successfully overcoming this hurdle in the recruitment process.

Prepterminal’s preparatory critical thinking course features a structured study course along with critical thinking practice tests to help you improve your exam score. Our course includes video and text-based information presented in a clear and easy-to-understand manner so you can follow along at your own pace with ease.


Created by: Matt

Psychometric tutor, prepterminal test expert, 414 students, 4.7 , 73 reviews.

What is a Cognitive Test?

How difficult is the cognitive ability test, free practice cognitive reasoning test questions, frequently asked questions, cognitive ability test.

Updated July 16, 2024

Edward Melett

A cognitive test is an assessment tool designed to measure an individual's cognitive abilities, which are the mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, storing and using information.

Cognitive assessments are used to evaluate various aspects of cognitive functioning, including memory, attention, problem-solving, reasoning, language comprehension, and more.

Cognitive function tests are commonly employed in several contexts, including education, clinical psychology, neuropsychology and employment assessment.

This cognitive ability practice test has been designed to help you prepare for the real thing.  

Prepare for Any Job Assessment Test

The test consists of a set of 10 questions, along with correct answers and full explanations.

What are the Topics Covered in a Cognitive Functions Test?

Verbal reasoning.

A verbal reasoning test is a type of cognitive assessment designed to evaluate an individual's ability to understand and analyze written information, as well as to draw logical conclusions and make inferences based on that information.

These test reading comprehension, critical thinking,inference and deduction, vocabulary and language skills and textual analysis.

Numerical Reasoning

A numerical reasoning test is a type of cognitive assessment designed to evaluate an individual's ability to work with numerical information, perform mathematical operations and make logical deductions based on numerical data.

These test mathematical problem solving, data interpretation, critical thinking and numerical literacy.

Logical Reasoning

A logical reasoning test, also known as a logical aptitude test or logical thinking test, is a type of cognitive assessment designed to evaluate an individual's ability to think logically, critically analyze information and make deductions based on structured patterns and rules.

These test pattern recognition, critical thinking, deductive and inductive reasoning.

Figural Reasoning

A figural reasoning test, also known as a non-verbal reasoning test, is a type of cognitive assessment that evaluates an individual's ability to analyze and solve problems using visual or abstract patterns and shapes, rather than relying on language or numbers.

These test visual patterns and shapes, pattern recognition, spatial skills and critical thinking.

At the end of the test if you would like further practice, you can find more tests like this cognitive ability test at JobTestPrep .


Prepare for Any Job Assessment Test with TestHQ

How can I test my cognitive ability?

You can test your cognitive ability through various cognitive assessments and tests that are designed to measure different aspects of cognitive functioning. These tests can be administered by educational institutions, employers or qualified professionals.

To get an idea of your cognitive abilities, you can also explore online cognitive tests and brain training apps, although these may not provide as accurate or comprehensive results as professionally administered tests.

How to prepare for the cognitive ability assessment?

While cognitive ability assessments are designed to measure innate abilities and skills, there are some general strategies you can use to prepare:

  • Get enough rest and sleep before the assessment.
  • Practice with sample questions and familiarize yourself with the test format if possible.
  • Manage your stress and anxiety through relaxation techniques.
  • Follow any specific instructions or guidelines provided by the test administrator.
  • Be sure to arrive on time for the assessment and be well-rested and focused.

How long does a cognitive ability test take?

The duration of a cognitive ability test can vary widely depending on the specific test and its complexity. Some tests may take as little as 15-20 minutes, while others, especially comprehensive assessments, may take several hours. The length of the test is typically determined by the number and types of questions included.

How is a cognitive ability assessment scored?

Cognitive ability assessments are typically scored based on the number of correct answers. Some tests may also consider the time taken to complete each section or question, and in such cases, speed and accuracy are both important factors. Scores may be compared to a normative group to determine how an individual's performance compares to the average or to establish percentiles.

Is cognitive ability an IQ test?

Cognitive ability assessments are closely related to IQ tests, but they are not always the same. IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tests are a specific type of cognitive ability test that measures a range of cognitive skills, including problem-solving, logical reasoning and spatial intelligence.

However, there are other cognitive tests that may focus on specific cognitive domains, such as verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, or figural reasoning.

IQ tests are a subset of cognitive ability assessments but are often used interchangeably with the term "cognitive ability test" in common language.

Job Test Prep

You might also be interested in these other PRT articles:

Cognitive Ability Tests: Practice Test Questions, Answers & Explanations

McKinsey PST: a comprehensive guide

Six question types, skills tested, optimal pst prep: plan and test strategy, practice material, the next level, take our test for free.

  • Our PST preparation programmes

McKinsey PST: an adaptive learning approach to pass the test

The McKinsey Problem Solving Test (McKinsey PST) is a data interpretation and critical number reasoning test used by McKinsey to select candidates to be admitted to the first round of case interviews . The use of the PST is the main difference between the McKinsey recruiting process and those of its main competitors. The other distinct element is the PEI, or Personal Experience Interview. However, with this set of questions on personal impact McKinsey closely approximates the fit interviews of other firms.

The McKinsey PST is so notoriously difficult because it tests a very diverse skillset and requires you to work under the tightest of time constraints . Of those candidates good enough to be considered and given the PST McKinsey only pass one in three - where failure means immediate rejection . However, we are proud to say that despite the average PST pass rate being so low, 85% of candidates who use our course pass their own PST . For anyone who doesn't pass, we return half of their money .

This article serves as a guide to help you prepare for your McKinsey PST. We begin with an overview of what the PST is all about - this gives you a five minute briefing on all the essential information and the context of the PST.

Next, we spend some time going through each kind of PST question in turn, providing structured approaches to tackling them, complete with fully-worked PST example questions and specific PST tips and tricks which might come in useful.

Finally, we put everything together, with step-by-step guidelines on how to prepare for McKinsey PST success using our adaptive learning methodology .

Practice tests developed by McKinsey consultants

There are seven key facts which you will need to know about the McKinsey PST:

1. Who Has to Do the PST?

Not everyone has to do the McKinsey Problem Solving Test . Experienced hires and those recruited from top-tier business schools are often spared. However, in general, anyone applying to an entry-level business analyst role will be expected to pass the McKinsey PST to be considered.

If you are not sure whether you will be required to do the PST, your default assumption should be that you will , but you should ask with the HR team at the office you are applying to so as to be certain - this is a perfectly reasonable enquiry to make.

2. Format: 26 Questions, Pen and Paper

The PST is a multiple choice test completed on paper. 26 questions are divided between three business cases . These cases test how you would perform in the different phases of a consulting project: client interaction, problem definition, problem solving, analytical work and implementation. The cases are on the kinds of issues that real consultants will encounter in the field, including problems on market entry, profitability and operational improvement.

3. 60 Minutes

Quite simply, if you had three hours to work on an individual McKinsey PST, you could pass easily without any help. Time is the single major constraint in the PST. You are not allowed to use a calculator , computer or any other time saving device beyond your own brain, you need to make sure you have developed and practiced the required skillset - especially time saving skills - and approach the test as a whole with the most effective possible strategy .

60 minutes equates to just over two minutes per question , with a few minutes at the end to enter answers onto the answer sheet and quickly check everything is in order. Many candidates actually fail simply as they do not allow enough time at the end for this basic task. You have to be ready to work fast!

4. Make or Break

No matter how good your resume is , if you fail the PST McKinsey will not consider you any further and you will not be invited to interview. Remember, there will be hundreds of candidates with comparable resumes and the Problem Solving Test is given precisely to thin down this field. Passing is mandatory. Even after you pass and interview, your PST score will be considered alongside your interview performance to determine whether you are given an offer.

5. 70% Cut-Off

Success in the PST is an absolute function of your score rather than how it compares relative to other candidates - there is no "curve" . As such, performing better than the next candidate will be meaningless in itself. If all the candidates are sub-standard, all will fail.

Whilst McKinsey does not publish the exact cutoff for the PST, the best estimates (based on surveys of successful candidates) place it at around 70% .

One important point to remember is that you should give an answer for every question even if you are not entirely sure . The PST is not scored negatively - that is, for the PST McKinsey will not penalise for incorrect guesses (as per the system many medical students will be familiar with). As such, you should always give your best guess , just in case you get lucky.

6. 1-in-3 Success Rate

Whilst scoring is absolute, unofficial surveys have indicated that a fairly regular PST pass rate at around 33% . Most of those candidates who fail do so because they didn't work efficiently enough and/or failed to manage their time correctly , rather than because they lacked any cognitive capacity. One of the major causes of failure is actually candidates not allocating sufficient time at the end of the test to fill in the PST answer sheet!

The takeaway here is that the McKinsey Problem Solving Test should be treated more as a skill-test to be practiced for , rather than as some assessment of raw intelligence you can simply walk in and expect to pass if you are clever enough. You need to understand the relevant time saving methods and strategies to approach the test as a whole if you want to pass and eventually land your job at McKinsey.

7. McKinsey PST vs GMAT

If you have never sat the GMAT, you can skip this point. Many candidates who have previously prepped for and sat the GMAT suffer from a false assumption that the PST will be the same test by a different name - that there are very few diffences in the McKinsey PST vs GMAT. However, despite the similar format, this is not the case.

There is some overlap - for instance, you will need to have strong math for both. However, the PST requires a totally different, less academic style of math , where you need to be able to estimate, prioritise calculations and know how to take the right shortcuts (our mental math article is relevant on the differences here). Generally, the PST and GMAT serve different purposes and are tailored to those purposes in different ways. As such, you need to treat the PST as its own beast and prep for it accordingly.

An AI-based, bespoke preparation plan

As we have noted, the McKinsey PST is partitioned into three business cases, with eight to ten questions for each case. As with a real project, or indeed a case interview, you will be presented with data in charts or tables as well as with descriptive text . Typically, each individual piece of information will be followed by two to three questions referring to that information specifically.

PST questions can be split into six groups which can be expected to account for different fractions of the test. Let's take an in-depth look at each:

Giant stack of shipping containers, illustrating PST worked example of sales in different countries

1. ~35% - Reading Facts

Reading facts PST questions test your ability to extract and elaborate data from graphs and tables. These are the most common question type, and you can expect them to make up around 35% of your PST.

Typical Formats

  • Which of the following values is the best estimate of ...?
  • Which of the following statements is valid, based on the data ...?
  • What is the current ranking of options 1 to 5?
  • Which of the following values is the best estimate of ABC revenue in Year 4?
  • To the nearest tenth percentage point, what is the difference between Italy’s and Spain’s respective average annual agriculture sector growths due to fertilizing over the last 10 years?

Worked Example

The table below shows the sales development of the Topstar business unit across the main markets.

US$ M 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
US 240 282 343 405 469
Germany 144 165 186 204 237
Italy 45 58 58 75 82
China 60 69 67 71 74
Japan 58 50 50 56 58

Which of these markets showed the fastest sales development (in percentage terms) from 2009-2012?

As you can see, two minutes is not a lot of time to solve this! Let's have a look at an efficient method to let you get to the answer as quickly as possible. The steps identified here generalise to other reading facts questions.

Read the question - pretty straightforward in this case, as you are asked to identify the country with the highest growth rate.

Read the answers - there are four countries to be compared.

Go back to the table - compare the growth rate, between only 2009 and 2012, for those four countries. Simplify figures as much as possible and run precise calculations only if you find out that the difference between two countries growth rates is not large enough to guarantee a reliable result through simplification.

Define the calculation - you need to work out the form of the equation you would need to solve in order to calculate market growth. This will be:

Now you can put the equation to work. Start with the first option - the US. Approximately, US growth will be:

From simple inspection, this is obviously much higher than 50% - it is around 70%.

You can then move on to other countries using this US value as a benchmark and comparing them solely to that value. Germany's growth will be:

This is very close to 50% - so obviously less that the ~70% of the US. You can cross out Germany as an incorrect answer. Note that, if the value for Germany had been higher than the US one, you would have crossed out the US and gone forward using the German growth value as your benchmark.

For Italy, the calculation will be:

1/3 is (roughly) 33%, so obviously lower than 50% and certainly lower than the US. Cross out Italy!

For Japan, growth was from 50 to 58, so there is no need to make any calculations in order to rule it out.

This leaves he US (option A) as the correct answer.

Tips and Tricks

There are a couple of tricks you can employ to get through Reading Facts questions more efficiently:

1. Begin with an end in mind

Before performing any calculations, be clear on which formula/equation you need to use. This is crucial as there is no time for trial and error in the PST. Spending just a few more seconds nailing down the exact formula you need at the beginning will pay dividends by saving you much more time in the calculation phase.

2. Minimise the number of calculations

When going through your solutions, you will be surprised by how many calculations can be avoided or approximated mentally. The fundamental question you should ask yourself before performing any calculation is "does this affect the answer?". This might sound a little odd, but it is a habit which you must form to become quick enough to pass the McKinsey PST. Here are a couple of examples where you can "work clever" to avoid redundant calculations:

The Anchoring Technique

This the technique we used in the example above. When looking for the highest value amongst several possible answers, run calculations for the first answer and use that value as a threshold value as you work through the others. If other answers look immediately wrong, do not perform any further calculations - just as we did with Japan, above. (Generally, you can almost think of this as a less probabilistic version of the solution to the secretary problem .)

The Selection Technique

Here, you pre-select only the calculations which are essential to identifying the answer. For example, the question below asks you to rank the effectiveness of 5 solutions:

  • 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
  • 1, 3, 2, 5, 4

Calculating whether solution A is the most effective is a complete waste of your time – it is the least answer-changing analysis. Instead, calculate which is the most effective between solutions B and C, working from there.

3. Master quick percentage calculations

Growth rates and percentages are ubiquitous in the McKinsey Problem Solving Test. In particular, it is pretty much a certainty that you will be asked to calculate growth rates over multiple time periods. This is theoretically feasible by hand, but extremely time-consuming. For example, say the revenues of a given company are growing at 5% per year for four years. In order to get a precise result, you would need to calculate the four year compound growth rate as follows:

Quite simply, regardless of how quick you are at math, you absolutely do not have the time to go through this whole calculation. It would almost certainly take more than two minutes just for this step, which might not actually be enough to answer the whole question (usually, calculating such a percentage will only be a subset of a question).

Instead, you can arrive at an approximate but good-enough value for this growth rate by using a straightforward shortcut. To do this, we simply multiply the growth rate by the number of years it will apply for, estimating the compound growth rate. Here, this will be 5% x 4 years = 20%.

There are a couple of caveats here which will already be obvious to more mathematically inclined readers:

  • With positive growth rates, the compound rate will be underestimated. Above, we estimate 20%, but the real figure is actually 21%. Conversely, with negative growth rates, this method will overestimate the compound value.
  • The greater the magnitude of the annual growth rate and the greater the number of years for which it is applied, the less precise this technique becomes. For instance, five years of compound growth at 5% per annum yields a 27% compound growth rate, whilst this shortcut would give us a value of 25%.

Young woman browsing clothing, illustrating a PST worked example question on a clothing retailer

2. ~18% - Root-Cause Reasons

Root-Cause Reason PST questions test your ability to identify the causes underlying business problems. These questions begin from some fact about a business, which must be explained. The candidate is then given a list of putative explanations for this fact. However, only one of this list of suggestions is actually a logically valid explanation of the phenomenon in question. The candidate must identify which this is.

  • Which of the following reasons, if TRUE, is most likely to be the reason for the drop in house prices in year two?
  • Which of the following, if true, LEAST explains the data for Slovenia and the Czech Republic in Exhibit 2?
  • Which of the following reasons, if TRUE, best explains the reason why the CEO wants to proceed to ...?
  • Which of the following does NOT help to explain why ...?
  • Which of the following, if TRUE, would best challenge the sales manager's decision?

Zapclothing is a global fashion retailer, traditionally catering primarily to teenage girls and with shops across Europe. Five years ago, the senior management at Zapclothing decided to embark up an move upmarket, with the aim of catering to a slightly older and more affluent customer base.

Leading French and Italian designers were hired to create unique and exclusive lines for Zapclothing, whilst prices were raised across the entire product line by 20-30%. A series of events were held in all major global cities in order to launch the new incarnation of Zapclothing as a brand with a more sophisticated, upscale image.

Initially, this mid-market transition boosted profit margins without altering sales volumes. However, one year later, the company has found itself with plummeting revenues and a decreased profit margin. In order to return profits to their previous higher levels, the marketing manager has proposed a permanent price reduction of 10% across all lines.

Which of the following facts, if true, would best challenge the sales manager's price reduction proposal?

  • Over the last year, due to higher commodity costs, prices increased by 15% on average for the whole fashion industry
  • Consumers consistently quoted price among the top three quality attributes for mid and high-level fashion brands in surveys over the last 5 years
  • In a recent survey, over 80% of the existing customer base claimed that they would still buy more than 50% of their clothes from Zapclothing, regardless of price
  • Females aged 20-30 consider price among the top three criteria for deciding whether to make a purchase
  • Read the question carefully, making sure that you understand what is being asked.
  • Scan the answers and underline the key words in the text. Don't spend any more than 10 seconds on this step - the intention is simply to make you quicker in finding the relevant parts of the introductory paragraph.
  • Think carefully about how this proposal can be challenged. The most effective challenge is necessarily that acting based on this proposal would not help to solve the company's problems - in our example, restoring high revenues. If this is the case, then the proposal does not correctly identify the cause of the focal issue.
  • Go back to the answers, crossing out the incorrect ones. Let's see how we assess the four answers in our example:
  • Not relevant . The fact that prices increases increased on average by 15% for the whole industry does not tell us whether a decision to reduce prices would bring in additional revenue from existing and/or new customers. FALSE
  • If consumers consider a higher price to be a signal for superior for mid and high-level fashion brands (where Zapclothing hs positioned itself), reducing prices could have a neutral or even counterproductive effect on revenue growth. TRUE
  • Not relevant . This statement is only relevant to revenue derived from existing customers. Even if the behaviour of current customers was entirely unchanged, revenues could still be grown by tapping the pool of potential new customers. The information provided is incomplete and would not be sufficient to challenge the sales manager's proposal. FALSE
  • Opposite Direction. This fact would not challenge the sales manager's idea, but reinforce it. FALSE

Practice makes perfect

Correct answers in Root-Cause Reason questions will always have two elements in common:

  • Relevance - they have a significant effect on the target stated in the introductory paragraph
  • Correct Directionality - their effect on the target should be going in the direction required by the question

As we have already observed in the example above, there are generally three kinds of answer in Root Cause Reasons:

1. Not Relevant

These are answers which have no, or only limited, effect on the proposal in question (as with answers A and C in the example above). By identifying the kind of fact which would have some bearing on the proposal, you will be able to quickly pick out answers which simply have no influence on the relevant issue.

Note here that you should always be careful not to assume anything which is not explicitly stated. Often, there can be a temptation to think beyond what is actually on the page. For example, when you are assessing C above, some candidates might assume that the preferences of existing customers will also be representative of potential new customers as well, or perhaps that the focus on existing customers indicates their particular importance to the problem. This would make C seem more relevant to the sales manager's proposal and would thus then ultimately lead you into error. PST questions are a test of your ability to read closely and think logically - not of your imagination!

2. Relevant, But With the Wrong Directionality

These answers affect the proposal in question, but with the effect going in the opposite direction to what you are looking for. For example, D above actually reinforces the sales manager's proposal rather than challenging it.

One of the most common errors in Root-Cause Reason questions is selecting answers which are relevant, but with the opposite directionality to what the questions is asking for. As such, you must always keep in mind what the question has actually requested and the kind of answer which fulfils that request.

3. Relevant and With the Correct Directionality

These are answers which significantly affect the proposal in the correct direction, according to the parameters set by the question.

pile of various drugs, illustrating a PST worked example question on a pharma company

3. ~17% - Fact-Based Conclusions

Fact-Based Conclusion PST questions test your ability to draw logical conclusions from a collection of facts. These questions can manifest the greatest degree of variation of all types, and can range from something relatively similar to a Reading Facts question to a requirement for you to make some very tough inferences from rather vague introductory text.

  • Which of the following statements can be concluded from ...?
  • Based on the data on table ..., which of the following statements is a valid conclusion?

Pharcom is a global pharmaceutical company engaged in the development of small molecule drugs. Your team has been called by the Head of R&D to help him pre-select the drugs that are most likely to reach patenting and commercialization. He claims that, on average, 12% of researched drugs are cleared to be marketed, while the remainder are dismissed either during the R&D process or at final certification. Currently the average total expense for every drug in development is £12m and the full trial and certification lasts for 10 years for the drugs going through the full process. The research and development process of the drugs is constituted by the following steps:

  • Trial 1 : Laboratory trial to test the effect of the active ingredients. The trial costs £3.5m and lasts for 2 years.
  • Trial 2 : Laboratory trial to test the impact of side effects. The trial costs £4m and lasts for 1.5 years.
  • Trial 3 : Animal testing to evaluate bacteria resistance. The trial costs £4.5m and lasts for 4.5 years.
  • Final certification by Food and Drug Administration . Filing costs £4.5m. Certification lasts for 2.5 years.

Which of the following statements can be concluded based on the information above?

  • Most drugs complete the entire research, development and certification process.
  • Before being either approved or dismissed, drugs remain in the development and certification process for an average of 7.5 years.
  • Reducing by 50% the length of Trial 2 and Trial 3 would reduce the total cost of the Pharcom research and development process by £4.25m.
  • Over 50% of the drugs reach Trial 3 stage in the research and development process.
  • Read the question carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked.
  • Read the answers and underline key words in the introductory text . Identify the specific graph or portion of the introductory paragraph each answer refers to.
  • Start with the numerical answers . These are often the clearest and most straightforward to solve. Generally, go back and forth between the answers and the introductory text and any figures. To identify the correct answers, it helps to consider whether the opposite of the statement would be true.
  • Since the average cost per drug is £12m, we can quickly establish that the average time in the pipeline is 8 years - at the end of Trial 3 - as this is the point where £12m of expenses have been accrued (£3.5m from Trail 1, £1.5m from Trial 2 and £4.5m from Trial 3). Let's take the hypothetical case where 50% of drugs stay in the pipeline for 7.5 years and 50% for 8.5 years. In this case, no drugs at all complete the pipeline, but the mean time spent in that pipeline would be 8 years. Since cases where no drugs at all are approved are compatible with the information we have been given, we certainly can't safely infer that most drugs are approved. As such, we can rule out A. FALSE

As we have just established, the average time drugs are in the process before being dismissed or certified is 8 years (as the average cost of £12m is accrued by the end of Trial 3). Obviously, then, the value here of 7.5 years in wrong. FALSE

We simply don't have the information which would be required to know if this statement is true or not. It might be tempting to imagine here that if we halve the time for a trial, we halve the duration of a trial, then we halve its cost - this would indeed yield a value of £4.25m. However, we have no justification for the assumption here that cost varies with time in a purely linear fashion. In more usual business terminology, we cannot assume that the costs associated with trials are purely variable, so that halving the trial's magnitude halves costs. There might be fixed costs which are incurred regardless of trial length - perhaps administrative costs in setting up the trial or the cost of buying equipment, recruiting staff etc. Clearly we cannot state C to be true based on the information we have. FALSE

Trial 3 is reached after 3.5 years - that is, the total duration of Trials 1 and 2. As above, the average time each drug spends in the pipeline is 8 years. Now, mathematically, it is entirely possible for mean and modal values to diverge significantly. This is to say, it is possible for more than half of drugs to be in the pipeline for much less than our 8 year average value as long as there are some drugs staying in the pipleline for much longer so as to balance them out.

Let's take another hypothetical extreme case. We could keep a mean of 8 years but approach the case where the majority of drugs did not make it to Trial 3 by assuming that 50% of drugs are rejected just slightly before the 3.5 year mark. To keep a mean of 8 years, then, the other 50% of drugs would need to remain in the pipleine for 12.5 years. However, the maximum length of the process before certification is 10 years. As such, we know that more than 50% of drugs must be in the pipeline for more than 3.5 years - and thus make it into Trial 3. TRUE

In dealing with Fact-Based Conclusion PST questions, there are three types of answer which you might encounter:

1. False Conclusions

Some answers might simply be false or wrong. Even if they seem logically sound, the outcome might be reversed or otherwise wrong.

2. True Conclusions

Answers which both have sound logic and draw the correct conclusion.

3. Unproven Conclusions

The logic here might be correct and the conclusion might well seem reasonable. However, they cannot be fully supported by the facts which have been presented to you in the introductory text and/or graph.

How to discern false answers from true ones

Telling apart true and false answers can be both challenging and time consuming. In particular, some answers will require to mentally estimate a whole set of values for which statements or relationships might hold. Here are two steps which might prove useful in assessing a statement:

Can the opposite also be true?

Always consider whether the opposite of what has been stated can actually be disputed. Candidates typically fail to ask themselves this question, but it can be highly revealing. You will be surprised at how much of a difference asking this simple question can make.

Consider the extremes

Answers should always hold true - not just most of the time. If an answer is not always true, it is not valid. A variant of this method we used above to verify answer D above - we considered the extreme values which would could notionally maintain the average of 8 years, but then ruled these out as impossible within the bounds of the question.

Rack of belts illustrating a worked example PST question concerning two menswear companies

4. ~15% - Word Problems

Word Problem PST questions require you to solve business problems by combining information across sources. In other kinds of question in the Problem Solving Test, you will find all the relevant data from exhibits or introductory paragraphs. However, in Word Problems, part of the challenge is that the relevant data is spread between the question itself as well as the introductory text or exhibits. If you have taken the GMAT, you will find that word problems are the closest of the PST question types to what you will find in the GMAT.

  • Assuming that a machine costs $2m, how many years will it take for the firm to break even from its investment?
  • If an average employee is paid 12 hours per month, which of the following formulae accurately calculates the average number of items handled per employee, per month?
  • If employees’ salaries are increased by 20%, what is the increase in productivity required to break even?
  • Assuming that the economy keeps on growing at 2% per year for the upcoming 10 years, which of the following equations best approximates the decrease in the debt/GDP ratio?

Bar chart from example PST question showing average number of clothes sold per employee in key categories for two retailers

Ardito, a leading fast fashion retailer, has 79,000 employees spread over 3,350 branches. Maison operates on approximately 25 FTE employees per retail branch. Approximately, how many more branches than Ardito should Maison have to sell as many items in menswear as Ardito?

  • Carefully read and understand the Word Problem
  • Go through the answers to assess the level of precision which you are going to need in your calculations. Here, since the answers are quite far apart, you will be able to estimate rather than calculated precisely.

First, consider what has to be kept constant

This yields:

At this point, we have two possible solutions. The first is as follows:

The final answer will be between 1000 and 2000. Thus, we know the answer is B. However, note how many steps and how many calculations were involved here - you almost certainly won't be able to get this done in under two minutes!

The second solution takes care of this problem and is as follows:

Here, you simply plug numbers from the answer options into the equation and see which would make that equation work. This method is by far the more efficient way to solve this kind of problem.

Quickly, we can see that 1,700 is the only result fitting the equation. Thus, the answer is B. Note how much faster this was than the first solution.

Picture of a consultant and a client discussing a project, illustrating PST questions on client interpretation

5. ~10% - Client Interpretation

Client Interpretation questions focus on understanding project requirements and the analyses which will be necessary to tackle the client's concerns. In consulting projects, you will engage every day with various stakeholders from the client company . Fundamentally, client interpretation questions are about understanding:

  • What the client says that can have an impact on defining the scope of your project
  • What the client implies about given choice or strategy
  • Which are the best analysis decisions to take in order to fit the client’s needs
  • Which of the following best summarizes the CEO’s concerns?
  • Which of the following statements best describes the thoughts of the CEO regarding...?
  • Based on the opinion of the Head of Department, which of the following statements is/are valid?
  • Which of the following statements best describes the CEO’s aims for the McKinsey study?
  • Which of the following analyses would be LEAST useful to address the CEO’s concerns?
  • Given the aims of the CEO, what would be the LEAST relevant question for the team to answer?

Soul is a leading fashion retailer, selling clothing, shoes, make-up and accessories. It has around 400 shops worldwide, of which 200 are in the UK. Soul operates through a franchising model, where shops are run by private independent companies who pay a royalty fee to Soul. In exchange, Soul designs the shops and supplies them with new clothing lines, manages branding and advertising, sets promotions and provides shop-owners with guidance on all standard operating procedures for running the shops. This strategy enabled Soul to dramatically grow in scale, boosting shop opening and customer base. However, customer numbers have recently plateaued, resulting in slower sales and profit growth.

The CEO of Soul has engaged your team to help understand whether the recent changes in revenue and profitability trends are related to unsatisfactory shopping experience. He is convinced that the recent growth in scale came at the expense of a consistent shopping experience across all locations. He tells the team “I am sure that the responsibility of the current slowdown lies in poor delivery by the shop owners. I recently visited five shops in different countries and three of them did not fully apply our policies ensuring consistency in shop layout and pricing policies. This is disorienting our customers and pushing them to seek out our increasingly aggressive competitors”.

Which one of the following answers BEST describes why the CEO has engaged your team?

  • He wants help in implementing a coherent and consistent brand image and shopping experience across all shops.
  • He wants to identify the causes of the inconsistent shopping experience across shops in different countries.
  • He wants to validate his hypothesis that an inconsistent shopping experience in different stores led to declining revenues and profitability.
  • He wants to overhaul the set of policies and standard operating procedures imposed to shops in order to guarantee a consistent shopping experience.

Here, two aspect of the established method from above take on increased significance over the others:

  • Read the question . This is generally pretty straightforward, and simply enquires as to the client's reason for engaging McKinsey.
  • Scan the answers and underline key words. Do not spend any more than 10 seconds on this step. As before, the purpose is simply to facilitate finding relevant pieces of information later.
  • Go back to the text and quickly jump to the relevant part . More than 50% if the paragraph is of little or no use. Precisely reading the essential sentence will be enough to answer the question.
  • This answer may be true, but it does not capture the purpose behind engaging your team. The CEO did not call your team to advise him on branding or design, but because he wants to understand the causes of his company's downturn. FALSE
  • The reason for engaging your team is not to understand the causes of the poor shopping experience, but the causes of the downturn - these are not necessarily going to be the same thing. FALSE
  • The purpose of this engagement is finding out whether inconsistent shopping experiences across stores led to the current downturn. TRUE
  • Again, this answer could be true, but it is not the reason for engaging your team. The CEO did not bring you in to redesign policies, but to understand the causes of the downturn. FALSE
  • Highlight the keywords in all answers . Prioritising the right words and sentences will save you a great deal of time.
  • Cross out incorrect answers . Often, one or more answers will be clearly incorrect, whilst two or more will appear to be correct or almost correct. Cross out the obviously wrong answers before returning to the introductory text to pick out which of the "almost right" answers is actually correct.
  • Beware of the "sensible answer trap" . Sometimes, answers contain implications which look rational and sensible. However, be very careful about making assumptions beyond the information you have been supplied. No matter how reasonable a statement might seem, if the client has not actually said something to that effect, that statement is simply not valid.

Fishing boat illustrating PST worked example question on a fish and seafood company

6. ~5% - Formulae

Formulae PST questions ask you to express a quantitative word problem as a symbolic formula. This will test you capacity for abstraction by challenging your abilities to extrapolate from data, break down problems and identify drivers and directions of causality.

Which of the following formulae calculates the share of non-performing loans out of total loans?

Typical format

Which of the following formulae best approximates ...?

Forman Fisheries is engaged in packaging shrimp and other fish. Shrimp are graded from A to D depending upon their size and taste. Below are some key productivity indicators for Forman Fisheries' shrimp packaging activities:

Grade A shrimps packed in a month (a) 3,600
Grade A shrimps share of total shrimps (b) 12%
Total boxes per year (c) 8,900

Assuming that all boxes contain the same quantity of shrimps, which of the following formulae best approximates how many boxes of non-grade A shrimps were packed in the last month?

  • Homogenise your units of measurement . Since we are looking at a number over one month, wherever we will need the quantity of total boxes c, we will divide it 12, since it is an annual indicator.

Break down the problem into smaller steps . This should help you get to the relevant ratio more quickly. In this case:

Identify how to solve for each of the elements of this equation:


And thus the correct answer is answer D.

All you need to pass the McKinsey PST

Sometimes, answer formulae are presented with various simplifications which can make it time consuming to figure out whether they are correct. However, formula questions are about extrapolating a formula which should work with any value for each variable.

A trick to double check your results is to replace some of the values in the table with simpler ones, come up with a solution and then plugging these simple values into the formulae to see if they produce that same solution.

For example, in this case, assume that:

Grade A shrimp share of total shrimp (b) = 10%

Total boxes per year (c) = 1200

Therefore, boxes per month = c / 12 = 100 per month

Since all boxes are the same size, non-grade A boxes will be:

Now that you know that a correct equation will generate a result of 9, you can plug the numbers above into each of the options and check which produces 9 as an answer. This trick works especially well when the formulae involve high degrees of simplification.

Climber on a very difficult wall, illustrating the skills tested by the PST

Each PST question type tests a subset of the skills that are useful in consulting. It is worth remembering that there is only so far practicing PST example questions alone will get you if you have not taken the time to develop these skills. Think about a kid trying to learn math - they can spend hours looking at all the sums they want, but they won't get very far if they haven't learnt to add yet!

Since these are the exact same skills that are assessed in your case interview and via your resume and cover letter , it makes sense to learn exactly what they are and what is required of you. It is worth noting that this is the same overall consulting skillset is the same one we teach in our Case Academy - our approach is consistent across the whole recruiting process.

So, what are these skills?

Just like doctors, consultants focus on identifying and treating the underlying causes of a problem. When you address a problem, you shouldn't ever stop at the superficial level of observable symptoms, but must dig deeper and find the real issue underlying what you are dealing with.

For example, imagine a doctor who has a patient complaining of persistent headaches. A good doctor is not just going to keep dishing out painkillers, but are going to want to establish what is causing the pain. It might be, say, that the headaches are caused by poor eyesight. If so, the patient will be dispatched to the optician to get some glasses to solve the problem more permanently.

Consultants always anchor their diagnoses and recommendations on data and analysis - never on opinions or hunches! This is called a fact-based approach.

In order to be able to correctly answer all the PST questions (and fill in that answer sheet!) within the time limit, you will need to be able to prioritise important data and calculations, effectively deal with uncertainly and generally find a good compromise between accuracy and speed. This includes the ability to select salient information from large volumes of text and to deal with ambiguity within that text. Once they are on top of the raw facts of what is happening, consultants will always then extract the salient implications - or the "so-what" - of the situation, rather than just re-describing the same data.

Most PST questions will require you to perform some kind of calculation. Since you are not permitted to use a calculator or similar, you are going to have to be very comfortable with mental math. In particular, you will have to be able to make estimates very quickly. We have an article on mental math for consulting , as well as a free practice tool , which will be a great starting point to sharpening up your skills and learning the various shortcuts to make your calculations faster.

To pass the McKinsey PST as well as to get through your case interview , you are going to need to be able to quickly and reliably infer relevant information from complex graphs and tables. This information will be used to find root causes, draw fact-based conclusions or as the starting point for mental math problems.

The McKinsey PST doesn't require super-complex math, and certainly nothing beyond high school level. McKinsey PST formulas will always be realtively simple ones and you will not have to muster any complex algebra. However, what will be different from a high school math question is that it will be much less clear as to how you should be approaching problems. You will often have to set up equations by extracting one or two salient relationships from a large amount of otherwise irrelevant information. Identifying what is relevant will be the real challenge rather than the relatively simple math. Subsequently manipulating these formulae will come relatively easily to many of you. However, the time constraints and lack of a calculator in the PST will necessitate even the most mathematically gifted to be somewhat strategic in terms of how they chose to solve problems. You will need to avoid analyses that will take too long and which you cannot complete without a calculating aid.

Each of the skills above will be tested in different kinds of question. Be sure to keep a note of which skill in particular has let you down each time you have a problem with a PST question. After a few questions, you should have an idea of where your systematic weak points are and thus where you should focus your efforts to improve via building stronger skills. If your mental math is constantly an issue, go to our mental math article . If you are struggling with identifying root causes, our article on identifying the problem in case studies would be a great place to start.

The important point is that you won't get really good at PST questions simply by doing PST questions - you need to build the right skills! It is worth noting here that our Case Academy teaches precisely the consulting skillset as the McKinsey PST requires (usually case prep systems just teach question-specific frameworks, but we focus on fundamental skills). As such, working through the Academy will not just prep you for case interviews, but also build the full skillset required for the PST. If you are intent on going all the way through the selection process with McKinsey math prep and other aspects of skill building only need to be done once. Two birds with one stone - an efficient use of time!

Chess pieces illustrating the idea of optimising PST preparation and strategy

By now, you will have a good idea of what the McKinsey Problem Solving Test is, what the questions look like and the skills it is assessing. The categorisation of different question types and the methods and tips we have discussed for each already give you the building blocks for a solid prep. However, to make your preparation both as effective and time efficient as possible, you should really begin by making a plan to provide some structure. This will make sure that you don't miss out any key elements and also that you distribute your time sensibly.

As you will have realised by now, the PST is difficult - especially because of the acute time constraints. Having made a plan and diligently practiced all your skills might not actually be enough to pass. You also need to consider your strategy for tackling the test optimally. We have already given a few tips on this, peppered throughout the sections above, but there are also several points on general test management which you will need to know about.

Let's look in more depth both at how you should plan your prep and at your strategy for approaching the McKinsey Problem Solving Test:

Preparation plan

Don't be fooled by those who repeat the old mantra "practice, practice, practice". While practicing is very useful, relying entirely on "brute force" practice with PST sample questions can be remarkably ineffective and a way to set yourself up for failure.

A more sophisticated, more effective prep plan will be made up of the following elements:

1. Skill Building

You need to build your general consulting skillset to be able to reliably perform well on real PST questions. This will never be wasted time, as you will need exactly the same skills in your case interview - and indeed for when you (hopefully) start the job! In particular, given nobody will be starting entirely from scratch on these skills, you need to identify and work on your areas for improvement. As mentioned above, you should take note of where you are underperforming and address your attention there. In particular, you will want to focus on the following:

Numerical Agility

Being able to perform mental math quickly is arguably the single most essential skill required to pass the McKinsey Problem Solving Test. In particular, you will find that the need to make rapid estimates will recur constantly in PST questions. This includes understanding the appropriate degree of approximation as well as getting through calculations quickly. The mental math video in the Efficiency Tools section of the MCC Academy will provide you with all the fundamentals and all the tricks and methods you need to be genuinely quick with numbers and is a great way to get to grips with everything quickly and without missing anything out.

Reading Charts and Solving Problems

Again, the ability to extract information from diagrams and set up and solve mathematical problems are critical to being able to deal with many PST problems. Indeed, the numbers and equations for your mental math must come from somewhere! You will have to read charts in the McKinsey PST and will have to do so under severe time pressure. Similarly, various types of PST question will test your ability to work through problems in an efficient fashion. Our mental math article deals with reading charts. We also cover this whole area in great detail in the MCC Academy course and also include extensive drills in our Beyond Test Ready package.

Identify root causes and draw fact-based conclusions:

Being able to wade through information and identify fundamental causal drivers and synthesise findings into takeaways fully supported by the data are key consulting skills and one which your PST will test across multiple questions. To help you prepare as thoroughly as possible for these, we provide 10 specific sample questions on these areas in each of our Test Ready and Beyond Test Ready packages.

2. Refining

To optimise your performance on the PST, your prep should always include a blend of practice and skill building. Your first step should be to try a practice PST to see where exactly your weak spots are. You should then work on these particular skills using other resources, (such as the articles on this site and the lessons in MCC Academy). You can then return to another practice PST to see how you have progressed and where you should then focus on your next bout of skill building. You should then iterate this process until you are ready to take the PST for real.

It is worth noting that this method also makes sense at a more pragmatic level, as there is only a limited supply of sample PST test papers available to practice with online. This iterative approach, then, has the added benefit of letting you make best possible use of the scarce resource that is PST examples. The skill-specific questions provided in our Beyond Test Ready package also help deal with this lack of practice material and are invaluable in the skill building process.

3. Simulation

Once you have practiced enough, it will be time to step up to simulating the real PST more fully. There is a temptation to skip what might seem like the "theatrics" of a full simulation. However, you cannot just assume that it will all be fine on the day! This is the same rationale for why your high school most likely had you sit full mock exams before important assessments, rather than just rely on class tests etc.

You should replicate the PST test environment as closely as possible. Print out your sample PST test paper, staple it and print out your answer sheet. Find a quiet room and do the test strictly in the allotted time and without a calculator or any other such "contraband". You might feel a bit silly doing all of this, but it really is worth it. Sticking exactly to the rules is the only way to really practice your PST test strategy. Even relatively small things like becoming accustomed to keeping your notes entirely in the booklet and actually filling in the answer sheet at the end will save you precious time in the real PST.

4. Keeping an Error Log

When you run through a practice test with a mark scheme, everything will seem very easy. "Oh, of course, that's exactly what I should have done..." Fast-forward couple of weeks later, though, and you will find yourself staring at a PST question with precisely the same structure, but with no idea of how to solve it.

This is precisely why you need to keep an error log. You might already be familiar with error logs from GMAT prep, but we recommend you extend the practice here. For the uninitiated, an error log is a continuous method of analysing practice problems to identify WHY you answered them incorrectly. In your error log, you should be keeping track of your mistakes and of what you found hardest (even if you got there in the end). As well as using this information to inform where your energy is focussed in skill building, you should also be running through your log frequently to ingrain the lessons you have learnt and generally consolidate your technique.

There is no single correct format for your error log. Some will prefer very organised, detailed logs, whereas others will prefer a more old-fashioned paper record. Really, you should chose whichever method you personally find most convenient, as what is most important is that you actually make consistent use of the log over time.

Whichever way you chose to set out your error log, though, we recommend that each entry should contain the following information.

  • Question type - as per our categorisation above.
  • Reason why you found the question difficult - you might have taken too long to answer or not been able
  • Question and answer choices - record what the question actually was
  • Proposed solution - work out the method which you should ideally have used to solve the question - that is, whichever solution you find quickest and most effective given your own abilities.
  • Key takeaways - what you should learn in order to answer this kind of question more efficiently. For example, you might need to learn how to simplify fractions more rapidly or to improve your quick reading skills.

The "key takeaways" in your error log are what will guide the direction of your prep for the next few days, before you test your abilities again in the iterative manner we described above.

Whilst error logs help to marry skill building and practice - just as any optimised PST prep absolutely must - in forming part of the iterative method we describe above, error logs also take on a more pragmatic function. Whilst the McKinsey problem solving test sample itself is excellent and we at MyConsultingCoach have invested significant time and money into creating and perfecting additional content, this still ultimately adds up to a finite amount of practice material. This unavoidable constraint means that you must work sensibly to squeeze the greatest amount of utility out of what is available.

The amount of practice you are able to do will always be the ultimate bottleneck in any PST prep. Experiencing different questions will both let you take the iterative process of identifying and working on problems areas further, but will also make you less likely to be surprised by something entirely new in the real PST. Access to extra practice material is thus a major driver of increased performance on test day and - ultimately - landing a job. You will find practice tests at the bottom of this page.

PST guide and practice test

Test strategy.

Most McKinsey PST questions are not actually all that conceptually demanding. The real difficulty derives from the extreme time constraint. As we noted above, given three hours with the same PST test paper, everyone would pass. In practice, then, the successful candidates - who go on to get interviews and jobs - might not actually be the most clever or able, but will often simply be those who have been able to manage their time most effectively.

Obviously, we have already explained a whole host of time saving methods for use in different kinds of questions above. Building up your skills will also help get through questions faster - improving your mental math in particular will see significant reductions in your time taken per question.

However, to pass you must also consider your time usage not just individual questions, but for the problems solving test as a whole. In this section, then, we will go over both an overall test time strategy and a consistent strategy to answer PST questions:

1. Test Time Strategy

PST question difficulty varies quite significantly. Some questions are really quite straightforward to the point of being "easy". Others are seemingly impossible. Unfortunately, you can't expect to get a paper with only the easy ones (if only, eh!), but will have a mix of different difficulties across your 26 questions.

To start to optimise your approach, you should combine this realisation as to varying question difficultly with the following two facts we alluded to near the beginning of this article:

  • All questions are worth the same
  • There is no penalty for wrong answers (there is no "negative marking")

Now (as we keep mentioning), you will need to leave at least five minutes at the end to fill in the answer sheet. Of the remaining time, you can allocate two minutes to each of your 26 questions (the maths geniuses amongst you will note that that leaves 3 minutes spare, but you can be assured that they will disappear whether you like it or not).

Given that all the questions are worth the same marks, you simply cannot allow yourself to become bogged down on one particularly tough PST question and leave yourself without time to answer two easy ones. To avoid this, you should keep track of how far through the test you are relative to how much time has elapsed - that is, make sure you are actually getting through questions at a rate of one every two minutes. For instance, if you are 10 minutes in, you should at least be just finishing question five.

If you realise that you've fallen behind because you are stuck on a very hard question, you should not devote more time to it. Simply circle that question and what seem like the two or three most likely answers from your analysis so far.

If you get to the end of the test and have some time left besides that required to fill in the answer sheet, you can go back and look at the question again. Often, coming back and looking with fresh eyes will break you out of an analytic rut. However, if you still simply can't make head nor tail of the question, or if you end up without any more time to devote to it, you should simply pick one of your circled likely-answers at random and put that down on the answer sheet.

Don't feel too bad about this - the PST cuttoff pass mark is around 70%, so you don't need to have gotten everything right. Who knows, your best guess might end up to be the right one anyway! Even if you picked an answer at random it has a 25% chance of being right. An educated guess should have somewhat better odds than that.

2. Question Strategy

We have already said quite a bit above about how you should approach individual kinds of question. However, we can also make some helpful remarks about how you should be approaching each question more generally.

The first fact to note is that whenever you first sit down to a practice test, you will realise that a minimum of 20% of your mistakes are simply due to mis-read questions. Indeed, a great deal of excellent candidates will fail their PST ultimately because they failed to read a critical number of questions properly. It seems absurd when one considers how accomplished the average McKinsey applicant is, that they are effectively let down by their literacy! However, it is true nonetheless and you can see why we so consistently instructed you to carefully read all the different kinds of questions as we ran through them!

One of the main things the McKinsey PST assesses is your ability to deal with "information overload". This happens when you are presented with large volumes of text and/or quantitative data, where only some of it is relevant to the question you have been asked and you must work out which.

This actually simulates a some of the real demands placed on McKinsey's consultants, who will be confronted with all the complexity of the client firm's operation as well as the market it operates in and how it relates to firms up and downstream in its value chain. From here, the consultant must work out which aspects of the operation - and thus which portions of information - are actually salient to the client's question.

How you should proceeds next depends upon whether you have to chose between qualitative or quantitative answers:


Here, you should pursue an iterative method of going back and forth between the questions and the text, eliminating (and then physically crossing out to prevent any future confusion) incorrect answers one-by-one. This is fundamentally a test of your linguistic reasoning, though we have provided various hints and helpful techniques for different kinds of question above. Of course, the most fundamental advice we can give is to read PST questions carefully, but you can also do things like considering what would be true if the exact opposite of the focal statement were true.


You have a couple of options when dealing with quantitative answers, depending upon the specific nature of the question you have been asked. As such, you can chose to do either of the following:

The "Conventional" approach

Here, you simply identify the relevant data and solve the problem directly. Run through all the calculations on paper and then see which of the multiple choice answers matches the solution you generate. This is how you are probably accustomed to tackling problems from your education and will also be the best way to approach many of the questions in your PST

Working "Backwards"

Often, though, you will not have enough time to work through all the calculations required to answer a particular question via the conventional approach. In such cases, you will need to take a more strategic approach. We can do this by effectively working backwards from the answers. This is not as strange a method as it might sound - you simply need to build a framework of the relevant calculation and plug in the suggested answers until you find one that works.

Using this method can save time on multiple counts as, usually once you have found an answer that works, you don't have to take the time out to work through the other options (of course, in an ideal world you would indeed work through the other answers as a means to check for any mistakes on your own part, but time is precious in the PST and "done is better than perfect").

Target with many holes illustrating the PST practice process

Having read this far, you should be well equipped to start preparing to take the McKinsey Problem Solving Test. The first step is to take one or two practice PST test papers . This will let you get a feel for what the tests are actually like generally, but - crucially - will also allow you to start your prep off with an idea of which skills you need to work on, as per our iterative method above.

You can find everything you need on this website or on the McKinsey website. Specifically, here are some PST samples to get you started:

  • MyConsultingCoach McKinsey PST (free)
  • McKinsey PST A (by McKinsey)
  • McKinsey PST B (by McKinsey)
  • McKinsey PST C (by McKinsey)
  • McKinsey PST 2011 version (by McKinsey)
  • McKinsey PST 2001 version (by McKinsey)

Racing cyclist, illustrating the increased PST pass rate for those who use MyConsultingCoach packages

Beyond the free Mckinsey PST practice test linked above, MyConsultingCoach offers fully comprehensive PST packages to take your PST prep to the next level. Of course, you might pass the PST on your own. However, as we have noted, the average candidate only has a 33% chance of passing.

For those using an MCC package, though, that PST pass rate jumps right up to 85%. Given that you must pass the PST to get an interview and be considered for a job, this is a potentially enormous driver of whether you will work for McKinsey or not - that is the overall offer rate.

Whilst this is a premium service and won't ever be for everyone, if you really have a consulting mindset, then you can appreciate that - given the substantively increased likelihood of entry into McKinsey - the investment is more than worth it when balanced even just against the additional pay earned in year one versus a second tier consultancy. This is before we even consider the differences across your whole career and the prestige difference for your resume even if you move into other industries later.

We also stand by our service to the point that, if you don't pass your PST, we will give you half of your money back!

problem solving written test

So, what are you waiting for? Start your prep today and take a step closer to that your dream job with McKinsey!

Following our advice and making use of MyConsultingCoach resources will give you your best chance of success in the PST . Assuming you pass your PST, then, you will have to prep for your interview . As you probably know already, interviews at McKinsey and consultancy firms in general are not like a "normal" interview. The most notable difference is that you will have to solve a case study . This is a business problem which simulates the kind of project a real life consultant would called in to deal with.

As well as a case study, each interview will also have a McKInsey PEI or " fit " component , where your interviewer tests your motivation to succeed as a consultant and establishes whether your character is a good fit for the company. This is closer to the format of more familiar interviews. However, many candidates are ruled out based on their performance in this section, as they either don't prepare for it at all, or treat it too much like a "normal" interview. The demands even in the fit section of a consulting interview are significantly more rigorous than for interviews elsewhere.

In practice, one of the main differences in interviews in consulting and on other industries is the amount of preparation that is required . If you thought McKinsey PST prep was demanding, that was unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg. The stiff competition for McKinsey and other consulting jobs means firms can demand a degree specific preparation from candidates which is not really equalled elsewhere.

This might all sound daunting (frankly, if it doesn't, it should...). Don't worry though - MyConsultingCoach has you covered! This website is packed with articles which will give you solid overview of all the various topics you will need to understand (you can start with our articles on the case and fit interview and work your way out from there) as well as guidance on how to approach your prep in general.

For a more in-depth experience, we have also developed MCC Academy - a fully comprehensive case interview course . MCC Academy teaches the same consulting skillset as you will need for the PST, but in much more depth and applied to the business of cracking case studies. Other case systems simply teach a few formulaic "frameworks", with methods to approach a few common question types. However, this risks leaving you high and dry when the interviewer (as they likely will) gives you a questions that differs from the kinds you have learnt. By focussing on fundamental skills and teaching you to tackle cases in the same way a working consultant would, MyConsultingCoach equips you to cope with whatever your interviewer throws at you . Beyond this, the Academy also includes a set of lessons on how to perform in the fit component of your interview.

If you are serious about consulting in general, it makes sense to start MCC Academy alongside your PST prep , as the shared skillset makes for significant synergy generally and you will be able to use the Academy lessons to brush up your skills for the PST in particular. You will also then have plenty of time for case interview prep and not have to pack it all in after the PST.

Good luck with your prep!

A level of preparation you won't find anywhere else

Reason #1: beat the time pressure.

We developed techniques for each of the six question types in the McKinsey PST that will help you save time and boost your score. From practice, practice, practice to smart practice.

Reason #2: Focus your efforts

Our Performance Radar helps you pinpoint the question types where you need more preparation , enabling you to tailor your training and track your progress. No more random practice.

Reason #3: stretch your potential

Our tests were developed by a team of ex-McKinsey consultants and are constantly reviewed to provide you with the most comprehensive toolkit to succeed. Unlike many resources on the internet , our tests are realistic in their format (26-questions long, like the real PST) and challenging in their content .

We developed a sample, 10-questions free test. We suggest you print out the test and do it on paper to replicate the real test environment

“ The Performance Radar changed the way I prepared for the McKinsey Problem Solving Test: I moved from a random 360-degrees practice to a structured preparation focused on the areas where I was weakest. And those same areas quickly became the ones where I was getting the highest scores. ”

Our pst preparation programmes

30 days money back guarantee on pst material.

  • 3 full 26-questions PSTs (78 questions)
  • Performance Radar
  • 30 days money back guarantee*
  • Straight to your inbox

Beyond PST Ready

  • 6 sets of 10 PST questions by type (60 questions)
  • PST Performance Radar
  • All Consulting Math Material

Single PST #1

  • Full length, 26-questions PST

Single PST #2

Single pst #3, frequently asked questions.

When you do not have much time left we suggest you to:

  • Understand how the test is structured : many people fail the PST simply because they don't know it well. You can find all the details about the PST on our PST Guide. You may want to double check the total time, since most offices will give you 60 minutes but some others 70.
  • Develop a solid answering technique : It is essential for you to acquire an answering technique allowing you to make the best use of the very limited time in the test. Our video and the PST Guide will help you a great deal.
  • Practice smart : We advise you to try the official tests on the McKinsey website ( Test A , Test B , and Test C ). If you want to boost your chances our best pick is the Test Ready Package above. You will have the chance to practice on three 26-questions full-length sample PSTs. Then, our Performance Radar will help you identify your weaknesses by translating results in your performance across the 6 PST question types. The PST Guide will teach you useful methods on how to tackle each question type and the 60 additional questions will help you master a sound technique for each of them. In other words nothing will be left off the checklist!

P.S. Do check whether the first round of interviews is immediately after the PST or on a different day. In the former case, we strongly advice you to prepare for case interviews . The Beyond Test Ready package also includes 1 hour of case interviews with our Mentors.

Passing the PST is hard mainly because of the time constraint. If you had 2 hours, you could easily score more than 90% - but you only have 1 hour. It is therefore essential for you to be able to manage time. Please use the video that's on the page.

Sure. You can ALWAYS upgrade from a smaller to a more comprehensive package.

Upgrading is easy:

  • Purchase the new package
  • Email us at [email protected] within 30 days – we’ll refund your original purchase within 24 hours.

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Analytical Reasoning Tests (2024 Guide)

What Is an Analytical Reasoning Test?

What are analytical reasoning tests used for, analytical reasoning test practice questions (2024), tips for preparing for an analytical reasoning test in 2024, frequently asked questions, analytical reasoning tests (2024 guide).

Updated June 12, 2023

Edward Melett

All products and services featured are independently selected by WikiJob. When you register or purchase through links on this page, we may earn a commission.

Analytical reasoning tests assess a candidate’s ability to study information and apply logic to find patterns or make inferences.

At work, people use analysis to scrutinise speech, documents, diagrams, charts and graphs, and gather the most relevant information. Those with strong analytical skills will consider how key elements within that information relate to one another, and are more likely to notice crucial patterns and details.

Analytical reasoning tests measure a candidate’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Data may be presented in the form of written passages, graphs, tables or shapes.

Where questions are based on a series of images , they have much in common with inductive reasoning and non-verbal reasoning tests.

Written analytical reasoning questions assess many of the same skills as verbal reasoning tests .

Prepare for Any Job Assessment Test with JobTestPrep

Recruiters use analytical reasoning tests to evaluate inductive and deductive skills in potential employees.

Deductive reasoning is the process of reaching a logical conclusion based on one or more given statements, or premises.

Inductive reasoning involves taking specific information and making predictions based on that.

Candidates do not need any specialist knowledge for analytical reasoning tests, but they must be able to think logically and pay close attention to detail. Those who demonstrate strong analytical reasoning skills are generally highly intelligent, quick to learn and more likely to improve over time in a role.

Non-verbal reasoning tests can also be helpful in assessing international candidates, or applicants who do not have English as their first language.

Candidates applying for mid- to higher-level positions may be asked to take an analytical reasoning test as part of the selection process. Analytical skills are particularly important for jobs that involve maths and numerical reasoning.

They also extend into roles where decision-making and problem-solving are key. So companies may use these tests when recruiting for positions such as computer software engineers, financial analysts, human resources managers and office managers.

Many law firms also assess analytical reasoning skills as part of their recruitment process. And analytical reasoning tests may form part of a leadership assessment process, such as a graduate recruitment scheme.

Analytical reasoning tests use both verbal and non-verbal questions.

In inductive reasoning tests , questions usually involve a series of diagrams or pictures. The candidate must find the pattern, rule or link between each item. They can then use this knowledge to decide what comes next in the sequence.

Deductive reasoning tests are typically verbal. The candidate must read a statement, or series of statements, and then choose the logically correct answer.

Examples of both are given below, with answers and explanations.

Question 1: Which Box Is Next in the Sequence?

This is an example of a question where things move around. There are many variations on this theme.

At its most basic level, elements will move around inside a box and the candidate must understand why they are moving in a particular order. By understanding this they will be able to correctly select the image that comes next.

Analytical Reasoning Tests

Which box is next in the sequence?

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Question 2: Which Box Is Next in the Sequence?

Candidates may also be asked to find the relationship between a set of items. There are a number of ways that elements can have relationships with one another, for example:

  • Where they are in relation to each other
  • The number of sides that different shapes have in relation to each other
  • Numbers that incrementally increase or decrease

To solve these types of questions you need to identify the rule that governs the relationship and then apply it, as in the following example:

Analytical Reasoning Tests

In this sort of question, remember also to look for relationships between odd and even numbers.

Question 3: What Most Weakens the Argument?

The following question is an example of deductive reasoning . Here the candidate must read the passage and then come to a logically correct conclusion.

This question involves identifying an assumption . An assumption is a belief that is not explicitly stated within the text but must exist to link the argument’s evidence and conclusion. To successfully answer these types of question you must find that missing link between the evidence and conclusion and then fill it.

"If all beaches were publicly owned, we would have to rely on government funds to maintain them. It is true that more people would have access to the ocean and beaches, but at what cost? If the beaches are not cared for adequately, soon there will be nothing left worth having access to. We should consider carefully before nationalising more coastal property."

Which of the following, if true , would most weaken the argument above?

A – The public does not want additional access to beaches. B – The government is currently responsible for the maintenance of all public and private beaches. C – The public already has some access to many beaches. D – Other property has been nationalised in the past, with no complaints from the original owners of the property. E – Some privately owned beaches are not well maintained.

Analytical reasoning tests can be daunting, even for confident problem solvers. You may not have come across these types of questions before, so it is essential to take plenty of time to prepare properly. This will prevent you from panicking and ensure that you gain the highest score possible.

The following tips and techniques will help you to begin the test ready to perform your best:

Know what to expect . Employers and test publishers may use terms such as inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, verbal reasoning or non-verbal reasoning when referring to their tests. It is worth contacting the employer or company assessing you to ask more about the test you will be sitting. Most will be helpful in clarifying the nature of the test. They might provide a few example questions too.

Practise. And then practise some more . The more tests you do, the more familiar you will become with the types of questions that may come up, and the more confident you will feel. You will also begin to develop your own strategies for solving questions. Identify which types of question you find the hardest and then focus on finding the best ways to tackle them. JobTestPrep is a useful resource for sample tests and answers.

Manage your time . It is likely that you will be under pressure to complete all the questions within an allocated time. Work out how long you have to answer each question and then stick to your schedule. Don’t waste time labouring over a question that is proving particularly difficult. Move on, and then come back to any questions you have skipped over at the end if have time to spare.

What are the main topics of analytical reasoning tests?

Analytical reasoning tests can be broken down into four key areas: inductive and deductive reasoning and verbal and non-verbal reasoning.

The purpose of the test questions is to enable employers to understand how candidates assess and interpret information.

What are the best books to prepare for analytical reasoning tests?

Many different textbooks allow you to prepare for an analytical reasoning test .

You may need to focus your study on books that specialize in the type of test you are taking.

Some books will focus on the theory behind analytical reasoning tests; others will come complete with practice test questions.

When choosing a book to purchase as a study aid, try to read some reviews to decipher if it’s the right book for you.

Top choices based upon reader feedback from Amazon include:

The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning (written by Nathaniel Bluedorn & Hans Bluedorn)

Powerscore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible by David M Killoran

Which organizations and institutions use analytical reasoning tests?

Analytical reasoning tests are highly regarded by civil service, private sector employers and educational institutions because they are recognized as beneficial and insightful assessments.

These tests are commonly used for jobs including computer software professionals, financial analysts and human resources.

That is because these jobs rely on critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills.

How many questions are asked on analytical reasoning tests?

This will depend on the type of analytical reasoning test that you are being asked to take. Typically, most tests will be timed, and you can expect to have at least one minute to answer each question.

If you are taking the LSAT exam, you can expect to be asked 22-24 multiple-choice questions.

What is a good resource to use for testing and improving my logical problem-solving skills for analytical reasoning tests?

There are a few ways to prepare for an analytical reasoning test . You can buy study books from all good bookstores, but you can also make the most of practice tests online.

The advantage of free online test sites is that you can put yourself into a hypothetical testing scenario and see how you are likely to react under test conditions.

It can also help you learn how to time your test to feel confident that you have enough time to answer all of the questions.

What are the best sites to get prepared for analytical reasoning tests?

Several websites offer comprehensive resources that allow you to practice analytical reasoning tests .

One of the most well-known is JobTestPrep , a site that offers exceptional study guides, answer explanations, and practice drills to help you prepare for your analytical reasoning assessment.

As a paid-for resource, this allows you to sign up for one week, one month, or three-month subscriptions, offering value for money.

Other notable sites that offer excellent free study aids and free practice tests online include and

What is the difference between logical, analytical, non-verbal and verbal reasoning?

Logical reasoning is a series of questions that ask the participant to answer through a logical process. To conclude, you need to take a step-by-step approach to the information provided.

In contrast, analytical reasoning is about thinking critically about information presented to you and paying close attention to detail to form a conclusion.

For example, you may be asked to spot a pattern or identify the answer based on the available information.

Non-verbal reasoning is about understanding how to analyze and interpret information based upon visual aids.

For example, this could be through shapes, diagrams or patterns. Non-verbal reasoning is important for employers to understand that you can solve problems without being limited by language barriers.

Verbal reasoning is about problem-solving using words, language, and grammar. Questions are often based on spotting word problems using a true/false premise, solving patterns, and identifying how the context of a sentence can change based upon the grammar used.

What are some examples of analytical questions?

Here is an example of a typical verbal reasoning question :

Statement: 'Many employers benefit from seasonal workforces. They like to hire students and graduates in the summer months, allowing permanent employees to take a vacation. Seasonal work is beneficial to employers because they can take advantage of qualified workforces who are close to finishing their education and have yet to secure permanent employment. Some employers provide additional training and development for their seasonal staff to encourage them to join as full-time employees after graduation. A financial incentive for employers is paying seasonal staff lower wages because they are on fixed-term contracts that may not be eligible for employee benefits.'

Q: Staff who take vacation leave can have their work covered by students.

A: True / False / Cannot say

Can I fail an analytical reasoning test?

This will depend on the type of test that you are taking. Often, there are no specific pass/fail gradings, but you will be given two distinct scores. One score will be your exact test results which will detail how many questions you got right or wrong. The other score is your percentile score. This is a comparison of your results against other test-takers.

Employers need to review your percentile score because it allows them to put your score into context. Let’s imagine that you scored 70% on your test. You may be happy with this raw score, as it indicates a high level of success. But if the rest of the test takers were scoring 90% on the test, your results suddenly don’t look as good.

In contrast, perhaps you’ve scored 80% on a test, and the rest of the test takers have scored an average of 65% – in this scenario, you would be viewed in high regard by the employer as they’ve seen your results in context.

Why do employers use Analytical Reasoning Tests?

Employers use Analytical Reasoning Tests for several reasons:

  • Assessing problem-solving skills
  • Predicting job performance
  • Objective evaluation
  • Efficient screening process
  • Identifying potential leaders
  • Enhancing diversity and inclusion

Overall, employers use Analytical Reasoning Tests to assess candidates' problem-solving skills, predict job performance, streamline the screening process, identify potential leaders and foster diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices.

How do analytical reasoning tests work?

Analytical reasoning tests, also known as logical reasoning tests or deductive reasoning tests, assess an individual's ability to analyze information, recognize patterns, draw logical conclusions and solve complex problems.

These tests are often used to evaluate a person's critical thinking skills and their capacity to make sound decisions based on logical reasoning.

You might also be interested in these other Wikijob articles:

Analytical Thinking Skills (2024 Guide)

Or explore the Aptitude Tests / Test Types sections.

Free Analytical Reasoning Test Example Questions and Answers [2024]

problem solving written test

Are you required to take an Analytical Reasoning test as part of your hiring process? JobTestPrep offers sophisticated practice materials that can increase your chances of excelling in any Analytical Reasoning pre-employment assessment.

The Analytical Reasoning Test (Also known as the analytical skills test) practice preparation includes the following:

  • Numerical Reasoning - This section includes 32 practice tests on topics such as Algebra, Math Word problems, Number Series, Numerical Reasoning, Table, and Graphs that will increase your math knowledge and solution speed.
  • Verbal Reasoning - This part includes 9 true\false\cannot say, 4 logical reasoning, and 2 Syllogism & Seating Arrangements practice tests that will help you sharpen your ability to understand and interpret data.
  • Figural Reasoning - This section has 11 next in series, 5 Odd One Out, 3 Analogies, 9 Matrices, and 2 other styles of practice tests that will strengthen your figural reasoning and make you better at seeing patterns and reaching conclusions.

Here you will find free online Analytical Reasoning example questions and answers that cover Numerical, Verbal, and Figural reasoning test topics.

Let’s dive in.

Each practice test contains detailed answers and explanations

  • 32 Numerical Reasoning Practice Tests.
  • 15 Verbal Reasoning Practice Tests.
  • 30 Figural Reasoning Practice Tests.

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What is an Analytical Reasoning Test?

Analytical Reasoning Tests are time-constrained aptitude tests designed to assess the ability of a job candidate to think critically when faced with complicated work tasks. Additionally, employers want to know you can handle stress when required to work quickly in a deadline-driven environment.

That is why analytical thinking tests almost always include a time limit, requiring you to be quick on your feet and make decisions quickly.

If you are applying for a job that requires an aptitude test, it may be in the form of

  • Verbal Reasoning.
  • Numerical Reasoning .
  • Figural Reasoning.

That is why it is important to become familiar with and practice a variety of question types.

Almost every important industry employer seeks workers with good analytical reasoning skills, measured by analytical reasoning tests. They help employers find candidates who have the necessary cognitive abilities for learning quickly, adapting, and solving problems.

Professionals who take the Analytical Reasoning Tests include

  • Business analysts.
  • Data Analysts.
  • Intelligence Analysts.
  • Law School Admissions (In the form of the LSAT test).

Analytical Reasoning Tests Further Breakdown

Additionally to encountering analytical reasoning tests in your hiring process, the type of analytical reasoning test you'll take depends on the position you're applying for:

  • Numerical Reasoning  - Financial professionals often take numerical reasoning tests , including accountants, business analysts, and data scientists. It is estimated that three-quarters of Fortune 500 companies use psychometric testing that includes numerical reasoning tests in their recruitment processes.
  • Verbal Reasoning Questions - In most cases, employers or recruiters use verbal tests when hiring for roles that require strong interpersonal skills which is applicable to most jobs and managerial positions.
  • Figural Reasoning Questions are often administered in industries such as finance, engineering, and HR.

Analytical Reasoning Score

Upon completion of the test, the score will be analyzed and contrasted to these of other candidates or compared to a norm group statistic(which shows the hiring manager how well you measure up against previous candidates).

Free Analytical Reasoning Test Question and Answers

Analytical reasoning - word problem example question.

Due to an increase in taxes on electronic devices, the price of a 46” LED flat TV screen has increased to $845, which is 30% increase over the original price. What was the original price of the TV prior to the increase?

Choose the correct answer:

The correct answer is $650.

In this question, 100% is the original price. A good way to tackle this type of question is by writing down the information you have in a table:

Want More Practice?

Get the full analytical reasoning PrepPack™ including: timed tests, helpful tips and detailed answer explanations! start practicing to ensure your success on test day!

Numerical Reasoning - Number Series Example Question

7 | 14 | 28 | 32 | 64 | 128 | ? | ?

What would be the next number in the following series?

The correct answer is 3.


The series increases repeatedly by: x2, x2, +4.

A Numerical Reasoning test assesses the ability of candidates to interpret numerical data. Analyzing and drawing conclusions from data will be required for these types of questions.

Figural Reasoning - Next in Series Example Question

problem solving written test

Choose the image that completes the pattern:


The correct answer is E.

The logic: there are two rules in this set:

There is a shape in the top left corner of the frame and in the bottom left-hand corner alternately.

There is a shape in the top right corner of the frame and in the bottom right corner alternately.

This rule creates a wave-like pattern of shapes if you look at the sequence of frames. This rule already disqualifies answers 1 and 2.

The second rule concerns the shapes in the upper part of the frames only (the shapes in the bottom are only distracters and do not follow a distinct rule).

You can see that every two frames, the number of sides (of the shape) decreases by one (a pentagon, a square and a triangle).

When the shape is in the right side of the frame, it will be duplicated in the left side of the next frame, and be replaced in the following frame.

Therefore, the correct answer is 5, as the triangle is duplicated in the right place. Answer 4 may be distracting as a triangle is present, but not in the right place.

Verbal Reasoning True/False/Cannot Say Example Question

Based on the provided information, determine if the statement below is true, false, or if there is insufficient information to decide:

Nicotinia attenuata, a type of wild tobacco, is usually pollinated by hawkmoths. To lure them in, the plant opens its flowers at night and releases alluring chemicals. But pollinating hawkmoths often lay their eggs on the plants they visit and the voracious caterpillars start eating the plants. Fortunately, the plant has a back-up plan.

It stops producing its moth-attracting chemicals and starts opening its flowers during the day instead. This change of timing opens its nectar stores to a different pollinator that has no interest in eating it - the hummingbird.

A botanist first noticed the tobacco plant's partner-swapping antics by watching a population of flowers that was overrun by hawkmoth caterpillars. Nearly every plant was infested. To the botanist's surprise, around one in six flowers started opening between 6 and 10am, rather than their normal business hours of 6 and 10pm.

To see if the two trends were related, she deliberately infested plants from another population with young hawkmoth larvae. Eight days later, 35% of the flowers had started opening in the morning, compared to just 11% of plants not infested. The flowers use a cocktail of chemicals to lure in night-flying moths, but the main ingredient is benzyl acetone (BA).

A large plume gets released when the flower opens at night. It is so essential that genetically modified plants, which can't produce BA, never manage to attract any moths. Nonetheless, the flowers that opened in the morning never produced any BA.

Statement:  Caterpillars are born of the hawkmoth's eggs.

The correct answer is True.

It logically follows that the caterpillars mentioned are hatched from the hawkmoth's eggs.

How to Improve Your Analytical Reasoning Skills

  • Practice Makes Perfect - Analytical skills tests evaluate skills that you may not use on a daily basis. It is highly recommended that you practice for your analytical reasoning test so that you will become familiar with the format of the test and the type of questions on it.
  • Focus on an Analytical Skill Relevant to Your Needs – If you know the specific skill you are going to be asked about, get professional! You can use our logical reasoning PrepPack, or our numerical reasoning PrepPack , which will enable you to focus only on the relevant material for the exam.
  • Practice Various Skills – Employers often use unique questions to analyze and evaluate your analytical thinking ability. Fortunately, our comprehensive PrepPack includes verbal, numerical, number series, and math word problems, that will ensure full preparation for any analytical test.
  • Focusing on Your Weak Spots - A guaranteed method to improve your score, even if your test is tomorrow. Aim to take a few practice tests in advance of your real test to identify your strong and weak points. Knowing this will allow you to strengthen your weaknesses just enough to secure the score you need to get the job.
  • Try Different Strategies for Approaching Analytical Reasoning Tests - For example, some test takers prefer to answer the easier questions first, leaving them with more time to approach the more difficult questions. You may also find it helpful to skip the most difficult questions and only come back to them if you have time.
  • Master Shortcut Techniques  - Shortcut techniques like mathematical tricks could help reduce the time required for a solution by half. That leaves you more time for difficult questions and gives you a huge advantage over the other candidates.
  • Build your mathematical skills – Analytical tests are widely based on mathematical skills, so if you haven’t seen an algebra question since high school - it’s time for a refresher.

Why Do Employers Use Analytical Reasoning Tests in Their Recruitment Process?

Analytical reasoning tests are often administered by employers or recruiters before the interview stage, allowing them to select candidates objectively upon merit. As a result, the test serves as a filter, enabling employers to meet the most qualified candidates and not waste valuable time.

What are analytical LSAT Reasoning Questions?

LSAT Reasoning (AR) Questions test your ability to analyze a collection of facts and principles and determine if they are true. Each AR question is based on a single passage.

Is Analytical Reasoning a Soft Skill or A Hard Skill?

The majority of analytical skills are soft, but there are also hard skills that can help you become better at analyzing. These include data analysis, data gathering, inventiveness, and the ability to communicate.

Links that May Be Helpful

  • Free Analytical Reasoning PDF - Numerical Questions.
  • Free Analytical Reasoning PDF - Verbal Questions.
  • Figural Reasoning Practice Guide .
  • Numerical Reasoning Practice Guide.

JobTestPrep is a leading test prep company that offers accurate practice simulations for hundreds of pre-employment tests. Since 1992, it has helped 1M+ candidates. If you have any additional questions about the Analytical Reasoning Test, feel free to send us an email , we usually reply within 24 hours.

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  • Place value
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Launching soon! The AI-powered interview tool – See it in action

Launching soon ai-powered interview tool – view demo, problem solving test, overview of problem solving test.

This problem solving test assesses a candidate's ability to analyze situations, identify issues, generate solutions, and make decisions. It measures skills such as critical thinking, analytical or logical thinking, and decision making.

Skills measured

Critical thinking, analytical or logical thinking, decision making, contrasting, evaluating and selecting, stakeholder management, problem solving, available in.

Cognitive Ability


Use of Problem Solving test

This problem solving test evaluates a candidate’s ability to tackle complex situations relevant to the job role. It involves various question types, such as logical reasoning, numerical analysis, verbal reasoning, and situational judgment, to comprehensively assess critical thinking and decision making abilities.

This test measures essential skills like analytical thinking, creativity, numerical proficiency, and effective decision making. Simulating real world scenarios helps identify candidates who can effectively address and resolve job specific challenges, ensuring they are well equipped to contribute to organizational success.

Importance of the Problem Solving Test in Hiring

This problem solving test is crucial in hiring as it helps employers identify candidates with the critical thinking and analytical skills necessary to handle job specific challenges. It also ensures that new hires can contribute effectively to the organization's problem resolution and decision making processes.

Applications of the Problem Solving Test

  • Pre Employment Screening: Identify the best candidates early in the recruitment process, ensuring that only those with strong analytical and decision making skills move forward.
  • Internal Promotions: Assess current employees for potential roles requiring problem solving abilities, ensuring they have the necessary competencies to succeed.
  • Training and Development: Evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and identify areas for improvement, helping develop a workforce skilled in problem solving.
  • Educational Settings: Measure the competency of students or trainees in problem solving disciplines, providing valuable feedback for their professional development.

Benefits of Using the Problem Solving Test

  • Find the most capable candidates by focusing on essential analytical and decision making skills.
  • The standardized test provides an objective assessment, ensuring a fair evaluation process.
  • Increase the likelihood of hiring candidates who can effectively handle job specific challenges and contribute to organizational success.
  • You can save time and resources by narrowing down large candidate pools to those most suited for the role.
  • Discover areas for improvement in existing employees, aid their professional growth, and enhance overall performance.

Relevant for

  • Budget Analyst
  • Call Center Supervisor
  • Computer & Information Analyst
  • Customer Experience Specialist
  • Customer Onboarding Specialist
  • Customer Operations Lead
  • Customer Relations Specialist
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Customer Support Representative
  • Data Analyst
  • Graphic Designer
  • Graphics Developer

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Critical thinking is the ability to analyze and evaluate information, arguments, and situations in a logical and systematic way. In problem solving, critical thinking helps individuals identify and define problems, gather and evaluate relevant information, generate possible solutions, and make sound decisions. This skill is important because it enables individuals to think independently, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems effectively. By honing their critical thinking skills, individuals can become better problem solvers and decision-makers, leading to greater success in both their personal and professional lives.

Analytical or logical thinking skills are essential in problem solving as they enable individuals to break down complex issues into smaller, more manageable components. By analyzing information, identifying patterns, and drawing logical conclusions, individuals are able to develop effective solutions to problems. This skill also allows individuals to think critically, evaluate different perspectives, and make informed decisions based on evidence and reasoning. Overall, analytical and logical thinking skills are crucial in problem solving as they help individuals to approach challenges systematically, identify root causes, and devise innovative solutions.

Making appropriate situational decisions with the given resources is a vital problem-solving skill. A candidate should make suitable choices after identification and careful consideration of the problem, thinking about the possible solutions and repercussions of the issue.

Contrasting, evaluating, and selecting are important skills in problem solving as they help individuals analyze different solutions and determine the most effective one. Contrasting involves comparing and contrasting different options to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Evaluating requires critically assessing the potential outcomes and consequences of each option. Selecting involves choosing the best solution based on the evaluation process. These skills are crucial in problem solving as they help individuals make informed decisions that are likely to lead to successful outcomes. By mastering these skills, individuals can approach problems with a systematic and logical approach, resulting in more efficient and effective solutions.

Managing stakeholders requires knowledge about the interests of different parties involved and careful coordination to minimize damages to the overall business. Satisfied stakeholders are critical to the long-term sustainability of any project, and extensive problem-solving skills are required to handle them.

Problem solving is the ability to identify and analyze problems, develop effective solutions, and implement them efficiently. This skill is crucial in both personal and professional settings as it enables individuals to overcome challenges, make informed decisions, and achieve goals. By honing their problem-solving skills, individuals can enhance their critical thinking, creativity, and decision-making abilities, leading to increased productivity and success. Effective problem solvers are valued in the workplace for their ability to adapt to changing circumstances, think critically, and find innovative solutions to complex problems.

The Problem Solving test is created by a subject-matter expert

Testlify’s skill tests are designed by experienced SMEs (subject matter experts). We evaluate these experts based on specific metrics such as expertise, capability, and their market reputation. Prior to being published, each skill test is peer-reviewed by other experts and then calibrated based on insights derived from a significant number of test-takers who are well-versed in that skill area. Our inherent feedback systems and built-in algorithms enable our SMEs to refine our tests continually.

subject matter expert

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sample report

Top five hard skills interview questions for Problem Solving

Here are the top five hard-skill interview questions tailored specifically for Problem Solving. These questions are designed to assess candidates’ expertise and suitability for the role, along with skill assessments.

1. Can you walk me through your process for solving complex problems?

Why this matters.

Problem-solving is a critical skill in any business or technical role, and a skilled problem solver should have a well-defined process for approaching complex problems.

What to listen for?

Listen for the candidate to describe a structured approach to problem-solving, including how they define the problem, gather information, analyze data, generate potential solutions, evaluate those solutions, and implement the best one. Look for examples of how the candidate has used this process to solve complex problems in the past.

2. How do you handle situations where you don't have all the information you need to solve a problem?

Problem-solving often involves incomplete or ambiguous information, and a skilled problem solver should be able to handle those situations effectively.

Listen for the candidate to describe their approach to handling incomplete or ambiguous information, including how they identify gaps in their knowledge, how they gather additional information, and how they make assumptions and test those assumptions. Look for examples of how the candidate has successfully solved problems with incomplete information.

3. Can you describe a particularly challenging problem you solved and how you approached it?

This question allows the candidate to showcase their problem-solving abilities and provides insight into their problem-solving process.

Listen for the candidate to describe a particularly challenging problem they solved, and how they approached it. Look for examples of how the candidate defined the problem, identified potential solutions, evaluated those solutions, and implemented the best one. Also, listen for how the candidate communicated their solution to stakeholders and how they measured the success of their solution.

4. How do you prioritize and manage multiple competing problems or projects?

Effective problem solvers should be able to prioritize and manage multiple competing priorities to maximize productivity and efficiency.

Listen for the candidate to describe their process for prioritizing and managing multiple competing problems or projects. Look for examples of how they've managed complex projects and how they've dealt with competing demands for their time and attention. Also, listen for how the candidate balances short-term and long-term priorities.

5. Can you give an example of a problem you encountered that required you to think outside the box to find a solution?

Innovative thinking and creativity can be valuable assets in problem-solving, and this question helps assess those skills.

Listen for the candidate to describe a problem that required them to think outside the box to find a solution. Look for examples of how they generated unique and creative solutions, and how they tested and refined those solutions. Also, listen for how the candidate communicated their solution to stakeholders and how they evaluated the success of their solution.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for Problem Solving Test

1. what is problem solving test.

A problem solving test is a process used to evaluate an individual's ability to identify and solve problems in a systematic and logical manner. It may be conducted as part of a job application process, in order to determine whether a candidate has the necessary skills and experience to perform a particular role.

2. How to use the Problem Solving test for hiring?

Implementing problem solving tests in the hiring process helps identify candidates with the ability to address issues swiftly, creatively, and effectively. These tests include various questions designed to measure critical thinking, reasoning skills, reading comprehension, and a potential employee’s overall ability to perform workplace duties. This method offers a thorough evaluation of each candidate's abilities and potential.

3. What roles can I use the Problem Solving test for?

Management, Project leadership, Team leadership, Project management, and Operations Logistics.

4. What topics are covered in the Problem Solving test?

Critical Thinking, Analytical or Logical Thinking, Decision Making, Contrasting, Evaluating and Selecting, Stakeholder Management, Problem Solving.

5. Why is Problem Solving test important?

Problem solving test questions are designed to measure critical thinking, reasoning skills, reading comprehension, and offer a more comprehensive view of each candidate and their abilities.

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How Penske uses AI to prevent costly truck breakdowns and improve repairs

  • Penske offers transportation services with a fleet of over 446,000 vehicles.
  • The company uses AI platforms that predict issues and recommend efficient vehicle repairs.
  • This article is part of " Build IT ," a series about digital-tech trends disrupting industries.

Insider Today

Penske Transportation Solutions is a heavyweight leader in transportation services, including truck leasing and rental, fleet maintenance, and logistics and supply-chain solutions.

The company, which is headquartered in Reading, Pennsylvania, has a fleet of more than 446,000 vehicles. The scale of its enterprise requires highly streamlined and automated workflows within its operations, including vehicle maintenance. To achieve this efficiency, Penske has turned to artificial intelligence.

Solving expensive problems

Vehicle-maintenance issues can be costly for Penske and affect customer experience, said Sarvant Singh, the vice president of data and emerging digital solutions at Penske.

If a truck breaks down miles from its destination, "we have to provide a substitute vehicle," he said, adding that "the truck has to be towed" and sometimes technicians and parts aren't immediately available.

In 2018, to troubleshoot vehicle mechanical issues, Penske launched a platform called Guided Repair built with Hitachi, a technology and innovation company. The system uses decades of data that Penske has collected about its fleet and implements "prescriptive AI," including deep-learning models , to make repair recommendations, Singh said.

For instance, if a driver notices a check-engine light is on and brings the vehicle to a Penske shop, technicians hook it up to a probe and download its data. Singh said Guided Repair quickly analyzes the data and generates a recommendation, such as that a certain sensor needs to be replaced.

He said the system, which is now used on most Penske vehicles, has decreased repair times and repeat repairs. It has also helped the company collect real-time data from trucks, including geolocation, performance metrics, and fault codes, which identify maintenance issues .

As a next step, Penske wanted to anticipate and respond to maintenance problems before they occurred. The company worked with Hitachi to develop Proactive Diagnostics, a predictive model using artificial intelligence and machine learning to flag vehicles with imminent mechanical problems so they can be fixed before they break down.

Putting AI to the test

Proactive Diagnostics, which launched in 2021, combines Hitachi's "robust data-science capabilities" with Penske's "rich datasets," Singh said, to predict when a truck is going to fail.

An external device is attached to the vehicles to collect data in real time, Singh said. The technology uses AI to analyze patterns in fault codes and other fleet data and flag problems before they happen, which ensures trucks are repaired quickly.

The device also alerts customers about potential vehicle problems and automatically sends a service request to a designated maintenance facility to help them schedule service, according to the company .

Singh said the system saves drivers time because they can avoid vehicle breakdowns and waiting for replacements, which can be hefty operating expenses for Penske. By quickly identifying problems and scheduling repairs, the technology also allows customers to stick to their schedules and meet delivery deadlines.

Proactive Diagnostics is being used on about 150,000 vehicles, and Penske plans to expand the technology across its fleet, Singh said.

The results of an AI-driven solution

Last year, Proactive Diagnostics helped prevent about 90,000 trucks from breaking down, Singh said, adding that it also reduced the time it takes to repair a vehicle by 15 minutes to an hour.

The maintenance insights generated by Guided Repair and Proactive Diagnostics help technicians work more efficiently, he said. Technicians can accept or reject the information based on the situation.

"It's not about replacing humans with machines," Singh said, adding that AI had been especially helpful for new technicians learning on the job.

Looking ahead

Penske continues to develop AI use cases, Singh said, including building AI tools that allow customers to analyze their own fleets.

In April, Penske Truck Leasing, a Penske company, debuted Catalyst AI, an AI platform that lets customers' fleet managers automatically compare their trucks with other similar fleets to see how they're performing based on fuel usage and other metrics. This is traditionally a manual and time-consuming process that relies on industry benchmarks.

"The transportation industry is getting revolutionized by AI," Singh said, adding that Penske would continue to use emerging technologies to provide better customer experiences and make its work more efficient.

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