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  • Published: 10 December 2020

Effect of internet use and electronic game-play on academic performance of Australian children

  • Md Irteja Islam 1 , 2 ,
  • Raaj Kishore Biswas 3 &
  • Rasheda Khanam 1  

Scientific Reports volume  10 , Article number:  21727 ( 2020 ) Cite this article

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  • Human behaviour
  • Risk factors

This study examined the association of internet use, and electronic game-play with academic performance respectively on weekdays and weekends in Australian children. It also assessed whether addiction tendency to internet and game-play is associated with academic performance. Overall, 1704 children of 11–17-year-olds from young minds matter (YMM), a cross-sectional nationwide survey, were analysed. The generalized linear regression models adjusted for survey weights were applied to investigate the association between internet use, and electronic-gaming with academic performance (measured by NAPLAN–National standard score). About 70% of the sample spent > 2 h/day using the internet and nearly 30% played electronic-games for > 2 h/day. Internet users during weekdays (> 4 h/day) were less likely to get higher scores in reading and numeracy, and internet use on weekends (> 2–4 h/day) was positively associated with academic performance. In contrast, 16% of electronic gamers were more likely to get better reading scores on weekdays compared to those who did not. Addiction tendency to internet and electronic-gaming is found to be adversely associated with academic achievement. Further, results indicated the need for parental monitoring and/or self-regulation to limit the timing and duration of internet use/electronic-gaming to overcome the detrimental effects of internet use and electronic game-play on academic achievement.

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Over the past two decades, with the proliferation of high-tech devices (e.g. Smartphone, tablets and computers), both the internet and electronic games have become increasingly popular with people of all ages, but particularly with children and adolescents 1 , 2 , 3 . Recent estimates have shown that one in three under-18-year-olds across the world uses the Internet, and 75% of adolescents play electronic games daily in developed countries 4 , 5 , 6 . Studies in the United States reported that adolescents are occupied with over 11 h a day with modern electronic media such as computer/Internet and electronic games, which is more than they spend in school or with friends 7 , 8 . In Australia, it is reported that about 98% of children aged 15–17 years are among Internet users and 98% of adolescents play electronic games, which is significantly higher than the USA and Europe 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 .

In recent times, the Internet and electronic games have been regarded as important, not just for better results at school, but also for self-expression, sociability, creativity and entertainment for children and adolescents 13 , 14 . For instance, 88% of 12–17 year-olds in the USA considered the Internet as a useful mechanism for making progress in school 15 , and similarly, electronic gaming in children and adolescents may assist in developing skills such as decision-making, smart-thinking and coordination 3 , 15 .

On the other hand, evidence points to the fact that the use of the Internet and electronic games is found to have detrimental effects such as reduced sleeping time, behavioural problems (e.g. low self-esteem, anxiety, depression), attention problems and poor academic performance in adolescents 1 , 5 , 12 , 16 . In addition, excessive Internet usage and increased electronic gaming are found to be addictive and may cause serious functional impairment in the daily life of children and adolescents 1 , 12 , 13 , 16 . For example, the AU Kids Online survey 17 reported that 50% of Australian children were more likely to experience behavioural problems associated with Internet use compared to children from 25 European countries (29%) surveyed in the EU Kids Online study 18 , which is alarming 12 . These mixed results require an urgent need of understanding the effect of the Internet use and electronic gaming on the development of children and adolescents, particularly on their academic performance.

Despite many international studies and a smaller number in Australia 12 , several systematic limitations remain in the existing literature, particularly regarding the association of academic performance with the use of Internet and electronic games in children and adolescents 13 , 16 , 19 . First, the majority of the earlier studies have either relied on school grades or children’s self assessments—which contain an innate subjectivity by the assessor; and have not considered the standardized tests of academic performance 16 , 20 , 21 , 22 . Second, most previous studies have tested the hypothesis in the school-based settings instead of canvassing the whole community, and cannot therefore adjust for sociodemographic confounders 9 , 16 . Third, most studies have been typically limited to smaller sample sizes, which might have reduced the reliability of the results 9 , 16 , 23 .

By considering these issues, this study aimed to investigate the association of internet usage and electronic gaming on a standardized test of academic performance—NAPLAN (The National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy) among Australian adolescents aged 11–17 years using nationally representative data from the Second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing—Young Minds Matter (YMM). It is hypothesized that the findings of this study will provide a population-wide, contextual view of excessive Internet use and electronic games played separately on weekdays and weekends by Australian adolescents, which may be beneficial for evidence-based policies.

Subject demographics

Respondents who attended gave NAPLAN in 2008 (N = 4) and 2009 (N = 29) were removed from the sample due to smaller sample size, as later years (2010–2015) had over 100 samples yearly. The NAPLAN scores from 2008 might not align with a survey conducted in 2013. Further missing cases were deleted with the assumption that data were missing at random for unbiased estimates, which is common for large-scale surveys 24 . From the initial survey of 2967 samples, 1704 adolescents were sampled for this study.

The sample characteristics were displayed in Table 1 . For example, distribution of daily average internet use was checked, showing that over 50% of the sampled adolescents spent 2–4 h on internet (Table 1 ). Although all respondents in the survey used internet, nearly 21% of them did not play any electronic games in a day and almost one in every three (33%) adolescents played electronic games beyond the recommended time of 2 h per day. Girls had more addictive tendency to internet/game-play in compare to boys.

The mean scores for the three NAPLAN tests scores (reading, writing and numeracy) ranged from 520 to 600. A gradual decline in average NAPLAN tests scores (reading, writing and numeracy) scores were observed for internet use over 4 h during weekdays, and over 3 h during weekends (Table 2 ). Table 2 also shows that adolescents who played no electronic games at all have better scores in writing compared to those who play electronic games. Moreover, Table 2 shows no particular pattern between time spent on gaming and NAPLAN reading and numeracy scores. Among the survey samples, 308 adolescents were below the national standard average.

Internet use and academic performance

Our results show that internet (non-academic use) use during weekdays, especially more than 4 h, is negatively associated with academic performance (Table 3 ). For internet use during weekdays, all three models showed a significant negative association between time spent on internet and NAPLAN reading and numeracy scores. For example, in Model 1, adolescents who spent over 4 h on internet during weekdays are 15% and 17% less likely to get higher reading and numeracy scores respectively compared to those who spend less than 2 h. Similar results were found in Model 2 and 3 (Table 3 ), when we adjusted other confounders. The variable addiction tendency to internet was found to be negatively associated with NAPLAN results. The adolescents who had internet addiction were 17% less and 14% less likely to score higher in reading and numeracy respectively than those without such problematic behaviour.

Internet use during weekends showed a positive association with academic performance (Table 4 ). For example, Model 1 in Table 4 shows that internet use during weekends was significant for reading, writing and national standard scores. Youths who spend around 2–4 h and over 4 h on the internet during weekends were 21% and 15% more likely to get a higher reading scores respectively compared to those who spend less than 2 h (Model 1, Table 4 ). Similarly, in model 3, where the internet addiction of adolescents was adjusted, adolescents who spent 2–4 h on internet were 1.59 times more likely to score above the national standard. All three models of Table 4 confirmed that adolescents who spent 2–4 h on the internet during weekends are more likely to achieve better reading and writing scores and be at or above national standard compared to those who used the internet for less than 2 h. Numeracy scores were unlikely to be affected by internet use. The results obtained from Model 3 should be treated as robust, as this is the most comprehensive model that accounts for unobserved characteristics. The addiction tendency to internet/game-play variable showed a negative association with academic performance, but this is only significant for numeracy scores.

Electronic gaming and academic performance

Time spent on electronic gaming during weekdays had no effect on the academic performance of writing and language but had significant association with reading scores (Model 2, Table 5 ). Model 2 of Table 5 shows that adolescents who spent 1–2 h on gaming during weekdays were 13% more likely to get higher reading scores compared to those who did not play at all. It was an interesting result that while electronic gaming during weekdays tended to show a positive effect on reading scores, internet use during weekdays showed a negative effect. Addiction tendency to internet/game-play had a negative effect; the adolescents who were addicted to the internet were 14% less likely to score more highly in reading than those without any such behaviour.

All three models from Table 6 confirm that time spent on electronic gaming over 2 h during weekends had a positive effect on readings scores. For example, the results of Model 3 (Table 6 ) showed that adolescents who spent more than 2 h on electronic gaming during weekdays were 16% more likely to have better reading scores compared to adolescents who did not play games at all. Playing electronic games during weekends was not found to be statistically significant for writing and numeracy scores and national standard scores, although the odds ratios were positive. The results from all tables confirm that addiction tendency to internet/gaming is negatively associated with academic performance, although the variable is not always statistically significant.

Building on past research on the effect of the internet use and electronic gaming in adolescents, this study examined whether Internet use and playing electronic games were associated with academic performance (i.e. reading, writing and numeracy) using a standardized test of academic performance (i.e. NAPLAN) in a nationally representative dataset in Australia. The findings of this study question the conventional belief 9 , 25 that academic performance is negatively associated with internet use and electronic games, particularly when the internet is used for non-academic purpose.

In the current hi-tech world, many developed countries (e.g. the USA, Canada and Australia) have recommended that 5–17 year-olds limit electronic media (e.g. internet, electronic games) to 2 h per day for entertainment purposes, with concerns about the possible negative consequences of excessive use of electronic media 14 , 26 . However, previous research has often reported that children and adolescents spent more than the recommended time 26 . The present study also found similar results, that is, that about 70% of the sampled adolescents aged 11–17 spent more than 2 h per day on the Internet and nearly 30% spent more than 2-h on electronic gaming in a day. This could be attributed to the increased availability of computers/smart-phones and the internet among under-18s 12 . For instance, 97% of Australian households with children aged less than 15 years accessed internet at home in 2016–2017 10 ; as a result, policymakers recommended that parents restrict access to screens (e.g. Internet and electronic games) in children’s bedrooms, monitor children using screens, share screen hours with their children, and to act as role models by reducing their own screen time 14 .

This research has drawn attention to the fact that the average time spent using the internet, which is often more than 4 h during weekdays tends to be negatively associated with academic performance, especially a lower reading and numeracy score, while internet use of more than 2 h during weekends is positively associated with academic performance, particularly having a better reading and writing score and above national standard score. By dividing internet use and gaming by weekdays and weekends, this study find an answer to the mixed evidence found in previous literature 9 . The results of this study clearly show that the non-academic use of internet during weekdays, particularly, spending more than 4 h on internet is harmful for academic performance, whereas, internet use on the weekends is likely to incur a positive effect on academic performance. This result is consistent with a USA study that reported that internet use is positively associated with improved reading skills and higher scores on standardized tests 13 , 27 . It is also reported in the literature that academic performance is better among moderate users of the internet compared to non-users or high level users 13 , 27 , which was in line with the findings of this study. This may be due to the fact that the internet is predominantly a text-based format in which the internet users need to type and read to access most websites effectively 13 . The results of this study indicated that internet use is not harmful to academic performance if it is used moderately, especially, if ensuring very limited use on weekdays. The results of this study further confirmed that timing (weekdays or weekends) of internet use is a factor that needs to be considered.

Regarding electronic gaming, interestingly, the study found that the average time of gaming either in weekdays or weekends is positively associated with academic performance especially for reading scores. These results contradicted previous literatures 1 , 13 , 19 , 27 that have reported negative correlation between electronic games and educational performance in high-school children. The results of this study were consistent with studies conducted in the USA, Europe and other countries that claimed a positive correlation between gaming and academic performance, especially in numeracy and reading skills 28 , 29 . This is may be due to the fact that the instructions for playing most of the electronic games are text-heavy and many electronic games require gamers to solve puzzles 9 , 30 . The literature also found that playing electronic games develops cognitive skills (e.g. mental rotation abilities, dexterity), which can be attributable to better academic achievement 31 , 32 .

Consistent with previous research findings 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , the study also found that adolescents who had addiction tendency to internet usage and/or electronic gaming were less likely to achieve higher scores in reading and numeracy compared to those who had not problematic behaviour. Addiction tendency to Internet/gaming among adolescents was found to be negatively associated with overall academic performance compared to those who were not having addiction tendency, although the variables were not always statistically significant. This is mainly because adolescents’ skipped school and missed classes and tuitions, and provide less effort to do homework due to addictive internet usage and electronic gaming 19 , 35 . The results of this study indicated that parental monitoring and/ or self-regulation (by the users) regarding the timing and intensity of internet use/gaming are essential to outweigh any negative effect of internet use and gaming on academic performance.

Although the present study uses a large nationally representative sample and advances prior research on the academic performance among adolescents who reported using the internet and playing electronic games, the findings of this study also have some limitations that need to be addressed. Firstly, adolescents who reported on the internet use and electronic games relied on self-reported child data without any screening tests or any external validation and thus, results may be overestimated or underestimated. Second, the study primarily addresses the internet use and electronic games as distinct behaviours, as the YMM survey gathered information only on the amount of time spent on internet use and electronic gaming, and included only a few questions related to addiction due to resources and time constraints and did not provide enough information to medically diagnose internet/gaming addiction. Finally, the cross-sectional research design of the data outlawed evaluation of causality and temporality of the observed association of internet use and electronic gaming with the academic performance in adolescents.

This study found that the average time spent on the internet on weekends and electronic gaming (both in weekdays and weekends) is positively associated with academic performance (measured by NAPLAN) of Australian adolescents. However, it confirmed a negative association between addiction tendency (internet use or electronic gaming) and academic performance; nonetheless, most of the adolescents used the internet and played electronic games more than the recommended 2-h limit per day. The study also revealed that further research is required on the development and implementation of interventions aimed at improving parental monitoring and fostering users’ self-regulation to restrict the daily usage of the internet and/or electronic games.

Data description

Young minds matter (YMM) was an Australian nationwide cross-sectional survey, on children aged 4–17 years conducted in 2013–2014 37 . Out of the initial 76,606 households approached, a total of 6,310 parents/caregivers (eligible household response rate 55%) of 4–17 year-old children completed a structured questionnaire via face to face interview and 2967 children aged 11–17 years (eligible children response rate 89%) completed a computer-based self-reported questionnaire privately at home 37 .

Area based sampling was used for the survey. A total of 225 Statistical Area 1 (defined by Australian Bureau of Statistics) areas were selected based on the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. They were stratified by state/territory and by metropolitan versus non-metropolitan (rural/regional) to ensure proportional representation of geographic areas across Australia 38 . However, a small number of samples were excluded, based on most remote areas, homeless children, institutional care and children living in households where interviews could not be conducted in English. The details of the survey and methodology used in the survey can be found in Lawrence et al. 37 .

Following informed consent (both written and verbal) from the primary carers (parents/caregivers), information on the National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) of the children and adolescents were also added to the YMM dataset. The YMM survey is ethically approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Western Australia and by the Australian Government Department of Health. In addition, the authors of this study obtained a written approval from Australian Data Archive (ADA) Dataverse to access the YMM dataset. All the researches were done in accordance with relevant ADA Dataverse guidelines and policy/regulations in using YMM datasets.

Outcome variables

The NAPLAN, conducted annually since 2008, is a nationwide standardized test of academic performance for all Australian students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 to assess their skills in reading, writing numeracy, grammar and spelling 39 , 40 . NAPLAN scores from 2010 to 2015, reported by YMM, were used as outcome variables in the models; while NAPLAN data of 2008 (N = 4) and 2009 (N = 29) were excluded for this study in order to reduce the time lag between YMM survey and the NAPLAN test. The NAPLAN gives point-in-time standardized scores, which provide the scope to compare children’s academic performance over time 40 , 41 . The NAPLAN tests are one component of the evaluation and grading phase of each school, and do not substitute for the comprehensive, consistent evaluations provided by teachers on the performance of each student 39 , 41 . All four domains—reading, writing, numeracy and language conventions (grammar and spelling) are in continuous scales in the dataset. The scores are given based on a series of tests; details can be found in 42 . The current study uses only reading, writing and numeracy scores to measure academic performance.

In this study, the National standard score is a combination of three variables: whether the student meets the national standard in reading, writing and numeracy. Based on national average score, a binary outcome variable is also generated. One category is ‘below standard’ if a child scores at least one standard deviation (one below scores) from the national standard in reading, writing and numeracy, and the rest is ‘at/above standard’.

Independent variables

Internet use and electronic gaming.

In the YMM survey, owing to the scope of the survey itself, an extensive set of questions about internet usage and electronic gaming could not be included. Internet usage omitted the time spent in academic purposes and/or related activities. Playing electronic games included playing games on a gaming console (e.g. PlayStation, Xbox, or similar console ) online or using a computer, or mobile phone, or a handled device 12 . The primary independent covariates were average internet use per day and average electronic game-play in hours per day. A combination of hours on weekdays and weekends was separately used in the models. These variables were based on a self-assessed questionnaire where the youths were asked questions regarding daily time spent on the Internet and electronic game-play, specifically on either weekends or weekdays. Since, internet use/game-play for a maximum of 2 h/day is recommended for children and adolescents aged between 5 and 17 years in many developed countries including Australia 14 , 26 ; therefore, to be consistent with the recommended time we preferred to categorize both the time variables of internet use and gaming into three groups with an interval of 2 h each. Internet use was categorized into three groups: (a) ≤ 2 h), (b) 2–4 h, and (c) > 4 h. Similar questions were asked for game-play h. The sample distribution for electronic game-play was skewed; therefore, this variable was categorized into three groups: (a) no game-play (0 h), (b) 1–2 h, and (c) > 2 h.

Other covariates

Family structure and several sociodemographic variables were used in the models to adjust for the differences in individual characteristics, parental inputs and tastes, household characteristics and place of residence. Individual characteristics included age (continuous) and sex of the child (boys, girls) and addiction tendency to internet use and/or game-play of the adolescent. Addiction tendency to internet/game-play was a binary independent variable. It was a combination of five behavioural questions relating to: whether the respondent avoided eating/sleeping due to internet use or game-play; feels bothered when s/he cannot access internet or play electronic games; keeps using internet or playing electronic games even when s/he is not really interested; spends less time with family/friends or on school works due to internet use or game-play; and unsuccessfully tries to spend less time on the internet or playing electronic games. There were four options for each question: never/almost never; not very often; fairly often; and very often. A binary covariate was simulated, where if any four out of five behaviours were reported as for example, fairly often or very often, then it was considered that the respondent had addictive tendency.

Household characteristics included household income (low, medium, high), family type (original, step, blended, sole parent/primary carer, other) 43 and remoteness (major cities, inner regional, outer regional, remote/very remote). Parental inputs and taste included education of primary carer (bachelor, diploma, year 10/11), primary carer’s likelihood of serious mental illness (K6 score -likely; not likely); primary carer’s smoking status (no, yes); and risk of alcoholic related harm by the primary carer (risky, none).

Statistical analysis

Descriptive statistics of the sample and distributions of the outcome variables were initially assessed. Based on these distributions, the categorization of outcome variables was conducted, as mentioned above. For formal analysis, generalized linear regression models (GLMs) 44 were used, adjusting for the survey weights, which allowed for generalization of the findings. As NAPLAN scores of three areas—reading, writing and numeracy—were continuous variables, linear models were fitted to daily average internet time and electronic game play time. The scores were standardized (mean = 0, SD = 1) for model fitness. The binary logistic model was fitted for the dichotomized national standard outcome variable. Separate models were estimated for internet and electronic gaming on weekends and weekdays.

We estimated three different models, where models varied based on covariates used to adjust the GLMs. Model 1 was adjusted for common sociodemographic factors including age and sex of the child, household income, education of primary carer’s and family type 43 . However, the results of this model did not account for some unobserved household characteristics (e.g. taste, preferences) that are unobserved to the researcher and are arguably correlated with potential outcomes. The effects of unobserved characteristics were reduced by using a comprehensive set of observable characteristics 45 , 46 that were available in YMM data. The issue of unobserved characteristics was addressed by estimating two additional models that include variables by including household characteristics such as parental taste, preference and inputs, and child characteristics in the model. In addition to the variables in Model 1, Model 2 included remoteness, primary carer’s mental health status, smoking status and risk of alcoholic related harm by the primary carer. Model 3 further included internet/game addiction of the adolescent in addition to all the covariates in Model 2. Model 3 was expected to account for a child’s level of unobserved characteristics as the children who were addicted to internet/games were different from others. The model will further show how academic performance is affected by internet/game addiction. The correlation among the variables ‘internet/game addiction’ and ‘internet use’ and ‘gaming’ (during weekdays and weekends) were also assessed, and they were less than 0.5. Multicollinearity was assessed using the variance inflation factor (VIF), which was under 5 for all models, suggesting no multicollinearity 47 .

p value below the threshold of 0.05 was considered the threshold of significance. All analysis was conducted in R (version 3.6.1). R-package survey (version 3.37) was used for modelling which is suited for complex survey samples 48 .

Data availability

The authors declare that they do not have permission to share dataset. However, the datasets of Young Minds Matter (YMM) survey data is available at the Australian Data Archive (ADA) Dataverse on request ( ).

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The authors would like to thank the University of Western Australia, Roy Morgan Research, the Australian Government Department of Health for conducting the survey, and the Australian Data Archive for giving access to the YMM survey dataset. The authors also would like to thank Dr Barbara Harmes for proofreading the manuscript.

This research did not receive any specific Grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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Centre for Health Research and School of Commerce, University of Southern Queensland, Workstation 15, Room T450, Block T, Toowoomba, QLD, 4350, Australia

Md Irteja Islam & Rasheda Khanam

Maternal and Child Health Division, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b), Mohakhali, Dhaka, 1212, Bangladesh

Md Irteja Islam

Transport and Road Safety (TARS) Research Centre, School of Aviation, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia

Raaj Kishore Biswas

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M.I.I.: Methodology, Validation, Visualization, Investigation, Writing—Original draft preparation, Writing—Reviewing and Editing. R.K.B.: Methodology, Software, Data curation, Formal Analysis, Writing—Original draft preparation. R.K.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, Writing- Reviewing and Editing.

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Islam, M.I., Biswas, R.K. & Khanam, R. Effect of internet use and electronic game-play on academic performance of Australian children. Sci Rep 10 , 21727 (2020).

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Received : 28 August 2020

Accepted : 02 December 2020

Published : 10 December 2020


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research paper computer games

Computer Games for Learning: An Evidence-Based Approach

Computer Games for Learning : An Evidence-Based Approach

Richard E. Mayer is Distinguished Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

A comprehensive and up-to-date investigation of what research shows about the educational value of computer games for learning.

Many strong claims are made for the educational value of computer games, but there is a need for systematic examination of the research evidence that might support such claims. This book fills that need by providing, a comprehensive and up-to-date investigation of what research shows about learning with computer games.

Computer Games for Learning describes three genres of game research: the value-added approach, which compares the learning outcomes of students who learn with a base version of a game to those of students who learn with the base version plus an additional feature; the cognitive consequences approach, which compares learning outcomes of students who play an off-the-shelf computer game for extended periods to those of students who do not; and the media comparative approach, which compares the learning outcomes of students who learn material by playing a game to those of students who learn the same material using conventional media.

After introductory chapters that describe the rationale and goals of learning game research as well as the relevance of cognitive science to learning with games, the book offers examples of research in all three genres conducted by the author and his colleagues at the University of California, Santa Barbara; meta-analyses of published research; and suggestions for future research in the field. The book is essential reading for researchers and students of educational games, instructional designers, learning-game developers, and anyone who wants to know what the research has to say about the educational effectiveness of computer games.

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Computer Games for Learning : An Evidence-Based Approach By: Richard E. Mayer ISBN (electronic): 9780262324502 Publisher: The MIT Press Published: 2014

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Table of Contents

  • [ Front Matter ] Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for [ Front Matter ] in another window
  • Preface Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Preface in another window
  • Acknowledgments Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Acknowledgments in another window
  • 1: Introduction: Taking an Evidence-Based Approach to Games for Learning Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for 1: Introduction: Taking an Evidence-Based Approach to Games for Learning in another window
  • 2: Method: Conducting Scientific Research on Games for Learning Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for 2: Method: Conducting Scientific Research on Games for Learning in another window
  • 3: Theory: Applying Cognitive Science to Games for Learning Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for 3: Theory: Applying Cognitive Science to Games for Learning in another window
  • 4: Examples of Three Genres of Game Research Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for 4: Examples of Three Genres of Game Research in another window
  • 5: Value-Added Approach: Which Features Improve a Game’s Effectiveness? Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for 5: Value-Added Approach: Which Features Improve a Game’s Effectiveness? in another window
  • 6: Cognitive Consequences Approach: What Is Learned from Playing a Game? By Deanne M. Adams , Deanne M. Adams Search for other works by this author on: This Site Google Scholar Richard E. Mayer Richard E. Mayer Search for other works by this author on: This Site Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for 6: Cognitive Consequences Approach: What Is Learned from Playing a Game? in another window
  • 7: Media Comparison Approach: Are Games More Effective Than Conventional Media? Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for 7: Media Comparison Approach: Are Games More Effective Than Conventional Media? in another window
  • 8: The Future of Research on Games for Learning Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for 8: The Future of Research on Games for Learning in another window
  • About the Author Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for About the Author in another window
  • Name Index Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Name Index in another window
  • Subject Index Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Subject Index in another window
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  • Published: 06 September 2023

Game-based learning in computer science education: a scoping literature review

  • Maja Videnovik   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Tone Vold   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Linda Kiønig   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Ana Madevska Bogdanova   ORCID: 3 &
  • Vladimir Trajkovik   ORCID: 3  

International Journal of STEM Education volume  10 , Article number:  54 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

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Using games in education has the potential to increase students’ motivation and engagement in the learning process, gathering long-lasting practical knowledge. Expanding interest in implementing a game-based approach in computer science education highlights the need for a comprehensive overview of the literature research. This scoping review aims to provide insight into current trends and identify research gaps and potential research topics concerning game-based learning in computer science. Using standard methodology for scoping review, we identified 113 articles from four digital libraries published between 2017 and 2021. Those articles were analyzed concerning the educational level, type of the game, computer science topic covered by the game, pedagogical strategies, and purpose for implementing this approach in different educational levels. The results show that the number of research articles has increased through the years, confirming the importance of implementing a game-based approach in computer science. Different kinds of games, using different technology, concerning different computer science topics are presented in the research. The obtained results indicate that there is no standardized game or standardized methodology that can be used for the creation of an educational game for computer science education. Analyzed articles mainly implement a game-based approach using learning by playing, and no significant focus is given to the effectiveness of learning by designing a game as a pedagogical strategy. Moreover, the approach is mainly implemented for developing computational thinking or programming skills, highlighting the need for its implementation in other topics beyond programming.


The world is changing very fast due to the emergence of technology in our everyday lives. This tremendous change can be noticed in different areas, including education. Students are influenced by the digital era, surrounded by technology and working with a massive amount of digital information on an everyday base. They are used to interactive environments and fast communication and prefer learning by doing (Unger & Meiran, 2020 ). Traditional learning environments, where students should sit and listen to the information provided by the teachers are unacceptable for them (Campbell, 2020 ). Students require active learning environments, using the possibilities of various technology applications to gain knowledge. They seek more interesting, fun, motivating and engaging learning experiences (Anastasiadis et al., 2018 ).

Creating engaging learning environments can develop students' critical thinking, problem-solving skills, creativity and cooperation, preparing students for living in a constantly changing world (Joshi et al., 2022 ; Lapek, 2018 ; Tang et al., 2020 ). Education needs to shift toward active learning approaches that will encourage students to engage on a deeper level than traditional lecture-based methods (Boyer et al., 2014 ). To achieve this, teachers must find an approach tied to digital tools that students use daily (Videnovik et al., 2020 ).

Implementation of a game-based learning approach for creating engaging learning environments

Game-based learning is considered one of the most innovative learning approaches for increasing students' interest in education by playing games (Priyaadharshini et al., 2020 ). It refers to using games as an educational tool or strategy to facilitate learning and engagement (Li et al., 2021 ). Game-based learning involves designing and incorporating educational content within a game format, where players actively participate and interact with the game mechanics to acquire knowledge or develop skills. Many approaches tackle the umbrella of application of game-based learning in different educational fields. Different playful experiences can enable children to construct knowledge by playing and exploring a real-world problem often driven by students’ interest in inquiry (Hirsh-Pasek, 2020 ). Gamification is a process that uses game elements, such as points, rewards, badges and competition during the learning process, establishing interactive and engaging learning environments (Turan et al., 2016 ). Gamification aims to enhance motivation, engagement, and participation using the inherent appeal of games. Designing interactive and entertaining games, primarily for education, is a step forward in implementing game-based learning. Serious games enable players to cultivate their knowledge and practice their skills by overcoming numerous interruptions during gaming (Yu, 2019 ). Effectively designed serious games facilitate learning by stimulating creativity, igniting interest, promoting discourse, and cultivating a competitive drive for exploration in diverse fields. Different mobile and location-based technologies provide opportunities to embed learning in authentic environments and thereby enhance engagement and learning outside traditional formal educational settings (Huizenga et al., 2009 ). Those games can simulate various aspects of reality, such as driving a vehicle, managing a city, or piloting an aircraft, allowing players to experiment and make decisions in a safe space without real-world consequences (Toh & Kirschner, 2020 ).

Games enable the integration of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational components to create an environment, where players feel more motivated to engage in the activities (Hartt et al., 2020 ). When digital game-based learning is implemented, including key game design elements (collaboration, choice, feedback), there is typically a positive impact on student engagement (Serrano, 2019 ; Wang et al., 2022 ). Students approach gameplay with interest and dedication and are persistent in progressing it. Therefore, teachers must find different ways to implement a game-based approach in the classroom, utilizing students' engagement, persistence and motivation during gameplay for classroom activities. During game-based learning, students have fun and enjoy themselves with increased imagination and natural curiosity, which can lead to high levels of participation and the student's involvement in the learning process. In this way, students can be more successfully engaged in meaningful learning than traditional teaching methods (Hamari et al., 2016 ; Huizenga et al., 2009 ; Karram, 2021 ).

Research on using a game-based learning approach in education

In the last decade, the game-based approach is receiving increasing attention in the research community due to its potential to increase students' motivation and engagement, promoting a student-centred learning environment. Many researchers show that digital game-based learning is becoming a powerful tool in education, making learning more enjoyable, easier and efficient (Boyle et al., 2016 ; Hafeez, 2022 ). Implementation of a game-based learning approach can provide students with an engaging, motivating and stimulating environment (Ghergulescu & Muntean, 2012 ; Hwang et al., 2014 ), supporting them to focus on the task and increasing overall learning experiences (Hamari et al., 2016 ). Moreover, game-based learning has the potential to improve students’ competencies and academic performance (Clark et al., 2016 ; López-Fernández et al., 2021a , 2021b ; Mezentseva et al., 2021 ; Noroozi et al., 2020 ; Sanchez Mena & Martí-Parreño, 2017 ; Vu & Feinstein, 2017 ). It presents the learners with rich, immersive environments and experiences that are not just about learning facts but enables the development of problem-solving, decision-making, and strategic planning (Lymbery, 2012 ; Sung & Hwang, 2013 ) skills. In addition, the student's academic achievement using a game-based approach is better than those learning through the traditional method (Arcagök, 2021 ; Partovi & Razavi, 2019 ; Roodt & Ryklief, 2022 ; Wang et al., 2022 ). Educational games promote active and self-directed learning, enabling students to learn from authentic situations and receive immediate feedback (Pellas & Mystakidis, 2020 ; Zhao et al., 2021 ). It can be highly personalized, allowing students to learn at their own pace and in a way best suited to their individual needs and learning styles, engaging them in the self-assessment process (Videnovik et al., 2022 ). In a gaming environment, students can explore different scenarios, make choices, and learn from the consequences of their actions without fear of making a mistake.

Despite the great potential of the game-based approach for learning, it must be noted that developing educational games can be very complex and costly, and faces significant challenges (Boyle et al., 2016 ). The process of designing an educational game needs a lot of planning and requires a lot of skills (Hussein et al., 2019 ). Teachers do not have necessary skills to develop a game that combines entertainment and educational elements to increase student's interest and motivation during learning (Qian & Clarck, 2016 ). On the other side, game developers have problem to align educational goals within the game. In addition, the games must be well-designed and with the right level of complexity so the learners should not be bored or frustrated during the play (Liu et al., 2020 ; Vlahu-Gjorgievska et al., 2018 ), taking into account both educational and entertainment elements. That is why educators cannot depend solely on professional game designers and must take on the responsibility of creating these immersive learning experiences themselves or by engaging their students in the design process.

Game-based learning approach in computer science education

The game-based approach provides a dynamic and effective way for students to learn and apply their knowledge in a variety of subjects, such as math (Vankúš, 2021 ), physics (Cardinot & Fairfield, 2019 ), languages (Lee, 2019 ), and history (Kusuma et al., 2021 ). This approach allows students to learn complex concepts and skills in a fun and interactive way while also fostering critical thinking and collaboration. It is particularly effective in computer science, where students can learn about algorithms, data structures, networks, software testing and programming languages by designing and testing their games and simulations (Kalderova et al., 2023 ). In addition, game-based learning can help to bridge the gap between theory and practice, allowing students to apply their knowledge in a real-world context (Barz et al., 2023 ).

The importance of computer science has been emphasized in the last decade through different campaigns and online platforms. Their main aim is to develop students' computational thinking skills and attract students to coding, mainly through a game-based approach (, They offer teachers access to materials and learning scenarios covering different unplugged activities and block-based programming. Students have an opportunity to play games and learn basic programming concepts through fun and interactive activities, developing collaboration and competitiveness at the same time. Game narratives, collecting points, and immediate feedback through these games increase students’ engagement. These platforms are a valid option for developing computational thinking at an early age and a good way for students to develop creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Barradas et al., 2020 ).

Various block-based programming languages, which are also accessible online (Scratch, Footnote 1 Snap, Footnote 2 Blockly Footnote 3 ), are used to develop students' computational thinking and block-based programming skills, especially in primary education. In addition, they support the development of interactive projects that students can use afterward (Tsur & Rusk, 2018 ). Moreover, students can develop animations, interactive stories, and games, which allow them to engage in the coding process, learn programming concepts and even learn about other computer science topics during game design.

Topics connected with programming are the most common in computer science, but learning how to program is often recognized as a frustrating activity (Yassine et al., 2018 ). Learning object-oriented programming languages is especially difficult for students, because programming concepts are complex, cognitively demanding, require algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills, and is a long-term process (Zapušek & Rugelj, 2013 ). Game-based learning stimulates active learning and enables students to learn about programming concepts in fun and engaging ways through visual interfaces and engaging environments (CodeCombat, Footnote 4 Alice, Footnote 5 Greenfoot Footnote 6 ). Those engaging and motivating environments enable simplifying complex programming concepts, such as inheritance, nested loops, and recursion (Karram, 2021 ).

Different pedagogical strategies can be used to implement game-based learning in computer science, empowering students' skills and increasing their active engagement in learning. For example, students can deepen their knowledge and skills on a given topic by playing the game (Hooshyar et al., 2021 ; Shabalina et al., 2017 ) or through the process of game design (Denner et al., 2012 ; Zhang et al., 2014 ). In both cases, the game-based approach can increase students' motivation and engagement in learning (Chandel et al., 2015 ; Park et al., 2020 ).

Existing reviews of game-based approach in computer science

Existing reviews of game-based approach in computer science provide valuable information about the latest trends in the implementation of game-based approach in the last few years. Table 1 presents latest trends in the implementation of game-based learning in computer science education.

Most of the review articles analyze publications that describe the implementation of game-based approach for learning programming (Abbasi et al., 2017 ; Diaz et al., 2021 ; Dos Santos et al., 2019 ; Laporte & Zaman, 2018 ; Shahid et al., 2019 ), from different aspects: game design, game elements, or their evaluation. However, there are some of them tackling other topics, such as cybersecurity (Karagiannis et al., 2020 ; Tioh et al., 2017 ) or cyberbullying (Calvo-Morata et al., 2020 ). Sharma et al. ( 2021 ) analyzes the impact of game-based learning on girls’ perception toward computer science. There are review articles that focus on just one aspect of computer science. For example, Chen et al. ( 2023 ) provides meta-analyses to investigate potential of unplugged activities on computational thinking skills.

In our review, we aim to perform the broader analysis of the research articles referring to the game-based approach in various computer science topics, different educational levels and different types of games. For that purpose, instead of systematic review, we have opted to perform the scoping review on significantly larger set of articles.

Valuable insight regarding the game-based approach in computer science has been provided in research concerning different educational levels, computer science topics, and used games. However, computer science is a field that is changing very fast, and the number of games that can be used for developing students' knowledge and skills is increasing all the time. As a result, continuous research in this field should be done.

This research aims to elaborate on current trends concerning the game-based approach in computer science. It focuses on the educational level, covered computer science topic, type of the game, purpose for its use, and pedagogical strategies for the implementation of this approach. Moreover, possible gaps and potential research topics concerning game-based learning in computer science in primary education are identified.

Current review

This research represents scoping review that identifies the educational context and the type of games used for implementing a game-based learning approach in computer science. The scoping review method was selected over systematic literature review, because we wanted to determine the scope of the literature in the field of game-based learning in computer science education, to examine how research is done on this topic and to identify and analyze research gaps in the literature (Munn et al., 2018 ).

Following Arksey and O’Malley ( 2005 ) five-step framework, which adopts a rigorous process of transparency, enabling replication of the search method and increasing the reliability of the results, the steps of the applied review process are: to (1) identify research questions (2) identify relevant studies, (3) study selection of papers, (4) charting the data, (5) summarizing and reporting the results.

Research questions

The focus of our research was to analyze what type of games were used in computer science, the subject's topics that were covered by the game and pedagogical strategies for implementing game-based learning, comparing all these in different educational levels. Starting from this, our research questions are:

RQ1: What kind of educational games are usually used during the implementation of the game-based approach in computer science?

Various games are used to cover topics from computer science, from block-based serious games (Vahldick et al., 2020 ) to educational escape rooms (López-Pernas et al., 2019 ). Using different games influences the learning process differently (Chang et al., 2020 ). The RQ1 seeks to identify and understand the types of educational games that are commonly utilized in the context of teaching computer science. Exploration of the variety of used games provides insights into the different approaches, mechanics, and formats used to enhance learning outcomes.

RQ2: Which pedagogical strategy is mostly used in the published research?

There are various strategies for implementing game-based learning in computer science education. The implementation strategies refer to whether students should learn by playing the game (Malliarakis et al., 2014 ) or by designing a game (Denner et al., 2012 ). The strategies can differ based on the gender of students (Harteveld et al., 2014 ), students' age (Bers, 2019 ), or the adopted approach by policymakers (Lindberg et al., 2019 ). RQ2 aims to identify the predominant pedagogical strategy employed in the published research on game-based approaches in computer science education. By examining the pedagogical strategies, researchers can gain insights into the most effective instructional methods that facilitate learning through game-based approaches. Furthermore, the findings can inform educators and researchers in designing and implementing effective instructional strategies that align with the goals of computer science education.

RQ3: Which computer science topics are covered by the game-based approach?

Game-based learning can be used to teach different computer science topics, from introduction topics (Fagerlund et al., 2021 ; Mathew et al., 2019 ), to core topics (Karram, 2021 ). RQ3 aims to provide value in exploring the specific computer science topics addressed through game-based approaches. In addition, it helps identify the range of topics that have been integrated into educational games. By understanding the computer science topics covered, researchers can assess the breadth and depth of the game-based approach and identify potential gaps or areas for further exploration in the curriculum.

RQ4: What are the potential research topics concerning the implementation of a game-based approach in computer science?

RQ4 is essential as it seeks to identify potential areas for future research in the implementation of game-based approaches in computer science education. It might include specific computer science topics (Calvo-Morata et al., 2020 ), strategies to implement game-based learning in computer science (Hooshyar et al., 2021 ), or ways to analyze the effects of game-based learning (Scherer et al., 2020 ). By exploring research topics that have not been extensively studied or require further investigation, researchers can identify new directions and opportunities for advancing the field. This can contribute to the ongoing development and improvement of game-based approaches in computer science education, fostering innovation and addressing emerging challenges.


To answer research questions, we analyzed the contents of articles published from 2017 to 2021. Due to the rapid development of technology and change in the learnt computer science topics as well as designed game with new technology and tools, we have decided to research the articles that refer just to the interval of 5 years. As technology progresses swiftly, studying 5 year interval of the published literature ensures that scoping review results analyze the most current tools, approaches, and methodologies being utilized in the field of computer science education.

The research was done according to the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) guidelines (Peters et al., 2020 ). The PRISMA-ScR methodology is a structured approach used to conduct comprehensive and transparent scoping reviews. It involves identifying a research question, performing a systematic search of relevant literature, applying inclusion and exclusion criteria to select studies, extracting data from the included studies, analyzing and synthesizing the data to identify key themes or patterns, and reporting the findings. It aims to map the existing literature on a particular topic, identify key concepts, and examine the extent, range, and nature of research available. It is particularly useful for exploring complex and diverse research questions.

There is a large number of articles regarding the topic, so performing this kind of research manually seemed like labor-intensive work. Therefore, we have identified the opportunity to use the Natural Language Processing (NLP) toolkit (Zdravevski et al., 2019 ) to automate the literature search, scanning, and eligibility assessment. We have used this toolkit for article identification and selection (i.e., scanning procedures and eligibility criteria assessment). The search considered articles indexed in four digital libraries: IEEE, PubMed, Springer and Elsevier. The NLP toolkit requires structured data input comprising keywords, properties, property groups, required relevance, included sources, and start and end years.

The provided keywords serve as search criteria within available libraries, acting as the primary filter to determine which articles will be gathered for further analysis. At the beginning of setting up the NLP toolkit for the research, to address different games that can be used in education, we have identified the main keywords to be "Serious Games", "Educational Games", "Games in education" or "Games for learning". The NLP toolkit used these keywords to identify the potentially relevant articles in the mentioned digital libraries.

Furthermore, the NLP toolkit was adjusted to search specific properties (words or phrases) within the title, abstract, or keywords of already identified articles to select relevant articles in more detail, according to the features (properties groups) of the game-based learning approach that we are interested in: subject, educational level, educational context, purpose and used technology. Properties groups address synonyms and various versions of the phrase (e.g., educational games and serious games). To be included in the results, at least one representative from each property group must appear in the title or abstract of the article, thereby functioning as a secondary filter for identifying relevant articles.

The property group "subject" was set as mandatory during the search, because we were interested in analyzing articles that refer to game-based learning just in computer science. Since the name of this subject is different in different countries, we have used synonyms, such as "programming", "coding", and "informatics". The property group "age" or educational level included different synonyms for primary and secondary education, as well as higher education, although we did not make this property mandatory. To search about the used technology (web, online, mobile, augmented reality, virtual reality), we have set one property group to include a different kind of used technology, and we also set a property group that refers to the aim of using these educational games (to achieve students' engagement, increase motivation, evaluation of educational results, etc.). A more detailed description of the properties groups is given in Table 2 .

The following input parameter for the NLP toolkit set-up is the minimum relevant properties. In this research, it was set that each article has to contain a minimum of two of the previously defined properties to be considered relevant. The quality analysis of the relevant articles followed in the next step of the methodology.

Study selection

The initial search in four digital libraries: IEEE, PubMed, Springer and Elsevier, has identified 43,885 articles concerning using game-based learning in computer science. After articles had been identified based on the specified keywords and retrieved from the publishers, the duplicates were identified according to the article DOI as their unique identifier and removed, which has decreased the number of articles to 21,002. In the next step, the articles selection (screening and eligibility assessment) procedures followed, discarding articles not published in the required period or for which the title or abstract could not be analyzed because of parsing errors, unavailability, or other reasons. The screening process eliminated 11,129 articles and the remaining 9873 articles underwent an automated eligibility assessment using the advanced NLP toolkit functionalities. The automated eligibility analysis involved the following processing: tokenization of sentences (Manning et al., 2014 ; Webster et al., 1992 ) and English stop words removal, stemming, and lemmatization using the Natural Language Toolkit library (Bird, 2006 ). Furthermore, articles containing less than two properties were removed, which left 1209 articles eligible for further manual analysis and inclusion in identifying the research trends and summarizing the results.

For each of the articles from the collection of relevant articles, the toolkit automatically generated a bibliographic file (as defined by BibTeX reference management software). This file was manually analyzed in more detail to identify the most relevant articles for the purpose of our study. First, the abstract was read to see whether the article was relevant, and if that did not provide enough information, the whole article was read. For each of the research questions we used the same approach, but with different focuses. For the first research question, we looked for any specific game name. For the second research question, we were looking for any mentioning of the pedagogical approaches or strategies. For the third research question, we looked for different computer science topics used in computer science curricula. In that way, the most relevant articles concerning first three research questions were identified. The last research question is related to future potential research topics in the field of game-based learning in computer science education, so it was not used during this phase of selection of relevant articles.

As a result of the manual analysis of articles’ titles, articles that did not refer to computer science subjects were excluded, which left just 206 articles. We could not obtain the full text for some of articles, so they were excluded from further analyses. Some articles did not refer to using games to teach computer science topics, so they were also removed. The same was the case with a few articles not written in English. Finally, we had 125 relevant articles.

Nine relevant articles were review papers that referred to different game-based learning approaches at different educational levels. Among identified articles is a book describing different teaching methods in computer science education, including game-based learning (Hazzan et al., 2020 ). Two book chapters refer to different approaches of using game-based learning in education (Bellas et al., 2018 ; Zaw & Hlaing, 2020 ). These articles were also excluded from the list.

Finally, we finished the selection process and got 113 relevant articles using educational games in computer science that were the subject of further analysis.

The information flowchart presenting the numbers of identified, screened, processed, and removed articles in the automated NLP procedure and articles removed during the manual analysis is presented in Fig.  1 .

figure 1

Flowchart of the PRISMA-SCR-based selection process

After the final identification of the most relevant studies concerning game-based learning in computer science, summaries were developed for each article. Information about their correspondence to education, educational level, used game, type of the game, covered computer science topic, educational context and general usefulness of the article was provided.

Distribution of published articles through the years

The distribution of the articles concerning the game-based approach in computer science through the years is presented in Fig.  2 . It can be noticed that the number of articles was increasing through the years, but then suddenly, in 2021, that number decreased. The reason might be found in the situation with the pandemic, because in 2020 and 2021, most of the schools were closed. In some of them, the teaching was transferred online, which resulted in a huge change in the way of teaching and learning, and it was a period of adaptation for teachers and students at the same time, which might lead to a decrease of the research articles.

figure 2

Distribution of the published articles through the years

Distribution of published articles per country

The distribution of the published articles per country differs from country to country. Figure  3 presents the distribution of published articles per country, showing only the countries that have more than five published articles concerning game-based learning between 2017 and 2021. Most articles are published in the United States, followed by Brazil and Greece.

figure 3

Distribution of the published articles per country, showing countries with more than five published articles

Further analysis of the relevant articles depending on the country, where the research was conducted, shows that just 17 (of 113) articles are joint work of researchers from different countries. Moreover, just two present joint research on game-based learning from three countries. The first one describes the methodology implemented within the European initiative Coding4girls, which proposes to teach coding through a game design based on a design thinking methodological approach linked to creativity and human-centred solutions (De Carvalho et al., 2020 ). The second joint research (Agbo et al., 2021 ) describes the students’ online co-creation of mini-games to develop their computational thinking skills. Interestingly, all other published articles describe implementing a game-based learning approach in computer science in the local context, making it difficult to generalize the conclusions and the research outcomes.

Distribution of published articles by publisher

Most of the relevant researched articles are published by IEEE Xplore (86 of 113) but mostly published as part of the proceedings at different conferences. This might explain why the number of published articles from IEEE Xplore differs from other publishing companies. Figure  4 presents the distribution of the articles by each of the publishers in detail, comparing published articles in journals and at conferences.

figure 4

Distribution of the published articles by different publishers

Distribution of published articles by educational level

Identifying the number of articles according to the educational level was more complicated due to the different educational systems in different countries, resulting in a different understanding of the terms “primary”, and “secondary” education. In some countries, the same educational level is entitled as “primary”, and in others as “lower secondary” or even “middle school”. For example, in some countries, the primary school includes 6–14-year-old students; in others, it is divided, so there are primary (from 6 to 10 years), middle (11–13 years) and high schools (14–18 years); and in some, there are even lower secondary school (12–16 years). Therefore, we have tried to combine different categories according to the student’s age and to gather three levels: primary, secondary and university, according to the local context (primary education includes 6–14 years, secondary education includes 15–18 years). The situation with the distribution of the relevant articles is presented in Fig.  5 .

figure 5

Distribution of the published articles in different educational levels

It can be noticed that most of the articles concern universities, although the number of articles that concern using games in computer science in primary and secondary schools is not small. It can be expected, because most of the articles refer to using games for developing programming skills, which is present mainly at the university level. However, in some countries, primary school students learn fundamental programming concepts.

Distribution of published articles by the purpose of implementation

The purpose of the research concerning game-based learning in computer science is different and mostly depends on the type of the game as well as the topic that is covered by the game. The distribution of the published articles according to the purpose of the implementation of the research is presented in Fig.  6 . However, it must be mentioned that it was difficult to distinguish the purposes of implementing the game-based approach in computer science, because the purpose was not clearly stated in the articles or there was overlapping among different categories.

figure 6

Distribution of the published articles according to the purpose of the implementation

In the most articles (66 of 113), the research is done to measure students’ learning achievement or to evaluate the benefits of the game-based approach by comparing students’ knowledge and skills before and after implementing this approach. In addition, some articles are interested in students’ engagement and raising students’ interest and motivation for the learning process by implementing a game-based approach. However, just a few articles refer to using this approach for measuring students’ overall satisfaction with the whole experience (3 of 113).

Distribution of published articles by implemented pedagogical strategy and used technology

Manual analyses of the included articles gave us insight into additional aspects of implementing a game-based approach in computer science. When we talk about the game-based approach, there are two main pedagogical strategies for implementation: students can learn by playing the game, and students can learn while creating the game. The distribution of those two approaches in the published articles indicates that learning by playing games is more frequently used than learning by creating games. Only 19 of 113 relevant articles refer to the implementation of a game-based approach, where students learn during the process of game design or are involved themselves in the creation of the game. In most of the articles, students just use the created game (previously created or designed for the purpose of the research) to develop their competencies on a given topic. Regarding the technology used for the creation of the games in the published articles, it can be noticed that most of the games are web-based (although they have a mobile version, too), and there are just a few articles concerning the use of the unplugged activities as a game-based approach for learning computer science.

Distribution of published articles by covered computer science topic

Most of the articles concerning computer science topics covered during the implementation of the game-based approach refer to using to develop students’ programming skills in object-oriented programming, followed by the articles concerning block-based programming and the development of computational thinking skills. The number of articles that utilize the game-based approach in all other computer science topics is significantly smaller (in total, 14 from 113 articles). Figure  7 contains more detailed information about this distribution.

figure 7

Distribution of the published articles according to the covered computer science topics

Types of educational games used for implementation of the game-based approach in computer science

Our research aims to provide information about the latest research trends concerning game-based learning in computer science education. Table 3 gives information about the implemented game, the type of the game, the computer science topic covered by the game, and the educational level, where the research concerning the game-based approach in computer science was carried out. The type of the game refers to the origin of the game creation, whether the game was already created and can be used or is created for the research by the author or by the students (they are learning during the game design process).

Detailed analysis of these relevant articles shows that different educational games are used to implement game-based learning in computer science, implementing different technologies for their design. Articles refer to using different platforms, environments or engines for creating games using different technology. In primary education, most implemented approaches include block-based environments, such as Blocky, Snap!, and Scratch. Those platforms give access to the already created game (De Carvallho et al., 2020 ; Sáiz Manzanares et al., 2020 ; Vourletsis & Politis, 2022 ) but also offer possibilities a game to be created by a teacher (Bevčič & Rugelj, 2020 ; Holenko Dlab & Hoic-Bozic, 2021 ; Wong & Jiang, 2018 ) or by the students during the learning process (Funke et al., 2017 ; Zeevaarders & Aivaloglouor, 2021 ). Even more, their use as a platform to code Arduino boards is presented in two of the articles (Sharma et al., 2019 ; Yongqiang et al., 2018 ). Block-based environments are used in the research in secondary education, too. For example, Araujo et al. ( 2018 ) measured students’ motivation for learning block-based programming by involving students in creating games in Scratch. Schatten and Schatten ( 2020 ) involve students in creating different games using CodeCombat during the CodeWeek initiative to increase their interest in programming, and Chang and Tsai ( 2018 ) are implementing an approach for learning programming in pairs while coding Kinnect with Scratch.

However, in the research articles concerning secondary education, it can be noticed that some specified games are created by the researcher (or teacher) to develop some concrete computer science skills. In these cases, the articles focus on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the game as an approach. For example, the chatbot’s serious game “PrivaCity” (Berger et al., 2019 ) is designed to raise students’ privacy awareness, as a very important topic among teenagers.

Similarly, “Capture the flag” is a game designed for learning about network security in a vocational school (Prabawa et al., 2017 ). The effectiveness of using the educational game “Degraf” in a vocational high school as supplementary material for learning graphic design subjects is measured by Elmunsyah et al. ( 2021 ). Furthermore, Hananto and Panjaburee ( 2019 ) developed the semi-puzzle game “Key and Chest” to develop algorithm thinking skills and concluded that this digital game could lead to better achievement than if the physical game is used for the same purpose. The number of games developed at the university level on a specific topic by the researchers is even more significant. However, there is still no standardized game, and the games differ among themselves depending on the topic covered by the game and the country, where the game is implemented.

Only a few games are mentioned more than once in the list of relevant articles. The implementation of “Code defenders” to enable students to learn about software testing in a fun and competitive way is researched by Clegg et al. ( 2017 ) and Fraser et al. ( 2020 ). However, the studies continue each other, presenting improvements in the game. Different block-based programming languages and online platforms such as Scratch, Snap!, and Code Combat are mentioned in several articles, too. Implementation of a game-based approach during the assessment process through the creation of quizzes in Kahoot is presented by Abidin and Zaman ( 2017 ) and Videnovik et al. ( 2018 ). Finally, several articles refer to the use of Escape room as a popular game implemented in an educational context (Giang et al., 2020 ; López-Pernas et al., 2019 , 2021 ; Seebauer et al., 2020 ; Towler et al., 2020 ). However, all these Escape room-style games are created on different platforms and cover different topics. Therefore, it can be concluded that no standardized type of game is implemented at a certain educational level or concerning a specific topic.

Further analyses were done concerning the type of the game, referring to the origin of the game: already created and just used for the research, created by the researcher for the purpose of the research or created by the students during the learning process. The distribution of the number of articles according to the type of the game in different educational levels is presented in Fig.  8 .

figure 8

Distribution of the published articles according to the game designer in different educational levels

Most of the articles describe the implementation of a game-based approach when the author creates the game to test the game’s efficiency and make improvements based on the feedback received by the students. The number of games created by the author is the biggest at the university level, and the most balanced distribution of different kinds of games (created by the author, students or already created) is present in primary education. Interestingly, the most significant number of articles that concern using games created by students is in primary education. It shows that students in primary education have been the most involved in the process of game design, although they are young and have less knowledge and skills than students at other educational levels. This could be result of the fact that the articles that refer to primary education present a game’s design only in a block-based environment and using basic programming concepts. However, research articles do not refer to a standardized methodology of a framework for the creation of a game, and each game is designed individually depending on the used technology, topic and educational level.

Pedagogical strategies for implementation of the game-based approach in computer science

A detailed analysis of the pedagogical strategies for implementing a game-based approach shows that most relevant articles use games as a tool for learning the content. This trend continues in the recent period as well (Kaldarova et al., 2023 ). Hence, students play the game (already created or created by an author) to gather knowledge or develop their skills. Detail distribution of the research articles regarding pedagogical strategies for implementing a game-based approach is presented in Fig.  9 and more detailed data can be found in Table 3 . Some articles explain how students learn during the process of the creation of a game. Those are different games at different educational levels, but they all concern the process of designing a game on some platform that will develop their programming skills. Unfortunately, no article describes the process of developing students’ knowledge and skills on different computer science topics than programming while designing a game. It is a critical gap that should be considered as a topic in future research: to see whether students can learn about other computer science topics during the game creation process (while they develop their programming skills).

figure 9

Distribution of the published articles according to the implemented pedagogical strategy

Computer science topics covered by game-based approach in computer science

Figure  10 gives insight into the distribution of the relevant articles concerning the computer science topic covered by the game-based approach. The topic that is mainly taught by a game-based approach at university is object-oriented programming. The situation is similar in secondary schools. Game-based approach is suitable classroom strategy for fostering higher order thinking skills, such as problem solving, group collaboration, and critical thinking, that are developed during learning object-oriented programming, which is consistent with previous research conducted by Chen et al. ( 2021 ).

figure 10

Distribution of the published articles concerning the covered computer science topics

This can be expected, because the topic is complex for the students, and teachers must find different approaches and strategies to make it more understandable. In addition, in those educational levels, there is a distribution of the articles in different mentioned computer science topics (although it is not equally distributed).

However, if we analyze the topics covered by the game-based approach in primary education, it can be noticed that this approach is implemented in several topics only, mainly connected with the development of students’ computational thinking skills and fundaments of programming languages (see Table 3 for detailed overview). This trend continues in the recent years (Cheng et al., 2023 ; Mozelius & Humble, 2023 ).

Students in primary education mostly learn block-based programming languages, so it is expected that this will be the most frequent topic covered by the game-based approach. However, some articles also refer to object-oriented programming taught in upper grades. The interesting finding is that there are no articles about using educational games to learn other computer science topics, such as hardware, some applications, networks, and cybersecurity, in primary education, as there are in other educational levels. For example, there are two articles that elaborate on learning about internet safety using games in secondary education (Berger et al., 2019 ; Prabawa et al., 2017 ), and no article on game-based learning for internet safety in primary education. This lack of research articles concerning using the game-based approach for learning other topics in computer science in primary education can help identify potential future research topics.

Potential research topics concerning the game-based approach in computer science

While the lack of research articles concerning using the game-based approach for learning other topics in computer science in primary education is a good starting point for identifying potential future research topics, it is important to consider it in combination with practical constraints such are lack of knowledge, access to technology or teacher training on a specific subject. In that context, “Identifying the challenges, opportunities and solutions for integrating game-based learning methods in primary schools for specific computer science topics” can be a future research topic. It should be noted, that although some articles on specific topics can be found in the recent literature (Alam, 2022 ), there is a huge pool of topics, such are internet safety and digital citizenship that can be explored in this context.

There is an evident lack of articles on the use of game-based learning in primary and secondary schools. The findings in the existing literature that elaborate on how specific game design elements influence the learning process are minimal (Baek & Oh, 2019 ; Dos Santos et al., 2019 ; Emembolu et al., 2019 ; Kanellopoulou et al., 2021 ). These findings, combined with the finding of a limited number of articles that use existing games in the process of learning, define the potential future research topic "Assessing the role of game design elements in enhancing engagement and understanding of computer science concepts among primary and/or secondary school students". This research topic can use conceptual framework that investigates how specific elements of game design can contribute to increased engagement and improved understanding of computer science concepts in primary or/and education.

This research topic includes various specific research questions and theoretical frameworks. One possible set of research questions can investigate the specific elements of game design that can be incorporated into educational games or learning activities to enhance the learning experience. These elements may include interactive interfaces, engaging narratives, immersive environments, feedback mechanisms, competition or collaboration features, levels of difficulty, rewards, and progression systems. Different theories such are social cognitive theory (Lim et al., 2020 ) and self-determination theory (Ryan et al., 2006 ) can be used to better understand the motivational factors of different game design elements (interactivity, challenges, and rewards), and how they influence student engagement and sustain student interest and active participation in computer science learning.

All mentioned research questions can be investigated by conducting experiments, surveys, observations, or interviews to gather quantitative and qualitative data on student experiences and perceptions. Combined with data from learning outcomes, these potential findings can provide the information about overall effectiveness of using the elements of a game-based approach to learning computer science in primary schools.


This scoping review focuses on the articles in four digital libraries, potentially leaving a significant number of articles out of the analyzing process.

Using the NLP toolkit automates searching for relevant articles. Undoubtedly, a human reader might better understand the context and better assess the relevance of an article and potentially include some articles that NLP toolkit classified as irrelevant. In addition, after the initial selection by NLP toolkit, we performed the quality assessment of the identified articles, for each of the research questions. In that way, we ensured that only relevant articles are included in the study, but it might happen that, due to the phase of selection some relevant articles were omitted from the study.

Detailed meta-analyses within the selected group of articles concerning a particular research feature can further contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Similar analyses exist, but not on learning computer science (Gui et al., 2023 ). For example, in our manuscript, we did not consider the size of the student population, existence of the control group of students, or replicability of the studies.

This scoping review discusses implementation of game-based approach in computer science by analyzing research articles in four digital libraries published between 2017 and 2021. In total, 113 research articles were analyzed concerning the educational level, where the game-based approach is implemented, the type of the game, covered computer science topic, pedagogical strategy and purpose of the implementation. The results show that the number of research articles is increasing through the years, confirming the importance of implementing a game-based approach in computer science. Most of these articles refer to the research in just one country, in the local context, making it difficult to generalize the research outcomes and conclusions on the international level.

The article presents various games using various technologies concerning several computer science topics. However, there is no standardized game or methodology that can be used for designing an educational game. Implemented game in each of the researched articles depends on the educational level, covered topic and game type. From our findings, it is evident that most articles refer to the implementation of the game-based approach, where students gather the necessary knowledge and skills while playing a game. Just a few of them incorporate the process of learning by designing educational games, and this learning is connected to developing computational thinking or programming skills.

Potential future research might be focused on identifying the challenges, opportunities, and solutions for integrating game-based learning methods for a specific computer science topic. Example topics might be internet safety and digital citizenship.

The lack of research articles on game-based learning in primary and secondary schools, along with limited findings on the influence of game design elements, highlights the need to assess how different elements enhance engagement and understanding of computer science concepts.

Availability of data and materials

All data generated and analyzed during this study are included in this article.

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Videnovik, M., Vold, T., Kiønig, L. et al. Game-based learning in computer science education: a scoping literature review. IJ STEM Ed 10 , 54 (2023).

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  • Scoping review
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research paper computer games


Video games for well-being: a systematic review on the application of computer games for cognitive and emotional training in the adult population.

\r\nFederica Pallavicini*

  • Riccardo Massa Department of Human Sciences for Education, University of Milan Bicocca, Milan, Italy

Background: Although several excellent reviews and meta-analyses have investigated the effect of video game trainings as tools to enhance well-being, most of them specifically focused on the effects of digital games on brain plasticity or cognitive decline in children and seniors. On the contrary, only one meta-analysis results to be focused on the adult population, and it is restricted to examining the effects of training with a particular genre of games (action video games) on cognitive skills of healthy adults.

Objectives: This systematic review was aimed to identify research evidences about the impact on cognitive [i.e., processing and reaction times (RTs), memory, task-switching/multitasking, and mental spatial rotation] and emotional skills of video games training in the healthy adult population.

Methods: A multi-component analysis of variables related to the study, the video games, and the outcomes of the training was made on the basis of important previous works. Databases used in the search were PsycINFO, Web of Science (Web of Knowledge), PubMed, and Scopus. The search string was: [(“Video Games” OR “Computer Games” OR “Interactive Gaming”)] AND [(“Cognition”) OR (“Cognitive”) OR (“Emotion”) OR (“Emotion Regulation”)] AND [“Training”].

Results: Thirty-five studies met the inclusion criteria and were further classified into the different analysis' variables. The majority of the retrieved studies used commercial video games, and action games in particular, which resulted to be the most commonly used, closely followed by puzzle games. Effect sizes for training with video games on cognitive skills in general ranged from 0.06 to 3.43: from 0.141 to 3.43 for processing and RTs, 0.06 to 1.82 for memory, 0.54 to 1.91 for task switching/multitasking, and 0.3 to 3.2 for mental spatial rotation; regarding video games for the training of emotional skills, effect sizes ranged from 0.201 to 3.01.

Conclusion: Overall, findings give evidences of benefits of video games training on cognitive and emotional skills in relation to the healthy adult population, especially on young adults. Efficacy has been demonstrated not only for non-commercial video games or commercial brain-training programs, but for commercial video games as well.


Over the last 40 years, video games have increasingly had a transformational impact on how people play and enjoy themselves, as well as on many more aspects of their lives ( Yeh et al., 2001 ; Zyda, 2005 ; Boyle et al., 2012 ). Contrary to popular belief, which sees male children or teenagers as main targets of the gaming industry, the average player is instead 30 years old, and the entire gaming population is roughly equally divided into male and female players, therefore representing a daily activity for a consistent percentage of the adult population ( Entertainment Software Assotiation, 2015 ). Thanks to the wide availability on the market, the affordable cost and the massive popularity, video games already represent crucial tools as a source of entertainment, and are soon expected to become critical also in another fields, including the mental health panorama ( Granic et al., 2014 ; Jones et al., 2014 ).

While much of the early research on computer games focused on the negative impacts of playing digital games, particularly on the impact of playing violent entertainment games on aggression (e.g., Ferguson, 2007 ), and addiction (e.g., Gentile, 2009 ), gradually, scientific studies have also recognized the potential positive impact of video games on people's health (e.g., Anderson et al., 2010 ; Jones et al., 2014 ).

In recent decades, the field of computer gaming has increasingly developed toward serious purposes, and both commercial and non-commercial video games (i.e., developed ad hoc by researchers for the training of specific individuals' skills) have been tested by several studies. As early as in 1987, it was for the first time observed that famous commercial video games (i.e., Donkey Kong e Pac-Man ) can have a positive effect on cognitive skills, improving the RTs of older adults ( Clark et al., 1987 ). A few years later, in 1989, Space Fortress , the first non-commercial computer game designed by cognitive psychologists as a training and research tool ( Donchin, 1989 ) was considered so successful that it was added to the training program of the Israeli Air Force. From that moment on, numerous video games have been developed with the specific purpose of changing patterns of behavior, and are often defined in literature as “serious games” ( Zyda, 2005 ) as they use gaming features as the primary medium for serious purposes ( Fleming et al., 2016 ).

Since these pioneering studies, numerous researches have investigated the potentiality of various video games, both commercial and non-commercial, mainly in relation with cognitive skills of seniors. For instance, it has been observed that the use of complex strategy video games can enhance cognitive flexibility, particularly in older adults ( Stern et al., 2011 ). Furthermore, playing a commercial computer cognitive training program results in significant improvement in visuospatial working memory, visuospatial learning, and focused attention in healthy older adults ( Peretz et al., 2011 ).

Besides being useful tools for the training of cognitive processes, various studies have demonstrated that video games offer a variety of positive emotion-triggering situations (e.g., Ryan et al., 2006 ; Russoniello et al., 2009 ; McGonigal, 2011 ), that may be of benefit during training of emotional skills, including self-regulation habits ( Gabbiadini and Greitemeyer, 2017 ). For instance, puzzle video games such as Tetris , characterized by low cognitive loads and generally short time demands, are capable of positive effects on the players' mood, generating positive emotions and relaxation ( Russoniello et al., 2009 ). Furthermore, by continuously providing new challenges, either it is switching from one level to another (e.g., Portal 2 ) or between different avatars (e.g., World of Warcraft ), video games demand players to “unlearn” their previous strategies and flexibly adapt to new systems without experiencing frustration and anxiety ( Granic et al., 2014 ).

Although several excellent reviews and meta-analyses have investigated the effect of video games training as tools for enhancing individuals well-being, in particular regarding cognitive and emotive enhancement (e.g., Boyle et al., 2016 ; Lumsden et al., 2016 ), most of them specifically focused on the effects of digital games on brain plasticity or cognitive decline in children and seniors (e.g., Lu et al., 2012 ; Lampit et al., 2014 ). Consonant findings regarding the positive relationship between video game training and benefits on various cognitive skills have been demonstrated by both behavioral studies (e.g., Baniqued et al., 2014 ) and meta-analytic studies ( Toril et al., 2014 ) regarding both the aforementioned populations. On the contrary, only one meta-analysis focused on the adult population and it is restricted to examining the effects of training with a particular genre of games (action video games) on cognitive skills on healthy adults ( Wang et al., 2016 ).

Despite this scarcity of focus on the adult population, the latter represents an extremely interesting and unique group, with very peculiar characteristics from a neurological and psychological point of view if compared to children and elders. As stated by Finch, the adult age, including both young adults (18–35 years old) and middle age adults (35–55 years old), plays an important role in the life-span development, and therefore very well deserves to be studied thoroughly ( Finch, 2009 ). On the one hand, the effects of the so-called inverted U curve of neuroplasticity and cognitive performance starts to be evident during the adult age, especially the middle-age ( Cao et al., 2014 ; Zhao et al., 2015 ). On the other, it is well known that the level of psychological stress perceived by adults is rather high, and it can result in important mental and health disorders ( Kudielkaa et al., 2004 ).

Moreover, as the literature states, baseline individual differences regarding age can determine variations in training effectiveness ( Jaeggi et al., 2011 ; Valkanova et al., 2014 ), and if it is safe to say that video games can have beneficial effects when included in a training (e.g., Baniqued et al., 2014 ; Toril et al., 2014 ), such effects might indeed vary based on age-specific aspects which therefore cannot be overlooked ( Wang, 2017 ).

Consequently, in the current review, we will describe experimental studies that have been conducted between 2012 and 2017, with the aim to identify research evidences about the impact on cognitive and emotional skills of video games training in the adult population. Specifically, a multi-component analysis of variables related to the study, video games, and outcomes of training was made on the basis on important previous works ( Connolly et al., 2012 ; Kueider et al., 2012 ; Boyle et al., 2016 ), which provide a useful framework for organizing the research along key variables.

We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines ( Moher et al., 2009 ).

Search Strategy

With the objective of providing an overview of the experimental studies that have been conducted to test the benefits of different categories of video games used as training tools of cognitive or emotional domains for the adult population, a computer-based search for relevant publications was performed in several databases. Databases used in the search were PsycINFO, Web of Science (Web of Knowledge), PubMed, and Scopus. The search string was: [(“Video Games” OR “Computer Games” OR “Interactive Gaming”)] AND [(“Cognition”) OR (“Cognitive”) OR (“Emotion”) OR (“Emotion Regulation”)] AND [”Training"].

Selection of Articles for Inclusion in the Review

To avoid the risk of bias, PRISMA recommendations for systematic literature analysis have been strictly followed ( Moher et al., 2009 ). Two authors (Federica Pallavicini, Ambra Ferrari) independently selected paper abstracts and titles, analyzed the full papers that met the inclusion criteria, and resolved any disagreements through consensus. Selected papers have to: (a) include empirical evidences on the impact and outcomes of video game based training; (b) have been published during the last 5 years (namely from January 2012 to August 2017), in analogy with several other relevant previous works (i.e., Connolly et al., 2012 ; Boyle et al., 2016 ); (c) include participants within an age range of 18–59 years old; (d) only include samples of healthy participants, i.e., not suffering from any neurological disorder (e.g., traumatic brain injury), or psychiatric disorders according to DSM-5 Axis I ( American Psychiatric Association, 2013 ); (e) be published on peer-reviewed journals.

Coding of Selected Studies, Video Games, and Training Outcomes

The papers selected on the basis of the inclusion criteria were coded from the data extraction pro-forma that was developed by Connolly ( Connolly et al., 2012 ), and subsequently modified by Boyle et al. (2016) , adapting it to the specificity of this review and its area of interest. In particular, in this systematic review papers were coded with respect to:

• Video Game Variables: The game category ( whether the game was commercial or non-commercial); the game genre (action games; driving-racing games; puzzle games; strategy games; simulation games; exergames; horror games; commercial brain training programs; arcade games; adventure games); the platform for the game (console, PC/laptop, or mobile gaming). First of all, the category of the game has been included to explore the effectiveness of several commercial titles, used “as-is” (without modifications), which in previous studies resulted to be effective for the cognitive training (e.g., Green and Bavelier, 2006 ; Dye et al., 2009 ). Furthermore, the categorization was included in order to analyze the efficacy of ad hoc developed games, about which an ongoing debate about their effectiveness still persists (e.g., Owen et al., 2010 ). Secondly, the classification of video game genres was considered because of the fact that, under many points of view, not all video games are equal and their effects strongly depend on specific characteristics of the game itself ( Achtman et al., 2008 ; van Muijden et al., 2012 ). In addition, it has been reported that combinations between the neurological stage of the participants and the precise features of each video game produce unique results in a matter of benefits on mental skills ( Ball et al., 2002 ; van Muijden et al., 2012 ). There is no standard accepted taxonomy of genre, although one of the most adopted is the Herz's system ( Herz, 1997 ), while others studies seem to simply divide action games from any other kind, often defined as casual games as a whole (e.g., Baniqued et al., 2013 , 2014 ). Here, we propose the above categorization, which resembles the present commercial classification as much as possible, defining ten different genres of commercial video games. Thirdly, new technologies such as mobile devices and online games have recently expanded the ways in which games have traditionally been played, their medium of delivery and the different platforms available. Platforms of delivery represent important information about video game training, primarily because they are the way in which the training itself can be accessed ( Aker et al., 2016 ).

• Variables Related to the Study: The sample included in the study (sample size, mean age, or age range); the research design used (categorized as a Randomized Controlled Trial or Quasi Experimental); the measures used for the assessment of outcomes (self-report questionnaires, cognitive tests, fMRI, physiological data, etc.); the duration of training (duration, intensity, and the total amount of sessions); the effects size of each training outcome , reporting partial-eta squared (η 2 ), with values closer to 1.0 indicating a stronger effect size, and Cohen's d; the calculation of range and mean value of effect sizes for each training outcome has been expressed as Cohen's d , applying the conversion formula when reported by the study in terms of partial-eta squared (η 2 ) ( Cohen, 1998 ); where not reported in the study, standardized Cohen's d effect sizes were derived following a computation formula: the one described in Dunlap et al. (1996) in order to calculate d from dependent t -tests; the computation formula by Thalheimer and Cook (2002) for ANOVAs with two distinct groups ( df = 1); the calculation formula by Rosenthal and DiMatteo (2001) from χ 2 (with one degree of freedom); otherwise, in cases where effect sizes could not be calculated because not reported in the study or because the necessary data to derive them through formulas were not present, p -value was reported instead ( e.g., Oei and Patterson, 2013 ; Wang et al., 2014 ; Chandra et al., 2016 ). The sample, study design, and measures of training outcomes have been included as relevant variables in analogy to what has been done in previous reviews ( Boyle et al., 2012 ; Connolly et al., 2012 ), to facilitate the access to easily classified and comparable studies among the literature. An indication of mean age or age range has been provided in order to identify studies conducted on young vs. middle-aged adults. Training-related factors have also been considered, including the duration, intensity, and total amount of training sessions, as well as the effect sizes of the training outcomes, since they represent useful information about the characteristics and feasibility of the training itself ( Hempel et al., 2004 ).

• Video Game-Based Training Outcome Variables: The selected papers have been divided into two macro-categories : cognition and emotion. Regarding cognition, authors identified five domain-specific subcategories , following the classification proposed by Kueider et al. (2012) , partially adapted to the specificity of the results that emerged from the review, specifically: (1) multiple domain , namely trainings focused on more than one cognitive skill, such as trainings including reasoning, episodic memory, and perceptual speed as target skills at the same time; (2) processing speed and reaction times (RTs), i.e., respectively, the ability to quickly process information ( Shanahan et al., 2006 ), and the amount of time needed to process and respond to a stimulus and is critical for handling information ( Garrett, 2009 ) ; (3) memory , defined as the ability to retain, store, and recall information ( Baddeley and Hitch, 1974 ), including many different types of memory, such as episodic, short-term, visual and spatial working memory; (4) task-switching/multitasking , defined as a whole as attributes of control processes while switching from one task to another ( Dove et al., 2000 ); (5) mental spatial rotation , that is the ability to mentally rotate an object ( Shepard and Metzler, 1971 ). Such categorization has been chosen among many others proposed by literature (e.g., Sala and Gobet, 2016 ; Stanmore et al., 2017 ; Bediou et al., 2018 ), because of its particular adaptability to the search results at hand, and because of its effectiveness in defining precise sub-categories of cognitive skills.

Papers Identified by Search Terms

A large number of papers (1,423) published in the time period between January 2012 and August 2017 was identified. As discussed in section Papers Selected Using our Inclusion Criteria, this set of papers was further screened, obtaining a set of 35 relevant papers (see Figure 1 ).

Figure 1 . The flow chart of the systematic review.

Papers Selected Using Our Inclusion Criteria

Applying the four inclusion criteria to these papers, 35 papers were identified (see Table 1 ). The largest number of papers was found in Scopus, followed by PsycINFO, Pubmed, and Web of Science (Web of Knowledge).

Table 1 . Information about the video games variables of the selected studies.

Analysis of Game Variables

Video games category.

Considering the entirety of the studies, 42 commercial video games and 7 non-commercial video games have been tested as training tools for cognitive or emotional skills. As for video games used for cognitive enhancement specifically, a total of 38 commercial video games and 6 non-commercial video games have been adopted; concerning emotional enhancement, instead, 4 commercial games and 1 non-commercial game have been used as training tools in the studies included in this review.

Video Games Genres

Among the studies included in this systematic review, the genre of commercial games was very varied, with action games (15) being the most used, followed by puzzle games (8), brain training games (5), exergames, and driving-racing games (3 for each category), simulation, driving racing games and exergames (3 games each), adventure games (2 games for each genre), and, finally, strategy games, arcade games, and horror games (1 game for each genre). Regarding training of cognitive skills specifically, among commercial games, the genre was very varied, with action games (14) and puzzle games (7) being the most used, followed by brain training games (5), simulation and driving-racing games (3 games), exergames and adventure games (2 games each), and, finally, strategy games and arcade games (1 game for each genre). As for emotional training, only 1 study adopted a non-commercial video games, while a variety of commercial video games were used (1 horror game, 1 action game, 1 puzzle game, and 1 exergame).


Considering the retrieved studies, games delivered via PC or laptop were the most popular in all categories (20 studies), followed by mobile (8 studies) and console (7 studies). Regarding cognitive training, 18 video games delivered via PC were used, 6 via console, 6 via mobile. As for emotional training, 2 video games were delivered via PC, 2 via console, and 1 via mobile.

Analysis of Variables Related to the Study

The mean number of participants included in the emerged studies was 54.4 (cognition: M = 56.1; emotion: M = 42.8), ranging between 5 ( Chandra et al., 2016 ) and 209 ( Baniqued et al., 2013 ). The samples' mean age, instead, was 24.2 (cognition: M = 23.8; emotion: M = 27.7).

Study Design

In general, 28 studies included in the review have use a randomized control trial (RCT), while 7 studies have used a quasi-experimental design. The RCT was the design of choice of 24 studies related to cognitive training (e.g., Hutchinson et al., 2016 ; Looi et al., 2016 ). A quasi-experimental design was instead adopted in six studies directed at the evaluation of cognitive trainings based on video games ( Mathewson et al., 2012 ; Montani et al., 2014 ). As for emotional training, four studies followed a RCT design (e.g., Bouchard et al., 2012 ), while 1 a quasi-experimental design ( Naugle et al., 2014 ).

Duration of the Training

The length of the trainings proposed by studies included in this systematic review resulted to be rather heterogeneous, both in the number of sessions and in the number of weeks. In particular, the mean number of sessions was 10.1, ranging from 1 to 60 sessions, while the mean number of hours played was 13.5, ranging between 10 min and 50 h. As for cognitive training, a minimum of one session (e.g., Colzato et al., 2013 ; Cherney et al., 2014 ), and a maximum of 60 sessions ( Kühn et al., 2014 ). The number of hours spent playing the different video games differed from study to study as well: from several minutes ( Stroud and Whitbourne, 2015 ) to up to 50 h ( Green et al., 2012 ; Chandra et al., 2016 ). As for emotional training, the minimum number of sessions was 1 as well, while the maximum was 10 ( Bailey and West, 2013 ); the minimum time spent playing was of 25 min ( Dennis and O'Toole, 2014 ; Dennis-Tiwary et al., 2016 ), and the maximum was 10 h ( Bailey and West, 2013 ).

Measures Used for the Assessment of Outcomes

The measures of the training outcome adopted in the studies included in this systematic review predictably have largely been constituted by cognitive tests, for a total of 33 studies, 30 related to cognitive training (e.g., Baniqued et al., 2014 ), and 3 to emotional training (e.g., Bailey and West, 2013 ). Nonetheless, numerous studies (19) have included self-administered psychological questionnaires: 14 aimed at cognitive training (e.g., Chandra et al., 2016 ), and 5 to emotional training (e.g., Dennis and O'Toole, 2014 ), while physiological measures were used in a total of 2 studies, both emotional trainings (e.g., Bouchard et al., 2012 ). fMRI-based assessments were instead used to measure the outcomes of cognitive trainings in two studies (e.g., Nikolaidis et al., 2014 ) and EEG assessments were used in a total of three studies (1) related to cognitive training (i.e., Mathewson et al., 2012 ), and (2) to emotional training (e.g., Bailey and West, 2013 ).

Analysis of Video Game Training Outcomes

Thirty studies used cognitive domain-specific training programs including memory, task-switching/multitasking and mental spatial rotation. Across all cognitive trainings, the effect sizes' (Cohen's d) range was 0.141–3.43 for processing and RTs ( M = 1.18), 0.06–1.82 for memory ( M = 0.667), 0.54–1.91 for task-switching/multitasking ( M = 1.11), and 0.3–3.2 for mental spatial rotation ( M = 1.5).

• Multiple domains (13 studies): Because of the wide literature consensus about the little to non-transferability of cognitive training effects to untrained skills ( Rebok et al., 2007 ), a rather high number of retrieved studies aimed at the enhancement of multiple cognitive domains with a single training, with the objective of deepening our knowledge about generalizability across domains. Training with action video games has been reported to enhance processing speed and RTs ( Oei and Patterson, 2013 , 2015 ; Schubert et al., 2015 ; Chandra et al., 2016 ), but no effect on spatial ( Oei and Patterson, 2015 ) nor visual ( Schubert et al., 2015 ; Chandra et al., 2016 ) working memory has been reported. Concerning other categories of commercial video games, training with puzzle games was shown to improve task switching skills and inhibitory control, but not visual and spatial working memory, episodic memory or perceptual speed ( Baniqued et al., 2014 ). Spatial working memory, as well as RTs, improved after training with a simulation game ( Rolle et al., 2017 ). Better RTs have also been reported after training with FPS games (i.e., first person shooter games, in which the player shoots at targets while witnessing the scene as through the eyes of the character they are controlling), which also seemed to have positive effects on processing speed, but not on mental spatial rotation skills ( Choi and Lane, 2013 ). Moreover, it was reported that video game training with an adventure game can augment gray matter in brain areas crucial for spatial navigation and visual working memory, along with evidence for behavioral changes of navigation strategy ( Kühn et al., 2014 ). As far as brain training games are concerned, studies confirmed that this genre of video games can improve task-switching, short-term memory, RTs and processing speed more heavily compared to a puzzle game ( Nouchi et al., 2013 ). Nonetheless, two different studies did not highlight any advantage of puzzle games over other video game genres in enhancing cognitive skills such as mental spatial rotation ( Shute et al., 2015 ), nor for cognitive performance on other domains (e.g., task-switching, visual, and spatial working memory) ( Kable et al., 2017 ). Lastly, a non-commercial game, Space Fortress , was proven to be effective as a training for visual working memory ( Lee et al., 2012 ), and alpha and delta EEG oscillations during game play of this particular video game were shown to predict learning and improvements in such cognitive skill, while no similar effects were found on task-switching/multitasking skills ( Mathewson et al., 2012 ).

• Processing speed and reaction times (8 studies): Studies reported that action games ( Green et al., 2012 ; Wang et al., 2014 ), FPS games ( Colzato et al., 2013 ; Hutchinson et al., 2016 ), adventure ( Li et al., 2016 ), and puzzle games ( Stroud and Whitbourne, 2015 ) can be considered effective training tools for processing speed and RTs. Moreover, in a study comparing the effectiveness of various genres of commercial video games, action and driving-racing games were proven to decrease RTs and processing speed more effectively than a puzzle game ( Wu and Spence, 2013 ). Only one study did not report any benefit of commercial video games over these particular skills ( van Ravenzwaaij et al., 2014 ).

• Memory (4 studies): Effective trainings of visual working memory have been carried out with an action game ( Blacker et al., 2014 ) as well as with an adventure game ( Clemenson and Stark, 2015 ). Concerning non-commercial video games, a mathematics video game training was shown to be effective on short-term and visual working memory ( Looi et al., 2016 ). Furthermore, individual differences in the post-minus-pre changes in activation of regions implicated in visual working memory during gameplay of an ad hoc developed game ( Space Fortress ) have been reported to predict performance changes in an untrained working memory task ( Nikolaidis et al., 2014 ).

• Task-switching/multitasking (3 studies): The cost of dual tasking, as well as the cost of task switching, decreased after training with a custom-made video game ( Montani et al., 2014 ). Moreover, a training based on an ad hoc developed game lead to significantly better performance on cognitive shifting tests after playing for 2 h over four sessions (i.e., reaching a high level in the game) ( Parong et al., 2017 ). The same results, in fact, were not obtained if participants were asked to play for only 1 h over two sessions ( Parong et al., 2017 ). Furthermore, playing commercial puzzle games improved task-switching ability ( Oei and Patterson, 2014 ).

• Mental spatial rotation (2 studies): Enhancement of mental spatial rotation abilities was reported after training with commercial exergames and driving-racing games, with a greater advance for women ( Cherney et al., 2014 ). In contrast, no improvement was observed after training with other commercial games (one exergame and several action games), probably because of the limited number of participants ( Dominiak and Wiemeyer, 2016 ).

Five studies tested video games as tools for training emotional skills (Table 2 ). Across all these training programs, the effect sizes' range (Cohen's d ) was 0.201–3.01 ( M = 0.897). First of all, playing a commercial action game resulted in brain changes related to the emotion processing of facial expressions, with a reduction in the allocation of attention to happy faces, suggesting that caution should be exercised when using action video games to modify visual processing ( Bailey and West, 2013 ). Moreover, playing exergames at a self-selected intensity has been reported to positively influence emotional responses (enjoyment, changes in positive and negative affects) ( Naugle et al., 2014 ). Interestingly, commercial video games have also been tested as a tool to provide interactive Stress Management Training (SMT) programs, mainly used for decreasing levels of perceived stress and negative effects. In particular, training with a commercial horror video game combined with arousal reduction strategies (e.g., exposure to stressful scenarios, traditional biofeedback techniques) has shown efficacy in increasing resilience to stress in soldiers, as observed through analyses of salivary cortisol level conducted along the training ( Bouchard et al., 2012 ). Regarding non-commercial video games, training with an ad hoc non-commercial video game has been shown to help trait-anxious adult people handle emotional and physiological responses to stressors ( Dennis and O'Toole, 2014 ), as well as improve behavioral performance in an anxiety-related stress task among female participants ( Dennis-Tiwary et al., 2016 ).

Table 2 . Information about the selected studies on video games for emotional training.

In the present systematic review, we examine experimental studies that have been conducted with the aim to identify research evidences about the impact on cognitive and emotional skills of video games training in the healthy adult population. The large number of papers (1,423) identified using our search terms confirmed that there has been a surge of interest in the use of games for the aforementioned specific population, following the tendency already registered about elders (e.g., Lampit et al., 2014 ), and young people (e.g., Gomes et al., 2015 ). After the application of the inclusion criteria, 35 papers were finally included and described on the basis of important previous works, which provide a useful framework for organizing the research along key variables ( Connolly et al., 2012 ; Kueider et al., 2012 ; Boyle et al., 2016 ).

With respect to video game variables , starting from the games' category , efficacy was demonstrated not only for non-commercial video games or commercial brain-training programs, but for commercial off-the-shelf video games as well. Interesting cases regard Tetris, which resulted to be more effective than a commercial brain training program (i.e., Brain Age ) in improving cognitive skills such as short-term memory and processing speed ( Nouchi et al., 2013 ), and Portal 2 , that has proven to be effective in improving skills such as problem solving even more effectively than a brain training program specifically developed for this purpose (i.e., Lumosity) ( Shute et al., 2015 ). The fact that not only ad hoc non-commercial games, but also commercial video games can be useful for training cognitive and emotional capacities, if confirmed, appears to be very interesting, as it opens the possibility to use commercial titles for the training of cognitive and emotional abilities in the adult population. This could mean increasing adherence to training, keeping the trainee engaged with an effective feedback system ( Cowley et al., 2008 ), and enhancing the accessibility of training programs in terms of costs and ease of access to treatment, since it would be sufficient to simply have a console or another gaming device.

As for the distribution of game genre , considering only commercial games, in the emotional training sector no genre prevalence is recorded, while in cognitive training action games are the most commonly used, followed by puzzle games, and by brain training games. Such result should not be considered surprising, as previous literature indicates action games as the class of video games which has been scientifically assessed for the longest time (e.g., Adachi and Willoughby, 2011 ), similarly to puzzle games (e.g., Carvalho et al., 2012 ), and brain training games (e.g., Owen et al., 2010 ).

Results showed that the delivery platform of choice for more than half of the included studies was the PC, distantly followed by games delivered via consoles or via mobile. This distribution is valid for both commercial and non-commercial games, which seems to be a rather interesting fact and various reasons behind this consistency of distribution can be hypothesized. Future studies should better investigate especially mobile training, which, because of its potential ubiquity, its low costs, and its potentially real-time use, could offer unique advantages over traditional tools such as PCs.

Regarding the variables related to the studies , namely the sample characteristics , the results of this systematic review showed that the majority of studies have been conducted on young adults (18–35 years) rather than middle-aged adults (35–55 years). A possible explanation of this tendency could be linked to the fact that many studies have enlisted college students as participants, for a matter of simplicity of recruitment. However, it is important to note that the differentiation between young and middle-aged adults can be particularly relevant. As it is reported by scientific literature, in fact, the effects of the so-called inverted U curve of neuroplasticity and cognitive performance and of the perceived stress starts to be evident during the middle-age ( Cao et al., 2014 ; Zhao et al., 2015 ). Moreover, strong differences in terms of knowledge and use of video games characterize these two age ranges. For these reasons, future studies should better investigate differences and analogies between young and middle-aged adults, for instance to identify in which life-span moment a game-based cognitive or emotional treatment would potentially be more effective.

Secondly, regarding the experimental design adopted in the studies, results show that in the majority of cases studies were conducted using a RCT design. This seems to be linked to the need for evidences of well-controlled studies, differently from previous studies in which less strong methods (e.g., survey, correlational design) were used. It will be important for future studies to continue using this type of experimental design, which is considered as the most reliable empirical design in order to prove a treatment's effectiveness, minimizing the impact of confounding variables ( Levin, 2007 ).

The measures of outcome of the training adopted in the studies included in this systematic review predictably have largely been constituted by cognitive tests (e.g., Blacker et al., 2014 ). Nonetheless, numerous studies have included self-administered psychological questionnaires (e.g., Nouchi et al., 2013 ), physiological measures (e.g., Naugle et al., 2014 ), EEG-based assessment measures (e.g., Dennis-Tiwary et al., 2016 ), and fMRI-based assessments measures (e.g., Kable et al., 2017 ), which seem to be more reliable in assessing change over time, therefore an openness to such ways of assessment is desirable in a perspective of empirical evidence.

The length of the training programs proposed by studies included in this systematic review resulted to be rather heterogeneous, both in the number of sessions and in the number of weeks: from a minimum of one session (e.g., Colzato et al., 2013 ; Cherney et al., 2014 ) to a maximum of 60 sessions ( Kühn et al., 2014 ), and with gameplay time ranging from 10 min to 50 h ( Green et al., 2012 ; Chandra et al., 2016 ). Since the duration and intensity of training has been reported to be a relevant variable, as it has a rather important impact on the accessibility and feasibility of the training itself ( Hempel et al., 2004 ), future studies should address in detail such aspects of the training, for instance comparing the effectiveness of shorter trainings to longer ones in order to identify the minimum number of sessions to obtain an effective program.

Finally, regarding the training outcome , based on this review, video games appear to hold promise for improving both cognitive and emotional skills in the healthy adult population. Empirical evidences were identified for all the training outcomes (i.e., cognition: multiple domain, processing speed and RTs, memory, task-switching/multitasking, mental spatial rotation; emotion).

Effect sizes (Cohen's d ) for cognitive training, in general, ranged from 0.06 to 3.43: in particular from 0.141 to 3.43 for processing and RTs, 0.06 to 1.82 for memory, 0.54 to 1.91 for task-switching/multitasking, and 0.3 to 3.2 for mental spatial rotation (Table S1 ). Effect sizes reported in this systematic review are comparable to those reported for video game interventions aimed at enhancing cognitive skills of senior populations ( Kueider et al., 2012 ; Lampit et al., 2014 ). For instance, a systematic review of a computerized cognitive training with older adults reported a range standardized pre-post training gain from 0.09 to 1.70 after the video game intervention, which appears to be similar to the values emerged from the traditional (0.06–6.32) or computerized (0.19–7.14) trainings ( Kueider et al., 2012 ).

Based on the studies reviewed, the largest impact of video game trainings for cognitive skills was found on processing speed and RTs, as these cognitive domains presented the larger effect sizes. In particular, it has been observed that training with action games ( Green et al., 2012 ; Wang et al., 2014 ), FPS games ( Colzato et al., 2013 ; Hutchinson et al., 2016 ), adventure ( Li et al., 2016 ), and puzzle games ( Stroud and Whitbourne, 2015 ) can enhance these skills in healthy adults. In only one case no benefits have been reported over these particular skills after training with commercial video games ( van Ravenzwaaij et al., 2014 ). The possibility to train processing speed and RTs with video games, especially with action video games, represents one of the largest interests of video game and cognitive training literature in spite of mixed results about its effectiveness (e.g., Dye et al., 2009 ; Wang et al., 2016 ), therefore further investigation is surely needed. For instance, action video game novices assigned to action video game training show faster visual information processing according to one study ( Castel et al., 2005 ), while no improvement has been reported for seniors involved in a brief training ( Seçer and Satyen, 2014 ).

Results were generally positive across studies on training of memory as well. In particular, improvements in visual and spatial working memory have been observed after training with an action game (e.g., Blacker et al., 2014 ), an adventure game ( Clemenson and Stark, 2015 ), and a non-commercial game ( Looi et al., 2016 ). Concerning other forms of memory, a positive effect of an adventure game-based training on mnemonic discrimination was reported in one study ( Clemenson and Stark, 2015 ), while improvements in short term memory skills have been noticed after a brain training program ( Nouchi et al., 2013 ). On the contrary, no positive effects on episodic memory nor on visual and spatial working memory have been reported after training with puzzle games ( Baniqued et al., 2014 ). What emerged from the studies included in this review appears to be in line with previous evidences concerning the possibility to effectively use video games to enhance the memory skills of young and older populations, in particular regarding visual and spatial working memory (e.g., Wilms et al., 2013 ; Toril et al., 2014 ). It is nonetheless important to highlight the fact that, in this systematic review and in previous literature, the efficacy (or the ineffectiveness) of each training seems to differ on the basis of the specific game genre, as well as of the sample characteristics (e.g., Baniqued et al., 2013 ; Oei and Patterson, 2015 ; Chandra et al., 2016 ). Future studies are therefore necessary in order to better investigate the role of video games in such sense.

Regarding mental spatial rotation, even though the effect sizes are averagely high, only two studies have been included in this review, therefore results should be considered in the context of such numerical limitation. From what emerged from this systematic review, an enhancement of mental spatial rotation abilities was reported after training with commercial exergames and driving-racing games, with a greater advance for women ( Cherney et al., 2014 ), while no improvement was observed after training with other commercial games (one exergame and several action games) ( Dominiak and Wiemeyer, 2016 ). Since early findings in this research field have reported evidences supporting an enhanced performance in spatial relations after video game training in elders (e.g., Maillot et al., 2012 ) and children ( Subrahmanyam and Greenfield, 1994 ), future studies should deeply verify the possible usefulness of video games as training of such cognitive skill in adults specifically.

As for task-switching/multitasking, in spite of high effect sizes suggesting the effectiveness of video game trainings in such sense, it is once again important to underline the limited number of considered studies (three). According to the included studies, the cost of dual tasking and the cost of task-switching decreased after training with a commercial puzzle game ( Oei and Patterson, 2014 ), as well as with a custom-made video game ( Montani et al., 2014 ; Parong et al., 2017 ). The use of video games for such purpose, because of their own nature of requiring complex planning and strategizing, appears to be rather significant, as it could potentially allow training or rehabilitation of these cognitive skills (e.g., Boot et al., 2008 ). Literature, nonetheless, still presents mixed results, not always positive (e.g., Green et al., 2012 ), and for this reason future studies providing an in-depth analysis are still necessary.

Finally, regarding video games for the training of emotional skills, effect sizes ranged from 0.201 to 3.01. Despite the generally high values, it is currently impossible to compare them with results emerged from other systematic reviews or meta-analyses concerning the same topic, as the few works around the subject do not provide any information about effect sizes (e.g., Villani et al., 2018 ). The studies included in this review provide evidences suggesting that non-commercial video games ( Dennis and O'Toole, 2014 ; Dennis-Tiwary et al., 2016 ) and commercial video games (exergames and horror games) can be effective in inducing positive emotions and in reducing individual levels of stress in healthy adults ( Bouchard et al., 2012 ; Naugle et al., 2014 ). From this review, it appears that the number of studies conducted about this kind of training is smaller than the amount of studies related to cognitive training. This fact is rather curious, because the video games' intrinsic characteristics of being motivating, engaging, and easily accessible ( Granic et al., 2014 ), make computer games potentially useful tools in order to better the individuals' emotion regulation. Future studies will be fundamental in order to explore the potentiality of video games as emotional training tools, and to identify the most effective game genres for this purpose, examining potentially interesting genres that have not been investigated yet (e.g., affective gaming, virtual reality-based gaming).


As with all literature reviews, the current review does not claim to be comprehensive, but summarizes the current research on video games for the cognitive and the emotional training in the adult population based on specific key words used in the search string, the database included and the time period of the review. Moreover, in this review we based our choice of categories on a specific model ( Connolly et al., 2012 ; Kueider et al., 2012 ; Boyle et al., 2016 ), however the level of specificity and distinctiveness of different categories is an ongoing discussion in the scientific world, both in relation with the outcomes of cognitive and emotive trainings, and with analyzing video games. Finally, the follow-up effect of video games training was not specifically addressed in this review, since a very limited number of studies provided follow-up tests.

Future Directions

The present systematic review provides several directions for future studies in this research field. First of all, further studies are needed to better examine the video games effects on cognitive and emotional skills, especially in middle age adults, population which has been investigated in a limited number of studies. Secondly, one of the biggest unresolved issues appears to be the generalizability of improvements: up to now, only short-term effects and specific improvements have been recorded in most studies (e.g., Hardy et al., 2015 ; Tárrega et al., 2015 ). In addition, video game characteristics (e.g., genre, platform) in relation with trained skills should be further investigated in the future, in order to create specific and effective training programs.

To summarize, the present systematic review gives evidences of benefits of video game trainings on cognitive and emotional skills in relation to the healthy adult population, especially on young adults. Efficacy has been demonstrated not only for non-commercial video games or commercial brain-training programs, but for commercial video games as well. As for the distribution of game genre, action games are the most commonly used, followed by puzzle games. Finally, in this review, empirical evidences were identified for all the training outcomes, showing the potential effectiveness of video games for the training of both cognitive (i.e., multiple domain, processing speed and RTs, memory, task-switching/multitasking, mental spatial rotation), and emotional skills.

Author Contributions

FP, AF, and FM conceived the idea of this systematic review. FP and AF examined and write the description of the studies included. FM supervised the scientific asset. FP and AF write the first draft of the paper. All the authors read and approve the final version of the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: video games, computer games, cognitive training, emotional training, well-being

Citation: Pallavicini F, Ferrari A and Mantovani F (2018) Video Games for Well-Being: A Systematic Review on the Application of Computer Games for Cognitive and Emotional Training in the Adult Population. Front. Psychol. 9:2127. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02127

Received: 13 June 2018; Accepted: 15 October 2018; Published: 07 November 2018.

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AI in Human-computer Gaming: Techniques, Challenges and Opportunities

  • Open access
  • Published: 07 January 2023
  • Volume 20 , pages 299–317, ( 2023 )

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research paper computer games

  • Qi-Yue Yin   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Jun Yang   ORCID: 3 ,
  • Kai-Qi Huang   ORCID: 1 , 2 , 4 ,
  • Mei-Jing Zhao 1 ,
  • Wan-Cheng Ni 1 , 2 ,
  • Bin Liang 3 ,
  • Yan Huang 1 , 2 ,
  • Shu Wu 1 , 2 &
  • Liang Wang 1 , 2 , 4  

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With the breakthrough of AlphaGo, human-computer gaming AI has ushered in a big explosion, attracting more and more researchers all over the world. As a recognized standard for testing artificial intelligence, various human-computer gaming AI systems (AIs) have been developed, such as Libratus, OpenAI Five, and AlphaStar, which beat professional human players. The rapid development of human-computer gaming AIs indicates a big step for decision-making intelligence, and it seems that current techniques can handle very complex human-computer games. So, one natural question arises: What are the possible challenges of current techniques in human-computer gaming and what are the future trends? To answer the above question, in this paper, we survey recent successful game AIs, covering board game AIs, card game AIs, first-person shooting game AIs, and real-time strategy game AIs. Through this survey, we 1) compare the main difficulties among different kinds of games and the corresponding techniques utilized for achieving professional human-level AIs; 2) summarize the mainstream frameworks and techniques that can be properly relied on for developing AIs for complex human-computer games; 3) raise the challenges or drawbacks of current techniques in the successful AIs; and 4) try to point out future trends in human-computer gaming AIs. Finally, we hope that this brief review can provide an introduction for beginners and inspire insight for researchers in the field of AI in human-computer gaming.

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This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61906197).

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Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China

Qi-Yue Yin, Kai-Qi Huang, Mei-Jing Zhao, Wan-Cheng Ni, Yan Huang, Shu Wu & Liang Wang

School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China

Qi-Yue Yin, Kai-Qi Huang, Wan-Cheng Ni, Yan Huang, Shu Wu & Liang Wang

Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China

Jun Yang & Bin Liang

Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China

Kai-Qi Huang & Liang Wang

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Qi-Yue Yin received the Ph. D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent system from National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), China in 2017. He is currently an associate professor at Center for Research on Intelligent System and Engineering, CASIA, China.

His research interests include machine learning, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence on games.

Jun Yang received the Ph.D. degree in control science and engineering from Tsinghua University, China in 2011. He is currently a lecturer with Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, China.

His research interests include multi-agent reinforcement learning and game theory.

Kai-Qi Huang received the Ph. D. degree in communication and information processing from Southeast University, China in 2004. He is currently a professor at Center for Research on Intelligent System and Engineering, CASIA, China.

His research interests include visual surveillance, image understanding, pattern recognition, human-computer gaming and biological based vision.

Mei-Jing Zhao received the Ph. D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent system from Integrated Information System Research Center, CASIA, China in 2016. She is currently an associate professor at Center for Research on Intelligent System and Engineering, CASIA, China.

Her research interests include semantic information processing, knowledge representation and reasoning.

Wan-Cheng Ni received the Ph.D. degree in contemporary integrated manufacturing systems from Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, China in 2007. She is currently a professor at Center for Research on Intelligent System and Engineering, CASIA, China.

Her research interests include information processing and knowledge discovery, group intelligent decision-making platform and evaluation.

Bin Liang received the Ph.D. degree in precision instruments and mechanology from Tsinghua University, China in 1994. He is currently a professor with Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, China.

His research interests include artificial intelligence, anomaly detection, space robotics, and fault-tolerant control.

Yan Huang received the Ph.D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent system from National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR), CASIA, China in 2017. He is currently an associate professor at NLPR, CASIA, China.

His research interests include visual language understanding and video analysis.

Shu Wu received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from University of Sherbrooke, Canada in 2012. He is currently an associate professor at National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, CASIA, China.

His research interests include data mining, network content analysis and security.

Liang Wang received the Ph. D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent system from National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2004. He is currently a professor at NLPR, CASIA, China.

His research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning and data mining.

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About this article

Yin, QY., Yang, J., Huang, KQ. et al. AI in Human-computer Gaming: Techniques, Challenges and Opportunities. Mach. Intell. Res. 20 , 299–317 (2023).

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Received : 18 August 2022

Accepted : 19 October 2022

Published : 07 January 2023

Issue Date : June 2023


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Games: Research and Practice

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Games: Research and Practice offers a lighthouse for games research – a central reference point that defines the state of the art on games and playable media across academic research and industry practice. Inclusive in community, discipline, method, and game form, it publishes major reviews, tutorials, and advances on games and playable media that are both practically useful and grounded in robust evidence and argument, alongside case studies, opinions, and dialogues on new developments that will change games. It embraces open science and scholarship and actively champions new and underrepresented voices in games and playable media.

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Playing games: advancing research on online and mobile gaming consumption

Internet Research

ISSN : 1066-2243

Article publication date: 9 April 2019

Issue publication date: 9 April 2019

Seo, Y. , Dolan, R. and Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2019), "Playing games: advancing research on online and mobile gaming consumption", Internet Research , Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 289-292.

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019, Emerald Publishing Limited


Computer games consistently generate more revenue than the movie and music industries and have become one of the most ubiquitous symbols of popular culture ( Takahashi, 2018 ). Recent technological developments are changing the ways in which consumers are able to engage with computer games as individuals – adult gamers, parents and children ( Christy and Kuncheva, 2018 ) – and as collectives, such as communities, networks and subcultures ( Hamari and Sjöblom, 2017 ; Seo, 2016 ). In particular, with the proliferation of online and mobile technologies, we have witnessed the emergence of newer forms of both computer games themselves (e.g. advertising games (advergames), virtual and augmented reality games and social media games) ( Rauschnabel et al. , 2017 ) and of gaming practices (e.g. serious gaming, hardcore gaming and eSports) ( Seo, 2016 ).

It is, therefore, not surprising that the issues concerning the ways computer games consumption is changing in light of these technological developments have received much attention across diverse disciplines of social sciences, such as marketing (e.g. Seo et al. , 2015 ), information systems (e.g. Liu et al. , 2013 ), media studies (e.g. Giddings, 2016 ) and internet research (e.g. Hamari and Sjöblom, 2017 ). The purpose of this introductory paper to the special issue “Online and mobile gaming” is to chart future research directions that are relevant to a rapidly changing postmodern digital gaming landscape. In this endeavor, this paper first provides an integrative summary of the six articles that comprise this special issue, and then draws the threads together in order to elicit the agenda for future research.

An integrative summary of the special issue

The six articles that were selected for this special issue advance research into online and mobile gaming in several ways. The opening article by Pappas, Mikalef, Giannakos and Kourouthanassis draws attention to the complex ecosystem of mobile applications in which multiple factors influence consumer behavior in mobile games. Pappas and his colleagues shed light on how price value, game content quality, positive and negative emotions, gender, and gameplay time interact with one another to predict the intention to download mobile games. This study offers useful insights by demonstrating how fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis methodology can be applied to advance research into computer games consumption.

The study by Bae, Kim, Kim and Koo addresses the digital virtual consumption that occurs within computer games. This second paper explores the relationship between in-game items and mood management to determine the affective value of purchasing in-game items. The findings reveal that game users manage their levels of arousal and mood valence through the use of in-game purchases, suggesting that stressed users are more likely to purchase decorative items, whereas bored users tend to purchase functional items. This study offers an informative perspective of how mood management and selective exposure theories can be applied to understand the in-game purchases. Continuing this theme, the third study by Bae, Park and Koo investigates the effect of perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Park and colleagues extend previous research by identifying important motivational mechanisms, such as self-esteem and compassion, which link CSR initiative perceptions with the intentions to purchase in-game items.

The fourth and fifth studies of this special issue draw our attention to the use of avatars and game characters. Liao, Cheng and Teng use social identity and flow theories to construct a novel model that explains how avatar attractiveness and customization impact loyalty among online game consumers. In the fifth study, Choi explores the importance of game character characteristics being congruent with product types in order to make advergames more persuasive.

The final study by Lee and Ko reviews the predictors of game addiction based on loneliness, motivation and inter-personal competence. The findings of these authors suggest that regulatory focus mediates the effect of loneliness on online game addiction, and that inter-personal competence significantly buffers the indirect effect of loneliness on online game addiction. This study advances our knowledge about online game addiction through an investigation of the important role played by loneliness.

Future directions for research

Taken together, our introductory commentary and the six empirical studies that make up this special issue deepen and broaden the current understanding of how online and mobile technologies augment the consumption of computer games. In this final section of our paper, we outline potential directions for future research.

First, this special issue highlights that computer games consumption is a diverse interdisciplinary phenomenon, where important issues range from establishing the factors that determine the adoption of particular computer games to what consumers do within these games; from whether computer games enhance consumer well-being (e.g. Howes et al. , 2017 ), to whether they engender addiction (e.g. Frölich et al. , 2016 ); and from establishing how computer gaming experiences are influenced by internal psychological mechanisms to querying the effects of broader social aspects of consumer lives on computer games consumption ( Kowert et al. , 2015 ). Informed by these findings, we assert that as computer games consumption becomes more complex and interactive, incorporating more technology brought about by the proliferation of online and mobile gaming, it is important that our theorizing follows by tracking the mutual imbrication of consumers, play, technology, culture, well-being and other salient issues.

Computer games consumption is a phenomenon of global significance, which is reflected by the international interest that we have received for this special issue. This prompts us to consider similarities and differences in the ways that computer games are consumed across cultures ( Elmezeny and Wimmer, 2018 ). Many computer games themselves now foster intercultural, multicultural and transcultural experiences ( Cruz et al. , 2018 ) by enabling consumers from different countries and regions to connect and build relationships within the shared virtual space. How do such experiences shape the consumption of computer games? This gap in the literature has been previously noted ( Seo et al. , 2015 ), but it has not been either sufficiently detailed or theorised. Future studies should explore the role of various transcultural experiences and practices within online and mobile games consumption.

Finally, one increasingly promising area for future research is the rise of virtual reality (VR) applications. Although the earliest references to VR date back to the 1990s (e.g. Gigante, 1993 ), it has been only recently that technological developments have allowed VR to evolve from a niche technology into an everyday phenomenon that is readily available to consumers ( Lamkin, 2017 ; Oleksy and Wnuk, 2017 ). Given that VR is an experientially distinct medium, how will it augment computer games consumption experiences and practices? Will it foster more diverse applications of computer games across various aspects of consumer lives (e.g. Tussyadiah et al. , 2018 ), or will it increase computer games addiction (e.g. Chou and Ting, 2003 )? What are the current and future intersections between VR technology, online and mobile games, and how are they likely to develop and affect consumers? We envision that these and many other questions related to the application and proliferation of VR technology in computer games consumption will be an exceptionally fruitful area for future research.

In summary, we hope that this paper and the special issue, with its emphasis on online and mobile gaming, will offer new insights for researchers and practitioners who are interested in the advancement of research on computer games consumption.

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Christy , T. and Kuncheva , L.I. ( 2018 ), “ Technological advancements in affective gaming: a historical survey ”, GSTF Journal on Computing , Vol. 3 No. 4 , pp. 32 - 41 .

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Hamari , J. and Sjöblom , M. ( 2017 ), “ What is eSports and why do people watch it ”, Internet Research , Vol. 27 No. 2 , pp. 211 - 232 .

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The guest editors would like to offer special thanks to the Editor of Internet Research , Christy Cheung, for supporting the publication of this special issue. The guest editors would also like to thank all of the authors who contributed to this research for the “Online and mobile gaming” special issue. Finally, the guest editors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of reviewers, who generously spent their time in helping to review submissions: Luke Butcher, Curtin University, Australia; Hsiu-Hua Chang, Feng Chia University, Taiwan; I-Cheng Chang, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan; Chi-Wen Chen, California State University, USA; Zifei Fay Chen, University of San Francisco, USA; Sujeong Choi, Chonnam National University, Korea; Diego Costa Pinto, New University of Lisbon, Portugal; Angela Cruz, Monash University, Australia; Robert Davis, Massey University, New Zealand; Julia Fehrer, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Tony Garry, University of Otago, New Zealand; Tracy Harwood, De Montfort University, UK; Mu Hu, Beihang University, China; Tseng-Lung Huang, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan; Kun-Huang Huang, Feng Chia University, Taiwan; Chelsea Hughes, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA; Euejung Hwang, Otago University, New Zealand; Sang-Uk Jung, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea; Kacy Kim, Bryant University, USA; Dong-Mo Koo, Kyungpook National University, Korea; Jun Bum Kwon, University of New South Wales, Australia; Chun-Chia Lee, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan; Jacob Chaeho Lee, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; Loic Li, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Marcel Martončik, University of Presov, Slovakia; Mike Molesworth, University of Reading, UK; Gavin Northey, University of Auckland, New Zealand; James Richard, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; Ryan Rogers, University of Pennsylvania, USA; Felix Septianto, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Zhen Shao, Harbin Institute of Technology, China; Kai-Shuan Shen, Fo Guang University, Taiwan; Jungmin Son, Chungnam National University; Korea; Yang Sun, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China; Eva van Reijmersdal, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; Ekant Veer, University of Canterbury, New Zealand; John Velez, Indiana University, USA; Wei-Tsong Wang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan; Ya-Ling Wu, Tamkang University, Taiwan; Sheau-Fen Yap, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand; and Sukki Yoon, Bryant University, USA.

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About the authors.

Yuri Seo is Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland of Business School, New Zealand. His research interests include digital technology and consumption, cultural branding and multicultural marketplaces.

Rebecca Dolan is Lecturer at the University of Adelaide School of Business, Australia. Her research focuses on understanding, facilitating and optimizing customer relationships, engagement, and online communication strategies. She has a specific interest in the role that digital and social media play in the modern marketing communications environment.

Margo Buchanan-Oliver is Professor in the Department of Marketing and the Co-Director of the Centre of Digital Enterprise (CODE) at the University of Auckland Business School. Her research concerns interdisciplinary consumption discourse and practice, particularly that occurring at the intersection of the digital and physical worlds.

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Closing the car boot on your head will now kill you in Pacific Drive

Oh, and a bunch of other difficulty options

To survive in looter-booter Pacific Drive you have to keep the paranormal station wagon you drive around in good nick. You're constantly repairing corroded doors and swapping out busted engine parts with cobbled-together technology. But maybe this tinkering was a little too much. Our review praised the game for its "trunk loads of atmosphere" but called the constant need to craft stuff "laborious". If you also felt this, then good news. An update now lets you fiddle the difficulty options a generous amount, say developers Ironwood Studios, making the game easier and bringing crafting needs right down.

Buuut... if you thought the opposite - that the game wasn't hard enough - you can now tick a box that makes hitting yourself with the trunk door kill you stone dead.

Cover image for YouTube video

If you are currently screaming "NO, THE BANJAXED CAR IS THE WHOLE POINT." Then, firstly, wow, relax. Secondly, this update also offers some very challenging presets as a contrast. "Olympic Gauntlet" ups the difficulty of everything - hazards, crafting, car damage, you name it. "Iron Wagon" makes everything similarly tough but also notes that "failing a run will delete your save file."

You can also go crazy on a bunch of difficulty sliders, say the devs, and create your own custom mode. Your flat tires can now be flatter, for example, and the radiation more radioactive. You could turn off the "instability storms" that threaten you during a run. Or you could make your engine go more vroom-vroom. There's also that fatal car boot I mentioned at the start of the article - an option titled: "Trunk Bonk kills". Don't laugh! Car boots are dangerous. My friend concussed a girl while on a date by absent-mindedly slamming the boot down while she was still looking for something. They got married and had babies. It is possible the concussion is to blame.

There are other changes in the update. You can now have your own music play through the car radio, and your garage's jukebox, by loading the files directly into a local folder in the game directory. That's cool. An undersung strength of the road-tripping roguelike was its soundtrack, which had some pretty good tunes (my favourite is Bloodoath by Exes & Petey ).

I quite liked the pace of crafting when I toyed with Pacific Drive, but it's true it slowed me down enough to lose momentum and not finish the game. Difficulty is tough to measure, and often one of the best things you can do is just hand the nitty-gritty of that decision straight to the players. So fair play.

Disclosure: Paul Dean, a former contributor to RPS and my former fellow-in-board-games, did some writing for Pacific Drive. This explains why it's so weird.

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Resolving a Candidate Dual Active Galactic Nucleus with ∼100 pc Separation in MCG-03-34-64

Anna Trindade Falcão 1 , T. J. Turner 2 , S. B. Kraemer 3 , J. Reeves 3,4 , V. Braito 3,4,5 , H. R. Schmitt 6 , and L. Feuillet 3

Published 2024 September 9 • © 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. The Astrophysical Journal , Volume 972 , Number 2 Citation Anna Trindade Falcão et al 2024 ApJ 972 185 DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/ad6b91

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1 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

2 Eureka Scientific, Inc., 2452 Delmer St., Suite 100, Oakland, CA 94602, USA

3 Institute for Astrophysics and Computational Sciences, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064, USA

4 INAF—Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Via Bianchi 46, 23807, Merate (LC), Italy

5 Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Trento, Via Sommarive 14, Trento 38123, Italy

6 Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375, USA

Anna Trindade Falcão

T. J. Turner

S. B. Kraemer

J. Reeves

V. Braito

H. R. Schmitt

L. Feuillet

  • Received 2024 May 24
  • Revised 2024 July 20
  • Accepted 2024 August 4
  • Published 2024 September 9

AGN host galaxies ; Seyfert galaxies ; High energy astrophysics

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We report the serendipitous multiwavelength discovery of a candidate dual black hole system with a separation of ∼100 pc, in the gas-rich luminous infrared galaxy MCG-03-34-64 ( z = 0.016). Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys observations show three distinct optical centroids in the [O iii ] narrow-band and F814W images. Subsequent analysis of Chandra/ACIS data shows two spatially resolved peaks of equal intensity in the neutral Fe K α (6.2–6.6 keV) band, while high-resolution radio continuum observations with the Very Large Array at 8.46 GHz (3.6 cm band) show two spatially coincident radio peaks. Fast shocks as the ionizing source seem unlikely, given the energies required for the production of Fe K α . If confirmed, the separation of ∼100 pc would represent the closest dual active galactic nuclei reported to date with spatially resolved, multiwavelength observations.

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1. Introduction

The masses of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) correlate with the global properties of their host galaxies' stellar components, such as luminosity, mass, and velocity dispersion, extending over kiloparsec scales (e.g., Kormendy & Ho 2013 ). This correlation highlights the need to understand the mechanisms driving SMBH growth.

Both galactic evolutionary models and observations suggest that a significant fraction of AGNs, particularly those at the center of large-scale structures, undergo major mergers (e.g., De Lucia & Blaizot 2007 ; Hopkins et al. 2008 ; Ginolfi et al. 2017 ; Castignani et al. 2020 ). Hydrodynamical simulations further demonstrate that major mergers induce gas inflows toward galactic centers, potentially triggering both star formation and accretion onto central SMBHs (Mayer et al. 2007 ). However, the overall impact of these events on SMBH growth throughout cosmic time remains poorly constrained.

SMBH pairs, often manifested as dual AGNs, provide distinctive evidence for merger-fueled SMBH growth (e.g., Wassenhove et al. 2012 ). Numerous dual AGN candidates have been identified using various techniques, including optical spectroscopy with emission line ratios (e.g., Liu et al. 2011 ), hard X-ray emission (e.g., Koss et al. 2011 ), and double-peaked narrow emission lines (e.g., Smith et al. 2010 ; Koss et al. 2023 ). Nonetheless, these methods have limitations, and multiwavelength follow-up observations have revealed a substantial number of false positives (e.g., Fu et al. 2011b ).

The advent of gravitational-wave astronomy, with the potential for detection through pulsar timing arrays (e.g., Verbiest et al. 2016 ), has heightened the importance of understanding the formation timescales of binary systems. Studying kiloparsec and subkiloparsec dual AGNs offers a unique window into the final stages of SMBH binary coalescence, a crucial process in gravitational wave astronomy.

Dual AGNs separated by kiloparsec or subkiloparsec scales are inherently more challenging to detect and investigate than wider-separation systems (e.g., >3 kpc). This difficulty arises from increased obscuration in late-stage mergers (e.g., Koss et al. 2016 ; Ricci et al. 2021 ; De Rosa et al. 2022 ), limitations in telescope spatial resolution (particularly at subkiloparsec scales), the scarcity of detected radio-bright dual systems (Burke-Spolaor 2011 ), and the limitations of optical selection using double-peaked narrow emission lines (prone to false positives; see Fu et al. 2011a ). Existing observations of dual AGNs tentatively suggest that AGN triggering becomes more prevalent in advanced mergers with stellar bulge separations <10 kpc (e.g., Koss et al. 2010 ; Fu et al. 2018 ; Stemo et al. 2021 ), aligning with simulations of SMBH accretion and evolution in such mergers (e.g., Blecha et al. 2018 ). Therefore, studying nearby galaxies hosting dual AGNs separated at subkiloparsec scales is crucial for advancing our understanding of the late stages of galaxy mergers, the triggering and fueling of AGN activity, and the dynamics of SMBH pairs (Steinborn et al. 2016 ). These close-separation systems provide a unique window into the processes leading to the eventual coalescence of SMBHs, which is a major source of gravitational waves, and plays a fundamental role in the growth of SMBHs and their host galaxies (Dotti et al. 2012 ; Kharb et al. 2017 ).

While several dual AGN candidates have been proposed at scales of hundreds of parsecs, often supported by single-wave band observations, these have frequently been challenged by subsequent studies. Notable examples include the nearby Seyfert NGC 3393 (Fabbiano et al. 2011 ), SDSS J101022.95 + 141300.9 (Goulding et al. 2019 ), and a third active nucleus in NGC 6240 (Kollatschny et al. 2020 ), later disputed in other works (Koss et al. 2015 ; Veres et al. 2021 ; Treister et al. 2020 ).

In this study, we present the serendipitous discovery of a candidate dual AGN system in MCG-03-34-64 (IRAS 13197-1627), a nearby early-type infrared luminous galaxy at z = 0.01654 (∼78 Mpc, from NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database). 7 This galaxy is identified as one of the hardest X-ray sources in the local Universe (Tatum et al. 2016 ). Earlier X-ray observations with ASCA, XMM-Newton, and BeppoSAX (Dadina & Cappi 2004 ; Miniutti et al. 2007 ) revealed an extremely hard and complex source spectrum, attributed to heavy absorption from a multilayered and clumpy medium. MCG-03-34-64 also shows extended radio emission (∼300 pc), roughly aligned with the major axis of the host galaxy (Schmitt et al. 2001 ), and ∼2'' extent in mid-infrared aligned in the same direction as the radio structure (Hönig et al. 2010 ).

We have obtained Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) imaging of MCG-03-34-64 in 2022 June (P.I.: Turner, proposal ID: 16847), and 50 ks of Chandra/ACIS-S observations in 2023 April (obs ids 25253, 27802, and 27803, P.I.: Turner). This paper presents the results of the analysis of these new data sets, combined with existing Very Large Array (VLA) radio, and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) optical imaging of the source. Throughout this paper, we adopt Ω m = 0.3, Ω Λ = 0.7, and H 0 = 70 km s −1 Mpc −1 , and a scale of 340 pc arcsec −1 , based on the redshift at the galaxy's distance.

2. Multiwavelength Observations and Analysis

Table 1 lists all observations used in this paper, including instruments, filters, observation dates, obs ids, and exposure times. Details on the reduction of new HST/ACS and Chandra/ACIS-S observations are provided in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 , respectively. For reduction and analysis of archival HST F814W, VLA 8.46 GHz imaging, and Suzaku and XMM-Newton spectroscopy, see Section 2.3 . All the HST data used in this paper can be found in MAST at doi: 10.17909/53rj-fw34 .

Table 1.  Multiwavelength Observations of MCG-03-34-64

BandFilterof ObservationIDTime (s)
Optical HST/ACS FR505N2022-06-30jequ010201.5 10
  HST/ACS FR647M2022-06-30jequ010102.0 10
 HST/ACS F814W2019-01-18jdrw9z0107.0 10
RadioVLA/A (8.46 GHz)1995-07-15AK3949.0 10
X-rays Chandra/ACIS-S2023-04-19252531.5 10
  Chandra/ACIS-S2023-04-20278021.8 10
  Chandra/ACIS-S2023-04-21278031.7 10
 NuSTAR2009-07-01601010200027.8 10
 XMM-Newton/Epic-pn2016-01-1707632202011.0 10

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2.1. Hubble Space Telescope Imaging

HST/ACS observations of MCG-03-34-64 were obtained using the linear ramp filter FR505N (narrow-band [O iii ]) centered at 5089.6 Å, to characterize the morphology of the emission-line gas, while a continuum medium band image was obtained using FR647M, centered at 5590 Å. These filters have bandwidths of 2% and 9%, respectively. Standard HST pipeline procedures were employed for data reduction. The narrow-band and continuum images were acquired sequentially and did not require realignment. Flux calibration was performed using information available on the headers.

2.2. Chandra Imaging and Spectroscopy.

Subpixel imaging binning was employed to effectively oversample the Chandra point-spread function (PSF) and overcome the limitations of the ACIS instrumental pixel size. This method has been extensively used and validated in previous studies examining the subkiloparsec regions around nearby and obscured AGNs (e.g., Maksym et al. 2017 ; Fabbiano et al. 2018a ; Ma et al. 2021 ; Trindade Falcão 2023 ), demonstrating excellent agreement between reconstructed ACIS-S features and those imaged with higher spatial resolution instruments such as HST and VLA (e.g., Wang et al. 2011b ; Paggi et al. 2012 ; Maksym et al. 2019 ; Fabbiano et al. 2018b ). The Chandra PSF was simulated using ChaRT 9 and MARX . 10 This work uses a final Chandra scale of one-eighth of the native ACIS pixel.

2.3. Archival Radio/Optical/X-Ray Observations

In addition to the new Chandra and HST data sets, we analyze archival optical, radio, and X-ray observations of MCG-03-34-64, as listed in Table 1 . These data include 8.46 GHz radio imaging with VLA, optical continuum imaging with HST/ACS F814W, and X-ray spectra from Suzaku and XMM-Newton.

There are four additional archival Chandra observations with MCG-03-34-64 in the field of view (obs ids 27267, 27786, 7373, and 23690). However, three of these observations are not usable due to the galaxy being located at the very edge of the field (observations were optimized for the companion galaxy). The fourth available Chandra observation consists of a 7 ks snapshot (used in Miniutti et al. 2007 ), which has insufficient counts for meaningful imaging analysis.

3.1. Imaging Analysis

3.1.1. hubble space telescope imaging.

The [O iii ] narrow-line region (NLR) in MCG-03-34-64 has a highly unusual morphology, featuring three distinct, and compact emission regions, as shown in Figure 1 . The NLR extends ∼2.3 kpc along the NE–SW direction. In the perpendicular direction (NW–SE), we observe three diffraction spikes characteristic of point sources, while one diffraction spike is observed along the NE–SW cone. These features suggest high concentrations of [O iii ] gas within a relatively small region, a rare occurrence in the local Universe (Fischer et al. 2018 ).

Figure 1.

Figure 1.  HST [O iii ] and F814W images of the central region of MCG-03-34-64. Note the prominent diffraction spikes present in the [O iii ] image.

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To examine the overall structure of the NLR, we model the [O iii ] light distribution with GALFIT (Peng et al. 2002 , 2010 ). The modeling was performed with generic Sérsic profiles, and we allow all parameters to freely vary during the fitting process. The background level and standard deviation were determined from blank regions within the image's field of view.

The best-fit GALFIT model consists of four Sérsic components, one for each of the three peaks visible in the [O iii ] surface plot in the leftmost panel of Figure 2 , and an additional larger component to take into account the underlying fainter, more extended emission. In the second panel, we show a zoomed-in image of the [O iii ] emission, and mark the position of each Sérsic component corresponding to a strong peak of [O iii ] emission as green circles. The third panel of Figure 2 shows the best-fit GALFIT model, while the fourth panel shows the residual images from this best-fit model, with the different model components subtracted from the data.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.  First panel: surface plot of the [O iii ] flux in the HST/ACS image where three distinct sources are visible. Second panel: HST/ACS [O iii ] image showing the presence of three closely separated emission peaks. We mark the position of each Sérsic component for the emission peaks as green circles. Third panel: best-fit GALFIT model, using four Sérsic components. Fourth panel: residual image after subtraction of the best-fit GALFIT model.

Table 2 lists the best-fit model parameters. The strong [O iii ] peaks of emission are fit with Sérsic components with indices 0.41 ≤ n ≤ 0.51, indicating that they are similar to Gaussians ( n = 0.5), but in two cases show a slightly more centrally concentrated distribution. Given that these components have effective radii ∼2–3 times that of an unresolved source, we opted to not include a PSF component in the fitting model, since it is not expected to significantly change the results.

ComponentR.A.Decl. / P.A. (sky)Flux
 (J1200)(J1200)(arcsec)  (deg)(erg s cm )
Sérsic I (northern [O iii])13:22:24.4693−16:43:42.3790.0950.410.9249.94.8 10
Sérsic II (central [O iii])13:22:24.4561−16:43:42.5150.1010.510.6432.32.2 10
Sérsic III (southern [O iii])13:22:24.4549−16:43:42.7370.1600.440.5324.93.2 10
Sérsic IV (fainter extended [O iii])13:22:24.4625−16:43:42.5760.5082.910.5934.34.6 10

Given the unique morphology of the optical emission observed in MCG-03-34-64 with HST, we examine other available multiwavelength observations (Table 1 ) to obtain a more comprehensive picture of this inner region.

3.1.2. Chandra Imaging

Figure 3 shows the inner ∼200 pc region of MCG-03-34-64, as observed with Chandra/ACIS in different energy bands. The images are binned at one-eighth of the native pixel to use the full-resolution of the instrument in the high-count inner region, and processed with 1 kernel Gaussian smoothing.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.  Chandra/ACIS-S merged data set showing the inner 200 pc region of MCG-03-34-64 in different bands (one-eighth subpixel, and 1 kernel Gaussian smoothing). First panel: soft (0.3–3 keV) X-ray image. Second panel: 3–5 keV hard continuum image. Third panel: Fe K α (6.2–6.6 keV) Chandra image. We show the location of the two Fe K α centroids as blue circles. Fourth panel: 6–7 keV hard band Chandra image.

We measure nearly equal X-ray luminosities in the narrow 6.2–6.6 keV band from the Chandra image for both Fe K α peaks, L (6.2−6.6 keV) ∼ 3.2 ± 0.6 × 10 40 erg s −1 , for D ∼ 78 Mpc (e.g., de Grijp et al. 1992 ; Table 3 ).

Table 3.  Chandra/ACIS-S Merged Data Set—Astrometry, Fluxes, and Luminosities of the Individual Fe K α Regions

 (J1200)(J1200)(photons)(erg s cm )(erg s )
Northern Fe K 13:22:24.470−16:43:42.31436 ± 64.6 10 3.2 ± 0.6 10
Central Fe K 13:22:24.4584−16:43:42.64337 ± 64.8 10 3.2 ± 0.6 10

Note. The luminosities are calculated for D = 78 Mpc.

To address concerns that the dual morphology might be a spurious detection due to smoothing on scales smaller than the Chandra PSF, we examine the individual Chandra observations (prior to merging) listed in Table 1 , in the Fe K α band (Figure 4 ). These images are binned at one-eighth of the native pixel and smoothed with a 1 kernel Gaussian. As shown, the dual morphology of the Fe K α band is indeed observed in all individual observations, prior to merging, confirming the robustness of the detection. The differences in surface brightness between the individual Chandra exposures seen in Figure 4 for the individual nuclei are most likely due to statistical noise.

Figure 4.

3.1.3. VLA Imaging

The morphology of the 8.46 GHz radio continuum emission in MCG-03-34-64 is also analyzed, and shown in Figure 5 . The positions of the two radio centroids identified by Schmitt et al. ( 2001 ) in the inner region are shown as white circles (see their Table 2). The 8.46 GHz emission starts as a linear structure at the position of the northern radio centroid, extending ∼100 pc southwestward to the central radio peak, and then bending southward in the direction of the southern [O iii ] centroid (Figure 5 ). Table 4 lists the positions and fluxes of the individual radio components, as measured in Schmitt et al. ( 2001 ). The separation between the two centroids is 116 ± 14 pc.

Figure 5.

Figure 5.  VLA-A 8.46 GHz (3.6 cm) radio continuum image of MCG-03-34-64. White circles mark the position of the two radio peaks, and the [O iii ] centroids are shown in green. The image is shown in log scale.

Table 4.  VLA-A 3.6 cm Radio Continuum Image Decomposition—Position and Fluxes of Individual Components

Northern radio13:22:24.471−16:43:42.3531.6
Central radio13:22:24.456−16:43:42.6115.5

Note. From Schmitt et al. ( 2001 ).

3.1.4. Astrometry Registration

We initially apply CIAO wavdetect 15 to the merged 0.3–7 keV Chandra image with a >5 σ detection threshold, detecting two faint sources near the edge of the chip array (via comparison with the Vizier source catalog). However, given their faintness, these are not suitable to use as a basis for astrometry correction.

We then create Chandra images in the narrow Fe K α band (6.2–6.6 keV), known to be dominated by nuclear emission in obscured sources (Fabbiano & Elvis 2024 ). Assuming that the radio emission in AGNs also originates from the innermost regions around the SMBH, we correct Chandra's absolute astrometry by aligning the emission peaks seen in the Fe K α band with those in the 8.46 GHz radio image. This alignment method has been used in similar studies, such as in Mrk 78 (Fornasini et al. 2022 ).

We apply a total shift of [Δx, Δy] = [0.1, 0.7] pixels to the Chandra/ACIS data, well within the absolute astrometry accuracy of the telescope. 16 Comparison with available HST observations confirms the accuracy of VLA's astrometry.

3.2. Spectroscopic Analysis

Figure 6.

The overall spectral profile observed in the Chandra data is consistent across the earlier NuSTAR and XMM-Newton observations. All three spectra show an absorption feature at 6.8 keV, likely arising from Fe XXV absorption, and suggesting an outflow with v ∼ 5000 km s −1 , as noted in Miniutti et al. ( 2007 ). Below 3 keV, the soft X-ray emission is dominated by photoionized and collisionally ionized emission lines, from Ne, O, and Fe L ions (Miniutti et al. 2007 ).

3.2.1. XMM-Newton and NuSTAR Spectral Fitting

We proceed to model the X-ray spectrum of MCG-03-34-64 with MYTorus (Murphy & Yaqoob 2009 ), a physically motivated model built to describe the interaction of the emission from an X-ray point-source with a surrounding, and homogeneous torus of cold neutral material.

We fit the joint XMM+NuSTAR X-ray spectrum with a source model of the form:

A × TBabs × [ xstar × MYTZ × zpowerlw +( C × ( MYTS + MYTL × gsmooth )+ zpowerlaw _ soft + soft _ emiss )], where TBabs describes the absorption of emission by the Galactic column density, xstar is the photoionized absorber described previously in Miniutti et al. ( 2007 ), [ MYTZ × zpowerlw] describes the intrinsic continuum in transmission absorbed by torus, MYTS is the scattered (reflected) toroidal component off Compton-thick matter, MYTL is the associated Fe/Ni K α /K β line emission, and gsmooth accounts for some Gaussian broadening of the MYTorus line emission, where the upper limit on the line width is σ < 65 eV. The soft X-ray components are zpowerlaw _ soft , which is an unabsorbed scattered power-law component, and soft _ emiss , which is the sum of the photo and collisionally ionized emission components described by Miniutti et al. ( 2007 ). A is the cross normalization factor between NuSTAR and XMM ( A = 1.20 ± 0.05) and C is the offset between reflected/line components and intrinsic continuum components ( C is frozen at 1). The results of the fitting are shown in Figure 6 (center and right panels).

Given the quality and resolution of the X-ray observations used in this work, the spectra and fitting models employed in our analysis account for emission within the entire inner region of MCG-03-34-64, and cannot be performed separately for the individual Fe K α peaks uncovered in the Chandra imaging data. In this case, the resulting configuration suggested by MYTorus requires one where one is looking along the edge (Compton-thin line of sight) of a very Compton-thick absorber overall, which obscures both Fe K α regions.

We also note that the difference observed between the summed Fe K α luminosities derived from the Chandra imaging, ∼6.4 × 10 40 erg s −1 , and the total Fe K α luminosity yielded by the spectral fitting with MYTorus , L (6.2−6.6 keV) = 1.0 × 10 41 erg s −1 , may be attributed to line absorption by the absorber, which in turn implies a higher intrinsic X-ray luminosity, as yielded by the results of the spectral fit.

4. Discussion

The results presented in Section 3 reveal puzzling properties of the emission in MCG-03-34-64. Our imaging analysis identified three [O iii ]-emitting regions in the HST/ACS data, separated by 76 ± 8 and 79 ± 8 pc (Table 2 , Figure 2 ). In X-rays with Chandra/ACIS, two spatially resolved peaks of emission are observed in the narrow 6.2–6.6 keV Fe K α band, separated by 125 ± 21 pc (Table 3 , Figure 3 ). In the radio with VLA-A, Schmitt et al. ( 2001 ) previously identified two distinct radio cores in the 8.46 GHz continuum, separated by 116 ± 14 pc (Table 4 , Figure 5 ).

Figure 7 shows the Chandra/ACIS Fe K α image and the position of these multiwavelength centroids. The image is binned at one-eighth of the native ACIS-S pixel and smoothed with 1 kernel Gaussian.

Figure 7.

Figure 7.  Chandra/ACIS-S merged Fe K (6.2–6.6 keV) image of MCG-03-34-64 (one-eighth subpixel, and smoothed with 1 kernel Gaussian). Optical centroids from HST/ACS are shown in red, VLA-A 8.46 GHz centroids in white, and Chandra/ACIS Fe K centroids in blue. The circle sizes reflect uncertainties in the position of the centroids.

4.1. Bolometric Luminosity

Table 5.  Joint XMM and NuSTAR Spectral Fitting Results from MYTorus

(erg s )(erg s )(erg s )(erg s )
1.0 10 2.1 10 1.5 10 4.5 10

Notes. We use a correction factor k = 30 (Vasudevan & Fabian 2007 ) to obtain the integrated bolometric luminosity in X-rays.

4.1.1. HST F814W Continuum Fluxes

Our results reveal that the integrated observed fluxes are ≤3% of the integrated intrinsic flux in the band (Table 6 ), with the largest fraction originating from the central region. These fractions are consistent with scattered, hidden continuum (e.g., Pier et al. 1994 ), but could also include contributions from emission lines (e.g., Kraemer & Crenshaw 2000 ) and recombination continuum (Osterbrock & Robertis 1985 ). Therefore, it is unlikely that we will detect AGN continuum emission directly in the optical, and we cannot determine which of these regions harbors the AGN, given that all three regions are consistent with scatter continua from an active nucleus (but see below).

Table 6.  [O iii ] Luminosities Calculated from the Measured [O iii ] Fluxes from Table 2 , and Considering a Distance of D = 78 Mpc

Component ]
 (erg s )(erg s )(erg s cm )
Northern [O iii]3.5 10 1.6 10 8.3 10
Central [O iii]1.6 10 7.3 10 1.2 10
Southern [O iii]2.3 10 1.0 10 6.4 10
Sérsic3.3 10 1.5 10 ...
Total1.1 10 4.8 10 ...

Note We use a correction factor c = 454 (Lamastra et al. 2009 ) to calculate the bolometric luminosity in each [O iii ] region. We also show the measured F814W fluxes for each emitting region.

4.2. Multiwavelength Emission Centroids

The high fluxes and luminosities found in Section 3 for individual emission regions in the optical, X-ray, and radio bands support the presence of an AGN in this system. However, pinpointing the AGN's location is more challenging. We discuss possible interpretations for the system's configuration, based on our results and the limitations of the data.

4.2.1. Single AGN+Shocked Interstellar Medium

One interpretation is that the active nucleus is located at the position of the northern centroids ([O iii ], Fe K α , and radio; see Figure 7 ), based on the fluxes of individual components (Tables 2 , 3 , and 4 ). In this single AGN scenario, the remaining emission centroids (central Fe K α , [O iii ] and radio centroids, and southern [O iii ]) may arise from the interaction between the AGN and the interstellar medium (ISM). This would manifest as a mix of photoionized and collisionally ionized (shocked) gas from an extended NLR, similar to NGC 3393 (e.g., Maksym et al. 2016 ). Such an interpretation is consistent with previous spectral fitting results for this galaxy, which indicate a mix of photoionized and shock-ionized gas in the soft X-ray emission (Miniutti et al. 2007 ). Similarly, it is possible that the AGN in this system is located at the position of the central [O iii ], Fe K α , and radio peaks, while the remaining multiwavelength centroids may be attributed to AGN–ISM shock emission.

4.2.2. Dual AGN+Shocked ISM

Following the discussion in Section 4.2.1 , the high Fe K α luminosities (Table 3 ), and the high energies required for the production of such line emission suggest that both Fe K α regions could be powered by an active SMBH. In this scenario, the northern emission centroids would pinpoint the location of one AGN, while the central emission centroids (radio, Fe K α , and optical) may be associated with a second active SMBH in this system (given the high fluxes found for the central optical region in the F814W continuum band; Table 6 ). The distances measured between the different centroids attributed to each AGN are consistent across different wave bands (Table 7 ), supporting the dual AGN scenario.

Table 7.  Distances between Multiwavelength Centroids Found in This Work: HST/ACS, VLA-A, and Chandra/ACIS-S (Fe K α )

ComponentsDistanceDistanceDistance Range
Northern [O iii] → central [O iii]0.233 ± 0.0279 ± 871–87
Central [O iii] → southern [O iii]0.223 ± 0.0276 ± 868–84
Northern [O iii] → southern [O iii]0.413 ± 0.01140 ± 5135–145
Northern radio → central Radio0.338 ± 0.04116 ± 14102–130
Northern Fe K → central Fe K 0.369 ± 0.08125 ± 21104–146
Central [O iii] → central Fe K 0.132 ± 0.0645 ± 2124–66
Southern [O iii] → central Fe K 0.107 ± 0.0636 ± 2115–57

In this scenario, the southern [O iii ] region may arise from collisionally ionized emission in the ISM. Shock emission from jet–ISM interaction at the southern optical centroid location is supported by (1) the morphology of the radio emission at the central radio peak, which is observed to bend southward (Schmitt et al. 2001 ), in the direction of the southern [O iii ] peak (see Figures 5 and 3 , and Section 3.1.3 ); and (2) the morphology of the Chandra 0.3–3 keV (soft) emission, which is also observed to bend southward in the direction of the southern [O iii ] centroid (see Figure 3 , and Section 3.1.3 ). The lack of a corresponding southern radio or hard X-ray counterpart is consistent with the hypothesis that the northern and central [O iii ] centroids are powered by individual AGNs.

The dual AGN scenario is strengthened by the consistent values between the estimated bolometric luminosities derived from [O iii ] and X-rays (Tables 5 and 6 ), and the detection of nearly equal Fe K α emission peaks in the Chandra image, a powerful tool for identifying and confirming dual AGN systems (De Rosa et al. 2022 ). In the 3–5 keV Chandra image (Figure 3 ), the northern nucleus appears brighter than the central nucleus, although some extended emission is observed toward the central nucleus in this band. The column densities in the transmission of the two nuclei may not be the same, i.e., the AGN located at the central Fe K α region could have a higher absorbing column and appear fainter at lower energies. A higher contribution from the photoionized+thermal extended soft X-ray gas is expected at these lower energies. Given the resolution of the analyzed X-ray data, performing a separate spectral analysis of each individual Fe K α region is currently impractical.

5. Summary and Conclusions

We analyze new HST/ACS and Chandra/ACIS observations of the nearby Seyfert galaxy MCG-03-34-64, along with archival HST/ACS, XMM-Newton/Epic-pn, NuSTAR, and VLA-A data sets. Our analysis reveals the following:

In X-rays with Chandra: Two spatially resolved emission centroids are detected in the 6.2–6.6 keV Fe K α image, separated by 125 ± 21 pc. These peaks are evident in individual exposures and the merged data set. The northern and central Fe K α regions have 36 ± 6 and 37 ± 6 counts in the narrow 6.2–6.6 keV band, respectively, corresponding to ≥6 σ detections, and nearly equal Fe K α luminosities, L (6.2−6.6 keV) ∼ 3.2 ± 0.6 × 10 40 erg s −1 .

In the radio with VLA: Two emission regions are observed in the 3.6 cm VLA continuum image (Schmitt et al. 2001 ), spatially colocated with the northern and central Fe K α and [O iii ] regions.

We propose two possible physical interpretations of our results, and discuss these in the context of our analysis:

1. The "single AGN+shocked ISM" scenario, which proposes the existence of a single active nucleus in the system, while the remaining multiwavelength centroids may be attributed to the interaction of the ISM with the radio jet in the NLR.

This scenario is strengthened by:

a. Previous X-ray studies on this source, which find evidence for a mix of collisionally and photoionized X-ray gas in the NLR (Miniutti et al. 2007 ).

This scenario is challenged by:

b. The high Fe K α luminosities derived for individual regions and the energies required for the production of such line emission.

2. The "dual AGN+shocked ISM" scenario, which proposes the existence of a dual SMBH pair in this system separated by just 125 ± 21 pc.

a. The detection of two spatially resolved Fe K α regions in the Chandra imaging data, with high individual luminosities (Table 3 ).

b. The detection of three very bright and compact (<60 pc diameter) [O iii ]-emitting regions in the HST imaging data, and the respective individual bolometric luminosities (Table 6 ).

c. The detection of spatially coincident Fe K α , radio, and [O iii ] centroids at the northern and central regions. This is the first time spatially resolved, multiwavelength emission centroids in X-rays, radio, and optical are detected colocated in a nearby candidate dual AGN. For comparison, the recent study of Koss et al. ( 2023 ), which identified the presence of a dual AGN system separated by ∼230 pc in UGC 4211, detected colocated optical (HST F814W, MUSE AO [O iii ], and H α ), NIR (Keck J and K'), and submillimeter (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array continuum at ∼230 GHz) centroids at the position of the two nuclei, but with no confirmation from X-rays or radio observations.

In summary, although we cannot definitively confirm or exclude the physical scenarios presented here, identification of the two nuclei in a deeper Chandra exposure would help to confirm a possible dual black hole system in this galaxy. Analysis of gas kinematics in the nuclear region of MCG-03-34-64 is crucial to determine the nature of the observed structures. Kinematic information obtained with HST/STIS long-slit spectroscopy could reveal disturbed kinematics expected from either the individual outflows of two SMBHs or the highly disturbed kinematics resulting from the merger environment. This information cannot be obtained from the archival X-Shooter data and requires the resolution of HST to probe the ∼100 pc region of interest.


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