1. Deaf Culture

    thesis statement about deaf culture

  2. (PDF) Studying Deaf Culture: An Introduction to Ethnographic Work in

    thesis statement about deaf culture

  3. Example essay deaf culture

    thesis statement about deaf culture

  4. Understanding of Deaf Culture (500 Words)

    thesis statement about deaf culture

  5. 🌈 What is deaf culture essay. Deaf And Hearing Culture Essay. 2022-10-28

    thesis statement about deaf culture

  6. (PDF) Deaf Cultural Capital and its Conflicts with Hearing Culture

    thesis statement about deaf culture


  1. An Exploration of Deaf Education through the Experiences of Culturally

    Culture is the gateway to identity. In Deaf culture, identity can involve both a hearing impairment or status as a sociolinguistic minority (McIlroy & Storbeck, 2011). This dual definition is at the center of the deaf education debate and is the basis for deaf education programs. Three teaching philosophies attributed to culture and identity are:


    Statement of Purpose This thesis aims to develop evidence-based best practice recommendations for nursing, ... talking, in Deaf culture, looking away communicates disinterest. Prolonged eye contact may be uncomfortable at first for some, but this is a norm of Deaf culture (Hemberger & Morrow, n.d.). ...

  3. PDF The Artistic Influence of American Deaf culture and heritage, explored

    This thesis examines the combination of visual arts education with deaf studies. It explores teaching art lessons about deaf culture and heritage to students of all ages. There are three lesson plans included each with a Deaf artist as the inspiration for the project and the focus of the lesson.


    Deaf culture and how to interact with a Deaf person and that hearing participants would ... In this thesis, the usage of "Deaf" also signifies the culture. There are currently two points of view on the condition of deafness: the medical/pathological model and the cultural model (Massachusetts Commission, 2014). ...

  5. Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States

    It is written in accessible language that is geared toward high school students who have an interest in sign language and Deaf culture. The textbook is divided into three sections: Part 1, Deaf Culture: Yesterday and Today; Part 2, Signed Languages and Learning; and Part 3, Deaf Lives, Technology, Arts, and Career Opportunities.

  6. Architecture Through the Senses: Navigating a World Without Noise

    For this thesis, I engage in a comprehensive study of Deaf culture by learning American Sign Language (ASL) and immersing myself within the Deaf community. My objective is to gain insights into their unique modes of interaction, daily lives, and spatial preferences. The research is motivated by the aspiration to apply this profound understanding to the design of a deaf-friendly academic ...

  7. PDF Durham E-Theses Deafness, discourse and identity:: critical issues in

    (upper case 'D'). In this thesis 'Deaf' will refer to such people, and terms such as Deaf community and Deaf culture will be used to denote this cultural classification. Throughout the thesis the lower case 'd' will used to described the children in my sample and other deaf people who do not see themselves as being part of a Deaf community.

  8. (PDF) Language, Identity, and Belonging: Deaf Cultural ...

    Cultural Deafness as denoted by the capital D in the term Deaf community describes a community of people who use sign language, identify with Deaf culture and history, and share in a rich social ...

  9. The unheard voices in mental health: A deaf experience

    Masters Thesis The unheard voices in mental health: A deaf experience ... Discussion: Recommendations for future studies include discussions of intersectionality within deaf culture and deaf communities. Additionally, mental health is a paramount issue affecting a multitude of individuals from diverse backgrounds, which includes the deaf ...

  10. Signing on screen: exploring deaf narratives in film

    The representation of Deaf individuals and Deaf culture in media has been a debated topic in the Deaf Community for years. ... it brings up the question of if these modern films depict deafness in a way that is accurate to and accepted by the Deaf Community. The purpose of this thesis was to collect data to try and better understand how Deaf ...

  11. Social Interaction Between Deaf and Hearing People

    It was predicted that a majority of hearing participants would describe a lack of knowledge about Deaf culture, discomfort interacting with a Deaf person, and an agreement that a need exists for better understanding of Deaf culture. ... Rebecca C. (2015) Social Interaction Between Deaf and Hearing People. Undergraduate thesis, under the ...

  12. Social Interaction Between Deaf and Hearing People

    This study examined the personal experiences of hearing people in their interactions with Deaf persons and their knowledge about Deaf culture. The research involved questioning hearing people about their perceptions and interactions with Deaf people and Deaf culture in an effort to gain insight as to how the lives of Deaf people can be improved in mainstream culture. It was predicted that a ...

  13. A Study of Deaf Culture in An American Urban Deaf Community

    The dissertation focuses upon the study of the major cultural characteristics of members of a Deaf Community of a large midwestern American city. Previous studies have examined the psychological, sociological and linguistic aspects of Deaf Communities, but the cultural aspects and sociocultural institutions of Deaf Communities have been explored only rarely. The data were collected in 1979 and ...

  14. The Link Between American Deaf Culture and Dance: Assessing nonverbal

    Edelstein, Chloe, "The Link Between American Deaf Culture and Dance: Assessing nonverbal communication and recognizing the value of deaf dancers." (2016). Undergraduate Honors Thesis Collection. 327. As a dancer, it is of the utmost importance to know the history behind the origins of movement with intent.

  15. The Significance of Deaf Culture: A Bioethical Analysis of Pediatric

    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the University Honors Program University of South Florida, St. Petersburg April 28th, 2021. Recommended Citation Kappaz, Samantha, "The Significance of Deaf Culture: A Bioethical Analysis of Pediatric Cochlear Implants" (2021).

  16. PDF The Native American Deaf Experience: Educational Perspectives

    national Deaf community, a solidarity which transcends ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. One obvious reason for this view is the common language used by members. · The Deaf community places a high value on language --an important aspect of any culture (Padden, 1989). The language of the Deaf community is American Sign

  17. No longer free to be Deaf: Cultural, medical and social understandings

    The experiences of culturally and linguistically Deaf people in prison settings are defined by pain, isolation and deprivation far beyond the 'expected' punishment inflicted by the prison sentence (Kelly Citation 2017, Citation 2018; Zidenburg 2021).This article contends that the medical and social models of disability can be used as important theoretical tools for understanding the ...

  18. The Challenges of Deaf Women in Society: An Investigative Report

    History has recorded the mistreatment of both Deaf people and women across time and cultures. The discrimination, struggle for rights, and the strides of progress thus far are congruent themes in both narratives, but neither expressly acknowledges the experiences of Deaf women, who encounter prejudice for both labels. In order to ascertain the breadth and magnitude of Deaf women's challenges ...

  19. I See What You're Saying: A Deaf Culture And American Sign Language

    Deaf Culture and American Sign Language are an important part of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing community. Most people outside of this community are unaware of these aspects, and remain uneducated about them. This document is an event plan for an educational event about American Sign Language and Deaf Culture, as well as an artist statement explaining the conception and implementation of this ...

  20. The Importance of Learning Deaf Culture through a Black Deaf

    Lee, Lindsay, "The Importance of Learning Deaf Culture through a Black Deaf Perspective in the Field of Communication Sciences and Disorders" (2022). Honors College Theses. 692. As the diversity in the demographics of clinical populations increases in the United States, clinicians must also be accountable for learning the culture of their patients.

  21. "Deaf Culture and Music: The Role of Sign Language Interpreters within

    Although the notion of music being a part of a deaf individual's life may seem contradictory, there is evidence that music is and has been a part of many deaf people's lives. Music is and has been a part of the Deaf culture, including, but not limited to, Deaf musicians, utilizing pianos to teach speech, and sign language interpreters at events including music. The intent of this thesis is ...

  22. Deaf Culture Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Pages: 8 Words: 2431. Deaf. There has been a dearth of literature on the training and development of deaf and hard of hearing employees. This research attempts to highlight gaps in the research and suggest methods of improving deaf awareness in the fields of human resources and organizational development.

  23. Thesis Statement on Deaf Culture

    Download thesis statement on Deaf Culture in our database or order an original thesis paper that will be written by one of our staff writers and delivered according to the deadline. ... Deaf Culture. Tweet. Date Submitted: 04/29/2002 02:48:51 Category: / Science & Technology Length: 6 pages (1660 words) …