Learn how to create an index page in latex, the index in a manuscript helps the reader to find contents in any document. it should be straightforward as much possible. many authors index words, listing all the pages on which those index words appear. a good writer indexes contextual ideas, facts, features, and so on..

  • What you should know before creating index page
  • Keyword index method
  • Makeindex – recommended method
  • Add Index page to table of contents

Illustration below illustrates a comparative view of index entries from a “word index” and a “concept index” . Suppose using each of them to find out the topic – testing procedure of VPN connections (Page 598 describes the process) with the word index, a reader has to look seven pages prior to reaching the desired one. On the other hand, with the concept index, he/she can jump to the desired page.

latex thesis index

Facts about creating index entries

Prior to generating a list of indexes, the writer should be aware of the following facts:

  • The writer should make a plan of what concepts should b e displayed in the index.
  • Try to figure out the type of the readers and what is their interests about the concepts of an index.
  • Then, try to sketch a blueprint of what types of words generally the readers might need to looking for each concept.
  • Many times the writers were tempted to just list the index words as the way they wrote the document. It is strictly advised to avoid this procedure for creating a good index.
  • One of the professional technique is to start recording index entries according to the alphabetical order for all of the identical words those appear in the manuscript.
  • A computer can’t create an index of a document automatically, though it could help the procedure. It’s the duty of the authors to decide whether the keywords are specific enough to their topics to app ear in the index, or not. If yes, they need to decide where the readers would b e redirected in the index.
  • The computer can notice and count each occurrence of index entries in an efficient technique.
  • In LaTeX, simply adding the command \index (see details in following sections) on the position of the document for what you want to index.

How to Make an Index in LaTeX

1. use of keyword index.

LaTeX can not generate an index with keywords automatically. However, it can prepare input data for a program, which generates an index format *.idx form. LaTeX can use this file on later during runtime.

The environment {theindex} in LaTeX is shown as below:

It shifts the page environment into a two-column page format with a running Index for the document. Note that, the heading “Index” is printed out on the first page of the index. In a book and report manuscript, the size of this title of the index is the same as “Heading of Chapter”; and in an article, this size is the same as the section heading of the document. To generate the individual entries, you have use the following commands:

LaTeX ExpressionPurpose
For Keyword Index Entry
For Sub Keyword Index Entry
For Nested Keyword Index Entry
Leaves an Empty Line between Index Entries
If a text in the index entry is too long to accommodate in one line, the program automatically breaks it down on the next immediate line with a deeper indentation than others lines.

latex thesis index

– Setup Steps of theindex environment

The theindex environment sets up a convenient format for the index page. The entries and their corresponding page numbers are produced by the \MakeIndex program .

\MakeIndex acquires necessary inputs/entries from the TeX file in the form of unsorted keywords along with page numbers. In the main manuscript, the writers have to enter this information in the text file with the following command: \index{Entry_of_Index}

Here, Entry_of_Index refers to conceptual text which is required to be added into the index. You can combine alphabets, numbers, symbols, and even command characters and blanks. To use any command characters as an index entry, you have to enclose the command within \verb. Generally, LaTeX ignores the \index commands and certainly do not execute anything. To activate the index environment, you must include \makeindex in the preamble of your root TeX file . It will generate an index file *.idx (root texfile name.idx). Then, all of the \index commands of a manuscript record all index entry along with current page number to this *.idx file as shown below: \indexentry{index_entry}{correxponding_pagenumber} . Note that this .idx file is input file for the index creation process.

– Disadvantages of Using theindex Macro

Handling indexes by \theindex is not an efficient method. Obviously generating and updating indexes according to keywords is a tedious task. It’s an old-fashioned manual procedure. The rate of observation of errors is very high in this procedure.

2. MakeIndex – Amazing Tool

Fortunately, an auxiliary program was written by Pehong Chen with the assistance of Leslie Lamport for LaTeX users. This package/program is well-known as MakeIndex . MakeIndex produce an *.idx file from provided information, those are gathered by index command from TeX documents

– How to Use and Run MakeIndex

To use MakeIndex , a user needs to follow the following steps:

  • Add \usepackage{makeidx} in the preamble of the root/main TeX file. Another package named imakeidx is also available for MakeIndex program . The difference is that imakeidx is more flexible and offer more customization option. To use this package instead, you have to add \usepackage{imakeidx} command at the preamble.
  • Add \makeindex in the preamble, just before \begin{document} is suggested.
  • \printindex where a user wants the index to appear. Usually, it is suggested to place just right before \end{document} command.

latex thesis index

Let suppose, your root TeX name is mainfile.tex. When you run the mainfile.tex file, it invokes MakeIndex to process a main.idx file. This file collects the entire information from all \index commands. Then, while you next run Makeindex by typing makeindex main command, it reads mainfile.idx file and produces as output another file mainfile.ind (root tex file name with extension.ind , such as mainfile.ind). It will not be accepted as an index entry, And the compiler also generate a warning regarding error. By reading the index, you can discover additional errors. They should be corrected by changing the appropriate \index commands in the document and regenerate the mainfile.ind file.

– How to Organize Entries

The MakeIndex program accepts its entries as one of the following forms:

Index Entry TypeLaTeX ExpressionExample
Main index entry\index{main_index_ent}\index{scheduling}
Sub-index entry\index{main_index_ent!sub_ent}\index{scheduling!reg}
Sub-sub-index entry\index{main_index_ent!sub_ent!sub_sub_ent}{\index{scheduling!reg!MS}

LaTeX and MakeIndex support only three levels of indexing. To specify a page number range, you need to put \index{…|(} command at the beginning of the page range and \index{…|)} at the end of the range.

– Adding Cross-Reference on Index Entry

To add a cross-reference to another entry, you need to write an index entry as follows:

latex thesis index

– Adding String Format Entry

If a user needs to specify an entry or it’s sub-entry of the form, string1@string2 , the first string determines the alphabetical position of the entry, while the second string produces the text of the entry.

latex thesis index

This property is pretty useful. The argument of an \index{} command provides the actual input string that LaTeX uses to generate the index entry.

For example, the commands \index{Gamma@$\gamma$} , \index{gms@\textbf{gms}} will generate a gamma entry in the index, but that entry would be alphabetized according to γ .

latex thesis index

– Special Format Page numbers

Sometimes, indexes require a special page number format. As an example, you can use italic font to present primary references. Or an f after a page number to refer to an index entry of footnote. MakeIndex makes it more easier to implement such cases.

For any string (such as string_name), the command \index{…|string_name} prints a page number of the from \string_name{ref_n} . On the same way, to print any page number as the form \string_name{n-m} , or of the form \string_name{n} if the specified range includes only a single number, you would use the command \index{…|(string_name} .

latex thesis index

– Parameters for makeindex command

  • title : To set a “Index Title” at the beginning of the index list of the document.
  • intoc : To include the title of the index at the “Table of Contents”.
  • columnskey_value : To specify the number of the columns for displaying index entries. Here, key_value must be an Integer. Note that, it’s default value is 2.
  • columnsep=Key To specify units for represent the separation between the columns. columnseprule To display a vertical line between the columns.

How to Add an Index in Table of Contents

You can include a list of index of a document in the “Table of contents”. One of the simplest way is to modify \makeindex command’s parameters in the preamble, if you would use makeidx package . For example:

In above code snippet, intoc option is responsible for this inclusion. Similarly, the imakeidx package users have to use the same macro. For imakeidx package:

If you want to use TOC into tocbibind or idxlayout layouts of the makeidx package , then it is suggested to add the following environments into the preamble:

  • For tocbibind Layout: \usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind}
  • For idxlayout Layout: \usepackage[totoc]{idxlayout}

At this level, we have reached the end of this tutorial about creating Index page.

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Writing a thesis in latex.

Writing a thesis is a time-intensive endeavor. Fortunately, using LaTeX, you can focus on the content rather than the formatting of your thesis. The following article summarizes the most important aspects of writing a thesis in LaTeX, providing you with a document skeleton (at the end) and lots of additional tips and tricks.

Document class

The first choice in most cases will be the report document class:

See here for a complete list of options. Personally, I use draft a lot. It replaces figures with a box of the size of the figure. It saves you time generating the document. Furthermore, it will highlight justification and hyphenation errors ( Overfull \hbox ).

Check with your college or university. They may have an official or unofficial template/class-file to be used for writing a thesis.

Again, follow the instructions of your institution if there are any. Otherwise, LaTeX provides a few basic command for the creation of a title page.


Use \today as \date argument to automatically generate the current date. Leave it empty in case you don’t want the date to be printed. As shown in the example, the author command can be extended to print several lines.

For a more sophisticated title page, the titlespages package has a nice collection of pre-formatted front pages. For different affiliations use the authblk package, see here for some examples.

Contents (toc/lof/lot)

Nothing special here.

The tocloft package offers great flexibility in formatting contents. See here for a selection of possibilities.

Often, the page numbers are changed to roman for this introductory part of the document and only later, for the actual content, arabic page numbering is used. This can be done by placing the following commands before and after the contents commands respectively.

LaTeX provides the abstract environment which will print “Abstract” centered as a title.


The actual content

The most important and extensive part is the content. I strongly suggest to split up every chapter into an individual file and load them in the main tex-file.

In thesis.tex:

In chapter1.tex:

This way, you can typeset single chapters or parts of the whole thesis only, by commenting out what you want to exclude. Remember, the document can only be generated from the main file (thesis.tex), since the individual chapters are missing a proper LaTeX document structure.

See here for a discussion on whether to use \input or \include .


The most convenient way is to use a bib-tex file that contains all your references. You can download bibtex items for articles, books, etc. from Google scholar or often directly from the journal websites.

Two packages are commonly used to personalize bibliographies, the newer biblatex and the natbib package, which has been around for many years. These packages offer great flexibility in customizing the look of a bibliography, depending on the preference in the field or the author.

Other commonly used packages

  • graphicx : Indispensable when working with figures/graphs.
  • subfig : Controlling arrangement of several figures (e.g. 2×2 matrix)
  • minitoc : Adds mini table of contents to every chapter
  • nomencl : Generate and format a nomenclature
  • listings : Source code printer for LaTeX
  • babel : Multilingual package for standard document classes
  • fancyhdr : Controlling header and footer
  • hyperref : Hypertext links for LaTeX
  • And many more

Minimal example code

I’m aware that this short post on writing a thesis only covers the very basics of a vast topic. However, it will help you getting started and focussing on the content of your thesis rather than the formatting of the document.

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' src=

8. June 2012 at 7:09

I would rather recommend a documentclass like memoir or scrreprt (from KOMA-Script), since they are much more flexible than report.

' src=

8. June 2012 at 8:12

I agree, my experience with them is limited though. Thanks for the addendum. Here is the documentation: memoir , scrreprt (KOMA script)

' src=

8. June 2012 at 8:02

Nice post Tom. I’m actually writing a two-part (or three) on Writing the PhD thesis: the tools . Feel free to comment, I hope to update it as I write my thesis, so any suggestions are welcome.

8. June 2012 at 8:05

Thanks for the link. I just saw your post and thought I should really check out git sometimes :-). Best, Tom.

8. June 2012 at 8:10

Yes, git is awesome. It can be a bit overwhelming with all the options and commands, but if you’re just working alone, and probably on several machines, then you can do everything effortlessly with few commands.

11. June 2012 at 2:15

That’s what has kept me so far. But I’ll definitely give it a try. Thanks!

' src=

8. June 2012 at 8:08

What a great overview. Thank you, this will come handy… when I finally get myself to start writing that thesis 🙂

8. June 2012 at 14:12

Thanks and good luck with your thesis! Tom.

' src=

9. June 2012 at 4:08

Hi, I can recommend two important packages: lineno.sty to insert linenumbers (really helpful in the debugging phase) and todonotes (allows you to insert todo-notes for things you still have to do.)

11. June 2012 at 0:48

Thanks Uwe! I wrote an article on both, lineno and todonotes . Here is the documentation: lineno and todonotes for more details.

' src=

12. June 2012 at 15:51

Thanks for the post, i’m currently writing my master thesis 🙂

A small note: it seems that subfig is deprecated for the subcaption package:,_Figures_and_Captions#Subfloats

12. June 2012 at 16:05

Hey, thanks for the tip. Too bad they don’t say anything in the documentation apart from the fact that the packages are not compatible.

' src=

1. August 2012 at 21:11

good thesis template can be also found here (free):

including living headers, empty pages, two-sided with front and main matter as well as a complete structure

2. August 2012 at 11:03

Thanks for the link to the thesis template!

' src=

15. November 2012 at 22:21

Hi Tom, I’m writing a report on spanish in LaTex, using emacs, auctex, aspell (~170pags. ~70 files included by now) and this blog is my savior every time because I’m quite new with all these.

The question: Is there anyway (other than \- in every occurrence) to define the correct hyphenation for accented words (non english characters like é)? I have three o four accented words, about the subject of my report, that occur near 100 times each, across several files, and the \hyphenation{} command can’t handle these.

20. November 2012 at 3:47

I was wondering what packages you load in your preamble. For a better hyphenation (and easier typing), you should use these packages:

See here for more details.

If this doesn’t help, please provide a minimal working example to illustrate the problem.

Thanks, Tom.

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LaTeX Theses and Dissertatons

Tips and tools for writing your LaTeX thesis or dissertation in  Overleaf, including templates, managing references , and getting started guides.

Managing References

BibTeX  is a file format used for lists of references for  LaTeX  documents. Many citation management tools support the ability to export and import lists of references in .bib format. Some reference management tools can generate  BibTeX  files of your library or folders for use in your  LaTeX  documents.

LaTeX on Wikibooks   has a  Bibliography Management  page.

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Getting Started with Your Thesis or Dissertation

How to get started writing your thesis in LaTeX

Writing a thesis or dissertation in LaTeX can be challenging, but the end result is well worth it - nothing looks as good as a LaTeX-produced pdf, and for large documents it's a lot easier than fighting with formatting and cross-referencing in MS Word. Review this video from Overleaf to help you get started writing your thesis in LaTeX, using a standard thesis template from the  Overleaf Gallery .

You can  upload your own thesis template to the Overleaf Gallery   if your university provides a set of LaTeX template files or you may find your university's thesis template already in the Overleaf Gallery.

This video assumes you've used LaTeX before and are familiar with the standard commands (see our other  tutorial videos   if not), and focuses on how to work with a large project split over multiple files.

How to Write your Thesis/Dissertation in LaTeX: A Five-Part Guide

Five-Part LaTeX Thesis/Dissertation  Writing Guide

Part 1: Basic Structure   corresponding  video

Part 2: Page Layout   corresponding  video

Part 3: Figures, Subfigures and Tables   corresponding  video

Part 4: Bibliographies with Biblatex  corresponding  video

Part 5: Customizing Your Title Page and Abstract   corresponding  video

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Managing References

BibTeX is a file format used for lists of references for LaTeX documents. Many citation management tools support the ability to export and import lists of references in .bib format. Some reference management tools can generate BibTeX files of your library or folders for use in your LaTeX documents.

LaTeX on Wikibooks has a Bibliography Management page.

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How to get started writing your thesis in LaTeX

Writing a thesis or dissertation in LaTeX can be challenging, but the end result is well worth it – nothing looks as good as a LaTeX-produced PDF, and for large documents it's a lot easier than fighting with formatting and cross-referencing in MS Word. Review this video from Overleaf to help you get started writing your thesis in LaTeX, using a standard thesis template from the Overleaf Gallery .

You can upload your own thesis template to the Overleaf Gallery if your university provides a set of LaTeX template files or you may find your university's thesis template already in the Overleaf Gallery.

This video assumes you've used LaTeX before and are familiar with the standard commands (see other tutorial videos  if not), and focuses on how to work with a large project split over multiple files.

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5-part Guide on How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX

5-part LaTeX Thesis Writing Guide

Part 1: Basic Structure corresponding  video

Part 2: Page Layout corresponding  video

Part 3: Figures, Subfigures and Tables   corresponding video

Part 4: Bibliographies with Biblatex corresponding video

Part 5: Customizing Your Title Page and Abstract corresponding video

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LaTeX Resources for Graduate Students: Formatting of theses and dissertations

  • BibTeX reference format
  • BibTeX command
  • LaTeX bibliography file
  • LaTeX editors and compilers
  • Sample LaTeX file with bibliography
  • Sample LaTeX file without bibliography
  • Formatting of theses and dissertations

Formatting and structure

The Cornell Graduate School has become increasingly flexible about the formatting of theses and dissertations.  There now are only seven core requirements . For the structure of theses and dissertations here is a list of required and recommended sections .

Latex template

Among the available thesis and dissertation templates provided by the Graduate School is also a LaTeX template (ZIP archive). This template has been uploaded to Overleaf and placed in the Cornell template directory . This template contains a small fix to avoid an error message about \ifpdf .

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Guide to Writing Your Thesis in LaTeX

Step 4: configure the options specific to your thesis.

At this point, it is assumed that you have a working LaTeX distribution, an editor, have downloaded and installed the necessary template files, and confirmed that you can build this sample thesis . If not, do that first. Now we will explain how to set things like the title, the author name, and whether it is a masters thesis or a doctoral dissertation.

Start by opening the file thesis.tex in your editor.

Setting the Class Options

The first line of the file will be:

This tells LaTeX to use the urithesis document class with all default options. There are many options that that can be given, but for now we will only concern ourselves with one.

If this is a Ph.D. dissertation, change the first line to be:

Setting the Title and Author

To set the title, you use the command:

Make sure to use proper capitalization.

Since you will be the author, set your name using the command:

The tilde between the middle initial and the last name tells LaTeX that the period does not indicate the end of a sentence, and to use a normal interword space.

The Bibliography Source File

The references will come from one or more .bib files that you create. This is the only type of file without a .tex extension that you will need to edit. The line:

tells BibTeX to look in the file references.bib for references cited in the thesis. The argument to the \reffile command can be a comma separated list of files (without the .bib extension), and it will look in all of those files.

The Preliminary Material

The pages that come before the first chapter are called the preliminary material. See the page Guidelines for the Format of Theses and Dissertations , on the Graduate School’s web site, for more information about the preliminary material. The preliminary material includes, in this order:

Title Page automatic
Approval Page automatic
Abstract required
Acknowledgments optional
Dedication optional
Preface optional
Table of Contents automatic
List of Figures automatic
List of Tables automatic

The automatic sections will be generated automatically, and you need not worry about them. The List of Tables and List of Figures sections will only be generated if the thesis contains any tables or figures, respectively. The argument to the command to include the four manual sections, is the name of the .tex file that contains the content for that section, without the .tex extension. For example the abstract is included with the command:

which means it will us the contents of the file abstract.tex as the abstract. The file abstract.tex should contain only the text of the abstract, as the title will be generated automatically.

The Chapters

Chapters are included with the command:

which will include the file chapterN.tex in the thesis. There should be one \newchapter{} command for each chapter of the thesis.

The chapter source files should each begin with the command

followed by the contents of the chapter.

The Appendices

Appendices are optional, but if present, they are included with the command:

which will include the file appendixN.tex in the thesis. There should be a \newappendix{} command for each appendix of the thesis.

The main difference between appendices and chapters, are that chapters are numbered starting with 1, while appendices start with the letter A. The contents of an appendix is identical to that of a chapter. Each appendix source file should begin with the command:

command, just like with chapters.

Additional Considerations

By default, the department named on the title page is Electrical Engineering, but that can be changed by using the command:

before any of the chapters are included.

The year that the thesis is generated is displayed on the title page and approval page, but the Graduate School requires that year must be the year of your official graduation. To set that date to a specific year, other than the current year, use the command:

before the \begin{document} command.

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Index of Notation for Thesis using AMS template

I would like to add a List of Notation at the end of my thesis - just before the Index - similar to this book:

Specifically I would like to collect symbols of particular topics such as topology, measure theory, function spaces, etc. together, with a short explanation and the page number of their first occurrence.

I am using AMS-LaTeX v.2 and any help would be greatly appreciated.

bibo_extreme's user avatar

2 Answers 2

Assuming the lines below are stored in IndexNotations.tex , one simple and automatic way would be:

enter image description here

  • Hi, I'm quite new to latex, so may I ask if I must create some file called IndexNotations.tex apart from your own? Thanks –  bibo_extreme Commented Jun 6, 2014 at 15:40
  • 1 You copy-paste the content in the gray box in a file that you call IndexNotations.tex that you compile with the first lines: pdflatex IndexNotations.tex , then makeindex IndexNotations.nlo -s -o IndexNotations.nls and pdflatex IndexNotations.tex again. You should get a proper pdf file called IndexNotations.pdf . –  pluton Commented Jun 6, 2014 at 15:48
  • Thank you for your patience. It works now. Would it be very difficult to have the list as a separate chapter so to speak? One includes chapters and bibliographies in the AMS template that I'm using and they appear in the table of contents Could something similar be done with your code? –  bibo_extreme Commented Jun 6, 2014 at 15:54
  • 1 @bibo_extreme Please see… –  pluton Commented Jun 6, 2014 at 16:04
  • Surprisingly I managed to make it work. Thanks for your time. –  bibo_extreme Commented Jun 6, 2014 at 16:19

from the looks of the structure of the index of notation, it was created manually, not with any package like glossary or an indexing tool. the arrangement of the entries is too well defined to have endured an automatic sort.

an individual entry can be considered as being made up of three parts: the notation example, the definition or explanation, and the references.

the references can be identified in the text by the use of \label , and then cited in the list of notation using \ref . (more than one label will be needed if more than one reference is wanted.)

the left-hand column, with the notation examples, should be of fixed width. if none of the examples requires more than one line, then it can be set in a box of fixed width and the right-hand column, with definitions, can be set as ordinary text (preferably ragged right) with a left indent the width of the box containing the example.

i will post code for this structure after i've worked out the case where the left column requires more than one line.

barbara beeton's user avatar

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latex thesis index

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Your thesis or dissertation is often the most important single piece of work you’ll produce as a student (whether it be your final year undergraduate research project or your complete Masters / PhD thesis). These templates, many provided by the university themselves as official layout guidelines, include sections for you to add all the relevant author information (your university, department, supervisor, year, etc) along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references and appendices.

Swansea U. Thesis Template

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  1. How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 1): Basic Structure

    latex thesis index

  2. Sample LaTeX Thesis Template

    latex thesis index

  3. Latex Thesis Proposal Template

    latex thesis index

  4. How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 2): Page Layout

    latex thesis index

  5. GitHub

    latex thesis index

  6. Learn How to Create an Index Page in LaTeX

    latex thesis index


  1. Latex Template for Thesis

  2. Re-Typesetting Books in LaTeX

  3. Latex Tutorial 6: REFERENCING Citation in Amharic አማርኛ

  4. Menulis karya ilmiah (dengan menggunakan LaTeX)

  5. Latex Thesis Report Template (BracU)

  6. Write a summary in LaTeX


  1. How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 1): Basic Structure

    The preamble. In this example, the main.tex file is the root document and is the .tex file that will draw the whole document together. The first thing we need to choose is a document class. The article class isn't designed for writing long documents (such as a thesis) so we'll choose the report class, but we could also choose the book class.. We can also change the font size by adding square ...

  2. Indices

    The keys change different elements in the index output: headings_flag 1 enables grouping inserting the group header (symbols, numbers or letters) before a new group.; heading_prefix formats the header to insert before a new letter begins. It uses regular formatting commands for the font family, font height and alignment, but the backslashes must be escaped using a double backslash instead of one.

  3. 6.1.1 Creating an Index (makeidx package)

    Latest news 2024-08-12: Crime fiction short story The Briefcase is now available. 6. 1. 1 Creating an Index (makeidx package) Volume 1 introduced the command: \index { <text> } to index the word given in <text>. For example, if \index{circuit} occurs on page 42, then "42" will be added to the location list for the term "circuit". Note:

  4. How to effectively use List of Symbols for a thesis?

    ERROR: CHAR: index 0 should be less than the length of the string Switching to makeglossaries provides a more intelligible explanation: Sort key required for entries only containing command names. Attempting to determine which entries have problem sort keys. Parsing 'mydoc.slo' 5 problematic entries found: Label: 'chi'.

  5. Learn How to Create an Index Page in LaTeX

    The environment {theindex} in LaTeX is shown as below: \begin{theindex} index_entries. \end{theindex} It shifts the page environment into a two-column page format with a running Index for the document. Note that, the heading "Index" is printed out on the first page of the index.

  6. PDF Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis

    Chapter 1 Introduction Many PhD students in the sciences are encouraged to produce their PhD thesis in LATEX, particularly if their work involves a lot of mathematics.In addition, these days, LATEX is no longer the sole province of mathematicians and computer scientists and is now starting to be used in the arts and so-

  7. PDF Writing a thesis with LATEX

    Luckily, when using the right commands, LATEX does a very good job. The very first thing to do is to avoid commands like \clearpage and let LATEX automatically choose the position of the floating objects: while writing the thesis, the author should be focused only on the content and not be concerned with the layout.

  8. Writing a thesis in LaTeX

    The following article summarizes the most important aspects of writing a thesis in LaTeX, providing you with a document skeleton (at the end) and lots of additional tips and tricks. Document class. The first choice in most cases will be the report document class: 1. \documentclass[options]{report} See here for a complete list of options.

  9. How to get started writing your thesis in LaTeX

    Here we provide a guide to getting started on writing your thesis in LaTeX, using a standard template which is pre-loaded into Overleaf. We have a large number of thesis templates in our online library, and you can upload your own if your university provides a set of LaTeX template files. We'll assume you've used LaTeX before and so are ...

  10. LaTeX Theses and Dissertations

    Writing a thesis or dissertation in LaTeX can be challenging, but the end result is well worth it - nothing looks as good as a LaTeX-produced pdf, and for large documents it's a lot easier than fighting with formatting and cross-referencing in MS Word. Review this video from Overleaf to help you get started writing your thesis in LaTeX, using a ...

  11. LibGuides: Overleaf for LaTeX Theses & Dissertations: Home

    Writing a thesis or dissertation in LaTeX can be challenging, but the end result is well worth it - nothing looks as good as a LaTeX-produced PDF, and for large documents it's a lot easier than fighting with formatting and cross-referencing in MS Word. Review this video from Overleaf to help you get started writing your thesis in LaTeX, using ...

  12. 6. Generating Indexes and Glossaries

    It's less likely that you'll need an index in your thesis, but since the same mechanism is used to generate glossaries and indexes, both topics are covered in this chapter. There are two basic methods of generating a glossary or index: The glossary or indexing information is written to a temporary file by LaTeX while the document is being built.

  13. LaTeX templates for writing a thesis

    The thesis template site mostly just links to available external sites with templates. It provides links to ready-to-go thesis templates of various universities worldwide. There's even a google map for viewing the templates origins on the world map. Besides LaTeX templates there are also LyX thesis templates.

  14. Formatting of theses and dissertations

    Sample LaTeX file without bibliography; Formatting of theses and dissertations; ... Among the available thesis and dissertation templates provided by the Graduate School is also a LaTeX template (ZIP archive). This template has been uploaded to Overleaf and placed in the Cornell template directory.

  15. Creating an index with the makeidx package

    LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c Abstract This is a short example to show how the \makeindex and \printindex commands can be used to create and display a document index.

  16. How to create an author index using BibLaTeX ...

    If you only want a single index (namely the author index) then the following based on 20-indexing-single.tex should work. Load an indexing package (here the standard LaTeX makeidx). Activate indexing (here with \makeindex). Tell biblatex to start indexing citations with indexing=cite,.

  17. Guide to Writing Your Thesis in LaTeX

    Now we will explain how to set things like the title, the author name, and whether it is a masters thesis or a doctoral dissertation. Start by opening the file thesis.tex in your editor. Setting the Class Options. The first line of the file will be: \documentclass{urithesis} This tells LaTeX to use the urithesis document class with all default ...

  18. LaTeX for E-Thesis and large documents

    The "latex" program requires EPS graphics, and this formatter is often used (along with the "dvips" graphics driver) to create Postscript output. Thesis template files. The University of Waterloo LaTeX thesis template consists of a number of plain text files.

  19. LaTeX Thesis

    Illinois Tech welcomes you to join our community of people who discover, create, and solve. Apply today, visit us in Chicago, and contact us for more information. Request Info Visit Apply. Contact. 10 West 35th Street. Chicago, IL 60616. 312.567.3000. Contact Us. Campus.

  20. bibtex

    I am working on my thesis and I have to include in the text the Subject Index and Index of Authors. I'm using BibTeX (package natbib) and package makeidx for marking the terms for Subject index (I'm using MikTeX 2.9 and TeXnicCenter). Problem is that \citeindextrue command from the natbib package write the citations into the .idx indexing file and I don't know how to separate both indices.

  21. How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 5): Customising Your ...

    In the previous post we looked at adding a bibliography to our thesis using the biblatex package.In this, the final post of the series, we're going to look at customising some of the opening pages. In the first video we made a rather makeshift title page using the \maketitle command and by using an \includegraphics command in the \title command. Although this works, it doesn't give us as much ...

  22. Index of Notation for Thesis using AMS template

    1. You copy-paste the content in the gray box in a file that you call IndexNotations.tex that you compile with the first lines: pdflatex IndexNotations.tex, then makeindex IndexNotations.nlo -s -o IndexNotations.nls and pdflatex IndexNotations.tex again. You should get a proper pdf file called IndexNotations.pdf.

  23. Gallery

    City University (CU) Thesis Project Template - Department of CSE. As a culminating experience for the Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science & Engineering at City University, students are required to complete a thesis or project. This is the LaTeX template for writing the thesis or project report. Md Ashik Karim Nayon.