A History of Slavery and Emancipation in Belize

A History of Slavery and Emancipation in Belize

Exhibit Credits Images Courtesy: Belize Archives & Records Service National Heritage Library Eric King Collection Bolland, N.O. (2003). Colonialism & Resistance in Belize: Essays in Historical Sociology. Belize: Cubola Productions.Krohn, L. & Salam, F. (Eds.) (n.d.) Readings in Belizean His- tory Edition III. Belize: Print Belize. (2011). Revealing Histories: Remembering Slavery. Retrieved from http://www.revealing- histories.org.uk/africa-the-arrival-of-europeans-and-the-transatlantic-slave-trade/objects/ slave-shackle/images.html,image3 Son of the South. (2008). Whipped Slave. Retrieved from http://www.sonofthesouth.net/ leefoundation/civil-war/1863/july/whipped-slave.htm Simon K. (2010). Slavery. Retrieved from http://sites.google.com/site/katherinesimonport- folio/blog Institute of Common Wealth Studies. (n.d.) Caribbean Online- Routes to Roots. Retrieved from http://commonwealth.sas.ac.uk/libraries/caribbean/gall_abol_58.htm Les Anglonauts. (n.d.) Slavery. Retreived from http://www.anglonautes.com/hist_us_slave/ hist_us_slave.htm (n.d.). Your U.S. History. Retrieved from http://yourushistch2.blogspot.com/ (n.d.) Slavery: advertisement for the sale of slaves. Retrieved from http://www.britannica. com/bps/media-view/96849/1/0/0 (n.d.) Winter Americana Auction. Retrieved from http://www.willishenry.com/feb09preview. htm Information Courtesy: Bolland, N. O. (1998, 2003). Colonialism and Resistance: Essays on historical sociology. Belize: Cubola Productions. Leslie, R. (ed.) (2008). A History of Belize: Nation in the making. Belize: Cubola Produc- tions. Thompson,P.A.(2005). Belize : a Concise History. Oxford: Macmillan Caribbean. Bolland, N. O. (1977). The Formation of a Colonial Society: Belize from conquest to crown colony . USA: John Hopkins University Press. Krohn, L. & Salam, F. (Eds.) (n.d.) Readings in Belizean History Edition III. Belize: Print Belize. Dobson, N. (1973). A History of Belize. Trinidad & Tobago: Longman Caribbean Green. W.A. (1976) Sugar Colonies and Great Experiment 1830- 1865: British Slave Emancipation Act. A History of Mathieson, W.L. (1976). British Slavery & its Abolition 1823- 1838: Abolition of Slavery Murray, R. (2006). Family and People Well: An account of the occurrences in the busi- ness of mahogany and logwood cutting in the Bay of Honduras in 1789. Belize: Cubola Productions. Slavery & BBC. (2011). Abolition. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/abolition/ Carey, B. (2003). Slavery Timeline 1901- 2003. Retrieved from http://www.brycchancarey. com/slavery/chrono7.htm National Archives.(2011). Caribbean Histories Revealed. Retrieved from http://www.na- tionalarchives.gov.uk/caribbeanhistory/ Emancipation (2009). The Abolition Project. Retrieved from http://abolition.e2bn.org/slavery.html Research Team: Mison Ferguson, Phylicia Pelayo, Nigel Encalada in Belize Belize Slavery & Emancipation Timeline

•1492- Columbus in the Americas. •1502- Arrival of the first enslaved Africans in the Americas. •1510- The systematic transportation of African slaves to the New World begins after King Ferdinand of Spain authorizes a ship- ment of 50 African slaves to be sent to Santo Domingo. •1650- British Buccaneers settle in British Honduras . •1660- Bartholomew Sharpe, British pirate, makes British Honduras his base and begins to harvest logwood for sale to U.K. •1724- Report by Spanish missionary’s reports the presence of en- slaved Africans in the settlement and states that the British recently had been importing them from Jamaica and Bermu- da. •1765 & 1768 - Slave revolts. In 1768 23 slaves had gone off to the New River to the Spaniards. •1773- An uprising began in May on the Belize River ; Captain Dav- ey arrived at St. George’s Caye and sent officers to contain the slaves. This was the biggest revolt which lasted several months and resulted in the recapture of 14 slaves while many escaped for refuge at the Spaniard’s post on the Rio Hondo. •1807- On March 25th, the Act for the Abolition of Slave Trade was passed by the British Parliament which made the trading of slaves illegal throughout the British Empire. •1820- Last slave revolt led by slaves Will and Sharper who were be- lieved to be leaders of the revolt. This took place on the Belize and Sibun Rivers. The Superintendant declared Martial Law as a considerable number of slavers were well armed. The re- volt lasted for approx. one month. •1833- Act for the Abolition of Slavery – Britain abolishes slavery and provides for the emancipation of enslaved people in the British West Indies, to take effect on 1 August 1834. The Act declares that the former enslaved people must serve a period of unpaid apprenticeship before receiving full emancipation. •1838- Emancipation of Slaves in Belize and throughout the British Empire. •1926- League of Nations adopted the definition of slavery to include “the state or condition of an individual on which are exerted attributes of the right of ownership or some of those rights”. •1948- On December 10, General Assembly of the United Nations adopts Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 4 states: ‘No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.’ •1956- Supplementary Convention adopted which added servitude for debt, serfdom, the marriage of a woman without her con- sent and the assignment of children for purposes of exploita- tion to the list of slavery institutions and practices. Apprenticeship Period to Full Emancipation 1838 Slavery in Belize The first step towards emancipation was the registering of all slaves in the settlement before August 1834. An Order-in-Council reached Belize in March 1834 and established a registration period of two months. In order to compensate slave owners for their losses they would incur once the slaves were free, Britain paid 20 million pounds The system of slavery in government bonds. This was equal to roughly 40% of the national throughout the British budget at the time and about 1.34 billion pounds today; on the other Caribbean based on sugar hand the slaves received nothing. Instead the final emancipation production is well docu- would be reached over a period of six years which was later short- mented in historical re- ened to four years. In Belize slave owners were paid an average of cords and settlements such £54 per enslaved person. as Jamaica were major In British Honduras, the period of apprenticeship was generally sugar producing colonies. free of disturbances and revolts. While little seemed to have changed Large numbers of enslaved in terms of labor control there were new power relations between persons worked on huge the master and the slaves. Matters regarding punishments and other plantations and this led disciplinary actions were not dealt with until after Emancipation. to the emergence of Carib- bean societies influenced A special magistrate was appointed to each colony to oversee rela- by the cultural values of tions and enforce that the slaves were working a required 45 hours enslaved Africans. per week. The end of the apprenticeship period came early since it was found that abuse and ill-treatment of enslaved people had got- In Belize, the slave trade ten worse. was centered on the cut- In British Honduras, the end of the apprenticeship period on its eve ting of logwood and by the of July 31st, 1838 was marked with prayer and mild celebration... In end of the 19th century on places like Jamaica, the end of slavery was symbolized by burying a the cutting of mahogany. coffin containing a whip and chain inside. The Superintendent of the This resulted in system in Belize reported that the day after most of the ex-slaves were carry- which slave occupations ing on with their own activities. were distinctly different from other parts of the Life after Emancipation sugar growing Caribbean. After Emancipation the former masters still found various ways Despite the differing occu- to control the labor force and developed a system of dependency. pations the fact was that The first step was to change free land grants in 1858 and allow only slaves were treated as the white men to own land and no crown land would be given out the property of their masters former slaves. It was argued that the allowing the ex-slaves to ob- and could be bought and tain land “would discourage labor for wages”. Land was then to be sold in a system referred to as “Chattel Slavery”. sold at a price £1per acre which was too expensive for the ex-slaves to purchase. The British woodcutters further controlled the labor The first settlers in British Honduras cut their own logwood but as law system and developed the ‘advance system’ where advances the logging trade expanded and became more lucrative the need given under a strict contract system. This ensured that the laborers for a larger labour force arose leading to the forced importation of were bound to the employer for a period of six to twelve months. African people. The earliest historical record of enslaved Africans The laws imposed a penalty of imprisonment with hard labor for 3 in Belize was from a Spanish missionary in 1724 who reported that months on a servant failing to perform a contract and allowed the they had been imported from Jamaica and Bermuda . The location of apprehension of a servant without a warrant by the employer. In timber supplies led to logging camps being situated along the rivers, combination with the advance system was the “truck system” which creeks and lagoons. It was a seasonal occupation where cutting was forced laborers to take a portion of their wages in goods from their done during the dry season and the rafting of logs down river being employers’ store. The effect of all these forms of labor control was done during the rainy season. that the freed men remained bound to their former masters. Slave Occupations Road to Emancipation

1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade The first major step on the road to emancipation was an ‘Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade’ in 1807. The members of the Society for With the slavery system based the Abolition of the Slave Trade decided to concentrate on a cam- on the woodcutting industry en- paign to persuade British Parliament to prohibit trading in slaves. slaved persons were given into They felt they were more likely to succeed than if they demanded the various jobs. A number of distinct abolition of slavery itself throughout the empire. They also believed occupations were required in the that if the trade was ceased, slavery would eventually be brought process of mahogany extraction. to an end. In the decades until 1838 several bills were put to Par- First there were the huntsmen liament, the first in 1791 which was rejected. For all the awareness whose job it was to search and raised in by abolitionists’ campaign, they were those with economic survey the forest to locate the interest who benefited from the trade and therefore formed strong mahogany trees. The slave owner opposing opinion. The Bill for the Abolition of the Slave Trade was depended on the huntsman’s skill introduced in the House of Lords on 2nd January 1807. On 25th March, 1807 the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade made it to not only find the mahogany illegal to carry enslaved people on British ships. When it became but also to report his find. This clear that the abolition of the slave trade would not result in the end was perhaps the occupation with of slavery, the campaign for the total abolition gained momentum. the most freedom as huntsmen worked independently with mini- Pro-Slavery Literature mal supervision. When the trees were found the axe men were sent to cut the trees. This was one of 1833 Abolition of Slavery the most dangerous and arduous jobs as it required the operation In July 1833, a Bill to abolish slav- of a heavy axe on a springy plat- ery throughout the British Empire form twelve feet off the ground was passed in British Parliament. known as a “barbecue”. There This was the result of several fac- tors which included: were also cattlemen who were responsible to feed and work the • The education campaign led by cattle used in hauling the huge the abolitionists. trunks. After the trees were cut, • Major slave revolts in Jamaica, Woodcutting men were also used to receive the Demerara and Barbados. logs at the river mouth and to • Reduced Demand for slave- square the wood in preparation for final shipment. Slave owners based goods. worked with as few as two slaves or with as many as fifty depending • The Reform Act of British Par- on how much slaves they could own. liament in 1832. Other occupations not directly linked to the woodcutting trade As of August 1, 1834 Slavery was played an important part in sustaining the day to day livelihood of officially brought to an end pend- the settlement. The cultivation of provision grounds for the produc- ing a transition period known as tion of ground-foods, vegetables and other subsistence crops. Apprenticeship. Women were responsible for the domestic operations of the house- hold and they also cooked, sewed, washed and ironed. Anti- Slavery Literature Slavery Statistics Treatment of Slaves

Incidences of slave children born to white Masters are evidence of the sexual favors enslaved women were required to perform as mistresses. Children born in slavery became adapted to the life of servitude from a young age. Young girls and boys would wait at tables. Girls also served as chambermaids while boys served as footmen. As the children grew older they were moved on to more demanding occupations. In ‘Correspondences Relative to Slaves at Honduras 1820-1823’,

Superintendent George Ar- thurs wrote a series of letters to England detailing the harsh cruelty suffered by the slaves at the hands of their masters. With no formal law in place for the protection of slaves, it wasn’t until 1821 that the King of England gave a royal proc- lamation that the “Consoli- dated Slave Law of Jamaica”

should be observed in the settlement when it came to the treatment of slaves. Slave Revolts Peggy Resistance against slavery has been re- corded throughout its existence in the settle- In September of 1821 Dr. Mansfield Bowen, a ment of Belize. Slaves used both active and magistrate in the settlement, was brought to passive approaches to trial for cruelty to his slave named Peggy. Peg- resisting their enslave- gy was suspected of having stolen two dozen ment. For women it was observed through handkerchiefs. As a result, she was tied up and actions such as abor- severely flogged, then handcuffed and chained tions where women in a rat-infested shed for five days and nights. who were made preg- nant by their Brit- Her common-law husband Sergeant Rush, a re- ish slave masters had abortions as they re- tired pensioner, offered to pay for the handker- fused to raise a child chiefs if they were not found. When she was under the conditions of slavery. Obeah was also believed to be prac- released she filed a report on Dr. Bowen. In ticed by some of the slaves against their masters and was made pun- ishable by death in 1791. Men resisted slave control in a more active response Dr. Bowen tied Peggy to the ground approach which resulted in running away or revolts. fastened to four stakes and had her clothes re- 1773 Revolt moved to below her waist and then ordered for The largest reported revolt occurred in May 1773 and involved fifty Peggy to be flogged by another woman. Bowen slaves that took control of five logging camps and killed six British supervised the punishment. men. It was not until five months later and with the assistance of sea- men and a British naval force brought in from Jamaica that the re- In the trial the prosecutor requested that three volt was suppressed. It began on the Belize River and on the 21st June enslaved women, Sarah, Thisbe and Nancy be it was reported that the slaves were armed with muskets, cutlasses and other weapons and as the settlers tried to attack them this made called to provide evidence against Dr. Bowen. them retreat farther into the forest. Fourteen slaves surrendered The Magistrate determined that as legally held to Captain Davey and he organized three parties that consisted of slaves they could not testify. Despite the inju- forty men each to track down and kill the remaining fugitive slaves. During this time trade was at a standstill for most of the area while ries to Peggy, the jury returned a verdict of: settlers remained in fear. Settlers reported that the fugitives had NOT GUILTY. been trying to reach the Spaniards who offered asylum to the slaves at their post on the Rio Hondo River. Eleven slaves were reported to have made it and it was not until November that the revolt was over. 1820 Revolt In 1819 Superintendent George Arthur reported that there was brew- ing tension between the slaves and their masters at Christmas and it wasn’t before long that the last major slave revolt occurred in 1820. In a letter to Earl Bathurst, Superintendent Arthur reported “a con- siderable number of slaves” had organized a group at the Belize River and were well armed and had already created disturbances and of- fenses. Arthur travelled there in hopes of finding a middle ground with the slaves through a “milder means of persuasion” and “without having to recourse to military force”. The rebels had destroyed some cattle and robbed two houses. Martial Law was proclaimed and a re- ward was given for the apprehension of the slaves. It was at this time that slaves Will and Sharper were believed to be leaders of the revolt. Almost a month after the revolt started it was over and Martial Law was ended.

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Belizean Independence reminds me of the complicated legacy of colonization

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essay on slavery in belize

My grandmother, Bernice, and me, 1995. Photo from the author.

This piece was originally published on  Central American News .

I was destined to be a historian. As a young child, when I wasn’t enrolled in summer   programs, I would often spend the bulk of my summers at my grandparents’ house in the Adams-Normandie neighborhood of Los Angeles. Always an inquisitive (read: nosy) child, I would often peruse my grandma’s photo albums, closets, and boxes full of mementos. In those boxes were collectibles, plates, and placards with Queen Elizabeth’s face on it.

My grandmother, like many people across the world, was also enamored with Princess Diana and Britain’s Royal Family in general (scandals and all). Between watching American soap operas in the early afternoon and her late evening news and game shows on TV, my grandma would occasionally pull out her VHS tape recordings of Princess Diana’s wedding or funeral, and we would watch from start to finish. After my granny passed away, it took me years to really think about those moments and why sharing them with me, her youngest grandchild, was so important for her who grew up in Belize as a colonial subject in the Crown colony.

Becoming an independent nation on September 21, 1981, Belize is the last country in Central America to do so. Belize’s long road to self-rule is marred with conflicts pertaining to enslavement, land dispossession, and territorial disputes. For example, Guatemala claimed the Belizean territory although Belize was formally declared a British crown colony in 1862. Guatemala’s claim prolonged the nation’s ability to seek independence until the early 1980s. In 1992, Guatemala finally recognized Belize as a sovereign state, although recent developments have led both Belize and Guatemala to take their cases to the International Court of Justice in 2019.

British colonization in Belize, like many places throughout the Caribbean, was invasive and omnipresent. It touched all facets of life in Belize and its Diaspora through culture, politics, education, and memorialization. Antiquated depictions of slavery in Belize have often been represented as benign and less violent than other places across Latin America and the Caribbean, an argument which many Belizean scholars and historians have challenged.

Belizean slavery, although not related to plantations, was still violent and allowed for particular forms of resistance and identity-making to take place. Enslaved men worked in the logging camps for the majority of the year while enslaved women engaged in domestic work and tended to the colonial households back in the city. Political and scholarly mischaracterizations of slavery in Belize being “mild” in comparison to other settlements in the Caribbean region influenced how race relations in the colony were perceived during that time and in the decades that followed.   For example, the commemoration of September 10th as a holiday comes from a myth of collaboration and loyalty between Black and White settlers who fought “side by side” to ward of an oppressive Spanish fleet—it became a narrative of inter-racial partnership that was particular to Belize. Ultimately, the historical conditions regarding slavery, which marked Belize as an exception in the region, also worked to establish a Belizean identity that continued until its very recent colonial past.

With the celebration of The Battle of St George’s Caye on the 10th and Independence on the 21st, the month of September is one of the most important times in the Belizean community, especially abroad. The large celebrations that take place in Hollywood Park in Inglewood and Rancho Park in South Los Angeles were my introduction to Belizean festivities. It was a time for Belizeans to come together in the racialized geography of LA to celebrate independence for a country that they had left years—and for some, decades—ago.

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Photo courtesy of BelizeInAmerica.net depicting Belizean September Celebrations in Los Angeles, USA, 2015

Given the mass migration of Belizeans to the US in the 1970s due to an economic depression in the aftermath of Hurricane Hattie in 1961, the memories of Belize that migrants, such as my parents, held dear to their hearts were those prior to independence. Belizeans like my grandmother who left the country years after independence were tasked with keeping traditions alive through storytelling, food, and celebrations. The memorialization that often accompanies immigrants is steeped in national longing and melancholia.

Given this history and my   family’s migration to the US, my experience of Belizeanness was through a complicated pre- and post-colonial lens.

For example, in many cases, English (often referred to as “the Queen’s English”) as opposed to Creole, was used in public spaces as a tool for Belizean immigrants in Los Angeles to navigate anti-immigrant rhetoric in a city that was always violent to Black and Brown communities—whereas speaking Creole sometimes also worked to place them within an enigmatic existence of Anglo-Caribbean identity on the West Coast.

Thinking about my grandmother and her references of Belizeans as “Black British people” transports me to a generation and a historical moment of negotiation of Belizean identity before and after Independence. My granny’s Blackness and her attachment to the British Crown provided me with some of my first lessons about the complexities and peculiarities of diasporic Blackness. I often wondered if perceiving herself as English on top of Black was also her particular way of speaking to anti-Blackness in the region—by latching on to a system that most English-speaking Caribbean communities (and Africans) were also indoctrinated into.

Belizean Independence is a window into the many ways that the British Empire has permeated the Caribbean and parts of Central America. As a scholar of the Belizean Diaspora and someone of Belizean ancestry, the lens through which I see Belize is both loving and critical.

I think about my ancestors and loved ones and the beautiful culture that they were able to cultivate and preserve. Then, I also think about the complex history that is owed critical and honest engagement when it comes to the treatment of our Black and indigenous populations under the curtain of colonization.

With  recent news  of Barbados’ decision to become a republic thereby removing Queen Elizabeth as Head of State, I immediately thought about my granny and what she would think about this. Similar to the peak of decolonization in the 1960s and 1970s throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America, I can’t help but think, in my granny’s words “Dis ya time no stan like befo time” (“This is not like the old days”).

Things are changing in the Caribbean, and Belize might follow that lead in the near future, leaving the Queen behind. Yet, I am reminded again and again of the complicated legacy of colonization in Belizean lives.

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Thank you very much for the post, Nicole! It is the first time I read more Belize other than the usual stereotypic tax haven context, and I enjoyed it very much! Looking forward to reading from you!

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Thank you so much!! Glad to hear that!

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Thank you very much for the post.Glad to hear that!

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