Dissertation and Thesis

Thesis & dissertation formatting process.

To complete your format check submission, you must complete every registration step and fully submit your thesis or dissertation to the website listed below.

Dissertations and theses turned in as a part of the graduation requirements at Loyola University Chicago must be formatted according to the rules laid out in the Format Manual for Theses and Dissertations created by the Graduate School.

Format Check Submission

To ensure that theses/dissertations are formatted correctly, each thesis/dissertation must undergo a format check by the staff of the Graduate School prior to the submission of final copies. You must  electronically  submit your manuscript for a format check to the Graduate School's  ProQuest ETD Administrator  website ON OR BEFORE the published format check deadline for the term in which you expect to receive your degree.

  • May degree conferral format check deadline:  March 1st
  • August degree conferral format check deadline:  June 1st
  • December degree conferral format check deadline:  October 1st

On or before the format check deadline, please also submit the following items as supplemental pdf files to  ProQuest ETD Administrator  (do not submit them by email):

  • One electronic copy of your completed, formatted manuscript
  • Formatted approval sheet, with your director's name and space for their signature. You will ultimately replace this file with a scanned copy that's been signed by the director after the defense and after all final edits have been made. This form acts as confirmation that your director has read and approved the final copy.
  • Extra title page, formatted as described in the Manual
  • One extra abstract, formatted as described in the Manual

Final Copy Submission

Once your dissertation has been defended, formatted correctly, and approved by your committee, you will need to electronically submit your final copy to the Graduate School for approval. You will also need to replace the Approval Sheet with a scanned copy that has been signed by your director.

Your final electronic submission must be uploaded ON OR BEFORE the published final electronic copy deadline for the term in which you expect to receive your degree. The final electronic copy deadlines are as follows:

  • May degree conferral final electronic copy deadline:  April 1st
  • August degree conferral final electronic copy deadline:  July 1st
  • December degree conferral final electronic copy deadline:  November 1st

If your materials are complete or inaccurate, the Graduate School will contact you with a list of required corrections. If required corrections are too extensive or take too long to complete, you may not graduate and the Graduate School will not confer your degree. For this reason, please make every effort to format your manuscript correctly, include all of the materials listed above, and to meet the published deadlines. Also, please keep in mind that a dissertation or thesis is only one of your degree requirements, and that the Graduate School will not confer your degree unless you meet all of these requirements.

Students must submit final copies with approved revisions within one semester of a successful defense (e.g., if a student’s defense falls within a Fall semester, their final copies must meet the Spring semester submission deadlines). After one full semester a student may be discontinued and be required to apply for reinstatement (Approved 4 May 2021)

Visit the  for answers to new questions about the electronic submission process.

  • Format Manual for Theses and Dissertations -  Note: The Formatting Manual was updated in September 2022. If you have any questions about the formatting guidelines, or if you need a copy of the former manual, please  email the formatting assistant , Danielle Richards.
  • Format Checklist Copy (Clean)
  • Formatting Examples

Questions regarding the format check and the final copy submission process should be directed  here .

Information Sessions

The Graduate School hosts two info-sessions each semester about the thesis and dissertation formatting process. Make sure to follow weekly Graduate School Announcements emails for more information.

Publishing Your Work: Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Workshop (Recorded January 14, 2021)

  • Instructions for Thesis and Dissertation
  • Approval Ballot for Text and Oral Defense

The Thesis/Dissertation Committee Form, Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Ballot, and the Request for Change in Degree-Seeking Status are located in the Graduate Student Progress System at  GSPS . Please log in to submit these forms. Medical Center Biomedical Science Students MUST Use LUHS Forms.


Before publication:.

LUC's University Libraries:  If relevant articles, book chapters, and books are not accessible through the library's online catalogue, they can be requested through InterLibrary Loan.

Zotero:  No matter what citation format you use, this free citation software can help save and format citations for use in your article.

Scimago Journal & Country Rank:  To find out the ranking of peer-reviewed journals in your particular discipline before you submit, go to this website.

LUC's Writing Center : Make an appointment with a graduate tutor to have your work reviewed at any stage of the writing or revision process. Often an article will be accepted for publication but an editor requires various corrections. An extra pair of eyes can be useful.

After publication:

GSPS:  Make sure to update publications through this LUC site; submitted entries will be reviewed, approved, and recorded by your GPD.

Google Scholar:  Various peer-reviewed articles and publications found on the internet will be linked to the student's account, which can be created by going to this site and clicking on "My Profile."

ORCiD:  Creating a free ORCiD ID will allow peer-reviewed publications to be linked across digital platforms with this persistent signifier.

Publishing conventions vary widely across disciplines; some graduate students may publish as single authors while others, particularly in the sciences, may be one of several authors collaborating on a project and its resulting published study. When seeking peer-reviewed publication opportunities, one of the best methods is to consult with professors in your department about how to publish and locate journals reputable in your field of study.

Besides helping you avoid scams and predatory publishing through their advice, faculty can also provide you with useful information about the publishing process and direct you to discipline-specific online listservs hosting frequent Calls for Papers.

The following list details other publication resources for graduate students:

  • Graduating Students

Dissertation and Thesis

  • Academic Policies
  • Professional & Career Development
  • Graduate Writing Services
  • Graduate Fellowship Services
  • 3-Minute Thesis
  • Awards and Grants
  • Graduate Life at UTD
  • Living in North Texas
  • Prospective Students
  • New & Current Students
  • Graduate Assistants
  • Faculty & Graduate Program Faculty/Staff

fau graduate thesis and dissertation guidelines

Preparation of Dissertation and Thesis

The final step in earning a graduate degree is generally the completion of the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation. The Formatting Guide is designed to help the student present the results of graduate study and research for the use and interest of the academic community and the public. This guide contains format requirements for:

  • The traditional master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation,
  • The manuscript master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, in which manuscripts of articles that have been or will be submitted to journals in the field are used in the body of the thesis or dissertation

The Submission Guide is designed to help you through the submission and publication process.

Download the Guides:

  • Dissertation and Thesis Formatting Guide
  • Dissertation and Thesis Submission Guide

Our office only accepts submissions created in Microsoft Word or in LaTeX (templates can be found below). No dissertation/thesis created in another word-processing document will be accepted. Each UTD student has access to Microsoft 365, which includes Word. Refer to instructions on how to install Microsoft 365 .

These guides were prepared by the Office of the Dean of Graduate Education. Questions concerning these guidelines or any aspect of manuscript preparation for the thesis or dissertation should be directed to the Office of Graduate Education, FA 3.104 , (972) 883-2234 ,  [email protected] .   Revised August 2024

View the checklists (please print and track your progress):

  • Doctoral Dissertation Checklist
  • Master’s Thesis Checklist

Doctoral Defenses:  Once your supervising committee agrees that your doctoral dissertation is ready to be defended, it is your responsibility to coordinate with your dissertation committee, including Examining Committee Chair, to determine the defense modality (in-person or remote) and to schedule a defense date/time where all committee members can attend. Consult the  deadlines  page to determine the latest possible date to schedule a defense, hold a defense and submit a final document for the desired graduation semester. Refer to the  Doctoral Dissertation Checklist  to make sure you have filled out all required forms.

Master’s Defenses:  Master’s defenses are scheduled through each program, so please reach out to your committee and your program contact for help scheduling your defense. Master’s students do not need to use or submit the Request for Final Oral Exam form. This is a PhD form only, but please check with your program to see if they have any additional defense paperwork you need to submit to them directly. Refer to the  deadlines  page and  Master’s Thesis Checklist  to make sure you have completed all the required steps. Please submit the  Report of Final Examination for Master’s Thesis (pdf) as an administrative file to your online submission after your defense.

Remote Defenses:  Since some defenses are remote, we have put together a list of  Frequently Asked Questions  for defenses. Our office can help host master’s defenses as needed through our Zoom accounts but the defenses are still scheduled through each program. Your department is the best point of contact for information about how your program schedules and structures master’s defenses.

A Note about Signatures:  As a reminder, our office accepts digital signatures on all administrative files. Digital signatures must use a Digital Certificate. Learn how to digitally sign a PDF .

The Examining Committee Chair is only assigned for PhD defenses. This is not a requirement for master’s defenses. The Examining Committee Chair (ECC) is not the same as your Committee Chair (Supervising Professor). The Examining Committee Chair is a non-voting representative appointed by the Dean of Graduate Education to ensure that university policies and procedures are being followed during the final oral examination.  The process to assign an Examining Committee Chair begins after you apply to graduate.  You will receive the ECC assignment via email from  [email protected] , and the ECC assignment will remain in effect until you graduate. It is your responsibility to work with the Examining Committee Chair and members of your supervising committee to find a time and date for your examination, and to collect their signatures on the  Request for Final Oral Examination (pdf)  form.

  • Priority Deadlines and FAQs
  • Master’s and Doctoral Deadlines

Thesis/Dissertation Templates

  • Windows Thesis/Dissertation Template (.zip) (updated 2/16/2018)
  • LaTeX Template (.zip)  (updated 1/25/2024)

For LaTex technical questions, you may contact  Dr. Kevin Hamlen

  • Sample Pages (pdf)
  • How to Create a Table of Contents in Microsoft Word
  • Margins Watermark Template and Guide (.zip)
  • Administrative Form Examples (pdf)

All graduate students have access to Turnitin. To access, sign into  eLearning , go to ORGANIZATIONS and open GRADUATE STUDENT CITATION CHECK. If you do not see this,  email us  for access.

Doctoral Hooding Ceremony

The Doctoral Hooding Ceremony will be held on Dec. 13, 2024. All Hooding Ceremony information and deadlines to order regalia can be found on the  hooding FAQ page . The RSVP will be sent via email from The Office of Graduate Education early in the semester.

Upcoming Workshops

See Spring 2024 workshops and events! Be sure to register in advance.

Workshop Recordings

Recordings of past workshops can be found on the  Office of Graduate Education Workshop Recordings  folder on Box. A UTD NetID and password are required to access these recordings.

Detailed information concerning the procedures for completing a graduate degree at The University of Texas at Dallas is contained in the Policy Memorandum  “Policy on Procedures for Completing a Graduate Degree – UTDPP1052” .

Contact Information

Update to “For questions about defenses, formatting the dissertation and thesis manuscript and the electronic submission process, please contact  Allison Nepomnick ,  Bradley Samore or  Stephanie Akers .

Make an appointment for Dissertation and Thesis Formatting Consultation .

©  The University of Texas at Dallas

800 W Campbell Road FN 31 Richardson, TX 75080-3021

Office of Graduate Education Founders Annex Building 3.104 972-883-2234 [email protected]

Privacy Policy



    fau graduate thesis and dissertation guidelines

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    fau graduate thesis and dissertation guidelines

  6. Thesis/Dissertation Formatting Guidelines and Forms

    fau graduate thesis and dissertation guidelines


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  6. Assignment// Paper "XVI" (DISSERTATION) Guidelines // PG Department Of English// BBMKU


  1. Thesis & Dissertation

    Academic Integrity: In accordance with the revised Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines, as approved by the Graduate Faculty, students are expected to comply with The FAU Code of Academic Integrity (Regulation 4.001). The Graduate College provides students with access to a Canvas TurnItIn account so that they can conduct self-checks of ...


    re designed with you, thestudent, in mind. The Guidelines provide t. e campus-wide specifications for theses anddissertations presented for grad. ate d. with the specific guidelines of your degreeprogram and. the guidance of your supervisory com. ittee. The criteria and procedures outlinedwithin this manual serv.

  3. Formatting

    Please contact [email protected] for additional information. Preparing Your Thesis or Dissertation. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Dissertation Defense Announcements. Florida Atlantic University. 777 Glades Road. Boca Raton, FL 33431. Campuses. Boca Raton.


    o Student submits three (3) final paper copies of the thesis or dissertation to the Graduate College, SU 80, Room 101. These three copies are distributed as follows: GRADUATE THESIS AND DISSERTATION GUIDELINES 26. One - chair of the student's committee. One - chair of the student's department.

  5. Electronic Theses and Dissertations @ Florida Atlantic University

    FAU's Department of Physics has created a webpage containing the fauthesis.cls class file which allows FAU students to create theses and dissertations using the LaTex document preparation system that complies with the FAU Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines. Deposit your ETD with the University Libraries Link to Submit ETD.

  6. PDF Thesis & Dissertation Sumbmission Checklist (Final Manuscript Package)

    Graduate students submitting a thesis or dissertation as part of their degree requirements must follow these instructions to complete the Final Manuscript Package. PLEASE N OTE: The Final Manuscript Package should not be completed until you have received final approval of your manuscript by the Graduate College Dean.

  7. Looking For a Thesis or Dissertation

    Theses and Dissertations by FAU Students. Search FAU Libraries Catalog for theses and dissertations (but note that more recent FAU dissertations may not yet be available there, in which case try the resources listed below). In FAU Libraries Catalog Advanced Search, enter: thesis AND "Florida Atlantic University." Then enter your topic as another keyword.

  8. Advising

    MA Thesis Guidelines and Deadlines. Note: You must have an updated and approved Plan of Study on file the semester before you plan on graduating (at the latest). In order to register for thesis hours, your thesis chair will need to email graduate advisor Erin Kiley ( [email protected]) permission to enroll you in AML/ENG/ENL/ENC/LIT 6971: Master ...

  9. Dissertation Procedures : Florida Atlantic University

    Next, the student will obtain new signatures on FAU Graduate College Form 9 "Revision to Existing Plan of Study" (available on the Graduate College website) indicating the new dissertation chair and any other changes in committee membership. ... Students should consult the university's Graduate Thesis & Dissertation Guidelines to be sure ...

  10. FAU Graduate College and GPSA

    The Graduate College offers a wide array of services to support enrolled students including professional development workshops, distributing fellowships and tuition support, ensuring compliance with the University's thesis and dissertation guidelines, certifying all degree requirements are met and awarding graduate degrees.

  11. Fau Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines

    The document provides guidance for graduate students at Florida Atlantic University on writing a thesis or dissertation. It outlines the FAU Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines, which serve as a roadmap for students and cover expectations, requirements and procedures. The guidelines address formatting specifications, submission deadlines and other stages of thesis writing. It also ...

  12. FAU Research Repository

    Electronic Theses and Dissertations @ Florida Atlantic University; Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Repository Submissions ... providing keywords and metadata to enhance findability. Works deposited include graduate student theses and dissertations, student research posters, abstracts, presentations, capstones, Honors theses, faculty papers ...

  13. EDG 7938: Foundations of Curriculum Inquiry -Schoorman

    ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global This link opens in a new window ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global includes international dissertations and theses as well as all previous content. It is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day and offering full text for graduate works added since 1997 ...

  14. Forms and Policies

    M.S. Thesis Proposal Form; M.S. Thesis Defense Form; M.S. Supervisory Committee Membership Form (Thesis) ... Graduate College Dissertation Guidelines Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33431. Campuses. Boca Raton; Dania Beach; Davie;

  15. Fau Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines

    Fau Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a graduate thesis or dissertation, including the extensive research, analysis, and writing skills required. It notes that students often feel overwhelmed by the large workload and high expectations.

  16. PDF Guidelines for M.A. and M.S. students in the Department of Geosciences

    the plan of study that must be approved by the Graduate Program Director, Department Chair and Graduate College. Students may not change from thesis to non-thesis option during the term in which they wish to graduate. Selecting the Thesis Committee . 1. The thesis committee shall be selected in consultation with the student's thesis advisor. 2.

  17. Where can I find dissertations and theses?

    Theses and Dissertations by FAU Students. Search FAU Libraries Catalog for theses and dissertations (but note that more recent FAU dissertations may not yet be available there, in which case try the resources listed below). In FAU Libraries Catalog Advanced Search, enter: thesis AND "Florida Atlantic University." Then enter your topic as another keyword.

  18. FAU

    Electronic Thesis and Dissertation. Please enter your MyFAU Username and Password. Student Login. MyFAU Username:*. MyFAU Password: *. Issues or questions? Florida Altantic University Office of the President.

  19. View All Items

    The Digital Library supports the creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of Florida Atlantic University electronic theses and dissertations. Open access to and dissemination of graduate scholarship is intended to enhance the sharing of knowledge and contributes to the advance of research. Developed in 2009, the FAU Electronic Theses and ...


    GRADUATE THESIS AND DISSERTATION GUIDELINES Revised Fall 2021 March 2014 Full implementation by Effective Fall 2014 Students completing theses and dissertations in Summer 2014 have the option of using either the new or the old guidelines.

  21. Graduate Forms and Policies

    Graduate College Dissertation Guidelines; All Biology Graduate Student Forms. Student Emergency Contact Information Form; Graduate College Forms (petition forms 10 and 14, candidacy form 8, academic progression plan form 11, application for degree, etc.) Human Subjects (IRB) - Application for the review of research involving human subjects

  22. Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Workshop (Formatting 101)

    Attend one of our Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Workshops hosted by Graduate College Degree Completion. Formatting 101 At this workshop we review some of the most common mistakes made on theses and dissertations, and how to avoid them., powered by Localist, the Community Event Platform ... Florida Atlantic University embodies a culture of ...

  23. Graduate programs

    International Students • Note: This program is a joint program between the College of Business and the College of Engineering and Computer Science.Admissions requirements are specific to each program. • Undergraduate GPA of 3.0 from a regionally accredited college or university • GRE/GMAT is required; there are no minimum sub-score requirements* • One to two page statement of your ...

  24. Where can I find dissertations and theses beyond those completed at FAU

    The library provides access to the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database, which includes graduate work from most universities in North America and a growing number from other regions. Views: 17 ... Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33431. Featured Services. Recent FAQs; All FAQs;

  25. Dissertation and Thesis: Loyola University Chicago

    To complete your format check submission, you must complete every registration step and fully submit your thesis or dissertation to the website listed below. Dissertations and theses turned in as a part of the graduation requirements at Loyola University Chicago must be formatted according to the rules laid out in the Format Manual for Theses ...

  26. Dissertation and Thesis

    The final step in earning a graduate degree is generally the completion of the master's thesis or doctoral dissertation. The Formatting Guide is designed to help the student present the results of graduate study and research for the use and interest of the academic community and the public. This guide contains format requirements for: