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114 Fear Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Fear is a powerful emotion that can have a significant impact on our lives. It can hold us back from pursuing our dreams, trying new things, or taking risks. However, fear can also be a powerful motivator, pushing us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

In this article, we will explore 114 fear essay topic ideas and examples that you can use to explore how fear influences our lives and behaviors.

  • The role of fear in decision-making
  • How fear can hinder personal growth
  • Overcoming the fear of failure
  • The fear of rejection and its impact on relationships
  • Fear of the unknown: how to navigate uncertainty
  • How fear of success can hold you back
  • Fear of public speaking and ways to overcome it
  • The fear of change and how to embrace it
  • The fear of being judged by others
  • The fear of death and how it shapes our lives
  • Fear of failure in academic settings
  • Overcoming the fear of making mistakes
  • How fear of the future can paralyze us
  • Fear of losing control and ways to manage it
  • The fear of being vulnerable and its impact on relationships
  • Overcoming the fear of rejection in dating
  • Fear of failure in entrepreneurship
  • The fear of success and how it can sabotage your goals
  • Fear of confrontation and ways to handle conflict
  • Fear of being alone and how to overcome it
  • The fear of being judged on social media
  • Fear of the dark and its impact on mental health
  • Overcoming the fear of failure in sports
  • The fear of being embarrassed in public
  • Fear of failure in the workplace
  • The fear of failure in creative endeavors
  • Overcoming the fear of failure in relationships
  • Fear of failure in parenting
  • The fear of missing out (FOMO) and its impact on decision-making
  • Fear of rejection in job interviews
  • The fear of being vulnerable in friendships
  • Fear of failure in starting a new business
  • Overcoming the fear of failure in academic settings
  • Fear of change in personal relationships
  • The fear of being alone in old age
  • Fear of rejection in the dating world
  • Fear of the unknown in travel
  • Overcoming the fear of public speaking in professional settings
  • Fear of failure in pursuing your passion
  • The fear of being vulnerable in therapy
  • Fear of rejection in social situations
  • Fear of failure in pursuing your dreams
  • Overcoming the fear of rejection in creative pursuits
  • Fear of change in career transitions
  • The fear of being vulnerable in romantic relationships
  • Fear of rejection in networking events
  • Fear of failure in starting a new project
  • Overcoming the fear of failure in academic pursuits
  • Fear of change in personal habits
  • The fear of being vulnerable in family relationships
  • Fear of rejection in online dating
  • Fear of failure in starting a new hobby
  • Overcoming the fear of rejection in artistic pursuits
  • Fear of change in lifestyle choices
  • The fear of being vulnerable in self-expression
  • Fear of rejection in job applications
  • Fear of failure in pursuing new experiences
  • Overcoming the fear of rejection in social settings
  • Fear of change in personal beliefs
  • The fear of being vulnerable in public speaking
  • Fear of rejection in professional settings
  • Fear of failure in pursuing personal growth
  • Overcoming the fear of rejection in academic settings
  • The fear of being vulnerable in leadership roles
  • Fear of rejection in creative endeavors
  • Fear of failure in starting a new venture
  • Overcoming the fear of rejection in romantic relationships
  • Fear of change in career advancement
  • The fear of being vulnerable in group settings
  • Fear of rejection in artistic pursuits
  • Fear of failure in pursuing your passions
  • Overcoming the fear of rejection in job interviews
  • Fear of change in personal goals
  • The fear of being vulnerable in social situations
  • Fear of failure in starting a new career
  • Overcoming the fear of rejection in academic pursuits
  • Fear of change in personal challenges
  • The fear of being vulnerable in professional settings
  • Fear of rejection in social relationships
  • Fear of change in personal development
  • The fear of being vulnerable in personal growth
  • Fear of failure in starting

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101 Fear Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on fear, ✍️ fear essay topics for college, 🎓 most interesting fear research titles, 💡 simple fear essay ideas, ❓ research questions about fear.

  • Peer Pressure and Fear in “The Dentist and the Crocodile” by Dahl
  • Aging Process: The Fear of Getting Older
  • Opportunities to Overcome Your Fear
  • Fear of the Unknown
  • Defining Fear and Courage
  • “Harrison Bergeron”: The Fear of Socialism
  • The Power of Fear to Limit Freedom
  • Fear of Crime and Crime Rates As a social phenomenon, the fear of crime can sometimes be more dangerous than the crime itself, leading to distortion in the social order.
  • “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury: The Roots of Fear Bradbury brings the corrupt and evil society built on the fear of the unknown due to the inferiority complex by anti-intellectual youths who feel threatened by the elite members.
  • Love and fear of the Modern Boss The article poses the age old question as to which is a more apt leadership style: autocratic or a more benevolent and democratic approach.
  • Fear Appeal in the Stop Bullying Public Campaign In the video “Stop bullying,” the subject matter is presented shockingly. The 47-second clip shows a high school girl receiving an aggressive text message from her peers.
  • Fear and Guilt in Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart Story This analysis delves into the themes of fear and guilt in Edgar Allan Poe’s classic short story, highlighting the psychological turmoil of the unnamed narrator.
  • Fear Appeals in Public Health Campaigns This report will analyze the many different types of fear appeals that are used in health communication as well as their potential effectiveness.
  • Survival: Physical Skill and Fear The paper emphasizes the importance of having a positive attitude in survival situations. The psychological state of a person is the most important factor.
  • Credibility of Fear of Missing Out Research Credibility is a criterion for determining the suitability of scientific work. The source for the analysis in the framework of this work becomes Fontes-Perryman and Spina.
  • How the Fear Module Works in Mammals The paper discusses how the fear module works in mammals, which could be the basis for an understanding of the neurobiological aspects of the human species.
  • Emotions: Fear and Freedom The paper tells us that fear and freedom are two opposite ends of the same path. It is fear that is the beginning of an individual who lives in doubt.
  • Discourse of Fear in Local Crime News Fear is used as one of the formats of the crime news discourse, and it is popular today among many newspapers and advertising companies.
  • Why Black Women Fear in the Delivery Room In “Why Black Women Fear for Their Lives in the Delivery Room,” Eternity Martis focuses on African American mothers’ plight in the US and Canada’s delivery rooms.
  • Fear Appeals and Binge Drinking Binge drinking refers to the excessive consumption of alcohol with the aim of getting drunk over a limited time.
  • Fear of Sex in American Society The following evidence supports cultural fear of sex: abstinence education, attitude towards homosexuality, and regulations outlawing sexual pleasure.
  • “Sherlock Holmes and the House of Fear” by Neill The movie Sherlock Holmes and The House of Fear was directed by the famous director of the 20th century Roy William Neill.
  • Terror Fear Factor Analysis The paper discusses that the media presents the public with extensive exposure of terror infusing footage, in order to achieve sensationalism and provide exclusive coverage.
  • Fear of Victims to Report Crime Living in the society comprises not only the complex of advantages which can be considered with the government’s protection and provision of rights.
  • Naturalism, Transcendentalism, Social Anxiety and Fear This essay will argue that the disregard towards nature and consumerism is the central conflict in The Space Merchants by applying and examining Emerson’s concepts of naturalism.
  • Love vs Fear: The Song of Roland and Hamlet Being loved is better than being feared since love-based actions result in healthier things; being happy, peace and security are some of the consequences of love.
  • “Sharing Jesus Without Fear” by William Fay William Fay has done remarkable work as an evangelist, seeking out to reach the masses to invite and arouse their interest in the words of the Gospel.
  • America’s Fear during the Cold War Despite great strides in progress the average American feared that one day Russian Nukes would come raining from the skies and end civilization.
  • Kierkegaard’s Philosophy in “Fear and Trembling” Kierkegaard claims about absolute choice, which on being a realization of freedom, means a choice of not this or that, but self in the eternal meaning.
  • Fear Appeal in Anti-Drug Abuse Public Campaign The problem of prescription drug abuse has become a crucial concern for Florida residents. The public campaign proposes raising awareness about the dangers of prescription drugs.
  • Fear of Flying: Phobia Definition The fear of flying is a highly prevalent phobia whose negative effects include distress and other life interferences.
  • Truman’s Speech on Fear of Communism and Islam The speech was a direct attack on President Truman’s foreign policy, which McCarthy claimed was treasonous because it allowed communist sympathizers to run the State Department.
  • Fear of Communism and Islam Joseph McCarthy was famous for his anti-communist rhetoric that resulted in the emergence of a trend called McCarthyism.
  • Cybercrime and the Culture of Fear Sexual exploitation and other offenses against children remain tragic—in spite of their frequency—and those numbers have been diminishing since the advent of the internet.
  • How Local Television News Viewing Relates to Fear of Crime? The hypothesis was that “people watching more television would perceive their world in ways that reflect the recurrent messages from the media”.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder: The Fear of Making Mistakes People with social anxiety disorder experience high levels of nervousness and self-consciousness that arise from the fear of being judged and criticized.
  • Cognitive Approach Therapy People Fear Syndrome
  • Medieval Religious Culture and Fear
  • Fear, Propaganda and Technology in 1984
  • Nazi Propaganda, Fear, and the Indoctrination of Children
  • Child Care and the Parent Fear and Met Their Baby Needs
  • Fear and Citizen Coordination Against Dictatorship
  • Fear and Loathing Postmodernism
  • Dealing With America’s Fear of Aging and Death
  • Prejudice and Fear: Causes for a Communication Breakdown
  • Blurred Gender Lines and Elizabethan Fear of Femininity
  • Living With the Extreme Fear Created by Anxiety Disorders
  • Shock Advertising: Manipulation of Fear, Shame and Guilt
  • Fear and Self Preservation Within the Face of the Unknown
  • Pavlovian Conditioning Fear Stimulus-Response
  • Public Speaking America’s Number One Fear
  • Fear and Its Effects on the Brain
  • Pain and Panic: The Demons Behind Biological Fear
  • Childhood Mental Health Coping With Anxiety and Fear
  • Quelling Your Investment Fear
  • Bilateral Alternating Auditory Stimulations Facilitate Fear Extinction and Retrieval
  • Anorexia Nervosa: The Fear of Being Obese
  • Fear and Perceived Likelihood of Victimization in Traditional and Cyber Settings
  • Emotion, Fear, and Superstition in the New Zealand Stockmarket
  • Cortical Excitability Dynamics During Fear Processing
  • Parents’ Fear and Safeguarding of Children From the Adults
  • Fear Makes People either Attack or Retreat
  • Relationship Among Depression, Fear, and Suicide
  • Age and Gender Differences in Fear of Crime
  • The Impact of Fear and Anxiety on Risk-Taking Behavior and Sociability
  • Fear, Sovereignty, and the Right to Die
  • America and the Fear of Communism
  • Fear, Violence, and Race Relations in Post-reconstruction South
  • Beyond Fear and Addiction Six Steps to Healing
  • Fear and Its Effect on the Human Spirit
  • Atoms, Germs, and Fear Make a Deadly Cocktail
  • Fear of the Worst Day Ever for America on 9/11
  • Fear Promoting Lies Mass Hysteria
  • Differences Between Fear and Anxiety
  • Acute but Not Permanent Effects of Propranolol on Fear Memory Expression in Humans
  • Anxiety, Fear, Phobias, and Stress Therapy
  • Are Fear Memories Erasable?
  • How Does Fear Influence Change Over Time?
  • Does Fear Make Our Lives Decisions for Us?
  • How Has the Media Helped the Community to Overcome the Fear of Monsters?
  • Can Fear Cause Economic Collapse?
  • How Does the Reporting of Crime Create Fear?
  • Did Hitler Use Fear to Control?
  • Should Humanity Fear Advances in Artificial Intelligence?
  • How Can Fear Arousal Be Used as a Method of Health Promotion?
  • Does More Unemployment Cause More Fear of Unemployment?
  • How Can Overcome Fear of Public Speaking?
  • Does One Gender Incite Fear Over Another?
  • How Does Charles Dickens Use the Ghost Story Genre to Provoke Fear?
  • Does Religiousness Buffer Against the Fear of Death and Dying in Late Adulthood?
  • How Does Fear Affect Our Society?
  • Does the Media Affect People’s Fear of Crime?
  • How Far Was Fear of Communism the Main Reason for the Rise to Power of the Nazi Party?
  • Can Fear Destroy an Individual?
  • How Does Fear Affect Personal Behavioral Development?
  • Should Americans Fear Urban Terrorism?
  • How Does Fear Drive American Politics?
  • Why Do Males and Females Register Fear Differently?
  • How Does ‘Moral Panic’ Increase Our Fear of Crime?
  • Should the General Population Fear Globalization?
  • How Have Nostradamus’s Prophecies Inspired Fear and Controversies for Centuries?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, May 10). 101 Fear Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/fear-essay-topics/

"101 Fear Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 10 May 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/fear-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '101 Fear Essay Topics'. 10 May.

1. StudyCorgi . "101 Fear Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/fear-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "101 Fear Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/fear-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "101 Fear Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/fear-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Fear were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 22, 2024 .

351 Anxiety Research Topics & Essay Titles (Argumentative, Informative, and More)

According to statistics, approximately 40 million people in the United States struggle with anxiety disorders, constituting 19.1% of the population. Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition that is characterized by an excessive and constant feeling of worry about everyday things. Open conversations about anxiety help reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues. Moreover, it is a good way to educate people about the condition, its causes, symptoms, impact, and available treatments.

In this article, we’ll introduce 351 anxiety topics you can use for your essay or research paper ! Keep reading to find out more.

  • 🔝 Top 12 Anxiety Essay Topics

📝 Anxiety Essay Prompts

🔍 anxiety research topics, 🤓 anxiety essay titles.

  • 📕 Essays on Anxiety: Guide

🔗 References

🔝 top 12 anxiety topics to write about.

  • Types of anxiety disorders.
  • Anxiety: Causes and treatment.
  • How to deal with anxiety?
  • Is there a connection between anxiety and depression?
  • What are treatments for anxiety?
  • Anxiety disorders in children.
  • Physical symptoms of anxiety.
  • Antidepressants as a way to overcome anxiety.
  • Risk factors of anxiety.
  • Symptoms of anxiety in teenagers.
  • How do you prevent anxiety?
  • Social anxiety disorder: My experience.

The picture provides ideas for a research paper about anxiety.

Have trouble writing a paper about anxiety disorder and related topics? Don’t worry—we’ve prepared some essay prompts to help you get an A for your writing assignment!

Social Anxiety Essay Prompt

Social anxiety disorder, formerly known as social phobia, is characterized by a persistent fear of being in unfamiliar social settings. It usually begins in youth and influences an individual’s adult life. In your essay on social anxiety, you may touch on the following aspects:

  • Causes and risks of social anxiety.
  • The main symptoms of social anxiety.
  • Social anxiety in children and teenagers.
  • Ways to prevent or overcome social anxiety.
  • Available treatments for social anxiety.

Speech Anxiety Essay Prompt

Most people feel anxious when they have to present a speech in front of an audience. Even trained public speakers may experience anxiety before delivering a speech. People who look confident and relaxed while talking to an audience have mastered managing their feelings and using them to their advantage. While discussing speech anxiety, try finding answers to the following questions:

  • What are the symptoms of speech anxiety?
  • Why do people get nervous in front of an audience?
  • What can help to overcome speech anxiety?
  • Why does exercising help in reducing stress and anxiety?

Test Anxiety: Essay Prompt

It’s common for college students to feel anxious before exams. Yet, significant anxiety and stress before and during an important exam might have negative consequences. In your essay on test anxiety, you can provide detailed information on how to deal with it based on the tips listed below:

  • Prepare for the test.
  • Use study strategies to understand and remember your course material better.
  • Take care of your physical health.
  • Surround yourself with things that calm you.
  • Talk with your teacher to know what to expect from the exam.

Overcoming Anxiety: Essay Prompt

Anxiety can stem from factors such as genetics, personality traits, and life experiences. Although psychotherapy and medication are often necessary for individuals with anxiety disorders to manage their emotional well-being, incorporating lifestyle adjustments and daily routines can also be beneficial. Consider centering your essay on practical daily actions that can help alleviate stress:

  • Set goals to accomplish.
  • Communicate with people.
  • Stop smoking and reduce your consumption of caffeinated beverages.
  • Solve any of your financial issues.
  • Dedicate more time to your hobbies.
  • Have some relaxation time .
  • Identify and try to avoid your anxiety triggers.
  • How is daily yoga effective for reducing anxiety?
  • Does ethnicity and socioeconomic status have an effect on anxiety prevalence?
  • Anxiety and acute pain related to the loss of vision.
  • Divorce is the leading cause of children’s anxiety.
  • The relation between the COVID-19 pandemic and increased anxiety rates.
  • The impact of immigration on the growth of anxiety cases in society.
  • The efficiency of open communication in overcoming anxious well-being.
  • The efficacy of iron supplementation to reduce vulnerability to anxiety in women with heavy menses.
  • Emotional issues anxiety causes and ways to cope with them.
  • How does anxiety contribute to drug, alcohol, and nicotine consumption?
  • The factors that provoke anxious states in college students.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder in college students and potential treatment.
  • Children and adolescents: age’s impact on increasing anxiety risks.
  • The connection between anxiety disorder and fear.
  • Stress at the workplace is a key provoker of anxiety in the 21st century.
  • Frontline nurses’ burnout, anxiety, depression, and fear statuses.
  • Triggers: the importance of finding causes of anxiety.
  • The impact of anxiety on social relations with friends and relatives.
  • The peculiarities of anxiety states in teenagers in high school.
  • Anxiety as a result of perfectionism and fear of failure.
  • Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and peritraumatic dissociation.
  • The influence of anxiety on public speaking skills.
  • Cultural differences in the expression and perception of anxiety.
  • Psychological aspects of anxiety in situations of crisis.
  • Digital detox is an effective method of anxiety reduction.
  • The correlation between discrimination/prejudice and depression/anxiety.
  • The relationship between social isolation and the development of anxiety disorders.
  • Death anxiety: methods and strategies how to cope with the disorder.
  • Quantitative properties of anxiety: magnitude and tone.
  • The impact of economic instability on the level of anxiety in society.
  • Evidence-based interventions for anxiety disorders.
  • The types of anxiety disorder and their peculiarities.
  • The key characteristics of anxiety disorder.
  • The role of family relationships in the development of anxiety disorders.
  • The symptoms of anxiety and ways to identify them at an early stage.
  • Anxiety disorder treatment in an Afro-American boy.
  • Psychological aspects of anxiety in adapting to a new culture or society.
  • The relationship between the quality of sleep and the level of anxiety.
  • Social media is a trigger of anxiety in the digital world.
  • The role of gender stereotypes in the formation of anxiety in men and women.
  • Depression and anxiety among college students.
  • Anxiety is a result of the rapidly changing information society.
  • The influence of literature on the perception of anxiety.
  • Psychological fitness and its effectiveness in reducing anxiety.
  • The use of therapy platforms in decreasing anxiety.
  • Anxiety of musicians in music performance.
  • Cyberbullying as a reason for emotional distress and anxiety.
  • The role of childhood experiences in the development of anxiety later in life.
  • Introversion and its contribution to a constant state of anxiety.
  • The influence of religious and cult practices on reducing anxiety.
  • Case studies of patients with anxiety and mood disturbances.
  • The risk factors of anxiety in children with disabilities.
  • Videogames are a key trigger of anxiety development.
  • Mindful breathing strategy and its importance for reducing anxiety.
  • The impact of psychological trauma on the development of chronic anxiety.
  • Abnormal psychology: anxiety and depression case .
  • Government support for mental health policy to reduce anxiety in the UK.
  • The influence of ambition and high expectations on the level of anxiety.
  • Managing anxiety in evidence-based practice.
  • Political conflicts and their impact on the level of anxiety in society.
  • The role of social support in managing and reducing anxiety.
  • Anxiety and decision-making: literature review.
  • Anxiety as a result of low self-esteem and problems with self-acceptance.
  • The role of meditation and mental practices in anxiety management.

Social Anxiety Research Paper Topics

  • Genetics is a leading cause of social phobia.
  • The effects of social anxiety on professional and career development.
  • Social anxiety disorder: diagnosis and treatment.
  • Empathy and social anxiety: how understanding the feelings of others affects one’s own anxiety.
  • The evidence-based pharmacotherapy of social anxiety disorder.
  • The physical symptoms of social anxiety disorder.
  • Prevalence rates of social anxiety disorder across different cultures.
  • The impact of cultural factors on the development of social anxiety disorder.
  • The public speaking anxiety analysis.
  • Neural mechanisms that contribute to the resistance of social anxiety disorder.
  • The potential of utilizing biomarkers to improve social anxiety treatments.
  • The effective methods of anxiety disorder prevention.
  • Cultural and social aspects of social anxiety: peculiarities and coping methods.
  • The negative social experience is a trigger to social phobia.
  • High anxieties: the social construction of anxiety disorders.
  • Brain areas involved in the development of social anxiety.
  • The peculiarities of treatment of social anxiety at an early age.
  • Social anxiety at school or workplace: a way to overcome the phobia.
  • Inclusive school environments as a way to support students with social anxiety.
  • The role of self-esteem in the experience of social anxiety.
  • School phobia: the anxiety disorder.
  • The impact of social anxiety disorder on romantic relationships.
  • The efficiency of technology-based interventions in the treatment of social anxiety.
  • Social anxiety: Is there a way to overcome the fear of public speaking?
  • The connection between social anxiety and fear of evaluation by others.
  • Social anxiety and its consequences on cognitive processes .
  • Social anxiety disorder and alcohol abuse in adolescents.
  • The criteria for diagnosing social anxiety disorder.
  • The role of parental expectations and pressure in the formation of social anxiety.
  • Why do females more often experience social anxiety disorder than males?
  • Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders worldwide.
  • Social aspects of depression and anxiety.
  • Avoidance of social situations is a key symptom of social phobia.
  • The influence of social anxiety on the expression of creativity and creative potential.
  • Social anxiety and its consequences on the quality of life in adolescents.
  • Metacognitive processes in the maintenance of chronic social anxiety.

Research Questions about Anxiety

  • How does anxiety affect the body’s immune system?
  • What are the peculiarities of the treatment of anxiety at a young age?
  • Is acceptance and commitment therapy effective in fighting anxiety?
  • How are inflammatory processes in the body related to anxiety disorders?
  • What is the relationship between anxiety and gastrointestinal disorders?
  • What effect does anxiety have on the cardiovascular system?
  • What role do neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA play in regulating anxiety?
  • What are the stress and anxiety sources amongst students?
  • How does genetics influence the likelihood of gaining medical anxiety disorders?
  • What is the effectiveness of cannabis in treating anxiety disorders?
  • How do gastrointestinal microbiota imbalances affect anxiety levels?
  • How can specific allergies or sensitivities lead to increased anxiety?
  • How does chronic anxiety disorder affect cortisol levels?
  • How is emotion regulation therapy used for generalized anxiety disorder?
  • What role may neuroimaging play in understanding communicative anxiety disorders?
  • How is anxiety diagnosed in people with disabilities?
  • How does anxiety disorder depend on a person’s eating habits?
  • What are the effects of nootropics in treating anxiety disorders?
  • What are the ways of managing general anxiety disorder in primary care?
  • Why is family support an important part of the anxiety treatment?
  • How do gender differences affect the manifestation of anxiety disorders?
  • What are the effective methods of preventing anxiety disorder?
  • How does post-traumatic stress disorder contribute to the development of anxiety?
  • How do doctors differentiate anxiety symptoms from signs of other medical conditions?
  • How does standardized testing affect an individual with test anxiety?
  • What is the impact of chronic illnesses on the development of anxiety?
  • How does alcohol impact an increasing level of anxiety?
  • What methods of diagnosing anxiety disorders exist in medicine?
  • Why certain medical conditions can trigger symptoms of anxiety?
  • What is the role of emotional intelligence in overcoming social anxiety?
  • What is the relationship between child maltreatment and anxiety?
  • How did COVID-19 contribute to increased anxiety among people in the US?
  • How effective is psychopharmacology in treating social anxiety?
  • What are the most common physical symptoms of anxiety in children?
  • How do sleep disorders provoke social anxiety?
  • What are the long-term effects of chronic anxiety on human health?
  • How can parents and teachers release anxiety in children?
  • How can medical surgery affect anxiety levels in patients?
  • How do hormonal imbalances contribute to heightened anxiety?
  • What is the best way of treating adults with anxiety?
  • Why benzodiazepines and SSRIs are often used in anxiety treatment?
  • What brain areas are involved in the development of anxiety disorder?
  • What is the holistic approach to anxiety disorder?
  • How can virtual reality simulation treatment help with medical anxiety?
  • Anxiety disorder and its risk factors.
  • Why does physical exercise positively impact social anxiety treatment?
  • What advice are most often given by psychologists for the prevention of anxiety?
  • Is depression and anxiety run in the family ?
  • How can targeted medication improve the effect of psychotherapy in anxiety disorders?

Argumentative Essay Topics about Anxiety

  • Social anxiety disorder is highly comorbid with other psychiatric disorders.
  • Is anger the side effect of anxiety?
  • Social media: the rise of depression and anxiety .
  • Women are twice as likely as men to develop anxiety disorder.
  • Breathing into a brown paper bag decreases the level of anxiety.
  • Educational institutions should support students with anxiety symptoms.
  • Social networks contribute to the development of anxiety.
  • Summarizing and evaluating the concept of anxiety.
  • Is virtual reality exposure therapy effective in treating anxiety-related conditions?
  • Dismissing someone’s anxiety exacerbates the problem.
  • Negative thinking is a serious anxiety trigger.
  • Do certain cultural customs impact how anxiety is expressed and handled?
  • Social support plays a vital role in treating anxiety disorders.
  • Overcoming separation anxiety in children.
  • People with anxiety disorder should seek professional help.
  • Employers should provide flexible work schedules for workers with anxiety disorders.
  • Anxiety disorder increases the risk of health complications.
  • Does anxiety create problems in relationships?
  • Anxiety often causes or triggers depression .
  • Adult depression and anxiety as a complex problem.
  • Academic pressures can contribute to anxiety in young individuals.
  • Parents should control the social media usage of their children to protect them from anxiety.
  • Is social isolation a contributing factor to the development of anxiety in older adults?
  • Perfectionism is a personality trait that often correlates with increased anxiety levels.
  • Overcoming anxiety leads to personal growth and increased resilience.
  • The anxiety related to the COVID-19 virus uncertainty: strategy.
  • Anxiety hinders an individual’s ability to concentrate and make decisions.
  • Are anxiety disorders the most common mental disorders in the modern world?
  • The constant state of alertness in anxiety leads to mental exhaustion and burnout.
  • Anxiety disorder is a leading cause of tension headaches.
  • Political upheavals increase collective anxiety on a societal level.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder and depression.
  • A family history of mental health issues is a spread cause of anxiety.
  • Do smartphone notifications contribute to technology-induced anxiety?
  • Regular exercising helps decrease symptoms of anxiety.
  • Workplace support is critical for persons dealing with anxiety at work.
  • Excessive use of social media contributes to heightened anxiety levels.
  • Effective art therapies to manage anxiety.
  • Should workplaces implement mental health programs to reduce employee anxiety?
  • People with anxiety disorder should do regular follow-up sessions to monitor their condition.
  • Do financial concerns trigger the development of anxiety?
  • Stigma prevents individuals with anxiety from seeking help.
  • Is social anxiety more spread with a strong emphasis on individual achievements?
  • General anxiety disorder treatment plan.
  • Do genetic factors play a role in predisposing individuals to anxiety disorders?
  • Love from friends and family is the best treatment for anxiety disorder.
  • Telling other people about your anxiety is one of the most uncomfortable things.
  • Caffeine use increases the severity of anxiety symptoms.

Anxiety Essay Topics for Informative Papers

  • The major symptoms and signs of social anxiety disorder.
  • What is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?
  • Anxiety disorders, their definition, and treatment.
  • The effective methods of coping with separation anxiety disorder.
  • The important takeaways about pathological anxiety.
  • Dos and don’ts for overcoming post-argument anxiety.
  • Coping with anxiety in romantic relationships.
  • Anxiety: advanced assessment of a patient.
  • What are the peculiarities of social anxiety disorder?
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in treating people who feel anxious.
  • The strategies for alleviating anxiety in your pets.
  • Seven things you can do to help your friend cope with anxiety.
  • Anxiety disorders: diagnoses and treatment.
  • What are the risk factors for anxiety in children and adults?
  • The characteristics of high-functioning anxiety.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders: How it works.
  • The main causes of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
  • “Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Diabetes” by Chlebowy.
  • What are the methods of treating anxiety in old age?
  • The importance of early intervention: how to prevent anxiety in children.
  • What does anxiety disorder feel like?
  • The value of stress management skills in preventing anxiety.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder and its prevalence.
  • The benefits anxiety disorder can bring.
  • How can antidepressants aid in coping with anxiety disorder?
  • Self-guidance: how to prevent an anxiety attack.
  • The genetic and hereditary factors that contribute to anxiety disorders.
  • Dual diagnosis: anxiety disorders & developmental disabilities.
  • How small acts of kindness can help with anxiety?
  • Psychological strategies to reduce general anxiety and stress.
  • How do you understand that you need assistance in coping with anxiety?
  • Foods that can help reduce anxiety.
  • Anxiety disorders: cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • The effective methods of coping with anxiety in learning a new language.
  • Top 12 ways to reduce the risk of anxiety disorders.
  • The power of yoga and meditation in managing anxiety.
  • How friends and family can provide support to someone with anxiety?
  • What is the anxiety?
  • The troubling link between domestic violence and anxiety .
  • Finding a good anxiety therapist: methods and strategies.
  • How does anxiety affect teenagers in high school?
  • The main types of anxiety and their peculiarities.
  • Anxiety disorder and its characteristics .
  • How do you prepare yourself to better handle anxiety-provoking situations?
  • The power of positive thinking in overcoming anxiety.
  • The effective ways of dealing with an anxious mindset at work.
  • Coping with anxiety on your own: The possible consequences.
  • Fight-or-flight response in anxiety disorders.
  • Famous people with high-functioning anxiety.
  • How can a regular sleep pattern protect you from anxiety development?

Anxiety Title Ideas for Cause-and-Effect Essays

  • Muscle aches and breathing problems are the short-term effects of anxiety.
  • Why does anxiety provoke memory issues?
  • Effects of anxiety and ways to conquer it.
  • Increased risk of developing migraines and headaches in people with anxiety.
  • The role of chronic stress and traumatic events in the development of anxiety.
  • Genetic links that increase a person’s risk of developing an anxiety disorder.
  • What are psychosomatic manifestations of anxiety and their impact on the body?
  • Substance abuse is a leading cause of anxiety.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder’s impact on youth.
  • The problems in interpersonal relationships are due to anxiety.
  • Loss of a loved one and its impact on the development of anxiety.
  • Are nail biting or skin picking the first signs of anxiety?
  • Childhood experiences can cause the onset of anxiety disorders.
  • What is the effect of anxiety on the nervous system and its functioning?
  • DSM-5 anxiety disorders: causes and treatment.
  • The key triggers of anxiety and their impact on a person’s overall well-being.
  • The butterfly effect of anxiety: how small symptoms can become a disaster.
  • Does a family history of anxiety disorder make you more prone to this disease?
  • The physical consequences of anxiety: nausea, muscle tension, and fatigue.
  • Reaction to stress: anxiety and yoga.
  • How do the causes of anxiety change depending on the person’s age?
  • Persistent and uncontrollable thoughts: how does anxiety impact people?
  • The causes of anxiety among teachers giving face-to-face lessons.
  • Chest and back pain are physical symptoms of anxiety.
  • Relationship issues are the leading causes of anxiety disorder.
  • The effects of marijuana on people with anxiety.
  • Neurochemical imbalance and its connection with anxiety.
  • What are the genetic causes of anxiety?
  • The role of social media in triggering anxiety disorder.
  • Migraines and headaches are concomitant manifestations of anxiety.
  • How can daily tasks become the cause of anxiety?
  • Anxiety disorders and their influence on daily life.
  • Substance abuse and its impact on the development of anxious states.
  • Decreased quality of life in people with anxiety disorders.
  • The chain reaction of anxiety: From triggers to panic attacks.
  • Hormonal changes in anxiety states and their impact.
  • Trouble focusing on tasks due to racing thoughts in people with anxiety disorder.
  • Causes and effects of anxiety in children .
  • Procrastination and overthinking as behavioral effects of anxiety.
  • Suicidal thoughts and their connection with high levels of anxiety.
  • How does anxiety impact communication and collaboration at work?
  • Social isolation as a result of anxiety disorders.
  • Chronic stress is a factor contributing to anxiety disorder.
  • Anxiety disorder: symptoms, causes, and treatment.
  • Which social factors contribute to the appearance of anxiety?
  • The fear of the unknown or unpredictable outcomes is a cause of anxiety.
  • Why do people with anxiety disorder have problems with concentration and attention?
  • Sociocultural factors that have an impact on the level of anxiety.

Titles for Anxiety Essays: Compare and Contrast

  • How are anxiety disorders related to eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia?
  • Psychotherapy or medication: what works better in treating anxiety?
  • The behavioral, humanistic, and cognitive approaches to anxiety .
  • The differences in how anxiety impacts children and adults.
  • Stigma and shame of anxiety in different cultures.
  • How do you differentiate anxiety from regular stress?
  • What is the relationship between anxiety and anger?
  • Panic attack vs. anxiety attack: key differences.
  • George Kelly’s personal constructs: threat, fear, anxiety, and guilt .
  • The peculiarities of anxiety disorder depend on the sexual orientation of the person.
  • How is panic disorder related to anxiety?
  • Meditation, prayer, traditional rituals: comparison of spiritual ways of anxiety treatment.
  • How does the perception of anxiety differ in the US and Japan?
  • Anxiety vs. post-traumatic stress disorder: main common features.
  • The relationship between anxiety and sleep disorders .
  • How does anxiety differ from stress in terms of physiological responses?
  • The differences in anxiety symptoms in people of different ages.
  • Developmental perceptions of death anxiety.
  • How can gender-related cultural norms influence how anxiety is expressed?
  • Aspects of anxiety: psychological and physiological sides.
  • How does anxiety differ from schizophrenia?
  • The comparison of social and generalized anxiety.
  • Historical views on anxiety: antique and modern times.
  • The difference in how anxiety affects females and males.
  • What do anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder have in common?
  • Anxiety and depression during childhood and adolescence.
  • Anxiety treatment: self-help resources or support groups.
  • The comparison of biological mechanisms activated during fear and anxiety states.
  • The cultural differences of anxiety perception: Nigeria vs. Sweden.
  • Anxiety and bipolar disorder and their main differences.
  • The effective methods of coping with anxiety: yoga or antidepressants.
  • What are the cultural differences in anxiety expression?
  • Anxiety in first-world countries or developing nations.
  • The differences in help-seeking behavior in people of different religions.
  • The peculiarities of treatment anxiety in Australia and the United Kingdom.
  • How is anxiety connected to eating disorders?
  • Anxiety in veterans vs. civilians: key differences.
  • How does anxiety management differ from anxiety prevention?
  • Physical and mental anxiety consequences and their comparison.
  • How is anxiety described in different academic disciplines?
  • The manifestation of anxiety in different mental health disorders.
  • How does anxiety in parents are similar to the one that children have?
  • Anxiety in urban and rural environments: Key triggers.
  • The comparison of genetic and environmental factors of anxiety.

📕 How to Write Essays on Anxiety

Need to write an essay on anxiety but don’t know where to start? Let us help you! We’ve prepared detailed instructions that will help you structure your paper.

Anxiety Essay Introduction

An essay’s introduction aims to provide the reader with a clear idea of the essay’s topic, purpose, and structure. It serves as a roadmap for what the paper will cover. To write an introduction, follow these steps:

  • Grab readers’ attention with a hook .
  • Introduce the theme or issue you will be discussing.
  • Provide some background information.
  • Create a thesis statement.

Hook: According to the National Institute of Mental Health, public speaking anxiety, or glossophobia, affects approximately 40% of the population.

Background information: A fear of public speaking is classified as a social anxiety disorder characterized by shaking, sweating, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, and squeaky voice.

Anxiety Essay Thesis

A thesis statement is often a sentence in the first paragraph of an essay that summarizes the paper’s main idea. Several tips can assist you in creating a strong thesis statement :

  • Be specific.
  • Build a strong argument.
  • Make your thesis statement arguable.
  • Provide evidence.
  • Be clear and concise.

Thesis statement: Although fully overcoming speech anxiety may be impossible, employing various strategies can help manage and harness it for personal growth and success.

Essay about Anxiety: Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs in an essay develop, support, and elaborate on the thesis statement or argument presented in the introduction, offering evidence, examples, and explanations. They provide the substance and structure that make the essay’s ideas clear and convincing to the reader.

There are several components that each paragraph of the main body needs to include:

  • Topic sentence.
  • Supporting evidence.
  • Detailed explanation of the main points.
  • Transition to the next paragraph.

Topic sentence: Deep breathing techniques can effectively alleviate pre-performance anxiety, particularly before public speaking engagements.

Supporting evidence: Practicing slow, deep diaphragmatic breathing helps activate the relaxation response. Additionally, deep breathing increases oxygen supply to the cerebral cortex, responsible for cognitive functions and conscious thought processes.

Anxiety Essay Conclusion

The conclusion is an essential component of your essay. It allows you to encourage your readers to consider the implications and solutions to an issue. A strong essay conclusion should do the following:

  • Restate the thesis.
  • Summarize the main points.
  • Provide a clear context for your argument.

Rephrased thesis: Though completely overcoming speech anxiety is challenging, using different strategies can help control it and benefit personal growth and success.

Summary : In conclusion, nobody is perfect, and even seasoned speakers make errors in public speaking. Instead of pressuring yourself to deliver a flawless speech, it’s essential to remember that minor mistakes won’t detract from your overall presentation.

We hope that you’ve found our article helpful! If so, feel free to share it with your friends and leave a comment below.

  • Thesis Statements; The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay, With Examples | Grammarly
  • How To Write a Good Essay Introduction in 4 Simple Steps | Indeed.com
  • Conclusions | Harvard College Writinf Center
  • Paragraphs; Topic Sentences: Writing Guides: Writing Tutorial Services: Indiana University Bloomington
  • Anxiety Disorders – National Institute of Mental Health

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Fear Essay | Essay on Fear for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Fear Essay:  Fear is a natural, powerful, and primitive emotion experienced by humans, usually triggered by an unpleasant perception of danger that is either real or imaginary—fear causes psychological and, ultimately, behavioral changes in people.

Human beings experience fear as a response to a specific stimulus that occurs either in the present or in expectation or anticipation of a future threat that might be a risk to themselves. Response to any kind of fear varies from person to person.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Fear for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with samples of a long essay of 500 words on the topic Fear and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Fear for reference.

Long Essay on Fear 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Fear is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Fear, the quintessential human emotion, is an utterly unavoidable human emotion. The extent and range of fear from different things vary from person to person, but the emotion is the same. Fear is capable of causing psychological changes and, ultimately, behavioral changes in a person.

Humans experience fear as a response to a specific stimulus to a situation occurring in the present or an anticipated future threat that is a risk to oneself. The response to fear arises from the recognition of danger, leading to the confrontation of the situation or escaping the fear or avoiding the situation – also known as fight or flight response.

We all humans are programmed in a manner to recognize fear to avoid or reduce being harmed. Learning from the past about what can protect one in dangerous situations makes people capable of doing many things that one wouldn’t typically be able to or willing to respond to the threat.

Fear is broadly classified into two types, innate fears, and identity fears. Innate fears are the fears that every individual has on some level, and humans are born with these fears, which also serve as a kind of survival instinct. Humans develop identity fears as they evolve.

Apart from this, many people also fear love and connection. These fears are a subset of identity fears. As humans grow in their lives, they tend to grow connections with people, and these bonds become of great value to the person. Losing these bonds is one of the biggest fears of many.

Sometimes fear originates from real threats, but it can also originate from imagined danger – which makes fear experienced by people either rational or irrational. Rational fear is the fear of something that is real – occurring from something entirely possible or will occur. Fear of mortality is an example of a rational fear as we humans are immortal. However, irrational fears are necessarily implausible, but the fear arises from a real place in the psyche.

In some people, fear is also a response to mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders, panic attacks, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Phobia is an irrational or extreme or aversion of something. An aspect of anxiety disorder can be the tendency to develop a fear of fear.

Many people confuse fear of phobias. Fears are typical responses to objects or events. Still, fear becomes a phobia when the fear interferes with functioning correctly and maintains a consistent quality of life. Fear in humans involves a biochemical response to the situation as well as a high individual emotional response.

Fear is an emotion experienced in the mind, but it triggers some strong physical reaction in one’s body. As soon as one’s body recognizes fear, the brain starts working, alerting the nervous system, which sets the body’s response to fear into motion. The human brain releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, increasing blood pressure, and adrenaline. One starts breathing faster, and blood flow in the body changes – blood flows away from the heart into the limbs.

Short Essay on Fear 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Fear is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Fear is one of the seven universal emotions experience by humans all over the world. Any fear arises with the threat of harm, physical, emotional, or psychological – from a real or imaginary situation.

Usually perceived as a negative emotion, fear can also be positive and healthy. Fear serves as a survival instinct helping humans in recognizing situations that can be harmful or dangerous.

Fear makes one foggy and makes it impossible to think clearly or make the correct decision. However, some people enjoy fear and gain pleasure due to the adrenaline rush experienced in some situations.

Fear will hold one back from achieving victories and significant accomplishments. Everything that one does in life will strike a little bit of fear in their hearts; however, overcoming the fear and giving one’s best is the most satisfying feeling. Don’t let your fears stop you from fulfilling your dreams.

10 Lines on Fear Essay in English

1. Researches have shown that humans can smell others’ fear and react to each other’s scents. 2. One can inherit fear from their parents or grandparents just like any other genetic trait. 3. We humans aren’t born with most of the fears; fear is often learned from knowledge and experience. 4. Fear is the opposite of love as the brain releases chemical oxytocin when in love, which helps overcome learned fears. 5. Sleep offers a unique state in which selected fears can be eliminated. 6. One big scary event in one’s life is not what causes fear; instead, it is a mixture of environment and genetics. 7. Fear can become extinct by associating non-fearful memories with the event. 8. Stress hormones released by humans helps in enhancing the extinction of fear. 9. Some people associate fears with pleasure – the thrill of the experience doesn’t end with the process’s end. 10. Fear can make one foggy making it difficult to make the right decision or think clearly.

FAQ’s on Fear Essay

Question 1.  Why do we experience fear?

Answer: Fear is an unavoidable feeling that is experienced by all. Fear is programmed into humans’ nervous system, and it works like a response to the perception of danger.

Question 2. Is it necessary to experience fear?

Answer: Fear helps in protecting us. Humans are equipped with survival and instinct, which is a response to the sense of danger or an unsafe feeling.

Question 3.  How can fear be avoided?

Answer: Talking about your fear, imagining the worst that could happen, distracting oneself with happy thoughts, and clearing out the mind by taking time in understanding what is causing the fear and anxiety.

Question 4. What are a few most common fears of humans?

Answer: Fear of height, fear of the dark, fear of closed spaces, fear of insects, fear of blood, fear of the violent weather, fear of dying are a few most common types of fear experienced by people.

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Fear - List of Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Fear, a primal human emotion induced by perceived danger or threat, plays a critical role in survival while also affecting individual and societal behaviors. Essays on fear could explore the psychological and physiological mechanisms behind fear, its evolutionary significance, and its manifestations in modern society. Discussions might also delve into the impact of fear on decision-making, interpersonal relationships, and societal dynamics, as well as explore the treatment of phobias and anxiety disorders. Moreover, analyzing the portrayal of fear in literature, media, and political rhetoric can provide insight into the multi-dimensional aspects of fear and its profound influence on human experience. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Fear you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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The Sins of Fear: Dark History from the Salem Witch Trials to Modern Injustices

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How Fear for a Penalty Can Destroy a Community

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The Harm Fear and Betrayal Can Cause

In the events that caused a great deal of fear and betrayal, such as the Salem witch trials, McCarthyism trials, and the treatment of Japanese-Americans during WWII, caused considerable harm to people. The Salem Witch Trials occurred from 1692 to 1693 when a group of young girls in the village declared that they were possessed by the devil. They accused numerous village women of witchcraft, a crime at that time. Two hundred and sixty-one years later, the McCarthyism Trials shook […]

Fear of the Unknown: a Closer Look at why Fear is so Lucrative

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I See a Policeman and i Get Scared how to Cope with Fear

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Often Times Young People

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Evolutionary Learning: Fear Conditioning is the Product of Evolutionary Learning in Humans

Fearless individuals do not have normal fear responses to scary situations ("Eight Facts You Didn't Know About Fear," 2011). Fear can be characterized by anxiety and agitation due to the anticipation of impending danger (Delgado, Olsson, & Phelps, 2006). Research is lacking in the realm of fear conditioning and its relation to evolution and overall human development. Fear conditioning is a product of evolutionary learning in humans. Because of this evolutionary learning, humans can unconsciously develop fears. Lipp et al. […]

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Fear Responses

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Person Experiences Fear

In every nightmare, a person experiences fear, because he/she is trying to survive something that terrifies them. In Lois Lowry’s The Giver, the main character Jonas, lives in a community where very little things are allowed. Jonas is not allowed to leave the community. In Mindy McGinnis’ Not a Drop to Drink, the main character named Lynn has to try to survive when water is a rare resource in the book. There are many similarities and differences regarding the topics […]

Anorexia Nervosa: Abnormally Low Body Weight and Fear of Gaining Weight

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The Fear at a Horror Film the Exorcist

The late '60s and early '70s were a period of controversy and turmoil. The civil rights movement had just ended, the Women's ERA had passed Congress but was never ratified, and America was in the middle of the Vietnam War. In addition, high economic stagnation and unemployment rates were adding misery to people's plight. Numerous Americans were against the government and its policies, so they used their voices and actions to reflect their opposition. The "New Left" was rising, which […]

About how the Fear of being Negatively Evaluated by Others Correlates with Perceived Stress in Perfectionists

Nobody's perfect, but sometimes it can feel like you need to be. Striving for perfection is a feeling everyone can relate to. Students, especially nowadays, are feeling the pressure to be perfect. Social and cultural expectations, such as the high-pressure atmosphere of testing and competition in grades or athletics, lead to high amounts of stress in high school and college students. The article being discussed is "Perfectionism and Perceived Stress: The Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation" by Nadia Shafique, […]

The Fear Caused Break

The speakers got louder as the bright lights of Double J Arenas shone down on the barrel racers. As the next contestant went on, my horse, Lena, started fidgeting. Her ears were forward, turned towards the speakers as her nostrils flared. I looked over the barrels, slightly wary, and waited until we were called. Lena started throwing up her head again as her front hooves lifted off the ground slightly. I tried to calm her down, but it wasn’t working. […]

Fear and Violence in Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Perspective

Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. In "Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehisi Coates, he describes in a letter to his son the unpleasant emotion he experienced in his life. Coates talks about how fear controls people into doing harsh things. He explains his experiences of violence he saw in the streets and in his home. We act based on our emotions as […]

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Home Essay Samples Life

Essay Samples on Fear

Is fear always a harmful emotion: the complex nature of fear.

Is fear always a harmful emotion? Fear is a primal human emotion that has evolved to protect us from danger. While fear is often associated with negative outcomes, it is essential to recognize that fear serves an important purpose in our lives. In this essay,...

The Pervasive and Paralyzing Power of Fear in The Crucible

Introduction In Arthur Miller's seminal play "The Crucible," fear operates as a lethal and pervasive force that drives the action and defines the lives of key characters. Set against the backdrop of the Salem witch trials, the play is not merely a recounting of historical...

  • The Crucible

Overcoming the Fear Of Failure and Reaching Goals

Fear of failure is when we let that fear to stop us from achieving our goals and objectives, but is very important to learn how to overcome it. This kind of fear is most of the time irrational and continuous. People should find a way...

  • Fear of Failure

Coping With Loss: Kubler-Ross And Mitford'S Articles

The moral of Jessica Mitford's article, “Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain”, is to expose the process of what occurs have someone dies. She also exposes all of the procedures that undergo the deceased body in order to be displayed at the funeral. In comparison to Ross’s...

  • On The Fear of Death

Attitudes Towards Death In Mitford'S And Kubler-Ross'S Articles

Death is inevitable and unexplainable which is why people fear death. Nobody wants to die leaving behind all the memories of family and friends behind. “Behind the formaldehyde curtains” by Mitford and “On the fear of death” by Ross both share the same view on...

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The Variation of Horror Genre and Its Examples

When I was a kid, I used to hate horror films, as the matter of fact, I refuse to watch them as I didn’t fathom why would anyone purposely scare themselves. For many people, horror movies are a horrendous experience. They hate to see graphic...

The Debate About the Horror Genre as Appropriate to Children

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! Everyone remembers the iconic 1980s movie Beetlejuice. This classic horror movie has been enjoyed by many kids and adults for years now. Beetlejuice is not the only iconic horror movie that is enjoyed by all age ranges. Gremlins another class favorite is...

Edgar Allan Poe's Horror Works: The Pit and The Pendulum

Edgar Allan Poe is an expert when it comes to writing horror. He holds over 60 short stories to his name. Poe has a very distinct style of writing. Because of his uniqueness, his stories share many attributes. Poe is obsessed with the macabre and...

  • The Pit and The Pendulum

Conquering Personal Fear of Roller Coaster

As I sit at the front seat of the roller coaster train, fear and anxiety infiltrate my mind. The red color of the train makes me think of the rushing blood in my body. The tension in my mind causes me to think that I...

  • Roller Coaster

The Atomic Age Feasted On Fear

The unknown outcome of the Atomic Age plagued American society with fear. The public was influenced by the use of what some may call propaganda and tales of doom. Sources such as Duck and Cover by the Office of Civil Defence, Atomic War! by Ace...

  • Nuclear War

Reality of Fighting With Fear In 'A Separate Peace'

Everyone experiences the reality of internal and external conflicts at one time or another (and often create their own psychological enemies). Internal conflicts refer to one’s inner struggles, feelings like doubt, guilt or shame become the source of someone’s actions. Whereas external conflicts are created...

  • A Separate Peace

Fear Conditioning Under Social Stress

Introduction In the study of psychology, research has always looked at emotions and the role they play in everyday behaviour as well as in pathological behaviour. Several studies have shown that emotionally charged stimuli attract human attention quicker and have an advantage in information processing....

What Is Courage And Why Need It In Our Life

The ability to do something that frightens you, having strength while facing grief or pain, and the ability to act on your beliefs despite danger or disapproval are all definitions of courage. Courage is something that isn't always easy to have, but those who are...

Struggle of Persistance and Overcoming the Fear of Religious Faith

Faith can be influenced by the people we surround ourselves with, the religions we grew up with, particular things we believe in, and all of them define us based on the degree of our confidence in faith. Founded on all these fragments of our life...

Dealing with the Fear of Failure

If failure does not lead to a new product, process, or discovery, it should lead to some type of learning. Leaders with developed character regarding failure have the poise to accept it without condemning themselves. Like a good football coach looking at the game films...

An Account of Fear of Failure: Fear of Driving 

As a young teen, one of our greatest moments growing up is learning how to drive. Driving is a rite of passage that signifies freedom through the ability of being able to maneuver a vehicle and get from one point to another. Learning to drive...

The Value of Failure and Challenging the Fear of It

Failure is like a puzzle, you cannot see the bigger and beautiful picture until every piece is put in place. Puzzles are time-consuming and often leave one in a state of tedium as to where they believe their task of completing the puzzle cannot be...

Understanding and Breaking Down the Fear of Public Speaking

Communicating your ideas publicly is an essential part of many aspects of life. Weather your doing a school presentation, or presenting your ideas to your fellow co-workers, public speaking is an important aspect that many people are afraid of. Public speaking can lead to many...

  • Communication Skills
  • Public Speaking

You Should Define Your Fears Instead Of Your Goals

What we most fear doing, asking, saying are very often exactly what we most need to do. How can we overcome self-paralysis and take action? We all know goal setting exercise. What about Fear setting exercise? What should we define our FEAR or our GOALS?...

The Path to Success: How Failure Is A Blessing In Disguise

Failure, a single word that strikes fear into the hearts of many. We all know failure as not being able to achieve that one thing you’ve been dreaming of for so many years. Failure, reaching for success but falling hard, hitting the ground hard, having...

My Relationship with Water: a Journey of Triumph Over Aquaphobia

Since I was a little girl I’d been afraid of the ocean, hair prickling all over my body, afraid. I could feel the sensation of my heart palpitating. I stood paralyzed, traumatized for life as the dolphin passed by the small circled window to greet...

Public Speaking as My Biggest Fear

As a student one of my biggest fears is public speaking. Fear in public speaking or glosopobia is frequently but incorrectly cited as a people's biggest fear, and it is very common in students like us,it happens when reporting,roleplaying, and reciting. This is not just...

  • Personal Life

You Should Never Let Fear Overcome You

The story starts with a picture that was taken in a classroom with three of my friends in my high school during our Christmas program. It was taken to memorialize the first time that we, as performers, attended the school’s program by performing a Christian...

The Need For Investigation Of The Fear Relation To Anxiety Disorders

Fear has been characterized as separate from Anxiety. Fear is “a basic emotion that is an adaptive response to threat marked by quick, automatic onset, brief duration, and sympathetic arousal” whereas Anxiety is a “future-focused cognitive association that connects basic emotions (such as fear) to...

  • Anxiety Disorder

A Prerequisite to Growth: Why People Fear Change

Different situations have different effect on us. Changes are the reason for thrill in our lives, but many people fear CHANGE. No matter how small a change is, sometimes it is hard for people to accept. Change in a relation due to distance can be...

Best topics on Fear

1. Is Fear Always a Harmful Emotion: The Complex Nature of Fear

2. The Pervasive and Paralyzing Power of Fear in The Crucible

3. Overcoming the Fear Of Failure and Reaching Goals

4. Coping With Loss: Kubler-Ross And Mitford’S Articles

5. Attitudes Towards Death In Mitford’S And Kubler-Ross’S Articles

6. The Variation of Horror Genre and Its Examples

7. The Debate About the Horror Genre as Appropriate to Children

8. Edgar Allan Poe’s Horror Works: The Pit and The Pendulum

9. Conquering Personal Fear of Roller Coaster

10. The Atomic Age Feasted On Fear

11. Reality of Fighting With Fear In ‘A Separate Peace’

12. Fear Conditioning Under Social Stress

13. What Is Courage And Why Need It In Our Life

14. Struggle of Persistance and Overcoming the Fear of Religious Faith

15. Dealing with the Fear of Failure

  • Perseverance
  • Personal Experience
  • Career Goals
  • Personality
  • Bad Memories
  • Personal Growth and Development

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Emotion / Fear

Fear Essay Examples

The moment of fear i will remember forever.

I will never forget that moment in time. It had occurred on a Sunday like any other. The birds had been chirping, the sky was a luminous blue. I had been up on my roof cleaning the gutter. Scrape, brush I did in a regular...

The Role of Fears and Phobias in Our Life

Fear is an emotion or feeling which is felt by humans due to any types of frightening or scary behavior. Fearing for a certain long period of time may cause damage to a person and leads to depression or anxiety perhaps death too. Fear is...

Facing Fear to Overcome It

Fear is a strong negative emotion that keeps a person from doing something and also a signal of danger and weakness. It is considered as one of most powerful emotion where it can change the course of action or make a situation seem more unfortunate....

How I Overcome My Fear of Flying

Sitting rather uncomfortably in my seat while facing the painfully bright light piercing from the window, I fidgeted nervously, desperately trying to ignore the gloominess of the situation. I attempted to focus on staying warm in the bitterly frigid row, but as thoughts of certain...

Fear and Fhobias in My Life

Fear is an unpleasant emotion and it is an emotional response induced by a perceived threat, which causes change in human’s brain and as well as in behavior. Fear can lead to a danger zone were people commits suicide in order to avoid fear. Fear...

Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

Fears can be one’s worst enemy, and it hinders you from progressing. But for those who are willing to fight it, it can serve as a gateway to greatness. If you are able to overcome your fears, it will not only help you to grow...

The Theme of Embarrassment in the Things They Carried by Tim O’brien

“All external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure- these things just fall away in the face of death.” This quote by Steve Jobs parallels the ideas depicted by Tim O'Brien about embarrassment in his novel. Not only do most literary characters struggle...

Unpacking the Influence of Fear on Our Daily Lives

In today’s society, fear plays a huge role and influences many decisions of many people. We see this everywhere, politics, media and even our daily lives. In the article, “3 Roles Fear Plays In Our Lives”, written by Donna Labermeier, fear is talked about as...

The Effect of Fear on Communities in Year of Wonders

Fear is a constant reminder that we are human although it can make us believe we’re not. Both Geraldine Brooks the author of ‘Year of Wonders’ and Arthur Miller author of ‘The Crucible’, explore the effect of fear on the seventeenth century communities. While both...

Man Versus Fear in the Red Badge of Courage

Fear is a powerful motivator. A naĂŻve, young man named Henry Fleming decides to join the Union army simply for the glory of becoming a Civil War hero. He quickly realizes that war is terrible and struggles with his conscious as to whether-or-not he can...

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