Topics in Computer and Network Security

Stanford cs 356, fall 2024.

CS 356 is graduate course that covers foundational work and current topics in computer and network security. The course consists of reading and discussing published research papers, presenting recent security work, and completing an original research project.

📌 Course Information

Discussion: M/W 3:00–4:20 PM. Hewlett Teaching Center 1020 . ⚠️ This course is based on in-person discussion of research. On time, in-person attendance and participation is required.

Instructor: Zakir Durumeric . Office Hours: M/W 4:30–5:00 PM, after class.

Course Assistant: Catherine Han . Office hours by appointment.

Prerequisites: CS 356 is open to all graduate students as well as advanced undergraduate students. While the course has no official prerequisites, it requires a mature understanding of software systems and networks. Students are expected to have taken CS 155: Computer and Network Security or equivalent.

🗓️ Topics and Schedule

The tentative schedule and required readings for the class are below:

9/23  Introduction

Against security nihilism.

Blog Post. 2016. Chris Palmer.

Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys...

SEC '12 . N. Heninger, Z. Durumeric, E. Wustrow, J.A. Halderman.

How to Read a Paper

9/25  web privacy and security, the web never forgets: persistent tracking mechanisms in the....

CCS '14 . Gunes Acar, Christian Eubank, Steven Englehardt, Marc Juarez, Arvind Narayanan, Claudia Diaz.

Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice

CCS '15 . D. Adrian, K. Bhargavan, Z. Durumeric, P. Gaudry, M. Green, J.A. Halderman, N. Heninger, A. Springall, E. Thomé, L. Valenta, B. VanderSloot, E. Wustrow, S. Zanella-Beguelin, P. Zimmermann.

9/30  Usability [CH]

Alice in warningland: a large-scale field study of browser security.

SEC '13 . Devdatta Akhawe, Adrienne Porter Felt. one can hack my mind”: Comparing Expert and Non-Expert Security Practices

SOUPS '15 . Iulia Ion, Rob Reeder, Sunny Consolvo.

10/2  Authentication and Phishing

The tangled web of password reuse.

NDSS '14 . Anupam Das, Joseph Bonneau, Matthew Caesar, Nikita Borisov, XiaoFeng Wang.

Detecting credential spearphishing in enterprise settings

SEC '17 . Grant Ho, Aashish Sharma, Mobin Javed, Vern Paxson, David Wagner.

10/7  Denial of Service

Inferring internet denial-of-service activity.

SEC '01 . David Moore, Geoffrey Voelker, Stefan Savage.

Understanding the Mirai Botnet

10/9  spam and ecrime, spamalytics: an empirical analysis of spam marketing conversion.

CCS '08 . Chris Kanich, Christian Kreibich, Kirill Levchenko, Brandon Enright, Geoffrey Voelker, Vern Paxson, and Stefan Savage.

Framing Dependencies Introduced by Underground Commoditization

WEIS '15 . Kurt Thomas, Danny Huang, David Wang, Elie Bursztein, Chris Grier, Thomas Holt, Christopher Kruegel, Damon McCoy, Stefan Savage, Giovanni Vigna.

10/14  Software Attacks

Hacking blind s&p '14 . andrea bittau, adam belay, ali mashtizadeh, david mazieres, dan boneh. sok: eternal war in memory.

S&P '13 . Laszlo Szekeres, Mathias Payer, Tao Wei, Dawn Song.

10/16  Software Defenses

Bringing the web up to speed with webassembly.

PLDI '17 . A. Haas, A. Rossberg, D. Schuff, B. Titzer, M. Holman, D. Gohman, L. Wagner, A. Zakai, J. Bastien.

Multiprogramming a 64 kB Computer Safely and Efficiently

SOSP '17 . Amit Levy, Bradford Campbell, Branden Ghena, Daniel B. Giffin, Pat Pannuto, Prabal Dutta, Philip Levis.

10/21  Malware and Supply Chain

Towards measuring supply chain attacks on package managers for interpreted languages.

NDSS '21 . Ruian Duan, Omar Alrawi, Ranjita Pai Kasturi, Ryan Elder, Brendan Saltaformaggio, Wenke Lee.

10/23  Side Channels and Information Leakage

Timing analysis of keystrokes and timing attacks on ssh.

SEC '01 . Dawn Song, David Wagner, Xuqing Tia.

Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution

S&P '19 . P. Kocher, J. Horn, A. Fogh, D. Genkin, D. Gruss, W. Haas, M. Hamburg, M. Lipp, S. Mangard, T. Prescher, M. Schwarz, Y. Yarom.

10/28   Hardware

Stealthy dopant-level hardware trojans.

CHES '13 . Georg Becker, Francesco Regazzoni, Christof Paar, Wayne Burleson.

Comprehensive Experimental Analyses of Automotive Attack Surfaces

SEC '11 . Stephen Checkoway, Damon McCoy, Brian Kantor, Danny Anderson, Hovav Shacham, Stefan Savage.

11/4  Machine Learning

Towards evaluating the robustness of neural networks.

S&P '16 . Nicholas Carlini and David Wagner.

Outside the Closed World: On Using Machine Learning For Network Intrusion Detection

S&P '10 . Robin Sommer and Vern Paxson.

11/6  Vulnerable Populations / Security For Everyone

A stalker’s paradise: how intimate partner abusers exploit technology.

CHI '18 Diana Freed, Jackeline Palmer, Diana Minchala, Karen Levy, Thomas Ristenpart, Nicola Dell.

A11y Attacks: Exploiting Accessibility in Operating Systems

CCS '14 Yeongjin Jang, Chengyu Song, Simon Chung, Tielei Wang, Wenke Lee.

11/11  Censorship and Anonymity

Tor: the second-generation onion router.

SEC '04 . Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson, Paul Syverson.

Robust De-anonymization of Large Sparse Datasets

S&P '08 . Arvind Narayanan and Vitaly Shmatikov.

Dark patterns at scale: Findings from a crawl of 11K shopping websites

S&P '08 . Arunesh Mathur, Gunes Acar, Michael Friedman, Eli Lucherini, Jonathon Mayer, Marshini Chetty, Arvind Narayanan.

11/18  Government Attacks

When governments hack opponents: a look at actors and technology.

SEC '14 . Bill Marczak, John Scott-Railton, Morgan Marquis-Boire, Vern Paxson.

Keys Under Doormats

MIT Technical Report '15. H. Abelson, R. Anderson, S. Bellovin, J. Benaloh, M. Blaze, W. Diffie, J. Gilmore, M. Green, S. Landau, P. Neumann, R. Rivest, J. Schiller, B. Schneier, M. Specter, D. Weitzner.

11/20  Problem Selection

The moral character of cryptographic work.

Phillip Rogaway.

Science, Security, and the Elusive Goal of Security as a Scientific Pursuit

S&P '17 . Cormac Herley and P.C. van Oorschot.

11/25   Thanksgiving Break

11/27   thanksgiving break, 12/2   final presentations, no required reading. attendance mandatory., 12/4   final presentations, 🚩 course structure.

This course is composed of three parts: reading and discussing foundational papers in every class, reading and presenting recent work for one class, and completing a group research project. Grading will be based on:

📚 Readings and Discussion (30%)

We will read and discuss 1–2 papers for each class. Typically, these are formative works in an area of security. Students should come prepared to actively discuss assigned papers and to make substantive intellectual contributions. This means that you need to thoroughly read each paper ahead of time. Before each section, students will submit a short (400 word) summary and reaction for each each paper, as well as a proposal of one discussion question for class.

📨 Students should submit the reading assignments through Gradescope by 2:30 pm on the day of each class . Paper responses should be completed individually without the assistance of LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT).

Grading will be based 20% on these written responses and 10% on in-class participation. We do not allow any late days for paper reactions, but students may skip two paper summaries and two lectures without penalty. We will take class attendance. However, participation grades are based on not only attendence, but active participation during class discussion.

📣 Do not underestimate the amount of time required to properly read and process a research paper. Expect to spend several hours preparing for each section.

🧑‍🏫 Topic Presentation (15%)

While reading formative papers helps to demonstrate how a subfield started, it oftentimes leaves us wondering how the area has evolved. To fill this gap, each student in the class will present one recent paper during the quarter topically relevant to that day's class. At the start of the quarter, students will have the opportunity to sign up for the topic/date that they want to present their paper.

Students are expected to perform a literature search and to select a paper that was published in the last three years from a top-tier venue in security (e.g., IEEE Security and Privacy, USENIX Security, ACM Computer or Communication Security) or adjacent field (e.g., CHI, NSDI, ASPLOS, PLDI, SIGCOMM, etc.). Be wary of other publications from IEEE, most are not top-tier venues and papers will not be accepted for presentation.

⚠️ Student presentations must be 10-12 minutes and allow for 2-5 minutes of questions. We will cut presentations off at 12 minutes, which will impact your presentation grade. Be prepared to answer questions about the paper you present.

⚠️ Students must submit their papers to approval to the teaching staff a minimum three days prior to their presentation.

🔬 Course Project (55%)

Students will complete a quarter-long original research project in small groups (1–3 students) on a topic of their own choosing. Groups will present their work during the last two sections as well as submit a 6–10 page report, similar to the papers we read in the course.

  • Project Proposal (5%). Project groups will meet with course staff to discuss their project during the third week of class and submit a one page project proposal. Reports must include a complete Related Work section. Due 10/11.
  • Mid-Quarter Progress Report (5%). Submit a short (1–2 pages) progress report part way through the quarter. The report should indicate what has been accomplished, what work is remaining, obstacles the team has encountered, and any preliminary data or insights. Reports must include a complete Methodology section. Due 11/13.
  • Class Presentation (10%). Each group will give a 10 minute class presentation during the last week of the course.
  • Final Paper (35%). Groups will submit a final project report similar to the papers we read in the course. Papers should be 6–10 pages. Due 12/6.

All written submissions related to the course project are to be written in paragraph form, in English, using LaTeX, and submitted in PDF form, inline with the examples provided at the start of the quarter. Submissions must use the USENIX LaTeX template . We strongly encourage you to read Writing Technical Articles if you haven't previously published academic research work in computer science.

⚙️ Administrivia

Students should submit all reports through Gradescope by 11:59PM on the day of each deadline.

In past offerings, well-executed projects have led to publications at top-tier security conferences and workshops. The teaching team is happy to work with groups to publish their work.

All submitted work for this course must by directly written by the submitting student(s). Using generative AI tools to complete assignments or projects (e.g. generating text) is prohibited.

Attendance on 12/2 and 12/4 is required for all students. This class has no final exam.

research topics in network security

Research Topics & Ideas: Cybersecurity

50 Topic Ideas To Kickstart Your Research

Research topics and ideas about cybersecurity

If you’re just starting out exploring cybersecurity-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research by providing a hearty list of cybersecurity-related research topics and ideas , including examples from recent studies.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . These topic ideas provided here are intentionally broad and generic , so keep in mind that you will need to develop them further. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

To develop a suitable research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan to fill that gap. If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Research Topic Mega List

Cybersecurity-Related Research Topics

  • Developing machine learning algorithms for early detection of cybersecurity threats.
  • The use of artificial intelligence in optimizing network traffic for telecommunication companies.
  • Investigating the impact of quantum computing on existing encryption methods.
  • The application of blockchain technology in securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
  • Developing efficient data mining techniques for large-scale social media analytics.
  • The role of virtual reality in enhancing online education platforms.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of various algorithms in reducing energy consumption in data centers.
  • The impact of edge computing on the performance of mobile applications in remote areas.
  • The application of computer vision techniques in automated medical diagnostics.
  • Developing natural language processing tools for sentiment analysis in customer service.
  • The use of augmented reality for training in high-risk industries like oil and gas.
  • Investigating the challenges of integrating AI into legacy enterprise systems.
  • The role of IT in managing supply chain disruptions during global crises.
  • Developing adaptive cybersecurity strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • The impact of 5G technology on the development of smart city solutions.
  • The application of machine learning in personalized e-commerce recommendations.
  • Investigating the use of cloud computing in improving government service delivery.
  • The role of IT in enhancing sustainability in the manufacturing sector.
  • Developing advanced algorithms for autonomous vehicle navigation.
  • The application of biometrics in enhancing banking security systems.
  • Investigating the ethical implications of facial recognition technology.
  • The role of data analytics in optimizing healthcare delivery systems.
  • Developing IoT solutions for efficient energy management in smart homes.
  • The impact of mobile computing on the evolution of e-health services.
  • The application of IT in disaster response and management.

Research topic evaluator

Cybersecurity Research Ideas (Continued)

  • Assessing the security implications of quantum computing on modern encryption methods.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in detecting and preventing phishing attacks.
  • Blockchain technology in secure voting systems: opportunities and challenges.
  • Cybersecurity strategies for protecting smart grids from targeted attacks.
  • Developing a cyber incident response framework for small to medium-sized enterprises.
  • The effectiveness of behavioural biometrics in preventing identity theft.
  • Securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices in healthcare: risks and solutions.
  • Analysis of cyber warfare tactics and their implications on national security.
  • Exploring the ethical boundaries of offensive cybersecurity measures.
  • Machine learning algorithms for predicting and mitigating DDoS attacks.
  • Study of cryptocurrency-related cybercrimes: patterns and prevention strategies.
  • Evaluating the impact of GDPR on data breach response strategies in the EU.
  • Developing enhanced security protocols for mobile banking applications.
  • An examination of cyber espionage tactics and countermeasures.
  • The role of human error in cybersecurity breaches: a behavioural analysis.
  • Investigating the use of deep fakes in cyber fraud: detection and prevention.
  • Cloud computing security: managing risks in multi-tenant environments.
  • Next-generation firewalls: evaluating performance and security features.
  • The impact of 5G technology on cybersecurity strategies and policies.
  • Secure coding practices: reducing vulnerabilities in software development.
  • Assessing the role of cyber insurance in mitigating financial losses from cyber attacks.
  • Implementing zero trust architecture in corporate networks: challenges and benefits.
  • Ransomware attacks on critical infrastructure: case studies and defence strategies.
  • Using big data analytics for proactive cyber threat intelligence.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of cybersecurity awareness training in organisations.

Recent Cybersecurity-Related Studies

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual studies in the cybersecurity space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of recent studies to help refine your thinking. These are actual studies,  so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Cyber Security Vulnerability Detection Using Natural Language Processing (Singh et al., 2022)
  • Security for Cloud-Native Systems with an AI-Ops Engine (Ck et al., 2022)
  • Overview of Cyber Security (Yadav, 2022)
  • Exploring the Top Five Evolving Threats in Cybersecurity: An In-Depth Overview (Mijwil et al., 2023)
  • Cyber Security: Strategy to Security Challenges A Review (Nistane & Sharma, 2022)
  • A Review Paper on Cyber Security (K & Venkatesh, 2022)
  • The Significance of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques in Cybersecurity: A Comprehensive Review (Mijwil, 2023)
  • Towards Artificial Intelligence-Based Cybersecurity: The Practices and ChatGPT Generated Ways to Combat Cybercrime (Mijwil et al., 2023)
  • Efficiency Evaluation of Cyber Security Based on EBM-DEA Model (Nguyen et al., 2022)
  • An Overview of the Present and Future of User Authentication (Al Kabir & Elmedany, 2022)
  • Cybersecurity Enterprises Policies: A Comparative Study (Mishra et al., 2022)
  • The Rise of Ransomware: A Review of Attacks, Detection Techniques, and Future Challenges (Kamil et al., 2022)
  • On the scale of Cyberspace and Cybersecurity (Pathan, 2022)
  • Analysis of techniques and attacking pattern in cyber security approach (Sharma et al., 2022)
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Information Security in Business (Alawadhi et al., 2022)
  • Deployment of Artificial Intelligence with Bootstrapped Meta-Learning in Cyber Security (Sasikala & Sharma, 2022)
  • Optimization of Secure Coding Practices in SDLC as Part of Cybersecurity Framework (Jakimoski et al., 2022)
  • CySSS ’22: 1st International Workshop on Cybersecurity and Social Sciences (Chan-Tin & Kennison, 2022)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

Get 1-On-1 Help

If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

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research topics in network security

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Publications, recent advances in network security management, publication date, manuscript submission deadline, 16 november 2021, call for papers.

As the backbone of communications amongst objects, humans, companies, and administrations, the Internet has become a great integration platform capable of efficiently interconnecting billions of entities, from RFID chips to data centers. This platform provides access to multiple hardware and virtualized resources (servers, networking, storage, applications, connected objects) ranging from cloud computing to Internet-of-Things infrastructures. From these resources that may be hosted and distributed amongst different providers and tenants, the building and operation of complex and value-added networked systems is enabled.

These networked systems are, however, subject to a large variety of security attacks, such as distributed denial-of-service, man-in-the-middle, web-injection and malicious software attacks, orchestrated in a more or less stealthy manner through the Internet. While they are gaining in sophistication and coordination (i.e. advanced persistent threats), these attacks may affect the fundamental security goals of confidentiality, integrity, availability and non-repudiation of resources. The accessibility, distribution, and increased complexity of networked systems make them particularly vulnerable targets. In that context, cybersecurity techniques offer new perspectives for protecting these networked systems, through the elaboration of intelligent and efficient management methods for detecting, analyzing and mitigating such attacks.

IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (IEEE TNSM) is a premier journal for timely publication of archival research on the management of networks, systems, services and applications. Following the success of the recent TNSM Special Issues on cybersecurity techniques for managing networked systems in 2020 and 2021, this Special Issue will focus on recent advances in network security management. We welcome submissions addressing the important challenges (see the non-exhaustive list of topics below) and presenting novel research or experimentation results. Survey papers that offer an insightful perspective on related work and identify key challenges for future research will be considered as well. We look forward to your submissions!

About the Special Issue

Topics of interest for this Special Issue, include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Network and service management for security
  • Security of network and service management
  • Security management architecture, protocols and APIs
  • Secure and resilient design and deployment of networked systems
  • Monitoring and detection of threats and attacks
  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning for cyber-security
  • Analytics and big data for security management
  • Modeling for security management
  • Configuration and orchestration of security mechanisms
  • Algorithms for security management
  • Security automation, policy-based management
  • NFV-based security functions and services
  • Security of programmable components
  • Chaining and orchestration of security functions
  • Distributed security management
  • Intrusion detection, tolerance, prevention, and response
  • Resilience against large-scale distributed attacks
  • Trust and identity management
  • Verification and enforcement of security properties
  • Vulnerability prevention and remediation
  • Performance of security management
  • Security of cloud applications and services
  • Security of data-center infrastructures
  • Security of 5G networks and services
  • Security of smart environments
  • Security of Internet of Things
  • Security of SCADA, industrial and health networks
  • Security of SDN- and NFV-based systems
  • Network forensics, auditing and responses to incidents
  • Privacy-preserving solutions for cybersecurity
  • Detailed experience reports from experimental testbeds
  • Security-related business, regulation, and legal aspects

Submission Format

Papers will be evaluated based on their originality, presentation, relevance and contribution to the field of security of software-defined virtualized systems, as well as their overall quality and suitability for the special issue. The submitted papers must be written in good English and describe original research which has not been published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Previously published conference papers should be clearly identified by the authors at the initial submission stage and an explanation should be provided of how such papers have been extended in order to be considered for this Special Issue.

Author guidelines for the preparation of manuscript (including number of pages and potential extra page costs) can be found on the IEEE TNSM   Submit a Manuscript  page.

For more information, please contact Remi Badonnel .

Submission Guidelines

All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through the IEEE Manuscript Central service . Authors must indicate in the submission cover letter that their manuscript is intended for the “Recent Advances in Network Security Management ” Special Issue.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Date: 30 October 2021 16 November 2021 (Extended Deadline) Notification of Acceptance: 15 February 2022 Publication Date*: 1 June 2022

(* online published version will be available in IEEE Xplore after the camera ready version has been submitted with final DOI)

Guest Editors

Rémi Badonnel (Lead) Telecom Nancy – LORIA / INRIA, France

Sandra Scott-Hayward Queen's University Belfast, UK

Carol Fung Virginia Commonwealth University, United States

Qi Li Tsinghua University, China

Jie Zhang Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

Cristian Hesselman SIDN, The Netherlands

Fulvio Valenza Politecnico di Torino, Italy


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The current research status of ai-based network security situational awareness.

research topics in network security

1. Introduction

2. related concepts of network security situational awareness, 3. the classic models of network security situational awareness, 3.1. endsley’s three-level model, 3.2. jdl model, 3.3. tim bass model, 3.4. ooda model, 4. the current research status of ai-based network security situational awareness, 4.1. overview of artificial intelligence, 4.2. current state of research on neural-network-based network security situational awareness, 4.2.1. bp neural network, 4.2.2. wavelet neural network, 4.2.3. rbf neural network, 4.2.4. long short-term memory network, 5. implementation and application, 5.1. vulnerability scanning and management, 5.2. behavioral analysis and anomaly detection, 5.3. security incident response and management, 6. summary and future directions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest, abbreviations.

AIArtificial Intelligence
CNNICChina Internet Network Information Center
IDSIntrusion Detection Systems
JDLJoint Directors of Laboratories
SDNSoftware-Defined Network
WNNWavelet Neural Network
MCSAModified Cuckoo Search Algorithm
RBFRadial Basis Function
HHGAHybrid Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm
PSOParticle Swarm Optimization
CNNConvolutional Neural Networks
RNNRecurrent Neural Network
LSTMLong Short-Term Memory
SASituational Awareness
IDSIntrusion Detection Systems
VULCONVulnerability Control
TVRTime to Vulnerability Remediation
TVETotal Vulnerability Exposure
NTVSNetwork Topology Vulnerability Scoring
BERTBidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers
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Wang, M.; Song, G.; Yu, Y.; Zhang, B. The Current Research Status of AI-Based Network Security Situational Awareness. Electronics 2023 , 12 , 2309.

Wang M, Song G, Yu Y, Zhang B. The Current Research Status of AI-Based Network Security Situational Awareness. Electronics . 2023; 12(10):2309.

Wang, Maoli, Guangxue Song, Yang Yu, and Bowen Zhang. 2023. "The Current Research Status of AI-Based Network Security Situational Awareness" Electronics 12, no. 10: 2309.

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SIFT: Sifting file types—application of explainable artificial intelligence in cyber forensics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being applied to improve the efficiency of software systems used in various domains, especially in the health and forensic sciences. Explainable AI (XAI) is one of the fields of...

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Modelling user notification scenarios in privacy policies

The processing of personal data gives a rise to many privacy concerns, and one of them is to ensure the transparency of data processing to end users. Usually this information is communicated to them using priv...

FLSec-RPL: a fuzzy logic-based intrusion detection scheme for securing RPL-based IoT networks against DIO neighbor suppression attacks

The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained popularity and is widely used in modern society. The growth in the sizes of IoT networks with more internet-connected devices has led to concerns regarding privacy and s...

New partial key exposure attacks on RSA with additive exponent blinding

Partial key exposure attacks present a significant threat to RSA-type cryptosystems. These attacks factorize the RSA modulus by utilizing partial knowledge of the decryption exponent, which is typically reveal...

Dynamic group fuzzy extractor

The group fuzzy extractor allows group users to extract and reproduce group cryptographic keys from their individual non-uniform random sources. It can be easily used in group-oriented cryptographic applicatio...

EvilPromptFuzzer: generating inappropriate content based on text-to-image models

Text-to-image (TTI) models provide huge innovation ability for many industries, while the content security triggered by them has also attracted wide attention. Considerable research has focused on content secu...

ProcSAGE: an efficient host threat detection method based on graph representation learning

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) achieves internal networks penetration through multiple methods, making it difficult to detect attack clues solely through boundary defense measures. To address this challeng...

Lightweight ring-neighbor-based user authentication and group-key agreement for internet of drones

As mobile internet and Internet of Things technologies continue to advance, the application scenarios of peer-to-peer Internet of Drones (IoD) are becoming increasingly diverse. However, the development of IoD...

A multi-channel spatial information feature based human pose estimation algorithm

Human pose estimation is an important task in computer vision, which can provide key point detection of human body and obtain bone information. At present, human pose estimation is mainly utilized for detectio...

TVRAVNF: an efficient low-cost TEE-based virtual remote attestation scheme for virtual network functions

With the continuous advancement of virtualization technology and the widespread adoption of 5G networks, the application of the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) architecture has become increasingly popula...

Efficient post-quantum secure deterministic wallet scheme

Since the advent of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies have gained substantial popularity, and crypto wallets have evolved into the predominant tool for safeguarding and managing cryptographic keys to access cryptocurrenc...

Classification of DDoS attack traffic on SDN network environment using deep learning

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a major threat to the Internet of Things (IoT), Software Defined Networks (SDN), and Cloud Computing Networks. Due to the tremendous applications of IoT networks,...

Revisiting frequency-smoothing encryption: new security definitions and efficient construction

Deterministic encryption (DET) allows for fast retrieval of encrypted information, but it would cause significant leakage of frequency information of the underlying data, which results in an array of inference...

GLDOC: detection of implicitly malicious MS-Office documents using graph convolutional networks

Nowadays, the malicious MS-Office document has already become one of the most effective attacking vectors in APT attacks. Though many protection mechanisms are provided, they have been proved easy to bypass, a...

Revealing the exploitability of heap overflow through PoC analysis

The exploitable heap layouts are used to determine the exploitability of heap vulnerabilities in general-purpose applications. Prior studies have focused on using fuzzing-based methods to generate more exploit...

Threshold ring signature: generic construction and logarithmic size instantiation

A ring signature is a variant of normal digital signature and protects the privacy of a specific signer in the sense that a ring signature can be verified, but the signer’s identity can only be traced to a lim...

FedSHE: privacy preserving and efficient federated learning with adaptive segmented CKKS homomorphic encryption

Unprotected gradient exchange in federated learning (FL) systems may lead to gradient leakage-related attacks. CKKS is a promising approximate homomorphic encryption scheme to protect gradients, owing to its u...

A privacy-preserving image retrieval scheme with access control based on searchable encryption in media cloud

With the popularity of the media cloud computing industry, individuals and organizations outsource image computation and storage to the media cloud server to reduce the storage burden. Media images usually con...

Improved homomorphic evaluation for hash function based on TFHE

Homomorphic evaluation of hash functions offers a solution to the challenge of data integrity authentication in the context of homomorphic encryption. The earliest attempt to achieve homomorphic evaluation of ...

An empirical study of reflection attacks using NetFlow data

Reflection attacks are one of the most intimidating threats organizations face. A reflection attack is a special type of distributed denial-of-service attack that amplifies the amount of malicious traffic by u...

Phishing behavior detection on different blockchains via adversarial domain adaptation

Despite the growing attention on blockchain, phishing activities have surged, particularly on newly established chains. Acknowledging the challenge of limited intelligence in the early stages of new chains, we...

Ensemble learning based anomaly detection for IoT cybersecurity via Bayesian hyperparameters sensitivity analysis

The Internet of Things (IoT) integrates more than billions of intelligent devices over the globe with the capability of communicating with other connected devices with little to no human intervention. IoT enab...

CommanderUAP: a practical and transferable universal adversarial attacks on speech recognition models

Most of the adversarial attacks against speech recognition systems focus on specific adversarial perturbations, which are generated by adversaries for each normal example to achieve the attack. Universal adver...

Enhancing fairness of trading environment: discovering overlapping spammer groups with dynamic co-review graph optimization

Within the thriving e-commerce landscape, some unscrupulous merchants hire spammer groups to post misleading reviews or ratings, aiming to manipulate public perception and disrupt fair market competition. This...

In-depth Correlation Power Analysis Attacks on a Hardware Implementation of CRYSTALS-Dilithium

During the standardisation process of post-quantum cryptography, NIST encourages research on side-channel analysis for candidate schemes. As the recommended lattice signature scheme, CRYSTALS-Dilithium, when i...

Atomic cross-chain swap based on private key exchange

Atomic Cross-Chain Swap (ACCS) is one important topic in cryptocurrency, where users can securely and trustlessly exchange assets between two different blockchains. However, most known ACCS schemes assume spec...

HSS: enhancing IoT malicious traffic classification leveraging hybrid sampling strategy

Using deep learning models to deal with the classification tasks in network traffic offers a new approach to address the imbalanced Internet of Things malicious traffic classification problems. However, the em...

Key derivable signature and its application in blockchain stealth address

Stealth address protocol (SAP) is widely used in blockchain to achieve anonymity. In this paper, we formalize a key derivable signature scheme (KDS) to capture the functionality and security requirements of SA...

Polar code-based secure transmission with higher message rate combining channel entropy and computational entropy

The existing physical layer security schemes, which are based on the key generation model and the wire-tap channel model, achieve security by utilizing channel reciprocity entropy and noise entropy, respective...

Dissecting zero trust: research landscape and its implementation in IoT

As a progressive security strategy, the zero trust model has attracted notable attention and importance within the realm of network security, especially in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT). This pap...

Study of smart grid cyber-security, examining architectures, communication networks, cyber-attacks, countermeasure techniques, and challenges

Smart Grid (SG) technology utilizes advanced network communication and monitoring technologies to manage and regulate electricity generation and transport. However, this increased reliance on technology and co...

A multi-agent adaptive deep learning framework for online intrusion detection

The network security analyzers use intrusion detection systems (IDSes) to distinguish malicious traffic from benign ones. The deep learning-based (DL-based) IDSes are proposed to auto-extract high-level featur...

Iterative and mixed-spaces image gradient inversion attack in federated learning

As a distributed learning paradigm, federated learning is supposed to protect data privacy without exchanging users’ local data. Even so, the gradient inversion attack , in which the adversary can reconstruct the ...

Winternitz stack protocols for embedded systems and IoT

This paper proposes and evaluates a new bipartite post-quantum digital signature protocol based on Winternitz chains and an  oracle. Mutually mistrustful Alice and Bob are able to agree and sign a series of do...

Joint contrastive learning and belief rule base for named entity recognition in cybersecurity

Named Entity Recognition (NER) in cybersecurity is crucial for mining information during cybersecurity incidents. Current methods rely on pre-trained models for rich semantic text embeddings, but the challenge...

DTA: distribution transform-based attack for query-limited scenario

In generating adversarial examples, the conventional black-box attack methods rely on sufficient feedback from the to-be-attacked models by repeatedly querying until the attack is successful, which usually res...

A survey on lattice-based digital signature

Lattice-based digital signature has become one of the widely recognized post-quantum algorithms because of its simple algebraic operation, rich mathematical foundation and worst-case security, and also an impo...

Shorter ZK-SNARKs from square span programs over ideal lattices

Zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zk-SNARKs) are cryptographic protocols that offer efficient and privacy-preserving means of verifying NP language relations and have drawn consid...

Revocable and verifiable weighted attribute-based encryption with collaborative access for electronic health record in cloud

The encryption of user data is crucial when employing electronic health record services to guarantee the security of the data stored on cloud servers. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme is considered a po...

Maxwell’s Demon in MLP-Mixer: towards transferable adversarial attacks

Models based on MLP-Mixer architecture are becoming popular, but they still suffer from adversarial examples. Although it has been shown that MLP-Mixer is more robust to adversarial attacks compared to convolu...

Practical solutions in fully homomorphic encryption: a survey analyzing existing acceleration methods

Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) has experienced significant development and continuous breakthroughs in theory, enabling its widespread application in various fields, like outsourcing computation and secure...

A circuit area optimization of MK-3 S-box

In MILCOM 2015, Kelly et al. proposed the authentication encryption algorithm MK-3, which applied the 16-bit S-box. This paper aims to implement the 16-bit S-box with less circuit area. First, we classified th...

Intrusion detection system for controller area network

The rapid expansion of intra-vehicle networks has increased the number of threats to such networks. Most modern vehicles implement various physical and data-link layer technologies. Vehicles are becoming incre...

CT-GCN+: a high-performance cryptocurrency transaction graph convolutional model for phishing node classification

Due to the anonymous and contract transfer nature of blockchain cryptocurrencies, they are susceptible to fraudulent incidents such as phishing. This poses a threat to the property security of users and hinder...

Enhanced detection of obfuscated malware in memory dumps: a machine learning approach for advanced cybersecurity

In the realm of cybersecurity, the detection and analysis of obfuscated malware remain a critical challenge, especially in the context of memory dumps. This research paper presents a novel machine learning-bas...

BRITD: behavior rhythm insider threat detection with time awareness and user adaptation

Researchers usually detect insider threats by analyzing user behavior. The time information of user behavior is an important concern in internal threat detection.

research topics in network security

F3l: an automated and secure function-level low-overhead labeled encrypted traffic dataset construction method for IM in Android

Fine-grained function-level encrypted traffic classification is an essential approach to maintaining network security. Machine learning and deep learning have become mainstream methods to analyze traffic, and ...

WAS: improved white-box cryptographic algorithm over AS iteration

The attacker in white-box model has full access to software implementation of a cryptographic algorithm and full control over its execution environment. In order to solve the issues of high storage cost and in...

Full-round impossible differential attack on shadow block cipher

Lightweight block ciphers are the essential encryption algorithm for devices with limited resources. Its goal is to ensure the security of data transmission through resource-constrained devices. Impossible dif...

Minimizing CNOT-count in quantum circuit of the extended Shor’s algorithm for ECDLP

The elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) is a popular choice for cryptosystems due to its high level of security. However, with the advent of the extended Shor’s algorithm, there is concern that E...

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AI-powered Network Security: Approaches and Research Directions

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Directions in network-based security monitoring.

This article outlines some recently emerging research in network-based malicious software detection. The author discusses differences between traditional network intrusion detection and these new techniques, and highlights a new freely available tool ...

Syntax vs. semantics: competing approaches to dynamic network intrusion detection

Malicious network traffic, including widespread worm activity, is a growing threat to internet-connected networks and hosts. In this paper, we consider both syntax and semantics based approaches for dynamic network intrusion detection. The semantics-...

AI-Driven Cybersecurity: An Overview, Security Intelligence Modeling and Research Directions

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the key technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4.0), which can be used for the protection of Internet-connected systems from cyber threats, attacks, damage, or unauthorized access. To ...


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  • 15 Latest Networking Research Topics for Students

Kiara Miller - Image

Comparative analysis between snort and suricata IDS software(s)

Description of the topic

The main focus of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis between Snort and Suricata software to determine which IDS software can provide better performance. There are various IDS software(s) available that can be used by organizations but it is difficult to identify which one is best (Aldarwbi et al., 2022). Different organizational structures are often facing problems while setting up an IDS system which results in false positives and intrusions. Through this research, it can be identified which IDS software is better and what secure configuration is required to detect intrusions (Waleed et al., 2022).

Research objectives

  • To evaluate Snort and Suricata IDS software(s) to determine the most optimal one.
  • To identify the false positive rate of Snort and Suricata on the networked environment.

Research questions

RQ1: Which IDS software can perform better on the production network in terms of performance, security, scalability and reliability?

RQ2: What different ways can be followed to deal with false positive problems in IDS technology?

Research methodology

The given research objectives and research questions can be addressed using quantitative research methodology where an experimental approach can be followed. For the given topic, both Snort and Suricata IDS systems should be configured and tested against different attacks. Depending on the findings, it can be analyzed which IDS software can perform better in terms of performance and security (Shuai & Li, 2021).

  • Aldarwbi, M.Y., Lashkari, A.H. and Ghorbani, A.A. (2022) “The sound of intrusion: A novel network intrusion detection system,” Computers and Electrical Engineering , 104, p. 108455.
  • Shuai, L. and Li, S. (2021) “Performance optimization of Snort based on DPDK and Hyperscan,” Procedia Computer Science , 183, pp. 837-843.
  • Waleed, A., Jamali, A.F. and Masood, A. (2022) “Which open-source ids? Snort, Suricata or Zeek,” Computer Networks , 213, p. 109116.

Role of honeypots and honey nets in network security

Network Security has become essential nowadays and there is a need for setting up robust mechanisms to maintain confidentiality and integrity (Feng et al., 2023). Due to the number of security mechanisms available, organizations found it hard to finalize and implement them on their network. For example, honey pots and honeynet approaches look almost the same and have the same purpose but work differently. Under this research topic, the configuration of honeynets and honeypots can be done to check which one can perform better security in terms of trapping cyber attackers. The entire implementation can be carried out in the cloud-based instance for improved security and it can be identified which type of honey pot technology must be preferred (Maesschalck et al., 2022).

  • To set up a honey pot system using Open Canary on the virtual instance to protect against cyber attackers.
  • To set up a honeynet system on the virtual instance to assure protection is provided against malicious attackers.
  • To test honeypots and honeynets by executing DDoS attacks to check which can provide better security.

RQ1: Why is there a need for using honeypots over honey pots in a production networked environment?

RQ2: What are the differences between cloud-based and local honey pot systems for endpoint protection?

This research can be carried out using the quantitative method of research. At the initial stage, the implementation of honeypots and honeypots can be done on the virtual instance following different security rules. Once the rules are applied, the testing can be performed using a Kali Linux machine to check whether honey pots were effective or honeynets (Gill et al., 2020).

  • Feng, H. et al. (2023) “Game theory in network security for Digital Twins in industry,” Digital Communications and Networks [Preprint].
  • Gill, K.S., Saxena, S. and Sharma, A. (2020) “GTM-CSEC: A game theoretic model for cloud security based on ids and Honeypot,” Computers & Security , 92, p. 101732
  • Maesschalck, S. et al. (2022) “Don’t get stung, cover your ICS in honey: How do honeypots fit within industrial control system security,” Computers & Security , 114, p. 102598.

How do malware variants are progressively improving?

This research can be based on evaluating how malware variants are progressively improving and what should be its state in the coming future. Malware is able to compromise confidential user’s information assets which is why this research can be based on identifying current and future consequences owing to its improvements (Deng et al., 2023). In this field, there is no research work that has been carried out to identify how malware variants are improving their working and what is expected to see in future. Once the evaluation is done, a clear analysis can also be done on some intelligent preventive measures to deal with dangerous malware variants and prevent any kind of technological exploitation (Tang et al., 2023).

  • To investigate types of malware variants available to learn more about malware's hidden features.
  • To focus on future implications of malware executable programs and how they can be avoided.
  • To discuss intelligent solutions to deal with all malware variants.

RQ1: How do improvements in malware variants impact enterprises?

RQ2: What additional solutions are required to deal with malware variants?

In this research, qualitative analysis can be conducted on malware variants and the main reason behind their increasing severity. The entire research can be completed based on qualitative research methodology to answer defined research questions and objectives. Some real-life case studies should also be integrated into the research which can be supported by the selected topic (Saidia Fasci et al., 2023).

  • Deng, H. et al. (2023) “MCTVD: A malware classification method based on three-channel visualization and deep learning,” Computers & Security , 126, p. 103084.
  • Saidia Fasci, L. et al. (2023) “Disarming visualization-based approaches in malware detection systems,” Computers & Security , 126, p. 103062.
  • Tang, Y. et al. (2023) “BHMDC: A byte and hex n-gram based malware detection and classification method,” Computers & Security , p. 103118.

Implementation of IoT - enabled smart office/home using cisco packet tracer

The Internet of Things has gained much more attention over the past few years which is why each enterprise and individual aims at setting up an IoT network to automate their processes (Barriga et al., 2023). This research can be based on designing and implementing an IoT-enabled smart home/office network using Cisco Packet Tracer software. Logical workspace, all network devices, including IoT devices can be used for preparing a logical network star topology (Elias & Ali, 2014). To achieve automation, the use of different IoT rules can be done to allow devices to work based on defined rules.

  • To set up an IoT network on a logical workspace using Cisco Packet Tracer simulation software.
  • To set up IoT-enabled rules on an IoT registration server to achieve automation (Hou et al., 2023).

RQ: Why is the Cisco packet tracer preferred for network simulation over other network simulators?

At the beginning of this research, a quantitative research methodology can be followed where proper experimental set-up can be done. As a packet tracer is to be used, the star topology can be used to interconnect IoT devices, sensors and other network devices at the home/office. Once a placement is done, the configuration should be done using optimal settings and all IoT devices can be connected to the registration server. This server will have IoT rules which can help in achieving automation by automatically turning off lights and fans when no motion is detected (Baggan et al., 2022).

  • Baggan, V. et al. (2022) “A comprehensive analysis and experimental evaluation of Routing Information Protocol: An Elucidation,” Materials Today: Proceedings , 49, pp. 3040–3045.
  • Barriga, J.A. et al. (2023) “Design, code generation and simulation of IOT environments with mobility devices by using model-driven development: Simulateiot-Mobile,” Pervasive and Mobile Computing , 89, p. 101751.
  • Elias, M.S. and Ali, A.Z. (2014) “Survey on the challenges faced by the lecturers in using packet tracer simulation in computer networking course,” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 131, pp. 11–15.
  • Hou, L. et al. (2023) “Block-HRG: Block-based differentially private IOT networks release,” Ad Hoc Networks , 140, p. 103059.

Comparative analysis between AODV, DSDV and DSR routing protocols in WSN networks

For wireless sensor networks (WSN), there is a major need for using WSN routing rather than performing normal routines. As WSN networks are self-configured, there is a need for an optimal routing protocol that can improve network performance in terms of latency, jitter, and packet loss (Luo et al., 2023). There are often various problems faced when WSN networks are set up due to a lack of proper routing protocol selection. As a result of this, severe downtime is faced and all links are not able to communicate with each other easily (Hemanand et al., 2023). In this research topic, the three most widely used WSN routing protocols AODV, DSDV and DSR can be compared based on network performance. To perform analysis, three different scenarios can be created in network simulator 2 (Ns2).

  • To create three different scenarios on ns2 software to simulate a network for 1 to 100 seconds.
  • To analyze which WSN routing is optimal in terms of network performance metrics, including latency, jitter and packet loss.
  • To use CBR and NULL agents for all wireless scenarios to start with simulation purposes.

RQ: How do AODV, DSR and DSDV routing protocols differ from each other in terms of network performance?

This research can be carried out using a quantitative research method. The implementation for the provided research topic can be based on Ns2 simulation software where three different scenarios can be created (AODV, DSDV and DSR). For each scenario, NULL, CSR and UDP agents can be done to start with simulation for almost 1 to 100 seconds. For all transmissions made during the given time, network performance can be checked to determine which routing is best (Mohapatra & Kanungo, 2012).

  • Human and, D. et al. (2023) “Analysis of power optimization and enhanced routing protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Measurement: Sensors , 25, p. 100610. Available at:
  • Luo, S., Lai, Y. and Liu, J. (2023) “Selective forwarding attack detection and network recovery mechanism based on cloud-edge cooperation in software-defined wireless sensor network,” Computers & Security , 126, p. 103083. Available at:
  • Mohapatra, S. and Kanungo, P. (2012) “Performance analysis of AODV, DSR, OLSR and DSDV routing protocols using NS2 Simulator,” Procedia Engineering , 30, pp. 69–76. Available at:

Securing wireless network using AAA authentication and WLAN controller

Wireless networks often face intrusion attempts due to insecure protocols and sometimes open SSIDs. As a result of this, man-in-the-middle and eavesdropping attacks become easier which results in the loss of confidential information assets (Sivasankari & Kamalakkannan, 2022). When it comes to managing networks in a large area, there are higher chances for attacks that enable cyber attackers in intercepting ongoing communication sessions. However, there is currently no research conducted where the use of AAA authentication has been done with WLAN controllers to make sure a higher level of protection is provided (Nashwan, 2021). The proposed research topic can be based on securing wireless networks with the help of AAA authentication and WLAN controllers. The use of AAA authentication can be done to set up a login portal for users whilst the WLAN controller can be used for managing all wireless access points connected to the network (Nashwan, 2021).

  • To set up AAA authentication service on the wireless network simulated on Cisco Packet Tracer for proper access control.
  • To set up a WLAN controller on the network to manage all wireless access points effortlessly.
  • To use WPA2-PSK protocol on the network to assure guest users are only able to access wireless networks over a secure protocol.

RQ1: What additional benefits are offered by AAA authentication on the WLAN networks?

RQ2: Why are wireless networks more likely to face network intrusions than wired networks?

This research topic is based on the secure implementation of a wireless LAN network using a Cisco packet tracer. Hence, this research can be carried out using a quantitative research method. The implementation can be carried out using AAA authentication which can assure that access control is applied for wireless logins. On the other hand, a WLAN controller can also be configured which can ensure that all WAPs are managed (ZHANG et al., 2012).

  • Nashwan, S. (2021) “AAA-WSN: Anonymous Access Authentication Scheme for wireless sensor networks in Big Data Environment,” Egyptian Informatics Journal , 22(1), pp. 15–26.
  • Sivasankari, N. and Kamalakkannan, S. (2022) “Detection and prevention of man-in-the-middle attack in IOT network using regression modeling,” Advances in Engineering Software , 169, p. 103126.
  • ZHANG, J. et al. (2012) “AAA authentication for Network mobility,” The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications , 19(2), pp. 81-86.

OWASP's approach to secure web applications from web application exploits

The research can revolve around the development of web applications by considering OWASP's top 10 rules. Usually, web applications are deployed by organizations depending on their requirements and these applications are vulnerable to various exploits, including injection, broken authentication and other forgery attacks (Poston, 2020). Identifying every single vulnerability is difficult when reference is not taken and often organizations end up hosting a vulnerable server that leads to privacy issues and compromises confidential information easily. In this research, OWASP's top 10 approaches can be followed to develop a secure web application that can be able to protect against top web application exploits. This approach is based on emphasizing severe and minor vulnerabilities which must be patched for protecting against web application attacks (Deepa & Thilagam, 2016).

  • The first objective can be setting up an insecure web application on the cloud environment which can be exploited with different techniques.
  • The second objective can be to consider all techniques and procedures provided by OWASP's top 10 methodologies.
  • The last objective can be applying all fixes to insecure web applications to make them resistant to OWASP top 10 attacks (Sonmez, 2019).

RQ1: What are the benefits of using OWASP's top 10 approaches to harden web applications in comparison to other security approaches?

The research methodology considered for this research project can be quantitative using an experimental approach. The practical work can be done for the selected topic using AWS or the Azure cloud platform. Simply, a virtual web server can be configured and set up with a secure and insecure web application. Following OWASP's top 10 techniques and procedures, the web application can be secured from possible attacks. In addition, insecure applications can also be exploited and results can be evaluated (Applebaum et al., 2021).

  • Applebaum, S., Gaber, T. and Ahmed, A. (2021) “Signature-based and machine-learning-based web application firewalls: A short survey,” Procedia Computer Science , 189, pp. 359–367. Available at:
  • Deepa, G. and Thilagam, P.S. (2016) “Securing web applications from injection and logic vulnerabilities: Approaches and challenges,” Information and Software Technology , 74, pp. 160–180. Available at:
  • Poston, H. (2020) “Mapping the owasp top Ten to the blockchain,” Procedia Computer Science , 177, pp. 613-617. Available at:
  • Sonmez, F.Ö. (2019) “Security qualitative metrics for Open Web Application Security Project Compliance,” Procedia Computer Science , 151, pp. 998-1003. Available at:

Importance of configuring RADIUS (AAA) server on the network

User authentication has become significant nowadays as it guarantees that a legitimate user is accessing the network. But a problem is faced when a particular security control is to be identified for authentication and authorization. These controls can be categorized based on mandatory access controls, role-based access control, setting up captive portals and many more. Despite several other security controls, one of the most efficient ones is the RADIUS server (SONG et al., 2008). This server can authenticate users on the network to make sure network resources are accessible to only legal users. This research topic can be based on understanding the importance of RADIUS servers on the network which can also be demonstrated with the help of the Cisco Packet Tracer. A network can be designed and equipped with a RADIUS server to ensure only legal users can access network resources (WANG et al., 2009).

  • To configure RADIUS (AAA) server on the network which can be able to authenticate users who try to access network resources.
  • To simulate a network on a packet tracer simulation software and verify network connectivity.

RQ1: What are other alternatives to RADIUS (AAA) authentication servers for network security?

RQ2: What are the common and similarities between RADIUS and TACACS+ servers?

As a logical network is to be designed and configured, a quantitative research methodology can be followed. In this research coursework, a secure network design can be done using a packet tracer network simulator, including a RADIUS server along with the DMZ area. The configuration for the RADIUS server can be done to allow users to only access network resources by authenticating and authorizing (Nugroho et al., 2022).

  • Nugroho, Y.S. et al. (2022) “Dataset of network simulator related-question posts in stack overflow,” Data in Brief , 41, p. 107942.
  • SONG, M., WANG, L. and SONG, J.-de (2008) “A secure fast handover scheme based on AAA protocol in Mobile IPv6 Networks,” The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications , 15, pp. 14-18.
  • WANG, L. et al. (2009) “A novel congestion control model for interworking AAA in heterogeneous networks,” The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications , 16, pp. 97-101.

Comparing mod security and pF sense firewall to block illegitimate traffic

Firewalls are primarily used for endpoint security due to their advanced features ranging from blocking to IDS capabilities and many more. It is sometimes challenging to identify which type of firewall is best and due to this reason, agencies end up setting up misconfigured firewalls (Tiwari et al., 2022). This further results in a cyber breach, destroying all business operations. The research can be emphasizing conducting a comparison between the two most widely used firewalls i.e. Mod Security and pF sense. Using a virtualized environment, both firewalls can be configured and tested concerning possible cyber-attacks (Lu & Yang, 2020).

  • To use the local environment to set up Mod security and pF sense firewall with appropriate access control rules.
  • To test both firewalls by executing distributed denial of service attacks from a remote location.
  • To compare which type of firewall can provide improved performance and robust security.

RQ: How do Mod security and pF sense differ from each other in terms of features and performance?

The practical experimentation for both firewalls can be done using a virtualized environment where two different machines can be created. Hence, this research can be carried out using a quantitative research method . The first machine can have Mod security and the second machine can have pF sense configured. A new subnet can be created which can have these two machines. The third machine can be an attacking machine which can be used for testing firewalls. The results obtained can be then evaluated to identify which firewall is best for providing security (Uçtu et al., 2021).

  • Lu, N. and Yang, Y. (2020) “Application of evolutionary algorithm in performance optimization of Embedded Network Firewall,” Microprocessors and Microsystems , 76, p. 103087.
  • Tiwari, A., Papini, S. and Hemamalini, V. (2022) “An enhanced optimization of parallel firewalls filtering rules for scalable high-speed networks,” Materials Today: Proceedings , 62, pp. 4800-4805.
  • Uçtu, G. et al. (2021) “A suggested testbed to evaluate multicast network and threat prevention performance of Next Generation Firewalls,” Future Generation Computer Systems , 124, pp. 56-67.

Conducting a comprehensive investigation on the PETYA malware

The main purpose of this research is to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the PETYA malware variant (McIntosh et al., 2021). PETYA often falls under the category of ransomware attacks which not only corrupt and encrypt files but can compromise confidential information easily. Along with PETYA, there are other variants also which lead to a security outage and organizations are not able to detect these variants due to a lack of proper detection capabilities (Singh & Singh, 2021). In this research, a comprehensive analysis has been done on PETYA malware to identify its working and severity level. Depending upon possible causes of infection of PETYA malware, some proactive techniques can also be discussed (Singh & Singh, 2021). A separation discussion can also be made on other malware variants, their features, and many more.

  • The main objective of this research is to scrutinize the working of PETYA malware because a ransomware attack can impact the micro and macro environment of the organizations severely.
  • The working of PETYA malware along with its source code can be reviewed to identify its structure and encryption type.
  • To list all possible CVE IDs which are exploited by the PETYA malware.

RQ1: How dangerous is PETYA malware in comparison to other ransomware malware?

This research can be based on qualitative research methodology to evaluate the working of PETYA malware from various aspects, the methodology followed and what are its implications. The research can be initiated by evaluating the working of PETYA malware, how it is triggered, what encryption is applied and other factors. A sample source code can also be analyzed to learn more about how cryptography is used with ransomware (Abijah Roseline & Geetha, 2021).

  • Abijah Roseline, S. and Geetha, S. (2021) “A comprehensive survey of tools and techniques mitigating computer and mobile malware attacks,” Computers & Electrical Engineering , 92, p. 107143.
  • McIntosh, T. et al. (2021) “Enforcing situation-aware access control to build malware-resilient file systems,” Future Generation Computer Systems , 115, pp. 568-582.
  • Singh, J. and Singh, J. (2021) “A survey on machine learning-based malware detection in executable files,” Journal of Systems Architecture , 112, p. 101861.

Setting up a Live streaming server on the cloud platform

Nowadays, various organizations require a live streaming server to stream content depending upon their business. However, due to a lack of proper hardware, organizations are likely to face high network congestion, slowness and other problems (Ji et al., 2023). Referring to the recent cases, it has been observed that setting up a streaming server on the local environment is not expected to perform better than a cloud-based streaming server configuration (Martins et al., 2019). This particular research topic can be based on setting up a live streaming server on the AWS or Azure cloud platform to make sure high network bandwidth is provided with decreased latency. The research gap analysis would be conducted to analyze the performance of live streaming servers on local and cloud environments in terms of network performance metrics (Bilal et al., 2018).

  • To set up a live streaming server on the AWS or Azure cloud platform to provide live streaming services.
  • To use load balancers alongside streaming servers to ensure the load is balanced and scalability is achieved.
  • To use Wireshark software to test network performance during live streaming.

RQ1: Why are in-house streaming servers not able to provide improved performance in comparison to cloud-based servers?

RQ2: What additional services are provided by cloud service providers which help in maintaining network performance?

The implementation is expected to carry out on the AWS cloud platform with other AWS services i.e. load balancer, private subnet and many more (Efthymiopoulou et al., 2017). Hence, this research can be carried out using a quantitative research method. The configuration of ec2 instances can be done which can act as a streaming server for streaming media and games. For testing this project, the use of OBS studio can be done which can help in checking whether streaming is enabled or not. For network performance, Wireshark can be used for testing network performance (George et al., 2020).

  • Bilal, KErbad, A. and Hefeeda, M. (2018) “QoE-aware distributed cloud-based live streaming of multi-sourced Multiview Videos,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications , 120, pp. 130-144.
  • Efthymiopoulou, M. et al. (2017) “Robust control in cloud-assisted peer-to-peer live streaming systems,” Pervasive and Mobile Computing , 42, pp. 426-443.
  • George, L.C. et al. (2020) “Usage visualization for the AWS services,” Procedia Computer Science , 176, pp. 3710–3717.
  • Ji, X. et al. (2023) “Adaptive QoS-aware multipath congestion control for live streaming,” Computer Networks , 220, p. 109470.
  • Martins, R. et al. (2019) “Iris: Secure reliable live-streaming with Opportunistic Mobile Edge Cloud offloading,” Future Generation Computer Systems , 101, pp. 272-292.

Significance of using OSINT framework for Network reconnaissance

Network reconnaissance is becoming important day by day when it comes to penetration testing. Almost all white hat hackers are dependent on the OSINT framework to start with network reconnaissance and footprinting when it comes to evaluating organizational infrastructure. On the other hand, cyber attackers are also using this technique to start fetching information about their target. Currently, there is no investigation carried out to identify how effective the OSINT framework is over traditional reconnaissance activities (Liu et al., 2022). This research is focused on using OSINT techniques to analyze victims using different sets of tools like Maltego, email analysis and many other techniques. The analysis can be based on fetching sensitive information about the target which can be used for conducting illegal activities (Abdullah, 2019).

  • To use Maltego software to conduct network reconnaissance on the target by fetching sensitive information.
  • To compare the OSINT framework with other techniques to analyze why it performs well.

RQ1: What is the significance of using the OSINT framework in conducting network reconnaissance?

RQ2: How can the OSINT framework be used by cyber hackers for conducting illegitimate activities?

The OSINT framework is easily accessible on its official website where different search options are given. Hence, this research can be carried out using a quantitative research method. Depending upon the selected target, each option can be selected and tools can be shortlisted for final implementation. Once the tools are shortlisted, they can be used to conduct network reconnaissance (González-Granadillo et al., 2021). For example, Maltego can be used as it is a powerful software to fetch information about the target.

  • Abdullah, S.A. (2019) “Seui-64, bits an IPv6 addressing strategy to mitigate reconnaissance attacks,” Engineering Science and Technology , an International Journal, 22(2), pp. 667–672.
  • Gonzalez-Granadillo, G. et al. (2021) “ETIP: An enriched threat intelligence platform for improving OSINT correlation, analysis, visualization and sharing capabilities,” Journal of Information Security and Applications , 58, p. 102715.
  • Liu, W. et al. (2022) “A hybrid optimization framework for UAV Reconnaissance Mission Planning,” Computers & Industrial Engineering , 173, p. 108653.

Wired and wireless network hardening in cisco packet tracer

At present, network security has become essential and if enterprises are not paying attention to the security infrastructure, there are several chances for cyber breaches. To overcome all these issues, there is a need for setting up secure wired and wireless networks following different techniques such as filtered ports, firewalls, VLANs and other security mechanisms. For the practical part, the use of packet tracer software can be done to design and implement a highly secure network (Sun, 2022).

  • To use packet tracer simulation software to set up secure wired and wireless networks.
  • Use different hardening techniques, including access control rules, port filtering, enabling passwords and many more to assure only authorized users can access the network (Zhang et al., 2012).

RQ: Why is there a need for emphasizing wired and wireless network security?

Following the quantitative approach, the proposed research topic implementation can be performed in Cisco Packet Tracer simulation software. Several devices such as routers, switches, firewalls, wireless access points, hosts and workstations can be configured and interconnected using Cat 6 e cabling. For security, every device can be checked and secure design principles can be followed like access control rules, disabled open ports, passwords, encryption and many more (Smith & Hasan, 2020).

  • Smith, J.D. and Hasan, M. (2020) “Quantitative approaches for the evaluation of Implementation Research Studies,” Psychiatry Research , 283, p. 112521.
  • Sun, J. (2022) “Computer Network Security Technology and prevention strategy analysis,” Procedia Computer Science , 208, pp. 570–576.
  • Zhang, YLiang, R. and Ma, H. (2012) “Teaching innovation in computer network course for undergraduate students with a packet tracer,” IERI Procedia , 2, pp. 504–510.

Different Preemptive ways to resist spear phishing attacks

When it comes to social engineering, phishing attacks are rising and are becoming one of the most common ethical issues as it is one of the easiest ways to trick victims into stealing information. This research topic is based on following different proactive techniques which would help in resisting spear phishing attacks (Xu et al., 2023). This can be achieved by using the Go-Phish filter on the machine which can automatically detect and alert users as soon as the phished URL is detected. It can be performed on the cloud platform where the apache2 server can be configured along with an anti-phishing filter to protect against phishing attacks (Yoo & Cho, 2022).

  • To set up a virtual instance on the cloud platform with an apache2 server and anti-phishing software to detect possible phishing attacks.
  • To research spear phishing and other types of phishing attacks that can be faced by victims (Al-Hamar et al., 2021).

RQ1: Are phishing attacks growing just like other cyber-attacks?

RQ2: How effective are anti-phishing filters in comparison to cyber awareness sessions?

The entire research can be conducted by adhering to quantitative research methodology which helps in justifying all research objectives and questions. The implementation of the anti-phishing filter can be done by creating a virtual instance on the cloud platform which can be configured with an anti-phishing filter. Along with this, some phishing attempts can also be performed to check whether the filter works or not (Siddiqui et al., 2022).

  • Al-Hamar, Y. et al. (2021) “Enterprise credential spear-phishing attack detection,” Computers & Electrical Engineering , 94, p. 107363.
  • Siddiqui, N. et al. (2022) “A comparative analysis of US and Indian laws against phishing attacks,” Materials Today: Proceedings , 49, pp. 3646–3649.
  • Xu, T., Singh, K. and Rajivan, P. (2023) “Personalized persuasion: Quantifying susceptibility to information exploitation in spear-phishing attacks,” Applied Ergonomics , 108, p. 103908.
  • Yoo, J. and Cho, Y. (2022) “ICSA: Intelligent chatbot security assistant using text-CNN and multi-phase real-time defense against SNS phishing attacks,” Expert Systems with Applications , 207, p. 117893.

Evaluating the effectiveness of distributed denial of service attacks

The given research topic is based on evaluating the effectiveness of distributed denial of service attacks on cloud and local environments. Hence, this research can be carried out using a quantitative research method. Cyber attackers find DDoS as one of the most dangerous technological exploitation when it comes to impacting network availability (Krishna Kishore et al., 2023). This research can revolve around scrutinizing the impact of DDoS attacks on the local environment and cloud environment. This can be done by executing DDoS attacks on a simulated environment using hoping or other software(s) to check where it has a higher magnitude (de Neira et al., 2023).

  • To set up a server on the local and cloud environment to target using DDoS attacks for checking which had experienced slowness.
  • To determine types of DDoS attack types, their magnitude and possible mitigation techniques.

RQ: Why do DDoS attacks have dynamic nature and how is it likely to sternly impact victims?

The experimentation for this research can be executed by creating a server on the local and cloud environment. Hence, this research can be carried out using a quantitative research method. These servers can be set up as web servers using apache 2 service. On the other hand, a Kali Linux machine can be configured with DDoS execution software. Each server can be targeted with DDoS attacks to check its effectiveness (Benlloch-Caballero et al., 2023).

  • Benlloch-Caballero, P., Wang, Q. and Alcaraz Calero, J.M. (2023) “Distributed dual-layer autonomous closed loops for self-protection of 5G/6G IOT networks from distributed denial of service attacks,” Computer Networks , 222, p. 109526.
  • de Neira, A.B., Kantarci, B. and Nogueira, M. (2023) “Distributed denial of service attack prediction: Challenges, open issues and opportunities,” Computer Networks , 222, p. 109553.
  • Krishna Kishore, P., Ramamoorthy, S. and Rajavarman, V.N. (2023) “ARTP: Anomaly-based real time prevention of distributed denial of service attacks on the web using machine learning approach,” International Journal of Intelligent Networks , 4, pp. 38–45.

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15 Latest Networking Research Topics for Students

Research in every field is becoming more and more essential because of constant developments around the world. Similar is the case in the field of networking. This is the reason; students who are preparing to master the field of networking need to keep their knowledge of the current state of the art in the field up to date.

However, choosing the right research topic often becomes a tough task for students to carry out their research effectively. That being the case, this list contains 15 latest research topics in the field of networking. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or just starting, this list can provide you with ample inspiration and guidance to drive your research forward in the dynamic and evolving field of Networking.


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How I choose a security research topic

James Kettle

James Kettle

Director of Research

Published: 14 June 2023 at 13:09 UTC

Updated: 01 August 2024 at 08:26 UTC

research topics in network security

How do you choose what topic to research? That’s the single most common question I get asked, probably because selecting a topic is such a daunting prospect. In this post, I’ll take a personal look at how I select topics for security research. As a case study, I’ll use my latest research, which will be presented at Black Hat USA and DEF CON this August:

Smashing the State Machine: the True Potential of Web Race Conditions

The hardest part

Before we start, I should mention that I firmly believe that choosing a topic is not the hardest part of web security research.

I’ve spoken to so many people who have cool ideas but never attempt to execute them. On the rare occasion that someone does mention a research idea that I think is doomed from the outset, it’s clear that attempting it will still provide them with a major learning experience - hardly a terrible outcome.

In fact, I don’t think that coming up with research ideas is the hard part either. Once you start researching, you’ll likely find every topic you explore leaves you with ideas for three more projects.

I think the hardest part of research is knowing when to bail, and when to push on.

Fast failure

My primary criteria when I evaluate a topic is how much time I’ll need to invest before I have enough information to decide whether to abandon it or continue. Knowing when to abandon a topic and when to push on is an extremely valuable skill for research, and it’s worth putting thought into this before starting.

This year, the attack-concept I wanted to explore initially looked like it required a major up-front time investment. However, I identified a short-cut - if I could build a test website that was vulnerable and reasonably realistic, that would prove the concept was pursuing. I built the website, quickly discovered that the attack concept was extremely unrealistic, and quickly pivoted to a different concept.

The second concept showed just enough promise to make me waste six weeks on it before it flopped too. When looking for a third concept, race conditions was an attractive topic because I already had powerful tooling from the prior project. This meant it would only take about a day to adapt the tooling, and a week or two of manual testing to see if I could discover something significant in the wild. I found a novel high-impact vulnerability in under a week, which cemented my commitment to the topic.

The fear factor

I like to research topics I’m scared of. Fear is a great indicator of something I don’t fully understand, and challenges that I don’t know how to tackle. Race conditions provided this in buckets, and I place this up-front and center in my abstract:

For too long, web race-condition attacks have focused on a tiny handful of scenarios. Their true potential has been masked thanks to tricky workflows, missing tooling, and simple network jitter hiding all but the most trivial, obvious examples. In this session, I’ll introduce multiple new classes of race condition that go far beyond the limit-overrun exploits you’re probably already familiar with... [read full abstract]

Direct impact vs audience impact

As a security professional, it’s tempting to rate a research project’s impact based on the direct impact. For example, over the years I’ve seen a range of serious flaws in a certain popular CDN, and I suspect that if I directly targeted it, I could find multiple ways to take over all their customers’ websites - a reasonable chunk of the web. In terms of direct impact, this would be pretty good.

But when you submit to Black Hat, they ask you to specify ‘three actionable take-aways’ for the audience. How would my hypothetical CDN-popping talk answer this? The only action required would be from that sole CDN vendor - in effect I’d just be giving a war-story talk. These can be entertaining and inspiring, but that’s not what I’m aiming for.

I try to pick a topic where the audience will take away novel attack techniques, and any tools or methodology required to make them practical to apply.

Applicable audience

Over the last five years, my research has been focused on HTTP Request Smuggling and Web Cache Poisoning . Since I’m well-versed in this topic, doing further research directly on top has become relatively easy, and I’m perpetually aware of multiple promising ideas.

However, while creating the presentation for last year’s Browser-Powered Desync Attacks , I became acutely aware that it demanded an exceptional amount of prior technical knowledge from the audience.

Building on a little recent research often works well because you can summarise it yourself. However, building on a large volume of recent research means that anyone in the audience who isn’t already familiar is going to struggle, and overall less people will get the benefit.

This year, by focusing on race conditions - a topic with minimal recent developments - I’ve been able to start building on a foundation that most attendees will be familiar with. Relative to last year’s talk, you can expect this talk to have both greater potential for the experts, and greater accessibility for the masses.

Existing skill-sets vs personal development

There’s a second, more personal reason why I changed my research focus away from request smuggling. I expect request smuggling to keep yielding good research for years to come, but just like any topic, at some point it’ll dry up. If I maintain my exclusive focus on this topic, there’s a risk I’ll become over-specialised and end up in a bad place when the topic stops yielding fruit.

I deliberately choose race conditions to avoid this over-specialisation risk, even though I regarded it as a much riskier bet than doing even more request smuggling exploration. Personal development is a huge and easily overlooked part of research. I rarely repeat my presentations across months for the same reason - if you spend your time sharing the same presentation over and over, you’re sacrificing novel research time.

That said, there’s a balance to be had here - if you have specialist knowledge, that will give you an edge on certain topics. Race conditions appealed from the start because I’d observed low-level HTTP quirks that could enhance these attacks, and I’d also observed them in the wild when trying to exploit response queue poisoning.

No topic is perfect; this presentation has fewer case studies than usual for me because fully automated detection of these vulnerabilities is not practical. On the plus side, this leaves a large number of vulnerabilities on the table that the audience can find simply by applying the methodology.

Ultimately, I see over-thinking topic choice as a pitfall. Save your energy for the research itself - you’ll need it! If you found this useful, you might also like So you want to be a web security researcher , and the presentation Hunting Evasive Vulnerabilities .

If you’re got any thoughts or queries, feel free to ping me on Twitter or LinkedIn . Hopefully I’ll see some of you in-person at the presentation too!

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5 Research Topics in Cybersecurity

In 2022, market and consumer data firm Statista reported that cyberattacks would cost individuals and companies $8.4 trillion globally that year. By 2027, it projected, the cost would rise to $23.8 trillion. Cyberattacks occur when individuals gain unauthorized access to digital systems and information for malicious purposes. Their enormous cost to people and organizations makes it critical to protect systems, software and data against those attacks.

The term “cybersecurity” refers to efforts to protect corporate or personal electronic equipment against these costly attacks. Understanding the vulnerabilities that can allow unauthorized and damaging access to digital systems is a key component in cybersecurity research. An advanced degree in information security management can help professionals learn how cybersecurity risks are evolving, what cybersecurity risks to look for in their own organizations and how to address them.

What Is Cybersecurity Research?

Cybersecurity research focuses on reviewing digital tools and processes to reveal potential vulnerabilities. Research on cybersecurity topics ranging from the Internet of Things (IoT) to work-from-home (WFH) information security can help people and companies stave off data breaches in those key areas.

Cybersecurity professionals can rely on computer science research tactics such as testing web browsers and online applications to uncover areas that a hacker could exploit to gain unauthorized data access. They can also turn to empirical research that examines issues related to cybersecurity from various angles, from criminal science to international relations, and that offers approaches to address those concerns.

In fact, conducting research about potential security threats and information technology (IT) trends is a key responsibility of cybersecurity professionals, such as information security analysts.

Why Is Cybersecurity Research Important?

The value of cybersecurity research is growing due to the proliferation of connected devices that allow cybercriminals to access digital information — and as the costs associated with successful cyberattacks increase.

The origin of cyberattacks can be computers and the systems that run them, but it can also be any of hundreds of everyday devices that use technology to collect and share data. From smartphones to medical equipment, the tools that cyberattackers can compromise generate or store a staggering amount of data.

Statista reports that the amount of data created, copied, downloaded and read globally in 2010 was 2 zettabytes. By 2025, Statista predicts, the capacity of the data in use around the world will reach 181 zettabytes.

The growth in the use of data is occurring alongside a host of issues, from COVID-19-related disruptions to geopolitical events, that can make the technology that shares and stores it more vulnerable to attack. Conducting research on cybersecurity topics can assist IT professionals in protecting these large amounts of data during challenging times by helping them:

  • Understand the vulnerabilities of digital tools and processes
  • Determine the significance of data breach impacts
  • Prioritize their efforts to ensure protection of critical information

5 Current Research Topics in Cybersecurity?

Today’s most pressing research topics in cybersecurity go beyond password protection and firewalls. A global pandemic, geopolitical events and technological advances are also behind some key topics that are now driving cybersecurity research. Below are five of those top cybersecurity research topics.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI), in which machines complete tasks that traditionally had required humans to perform, today is helping computing professionals observe and analyze activity related to large amounts of digital data. The efficiency of using AI for cybersecurity can lead to significant savings as organizations respond to data compromises. The shortened response time led companies to an average of $3 million in savings in those situations, according to a 2022 report from IBM.

One key research topic for cybersecurity professionals is how best to use AI to find potential vulnerabilities and remove them — before cyberattackers use that same technology to find those security risks and exploit them.

However, AI in the wrong hands can also present a cybersecurity risk. AI can also be a tool for misusing data, with cybercriminals relying on this technology to create inauthentic emails and phone messages to trick users into providing personal data. The increasing reliance on AI makes this issue even more important for cybersecurity researchers, with Statista projecting in 2022 that the AI software market would reach $126 billion around the world by 2025.

2. Digital Supply Chains

Digital supply chain systems monitor and evaluate the functions of each party in the chain, to help them produce and distribute products more efficiently. Hackers can exploit the technology used in this process, making cyberattacks an additional threat to supply chains already experiencing disruptions related to the pandemic.

For example, technology research firm Gartner, predicted in 2022 that by 2025, a total of 45 percent of companies would suffer digital attacks on their supply chains. This percentage is three times higher than the percentage from 2021. A 2022 report from cybersecurity company Venafi found that 82 percent of chief information officers feared that their organizations’ supply chains were vulnerable to this type of attack.

Cybersecurity professionals today are investigating potential digital security risks in supply chains, while corporate leaders are seeking out suppliers that focus on researching — and correcting — these vulnerabilities.

3. Internet of Things

The IoT refers to the ability to connect almost any device with the internet and with other connected tools. From kitchen appliances to wearable fitness gadgets, numerous products and tools are part of the IoT. Statista reported in 2022 that more than 11 million devices were digitally connected in 2021. The firm also projected that more than 29 billion devices would be IoT connected by 2030.

The many devices that rely on the IoT measure and process vast amounts of data, and the networks and cloud systems that hold and share that data present a host of security risks. A key area of cybersecurity research has been tracking these vulnerabilities. Manufacturers, consumers and governments have begun using the knowledge gathered by cybersecurity researchers to establish practices and policies that safeguard against the risks these researchers are finding.

4. State-Sponsored Attacks

Cyberattacks from government actors seeking state secrets are nothing new, but a growing trend is for hackers seeking this unauthorized access to target organizations and individuals with no government affiliation. The ultimate goal can be intelligence, technology theft, supply chain disruption or even influencing internal politics through disinformation.

A 2022 Forbes article noted that in 2023, more than 70 nations were set to conduct elections, and the digital activities related to these events, including reports about them, are a frequent target of hostile government actors. Additionally, countries involved in armed conflicts increasingly rely on cyberattacks to gain advantage over enemy governments, even when it involves interfering with the work of private companies and citizens.

These trends have made it critical for cybersecurity researchers to learn more about potential vulnerabilities in government networks, attacks on private companies that can impact critical infrastructure, and the security of elections.

5. Working From Home

Fueled by pandemic restrictions, the number of WFH employees exploded in recent years. The number of remote workers will reach more than 36 million in the U.S. by 2025, according to 2020 projections from freelancing platform Upwork.

The many employees based at off-site locations have made managing data security difficult for companies, whose workers may use unprotected devices to access and transmit business information. That leaves the employees vulnerable to attacks that target sensitive data or threaten malicious activity unless the company meets the hackers’ demands.

Adding to the security risk is the proliferation of work and other activity that requires the use of the internet and internet-based tools like videoconferencing. A 2021 Pew Research Center survey showed that 40 percent of Americans had relied on these types of tools and processes in new ways since the pandemic began in early 2020. Cybersecurity professionals are studying how best to protect employees — and the corporate data they use in their work — from cyberattackers.

Take a Leadership Role in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity research can shed light on issues with data protection — and the tools and processes that provide it. If you’re ready to help guide your organization’s response to cybersecurity issues, explore Augusta University Online’s Master of Science (MS) in Information Security Management program.

Through online courses focused on Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification elements, students can gain the knowledge to help their employers navigate today’s cybersecurity challenges. Explore how AU Online’s MS in Information Security Management can help you reach your career goals.

Built In, “What Is Artificial Intelligence?” Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Cyber Threats and Advisories Forbes, “The Top Five Cybersecurity Trends in 2023” Gartner, “7 Top Trends in Cybersecurity for 2022” IBM, “Cost of Data Breach 2022: A Million Dollar Race to Detect and Respond” IBM, What Is Cybersecurity? Journal of Cybersecurity, About the Journal Microsoft, What Is a Cyberattack? Network World, “What Is IoT? The Internet of Things Explained” Oracle, “Digital Supply Chain Explained” Pew Research Center, “The Internet and the Pandemic” Statista, Estimated Cost of Cybercrime Worldwide From 2016 to 2027 Statista, Number of Internet of Things (IoT)-Connected Devices Worldwide From 2019 to 2021, With Forecasts From 2022 to 2030 Statista, Revenues From the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software Market Worldwide From 2018 to 2025 Statista, Volume of Data/Information Created, Captured, Copied, and Consumed Worldwide From 2010 to 2020, With Forecasts From 2021 to 2025 TechRadar Pro, “Why Cybersecurity Research Is Now More Important Than Ever” The Conversation, “5 Ways the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Forever Changed Cybersecurity” Upwork, Upwork Study Finds 22% of American Workforce Will Be Remote by 2025 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Information Security Analysts Venafi, “Study: 82% of CIOs Say Their Software Supply Chains Are Vulnerable” Vivaldi, “An Insight Into Security Research and Ethical Hacking”

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List of 78 Top Cyber Security Topics for Research


Table of contents

  • 1 How To Choose The Best Cyber Security Research Topics
  • 2 10 Cyber Security Topics For Research Paper
  • 3 Mobile Cyber Security Research Paper Topics
  • 4 Top 10 Cyber Security Topics
  • 5 ‍ Cyber Security Research Topics 2023
  • 6 Best Cyber Security Research Topics
  • 7 ‍ Cyber Security Future Research Topics
  • 8 Cyber Security Topics For Research Paper
  • 9 ‍ Cyber Security Topics on Computer and Software

There are many reasons to choose cyber security research topics for writing purposes. First, cyber security is a growing field, with many new and exciting developments happening all the time. This makes it an ideal topic to write about, as there is always something new to learn and discuss. Second, cyber security research can be used to improve the security of your own computer systems. By understanding the latest threats and vulnerabilities, you can make your systems more secure and less likely to be compromised. Third, writing about cyber security can help raise awareness about the importance of cyber security. By educating others about the dangers of cyber attacks and the importance of protecting their computers, you can help make the internet a safer place for everyone.

How To Choose The Best Cyber Security Research Topics

When it comes to choosing research paper topics on cyber security, there are a few things to consider. First, it is important to make sure that the topic is relevant and timely. Cyber security is an ever-changing field, so it is important to choose a topic that will be relevant for years to come. Second, it is important to choose a topic that is interesting and engaging. Cybersecurity can be a dry topic, so it is important to choose a topic that will keep readers engaged. Finally, it is important to choose a topic that is researchable. There are a lot of cyber security topics out there, but not all of them are easy to research. Make sure to choose a topic that has plenty of information available.

  • Identify your audience.
  • Define your research goals.
  • Choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant to your audience.
  • Do some preliminary research to make sure there is enough information available on your chosen topic.
  • Make sure your topic is narrow enough to be covered in a single research paper.

10 Cyber Security Topics For Research Paper

  • The Importance of Cyber Security
  • The Evolution of Cyber Security
  • The Future of Cyber Security
  • The Impact of Cyber Security on Business
  • The Role of Cyber Security in National Security
  • The Challenges of Cyber Security
  • The Costs of Cyber Security
  • The Benefits of Cyber Security
  • The Risks of Cyber Security
  • The Implications of Cyber Security

Mobile Cyber Security Research Paper Topics

  • Mobile device security: How to protect your mobile device from cyber attacks.
  • The rise of mobile malware: How to protect your device from malicious software.
  • Mobile phishing attacks: How to protect your device from being scammed.
  • The dangers of public Wi-Fi: How to protect your device from being hacked.
  • How to keep your data safe on your mobile device: Tips for keeping your personal information secure.

Top 10 Cyber Security Topics

  • Cybersecurity threats and attacks
  • Cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities
  • Cybersecurity best practices
  • Cybersecurity awareness and training
  • Cybersecurity tools and technologies
  • Cybersecurity policy and compliance
  • Cybersecurity incident response
  • Cybersecurity governance
  • Cybersecurity risk management
  • Cybersecurity strategy

‍ Cyber Security Research Topics 2023

  • The future of cyber security: what trends will shape the field in the coming years?
  • The impact of AI and machine learning on cyber security
  • The role of quantum computing in cyber security
  • The challenges of securing the IoT
  • The evolving threat landscape: what new threats are emerging and how can we defend against them?
  • The role of data in cyber security: how can we better protect our data?
  • The importance of user education in cyber security
  • The challenges of securing mobile devices
  • The future of cyber warfare: what trends are emerging?
  • The role of cryptography in cyber security

Best Cyber Security Research Topics

  • The Impact of Cybersecurity on Businesses and Consumers
  • The Evolution of Cybersecurity Threats and Attacks
  • The Role of Cybersecurity in National Security
  • The Economics of Cybersecurity
  • The Psychology of Cybersecurity
  • The Sociology of Cybersecurity
  • The Ethics of Cybersecurity
  • The History of Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity threats and attacks.
  • Cybersecurity policies and procedures.
  • Cybersecurity awareness and training.
  • Cybersecurity technologies and solutions.
  • Cybersecurity risk management.
  • Cybersecurity incident response.
  • Cybersecurity governance.
  • Cybersecurity compliance.
  • Cybersecurity standards.
  • Cybersecurity best practices.

‍ Cyber Security Future Research Topics

  • Developing more effective methods for detecting and responding to cyber attacks
  • Investigating the role of social media in cyber security
  • Examining the impact of cloud computing on cyber security
  • Investigating the security implications of the Internet of Things
  • Studying the effectiveness of current cyber security measures
  • Identifying new cyber security threats and vulnerabilities
  • Developing more effective cyber security policies
  • Examining the ethical implications of cyber security

Cyber Security Topics For Research Paper

  • Cyber security threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Cyber security incident response and management.
  • Cyber security risk management.
  • Cyber security awareness and training.
  • Cyber security controls and countermeasures.
  • Cyber security governance.
  • Cyber security standards.
  • Cyber security insurance.
  • Cyber security and the law.
  • The future of cyber security.

‍ Cyber Security Topics on Computer and Software

  • Cyber security risks associated with computer software
  • The importance of keeping computer software up to date
  • How to protect your computer from malware and other threats
  • The best practices for securing your computer and software
  • The different types of cyber security threats and how to avoid them
  • The importance of cyber security awareness and education
  • The role of cyber security in protecting critical infrastructure

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  • Drafts for Public Comment
  • All Public Drafts
  • NIST Special Publications (SPs)
  • NIST interagency/internal reports (NISTIRs)
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  • Security & Privacy



  • Laws & Regulations
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  • Cryptographic Technology
  • Secure Systems and Applications
  • Security Components and Mechanisms
  • Security Engineering and Risk Management
  • Security Testing, Validation, and Measurement
  • Cybersecurity and Privacy Applications
  • National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE)
  • National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE)

Security and Privacy

  • digital signatures
  • key management
  • lightweight cryptography
  • message authentication
  • post-quantum cryptography
  • random number generation
  • secure hashing
  • cybersecurity supply chain risk management
  • general security & privacy
  • access authorization
  • access control
  • Personal Identity Verification
  • public key infrastructure
  • personally identifiable information
  • privacy engineering
  • categorization
  • continuous monitoring
  • controls assessment
  • privacy controls
  • security controls
  • risk assessment
  • roots of trust
  • system authorization
  • advanced persistent threats
  • information sharing
  • intrusion detection & prevention
  • vulnerability management
  • accessibility
  • testing & validation
  • acquisition
  • asset management
  • audit & accountability
  • awareness training & education
  • configuration management
  • contingency planning
  • incident response
  • maintenance
  • media protection
  • patch management
  • personnel security
  • physical & environmental protection
  • program management
  • security automation
  • reliability
  • artificial intelligence
  • cloud & virtualization
  • combinatorial testing
  • personal computers
  • semiconductors
  • quantum information science
  • smart cards
  • operating systems
  • communications & wireless
  • cyber-physical systems
  • cybersecurity education
  • cybersecurity framework
  • cybersecurity workforce
  • industrial control systems
  • Internet of Things
  • mathematics
  • positioning navigation & timing
  • small & medium business

Laws and Regulations

  • Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative
  • Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan
  • Cyberspace Policy Review
  • Executive Order 13636
  • Executive Order 13702
  • Executive Order 13718
  • Executive Order 13800
  • Executive Order 13905
  • Executive Order 14028
  • Executive Order 14110
  • Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan
  • Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7
  • Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12
  • OMB Circular A-11
  • OMB Circular A-130
  • CHIPS and Science Act
  • Cyber Security R&D Act
  • Cybersecurity Enhancement Act
  • E-Government Act
  • Energy Independence and Security Act
  • Federal Information Security Modernization Act
  • First Responder Network Authority
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  • Help America Vote Act
  • Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act
  • Federal Acquisition Regulation

Activities and Products

  • annual reports
  • conferences & workshops
  • quick start guides
  • reference materials
  • standards development
  • financial services
  • hospitality
  • manufacturing
  • public safety
  • telecommunications
  • transportation

M.Tech/Ph.D Thesis Help in Chandigarh | Thesis Guidance in Chandigarh

research topics in network security

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research topics in network security


Network Security

The network security is the issue which rose due to self-configuring and decentralized nature of the network. The ad-hoc networks are of three type’s mobile ad-hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, and vehicular ad-hoc networks. The malicious nodes may join the network due to which various type of active and passive attacks are possible in the network. The passive type of attack is the type of attack in which malicious nodes do not affect the network performance. The active type of attacks is the attacks in which malicious nodes reduce networks performance in terms of various parameters. There are various topics in network security for thesis and research.


The black hole, wormhole, sinkhole, Sybil etc are the various type of active attacks which reduce network. In recent times, various techniques have been proposed which detect malicious nodes from the network. To improve  the security of the network , techniques of the data encryption, intrusion detection systems are proposed in recent times. The area of research in the network security is secure channel establishment algorithms which are Diffie-Helman, RSA etc which increase the security of the network.

Network Security in a  computer network  is a good topic to choose for the M.Tech thesis. You can get thesis help from a good thesis guidance agencies like Techsparks. Network Security is the means by which any unauthorized access to a computer network is prevented by following certain policies and procedures. Network Security tend to provide certain ways by which only authorized user can get access to the data in the network. Users are provided unique ID and password for access to the network. Network Security is employed in large organizations and institutions for securing the network from any third party access.

A firewall is a system that applies certain protocols for managing and regulating traffic on the network. It acts as the barricade between the internet and the verified internal network. A firewall can be a software or a hardware. Firewalls are commonly used to prevent any threat to the data from an outside source. Hardware firewalls are found on routers while software firewalls are installed on the computers. While working on your M.Tech thesis, you will learn more about how the firewall works. There are three types of firewall:

  • Application Gateways
  • Packet Filtering
  • Hybrid Systems

Types of network attack

Following are the types of attack on the network:

Active Attack

In an active attack, a miscreant tries to attack data while it is being sent to some other location. He can make changes to it or can hack confidential information while data is being transferred.

Passive Attack

In a passive attack, the hacker constantly monitors the system to gain valuable information through open ports. The attacker does not attempt to make changes to data.

CIA Triad in Network Security

It is based on the following principles:


Protecting the important data from unauthorized access.

Keeping the uniqueness of the data.


Authorized access to the available data.

Auditing in Network Security

Auditing in network security means checking whether the security policies and procedures are followed by the organization. This helps the organization to find any loophole in the security measures of the organization’s network and hence implement network security.

This was just basics of network security. If you are involved in networking, then this could be a good choice for your M.Tech thesis. There are various  thesis topics  in network security which you can opt for M.Tech, M.Phil and for Ph.D. degree.

Latest Thesis and research topics in Network Security

There are various hot topics in network security. Following is the list of latest research and thesis topics in network security for masters and other postgraduate students:

  • Access Management

Wireless Security

Endpoint security, hole punching, malware detection, information security, access management:.

It is a method of securing the network by granting access to authorized users the right to access the network. This will prevent any authorized attack on the network thereby securing the network. This process makes use of certain policies which are defined under Information Security Management. This process was added to secure the confidential information that is transferred through the network. This is a very good and simple topic for the thesis in the field of network security. There are various sub-processes under it which you can explore while working on your thesis and research paper.

Wireless Security makes use of the wireless network to prevent any unauthorized access and attack to the computers. WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy) and WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access) are the common types of wireless security. WEP is comparatively weaker than WPA as its password can be broken easily using some software tools. There are certain security issues in wireless communication. A malicious individual can attack the network through ad hoc networks, non-traditional networks, network injection, caffe latte attack. There are various security measures that can be applied to SSID hiding, static IP addressing, 802.11 security, encryption etc. There are many topics to explore in this and is a very good choice for the master’s thesis.

Firewall has been discussed above. It regulates the traffic on the network and is a security measure for communication on the network. It is an interesting research paper topic in network security.

Endpoint Security is another approach for network security in which remote networks are secured. In this devices follow certain security standards. It manages the user’s access to the corporate network. The main components of this type of security are VPN(Virtual Private Network), operating system and an antivirus software. This security management process operates on the client-server model. Software as a Service is another model used in this case.

Honeypot is another security mechanism for network security. It detects, deflects and counteracts the unauthorized use of information systems. It consists of data which is isolated and monitored but appears as if it is a part of the site. Honeypots are classified into two categories production honeypot and research honeypot. Production honeypots capture only limited information and are easy to use whereas research honeypots collect information about the black hat communities who are trying to attack the network. Based on their design, honeypots can be classified as pure honeypots, low-interaction honeypots, and high-interaction honeypots. Go for this topic for your thesis as it is an innovative topic.

It is a computer networking technique that uses network address translation(NAT) for establishing the direct connection between the two parties. In this one or both the parties may be behind firewalls. For punching a hole, each of the clients connects to a third-party server which is unrestricted for temporarily storing external and internal address and port information. Each client’s information is passed on to the other through a server and using that direct connection is established. As a result, packets are transferred to each side.

A malware is a software code which is designed to intentionally cause damage to the computer network. The malware code can be in the form of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or spyware. The aim of malware detection is to find and remove any type of malware code from the network. Antivirus software, firewalls, and other such strategies help in detecting malware in the network. It is one of the good topics in network security for project and thesis.

Information security refers to a set of strategies applied to prevent any type of threat to digital and non-digital information. It is also an interesting topic in network security. The strategies applied revolves around the CIA objectives which is expanded as confidentiality, integrity, and availability. These objectives ensure that only authorized users can access the information.

These are some of the latest interesting topics in network security for thesis as well as for research. If you face any difficulty in this area you can get  thesis guidance  and thesis help in network security from networking experts.

Techsparks offer thesis and research help in network security topics. You can call us at  +91-9465330425  or email us at  [email protected]  for thesis and research help in network security. You can also fill the contact form the website. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Top 10 Network Security Thesis Topics

The term network security refers to securing the network from malicious attacks executed by the hackers to gain illegal access to the network, presume the password to exploit the sensitive packets by using the methods of spoofing, eavesdropping, etc.

“Network Security builds a soundproof wall against Eavesdropping.”

It prevents the network from hacker’s intention to harm the network, and securing the messages and message infrastructure that we are using is to share information or sensitive data. The network security tools intend to secure user privacy, network integration and authenticity, controlling access , etc.

“This article focuses on the generalized network attack categories and the role of network solutions to face the issues. It also provides an overview of the network security thesis topics and our approaches towards the effective thesis writing.”

Top 10 Network Security Thesis Topics


  • Controlling access
  • Reliability and Verification
  • Securing the infrastructure of communication

Overall, cryptography and network security main objectives are based on the functions of preventing unauthorized use of the network, DoS attacks, Spoofing or Man-in-the-Middle attacks, Network Traffic Attacks, etc. We provide you with the overall functions of proper network security based on its primary action; the functions will differ.

Here is the overview of the security network as follows:

Overview of Network Security

  • Solutions of Side Channel Attacks
  • Solutions for Anti-Blocking
  • Network Monitoring Mechanisms
  • Energy supplied devices offloading
  • Pre-computation methods
  • Optimizations securing energy-aware
  • Adaptations serving dynamic security
  • Unauthenticated Relays
  • External and internal attacks
  • Side channel
  • Spoofing / Eavesdropping
  • Denial of Service
  • Infection of malware
  • Deadlock deauthentication

What are the Network Security Threats?

            Risks in network security are very general and prevalent. Packet losses, network damage, reducing the confidence of the network packets are its main intentions. The rising level of the networks that are handling the network threats is accelerating. So the demand for the network security thesis topics deserves to be on the trend-setting level. As the generalization of threats in the network security , threats are also common. Let’s have a look at the types of Network Security Threats.

Types of Network Security Threats

  • Attacks of Service Denial: It is a common and continual attack performed by an adversary to get access to the legal network. By this attack, Overloading unauthorized requests to crash the network normal functions.
  • Phishing: Its intention is to take valuable information of user login or packets related information 
  • Attacks on Transport Security Layer / SSL: These attacks are the general form of threats, which makes the attackers the availability of sensitive data entry and to unencrypted information. This attack is accounted approximately 10% of every examined attack on networks.
  • Spoofing Identity attack: In this attack, the regular host appears as the source, when the hackers made required changes to the packet headers. It is known as forging the IP address. The hackers use the intranet to create similar IP addresses of the user with the help of their specially designed program.
  • Brute Force Attacks: In the hacker’s domain, this type of attack is a powerful one, where the hackers use the error and trial technique to attack the network security to presume the password of the system. This technique pays the hackers usual way in guessing the password.

The above security threats are the widespread patterns of adversaries. Network security risks and attacks can extremely influence a company’s economic sources, as discussed previously. Many reputed networks (SDN, 5G, and 6G networks) are struggling to secure their privacy over sensitive data. Having theoretical knowledge won’t help you to overcome such a crisis. Thus our developers suggest you some of the practical solutions for network security threats.

Solutions for Network Security Threats

  • Proper network security update and maintenance
  • Manage / monitor the networks security
  • Designing security policies and rules  

By that time, hackers are getting clever. Their malware implantation will dynamically change the source code of the threat, which delays the counteraction to respond to the attack without knowing the source code. A good network solution is needed to protect networks from different types of attacks to tackle this issue. How do you identify the ideal security solution? Here our research team has provided you some characteristic features of a good network solution.

What are the features of good network security model?

  • Integration of different solutions : This provides you a strong protection from influential attacks and invasions on networks by integrating all your usage of network solutions and tools.
  • Attacks Prevention : This type of network solution prevents the system against vigorous malware attacks and makes the attacker to find difficult to find the system’s source code.
  • Continuous Observation and Response : This type of solution continuously monitors the user activity and alerts the user on the spot of its threat detection. This helps the user to prevent the system from attack.
  • Detecting and Identifying threats: It helps to address the individual attack components by developing clear understanding of the threats entered into the network and helps in identifying and blocking them.

Though we categorized the various types of solutions, we suggest you that one solution to network security threat is not enough. You can get the different types of solutions from us with various features according to the network type and impact of the threat. But choosing a solution that integrally supports other security tools you bought from other vendors will be the best to implement information security thesis topics . When you are doing thesis in the relevant field, you can master in choosing and implanting the best to your device. Here we provide you some of the top Network Security Thesis Topics.

Network Security Thesis Topics

  • Data Security and Privacy
  • Protocols and Security Application functional assessments
  • NLP for Protection and Ensure Security
  • Security based on Artificial Intelligence and ML
  • Managing and Recovering Key
  • Securing Intellectual Property
  • Integrity and Insider Threat Security
  • Securing universal computing
  • Watermarking and data hiding
  • Confidential computing
  • Solutions for security threats
  • Protocols and Models of security
  • Managing security and network
  • Hiding of Data and security in Data Mining

Data Collection for Security Attacks Detection

Network security threats are patented to cause monetary loss. The data gathered in a network are used to identify the security threats like vulnerabilities and intrusions . Such data are called the data related to network security. Research Scholars can reach us in developing network security thesis topics based on data collection and detection. We were examining such data aids in identifying the security threats and is often useful in measuring the whole network’s security level. So, according to our technical team, gathering security-related data should be the primary step in detecting attacks . To gather such data in real-time detection, the following are the top datasets suggested by our research team.

Top 10 Datasets for Network Attacks Detection

  • Aposemat IoT-23
  • CTU-13 Dataset
  • Network Data Set and Host Unification
  • Datasets Detecting ADFA Intrusion
  • Harmful URLs
  • Malware Training Sets

Apart from the above-mentioned datasets, we have particularized a few data collecting tools and mechanisms for your reference in network security thesis topics . These are used to capture the network data in massive size with a wide range of collections.

  • Online/offline Collecting tools
  • Hardware/Software Collecting Tools
  • Protocol Collecting Tools
  • Collecting Direct/Indirect Tools
  • Collecting Active/Passive Tools
  • Flow/Packet focused Collection
  • Inadequate/adequate collection
  • Collection Of External/Internal Nodes
  • Collection Of Integrated/Distributed Nodes

Network Thesis Topics Research Guidance

Which Method is Useful in Detection of an Attack?

Various Machine Learning algorithms like KNN and SVM are used as Intrusion Detection systems (IDS). The surface for the network attacks is on the rise as the network is multifaceted with successful technologies like cloud computing , IoT, etc. So, the need for predictive and reactive defense is increasing using different types of network simulator . The intrusion detection system is used as the base attack detecting mechanism in all research aspects to bond the gap . Below, we provide you the network security methodologies.

Network Security Methodologies

  • Isolating Slices:  Tostop misusing the packets and network vulnerabilities, the procedure of isolating the virtualization and mature cloud (Slices) are used.
  • Managing Security: For the fast awareness on the network weak points, integrated management is used for network security
  • Security Control: For automated counteraction on blocking threats, event attacks and fast recover assurance, it is important to organize the security strategies properly 
  • Analyzing Security: It is used to analyze the security on the basis of big data collection by circulating the several entities as MEC, Fog and RAN for detecting the DDoS attacks.
  • Preventing data vulnerability: For securing privacy, network encryption and firewalls, this technology using the access of Network Slice-Specific Authentication and Authorization (NSSAA).  In order to stop data abuse and key negotiation NSSAA have secondary verification to access the original network.
  • Securing Slice Control: To assure the confidentiality and integrity, the slice management security functions on the basis of authorization technique and directional verification

Network security threats are targeted attacks to evade the defense mechanisms and the keys that are in place to avoid them. The two main types of network analysis are security and functional metrics . The objectives of each metrics vary according to its function and security as follows,

Network Simulation Performance Evaluation Tools

  • Metrics of self- security and protecting privacy
  • Metrics of Non-Denial and Verification
  • Metrics of integrity and confidentiality
  • Metrics of Cost and Non-Destructivity
  • Metrics of Productivity and Generalization
  • Metrics of flexibility and applicability
  • Metrics of Adaptableness and Scalability
  • Metrics of Constancy

The above-mentioned metrics have the basic functions to secure the models used in network security. Apart from the mentioned metrics, our teams of developers are experts in framing innovative metrics used to conduct an in-depth analysis of the time taken by the network security models and applications to identify and recover from the attacks performed. Let’s take a look at our objectives of thesis writing.

Our Objectives in thesis writing

  • Contemplate Outlining and Structure
  • Discovering initiating and maintaining writing approaches
  • Concentrate on the writing method
  • Constructing set of references to render final thesis
  • Recognizing self-management methods to help progression

Along with the ideas that should be discuss inside the thesis chapters, a thesis generally have the power to decide your academic future and the effectiveness of every thesis is a debatable subject when you follow any profession related to your academic field. The practical explanation provided by our technical team will help you to understand the concept better to explain with others and it is notable that we provide you confidential service. Let’s have a look on the best network security thesis topics. For your convenience and clarification on our service, we also provide you the methodologies on how we structuring a dissertation.


  • Abstract covers the significant descriptions about the research topic
  • Introduction that describes the remaining chapters, literature review, terms definition, statement of the problem
  • Techniques used includes the data structures, algorithms, requirements and specifications
  • Chapters in the middle may vary on the chosen project (that discusses the major ideas of the proposed work)
  • Conclusions stating the unsolved problems and obtained results by the proposed method

As earlier, we notify you to make use of this opportunity to work with our expert team, providing confidential service, customized research with benchmark references, and on-time service . We have 5000+ happy customers in the relevant research field. As a matter of fact, we provide you practical explanations over the simulators and testbeds used in network security thesis topics . We are glad to extend our support and guidance to introduce you to the various aspects of network security if you are interested.

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  • Frontiers in Plant Science
  • Crop and Product Physiology
  • Research Topics

Elucidating the Molecular, Physiological, and Biochemical Mechanisms Underlying Stress Responses in Crop Plants

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About this Research Topic

Plants exist in dynamic environments that frequently expose them to conditions detrimental to their growth and development. The various biotic and abiotic stresses can significantly impair plant productivity, thereby limiting agricultural output and posing a substantial threat to global food security. Plant stress responses are highly complex and involve a network of molecular mechanisms that ensure survival and adaptation to diverse environmental challenges. These stresses activate intricate signaling pathways, leading to extensive changes in gene expression and cellular processes. Therefore, plants have evolved sophisticated systems to perceive stress signals and initiate rapid responses, regulating molecular, physiological, metabolic, and developmental pathways in a coordinated manner. A wide array of signaling molecules participates in these processes, interacting in a tightly controlled and dynamic network. Understanding the regulatory mechanisms governing plant stress responses is essential for devising strategies aimed at enhancing crop resilience to environmental challenges. Recent advancements in genomic and biotechnological tools have enabled researchers to identify key regulatory genes and pathways, offering promising avenues for breeding or engineering stress-tolerant crops. Translating these insights into practical agricultural applications holds immense potential for improving global food security. This Research Topic seeks to advance our comprehension of crop resilience through molecular, physiological, and biochemical mechanisms under various stresses. The goal is to gather cutting-edge research that can be translated into practical agricultural solutions, ultimately contributing to improved crop productivity and global food security. In this research topic, we encourage the submission of original research articles and reviews, including but not limited to the following subtopics: • Physiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying stress tolerance and adaptation. • Molecular mechanisms and gene functions in plant stress responses. • Roles of phytohormones and transgenic approaches in regulating stress pathways. • Integration of omics technologies, imaging techniques, and computational modeling in stress response research. • Applications of CRISPR/Cas9, gene-editing technologies, and advanced plant transformation methods. • Innovative approaches for engineering stress resilience in crops.

Keywords : biotic stress, abiotic stress, plant growth and development, crop productivity, molecular mechanisms, physiological mechanisms, biochemical mechanisms

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