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soccer practice homework walking 30 minutes to school weight training

30-Minute Soccer Workout for Strength & Conditioning

Reading Time: 5 minutes

DATE: 2023-09-27

Soccer training programs should include high-intensity training, weightlifting, and metabolic conditioning. Players receive plenty of training with a ball during practices. Though they often don’t receive enough strength and conditioning without the ball involved.

Speed, agility, and strength training help prevent injury and improve kicking power, endurance, and physicality. Practicing drills outside game performance could be as simple as using agility ladders or hurdles. It also can become more complex in the weight room with Olympic lifts. Strength training is an excellent way to improve performance on the field. 

Young athletes are still learning the game of soccer. Though more experienced athletes can benefit from improving more than just ball skill. Weight training and soccer workouts can help take your client’s soccer game to the next level. Try adding this workout to their next training session.

30-Minute Soccer Workout

This workout will include strength-building exercises for soccer players. It dives into proper speed and agility training as well as weightlifting. These exercises may include different types of exercise in which you’ll target different pathways. They offer different levels depending on your client’s athletic abilities. You will need just 30 minutes to complete the entire workout.

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, 30-Minute Soccer Workout for Strength & Conditioning, 30 Minute Soccer Handout

Download this FREE handout here!

The Warm-Up

A proper warm-up helps prepare the body for strenuous activity while also reducing the threat of injury. It also dilates the blood vessels, which ensures the muscles are getting enough oxygen to perform the workout effectively.

#1 Lateral Lunges

Stand upright and adjust your foot positioning slightly wider than hip-width. Keep your feet planted on the ground while you shift your hips back. Lean to one side of the body keeping the opposite leg straight. Rock back and forth in the lateral lunge for 30 seconds.

#2 Mini-Band Squats

Attach a mini band directly above the knees. With your feet shoulder-width apart, bend at your knees and hips performing a squat. Keep your chest upright throughout each rep. Perform 20 squats total. 

#3 Skip Hops

ISSA | Skip Hops 30 Minute Soccer Workout Image

Start with one leg up and the opposite arm forward. Quickly switch the arm and leg propelling your body into the air. As soon as you contact the ground, forcefully repeat and switch to the other side. Continue for a set distance of 50 yards. 

Assume a 4-point stance and perform a total of five 15-yard sprints. Start in the 4-point stance and quickly move into the sprint. Use proper arm drive and maintain upper body posture to ensure adequate force is applied. 

The Workout

Power superset: power cleans and box jumps.

#1 Power Cleans

Start with the bar on the floor and assume a deadlift position. Place your feet hip-width apart and maintain an overhand grip on the barbell. Keep your hips down and shoulders back then perform the first pull. Pull the bar off the ground by explosively extending your legs. Be sure to keep a flat back. When the bar reaches above the knees jump straight up and extend your hips, knees, and ankles. This is called triple extension. Shrug your shoulders and allow the bar to travel up the body. This will allow you to catch the bar. When you catch, drive your elbows high, drop down into a quarter squat and stand back up. Perform 4 sets of 2 reps.

#2 Box Jumps

Position your body a few inches away from a box. Swing your arms down to the side and behind the body. As you do so, bend at your knees and hips with a slight lean forward. Powerfully drive your hips forward and swing your arms forward jumping onto the box. Fully stand up on the box and step back down. Repeat for 4 sets of 3 reps.

Strength Superset: Back Squat and Hip Thrusts

#3 Back Squat

Remove the bar from the rack while it rests on your shoulder and back muscles. Take two big steps away from the rack and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at your knees and hips performing a squat. Keep your torso and chest upright. Remain looking forward and stand back up by extending your hips forward. Perform 3 sets of 8 reps. 

#4 Hip Thrusts

Start with your back and shoulders supported on a bench. Position a barbell across your hips and keep your knees bent. With your feet planted, lower your hips down to the ground and extend them back up. At the top of the motion, squeeze your glutes and drive through your heels. Repeat for 3 sets of 8 reps. 

Agility and Conditioning Superset: Agility Ladder and Hurdle Hops

#5 Agility Ladder (Two Feet In and Two Feet Out)

Set up an agility ladder on the ground. On the side of the ladder face the first box. Begin by stepping into the first box with two feet, then step out. Repeat moving laterally through the entire ladder. Move down to the end of the ladder and all the way back. Complete 4 times total or 2 total down and back. This is one set. Perform 3 sets. 

#6 Lateral Hurdle Hops

Set up approximately 3 hurdles in a straight line. Space them enough to jump in between each hurdle. Position the side of your body to face the start of the line. Jump laterally over the hurdles down and back. Complete 4 times total or 2 total down and back. This is also one set. Perform 3 times through.

The Cool Down

Your legs should be feeling it after that workout! It is best to use the following stretches directly after the workout. These stretches will help you effectively recover and prevent injury during your training program.

#1 Downward Dog Calf Pedals

In a seated position, bring one foot at a time towards your groin to begin. Make sure both bottoms of your feet are together. Hold your feet with your hands and press your elbows down on top of your knees. Keep your back straight and allow your knees to gradually fall to the ground. Stretch for 30 seconds. 

#2 Butterfly Groin Stretch

#3 Lunge Stretch

In a full lunge position, drop the back leg down as far to the ground as possible. Lean into the front leg which should stay bent. Focus on stretching the hip flexors on each back leg. Hold each side for 30 seconds. 

Better Performance Beyond the Workout

Are you looking to learn more about how to improve your soccer performance? Check out these ISSA blogs: 

Training Tips: Strength and Conditioning for Soccer

Exercises to Improve Speed: Training That Benefits Everyone

Speed and Agility - The How-to for Everyday Athletes

Want more than just a few blogs? Get ISSA’s Sports and Athletic Performance Bundle . It’s the top CEU to help you gain the skills needed to train performance-based clients. Athletes of all sports, ages, and levels require a competitive-driven training program to take their performance to the next level.

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The ultimate soccer home workout guide.

Practicing social distancing and practicing soccer do not have to be mutually exclusive. Many soccer clubs and organizations around the world have answered this unprecedented health crisis by making some unique programs available to players from all levels. Sofive has looked near and far to gather the best home workouts for you. Keep yourself busy, fit and most importantly stay healthy!


New York Red Bulls Youth Train @ Home

What is it?

  • A full soccer training video library for various skill levels and training areas with a training plan

How to Access?

  • Go to   https://www.newyorkredbulls. com/content/rbyp-email-sign and get weekly updates
  • All exercises have very good professional video instructions
  • The four training areas Technical, Physical, Game Knowledge, Freestyle keep things interesting
  • Players can download a tailor-made scorecard to track the progress
  • Each Monday, new challenges are made available

NYCFC Stay Healthy. Stay Home.

  • A series of 16 videos with multiple (soccer ball) exercises each
  • Go to
  • Some videos are from the NYCFC academy, some from Manchester City
  • Most videos feature multiple exercises around a theme e.g. "Jumping & Landing"
  • Players can tweet their practice videos at @NYCFCYouth 
  • More videos are supposed to be made available soon

Philadelphia Union Youth Virtual Training Center

  • 45-minute virtual and interactive group sessions with a Union coach for boys and girls, ages 9 to 18 Years
  • Go to
  • While many other programs serve up pre-existing content to work off on, the Union's Youth team approach is more direct
  • All training groups focus on   ball mastery and ball control with four session each 
  • Currently, there are only a few spots left for goalkeeper training but more group sessions are likely to be made available next month

UYVTC_Email (2)

D.C. United Stay Active with DCU

  • Four home exercise videos plus entertaining content 
  • Go to
  • DCU's approach is more entertaining, offering fun training videos with an '80s aerobic chic featuring players like Russell Canouse doing side steps with his dog
  • In addition, the page offers mini games and streams classic matches so you can break a sweat and have some fun

Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 3.22.52 PM

C.D. Leganés Entrena Desde Casa

  • A professional fitness workout for soccer players (but anyone really) by the fitness coach Pol Lorente of LaLiga club C.D. Leganés
  • The session are streamed daily on Twitch and uploaded to Youtube
  • If you need to stay in shape, this is for you! A full-blown daily workout from a pro for the pros
  • The instructions are in Spanish but due to the video easy to understand with Spanish language skills (though it helps)
  • A few of the exercises require basic equipment but he also uses makeshift weights such as filled water bottles

@WePlayStrong #TrainAtHome

  • @WePLayStrong is a women's soccer YouTube channel that offers home workouts and skill exercises from professional players, mixed with an array of lifestyle clips
  • Go to YouTube @WePlayStrongChannel
  • While there's not a dedicated workout playlist, you'll find a plenty of workout and skill videos quickly
  • The workouts usually require a few dumbbells and such, but also offer plenty of bodyweight exercises
  • And if you're done or exhausted, there's plenty of entertaining content to pass time

Columbus Crew SC Fit

  • A true home exercise plan built around leveraging household items and your body weight by Kelly Roderick, the Crew's Assistant Strength Coach
  • Go to
  • The exercises are set up as a circuit training but you can also pick and choose
  • The videos really excel at incorporating everyday household items like a chair or towel and turning them into sophisticated exercises 
  • The secret star might be the cute dog playing around in all the video

With so many different options to choose from, there's no excuse to not be active. Whether improving your physical fitness or ball skills, following one regiment or draw inspirations from different sources you can make the best of this time and return to the pitch a better player. In the meantime our fields are waiting for you.

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Soccer Fitness Training: 30-Minute Post-Season Workout

  • Build single-leg strength
  • Improve movement patterns
  • Increase stability
  • Eliminate strength imbalances

Post-Season Soccer Workout

This exercises is great for improving core strength and stability.

  • Place feet in TRX straps and assume plank position
  • Hold plank for specified time

Sets/Duration: 5×30 seconds

Kettlebell Swing Walk

The purpose of the Kettlebell Swing Walk is to improve full-body strength and coordination.

  • Assume quarter-squat stance holding kettlebell between legs
  • Keeping arms straight, drive through heels and explode up with hips to bring kettlebell to chin level in front
  • Return to start position with control
  • Take a step forward with each leg; repeat swing
  • Continue for specified reps

Sets/Reps: 3×12

Power Clean

The Power Clean is one of the best exercises for increasing power and for teaching the body to move as a cohesive unit.

  • Starting with bar on floor, grip it slightly wider than shoulder-width
  • Keeping low back tight, move chest over bar and push hips back
  • Explode up by forcefully shrugging and fully extending hips, knees and ankles
  • Pull bar up, keeping it close to chest
  • Drop under bar with bent knees, catching bar on front of shoulders with elbows forward
  • Powerfully extend at knees and hips to upright stance
  • Lower to start position
  • Repeat for specified reps

Sets/Reps: 5×3


The Split-Squat should be the foundation of every lower-body training program, because it increases single-leg strength and decreases the risk of injury by improving stability.

  • With bar on back, assume split stance with feet at shoulder-width
  • Lower until back knee is just above floor
  • Drive up to start position
  • Perform set on opposite side

Sets/Reps: 3×5 each side

Single-Arm Physioball DB Press

Add new twists to the standard DB Bench by performing it with a single arm to equalize strength on both sides of the body, and on a physioball to increase core and shoulder stability.

  • Assume bridge position with upper back resting on physioball
  • Hold dumbbell in right hand at shoulder level with arm to side
  • Press dumbbell by extending arm up and over chest
  • Lower dumbbell with control to start position
  • Perform set with opposite arm

Sets/Reps: 3×10 each arm

Single-Arm Cable Row and Shoulder Press

This exercise increase coordination, stability and overall strength in one movement.

  • Assume athletic position holding cable with arm extended in front
  • Hold dumbbell in opposite hand at shoulder level
  • Simultaneously bend elbow to perform row with cable and press dumbbell overhead
  • Slowly extend arm in front and lower dumbbell to return to start position

Sets/Reps: 2×12 each arm Browse STACK’s Soccer Workout guide for more workouts to implement during your off-season.[youtube video=”9KyE0mkkUAM” /]

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The Physical Activity Pyramid and How it Can Help You

A man partaking in the physical activity pyramid by serving up a tennis ball to a friend

While we all know that keeping your body moving, your muscles strong, and maintaining good flexibility is good for overall health, many of us have trouble getting into the daily routine of doing so. Sometimes our avoidance is due to lack of energy, but it can also come from fear of injury, aches and pains, arthritis, or even chronic pain. However, what if there was something that could make it easier? Something that could help you get into an exercise routine, reduce health risks associated with inactivity, improve pain from a chronic injury, and reduce your risk for health issues down the road? Luckily, the Physical Activity Pyramid was designed to do just that.

What is the Physical Activity Pyramid?

The Physical Activity Pyramid is a guide that helps adults plan out their physical activity, so it becomes an easy, routine part of their everyday life. The Physical Activity Pyramid is similar to the food pyramid, with the bottom containing the largest and most important activities for healthy daily living and the top tier containing the least beneficial activities, or the things you should do sparingly. The goal of the Physical Activity Pyramid is to gradually increase the amount of physical activity you do and decrease your inactive time.

By following the pyramid’s recommended activities, people have been able to become more active and create a healthy, beneficial routine that can help maintain and even improve musculoskeletal health , and heart health, as well as build endurance.

What Are the Health Benefits of the Physical Activity Pyramid?

Regular physical activity does wonders for your body. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and can help your cardiovascular system become stronger and work more efficiently. Even something as simple as going for a 30-minute walk a few days per week can drastically lower your chance for health conditions.

"We are constantly reminding patients of the importance of daily movement,” says Summit Health physical therapist Amy Dougan . “Movement helps boost our natural endorphins, improve our mood, promote good bone health, and maintain strength. It also helps with our immune health. Try starting with a simple walk for 20-30 minutes a day.”

Physical Activity Pyramid Levels

Bottom level – level 1: lifestyle physical activity.

Graphic design of the physical activity pyramid, illustrating different activities

Some of the exercises found at this bottom level include:

  • Walking to the store
  • Mowing the lawn
  • Raking the leaves
  • Mopping the floor
  • Going on a leisurely walk

Middle Levels – Level 2: Active Aerobics Level 3: Active Sports and Recreation

The next two levels of the physical activity pyramid consist of more strenuous exercise such as aerobics, stretching for flexibility, and muscle fitness exercises. Some activities you'll find here are biking, hiking, dance sessions, jogging, and playing certain sports. The goal is to complete these activities around three to five times each week.

Above these workouts, on Level 3, lie the activities you should spend two or three days per week on such as higher intensity workouts, weight training, and calisthenics.

The Top of the Physical Activity Pyramid – Level 4: Inactivity

The top of the physical activity pyramid depicts sedentary behaviors that need curbing, such as watching television or sitting at a desk. In excess, these types of behaviors have been linked to adverse health outcomes. The goal here is to recognize those behaviors and replace them with physical health activities found at the base of the pyramid.

Get Started with the Physical Activity Pyramid

A fantastic way to score some serious health benefits is to start modifying your everyday schedule to include some new activities from the pyramid. However, if you’re new to exercising or just starting up again, it is suggested that you begin slowly by following only the exercises at the base and omitting some of the activities from the top. Once your body gets used to moving, more activities can be added.

No matter your physical activity level, everyone should practice cutting down on things at the top such as TV time, excessive video game playing, and long sustained periods of sitting or remaining inert.

Within just a few weeks, the physical activity pyramid can help you make changes that will lower health risks and improve your overall health and quality of life.

A Summit Health physical therapist and nutritionist can help you set goals and keep you on track. And, if you don’t have a primary care provider, now’s as good a time as ever to get one. Call (908) 273-4300 to be matched with a doctor in your area.

Let Us Be Your Partner in Well-Being At Summit Health, we care about our patients’ overall health. There are many reasons you may come in  for a visit, but we want to be sure you get the most out of every appointment. At your next visit, be sure to talk to your provider about appropriate screenings and necessary evaluations. And, if you are over the age of 65, you may want to discuss fall risk, bladder health, physical activity expectation, and mental health. Additionally, if you are having trouble affording your medications, let your provider know. It’s important to have these conversations to stay on top of your health and minimize your risk of developing certain diseases.

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  1. Physical Activity Benefits- Lesson 3 Flashcards

    Homework; Weight training; Soccer practice; Walking 30 minutes to school We have an expert-written solution to this problem! Which of the following is NOT positively influenced by physical activity?

  2. Physical Activity Benefits Practice Flashcards

    Homework; Weight training; Soccer practice; Walking 30 minutes to school We have an expert-written solution to this problem! How can participation in physical activity lead to improved sleep patterns? Participation in physical activity can relieve tension and allow the body to relax more readily.

  3. Physical Activity Benefits: Practice Flashcards

    These are exercises that help you build your strength and muscles in your body. List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom. Soccer practice; Homework; Walking 30 minutes to school; Weight training. Homework would be on the top, then weight training in anaerobic activities ...

  4. List the following four activities in the order they would go in the

    List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom. Soccer practice; Homework; Walking 30 minutes to school; Weight training

  5. List the following four activities in the order they would go in the

    Final answer: The correct order of the listed activities in the physical activity pyramid would be: walking 30 minutes to school, weight training, practice, and then homework. This is because the pyramid recommends frequent moderate activity, regular high-intensity workouts, less frequent vigorous activities, and minimal sedentary activities.

  6. SOLVED: 'List the following four activities in the order they would go

    Step 2/4 2. Homework is a sedentary activity, as it involves little to no physical movement. Step 3/4 3. Walking 30 minutes to school is a lifestyle activity, as it is a daily routine that involves physical movement. Answer 4. Weight training is an anaerobic activity, as it involves short bursts of intense exercise.

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    Soccer is a high-intensity sport that demands both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, including speed, agility, strength, and power. These physical components are necessary for maximum performance in the sport. It is important to learn how to train effe..

  8. List the following four activities in the order they would go in the

    List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom. Soccer practice; Homework; Walking 30 minutes to school; Weight training Advertisement Soccer Practice, Weights, Walking, then Homework.

  9. The Ultimate Soccer Home Workout Guide

    Here are six different home soccer workouts for every need, from personal fitness to technical training. Keep working on your game and stay fit at home.

  10. List the following four activities in the order they go in the physical

    1. Homework 2. Weight training 3. Soccer practice 4. Walking 30 minutes to school The physical activity pyramid lists the least to most recommended activity options from top to bottom (refer to the attached image). Thus, homework would be on top, since, it involves sitting.

  11. Soccer Fitness Training: 30-Minute Post-Season Workout

    Perform this 30-minute soccer workout once per week for eight weeks after your season to allow your body to recover, correct issues and set yourself up for success in your off-season training program.

  12. The Physical Activity Pyramid and How it Can Help You

    What Are the Health Benefits of the Physical Activity Pyramid? Regular physical activity does wonders for your body. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and can help your cardiovascular system become stronger and work more efficiently. Even something as simple as going for a 30-minute walk a few days per week can drastically lower your chance for health conditions.

  13. Physical Activity Benefits Flashcards

    Homework; Weight training; Soccer practice; Walking 30 minutes to school We have an expert-written solution to this problem! Compare and contrast aerobic physical activity with anaerobic physical activity. Aerobic physical activity is done for longer time periods than anaerobic physical activity.

  14. Unit 1 of Fitness for Life Flashcards

    Homework; Weight training; Soccer practice; Walking 30 minutes to school We have an expert-written solution to this problem!

  15. Physical Activity Benefits example #34703

    List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom. Soccer practice; Homework; Walking 30 minutes to school; Weight training answer

  16. List the following four activities in the order they would go in the

    The activities in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom are Homework, Weight training, Soccer practice and Walking to school. Activities are organized by the physical activity pyramid based on their intensity and recommended frequency.

  17. Fitness Basics: Topic Review Activity Flashcards

    Whether you can do both at the same time or not is the where the intensity comes in. List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom. Soccer practice; Homework; Walking 30 minutes to school; Weight training Weight training, soccer practice, walking for 30 minutes, homework

  18. List the following four activities in the order they would go in the

    Answer: The sedentary activity is homework, the anaerobic activity is soccer practice, the flexibilty activity is weight training, and the lifestyle activity is walking 30 minutes to school. <3 Explanation:

  19. Physical Activity Benefits Flashcards

    Physical activity and exercise typically lead to __________. C. higher energy levels List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom. Homework; Weight training; Soccer practice; Walking 30 minutes to school How can participation in physical activity lead to improved sleep patterns?

  20. List the following four activities in the order they would go in the

    The following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom: Soccer practice; Homework; Walking 30 minutes to school; Weight training -would be Homework; Weight training; Soccer practice; Walking 30 [ minutes to school.

  21. 'List the following four activities in the order they would go in the

    'List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom. Soccer practice; Homework; Walking 30 minutes to school; Weight training Sedentary Activities Anaerobic Activities Flexibility Activities Aerobic Activities Lifestyle Activities' 'List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from ...

  22. List the following four activities in the order they would go in the

    Still have questions? Find more answers plus Ask your question verified Verified answer List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom. Soccer practice; Homework; Walking 30 minutes to school; Weight training Sedentary activity, Anaerobic activity, Flexibility activity, Aerobic ...

  23. List the following four activities in the order they would go in the

    Answer 14 people found it helpful xitsskeke report flag outlined Answer: Homework; Weight training; Soccer practice; Walking 30 minutes to school Advertisement