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Special Education Theses and Dissertations

Theses from 2024 2024.

Early Reading Instruction Methods: An Analysis on the Outcomes of Whole Language Instruction and Phonics Instruction , Kaitlin E. Nims-Fournier (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Improving Peer-to-Peer Learning for Students with Extensive Support Needs in Inclusive Classrooms , Zachary Michael Deets (Dissertation)

Behavior Training for Educators: What Training do Educators Need to Support Students with Challenging Behaviors? , Michelle R. Milburn (Dissertation)

Beyond First Thoughts: Understanding the Essence of Equitable Decision-Making, A Phenomenological Study, White Practitioners as Equitable Educational Decision-Makers , Zinnia Un (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

An Examination of Educator Perspectives on Career and College Pathways for Black, Indigenous, and Students of Color with Disabilities , Rachel Anne Herrick (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

"It's Not by Accident": Examining Leadership Efforts to Disrupt Oregon's Segregated K-12 Education System , Michael Eric Salitore (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Inclusion for Speech-Language Pathology Minority Graduate Students , Teresa Michelle Roberts (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Early Intervention Referral Outcomes for Children at Increased Risk of Experiencing Developmental Delays , Kristi Laurine Atkins (Dissertation)

Impact of Professional Development on Accessible Early Literacy Content for Preschool Children with Disabilities in Public Library Storytime , Melissa Pebly (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Impact of Online Professional Development on the Assessment Efficacy of Novice Itinerant Teachers of Students with Multiple Disabilities Including Visual Impairments , Jacqulyn Anne Donnenwirth Daniels (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Parents of Young Children with Autism Receiving Special Education Services , Donna Marie Barrow (Dissertation)

A Brief Intervention to Increase the Use of Precorrection and Praise by Elementary School Teachers , Dustin Bindreiff (Dissertation)

The Voices of Special Educators: How Do Special Educators Teach English Language Learners Who are Receiving Special Education Services? , Elizabeth Ann DuBois (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

An Investigation of School-Based Specific Learning Disability Identification , Bonnie Heather Bartos (Dissertation)

Desirable Conversations: Sexuality and Women with Intellectual Disabilities , Neera Malhotra (Dissertation)

An Examination of School Readiness: How Is the Construct Defined for Children Who Are Blind? , Lisa Joann McConachie (Dissertation)

The Efficacy and Feasibility of a Context-Specific Autism Behavior Rating Tool with Real Time Data Collection Methods from the Perspectives of Clinicians, Educators, and Parents , Kathleen Marie Panaccione (Dissertation)

Exploring the Impact of an LD Diagnosis on the Self-Determination of Women in Poverty , Cynthia Jakes Stadel (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Adjustment to College among Lower Division Students with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study , Kristy Lee Ann McNulty (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The Effect of Teacher-Identified Classroom Management , Monica Rose Root (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Early Childhood Inclusion: Teacher Perception of the Supports Needed to Fully Include Children with Special Needs , Meredith Villines (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

The Use and Interpretation of the Batería III With U.S. Bilinguals , Julie Esparza Brown (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 1979 1979

An Evaluation of a Data-Based Sex Education Training Program for Mentally Retarded Adults , Patricia Ann Riley (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 1972 1972

The Effects of Perceptual-Motor Training on the Perceptual-Motor Skills of Emotionally Disturbed Children , Karen R. Brown (Thesis)

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Special Education Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Understanding Being a Special Education Teacher in the Era of COVID-19: Teacher Perceptions Two Years In , Amanda N. Walkup

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Identifying Factors that Increase Sustainability of SWPBIS in US Middle Schools , Heather L. Hoffert

Teachers’ Perceptions of Causes of Academic Difficulties Experienced by Students who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse , Courtney D. Miller

Choosing Not to Participate: Cyber Truancy and Special Education , Elizabeth A. Popielarcheck

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Computer-Assisted Instruction Compared to Traditional Instruction on Letter Recognition for Preschoolers with Special Needs , Jamie Nicole Harvey

Effects of Teacher Training in Trial-Based Functional Analysis via Video Modeling , Mary Haspel

Technology Use By Teachers Of Deaf And Hard-Of-Hearing Students , Nichole K. Zirzow

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Beyond the classroom: The need for support for parents with a child diagnosed with autism, ID, and behavioral problems , Erica Curington

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Development of the Dynamic Evaluation Model to Significantly Advance Autism Research , Dana Cihelkova

Application Activities Designed to Prepare Preservice Special Education Teachers for Response and Prevention of Bullying Behaviors , Crystal Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Instructional Leadership for Middle School Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom: The Role of the Principal , Jeremy M. Lynch

Using the Concrete-Representational-Abstract Sequence to Connect Manipulatives, Problem Solving Schemas, and Equations in Word Problems with Fractions , Julie L. Reneau

Expanding training opportunities for parents of children with autism , Jennifer Lee Suppo

Stakeholders' Perceptions of Special Educator Induction Programs in a Low Attrition District , Jeremy Vittek

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Diversity as an Influence on the Choice of Teaching Positions by Pre-service Students in Special Education , Tara A. Brooks

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Use of direct instruction to teach reading to students with significant cognitive impairments: Student outcomes and teacher perceptions , Philip Michael Kanfush III

Literacy knowledge among teachers: Considerations for implementation of the RtI initiative , Amy F. Conner Love

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

The principal's role in creating a school culture that fosters achievement of students with high incidence disabilities: A study of one school , Shelby B. Haines

Life stories of selected adults with learning disabilities: How they come to understand and choose to reveal their disabilities , Christine M. Sampson

Mathematics professional development needs of general education and special education teachers , Kathryn L. Servilio

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Analysis of elementary teachers' self-reports of variables influencing teacher decisions during the special education referral process , Bernard Charles Jones

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Perspectives of key stakeholders with regard to extended school year programs , Billie E. Bonnett

Field perceptions of the Vision Initiative for Children's preschool vision screening training model , P. Kay Nottingham Chaplin

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

An exploration of interdisciplinary collaboration when serving students with moderate and severe disabilities at the middle and high school levels: A current snapshot of perceived barriers and opportunities , Sara A. Brannan

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Preservice general education teachers' perceptions of special education training needs , Kalie Renee Kossar

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Participants' beliefs about educational risk and resilience in Energy Express, a summer intervention program for West Virginia's elementary schoolchildren , Lynn G. McMullen

Perceptions of moral agency among some preschool special needs teachers , Stephen Keith Pavlovic

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Special education theses and dissertations.

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  • Examining Relationships between Components of Implementation Fidelity and Student Response within the Context of an Early Numeracy Intervention  Lussier, Cayla ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) Evidence-based mathematics interventions are critical for supporting students with mathematics difficulties. In research and practice, collecting implementation fidelity is important for ensuring that all the core components ...
  • Student Perception of School Climate Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic  Gallo, John ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) School climate is comprised of experiences of school life that reflect norms, values, relationships, teaching practices and systemic structures. A student’s perception of school climate can be impacted by individual-level ...
  • Empathic Education: Perceptions of Self-Determination by Rightful Presence  Galaxy, Annie ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) Grounded in empathic education and the concept of rightful presence, this study moved beyond dominant inclusion paradigms, such as the inequitable host-guest ‘hospitality’ relationship; crucially, the study design prioritized ...
  • Double Burnout: Exploring the Experiences of Autistic and Educator Burnout Among Autistic Educators in the United States  Newson, Alexandra ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) This study explored the intersection of Autistic burnout and educator burnout and it’s the impact on mental health and wellbeing for Autistic educators in the United States. Through collaboration with five Autistic Community ...
  • A Modified "Talk Aloud Problem Solving" Intervention to Improve IEP Decision Making in Pre-Service Special Education Teachers  Quinn, Sarah ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) In this randomized multiple baseline across participants single-case design study, pre-service special education teachers received a modified Talk Aloud Problem Solving (TAPS) intervention to improve their use of problem-solving ...
  • Development and Initial Validation of a Measure to Assess Accessibility and Inclusion Factors Related to Tier 1 in Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports  Mowery, Aaron ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) Background: Schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based framework for implementing a continuum of behavior support practices in schools to improve student outcomes. Research suggests ...
  • MODELING CAREGIVER-CHILD EMOTION REGULATION AND SOCIALIZATION PROFILES IN DAILY LIFE: A LATENT CLASS ANALYSIS EXPLORING ASSOCIATIONS WITH REGULATION SUCCESS AND EMOTIONAL LABILITY IN PRESCHOOL  Cox , Maggie ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) The influence of caregiver responses to child emotions (ERSBs) on child emotion regulation development in preschool is well established. However, less is known about how caregivers regulate their own emotions (emotion ...
  • The Relationship Between Changes in Child Social Behaviors and Reading Ability Resulting From a Concurrent Program of Counseling for Mothers and Remedial Reading for Their Children  Bishop, Bruce Kingsley ( University of Oregon , 1973-03 ) The relationship between reading retardation and emotional problems has been extensively investigated. There have been at least five hundred studies on this topic in the last fifty years. Unfortunately, the effect has ...
  • An Analysis of the Effects of Using Direct Measures in a Competency Based Professional Education Program: An Example in Nursing  Dean, Diana Hill ( University of Oregon , 1973-08 ) The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the serial relationship between behavioral criteria (competencies) and the measured evidence of the application of the competencies by the learner. Specifically, our task is ...
  • The Impact of Caregiving on Caregiver's Identity in Dementia  Campbell, Savanah ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) The purpose of this research was to explore how caring responsibilities impact caregivers’ identity over time in first-time caregivers of parents with dementia. Further aims were to gain a deeper understanding of the ...
  • Part C Procedural Safeguards - Assessing the Understandability, Readability, and Availability to All Caregivers in Early Intervention  Griffin, Madeleine ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Historically, many caregivers are dissatisfied with their inclusion in their child’s EI services. As a potential solution to this problem, federal law mandates all states to provide parents with a procedural safeguard ...
  • School Suicide Prevention: A Breadth and Depth Perspective  Rochelle, Jonathan ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) The present study provides a breadth and depth perspective of the current landscape for school suicide prevention (SSP). Despite an increase in SSP programming, practices, and policy, there remains a gap in understanding ...
  • Associations Among Maternal Distress, Parenting Behaviors, And Child Self-Regulation In Latina Mother-Child Dyads: Exploring The Role Of Cultural Factors  Onofrietti Magrassi, Antonella ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) There is extensive evidence on the negative effects of maternal depression and parenting stress on child development. Specifically, there is a robust body of literature suggesting that depression and stress decrease maternal ...
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences and Parental Warmth: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Adversity and Parenting Behavior With a Community Sample of Mothers  Fisher, Stephanie ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Parenting is an important and complex experience that drives a child’s healthy development and well-being as an adult. Parenting has strong implications for child outcomes, and the link between a history of adversity and ...
  • Examining the Role of Executive Function as a Moderator of a Tier 2 First Grade Mathematics Intervention  Heller, Nicole ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Low mathematics achievement in the United States has led to the recent advances in the development and evaluation of Tier 2 mathematics interventions designed to close gaps in mathematics that exist at school entry and ...
  • Associations Between Caregiver Depression and Social Support Among Diverse Caregivers of Children with Developmental Delay and Autism  Taiwo, Abiola ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Caregivers of children with developmental delay (DD) or disabilities are at a higher risk of developing mental health problems like depression when compared to caregivers of children who are typically developing. Several ...
  • Examining Patterns and Predictors of Response to Mathematics Intervention  Lesner, Taylor ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Concerns about low mathematics achievement have created a push to increase national mathematics proficiency levels through research and policy. Efforts have largely focused on early mathematics interventions for students ...
  • Heterogeneity in Early Mathematics Screening: Investigating the Role of Intervention Effects on Screening Accuracy  Ives, Christopher ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) This study explores the heterogeneity in screening accuracy of the Assessing Student Proficiency in Early Number Sense (ASPENS) across schools within the context of a randomized control trial (RCT) for Fusion, a first-grade ...
  • Dual Language Factors and Their Association with Language and Literacy in School-Age Children  Sandino, Anayaset ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Anayaset SandinoMaster of Science Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences September 2023 Title: Dual Language Factors and Their Associations with Language and Literacy in School-Age Children The purpose of ...
  • Pathways to Parenting Stress and Challenging Behaviors for Preschoolers with Developmental Delays: The role of emotion regulation  Glenn, Elizabeth ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Background: Parents play a significant role in shaping children’s behaviors and their responses to emotions. Research has established a strong, bi-directional effect between parenting stress and children’s challenging ...

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Theses and Dissertations - Special Education

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Understanding Administrative Support from the Perspective of Special Educators , Morgan M. Glasson

Efficacy and Outcome Beliefs of General and Special Education Teachers Working with Culturally Linguistically Diverse Students with Disabilities , Jennifer L. Hastings

Transition Planning and the School to Prison Pipeline: a Phenomenological Study Investigating the Lived Experiences of Alternatively Placed High School Black Males with High Incidence Disabilities , Brandon Garrett Thornton

Training Caregivers of Young Children Who Are Deaf / Hard of Hearing To Implement Communication Facilitation Strategies , Rachel Lynn Wells

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Factors Associated with Parent Involvement for African American Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Findings from the Nlts-2012 , LaTonya J. Harris

Special Education Preservice Teachers Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy: a Mixed Methods Study , Krystal Lewis-Pratl

Exploring African American Vernacular English and Disproportionality in Special Education , Camille O'Quin

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Factors That Influence Parent Communication Decisions for Their Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child in Illinois , Karla A. Giese

Orientation and Mobility Service Decisions: What Is Guiding Them if It Is Not Assessment? , Lauralyn Kay Randles

Being Black while Leading: a Mixed Methods Study of Black Administrators' Experiences in U.s. Public Schools , Latasha Marie Schraeder

Special Education Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of Cooperating Teachers’ Co-teaching Relationships: a Qualitative Study , Christianna N. Vehlow

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Knowledge, Concerns, and Interventions Related to D / Deaf English Learners , Molly Beth Turner

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Communication between Home and School for Parents of Children with Chronic Illness , Keri Edwards

Deaf / Hard of Hearing Preschool Students’ Acquisition of Language through Dyadic and Triadic Communication Contexts , Molly S. Herman

Teaching Students with Developmental Disabilities To Sequence Academic Content Using Video Modeling and Constant Time Delay via an Ipad Application , Allison Marie Kroesch

Young Adults with Visual Impairments and Driver's Education: Journeys of Self-Efficacy, Identity, and Transition to Adulthood , Molly Pasley

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Caregivers' and Professionals' Perceptions on Collaboration in Early Intervention , Sara J. Edwards

Teachers' Perceptions of Addressing Leisure in Curriculum for Students with Severe Disabilities , Kara Klepp

A Qualitative Investigation of Secondary General Education Teachers' Perspectives on Their Involvement in Transition Services , Stephen M. Kwiatek

Computer-Mediated Communication Usage and Perceptions amongst Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Laura A. Massier

Measuring the Longitudinal Communication Growth of Learners Who Are Deafblind , Kristi M. Probst

Investigating Trust Relationships between Special Education Teachers and Their Principals and Special Education Directors , William D. Roseland

The Effects of Text-to-Speech on Reading Comprehension of Students with Learning Disabilities , Mary Cece Young

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Social Positioning: Positioning Adults with Severe and Multiple Disabilities and Complex Communication Needs for Social Interaction , Dena Bonnike

Understanding the Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Preservice Learning and Behavioral Specialists during Their Practicum, Field-Based, and Student Teaching Semesters , Alice S. Cahill

Educators' Perceptions of the Importance and Intensity of Supports in the General Education Classroom for Students with Individualized Education Plans , Stephanie N. DeSpain

Parent-Implemented Intervention Using an Ipad To Enhance Expressive Language in Young Children , Yvette Renee Evans

Effects of a Self-Advocacy Intervention on the Ability of High School Students with High Incidence Disabilities To Advocate for Academic Accommodations , Nancy J. Lopez

Elementary General Education Teachers' Perspectives towards the Inclusion of Students with Emotional Disturbances , Leona E. O'Dear

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Delivering the Parent-Implemented Communication Strategies ( Pics ) Intervention Using Distance Training and Coaching with a Father and His Child Who Is Hard of Hearing , Marc Daczewitz

Effects of Explicit Reading Comprehension Strategy Instruction for English Learners with Specific Learning Disabilities , Sara Lynn Jozwik

Rural High School Special Education Teachers' Perceptions Related to Structured Work Experiences , Abigail Meghan Christina Lies

Perceptions of the Roles of Paraprofessionals and Other Support Strategies To Assist Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom , Chrystyna Eliashevsky Sroka

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Evaluating Factors That Influence Treatment Integrity during Peer Consultation , Jennifer Ann Arms

The Effect of Metalinguistic Strategy Instruction on the Oral and Written Expression of School-Aged Children , Karen Lara Dudek

Exploratory Study of the Perspectives of Midlife Adults with Intellectual Disability, Their Parents, and Case Managers Regarding Quality of Life and Needed Supports and Services , Jane L. Lurquin

The Effect of Self-Monitoring on Academic Engagement of Students with Emotional Disturbance , Clayton Theisinger

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

An Examination of Student Perceptions of Regional Safe School and Public School Services , Elizabeth Degruy

Leadership for Equity in Education: Perceptions of Disability Studies Concepts by Directors of Special Education , Andrea P. Dinaro

Understanding the Support Needs of People with Intellectual and Related Developmental Disabilities through Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis of Statewide Data , Yuwadee Viriyangkura

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Theses and Dissertations--Early Childhood, Special Education, and Counselor Education

The Theses and Dissertations--Early Childhood, Special Education, and Counselor Education collection is formerly known as the Theses and Dissertations--Early Childhood, Special Education, and Rehabilitation Counseling collection.

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

How Important is Parental Involvement and Engagement in Preschool , Emilee M. Dixon


Effect of Video Modeling and Teacher Praise on Turn-taking Behavior of Preschoolers in an Inclusive Setting , Happiness Efeturi



Evaluating a Rapid Coaching Intervention Delivered Remotely: Teaching Naturalistic Language Strategies to a Parent of Child with Down Syndrome , Pallie Gullett

Training Paraprofessionals In The Implementation Of Aided Language Modeling With Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities And CCN , Julianne Hill




Differential Effects of Criteria for Increasing Delay Intervals in Progressive Time Delay , Kai O'Neill

Group vs. Individual Video Modeling for Acquisition of Pilates for Individuals with Disabilities , Brittany Rounce


Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023




Comparing the Efficacy of Interventions Derived from Concurrent Operant Analysis and Indirect Assessment , Lane Marquardt

Comparing Indirect Assessment Results to a Direct Function Focused Preference Assessment to Identify Potential Reinforcers to Increase Task Completion in a School Setting , Kailee Joy Matthews

Self-Advocacy Training for Students with Complex Communication Needs using Time Delay and Generative Learning , Alexis Rai Patterson



Effects of Peer Training on the Use of Aided Language Modeling and AAC User Communicative Acts , Shelby Smith Sheets


A Comparative Analysis of Applied Behavior Analysis and the Montessori Method , Emily Webb

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Coaching and Training Paraprofessionals to Implement Communication Strategies in the Classroom with Students with Disabilities , Andrea Grace Antoniewicz

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Home > Education > Counseling Psychology and Special Education > Theses and Dissertations

Counseling Psychology and Special Education Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

School Psychologist's Tiered Social-Emotional Recommendations in Response to Data Gathered From Social-Emotional Screening , Audrey Anita Andersen

An Applied Mental Health Course and Student Well-Being , Alison Nicole Anglen

Differences in Presenting Concerns of Anxiety Amongst Students in College Counseling Centers Across The United States , Julia Brim

Effects of Professional Development on Secondary School Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Knowledge, and Attitudes About ADHD , Rebecca Jeanne Brown

Understanding Student Perceptions of a High School Wellness Center: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis Qualitative Study , Devan Audrey Clayton

Peer Mentoring Program for Refugee and Newcomer Children to Increase Resilience , Chloe Skyla Cooksey

Factors Surrounding Mental Health Well-Being for Male Adolescent Pacific Islanders , Melia Fonoimoana Garrett

Transition-Based Services and Community Support: Improving Knowledge of Community Resources for Youth with Disabilities in Role Transitions , Ian Christopher Gee

Psychotherapy Utilization and Outcomes of Military Veteran-College Students and Student-ROTC Members Compared to Similar Nonmilitary College Students , Jacob Michael Christian Goetz

Attitudes, Opinions, and Beliefs of Teachers Toward Dual Immersion Programs in Utah Schools , Amy Lynn Hawks

Using Video Modeling to Improve Hygiene Practices for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities , Allison Hovey

Teaching Resilience in Pacific Islander Children through Culturally Adapted Stories , Isabel Medina Hull

A Systematic Review of Implementation Fidelity Interventions for School-Based Behavior Supports in Special Education Settings , Paige C. Mesui

Communication Between Young Adults and Their Siblings with Autism , Shane Morgan Petersen

Identifying Barriers to Sustainability of Dual Language Immersion Programs in Utah Schools , Jennifer Leigh Rowley

Collaboration of Board Certified Behavior Analysts and Special Education Teachers in Transition , Amelia Ruth Spencer

Trauma-Informed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to Increase Family Quality of Life for Mothers of Children with Autism: A Pilot Study , Carol May Vaughn

High School Sport Participation: Effects on Students' Grit and Resilience , Rory Kekoa-Israel Waldman

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Religious Commitment, Religious Harm, and Psychological Distress: Course of Treatment Outcomes , Dane Abegg

School Psychologists' Recommendations for Tiered Interventions That Target Social-Emotional Competencies , Brandi Alise Bezzant

Mahu and Native Hawaiian Culture: Experiences of Non-Heteronormativity , Rachel Beth Chapman

Understanding Gender Identification Within Individuals With Autism Using the Bem Sex-Role Inventory , Zackery Alan Cusworth

Mental Health Effects of Applied Mental Health Courses vs. Non-Course Controls on Depressive Symptoms and Psychological Flexibility , Madeline Jane Cope Diopulos

Who is Talking About the Children? A Systematic Literature Review of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Crisis Effects on Children , Angela Marcel Fields

Pivotal Response Treatment to Decrease Challenging Behavior and Increase Functional Communication in Preschool Children With Developmental Delays , Kalie Alexandra Gilmour

Grief in Children With Disabilities and how it is Portrayed in Children's Picture Books , Erjola Gjini

How Female BIPOC Students at a Predominantly White Institution Think About Belonging: A Multiperspective Study , Delirio Juarez

The Effects of a Peer-Mediated Social Skills Intervention on Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder , Shannon Elizabeth McConaghie

The Effectiveness of a Signature Strengths Intervention on Maternal Well-Being Among Mothers of Children with Autism , Tawni Nicole Poole

A Longitudinal Look: How Sleep Impacts Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Autism and Social Anxiety , Lindsay Jacalyn Regehr

Invisibility, Confusion, and Adjustment:Exploring the Grief Experience of Grandmothers Supporting their Bereaved Grandchildren , Jordan Robertson

Collaboration Between Special Education Teachers and Board Certified Behavior Analysts , Megan Elizabeth Squires

Barriers and Facilitating Factors of Sleep Assessment/Screening Among School Psychology Practitioners , Tyler Jjay Landon Storey

What Brings BIPOC Preservice Special Educators to the Field of Education? , Charly McAllister Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Is Teaching Experience a Predictor for School Psychologists' Confidence and Competence in Behavior Intervention Plans? , Misty Dawn Lainé Coplan

Voices From the Field: A Critical Incident Study of Teachers' Perspectives on What Helps and Hinders the Implementation of Behavior Intervention Plans in the Classroom , Emily Anne Cragun

Teaching Social-Emotional Learning to Children With Autism Using Animated Avatar Video Modeling , Emelie Davis

Ethnic-Racial Socialization Experiences of Mexican American Youth , Katherine Donahey

District Leaders' Perception of Multi-Tiered System of Supports Implementation: A Qualitative Study , Julia E. Facer

Females With Autism Traits: A Retrospective Look at Developmental Trajectories , Greer Caroline Willman Finster

Delivering Explicit Math Instruction Through Point-of-View Video Modeling to Elementary Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder , Patsy McCray Gibbs

To What Degree Does Martial Quality Predict Longevity? A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies , Rachel E. Jensen

Critical Incidents in Sustaining a Behavior Management Level System With Special Education Students in a Self-Contained School , Stephanie Johnson

A Mixed Method Approach to Understanding Team Members' Perspectives After Receiving Problem-Solving Training and Performance Feedback , Alexander Mark Julian

Needs Assessment of Services Provided in a Rural School District for Students With Autism , Danielle Anne Katterman

Anxiety of Struggling Readers and Excelling Readers During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Chelsey Taylor Lemmon

Exploring the Perceptions of School Teams Implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support , Saanya Rajesh Lulla

Comparing the Effects of Online and In-Person Social Skills Training for Adolescents With Autism Using PEERS® , Benjamin Tze Ming Ooi

Autonomic Responses During Animated Avatar Video Modeling Instruction of Social Emotional Learning to Students With ADHD: A Mixed Methods Study , Jesse D. Rhodes

Mental Health and Religious Beliefs About Salvation: Associations and Structural Equation Modeling , Anthony Edward Rose

The Association of Psychotherapist Cultural Humility and Client Experiences and Outcomes in Psychotherapy: A Meta-Analysis , Lisa Michelle Scott

The Effects of Parents' Socialization Goals, Responsiveness, and Psychological Control on Chinese Adolescents' Anxiety , Chunyue Tu

Effects of a High School Yoga Program on Student-Reported Stress, Resilience, and Academic Outcomes , Stephanie Martha Vance

The Role of Social Response to Disclosure in Relgious and Spiritual Coping and Recovery From Sexual Assault , Megan Wolfe

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

An Evaluation of Behavior Intervention Plans: Consideration of the Interventionist and Contextual Fit , Carly Parkinson Atchley

Effects of Parent-Implemented Interventions on Outcomes for Children With Autism: A Meta-Analysis , Wai Man Cheng

Mentor Modeling Mismatch: Power Dynamics in Cooperating Teacher's Modeling for Preservice Teachers , Morgan Christensen

Humor Production and Coping on Distress and Help-Seeking Attitudes Among Polynesian Americans , Augusto D. Gancinia II

PTSD Symptoms Among Parents and Service Providers of Individuals With Significant Disabilities , Bruna Fusco Gonçalves

Discussion Guide for using Data from the Student Risk Screening Scale - Internalizing and Externalizing: A Qualitative Study , Justina Grubb

A Qualitative Analysis of Incidents That Lead to High Quality Implementation of Behavior Intervention Plans From the Perspective of School Psychologists , Leah Hardy

Secularism: A Measure of Explicit Agreement With Assumptions of Secularism (MEAAS) , Conner Douglas Jones

Reframing Past Bullying Experiences Through the Lens of Harry Potter , Haeeun Lee

Fathers as Stay-at-Home Dads: Fathers' and Mothers' Perspectives on Children's School Experiences , Taylor Hubbert Michelsen

Creating Community for Parents: Faith, Trauma, and Online Talk , Erica Ellsworth Miller

Racial Discrimination and the Indirect Effects of Forgiveness on Well-Being Among Emerging Polynesian Americans , Emily E. Tanner

Grace, Legalism, and Life Outlook in LDS Students , Justin Brent Top

Rural Special Educators Teaching Reading: A Case Study , Sheryl Vernon

Stakeholders' Perceptions of Available Services in a Rural Community to Effectively Educate Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder , Candice Walker

Very Young Child Survivors of Parent Suicide: Perspectives on Children's Literature for Bibliotherapy , Cortland L. Watson

Perceptions of Special Education Services Delivered Through Online Learning Environments During COVID-19 , Alex W. Wheatley

Parent Perceptions of Literacy Development for Females Later Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder , Christine Marie Yaccarino

Psychometric Investigation of the Attachment to God Inventory and its Implications for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality , Justin Paul Zamora

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Sexual Abuse Prevention for Adolescents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Parent Perceptions and Program Effectiveness , Katie Lyn Barton

Youth and Staff Perceptions of Modifications Made When Implementing Strong Teens in a Residential Treatment Center , Melissa Rae Bennion

Identifying, Increasing Awareness, and Supporting Military-Connected Adolescents in Public Schools , Amanda Bushman

Retaining School Psychologists: The Role of District Level Administrative Supervisors , Rachel Ruth Butler

Individual Experience, Individualized Help: A Case Study of Three Siblings Whose Father Died by Suicide , Caitlin Cotten

Effects of Performance Feedback on the Technical Adequacy of Behavior Intervention Plans , Rebecca M. Cramer

Success Off The Field: Academic Strategies of High-GPA College Athletes , Ashlynn Erbe

Perceived Benefit of a Special Education Multicultural Class , Hyesuhn Jeanna Evans

Do Patterns of Distress Vary in First-Generation College Students Seeking Psychotherapy? , Candice Gonsalves

An Evidence-based Evaluation of Behavior Management Practices Among Paraprofessionals , Jordan Mark Goodman

The Effects of Telehealth Training on Parents of Children with Autism in Albania , Freskida Griffiths

Interventions and Supports to Ameliorate Math Anxiety in K-12 Schools: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Group Design Research , Madeline Rose Hardy

An In-Depth Exploration of Clinical Patterns Within Spiritually Integrated Therapy , Russell Neilend Jackson

Forgiveness and Gratitude as Mediators of Religious Commitment and Well-Being Among Polynesian Americans , Davis Kealanohea Kane

Moderation and Mediation Analysis of Religious Commitment, Positive Personality Traits, Ethnic Identity, and Well-Being Among Polynesian Americans , Davis Kealanohea Kane

Coming Out of the Shadows: Understanding Autism in Korean Culture , Yoojin Kim

Stack the Deck: A Self-Monitoring Intervention for Adolescents with Autism for Balancing Participation Levels in Groups , Lauren Elizabeth Lees

Precision Request for Noncompliance in Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders: Examination of the Interventionist , Collette Merrill

Columbine and the Myth of the Juvenile Superpredator , Christopher M. Mosqueda

Social-Emotional Learning in High School: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of the Strong Teens Program , Oscar Olaya

A Test of the WhyTry Program on Youth Resilience , Travis Guy Price

What are Stakeholders' Perceptions of Rural School District Needs to Effectively Educate Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Kari Lyn Pugh

General Education Teachers' Self-Reported Response to Overt Student Problem Behavior in the Classroom , Ingrid Lewis Shurtleff

Understanding the Administrative Role fo School Psychology District Leaders , Alivia Nicole Smith

iMath - Using Video Modeling Via iPads to Teach Mathematics Skills to Struggling Students , Melissa Steinberg

Assessing the Validity of the Trauma Inventory for Partners of Sex Addicts (TIPSA) , Heidi A Vogeler

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Educational and Psychological Studies Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

The Cultural Relevance of the Well-Being Promotion Program , Gabrielle Francis

Parents as Reporters of Middle School Students’ Subjective Well-Being , Daijah N. Hines

Rate of Latine Caregiver Involvement in the Well-Being Promotion Program using Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Communication Practices , Nicole G. Pacateque Rodriguez

An Analysis of Therapeutic Alliance and Group Cohesion in a Group Positive Psychology Intervention Serving Middle School Students Reporting Low Life Satisfaction , Alexis Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Exploring Time-Varying Extraneous Variables Effects in Single-Case Studies , Ke Cheng

Investigating Self-Regulation for Motivation and Creativity in Entrepreneurship: A Qualitative Study , Maham Khan

Identifying Contributors to Disproportionality: The Influence of Perception on Student Social, Emotional, and Academic Behavior Ratings , Chelsea Salvatore

Transformation Zone Schools and School Change Processes: Experiences of Families , Jesse Strong

Using Social Network Analysis to Measure and Visualize Student Clustering Within Middle and High Schools , Geoffrey David West

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Psychometric Characteristics of Academic Language Discourse Analysis Tools , Courtney (Cici) Brianna Claar

Hope 4 Boys: The Impact of a Youth Diversion Program , Justine C. Connolly

Promoting Subjective Well-Being In Middle School: Role Of Internalizing And Externalizing Behaviors In A Targeted Positive Psychology Intervention , Letty Langton DiLeo

The Impact of Teachers’ Treatment Fidelity to the Good Behavior Game on Problem Behaviors Exhibited within a Self-Contained Classroom Setting , Jennifer M. Hodnett

Distributed Leadership: Formal Leadership, Barriers, and Facilitators for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support , Joseph D. Latimer

Development and Initial Validation of the Parent and Family Engagement in Higher Education Measure , Michelle R. Mcnulty

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Mobile Response Teams and the Youth Emergency Behavioral Health System , Paige J. Alitz

Changes in Educator Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care , Amira Mattison Boylston

Sleep Hygiene Practices and Subjective Well-Being as Predictors of High School Students' Obtaining Sufficient Sleep During the School Week , Erin M. Brennan

A Longitudinal Examination of Coping and Subjective Well-Being Among High School Students in Accelerated Curricula , Hannah L. Gilfix

Retaining and Supporting Graduate Racially Minoritized Students: A Critical Analysis , Patricia Y. Gills

Educators’ Sensemaking of Data within an MTSS Framework: An Exploratory Case Study , Stephanie Marie Green

A Multi-faceted Approach to Understanding Acceptability of DOCS K-5: A Qualitative Analysis , Andrea Guarnieri

Predictors of Goal Attainment Among High School Students in Accelerated Academic Curricula Receiving School-Based Motivational Interviewing Intervention , Camille E. Hanks

Parent Engagement in an Online Behavioral Parent Training Program: A Case Study , Natalie A. Hofmann Leedy

An Investigation of the HOT DOCS Guide for Weekly Early Intervention Sessions: A Multiple Baseline Design , Cashea Holyfield

Native and Non-native English-speaking Doctoral Students' Strategies to Understand Idiomatics in Comics and Comic Strips , Himelhoch Luz-Aydé

Impact of Starting Right, Now on Unaccompanied Homeless Youth’s Mental Health and School Engagement , Camille A. Randle

Sharing Their Stories: A Qualitative Investigation of Adolescents’ Inpatient Experiences During Psychiatric Hospitalization , Jessica L. Rice

School Nurses’ Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Supporting Students with Chronic Health Conditions in an Ecological System , Destiny L. Singleton

Exploring Educators' Sensemaking Of Statewide Professional Learning For Educational Decision-Making Within An MTSS , Sarah E. Thoman

Relationship Between Working with Professional Evaluators and an Organization’s Evaluation Culture , James M. Wharton

Impacts of Model Misspecification on Individual-Level Differential Item Functioning Detection in Multilevel Data Using Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model , Yue Yin

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Counseling Clients with Traumatic Brain Injury: Exploring Counselors’ Perceived Knowledge, Comfort, and Self-Awareness , Michelle Bradham-Cousar

Predictive Validity of Standards-based and Curriculum-embedded Assessments for Predicting Readiness at Kindergarten Entry , Elizabeth Ashton DeCamilla

Parent Perceptions of the Acceptability, Effectiveness, and Experience of Engaging in the Group Stepping Stones Triple P Intervention for Parents of Children with Disabilities , Tara B. Delach

Longitudinal Examination of a Dual-Factor Model of Mental Health: Academic Adjustment and Stability of Group Membership in High School Students in Academically Accelerated Curricula , Letty Langton DiLeo

Examining Role Breadth, Efficacy, and Attitudes Toward Trauma-Informed Care in Elementary School Educators , Mikayla J. Drymond

Identifying the Academic and Emotional Risk and Resource Factors of Underrepresented Students in Accelerated Coursework , Jasmine L. Gray

Performance Based Funding and the Florida State University System: An Exploratory Analysis , Laura A. Hoffman

Distributed Leadership: Leadership Teams and Implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support , Joseph D. Latimer

The Gentle Artist: Empowering Warrior-Scholars through the Physical Feminism of Jiu-Jitsu , E. Emily Mahoney

Facilitating Early Intervention Through Teacher Training in Brief Functional Behavior Assessment , Casie L. Peet

Adolescent Asthma and School Disparities: An Ecological Perspective of Students and Stakeholders , Tali Schneider

Intensive Longitudinal Data Analyses and Sample Size Considerations in Intervention Studies with Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling , Zhiyao Yi

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Exploring the Behavior of Model Fit Criteria in the Bayesian Approximate Measurement Invariance: A Simulation Study , Abeer Atallah S. Alamri

Ethnic Identity as a Protective Factor in Early Adolescent Youth Depression: An Investigation of Differences by Race and Gender , Leah Bonilla

Validating the Construct of Resiliency in the Health Literacy and Resiliency Scale (HLRS-Y) with the Child and Youth Resiliency Measure (CYRM-28) , Mercedes N. Cambric

MTSS Implementation in High Schools: Expert and Stakeholder Perspectives , Julie Daye

Promoting Healthy Sleep Practices Among Parents of Young Children: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial , Kristin Lynn Edwards

An Examination of the Roles of Classroom Quality and Approaches to Learning on the Early Academic Skills of Latino Dual Language Learners Enrolled in Head Start , Marcela A. Galicia

Character Strengths of Ninth Grade Students in Accelerated Curricula: A Mixed-Methods Investigation , Hannah L. Gilfix

Play Behaviors in Latino Dual Language Learners: The Relationship between Maternal Characteristics and Classroom Peer Play , Olivia Hernandez Gonzalez

Demographic Predictors and Reasons for Chronic Absenteeism amongst Secondary Students with Disabilities , Cashea Holyfield

Statistical Models to Test Measurement Invariance with Paired and Partially Nested Data: A Monte Carlo Study , Diep Thi Nguyen

Cognitivism in School Psychologists’ Talk about Cultural Responsiveness: A Critical Discourse Analysis , Sujay Sabnis

Investigating the Effects of Motivational Interviewing compared to Action Planning on Supporting the Emotional and Academic Success of Ninth Grade Students in Advanced Placement Classes , Kai Zhuang Shum

Supporting Students with Chronic Health Conditions: An Evaluation of School Nurses’ Collaborative Practices with School Psychologists , Destiny L. Singleton

Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Systems Coaching Survey , Sarah E. Thoman

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Transitions to Preschool Special Education: The Relationship of Child, Family, and Early Intervention Characteristics , Tara B. Delach

Smart Start for Trauma: A Multiple Baseline Design , Sarah E. Dickinson

Sleep Disorders in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study of an Assessment of Pediatric Providers' Practices and Perceptions , Kristin Lynn Edwards

A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of the Starting Right, Now Program on Unaccompanied Homeless Adolescents' Well-Being , Emily E. Esposito

Case Study of a Collaborative Approach to Evaluation Within a School District Central Office , Oriana Eversole

Application of the Fusion Model for Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment with Non-diagnostic Algebra-Geometry Readiness Test Data , Robert H. Fay


Resisting Essentialism in Cultural Research: A Participatory Action Research Study of Parent Involvement in Education among Spanish-Speaking Students and Families , Michael J. Frank

Assessing Readiness to Seek Formal Mental Health Services: Development and Initial Validation of the Mental Health Belief Model Assessment (MHBMA) , Jennifer A. Greene

Relationship between Extracurricular Activity Involvement and Student Success Among High School Students in Accelerated Academic Curricula , Camille E. Hanks

Improving Elementary Students’ Complete Mental Health: Examining the Added Impact of a Teacher-Focused Strengths-Based Intervention , Mollie Mccullough Headley

The Intervention Path: The Experiences of Mothers Seeking Help for Their Child with Atypical Behavioral Development , Renee Hoopes

The Experience of Coparenting Within the Parameters of Divorce: Perspectives from Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Nycole C. Kauk

Missing Data in Complex Sample Surveys: Impact of Deletion and Imputation Treatments on Point and Interval Parameter Estimates , Anh Pham Kellermann

Adult College Students' Perceptions about Learning Mathematics via Developmental Mathematical xMOOCs , Pelagia Alesafis Kilgore

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Analysis of Behavioral Patterns and Treatment Barriers , Kimberly A. Knap

A Participatory Action Research using Photovoice to Explore Well-Being in Young Adults with Autism , Gary Yu Hin Lam

Behavior Change for Children Participating in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: A Growth Curve Analysis , Kayla LaRosa

Eustress in Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Students , Amanda C. Moseley

Teacher Perceptions of Students with Conduct Problems With and Without Callous Unemotional Traits , Casie L. Peet

Adolescents’ Perceptions of Parenting Practices and their Influence on Success, Academic Motivation, and School Belonging , David Rubio Jr.

An Application of the Dual Factor Model of Mental Health in Elementary School Students: Implications for Social Functioning and Psychopathology , Nicholas David W. Smith

Reduce Challenging Behaviors and Enhance Functioning in Youth with an Intellectual Disability: A Meta-Analysis of Behavioral Interventions Using Single Case Design , Brett A. Stone

Early Identification Of Students In Accelerated Curricula With Signs Of Academic And Emotional Risk: Working With Teachers To Identify At-Risk Students , Elizabeth D. Storey

Covariates in Factor Mixture Modeling: Investigating Measurement Invariance across Unobserved Groups , Yan Wang

Classroom Support and Students’ Subjective Well-Being: A Mixed-Methods Investigation , Emily J. Wingate

Predictive Validity of Florida’s Postsecondary Education Readiness Test , Alisa Murphy Žujović

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Faculty Perceptions of the Quality Enhancement Plan in a US Public Doctoral University with Highest Research Activity: A Case Study , Maha Alamoud

Benchmarks of Equality? School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and School Discipline Risk and Disparities for Black and Hispanic Students , Christopher M. Barclay

Associations between Ethnic Identity, Academic Efficacy, Achievement Goals and School Belonging among Early Adolescents , Leah Bonilla

The Relationship between Chronic Health Conditions and Health Literacy, Resiliency and Support/Self-advocacy in Youth , Mercedes N. Cambric

Exploring the Test of Covariate Moderation Effect and the Impact of Model Misspecification in Multilevel MIMIC Models , Chunhua Cao

The Empirical Selection of Anchor Items Using a Multistage Approach , Brandon Craig

An Evaluation of IDEA Part C Interventionists’ Knowledge and Use of Evidence-Based Practices for Young Children with Challenging Behavior , Sarah Elizabeth Dickinson

Traumatic Brain Injury in Adolescence: The Relationship between High School Exiting and Future Productivity , Jeffrey S. Garofano

Promoting Happiness in Elementary Schoolchildren: Evaluation of a Multitarget, Multicomponent Classwide Positive Psychology Intervention , Brittany Valle Hearon

Students with Disabilities at Risk: Predictors of On-Time Graduation , Kelli S. Henson

Predictors of Behavior Problems in the Context of Peer Play Interactions: A Sample of Low-Income Latino Preschoolers , Olivia Hernandez Gonzalez

Parent Perceptions of Treatment Effectiveness and Attendance Rates in a Behavioral Parent Training Program: Do They Predict Treatment Outcomes for Children? , Natalie A. Hofmann Leedy

Robustness of the Within- and Between-Series Estimators to Non-Normal Multiple-Baseline Studies: A Monte Carlo Study , Seang-Hwane Joo

Extending the Model with Internal Restrictions on Item Difficulty (MIRID) to Study Differential Item Functioning , Yong "Isaac" Li

Health Literacy, Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder as Predictors of Biological Markers of Immune Functioning in Youth and Young Adults with HIV , Courtney A. Lynn

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A Thesis Submitted To The Department of Special Needs Education In Partial Fulflment of The Requirements For The Degree of Masters of Arts In Special Needs Education

Profile image of gemeda ifa

The main purpose of this study was to find out the contributions and challenges of Sebeta Special School for the students with visual impairments. The research design used was qualitative case study method as this would enable the researcher to make in-depth study of the case from different perspectives. For responding to this main purpose of the study, purposive sampling was used and the subjects of the study were selected by purposive sampling technique as they were taught to have the necessary information for the problem under study. Accordingly, twelve teachers, (six males and six females), ten members of the support staff (five males and five females) and twelve students of grades five to eight (six males and six females) were selected for focus group discussions. Besides, interview was conducted with the director and vice-director of the school and two teachers (a male and a female) and two students of grades five to eight (a male and a female).Relevant documents and observation checklists were also used as data sources. Finally, the data collected were organized, thematically analyzed and presented. Regarding the contributions made, the findings revealed that the school has been serving the students as school to learn in and succeed, home to live in and family to leave with. There were also services being delivered for the students and different resources were also available in the special school. Findings displayed that challenges to the special school as manpower assignment was not need based and there were lack of skills necessary to run activities in the special school as reading and writing braille, inadequate budget and resources like student textbooks transcribed in to braille and wastages in usage of the available resources. Besides, there were conditions that violate the safety of students. The recommendations made included such things as alleviating the challenges the school encountered such as appropriate use of resource, availing the necessary resources as braille textbooks, budget and others.

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The present study aims at identifying the needs of the teachers of visually impaired students in Amman city. For this end, the researchers have developed a special tool which consists of 31 statements. The tool has been validated by a group of professionals from the University of Jordan and World Islamic University. The liability of the tool was calculated by using (Cronbach’s, alpha=0.953). The sample has been collected from some governmental and no governmental schools which deliver special education services to students with visual impairment. The community research comprises (100) teachers of both sexes, from 20 schools. Sixty participants (60) have been chosen to a chief the purpose of the study. The participants had been chosen according to the following criteria; teach at least one visual impaired or blind student, have an experience at least 6 months. For the purpose of this study, the researchers have tested the assumption. Through using SPSS program (Version 21). A suitable statistical approaches (Mean, SD Percentages; t-test; Chronback alpha test). ANOVA, Ancova and post comparative have been used to analysis the data. The results of the study revealed the need for training in braille writing and reading, communication skills for the visually impaired teachers (mean=2.07/4) which is the lowest and for all statements was (mean=2.81/4) with percentage of 70.28%. Which consider moderate according the scale? However the statement which indicated the need for early intervention has a (Mean=3.52) which was the highest of all scale items. Also the study indicates no relation between demographic variable (sex; education; experience; class level) and training needs (sig 0.677, 0.094, 0.434, 0.322; respectively) but there is a significant difference (*.003) due to teachers' characteristics. In addition, when Scheffe’s test for post Hoc comparison (*0.76) the results indicate presence of significant differences in quality and quantity of training needs of the teachers of the visually impaired students relate to teachers' characteristics toward the sighted teachers of visually impaired students (mean=3.06). The results of Scheffe’s test for Post Hoc comparison (*0.89) also indicate a presence of significant, a difference in the teachers of the visually impaired student between the blind and partially sighted teachers in favor of partially sighted teachers (mean=3.19).

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    PDF. How the Special Education Service Model Can Be Changed to Support Educator's Individual Strengths, Lisa A. Kermode This thesis focuses on research related to the current state of the special education model and it includes qualitative and quantitative literature, as well as current challenges that exist in the industry today.

  7. Special Education Theses and Dissertations

    School Suicide Prevention: A Breadth and Depth Perspective. Rochelle, Jonathan (University of Oregon, 2024-01-09) The present study provides a breadth and depth perspective of the current landscape for school suicide prevention (SSP). Despite an increase in SSP programming, practices, and policy, there remains a gap in understanding ...

  8. Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. PDF. Understanding Administrative Support from the Perspective of Special Educators, Morgan M. Glasson. PDF. Efficacy and Outcome Beliefs of General and Special Education Teachers Working with Culturally Linguistically Diverse Students with Disabilities, Jennifer L. Hastings. PDF.

  9. Theses and Dissertations--Early Childhood, Special Education, and

    The Theses and Dissertations--Early Childhood, Special Education, and Counselor Education collection is formerly known as the Theses and Dissertations--Early Childhood, Special Education, and Rehabilitation Counseling collection. ... PDF. USING NATURALISTIC LANGUAGE INTERVENTIONS TO INCREASE EXPRESSIVE COMMUNICATION OF AAC USERS WITH AUTISM ...

  10. Impacts of Inclusion on the Academic and Social-emotional Skills of

    Special Education Needs [Masterʼs thesis, Bethel University]. Spark Repository. https://spark.bethel.edu/ etd/670 This Masterʼs thesis is brought to you for free and open access by Spark. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Spark.

  11. Counseling Psychology and Special Education Theses and Dissertations

    PDF. Collaboration of Board Certified Behavior Analysts and Special Education Teachers in Transition, Amelia Ruth Spencer. PDF. Trauma-Informed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to Increase Family Quality of Life for Mothers of Children with Autism: A Pilot Study, Carol May Vaughn. PDF. High School Sport Participation: Effects on Students ...

  12. Parental Involvement Within The Special Education System

    parent involvement in their child's education and through the IEP process. This program will. train professionals in a variety of areas including building relationships, communication, teaching special education terminology and parental rights, readability of IEP's, and knowledge. of their current state mandates.

  13. PDF The Role of Assistive Technology in the Education of Children with

    Master's Thesis (one year): 736A41 December 2021 . Abstract ... For some children a special education school will be necessary to meet their needs and others will thrive in a mainstream school with the right AT device and support from teachers (Lersilp et al, 2018: 1).

  14. PDF Young People with Special Educational Needs' Experiences of School and

    Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of York Department of Social Policy and Social Work February 2012 1. Abstract 2. This thesis explores the transitions to adulthood of young people with Special ... The Emergence of Special Education-----16 Emerging Disabilities-----21 ...

  15. PDF Reaching all learners: a narrative case study on special education

    Special education inclusion services differ greatly by school, by town, and by state. A special education inclusion teacher can be in a classroom and work as a helper, or the special education teacher can be act as a co-teacher, with both teachers working collaboratively to instruct their diverse students of different abilities.

  16. The Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in the General Education

    Inclusion education means that all students. are part of the school community, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses ("Sec. 300.8 Child With a Disability." n.d.). These students deserve to have full access to all. resources and social interactions that are present in the general education classroom.

  17. PDF Teachers' Knowledge of Special Educational Needs and Disability

    The concept of special education has both traditional and contemporary notions (Alkahtani, 2016). Traditionally, it ... This notion leads to the thesis that teachers' knowledge of SEND ultimately leads to effective classroom interaction and management as well as inclusivity. The study is guided by the following research questions: (1) What is ...

  18. Educational and Psychological Studies Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2018 PDF. Transitions to Preschool Special Education: The Relationship of Child, Family, and Early Intervention Characteristics, Tara B. Delach. PDF

  19. PDF Research Article Investigating special education teachers' knowledge

    However, general education teachers are not always fully aware how best to serve special populations. This study examines what skills and knowledge special education educators feel that general education teachers and teacher candidates need in order to work with students with special needs in the inclusive environment.

  20. (PDF) Inclusion and Special Education

    teachers, or regular and special education teachers working together (Rabinsky, 2013; Valente, 2017)[49,50]. For specialized teachers and service providers who work with DHH students, cluster

  21. PDF Teacher Attitudes on The Effects of Inclusion on Students Without

    ttitudes regarding the effects of inclusion on students w. thout disabilities in the a. statementsregarding inclusion was di. tributed to 122 elementary teachers in five differ. ntelementary schools in rural Wisc. nsin. Thirty-eight teachers participated in the s. udy bycompleting the 15 statement surv.


    Universal special education was the main agenda of the world conferences. (Bloom and Cohen, 2002). Free access to special education is a right in the Universal declaration of human rights. The 1989 Convention on Children‟s Rights which most countries signed to, voted on this right as legally binding. Emphasis has been put on universal primary

  23. (PDF) A Thesis Submitted To The Department of Special Needs Education

    According to (PRGO, 2017), roles of special education boards involved providing, or reaching an agreement with another board or boards to afford special education programs and services for its pupils with special needs; providing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for children identified with special needs; generating, retaining, and revising ...