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  1. Theses

    Monash University Library, as custodians of the Monash University Thesis Collection, reserves the right to publish, distribute and communicate to these to the public for the purpose of: making the thesis available for access through the Repository under the terms of access chosen by the author.

  2. Monash theses

    The Library maintains the Monash University Thesis Collection, a collection of Doctoral and Masters by Research theses.All theses can be found in the Library Search.. Quick tips for searching for theses in Search:. use Advanced Search and limit to "Resource type" = theses; search by Author and/or Title; or search by Keywords; include the words thesis and Monash in your search

  3. Theses: Finding theses in Search

    Use thesis databases for comprehensive searches for Australian theses and International theses; Finding theses using basic search . ... For example, the Bridges Repository contains theses published and shared by Monash staff and Graduate Research students (PhD and Masters by Research). Click on a collection title to limit the search results to ...

  4. Theses collection

    Each campus keeps theses relevant to the specialisation on that campus - for example, Early Childhood theses are at Peninsula. To arrange access to the theses collection, please log your request below. Log Faculty Helpdesk request. Online databases. In addition to our hard-copy theses collection, you could also try one of these online databases.

  5. Home

    The Monash University Library provides access to theses submitted at Monash University and also to theses from other universities in Australia and internationally. Theses available in the Library can be found using Search. Formats include: print, microfiche and online. These include. Monash doctoral, masters and a small number of honours theses.

  6. Theses: digitally transformed for easy access

    The Library's responsible for maintaining an archival collection of Monash University PhD and Masters by Research theses. We're pleased to announce that the entire collection of University theses is now available online in Bridges!. Theses dating back to 1962, that were previously held off-site in print format, have been digitised and uploaded to the repository.

  7. International theses

    The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full-text coverage for older graduate works. It also includes PQDT UK & Ireland content. More than 70,000 new full-text dissertations and theses are added to the database each year.

  8. Australian theses

    Trove includes doctoral, masters and some honours theses from all Australian and New Zealand universities. Trove also includes theses awarded elsewhere but held by Australian institutions. Tips: To search for theses type in the title, author and/or keywords. Then on the results page refine your search to 'thesis' using the facets on the left.

  9. Databases by Subject: HOME

    Databases contain resources including journal articles, books, newspapers and videos. Using this guide. Our librarians have curated a selection of databases for each faculty. Access your discipline by selecting your faculty from the menu above. ... Monash Malaysia e-journal;

  10. Subject guides: Citing and referencing: Theses / Dissertations

    Authors First and Last Name, 'Title of Thesis', (thesis type, Name of Institution, Date), page number/s. First Footnote 1 Luke Howie, 'Terrorsex: witnesses and the reanimation of 9/11 as image event, commodity and pornography', (doctoral thesis, Monash University, 2008) p.81. Second and subsequent footnotes. 2 Luke, 'Terrorsex', p. 151 ...