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37 Funny Homework Memes

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Do you ever feel like doing your homework is a waste of time? Well, you’re not alone. Plenty of people feel that way, including me. I used to dread homework and would even go to the library after school to try to get them done before heading home but I just hated it! Now, that I think about it, homework memes could have been just what I needed to improve my mood.

If you’re looking for a good laugh (or just some validation that you’re not the only one who hates homework), then check out these 37 hilarious homework memes. Take a break from studying and get a much-needed laugh, you’ll be glad you did. Enjoy!

Let the homework memes begin!

1) “A degree is called a degree because at the end, your total grade is made up of 360 credits. I’m baffled. I should be at university.”

"A degree is called a degree because at the end, your total grade is made up of 360 credits. I'm baffled. I should be at university."

2) “Ay you people, why don’t you do your homework?”

"Ay you people, why don't you do your homework?"

3) “Brace yourself, homework is coming.”

"Brace yourself, homework is coming."

4) “A day may come when I start my assignments but it is not this day.”

"A day may come when I start my assignments but it is not this day."

5) “Did you just swear? I could’ve sworn I heard the word homework.”

"Did you just swear? I could've sworn I heard the word homework."

6) “Do your homework now.”

"Do your homework now."

7) “Doing homework at 4:00 am.”

"Doing homework at 4:00 am."

8) “Even if homework for a class only counts for ten percent of your overall grade, do it. If you make a mistake on a test your grade can still be pretty good.”

"Even if homework for a class only counts for ten percent of your overall grade, do it. If you make a mistake on a test your grade can still be pretty good."

9) “Expects you to have all your homework in on time. Takes weeks to grade it.”

"Expects you to have all your homework in on time. Takes weeks to grade it."

10) “Finds all answers to homework on Google.”

"Finds all answers to homework on Google."

11) “Finish homework over the weekend? I’ll just relax on Saturday and do the rest on Sunday .”

"Finish homework over the weekend? I'll just relax on Saturday and do the rest on Sunday."

12) “Getting back an essay after being marked: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.”

"Getting back an essay after being marked: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear."

13) “Me handing in my essays: Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appetite.”

"Me handing in my essays: Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appetite."

14) “Homework? Ain’t nobody got time for that.”

"Homework? Ain't nobody got time for that."

15) “How to start an essay: Buckle your seat belts, [censored], because in eight short pages I am going to learn u a thing that I only learned myself about two hours ago, so sit down, shut up, and enjoy the experience of my 4-am-RedBull-induced-self-hatred-fuelled-writing-extravaganza.

"How to start an essay: Buckle your seat belts, [censored], because in eight short pages I am going to learn u a thing that I only learned myself about two hours ago, so sit down, shut up, and enjoy the experience of my 4-am-RedBull-induced-self-hatred-fuelled-writing-extravaganza.

16) “I leave homework to the last day because I’ll be older and therefore wiser.”

"I leave homework to the last day because I'll be older and therefore wiser."

17) “Imagine a world with no homework.”

"Imagine a world with no homework."

Funny and clean memes when you just want to sleep!

18) “Just me when I finally finish my homework at 3 am.”

"Just me when I finally finish my homework at 3 am."

19) “Keep calm and do your homework.”

"Keep calm and do your homework."

20) “When you know you did a bad job but you’re just proud you finished your assignment.”

"When you know you did a bad job but you're just proud you finished your assignment."

21) “Me writing an essay like…The. Break time!”

"Me writing an essay like...The. Break time!"

22) “My anxieties have anxieties.”

"My anxieties have anxieties."

23) “Oh ‘You didn’t have time to do your homework?’ Tell me again about the 3 hours you spent on your phone.”

"Oh 'You didn't have time to do your homework?' Tell me again about the 3 hours you spent on your phone."

24) “Okay, I absolutely have to do this assignment.”

"Okay, I absolutely have to do this assignment."

25) “Please tell me more about why you did not have time to finish your two-minute homework during your 48-hour weekend.”

"Please tell me more about why you did not have time to finish your two-minute homework during your 48-hour weekend."

26) “‘I’m so glad my holiday is over so I can work long hours and stay up late to check homework.’ Said no teacher ever.”

"'I'm so glad my holiday is over so I can work long hours and stay up late to check homework.' Said no teacher ever."

27) “Study. Sleep.”

"Study. Sleep."

28) “Teacher: Finish homework. Me: Must get it done.”

"Teacher: Finish homework. Me: Must get it done."

29) “That face you make when you realize you have homework.”

"That face you make when you realize you have homework."

30) “You want to be wise? Do your homework!”

"You want to be wise? Do your homework!"

31) “Homework: The teachers’ way of knowing how smart the parent is.”

"Homework: The teachers' way of knowing how smart the parent is."

32) “What if I told you it doesn’t matter how many points this is worth.”

"What if I told you it doesn't matter how many points this is worth."

33) “When the bell rings and the teacher forgot to mention the homework.”

"When the bell rings and the teacher forgot to mention the homework."

34) “Why is this me: Me thinking about my dream job. Me studying for my dream job.”

"Why is this me: Me thinking about my dream job. Me studying for my dream job."

35) “Writing an essay the night before it’s due: I’m going to type every word I know! Rectangle. America. Megaphone. Monday. Butthole.”

"Writing an essay the night before it's due: I'm going to type every word I know! Rectangle. America. Megaphone. Monday. Butthole."

36) “You have to do homework? Your life must be so hard.”

"You have to do homework? Your life must be so hard."

37) “If it’s called ‘homework’ what would it be called if you live in an apartment?”

"If it's called 'homework' what would it be called if you live in an apartment?"

I hope you enjoyed these funny homework memes!

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Screengrabs via Matthew A. Cherry/Twitter

The brutal truths of the ‘Hey can I copy your homework’ meme

Did ‘friends’ really rip off ‘living single’.

Photo of Dahlia Dandashi

Dahlia Dandashi

Internet Culture

Posted on Jan 5, 2017     Updated on May 25, 2021, 6:25 am CDT

Fourth period is in 20 minutes, and you’ve just remembered: You didn’t do your homework. If you’re lucky, the next kid over lets you copy under the condition that you just have to “change it up,” so both of you stay in the clear. You copy it down pretty much the same.

The geniuses of Twitter have transformed this all-too-familiar occurrence into a “Hey can I copy your homework” meme, starting with how  Friends  was basically a white version of  Living Single :


It’s true. The shows have striking similarities: Both sitcoms circle around the lives of six friends living in New York City. The personalities mirror each other too much to be a simple coincidence, with one-on-one character matches between actors. Both were likewise produced by Warner Bros.

However, there is a notable and obvious difference: Living Single followed the lives of African-Americans, while Friends focused on a group of white friends.

And just when you thought this wasn’t enough to discredit Friends , Twitter digs up this video of Queen Latifah pulling out the receipts:


At this point, it seems like most of the internet has already made up its mind: Living Single wins.


You lame as hell if you prefer Friends over Living Single — Teeta💭 (@TheTeeta) January 1, 2017
Friends ripped off Living Single. Jersey wuddup. — Alan was my slave name. (@89theBrainchild) December 31, 2016


Living Single was so much better than Friends, but I guess white people needed a show that they could visually relate too, as usually. Smfh — 𝙱𝚎𝚌𝚌𝚊 ⚡️ (@MJFINESSELOVER) December 31, 2016
remember how "friends" basically copied the entire premise of "living single" but just white-washed it to appeal to the masses? — marcus fulani (@tribecalledfula) November 30, 2016

More importantly, the Friends versus  Living Single meme brings to light a broader truth: Many ideas are original, but many are also modified and restyled for different purposes.

And thankfully, the internet hasn’t let it stop there. It’s feeding the fire, doing what it does best: Creating more winning memes. “Hey can I copy your homework” is now encompassing all the sectors of our lives, and it’s time to celebrate it in all its glory:



Me: Hey can I copy your homework? Person: Sure just change a few things so it's not obvious. Me: pic.twitter.com/vksV0DAE6F — k (@whereskayleigh) December 31, 2016


Me: Hey can I copy your homework? Person: Sure just change a few things so it's not obvious Me: Ok. pic.twitter.com/qGUn1yF5Ep — J̴i̵mbryo (@Jimbobro_) December 30, 2016
me: can i copy your homework friend: sure just get some wrong or something so it's not exact pic.twitter.com/qzH6at1H0Y — •👾• (@moomooonthemove) December 21, 2016

“can i copy your homework?” “yeah but make sure it isnt too obvious” pic.twitter.com/9Xee9QIp2m

— ᅠ (@jayhalsteady) December 31, 2016




"Hey can I copy your homework" "Yeah but make sure cha-, dude, you were supposed to change it" pic.twitter.com/8mUsMbcuSl — well, sorta kinda (@Steph_I_Will) January 2, 2017


It’s just all so savage.

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Dahlia Dandashi is a multimedia content producer. Her work has been published at the Austin American-Statesman and Viceland. An Arab-American raised in Dubai, she is based in Austin, Texas.

Dahlia Dandashi

How many times a day do you tell yourself ‘ I hate homework ’ ? No matter how good as a student you are, you may avoid doing your homework from time to time. When you procrastinate on your project home assignment , you’d better understand other students’ pain points by browsing funny college memes.

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Although it’s nearly impossible to join the no homework movement , you can make the process easier. With funny homework memes, not only can it make you laugh at your problems, but it can also motivate you to get your homework done fast .

Here’s the list of 25 homework students memes everyone will love:

1. When Your Nerves are Bad, this Meme Helps

Every time I’m about to drop out of college and the homework ban .

2. Every. Single. Time

Such a true meme. Is it about self-education, huh?

3. Run, run, run!

I didn’t know I could run that fast.

4. What a Smart Move

Can I copy your homework meme? If you wonder why we don’t go home after classes.

5. The Best Weekend Plan Ever. Thanks, Meme!

Oh, yes, it’s the best idea ever, I bet.

6. Who is a Betrayer?

Who is that nerd? Who wants a better grade? Come get him!

7. Say What?

Isn’t it about you? We all have been there.

8. Yes, I’m Fine, Thanks

I tried hard. Tell me if it was worth it.

9. This Meme is the Ugly Truth

Is it a way to achieve success in your life? I doubt.

10. More Tasks, Please

I had been tolerating for many years.

11. I Wish I Had a Dog

Oh, no. This happens all the time even though I don’t have a dog.

12. Always.

Obviously, and not tomorrow.

13. We Should Stay Together

It’s a new day and new home assignments. We need to help each other, folks.

14. We’ve Been Waiting for This!

Cancel it! We wish you could forget, dear teacher.

15. Back to School, Back to Homework and Reality

Bye-bye Google, Pinterest, Twitter. Hey there, school homework and my favorite homework meme. Isn’t it a bad college life?

16. Who is the Lucky One?

No, it wasn’t my dog who ate my homework, but it still worked! Thanks Google for excuses.

17. So Close!

What a useful homework meme! Just pretend you didn’t know about the home assignment.

18. This Meme is the Ultimate Guide to Doing Homework

Who else starts working on homework with browsing the internet and looking for a funny meme?

19. Kick Back and Relax

Was it a dream or a joke? The day I’ll never forget and the story my parents will never believe.

20. One More Minute, Please

Ask me about the art of doing nothing. This meme is literally me.

21. A Meme Dedicated to Every STEM Student

There’s no need to share this meme on Twitter – it happens every time! During the lecture, everything seemed to be clear until I opened my math homework task .

22. Literally Me Every Single Day

I’m not dead tired – I just don’t want to spend another hour reading the task and doing my homework. Just let me browse another one meme instead.

23. At Least, It Didn’t Kill Me

I’m good at Math unless I have to do my geometry homework assignments .

24. It Was Easy, Right

Have you ever heard about homework without tears? Especially when it comes to philosophy assignments .

25. I Need Another Meme!

One does not simply stop browsing homework memes.

As students, most of us want to have more fun. However, we still need to work on our homework to get good grades and obtain a college degree. Thus, it’s better to laugh at funny memes and get back to work.

Have we left something off the list? Leave a comment to share your favorite homework meme.

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Can I Copy Your Homework?

Can I Copy Your Homework?

Part of a series on twitter / x . [view related entries].

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Can I Copy Your Homework? refers to a series of jokes made on Twitter that compares two pieces of pop culture, one of which appears to have nearly completely imitated the first. The joke references a grade school practice wherein one student asks another if they could copy their homework assignment, and the other obliges on the condition that they change a few things so that the first student's homework isn't technically plagiarized, resulting in two nearly identical assignments.

The earliest known tweet to employ the joke format was tweeted by @essentialpeach [1] on October 18th, 2016, when she tweeted images of several films ripping off popular animated movies by Dreamworks , Disney , and Pixar such as Up and Kung Fu Panda (shown below).

@essentialpeach @Essentialpeach * 으: Follow "can I copy your homework?" "yeah just don't do it word for word He's Just Winging It! whats SNOW balloon to the rescue! Fists of Fury and Heart of Gold

A few versions of the joke were posted in the coming months, but did not start getting popular until December 18th, 2016, when a Harry Potter fan account, @castofhp, [2] tweeted an image of musician Ed Sheeran and "Ron Weasley" actor Rupert Grint standing next to each other looking very similar, captioned "'can I copy your homework?'/ 'yeah just change it up a bit so it doesn't look obvious you copied' / 'ok'" (shown below). The tweet has gained nearly 24,000 retweets and 32,000 likes as of January 6th, 2017.

can I copy your homework?" "yeah just change it up a bit so it doesn't look obvious you copied" "ok"

Following @castofhp's post, the joke began spreading to other fandoms as people adapted it to various pop culture references, centering the joke on how the imitated piece of pop culture was always superior to the imitation. One popular joke centered around the 90s sitcom Friends was suspiciously close in plot and concept as the sitcom Living Single , which featured an all-black cast of 20-somethings.

can I copy your homework?" "yeah just change it up a bit so it doesn't look obvious you copied" "ok"

This example drew the attention of The Daily Dot , [3] who wrote about the ensuing conversation about Living Single and Friends as well as other examples of the meme. The jokes were also compiled in a Twitter Moment [4] on January 5th, 2017.

Various Examples

Gary C "Can I copy your homework?" "Yeah just change it up a bit so it doesn't look Follow @oohgaryc obvious you copied" "OK" #HowHavelOnlyJustFoundOutAboutThis DVD ISNE FROZEN FROZEN A LAND

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External references.

[1] Twitter – @Essentialpeach

[2] Twitter – @castofhp

[3] Daily Dot – The brutal truths of the 'Hey can I copy your homework' meme

[4] Twitter Moments – 'Can I copy your homework' meme shows there are a lot of imitators out there

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Jan 06, 2017 at 06:02PM EST

When you give your homework to copy to the entire class:

when you didn't do your homework meme

Jan 06, 2017 at 02:20PM EST

(Disclaimer: this is just a joke, not a criticism of any kind)

SEGA: "Hey, can I copy your homework?" Nintendo: "OK, but do it quick , I don't want to get caught." SEGA:

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