Beach Description Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Looking for simple and beautiful descriptive writing about a beach in summer? The beach description essay below is just what you need! Get inspired for your own creative writing with us.


Description of a beach.

Summer is the perfect time for individuals to visit and enjoy the marvelous scenes along the coast. In addition, the feelings and experiences felt on the beach during the summer are always fantastic. Several sceneries and experiences are seen and felt at the beach during summer. These include; the plantation along the beach and inside the sea, the animals, the waters, and the people found on the beach.

The beach appears to be alive and joyful with the presence of the natural vegetation. There are evergreen plantations both along and inside the beach. Images of buoyant seaweeds can be seen along the shore. Palms trees are seen to stand tall along the beach, dancing to the tune of the breeze emanating from the waters of the sea.

The sea grapes and the sea oats are also observed gathered in clusters in the sea next to the shore. Their colored flowers are splendid and brighten at the shining of the summer sun. The sweet scent of the flower grapes sends a signal to the world about the hope brought by nature.

The atmosphere is fully intensified by the aroma produced by the buoyant sea flowers. In addition, from afar, images of leafless trees are also observed. The perfect combination of the vegetation along the beach and inside the sea displays the beauty of nature to the highest peak.

It mesmerizes the eyes to gaze at the beautiful creatures that hover all over the beach and on the deep-sea waters. There are sights of beautiful birds that fly all over the dry shoreland and over the seawaters. Their colored feathers brightened the sea with a marvelous appearance at their illumination by the sun’s rays.

There are varieties of birds that are in the vicinity. For instance, there are pelicans and seagulls. Pelicans are seen hovering over the sand, singing sweet melodies that make the atmosphere at the beach vibrant. The seagulls are also observed to be flying over the seawater in small groups. Some of the birds are gathered in groups spreading the wings that cloaked a soft shadow on the gentle water ripples.

Next to the shore, there are sea turtles that seem to enjoy the summer heat from the sun. Their eggs are also seen to be exposed on the sand by the children that play on the shoreline. Bees are seen flying from one flower to another over the sea grapes. The humming of the bees as they gather nectar from the sea flowers attracts insect-eating birds.

Large crowds are observed all over the seashore. These people come to enjoy themselves on the beach at this period of the year. In the sea, people of all ages and sexes are seen swimming and playing with the cool seawater. The scorching heat from the summer sun is felt on the forehead of all individuals.

This makes the people chill themselves in the cool waters of the sea. The children are seen playing beach ball on the shoreline. Some children are also seen pelt each other with sand on the shoreline. Besides, young boys are observed climbing tall palm trees to gather fruits.

What is more, several activities take place along and inside the shoreline. Vendors are seen carrying ice creams and soft drinks all over the shoreline. Views of homes, hotels, and other buildings that run along the peak of the beach are also seen. On the sand where children play, pieces of shells are scattered.

In most cases, children collect the shells for fun. In the shades built along the shoreline, people are seen reading books, journals, and magazines. Some are seen idling on the sand, while few adults are observed playing football.

However, there is a disgusting scene of plastic bags, cigarette butts, food wrappers, and beer bottles along the beach. These items seem to pollute the entire shoreline and the seawater.

Anglers are also observed far into the sea casting large nets into the waters to have a bulk catch of their prey. Some of the anglers are also observed perching on the edge of the shore carrying sticks in their hands. Their faces displayed the anticipation that they had for their prey.

The deep waters of the sea produce a marvelous view for anyone who gazes at the sea. The water is seen to be slowly running low on the shore. Small waves are also observed crashing on the shoreline. The surface of the sea is seen to appear blue in color.

However, some portions are also seen to have the spectrum that results from the sun’s refracted rays. Deep inside the sea, there are high waves that lift boats up and down mightily. The shimmering waves of the sea that are clear and blue mirror the rays of the hot sun. The refreshing breeze that emanates from the seawater is enjoyable.

In conclusion, the beach has a perfect view and activities that are delightful to experience during the summer. It is a place that everyone would love to be at all times.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 17). Beach Description Essay.

"Beach Description Essay." IvyPanda , 17 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Beach Description Essay'. 17 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Beach Description Essay." April 17, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Beach Description Essay." April 17, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Beach Description Essay." April 17, 2019.


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The sunny day brought rays with the strength to shine through curtains as easily as forest leaves.
The sunny day was the open sky, the birdsong and the backtop as warm as mama's soul-hug.
Upon this sunny day, amid the bonny waving winds, crepuscular visions evaporated into white and brilliant cloud, there comes real space for dreaming.
As if lightning had blossomed into the most steady of comforting glows, comes the sunny day.
Sunny day come cradle the baby of my heart, so that I can dream as I once did in my mama's arms.
Sunny day of amber bosom come blossom in my soul, for these rays feed my sweetest self.

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Master List for Describing Weather

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain

A lot of writers struggle with describing settings. I’ve written before about how to describe settings and why it matters , but a few people have told me they’d like me to do some of my master lists for writers to help them out!

I have a weird love for creating lists like this, so I’m happy to do it. “How to describe weather” seemed like a good place to start. This way, you won’t get stuck trying to figure out how to describe nice weather, or thinking up ways to describe rain. Hopefully, this will make your writing go faster.

I always include simple as well as more creative ways to describe or write about weather. Sometimes, the simple word is the one you want! I included dryness and humidity in a few of the categories because it felt weird for them to get their own.

As always, this is not a comprehensive list, and I might add to it. My list will probably make you think of other possibilities, too. Bookmark or pin it for future writing reference!

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

blazing sunshine

glaring sun

baking in the sun


scorching heat

extravagant heat

relentless sun

like a suana

dense tropical heat

radiating heat

blistering heat

oppressive heat

insufferable heat

suffocating heat

heat pressing down

searing sun

shimmering heat

like an oven

like a furnace


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

(“Pleasant” is a matter of opinion, of course.)

a beautiful day

a clear day

a temperate day

a golden day

a glorious day

heavenly weather

bright and sunny

a gorgeous spring day

a dazzling summer day

a brilliant autumn day

a vivid blue sky

a cloudless sky

fluffy white clouds

gentle sunshine

lazy sunshine

kind sunshine

filtered sunlight

dappled sunlight

welcome warmth

one of those rare, perfect days

the kind of day that made people forget to worry

the kind of day that lifted people’s moods


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

refreshing air

stimulating cool air

invigorating cool air

bracing cool air

a nip in the air

a brisk day

a chilly day

weak sunshine


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

(Most people don’t like gray days, so most of these descriptions are negative. I love them, so I had to add a few positive descriptions.)

colorless sky

a soft gray sky

a dove-gray sky

a gray day made for books and tea

steel-gray sky

granite sky

cement-gray sky

threatening clouds

foreboding clouds


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

glacial air

bitter cold

brutal cold

bone-chilling cold

penetrating cold

devastating cold

numbing cold

punishing cold

dangerous cold

unforgiving cold

too cold to talk

so cold it burned one’s lungs

so cold it took one’s breath away

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

like a blast from a hair dryer

a gust of wind

insistent winds

heavy winds

strong winds

cutting wind

whipping winds

biting wind

wintry squall

violent gale

howling wind

shifting winds

restless wind

fresh breeze

soft breeze

balmy breeze

perfumed breeze

slight breeze

hint of a breeze

stirring breeze

wind rustling through the trees

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

fine drizzle

gray drizzle

pebbles of falling rain

spitting rain

stinging rain

steady rain

rain falling in torrents

cascades of rain

rain beating down

shower of rain

sheets of rain

hard-driving rain

pelting rain

lashing rain

slashing rain


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

rumbling in the distance

a roll of distant thunder

crash of thunder

crackle of thunder

crack of thunder

clap of thunder

bang of thunder

booming thunder

rattled with thunder

earth-shaking thunder


a furious storm

flash of lightning

streaks of lightning


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

flurries of snow

dancing flakes

snowflakes floating down

snowflakes wafting down

swirling snow

falling thick and fast

big flakes falling like petals

blinding snowstorm

raging blizzard

sparkling expanses

blankets of white

caked with snow

boulders of snow

branches coated in ice

glittering ice

crystallized by frost

silvered with frost

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

clouds of mist

swirling mist

billowing fog

cloaked in mist

cocooned in fog

shrouded in fog

enveloped by fog

smothered by fog

made mysterious by fog

the fog rolled in

the fog was burning off

the fog was lifting

the fog was clearing

the fog was dissipating

I have many lists like this in my book  Master Lists for Writers: Thesauruses, Plots, Character Traits, Names, and More . Check it out!

Master Lists for Writers by Bryn Donovan

Do you describe weather conditions in your writing? Do you have a favorite example of a weather description? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading, and happy writing!

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21 thoughts on “ master list for describing weather ”.

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In my current WIP, weather is a crucial element. Not only is the woman in the romance a professional photographer — of weather — but it is a weather phenomenon, namely a tornado, that brings them together. So the description of the sky and the weather is quite detailed in places (specially as the supercell storm roars down on them).

On another angle, the phrase “gloriously sunny” is one that despite having that horrible “ly” adverb (shudder) is so evocative of the type of weather and the POV character’s attitude (and possibly even the type of weather that has gone before), that it’s powerful. It says a huge amount with only two words.

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Hi Chris! Oh, wow…that’s a lot more detailed than most of us ever get in writing about the weather. It sounds like a great premise!

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I will need this list as I begin edits next month on my WIP. I currently live in Hawaii, but am writing a story at Christmas time in Vermont. 🙂 Thank you!

Aw, nice! That’s some very different weather from what you’re used to. 🙂

It really is! And traveling to the climate I need isn’t ideal right now. So, off to the freezer I go! 🙂

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Wow! This is fantastic. Thanks. You ARE a master at this.

  • Pingback: Master List for Describing Weather – Written By Bryn Donovan – Writer's Treasure Chest

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This is comprehensive! It’s bookmarked for future use. Thanks!

Thanks, Steve, I’m glad you liked it!

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Amazing list that goes beyond the words that I struggle with – especially describing the rain-painted setting of Snowdonia.

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Love your lists. You don’t have one for beaches by any chance? Would this, including the weather be another book by any chance??

Hi, Nicole! It’s funny you should ask. 🙂 I am going to release a second, more expanded version of MASTER LISTS FOR WRITERS . It’s going to have several setting descriptions in there (including a whole list for beaches!), and the weather list will be in there, too! I’m hoping to get it done before November of this year, but we’ll see. Thanks for asking!

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That’s awesome and look forward to it’s release.

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I am in Chinan. I happened to enter this web-link and want to learn more about writing, I wonder if there are any descriptive passages. I can only find some words and expressions…

' src=

That was really useful. Thank you!

  • Pingback: The Power of Vision in Writing | Writers In The Storm

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This list is fabulous. Thank you for sharing it. I will be consulting it when incorporating weather elements into writing my next picture book.

  • Pingback: How’s The Weather In Your Story? – Writer's Treasure Chest

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Beginning A Composition With Weather Descriptions

  • Sunday, Sep 9th, 2018
  • Composition Framework
  • Writing Techniques

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Weather description is one of the easiest ways for young writers (6 to 8 years old) to begin their compositions. This is also usually the first story starter that they are being taught in school.

For children who are weak in the language, writing a good weather description can be an easy and effective way to get them started in their composition.

However, most teachers do not encourage flowery weather descriptions such as these:

“White fluffy clouds dotted the azure blue sky as the sun beamed beatifically, casting a golden glow upon the earth.”

“The sky was an expanse of sapphire blue, dotted with feathery white clouds as the radiant rays of the sun shone brightly in the azure blue sky.”

You get the picture.

Proper Use of Weather Descriptions in English Compositions

Weather descriptions is an easy way for young writers to begin their stories. Primary 1 and 2 students can start their compositions with weather descriptions, if weather plays a part in the plot.

There is no need to memorise a hugh chunk of bombastic weather descriptions.

Simple words can sometimes be more effective than bombastic ones.

These are some of the weather descriptions written by our P1 and P2 students:

“It was a cool and breezy evening. A strong gust of wind blew against my face.” 

“It was a bright and sunny morning. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky.”

“Lightning flashed across the sky. A storm was coming.”

Short. Simple. Readable.

The kids came up with these weather descriptions themselves, without memorising any bombastic phrases.

Most importantly, they are natural, something which children can understand, remember and apply in their writing.

Model Compositions for Primary School

Get this set of PSLE Model Compositions with writing techniques highlighted.

So, how can children be taught to write weather descriptions?

For children who are really weak in the language, even writing a simple sentence to describe a sunny day can be difficult. These children often resort to starting their compositions with “One day, we went…” or “One fine day, Peter was …” or “Last Sunday, my family and I …”.

Such story beginnings can be boring and not captivating.

Students can learn to write effective weather descriptions.  In our classes, we get our students to do brainstorming.

1. Brainstorm and make a list of all kinds of weather that you can think of.

  • cold and rainy
  • cool and breezy
  • bright and sunny
  • scorching hot

2. For each weather type, imagine how the sky, sun, clouds and other weather elements look like.

Describe each element in simple, readable English .


Describe the sun: – shines brilliantly – bright – like a fire ball

Describe the sky: – clear, blue sky

Describe the clouds: – white, fluffy clouds – sunlit clouds

3. Form sentences using some of these descriptions.

It was a  bright and sunny  day. The  sun shone brilliantly  in the  clear, blue sky .

It was a  bright and sunny  day.  White, fluffy clouds  drifted across the  clear, blue sky .

The above 3 steps are effective in teaching young children (Primary 1 to 3) to come up with weather descriptions that sound natural. Most children are able to come up with beautiful weather descriptions without resorting to the method of memorising huge chunks of unreadable flowery language.  

Download the FREE Brainstorming Sheet for Weather Description

Use Weather Descriptions Appropriately 

Some students have the habit of starting every composition with weather descriptions, regardless of topic or setting. Remember to use weather descriptions only if weather plays a part in your story. For example, if a rainy weather contributes to the plot of the story, it is a good idea to describe the weather, especially the rain and the coldness.  If a story is set outdoors, it is fine to describe the weather too.

However, many students fell into the trap of starting their compositions with describing the sun, the clouds and the sky when their story is set indoors! This is a huge mistake, which should be stopped.

Other Types of Story Beginnings

For stories which are not set outdoors or not affected by the weather, there are other types of story beginnings that can be used.

Students can begin their compositions with speech , which is also a common way of beginning a primary school composition.

Another effective way is to begin with a captivating statement or an intriguing question. Such a beginning hooks readers immediately to read on. When used correctly, it piques a reader’s curiosity and make them want to continue reading to find out what happens next.

Upper primary students can begin their stories with character descriptions . This is useful to show a change in the character at the end of the story. For example, a timid person who became courageous, or a bully regretting his actions and turning over a new leaf.

Beginning with an action is great if you want to move the story along quickly. Students can use suitable vivid verbs to clearly describe a character’s actions at the beginning of the story.

good phrases for compositions

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Essay on A Day at the Beach

Students are often asked to write an essay on A Day at the Beach in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on A Day at the Beach

Arrival at the beach.

Upon arriving at the beach, the smell of the salty sea air greets us. The sound of waves crashing against the shore and the squawking seagulls echo in our ears.

Activities on the Sand

We set up our spot on the warm sand. Kids build sandcastles while adults sunbathe. The beach is a canvas for our creativity.

Fun in the Water

We run towards the cool water, splashing around and playing games. The feeling of the water against our skin is refreshing.

Leaving the Beach

As the sun sets, we pack up, leaving only footprints behind. A day at the beach is always memorable.

250 Words Essay on A Day at the Beach

Introduction, the arrival.

The journey to the beach culminates in the first glimpse of the expansive ocean, a sight that invariably evokes a sense of awe. The salty air, the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and the sight of the horizon where the sky meets the sea, all contribute to a heightened sense of anticipation.

The Experience

Once settled, the day unfolds in a series of sensory experiences. The feel of warm sand underfoot, the taste of salt on the lips, and the enveloping heat of the sun form a medley of sensations. The beach is a theatre of life, with people engaging in various activities, from building sandcastles and playing beach volleyball to surfing and sunbathing.

Exploring the Depths

For the adventurous, the ocean beckons. Swimming in the sea or exploring its depths through snorkeling or scuba diving offers a glimpse into an underwater world teeming with life and color. It’s a humbling experience that underscores the vastness and complexity of nature.

As the day ends, the setting sun paints the sky in hues of orange and red. This spectacle of nature provides a fitting end to a day at the beach. It’s a reminder of the transient nature of our experiences and the enduring beauty of the world around us. A day at the beach, thus, is not just a day spent, but a day lived.

500 Words Essay on A Day at the Beach

The beach, a place where the land meets the sea, is a unique space of transition and transformation. Its dynamic nature, constant ebb and flow, and the juxtaposition of permanence and transience, make it an intriguing subject of contemplation. A day at the beach is not just about sandcastles and sunbathing; it’s a profound experience that engages all the senses and invites introspection.

The Interplay of Elements

Throughout the day, the beach reveals the interplay of the elements. The sun, the sand, the sea, and the sky, each plays its part in this grand spectacle. The sun’s journey across the sky paints the canvas of the day, from the soft pastel hues of dawn to the fiery drama of sunset. The sand, shaped and reshaped by the waves and the wind, is a testament to the impermanence of things. The sea, with its rhythmic dance of the tides, is a symbol of life’s ebb and flow. The sky, with its ever-changing patterns of clouds, mirrors the fleeting nature of our thoughts and emotions.

The Human Connection

The beach is also a social space, a meeting point for people from all walks of life. It’s a place where children’s laughter mingles with the murmurs of lovers, where the solitude of a lone walker intersects with the camaraderie of a group of friends. The beach is a melting pot of stories, each wave bringing a new tale to the shore. It’s a place where boundaries blur, and we reconnect with our shared humanity.

Reflection and Departure

In conclusion, a day at the beach is more than a leisurely escape; it’s a journey of discovery and introspection. It’s a stage where nature’s drama unfolds, a canvas where our stories intersect, and a mirror that reflects our shared humanity. It’s a place that invites us to slow down, to observe, to feel, to connect, and to contemplate. A day at the beach is a celebration of life in all its beautiful complexity.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Need editing and proofreading services, guide to a perfect descriptive essay [examples & outline included].


  • Tags: Academic Writing , Essay , Essay Writing

A descriptive essay is the most creative of all essay types. It involves the use of sensory descriptors and impactful narratives to depict an object, person, or even something abstract like an emotion. This type of essay is administered by teachers and professors to gauge your understanding of language. 

In this article, we will guide you through everything there is to know about descriptive essays. This includes the descriptive essay definition, some descriptive essay topics, and various examples. To help you in your essay-writing process, we have also included an outline of a descriptive essay. 

But let’s start from the beginning: What is a descriptive essay?

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What is a descriptive essay?

A descriptive essay is a highly creative form of writing which describes an object, person, location, experience, emotion, or situation. It makes use of vivid imagery and different figures of speech to create a beautiful and immersive experience for the reader.

This type of essay is often assigned in creative writing courses in schools or colleges. It does not involve the presentation of arguments or information. It just involves creatively expressing yourself with the help of various language devices. 

Unlike a narrative essay which involves telling a story, a descriptive essay only focuses on one particular object or idea. Although most essay topics are non-fictional, descriptive essay topics can either be fictional or non-fictional. 

Let us look at a few examples of topics for a descriptive essay.

Descriptive essay topics

Since writing a descriptive essay is a creative form of writing, it can cover a wide range of topics. These topics can range from practical experiences such as “My Grandpa’s Couch” to thought experiments such as “Living in a world with no concept of time”. 

Here are a few more descriptive essay topics:

  • Exploring a ghost town
  • A starry night in the mountains
  • A day in the life of an explorer
  • Trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Wandering through the Swiss meadows 
  • My childhood home
  • Memories of grandma’s farm
  • Experiencing euphoria for the first time
  • My description of utopia
  • My most treasured possession

Descriptive essay structure

Since descriptive essays are highly creative in nature, the descriptive essay structure is much more fluid as compared to most academic essay types. Although they do follow a general structure, there is no specific descriptive essay format. It serves more as a guideline than a hard and fast rule. 

Descriptive essays generally don’t revolve around proving a point or making an argument. The goal is to simply provide a vivid and detailed description of a particular subject.   

Let’s study the basic structure of a descriptive essay:

1. Introduction

Wondering how to start a descriptive essay? Like all essay types, the introduction of a descriptive essay is composed of three key elements: A hook, some background information, and a thesis statement. 

However, the thesis statement of a descriptive essay is different from the thesis statements of most academic essays. It simply makes a claim regarding the subject of your choosing.

Here’s an example of a descriptive essay introduction: 

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

The last day of school—a momentous occasion that marks the culmination of a year’s worth of hard work and growth. Excitement hangs in the air as students gather for one final day of shared experiences and unforgettable memories. The hallways buzz with chatter and laughter, mingling with the anticipation of summer freedom. It’s a day of mixed emotions, as the promise of lazy days ahead clashes with the bittersweet farewell to teachers and classmates who have become like family. The last day of school is a mosaic of emotions, a snapshot of a moment that holds the weight of an entire academic journey, and a prelude to the new adventures that lie just beyond the horizon.

2. Body paragraph 

A descriptive essay usually has three body paragraphs. However, the length and number of paragraphs may vary depending on the complexity and scope of your essay topic. 

A body paragraph comprises of a topic sentence that focuses on a particular aspect of the subject. The topic sentence is elaborated upon by sensory, contextual, and emotional descriptors. Each paragraph ends with a transition sentence that provides context for the next paragraph.  

Let’s understand this better with the help of an example: 

  • Topic sentence
  • Description
  • Transition sentence

Classrooms brim with finality and accomplishment. Doodles and scribbles now grace once-neat desks, testifying to idle daydreams and shared laughter. Colorful displays and academic achievements adorn the walls, silently witnessing each student’s growth. Empty lockers echo the countless exchanges and whispered secrets they once held. Yearbooks circulate like cherished artifacts, pages filled with smiling faces and heartfelt messages. Laughter and hugs fill the hallways as friends make promises to keep in touch and embark on summer adventures. The last day of school etches indelible memories, a tapestry of nostalgia and celebration that encapsulates the joy, camaraderie, and growth of their academic journey.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion of your essay should begin with the restatement of your thesis statement along with its broader implications. You can then provide a quick summary of all the important aspects mentioned in the body paragraphs. 

Finally, you can end your essay with a powerful statement or a clincher. This can include anything from a powerful lesson to a thought-provoking quote. The goal is to leave the reader with something to think about.

Here’s an example: 

  • Restated thesis statement
  • Summary of body paragraphs
  • Concluding statement

As the final bell echoes through the hallways and students scatter in all directions, school leaves behind a lingering sense of closure and anticipation. It is a day filled with mixed emotions—a blend of nostalgia for the memories created, gratitude for the knowledge gained, and excitement for the new chapter that awaits. The last day of school symbolizes a milestone in each student’s journey, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. It is a time to reflect on the growth, challenges overcome, and friendships forged along the way. The last day of school is not an end, but rather a stepping stone towards new horizons, where each student will continue to learn, explore, and thrive.

Now that we’ve understood how to structure a descriptive essay, let’s figure out how to write it!

How to write a descriptive essay

In order to write a perfect descriptive essay you must effectively make use of multiple creative writing devices. These creative writing devices include figures of speech, imagery, sensory and emotional descriptors, as well as evocative language.  

If you find the essay writing process challenging, we’re here to equip you with essential tips on writing a descriptive essay. Let’s take a look at how to write a descriptive essay: 

1. Use figures of speech

Literary devices such as similies, metaphors, and imagery are creative devices that describe an object or a person in a figurative sense. These creative devices add an element of interest to your essay, making it more vivid, vibrant, and colorful. 

The use of figures of speech can turn an otherwise boring piece of writing into a masterpiece. Take a look at the following example:

On that spot stood an old banyan tree with thick bark and intertwining branches.

Although this example is a good start, it can be made much more interesting with the use of figures of speech.

On that spot stood an old banyan tree with its resolve as strong as iron. Its arms intertwined as they reached for the skies, yearning for the sun.  

The use of literary devices such as personification and metaphor makes the banyan tree in the second example come to life. This is how you can make your writing more vivid, descriptive, and poetic.

2. Use your senses

Sensory descriptors are one of the most important aspects of a descriptive essay. The key is to make the reader experience what you’ve experienced. This means appealing to all five senses of the reader. 

Although the visual aspect is important, you should also focus on how something sounds, feels, and smells. The experience of touching, smelling, or feeling something is more evocative than simply viewing it. 

Some sensory descriptors are used in a literal sense:

The smell of rain in July takes me back to my childhood. The pitter-patter reminds me of my mother’s footsteps, bringing us delicious snacks. 

They can also be used metaphorically:

The beautiful, cold gaze of the moon stunned us all.

3. Use evocative language

It is a good idea to use strong, evocative language that conveys an intense action or emotion. Creative use of words is an important factor in writing a descriptive essay since passive language leads to a dull, boring essay.  Let’s take a look at the following sentences: 

The 100-meter race was completed by Usain Bolt in under 10 seconds.

Usian Bolt whizzed through the 100-meter race in under 10 seconds!

The use of the word “completed” indicates no action and the use of passive voice makes the example dull. On the other hand, the phrase “whizzed through” indicates speed and intensity which makes the second example much more interesting to read.

Now that we’ve understood the different methods of writing a descriptive essay, let’s understand its outline.

Descriptive essay outline

The outline of a descriptive essay is less structured compared to most academic essay types. It merely serves as a guideline that you can use to flesh out your essay. It also helps you develop a coherent structure and logical flow for your topic sentences. 

In order to help you further develop your essay, we’ve created an outline for your reference. The following descriptive essay outline revolves around the nostalgia experienced when going through an old diary.

Turning the Pages of Time

I. Introduction

A. Hook: Engaging opening sentence to grab the reader’s attention.

B. Background: Briefly explain the significance of finding your old diary and the memories associated with it.

C. Thesis statement: Clearly state the main idea of the essay, highlighting the emotional journey of rediscovering your old diary.

II. The discovery

A. Setting the scene: Describe the circumstances and location where you stumbled upon your old diary.

B. Initial emotions: Express the range of emotions that flooded your mind upon finding the diary.

C. Anticipation: Share the anticipation and curiosity about what lies within the pages of the diary.

III. The diary’s contents

A. Opening the pages: Describe the physical act of opening the diary and the smell and texture of the pages.

B. Memories unfolded: Reflect on the memories and experiences captured in the diary entries.

C. Emotional impact: Discuss the emotional response evoked by reading your own words and reliving past moments.

IV. Nostalgic reflections

A. Time traveling: Explain how reading the diary transported you back to the time and place when the entries were written.

B. Reconnecting with your past self: Describe the process of reconnecting with your past self and reevaluating your thoughts and experiences.

C. Lessons and insights: Highlight any valuable lessons, self-discoveries, or personal growth revealed through the diary’s contents.

V. Resonating with present self

A. Relevance to current life: Discuss how the insights and reflections from the diary still resonate with your present self.

B. Perspective shifts: Explain any shifts in perspective or newfound understanding that arose from revisiting the diary.

C. Appreciation: Express gratitude for the diary and its role in preserving and enriching your personal history.

VI. Cherishing the rediscovery

A. Preservation: Discuss the steps you took to preserve and protect the diary after finding it.

B. Future reflections: Share your intentions and plans for continuing the habit of journaling or preserving personal memories.

C. Closing thoughts: Reflect on the lasting impact of finding your old diary and the value of personal reflection and self-expression.

VII. Conclusion

A. Recap: Summarize the emotional journey of rediscovering your old diary.

B. Significance: Emphasize the personal and emotional significance of reconnecting with your past self through the diary.

C. Closing remarks: Conclude with a reflection on the power of personal artifacts and the importance of preserving one’s history.

Now that we have taken a look at the descriptive essay structure let’s look at an example.

Descriptive essay example

To help you better understand the process of descriptive essay writing, we’ve constructed an example. The following example revolves around an imaginary situation. It describes the writer’s voyage through the cosmos.

Exploring the Cosmos

As the rocket engines ignited, the powerful thrust propelled us into the vast expanse of space. The vibrations rattled through the cabin, merging with the palpable anticipation that filled the air. We were embarking on a remarkable journey through the cosmos, leaving behind the familiarity of Earth and venturing into the unknown.

Outside the small window, the twinkling stars grew brighter, casting a mesmerizing glow on the infinite darkness. The view was awe-inspiring as if we were floating amidst a sea of diamonds, each one beckoning us to explore its mysteries. The depth and grandeur of space stretched out before us, reminding us of the minuscule nature of our existence in the universe.

As we traversed through the cosmic void, weightlessness engulfed our bodies, releasing us from the Earth’s gravitational pull. Every movement became a ballet, effortlessly gliding from one corner of the spacecraft to another. The sensation was both exhilarating and disorienting as if the boundaries of physical limitations had dissolved.

The silence in space was profound, a symphony of tranquility. Without the interference of atmospheric sounds, we were left with the gentle hum of the spaceship’s systems and the rhythmic beating of our own hearts. It was a humbling reminder of the vastness and serenity that lay beyond our home planet.

Farther into our journey, celestial bodies came into view, captivating us with their sheer beauty. The fiery hues of neighboring planets illuminated the darkness, displaying their own distinct personalities. We marveled at the majestic rings of Saturn, a delicate masterpiece encircling the giant planet, and the crimson swirls of Jupiter, a tempestuous giant with its own cosmic dance.

Time seemed to lose its grip on the vastness of space. Hours felt like mere moments as we traveled through light-years, witnessing the unimaginable beauty of celestial phenomena. We were reminded of the sheer magnitude of the cosmos, a testament to the wonders that lie beyond our earthly confines.

Eventually, the time came for us to return to our home planet. As we reentered Earth’s atmosphere, the fiery descent illuminated the sky, marking our triumphant return. The journey through space left an everlasting mark on our souls, forever changing our perception of our place in the universe.

Our journey was more than a physical exploration; it was a voyage of wonder and introspection. It taught us the fragility and interconnectedness of all things and ignited an insatiable curiosity to continue unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. We were forever transformed by the immensity and beauty that awaited us beyond our pale blue dot in the vast expanse of space.

After writing the essay, it’s important to edit and proofread it, which is a not easy. If you find essay editing challenging, you can consider taking the help of an essay editing service .  

Want to keep reading? Here are the newest articles we’ve worked on:

  • How to Start an Essay
  • Expository Essays | Step-by-Step Manual
  • How to Write an Argumentative Essay
  • Types of Essays
  • Compare and Contrast Essay

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What is the purpose of a descriptive essay, how to conclude a descriptive essay, how long should a descriptive essay be, what are the five parts of a descriptive essay, what are the two types of descriptions.

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The Teaching Couple

The Top 30 Descriptive Paragraphs About the Sun

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Written by Dan

Last updated January 4, 2024

Are you looking for the perfect descriptive paragraph examples to show your classes? If so, look no further! In this blog post, we’ve collected 30 of the most beautiful and accurate descriptions of the Sun.

From its warmth and brightness to its life-giving energy, these paragraphs explore all of the many complex facets that make the Sun such an incredible part of our lives. You’re sure to find something inspiring in this collection – start discovering today!

Related : For more, check out our article on  Descriptive Paragraphs About The Wind  here.

descriptive essay about sunny day

Table of Contents

1. The Sun: A Fiery Orb of Incandescent Brilliance

Residing at the heart of the cerulean sky, the sun, a flamboyant sphere of luminous magnificence, blazes with an unyielding constancy. Its radiant tendrils of light, reminiscent of the outstretched fingers of a divine being, reach out in a tender caress that infuses warmth into the world beneath. It is not unlike a celestial artist of grandeur, meticulously splashing the earth’s vast canvas with a palette brimming with hues of molten gold, fiery amber, and resplendent scarlet. With every dawn, it rises, shaking off the frosty clutches of the nocturnal veil to bathe the world in a flood of its enchanting golden radiance.

2. The Sun’s Dominance in the Celestial Sphere

The sun’s dominance is an undeniable fact, a truth universally acknowledged. It reigns supreme in the vast and awe-inspiring celestial sphere, holding its throne unchallenged amidst the countless stars and galaxies that make up our universe. Its fiery presence is both commanding and mesmerizing, casting a spell of perpetual daylight over half the Earth at any given time.

The sun, akin to a grand puppeteer, controls the rhythm of life with an authority that is both gentle and absolute. It dictates the ebb and flow of days, turning the wheels of time with the rising and setting of its radiant self. It marks the passing of hours, the progression of days into nights, and the cycle of seasons. From the delicate blossoming of flowers in spring to the falling of leaves in autumn, every minute change on our planet is under the sun’s watchful gaze.

Related : For more, check out our article on  Poems About The Sun  here.

3. The Sun’s Warmth: A Comforting Presence

The sun’s warmth, akin to a nurturing quilt spun from luminous gold strands of light, swathes the Earth. Its heat, a subtle caress that grazes the skin, permeates into the lifeblood of existence, cultivating growth and kindling vibrancy. This warmth transcends mere physical sensation; it embodies a mother’s tender lullaby, encouraging buds to unfurl into full bloom and leaves to spread wide, creating a captivating tableau of life in all its resplendent glory.

4. The Sun: An Unstoppable Source of Energy

The sun, a colossal nuclear furnace, ceaselessly churns out energy. With a roar that drowns the cosmos, it fuses atoms together, creating a dazzling spectacle of light and heat. It is the ultimate alchemist, transmuting hydrogen into helium in a reaction as old as time itself, a ceaseless cycle of creation and destruction that fuels life as we know it.

Each sunrise and sunset are perfect examples of this rhythmic dance choreographed by the sun. As it rises, it breathes life into the world, casting away the darkness and filling the sky with hues of pink and orange. And as it sets, it allows the world to rest under a blanket of stars, only to wake it up again at dawn. This cycle, like the beating heart of the cosmos, pulsates with a steady, unending cadence.

This rhythm, this heartbeat, resonates across the universe. It is a testament to the sun’s power and influence. It is a reminder of the role it plays in our lives, a role so significant yet often taken for granted. So, as we bask in its warmth or marvel at its brightness, let us remember that we are all part of this cosmic dance, guided by the sun, our grand puppeteer.

5. The Sun’s Glare: A Cascade of Light

The sun’s glare, a blinding cascade of light, pierces through the veil of the atmosphere. It is a relentless, unyielding force, banishing darkness to the farthest corners of the earth. Like a vigilant watchman, it dispels the shadows and illuminates the world, casting long, dancing shadows and transforming the mundane into the extraordinary.

Related : For more, check out our article on  Poems About The Moon  here.

6. The Sun’s Influence on Climate and Seasons

The sun’s influence extends beyond mere illumination. It is the architect of seasons, shaping the world’s climate with its cyclical journey across the sky. Its winter retreat ushers in a quiet and calm season, a time for rest and reflection. While its triumphant return in summer heralds a time of abundance, a celebration of life in all its resplendent glory.

the sun

7. The Sun: A Beacon of Hope and Resilience

The sun, a beacon of hope, is a constant in our ever-changing lives. Its steadfast rise every morning serves as a reminder that even after the darkest night, a new day will dawn. It is a testament to resilience, to the indomitable spirit of life that persists despite adversity, serving as a symbol of strength and endurance that inspires all who gaze upon its radiant visage.

8. The Sun’s Setting: A Symphony of Light and Color

The setting of the sun, a grand spectacle of fiery hues, is a symphony of light and color. Like an impressionist’s canvas, the sky is awash with crimson, orange, and violet strokes. It’s a poignant farewell, a gentle lullaby that ushers in the night, a time of quiet reflection under the watchful gaze of a million twinkling stars.

9. The Sun: A Celestial Body of Immense Proportions

The sun, a celestial body of immense proportions, dwarfs all planets in its vicinity. It is a titan among dwarves, a giant cauldron of seething plasma, whose diameter could accommodate more than a million earths. Its sheer size is a testament to its might and majesty, a glowing symbol of the immense power that fuels the cosmos.

10. The Sun’s Cycle: A Testament to Cosmic Endurance

The sun’s cycle, a rhythmic dance that spans billions of years, is a testament to cosmic endurance. Like an ageless phoenix, it will eventually exhaust its fuel, expand into a red giant, and ultimately collapse into a white dwarf. Yet, even in its death throes, it will shine with a brilliance that outshines all the stars in the galaxy, a final, resplendent display of light and heat before it fades into the annals of cosmic history.

11. The Sun: The Heart of the Solar System

Anchoring our solar system, the sun is a fiery orb of immense power, radiating its energy across the vast expanse of space. This colossal star is a massive, hot ball of plasma, with its core acting as a seething cauldron where intense nuclear fusion reactions occur. The temperatures within this celestial body are mind-boggling, reaching millions of degrees Celsius 1 . Its gravity, acting like invisible strings, binds the solar system together, ensuring planets, asteroids, and comets maintain their designated orbits.

12. The Sun: One Among Billions

Though the sun’s importance to life on Earth is undeniable, it remains humbling that it is but one among more than 100 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. Orbiting approximately 25,000 light-years from the galactic core, our sun is an ordinary star, yet its influence over our planet is extraordinary, affecting everything from climate to biological processes 4 .

13. The Sun: A Celestial Powerhouse

The sun is the dominant body of the solar system, making up more than 99 percent of its total mass. Its gravitational pull is so potent that it maintains the balance of the entire solar system, drawing everything from the smallest speck of dust to the largest gas giant into its cosmic dance, maintaining order in the seemingly chaotic cosmos.

14. The Sun: A Nuclear Furnace

At the heart of the sun, a complex process of nuclear fusion reactions takes place. These reactions generate an enormous amount of energy, which radiates outward, illuminating and warming our planet. This process, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, is what fuels the sun, giving it its radiant glow and life-sustaining heat.

15. The Sun: The Life-Giver

The sun’s influence goes far beyond its gravitational pull. Its heat and light play a pivotal role in supporting life on Earth. It drives photosynthesis in plants, which produce oxygen – a vital element for most organisms, and serve as the base of many food chains. Without the sun, life as we know it would cease to exist.

16. The Sun: An Ordinary Star with Extraordinary Influence

Despite being classified as an ordinary star, the sun’s influence on our planet is anything but ordinary. It affects everything from the climate to the length of our days. Its cycles of activity can influence satellite communications, power grids, and even weather patterns on Earth, demonstrating its vast reach beyond mere illumination.

17. The Sun: A Constant Companion

Since the dawn of time, the sun has been a constant companion to life on Earth. Every day, it rises in the east and sets in the west, casting its warm, golden glow across continents and oceans. As predictable as it is beautiful, this daily phenomenon It rises in the east and sets in the west every day is a testament to the sun’s consistent and reliable nature.

18. The Sun: A Source of Inspiration

Throughout human history, the sun has served as a profound source of inspiration. It has been worshipped as a deity, symbolized in countless works of art and literature, and pored over by scientists seeking to understand the nature of the universe. Its mysteries continue to captivate us, driving exploration, innovation, and discovery.

19. The Sun: The Ultimate Destination

The sun is not merely the center of our solar system, but also a tantalizing destination for future space exploration. NASA and other international space agencies have ambitious plans to send missions to study the sun more closely. These missions aim to unravel the secrets of the sun and help us better understand its impact on our planet and its role in shaping our universe.

20. The Sun: A Symbol of Hope

In many cultures around the world, the sun is revered as a symbol of hope and rebirth. Its rise each morning signifies the start of a new day, offering fresh possibilities and opportunities. As we continue to study and learn more about the sun, it remains a beacon of light in our quest for knowledge about the universe and our place within it.

21. The Sun: A Cosmic Symphony

The sun, our very own celestial maestro, conducts a cosmic symphony in the vast auditorium of space. It orchestrates the rhythmic dance of planets and moons, each revolving in harmonious synchrony to its gravitational pull. Its radiant beams, like golden batons, guide the ballet of celestial bodies, creating a spectacle of cosmic choreography that is as awe-inspiring as it is meticulously precise.

22. The Sun: An Incandescent Artist

An incandescent artist, the sun paints the sky with a palette of radiant hues. At dawn, it adorns the heavens with pastel strokes of pink and orange, a gentle awakening of the world. By midday, it saturates the firmament with a deep, resplendent blue. As dusk falls, it splashes the canvas of the sky with bold streaks of crimson and gold, bidding the day farewell with a grand flourish of color.

23. The Sun: A Mirthful Minstrel

The sun, a mirthful minstrel, sings a melodious song that echoes across the cosmos. Its voice, composed of solar winds and electromagnetic waves, resonates through the void of space. This cosmic melody, though inaudible to human ears, is a testament to the sun’s vibrant energy, a symphony of light and heat that reverberates through the solar system.

24. The Sun: A Celestial Clock

The sun serves as a celestial clock, marking the passage of time with its predictable journey across the sky. Its steady ascent heralds the arrival of day, casting long shadows that gradually shorten until it reaches its zenith. As the day wanes, the sun descends slowly, its glow dimming as twilight creeps in, signaling the approach of nightfall.

25. The Sun: A Radiant Beacon

Like a radiant beacon in the cosmic sea, the sun guides us through the vast expanse of space. Its light, a constant companion in our journey through the cosmos, illuminates our path and shapes our understanding of the universe. The sun’s luminosity is not just a source of daylight, but a beacon of knowledge, shedding light on the mysteries of the universe.

26. The Sun: A Cosmic Conductor

The sun, a cosmic conductor, orchestrates the ebb and flow of life on Earth with masterful precision. Its radiant energy, an invisible baton, directs the cycle of seasons, guiding nature through its annual performance. From the vibrant rebirth of spring, when every leaf is a flower and buds burst forth in an explosion of life, to the quiet slumber of winter, where the world dons a blanket of white and every sound is muffled by the gentle fall of snow. Like a seasoned maestro leading a grand orchestra, it sets the tempo for life’s many rhythms. It cues the blooming of flowers, their petals unfurling in a symphony of color, and conducts the migration of birds, their formations painting fluid notes across the sky.

27. The Sun: A Silent Sentinel

A silent sentinel, the sun stands guard over our planet from its lofty perch in the azure heavens. Its gaze, seemingly impassive yet imbued with tremendous power, shapes our world in ways both minute and monumental. Under the sun’s golden, watchful eye, mountains slowly succumb to the relentless march of time, their proud peaks softening, eroding into gentle slopes.

Oceans ebb and flow in rhythmic obedience to its gravitational pull, waves lapping rhythmically against the shore, a ceaseless symphony of nature. Life, in all its myriad forms, blooms under its steadfast vigil, each organism a verse in the resplendent poem of existence. From the tiniest microbe to the largest whale, every living thing basks in the sun’s life-giving light, thriving under its silent yet profound influence.

28. The Sun: An Incessant Furnace

With an incessant furnace at its core, the sun is a powerhouse of nuclear fusion. It fuses hydrogen atoms into helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process. This ongoing reaction, like a cosmic forge, fuels the sun’s radiant glow, sustaining life on Earth with its heat and light.

29. The Sun: An Astral Symphony

The sun’s daily journey across the sky is an astral symphony, a grand performance that unfolds from dawn to dusk. It begins with a gentle crescendo, as the sun peeks over the horizon, casting a soft, golden light. As the day progresses, the sun climbs higher, its light intensifying until it reaches a brilliant fortissimo at noon. As sunset approaches, the sun descends, its light fading into a serene adagio, before finally disappearing below the horizon, bringing the symphony to a close.

30. The Sun: A Timeless Voyager

A timeless voyager, the sun embarks on an eternal journey across the cosmos. It traverses the galaxy, a solitary beacon amidst the endless expanse of space. Despite its ceaseless voyage, the sun remains a constant presence in our lives, a shining testament to the enduring nature of the cosmos.

Without a doubt, the sun is an integral part of our lives. Through photosynthesis, it provides us with essential elements to sustain life and shapes our weather patterns. In addition, its energy radiates light and heat that drives biological processes that are vital for our environments and all living life forms within them. All in all, the sun is essential for creating warmth, life, and beauty in the world we live in.

It’s no wonder then why artists since way back have made use of these incredible properties by using it as part of their inspiration when painting or writing descriptive paragraphs about the sun. We hope you’ve enjoyed this list of 30 inspiring descriptions that can help spark your creativity when writing about this celestial being. Now that you’ve been inspired don’t forget to check out our other articles to learn even more about the amazing source of energy that is the sun.

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About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.

descriptive essay about sunny day

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A beach on a sunny day

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A beach on a sunny day                                                   James Weir

I woke up one morning feeling very hot. As I opened my eyes I noticed the intense brightness all around the room.  The sun was gleaming through a crack in the curtain.  My bedroom was usually like an old dusty dark street, but now it is a lovely bright and warm sunny room.  I suddenly felt happy in my self, because I thought this could be a day spent at the long sandy beach.

I got out of my bed yawning and got dressed into some shorts and a brightly coloured tee-shirt.  I quickly ate some cereal and toast, had a drink of cold fresh orange juice, picked up my beach towel and set off to the beach.

On the way, I could really feel the wind from the sea and the sun shining down on me as if the sun knew me and was drawing me closer and closer to the golden sands.  As I drew even closer to the beach I could hear the faint children’s voices wailing as if in pain, but they were not in pain, they were just having fun running around and enjoying the sunshine.   The closer I got to the beach I could hear sounds of laughter from the people, the sound of the waves lapping onto the shore, the cry of the seagulls as they swished and swooped over the water, ducking and diving for fish.  Everyone was enjoying the sunshine and relaxing on the fine sand.

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As I reached the beach the fine sand stretched out before me and it gave me a sense of freedom seeing the big expanse of sand.  Dotted along the stretch of sand were colourful windbreaks sheltering people from the sea breeze.  In my mind I knew that the sun had brought people down to the seaside.    

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On the horizon I could see sailing boats with white sails racing around the course set out by orange buoys.  Although it was extremely sunny I could really feel the wind going through me like a drill, which was strangely refreshing. I could not help smiling to myself as I thought about the day ahead on the beach.

As I looked around I thought to my- self that the beach is like one big playing field as most people were playing games of some sort.  Some were playing tennis, children were playing cricket, footballs were being kicked, rugby balls were being thrown and caught, other people were paddling in the sea or playing catch in the water or just swimming about.  I couldn’t wait to join in.

With all the sounds of the activities taking place it was like one huge orchestra of beach sounds.   I had never heard so many different sounds together in my life, but surprisingly the noise was music to my ears.  There were boats banging around, wind howling through the windbreaks, children shouting and laughing, babies crying and all the time the sound of the sea in the background. I felt excited and wanted to join in and really enjoy every minute of my day on the beach.  

I sauntered to the other end of the beach where there is a gift shop called The Holidaymakers shop which sold the coolest items ever like shells, fossils and fridge magnets. An ice cream stall was situated at the other end of the beach.  Children and adults were eating delicious strawberry, vanilla or chocolate ice cream with flakes stuck into the side.  It was the loveliest sight in the world.

There was so much to see and do.  I wandered along the beach to where you could hire wind surfers, surf boards and sailing dinghies.  After I looked into the activities I looked in the nearby shop.  The shop was large and bright with the sun reflecting off the mirrors that were for sale on the walls.  The shop was very pricey and must have made lots of money in the summer months.  Next to the shop was a café with decking in the front leading onto the beach.  People were enjoying the sunshine sitting at the tables overlooking people lying under parasols and windbreaks.  It was one of the best cafes around so everyone came here.  The food was brilliant and the service was top class like the service you would get in a London restaurant.  Everyone on the beach was friendly which made the atmosphere almost feel like a carnival.  

It was getting near 5 o’clock and people were starting to leave the beach.  People were packing up their belongings.  Windbreaks were being taken down and picnics put away.  People were leaving after a relaxing time at the lovely, sandy sunny beach.  The children were eating the last of their lunch and ice creams.

After a long day on the beach it was like a mine bomb factory as all the children had dug holes everywhere so you had to dodge them.

I decided that the next time I go the beach I am going to go windsurfing because it looks so exciting to glide along the water on the surf solely propelled by the wind.  It will take some time to get used to it, but I will get the hang of it.

Now most people had gone and the wind had died down there was a deadly hush all around.  All you could hear were the waves breaking on the sand.  It felt really relaxing.  The wind had calmed down and had gone to sleep until the next morning. That is when everyone gets up and goes to the beach again.  Then it’s the normal routine for the sun and the wind.  All the sun cream is going to be sold out at the gift shop!

A beach on a sunny day

Document Details

  • Word Count 966
  • Page Count 2
  • Subject English

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descriptive essay about sunny day

I keep a collection of descriptions that have pulled me into the books I read. I’m fascinated how authors can–in just a few words–put me in the middle of their story and make me want to stay there. This one’s 160+   Ways to Describe Weather.

A note: These are for inspiration only . They can’t be copied because they’ve been pulled directly from an author’s copyrighted manuscript (intellectual property is immediately copyrighted when published).

  • Evening shadows deepened into blue and purple.
  • The shadows retreated.
  • Sun was sinking toward the horizon, the pitiless white ball now an angry orange.
  • Fading afternoon in early June
  • Evening sky had turned to molten brass.
  • Sun still cast a faint yellow light through Slowly gathering evening.
  • Daylight had begun to drain away.
  • one-quarter of a moonlit night
  • silver-white moon hung
  • A half-moon rests in the fronds over our heads.
  • watching the horizon drain of color
  • The shadows slipped up the rocks as though the world were drowning in darkness.
  • deepening shadows made it a city of ghosts
  • barely visible in the fading light
  • the high heavens
  • Darkness settled around him.
  • The shadows slipped up the rocks.
  • Evening was crisp already, the last of sunset just a fading pale stripe in the western sky.
  • darkening river
  • the moon golden at dawn, turn purple just before sunset in the rainy season, sometimes has white and black stripes created by volcanic ash, calm and clear sometimes attended by only a single cloud
  • humpback shapes of conical hills
  • The last rays of sun skimmed the surface.
  • late afternoon sun
  • velvety darkness
  • night shattered like a mirror
  • the Southern Cross lying on its side, the green meadow bathed in the humid light of the sinking sun
  • The corners have just about disappeared into the shadows.
  • black branches that traced the blue-black heavens overhead
  • far away down the night sky
  • full moon a pale blue-white disk
  • night sky dull black
  • Stars were remote pinpricks.
  • a half-moon rests in the fronds over our heads
  • inky blackness
  • Thick clouds blotted out the stars.
  • A thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, filling the room with blue light.
  • Sun cast a luminescent glow.
  • The day was out of sync with his mood.
  • beautiful, 82 degrees, mild breeze, cloudless sunshine, a day for looking at a ball game
  • The air was cool but the sun was out.
  • The wind blew itself out overnight.
  • a web of clouds, back-lit by the failing sun, mist billowed through the trees and over the fields and hung low in the air, masking the camp in a ghostly gray
  • towering thunder clouds
  • Clouds threatening, but no rain predicted the 45-mile per hour gusts of drizzly wind.
  • brown cloud that passes for air
  • a wedge of sunlight bursting past the narrow window
  • The wind was icy and withering.
  • Heads bowed against the gusting wind.
  • Grit grated in his teeth. Dust was everywhere, blowing on the wind, leaving its scent in his nostrils.
  • as dust motes drifted
  • thirty miles over the horizon
  • razor edge of the horizon
  • cinder dust and gloom
  • The haze floated over the crowd like smoke from a doused fire.
  • Sun hanging in a pink haze of clouds and smog.
  • Fog yellowed by agricultural burning.
  • Fog began to billow across the road in a great grey mass like the effluent of a thousand smokestacks. The building was only a shadowy form, almost entirely lost to view.
  • Headlamps of cars did little to pierce the gloom.
  • The mist floated like smoke out of the cypress in the swamp.
  • dark clouds drifting over the hills
  • night was pitch
  • slice of sky
  • thick clouds blotted out the stars
  • a thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, filling the room with blue light
  • cool restful shady world with light filtering lazily through the treetops that meet high overhead and shut out the direct sunlight
  • saw the anvil of cloud coming in. “A thunderstorm.”
  • Cumulus clouds falling down to the…
  • A light breeze whispered through the trees.
  • cloud shadows
  • first cumulus clouds darkening into thunderheads
  • hold humidity like a sponge holds water
  • thick heat of the growing morning
  • fierce humidity
  • windless heat
  • It was surprisingly hot. He could feel the sweat roll down his sides and the dampness of the box up against his chest.
  • Even with the breeze, the air remained thick and hot, and it stills tank of petroleum.
  • sky as gray-white and sunless
  • against the fading layers of orange, yellow
  • shoulders hunched against the early morning damp and cool
  • fused warm light of dawn now creeping down the summit
  • bathed in sunlight
  • gold shadow not three inches from his leg
  • his breath steaming in the air
  • Snow pelted his face and he pulled up the collar of his overcoat to further shield him from the bitter weather.
  • rubbed his arms
  • A harsh winter wind blew out of a midnight sky. It roared out of the frigid north and thrashed the brooking forest. The force of it bent trees, whipping their bare branches like angry lashes. Shrieking across the river.
  • Cold was like that, seeping through her seven layers of clothing, attacking seams and zipper tracks and spots of thin insulation. The exposed skin on her face felt as if it had been touched with lit cigarettes.
  • frigid Friday morning
  • swirling snow
  • winter’s naked branches created a black tracework
  • The sun was climbing out of the deep well of winter, but it was still brutally cold.
  • winter colors daubed the land in colors of brown and gray
  • sunny, crisp and cool
  • The crisp air and clear sky energized his thoughts.

Rainy weather

  • grey wet morning
  • rain-swept and unpleasantly chilly
  • A flurry of rain stung my face.
  • Cold rain was beating down on my windshield.
  • The sky was leaden.
  • Downpour started in the early evening and continued on through the night, a heavy pelting of water that thundered against rooftops and drowned out the sound of all else. By morning, city streets were shallow rivers rushing toward the ocean.
  • Rain ran down the window, the streets gleamed.
  • damp paving stones
  • By the time it reaches the ground, it has spent its energy.
  • windshield wipers barely keeping up with the cold, hard rain
  • The rain came steady and cold against the windshield and rattled on the roof of the car.
  • turned her head away and looked out my window, where it had gotten dark and shiny with the lights glistening off the rain.
  • The maple trees were black and slick in the rain, their bare branches shiny. The flower bed was a soggy matting of dead stems.
  • The sky was low and gray.
  • Air was swollen.
  • the rain was steady and warm and vertical
  • drizzly rain
  • The sleety rain drizzled down, not very hard and not very fast, but steady.
  • Rain came down so hard it almost hurt, stinging the skin and blowing into the eyes and nose and mouth, but in the forest its fall is broken by the trees.
  • saw a distant flash of lightning, counted the seconds, and then said, “six miles, more or less.”

People in hot weather:

  • Heat wave hit, temperatures went soaring.
  • The heat hit them like a hand in the face.
  • strode into the dusk, into the stifling heat
  • The heat smacked the grin off his face.
  • Burst back into the blistering hot sun. Sweat immediately beaded across her brow. She could feel her T-shirt glue itself stickily to her skin.
  • I could feel the sweat form along my backbone and trickle down.
  • She slogged forward, feeling blotches of dark gray sweat bloom across the front of her T-shirt, while more trailed down the small of her back.
  • slogging across pavement as hot as ash in August.
  • white dress shirt, sharply pressed this morning, was now plastered against his chest
  • already short of breath, his lungs laboring as they headed down the path
  • still wrung out from working in the heat
  • Take your shirt off. Pop your underwear in the freezer. Dump a tray of ice cubes on your bed. Throw back some chilled vodka shots before you go to sleep.
  • The semi-drought slowly draining the life out of the grass and trees.
  • Only 7 in the morning, and already stocky hot. *** had a sheen across his forehead.
  • Sweat tricked from his forehead which he wiped with the back of his knotted, callused hand.
  • hundred degree heat, burning sun and parching salt
  • ninety-five outside, probably a hundred in the car. Not great weather for polyester suits
  • a fresh drop of sweat teared up on her brow and made a slow, wet path down the plane of her cheek
  • walking through a hair dryer
  • The heat slammed her like a blow.
  • *** cranked the air-conditioning. She stripped off her sweat-soaked clothes, climbed into the shower and scrubbed.
  • answered the phone while used the other hand to wipe the sweat from the back of her neck. God this heat was unbearable. The humidity level had picked up on Sunday and hadn’t done a thing to improve since.
  • *** thin green sundress was already plastered to her body while she could feel fresh dewdrops of moisture trickle stickily down between her breast.
  • Cradled the phone closer to her damp ear
  • Her face shiny with sweat.
  • Summer sun remained a brilliant, blinding white. No shade existed for miles and the heat rising up from the baked earth was brutal.
  • The summer heat came off the tarmac in waves.

Hot Weather

  • While the mercury climbed to a hundred degrees. Efforts started strong, then petered out. People got hot, got tired, got busy with other things—inside things.
  • Seemed to be bracing himself for leaving the cool comfort of air-conditioning behind and bursting once more into the heat
  • The heat settled in on them, rolling in like a heavy blanket and pressing them deep into their chairs while their clothing glued to their skin.
  • Even my teeth are sweating
  • The sun beat down relentlessly; even with the AC cranked up, she could feel the heat.
  • She could already feel sweat trickle down her back.
  • The sun burned white-hot overhead.
  • glass exploding from the heat of the sun
  • vanish in the dry season’s brown leaves

Click for the complete list of 69 writer’s themed descriptions .

Copyright ©2022 – All rights reserved.

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Jacqui Murray  is the author of the popular  Man vs. Nature  saga, the  Rowe-Delamagente thrillers , and the acclaimed  Building a Midshipman , the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy .  She is also the author/editor of over a hundred books on integrating tech into education, adjunct professor of technology in education, blog webmaster, an  Amazon Vine Voice , and a freelance journalist on tech ed topics. Look for her next prehistoric fiction,  Savage Land Winter 2024

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122 thoughts on “ 160+ Ways to Describe Weather ”

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Weaving words so perfectly – Thanks for sharing. And overnight, a transformation. Summer at last.,, .

Like Liked by 1 person

These really inspire me. I often read through my collections when I’m stuck.

helped my writing

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Reblogged this on Coffee82 and commented: Awesome.

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Nice collection! A lot of poetic and inventive phrasing there.


Weather is so many different things to different people. Not surprising I found 160 descriptions of it.

Ha! yes – that got me thinking about the old “Number of words for snow” question, and I found this . As a Scot myself though I have to say I am very, very skeptical of the final claim in that article!

I’ve heard of that, too. Luckily, my folks don’t have that problem but it is truly an issue if you’re writing about present-day groups in snowy lands.

Appreciate your list of ways to describe the weather. Timeless too. Here I am 2 years since your post and inspired by your creativity. Take care, Steve

It is timeless, isn’t it! When I put this list together, it helped me to better appreciate weather.

Impressive list. (Mine, now!) I’m compiling one for similes. Raymond Chandler makes me smile with his off the wall analogies. I recently added a Writing Terms Checklist on my free checklists page. It was too long for a post. Thanks for all you do!

I like checklists. I’ll check yours out!

Hi Jacqui, Thanks for reading my modest post. What an accomplished woman you are! What would we do without words, eh! Cheers. Joy x

Thanks, Joy. I enjoyed your thoughts. It’s amazing what inspired such accomplished writers as the Brontes.

Excellent list, Jacqui. I even get lots of ideas for titles, something I’m always struggling with entering competitions.

I grab these from books I read. You can probably tell I favor thrillers, action. I like ‘weather’ and ‘setting’ to be a character as much as the others.

That’s an amazing compilation. Thanks for sharing!!

Thanks! These sorts of lists inspire me.

An awesome post, Jacqui. Thank you. Weather intrigues. It is joy-filled and sometimes furious. God is bowling upstairs during a thunderstorm. Be well and enjoy the week. ox

Thanks–weather is fascinating. I like when I can feel it through an author’s words.

Indeed and thank you, Jacqui. Word play is an enjoyable activity. We have about seven months of winter, two days of spring and then summer at our end of the pond in Upstate New York. I love my four seasons. Be well.

7 months of winter. I didn’t know NY was that cold! Good to know so I never move there!

Jacqui, I laughed at your comment. We live near Lake Ontario and Oneida Lake and get frequent lake effect snow storms in winter. When I first moved to this area, I learned about lake effect snowstorms. We have excellent snow removal though so come on over sometime. Colorful in Autumn too.

Pingback: Episode 129: A Dark and Stormy Night – #WriteOnSC Radio Show and Craft School

These are great, Jacqui! And yes, inspirational. It’s good to see how other authors describe things; it gives ideas on alternates.

It is. There are some very clever minds out there.

What an epic list 😀 Reminds me of a ‘music’ video we were recommended to watch for university called ’50 words for snow.’ It’s fun to think of different ways to describe things!

That must be put out by Eskimos. They know more about snow than anyone I’ve seen.

That’s a long list, Jacqui. So many ways to tell the day. Thanks for sharing this!

It’s one of my longest! Who knew?

That’s a lot of ideas for talking about the weather 🙂

Dinner party chat.

Quite eloquent 🙂

These lists are so inspirational! Thank you for posting this.

It is pretty interesting to view weather through so many literary eyes, innit?

Yes, indeed. I learn so much. 🙂

great list Jacqui. i use the weather regularly in my stories to create a specific mood. thanks for the info.

A bit of unexpected inspiration. Who knew weather was so interesting?

exactly, Jacqui. i also post weather images regularly on instagram. especially the colours of sunrises and sunsets in clouds during different seasons and different weather conditions.

Interesting post, Jacqui. Thanks.

I highlight memorable phrases in the Kindle books I read. Although I no longer transcribe them into a file on my computer (too time-consuming), the mere act of highlighting imprints the phrases in my mind. If an author particularly impresses me, I can scroll through the highlights and reread the highlights for inspiration.

That’s how I do it, too. I like it so well, I’ve migrated from being a print book reader to a Kindle reader.

It’s nice to see the wide variety of language. Not that it is needy. I can describe the weather currently in my area in one word — sucky! 😀

Ah South Korea. It rained most of the time on my one visit there. And no one but me seemed to care!

We’re having a monsoon right now. Don’t remember having a good one of these for a while.

I remember my son telling me July was the typhoon season, which is why we visited in May. Stay safe!

Nothing that crazy. We had a tropical depression pass through, but that’s it. It’s just wet.

I love the idea of keeping a notebook with descriptions that catch your attention. I’m going to start doing this.

Mine is so long,d I added a table of contents with links to the sections! I’m a bit nuts about it.

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I love the way you compile and share these lists with us, Jacqui. They are amazing and so helpful. Can I confess something? I share some of them with my creative writing students, and then give them prompts where they have to include 3 or more things from your lists. Will be interesting to see how I do that with weather. 🙂

This one got a little long. Who knew there were so many clever ways to describe weather?

I am flattered you share them! I would say weather could surprise them.

This one IS long – but weather gives us a lot to talk about and a lot to experience. I love the list. I will say, the prompt my students seem to love the best is. (are you sitting down?) “It was a dark and stormy night…” 🙂

Reblogged this on Marina Costa and commented: Interesting and useful to know.

Thanks for sharing, Marina!

The English should love this…

I would say India not so much. Do you-all get anything other than hot and humid or too-darn-windy?

What a helpful post, Jacqui! It reminds me of how we can put effort into our descriptions.

BTW, you won a book on my blog. Please confirm there.

Ooh, sorry I missed that. I just went over and replied and then emailed my info to you. How exciting!

Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented: I love her lists of descriptions. I hope you find them as helpful as I do.

Thanks for sharing this! It puts to bed any thought that weather is boring, doesn’t it?

That’s quite a collection, Jacqui. Isn’t it amazing that each of us can conjure something unique?

It is! Next time you don’t know what to say to someone, you can eruditely talk about the weather!

That’s so funny. Weather ‘small’ talk. Who would’ve thought. 😂

Great post. That’s a wonderful collection

Thank you so much, Luisa. It’s hard to make weather interesting but some very clever authors have done just that.

Jacqui, I love this post. The more I have been reading, the more I recognize how important it is for authors to paint a picture in your mind. To be able to put you right in the middle of the books setting. Sometimes when my mind has trailed off the story, it is descriptions like these that put my mind right back in.

That’s true, innit. A little inspiration to start your day.

I love your descriptions of weather and the times of day. Such descriptions can help add a sense of time in a story (just as the phases of the moon or the stars can create time (crescent moon in evening is aa new waxing moon, crescent moon in morning before sunrise is a waxing moon just before the “dark of the moon” which are the three days the moon is in the shadow of the earth. As for stars: Orion in winter, Scorpus in summer, etc). The dog star in Canis Major, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, rising in late summer (as it rises just before daylight) is linked to “dog days” of summer…

I also like the old graveside prayer that describes the end of life: “until the shadows lengthen and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, then in thy mercy grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest and peace at last.”

What a wonderful poem. I’ve copied it. It captures so much of the fear and hope.

Thanks for these awesome examples, Jacqui! Saving and sharing…

It’s always fun to talk about the weather, innit?

New Jersey weather: moist ‘n’ icky.

Good description, especially the ‘icky’.

I calls ‘em like I sees ‘em.

Oh my, Jacqui. I love your lists and that’s a good long one. Great thought starters. Thanks for sharing your collection!

Since we-all know we must cover weather, I thought these were clever asnd interesting ways to do that!

Ha ha ha. I love weather. 😀

Right now there is only one way to describe the weather here in my city: hot

Here, too, though I have an excellent fan in my home office.

Some great phrases here, Jacqui. I am reading The Long Walk by Bachman/King at the moment and that has some very descriptive phrases in it.

Oooh, I’ll have to look at him. I love nature writers.

It’s not a nature book, it is a dark psychological horror.

Woah! OK, that’s different!

Darn! All the things I was about to write! 😀

Hehee. These are beyond most of what I write but I’ve seen what you turn out. Excellent.

Wonderful post!

Thanks, Ed. Food for thought…

A lot, just wonderful and so helpful.

My goodness …. can I just say ‘HOT’ … luckily today it’s cooler with a sea breeze … I need to read them all – clever and thank you! Cheers Hilary

Hot works. Absolutely.

Hahaha can I just say HOT, or the weather outside is weather yeah?

What a wonderful list, Jacqui! These are descriptions that always make me pause and reread them to fully enjoy them. They do draw the reader deep the story. I enjoyed reading these, thanks:)

Thanks! They do that for me, too, and that’s why I couldn’t just read and move on. I had to note them!

Some of these are quite lovely. Thanks for sharing.

If you recognized them from your outdoors scenes, feel free to add a note!

I actually didn’t recognize any of them. 🤔

OMG, Jacqui. What an amazing list Thanks for sharing.

It’s really nice for those whose plots take place outdoors a lot!

BTW, finished your book. Couldn’t stop reading. Wonderful.

Thank you, Jacqui. You put a smile on my face:)

Wow, great post. Bookmarking.

Amazing how much there is to say about the weather, innit?

I love weather, the seasons, earth and sky. There were some lovely gems in this collection. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, Mae. I didn’t used to think much about the weather until I had to write about it, and make it interesting! These really struck me.

A terrific resource Jacqui. Thank you.

Thanks so much, Brigid. I couldn’t believe how many weather descriptors I had!

Nice information thanks

Thanks! Everyone writes about weather, right?

Great list, Jacqui. Thanks so much for sharing.

Thanks, Jill. Who says weather isn’t interesting? Hmm??

I think I’d like to be a meteorologist in my next life. 🙂

Reblogged this on chrismakan .

Thanks for sharing!

Wow this is very educative

I love how some writers weave their words so perfectly.

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12 Sun, Sunrise & Sunset Metaphors for Writers

sun metaphors

The sun is one of the most common contextual features of a setting that we write about. But it’s hard to come up with creative new ways to talk about something that has been discussed in countless books over Millenia. Below, I’ve compiled some creative sun metaphors that can help you break through that writer’s block and find the perfect setting description in your story.

After exploring metaphors for the sun, I’ll also provide some further adjectives and color descriptions that can help add flair to your writing, and create the perfect image in your reader’s mind.

Sun, Sunrise & Sunset Metaphors

Sun Metaphors and Similes

sun metaphors and similes

1. It Slipped through my Fingers

You can picture in your mind sunrays on your hand and, with your fingers outstretched, some of them passing through the gaps in your fingers to lay on the ground below. To say it slipped through your fingers is metaphorical because it didn’t literally slip through anything. It didn’t slide or bounce or refract off your fingers at all. In fact, the it is a long, long way away. Rather, it’s the sunrays that pass between the fingers. But we can be much more creative and visual in our description than to say “the sun rays passed between my fingers” – so we say “it slipped through”.

2. The Blazing Sun Mocked Me

This is an example of personification of the sun. In this metaphor, the sun isn’t a friend but a tormentor. An example of a time when it might mock a protagonist is when they’re out on a hike through the desert. The protagonist is exhausted and dehydrated, with a long way to walk in the heat of the day. Here, we might imagine the protagonist being along and feeling as if the sun is their only company. But the heat means it isn’t a friend but an enemy, mocking you as you try to escape its heat.

Related: A List of Summer Metaphors, Similes and Idioms

3. It Peeked Through the Clouds

We use this metaphor for the moon as well. Imagine the clouds obscuring the sun’s view, but as the clouds part, it seems like it “peeks out” at you to take a look. This is another example of personification. Of course, an object without personality or a brain can’t take a peek at anything. But this personification helps us to create an image in our minds.

This metaphor can be used at the end of a storm to show the end of the storm and the return to better weather.

4. It is a Golden Coin

When I took college classes in creative writing, my professor shared a book he wrote, and it opened with the line: “the sun flipped a golden coin”. I’ve always remembered it and banked this in my mind as a great way to start a story. Others have had their own adaptations of this, such as calling the sun a golden orb or medallion in the sky ( See Also: Sky Metaphors ).

5. The Sun Chased away the Clouds

Here again we have personification. Of course an inanimate object can’t chase anything or anyone! But what is happening here is the description of the changes in the weather as a battle between different elements. The clouds are being chased like a sheepdog chases sheep, to return to its rightful position as the top dog in the skies.

6. It Stood Watch over its Realm / Looked over You

We can imagine the sun being the ruler over us. It sits so far overhead and is visible from just about anywhere you are (so long as you’re outside). It almost feels like it’s watching us constantly, standing guard. Again, this is of course personification – it doesn’t really do any watching at all! If we were to consider it to be like a god , we can imagine it’s watching us and passing judgement on us all day long.

7. It Smiled Upon Me

This one is another more positive, upbeat metaphor. The idea that you are being smiled at from above gives you a sense that you’re blessed and cared for throughout your day. This might be a metaphor you use if you feel as if you’ve had a lucky day or got some good news today. You can’t imagine using this metaphor when you’re going through hardship or feeling the punishing heat of rays on your skin.

8. The Sun’s Yolk

This metaphor calls the sun an egg! It may sound absurd, but if you look at it, it looks like a yolk from the inside of an egg. You might write “the yolk of the sun” as a metaphor to describe it, for example. This is your classic straight-up metaphor where you are directly calling one thing something else.

Sunrise Metaphors and Similes

sunrise metaphors

9. God’s Morning Star

This is a metaphor you might want to use if you’re writing a story from a religious perspective. To wake to “God’s morning star” is to see God in nature – be it a Christian, Muslim or Buddhist God, or even simply a pantheist . It might be seen as a moment to reflect on God, the beauty of the world, or even a moment for quiet prayer before eating.

The character might be waking feeling blessed, or even, feeling as if they’re downtrodden but continue to sustain their faith in their religion.

The sun is quite literally a star , so this is borderline figurative or literal (also depending on you believe in God!).

Related: A List of 19 Light Metaphors

10. The Sunrise Greeted me in the Morning

I love this metaphor. I can imagine someone pulling open the curtains and feeling joyful about their day ahead. When the curtains open, the sun is revealed – shining big and bright right back at the protagonist. The sun is a symbol of the person’s mood and greets or “welcomes” you to a day you’re looking forward. Here, it is being personified, which means you’re giving human features to non-human things.

   Related Sun, Moon, Sky and Stars Articles:

  • Red Sky Symbolism
  • Sunrise Symbolism
  • Sunset Symbolism
  • Morning Symbolism
  • Harvest Moon Symbolism
  • Orange Sky Symbolism
  • Sun and Sunrise Sayings
  • Morning Star Symbolism
  • Symbolism of the Sun
  • Night Symbolism
  • Darkness Symbolism

Sunset Metaphors and Similes

sunset metaphors

11. The Sun Succumbed to the Moon

This is a description you might use at the end of the day as night falls. Here, we can imagine the sun and moon taking shifts (there’s another metaphor for you!). They swap each 12 hours, almost like they’re in an unending battle. Here, the sun is the loser, succumbing to the moon (or night), to “retreat” through night.

12. It went to Bed

This is a metaphor to explain the coming of the night. Just as we go to bed, we can also imagine that orb in the sky going to sleep for the night. We shape the patterns of our lives around the night and day, so it makes sense for us to project some of our behaviors back onto the sun itself. This, again, is a form of personification where it’s being given the trait of an animal or human – the idea of going to bed!

Read Also: A List of Nature Idioms and Nature Metaphors

Colors to Describe the Sun

colors to describe sun

  • Yellow – This is probably the most common color that comes to mind. On a clear day in the middle of the day, we’d expect its color to be yellow.
  • Amber – This is the color you might expect to see during dusk or early in the morning.
  • Copper – We’ll often use “copper” as an adjective in creative descriptions, such as “the scorching copper sun”.
  • Honeycomb – This is the color you might experience in a certain ambiance, such as in a forest where the rays slip through the leaves and spot the forest surface with honeycomb colors and patterns.
  • Golden – Like Amber, we might use this descriptive color when the atmosphere is thick at dawn or dusk.

Adjectives to Describe the Sun

adjectives to describe sun

  • Blazing – A term you might use on a particularly hot day.
  • Flaming – Similar to blazing – for hot days.
  • Glowing – A good term for sunrise or sunset when there is a golden color in the air.
  • Shining – A good term for the middle of the day.
  • Scorching – Another one for hot days.
  • Scolding – Again, this adjective describes the heat of the day.
  • Licking – When you can feel rays dancing on your skin.
  • Tickling  – Similar to licking.

similes and metaphors for sunrise

Sun metaphors can help enhance your writing and make it more descriptive. Aim to create an image in your reader’s mind by using adjectives and colors that match the mood you are trying to set. You can use different metaphors or idioms for different times of day or moods of your protagonists.

Other metaphors you can use in your writing to enrich it include happiness metaphors and fear metaphors.

A man's face

I’m Chris and I run this website – a resource about symbolism, metaphors, idioms, and a whole lot more! Thanks for dropping by.

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  • How to write a descriptive essay | Example & tips

How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips

Published on July 30, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on August 14, 2023.

A descriptive essay gives a vivid, detailed description of something—generally a place or object, but possibly something more abstract like an emotion. This type of essay , like the narrative essay , is more creative than most academic writing .

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Table of contents

Descriptive essay topics, tips for writing descriptively, descriptive essay example, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about descriptive essays.

When you are assigned a descriptive essay, you’ll normally be given a specific prompt or choice of prompts. They will often ask you to describe something from your own experience.

  • Describe a place you love to spend time in.
  • Describe an object that has sentimental value for you.

You might also be asked to describe something outside your own experience, in which case you’ll have to use your imagination.

  • Describe the experience of a soldier in the trenches of World War I.
  • Describe what it might be like to live on another planet.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to describe something more abstract, like an emotion.

If you’re not given a specific prompt, try to think of something you feel confident describing in detail. Think of objects and places you know well, that provoke specific feelings or sensations, and that you can describe in an interesting way.

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The key to writing an effective descriptive essay is to find ways of bringing your subject to life for the reader. You’re not limited to providing a literal description as you would be in more formal essay types.

Make use of figurative language, sensory details, and strong word choices to create a memorable description.

Use figurative language

Figurative language consists of devices like metaphor and simile that use words in non-literal ways to create a memorable effect. This is essential in a descriptive essay; it’s what gives your writing its creative edge and makes your description unique.

Take the following description of a park.

This tells us something about the place, but it’s a bit too literal and not likely to be memorable.

If we want to make the description more likely to stick in the reader’s mind, we can use some figurative language.

Here we have used a simile to compare the park to a face and the trees to facial hair. This is memorable because it’s not what the reader expects; it makes them look at the park from a different angle.

You don’t have to fill every sentence with figurative language, but using these devices in an original way at various points throughout your essay will keep the reader engaged and convey your unique perspective on your subject.

Use your senses

Another key aspect of descriptive writing is the use of sensory details. This means referring not only to what something looks like, but also to smell, sound, touch, and taste.

Obviously not all senses will apply to every subject, but it’s always a good idea to explore what’s interesting about your subject beyond just what it looks like.

Even when your subject is more abstract, you might find a way to incorporate the senses more metaphorically, as in this descriptive essay about fear.

Choose the right words

Writing descriptively involves choosing your words carefully. The use of effective adjectives is important, but so is your choice of adverbs , verbs , and even nouns.

It’s easy to end up using clichéd phrases—“cold as ice,” “free as a bird”—but try to reflect further and make more precise, original word choices. Clichés provide conventional ways of describing things, but they don’t tell the reader anything about your unique perspective on what you’re describing.

Try looking over your sentences to find places where a different word would convey your impression more precisely or vividly. Using a thesaurus can help you find alternative word choices.

  • My cat runs across the garden quickly and jumps onto the fence to watch it from above.
  • My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above.

However, exercise care in your choices; don’t just look for the most impressive-looking synonym you can find for every word. Overuse of a thesaurus can result in ridiculous sentences like this one:

  • My feline perambulates the allotment proficiently and capers atop the palisade to regard it from aloft.

An example of a short descriptive essay, written in response to the prompt “Describe a place you love to spend time in,” is shown below.

Hover over different parts of the text to see how a descriptive essay works.

On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house. The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green extending from the back of the house, and I sit on a lawn chair at the far end to read and relax. I am in my small peaceful paradise: the shade of the tree, the feel of the grass on my feet, the gentle activity of the fish in the pond beside me.

My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above. From his perch he can watch over his little kingdom and keep an eye on the neighbours. He does this until the barking of next door’s dog scares him from his post and he bolts for the cat flap to govern from the safety of the kitchen.

With that, I am left alone with the fish, whose whole world is the pond by my feet. The fish explore the pond every day as if for the first time, prodding and inspecting every stone. I sometimes feel the same about sitting here in the garden; I know the place better than anyone, but whenever I return I still feel compelled to pay attention to all its details and novelties—a new bird perched in the tree, the growth of the grass, and the movement of the insects it shelters…

Sitting out in the garden, I feel serene. I feel at home. And yet I always feel there is more to discover. The bounds of my garden may be small, but there is a whole world contained within it, and it is one I will never get tired of inhabiting.

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The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.

Narrative and descriptive essays both allow you to write more personally and creatively than other kinds of essays , and similar writing skills can apply to both.

If you’re not given a specific prompt for your descriptive essay , think about places and objects you know well, that you can think of interesting ways to describe, or that have strong personal significance for you.

The best kind of object for a descriptive essay is one specific enough that you can describe its particular features in detail—don’t choose something too vague or general.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, August 14). How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved August 21, 2024, from

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Paragraph On Sunny Day

Paragraph On Sunny Day 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

Paragraph On Sunny Day: A sunny day is a pleasurable gift from nature, filling our lives with warmth, brilliance, and a sense of joy. It’s a day when the sun shines brightly, spreading its golden shafts across the sky and casting a luminous gleam on everything it touches. In this composition, we will explore the beauty and significance of sunny days, how they affect our mood, and the colorful conditioning we can indulge in to make the utmost of these noble moments.

Table of Contents

Paragraph On Sunny Day

In this blog Paragraph On Sunny Day, we include About Paragraph On Sunny Day, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Paragraph On Sunny Day for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Paragraph On Sunny Day is also available in different languages. In this, Paragraph On Sunny Day, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Paragraph On Sunny Day- 100 Words For Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

On a sunny day, the world seems to come alive with warmth and vibrant energy. The sun’s shafts gently kiss the earth, casting a golden gleam upon everything it touches. The sky is a brilliant blue oil, adorned with ethereal white shadows that lazily drift by. People are filled with a sense of joy and sanguinity, as they lounge in the sun’s benevolent grasp. The air is fresh and amping , carrying the sweet scent of blooming flowers and lately cut lawn. It’s a day for out-of-door adventures, whether it’s a tardy perambulation in the demesne, a fun and games with loved bones , or simply soaking up the sun’s shafts while reading a book. A sunny day brings a sense of tranquility and happiness, reminding us of the beauty and wonder that nature has to offer.

Paragraph On Sunny Day- 100 Words For Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph On Sunny Day- 150 Words For Classes 4, 5 Children

On a sunny day, nature seems to rejoice in all its splendor. The sun rises in a majestic blaze, casting its warm gleam upon the world. The sky is a brilliant breadth of blue, unmarred by the fewest hint of a pall. catcalls pip jovially, their songs harmonizing with the gentle rustling of leaves in the breath. The air feels crisp and amping , carrying the scent of lately bloomed flowers and recently cut lawn. People are drawn outside, seeking solace and joy in the grasp of the sun’s shafts. premises and auditoriums come vibrant capitals of exertion, as families gather for picnics, children frolic on swings, and musketeers engage in lively exchanges. Sun kissed faces are adorned with grins, and horselaugh fills the air. It’s a day for tardy walks, for exploring new places, or simply chancing a quiet spot to lounge in the warmth. A sunny day lifts spirits, invigorates the soul, and reminds us of the essential beauty and wonder that surrounds us.

Paragraph On Sunny Day- 200 Words For Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

On a sunny day, the world seems to come alive with vibrant energy and endless possibilities. The sun’s shafts gracefully illuminate everything they touch, casting a warm gleam upon the earth. The sky stretches out in a brilliant blue breadth, adorned with ethereal white shadows that drift lazily by. The air is filled with a gentle breath, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers and lately cut lawn.

People adventure outside, embracing the noble rainfall with open arms. premises and auditoriums come havens of exertion as families gather for picnics, children run and play, and couples tromp hand in hand. The thoroughfares are bulging with life as people go about their day, their faces adorned with bright grins and a renewed sense of joy.

catcalls pip jovially from the treetops, their melodious songs filling the air with a symphony of nature’s music. notions buzz from flower to flower, diligently collecting quencher, while butterflies gracefully dance amidst the petals. The world is bulging with life and vitality, as if the sun’s shafts have breathed new life into every living critter.

The warmth of the sun’s grasp soothes the soul and lifts the spirits. It brings a sense of tranquility and pleasure, washing away any worries or stresses that may have dallied. The golden sun invites people to lounge in its gleam, encouraging them to take a moment of respite and appreciate the beauty of the world around them.

As the day progresses, the sun sluggishly descends toward the horizon, casting a mesmerizing display of colors across the sky. The warm tinges of orange and pink makeup a stirring background against the fading light. And as the sun sets, leaving behind a trail of radiant twilight, a sense of gratefulness fills the hearts of those who have been fortunate enough to witness the beauty of a sunny day.

Paragraph On Sunny Day- 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

A sunny day is a pleasurable respite from the slate and caliginous rainfall that frequently prevails. It’s a gift from the welkin, a radiant burst of light and warmth that fills our hearts with joy. From the moment the sun rises, its golden shafts pierce through the curtains, gently blarneying us out of slumber. The world outdoors awakens in harmony with the sun, as nature emerges from its nightly slumber.

The sky is transformed into a vast canvas of azure, dotted with fluffy white clouds that drift lazily by. The air feels crisp and invigorating, carrying the subtle scent of blooming flowers and freshly mown grass. It beckons us to step outside, to immerse ourselves in the wonders of the day.

As we venture outdoors, the sunshine caresses our skin, warming us from within. The world is bathed in a soft, luminous glow that accentuates every color and detail. Trees stand tall and proud, their emerald leaves shimmering in the sunlight. Flowers burst forth in a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, their petals reaching for the sky.

In parks and gardens, people gather to enjoy the splendors of the day. Families spread out picnic blankets, sharing laughter and food under the shade of towering trees. Children run and play, their laughter echoing through the air, while couples stroll hand in hand, basking in the serenity of the surroundings. The atmosphere is alive with happiness and contentment.

The songs of birds fill the air, a melodious symphony that resonates with nature’s harmony. Bees flit from flower to flower, their wings buzzing in rhythmic delight. Butterflies gracefully dance amidst the blossoms, their vibrant wings carrying them on a whimsical journey. Everywhere you look, life abounds, energized by the sun’s life-giving rays.

The sun’s warmth soothes our souls and lifts our spirits. It casts a gentle spell, filling us with a renewed sense of hope and positivity. Worries and troubles seem to dissipate in the face of the sun’s brilliance, replaced by a sense of tranquility and gratitude. It invites us to slow down, to take a moment and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.

A sunny day is a treasure that fills our lives with brilliance, joy, and a sense of connection to the world around us. It has the power to hoist our mood, produce beautiful recollections, and inspire us to embrace the prodigies of nature. Whether it’s engaging in out-of-door conditioning, landing moments through photography, or simply reposing in the warmth of the sun, a sunny day invites us to decelerate down, appreciate the present, and find solace in its radiant grasp.

Read More: Sky Paragraph

Paragraph On Sunny Day (FAQs)

Question 1. Are there any health benefits of spending time in the sun?

Answer: Spending time in the sun can boost vitamin D situations, ameliorate mood, and enhance overall well- being. still, it’s important to exercise sun safety and avoid inordinate sun exposure.

Question 2. Can a lack of sun affect our mood?

Answer: Yes, a lack of sun, particularly during downtime months, can lead to seasonal affective complaint( SAD) or general passions of low mood and languor. Sunny days can help combat similar goods.

Question 3. Are there any pitfalls associated with sun exposure?

Answer: Inordinate sun exposure without protection can lead to sunburn, unseasonable aging, and an increased threat of skin cancer. It’s pivotal to balance sun exposure and sun protection.

Question 4. Can I get enough vitamin D from sun alone?

Answer: While sun is a natural source of vitamin D, it may not give sufficient situations for everyone. Factors like skin type, geographical position, and sunscreen use can affect vitamin D conflation.

Question 5. What are some inner conditioning to enjoy on a sunny day?

Answer: Still, you can still enjoy a sunny day by opening curtains and hangouts to let natural light in, engaging in inner pursuits, If you prefer to stay outdoors.

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Jacob-bogspothickman, describing a sunny day with descriptive words.

A descriptive essay I had to write on experiencing the sunset on the beach. DESCRIBING THE SUN When describing the sun there are 5 simple ways to do it.

descriptive essay about sunny day

Use the below list to find different terms pertaining to the beach.

descriptive essay about sunny day

. The sun was shining the birds were singing and the world was at peace on the seemingly carefree sunday afternoon. This question is not a simple one as to answer that rainy days are not suitable for playing and sunny days are quite suitable. What are ten good words and phrases to describe a sunny day.

There was a glorious sunset over the bridge and the lights just lighting up and Rouen looked its beautifulest. If you are unsure of how to do it look that this example. Shining A good term for the middle of the day.

A brilliant autumn day. Church had just ended and the children ran fast and free ready to play. The sun was scorching hot and it nearly burnt my skin.

Honor who from anxiety had not slept all night mounted her bicycle and rode out into the fresh and brilliant sunlight on a forlorn hope. Blazing sun casts its blaring rays on the smooth but weathered rocks by the seaside. A brilliant sun-filled sky was known to draw the likes of Picasso to visit there The word glorious perfectly describes the weather that is sunny and warm.

The bright sunny sky is exactly what we needed after days of pouring rain. A vivid blue sky. A sunny day can be a gray winter day - you are well warm and a hot supper awaits you.

What is that SPECIALITY is the question. The beach on a sunny day is a sight to behold. Is This Sentence A Good Way To Describe A Windy.

Sunny is the best word to describe a bright day especially at midday when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. A gorgeous spring day. I Need Words To Describe The Sun Any Descriptive Words.

List of adjectives synonyms and related terms to describe the beach. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. In front of that office I see a long low rakish craft painted like an Eyetalian sunset.

Protocol Omitting Many Details Sat 26 May 2018 19 16 00. January jocund jovial joyous July kindly kingly laggard lambent languid languorous late late-afternoon late-day late-morning lazy leaden lethargic life-giving lifeless lighted lightless lightsome listless lordly low lowering lukewarm lumbering luminous lusterless lusty. Flaming Similar to blazing for hot days.

The first rays of sunlight lit up my room. Blazing A term you might use on a particularly hot day. Scorching Another one for hot days.

Beautiful day beautiful day outside beautiful morning blue sky bright daylight n. Sun and rain are two sides of same coin. The sun was shinning like a golden disc sunny day clear blue sky.

Feel free to use this list to expand your vocabulary and be more descriptive. At the rising of the curtain this view is seen in a warm sunset glow. A sunny day is not necessarily a hot day you can get some very cold winter days that are sunny.

The list contains adjectives synonyms terminology and other descriptive words related to the beach. Glowing A good term for sunrise or sunset when there is a golden color in the air. A beautiful day.

The glass is always half full a sunny day. Adjectives to Describe the Sun. If you are going to write 2 sentences to describe a sunny day please post your comment at the bottom of this post.

The shape using a metaphor the reflection the colour weapons and water. You should have commented something like As I was walking down the street the sun shone brightly at me. Sea charges onto the rocks rattling the tiny pebbles and nudging them along like a gust of wind.

It was a gorgeous summer day. 06 Glorious When visiting Italy I woke up every day to the most glorious weather. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene.

Never shall I forget the sight afforded by those three towering peaks in the early sunlight of the following morning. Sun-drenched is a great word to use when describing a place that is always very sunny. Free Essays On Describe A Rainy Day Brainia Com.

The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. We will start with 10 metaphors for the shape. Then you are using an artists eye in order to portray the sun and its beams in a different way.

They do not refer to the seasons SUMMER RAINY. Sunny days imply days having sun and rainy days are those which are raining. A mixture of all of these creates the unmatched feeling that overwhelms me when Im at the beach watching the constant ebb of the waves.

Describing Words For Sunny Day Sunny Synonyms Sunny Antonyms Thesaurus Com. The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity. A Rainy Night In Georgia maybe a early March thundershower lonesome sound of a midnight freight headed south - that is a good memory.

A dazzling summer day. 10 metaphors for the shape. A Day Beach On A Sunny Day.

They ran two and twelve towards the towns lake to go swimming in order to. Summer Day Descriptive Writing. Broad daylight clear day day in the sun delightful day fine day fine morning glorious day good day good weather Join PRO for more terms.

descriptive essay about sunny day

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