Apr 14, 2022 · Learn to Write an Essay on Eid ul Fitr in Urdu🔴 RECOMMENDED VIDEOS🎥 https://youtu.be/QPDRbr7iQhw🎥 https://youtu.be/sCwb5UuHZ4I🎥 https://youtu.be/BFNhmkiq... ... Apr 10, 2024 · Discover the significance of Eid ul Fitr in Islam with this Urdu essay. Learn about its traditions and the spirit of community. Download now! ... میرے محترم بزرگو ،دوستو اور عزیز ماؤں بہنوں! عید ایک چھوٹا سا تین حرفی لفظ ہے جو عربی لفظ عود سے نکلا ہے، اس کے معنی لوٹ آنے اور بار بار آنے کے ہیں۔ عید ... Jun 17, 2024 · Check: Eid Ul Fitr Wishes When Is The Eid Al Fitr This Year 2022? Well, the date of this amazing festivity depends on the emergence of the new moon. Eid Al Fitr comes at the end of Ramadan. The celebrations of Eid Al Fitr can start after the emergence of the new moon. This year the dates of Eid Al Fitr are expected to fall from Monday 02 May ... ... Jun 22, 2022 · Eid is the most important Muslim festival celebrated worldwide. There are two types of Eid. The first is Eid-ul-Fitr, also known as Eid, and the second is Eid-ul-Adha or Eid-ul-Azha, also known as Bakra-Eid. Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated to commemorate the thirty days of fasting or Ramadan. Ramadan is the holy month of fasting for Muslims. ... Apr 29, 2022 · عید الفطر پر مضمون | Eid ul fitr Essay In urdu عید کے لغوی معنی خوشی منانے کے ہیں۔عیدالفطر خوشی کا تہوار ہے جو ہر سال میں دو بار بنائے جاتے ہیں۔ ... 500 Words Essay On Eid. Eid is a religious festival which Muslims all over the world celebrate. It marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. After 30 days of fasting, Eid is the first day after that month when Muslims do not fast and enjoy their day fully. Through an Essay on Eid, we will go through the festival and its celebration. Eid Rituals ... Eid Ul Fitr is the biggest festival for Muslims all over the world. eid ul fitr essay in urdu | عید الفطر پر ایک مضمون. It is celebrated with prayers and feasting with family and friends. Eid ul Fitr celebrations start after the new moon is sighted, but some Muslims will begin celebrating the day before the new moon date. ... ">

Urdu Notes

Speech on Eid ul Fitr in urdu

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میرے محترم بزرگو ،دوستو اور عزیز ماؤں بہنوں! عید ایک چھوٹا سا تین حرفی لفظ ہے جو عربی لفظ عود سے نکلا ہے، اس کے معنی لوٹ آنے اور بار بار آنے کے ہیں۔ عید کیونکہ ہر سال لوٹ آتی ہے اس لئے اس کا نام عید پڑ گیا، عید کا تصور اتنا ہی قدیم ہے جتنی انسانی تاریخ۔ تاریخ کا کوئی دور ایسا نہیں جو عید کے تصور سے آشنا نہ ہو۔ قدیم تاریخی کتب کے مطالعہ سے معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ تمدن دنیا کے آغاز کے ساتھ ہی عید کا بھی آغاز ہو گیا تھا۔ عید الفطر ایک اہم مذہبی تہوار ہے جسے پوری دنیا میں بسنے والے مسلمان رمضان المبارک کا مہینہ ختم ہونے پر مناتے ہیں۔ عید کے دن مسلمانوں کو روزہ رکھنے سے منع کیا گیا ہے۔ مسلمان رمضان کے 29 یا 30 روزے رکھنے کے بعد یکم شوال کو عید مناتے ہیں۔ کسی بھی قمری، ہجری مہینے کا آغاز مقامی مذہبی رہنماؤں کے چاند نظر آجانے کے فیصلے سے ہوتا ہے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ دنیا کے مختلف ممالک میں عید مختلف دنوں میں منائی جاتی ہے۔

چنانچہ حدیث شریف میں آتا ہے کہ: ’’جب روزہ دار عید گاہ سے واپس جاتے ہیں تو اس حالت میں جاتے ہیں کہ ان کی مغفرت ہو چکی ہوتی ہے۔ ‘‘ روزہ رکھنے کا ٹائم ”صبح صادق ” سے پہلے کچھ کھانا پینا اسی کو سحری کہا جاتا ہے اور صبح صادق سے لیکر شام، سورج غروب ہونے تک کچھ بھی نہ کھانا پینا اور اپنی بیوی سے صحبت نہ کرنا ۔ اور شام کو سورج غروب کے بعد کچھ کھانا پینا اس کو ‘ ‘افطار’ ‘کہا جاتا ہے ۔اس عمل کا نام روزہ ہے۔

معزز سامعین! عید الفطر کو میٹھی عید بھی کہا جاتا ہے جو دنیا بھر کے مسلمان بڑے جوش و خروش کے ساتھ مناتے ہیں۔ خالص اسلامی فکر اور دینی مزاج کے مطابق اسلامی تمدُّن، معاشرت اور اجتماعی زندگی کا آغاز ہجرت کے بعد مدینۂ منوّرہ میں ہوا۔ چناںچہ رسول اللہ ﷺ کی مَدنی زندگی کے ابتدائی دور میں عیدین کا مبارک سلسلہ شروع ہوگیا تھا، جس کا تذکرہ سنن ابی داؤد کی مندرجہ ذیل حدیث میں ملتا ہے۔

’’ حضرت انسؓ سے روایت ہے کہ اہلِ مدینہ دو دن بطورِ تہوار منایا کرتے تھے جن میں وہ کھیل تماشے کیا کرتے تھے۔ رسول اللہ ﷺ نے ان سے پوچھا: ’’یہ دو دن جو تم مناتے ہو، ان کی حقیقت اور حیثیت کیا ہے؟‘‘ (یعنی ان تہواروں کی اصلیت اور تاریخی پس منظر کیا ہے؟)، انہوں نے عرض کیا کہ ہم عہدِ جاہلیت میں (یعنی اسلام سے پہلے) یہ تہوار اسی طرح منایا کرتے تھے، رسول اللہ ﷺ نے فرمایا: ’’ اللہ تعالیٰ نے تمہارے ان دونوں تہواروں کے بدلے میں تمہارے لیے ان سے بہتر دو دن مقرر فرما دیئے ہیں،” دنیا بھر کے مسلمان عید الفطر سمیت مختلف مذہبی تہواروں کو اپنی ثقافتی روایات کے ساتھ مناتے ہیں جس سے ان تہواروں کی رنگینیت میں اضافہ ہوجاتا ہے۔ اس سے ہٹ کر کہ مسرت کا موقع ہو یا رنج و غم کا، مسلمانوں کا آپس میں مل بیٹھنا، نفرتوں ، عصبیتوں اور کدورتوں کو مٹانا اور محبتوں کی خوشبوؤں کو قلب و نظر میں بسانا۔ اگر غلامان مصطفیٰ کو عید کے دن میسر ہو جائے، تو یہ معراجِ عید ہوگی۔ لہٰذا قومی، ملّی اور ملکی سانحات کے موقع پر اور ضروری ہو جاتا ہے کہ ہم اجتماعی طور پر اللہ تعالیٰ سے رجوع کریں، استغفار کریں اور اس کی رحمتوں کو اپنی جانب متوجہ کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ آفات و بلیّات کے ٹلنے کی دعائیں کریں۔ شکریہ

Ramadan Kareem 2024

Eid Ul Fitr Essay (English & Urdu) [Easy for class students]

Do you know the meaning of Eid Al Fitr and when is it coming this year? If not then this Eid Ul Fitr essay will help you learn a lot of things about Eid Ul Fitr Mazmoon. Eid al Fitr means the festival of breaking your fast and marks the ending of the holy month. This festivity is celebrated for three days, and on the 1st day morning, all the Muslims meet for offering the Eid prayer. Eid is also infused with diverse traditions in diverse countries.

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Eid Ul Fitr Essay in English

The majority of individuals utilize the three days of this festivity for their visitations. Some other customs comprise the Eidi, cash given to children on Eid, and wearing new dresses. It starts with the 1st emergence of the new moon, so usually, the Muslims need to wait until the night before this festivity to confirm its date.

essay on eid ul fitr in urdu for class 4

The starting day differs each year and from one country to the other riding on the geographical location. Eid al Fitr is celebrated on the 1st day of the Islamic month Shawwal which falls in the 10th month of the calendar of Islamic. Shawwal denotes lifting; it is the month of rising up after a complete month of fasting.

SEE ALSO – Eid Mubarak Quotes – Wishes – Greetings

Eid ul Fitr is a Muslim holiday that celebrates the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting and prayer. The holiday begins on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar, and lasts for three days.

essay on eid ul fitr in urdu for class 4

Muslims celebrate Eid ul Fitr by praying in congregation, wearing their best clothes, and exchanging gifts. The holiday is also a time for families and friends to come together and celebrate. In many countries, special foods are prepared for Eid ul Fitr, such as biryani and haleem.

Check: Eid Ul Fitr Wishes 

When Is The Eid Al Fitr This Year 2022?

Well, the date of this amazing festivity depends on the emergence of the new moon.  Eid Al Fitr comes at the end of Ramadan. The celebrations of Eid Al Fitr can start after the emergence of the new moon. This year the dates of Eid Al Fitr are expected to fall from Monday 02 May 2022 to 05 May 2022.

However, it still depends on the new moon sighting. So it is always advisable to check with your local Masjid to know the exact date. While the date of Eid Al Fitr would usually not be the same around the world but still a lot of communities decide to celebrate this festival on the same date as their sisters and brother around the world once the moon emerges above Mecca and the moon sighting is officially announced.

What Do Individuals Do?

A lot of Muslims go to communal prayers and listen to the sermon or khutba on the 1st day of the Shawwal, which is Eid Al Fitr as mentioned earlier. Such prayers are held in or outside huge venues, like sports arenas, etc. A lot of Muslims might travel far to take part in such activities. A few communities organize diverse festivities, like communal meals or activities for kids, on this day.

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If someone has not given zakat al-Fitr yet during the holy month of Ramadan, he/she can give it on this day. Zakat al-Fitr is a charity consisting of food, like dates, barley, wheat flour, or raisins, or its monetary equal given to the people in need. A lot of Muslims might also arrange celebratory meals, wear new dresses, visit friends and family, and give candy or presents to kids. Eid cards can also be sent, frequently featuring the words Eid Mubarak which means blessed Eid.

Eid Presents Ideas:

Eid is all about celebration, and on this day all the Muslims meet their friends and family member to celebrate, and delicious meals are prepared to share the love. But there is another important aspect of celebrating this day, which is giving Eidi or Eid gifts, especially to the younger members of the family. People also like to give Eid cards for greeting each other.

DIY Eid Gift Ideas | Eid Gift Box | Eid Hamper | Eid Decoration Ideas | DIY Gift Box | Eid 2022 - YouTube

If you have grandparents, then you can thank them for always being there for you through good and through bad and present them with a beautiful bouquet of flowers with fragrant candles. For the younger members of the family, Eidi is a completely different thing. As Eidi, you can give sweets, money or chocolates to the children. Or you can also go for gifts that not just entertain your kids but also educate them.

Things You May Not Know About Eid Al Fitr:

  • It Is Held For Celebrating The End Of Fasting:

Throughout the holy month of Ramadan , all the Muslims across the globe fast from sunrise to sunset for honoring the holy month that the Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed (SAW). This day celebrates the ending of the month and the end of fasting. Extended fasting is not only about food, but it also comprises avoiding taking any kind of drugs, smoking, drinking any liquids, and having sex.

  • It Starts When The 1st Sighting Of The New Moon Is Confirmed:

It does not start until the new moon emerges in the sky. Technically, that denotes that across the globe, Eid al Fitr begins at diverse times and even on different days, riding on the location. For making it more uniform, a few Muslims celebrate Eid al Fitr when the new moon emerges over Mecca in place of their own locations.

  • It Is Also Recognized As Sweet Eid:

Different sweets and snacks are made particularly for this holiday. In Sudan, a lot of families enjoy Aseeda, a dish made from honey and wheat, while in Malaysia Kuih, sweet, colorful cakes are eaten. We all are extremely fond of the delicious Sevaiyaan made in Pakistan too.

  • The Festival Typically Lasts For 3 Days:

Eid al Fitr traditionally lasts for three days, but riding on how it falls on the calendar, the festivities and parties can last much longer. For instance, if the three days fall middle week, the Muslims will probably still be rejoicing in this festivity on the weekend.

  • There Are Prayers:

After getting dressed in new or clean dresses ready for the day, all the Muslims get together for the prayers in Masjids or some other outdoor locations. Afterward, they might visit their loved ones’ graves for praying and cleaning the gravesites.

  • Eid Al Fitr & Ramadan Are Held On Diverse Gregorian Dates Each Year:

The lunar cycles are the base for the Islamic calendar , as opposed to the Gregorian one and its base is the solar cycle. New months begin and finish with every new moon. The standard new moon emerges every 29.53 days, so the lunar months are a little shorter as compared to the Gregorian ones, which frequently last thirty to thirty-one days. Thus, each year, Ramadan is held about ten days earlier than it was the last year, at least, it is, concerning the Gregorian calendar.

Eid ul Fitr Essay in Urdu

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Eid Ul Fitr Essay

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Essay On Eid – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay


  • Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Eid
  • 5 Lines On Eid
  • 10 Lines On Eid
  • Paragraph On Eid
  • Short Essay On Eid
  • Long Essay On Eid
  • What Will Your Child Learn From This Eid Essay?

Eid is the main festival for Muslims. People gather to celebrate and share God’s (Allah’s) blessings on this day. Eid or Eid-Ul-Fitr is the “holiday of breaking the fast” that marks the end of Ramadan. It occurs on the first day of Shawwal, the Islamic month that follows Ramadan. The Eid celebrations are about families getting together, praying, and celebrating together. When writing essays on Eid, students will learn the details of this festival. With the help of the below samples of essays on Eid for classes 1, 2, and 3, kids can compose an essay on Eid in English in their own words.  

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Eid  

Kids can gather information about Eid quickly by writing on the festival. Here are some key points to remember when writing an essay on Eid in English for lower primary classes:  

  • Write what Eid is and why it is celebrated.
  • Write briefly about the rituals of Eid.
  • Explain how is it celebrated.
  • Write on the importance of Eid.

5 Lines On Eid  

Writing a five-line essay on Eid is a delightful way for young students to express their thoughts about this joyous celebration. An engaging Eid celebration essay can inspire creativity and understanding. Here is an example essay for class 1 and 2 students:  

  • Eid is a special festival celebrated by Muslims around the world.
  • It marks the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting and prayer.
  • Families wear new clothes on Eid and enjoy delicious food together.
  • People often give gifts and share sweets with friends and neighbours.
  • Eid is a time for joy, kindness, and helping those in need.

10 Lines On Eid  

Eid is a celebration of brotherhood and happiness. Here are a few lines on Eid that will make it easier to write an essay for students of classes 1 and 2:  

  • Eid is a major Muslim festival.
  • It is celebrated in India and many other countries worldwide.
  • It falls on the next day after the month of Ramadan.
  • During Ramadan, Muslims fast for thirty days.
  • People don’t eat or drink anything throughout the day.
  • The fast is broken in the evening, and everyone eats together.
  • On Eid day, people get together to pray at idgahs or mosques.
  • All mosques are decked with lights and other decorations.
  • After the prayers or namaaz, everyone hugs each other and wishes each other happiness and prosperity.
  •  Sweet vermicelli or seviyan and other delicacies are made to celebrate the festival with family and friends.

10 Lines On Eid - Infographics

Paragraph On Eid  

Here is a short and straightforward paragraph on Eid-al-Fitr for children. Young students can quickly learn to write it for their classwork:  

Eid is the main festival for Muslims across the world. Two types of Eid are celebrated by Muslims- Eid Ul Fitr and Eid Ul Adha. In Eid ul Adha, goats are sacrificed and consumed as part of the rituals. Eid ul Fitr is called the choti or meethi Eid as a variety of sweets are prepared for the celebrations, and it also marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. On both Eids, all Muslims get up early, dress in new clothes and go for prayers in mosques or idgahs. After their namaaz, they hug each other to wish happiness and prosperity. Family and friends gather at each other’s homes to celebrate Eid. On Eid, many Muslims also give alms to the needy.

children celebrating eid

Short Essay On Eid  

As Eid is a famous festival in India, most kids can quickly write a short paragraph on it. Here is a reference to a short essay on ‘My favourite festival- Eid’ in English for kids:  

For Muslims across the globe, Eid is the happiest day. There are two types of Eid celebrated in the Muslim calendar- Eid ul Adha and Eid ul Fitr. On Eid, Muslims celebrate with family, relatives, and friends by exchanging greetings, delicious dishes, and gifts. They also give alms to poor people to make their day happy. An important tradition of Eid is praying in the morning in mosques. After the prayers, they greet each other and return home to celebrate with family. After the namaaz, kids get Eidi, which is usually money as a token of blessings, from their elders. All mosques and other prominent religious and cultural places are decorated with lights and flowers. People also decorate their homes to show their happiness and enthusiasm. The markets are also full of people purchasing new clothes, household items, toys, and gifts. Eid is celebrated to spread peace, happiness, harmony, and brotherhood.

Long Essay On Eid  

Through a long essay on Eid for class 3, students can understand the festival and its associated celebrations. Here is a long essay on Eid in English for children:  

Eid is a very special day for Muslims worldwide, and it is a day of happiness and celebration. On Eid-ul-Fitr, Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. Eid is a time to thank Allah for all the blessings he has given to everyone, and it is a time to come together with family and friends and celebrate.

What Is Eid And How Many Types Of Eid Are There?

Eid is the most important Muslim festival celebrated worldwide. There are two types of Eid. The first is Eid-ul-Fitr, also known as Eid, and the second is Eid-ul-Adha or Eid-ul-Azha, also known as Bakra-Eid. Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated to commemorate the thirty days of fasting or Ramadan. Ramadan is the holy month of fasting for Muslims. In the Muslim calendar, it is the ninth month. When the new moon appears at the end of the month, the Eid celebrations officially begin.

Importance Of Eid

For Muslims, both Eid ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha are holy festivals. Eid-ul-Fitr is very important in the Islamic calendar, and Prophet Muhammad himself started its celebration. It is known as ‘The Feast of Breaking the Fast,’ and Muslims observe it all over the world to mark the conclusion of Ramadan. Eid-ul-Adha is observed to remember the willingness of Abraham/Ibrahim to sacrifice his son for Allah.

Rituals Of Eid

Prophet Muhammad started the ritual of celebrating Eid after the holy fasting month of Ramadan. It was first started in Mecca after the Prophet Muhammed reached there on the day of Eid. Muslims fast for one month of Ramadan, and during this month, they observe complete fasting during the day. As the month of Ramadan ends, they start preparing for Eid. Both men and women get ready in new dresses. Women wear accessories and apply mehndi or henna on their hands. Men wear traditional kurta pyjamas. Homes are decorated for celebrations and welcoming relatives to visit. When the Eid moon is sighted, Eid is believed to have begun. People start their celebrations by hugging. They greet their friends, relatives, and other community members by saying Eid Mubarak and Chaand Mubarak and praying for everyone’s wellness.

On the day of Eid, special prayers are offered, and charities are given. Kids receive many gifts and Eidi or money as a token of blessings from elders, an important Eid ritual. It is an important ritual to make sweet vermicelli or meethi seviyan on Eid. Along with sweet vermicelli, different kebabs, korma, biryani, etc., are also prepared and enjoyed with near and dear ones.

Celebration Of Eid

Eid is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement. Everyone wakes up early, wears new clothes, and offers special Eid prayers. Men go to mosques to offer namaaz, whereas most women perform the namaaz at home. After the namaaz, it is customary for men to greet each other by hugging three times alternately. Special Eid food is prepared at home. People go to their relatives and friends’ houses to celebrate and offer Eid greetings and gifts. The celebrations can go on for two-three days. Eid, the festival of joy and celebration, brings delight and happiness to everyone’s life. Eid is the reward for all the good actions performed during Ramadan.

What Will Your Child Learn From This Eid Essay?  

An Essay On Eid is a great way to teach young kids about various festivals celebrated by different communities in India. The students of classes 1, 2, and 3, when reading or writing essays on Eid, will understand its significance, importance, and reason behind celebrating it. Kids will learn the joy of giving and celebrating together.

1. What Does Eid Teach Us?

Eid teaches us the importance of brotherhood, peace, and harmony.

2. What Special Food Is Eaten On Eid?

Sweet vermicelli or methi seviyan is the main food of Eid. Along with this, dishes like kebabs, biryani, and kormas are also eaten.

3. When is Eid al-Fitr celebrated?

The date of Eid al-Fitr changes each year because it is based on the lunar Islamic calendar. It is celebrated on the first day of the month of Shawwal, following the sighting of the new moon after Ramadan.  

4. What do people wear for Eid?

On Eid, a diverse array of attire is on display. Many people opt for new or their best clothes, a tradition that adds a touch of elegance to the occasion. Some may even don traditional attire, a beautiful reflection of their cultural heritage.  

Eid is one of the most important festivals for Muslims worldwide; they wait for this day every year. Making your little ones write about this festival will teach them the associated sentiments and enhance their cultural awareness.  

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عید الفطر پر مضمون Eid ul Fitr Par Mazmoon in Urdu

عید الفطر پر مضمون | eid ul fitr essay in urdu, عیدالفطر eid par mazmoon, عید الفطر پر مضمون اردو, عید الفطر مضمون, ایک تبصرہ شائع کریں, featured post.

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گلشن گدی کے زیر اہتمام آن لائن مشاعرہ کامیابی کے ساتھ اختتام پذیر

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Essay On Eid

500 words essay on eid.

Eid is a religious festival which Muslims all over the world celebrate. It marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan . After 30 days of fasting, Eid is the first day after that month when Muslims do not fast and enjoy their day fully. Through an Essay on Eid, we will go through the festival and its celebration.

essay on eid

Eid Rituals

Muslims celebrate the religious festival of Eid every year. This day marks the end of Ramadan so they eat their heart out on this day. Prophet Muhammad started this tradition in Mecca first.

It is believed that the Prophet Muhammad reached Medina on this day. During Eid, people raise their spirits high and enjoy a lot. They start preparing for Eid before a month. The excitement begins at the onset of Ramadan.

Women start preparing their dresses, bangles, accessories beforehand. On the other hand, men prepare for their traditional kurta and pyjamas. When people sight the moon for Eid, they wish everyone ‘ Chand Mubarak’ as it confirms the day of Eid.

Women and girls also apply Mehendi on their hand beautifully. Similarly, houses are painted and decorated as well. Before Eid, Muslims fast, give charity, offer prayers, and perform other good deeds during the holy month of Ramadan.

Thus, on the day of Eid, everyone enjoys their day. It is a ritual to prepare sweet vermicelli known as sewaiyyan. It is prepared with two different methods and is famous worldwide.

Similarly, other delicacies like kebabs, biryani, korma and more are prepared. It is for the guests to relish and have a hearty meal with their near and dear ones.

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Eid Celebrations

When Eid arrives, everyone wakes up early in the morning. They take a bath and adorn their new attires. The women offer prayers at home while the men visit the mosque to offer prayers in the form of Namaaz.

Meanwhile, the food starts preparing at home. After the men are done offering prayers, they embrace each other and exchange Eid greetings. They wish Eid Mubarak to each other and hug three times alternately.

Then, people go over to their friends and relatives house to exchange greetings. The guests eat Sewaiyyan when they visit their dear ones. Another interesting part which youngsters love is Eidi.

Eidi is a gift they receive from the elders in the form of money. Thus, children enjoy receiving Eidi and then buy their favourite things from that money. Everyone enjoys a  lot on Eid and eat to their heart’s delight.

Conclusion of Essay On Eid

Being the festival of joy and celebration, Eid brings about a lot of happiness in everyone’s lives. It serves as a reward to people who fast the whole month and enjoy on Eid like it’s their feast. In other words, it is a reward for all the good deeds people have done during Ramadan. Thus, it spreads joy and brotherhood.

FAQ on Essay On Eid

Question 1: What is the importance of Eid?

Answer 1: Eid ul-Fitr is a very important festival for Muslims. It is vital in the Islamic calendar and Prophet Muhammad himself started it. People refer to it as ‘The Feast of Breaking the Fast’ and Muslims worldwide celebrate it to mark the end of Ramadan.

Question 2: How do Muslims celebrate Eid?

Answer 2: Eid traditionally start with prayers then a short sermon follows. In some countries, the prayers occur outside, while others are hosted in mosques or large halls. After the prayers, Muslims wish everyone around them a Happy Eid. After that, they visit their relatives and friends to enjoy each other and have a feast.

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Eid ul fitr essay in urdu writing

Today we write an eid ul fitr essay in urdu for classes 7,6, and others. Eid Ul Fitr is an important religious festival celebrated by Muslims worldwide, marking the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Ramadan adds an extraordinary vibrancy to the spiritual life of everyone.

It is not just a period of self-control and devotion to God, but also a time of sharing and caring for deprived and helpless people. It is a golden opportunity for Muslims to get together with their elders, friends, families, and neighbors, which marks the end of their fast each day. Eid Ul Fitr is the biggest festival for Muslims all over the world.

eid ul fitr essay in urdu | عید الفطر پر ایک مضمون

eid ul fitr essay in urdu

It is celebrated with prayers and feasting with family and friends. Eid ul Fitr celebrations start after the new moon is sighted, but some Muslims will begin celebrating the day before the new moon date. On this day, people will wake up around 4:30 AM to have suhoor, or pre-dawn breakfast, followed by prayers at 5:30 AM. After prayers, people return home to have a large breakfast with their families. People may also visit friends and relatives if they live far away.

Different countries celebrate eid ul Fitr in different ways. In Pakistan, for example, people will celebrate it by visiting each other’s houses for breakfast and sweets. Some might even exchange gifts in addition to sweets. In Bangladesh, some people participate in traditional boat races during the festival.

Happiness is like a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always out of reach, but which may alight upon you if you sit down quietly. If you observe the ways of people and the path they follow, it will keep you away from all sorts of afflictions and grief. Be tolerant, forgiving, noble, and refuse to let disenchantment enter your heart. So approach EID with a positive attitude, and every little thing that annoys you is your chance to try out your patience.

I hope you all like my short essay on eidain in Urdu for classes 6,7,4,5,8,1 and others, and if you want to get more essays, you can visit my websites.

You can also read interesting and short shajar kari essay in Urdu .

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    Eid Ul Fitr is the biggest festival for Muslims all over the world. eid ul fitr essay in urdu | عید الفطر پر ایک مضمون. It is celebrated with prayers and feasting with family and friends. Eid ul Fitr celebrations start after the new moon is sighted, but some Muslims will begin celebrating the day before the new moon date.