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Essay Samples on Fiction

Critical analysis of emotions that build historical fiction literature.

Indeed, historical fiction has long been battled by critics between being purely fictitious and a transformational stimulation of the past, ever since Sir Walter Scott's 'Waverley' in 1814 - the first recorded novel on this genre. Although it can entail a lack of 'critical analysis',...

  • Literary Genres
  • Literature Review

Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale as Dystopian Fiction

Published in 1985, Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale emerged during an auspicious time for dystopian fiction, following works such as Adoux Huxley’s Brave New World, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange. These dystopian narratives provided readers with captivating examinations into bleak,...

  • The Handmaid's Tale

The Concepts Of Good And Evil In Good Man Is Hard To Find

Hypocrisy is the disease of this era. Most people wear the masks of love, purity, and goodness, yet from inside they hide the complete opposite feelings, hatred, selfishness, and dishonesty. In the '' A good Man is Hard to Find '' this reality can clearly...

  • A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Stereotypes And Identity Of Beneatha In Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin In The Sun

In Langston Hughes’ poem “Harlem,” he discusses the idea of unfulfilled dreams and their plausible outcomes using symbolism and imagery. Firstly he describes a “deferred” dream as a sun-dried raisin, showing the dream originally as a fresh grape that now has dried up and “turned...

  • A Raisin in The Sun

Out Of The Wallpaper: The Imagery Of Mentally Ill In Yellow Wallpaper

At first glance, Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper' is merely the story of a helpless woman grappling with mental illness in a dysfunctional marital relationship. Her husband assumes that as a doctor he knows best what is necessary for his wife to recover from...

  • The Yellow Wallpaper

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The Theme Of Betrayal And Redemption In The Kite Runner

There is a theme of redemption In the novel, “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini.. The redemption came from the theme of betrayal. Redemption comes when Amir realizes he cannot escape his past and must correct his wrongs from his past. Amir, from the beginning...

  • The Kite Runner

Finding The Meaning Behind The Symbolism In The Yellow Wallpaper

The life of a woman wasn’t that easy back then in the 1800s. Gilman wrote a short story describing the point of view of the roles in society, the story was her way of bringing together women’s oppression to light. “The Yellow Wallpaper” is written...

  • Short Story

Topic Of Equality In Harrison Bergeron

Equality is something many people had to fight for. Imagine the dystopian United States in 2081 when everyone is equal. Above-average people have handicaps so they are equal to normal people. A powerful symbol in this story is the Tv which Harrison's parents are watching....

  • Harrison Bergeron

Unbroken: The Struggles Of Warriors In Life

“I believe in one thing only, the power of the human will.” (Joseph Stalin) This is a quote from a book called “Man of Steel” by Joseph Stalin and the first thing that comes to mind is Hugh Glass from the book “The Revenant” by...

Gender Roles And Womanhood In Adichie Purple Hibiscus And Emecheta‘s The Bride Price

The representation of female gender is mostly sloppy and biased. It is belief that men are the bulwark of any society. However, their contribution to the overall development of mankind and the nature in general is great. Women on the other hand is saddled with...

  • Purple Hibiscus

Capturing The Anxiety And Mental Struggles In The Thing Around Your Neck

A collection of short stories titled The Thing Around Your Neck divulges a holistic expression of Position Two situation: “To acknowledge the fact that you are a victim, but to explain this as an act of fate
the necessity decreed by History, or Economics, or the...

  • The Thing Around Your Neck

Analysis Of Class Interests In The Garden Party

The conflict of interest between the upper-class Sheridan family regarding the death of their neighbour Mr. Scott seems purposely emphasized by Mansfield to shed light on the presence of prejudice to the working class living in modern communities. The social class division became coherent when...

  • The Garden Party

Gender Roles and Victimization Of Women In Adichie’s "Purple Hibiscus"

Abstract: Women are given the position of ‘second sex’ since the time immemorial. They have been subjected to have a secondary treatment and they are deprived of the opportunities which are enjoyed by men. This discrimination pushes the fair sex into the background position and...

Unbroken And The Tale Of Almost Broken And Hurt People

When Louie and Phil were helped onto the Japanese boat, the Japanese hurt them. A person came in and stopped the beating. They were given some food. Then they were moved to a different boat. The people on that boat gave them more food and...

Reflection On Louis Zamperini's Life In Unbroken

The adventurous and dangerous life of Olympic Runner Louis Zamperini in the book Unbroken isn’t just for entertainment. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand is a biography of an Olympic runner Louis Zamperini who enlisted in the air force and when his plane crashes he becomes a...

The Elements Of Symbolism In A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

Gabriel GarcĂ­a MĂĄrquez was known for the way he would create vast woven plots and tightly knit narratives within his works. His world is mostly that of provincial Colombia, where medieval and modern practices and beliefs clash both comically and tragically (EchevarrĂ­a). In A Very...

  • A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

Remain Unbroken: The Story Of Unlikely Survival

Throughout the powerful novel Unbroken A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand, Louis Zamperini shows a relentless will to survive in extreme ways that most could not, also demonstrating many counts of leadership. Louis Zamperini has been innovative and...

Imagery and Character Evolution in "The Purple Hibiscus"

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novel Purple Hibiscus unleashes the lives of two young characters Kambili, the main character and Jaja, her older brother, that are brought up by a religiously rigid father, Papa, who adheres to Catholicism consequently overshadowing his paternal love. Papa eventually punishes his...

Exploring Hidden Symbolism Of Growth In "Purple Hibiscus"

When raised in a country hindered by the hardships of domestic violence, voicing one's true thoughts can often carry savage consequences, Purple Hibiscus is no exception. When the voice of the Achike family is confined in an oppressive society and home under Eugene, an authoritarian...

Love Does Not Define Social Class In The Decameron

In every household, there are many unspoken rules and norms which members structure their behavior around. According to the Marxian Class Theory, the development of these norms, ideological consciousness, are dependent on the social class of the members in a given household. This theory was...

  • The Decameron

Imagery On Cultural Ideas Used In The Purple Hibiscus

The novel Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie, set in post-colonial Nigeria during the Civil War in the late 1960s, is a bildungsroman that focuses greatly on family relationships as well as religious and cultural ideals. The passage describing Kambili and Jaja’s first meal at their...

A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: A Tale For Children

The author I chose is Gabriel García Márquez (born March 6, 1927, Aracataca, Colombia—died April 17, 2014, Mexico City, Mexico), Colombian novelist and one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982, mostly for his...

Dante And Boccaccio: Consumption Of The Human Heart And Other Food Symbolism In Decameron

Food is a key component and defining factor of all cultures. It connects people in ways that sometimes even language cannot, or even facilitates communication between people by bringing them together over the dining table. Although physical food and its role in daily life is...

The Notion Of Justice In Boccaccio's The Decameron

Boccaccio presents an earthly system of justice to show how messy human life is. This tells us that the divine system of justice (one that Dante adheres to) does not fit with the complications that life presents us. Dante’s use of his moral system, which...

The Elements Of Symbolism In Purple Hibiscus

The novel, Purple Hibiscus uses many types of symbolism to express Papa’s abusive behavior towards his wife and children. Within the novel, There are many symbols being used to help develop the novel, in the text; the four major ones being Love Sip Tea, Figurines,...

Lord Of The Flies By William Golding: Civilization Versus Savagery

Conflicting ideas within people that are not resolved can lead to savagery and pain. In William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies, Ralph and young British boys are left stranded from a plane crash on an island. The boys start to become civilized on the...

  • Lord of The Flies
  • William Golding

Comparison Of Symbolism In A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings And Swimmer

'The Swimmer' by John Cheever and 'A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings' by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, both focus on magic realism in the way that people are never content. 'The Swimmer' is a story of how one man's ego can change his life. The...

Unbroken By Laura Hillenbrand And The Message Of Not Giving Up

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand is one of the most interesting books that I've at any point perused. This true to life piece has even made me have an alternate point of view and made me consider the lesson of the story in an edifying manner....

A Historical Evaluation Of The Decameron Directed By Pier Paolo Pasolini

As an eminent historian, indicating the significance of filmic narrative of history, Bruno Ramirez emphasises that scholars, who must not be necessarily historians but other social, or pertinent disciplines, should not perceive historical films as only stories about past but also contemporary cultural outputs, intrinsic...

The True Nature Of Unbroken: Journey Through Delinquency

There is never a moment in life when adversity is absent, but the true test of resilience presents itself in times when the misfortune seems completely grim and utterly unrelenting. In the novel Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand describes the tumultuous life of one man through his...

A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: Analysis Of Good And Evil

In the Old Bible in Titus chapter 1 verse 16 it saids “They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work”, this words utterly emphetazie with Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the message in...

Don Quixote Influence on Cassandra Clare's Book City of Glass

“It was a wrong number that started it
Much later
he would conclude that nothing was real except chance.’’ (Auster, Paul. City Of Glass,1985:1) The first sentences of the book although We don’t notice at the first glimpse informs the reader about the possibility of this detective...

  • Don Quixote

Analysis of the Elements of Fiction in the Novels The Mark of Cain, Lamb to The Slaughter and The Tell-Tale Heart

Summary The Mark of Cain by Roxane Gay The short story is about a young unnamed woman who is married to a man called Caleb, Caleb has an identical twin, Jacob. They both switch places for days. The woman knows about their actions but does...

  • Lamb to The Slaughter
  • The Tell Tale Heart

Comparison of the Fictional Works of Mary Flannery O’Connor and Gregorio Brillantes

Flannery O’Connor: A Background Mary Flannery O’Connor was an American writer born in Savannah, Georgia, in 1925. She had spent years in Iowa and New York for her education, while the rest of her life was spent in her birth state, though more in Milledgeville,...

  • Good Country People

Black Marginalization in Mainstream Science Fantastic Fiction

Throughout its history, science fiction is associated and dominated by white male writers, readers, editors, and protagonists (Salvaggio, 1984, p. 78). Carrington (2016) has used the expression “The Whiteness of Science Fiction” to refer to two things: first, “the overrepresentation of white people among the...

Magical Realism as a Form of Fantastic Fiction

A woman can interact with spirits, a man can live one hundred and forty years, and characters can have conversations with the walls. In Magical Realism, anything is possible. All the rules we applied to the ordinary world can be bent at any moment. Writers...

An Overview of Zombies: Epidemiology of Fear

This article aimed to rationale how science fiction content describe and illustrate human culture through zombies. There was no formal concept of probability in Europe prior to the mid-17th century [3], despite the idea of randomized objects was already commonly seen. Asides from the first...

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow: One of the Most Famous Early Works in American Fiction

Introduction The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a short story of speculative fiction by American author Washington Irving, contained in his collection of 34 essays and short stories entitled The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.. Written while Irving was living abroad in Birmingham, England,...

  • Gothic Literature
  • The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Uncovering The True Fiction Behind Ishmael Beah’s Recount of His Life Story

What settles the difference between nonfiction and fiction? The specifics. In a nonfiction novel, the author is recounting on purely true events. However, in a fictional text, the author has a wide range of possibilities and can be very subjective. The specifics can be used...

  • A Long Way Gone

My Reflection over the Novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark aTwin is a classic novel about a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River. It is set in the 1840s in the fictional town of St. Petersburg, inspired by Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived as a boy....

  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Biography and Works of Tui T. Sutherland

Tui T. Sutherland, is a children's book author of several books (such as Wings of Fire, Avatars, Spirit Animals, etc.) and usually writes from 11:00 to 4:00 am instead of during the day. Some of the pen names she goes by are Heather Williams, Rob...

  • Wings of Fire

Analysis of the Deterioration of Annie John's Relationship with Her Mother

Annie john incorporates a weird relationship to power and her mother with regards to power. She perpetually changes. what is more the manner her and her mother act continuously modified and differs. Finally we have a tendency to see this within the initial 2 chapters...

  • Protagonist

The Crucial Importance of Knowledge in Fever: 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson

In the historical fiction novel, Fever: 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson, citizens in the city Philadelphia are suffering and dying from yellow fever. The epidemic is spreading all throughout the town and not many people can stop it. The main character Mattie, who is 14,...

  • Yellow Fever

Book Review of The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

The Nightingale, by Kristin Hannah, was truly a remarkable story. It's poignant! I will beg everyone who loves historical fiction to read this. Although the book is considered fiction, I believe it was planted in well-researched truth. The Nightingale was glamorous and powerful; it is...

A Wrinkle in Time: Introduction of the Abstract Concepts

A Wrinkle in Time is a classic in the fantasy fiction genre. It has won numerous awards with the most prestigious being the john newberry medal award, won in 1963. Written by Madeleine L'Engle, it is the first in the Time Quintet series, which targets...

  • A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time Brought Revolution to Children's Literature

Something that makes the classic children’s novel A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L’Engle, such an interesting story is that it succeeds in straddling the border between science fiction and fantasy. It brings the two genres together by including, for example, both the concept of...

The Killer Angels: Accurate Depiction of Revolutionary Events

I don’t think there was too much opinion in this novel, it was a very long novel but honestly short at the same time, once you get into the book, you want to keep reading to see what is going to happened next. It really...

  • The Killer Angels

Michael Shaara's The Killer Angels as the Foundation of Historic Fiction

In Gods and Generals, Shaara tells old stories in his own style and prose, using factual information to create a realistic yet still entertaining narrative. The author’s tales revolve around four generals and the events surrounding them, particularly in reference to the Civil War. Shaara...

Literary Analysis of "In the Time of Butterflies" by Julia Alvarez

Keywords: In the Time of the Butterflies, Julia Alvarez, Dominican Republic, Historical fiction, Symbolism, Political oppression, Feminism, Identity The desire for overcoming corruption became a battle for everyone living in those times. The passion that many had and the hope that wasn’t lost kept them...

The Idea of Blending Fiction into Reality In 'Don Quixote'

Part II of this story is changing like how Don Quixote’s fantasy is changing, and it is turning a part as the story goes on. Reality is rising up in his imaginative world, and he starts to doubt his views. He is beginning to see...

The Awakening of Fantastic and Science Fiction

The most resourceful genre that involves movies shows art and books is science fiction. Most science fiction are labeled as drama, or comedy.It is much more than those two things that is what makes it so much more interesting and enjoyable.There are many definitions and...

  • Science Fiction

How Fantastic Fiction Impacts Social Issues and Reformation

Fantastic fiction be used to bring about social changes and/or political reforms In order to better understand fantastic fiction we should also understand other fictions. The most resourceful genre that involves movies shows art and books is science fiction. Most science fiction is labeled as...

  • Social Problems

A Comprehensive Analysis of Dystopian Genre in Literature

Dystopian genre blossomed in literature during the nineteenth century and developed significantly as a critical response and an antithesis to utopian fiction and shows utopia gone awry. The word ‘dystopia’ can be translated from Greek as ‘bad place’ and usually it depicts something a society...

The Variability of Themes in Oscar Wilde's Fiction

Oscar Wilde wrote his melodramatic, light-hearted comedic play, “The Importance of Being Earnest”, and his darker, tragic, allegorical novella, “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, encompassing the thematic content of internal conflict using his “Wildean paradox and humour to ensure readers into confronting their own prejudices...

  • Oscar Wilde

Terror in the Woods: Short Horror Story about Unholy Monster in the Lake

For most years, my husband Alan, his brother Sean and I have enjoyed getting into the great outdoors, which includes a lot of hiking and day fishing, specifically for my brother-in-law who considers himself a sort of authority in fly sport fishing. When we camped...

Feminism In Women's Fiction Of The Late 20Th Century And Starting Of The 21St Century

Kaveri Nambian, who did her FRCS at the Royal College of Surgery in England and who works in the rural place in India, has also emerged as an innovative author in fiction. She at first wrote for women's magazines and for children. Her first fictional...

  • Gender Equality

Girl Protagonists In Anita Nair's The Better Man

It has to be made clear here that in Anita Nair’s fictional works she has presented episodes that delineate the testimonies of girl protagonists. Cambridge Dictionary defines “protagonist” as “ONE of the MAIN characters in a story or a play”. And in Anita Nair‟s novel...

Reflection On Elastic Girl By Olivia Rana

Elastic Girl by Olivia Rana is a heart-wrenching fictional story centered around circus life in India. It touches on many big themes such as the oppression and objectification of women and girls, poverty, sexual exploitation, and the ways in which families scapegoat one another. The...

  • Book Review

The Evaluation Of The Book Alphabet Trucks By Samantha R. Vamos

During the first two practicum data sets, I have learned quite a bit about my learner regarding his current reading skills. Through two read alouds and planned activities, my learner has taught me countless elements of how young children learn and develop literacy skills. For...

Best topics on Fiction

1. Critical Analysis of Emotions That Build Historical Fiction Literature

2. Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale as Dystopian Fiction

3. The Concepts Of Good And Evil In Good Man Is Hard To Find

4. Stereotypes And Identity Of Beneatha In Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin In The Sun

5. Out Of The Wallpaper: The Imagery Of Mentally Ill In Yellow Wallpaper

6. The Theme Of Betrayal And Redemption In The Kite Runner

7. Finding The Meaning Behind The Symbolism In The Yellow Wallpaper

8. Topic Of Equality In Harrison Bergeron

9. Unbroken: The Struggles Of Warriors In Life

10. Gender Roles And Womanhood In Adichie Purple Hibiscus And Emecheta‘s The Bride Price

11. Capturing The Anxiety And Mental Struggles In The Thing Around Your Neck

12. Analysis Of Class Interests In The Garden Party

13. Gender Roles and Victimization Of Women In Adichie’s “Purple Hibiscus”

14. Unbroken And The Tale Of Almost Broken And Hurt People

15. Reflection On Louis Zamperini’s Life In Unbroken

  • Sonny's Blues
  • Hidden Intellectualism
  • William Shakespeare
  • Into The Wild
  • The Black Cat

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Fiction - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Fiction refers to literature created from the imagination, not based on fact. Essays on fiction might explore various genres, the elements of storytelling, or the ways fiction can reflect or challenge societal norms. Other topics might include the analysis of narrative techniques, the history and evolution of fiction, or the impact of fiction on cultural or individual perception. Essays could also delve into discussions on the boundary between fiction and reality, or the role of fiction in philosophical or ethical debates. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Fiction you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Is the Great Gatsby Historical Fiction?

Historical information about the period of publication: The Great Gatsby was published in the twenties and the book takes place in the twenties. In the 1920's Jazz was upcoming and very popular. Jazz clubs were very popular, and many people would come in some pretty cool outfits. Also in 1920 the 19th amendment was ratified and gave women the right to vote. In 1928 Hoover is elected president and creates the slogan a chicken in every pot, a car in [

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction

Introduction: Global Warming is the theory that the atmosphere of the earth is gradually increasing as a result of the increase in levels of greenhouse gases and pollutants being released. Since the Industrial Revolution, Earth's global average temperature has increased by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (The World Counts, 2014). There are generally two opinions regarding the argument of global warming: those who believe it is occurring and those who do not. People who believe in the issue back their opinions up [

Medieval Romance “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

Medieval romance is a type of literature first made popular in the 12th century by various medieval writers. These works were often characterized by a strong idealization of the code of chivalry and the main heroic protagonist, along with supernatural elements, creativity, a fairytale setting, a simple plot often revolving around some sort of quest, and other similar items. Based on this understanding of the genre, "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" can be considered a prime, perfect example of [

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Dystopian Science Fiction Film “The Hunger Games”

The Hunger Games is a dystopian science fiction film based on Susan Collins novel of the same name. I love this film because it is set in a scary futuristic fantasy world. Directed by Gary Ross, The Hunger Games film has a leading strong female character that raises above all odds. The films main characters are Jennifer Lawrence who plays Katniss Everdeen and Josh Hutcherson who plays Peeta Mellark. The film is set inside the Panem country consisting of 12 [

George Orwell’s Fiction Novel 1984

With new technology and advanced programs, the government is gaining more power than one may realize. George Orwell’s fiction novel 1984, depicts Oceania’s control upon it’s party members thoughts and freedom showcasing the harsh effects that it had on its population. Too much control can often lead to social repression, Winston being a product of this repressed society. The cruelty Winston is faced with serves as both a motivation for him throughout the novel and reveals many hidden traits about [

Point of View in the Odyssey and Margaret Atwood’s “Siren Song”

Have you ever heard just one side of a story without hearing the other side? Ever wondered what's going through the villains mind? The sirens are described as bird like creatures that are beautiful and deceitful. The sirens prey on the most strong and heroic heroes that are also very gullible. Homer in “The Odyssey” and Margaret Atwood in the “Sirens Song” give different portrayals of the sirens through their point of view and tone. The point of view of [

Fiction Story “The Hunger Games”

The Hunger Games is an exciting fiction story written by the author Suzanne Collins. The dystopian novel was published in 2008 by Scholastic. It's told in first person point-of-view by narrator and protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, as she recounts her personal history and experiences in a mostly stoic yet occasionally emotional tone. The setting takes place in about a hundred years in the future in the country Panem, created after the North American government collapsed. The structure and style of the [

Artificial Intelligence Fiction Vs Reality

Artificial intelligence has been a topic discussed in popular culture for decades, despite its relatively recent appearance in the robotics industry. In 20th-century films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Terminator, sentient machines are most commonly portrayed as being cold, unfeeling killers who invariably turn on their creators to fulfill their own nefarious goals. The metallic antagonists of these films, HAL 9000 and Skynet, were created to serve humanity, but once they gained “sentience”, that purpose faded away [

Symbols and their Meanings in “Heart of Darkness”

Symbols are a common literary device used by authors. Some authors use symbols to make the readers think and find the deeper meanings. Other authors use symbols to help tie together different parts of the story. In Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad many symbols are shown to the readers throughout the literary work. Three of the major symbols the author uses in this book are the color black, the color white, and buzzing flies. In the book Heart of [

“Dragos Tenter” Fiction Paper

The Oscars, the Emmys and the Tonys are awards given to the best of the arts. Literature is an inspiration for TV programs and Broadway plays. There are four nominees for the Best American short story of all time. The nominees are “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway, “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The winner is “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman [

Gender Wage Gap: Fact or Fiction?

“Women and minorities make significantly less than their counterparts” (Ramnarain). A quote by an author of the Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justices written recently five years ago. She uses the word significantly, a word that impacts a statement of a huge difference in pay between a male and a female. Two people doing the same job, are getting paid significantly less. Is that fair? In 1960, there were many doctrines to produce change in workers discrimination. A huge step [

Essay the House on Mango Street

A twelve year old girl named Esperanza is the main character of the the “House On Mango Street.” Esperanza was a shy but very smart girl, she dreamed of the perfect house to live with her family. She wanted this because her parents told her about a nice house that they will get if they win a lottery and it was a story that her mom told her before she goes to sleep. Throughout the novel cisneros displayed many use [

The American Dream, Fact or Fiction?

The American dream is an idea held by an abundance of people in the United States of America that with hard work, courage and determination one can achieve prosperity. These were morals held by plentiful early European settlers and have been passed on to many generations. What the American dream has become is a question often under discussion. In the 20th century, the American dream had its obstacles. The Depression caused a lot of difficulties during the late Twenties and [

Fiction on Stage: Unraveling the Roles in ‘The Phantom of the Opera’

Musical sensation "The Phantom of the Opera," helmed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, has enthralled audiences throughout the globe with its iconic music, exciting drama, and eerie romance. The musical, which is based on the Gaston Leroux book, tells a story of love, passion, and mystery while taking place at the opulent Paris Opera House. The characters are essential to the tale because of their nuanced roles and interactions. This article examines the complexity and dynamics of the primary characters in [

Flowers for Algernon: a Thought-Provoking Odyssey into the Depths of Human Potential and Ethical Conundrums in Science Fiction

Within the expansive universe of science fiction literature, Daniel Keyes' "Flowers for Algernon" stands as an exceptional work that delves into the profound theme of human potential and the intricate ethical dilemmas that accompany scientific progress. This literary gem firmly belongs to the category of mind-stirring science fiction, offering readers an intellectual voyage into the intricacies of the human psyche and the moral complexities woven into scientific exploration. In this essay, we navigate the enduring originality of "Flowers for Algernon" [

Resilience and Magic Unveiled: Cinderella’s Fiction Enduring Cinematic Legacy

Cinderella, a tale woven into the fabric of our collective imagination, has left an indelible mark through its cinematic adaptations, each iteration infusing the classic story with a unique essence while preserving its timeless charm. In 1950, Disney's animated masterpiece, "Cinderella," danced onto screens, casting a spell with its captivating animation and unforgettable melodies. This rendition painted the tale of Ella, a gentle-hearted soul enduring hardship under her stepmother's tyranny, before a magical transformation orchestrated by her fairy godmother changed [

Dark Romanticism

“Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality” (Edgar Allan Poe). Dark Romanticism is a literary movement that made waves that still resonate today within modern horror and pop culture, from Frankenstein to Dracula many recognizable names came from this era of writing. From the subjects covered by the many influential authors of the era to how it still has a place within modern writing, Dark Romanticism, a writing movement that began in [

Exploring Historical Fiction: ‘Al Capone does my Shirts’ and its Narrative Depth

The book "Al Capone Does My Shirts," written by Gennifer Choldenko, is an unusual combination of young adult and historical fiction, set in the 1930s on Alcatraz Island. This article discusses the problems the book tackles, how a young kid sees life on Alcatraz, and the novel's value in fusing historical details with a coming-of-age tale. The protagonist of the book is twelve-year-old Moose Flanagan, who relocates to Alcatraz Island when his father secures a position as a prison guard. [

Unspoken Justice in Fiction: Analyzing ‘A Jury of her Peers’

"A Jury of Her Peers" by Susan Glaspell is a gripping short tale that explores the nuances of justice, empathy, and gender roles in early 20th-century America. The narrative, which is adapted from her play "Trifles," is a nuanced but powerful indictment of cultural conventions and the intellect and compassion that women too often lack. The goal of this article is to analyze the complex relationships in "A Jury of Her Peers," looking at its reflections on gender, social justice, [

Fiction and Heartache: Delving into the Plot of Madame Butterfly

Giacomo Puccini's opera "Madame Butterfly" is a poignant narrative that intertwines themes of love, cultural clash, and tragic self-sacrifice. Set in Nagasaki, Japan, in the early 20th century, the opera tells the story of a young Japanese woman, Cio-Cio-San, and her ill-fated romance with a U.S. naval officer, Lieutenant B.F. Pinkerton. This essay delves into the intricate plot of "Madame Butterfly," exploring its emotional depth and the cultural context that shapes its tragic trajectory. The opera opens with Pinkerton, stationed [

“The Sign of the Beaver”: a Fiction about Survival and Cultural Exchange

"The Sign of the Beaver," a novel by Elizabeth George Speare, published in 1983, offers a nuanced exploration of survival, friendship, and cultural exchange in early American history. Set in the 18th century, the story follows a young boy, Matt, who is left alone to guard his family's newly built cabin in the Maine wilderness. The narrative evolves into a profound tale of survival, understanding, and respect as Matt forms an unlikely friendship with Attean, a Native American boy from [

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Short Stories

In many of Nathaniel Hawthorne's short stories, he develops his characters to have either a spiteful or evil attribute for more of a symbolic meaning to the story. Many people can interpret that Hawthorne uses evil in his stories. In the story "" Rapaccinni's Daughter”, he uses his daughter Beatrice, as his scientific project that turns her into poison which causes her to stay trapped inside without leaving the house. In "" Young Goodman Brown"" the character Faith is a [

Buffalo Bill: Fiction’s Disturbing Reflection of Reality

It's no secret that popular culture has a way of drawing inspiration from real-life events, turning them into fiction, and serving them up as entertainment for the masses. One of the more chilling examples of this is the character "Buffalo Bill" from Thomas Harris's novel, "The Silence of the Lambs." The character, brought hauntingly to life by actor Ted Levine in the film adaptation, is a twisted figure who leaves an indelible mark on the psyche. Yet, the most harrowing [

Rebellion in Serenity, a Science Fiction Movie

"Serenity" is a science fiction movie that tells the story of the crew aboard the spacecraft 'Serenity' and a pair of siblings who discover the secret of the Alliance's rule and resist it. Although the movie is named 'Serenity', this is an irony expressed in the plot of the movie. There is no absolute serenity and peace in the world. What a serene world needs is a ruler who can provide a free and happy land for everyone. This is [

Summary of the Main Fiction Books

  Emily Grierson lived in her southern town as the richest woman. In solitude, she lived alone before her death. As a young woman, she was regarded too good enough for any of the men that fancied her according to her dead father. Later in her life, Emily found true love with Homer Barron, a suspected homosexual by the town because he was more interested in the men than Emily Grierson. After Homer's disappearance, Emily bought arsenic. Suicide was talked [

The Significance of Memory in ‘The Giver’: Exploring Themes of Identity

In a literary work, themes are crucial and often the universal ideas explored. In the book The Giver by Lois Lowry, the author uses various themes to bring out his story. The author is inspired by personal experience to bring out some of the themes of in the story. One of the most crucial themes in the book is the importance of memory when it comes to human life. The importance of memory is a clear theme that Lowry uses [

Analysis of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Heart of Darkness is Conrad's shortest, greatest, and highest achievement. It is considered as one of the best short novels that are written English. It is something between a short story and a novel; therefore it can be called a 'novella'. It was first published in 1899, in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, a popular journal of its day in London. Heart of Darkness is based on Conrad's personal experience to the Congo region of West Africa. The novella is a kind [

“Wuthering Heights” and “Rebecca” Analysis

Not every romantic novel is about true love. Books such as Wuthering Heights and Rebecca are far from being romantic. From romance comedies to gothic romance, the novels have plots that are quite different from the normal storyline. These novels are more mysterious and full of suspense. Clearly, authors Daphne du Maurier and Emily Brontë wanted a romantic plot that was unusual and unexpected from readers. Luckily, many people who read either Rebecca or Wuthering Heights were quite surprised with [

Comparing and Contrasting Darkness in Poe’s ‘Cask of Amontillado’ and ‘Raven’

Edgar Allen Poe one of the greatest American poets to ever have been around. The stories “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Raven” are typically seen as dark and mystical pieces of literature. Both stories consist of a few major similarities such as the tone and the way the stories ended. With the few similar qualities they both have a few ways that they are different like the rhyme scheme and the difference in diction. In “the Cask of Amontillado” [

Review of Criticism

“Heart of Darkness” is a very unique story in which it has a much deeper meaning and impact to society, than people actually might think. Throughout its time of release, many readers have had different interpretations on what message it tried to convey. In the story, one of the significant moments was when Charles Marlow, the narrator, tells a lie to The Intended. However, several critics have discussed, that what Marlow says to The Intended about Kurtz’s last words is [

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How to Write an Essay About Fiction

Understanding the elements of fiction.

Before writing an essay about a work of fiction, it is essential to understand the fundamental elements that make up a fictional piece. Fiction, in its various forms such as novels, short stories, or novellas, is narrative writing drawn from the author's imagination. Start your essay by discussing the key elements of fiction: plot, character, setting, point of view, theme, and style. Explain how these elements work together to create a cohesive and engaging story. It's also important to consider the historical and cultural context in which the work was written, as this often influences the themes and perspectives presented in the story.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on a work of fiction should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about the piece. For example, you might analyze the development of a central character, explore the significance of the setting in shaping the story, or interpret the underlying themes and their relevance to contemporary issues. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your analysis.

Gathering Textual Evidence

To support your thesis, it's crucial to gather evidence directly from the text. This involves close reading of the work to find significant quotes, passages, and examples that align with your thesis. If discussing a theme, identify parts of the text that illustrate this theme. If analyzing a character, choose examples of actions or dialogues that reveal something significant about that character. This evidence strengthens your argument and shows your deep engagement with the text.

Analyzing Literary Techniques and Themes

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing the author's use of literary techniques and how they contribute to the themes or overall impact of the story. Discuss the author’s style, use of symbolism, narrative techniques, and character development. For example, if examining a novel, you might explore how the author's use of descriptive language creates vivid imagery or how the narrative structure contributes to the development of the plot. This analysis demonstrates your understanding of literary techniques and their function within the story.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and restating your thesis in light of the discussion. Your conclusion should bring together your insights into the work of fiction, emphasizing the significance of your findings. This is also an opportunity to reflect on the broader implications of the story, such as its impact on literature or its relevance to readers today.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and refine it for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are well-structured and supported by textual evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers, teachers, or literary enthusiasts to further improve your essay. A well-crafted essay on a work of fiction not only showcases your understanding of the text but also your ability to critically analyze and discuss literary works.

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Fiction Essay Examples

The meaning of grotesque in winesburg, ohio.

Sherwood Anderson authors a number of tales from a fictional town in Midwest Ohio known as Winnesburg. He addresses people's way of life and emphasis the word “grotesque” many times. Anderson defines grotesque as an obsession of one’s truth in life that leads to distortion...

Enif' Book Review: a Precious Knowledge and Life Lessons

The book ‘Enif’ It is a story which will give you precious knowledge summary and life lessons, all wrapped in wrappers of delectable metaphors. The fine details of the storyline, through science fiction prowess, teaches the way life works and gives insights on the machinery...

Exploring the Depths of Gothic Romantic Fictional Narratives

Gothic romantic fiction is a genre that is characterized by its dark and mysterious themes, often featuring supernatural elements and a brooding, atmospheric setting. In a gothic romantic fictional narrative essay, the writer crafts a story that captures the essence of this genre, immersing the...

Unleashing the Imagination: Exploring Science Fiction

Science fiction can be regarded as the fiction which illustrates an objective or the reason which deals with social or we can say that science fiction is called as future prediction. In writing, it is said to be the subject that deals with the period...

Horror Story: Genre, Understanding and Example

In this horror story essay I will tell you a little bit about horror, and then I will tell a story, and then at the end I will tell you what I have learned and what I think about horror stories. Horror is a genre...

Courage and Heroism in Number the Stars

Number the stars is a historical fiction based in 1943 by an American author, Lois Lowry, about the fleeing of a Jewish family, The Rosens family, from their home in Copenhagen in Denmark, during World War Two. The story is based around a ten-year-old girl,...

Fahrenheit 451 is a Fiction Book

Many people of our generation are being addicted to things that are digital. They are wasting time either watching television or playing video games and they never have time to spare about their feelings with their love or families. Ray Bradbury shows a perfect example...

The Uncanny in Fiction and in Real World

Sigmund Freud, the great founder of psychoanalysis and the famously known father of psychology, made a big realization about the paradoxical deployment of the uncanny, stating that “The somewhat paradoxical result is that in the first place a great deal that is not uncanny in...

Mortality Salience on Reading the Year of Wonders

A new genre of fiction can be constructed by analysing narratives in a pragmatic level. A literary work can be labelled as “Finitude Narrative” if it is found having two basic requisites. The first of these conditions would be that the syntagm of the narrative...

Analysis of the Major Themes in the Hobbit by J.r.r. Tolkien

Throughout everyday life, people encounter experiences that embark them on a journey like never before. 'The Hobbit' written by J.R.R. Tolkien, Classic Fiction, published 1937, containing 276 pages, portrays the story of a Hobbit who for the most part is found enjoying his peace in...

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About Fiction

Fiction is an integral part of literature, a kind of art of the word that describes reality in artistic images. It's any creative work, chiefly any narrative work, portraying individuals, events, or places in ways that are imaginary or inconsistent with history, fact, or plausibility. In a narrow sense, "fiction" refers to written narratives in prose – often limited to novels, novellas, and short stories.

Traditionally it's novels, short stories, fables, legends, myths, fairy tales, epic and narrative poetry, plays (including operas, musicals, dramas, puppet plays, and various kinds of theatrical dances). However, fiction may also encompass comic books, and many animated cartoons, stop motions, anime, manga, films, video games, radio programs, television programs (comedies and dramas), etc.

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