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How to Use FlipGrid in your Canvas course

What is flipgrid.

Flipgrid is a free video discussion tool that you can use in place of or in addition to traditional discussion boards. Instead of leaving written comments for each other, students post short video responses to the posted prompt and/or to each other. 

It sounds complicated. 

Good news. It's incredibly easy to use. When you use Flipgrid within Canvas, students do not need to create a separate log-in/password. All they need is a device with a camera and microphone, like a smart phone or laptop.  With the click of one button in the assignment, the video recording starts, they can quickly record their response, Flipgrid gives them a chance to watch the recording and redo it if desired, they add a few "stickers" (decorations) if they want, click another button to submit, and that's it. 

Why would I want to use Flipgrid?

  • You want to build community with/among your students. When you see people on video, you get a much better feel for them as a person. Students report that they feel more connected to their classmates when we use Flipgrid.  When I use Flipgrid in online courses, I love feeling like I would recognize my students if I passed them in the hall. 
  • You are tired of regular discussion boards . Your students probably are, too. Using Flipgrid often feels more casual . It is faster for many students, and you often get more spontaneous/"real" answers.
  • You are teaching or practicing an interpersonal skill , such as healing presence, communication style, etc. Written assignments don't often capture these types of skills. If you are teaching a clinical or communications-based class, using Flipgrid may provide an opportunity to assess and give feedback on these hard-to-pin-down areas. 
  • You want to build in a "live" component, but students are in numerous time-zones and can't always attend a synchronous session. Flipgrid is a nice blend of the "live" feel but with an asynchronous schedule. 

What types of assignments can I create with Flipgrid?

Flipgrid assignments have all the flexibility of a traditional discussion board, except that the response posts are typically limited to a certain amount of time (which you choose, as the instructor.) The maximum you can set is 5 minutes, although most of the time you'll want to set the limit closer to 1 or 2 minutes. This doesn't sound like very long, but it's plenty -  trust me. 

Here are some ideas:

  • Check-ins : Include a Flipgrid post once every week or every few weeks asking the students to let you know how they are doing in the course, if they have any questions, the most interesting/exciting thing they've learned so far, etc. I have Flipgrid check-ins once very 3-4 weeks in my physiology courses. I divide students into 4 groups alphabetically. One group posts a check-in via Flipgrid, and the others respond to a check-in of their choice. I respond to each of the original posters. 
  • Application : Have the students post a Flipgrid of themselves presenting information or skill as they would to a client and ask other students provide feedback. In my Mindful Eating class I had students post a short Flipgrid of themselves leading a hypothetical client through a mindfulness practice. They then responded to other students' posts with feedback and encouragement. Students loved the experience and reported that it was one of their favorite parts of the class. 
  • Review : Have the students explain a concept from the week's material that was challenging for them, and give them feedback on how they did. I find that when I ask students to explain a concept or term from the week's assignment in a Flipgrid, it becomes very clear how well they understand it. They also learn from watching each others' posts and asking questions. I can clear up any misconceptions and the students get solid practice with the concept they've chosen. 
  • Exam prep : After a quiz or exam, have students create a Flipgrid post explaining the correct answer to one of the questions they missed. This gives them a chance to review the question and provides a bank of study materials for the others in the class as they prepare for the final. I sometimes provide a bit of extra credit for this activity.

What about student privacy?

It's important to make sure that you feel comfortable with the terms of use and privacy policies in place for any technology you are asking students to use. I have read both and feel comfortable with them for Flipgrid, but have a look and make sure you do as well! You can view their privacy policy and terms of use before deciding to use. Flipgrids within Canvas are only accessible to people in the Canvas course (although I believe as the instructor you can invite a guest to join as well). 

Okay, so how do I use Flipgrid within Canvas?

It's very easy!  First, you'll want to s et up a free educator Flipgrid account . Just go to the Flipgrid website and apply for your account. You'll only need to do this once. 

How to connect your Canvas course with Flipgrid

You'll do this at the start of each trimester with each course when using Flipgrid. Total amount of time per course: < 5 min. 

  • Go into the Canvas course where you want to use Flipgrid and click on "Settings."
  • Click on "Apps" and search for Flipgrid. Click "Add App." It will ask for a consumer key and a shared secret. 
  • Go into your Flipgrid account. On the top right corner, you should see your name with a drop-down menu. Click on the drop-down menu and go to "integrations."
  • Click on "+ New integration" and give your course a name. I recommend using the course name or #, trimester and year (e.g. Summer '19 ISci647b) so that you can easily find things later. 
  • Copy the consumer key and shared secret from Flipgrid into the Canvas box from step 3.

Important Note

When you add the Flipgrid integration, it will automatically add a "Flipgrid" link into your Canvas course navigation. I have found that this is confusing to students. Also, if they complete the assignment via the navigation button rather than through the Flipgrid assignment it sometimes doesn't show up in Speedgrader. Therefore, I recommend removing Flipgrid from the navigation menu.

To do this: Go to "Settings" in your course, click on "Navigation" and simply drag Flipgrid from the course navigation into the "hidden items" list. Be sure to save at the bottom of the page before leaving, or else it will show back up 🙂

How to set up Flipgrid Assignments

If you will be copying your Canvas course from one trimester to the next, you will not need to do all of this every trimester. Here is how to do it the first time you'll be using Flipgrid in a course:

  • Go to the module where you'd like to add a Flipgrid assignment and click on the "+" at the top of the module. Add a new assignment, and name it whatever you like. 
  • Add your assignment instructions in the Canvas text box. I usually write out a short question for them to answer, and note who is supposed to answer it. (e.g. If your last name begins with A-E, please respond to the question posted above. If your last name begins with F-Z, respond to at least one classmate.) I also note that they can email me their written responses if they prefer not to use Flipgrid (see note below). 
  • Set the number of points, due date, etc. 
  • Under "submission type" select "External Tool" then either start to type in "Flipgrid" or click "Find" and scroll down to select Flipgrid. Click "Save and publish" 
  • If this is your first Flipgrid assignment for this course, when the page refreshes you'll see a pop up box asking you if you want to connect this course with Flipgrid. Say yes and create a new course. 
  • Now you can edit the Flipgrid settings right from Canvas if you like. You don't need to add an additional description since you did so above. Do make sure that "student to student" responses is enabled, and adjust the time limit as you see fit. You can have the topic shut down on a certain date if you don't want responses coming in after a deadline. 

What about accessibility? What if students don't want to post a video/don't have a webcam?

Flipgrid automatically adds closed-captioning to all of the videos within a topic. (You do need to make sure this feature is enabled - go to your Flipgrid account and click on the grid in question. In the settings you'll see the "enable captioning" option. As long as this is checked, they will be automatically captioned.) 

However, not all students are comfortable or able to post videos. I have had students opt out for personal safety reasons, because they are sick and don't want to appear on camera, because their webcam or audio isn't working properly, because the're completing their assignment on a break at work and don't want coworkers to hear their responses, etc. I always give students the option to email me their responses instead if they can't/don't want to do Flipgrid. (In cases where the live interaction/facial expressions/verbal responses are critical, I offer a not-recorded synchronous live session as an alternative.)

Hint: If you give the option of emailing you instead, be sure to specify that they can email you a written response. I have had students email me video recordings of themselves in huge files (!). 

How do I grade all of this? 

It's easy. You go through Speedgrader as usual. Each student's post(s) will show up under their name. If they have more than one, there will be a drop-down menu where you can choose which one to view. You can respond privately in Speedgrader, or you can reply either privately or publicly within Flipgrid. I typically respond to each original post with a public video of my own, and provide short written comments to people who have been assigned to complete responses.  

Do I have to do all of this every trimester? 

No! If you write the assignment description/instructions in Canvas they will transfer over along with the settings (points, due dates, etc.) when you copy the course. The only things you'll need to do the next time you teach the course are:

  • Set up the integration with a new consumer key and shared secret
  • Click on the each Flipgrid assignment within Canvas and adjust the settings if needed. (You may want to check the settings within Fipgrid as well to make sure that closed captioning is on, and that your notifications are set up the way you want them)


I'm happy to help if I can. Just shoot me a line! 

About Camille Freeman, DCN, RH (she/her)

Hi there! I'm a clinical herbalist and nutritionist specializing in fertility and menstrual health. I run the  Monday Mentoring  community of practice and also offer continuing education programs for practicing herbalists and nutritionists (Check out this year's  Deep Dive !). I'm also a former professor with the Maryland University of Integrative Health, where I taught physiology, pathophysiology, and mindful eating for 17 years. 

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How to use flipgrid to engage students.

Flipgrid is an amazing tool that I love using to engage students! While it’s great for in-person learning, it’s even more useful now that so many of us have transitioned to online teaching.

Smiling student looking at a computer | Student Engagement with Flipgrid

Flipgrid is a free platform where students can create and post short videos of themselves responding to questions or topics. You can also choose to enable (or disable) a feature that allows students to view and comment on their classmates' videos.

While fostering classroom community and student-to-student relationships can be difficult through a screen, Flipgrid helps bridge this gap.

To get started:

  • Create a class to get your Flipgrid code to share with your students
  • Use the topic feature to create different assignments
  • Change assignment details such as the title, video length options, and instructions (you can also record a video of yourself explaining the assignment!)
  • Share your class grid or specific assignments by sharing the link, QR code, or using the Remind or Google Classroom feature

Screenshot of Flipgrid Grid Details

6 Ways to use Flipgrid with your students:

1. lesson responses.

Students can share facts or respond to a question about a lesson or topic. Example: Describe 3 interesting details about a planet in our solar system.

2. Research Projects

Students share facts and opinions about a research topic. They can also complete a biography project and record a video from the perspective of the person they researched.

3. Reading Responses

After students complete a reading response , they can record a video of their response. This also gives students the opportunity to explain their answer in a different way.

Once their video has been posted, they can comment on classmates' videos and add to the discussion. This is just one way that Flipgrid makes it easy to engage students and increase student comprehension!

4. Digital Book Clubs

Set up digital book clubs by creating topics in your class grid for different books. After sharing the topic link with the students assigned to each book, simply attach a reading discussion card as a PDF or screenshot for each group. Members of each book club can use these as starting points to discuss their books and comment on each other's videos.

This is also a simple, yet effective way to differentiate your ELA instruction since you can pick multiple books to suit a range of reading levels.

5. Selfie Writing

After completing a selfie writing slide , students can create a video to record their response. Students can interact with posted videos by watching them and leaving a comment, which promotes positive relationships among your students.

6. Student Shoutouts

Create a “Shoutout” topic in your class grid, with each student recording a video recognizing a classmate with a meaningful compliment. Recording shoutouts on a weekly basis will get your class in the habit of celebrating each other. (Check out this other post for more details about building classroom community with shoutouts!)

  • Duplicate topics that you know you will reuse
  • Arrange topics in your class grid so that current assignments are at the top
  • Freeze or hide topics as needed

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Find out how you can use Flipgrid to engage students for online learning and help build classroom community.

Reading Response Slides

These reading response slides are perfect for any text! A printable version is included, as well as different digital versions that are compatible with Google Classroom and Seesaw.

how to make a flipgrid assignment

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how to make a flipgrid assignment

Reading Discussion Cards

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40 Ideas For Using FlipGrid In The Classroom [Updated]

Here are 40 ideas for using Flipgrid in the classroom, separated by pre-K through 8, High School, and College/University.

40 Ideas For Using FlipGrid In The Classroom

How To Use Flip In The Classroom

by TeachThought Staff

We’ve shared How To Use Flip (formely FlipGrid) in the past.

In this post, we’re sharing a graphic from Flip that provides ideas for using Flip in the classroom for every grade level. In a post by Terry Heick on viewing comprehension strategies , he talked about how video and text are similar–and not similar.

Like reading a text, video comprehension is a matter of decoding, but with different symbols based on unique modalities. Light, sound effects, scene cuts, dialogue, voice-overs, video speed, music, and more. How should students ‘approach’ a video? How should they watch one? What should they do when they’re done? More largely, what viewing comprehension strategies should students use to promote close viewing? What can they do to increase comprehension and retention of video content so that they are able to repackage meaning into other media forms?

One takeaway is that video can be used as a surrogate for writing and a supplement to ‘speaking’ and real-time, in-class presentations. Short, easy-to-create-and-share video isn’t hugely different than short, easy-to-create-and-share writing–useful for assessment, collaboration, reflection, goal-setting, connecting with communities, and more. Moreover, Flip attempts to make it easy to limit who can view (in contrast to larger social media sites where such controls may not be as functional or obvious or elegant), making it a better fit in many cases for students, teachers, and schools.

See also Strategies For Using TikTok In The Classroom

So here are 40 ideas for using Flip in the classroom, separated by pre-K through 8, High School, and College/University. One way to think of it is not so much as ‘using Flip’ but ‘ideas for the kinds of things students can document and share with short videos.’ Below is a list to get this kind of thinking started, from Flip themselves and modified slightly for clarity and fit by TeachThought.

40 Ideas For Using FlipGrid In The Classroom

Ideas For Using FlipGrid In Pre-K through 8th Grade

1. Class Intros/Icebreakers

2. Booktalks

3. Class news/school events

4. Math/ STEAM journaling

5. Content check-ins

6. Shared learning processes

7. Goal setting

8. Family involvement

9. Global pen pals

10. ‘What if?’ scenarios

11. Music/Art performances

12. Just for fun!

13. Virtual field trips

14. ‘Aha moments’ or ‘wonderings’

15. End of year memories

16. Current or istorical events

17. Travel reflections

Ideas For Using FlipGrid In High School

18. Class introductions

19. Content check-ins

20. Shared learning processes

21. Virtual Career Day or Science Fairs

22. Expert discussions

23. Class news or schools events

24. Reflecting on learning

25. Interviews, re-enactments, or dramatic skits

26. Book reviews

27. Sports evaluation and training

28. Music, artistic, or dramatic performances

29. Project-based learning reflection during or after the project

30. End of year memories

31. Student government voting

32. Auditions and tryouts

Ideas For Using FlipGrid In College/University

33. Weekly check-ins with instructors, students, group members, etc.

34. Reading reflections

35. Thesis brainstorming, practice, or review

36. Content experience

37. Qualitative research

38. Focus groups

39. Current event reflection, summary, skimming, survey, or review

40. Goal setting

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What Is Flip (Formerly Flipgrid)? 60 Ways To Engage Students

The video app you’ll flip for!

Collage of ideas for using Flip in the classroom, including a grading rubric and green screen tent

Have you tried Flip yet? If not, this is the year to join the fun! This cool and totally free app lets students record video responses to teacher prompts. There are endless ways to use it for fantastic asynchronous learning in grades K-12. Read on to learn how it works and get Flip ideas for every subject.

NOTE: This popular classroom site used to be known as “Flipgrid.” In summer 2022 , the company changed the app’s name to Flip, plus added lots of new exciting features. You’re likely to see both terms used around the web, so just know that both of them refer to the same amazing collaboration tool.

What is Flip?

Flip is a place for teachers and students to interact in a high-engagement, low-impact environment. Teachers post a prompt, either written or a video, and invite students to record and share their own video responses. The Flip camera lets you customize backgrounds, use filters, add images or music, and more.

After students post their responses, other students can view what they’ve created. Teachers can choose whether or not to allow likes, comments, and discussion, offering control over how students interact using Flip. Kids can choose to show their own face, or use other images instead, giving kids a way to feel more confident when they use it.

What do real teachers say about using Flip with their students?

Flipgrid Rubric worksheet for teacher to evaluate student Flip video responses

Many teachers find Flip to be one of the easiest tools for asynchronous learning. Here’s what some of them have said in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook :

  • “I use Flip for 2nd and 3rd graders. Easy for them to learn 
 Kids really enjoy it. We use it for book reviews, show-and-tell, progress monitoring, so many good uses. Great tool.”
  • “It’s easy to use. I had my emergent bilingual students use it and they were successful. They can put a sticker on the video to hide their face if they want. You can also use it for just your own use as formative assessment. I make it one of their options 
 not the only option.”
  • “It’s amazing for speaking assessment. You can set your own rubric criteria. It also has captioning, useful for an AI assessment of pronunciation.”

Many teachers who use Flip note that while younger students are generally thrilled to record and post videos, older students (especially high schoolers) can be more reluctant to show their faces. Fortunately, Flip has lots of tools that let kids make engaging video responses that don’t involve getting on camera themselves. Also, teachers can lock down the settings so only they can see video responses if kids are feeling worried about their peers watching them onscreen.

How do I use Flip?

how to make a flipgrid assignment

The basic process is simple. Teachers set up a free account , then post topics for students to respond to. Students receive a “Join” code (you can easily post these to Google Classroom), review the assignment, and respond by recording a video using their phone or webcam. Teachers control the privacy settings, so it’s a safe way for students to interact online.

There are a bunch of customization options, and teachers have the ability to control how students interact with each other. You can choose to disable “likes” or moderate videos and comments before they’re posted. Video responses can vary from 15 seconds to 10 minutes, so kids can respond off-the-cuff to a quick question or spend time to plan and record a quality video.

Flip’s site provides lots of help and ideas, including pre-made topics to get you started instantly. Check out their Educator Toolkit here.

Ready to try Flip with your students? Here are 60 ways to put Flip into action.

General Classroom Flip Ideas

A lime-green popup tent in a school classroom with a QR code taped to it, used for recording Flip video responses

  • Icebreakers: Introduce yourself with a Flip video.
  • Set Expectations: What do you hope to learn in class this year?
  • End-of-Year Reflections: What did you learn this year?
  • Advice to Next Year’s Class: What can they look forward to? What should they do to be successful?
  • Virtual Classroom Tour: Give a tour of your classroom, and invite students to share their home learning spaces in response.
  • Flip Fridays: Each Friday, post an overview of the week’s learning, and offer a prompt for students to respond to on the topics.
  • Thank-Yous: Thank a classroom speaker or treasured school staff member.
  • Featured Student: Celebrate what makes the current Student of the Week special.
  • Get Well Soon: Record get-well messages for students or teachers who are out sick.
  • Exit Tickets: Tell one thing you learned in class today, or answer an exit ticket prompt .
  • School Pride: What makes your school great?
  • Show-and-Tell: Record a show-and-tell video about anything!
  • Weekend Field Trip: Take a tour of a favorite place.
  • TED Talk: Students become an expert and give their own TED Talk.
  • Daily News: Record daily announcements or school news.
  • Show What You Know: Before you begin a new unit, have students share what they already know about the topic.
  • Reflect on Learning: After completing a unit, fill in the blanks: “I used to think ______, but now I know _____.”
  • Aha Moments. Share a moment when you suddenly understood something or learned a fact that’s important to you.
  • Pose a Riddle: Post a riddle and have kids record their answers, then pose their own riddle in return.
  • Create a Flip Green Screen Pod: Use a popup tent to give students space to respond to videos with a built-in green screen!

English Language Arts Flip Ideas

Student holding a book and wearing headphones, recording a video of themselves reading aloud using Flip on a laptop

  • Sing the ABCs: Give your best performance of the ABC song.
  • Practice Beginning Sounds: Make a video for a letter, showing items from around your classroom or house that start with that letter.
  • Read Aloud: Record yourself reading out loud for teachers and parents to see your progress.
  • Favorite Reading Spot: Show your favorite place to curl up with a book, and explain what makes it special.
  • Story Time: Older kids read their favorite storybook out loud for younger kids to watch.
  • Favorite Character: Who’s your favorite character and why?
  • Who Dunnit? Before you finish reading a book, predict the ending.
  • Vocabulary Word Wall: Make a video to help other students learn the definition of a vocab word.
  • Meaningful Quotes: What’s your favorite quote from a book, and why?
  • Tell a Story: Start a story, then have each student record the next 30 seconds. So much fun to listen to when it’s done!
  • Book Review: Read and review a book, giving your honest opinion and concrete reasons to back it up.
  • Sell a Book: Make a commercial to “sell” other students on why they should read a book you love.
  • Recite a Poem: Recite your favorite poem with gestures (and even costumes!).
  • Writing Ideas: Crowdsource ideas for a new story, poem, or other composition.
  • Writers Workshop: Offer thoughtful and useful feedback on other students’ writing.
  • Video Book Club: Pose questions and record video answers about a book the class is reading.

STEM Flip Ideas

Worksheets explaining a project in which teachers and students will exchange roles, and students will use Flip to teach a lesson

  • Practice Math Facts: Record yourself practicing math facts. Watch your own videos or those from other students for review.
  • Demonstrate the Answer: Post a math problem. Students post their own response, showing how they found the answer. Kids can review each others’ videos to see a variety of ways to approach the problem.
  • Flip Roles: After learning a new skill, students record a video of themselves explaining that skill to a fellow student. The students become the teachers!
  • Graph the Results: Conduct an experiment (flip a coin, roll a die), then draw a graph of the results. Make a video of the whole process.
  • Lab Safety: Post videos of what it looks like to follow (or not follow!) lab safety rules.
  • STEM Challenge: Create something new using basic supplies, then record a video of your creation.
  • Hypothesize: Present a scientific question or scenario, and ask students to respond with their own hypothesis and an experiment idea for proving it.
  • Conduct an Experiment: Provide students with basic supplies and instructions to complete an experiment, or let them come up with one on their own. Have them predict what will happen and record the results.
  • Draw a Diagram: Draw and label the parts of a diagram (cell, body parts, solar system 
 there are so many options!). Take this even further and create a 3D model instead.

Social Studies Flip Ideas

Screenshot from Flip video response app showing a prompt for Flipgrid Friday

  • Make a Documentary: Report on an event or historical figure in a brief documentary.
  • Hold a Debate: Post an opinion question and ask students to respond using facts to back up their points.
  • Historical Campaign Ad: Write and record a campaign ad for a past president, like Abraham Lincoln or Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  • Travel the World: Create a video about a place you’d like to visit.
  • Act Out History: Act out a famous scene from history, or record yourself reading a well-known speech or address.
  • Timeline Slideshow: Put together a pictorial timeline of a historical event or person’s life.
  • Conduct Interviews: Record an interview with a family member, friend, or school staff member.
  • Meet GridPals: Make friends with another teacher and take turns asking questions and sharing class responses. Learn more about GridPals here.

More Flip Ideas for Every Class

  • Phys Ed: Record your favorite dance move, yoga pose, or exercise method.
  • Explain a Game: Teach others to play your favorite game, or demonstrate a specific skill (like how to do a basketball layup).
  • Music Practice: Record yourself practicing a song, and get feedback from your teacher and fellow students.
  • Foreign Language: Pose a question for students to answer in that language. Others offer feedback on grammar, pronunciation, etc.
  • Drama Club: Act out a monologue, or work with other students to record a short scene.
  • Kitchen Time: Record yourself cooking your favorite dish or baking a yummy treat.
  • Share Art: Show your favorite artwork and explain why you love it. Or show off a piece you’ve recently created yourself.

What are your favorite Flip ideas for the classroom? Come share your ideas and ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook!

Plus, check out the 9 best tech tools for student collaboration ..

With Flip (formerly Flipgrid), students record video responses to teacher prompts. Ready to get started? Try these creative Flip ideas.

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Practical Ed Tech

A Complete Guide to Using Flipgrid – 12 Tutorial Videos #Flipgridfever

Flipgrid is a fantastic tool for gathering feedback from students in the form of short videos. In this post you’ll learn everything you need to know to use Flipgrid in your classroom.


On Flipgrid you can post a prompt for your students and they reply with short videos that can be as short as fifteen seconds or as long as five minutes. As the teacher you set the maximum length for the videos that your students can submit. To make a video submission your students either record directly within Flipgrid by using their webcams or upload a video to Flipgrid from their computers, phones, or tablets.

How are teachers using Flipgrid?

Teachers across all grade levels and content areas are using Flipgrid as a digital exit ticket at the end of the week, to extend classroom discussions beyond the time of physical class meeting, and to connect students in different parts of the world through a program called #GridPals. Those are just a few of the common ways that Flipgrid is used. Here are some other interesting ways that teachers use Flipgrid:

  • To have students explain how to solve a math problem.
  • To have expert speakers share knowledge with students.
  • To listen to choir and band students practice performance pieces.
  • To have physical education students show proper form for push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups.
  • To record short puppet shows.
  • To document the steps of a science lab procedure.
  • To share encouraging words with classmates who are absent due to extended illnesses.

What technology is required to use Flipgrid?

Teachers need to use Flipgrid on a Chromebook, Mac, or Windows computer to create Flipgrid Grids and Topics. (Think of Grids as a virtual classroom and Topics as individual prompts. You can have as many Topics as you like within a Grid).

Students can use Flipgrid on a Chromebook, Mac, or Windows computer. Students can also use Flipgrid through the Flipgrid Android app or the Flipgrid iOS (iPad) app . There is also a Flipgrid Windows 10 app that Surface users will appreciate.  

First Steps With Flipgrid

The first step is to sign-up as an educator on You can sign-up by using a Microsoft account or by using a Google account.

Once you have registered as an educator you can create your first Flipgrid Grid. An easy way to think of a Grid is to think of it as a virtual classroom. The Grid is where students will go to see all of the Topics (AKA prompts) that you post for them to respond to. When you create your grid you can restrict access to it according to one of the following methods:

  • Email domain. In this case only those who have an email issued by your school can see the Grid.
  • Access via student IDs that you create. This is the option to choose if your students do not have active email addresses issued by your school.
  • Access for anyone who has a Google or Microsoft account. This is the option to choose if you are using Flipgrid with college students or in a professional development group.

After you have created your first Grid you will see that it has been assigned a Flipgrid code/ Flipgrid URL. Give that code or URL to your students so that they can see the Topics within the Grid. When students go to the Grid they will be able to select any active topic to record and submit their responses.

Whenever you create a Flipgrid Grid there is default Topic titled “Let’s Connect!” that is activated. This topic is there for students to introduce themselves to the class. You can create more topics by simply clicking “New Topic” within your Grid. You can write any prompt that you want to give to your students in the new Topic description. You can also add a video or upload a document to use as a part of the new Topic for students to view and reply to. Every Topic within a Grid has its own code or URL that you can direct students to if you want to save them the step of first going to the Grid and then choosing the Topic.

I created this video to provide a complete walk-through of the process of creating a new Flipgrid Grid and Topic. The video also includes a demonstration of how students reply to your Topics.

How Students Reply to Flipgrid Topics

Students can reply to Flipgrid Topics on just about any device that has a camera built into it. This includes iPads, Android tablets, phones, Chromebooks, Windows computers, and Mac computers.

If you give your students the direct code/ URL for a Topic they will be sent directly there instead of to your Grid. If you give your students just the Grid code/ URL they will have to choose the topic to which they want to respond. Either way, they will have to sign-in before they can reply. And if you have password-protected your Grid, they’ll need to enter the password too.

This video shows students how to respond to Flipgrid Topics on a Chrome, Windows, or Mac computer.

This video shows students how to respond to Flipgrid Topics on an iPad.

This video shows students how to respond to Flipgrid Topics on an Android device.

Students Can Upload Replies to Topics

Recording a video with their webcams isn’t the only way that students can respond to a Flipgrid Topic. They can upload videos as long as those videos fall under the time limit that you have set for a topic. This video shows students how to respond to a Flipgrid Topic by uploading a video.

How to Create a Custom Flipgrid Code

You don’t have to use the codes that Flipgrid randomly assigns to your Grids. You create your own code in the set-up process. During the set-up simply write over the randomly-assigned code before you exit the set-up screen. Watch this video to learn how to create a custom Flipgrid code.

Create Student IDs in Bulk by Using a Spreadsheet

If your students don’t have email addresses, you will have to assign Flipgrid IDs to them. You can do this by manually entering names, picking IDs, and assigning passwords. But you can save time by uploading a student roster in spreadsheet form to assign IDs and passwords to your students. I created this video to show you how to create Flipgrid IDs in bulk.

Other Ways to Share Flipgrid Topics and Responses

It is possible to embed Flipgrid Grids, Topics, and Responses into other sites and blogs. In this video I demonstrate how to embed a Flipgrid Topic into a blog post.

Flipgrid Topics can be embedded into pages within Google Sites as I demonstrated in this video .

Use Flipgrid to Publish Instructional Videos

Flipgrid can be used for more than just posting prompts for students to respond to. You can use to publish a series of instructional videos for your students to watch and reply to with clarifying questions. That’s exactly what I demonstrated in this video.

Create a Mixtape of Flipgrid Responses

Flipgrid lets teachers select their favorite Topic responses and publish them in one place called a Flipgrid Mixtape. Selections for the Mixtape can come from multiple Topics. That means that teachers could create a Mixtape that has highlights from September through June to show student growth over the year. Watch this video to learn how to make a Flipgrid Mixtape.

Invite Parents to Watch and or Participate in Topics

Flipgrid has a neat feature called Guest Mode that lets you give parents access to a specific Topic without giving them access to an entire Grid. You can grant guest access so that parents can view videos or you can grant access so that parents can actually reply to a Topic. Watch this video to learn how to enable Guest Mode on a Topic.

Thoughts About Flipgrid Stickers

If you have watch the set-up videos and made it this far, you have seen the sticker option in Flipgrid. The stickers that students can apply to their video covers can be a distraction or an incentive depending upon how you and your students view them. Students love the stickers! If your students have some self-control, leave the sticker feature turned on. If your students lack that self-control, only enable stickers as an incentive or reward. I have a few more thoughts about the stickers in this video .

Are You Teaching Others About Flipgrid?

If you’re an experienced Flipgrid user who is trying to help other teachers catch #Flipgridfever, please share this post. But we all have “that” colleague who isn’t going to read a blog post no matter how strongly you endorse it. That’s why this blog post is also available to view as a Google Doc and to download as a PDF for printing.

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If so, you may be interested in some of my upcoming professional development webinars .

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Alamo Colleges District

  • Creating a Flipgrid Assignment in Canvas

Updated on Jun 20, 2024

Flip (formerly Flipgrid) announced it will be retiring its website and mobile apps on July 1, 2024 and placing them into a view-only mode. This includes the integration with our Canvas LMS. While users will no longer be able to create new groups, topics, or videos after this date, you will have access to download your videos through Sept. 30. Please see this guide for more information.

The Flipgrid integration allow instructors to create Canvas assignments and discussions for graded Flipgrid student submissions.

Once the Flipgrid app has been installed in your Canvas course , navigate to the Assignments tab in the Canvas course navigation menu.

1. From the Canvas Assignments screen, select the + Assignment (Add Assignment) button at the top right to create a new assignment.

how to make a flipgrid assignment

2. The “Create new” assignment window will open. Enter the assignment details for your Flipgrid assignment. Under the “Submission Type” field, select External Tool from the dropdown menu, and then select the “Find” button.

how to make a flipgrid assignment

3. The “ Configure External Tool ” window will pop up within the Assignment settings window. External tool integrations are listed alphabetically; scroll down and select the Flipgrid link and then the Select button at the bottom right of the window.

how to make a flipgrid assignment

4. Once the external tool has been configured, the External Tool URL for Flipgrid will display in the link window. Finish adding the assignment details, including any due date and availability dates (if needed) and then select either Save or Save & Publish.

how to make a flipgrid assignment

5. Once the Canvas Assignment has been created and saved, the Flipgrid API will display for you to enter in a discussion topic. Consult the “Getting Started with Flipgrid” guide for further resources on how to set up a topic or record a video.

Instructor's view of assignment:

how to make a flipgrid assignment

Student's view of assignment:

how to make a flipgrid assignment

Best practice is to create a low-stakes or non-graded assignment for students to become familiar with the Flipgrid application prior to its initial use with a graded assignment.  This will allow students to become oriented with Flipgrid.

Instructors are encouraged to browse the Flipgrid Conversation Starters (Flipgrid login required to view) for ideas to incorporate an “icebreaker” discussion topic the first week of class. Encourage your students to incorporate additions such as filters, text, stickers, drawings, or use of the whiteboard with their first video for further practice.

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how to make a flipgrid assignment

Student assessment with Flipgrid

Students love using flipgrid to show what they know

Finding different ways to assess your students can be difficult but rewarding. For example, while writing skills are important and need to be consistently reviewed and worked on, speaking is also an important but overlooked skill. Learn how to use assessing students with Flipgrid can give you a better understanding of student knowledge. 

Using Flipgrid to create standards-based assessments 

Use flipgrid to incorporate the following standards into your assessments..

  • Present claims and findings, sequence ideas logically, and use pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
  •   Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

What is Flipgrid?

Ways to use flipgrid in the classroom.

  • Summarize reading a text or independent novel
  • Make predictions
  • To compare and contrast information, “Compare and contrast George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.”
  •   To demonstrate knowledge of a concept learned in class, “Tell me the difference between a chemical and physical change and list an example of each.”
  • To review vocabulary terms.
  • Make a video biography .
  • Explain how to solve a math problem
  • Demonstrate how to play an instrument
  • Create a science experiment
  • Amplifying Student Voice with Choice . 
  • Alternate ways to assess students
  • Read more about: blended learning , digital classroom , teacher tips , tech tip

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how to make a flipgrid assignment


  1. Flipgrid Tutorial

    how to make a flipgrid assignment

  2. How to

    how to make a flipgrid assignment

  3. How to Use FlipGrid in Canvas

    how to make a flipgrid assignment

  4. Flipgrid Assignment #1

    how to make a flipgrid assignment

  5. Sample Pre-Assignment using Flipgrid

    how to make a flipgrid assignment

  6. How to Use Flipgrid for Video Assignments When Teaching Online

    how to make a flipgrid assignment


  1. Make a Flipgrid Activity in Only Two Minutes (2 Minute Tech Tip!)

  2. How to complete a Flipgrid Video assignment PC

  3. How to use Flipgrid as a teacher

  4. Flipgrid: Submitting an Assignment in Canvas


  6. Safety Concern Flipgrid (BB Assignment)


  1. Flipgrid Tutorial

    Learn how to get started using Flipgrid to assign video or audio assignments to your students. Students will then be able to easily record their responses t...

  2. How To Create A Flipgrid Assignment

    Select the "App" tab. Search for "Flipgrid". Click the "Add App" button under the app logo. Input "Consumer Key" and "Shared Secret" into dialogue box. Find "Consumer Key" and "Shared Secret" under "integrations" from your Flipgrid account information tab in the upper right-hand corner. Copy and paste the "Consumer Key" and "Shared Secret" into ...

  3. Flipgrid Tutorial for Teachers (How to use Flipgrid)

    Flipgrid is a bulletin board app used by teachers to create interactive assignments. A Flipgrid assignment (called a topic) begins with a video or other medi...

  4. Getting Started

    Flip is where social and emotional learning happens! The leading video discussion platform for millions of PreK to PhD educators, students, and families.

  5. Integrating Flipgrid and Creating an Assignment in Canvas

    This video walks you through how to integrate Flipgrid into your Canvas course, and then how to create your first assignment.

  6. PDF A Complete Guide to Using Flipgrid

    First Steps With Flipgrid. The first step is to sign-up as an educator on You can sign-up by using a Microsoft account or by using a Google account. Once you have registered as an educator you can create your first Flipgrid Grid. An easy way to think of a Grid is to think of it as a virtual classroom.

  7. How to Use FlipGrid in your Canvas course

    Go into the Canvas course where you want to use Flipgrid and click on "Settings." Click on "Apps" and search for Flipgrid. Click "Add App." It will ask for a consumer key and a shared secret. Go into your Flipgrid account. On the top right corner, you should see your name with a drop-down menu.

  8. How To Use Flip: A Guide For Teachers

    Quick Overview: How Flip Works. Using Topics in Flip. From Flip's help section: "Topics can simply be text-based or include a resource such as image, video, giphy, emoji, and attachment. Check out the Topic Discovery Library to find ready-made topics and add to the Grid. All educators can add unlimited Topics to their Grids.

  9. Flip for ALL! 50+ ways to use Flip in your class

    Flipgrid allows students to create a short video in response to a prompt, and displays them in a grid. Instructors create an account with either Microsoft or Google, and create a prompt for students to respond to. The instructor generates a "Flip code" to share with students so they can answer in video format, maybe before class (via a ...

  10. PDF Creating a Flipgrid Assignment + Speedgrader

    Create a Flipgrid assignment for your students in Canvas by following these steps: Within your Canvas course select Assignments and click the blue + Assignments button. Provide an Assignment Name, leave other fields blank, and scroll to the Submission Type box.

  11. Flipgrid

    A really simple walk through showing how you submit your video to a topic in Flipgrid. I show you the experience on the iOS app at the same time as a browser...

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    6 Ways to use Flipgrid with your students: 1. Lesson Responses. Students can share facts or respond to a question about a lesson or topic. Example: Describe 3 interesting details about a planet in our solar system. 2. Research Projects. Students share facts and opinions about a research topic. They can also complete a biography project and ...

  13. Ideas For Using Flipgrid In The Classroom

    40 Ideas For Using FlipGrid In The Classroom. Ideas For Using FlipGrid In Pre-K through 8th Grade. 1. Class Intros/Icebreakers. 2. Booktalks. 3. Class news/school events. 4.

  14. Using FlipGrid in Canvas

    Then go to each FlipGrid assignment and create a grid to use. Other FlipGrid Options: Captions and Email Notifications. A couple of things I didn't mention in the video: captions are not enabled by default in FlipGrid, and by default you will get an email notification every time a student posts a video.

  15. Flipgrid Tutorial Creating Video Assignments with FLIPGRID SHORTS

    In Flipgrid Tutorial Creating Video Assignments with Flipgrid Shorts, learn how to use Flipgrid to create engaging instructional videos that can be embedded ...

  16. What Is Flip (Formerly Flipgrid)? 60 Ways To Engage Students

    Flip is a place for teachers and students to interact in a high-engagement, low-impact environment. Teachers post a prompt, either written or a video, and invite students to record and share their own video responses. The Flip camera lets you customize backgrounds, use filters, add images or music, and more. After students post their responses ...

  17. A Complete Guide to Using Flipgrid

    On Flipgrid you can post a prompt for your students and they reply with short videos that can be as short as fifteen seconds or as long as five minutes. As the teacher you set the maximum length for the videos that your students can submit. To make a video submission your students either record directly within Flipgrid by using their webcams or ...

  18. PDF What You Need To Know

    Flipgrid through their Canvas course page. Students don't need Flipgrid accounts for the security you deserve! Speedgrader - Add a Flipgrid Topic for your next Canvas Assignment. Make sure students submit their video through the Assignments tab. All video Responses and Replies are organized by student and ready for Speedgrader!

  19. Creating a Flipgrid Assignment in Canvas

    Once the Flipgrid app has been installed in your Canvas course, navigate to the Assignments tab in the Canvas course navigation menu. 1. From the Canvas Assignments screen, select the + Assignment (Add Assignment) button at the top right to create a new assignment.

  20. Student assessment with Flipgrid

    FlipGrid is a program that allows you to assess student knowledge through the creation of student videos. For example, you can pose a question to your students and have them answer it in the form of a video. Once you have created your question, written and/or in video form, you will be given a class code, QR code, or link to use to distribute ...

  21. How to Use Flipgrid for Students

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  22. How to create a FlipGrid assignment in Canvas

    The first step is to open Classlink and click on Flipgrid.. Click Create a Topic.. Click Add a Topic.. Click Get started.. Add a title for your topic. Your students will see this name. . Add the question that you want your students to answer. . Add media to your Flipgrid question. You might choose to record your own video to model the way you want your students to answer the question..

  23. Creating and Assigning Your First Flipgrid

    This video demonstrates how to create and assign a grid in Flipgrid.