• PhD Study in Hungary – A Guide for 2024

Written by Mark Bennett

Situated at the crossroads of Central Europe, Hungary has always been a centre of cultural and intellectual exchange. Its universities continue this tradition, drawing on 650 years of academic history to underpin a modern, international, approach to doctoral education.

A Hungarian PhD provides an innovative combination of rigorous academic training and traditional academic research, with a wide range of English-language programmes.

All of this makes Hungary an excellent – not to mention interesting – place to carry out postgraduate research. This page explains how you can do so, with information on universities, degree structure, application requirements and funding opportunities.

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Phd opportunities in hungary – what’s on offer for 2024.

Are you a talented prospective researcher considering a PhD abroad in Europe? You’re exactly the sort of person Hungary’s higher education system is keen to attract.

The country’s Government has set itself a target of substantially increasing international student numbers. To do so, it’s developing increasing numbers of English-language doctoral programmes (and other degree courses) whilst maintaining students’ access to a range of funding schemes .

Here are a few reasons to consider Hungary for your PhD this year:

  • Highly-specialised universities – As well as comprehensive universities, the Hungarian higher education system also includes a number of institutions focussing on specific disciplines, such as Agriculture, Arts, Economics and Engineering – perfect for advanced PhD research
  • State-funded PhD opportunities – Hungary’s Government provides full tuition fee and living cost support for a certain number of university places, including EU, EEA and Swiss students on doctoral programmes.
  • Spectacles and contrasts –The Hungarian capital, Budapest, is becoming equally famous its vibrant twenty-first century ‘ruin pubs’ as it is for the stunning vista of the Danube River and the historic buildings lining its banks.

You’ll also be part of a proud – and diverse – tradition of inventors, writers and performers. These include László Bíró, inventor of the ballpoint pen as well as Joseph Pulitzer, namesake of the famous Pulitzer Prize: a perfect combination if you need some inspiration for your PhD write-up. Or, if things get tough, you can always recall that Budapest was the birthplace of Harry Houdini. . .

PhD Study in Hungary - Key Details
University of Pécs (1367)
3-5 years
September to July

PhD life in Hungary

Want to know more about life for international PhD students in Hungary ? Our detailed guide covers everything from accommodation and living costs to culture and entertainment.

Hungarian universities

The Hungarian university system is comparatively small, with around 64 higher education providers , but highly diverse. Many institutions also possess extensive histories as centres of European teaching and research, stretching back into the early Renaissance.

University types

There are three broad categories of higher education institution in Hungary. They are organised according to the types (and level) of qualifications they award as well as their research capacity and expertise (the proportion of academic staff with a doctorate):

  • Universities ( Egyetem ) are fully-equipped research institutions at which at least 60% of academic staff hold a PhD. Most are comprehensive, with a range of faculties, but several specialise in particular fields. As well as awarding Bachelors and Masters degrees universities maintain dedicated doctoral schools offering PhD programmes in their areas of expertise.
  • Universities of Applied Science ( Alkalmazott tudományok egyeteme ) focus on teaching and training in practical and professional disciplines, rather than original research. They can award Bachelors and Masters degrees, but don’t usually offer doctoral programmes.
  • Colleges ( Főiskola ) are smaller institutions offering initial teaching and training, usually in specialist topics. They don’t award postgraduate-level qualifications.

Individual institutions may also be classed as state-funded (public universities established by the Hungarian Government) or non-state-funded (private universities established by religious organisations, businesses or other independent organisations).

Despite these labels, both categories actually receive government funding and their degree programmes are carefully accredited. The main distinction between state-funded and non-state-funded institutions is size: most large universities are state-funded, whereas the smaller colleges are non-state-funded.

Research universities

All Hungarian universities carry out original research (and can award PhDs) but some are additionally recognised by the Government for the exceptional quality of their academic work and their degree programmes. When this happens a university (or a faculty within it) is awarded ‘research rank’.

Research institutes

Hungary is also home to several independent research institutes, pursuing strategic R&D objectives set out by the Government. These don’t award degrees themselves, but they may collaborate with universities to increase the expertise and research opportunities available within their doctoral programmes.

Hungarian university rankings

Hungarian universities haven’t always been as visible in global rankings as their history might lead you to expect. However, the number of ranked institutions has been growing in recent years.

The following Hungarian universities are included in world rankings for 2024:

Top Hungarian Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
251-300 - 601-700
University of Debrecen 601-800 671-800 -
Eötvös Loránd University 701-710 501-600
Óbuda University -
University of Pécs 801-850 -
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do rankings matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.

Hungarian university cities

The largest city in Hungary is the country’s capital, Budapest: home to around a fifth of the country’s population and, perhaps unsurprisingly, the majority of its universities and students.

Other important and historic university centres include Debrecen, Miskolc, and Pécs (the site of Hungary’s oldest university).

PhD structure

Hungary is a member of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and follows the three-cycle format set up by the Bologna Process . Hungarian doctorates are third-cycle qualifications , designed for students who have already completed existing degrees at undergraduate Bachelors and postgraduate Masters level.

Degree types

Universities in Hungary award two types of doctorate: the PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) and the DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) .

Aside from their names (and associated subjects) the two qualifications are functionally similar. Both are academic research qualifications awarded based on the completion of a substantial original thesis.

Doctoral schools and doctoral programmes

A PhD (or DLA) student in Hungary, you’ll normally study within a dedicated doctoral programme run by a doctoral school . This is a specialised centre within your university that provides the relevant training, expertise and facilities you’ll need to succeed on a PhD.

Programmes may also involve contributions from experts based outside your university, including other academics, research professionals or business leaders.

The Hungarian PhD process

Unlike some other PhD systems (which focus purely on independent research) Hungarian doctoral programmes are divided into two phases:

  • The first phase lasts for 1-2 years and includes a curriculum of taught units, laboratory sessions, seminars and other training worth 120 ECTS credits . This is designed to provide detailed academic subject knowledge as a foundation for your independent research.
  • The second phase lasts for 2-3 years, during which you will be recognised as a full doctoral candidate , researching an original project. Most programmes also allow an optional additional year to write up your thesis.

Taken together, these two sections mean that the length of a full-time Hungarian PhD is usually 3-6 years. This is longer than the standard doctorate awarded in some other countries.

However, the additional time you’ll spend on a Hungarian doctoral programme can add significant value to your degree. The initial phase of taught study will provide you with additional expertise – and make the transition to independent research easier than it might otherwise be.

Most programmes also offer the opportunity to undertake practical training during the first phase of your programme. This can include professional academic experience (such as teaching and demonstrating) or external work placements and internships.

If you’d prefer a shorter PhD experience – and think you’re suitably prepared – you may be able to ‘skip’ straight to the second phase of a Hungarian PhD. To do so you’ll need to demonstrate that you’re sufficiently qualified to begin independent research, ideally with a suitable Masters and some existing experience in the techniques and methodologies you plan to use.

Academic year

The Hungarian academic year runs from September to July and is divided into two teaching semesters interspersed with holidays and followed by examination periods. Universities specify their own timetable, but the following is a good general guide:

  • Autumn semester – September-December
  • Autumn examination period – December-February
  • Spring semester – February-May
  • Spring examination period – May-July

Remember that this academic calendar matters more to PhD students in Hungary than it might elsewhere; during the first part of your programme you’ll be completing taught units and undertaking exams according to the timetable set by your university.


You’ll normally be assigned a single supervisor from within your doctoral school (or a relevant faculty at your university). This will be someone with relevant expertise in your field and the necessary professional experience to guide you through the PhD process.

Hungarian universities don’t normally formalise this arrangement: it will be up to you and your supervisor to establish a good working relationship .

Hungarian PhDs involve more frequent assessment than some other doctorates, with different examinations at each stage of your doctorate.

During the first phase you’ll complete examinations at the end of each semester, designed to test the subject knowledge you’ve acquired. These may be oral exams (during which you’ll answer questions about course content) or traditional written assessments.

At the end of this phase (usually after two years) you will complete a comprehensive examination . This is an oral exam, designed to test your general subject knowledge, your awareness of methodological principles and your familiarity with current scholarship in your field. It won’t relate directly to the contents of your intended research project.

Your performance will normally be graded as unsatisfactory, satisfactory or exceptional (some universities use a more detailed scale). The minimum requirement for progression to the next phase of your programme will be a satisfactory / pass mark. Higher attainment may improve the honours your doctorate is eventually awarded with.

Once you enter the second phase of your programme you will have demonstrated that you have the necessary academic skills and expertise to work as a full PhD candidate, carrying out independent research.

To qualify for submission your thesis must be approved by your supervisor and other members of your university’s doctoral council. If they are satisfied it can be presented for examination.

This involves a public defence of your thesis, during which you will be questioned on the content and value of your research. The process is similar to the viva voce used in the UK and other countries, but takes place before an audience.

Once you have completed both phases if your programme you can be awarded with your PhD (or DLA)!

Hungarian PhD grades

As well as earning your doctorate (and the title ‘Dr’) you will also be presented with honours reflecting the quality of your thesis (and the grades you earned during the first phase of your programme).

The standard honours for a Hungarian doctorate are:

  • Rite (‘pass’) – confirming that your degree has been conferred
  • Cum laude (‘with honours’) – affirming that your work has exceeded the minimum standard for a doctorate
  • Summa cum laude – (‘with highest honours’) – affirming that your work was of exceptional quality, originality and impact

These honours provide additional recognition for the demanding – but impressive – assessment process you’ll have gone through during a Hungarian PhD programme.

Submission requirements

Your university may ask you to achieve certain targets before you can submit your PhD. These might include publishing part of your research or presenting it at academic conferences.

Fees and funding

Hungarian universities are free to set their own PhD fees, but not all students pay them:

  • State-funded students do not pay PhD fees and receive a maintenance allowance from the Hungarian Government. EU, EEA and Swiss students are normally eligible for this support.
  • Fee-paying students are charged fees at the level set by their university and must also cover any living costs. They can do this using other PhD scholarships, earnings or savings.

Most universities have a limited number of state-funded places on their PhD programmes, allocated by their doctoral council. In practice, the majority of students are usually fee-paying students (this is particularly likely for non-EU / EEA and Swiss students who don’t normally qualify for state-funded support).

Still, it’s worth checking with your university to see if it may have a state-funded place available for you – and what its selection criteria are. Some universities will automatically select students for this support, but you may need to apply before a certain deadline in order to be considered.

Typical PhD fees

Assuming you do pay fees for your PhD, you’ll normally be charged between €5,000 and 12,000 per year (with actual payments made per semester). These prices are normally the same for all fee-paying students, regardless of nationality .

As you can see, this is a fairly wide range. The actual amount you pay will probably depend on your subject area, with programmes in Business and Management tending to the most expensive.

You may also find that the amount you pay varies during your PhD. Fees for the first phase of your PhD (when you are taking more taught classes and assessments) will sometimes be higher than those for the second phase (when you are working on independent research).

Fee currencies

The Hungarian currency is the Forint (Ft) but many universities will list their fees in Euro (€) or US Dollars (USD).

Hungarian PhD funding

Failing to receive a state-funded PhD place doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll pay the ‘full price’ for your PhD. In fact, a number of scholarships are available for international students in Hungary:

  • Stipendium Hungaricum – This is Hungary’s flagship international scholarship scheme, established in partnership with a range of countries . If you successfully apply you will receive full payment of your PhD fees, plus monthly stipend and a contribution towards the cost of your accommodation and health insurance costs.
  • Bilateral Scholarships – These are separate funding schemes established by partnerships between Hungary and selected other countries. They normally pay your PhD fees plus a monthly living allowance. Check with the ministry of education in your home country to see if you are eligible.
  • CEEPUS – The Central European Exchange Program for University Studies is an initiative designed to support student mobility across a range of countries, including Hungary. It works similarly to the EU’s Erasmus programme, with support for students to spend part of a degree programme in another country.

Don’t forget that other PhD funding may also be available to study abroad in Hungary – including our own FindAPhD Scholarships .

Applying for a PhD in Hungary

There is not centralised application service for Hungarian PhDs. Instead you should apply directly to a university (or its doctoral school) and seek admission to its doctoral programme.

Admissions criteria

All applicants to a Hungarian PhD or DLA must hold a Masters degree . Unlike in some other countries, this is a legal requirement. You won’t be able to apply without a postgraduate qualification, regardless of your previous experience or CV.

Universities will set their own additional criteria for evaluating your application. These may include assessing the relevance of your existing degrees and the quality of other documents you submit with your application.

Application process and materials

You may be asked to provide the following as part of a Hungarian PhD application:

  • A record of your Masters degree (including some information on the content of your course and the qualification gained)
  • A personal statement outlining your interest in PhD study
  • Academic and / or professional references
  • Evidence of suitable language skills for your programme

You won’t normally be expected to submit a full research proposal at this point. The shape and scope of your PhD project will normally be defined during the first phase of your doctorate.

Some universities may charge a small application fee . This is likely be between €50 and €100.

Language requirements

Hungarian ( Magyar ) is the official language of instruction at Hungarian universities. However, it is common for doctoral programmes to be delivered in English.

Whatever the requirements for your programme, you’ll need to demonstrate that you meet them by providing a relevant language test score or other evidence. If you have already studied in a language or a native speaker your existing degree certificates or passport should suffice.

Selection criteria

There is no limit on the number of students a Hungarian doctoral school can accept. However, most will only have a certain number of state-funded places available and will allocate these to the best students. Universities will also seek to ensure that they only admit candidates who are likely to successfully progress through their programme.

They may therefore use interviews and entrance tests (usually an oral exam) to appraise students and select applicants. These may take place remotely, or you may be required to travel to Hungary to complete the admissions process – check with your university to be sure.

Student life in Hungary

What's it actually like to live in Hungary during a PhD ? Our guide covers accommodation, living costs and leisure opportunities for international students.

Student visas

Visa information for uk students in hungary.

UK students will no longer be EU citizens from the 2021-22 academic year onwards. This means you may be considered as an international student when studying in Hungary. You may be subject to different visa requirements and fee rates, unless otherwise stated.

Hungary is an EU member, with slightly different visa requirements for citizens of other EU countries (as well as EEA and Swiss nationals).

EU, EEA and Swiss students

If you are a citizen of another EU country, an EEA country (Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway) or Switzerland you can enter Hungary without a visa .

You will need to be studying for more than three months on an accredited course, but this won’t be a problem for doctoral students (any PhD that lasts less than three months probably isn’t a genuine qualification!).

You’ll need to register at an Office of Immigration and Nationality within 93 days of arrival, providing your university admissions documents, along with ID (such as your passport). You will then receive a resident’s card , confirming that you are able to live legally in Hungary during your PhD.

Other international students

Students from ‘third countries’ (outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland) will need a long-term type D visa to enter Hungary, though some exceptions may apply to citizens of certain countries. You can check your requirements and begin your application at a Hungarian Consulate in your home country.

You’ll normally need to provide the following:

  • A Confirmation of Acceptance letter from your university
  • Proof that you have paid the necessary tuition fees for your course
  • Evidence of language qualifications (as appropriate to your programme)
  • Valid travel documents (including any return journeys)
  • Evidence of health insurance
  • Evidence of sufficient financial resources to support yourself in Hungary (this should be a bank statement, funding agreement or other document confirming that you have access to at least €700 per month )

The fee for a visa application is normally €110 .

Your visa will allow you to enter Hungary for up to 180 days, during which time you must apply for a residence permit at your local Office of Immigration and Nationality. You’ll need to do this in person so that biometric information (your fingerprint and photograph) can be taken.

It may be possible to apply for your residence permit before you arrive in Hungary, as part of your visa application. If so, you should do so at a Hungarian Consulate.

Use your international office

By the time you apply for your visa you should already have been accepted by your university. Their international office will be able to help with specific details or questions relating to your application.

Health insurance

All students in Hungary require some form of health insurance. If you’re an EU citizen you may already be covered by your existing European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) . If not, you’ll need to purchase a policy before you can apply for a visa and / or residence permit.

Some funding packages (including state-funded positions) may already include health insurance. Check with your university if you aren’t sure.

Hungarian doctoral programmes are designed to create highly-skilled graduates. The training you’ll receive in the first part of your course will increase your academic expertise, but it will also provide opportunities to gain professional experience through work placements or internships.

The degree you receive will also be rigorously examined – and graded – making it easier to ‘stand out’ as a PhD-holder.

Can I work in Hungary after my PhD?

EU, EEA and Swiss students won’t normally need an additional permit to work in Hungary. International students from other countries can apply for an EU Blue Card , entitling them to seek highly-skilled employment in Hungary (and other participating EU member states).

Find a PhD in Hungary

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in Hungary ? Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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Hungary is an interesting - and affordable - destination for PhD study in Europe, but what else do you need to know if you're planning to study abroad there? Our guide explains?

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IBS Budapest

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Updated on Nov. 8, 2022

PhD programmes

We offer PhD programmes in English, all leading to a  degree conferred by our British partner, The University of Buckingham. These are research degrees which require an original contribution to a body of knowledge in a particular academic or professional discipline.

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The uniqueness of our PhD degree programme:

  • Work on your chosen research topic from day one for a UK degree for a significantly lower tuition fee.
  • Personalised approach : Our PhD students are supervised by two academic experts in their field of research, who provide monthly individual consultations.
  • Research Workshops : Our PhD programme offers bi-monthly research workshops, where PhD students are advised on all the necessary steps in the process of completing a thesis: writing a research proposal, data collection and analysis, thesis structure and writing. Students are encouraged to share their own work and receive comments from both their peers and qualified professionals, thus fostering a supportive academic community. 
  • Teaching Opportunities : We offer Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) opportunities to our students, which both help with costs and provide hands-on teaching experience, essential for a successful academic career.
  • Diversity : Current PhD students come from 7 different countries on 3 different continents.
  • Attractive location : we are based in Budapest, which offers stunning scenery, vibrant culture and nightlife and some of the lowest rental costs in Europe.

To better reflect on the research interest of our PhD applicants, IBS offers a doctoral programme in two disciplines:

  • PhD in Business and Management
  • PhD in International Affairs

The PhD is an advanced research degree during which students undertake supervised but independent research that leads to a thesis of no more than 100,000 words, presenting the findings of said research. The thesis must demonstrate extended familiarity with and a comprehensive understanding of the subject and the academic literature in the area. It must also prove an ability to construct and execute a plan for primary research, including data collection and its critical analysis. A PhD thesis must offer an original contribution to knowledge in the field of business and management,  international affairs. 

Postgraduate students on our PhD programme are first enrolled on a Probationary PhD Status. At the end of the first year, after a review of their proposal, the decision is made on the conversion to Full PhD Status.

Entry requirements

  • The first or second class, upper division Master's degree.
  • A detailed research plan and one letter of recommendation by an academic, familiar with your work. Please attach these to your online application.
  • Sufficient English skills and academic knowledge that the  IBS Research Officer  checks with an Orientation Interview.
  • Sufficient familiarity with the academic field your proposed research project belongs to, confirmed by the IBS Research Officer  during an Orientation Interview, conducted via Skype.


Guide to writing a research proposal

Academic Referee's Report

If you wish to apply, please fill in our  online electronic application form  and upload your Master’s degree with official English translation, your passport copy and English language certificate (if you have one). Please attach your detailed research plan and one academic referee’s report to your online application. 

Application submission

We accept applications all year around for the two intakes (February and September), submissions are continuous.

Additional Information for third-country nationals

Prospective students from outside the EU are required by Hungarian law to obtain a residence permit for the duration of their studies. Full-time PhD students are expected to have an official address in Hungary. Attending the mandatory university courses irregularly is contrary to the regulations of the Immigration Office and may result in revoking your right to reside in the country.

Admission process with timeline for Sept/Feb intake
1. Deadline of application 15 April/15 Oct (complete package, submitting all necessary documents) + payment of application fee
2. PhD application liaison
2. 1) Feedback of the Research Officer (formal requirements; language skills; clear research topic) - by 15 May/15 November
2. 2) initial opinion of at least one potential supervisor
2. 3) GTA interview (if applied for, see link)
3. Validation fee payment claim will be sent to PhD candidate
4. Deadline for payment of validation fee (1200 euro) - 10 June/10 December
5. Meeting of IBS Research Council - June/December
6. Decision of The University of Buckingham - 1 July/1 January
7.A Candidate is informed
7.A a. positive decision
7.A tuition fee payment claim will be sent to PhD candidate
7.A deadline for tuition fee payment (minus validation fee) - 15 July/15 January
7.A b. waiting list
7.A c. negative decision
7.A validation fee refunded
7.B If accepted from waiting list, deadline for notification
7.B If accepted from waiting list, deadline for tuition fee payment
7.C Accepted for current intake, but requested deferral, deadline of tuition fee payment (deferral max. six months, otherwise new application process starts)

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  • MSc in IT for Business Data Analytics
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  • MSc in Strategic Marketing
  • PHD in Business And Management
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PhD in Hungary

No colleges record, why study phd (doctor of philosophy) in hungary.

1. High-Quality Education: Hungarian universities have a long-standing tradition of providing high-quality education and research opportunities. Many universities in Hungary have a strong reputation for their research contributions and academic excellence. Pursuing a PhD in Hungary allows you to be part of this academic heritage and engage in cutting-edge research.

2. Research-Focused Environment: Hungary offers a research-focused environment for PhD students. Doctoral programs in Hungary emphasize independent research, critical thinking, and academic rigor. You will have the opportunity to work closely with experienced faculty members, collaborate with researchers, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field.

3. Diverse Research Fields: Hungary offers a wide range of research fields and disciplines for PhD studies. Whether you are interested in sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, or arts, you can find PhD programs that align with your research interests and aspirations. The diverse research opportunities allow you to delve deep into your chosen field and make meaningful contributions to your area of expertise.

4. Funding Opportunities: Hungary provides various funding opportunities for PhD students. There are scholarships, grants, and fellowships available from government sources, universities, research institutions, and other organizations. These funding options can provide financial support to cover tuition fees, research expenses, and living costs during your PhD studies.

5. International Research Networks: Hungary attracts a diverse community of researchers and scholars from around the world. Studying for a PhD in Hungary allows you to connect and collaborate with researchers from different backgrounds and nationalities, fostering international research networks and collaborations. This exposure to a global research community can broaden your perspectives and enhance the quality of your research.

6. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Hungary has a rich cultural and historical heritage, offering a unique backdrop for your PhD studies. The country is known for its vibrant arts scene, historical landmarks, and cultural events. Studying in Hungary provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in its rich cultural tapestry, explore its heritage, and experience a unique blend of Eastern and Western influences.

7. Central Location in Europe: Hungary's central location in Europe makes it a convenient base for travel and collaboration. Its proximity to other European countries enables you to attend conferences, workshops, and research events across the continent. It also facilitates networking opportunities and exposure to a wider research community.

8. Career Opportunities: Obtaining a PhD degree opens up a wide range of career opportunities. Graduates with a PhD from Hungary can pursue academic careers as researchers and professors in universities, research institutes, and think tanks. They can also explore career opportunities in industry, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other sectors that value research expertise and critical thinking skills.

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Specializations in Hungary

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

3-4 years


Linguistics, Psychology, Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Cultural Studies, Social Sciences

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

3-4 years


Engineering, Computer Science, Economics, Management, Mathematics, Physics, Architecture

University of Debrecen

3-4 years


Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Medicine, Pharmacy, Humanities, Social Sciences

University of Szeged

3-4 years


Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Medicine, Pharmacy, Humanities, Social Sciences

University of Pécs

3-4 years


Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Humanities, Social Sciences

Admission Intake for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Hungary

1. Fall Intake: The majority of PhD programs in Hungary have a fall intake, with application periods typically starting from January to March or April. The exact dates may vary between universities, so it is essential to check the specific deadlines set by the university and program you are interested in.

2. Spring Intake: Some universities in Hungary may offer a spring intake for PhD programs, although it is less common than the fall intake. The application periods for the spring intake are typically in the months of September to November.

Top 10 Universities in Hungary for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Linguistics, Psychology, Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Cultural Studies, Social Sciences


Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Engineering, Computer Science, Economics, Management, Mathematics, Physics, Architecture


University of Debrecen

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Medicine, Pharmacy, Humanities, Social Sciences


University of Szeged

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Medicine, Pharmacy, Humanities, Social Sciences


University of Pécs

Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Humanities, Social Sciences


Corvinus University of Budapest

Business Administration, Economics, Management


Central European University (CEU)

Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Business, Economics


University of Miskolc

Engineering, Computer Science, Economics, Business Administration


University of West Hungary

Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Economics, Business Administration


University of Pannonia

Engineering, Business Administration, Environmental Sciences


Tuition Fees for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Hungary

1. EU/EEA Students: For students from EU/EEA countries, many universities in Hungary offer PhD programs tuition-free or with significantly reduced tuition fees. This means that EU/EEA students may only need to pay an administrative fee or other minor costs during their PhD studies.

2. Non-EU/EEA Students: Non-EU/EEA students may be required to pay tuition fees for PhD programs in Hungary. The exact fees can vary between universities and programs. Tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students can range from a few hundred euros to several thousand euros per year, depending on the university and the specific program.

3. Scholarships and Funding: It's important to explore scholarship opportunities and funding options that may be available for PhD students in Hungary. There are various scholarships and grants offered by the Hungarian government, universities, research institutions, and other organizations that can provide financial support for tuition fees and living expenses during your PhD studies.

Cost of Studying PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Hungary


€250 - €600

Utilities (electricity, water, internet)

€100 - €150


€200 - €300


€40 - €80

Health Insurance

€25 - €100

Study Materials

€50 - €100

Personal Expenses

€100 - €200


€765 - €1,530 (approx.)

Eligibility for doing PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Hungary

1. Academic Qualifications: Applicants should generally hold a relevant master's degree (or equivalent) in a related field. Some universities may accept exceptional candidates with a bachelor's degree who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and research potential. It is important to check the specific requirements of the desired PhD program and university you wish to apply to.

2. Research Proposal: Applicants are usually required to submit a research proposal outlining their intended research topic, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. The research proposal is an essential part of the application and demonstrates the applicant's research aptitude and the compatibility of their research interests with the faculty's expertise.

3. Language Proficiency: Proficiency in the language of instruction is typically required. If the PhD program is conducted in Hungarian, applicants may need to demonstrate proficiency in the Hungarian language. If the program is taught in English, applicants may be required to provide language proficiency test scores, such as TOEFL or IELTS. Minimum score requirements can vary between universities.

4. Letters of Recommendation: Most PhD programs require applicants to provide letters of recommendation from academic or professional referees who can attest to the applicant's academic abilities, research potential, and suitability for a PhD program. Typically, two or three letters of recommendation are required.

5. Statement of Purpose: Applicants are usually required to submit a statement of purpose or motivation letter outlining their research interests, academic goals, and reasons for pursuing a PhD. This statement provides an opportunity for applicants to articulate their research interests and explain how the PhD program aligns with their career aspirations.

6. Interviews or Entrance Exams: Some PhD programs may require applicants to participate in interviews or entrance exams as part of the selection process. These assessments may be used to evaluate the applicant's research aptitude, subject knowledge, and communication skills.

Documents Required for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Hungary

1. Application Form: Most universities in Hungary have an online application system where you will need to complete and submit the official application form. This form includes personal information, educational background, research interests, and other relevant details.

2. Academic Transcripts and Diplomas: You will need to provide official transcripts and diplomas from your previous educational institutions, including both undergraduate and graduate degrees. These documents should show the courses you have completed, grades obtained, and the conferral of your degrees.

3. Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume: A detailed CV or resume outlining your academic background, research experience, publications (if any), conference presentations, work experience, and any other relevant qualifications. Include information about your research interests and any research projects you have undertaken.

4. Research Proposal: A well-structured research proposal outlining your intended research topic, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. The research proposal should demonstrate your research aptitude and the feasibility of your proposed project.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Typically, two or three letters of recommendation from academic or professional referees who can assess your academic abilities, research potential, and suitability for a PhD program. These letters should be written on official letterhead and include the referee's contact information.

6. Language Proficiency Test Scores: If the PhD program is taught in a language other than your native language, you may need to provide language proficiency test scores. Commonly accepted tests include TOEFL, IELTS, or other equivalent exams. Check the specific language requirements of the university and the program you are applying to.

7. Statement of Purpose or Motivation Letter: A written statement expressing your motivation for pursuing a PhD, your research interests, academic goals, and how the specific PhD program aligns with your career aspirations. This letter provides an opportunity to showcase your passion for research and your fit for the program.

8. Valid Passport or ID: A copy of your valid passport or identification document to verify your identity.

9. Application Fee: Some universities may require payment of an application fee. Check the specific application requirements of the university and the program you are applying to.

Scholarships for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Hungary

1. Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program: This scholarship program is funded by the Hungarian government and offers full or partial scholarships to international students from partner countries to pursue undergraduate, master's, and doctoral studies in Hungary. It covers tuition fees, accommodation, health insurance, and a monthly stipend.

2. Hungarian Scholarship Board (HSB) Scholarship: The HSB offers scholarships to international students, including PhD students, who wish to study or conduct research at Hungarian higher education institutions. The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, health insurance, and a monthly stipend.

3. Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) Scholarships: TPF offers various scholarship programs for international students, including doctoral candidates. These scholarships support research activities, cover tuition fees, and provide a monthly stipend.

4. Erasmus+ Program: The Erasmus+ program provides opportunities for PhD students to participate in exchange programs, joint doctoral programs, and research collaborations between Hungarian universities and institutions in other European countries. It offers financial support for mobility, research activities, and living expenses.

5. Research Grants from Hungarian Universities: Hungarian universities and research institutions often offer research grants and fellowships specifically for PhD students. These grants provide financial support for research projects and may include a monthly stipend or other benefits.

6. External Scholarships: Some international organizations, foundations, and funding agencies also provide scholarships and grants for PhD students in Hungary. Examples include the Fulbright Program, the Central European University (CEU) Doctoral Scholarships, and various subject-specific scholarships.

Jobs and Salary after PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Hungary

1. Academic Careers: Many PhD graduates pursue careers in academia as researchers, lecturers, or professors. They can find employment in universities, research institutes, and higher education institutions. Salaries for academic positions vary depending on the institution and academic rank. As a rough estimate, entry-level lecturers may earn around €1,000 to €1,500 per month, while professors with experience can earn higher salaries.

2. Research and Development: PhD graduates can work in research and development (R&D) roles in industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, engineering, IT, and other scientific fields. R&D positions allow researchers to apply their expertise to solve complex problems, develop new technologies, and contribute to innovation. Salaries in R&D can vary significantly based on the industry, company, and individual experience. On average, R&D professionals with a PhD can earn between €1,500 to €3,500 per month or more.

3. Government and Policy: PhD holders can pursue careers in government agencies, think tanks, and policy research organizations. These roles involve conducting research, providing expertise, and influencing policies in various fields such as economics, public health, social sciences, and more. Salaries in government and policy roles can vary depending on the position and level of responsibility. Typically, salaries range from €1,500 to €3,000 per month or more.

4. Industry and Corporate Positions: PhD graduates are sought after in industries for their specialized knowledge and problem-solving skills. They can work in various roles such as consultants, analysts, project managers, or executives in companies across sectors like finance, consulting, technology, and manufacturing. Salaries in the private sector can vary significantly based on the industry, company size, and individual experience. Generally, salaries range from €2,000 to €5,000 per month or higher.

5. Entrepreneurship and Start-ups: Some PhD graduates choose to start their own businesses or join start-up ventures, leveraging their expertise and research outcomes. They may pursue entrepreneurial opportunities in sectors related to their field of study or apply their skills in technology transfer and commercialization. Earnings in entrepreneurship can be highly variable, depending on the success and growth of the venture.

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Doctoral program

Let knowledge be your career!

Above all, the doctoral programs of Corvinus prepare you to become a successful researcher – even at international level . You can acquire the theoretical, methodological and communication skills needed to obtain a doctorate and to pursue a successful career as a teacher, researcher or even expert. Around 1,500 students have graduated so far with PhD degrees at the University (and our predecessor institutions), and hundreds more are currently preparing to obtain their doctorate. Our doctoral courses are available in English, and about a third of our students are from abroad, making you part of a scientific and international community. In addition to students, an increasing number of the University’s lecturers and researchers come from abroad and are actively involved in doctoral programmes as teachers and supervisors.

The program also has many other benefits. The Corvinus Doctoral Scholarship supplements the state scholarship to HUF 300,000, and during your years here we provide you with a dormitory in the city centre, just a few minutes’ walk from the University. You can also enrich your horizons not only through the international environment of the university, but also by attending conferences abroad during your studies or even spending longer periods as a visiting student at foreign universities. As a Corvinus PhD student, you can be an active part of the University’s professional life, both as a lecturer and as a young researcher. Funding opportunities such as the Cooperative Doctoral Program or the New National Excellence Program are also open to our students, and our best students regularly win these.


How to apply

General application requirements.

• A degree from a university or equivalent accredited Master’s programme (MA or MSc) (Part-time MBA degrees are not accepted).

• A complex state-recognised language examination at level “B2” or higher in at least one foreign language.

• You can apply even if you have no prior studies in the relevant discipline (but otherwise meet all the admission requirements). You can start your studies on condition that you take the designated catch-up courses and pass an exam in the first semester of your PhD studies.

• Preference will be given to applicants who have won an OTDK (National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference) award. Proven research ability (OTD, scientific publications) is also an advantage.

• Applicants graduating in the academic year 2023/2024 must present their diploma no later than 1 September 2024. Admission is conditional until the student presents his/her diploma.

Documents required for application

• Professional, academic CV.

• Proof of payment of the procedural fee*.

• A copy of a document proving that you have the required educational qualifications or are in the process of obtaining them.

• A copy of the language certificate(s).

• Research plan or essay (specific to doctoral school).

• A copy of documents proving your previous professional and academic achievements (diplomas, certificates, publications, appointments, etc.) – if available.

• To apply to the Doctoral School of Business and Management, you must also pass a written examination. More information here! (Link to subpage)

*The entrance exam fee is HUF 9,000, which should be transferred to the University’s bank account: 11784009-22229896-00000000

Please indicate the following in the comment section: admission fee, subject number: SDRSM0000K, name of applicant.

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Corvinus Doctoral Scholarship

State scholarship, self-paid form of training.

Supplement the amount of the state scholarship up to HUF 300,000 HUF!

You can apply for the Corvinus Doctoral Scholarship if you apply for the Hungarian state scholarship in the general doctoral admission procedure.

The amount of the public scholarship:

• Semester 1-4: HUF 140,680/month

• Semester 5-8: HUF 180,680/month

The conditions for applying:

• full-time training

• Hungarian citizenship, or students who have the same rights as Hungarian citizens under law or international conventions

Tuition fees for the academic year 2024/25 for students admitted in 2024: 

• Hungarian language training for Hungarian citizens and foreigners (EU and EEA) participating in the same procedure: HUF 660,000/semester

• English language training for Hungarian citizens and foreigners participating in the same procedure (EU and EEA): HUF 1,030,000/semester

• Third-country nationals: EUR 4,000/semester

Corvinus Doctoral Schools

Doctoral school of business and management, doctoral school of international relations and political science, doctoral school of economics, business and informatics, doctoral school of sociology and communication science.

The Corvinus Doctoral Schools (‘CDI’) is the coordinating body of the four doctoral schools of Corvinus University of Budapest accredited by the Hungarian Higher Education Accreditation Commission (MAB). Founded by the Corvinus Senate in 2017, the primary task of the Corvinus Doctoral Schools is to operate the unified administration of doctoral (PhD) education, monitor quality assurance processes, coordinate innovations for the development of education, and promote the use of synergies between doctoral schools. The Corvinus Doctoral Schools are in close contact with the University Doctoral Council (EDT) and the University Doctoral Office (EDI), and the symbiosis of these three organisations is the key to the effectiveness of doctoral education at Corvinus. The staff of CDI work day in and day out to ensure that as many doctoral students as possible obtain the PhD degree and that they become successful players in the national and international scientific community with their competitive knowledge.

Corvinus University of Budapest

István Kónya

Corvinus University of Budapest

Zsuzsa Horváthné Krista

Balázs Zoltán

Zoltán Balázs

Corvinus University of Budapest

Two-way doctoral training

The two pathways have the same training and output requirements, the degree obtained (PhD) is the same, the difference will be in the target group, the aim of the training and the way the training is organised.

Academic career

This is the place for you if you want to work professionally in research and education or if you want to pursue a career in higher education and research. You can also apply for a scholarship or a place on a fee. And you can only apply for the Corvinus Doctoral Scholarship if you have chosen a career in academia. 

Expert career

This is the ideal choice for you if you already have experience in business, public administration, culture, diplomacy and want to put your knowledge into practice. You can only apply for this type of course on a fee-paying basis. 

Doctoral students on an academic track can transfer to a specialist track, which is decided by the Doctoral School Council, but there is no transfer in the other direction. 

Scholarships, opportunities

Cooperative doctoral scholarships.

The programme of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office is open to doctoral students who, in addition to their doctoral studies, undertake to work in the research, development and innovation sector and to pursue related scientific research.

New National Programme for Excellence scholarships

The Ministry of Human Resources announces the scholarship in several different categories, with the aim of providing financial support to the most outstanding PhD students to conduct their research smoothly and to prepare their dissertations to a high standard.

Study Abroad Scholarship

Students can apply for a period of between 1 and 3 months. They can carry out research in support of their doctoral thesis at any foreign university or research institute that hosts them. The scholarship will partially cover travel and accommodation costs.

Participation in a scientific conference

Students will have the opportunity to present their new scientific results at national and international conferences, within the limits of the available budget and provided that the conditions are fully met, by applying for funding from their doctoral school.

Corvinus Doctoral Students’ Association (‘DÖK’)

The organisation.

The Doctoral Students’ Association (DÖK) of Corvinus University was established in 2019. Based on the relevant provisions of the National Act on Higher Education, the organisation was established primarily to represent the interests of students participating in doctoral studies. The DÖK is present in the decision-making bodies of the University – the Senate, the University Doctoral Council, the Doctoral Cabinet and the councils of the individual doctoral schools – where the constructive cooperation that has developed over the past years enables effective representation of interests. The DÖK also works closely with the National Association of Doctoral Students and the Students’ Association of Corvinus University.

Szabó Krisztofer, president ( [email protected] )

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Phd studies - hungarian university of agriculture and life sciences, phd studies.

Last modified: 12. June 2023

The doctoral degree awarded by Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) is an internationally recognized PhD degree. Our professional staff has a good reputation all over the world. The PhD students graduated from MATE find jobs in government offices, research institutions, business and education in Hungary and abroad alike.The PhD studies consist of tutorials, field and laboratory experimental work as well as preparation and defense of theses.

Our PhD programmes consist of 2+2 years. The first 2 years are completed by a complex exam at the end of the 4th semester. In the last 2 years, PhD students' effort will be focused only on research, publications and writing a dissertation. PhD programmes take place on four campuses in nine scientific areas.

Ratio of international students in PhD programmes amounts to 36% from more than 60 countries. Governmental scholarships are available for international students (Stipendium Hungaricum, Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People and Bilateral State Scholarships).

Doctoral and Habilitation Centre H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1. Hungary Phone +36 28 415-382 E-mail: [email protected]

General Introductions ​​​​​​​

45 PhD Degrees in Hungary for 2024

  • Administration Studies (1)
  • Architecture Studies (2)
  • Business Studies (6)
  • Economic Studies (1)
  • Education (2)
  • United Kingdom (0)
  • Australia (0)
  • Bachelor (0)
  • Certificate (0)
  • Diploma (0)
  • Associate of Applied Science (0)
  • Associate Degree (0)
  • Graduate Certificate (0)
  • Associate of Arts (0)
  • Advanced Diploma (0)
  • Summer Course (0)
  • Postgraduate Diploma (0)
  • Graduate Diploma (0)
  • Foundation Year (0)
  • Postgraduate Certificate (0)
  • A-level (0)
  • Preparatory Program (0)
  • Doctor of Education (0)
  • Advanced Certificate (0)
  • Juris Doctor (0)
  • Undergraduate Pathway (0)
  • Undergraduate Certificate (0)
  • Graduate Pathway (0)
  • 2 years (9)
  • 3 years (0)
  • 4+ years (35)
  • Full time (40)
  • Part time (2)
  • English (41)
  • Hungarian (4)
  • Spanish (0)
  • On-Campus (44)
  • Distance Learning (0)
  • Blended (0)
  • Masters of Science
  • Bachelors of Science
  • Masters of Arts
  • Bachelors of Arts
  • Master Degrees
  • Bachelor Degrees
  • Preparatory Program
  • Foundation Year Programs
  • Masters in Business Administration
  • Master of Laws
  • Medical Studies
  • Postgraduate Diplomas
  • Pre-Med Programs
  • Bachelors of Business Administration
  • Doctors of Business Administration
  • Pre-Nurse Programs
  • Pre-Vet Programs

Popular degree type

Popular study format

PhD Degrees in Hungary

A landlocked country found in the Central Europe region with Hungarian as their official language. The country’s mathematics and science approach are outstanding. It homes the world’s first technology institute. It is here that the first steam engine in Europe was built back in 1722.

Requirements for the PhD program often involve the student having already obtained a Master’s degree. Additionally, a thesis or dissertation primarily consisting of original academic research must be submitted. In some countries, this work may even need to be defended in front of a panel.

Eötvös Loránd University

PhD Doctoral School of Education

Study location Hungary, Budapest
Type Doctoral, full-time
Nominal duration 4+4 semesters (4 years) (252 )
Study language English
Awards PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)
Accreditation OH-FRKP/406-3/2007; OH-FHF/883-4/2010
Tuition fee €4,900 per semester
Application fee €120 one-time


Examination fee €120 one-time


Entry qualification

Applicants are expected to present the documentation of their MA/MSc diploma.

The Doctoral School of Education asks all applicants to contact the Person in Charge of the Programme. The list of them can be found on the following link:

For the Sports and Health Promotion Program: MA/MSc in education, pedagogy, teacher training, psychology, recreation, physical education teacher program, sports coach, sports manager, health educator, nutritionist, physiotherapist.

If the applicant takes their final examination during the current semester and their degree certificate (diploma) is not issued before the application deadline, a certification is required, which verifies that the applicant will presumably receive a degree. In case of being accepted as a student, however, the applicant must present the diploma upon enrolment at the latest.

This programme is not available for Hungarian citizens.

Often you can get a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original.

Language requirements

Minimum level of language proficiency (oral) (A1-C2): C1
Minimum level of language proficiency (written) (A1-C2): C1

Further comments:

The language of instruction for the entire programme is English, so a very good command of English is required during the oral entrance exam and throughout the whole programme. The language knowledge is assessed and evaluated during the interview.

Other requirements

An official English translation of the MA certificate if the language of the original is not English. It can be a translation from the university too.

More information


Our programme comprises of both course-based and research-based elements. The aim of the doctoral programme is to enable students to conduct research in accordance with the common national and international standards in pedagogy. Academic research competencies of students are to be developed in order to enable them to carry out solid research, write and defend dissertations, and be prepared for working in tertiary education or research centres. Therefore, the credits students have to earn during their studies are divided in the following proportion: 33% for courses, 5% for complex examination, 45% for academic research, and 17% for teaching in tertiary education.

Strength of the program The supervisors at the doctoral school support their students’ research work and introduce them into the field of professional and academic public life relying on the research findings, qualifications as researchers and teachers in their academic field, and participation in various international research projects.

Programme structure

  • Adult Learning and Education Program
  • Teacher Education and Higher Education Studies (EDiTE)
  • Special Education Program
  • Sports and Health Promotion Program
  • Theoretical – Historical Pedagogy Doctoral Program

Career opportunities

Job examples: • Academic staff • Researcher • Reflective jobs, such as programme associate, programme manager, social service administrator, research coordinator


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Stipendium Hungaricum

PHD PhD (doctoral) School of Sociology [Social Science]

Study location Hungary, Budapest
Type Doctoral, full degree studies
Nominal duration 8 semesters (240 )
Study language English
Awards PHD
Course code Social Science
Entry qualification

MA or MSc degree in the field of social sciences. In case of other master degrees: individual consideration.

Often you can get a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original.

Territory requirements

Applications are accepted from the following territories (based on citizenship): Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo - Kinshasa, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, St Lucia, Sudan, Syria, São Tomé & Príncipe, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen.

Language requirements

Minimum B2 level or above (CEFR B2; IELTS: 6; TOEFL 72).
If the applicant’s language of instruction during their previous training was English, a university degree or high school diploma will suffice.

For the completion of the programme, an additional complex intermediate level state exam or equivalent in a foreign language (non-Hungarian) is required. Native languages (other than English) can be accepted as a second foreign language. Knowledge of the native language can be proved by a university degree or high school diploma.

Other requirements

More information


Program description: The aim of this programme is to ensure the existence of a new generation of scholars dedicated to the social sciences, and especially sociology, and to prepare them thoroughly for the acquisition of the doctoral degree and for independent academic research and teaching at the postgraduate academic level. The doctoral school offers three programmes: Sociology, International Studies, and Interdisciplinary Social Research. The programmes follow international educational standards in the social sciences and have produced graduates who work as highly qualified research experts, university teachers, and training specialists in both theoretical and practical approaches to the various fields of social policy practice at a high level that is also recognized internationally.

This programme is recommended for applicants who are interested inpursuing a career as, for example a university professor, social researcher, scientific expert, political analyst, political expert, social policy analyst, media expert, or international policy expert (see the Career section below for more details on further employment opportunities). The Doctoral School welcomes all students, lecturers and research topics, and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic or cultural background, political views, disability, gender identity, self-expression or sexual orientation.

This programme enables students to observe and examine social phenomena and their interrelationships in their cultural and historical contexts, in their economic and social embeddedness, and in the diversity of their possible methodological approaches. Students must demonstrate their ability to conduct individual research leading to innovative solutions, to present their findings internationally according to the standards of scientific communication and to apply their results for the benefit of society.

  • International Studies
  • Interdisciplinary Social Research

Program leader Dr Zsombor BÓDY Head of Doctoral School, Professor

Entry requirements: MA/MSc degree in Social Sciences

Entrance exam: Yes

Type of entrance exam: oral

Entrance exam location: Electronic

Entrance exam description: Applicants need to submit their MA/MSc degree, transcript of records, CV, motivation letter, research plan, and reference work . IF the degree meets the eligibility criteria, the following step is the oral interview (skype). The recruiting committee will decide upon admission.

Optional documents to submit with application:

  • List of publications – optional
  • Copy of awards in professional competitions – optional
  • Letter of recommendation – optional
  • Statement of supervisor – optional

List of supervisors and proposed research topics:

Supervisors & proposed research topics for the International Studies specialization

Supervisors & proposed research topics for the Interdisciplinary Social Research specialization

Preparatory year available: No

Specialisation year available: No

Link: studyinhungary.hu/institution/eotvos-lorand-university-66.html

Contact person: International Office, Eszter Borbála Bagi E-mail: [email protected]

Programme structure

  • Sociology PhD Programme
  • International Studies PhD Programme
  • Interdisciplinary Social Research PhD Programme

Career opportunities

The program aims to provide this in conformity with the international educational standards in social sciences, meeting formal and content requirements; as well as providing highly qualified research experts and university teachers in the future, and training specialists (of both theoretical and practical approaches) for the different fields of social policy practice at a high level, recognized at an international scale.

  • University professor
  • Social researcher
  • Scientific experts
  • Political analyst
  • Political expert
  • Social policy analyst
  • Media expert

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Doctoral Schools

Our university was among the firsts to launch doctoral programmes in various sciences and arts in 1993 when the new higher education act reinstated the universities' rights to award doctoral titles. we started with 7 programmes in 4 faculties. today, we have 21 phd/dla schools in 8 faculties. nearly 2600 candidates defended their theses between 1996 and 2020.  .

Doctoral Schools

UP admits 140 full-time state-scholarship holders and 350-400 tuition-paying students in its 21 doctoral schools every Academic Year. We provide dormitory accommodation for our full-time students upon request. Our doctoral students take part in educating too. They are the backbone of the university lecturers’ future generations. More than 900 scientists and artist habilitated at UP in the period between 1993 and 2020. Habilitation is required for an associate professor status.

  PhD couses at the UP  


Faculty of Business and Economics Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Law Faculty of Music and Visual Arts Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Sciences Medical School

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Education › Doctoral Programmes › PhD in Material Sciences and Technologies

PhD in Material Sciences and Technologies


Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering

Kerpely Antal Doctoral School of Material Sciences and Technologies

PhD in Material Sciences and Technologies


8 semesters


Master in Technical and Natural Sciences

240 credits in 8 semesters (120 credits in 1-4 semesters, and 120 credits in 5-8 semesters)

3500 EUR/semester

150 EUR application fee


Contact: [email protected]

SHORT DESCRIPTION: The program has been designed for those who would like to take part in the scientific life, to design future materials, meet internationally well-known researchers, the Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering offers possibility to all these, during the 4-year-long PhD program.

The Antal Kerpely Doctoral School of Materials Science and Technologies awaits students having interest in up-to-date topics in materials science. State-of-the-art laboratories and equipment are available for PhD research and joint projects with industry-offered opportunities to expand professional skills.



Only those can be admitted to the doctoral program who received a Letter of Acceptance earlier. It means we only accept applications for topics published on the www.doktori.hu website. Applicants have to choose a topic, discuss the research plan briefly with the supervisor before submitting the application and if they agree only in that case we make the Letter of Acceptance.

The Faculty coordinator organizes the Skype-interview, which takes 15-20 minutes. This is a conversation with the designated Entrance Examination Committee who will ask the questions (to introduce him-/herself, the MSc thesis briefly, his/her scientific background, future goals, why does he/she want to study in Hungary).

During the entrance examination 100% can be obtained, however the minimum score for the admission is 65%, which is only a compulsory pre-condition, it does not mean automatic admission.

Factors that are considered during the selection process:

  • Professional knowledge (official transcript, degree, performance in the entrance examination) - max 10 points,
  • Suitability for research work (written documentation handed in, research plan, the entrance examination) - max 10 points,
  • Language knowledge (language examination certificates, the quality of replies in English during the entrance examination) - max 10 points,
  • Journal articles, papers and other scientific activities – max 10 points.

The total points are calculated in percentage.

After the Skype-interview Entrance examination sheets with the examination results are forwarded to the Directorate for International Relations.

CAREER PROSPECTS: Students with PhD degree in Materials Science can continue their career in research institutes, enterprises, and laboratories as researchers, material designers, tech developers and so on. Due to the strong theoretical background, students can take on a position as a lecturer or professor at a university as well.

Meet  STUDENT AMBASSADORS  and ask  STUDENTS  from the faculty. Check testimonials or contact them!

Postal address: Hungary, H-3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros • Phone: (36) 46 565-111 • Webmaster:  [email protected] Copyright © 2003 — 2021  Miskolci Egyetem Informatikai Szolgáltató Központ

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  6. How I got Full Scholarship for PhD in Europe| Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship| Study in Hungary

    phd in english in hungary


  1. The University of Burdwan Ph.D Admission Notification 2024

  2. Phd Interview_Eszterház Károly Catholic University_Hungerium Scholarship 24/04/2024

  3. MCC Podcast

  4. MCC Podcast

  5. University of Burdwan Ph.D. Programme Admission 2024

  6. Kembali lagi ke Budapest setelah Setahun Pulang ke Indonesia


  1. PhD Study in Hungary

    Hungary is a member of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and follows the three-cycle format set up by the Bologna Process.Hungarian doctorates are third-cycle qualifications, designed for students who have already completed existing degrees at undergraduate Bachelors and postgraduate Masters level.. Degree types. Universities in Hungary award two types of doctorate: the PhD (Doctor of ...

  2. PhD programmes

    We offer PhD programmes in English, all leading to the degree conferred by our British partner, The University of Buckingham. ... Full-time PhD students are expected to have an official address in Hungary. Attending the mandatory university courses irregularly is contrary to the regulations of the Immigration Office and may result in revoking ...

  3. Study in Hungary: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    Hungary is a beautiful country. While living and studying here, you should visit the Buda Castle, the Hungarian Parliament building, the Fisherman's Bastion, the Széchenyi Thermal Bath, St. Stephen's Basilica, the Heroes' Square, the Széchenyi Chain Bridge, etc. Discover the 5 essential things to know before you start studying abroad in Hungary.

  4. PhD in Hungary 2024

    Admission Intake for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Hungary. 1. Fall Intake: The majority of PhD programs in Hungary have a fall intake, with application periods typically starting from January to March or April.The exact dates may vary between universities, so it is essential to check the specific deadlines set by the university and program you are interested in.

  5. PHD Doctoral School of Education [Arts and Humanities]

    English: Awards: PHD: Course code: Arts and Humanities: Accreditation: OH-FRKP/406-3/2007; OH-FHF/883-4/2010: Entry qualification: Master diploma (or higher) ... Please, specify why you want to come to Hungary, to Budapest, to our university, to our faculty, to this programme.

  6. Literature in Hungary: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Studying Literature in Hungary is a great choice, as there are 3 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 38,000 international students choose Hungary for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world. We counted 6 affordable PhD degrees ...

  7. 89 Ph.Ds in Hungary

    Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsBudapest, Hungary. Ranked top 4%. View Programme Information. Add to compare. Environmental Sciences. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. 3,820 EUR / year. 4 years. Eötvös Loránd UniversityBudapest, Hungary. Ranked top 3%. View Programme Information. Add to compare. Previous. 1 of 5.

  8. Doctoral program

    Supplement the amount of the state scholarship up to HUF 300,000 HUF! You can apply for the Corvinus Doctoral Scholarship if you apply for the Hungarian state scholarship in the general doctoral admission procedure. More information. The amount of the public scholarship: • Semester 1-4: HUF 140,680/month. • Semester 5-8: HUF 180,680/month.

  9. PhD Program

    PhD Program. Using theoretical linguistics as its foundation, the program combines synchronic, empirically based English linguistic research and Hungarian-English comparative linguistic research. Within the field of applied linguistics the program emphasizes the study of the process of foreign language learning, second language acquisition ...

  10. [PHD] Pál Vásárhelyi Doctoral School of Civil Engineering and Earth

    Hungary, Budapest: Academic field: Earth science (ISCED 443) Earth science (JACS F640) Type: Doctoral, full degree studies: Nominal duration: 8 semesters (240 ECTS) Study language: English: Awards: PHD: Course code: Natural Science: Entry qualification: Master diploma (or higher) diploma of MSc in Civil Engineering or a field related to the ...

  11. 8 PhD positions in Hungary

    Assistant Professor (f/m/d) Central European University | Hungary | 3 months ago. undergraduate and graduate courses, including courses in one or more of the following fields: epistemology, ethics, history of analytic philosophy, continental philosophy. They will also supervise BA, MA and PhD.

  12. Study PhD Programmes in Budapest, Hungary

    Study in Budapest to benefit of top academic Bachelor's, Master's and PhD programmes. In addition, you will get to meet a welcoming student community and explore all the wonders of an ex-empire capital city! Budapest is the capital and the largest city of Hungary, split in two halves (Buda and Pest), on either side of the Danube River.

  13. PHD Doctoral School of Psychology [Arts and Humanities]

    Hungary, Budapest: Type: Doctoral, full degree studies ... Study language: English: Awards: PHD: Course code: Arts and Humanities: Accreditation: FF/597-2/2014: Entry qualification: Master diploma (or higher) Applicants are expected to present the documentation of their Master's diploma with at least good average in any study field.

  14. PHD Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science

    Hungary, Budapest: Type: Doctoral, full degree studies: Nominal duration: 8 semesters (240 ECTS) Study language: English: Awards: PHD: Course code: Social Science: Entry qualification: Master diploma (or higher) The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English.

  15. English Linguistics, PhD

    English linguistics. Relevant master's degree, research plan. English language proficiency (IELTS 8) OR Equivalent OR University of Debrecen oral examination. The English Linguistics, PhD Ph.D program at University of Debrecen is a 4 Years program with international students' tuition fees of 6500 EUR/year. Learn more.

  16. PhD Studies

    The doctoral degree awarded by Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) is an internationally recognized PhD degree. Our professional staff has a good reputation all over the world. The PhD students graduated from MATE find jobs in government offices, research institutions, business and education in Hungary and abroad alike ...

  17. PhD Courses

    The Doctoral School of Earth Sciences offers a four-year training and research program in various fields of geography, geology and meteorology. Language. English. Duration of Training. 4 years (8 semesters) Academic Level/Type. PhD. Deadline of Application. 05/31/2025.

  18. 45 PhD Degrees in Hungary for 2024

    The Program in PhD in British, Irish, and American Literatures in English comprises two phases, the first of which consists of three modules: core curriculum courses in the fields of literary theory, cultural studies, and a literary history stretching over the first three semesters; teaching, tutoring, mentoring, and other department-related ...

  19. 6 Phd Scholarships in Hungary

    Scholarships for Your phd Studies in Hungary. Find a detailed list of scholarships for postgraduate programmes, financial aid for PhDs, student fellowships, doctorate grants, and more. Pick a scholarship for your PhD and apply to partially or completely cover your tuition fees for universities, business schools, law schools, medical schools ...

  20. [PhD] Doctoral School of Education

    Eötvös Loránd University. Hungary, 1053 Budapest. Faculty of Education and Psychology Hungary, Budapest. Study location. Hungary, Budapest. Type. Doctoral, full-time. Nominal duration. 4+4 semesters (4 years) (252 ECTS)

  21. PHD PhD (doctoral) School of Sociology [Social Science]

    For the completion of the programme, an additional complex intermediate level state exam or equivalent in a foreign language (non-Hungarian) is required. Native languages (other than English) can be accepted as a second foreign language. Knowledge of the native language can be proved by a university degree or high school diploma.

  22. Doctoral Schools

    Our university was among the firsts to launch doctoral programmes in various sciences and arts in 1993 when the new Higher Education Act reinstated the universities' rights to award doctoral titles. We started with 7 programmes in 4 Faculties. Today, we have 21 PhD/DLA schools in 8 Faculties. Nearly 2600 candidates defended their theses between 1996 and 2020.

  23. PhD in Material Sciences and Technologies

    Contact: [email protected]. SHORT DESCRIPTION: The program has been designed for those who would like to take part in the scientific life, to design future materials, meet internationally well-known researchers, the Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering offers possibility to all these, during the 4-year-long PhD program.