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Una presentazione di successo è un elemento chiave di qualsiasi attività di vendita e marketing. Microsoft PowerPoint è uno strumento molto popolare per comporre presentazioni di slideshow e pitch deck a partire da testi, immagini e animazioni. Man mano che l'azienda si espande in altri paesi, diventa importante parlare la lingua del cliente; quindi, una traduzione rapida delle presentazioni è un must.

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presentation translation | English-Italian dictionary

press presentation traduzione


press presentation traduzione

pretension , penetration , prevention , present


Your whole presentation today has been excellent. L'intera presentazione, oggi, è stata eccellente.
So, about the fund-raising presentation. Allora, la presentazione per la raccolta fondi.
The free-wheel mechanism is not present upon presentation. Il meccanismo di ruota libera non è presente nell'articolo presentato.
My advice is to keep the presentation short. Il mio consiglio è di tenere la presentazione sul breve.
I can't think beyond my presentation. Non riesco a pensare più in là della presentazione.
The presentation date is already scheduled. Il giorno di presentazione è stato già programmato.

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▾ Dizionario inglese-italiano

Presentation sostantivo —, presentazione f (usato quasi sempre), present aggettivo —, presente agg, attuale agg, present ( sb./sth. ) verbo —, net present value s —, at the present time —, vedi anche:, present s —, ▸ wikipedia, ▾ fonti esterne (non verificate).

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Judge halts Bryan Kohberger hearing in Moscow after defense shows social media posts

Bryan Kohberger is accused of killing four University of Idaho students in November 2022. Through his public defense attorneys, he has asked Judge John Judge of Idaho’s 2nd Judicial District in Latah County for a change of venue for his capital murder trial set for June 2025. TED S. WARREN AP

The judge overseeing the Bryan Kohberger case abruptly paused a hearing on the capital murder trial’s potential change of venue Thursday after an expert witness for the defense in a presentation showed content from social media in court.

Kohberger, a former Washington State University graduate student accused of killing four University of Idaho students, is scheduled for his capital murder trial in June 2025. Judge John Judge, who is overseeing the case in the 2nd Judicial District, heard arguments Thursday from both sides as to whether the trial should remain in Latah County, where the crime occurred.

 Three expert witnesses were called before the lunch break, the final being defense witness Brian Edelman, co-founder of California-based jury consultancy Trial Innovations. The defense hired him to conduct a survey of the knowledge and opinions of prospective jurors in Latah County of the case. 

Edelman showed Facebook posts in the courtroom during his testimony. Edelman searched “Moscow murders” on the platform and shared a screen recording of him scrolling through the results. 

“You can see the extent of content that’s out there from groups that are just talking about this case and sharing information and discussing what they think happens, and videos and posts, which may include anything from influencers and podcasters to sharing traditional news stories through local newspapers or television stories,” Edelman said.

A number of Facebook groups, posts and videos appeared on screen, many of which used sensationalized language or speculated about case details. 

Judge then stopped Edelman and paused the hearing, which was live-streamed to the public through YouTube. 

“I don’t think we need to advertise all these, honestly,” Judge said. “We’ve been trying to protect from this kind of stuff. I’m aware of it, I don’t look at it, I don’t read it.” 

Anne Taylor, Kohberger’s lead public defender, asked for a break to discuss the situation privately. About 30 minutes later, court resumed, and Judge said they would take a one-hour lunch break. Judge decided the first 15 minutes following the recess would not be streamed to the public. Victims’ family members who were watching online were granted an exception and allowed to view those first minutes through Zoom, Judge said. 

“It’s kind of a compromise,” Judge said. “We thought there were certain things that maybe we don’t want to send out to the public. I don’t necessarily know what it all is, but I need to look at it and see it.”

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Ohio finds 597 noncitizens who voted or registered in recent elections, a fraction of its electorate


FILE - Ohio Secretary of State and Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Frank LaRose speaks to supporters during a campaign event in Hamilton, Ohio, Monday, March 18, 2024. (AP Photo/Paul Vernon, File)


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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio’s elections chief on Wednesday referred for possible prosecution 597 apparent noncitizens who either registered to vote or cast a ballot in a recent election — a higher number than he normally finds but still a tiny fraction of the state’s electorate.

Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose said that of those cases, 138 were found to have cast ballots and 459 registered but did not vote. They were identified as part of a routine review and referred to Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost.

The total compares to 148 noncitizen cases referred in 2022, 117 in 2021 and 354 in 2019. More than 8 million people are registered to vote in Ohio.

Only a handful of noncitizen-related cases are ever prosecuted. However, this year’s referrals come as preventing noncitizen voting has become a centerpiece of Republicans’ 2024 campaign messaging .

Earlier this year, LaRose launched an audit of the state’s voter registration database that resulted in the removal of 154,995 registrations that he said had been confirmed to be abandoned and inactive for at least four consecutive years.


Civil rights organizations decried the effort as voter suppression. LaRose said the effort is ongoing and additional registrations could yet be cancelled before November’s presidential election.

LaRose has said his citizenship verification efforts this year are the most comprehensive the office has ever undertaken. The analysis includes cross-checks against records provided by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Homeland Security’s federal database of noncitizens, the Social Security Administration, federal jury pool data and other resources.


press presentation traduzione

Nvidia's financial results are here: What to expect when the AI giant reports on its big day

Investors are about to get a fresh look at nvidia's artificial intelligence chip sales..

Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) is at the epicenter of the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. It designs the most powerful data center chips for AI development, and demand continues to outstrip supply which is driving a surge in the company's revenue and earnings.

After the closing bell today — at around 5:00pm Eastern Time and 2:00pm Pacific — Nvidia will release its financial results for its fiscal 2025's second quarter (ended July 31). The report will give investors a fresh look at the chip giant's sales, and what it expects for the rest of this year.

Here's what you need to know!

Wall Street expects another blowout revenue number

Nvidia's official guidance points to $28 billion in total revenue for Q2, representing 107% growth compared to the year-ago period. That might be conservative, though, because Wall Street's consensus estimate has steadily climbed over the last couple of months and currently stands at $28.7 billion (according to LSEG).

Considering Nvidia delivered $26 billion in revenue during the first quarter (ended April 28), which was a whopping $2 billion more than the company had originally forecast, it's no surprise that analysts think a beat is in the cards for Q2.

The data center segment accounted for $22.6 billion of Nvidia's total Q1 revenue. All eyes will be on that number in the Q2 report because Nvidia's graphics processors ( GPU s) for the data center are critical to AI development . According to Wall Street, it could come in somewhere between $24.5 billion and $25.2 billion — any result above the high end of that range will likely spark a fresh wave of enthusiasm in Nvidia stock.

Tech giants like Microsoft , Alphabet and Meta Platforms (to name a few) have each committed to spending tens of billions of dollars on AI data center infrastructure this year, and a significant amount of that money will flow directly to Nvidia through GPU sales.

That includes sales of the H100 GPU which set the benchmark for the industry last year, and the more recent H200 which can perform AI inference at twice the pace of its predecessor. But there's also an entirely new generation of chips on the way.

Expect an update on Nvidia's new Blackwell chips

Earlier this year, Nvidia announced a new GPU architecture called Blackwell. It's designed to accommodate trillion-parameter large language models (LLMs) which, until now, have only been developed by leading AI companies like OpenAI .

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang says B200 GPUs will be priced at around $30,000 to $40,000, which is in the ballpark of what many customers paid for their H100 GPUs. In other words, given the substantial performance benefits, Blackwell will make it far more cost-efficient for businesses to access and deploy the most advanced AI models.

According to comments from Huang back in May, Nvidia should have started shipping Blackwell GPUs to customers in Q2, with sales ramping up as the year progresses. However, a recent report by The Information suggests a three-month delay could be due to a technical issue with the next-generation chips.

Nvidia hasn't confirmed those rumored delays, but investors should listen closely for comments on Q2 Blackwell sales and any update to its guidance for the remainder of fiscal 2025. Huang previously said he expects to see "a lot" of Blackwell revenue this year, so any variation to the company's timeline could substantially impact its future financial results.

Here's how Nvidia stock might react

Nvidia stock has soared 765% since the start of 2023, when the AI boom really started ramping up. It's now a $3.1 trillion company, so even a small move in its stock can be worth billions of dollars to its valuation.

While the performance of any stock on a given day is mostly noise, Nvidia reported its Q1 earnings after the bell on May 22, and its stock jumped 9.3% the following day. Remember, the company beat its revenue guidance by $2 billion on that occasion, so it's possible that a similar result this time around could yield a comparable increase in its stock price.

With that said, Nvidia stock is currently trading 7% below its all-time high following a steep market correction earlier this month, and if the company delivers weaker results than expected, its stock could slip into a much deeper drawdown.

However, Nvidia stock appears cheap right now for investors with a multi-year time horizon. Wall Street expects the company to deliver $0.64 in earnings per share in Q2, which will take its trailing 12-month earnings to $2.17. That places the stock at a price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 58.3.

Although that's almost twice as expensive as the Nasdaq-100 index, which trades at a P/E ratio of 32, the picture appears very different when looking further into the future. Analysts predict Nvidia will generate $3.81 in earnings per share in fiscal 2026, placing the stock at a more reasonable forward P/E ratio of 33.2.

In other words, as long as Nvidia's Q2 report doesn't produce a negative surprise, its stock looks like a good value at the current price for investors who can stay the course for at least the next couple of years.

Randi Zuckerberg, a former director of market development and spokeswoman for Facebook and sister to Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool's board of directors. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool's board of directors. Anthony Di Pizio has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Alphabet, Meta Platforms, Microsoft and Nvidia. The Motley Fool recommends the following options: long January 2026 $395 calls on Microsoft and short January 2026 $405 calls on Microsoft. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy .

The Motley Fool is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news, analysis and commentary designed to help people take control of their financial lives. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.

Should you invest $1,000 in Nvidia right now?

Offer from the Motley Fool: Before you buy stock in Nvidia, consider this:

The Motley Fool Stock Advisor analyst team just identified what they believe are the  10 best stocks for investors to buy now… and Nvidia wasn’t one of them. The 10 stocks that made the cut could produce monster returns in the coming years.

Consider when Nvidia made this list on April 15, 2005... if you invested $1,000 at the time of our recommendation, you’d have $774,894 !*

Stock Advisor provides investors with an easy-to-follow blueprint for success, including guidance on building a portfolio, regular updates from analysts and two new stock picks each month. The Stock Advisor service has more than quadrupled the return of S&P 500 since 2002*.

See the 10 stocks »

*Stock Advisor returns as of August 26, 2024

press traduzione | dizionario Inglese-Italiano

press presentation traduzione

press agency , press agent , press box , garlic press

Abbiamo trovato 'press' nel dizionario Italiano-Inglese
coffee maker ; French press ; coffee press ; press pot ; [Aus] coffee plunger ; plunger coffee maker
; yellow journalism; tabloid (US); scandal sheet (UK)

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That's what your daughter-in-law told the press. Questo è ciò che sua nuora ha detto alla stampa.
Sorry about that press secretary job. Mi spiace per il lavoro da segretario per la stampa.
For robbery in progress, please press... Per una rapina in corso, prego, premere...
To test, press question mark. Per fare il test, premere il punto di domanda.
He bought a bullet press. Casings. Ha comprato una pressa per proiettili, dei bossoli.
The hydraulic press includes a hydraulic press and a hydraulic press. La pressa idraulica comprende una pressa idraulica e una pressa idraulica.

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Fujitsu and Osaka University accelerate progress toward practical quantum computing by significantly increasing computing scale through error impact reduction in quantum computing architecture


New technologies establish method to run practical quantum algorithms faster than current classical computers with fewer qubits

Fujitsu limited, osaka university.

Kawasaki and Osaka, August 28, 2024

Fujitsu Limited and the Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology at Osaka University (QIQB) today announced the joint development of two new technologies for the space-time efficient analog rotation quantum computing architecture ( 1 ) that will accelerate the realization of practical quantum computing.

Fujitsu and QIQB have leveraged these new technologies, one that improves phase angle accuracy during phase rotation ( 2 ) and one that automatically generates efficient qubit operation procedures, to show that it is theoretically possible for a quantum computer to perform a calculation that would take a classical computer five years, in only ten hours. The two organizations found that the calculation, a material energy estimate, would be possible using only 60,000 qubits, significantly less than the amount typically thought to be required ( 3 ) for fault-tolerant quantum computation (FTQC) ( 4 ) to surpass the calculation speed of classical computers.

These results demonstrate for the first time how quantum advantage, i.e., quantum computers being able to solve problems faster than current classical computers, can be achieved in the early-FTQC era ( 5 ) , which is expected to arrive around 2030. Quantum computing is expected to accelerate technological innovations in various fields, including enabling a larger-scale analysis of the Hubbard model ( 6 ) for developing high temperature superconductors ( 7 ) , which may improve the efficiency of electrical infrastructure, as well as lead to innovations in material development and drug discovery.

The generation of efficient qubit operation procedures was achieved through the development of a quantum circuit generator. This system introduces a streamlined the process for converting logic gates, which are the fundamental operations of quantum computing, into physical gates, which operate the qubits. The system is also equipped with acceleration technology that minimizes computing time by dynamically changing the operational procedures of the qubits.

The two organizations initially announced the quantum computing architecture on March 23, 2023 ( 8 ) , but there were obstacles to practical applications including insufficient accuracy in phase rotation and the lack of an established physical gating procedure, a method of operating qubits suitable for specific calculation problems. These new technologies address these obstacles.

Through their continued joint quantum computing initiatives, Fujitsu and QIQB aim to contribute to solving societal issues, addressing decarbonization and reducing the cost of new material development.


This research was supported by the following grants: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST); the Program on Open Innovation Platforms for Industry-academia Co-creation (COI-NEXT), "Quantum Software Research Hub" (JPMJPF2014); JST Moonshot Goal 6 "Realization of a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer that will revolutionize economy, industry, and security by 2050", R&D project "Research and Development of Theory and Software for Fault-tolerant Quantum Computers" (JPMJMS2061); and Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Quantum Leap Flagship Program (MEXT Q-LEAP) "Development of quantum software by intelligent quantum system design and its applications" (JPMXS0120319794).

  • [1] Space-time efficient analog rotation quantum computing architecture : A quantum computing architecture that can significantly reduce the number of physical qubits needed for arbitrary phase rotation, An essential step in achieving practical quantum computing.
  • [2] Phase rotation : An operation in which the arbitrary phase angle of a qubit rotates. An essential element in unlocking the true power of quantum computing.
  • [3] One million qubits : The estimated number of qubits required to solve the FeMoco (enzyme active center) energy estimation problem with an error rate of 0.1% (source cited: Reiher, et. al., PNAS, 114 (29) 7555-7560 (2017)).
  • [4] Fault-tolerant quantum computation (FTQC) : Fault-tolerant quantum computation achieved through the correction of quantum errors.
  • [5] Early-FTQC era : An era in which quantum computers work with only a maximum of 100,000 physical qubits and FTQC is considered to be impossible to achieve.
  • [6] Hubbard model : A theoretical model for calculating material properties. It is used to describe strongly correlated electron systems, including in high-temperature superconductivity.
  • [7] High temperature superconductor : A material that exhibits a phenomenon which causes it to have zero electrical resistance when it reaches a temperature above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen.
  • [8] Fujitsu and Osaka University develop new quantum computing architecture, accelerating progress toward practical application of quantum computers

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  • Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology
  • Fujitsu Quantum
  • Fujitsu and Osaka University Deepen Collaborative Research and Development for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers

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Held on Aug. 28th 2024

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About the Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology at Osaka University

The Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology consists of six research groups: Quantum Computing, Transdisciplinary Quantum Science, Quantum Information Devices, Quantum Communication and Security, Quantum Sensing, and Quantum Biology. QIQB promotes transdisciplinary research between each of these research groups and with other academic fields. The Center is an international research hub for quantum innovation by actively promoting international academic exchange and collaboration across borders. QIQB seeks to play a key role in nurturing future quantum leaders and specialists through education and training. For more information: .

About Fujitsu

Fujitsu’s purpose is to make the world more sustainable by building trust in society through innovation. As the digital transformation partner of choice for customers in over 100 countries, our 124,000 employees work to resolve some of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Our range of services and solutions draw on five key technologies: Computing, Networks, AI, Data & Security, and Converging Technologies, which we bring together to deliver sustainability transformation. Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported consolidated revenues of 3.7 trillion yen (US$26 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 and remains the top digital services company in Japan by market share. Find out more: .

About Osaka University

Osaka University was founded in 1931 as one of Japan’s imperial universities through strong demand from political and business circles in Osaka, as well as the people of Osaka City and Prefecture. The spiritual roots of Osaka University can be found in Kaitokudo and Tekijuku, educational institutions of the Edo period. After its merger with Osaka University of Foreign Studies in 2007, Osaka University became a comprehensive university with its own School of Foreign Studies. Boasting 11 undergraduate schools, 15 graduate schools, and 6 affiliated research institutes excelling in the fields of the humanities and social sciences, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, science, and engineering, Osaka University is one of Japan’s premier comprehensive research universities. Osaka University will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding in 2031. We will contribute to the creation of a society where each member feels worth living through co-creation with diverse stakeholders to solve local and global challenges in accordance with the university's motto of “Live Locally, Grow Globally.”

Press Contacts

Fujitsu Limited Public and Investor Relations Division Inquiries

Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology at Osaka University Quantum Software Research Hub E-mail: [email protected]

All company or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Information provided in this press release is accurate at time of publication and is subject to change without advance notice.

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Argo Blockchain PLC Announces Notice of Q2 2024 Results

Thursday, 22 August 2024 02:00 AM

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Notice of Q2 2024 Results and Investor Presentation

LONDON, ENGLAND / ACCESSWIRE / August 22, 2024 / Argo Blockchain plc, a global leader in cryptocurrency mining (LSE:ARB)(NASDAQ:ARBK), announces that the Company's Q2 2024 results will be released on 28 August 2024.

Argo will host a conference call to discuss its results at 10:00 ET / 15:00 BST on 28 August 2024. The conference call is open to all existing and potential shareholders, and the live webcast of the call can be accessed via the Investor Meet Company platform. Questions can be submitted via the Investor Meet Company dashboard before the meeting or during the live presentation.

Investors can sign up to Investor Meet Company and add Argo Blockchain via the following link:

Investors already following Argo Blockchain on the Investor Meet Company platform will be invited automatically.

For further information please contact:

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About Argo: Argo Blockchain plc is a dual-listed (LSE:ARB)(NASDAQ:ARBK) blockchain technology company focused on large-scale cryptocurrency mining. With mining operations in Quebec and Texas, and offices in the US, Canada, and the UK, Argo's global, sustainable operations are predominantly powered by renewable energy. In 2021, Argo became the first climate positive cryptocurrency mining company, and a signatory to the Crypto Climate Accord. For more information, visit .

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact [email protected] or visit .

SOURCE: Argo Blockchain PLC

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  • Everything announced at Nintendo Direct August 2024

Tuesday’s broadcast was both a Partner and an Indie World showcase

by Nicole Carpenter

Nicole Carpenter

Nintendo tried out a new format for its Nintendo Direct broadcast in August — part Partner news, part Indie World. The broadcast, which was live-streamed on Tuesday, included 40 minutes of news, trailers, and announcements from major third-party developers and independent teams. As always, Nintendo set expectations for the Nintendo Direct when it was announced on Monday: No news on the “Nintendo Switch successor,” which is reportedly slated for a 2025 release date , despite Nintendo not sharing any news on it just yet .

There was a range of announcements and trailers across the 40 minute broadcast, with several games surprise-launching on Nintendo Switch on Tuesday. And no, Hollow Knight: Silksong was not mentioned.

Missed the broadcast? Here’s the breakdown of all the games, announcements, and trailers that were shown during the Direct Nintendo’s Partner and Indie World shows.

Partner Showcase

Tetris forever and nes tetris.

Tetris Forever is a collection of classic Tetris games: Tetris, Hatris, Tetris 2, Super Bombliss, Super Bombliss DX, and plenty more. Tetris Time Warp is a new game that’s included, too, that brings together Tetris battles from different eras. It’s expected to launch this year.

The Nintendo Entertainment System version of Tetris will also come to Nintendo Switch Online, Nintendo announced.

Star Overdrive

“Speed into the unknown in Star Overdrive! Battle and explore a vast world where creativity is key to overcoming challenges,” Nintendo said in the YouTube description of Star Overdrive . It’s expected out next year.

Goat Simulator 3

Goat Simulator 3 , the second game in the Goat Simulator franchise, will surprise-launch on Nintendo Switch on Tuesday. Wreak havoc on the world as the world’s worst goat. A physical version of the game will come later.

SpongeBob Squarepants: The Patrick Star Game

Bikini Bottom is now a sandbox to play around in as Patrick Star, coming to Nintendo Switch on Oct. 4.

Fitness Boxing 3: Your Personal Trainer

On Dec. 5, you’ll be able to load up your Nintendo Switch with your own personal boxing coach. “Jump into a single Quick Workout, or build an exercise routine that fits your life,” Nintendo said in the game’s YouTube description. “New additions to the series include Mitt Drills to practice combos with your instructor and Sit Fit Boxing to work up a sweat without leaving your seat. Whether you’re after a serious burn or just a bit of stretching, the intensity of your workout is up to you!”

Capcom Fighting Collection 2

Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro, Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001, Capcom Fighting Evolution, Street Fighter Alpha 3 UPPER, Project Justice, Power Stone, Power Stone 2, and Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein are all packaged together in Capcom Fighting Collection 2 , coming in 2025.

Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics

Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics is coming to Nintendo Switch on Sept. 12 digitally, while a physical release is expected on Nov. 22.

Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land

A new protagonist comes to the Atelier Yumia franchise in Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land, expected out in 2025.

Suikoden I&II HD Remaster: Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars

Suikoden I&II HD Remaster: Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars is coming to Nintendo Switch on March 6, 2025.

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake

The Dragon Quest 3 remake is coming to Nintendo Switch on Nov. 14.

Castlevania Dominus Collection

The Castlevania Dominus Collection brings together Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin , and Order of Ecclesia in one bundle, coming to Nintendo Switch on Tuesday.

Sid Meier’s Civilization 7

Sid Meier’s Civilization 7 will be released on Nintendo Switch on Feb. 11, 2025.

Tales of Graces f Remastered

“ Tales of Graces f Remastered lets you journey back to the world of Ephinea anywhere you are in the world with the Nintendo Switch,” Nintendo said in the game’s YouTube trailer description. It’s coming Jan. 17, 2025.

MySims: Cozy Bundle

MySims: Cozy Bundle will actually be the first Sims game on the Nintendo Switch, coming on Nov. 19. The cult classic is basically Electronic Arts’ answer to Animal Crossing.

Five Nights at Freddy’s

Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 and Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach — Ruin are both coming to Nintendo Switch this holiday season.

Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma

Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma will be released on Nintendo Switch in spring 2025.

Yakuza Kiwami

Yakuza Kiwami is a remake of the first Yakuza game, which was originally a PlayStation 2 release. It’s coming to Nintendo Switch on Oct. 24.

Indie World

Vampire Survivors , Among Us , The Witcher 3 and Dave the Diver cards are coming to the popular card game.

Neva, from the makers of Gris , will be released on Oct. 15. In Neva , you’ll follow a young woman and her wolf in what’s likely to be a tear-jerking story.

Coffee Talk Tokyo

The world of Coffee Talk is bringing coffee shop conversations to Tokyo. It’s expected to be released in 2025.

PowerWash Simulator’s Shrek DLC

Have you ever wanted to power wash a swamp? Now you can, when new Shrek downloadable content comes to PowerWash Simulator this fall.

Sea of Stars: Throes of the Watchmaker

Sabotage Studio showed a trailer of the upcoming Sea of Stars downloadable content, called Throes of the Watchmaker. The free update will be available on all platforms in spring 2025.

Morsels , from Furcula and Annapurna Interactive, is a wacky game that’s coming in February 2025. It’s a roguelike that’s got a very distinct, weirdo vibe.

Date Everything

You can, indeed, date everything in this game, Date Everything — including existential dread, a cabinet, and the game itself. It’ll be released on Oct. 24.

After four years in development, Peglin — a mix of Peggle and a roguelike role-playing game — is coming to Nintendo Switch. It’s a timed console exclusive on Nintendo Switch, and it’s out today.

Wobbly Life

Physics sandbox game Wobbly Life is coming to Nintendo Switch in December, bringing wacky local co-op gameplay.

Pico Park 2

Pico Park 2 looks like a classic Flash game, but it adds in chaotic, eight-player multiplayer that requires a ton of cooperation. It’s out Tuesday as a timed console exclusive.

Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX

There’s no release date just yet, but Nintendo said the rerelease of the classic platformer is expected soon.

Exploration adventure Europa will be released on Oct. 11, but a demo is available on Tuesday.

Cuisineer will be released on Jan. 28, 2025.

On Your Tail

On Your Tail will be released on Nov. 21, from Humble Games and Memorable Games.

Metal Slug Tactics

Metal Slug Tactics , from Dotemu and Leikir Studio, will be released this fall.

Pizza Tower

Pizza Tower chaos is coming to Nintendo Switch — and it’s out Tuesday!

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    Nicole Carpenter is a senior reporter specializing in investigative features about labor issues in the game industry, as well as the business and culture of games. There was a range of ...