Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Junior Secondary School 3

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Junior Secondary School Scheme of work for Business Studies Jss3 First Term

Lagos State Scheme of Work for Business Studies Jss3 First Term

  • Double entry (Ledger A/c) principle
  • Trial balance
  • Final accounts Meaning, Terms used in final accounts Trading account Profit and loss account
  • Assets and liabilities
  • Fixed assets
  • Current assets
  • Long-term liability
  • Current or short-term liability
  • Store records
  • Examination


  • The Office        
  •  Office Equipment
  • Right Attitude to work
  • The Office Staff
  • Introduction to Commerce
  • Division of Commerce
  • Production 1
  • Factors of production


WEEK           TOPICS

  • Advertising/Media/Jingles-Meaning, Types, Functioning, Radio,Television,Newspaper, etc. Different Jingles used in Advertising Media.
  • Transportation- Meaning, Importance and Types
  • Advantages/ Disadvantages of Transportation of Each Type of Transportation
  • Communication- Meaning, Means of Communication and Importance
  • Communication- Services Provided by Communication Agencies
  • Simple Single Business Goal- Meaning, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threats
  • Drawing A Simple Single Business Plan-Meaning of Simple Business Plan, Procedure for Drawing up a Simple Single Business Plan
  • Consumer Protection Agencies- Meaning and Uses, National Communcation Comission (NCC), Standard Organisation of Nigeria(SON), National  Electricity Regulatory Commission(NERC), National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control (NAFDAC)  Roles and Responsibilities of Consumer Protection Agencies.
  • How To Make Complaints- Meaning, Justification, Unjustified Complaints, Steps in Lodging a Complaints,Writing a Complaint Letter, Reasons of Borrowing  Claim Cards, Procedures for Burning Chemicals not Suitable for Use, Reason for Restricting Chemicals not Suitable for Use.
  • How To Seek Redress  

11 & 12        Revision&Examination


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Business Studies Scheme of Work for JSS 3 Federal (All Terms)

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1OFFICE PROCEDURE Meaning Importance Procedures for preparing bills invoice and receipts  Teacher: Discuss on the meaning and importance of office procedure. Students: Give examples of office procedure. Specimen: bills (e.g. PHCN, NITEL bills, invoices, receipts
2PROCEDURES FOR MAKING PAYMENT CashBank transfer ChequeBank draftE-paymentImprest accountBalance and restoration of imprestStore recordsMeaning  of storeMeaning of store records  Teacher: Guide students to complete specimen of bills, invoices, receipts, cheques, bank drafts and e-payment. Student: Practice preparation of vouchers, pay roll and pay slip advice. Photographs and adding machine should be used.  
3OFFICE PROCEDURE Procedure for store procurement (use of store requisition)Importance of stock takingDelivery note, Gate passTeacher: demonstrate on chalkboard preparation of store records, delivery notes and store requisition Students: Practice preparation of store records and completing a specimen delivery note and gate pass. A chart to be used.
4OFFICE EQUIPMENT Office Equipment Meaning of officeMeaning of office equipment List of office equipment Importance of office equipment.    Teacher: Explain the meaning of office. Students: Identify the different types of equipment Specimen: A chart showing the photograph of office equipment like computer, typewriter, filing cabinet, stapler, adding machine, perforator, office pin etc.  
5OFFICE EQUIPMENT Uses of Office Equipment Use of computerUse of duplicating machineUse of photocopying machine Use of filing cabinet etc Care of office equipment  Teacher: Demonstrate the uses of office equipment and guide the students on how to use and take care of them. Students: Practice how to use office equipment and how to take care of them. Specimen: The equipment should be brought to the class for demonstration.   
6ADVERTISING Advertising Meaning TypesFunctions  Teacher: Explain the meaning, types and functions of advertising. Students: Explain the meaning and list types of advertising. Specimen: A chart should be used for showing the picture
7ADVERTISING  MEDIA Advertising  Media Radio TelevisionNewspaperHandbillMagazinesInternetBillboards etc  Teacher: outline the various advertising media and display in class pictures, newspaper and other advertising materials like radio or television. Students: Develop advertising jingles for a common product. Specimen: Radio or Television should be used for demonstration
8TRANSPORTATION Meaning of transportation Importance of transportation in commerce  Types of transportation (road, rail, air, pipeline etc) Advantages and disadvantages of each type of transportation.Teacher: Explain the meaning of transportation and state the 5 types of transportation we have. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages  Students: Define transportation and list the types of transportation system we have. Specimen: A chart should be used to show the different types of transportation.
9COMMUNICATION Meaning of communication Means of communication PostTelephone World wide webCourier servicesTeacher: Discuss on the meaning of communication and means of communication and an internet. Students: Define communication and give examples of common means of communication. Specimen: A telephone set, GSM Handset, computer set etc should be displayed.  
10COMMUNICATION (b) Importance of communication in business. Services provided by communication agenciesPostal and telegraphic service Telephone servicesInternetCourier servicesTeacher: Explain the role of communication in business and give examples of common means of communication. Students: Discuss the importance of communication in business. Practice how to make calls. Specimen: A chart showing the agencies. 
11SETTING SIMPLE BUSINESS GOALS. Simple Business Goals. Meaning StrengthWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsTeacher: Explain the meaning of simple business goals and lead discussion on strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threat to business an entrepreneur wants to pursue. Specimen: A chart, posters and pictures to be used.
12SIMPLE SINGLE BUSINESS PLAN Simple Single Business Plan Procedures for drawing up simple single business plan  Teacher: Discuss on simple single business plan and demonstrate to students procedures for drawing up simple single business plan. Students: Participate in class discussion and draw up simple single business plan. Specimen: A chart or pictures should be use.


1CONSUMER PROTECTION AND AWARENESS Meaning of consumer Need for consumer protection Rights of the consumerOrgans/agencies of consumer protection  Teacher: Explain the meaning and needs of consumer protection agencies and discuss on the roles and responsibilities of each consumer protection Agency. Students: Discuss on the meaning and need for consumer protection Agencies and visit consumer protection agency nearby. Specimen: flip charts and posters.
2HOW TO MAKE COMPLAINTS Meaning of complaintJustified complaintUnjustified complaintSteps in lodging complaintsWriting a complaint letter.  Teacher: Explain the meaning of complaint and discuss on the differences between justified and unjustified consumer complaints. Students: Define a complaint and distinguish between justified and unjustified. Specimen: charts and cardboard sheet should be used to sample a complaint letter for redress.  
3PERSONAL FINANCE Meaning of personal financeSources of finance for individual Uses of personal budget Scale of preferenceTeacher: Define personal finance and discuss the source of finance and items of personal budget. Students: Define personal finance and list the sources of funds. Specimen: cartons, posters, books, calculator and chalkboard to be used. 
4TRIAL BALANCE Meaning of trial balanceRuling of trial balance Functions of trial balance Opening of a ledger accountEntries into the ledger account.  Teacher: define trial balance and explain the ruling and functions of trial balance. Students: Discuss the trial balance and explain the ruling of trial balance. Specimen: chalk board and ruler should be used for illustration  
5BALANCING THE LEDGER ACCOUNT Extraction of balances into the trial balance Identify items of the balance sheet from the trial balanceIdentification of profit and loss items from the trial balance  Teacher: Explain the balance of the ledger account and list the items of balance sheet from the trial balance and profit and loss items. Students: Discuss balancing the ledger account and list the items of balance sheet and profit and loss account. Specimen: Relevant textbooks or workbook  
6TRADING PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Purpose of preparing trading profit and loss accountRuling of trading profit and loss account Determination of cost of goods soldDetermination of gross profit  Teacher: Explain the purpose of preparing trading Profit and Loss account with the ruling of the trading profit and loss account. Students: Practice exercises in calculating the cost of goods sold, net sales and gross profit. Samples of practiced problems and exercises.
7TRADING PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Determination of net sales (where there is returns inwards)Determination of net profit or loss Rules for constructing profit and loss account.  Teacher: Discuss the determination of net sale, net profit or loss Students: Practice the exercises. Relevant textbook or workbook.
8BALANCE SHEET Meaning of balance sheet Ruling of balance sheetUses of the balance sheetClassification of balance sheet items assets (fixed assets) Classification of balance sheet items (Fixed Assets)Teacher: Explain the meaning of a balance sheet, the uses of balance sheet and the items. Students: Define balance sheet and list the contents of balance sheet. Ruler, calculators, chalkboard and exercises should be used. 
9CLASSIFICATION OF BALANCE SHEET ITEMS CapitalCurrent liabilitiesPreparation of a simple balance sheet. AssetTeacher: Identify the items in the balance from trial Balance. Exercises should be taken.   
10BOOK KEEPING ETHICS Transparency – meaning Accountability – meaning Probity – meaning Need for transparency, Accountability and probity (TAP)Teacher: Explain and give examples of: Accountability, Transparency and Probity (TAP) and guide the students to determine the need for TAP. Students: Participate in the discussion on the meaning of TAP and explain TAP


1KEYBOARDING Page sizes Uses of each typeNumber of spaces available on each typeDisplayMethods of displayHorizontal VerticalHow to create tables from Insert  Teacher: Explain keyboarding and page size with the number of spaces available on each types. Students: Identify the page and the size. Typewriter or computer is used to display this in the class
2TYPES OF DISPLAY HEADING Main headingSub headingShoulder headingSide heading  Teacher: Explain this heading one after the other main, sub and shoulder heading. Students: List and explain the types of heading we have. A chalkboard should be used and shown.  
3MANUSCRIPT Meaning of manuscriptLonghand manuscriptAbbreviations on manuscriptStandard Printer’s correction signs.Teacher: Explain the meaning of manuscript and printer correction signs. Students: Discuss the meaning of manuscript, abbreviation and correction of printer signs. A manuscript should be used for show.
4ERASING TECHNIQUES Erasing techniquesMethods of erasing Instruments for erasing Erasing techniques Demonstrate erasing on Top copy Carbon copyCopies  Teacher: Explain the meaning of erasing, methods, instrument for erasing. Students: Discuss the meaning of erasing and demonstrate it. A printed paper and carbon copy to be used.  
5CORRECT KEYBOARDING TECHNIQUES The keyboard rows TopUpperHomebottom Divisions of the keyboard Left hand sideRight hand side  Teacher: Show the position of the four rows on the keyboard and demonstrate correct finger position on the keyboard. Students: Point out the position of the four rows on the keyboard. Computer or typewriter is used.  
6ALPHANUMERIC KEYS Alpha numeric keys Identification Soft touch manipulation Correct finger placement on the basic service keys on the Computer keyboard   Teacher: Show the alphanumeric keys or symbols and demonstrate correct finger placement and alphanumeric keys or symbols. Students: Observe the alphanumeric keys or symbols and practice correct finger placement on the basic services key specimen: Computer, keyboard charts to be used.

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1ST TERM JSS3 BUSINESS STUDIES Scheme of Work and Note

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  • Advertising/Media/Jingles-Meaning, Types, Functioning, Radio,Television,Newspaper, etc. Different Jingles used in Advertising Media.
  • Transportation- Meaning, Importance and Types
  • Advantages/ Dis advantage s of Transportation of Each Type of Transportation
  • Communication- Meaning, Means of Communication and Importance
  • Communication- Services Provided by Communication Agencies
  • Simple Single Business Goal- Meaning, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threats
  • Drawing A Simple Single Business Plan-Meaning of Simple Business Plan, Procedure for Drawing up a Simple Single Business Plan
  • Consumer Protection Agencies- Meaning and Uses, National CommuncationCommission (NCC), Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON), National Electricity Regulatory Commission(NERC), National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control (NAFDAC) Roles and Responsibilities of Consumer Protection Agencies.
  • How To Make Complaints- Meaning, Justification, Unjustified Complaints, Steps in Lodging a Complaints,Writing a Complaint Letter, Reasons of Borrowing Claim Cards, Procedures for Burning Chemicals not Suitable for Use, Reason for Restricting Chemicals not Suitable for Use.
  • How To Seek Redress

11 & 12 Revision&Examination

  • 2ND TERM JSS3 BUSINESS STUDIES Scheme of Work and Note
  • 3RD TERM JSS3 BUSINESS STUDIES Scheme of Work and Note


i. Meaning of Advertising

ii. Forms/Types of Advertising

iii. Importance/rolesof Advertising


Advertising is the process of creating awareness among the members of public about a particular product. It ensures that customers are aware of the existence and availability of a particular product and they are persuaded to buy it. Advertising cantake various forms.



This kind is aimed at spreading information that will let consumers to know which goods and services are available.  


This is a type of advertising which tries to persuade customers to buy a particular brand of product as being different from other brands.


This is a type of advertising which is aimed at persuading customers to buy one brand of a product in preference to another brand by another produce r.


This is a type of advertising in which manufacturers ofsimilar products or same commodity come together to jointly advertise their products to the consuming public.


  • To introduce new product – It creates awareness about the availability of aproduct.
  • It enlightens members of the public on the usefulness of a product
  • It creates awareness about the quality of a product.
  • It helps consumers to compare prices of competing product.
  • It helps to increase sales.
  • Advertising helps in introducing a new product to the market.
  • It helps in publishing brand names.
  • It boosts a product’s share of the market.
  • It enhances the public image of an organization
  • It is a gentle way of reminding consumers about a product.

1. Define advertising.

2. List five roles of advertising


Business Studies for JSS3 by O. A. Lawal, pages 34 – 41


1. What are aids to trade?

2. List the aids to trade that you know

3. Give another name for aids to trade

4. What is production?

5. Give the factor s of production with their respective rewards.


a. Transportation b.Communication c. Advertising d. Commerce

a. Information b. Informative c. Marketing d. Competition.

  • Advertising___ demand for the advertised product. a. discourages b. reduces c. stimulates d. hinders.

a. competitive b. generic c. persuasive d. indirect.

a. marketers b. advertiser c. consumers d. produce rs.

  • What is advertising?
  • List five roles of advertising
  • State five means of advertising


  • Definition/Meaning
  • Means of Transportation in Nigeria


Transportation is concerned with the movement of people and goods from one place to another. This is concerned with all activities that ensure effective transportation system.

Those who engage in these services are drivers, pilots, sailors,etc.


  • It facilitates efficient distribution of goods and services.
  • It promotes trading activities.
  • It facilitates efficient movement of productive resources i.e. man and materials.
  • Transportation prevents waste. E.g. of perishable goods.
  • It encourages the development of rural areas.
  • It encourages trade between one country and another.
  • Transport widens the market for goods and services i.e. taking goods and services to where they are needed most.
  • It leads to economic growth and development.
  • Transport helps to improve the standard of living of the people.


The means or methods of transportation in Nigeria are as follows –

A Road transport and

B Rail transport

The means of road transport in Nigeria are-

  • motor vehicle
  • motor-cycles

Transport by Rail : Train has its special route. It does not move on ordinary ground. The special iron tracks on which trains move are known as railway lines.

  • Air Transport – This is carried out by means of aeroplanes fromone airport to another in Nigeria .
  • Pipeline Transport: This is a suitable means of transporting liquid products such water, crude oil and gas.

1. Define transportation.

2. State the main modes of transportation.

Business Studies for JSS3 by O. A. Lawal, pages 41 to 49.

A. goods and services B. goods and loads C. people and children D. people and goods.

A. expands the scope of the market for manufactured goods. B. facilitates the distribution of goods C. increases the spoilage of goods D. encourages tourism.

A. Ferry B. Coaster C. Pipeline D. Road transport

  • The means of transport that involves special iron tracks for it to move is known as ___ A. pipeline transport B. road water transport C. rail transport D. air transport.

A. Ferry B. Carmel C. Trailer D.bus.

  • What is transportation?
  • Give the main means of transportation
  • State five importance of transportation




1. Road transport is flexible.

2 It is a suitable means of transport for carrying perishable goods.

3 It is relatively a faster means of transport.

4 The maintenance cost is low.

5 Loading and unloading are easy.

6 It provides door-to-door service for transporting goods, etc.


  • The rate at which accidents happen is high.
  • Congestions and traffic congestions occur in road transport.
  • It is not suitable for carrying fragile goods.
  • It does not operate on schedule.
  • Welfare facilities such as canteens and toilets are not provided.
  • It is not suitable for conveying heavy and bulky goods, etc.



  • Trains carry bulky goods more than motor vehicles.
  • Accidents are not common occurrence.
  • Train fares are cheaper than that of motor vehicles.
  • It is good for long distance journeys.
  • Canteen and toilet facilities are made available in trains.
  • Trains do not involve in traffic hold-ups, etc.


  • It is not flexible like road transport
  • The maintenance costs of trains and their lines are high
  • Loading and unloading of goods in trains are not easy
  • Trains do not provide door-to-door service
  • Trains cannot be used by firms to do door-to-door advertising
  • Trains delay a lot on their ways as they stop from station to station,etc.



  • It is the most suitable means of carrying bulky goods.
  • It connects countries of the world.
  • It helps to make international trade possible.
  • It is cheaper in long distance journeys than air transport.
  • Cargoes are expertly packed in ships.
  • Luxurious facilities are provided in trains,etc.


  • It is very slow especially in long distances.
  • It is very expensive to acquire a ship.
  • Construction of new seaports is very expensive.
  • It is faced with the dangers of sea storms.
  • It is not a common means of transportation.
  • Loading and unloading of goods in ships is not easy,etc.



  • Air transport is the fastest means of transport.
  • It is the most suitable means of transporting perishable goods.
  • When efficiency and comfort are essential, it provides the answer.
  • It is conducted on schedule and therefore, it is reliable.
  • It is a very good means of transport over long distances.
  • It costs nothing to provide air routes, etc.


  • Air transport cost is very expensive.
  • It is not flexible because it is operated on schedule.
  • It is not suitable for carrying bulky goods.
  • Its operation is influenced by weather.
  • Cost of construction and equipping of airports are expensive.
  • Airports are located away from the people, etc.



1. It is a suitable means of transporting liquids.

2. It is cost effective.

3. It does not require elaborate preparation for loading and off-loading.


1.Pipelines are prone to vandalisation.

2. Some pipelines carrying toxic materials can be dangerous to the environment when damaged.

3. The cost of patrolling the pipelines to guard against vandalisation is very high.

  • State four advantage s of air transport.
  • What are the five shortcomings of rail transport?

Business Studies for JSS3 by O. A. Lawal, pages 44 to 51

  • —- is the fastest means of transport. A. Air B. Water C. Road D. Rail

A. Water B. Air C. Road D. Rail

A. Road B.Air C. Rail D. Pipeline

A. Road B. Rail C. Air D. Water

A. rail B. road C. water D. air

  • State five advantage s and five dis advantage s of transport by air
  • Mention three advantage s of water transport over air



Communication can simply be defined as exchange of information, news, ideas, opinions, etc. It can be oral or written.


  • The world is now one huge market place as a result of the ease in communication.
  • By means of communication, the manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers can maintain constant contact
  • It is now possible for business to obtain accurate market information without the need to travel.
  • Communication encourages the free flow of goods from the point of manufacture to the point of need.
  • Communication aids the quick settlement of foreign debts by means of telegraphic money order,etc.
  • Communication provides useful means of controlling and directing aircraft in air.
  • While in the middle of ocean, communication helps to direct and control ocean- going vessels.


  • Oral communication
  • Written communication
  • Advertising
  • Non-verbal communication,etc.

2 . List five roles of advertising

Business Studies for JSS3 by O. A. Lawal, pages 50 to 51


1. What isinsurance?

2. Mention the types of insurance.

3. Give five principles of insurance.

4. State four importance of insurance.

5. Explain subrogation as a principle of insurance..

a. Drums b. Internet c. Letters d. Telephones.

  • Metal gong is an example of ____ a. indirect b. modern c. traditional d. written.
  • Which of the following is NOT a GSM service provider in Nigeria ? a. Airtel b. Nokia c. Globacom d. MTN
  • The following are auxiliaries to trade EXCEPT a. advertising b. insurance c. communication d. accounting.
  • communication b interviewing c celebrating d. none of the above.
  • What is communication?
  • Mention four importance of communication.
  • Post office as Means of Communication:-
  • Postal and Telegraphic Services:-
  • A Ordinary letter Postage Service
  • B Express Letter Postage Service
  • C Postage by Air
  • D Registration of Letters and Parcels


NIPOST is an important branch of the Federal Ministry of Communications. Internal and international postal services are the major responsibilities of NIPOST.


POSTAL SERVICES: As regards internal postal services within Nigeria , NIPOST delivers letters, parcels, cards, etc. Charges for these services vary from time to time.

TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES: NITEL makes it possible to dispatch telegrams within and outside Nigeria . It is also possible to send telegrams to ships on the high seas.

ORDINARY LETTER POSTAGE SERVICE: NIPOST carries and distributes letters to people and institutions within Nigeria . This is a very important service.

EXPRESS LETTER POSTAGE SERVICE: NIPOST dispatches express letters as quickly as possible and by the fastest available means. This service attracts extra charges.

POSTAGE BY AIR: Air mail service is a means by which the post office sends people’s mails by air through aeroplane.


REGISTERED LETTERS: At times, some letters have very important documents attached to them or they themselves are very important. In any of these cases, such a letter may be registered toguarantee its safety. The post office collects extra charges for rendering this service to its customers.

REGISTERED PARCELS: Like the registered letters, parcels that contain important items are frequently registered by the post office at the request of its clients. This is done to secure the content of such parcels. For this service, the post office also charges the customer more.

INTERNATIONAL, TRUNK AND LOCAL CALLS: The post office renders the above telephone services to its customers. These areexplained as follows.

INTERNATIONAL CALLS: These are calls made from one country to another. Different rates are charged for such calls based on the country to which the call is made and the duration of each call.

TRUNK CALLS: These are calls made within a country but from one town to another. Examples are calls from Lagos to Ibadan or from Asaba to Kano all in Nigeria . Also different rates apply to different calls depending on the time of the day or night the call is made and the duration of such calls.

LOCAL CALLS: Local calls are calls made within the same town. For example a call from Yaba to Oyingbo in Lagos Mainland.

1. Explain: a. registered letters b. ordinary letters and c. trunk calls.

2. Mention four types of communication

Business Studies for JSS3 by O. A. Lawal, pages 51 to 58

  • What is a typewriter?
  • Give ten parts of typewriter
  • Which is the moveable part of typewriter when typing?
  • Give the function of each part of typewriter as mentioned above
  • In what year was typewriter invented?

a trunk b local c internal d international

2 Which of the following attracts extra charges to handle?

a ordinary mail b post card c business letter d express letter

3 A call from Lagos to Accra is an/a —- call.

a local b trunk c ordinary d international

4 — helps to save an ocean going vessel in danger

a diagram b telegram c programme d none of the above

5 The following are services rendered by the post office except?

a. express letters b. money orders c. poster orders d. satellite services

  • List and explain three importance of communication.
  • How does communication serve as an aid to trade? Give five examples.


  • Meaning of Business Goals
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Meaning of Business Plan


It is important that when setting up a business, the entrepreneur identifies the goals to be achieved.Thereafter he/she targets and works at achieving these business goals. Therefore, a business goal is a business objective or target to be achieved by a specific period. A business may fail if its goals are not identified at the initial stage.


SWOT analysis means the designed plan to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a business. SWOT is an acronym for:

S- Strengths. Strengths refer to the internal characteristics of a business which give it an advantage over others. For example sufficient capital, strategic business location, effective and efficient work-force and good customer relation can help a business venture to achieve its goals.

W-Weaknesses. Weaknesses are the internal characteristics that put a business at a dis advantage in comparison to others. For instance, insufficient capital, low-standard products, poor marketing, poor customer services, absenteeism among workers, etc.

O- Opportunities. These are external factor s or characteristics of a business environment that help the objectives of the business. Example provision of infrastructural facilities such as good roads, constant power supply,etc.

T- Threats. These are theexternal factor s of a business environment that can have adverse effects on the business. Example: the enactment of a new law by the government, bad debt, etc.

SWOT analysis can be carried out for an enterprise, a product, an industry or a venture. SWOT analysis should precede the setting of business goals as this will enable achievable goals and objectives to be set for the business.

  • Define a business goal.
  • What is SWOT analysis?

WABP Business Studies Book 3 Pages54 to 63

  • What is a sole proprietorship?
  • Give three advantage s and three dis advantage s of sole proprietorship.
  • State four other forms of business organizations that you know.
  • Who is an entrepreneur?
  • State four qualities of an entrepreneur.

(a) business strategy (b) business purpose (c) business document (d) business map.

  • Before establishing a business venture, it is necessary to identify the goals of such business. (a) Sometimes true (b) False (c) Always true(d) One cannot be sure
  • Who among the following should be the one to identify the business goals? The___ (a) receptionist (b) secretary (c) manager (d) entrepreneur

(a) objectives (b) threat (c) strengths (d) weakness

  • Insufficient capital and poor customer services can be regarded as ___ to a business. (a) threats (b) weaknesses (c) opportunity (d) strengths.
  • What is a business goal?
  • Give the acronym of SWOT.



A business plan is a written document which describes the objectives of a business and the strategies of achieving the objectives. A business plan is like a road map giving the direction of a business. The business plan contains the background information about a business venture.


  • A good business plan must be clear in its objectives to be achieved.
  • A good business plan must be reasonable and achievable.
  • It must be measurable and easy to determine if the business is growing or not.
  • It must be time-bound and state how long the objective will be achieved.
  • It must be in written form so that it will be easy to refer to.


  • It acts a guide to the business and its operations.
  • It helps the entrepreneur to research into the business they want to pursue
  • It helps the employees to know the objectives of the business thereby enabling them to work towards these objectives
  • It helps develop the policy or rules for the business


  • Background/preamble—It has the product/service, its name,logo, visionand goals.
  • Market Research—–Find out customers’ want and needs, pricing and competitors in the market.
  • Marketing—-Creating awareness for the goods.
  • Production—method of production and quality control.
  • Organization/management—showing number of people that will be employed and their duties.
  • Finance—-estimating amount to start a business, its source and how it is to be expended.
  • Action plan.
  • What is a business plan?
  • State two uses of a business plan.

WABP Business Studies book 3 Pages54 to 63

  • What is an office?
  • Mention the types of an office that you know and give an example for each.
  • State seven functions of an office.
  • Give seven components of Business Studies.
  • What is trade by barter?
  • The written form of a business’ objectives and their strategies is called business ___ (a) product (b) service (c) plan (d) management
  • The external factor s of a business environment that can have negative effect on the goals of a business are termed as ___ (a) objectives(b) strengths (c) threats (d) weaknesses
  • The business plan should describe the business objectives and the ___ of achieving it.(a) layout (b) components (c) strategies (d) plan.
  • Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a business plan?(a)Achievable (b)Measurable (c) Cheap and easy (d)In written form.
  • Which is the first procedure in drawing the business plan? (a)Action plan (b) Market research (c)Background preamble (d)Production
  • Define a business plan.
  • State three uses of business plan to an entrepreneur


  • Meaning of Consumer Protection
  • Meaning of Consumer Protection Agency
  • Need for Consumer Protection
  • Agencies of Consumer Protection


Consumer protection is a way of ensuring that consumers enjoy maximum protection from the goods they buy and the services rendered to them. This helps to reduce and prevent the exploitation of the consumers such as low quality products and exorbitant prices on of goods and services.


Consumer protection agency is an agency set up for the purpose of monitoring the activities of the manufacturer and the middlemen in order to avoid exploitation and unscrupulous activities.


  • To reduce price increase caused by artificial scarcity by the manufacturers and the middlemen
  • To prevent consumers from buying low quality products as a result of false advertisement.
  • To ensure that consumers enjoy maximum satisfaction from the goods they buy and the services rendered to them.
  • To ensure that consumers have constant supply of some essential goods and services
  • To prevent artificial scarcity of goods as a result of hoarding by themanufacturers and the middlemen


There are three basic organs or agencies of consumer protection and these are government agencies, the legislations and independent organizations.


  • National Agency for Food Drug Administration and Control(NAFDAC): This is established by the federal government to oversee the production and distribution of food and drugs so as to examine the conditions under which such foods or drugs are produce d. It safeguards the health of the nation.
  • National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA): This is established by the Federal Government to eradicate the use of hard drug and its trafficking.
  • Standard Organization of Nigeria : This is established to ensure that both goods produce d and imported into the country are of good standard and quality.
  • Ministry of Health: This regulates the safety of the food items. For instance the cleanliness of abattoir, the healthiness of animals to be slaughtered
  • Ministry of Environment: This regulates the building of houses and the sanitation of the environment.


These are laws made to protect consumers and they include the following.

  • Sale of Goods Act 1893: This law protects consumers from buying goods that do not conform to the description and sample advertised.
  • Weights and Measures Act 1963: It protects the consumers from being exploited in the weights and measures of goods.
  • Food and Drug Act: It protects consumers from buying goods that are not well labeled or fit for human consumption.
  • Rent Edicts: This helps to reduce the exploitation of tenants by landlords and agents.
  • Hire Purchase Acts 1965
  • Misrepresentation Act 1968
  • Consumer Credit Act 1974


These are non-governmental bodies that help in protecting the interests of consumers. They include the following.

  • Trade associations
  • Consumer Associations
  • Research Institutions.
  • Define consumer protection.
  • Mention four laws enacted to protect consumers.

Business Studies for Junior Secondary School 3 by O.A Lawal,Pages56-59

  • Define manuscript.
  • What is a margin?
  • Give ten types of office equipment.
  • State the function of each of the office equipment.
  • State four roles of wages office.
  • A way of making sure that consumers derive maximum satisfaction from the goods and services they buy is called ___ (a) Consumer exploitation(b) Consumer manipulation (c) Consumer protection (d) consumer legislations
  • The following are the needs for protecting the consumers except (a) to avoid arbitrary behavior (b) to ensure constant supply of essential product (c) to allow unscrupulous activities of the manufacturers (d) to prevent false advertisement claims.
  • Consumer need to be protected against fake and substandard products. True/False

(c) Weights and Measures 1963 (d)Food and Drug Act 1995

  • The agency that eradicates the use and trafficking of hard drug is called___ (a) NAFDAC (b) SON (c) Ministry of Environment(d) NDLEA
  • What are consumer protection agencies?
  • List five government organizations that protect consumers and state the role of each one of them
  • Give five forms of business organization.
  • Describe each of the forms of business organization as mentioned above
  • Which is the oldest form of business organization?
  • Give three merits and three demerits of the oldest form of business organization.
  • What is book keeping?


  • Meaning of a Complaint
  • Justified and Unjustified Complaints
  • Benefits of Resolving Complaints
  • Consumer Redress


A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with a behaviour, an activity, a product or a service which can be oral or written, justified or unjustified. Consumers may express dissatisfaction with a product or a service and this may be in order to get compensation.


A complaint is justified where such complaint has a good defendable basis. For instance, a consumer may order for a particular product, pay for the products, take the product home for use only to find out that such product does not perform to expectation. The consumer is justified to make a complaint provided he/she has followed the instruction given on the use of the product.

On the other hand an unjustified complaint is a complaintthat has no fair basis for redress. For instance a customer who has bought a blender and does not enjoy the use of the blender may not have a good basis for making a complaint where he/she has handled the equipment poorly or he/she has not followed the user’s manual.


It is necessary that complaint be made as soon as dissatisfaction is noticed. Hence, whenever a consumer has a complaint about a product or a service, he/she can call a company’s number dedicated to receiving complaints and talk about the problem to a representative of the organization offering the service. Such problem discussed on phone can be dealt with on spot.

Also, the company may have designated hours for addressing customers’ complaints. For instance, Monday to Friday {9am to 12pm}. A complaint can be made by e-mail, where a link is selected and the complaint is made. A complaint could be made by writing a letter. Here the letter is addressed appropriately to the organization. The response to the complaint may be immediate, depending on the nature of the complaint.


The different formats of presenting complaints are:

  • In large prints
  • In audio tape
  • Define a complaint
  • Distinguish between justified and unjustified complaints


  • It offers opportunity to examine and put right weaknesses found in a product or the delivery of a service.
  • It engenders a happier consumer base thereby improving customer loyalty.
  • It leads to reduction in administrative costs since there will be no need reporting complaints which have earlier been resolved within a business day
  • It leads to reduction in follow up correspondence and requirements
  • Define consumer complaint.
  • State the types of consumer complaint.

WABP Business Studies JSS3 by EgbeEhiametalor et al, pages 71 to 77

  • State the means of making payment.
  • A complaint can be oral or writtena. True b. False
  • An expression of dissatisfaction is called ___ a. redress b. complaint c banning of product.
  • A complaint that has a defendable basis is known as___ complaint. a. wholesome b. clean c. justified d. unjustified.
  • Resolving complaints brings the following benefits EXCEPT ___ a. engendering a happier customer b. improving customer loyalty c. increasing customers’ complaint d. creating opportunity to examine a product.
  • Which of the following agencies protects consumers? a. EFCC b. INEC c. NAFDAC d. NECO
  • What is a complaint?
  • Explain the following: i. justified complaint ii. Unjustified complaint.
  • List the steps to take when making a complaint


  • Meaning of consumer right and redress
  • Ways of seeking redress
  • Benefit of providing redress

Consumer rights are the benefits which consumers must enjoy from the purchase of goods and services.


Consumerism can be defined as the organized efforts of consumers to protect themselves against unfair practices of businessmen.

Consumerism came into existence when a movement started in the 1960s to obtain a greater say in the quality of the products they bought and the information they received from the sellers.They also sought to increase their influence, power and rights. This is the whole essence of the theory of consumerism.


  • They have the right to choose between alternatives.
  • Consumers have the right to good things of life.
  • They have the right to safety.
  • The consumers also have the right to be heard.
  • They have the right to be informed.
  • Consumers have the right to seek redress to correct any injustice.
  • Consumers have the right to get value for money.
  • They have the right to live in a healthy environment

Mention the eight universal consumer rights.


  • Formation of consumer associations to test whether items are of good quality or not and to make recommendations.
  • There should be Foods and Drugs Act to see to it that all consumable items have expiry dates.
  • Price control measures should be put in place to curb any arbitrary price increases.
  • All advertisements should be censored before being shown on the screens.
  • There should be Sales of Goods Act to ensure that quality goods are sold to consumers.
  • There should be weight and measures Act to ensure that goods are sold in the right quantity as well as trade description.  
  • What is consumerism?
  • Mention four ways by which consumers rights can be protected.


Consumer redress is the act of setting right a wrong that has been done to a consumer over a product bought or service rendered. A consumer can seek redress through the law court. The rights of redress can be any of the following.

  • Criminal redress: This means initiating criminal proceedings against any persons involved in the adulteration or mislabeling of various regulated foods and drugs
  • Civil redress: This is when the consumer of a product institutes a civil action against its produce rs or sellers particularly where the regulatory agencies cannot compensate the victims of unsafe or unwholesome products that are regulated by agencies like NAFDAC, SON and CPC.
  • Regulatory/Administrative redress: Consumers can seek redress through any of regulatory bodies like CPC or SON which have the mandate to regulate the product or service which they have a complaint on. For instance, a consumer who bought a faulty iron with a warranty from a known company may return it. But where such return is not accepted, then the customer can meet the regulatory bodies such as SON which can take up the issue and enforce the warranty and make the company give the consumer a new iron.


  • Reporting any complaint as soon as possible.
  • Give names,addresses and phone number of persons or companies including your name, address and phone number .
  • State the problem with full description of the products and its identification marks.
  • Indicate the name address of store of the purchase and date of purchase (possibly attaching photocopy of receipt).
  • Forward the letter of complaint to the manufacturer or distributor whose address is on the label of the product bought.


  • The consumer is happy that he/she has been listened to and that the problem has been solved.
  • The intervening regulatory agency will be seen as efficient and this will add to their experience in resolving consumer complaints.
  • It improves the public relation profile of the company.
  • It eliminates litigation on issues when redress is provided immediately for complaints.
  • It allows for more research and development leading to the growth of the company
  • What is consumer redress?
  • State three steps to follow in seeking consumer redress


Nigeria is a signatory to the international drug, food and chemical control treaties. Hence, chemicals are banned internally and locally when such chemicals are discovered to be harmful or hazardous to human health: more so, if there are safe alternatives. To ban something means to prohibit or bar it. Banned chemicals should not be imported into the country. It is against the law for an individual or a company to be in possession of banned chemicals.

On the other hand, to restrict something meansto make something not easily available. There are chemicals which are not banned but are restricted. This means the use of such chemicals are controlled for some reasons as there are likelihood of turning them into hard drugs or chemical weapons. Restricted chemicals will require special permit to import and clear them.

However chemicals are banned and restricted where:

  • they are fatal if inhaled or ingested.
  • they cause irritation to eyes, nose, throat, rashes to skin, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • they produce fumes which may cause lung cancer.
  • they destroy red blood cells.
  • they cause birth defects in unborn babies.
  • they affect neurological cells.
  • they affect the hormones.


Nigeria is a signatory to Prior Informed Consent (PIC), which gives information on banned and restricted chemicals. Whenever scientific finding states that a certain chemical is harmful, a country belonging to the PIC bans and restrict such chemicals, following these procedures.

  • A notice is sent to the international PIC secretariat that a chemical has been discovered to be harmful.
  • The secretariat makes further enquiries to verify the information.
  • A summary of the information gathered is forwarded to all members of the PIC convention.
  • When the PIC secretariat receives response from one or two countries , it sends it to its chemical review committee.
  • The PIC later sends its recommendations to the conference of its members countries .
  • Once the countries have accepted the banning or restricting of the chemical, this is circulated with reasons for the action taken.
  • State two reasons for banning chemicals not suitable for use.
  • List the procedures for banning and restricting chemicals not suitable for use.
  • What is a commercial bank?
  • State four functions of commercial bank.
  • Define a cheque.
  • Give four reasons why a cheque can be dishonoured.
  • Describe a stalecheque.
  • The act of putting right the wrong that has been done is called__ a. redress b. complaint c. restricting d. accommodation.
  • One of the following is not a consumer right. a. right to choose b. right to safety c. right to credit facility d. right to be informed
  • All of the following are reasons for banning chemicals EXCEPT ___ a. when they affect red blood cell b. when they affect hormones c. when they improve human health d. when they affect neurological cells.
  • The full meaning of PIC is ___ a. People s’ Interest Committee b. Personal Interest Council c. Prior Informed Consent d. Procedural information Council.
  • Consumers can seek redress through the following agencies EXCEPT ___a. CPC b. NAFDAC c. SON d. NDLEA.
  • criminal redress
  • Civil redress
  • administrative redress.
  • Give three ways by which consumer rights can be protected.

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JSS 3 Business Studies

what is simple single business plan jss3




Copy this note in your notebook

 Meaning : Business Plan is a document that shows in detail how an entrepreneur should set up his business. It is like a road map which directs the entrepreneur on which road to take in order to put his business ideas in action in order to be successful.

  Uses Of Business Plan To The Entrepreneur

  • It helps an entrepreneur to think in details the business he wants to pursue.
  • It enables the entrepreneur to research into the business he wants to pursue.
  • It helps the entrepreneur to state in writing who will own and run the business.

  Uses Of Business Plan To The Employees

  • It helps employees to know the goals of the business.
  • It helps employees to know who they are directly responsible to.
  • It helps employees to know how costs and prices are worked out.

 Uses Of Business Plans To The Investors

  • It helps them to know whether the business will make money in future or not.
  • It helps them to know how the entrepreneur takes decisions.
  • It helps them understand how viable the business is going to be in future.
  • It helps them to know how accountable the management is and the structure that is put in place for growth.

  Characteristics Of A Business Plan

  • A business plan must show how long it will take to achieve its goals.
  • Whatever that is written in a business must be clear to avoid confusion.
  • It must be written in such a way that the reader must be convinced that the business will grow over a period of time.
  • A business plan must be in writing for reference.
  • A business plan must state goals that are realistic otherwise investors will be scared away leaving the entrepreneur frustrated.

 Procedure For Drawing Up Business Plan

  • Introduction : Here, describe exactly what you are proposing – this includes, type of goods or service to render, name of business, logo if any and goals to achieve.
  • Market Research : Find out what appeals to customers and also know who your competitors are in the business.
  • Marketing : Here, you have to show how customers can be aware of your product, maybe through advertising.
  • Production : State methods to follow in order to come out with a quality product.
  • Finances : Specify the amount of money needed and how the money is to be used, also state sources of getting money for expansion.
  • Organization/Management : Here, show number of people that will be employed and their duties. Use organizational chart to clearly show the roles if top management people.
  • Action Plan : Explain what your production targets are and the plans mapped out to reach your target.
  • Summary : Here state other points that are important. Also explain your business acumen and your managerial skills and experiences in your line of business.


  • Define a business plan
  • State two uses of a business plan
  • Mention two characteristics of a business plan.
  • List four procedures for drawing up a business plan.

To be submitted in school at the security post.

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[…] Copy this note in your notebook. Meaning: Business Plan is a document that shows in detail how an entrepreneur should set up his business. It is like a road map which directs the entrepreneur on which road to take in order to put his business ideas in action in order to be successful. via […]

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2022 Business studies Lesson Note for First Term JSS 3

  • August 29, 2022
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Business Studies Lesson Notes

  Lesson Notes on Business Studies JSS 3 First Term 










Lesson note on business studies for JSS3

Below are the 2022 business studies lesson notes for JSS3 First  term

Topic:   Advertising

A. Meaning of Advertising

Advertising is an audio or visual form of marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service or idea. Sponsors of advertising are often businesses wishing to promote their products or services. Advertising is differentiated from public relations in that an advertiser usually pays for and has control over the message. It differs from personal selling in that the message is non-personal, i.e., not directed to a particular individual. Advertising is communicated through various mass media, including old media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising or direct mail; and new media such as search results, blogs, websites or text messages. The actual presentation of the message in a medium is referred to as an advertisement or “ad”. To learn more, click here. 

Topic:  Transport

Meaning of Transportation

Transportation is the one of important thing in our life. If there was not transportation, how would we go somewhere or how would goods be transported? In ancient times, new places were explored and also nowadays, space is being discovered through transportation. If nothing moves, nothing happens. Namely, life without transportation can not be thought. Many things are invented for transportation until now. The wheel was invented in about 3000 BC. From that time to now, transportation styles and vehicles changed incredibly. According to their places transportation can be divided into three groups which are land, sea and air transportation.

Transportation is the movement of people, animals and goods from one location to another. Modes of transport include air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline and space. The field can be divided into infrastructure, vehicles and operations. Transport is important because it enables trade between people, which is essential for the development of civilizations.  To learn more, click  here. 

Topic :   Advantages/Disadvantages of transportation

Advantages and disadvantages of each choice of transportation

1. Road Transport

This is the transport of passengers or goods on roads.

  • Cheap for shorter distances.
  • Quick for shorter distances.
  • Door to Door delivery.
  • Minimum documents involved.
  • It is flexible. Smaller and larger quantities can be transported to most of regions.
  • Round the clock availability.  To learn more, click  here. 

Topic:  Communication

A. M eaning of Communication

Communication can be defined as the transfer or exchange of information or data between two or more parties. It is one of the aids to trade because it aids, assists or simplifies the art of buying & selling.

For communication to be effective, it must be clearly received, understood and acted upon.   To learn more, click  here. 

Topic :   Simple Single Business Goals

Small business plans explained.

If you are thinking about starting a small business, you most likely already know what a business plan is and have heard that you need one. But do you truly understand the purpose of a business plan? Does it really matter if you have one for your small business? And how can you create a small business plan that is actually useful? The introduction and tips below will lay the groundwork for creating an effective small business plan for your new business.

In it’s simplest form, a business plan is a document that outlines the basics about your business, products, and services; the market you are targeting; the goals you have for your business; and how you will achieve those goals.  To learn more, click  here. 

Topic: Drawing a simple single business plan

 There is by no means an exhaustive list to get the best tuning results for drawing a simple single business plan, but we can draw immense insights that can serve as a ready reference to avoid common pitfalls.

What we have presented is a simple step-by-step summary of the business planning process to get you going and give you an overview of the core steps you need to take to ensure you are taking advantage of everything a good planning process has to offer.

Business planning is simple and so worthwhile that this straightforward guide is in order to help you through the basics. So, here’s a simple checklist you can follow to kick start your planning process:

  • Start with a pitch:  to outline your strategy and the basic concept for your business. Do this quickly and keep it simple. This isn’t your investor pitch (yet), but more like a simple one-page business plan. Really it’s just a sketch of your business concept. Your pitch should include your key value proposition, an overview of the problem you are solving, your solution to the problem, a description of your ideal customers, and an overview of the competitive landscape. For more details, check out our guide to creating the perfect pitch.  To learn more, click  here. 

Topic: How to make complaints

A  consumer complaint  or  customer complaint  is “an expression of dissatisfaction on a consumer’s behalf to a responsible party” (Landon, 1980). It can also be described in a positive sense as a report from a consumer providing documentation about a problem with a product or service. In fact, some modern business consultants urge businesses to view customer complaints as a gift

Consumer complaints are usually informal complaints directly addressed to a company or public service provider, and most consumers manage to resolve problems with products and services in this way, but it sometimes requires persistence.

If the grievance is not addressed in a way that satisfies the consumer, the consumer sometimes registers the complaint with a third party such as the Better Business Bureau, a county government (if it has a “consumer protection” office) and Federal Trade Commission (in the United States). These and similar organizations in other countries accept for consumer complaints and assist people with customer service issues, as do government representatives like attorneys general. Consumers however rarely file complaints in the more formal legal sense, which consists of a formal legal process (see the article on complaint).   To learn more, click  here. 

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Business Studies Lesson Note for JSS3 (Third Term) 2024

Business Studies lesson note for JSS3 Third Term is now available for free. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all secondary schools in Nigeria, in other words, all private secondary schools in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for Business Studies.

Business Studies lesson note for JSS3  Third Term has been provided in detail here on schoolings.org

For prospective school owners, teachers, and assistant teachers, Business Studies lesson note is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of Business Studies as a subject offered at SS level. The lesson note for Business Studies for SS stage maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practical, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, and homework ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.

To further emphasize the importance of this document, the curriculum for Business Studies spells out the complete guide on all academic subjects in theory and practical. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims, and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.

Business Studies Lesson note for JSS3 carries the same aims and objectives but might be portrayed differently based on how it is written or based on how you structure your lesson note. Check how to write lesson notes as this would help make yours unique.

The JSS3 Business Studies lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject.

The sudden increase in the search for JSS3 Business Studies lesson note for Third Term is expected because every term, tutors are in need of a robust lesson note that carries all topics in the curriculum as this would go a long way in preparing students for the West African Secondary Examination.

This post is quite a lengthy one as it provides in full detail, the Business Studies-approved lesson note for all topics and sub-topics in Business Studies as a subject offered in JSS3.

Please note that Business Studies lesson note for JSS3 provided here for Third Term is approved by the Ministry of Education based on the scheme of work.

I made it free for tutors, parents, guardians, and students who want to read ahead of what is being taught in class.

JSS3   Business Studies  Lesson Note ( Third Term ) 2024



  • Rubber Eraser
  • Mechanical Eraser

iii. Double typing

i.Half Space Correcting

  • Manuscripts
  • Printers Correction Sign

iii. Longhand Abbreviation

  • Types of Display Headings
  • Meaning of business letters
  • Different between simple memos and personal letters


Erase implies a scraping or rubbing out of something written or drawn, or figuratively, the removal of an impression.

Mistakes happen all the time. And that’s OK. Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and erase them as soon as possible once you spot them


Before rubber erasers, tablets of wax were used to erase lead or charcoal marks from paper. Bits of rough stone such as sandstone or pumice were used to remove small errors from parchment or papyrus documents written in ink.


A correction fluid or white-out is an opaque, usually white fluid applied to paper to mask errors in text. Once dried, it can be written over. It is typically packaged in small bottles, and the lid has an attached brush (or a triangular piece of foam) which dips into the bottle.


Write short note on the following (a) erasing using correction fluid

(b) erasing using rubber

  • What is manuscript?
  • State ten abbreviations and their meaning.3. Identify seven printer’s correction signs and their meaning.

Topic: Manuscript


Standard printer’s correction signs

Manuscripts are usually hand written letters/documents. To understand and read a manuscript, certain signs and abbreviations must be learnt by the person that will type it.

If you write something down in longhand, you write it by hand using complete words and normal letters rather than typing it or using shortened forms or special symbols.

Abbreviations are short forms of lengthy expressions. Abbreviations are in use in almost every discipline and area of life from commonly used abbreviations like names, for instance Mr. for Mister or Sgt. for Sergeant, to less commonly used abbreviations, such as the shortened version of abbreviation itself, which is abbr. The U.S. is itself a well-established abbreviation. Abbreviations exist in all areas of life from medicine to military and international relations to religion.

Written and verbal communication often includes these abbreviations:

R.S.V.P. – This acronym means “Répondez s’il vous plait,” French for “respond, if you please.” It is often used on invitations to parties and special events, and is intended (as it says) to be responded to with a “yes, we will attend,” or “no, we will not.”

P.S. – Means “post script.” At the end of a letter, people will often include a P.S. to include an extra thought that was intended to be included in the letter, but forgotten. Using a P.S. was more common in typewritten letters, when you couldn’t go back and add a sentence in the body of a letter.

A.S.A.P. – “As soon as possible,” used when encouraging someone to respond to a request without delay.

E.T.A. – This acronym means “estimated time of arrival,” and is used as a guess for when one expects to arrive while traveling.

B.Y.O.B. – “Bring your own bottle” is used for parties where guests are expected to bring their own beverages.

D.I.Y. – This acronym stands for “do it yourself,” which means creating something on your own.  It is often used for crafts and home repairs.

Give the full meaning of the following; R.S.V.P, P.S, A.S.A.P, D.I.Y and E.T.A

  • Methods of Display

When displaying work on a typewriter, it should be done in such a way that the end result will be good and pleasing to the eye.


Horizontal Centering

When the centering any line, set the carriage at the centre and then backspace once for each two letters and spaces that the typed line will occupy. The odd letter is ignored. Begin typing at the point to which you have back spaced. Fro example, to Centre Account as a heading, AC = 1 space, CO = 2 spaces, UN = 3 spaces.Ignore T which is an odd letter. Try saying the letter and counting at the same time as you backspace. You must note that if the edge of the paper is at 0, the scale point at which the ridge appears, half of that number will be the centre.

Vertical Centering

To centre vertically, count the number of lines (including blank ones) that the work will occupy, and substract the figure you get from the number of line spaces on your paper. After subtracting, divide the remainder by 32 and ignore fractions if there are any. For example, to centre 8lines of double spaced copy on A5 paper (148 x 210 mm) paper, you will need 15 lines, which is 8 typed and 7 blank, that is 50 – 15 = 35 lines,  which are left over and 35 will then be divided by 2 = 17. You should ignore 1/2. Start to type the work on the next line, that is, line 18.

Headings are words or short phrases that introduce the topic encompassed in a section of text. Headings are used to block off long chunks of text and help readers quickly navigate a document. There are two types of headings in technical writing: first level headings and second level headings.

Main Heading

The main heading is that part of the subject heading string which represents the main concept without subdivision. Main headings may be categorized according to their functions: topical headings, form headings, and different kinds of proper name headings. They vary in syntax as well as in type.

Sub heading

Heading or caption subordinate to a main headline, heading, or title especially when inserted as a divider between sections.

Shoulder Heading

This is a heading that occupies a position at the left hand end of the first line of the paragraph to which is is the heading. For example a paragraph in a book.

Side Heading

Side headings (sidehead) are headings placed left (or right) to the regular text with the next paragraph on the same line. Side headings differ from run-in headings in their vertical alignment.

Explain the methods of display


MEANING: A business letter is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter depends on the relationship between the parties concerned.


A business letter includes:

contact information,

a salutation,

the body of the letter,

a complimentary close, and

a signature.

1.Define business letter

2.Write a complaint letter to the manufacturer of the faulty refrigerator you bought on the 24th of March, 2018.



Apology Letters

When and how to apologize at work, plus examples of apology letters for employers and co-workers. Use these letters when you have made a mistake, behaved poorly, missed an interview, or in other circumstances where you’ve messed up and need to apologize.

Appreciation Letters

Very often, feedback at work is dominated by the negative. If someone you work with closely does a great job, don’t miss the opportunity to give praise and positive feedback. Sending a letter is a nice way to let employees, co-workers, colleagues, clients, and others know how much you appreciate them.

Business Thank You Letters

If someone does you a favor or helps you out in any way, always remember to send a thank you note. Browse this link for business thank you letter samples for a variety of business- and employment-related scenarios.

Candidate Rejection Letter

When you are in charge of hiring, you will need to inform job applicants when they do not receive the position. Here is an example of a candidate rejection letter to send to an individual who was not selected for a job.

Congratulation Letters

Everybody loves to be recognized for their achievements, even if it’s just a quick email message or a handwritten note.

Review sample congratulation letters for new jobs, new businesses, promotions, and other business-related endeavors.

Email Message Examples

While it’s often nice to send a handwritten or printed out note in the mail, it’s more common these days to email. Here you’ll find business- and employment-related email message examples.

Employee Letters

Review sample employee letters and letters for job applicants for employment including employee reference letters, job offer letters, appreciation and congratulation letters, and more letter examples.

Employment Verification Letter

Employment verification letters are often requested by landlords to confirm that a person is employed at a company. See information on what should be included in the letter and a sample employment verification letter.

Farewell Letters

Farewell message examples to let colleagues, clients, and your connections know that you are moving on.

Sending a farewell letter is a good way to update people with new contact information so you can keep in touch in the future.

Inquiry Letters

Use inquiry letters to request meetings and to inquire about job opportunities that haven’t been advertised. These letters are a way to get your foot in the door at a prospective employer who hasn’t publicly listed available jobs.

Job Offer Letters

Examples of job offer letters, a job rejection letter, counter offer letters, and more letters related to offers of employment.

Job Promotion Letter

A job promotion letter gives information on the promotion, including the employee’s new title, salary, and the date the employee is transitioning into the new role.

Networking Letters

Sample job search and career networking letters including referral letters, letters of introduction, and networking outreach letters.

New Employee Letter

Sample welcome letter to send to a new employee, as well as details on the information to include in this type of letter.

Promotion Announcement

Sample email message notifying company employees about a promotion.

Reference Letters

See examples of reference letters, recommendation letters, personal references, professional references, character references, and academic references.

Referral Letters

Referral letter examples including letters and email messages requesting a referral, letters referring employees, a colleague, or an acquaintance for a job, and examples of referral cover letters and thank you letters.

Resignation Letters

If you are planning on quitting a job, review these resignation letter and email examples. They can be used in a variety of situations, including resigning with notice, resigning over email, and resigning effective immediately.

Retirement Letters

See letter examples for retirement announcements when you’re retiring, and congratulation letters and emails for connections who have retired.

Termination Letter

Sample termination letter terminating an employee from an organization.

Welcome Back Letters

Examples of welcome back letters for new employees and employees returning to work after a leave.

Microsoft Word Letter Templates

When you need to write an employment letter, it can be helpful to start from a template. Microsoft Word templates are available for resumes, cover letters, resignation letters, reference letters, and interview letters.

Explain 5 types of business letter

Topic: Personal Letters

Meaning of Personal Letter

Layout of Personal Letter

Personal letters are letters written to friends or relations on a personal note. It is a type of letter (or informal composition) that usually concerns personal matters (rather than professional concerns) and is sent from one individual to another.

Personal letters (alongside diaries and autobiographies) have been popular forms of personal communication since the 18th century. But as mentioned below, various innovations over the past several decades have contributed to a decline in the practice of personal letter-writing.

  • Begin your letter by writing your name and address in the top right-hand corner of the page. It is important to include this information in case your return address (on the back of the envelope) is torn, or the envelope is thrown out. This way the person who receives the letter will always have your address and will be able to reply to you.
  • Next, write the date on which you are writing your letter. This goes on the left-hand side of the letter, just above where you will write your greeting. The date is important so the person who is reading it knows when it was written. It is also helpful for people who like to keep letters they have been sent and look back on them.
  • Under the date write your greeting. It is acceptable in a friendly letter to be informal with your greeting. Depending on how well you know the person you are writing to, you could use “Dear”, “Hi” or “Hello”.
  • Now it is time to start writing the content of your letter. This is where you put everything you want to include in your letter. Remember, if you forget anything you can always put it in the postscript.
  • When you have finished writing your letter, end it by signing off. Depending on how well you know the person, you could use “Your friend”, “See ya” or “From”.
  • Sign or write your name under the sign-off.
  • If you have forgotten to include something in your letter or you want to add an extra message, you can use a postscript (PS). This is written underneath your name at the bottom of the letter.

State the layout of a Personal Letter


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JSS 3 Business Studies

what is simple single business plan jss3


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Effective Office Practice

  • Office Procedure
  • Office Equipment
  • How to Make a Complaints
  • How to Seek Redress

Commerce - The Heart Of Business

  • Advertising
  • Transportation
  • Communication
  • Setting Simple Business Goals
  • Simple Single Business Plan
  • Consumer Protection Agencies
  • How to make complaints
  • How to seek redress

Book-Keeping And Business Success

  • Personal Finance
  • Forms of Trial Balance
  • Trial Balance
  • Trading, Profit and Loss Account
  • Balance Sheet

Keyboarding As A Communication Tool

  • Business Letters
  • Simple Tabulation

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What is a business plan?

Written document that only outlines the business practices of the new business.

Written document that describes the financial aspects of the business.

Written document that only describes the ownership of the business.

Written document that describes all the steps necessary for opening and operating a successful business.

Why do you need a business plan?

To explain your idea

the ability to get financing.

it's a road map that sets objectives and goals for the business.

To help reduce the risk of business failure.

All of the above.

  • 3. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt What is meant by the term production? Changing raw materials into goods and service What happens on a movie set A small shop selling groceries Producing products by recycling

Unlimited liability means?

The owner is personally liable to cover business debts and any costs the business can not cover

The owner(s) do not have to cover all business costs personally in the case of them being sued or going into debt

A corporation is not responsible for taking care of lawsuits

A sole Proprietorship will have enough money and coverage to pay any and all debts

  • 5. Multiple Choice Edit 1 minute 1 pt A person who buys goods and services is called a Consumer Producer Server Student

Messengers riding bicycle or motorcycle to dispatch letter

Errand boys

Bicycle boys


Dispatch riders

Buying on credit means

paying immediately

hire purchase

paying later

paying in advance

The electronic devices that accepts data, processes it and gives out the result is called

photocopying machine

duplicating machine

Which of the following are the main branches of trade?

Home and Domestic

Wholesale and Retail

Hawker and Consumer

Home and Foreign

A place where goods are kept until they are needed is called ……….

What is the name of the book of correspondence used for recording the particulars of mails coming into an organisation?

Incoming and outgoing mails of an organization are called


One of the Nigeria international seaports is at ………….

The movement of people and goods from one place to another is called ………


Which of the following is the easiest means of transporting liquid?

Which of the following books cannot be found in the mail room?

mail inward

A good clerical staff should not be

The fastest means of transporting passengers and goods is by

The process by which messages are sent and received is called ………..



One of the reasons for filing letters in the office is to …………

Decorate the office.

Make future reference.

Read the letters received.

Reply to the letters received.

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Scheme of work business studies jss3 3rd term.




Office Equipment: Meaning, Identification, Types of office equipment, Important of office equipment.


Uses of office equipment

Care of office equipment.


Store Records


Simple single business plan

Procedure for drawing up simple single business plan.


Setting simple business goals

 Meaning, strength, weakness and opportunities threats.


How to make complaints, meaning of compliant, justified compliant, unjustified compliant, steps in lodging a compliant, writing a compliant letter, Reasons for banning chemicals.


Mid Term Test and Break


How to make Compliant










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Lesson Note on BUSINESS STUDIES for JSS3

Are you interested in getting Lesson Note on BUSINESS STUDIES for JSS3 FIRST TERM? Here is the most concise compilation available online.

The Lesson note covers all the topics in 1st term and it is based on the latest NERDC / UBE Curriculum and applies to all Nigerian schools.


WEEK 1                      TOPIC: ADVERTISING

WEEK 2                      TOPIC: TRANSPORT


WEEK 4                       TOPIC: COMMUNICATION




WEEK 9                        HOW TO MAKE COMPLAINTS

WEEK 10                     TOPIC: HOW TO MAKE COMPLAINTS (CONTD.)

WEEK 11                      TOPIC: LIVING A MODEST LIFE

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I love it….. lesson notes with meaningful downloadable resources

Michael Arinze (verified owner) – October 19, 2022

Highly recommended for newly interested teachers.

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I really advice this book if you are a new teacher like me.Thank to the authors

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  1. Drawing A Simple Single Business Plan

    A good business plan must be clear in its objectives to be achieved. A good business plan must be reasonable and achievable. It must be measurable and easy to determine if the business is growing or not. It must be time-bound and state how long the objective will be achieved. It must be in written form so that it will be easy to refer to.

  2. Simple Single Business Goals

    The objective of a business that is to be achieved at a specific period is called__ (a) business strategy (b) business purpose (c) business document (d) business map. Before establishing a business venture, it is necessary to identify the goals of such a business. (a) Sometimes true (b) False (c) Always true (d) One cannot be sure.

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    Drawing A Simple Single Business Plan-Meaning of Simple Business Plan, Procedure for Drawing up a Simple Single Business Plan ... WABP Business Studies JSS3 by EgbeEhiametalor et al, pages 71 to 77. GENERAL EVALUATION. State the means of making payment. What is a margin? Give ten types of office equipment. State the function of each of the ...

  4. Simple Single Business Plan

    The notes and questions for Simple Single Business Plan - Business Studies for JSS 3 - JSS 3 - Notes, Videos & Tests have been prepared according to the JSS 3 exam syllabus. Information about Simple Single Business Plan - Business Studies for JSS 3 - JSS 3 - Notes, Videos & Tests covers all important topics for JSS 3 2024 Exam.

  5. Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term

    SUBJECT: BUSINESS STUDIES. CLASS: JSS 3 WEEK SEVEN. TOPIC: DRAWING A SIMPLE SINGLE BUSINESS PLAN. BUSINESS PLAN. A business plan is a written document which describes the objectives of a business and the strategies of achieving the objectives. A business plan is like a road map giving the direction of a business.

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    JSS 3 Business Studies. 26 May 2020. allsaintssecschool Blog. SUBJECT: BUSINESS STUDIES. CLASS: JSS3. Topic: SIMPLE SINGLE BUSINESS PLAN. Copy this note in your notebook. Meaning: Business Plan is a document that shows in detail how an entrepreneur should set up his business. It is like a road map which directs the entrepreneur on which road to ...

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    Lesson note on business studies for JSS3. Below are the 2022 business studies lesson notes for JSS3 First term . Week 1. ... There is by no means an exhaustive list to get the best tuning results for drawing a simple single business plan, but we can draw immense insights that can serve as a ready reference to avoid common pitfalls. ...


    On this page, get all Business Studies JSS3 topics from First Term to Third Term. Find them below, study them and excel in your examinations. ... Simple Single Business Goals. 7 of 10 FREE. Drawing A Simple Single Business Plan. 8 of 10 FREE. Consumer Protection Agencies. 9 of 10 FREE. How To Make Complaints. 10 of 10 FREE.

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    Junior Secondary School Scheme of work for Business Studies Jss3 First Term. Lagos State Scheme of Work for Business Studies Jss3 First Term. Double entry (Ledger A/c) principle. Trial balance. Final accounts Meaning, Terms used in final accounts Trading account Profit and loss account. THE BALANCE SHEET Meaning.

  13. Business Studies Lesson Note For JSS3 (First Term) 2024

    The JSS3 Business Studies lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject. The sudden increase in the search for ...

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  15. Business Studies Lesson Note For JSS3 (Third Term) 2024

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  17. JSS 3 Business Studies

    This online lesson is very valuable, concise and easy to understand - designed to help students study easily and pass excellently. It aligns well with the National Education Research and Development Council (NERDC) approved Curriculum. It contains Subject notes (eTextbooks), weekly schemes of work, assignments, revision notes, mock tests ...

  18. 1ST Term .JSS3 Business Studies

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    Analysis of Business Goals. Simple business plan; Definition; Characteristics of a Business Plan. Procedure for drawing business plan; How to draw a business plan; A business goal is an objective to be achieved generally by a specific date, time or period. Sub topic 1: ANALYSIS OF GOALS: Goals can be analyzed using an acronym called the SWOT ...


    A small shop selling groceries. Producing products by recycling. The owner is personally liable to cover business debts and any costs the business can not cover. The owner (s) do not have to cover all business costs personally in the case of them being sued or going into debt. A corporation is not responsible for taking care of lawsuits.

  21. Business Studies Lesson JSS 3 Second Term

    SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR JSS3. BUSINESS STUDIES. WEEKS: TOPICS: 1: Revision of last term's work: 2 - 3: Personal finance: 4: ... A personal budget is a short term individual financial plan on his/her expenditure within a given period usually a year. It is designed by an individual to monitor and control expenditure so that long term ...

  22. Scheme of Work Business Studies Jss3 3rd Term

    BUSINESS STUDIES. 3RD TERM SCHEME OF WORK JSS 3. 1. Office Equipment: Meaning, Identification, Types of office equipment, Important of office equipment. 2. Care of office equipment. 3. 4. Procedure for drawing up simple single business plan.

  23. Lesson Note on BUSINESS STUDIES for JSS3 FIRST TERM MS ...

    Lesson Note on BUSINESS STUDIES for JSS3 FIRST TERM MS-WORD- PDF Download. Rated 4.40 out of 5 based on 5 customer ratings. This lesson note covers all the topics in JS3 (First Term) and serves as a reference material to help teachers draw out their lesson plan easily, saving you valuable time to focus on the core job of teaching.