Pakistan’s Education System: An Analysis of Education Policies and Drawbacks

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol 2: Issue I, Jan - Mar 2020

10 Pages Posted: 1 Apr 2020

Shamaila Amir

Pakistan Navy Engineering College

Nowshaba Sharf

Hamdard university, rizwan ali khan, karachi university business school.

Date Written: 2020

This paper aimed to look at present education system of Pakistan. There exists an inherent promise and intensive potential in educational policies of Pakistan for revolutionizing socio-economic change in the country through education. Pakistan since its independence in 1947 has faced the insufficient educational institutions and lack of qualified teachers which resulted in challenges of access and quality. To deal with educational problems, a number of educational policies were released. The policies came at different times, during different regimes, in with diverse policy document. They varied in their size, intention and seriousness. The existing education system in Pakistan is considered not being adequately responsive to the demand of quality education. There is a wide range of issues and concerns related to the teaching and learning setup. To improve the existing education system of Pakistan development of any strategy should give due consideration to these issues and concerns.

Keywords: Education, Literacy, Policy, Constitution, Ministry, Curriculum

JEL Classification: 100

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School Education System in Pakistan

Expansion, Access, and Equity

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  • First Online: 31 July 2020
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analysis of education system in pakistan

  • Anjum Halai 3 &
  • Naureen Durrani 4  

Part of the book series: Global Education Systems ((GES))

698 Accesses

3 Citations

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In Pakistan, all children between 5 and 16 years of age have the right to 12 years of school education. The public school system is the main provider of schooling. Pakistan takes explicit account of gender in the provision of schooling, especially in public schools at post-primary levels, with girls’ schools with female teachers and boys’ schools with male teachers.

While the policy context has always been supportive of universal school education, there is a significant gap in access, especially for girls at post-primary levels. The private sector has an increasingly large share in education with strong public–private partnership models to enhance access to quality education for the needy. Mostly, the medium of instruction is Urdu in public schools and English in private schools.

This chapter describes the school education system in Pakistan and provides insights into issues of access, expansion, and equity in the specific sociocultural and language context of the country.

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Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Aga Khan University Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan

Anjum Halai

Graduate School of Education, Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Naureen Durrani

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Halai, A., Durrani, N. (2020). School Education System in Pakistan. In: Sarangapani, P., Pappu, R. (eds) Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems. Springer, Singapore.

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Received : 06 May 2020

Accepted : 07 May 2020

Published : 31 July 2020

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

Print ISBN : 978-981-13-3309-5

Online ISBN : 978-981-13-3309-5

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Education System of Pakistan: Issues, Problems and Solutions


It is mandated in the Constitution of Pakistan to provide free and compulsory education to all children between the ages of 5-16 years and enhance adult literacy. With the 18th constitutional amendment the concurrent list which comprised of 47 subjects was abolished and these subjects, including education, were transferred to federating units as a move towards provincial autonomy.

The year 2015 is important in the context that it marks the deadline for the participants of Dakar declaration (Education For All [EFA] commitment) including Pakistan. Education related statistics coupled with Pakistan’s progress regarding education targets set in Vision 2030 and Pakistan’s lagging behind in achieving EFA targets and its Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) for education call for an analysis of the education system of Pakistan and to look into the issues and problems it is facing so that workable solutions could be recommended.

What is Education System?

The system of education includes all institutions that are involved in delivering formal education (public and private, for-profit and nonprofit, onsite or virtual instruction) and their faculties, students, physical infrastructure, resources and rules. In a broader definition the system also includes the institutions that are directly involved in financing, managing, operating or regulating such institutions (like government ministries and regulatory bodies, central testing organizations, textbook boards and accreditation boards). The rules and regulations that guide the individual and institutional interactions within the set up are also part of the education system.

Education system of Pakistan:

The education system of Pakistan is comprised of 260,903 institutions and is facilitating 41,018,384 students with the help of 1,535,461 teachers. The system includes 180,846 public institutions and 80,057 private institutions. Hence 31% educational institutes are run by private sector while 69% are public institutes.

Analysis of education system in Pakistan

Pakistan has expressed its commitment to promote education and literacy in the country by education policies at domestic level and getting involved into international commitments on education. In this regard national education policies are the visions which suggest strategies to increase literacy rate, capacity building, and enhance facilities in the schools and educational institutes. MDGs and EFA programmes are global commitments of Pakistan for the promotion of literacy.

A review of the education system of Pakistan suggests that there has been little change in Pakistan’s schools since 2010, when the 18th Amendment enshrined education as a fundamental human right in the constitution. Problems of access, quality, infrastructure and inequality of opportunity, remain endemic.

A)    MDGs and Pakistan

Due to the problems in education system of Pakistan, the country is lagging behind in achieving its MDGs of education. The MDGs have laid down two goals for education sector:

Goal 2 : The goal 2 of MDGs is to achieve Universal Primary Education (UPE) and by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. By the year 2014 the enrolment statistics show an increase in the enrolment of students of the age of 3-16 year while dropout rate decreased. But the need for increasing enrolment of students remains high to achieve MDGs target. Punjab is leading province wise in net primary enrolment rate with 62% enrolment. The enrolment rate in Sindh province is 52%, in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KPK) 54% and primary enrolment rate in Balochistan is 45%.

Goal 3: The goal 3 of MDGs is Promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. It is aimed at eliminating gender disparity in primary and secondary education by 2005 and in all levels of education not later than 2015. There is a stark disparity between male and female literacy rates. The national literacy rate of male was 71% while that of female was 48% in 2012-13. Provinces reported the same gender disparity. Punjab literacy rate in male was 71% and for females it was 54%. In Sindh literacy rate in male was 72% and female 47%, in KPK male 70% and females 35%, while in Balochistan male 62% and female 23%.

B)    Education for All (EFA) Commitment

The EFA goals focus on early childhood care and education including pre-schooling, universal primary education and secondary education to youth, adult literacy with gender parity and quality of education as crosscutting thematic and programme priorities.

EFA Review Report October 2014 outlines that despite repeated policy commitments, primary education in Pakistan is lagging behind in achieving its target of universal primary education. Currently the primary gross enrolment rate stands at 85.9% while Pakistan requires increasing it up to 100% by 2015-16 to fulfil EFA goals.  Of the estimated total primary school going 21.4 million children of ages 5-9 years, 68.5% are enrolled in schools, of which 8.2 million or 56% are boys and 6.5 million or 44% are girls. Economic Survey of Pakistan confirms that during the year 2013-14 literacy remained much higher in urban areas than in rural areas and higher among males.

C)    Vision 2030

Vision 2030 of Planning Commission of Pakistan looks for an academic environment which promotes the thinking mind. The goal under Vision 2030 is one curriculum and one national examination system under state responsibility. The strategies charted out to achieve the goal included:

(i)                  Increasing public expenditure on education and skills generation from 2.7% of GDP to 5% by 2010 and 7% by 2015.

(ii)                Re-introduce the technical and vocational stream in the last two years of secondary schools.

(iii)             Gradually increase vocational and technical education numbers to 25-30% of all secondary enrolment by 2015 and 50 per cent by 2030.

(iv)              Enhance the scale and quality of education in general and the scale and quality of scientific/technical education in Pakistan in particular.

Problems: The issues lead to the comprehension of the problems which are faced in the development of education system and promotion of literacy. The study outlines seven major problems such as:

1)      Lack of Proper Planning: Pakistan is a signatory to MDGs and EFA goals. However it seems that it will not be able to achieve these international commitments because of financial management issues and constraints to achieve the MDGs and EFA goals.

2)      Social constraints: It is important to realize that the problems which hinder the provision of education are not just due to issues of management by government but some of them are deeply rooted in the social and cultural orientation of the people. Overcoming the latter is difficult and would require a change in attitude of the people, until then universal primary education is difficult to achieve.

3)      Gender gap: Major factors that hinder enrolment rates of girls include poverty, cultural constraints, illiteracy of parents and parental concerns about safety and mobility of their daughters. Society’s emphasis on girl’s modesty, protection and early marriages may limit family’s willingness to send them to school. Enrolment of rural girls is 45% lower than that of urban girls; while for boys the difference is 10% only, showing that gender gap is an important factor.

4)      Cost of education: The economic cost is higher in private schools, but these are located in richer settlements only. The paradox is that private schools are better but not everywhere and government schools ensure equitable access but do not provide quality education.

5)      War on Terror: Pakistan’s engagement in war against terrorism also affected the promotion of literacy campaign. The militants targeted schools and students; several educational institutions were blown up, teachers and students were killed in Balochistan, KPK and FATA. This may have to contribute not as much as other factors, but this remains an important factor.

6)      Funds for Education: Pakistan spends 2.4% GDP on education. At national level, 89% education expenditure comprises of current expenses such as teachers’ salaries, while only 11% comprises of development expenditure which is not sufficient to raise quality of education.

7)      Technical Education: Sufficient attention has not been paid to the technical and vocational education in Pakistan. The number of technical and vocational training institutes is not sufficient and many are deprived of infrastructure, teachers and tools for training. The population of a state is one of the main elements of its national power. It can become an asset once it is skilled. Unskilled population means more jobless people in the country, which affects the national development negatively. Therefore, technical education needs priority handling by the government.

Poverty, law and order situation, natural disasters, budgetary constraints, lack of access, poor quality, equity, and governance have also contributed in less enrolments.

An analysis of the issues and problems suggest that:

The official data shows the allocation of funds for educational projects but there is no mechanism which ensures the proper expenditure of those funds on education.

  • The existing infrastructure is not being properly utilized in several parts of the country.
  • There are various challenges that include expertise, institutional and capacity issues, forging national cohesion, uniform standards for textbook development, and quality assurance.
  • The faculty hiring process is historically known to be politicized. It is because of this that the quality of teaching suffers and even more so when low investments are made in teachers’ training. As a result teachers are not regular and their time at school is not as productive as it would be with a well-trained teacher.
  • Inside schools there are challenges which include shortage of teachers, teacher absenteeism, missing basic facilities and lack of friendly environment.
  • Out of school challenges include shortage of schools, distance – especially for females, insecurity, poverty, cultural norms, parents are reluctant or parents lack awareness.

There is a need for implementation of national education policy and vision 2030 education goals. An analysis of education policy suggests that at the policy level there are several admirable ideas, but practically there are some shortcomings also.

It may not be possible for the government at the moment to implement uniform education system in the country, but a uniform curriculum can be introduced in educational institutes of the country. This will provide equal opportunity to the students of rural areas to compete with students of urban areas in the job market.

Since majority of Pakistani population resides in rural areas and the access to education is a major problem for them, it seems feasible that a balanced approach for formal and informal education be adopted. Government as well as non-government sector should work together to promote education in rural areas.

The government should take measures to get school buildings vacated which are occupied by feudal lords of Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab. Efforts should be made to ensure that proper education is provided in those schools.

The federal government is paying attention to the vocational and technical training, but it is important to make the already existing vocational and technical training centres more efficient so that skilled youth could be produced.

Since education is a provincial subject, the provincial education secretariats need to be strengthened. Special policy planning units should be established in provinces’ education departments for implementation of educational policies and formulation of new policies whenever needed. The provincial education departments need to work out financial resources required for realising the compliance of Article 25-A.

Federal Government should play a supportive role vis-à-vis the provinces for the early compliance of the constitutional obligation laid down in Article 25-A. Special grants can be provided to the provinces where the literacy rate is low.

Pakistan is not the only country which is facing challenges regarding promotion of literacy and meeting EFA and MDGs commitments. Education remains a subject which is paid least attention in the whole South Asian region. UNDP report 2014 suggests that there has been an improvement in other elements of human development such as life expectancy, per capita income and human development index value (in past 3 years); but there has been no progress in the number of schooling years. The expected average for years of schooling in 2010 was 10.6 years but the actual average of schooling remained 4.7 for all South Asian countries. In the year 2013 the expected average of number of years increased to 11.2 but the actual average of years of schooling of South Asian countries remained 4.7.  Regional cooperation mechanism can also be developed to promote literacy in South Asian region. Sharing success stories, making country-specific modifications and their implementation can generate positive results.


  • Technical education should be made a part of secondary education. Classes for carpentry, electrical, and other technical education must be included in the curriculum.
  • Providing economic incentives to the students may encourage the parents to send their children to school and may help in reducing the dropout ratio.
  • Local government system is helpful in promoting education and literacy in the country. In local government system the funds for education would be spent on a need basis by the locality.
  • Corruption in education departments is one of the factors for the poor literacy in the country. An effective monitoring system is needed in education departments.
  • For any system to work it is imperative that relevant structures are developed. Legislation and structure should be framed to plan for the promotion of education in the country. After the 18 th amendment the education has become a provincial subject, therefore, the provinces should form legislations and design educational policies which ensure quality education.
  • Unemployment of educated men and women is a major concern for Pakistan. There should be career counselling of the pupils in schools so that they have an understanding of job market and they can develop their skills accordingly.
  • Counselling of parents is required, so that they can choose a career for their child which is market friendly.
  • There are two approaches to acquiring education: First, which is being followed by many in Pakistan is to get education to earn bread and butter. The second approach is to get education for the sake of personal development and learning. This approach is followed by affluent and economically stable people who send their children to private schools and abroad for education. The problem arises when non-affluent families send their children to private schools, and universities. This aspiration for sending children for higher education is wrong, because the country does not need managers and officers only. There are several other jobs where people are needed. Hence the mind-set of sending one’s children to university only for becoming officers and managers needs to be changed.


The reforms required in the education system of Pakistan cannot be done by the government alone, public-private participation and a mix of formal as well as non-formal education can pull out majority of country’s population from illiteracy. Similarly, to make the youth of the country an asset, attention should also be paid to vocational and technical training.


Human Development Report 2014 “Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience,” United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (New York: UNDP, 2014).

Mehnaz Aziz et al, “Education System Reform in Pakistan: Why, When, and How?” IZA Policy Paper No. 76, January 2014 (Institute for the Study of Labor, 2014), P 4.

Annual Report: Pakistan Education Statistics 2011-12, National Education Management Information System Academy of Educational Planning and Management, Ministry of Education, Trainings & Standards in Higher Education, Government of Pakistan, (Islamabad, AEPAM, 2013).

Economic Survey of Pakistan 2014, Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan.

Pakistan: Education for All 2015 National Review , Ministry of Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education Academy of Educational Planning and Management Islamabad, Pakistan June, 2014 (available at :

Maliha Naveed, Reasons of Low Levels of Education in Pakistan, Pakistan Herald, January 03, 2013 (available at: ).

“Pakistan may miss EFA goals by 2015-16: Report,” Daily Nation , October, 3, 2014.

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When the seedlings appear, thin to the strongest plant; seedlings usually do not survive transplanting, since they resent any disturbance of their roots. While the young marijuana seedlings should mostly be left alone at this stage, it is necessary to check on them occasionally. When To Harvest Dill For Pickling Garden Tips 2023 When To Plant Dill Planting Guide 2023 When To Harvest Dill Gardening Tips 2023. Source:

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This is the time when your plant will stop putting as much energy into leaf growth and will instead focus that energy on creating the flowers buds , which are used for medicinal and recreational purposes. If practical, cover newly seeded rows with loose soil to reduce within-row weed emergence. Blackberry Moonrocks feminized seeds. Source:

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However, be sure not to pack the soil down too tightly; it ll need to be loose enough to allow the seeds roots and stems to expand. A model of the effects of cultivations on the vertical distribution of weed seeds within the soil. A well-known seed bank with hundreds of traditional landraces , Kush strains, and hybrids to pick from, SeedSupreme collaborates with top-tier producers from Colorado, the Netherlands, and Spain. Source:

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Cannabis seeds germinate in 3 to 7 days, though some varieties may take 10 to 15 days. , 2009 and was reported to increase male sex expression in marijuana, cucumber and gourd plants Atsmon and Tabbak, 1979; Ram and Sett, 1982; Stankovic and Prodanovic, 2002. Hedge Parsley leaves and stems are also covered with tiny white hairs. Source:

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They provide truthful information about each seed they sell, as well as genuine reviews. How does 30 years of experience in selling cannabis seeds sound. White powdery mildew. Source:

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At RQS, we have several tools to make your browsing experience as easy as possible. We are CA s premier cannabis seed company and we have a wide selection of THC and CBD seeds for you to choose from. In many countries, the laws for possession use of cannabis have become gradually less oppressive over the years. Source:

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Then take the second plate and put it upside down on the bottom one, forming a dark cavern between the two plates for the seed to germinate. The excess amount can rot the newly emerged root. About This Article. Source:

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The first cannabis plant stages take place after the seed has germinated. How high or stoned do you intend to get. Preventing Hairy Bittercress in the Garden. Source:

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Dill weed offers a more delicate flavor and works well in sauces, seafood, and other lightweight dishes. Black Tuna Zinfandel Feminised Cannabis Seeds. Dill weed and fresh dill heads can apparently be substituted for each other. Source:

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Leaves aspirate atmospheric moisture as part of their day to day functions. It is difficult to achieve good results with a cannabis strain such as Silver Haze in a cold climate with few hours of sunlight. Small adjustments made at the seedling stage can have a big impact on your plants structure and yield. Source:

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Although seed longevity of agricultural weeds is a cause for notoriety, and a proportion of the population may remain viable for several years or decades, most of the seeds of many weed species will either germinate or die shortly after being dispersed from the parent plant. Type the word Seed in that window and it will reveal how many times that word appears in the label PDF. Rake-type kneeling tools have thin prongs to scrape surface weeds with weaker root systems. Source:

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29,000 positive reviews Beginner and veteran strains Buy 10 Get 10 deals 100 germination guarantee Free shipping in the US. Male Inflorescence Development. Though butterfly weed does not need much pruning throughout the year, it can be cut back to the ground ahead of the winter season. Source:

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Try them today and experience the difference that premium-quality seeds can make. Though the company doesn t offer an explicit germination guarantee, customers report a high germination rate. Feminized Autoflower Medical Indoor Outdoor Beginner. Source:

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In genetically male plants, anthers were produced within clusters of staminate flowers that developed at leaf axils Figures 6A C at around 4 weeks of age. as compared to oxygen concentrations of 5, 10, and 2. They re also known for offering 30-50 discounts on hundreds of strains that vary often. Source:

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There is more than one way to germinate seeds. Malana regular seeds. Seeds in the bank can remain viable for quite a long time and sprout when conditions are right. Source:В§-201-sixteen-noxious-weed-seeds-electronic-code-of-federal-rules-e-cfr-lii-legal-information-institute/

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LEMON HAZE AUTO. The plant should have a root length of 1. Plus, it s a host plant for everyone s favorite monarch butterfly. Source:

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Is that the same as the flower. RAISE ME UP Seeds Calendula Mix Pot Marigolds Annual Flowers. Topping is the removal of the plant s growth tip. Source:

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Quackgrass Elymus repens. Analytical cookies give us insights into website traffic and customer behaviour, including how many people visit our site, how long they browse for, and which parts of our site they visit. Weed and feed is all-in-one; it will save you time by not having to remember what goes where and when. Source:

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Feminized seed have been bred to produce only female plants, where regular seeds usually produce about 50 male and 50 female plants. Are marijuana seeds legal in spain. Shipping is a huge factor when you buy cannabis seeds online. Source:

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Light Requirements For the next few weeks, make sure the Milkweed is either in a sunny window, in a green house or under a grow light. As part of the upcoming fiscal year budget, the Weed Seed program had ended. Forest Service. Source:

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Good afternoon Ken, I hope you re having a great day. Smell Taste Herbal with hints of chocolate. Autoflowers are easy to grow outdoors during almost any time of the year. Source:

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Herbies Seeds is one of the cheapest brands out there. Only those seeds that meet the required standards in terms of cleanliness, size, and preservation are selected for future use. Nei s index of gene diversity and Shannon s Information index were not statistically different for both populations. Source:

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s regular promotions mean there s always something on sale from their vast catalog. Crop King Seeds – Best Seed Bank in the USA for Newbie Growers. Special Features. Source:

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It s mainly a problem in the agricultural Midwest United States. 8 was found to retrotransposon-like elements in plants but not to MADC1. Weed seeds for sale all you need to know. Source:

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Yield 450 – 500 gr m2. Video 2 is me actually sowing seeds with my Go Pro on. Remembering that the psychotropic compounds drop a water molecule when properly cured and become more psychoactive. Source:

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However, female marijuana plants will eventually have stigma shapes that help to catch the pollen that the males create. We have already received the main news for this new year, and that s why from Natural Experience marijuana seeds we want to offer you the ranking of the most powerful marijuana of 2023. Cannabis , weed, marijuana, kush, ganja whatever you want to call it, it s now legal to own and grow in the state of Virginia. Source:

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Consistent quality With feminized seeds, growers can expect a consistent quality of buds from each plant, which can lead to a more consistent overall yield. Difference between dill seeds and dill weed Dill seed vs Dill weed comparison Comparison table Can you use dill seed instead of dill weed. Consider your level of weed-growing experience. Source:

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This is why, for breeders, strong fathers are as sought after as strong mothers. Use caution when applying pre-emergent herbicides to newly-seeded lawns or to areas you plan to seed. Small Grow Tent. Source:

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In order to create seeds, the male plant must fertilize the female plant. It is undoubtedly among the most prominent strains of this seed bank. Best reserver to seasoned growers, this Indica-dominant strain has a 33 THC content. Source:

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What s more, some have speculated that male seeds are heavier, ragged or protruded, meaning that if you roll them on a table, they thump like a flat tire. Planting In Spring Once the 30 days are complete, it s time to plant the cold stratified Milkweed asclepias seeds. Even tough they require a cold stratification period, I did an experiment to see if they would germinate without it. Source:

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In addition, dense weed stands for example, a sod of smooth crabgrass or other grass weed seedlings can interfere with the efficacy of cultivation implements in severing or uprooting weeds Mohler, 2001b. On the other hand, weed and feed is applied all over the lawn, even in healthy areas where no weeds exist. Organic growers will use some kinds of soil every time inside or out. Source:

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, Sixth Floor Washington, DC 20531 202 616 1152. It can take around 2-10 days for seed germination to occur. Half-fill a glass or bowl with water that is approximately 22 C 71 F. Source:

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A late flowering plant will generally have enjoyed more time for veg growth, so you may be able to look forward to a heavier harvest. Green Crack Punch Fast, Beginner-friendly Sativa. The Spruce Marty Baldwin Lambsquarters is a fast-growing broadleaf annual plant with seeds that are small and light enough to be blown by the wind over short distances. Source:

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Growing a marijuana plant is a patient but rewarding process, so it is best to ensure you get the best yield by identifying and removing male plants from your crops and taking care of your female plants to ensure nice healthy plants with juicy nugs. Results The emergence patterns of the four species were described in an earlier article see emergence patterns. Cannabis seedling stage 2-3 weeks. Source:

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Auto-flowering seeds are even more beneficial when growing indoors. Uniquely, hermaphroditic inflorescences produced seeds which gave rise only to genetically female plants. The flavor of dill leaves is similar to that of parsley and anise with notes of lemon. Source:

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While both types of seeds offer their own unique benefits, there are some critical differences between them that you should be aware of. The embryonic seed has contains all the nutrition and energy it needs for the first 2-3 days of growth think bean sprouts. Whether you plan on growing indoors or outdoors, from seeds or from clones, there s a lot to consider. Source:

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Moreover, it s important to lollipop the plant once a week before the buds have formed usually before week 4 of the flowering stage to redirect the plant s energy towards the upper canopy where the buds are developing. Don t get us wrong, Biscotti might not be the hardest to cultivate, but a beginner might just be a little overwhelmed. As long as the roots haven t begun to engulf the bottom half of the wool block, they will seek out water and nutrients in their new surroundings and continue to grow downwards. Source:

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The Perfect Humidity and Temperature for Your Autos. Each one already has a hole made for a single seed. S Garden of Green Geist Grow Genetics Genehtik Seeds GG Genetics Gooeybreeder Seeds GrandDaddy Purple Seeds Grass O Matic Seeds Grateful Seeds. Source:

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LST is also beneficial in spreading out the branches, allowing for more light exposure and an even canopy. These seeds come from large-scale industrial cannabis farms, where they are carefully bred and harvested to provide maximum yields of cannabis. A The award here goes to the seed banks that have built a great reputation for delivering high-quality seeds Seedsman, Crop King Seeds, and Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds. Source:

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Problems of Education System in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis and Solution

  • Dr. Misbah Akhtar Assistant Professor, Department of Education .The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar Campus, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Zahida Andleeb Lecturer, Department of Education. University of Education. Faisalabad Campus, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Samina Akhtar Assistant Professor, Department of Education, The Women University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan

Education system has importance in the development of any country. Without better education no country can make progress. The main objective of the study is to review the problems of education system in Pakistan. For this paper literature regarding problems of education system in Pakistan was critically analyzed. It was find out that major issues faced by our educational system were gender inequality, insufficient educational budget, outdated curriculum, poor examination system, Internal and external influence on education system, lack of quality teachers, political interference, The lack of faculty training and development, dropout ratio, lack of uniformity in education system, Education without Direction and failure to achieve millennium developmental goals. It was recommended that should take steps to decrease gender inequality. Sufficient budget should be allocated for educational purpose. Steps should be taken to minimize drop out. Internal and external interferences should be avoided to improve quality of education. Curriculum should be updated according to needs of people.

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): April to June

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Pakistan's Education System: An Analysis of Education Policies and Drawbacks

Profile image of Shamaila Hasan

This paper aimed to look at present education system of Pakistan. There exists an inherent promise and intensive potential in educational policies of Pakistan for revolutionizing socioeconomic change in the country through education. Pakistan since its independence in 1947 has faced the insufficient educational institutions and lack of qualified teachers which resulted in challenges of access and quality. To deal with educational problems, a number of educational policies were released. The policies came at different times, during different regimes, in with diverse policy document. They varied in their size, intention and seriousness. The existing education system in Pakistan is considered not being adequately responsive to the demand of quality education. There is a wide range of issues and concerns related to the teaching and learning setup. To improve the existing education system of Pakistan development of any strategy should give due consideration to these issues and concerns. Introduction:

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E-Paper | August 30, 2024

Pakistan’s education system in ‘low’ performance category: report.

analysis of education system in pakistan

ISLAMABAD: An official report released on Friday placed the country’s education system in the ‘low’ performance category and highlighted critical areas requiring attention to improve the education outcomes.

The District Education Performance Index (DEPIx) Report 2020-23 released by the Planning Commission stated, “Pakistan’s national average score in the DEPIx is 53.46, placing the country in the “low” performance category.

Among the five domains, infrastructure and access scored the highest at 58.95, indicating some progress in expanding educational opportunities. Inclusion (equity and technology) follows as the second-highest domain.“

It said public financing recorded the lowest score, highlighting the need for increased and better-targeted spending in the education sector. The learning domain also scores poorly, reflecting persistently low learning outcomes among students.

“Governance and management, though slightly better than learning, still falls in the “low” category, mainly due to teacher shortages and high bureaucratic turnover,” it said.

None of 134 districts falls within ‘very high’ performance category, only Islamabad in ‘high’ category

The report said that over the past decades, the country has reached middle-income status and made commendable progress in developing its human capital. However, this progress has been slower than that of other developing countries and regional peers.

The slow pace of human capital development poses challenges not only to realising the potential demographic dividend but also to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and attaining upper-middle-income status by 2047.

The report said among the critical factors in human capital development, providing quality and inclusive education is paramount. In 2010, the parliament devolved policy, administrative and fiscal authority over education to the provinces and enshrined the right to free education as a fundamental right through Article 25-A of the Constitution.

Since then, provincial governments have enacted compulsory education laws, increased budgetary allocations for school education and implemented various governance and data reforms.

Notably, reforms in the education data regime have improved the availability of data on education indicators. Notwithstanding these efforts, the complexity, breadth and fragmentation of education data have often made it challenging for policymakers and stakeholders to use it effectively in decision-making.

To address these issues and support the education emergency declared by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in May, the Planning Commission integrated various school education indicators into composite scorecards.

The DEPIx is structured across five domains: infrastructure and access, learning, inclusion (equity and technology), governance and management and public financing. It covers 134 districts across Pakistan, including Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Punjab, Sindh and the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT).

Besides highlighting the national overview, the report also included the provincial overview. It said Punjab emerged as the top-performing province with a composite score of 61.39 followed by KP with a score of 54.88 while Sindh and Balochistan lagged behind with scores of 51.49 and 45.70, respectively.

Pertaining to the district-level insights, the report said none of the 134 districts fall within the “very high” performance category and only Islamabad falls into the “High” category, making it an outlier as the highest-performing districts.

Alarmingly, the report adds that more than half of Pakistan’s districts (76) fall into the “Low” performance category. These low-performing districts are predominantly in Balochistan and Sindh with 33 districts in Balochistan and 22 in Sindh. Notably, all districts of Balochistan fall in the “Low” education performance category, indicating severe challenges across the province.

Apart from the ICT, the top 10 districts are exclusively from Punjab and KP - seven from Punjab and two from KP. No districts from Sindh or Balochistan are represented among the top 10.

Regarding the intra-provincial disparities, the report said significant variations in education performance exist within provinces. KP exhibits the greatest intra-provincial differences, with districts like Haripur, Chitral and Abbottabad among the top performers while Kolai Palas, Upper Kohistan and Lower Kohistan ranking among the lowest.

There is nearly a 30-point gap between the best and worst-performing districts in KP. Punjab and Balochistan show the least intra-provincial variation, with Punjab’s districts mostly falling into the medium category and all of Balochistan’s districts in the low category. Sindh has moderate variation with most districts in the “low” category except for the urban districts of Karachi and Hyderabad.

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Education in emergencies and child protection joint needs assessment: pakistan 2023.

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Preview of Pakistan joint EiE-CP needs assessment report - 2024-08-29.pdf

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Introduction and Rationale

The floods from June to October 2022 in Pakistan significantly impacted education and child protection needs, whilst exacerbating pre-existing vulnerabilities. According to the Pakistan Floods 2022-Post Disaster Needs Assessment report, and the data collected from the 94 calamity hit districts, the floods have impacted approximately 17,205 public schools (primary to higher secondary), colleges, special education centers/schools/institutions, technical and vocational education and training centers, and universities. At least 6,225 education institutions were assessed as fully damaged and 10,980 as partially damaged.

The deterioration of economic circumstances for households due to the flood, may increase the prevalence of child marriage and child labor while displacement may result in a lack of civil documentation. There may also be a deterioration of mental health and psychosocial support needs and an increase in unaccompanied and separated children.

Following a comprehensive secondary data review (SDR), an assessment was planned in Pakistan between the Education Sector and Child Protection Working Groups. A key aim of the two Working Groups is to improve the availability of data and evidence to support strategic planning and response at the country level. Findings for this assessment will be used to inform the response on both flood specific needs and the wider situation for children in flood affected districts in Pakistan, such as through the identification of the issues that are not yet addressed, and which need immediate support from government and development partners.

The pace of recovery was incredibly slow, despite the Education Sector Working Group's minimum targets for early recovery activities (17,205 schools rehabilitated or rebuilt). As of June 2024, only 387 of the 6225 Transition school structures (TSS) that were planned to be constructed in fully destroyed schools remained completed. Additionally, rehabilitative progress has been also slow; of the 10,980 rehabilitations that the ESWG aims to complete in total, 1596 schools have completed; this is likely to impede the affected children's secure and productive learning activities. In addition to the 1,983 schools being rehabilitated and provided with TSS under floods recovery, development partners have pledged to assist in the early recovery and reconstruction of over 5130 schools. This represents a significant shortfall in early recovery when compared to the total damage inflicted upon over 17,205 schools throughout Pakistan.

During the first phase of support from the Global Education Cluster, 19 Pakistan Education Sector and Child Protection Working Groups members were trained remotely on joint education/CP assessment, from January 30 through February 2, 2023. The second phase consisted of in country support through a needs assessment specialist, to assist with the implementation of a joint assessment. More detailed assessments after the initial rapid inter-sectoral assessments (RNA, MSNA) were carried out to support follow-up planning, addressing gaps, and linking with recovery, and ensure strong linkages and integration of education and child protection.

The joint needs assessment is part of the UNICEF annual workplan with the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (MoFEPT), Pakistan. Formal approval of activities was obtained from provincial education departments. The Global Education Cluster provided technical support through the deployment of a standby partner (SBP), whilst the Education Sector and Child Protection Working Groups provided coordination and leadership support. Partners from both working groups supported the data collection in the field.

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Home → Opinion → Pakistan’s Defense Budget vs Education Budget (2024-25): Myths & Realities 

Education Budget

Written by Shoaib Turk • August 29, 2024 • 8:00 pm • Opinion , Published Content

Pakistan’s Defense Budget vs Education Budget (2024-25): Myths & Realities 

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Shoaib Turk is an educational manager, teacher, and freelance writer with a deep passion for writing. As a cultural critic, his insatiable curiosity drives him to explore diverse topics, blending his love for education with a nuanced understanding of social and cultural issues.


Pakistan’s spending on defense is often criticized, particularly in comparison to the education budget. There’s a general perception that Pakistan allocates too little for education; some even call it a pittance. But are all these well-meaning critics well-informed? Comparing defense and education spending is like stirring a hornet’s nest in our polarized society. One can be accused of having an agenda or even being anti-state, anti-people, and anti-progress. This topic is shrouded in confusion, with discussions often driven by emotions, biases, and insecurities rather than facts and figures. 

We need a clear picture of the real situation to guide public opinion in the right direction and garner public support for the needful policy decisions. There are growing demands for cuts in the defense budget and increased education funding for a better future. Currently, the state of education in Pakistan is far from being promising, with 26.2 million out-of-school children , a looming learning crisis, and a lack of trust in public schooling.

Yes, we need to invest more for these children, as Pakistan spent only 1.77 percent of its GDP on education in 2024, and yes, we need to give it as much importance as defense. However, we must first understand the real picture—how much are we already spending on education and how effective and transparent is this spending? This article aims to clear up confusion and ambiguity surrounding public spending for defense versus education. 

Submissions 2023

Misconceptions Surrounding the Education Budget of Pakistan

Just when the federal budget for fiscal year 2024-25 was announced in June this year, alarm bells rang over how little the federal government spends on education compared to defense. Social media was awash with posts and memes bashing the government for ignoring something as important as education, highlighting the 79 billion rupees allocated to education versus the 2,122 billion rupees for defense , even though it was a significant increase from the previous year.

At first glance, this sounds disturbing and unsettling. But there’s a glaring mistake in this comparison: It ignores the fact that education is a provincial subject. The single biggest reason for this confusion is the comparison of federal spending on education with the defense budget (a federal subject). Education is a provincial subject after the 18th amendment of 2010.

Provinces spend a significant portion of their provincial budgets on education, whereas the federal government is responsible for educational expenditure in Islamabad Capital Territory and Gilgit-Baltistan only. Every province spends more than 12 percent of its budget on education, with KPK leading all the provinces. Here’s a chart showing the latest education spending figures of the center, all provinces, and territories. 

Rs. 18,877 billionRs. 79 billion0.41%
Rs. 5,446 billionRs. 669.7 billion12.3%
Rs. 3,056 billionRs. 454 billion14.85%
Rs. 1,754 billionRs. 362 billion20.67%
Rs 955.6 billionRs. 146.9 billion 15.37 %
Rs. 264 billion  18.38%
Rs. 140 billion 6.51

According to the above table, the total amount allocated for education adds up to a whopping 1,770.2 billion rupees. The defense budget stands at 2,122 billion rupees, significantly surpassing the education budget. Despite this, it’s important to note that the education budget, totaling 351 billion rupees less than defense, is not insignificant. This allocation for education is not insignificant; it’s substantial for a country like Pakistan. As highlighted in the Wilson Centre’s 2016 report titled “Pakistan’s Education Crisis: The Real Story” by Nadia Naviwala, Pakistan needs not only to increase its spending on education but also to ensure more effective allocation and utilization of these funds.

More Spending or Better Spending ?

Now that the numbers have revealed the true picture to us, it is evident that we allocate a substantial sum from the public exchequer for education, 361 billion less than for defense. Therefore, the comparison shouldn’t depict a David versus Goliath scenario. It’s time for us to reflect on why these funds are being spent without achieving significant outcomes for our children in schools—without improving poor learning conditions, enhancing public trust in state education, or innovating to keep pace with the times.

We are justified in demanding more public education funds but must also call for wise spending. The majority of these expenditures go towards operating the system, which employs nearly 9 million teachers from Karachi to Chitral. Besides teacher salaries, there are other ongoing expenses in these schools, leaving little for development and actual learning opportunities for children.

Now the question of whether Pakistan needs more spending or better spending can be succinctly answered with just one word, both! Currently, Pakistan lags in public spending for education in South Asia, ranking at the bottom. We should collectively urge to allocate more resources to improve educational standards rather than solely covering teacher salaries. It’s crucial to have clarity on the allocations for defense and education to fully understand the challenges our education system is facing.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article/paper are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Paradigm Shift .

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