English Compositions

Anchoring Script for Republic Day [With PDF]

In this session, you will learn how you can write an anchoring script for a Republic Day Celebration. 

Table of Contents

How to start, honouring the chief guest, flag hoisting, flag salute.

  • National Anthem 

Speech by the Principal

Speech by students, patriotic song, cultural program, prize distribution.

  • Speech by the Chief Guest 

National Song

End of the event and sweet distribution.

Feature image of Anchoring Script For Republic Day

26th January is celebrated every year as Republic Day in India. It was on 26th January 1950 that the constitution of India came into effect and our country became a Republic. Thus, the day is celebrated with great patriotism. On 26th January, events are held in various schools, colleges and local clubs. These events include flag hoisting, singing the National Anthem and other patriotic songs, speeches and cultural programs. 

If you are going to anchor a Republic day event, this script will definitely help you. An anchor should always start a program with a fitting quote, a poem or some famous saying so that he or she is able to capture the attention of the audience. For Republic day events, patriotic quotes or poems can be a good start. After that, it is important to follow up with a good welcome speech. 

For Example:

“Hello, good morning and very Happy Republic Day to all. Today is India’s 74th Republic Day. It has been 74 years since the constitution of India came into effect and our nation became a Republic. I am [your name], your host for today and on this beautiful day, I warmly welcome you all to [school/college name]’s Republic Day event. We are really honoured to have the Honourable Ramesh Patel, M.L.A., as our chief guest today. Honourable chief guest, respected principal sir/ma’am, dear teachers, guardians and students, I am very glad to have you all with us today and I welcome you with all my heart to witness and enjoy the event. Thank you.”

“I would first like to invite our respected principal, Mr/ Ms [full name] and our honourable guest, Mr Ramesh Patel, to please come up on the stage. Thank you.

Now, I would like to request our Principal sir/ma’am to honour our chief guest with a bouquet and memento. We thank you for gracing us with your presence. Thank you.”

After the ceremony

“Thank you, respected sir/ ma’am. I would now request you to please take your seats and enjoy the event. Thank you. Let’s give them a huge round of applause.”

“A thoughtful mind, when it sees a nation’s flag, sees not the flag, but the nation itself.” – Henry Ward Beecher

“It is now time for the flag hoisting ceremony. I would like to invite our chief guest, Mr Patel, as well as our principal, Mr/Ms [full name] to please come up to the hoisting stage and start the ceremony. Thank you.”

“I would request everyone to please stand at attention and salute our tricolour. Thank you.”

National Anthem

“Now, it is time for us to sing our National Anthem. May I request everyone to stand up straight in attention and sing the anthem as our school/college band plays the tune? Thank you.”

“Our National pledge is our oath of allegiance to our nation, the Republic of India. May I request everyone to stand straight in attention and say the national pledge after me? Thank you. 

India is my country. And All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give my parents, teachers, and all elders; respect and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.

Thank you, everyone. You may now take your seats.”

“I would now request our respected principal sir/ma’am to please come up on the stage and say a few words on this special occasion of our independence day. Thank you.”

After the speech

“Thank you, Sir/ Ma’am. Your words always inspire and encourage us. Indeed, we are the citizens of this great nation and we must never take our freedom and our constitution for granted. We will always remember your words. Thank you. Everyone, please give him/ her a huge round of applause. Thank you.”

“As long as you don’t achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you.” – B. R. Ambedkar

“Our students have prepared speeches today on various topics like social liberty, law and order, freedom, constitution and more. I would now like to invite them on the stage to present their speeches. First, we have Mr/Ms [student’s name] from class [x]. He/she will be expressing her views on the topic of social liberty. I would like to request Mr/Ms [name] to please come up on the stage. Thank you.”

“Thank you, Mr/Ms [student’s name]. That was indeed an amazing speech. You may now take your seat. Next, I would like to invite Mr/Ms [student’s name] on the stage to present his/her speech on the topic of [topic]. Thank you.”

Similarly, you can invite and introduce the rest of the students. 

“Where words fail, music speaks.” – Hans Christian Andersen

“Now our school/college choir will sing a patriotic song. May I request the choir members to take their positions? Thank you so much. To everyone else, I request, please take your seats and maintain silence. Thank you.” 

After the song

“That was beautiful. Everyone, please give them a huge round of applause. Thank you so much.” 

“India is a land of rich beauty and cultural diversity. On this beautiful day, the students of our institution are going to perform a dance that brings together that diversity and creates perfect harmony. This fusion dance takes inspiration from the classical and folk dance forms of all the different regions of India. I would now like to invite the participants to the stage. Thank you.”

After the performance

“What a wonderful performance. Thank you so much. I would like to request everyone to please give them a huge round of applause.

“It is now time for the prize distribution ceremony. We had our annual sports days on the 23rd of January and the winners are going to be awarded today. I would like to request our honourable chief guest and our respected principal sir/ma’am to please come up on the stage so that we can start the ceremony. Thank you.

I will now be calling out the names of the winners one by one… “

Speech by the Chief Guest

“A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history when we step out from the old to the new; when an age ends; and when the soul of a nation long suppressed finds utterance.” – Jawaharlal Nehru

“We are now approaching the end of this event. But we can not conclude it without having our honourable chief guest say a few words. So, I request honourable Mr Patel to please come up on the stage and say a few words. Thank you.”

“Thank you so much, sir. We will always remember your words. Thank you. You may now take your seat.”

“It is time for us to sing our national song, Vande Mataram. I request everyone to please stand straight and follow our choir. Thank you.”

“One of the pioneers of our country Lala Lajpat Rai once said, We must have complete faith in ourselves. We can be successful only if we believe in our efforts. ‘Nations are made by themselves. We can take guidance, cooperation, and advice in certain matters but not patronage and diction in all the matters. We are not children but a mature nation with the wisdom of 6000 years behind us.

“With that, we have now come to the conclusion of the event. Thank you all for attending today’s Republic day event and making it successful. A special thank you to our chief guest, honourable Mr Patel, for taking time out from his extremely busy schedule and attending our event. Thank you so much. Thank you all. 

We have prepared sweets for everyone. Please receive them before leaving. And once again, a very happy Republic day. Have a great day. Take care.”

Note: This is a sample script meant to provide you with a basic idea of how to write an anchoring script for an event on the occasion of republic day. Feel free to use this script and edit it as per your needs. 

Anchoring Script: Republic Day

Republic Day is a significant national event in India, celebrated on January 26th every year to honor the day the Constitution of India came into effect. It is a day of pride, patriotism, and reflection on the nation’s progress. Crafting an engaging anchoring script for Republic Day requires careful planning, a deep understanding of the event’s importance, and the ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write a compelling anchoring script for Republic Day.

Table of Contents

Understand the Event

Structure your script, introduction, welcome address, event segments.

Introduce each segment of the event clearly and concisely. Here are some common segments you might include:


Closing remarks.

Conclude the event on a high note. Thank everyone involved in organizing the celebration, including participants, volunteers, and the audience. Acknowledge any sponsors or supporters and leave the audience with a thoughtful closing statement that reflects the spirit of Republic Day and its importance.

Republic Day Anchoring Script Example #1

On this day, we pay tribute to the leaders who fought for our independence and the makers of our Constitution who envisioned a democratic and just society for all. We also celebrate the diversity of our country and the unity that binds us together.

So, let us come together and celebrate this day with enthusiasm and pride. Let us renew our commitment to our nation, our Constitution, and our fellow citizens.

Republic Day Anchoring Script Example #2

I am [insert name], and I am delighted to be your host for this special occasion. As we all know, Republic Day is a celebration of our nation’s unity, diversity, and democracy. It is a day when we honor our Constitution, our national flag, and all the values that they represent.

Let us also take a moment to appreciate the diversity of our country and the unity that binds us together. Our country is home to people from different religions, cultures, and languages, but we are all united by our love for our country and our commitment to its progress.

Final Thoughts

Writing an anchoring script for Republic Day is an opportunity to contribute to a significant celebration of national pride and democratic values. By following these guidelines, you can create a script that not only informs and entertains but also inspires your audience to reflect on the importance of this day and their role in the ongoing story of India.

About Mr. Greg

Anchoring Script for Republic Day Celebrations in School in English

Anchoring Script for Republic Day Celebrations in School in English

Republic Day Anchoring Script in English: If you are getting ready to celebrate the national festival Republic Day and looking for some Republic Day Anchoring Script in English you need not worry. Deliver the best speech on this Republic Day with the Anchoring Speech Lines provided here. We tried providing easy lines so that your speech stays simple and you can deliver it without any problem.

We know you might be searching for Anchoring Script for Republic Day Celebrations in your school i.e. on 26th Jan 2020 across the web. To reduce your burden we have come up with the Simple Anchoring Script that you can get free and use it to deliver your speech. You can present this script easily in front of your friends, students, and teachers in your school Republic Day Celebrations. Get to know the Anchoring Speeches listed over here as per words.

Republic Day Anchoring Script In English

Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman, I am____________and I would like to welcome you all. How blissful this morning is where we are gathered to celebrate our (insert the number of republic day) republic day.

After uncountable sacrifices our freedom fighters, we go independence on 15th August 1947. And because of it only we can gather and speak freely today. We owe a great thank you to all of them. I salute all those freedom fighters. Happy Republic Day

Ask the audience to stand up for National Anthem

National Anthem is the heart of any Indian so I would like you to stand up and sing the Anthem along with our group.

Thank you so much, you may take your sits now.

In today’s program, we have many heroes too, who wrote our constitution.

One of the biggest constitution in the world. After the amendment of the constitution, we became a “Republic of India”, and the day was 26th January 1950.

Calling the principal for a Speech

Now I request Mr./Ms.______________to be on the stage and honor the sacrifices of the heroes who made this day a special day for all Indians. A big round applause for Sir./Madam/ to be present on the stage.

After the Speech

Thank you, sir. for sharing your precious thoughts to the audience and I am sure that they enjoyed listening to your words.

India is the cradle of the human, race, the birthplace of human, speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great-grandmother of tradition. The most valuable and most artistic materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.

Happy Republic Day.

Calling students for Performance

Our talented students have arranged a beautiful performance. Now it’s time to call them on the stage. Give them a big hand to be present on the stage and show you their talent.

That was indeed a delighted performance by them.

Still sleeping?

The nation needs you!

You need to wake up!

You are part of the world’s biggest democracy…

Today is the day when we got our own constitution…

It’s Indian Republic Day…

Wake up and value the Day… Happy Republic Day.

Ladies and gentlemen, on this day, think of your past and try to build a better future for all of us. It is a duty of all of us!! I am proud to be an Indian.

Presenting Award to the Guests of the Occasion

Thousands laid down their lives so that our country breath this day. We never forget their sacrifices. To honor the great personality Mr._______ I request the principal to come on the stage and present the appreciation award.

An army that has no tradition of courage, fearlessness and invincibility cannot hold its own in a struggle with a powerful enemy. We will never forget your sacrifices.

Ye Nafrat Buri Hai, Na Paalo Isay, Dilo Main Khalish Hai, Nikalo Isay Na Iska, Na Usak, Na Tera, Na Mera, Ye Watan Hai Hum Sabka, Bacha Lo ISE.

Happy Republic Day

On the occasion of 70th Indian Republic Day, let us celebrate the freedom to express and live our lives with pride. Let us salute our mother India. Warm Republic Day wishes to you.

May the Indian Tricolour always fly high! Proud to be an Indian!

Happy Republic Day!

Anchoring Script 2

29 states, 1618 languages, 6400 castes, 6 major religions, 6 ethnic groups, 1 country. This shows that despite having diverse culture, traditions, languages, religions, we stand together as one. This shows are unity in diversity and we are proud that we are Indians.

We these words…………………………………………………………………

A very fine and pleasant morning to Rev. Father Jerald D’Souza , Rev. Father Thaddeus Bara, Sister Lilly, all the teachers and my dear friends. Today we are gathered over here to celebrate are 67 th  republic day. I ………………., I ………… wishes you all a very happy Republic Day.

Twenty Sixth January holds an everlasting place in our national memory because it is the day when modern India was born. Under Mahatma Gandhi’s moral and political leadership, the National Congress passed the Purna Swaraj resolution demanding complete independence from British rule in December 1929. Gandhiji organized nationwide celebrations on 26 January 1930 as Independence Day. From then on, the Nation took a pledge on this day every year to carry on the freedom struggle till we attained it.

Exactly twenty years later, in 1950, we adopted our charter of modernity, the Constitution. Tragically, Gandhiji had been martyred two years before, but the framework of a Constitution that has made India a role model for today’s world was constructed out of his philosophy. Its essence lay in four principles: democracy; freedom of faith; gender equality; and an economic upsurge for those trapped in the curse of dire poverty and these have been made the guiding values of our country.

Being living in a democratic republic, we have freedom in mind, faith in words, pride in our heart and patriotism in our souls.

So let’s salute our nation on its 71 st  Republic Day.

To begin with the republic day function, I would like to call upon our honourable Principal to hoist the national flag, symbol of our national pride and identity.

Get ready for the national anthem…………………………………………………

The tricolour flutters majestically. The three colours on our national flag saffron, white and green symbolises sacrifice of the millions who died fighting for it and peace and prosperity that prevails in our nation. It reminds of our responsibility that we have towards our nation.

Now, it’s time for the march past, which will be carried over by the students of class 9 to 12 headed by the student council.

And the drum beat starts…………………………………

The march past is headed by our Head boy ravi verma and head girl juweria baig holding the majestic anthonian flag and marching forward with full vigour and enthusiasm followed by

Now there comes the troop of boys of st. Anthonys house lead forward by the house captain mohd umar

 With the flag of st francis held high, there comes the another troop of boys headed by the house captain mohd faiz, treading with full strength and zeal.

With the yellow colour flag of the st anthonians waving in the clear sky, the house captain anushka is marching forward with the contigent.

Behind them are the girls of st. Francis house presided over by the house captain……………….

Beyond them are the girls of Patricks house headed by the house captain…………………………………..holding the flag with full dignity and command.

After them the troop which is heading forward in the command of the house captain…………………….is of st. Pauls house girls.

Behind them are the boys squad of st Patricks house presided over by the house captain himanshu

At last is the aggregation of the boys of st pauls house which is headed over by the house captain aditya

Now its time fot the investiture ceremony. The investiture ceremony is one of the first momentous occasions of the school where the newly elected and selected members of the school’s senate are officially vested with their powers and positions.

Students of today are the visionaries and torch bearers of tomorrow, when we develop personality, skill and mind we develop responsible human beings with leadership qualities.

Today, as we celebrate investiture of our new student councilors; we would also like to thank our graduating student leaders in the student council for their contribution to the school.

It is good to remember that leaders grow; they are not made.

So to begin with the investiture ceremony I would like to call upon our director Ma’m and Academic Director Sir along with Principal Sir to confer our students with badges and sashes.

The bugle call has announced the beginning of the investiture ceremony. The day is brought into being by an assurance of a brighter future as the new office bearers get ready to be invested.

I hope that these young leaders will uphold the values of the school and keep ‘Sacred Hearts School’s Flag flying high while discharging their duties honestly and impartially.

I can feel the turbulence around. The atmosphere is electrifying with anticipation.

Well! How different is this day; Dear audience, you will discover as the colors of the todays programme will unfold before you.

It is said speech is the mirror of the soul, as he speaks so is he.

So i would like to invite aryika patel to express her views on this republic day.

Thank you aryika your views are really inspiring and motivating.

Now i request the choir to sing a beautiful song………….

Dance is an art and an expression, what cannot be said can be expressed. So now here is the dance performance by the juniors who will express their love for the nation through the medium of the dance.

It was indeed an awesome and graceful performance, wasn’t it was?

Yes it was…………….Moving on to the next programme is the beautiful and melodious song ………………………………………………………………………………….so invite the school choir to fill the charisma in the aura by their melodious voices…..

Moving on our last performance is a short skit by the students of class 8 and 9 who is going to portrait the importance and advantage of living in a democratic and republican country……..

Thank u for the performance. It was really amazing to watch you people.

Now I invite our honourable principal to share his message on this auspicious day..

Thank you father, your message was really heart touching and we will try to implement the same in our life.

Atlast in the end, I would like to say let not pass this republic day as any other holiday. Instead look within and think that whether we are fulfilling our fundamental duties or not.

The values and ideas have to be worked out by the thriving society which is not possible in a dormant society which do not care for anything or question on what is happening around them. So my dear friends awake from the deep sleep that we are in and march a step forward for a better society of tomorrow. Every action done today will have it consequence in future…

With this I …………………………………take your leave.

Thank u for listening us patiently and once again a very happy republic day…..

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat……………………………

We tried giving some magical points related to Indian Republic Day so that you can grab the attention of the crowd and let them know the importance of the day. As it is a national occasion, the script is written in a professional manner as you celebrate it with many people in your school.

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Anchoring Script for Republic Day in English

Anchoring Script for Republic Day in English

Table of Contents

Anchoring Script for Republic Day

Anchoring Script for Republic Day

Here’s a sample anchoring script for Republic Day :


Good morning/afternoon/evening, Ladies and Gentlemen!

A warm welcome to all of you on this auspicious occasion of our nation’s pride, Republic Day. Today, we gather here to commemorate the day when the Constitution of India came into effect, transforming our country into a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic. We are honored to have you with us as we celebrate the spirit of unity, diversity, and patriotism.

Flag Hoisting Ceremony:

To begin our celebration, let us stand together for the flag hoisting ceremony. I would like to invite [Name], [Designation], to unfurl the tricolor flag. Please rise and join us in singing the national anthem.

National Anthem:

[National Anthem is played]

Thank you, [Name], for the flag hoisting ceremony. The tricolor soaring high is a symbol of our collective strength and the values we hold dear.

Thought of the Day:

Before we proceed, let’s ponder upon a thought that encapsulates the essence of Republic Day. “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” – Mahatma Gandhi .

Cultural Performances:

Now, let’s add a splash of color to our celebration with mesmerizing cultural performances. We have talented individuals who will showcase our rich heritage through dance, music, and drama. Let’s give them a round of applause for their dedication and artistry.

Guest Speech:

We are honored to have with us today [Guest’s Name], [Guest’s Designation]. [Guest’s Name] has kindly agreed to share their thoughts on this special occasion. Please join me in welcoming [Guest’s Name] to the stage.

[Guest’s Speech]

Thank you, [Guest’s Name], for your inspiring words. Your insights have added a profound dimension to our celebration.

Patriotic Skit/Play:

As we continue our journey through this patriotic rendezvous, let’s witness a stirring skit/play that reminds us of the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and the evolution of our great nation.

Closing Remarks:

Ladies and Gentlemen, as we come to the end of our Republic Day celebration, let’s carry the spirit of unity and patriotism in our hearts. On behalf of [Your Organization/School Name], I extend my gratitude to everyone who has contributed to making this event memorable. Let us strive to uphold the values enshrined in our Constitution and work towards a brighter and harmonious future.

Thank you, and Jai Hind!

What is the importance of a good anchoring script for Republic Day?

A well-crafted anchoring script for Republic Day is crucial as it sets the tone for the event, ensuring a seamless and engaging celebration. It helps maintain a sense of patriotism, communicates relevant information, and ensures that the audience is informed and connected throughout the program. A good script enhances the overall experience, making the celebration more meaningful and impactful.

How should an anchor open the Republic Day event?

An anchor opening a Republic Day event should begin with a warm greeting and a sense of pride for the occasion.

How should the closing words be from the anchor?

In closing a Republic Day event, the anchor should express gratitude, reiterate the significance of the occasion, and leave the audience with a sense of pride and unity.

How to keep the audience engaged during the event?

To keep the audience engaged during an event, incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes, cultural performances, and Q&A sessions. Utilize multimedia presentations, feature dynamic speakers, and maintain a well-paced schedule. Enlist charismatic hosts, encourage audience participation through contests, and create a visually appealing environment with thematic decorations. Additionally, leverage social media to extend engagement beyond the event, fostering a sense of community and excitement.

How long should the anchoring script be?

The length of an anchoring script depends on the nature and duration of the event. In general, for a Republic Day event, the script should be concise and focused, aiming for a duration of approximately 5 to 10 minutes. This allows the anchor to cover key points, maintain audience interest, and smoothly transition between different segments of the program. However, flexibility is important, and the script length can be adjusted based on the specific requirements and schedule of the event.

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Anchoring Script for 26th January Republic Day

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Written by Shiksha Press

Updated on: January 24, 2024

Anchoring Script Republic Day

Morning Assembly Anchoring Script For Republic Day – 26 January

Welcome to our latest blog post on “Anchoring Script For Republic Day”! As India gears up to celebrate its 75th Republic Day. We read about the art of crafting an anchoring script that embodies the essence of this national festival.

Table of Contents

In this post, we’ll guide you through creating a anchoring script that is not just informative but also deeply engaging, capturing the patriotic spirit of the day.

From incorporating historical references to celebrating India’s rich cultural diversity, our anchoring script tips will help you make your Republic Day event memorable. Whether you’re an experienced anchor or a first-timer, this post is your go-to resource for creating a anchoring script that resonates with the spirit of unity and pride.

Anchoring Script For Republic Day

Anchoring Script For Republic Day: Creating an engaging and vibrant anchoring script for India’s 75th Republic Day celebration involves a blend of historical reverence, present celebration, and future aspirations. Here’s a simple and engaging anchoring script for the 26th January Republic Day Morning Assembly :

Anchor 1: Good morning, respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends! Today, we gather here to celebrate the 75th Republic Day of our great nation.

Anchor 2: Indeed, it’s a day filled with pride and patriotism. 26th January 1950, a historic day when India formally adopted its Constitution, becoming a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.

Anchor 1: Let’s commence this auspicious occasion with the flag hoisting ceremony. May I request our respected Principal and the chief guest to unfurl the National Flag.

[Flag Hoisting and National Anthem]

Anchor 2: Thank you, sir. The tricolor soaring high in the sky fills our hearts with pride and joy.

Anchor 1: Now, let’s welcome our school choir for a patriotic song that embodies the spirit of our nation.

[Patriotic Song Performance]

Anchor 2: That was truly heartwarming! Next, we have a speech by our Principal, who has always been a guiding light for us.

[Principal’s Special Speech on Republic Day]

Anchor 1: Thank you for those inspiring words, sir. Moving forward, we have a series of special Republic day cultural performances lined up, depicting the rich heritage and unity of our country.

Anchor 2: Yes, indeed. Let’s welcome our fellow students who are ready to enthrall us with their performance.

[Cultural Performances]

Anchor 1: What a wonderful display of talent and patriotism! Now, we invite our respected teachers to share their thoughts on 26 January Republic day.

[Teachers’ Speeches]

Anchor 2: Thank you, teachers, for your insightful words. As we proceed, let us remind ourselves of the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and leaders who shaped this great nation.

Anchor 1: In their honor, let’s observe a minute of silence.

[Moment of Silence]

Anchor 2: Thank you, everyone. To continue, we have a republic day special skit prepared by our talented drama team, showcasing the journey of India’s freedom and the formation of our Republic.

[ Gantantra   Diwas Special Skit Performance]

Anchor 1: That was a powerful performance, taking us through the pages of our glorious history. Now, let’s add some more color to this celebration with a vibrant dance performance by our students.

[Republic Day Special Dance Performance]

Anchor 2: That was indeed a spectacular show of our cultural diversity. As we draw towards the end of our assembly, let’s pledge to uphold the values of our Constitution and contribute to the growth and development of our country.

Anchor 1: Let’s carry the spirit of Republic Day in our hearts throughout the year. Thank you, everyone, for being a part of today’s celebration. Jai Hind!

Anchor 2: Jai Hind! Wishing you all a very Happy Republic Day. May the pride of being an Indian always remain in our hearts. Have a great day ahead!

Activities for Republic Day School Assembly

Here’s a three-column table showcasing 30 engaging activities for a Republic Day school assembly:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Flag Hoisting Ceremony Patriotic Song Performance Speech on the Significance of Republic Day
Dance Performance on National Songs Drama Depicting Freedom Struggle Poetry Recitation on Patriotism
Quiz on Indian History & Culture Display of Republic Day Parade Live Stream Art Competition (Republic Day Theme)
Fancy Dress Competition (Freedom Fighters) Craft Making (National Symbols) Group Singing of National Anthem
Debate on Current National Issues Essay Writing Contest (Patriotism & Nation Building) Folk Dance Performances
Exhibition of Freedom Struggle Artifacts Storytelling Session (Heroes of India) Yoga Demonstration
March Past by NCC Cadets Poster Making on National Integration Speech by a Guest of Honor
Kite Flying with Tricolor Kites Plantation Drive Cultural Parade Showcasing Diverse Indian Traditions
Puppet Show on Historical Events Tribute to Martyrs Skits on Social Awareness Themes
Workshops on Traditional Indian Art Forms Documentary Screening on India’s Journey Community Service Activity

Each activity is designed to engage students in celebrating the nation’s heritage, culture, and values, making the Republic Day assembly both meaningful and memorable.

Best Republic Day Quotes from Renowned Indian Personalities

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar : “Constitution is not a mere lawyers document, it is a vehicle of Life, and its spirit is always the spirit of Age.” – Reflecting on the importance of the Constitution, which was implemented on Republic Day.

Jawaharlal Nehru : “At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.” – Although initially referring to India’s Independence, this quote resonates with the spirit of Republic Day, marking the birth of India’s Constitution.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel : “Every citizen of India must remember that…he is an Indian and he has every right in this country but with certain …duties.” – Sardar Patel’s words emphasize the responsibilities that come with the freedoms celebrated on Republic Day.

Indira Gandhi : “My father was a statesman, I am a political woman. My father was a saint. I am not.” – Indira Gandhi’s reflection on her role in shaping modern India, which is celebrated on Republic Day as a symbol of progress and democracy.

Rabindranath Tagore : “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high… Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.” – Tagore’s vision for India, a sentiment that echoes the ideals of freedom and sovereignty celebrated on Republic Day.

This Anchoring Script is a blend of respect, celebration, and patriotism, perfectly suited for a Republic Day morning assembly.

republic day

Creating an engaging and vibrant anchoring script for India’s 75th Republic Day celebration involves a blend of historical reverence, present celebration, and future aspirations. Here are some key elements to consider:

Historical Context : Start by acknowledging the significance of Republic Day, commemorating the date when the Constitution of India came into effect. Incorporate historical references or quotes from prominent figures in India’s independence movement to evoke a sense of pride and reverence.

Cultural Showcase : Republic Day is known for its grand parade and cultural displays. Highlight these elements in your script, perhaps by giving a brief overview of what to expect or by mentioning specific states, cultural dances, or military displays that will be featured.

Inclusivity and Diversity : India is a land of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. Ensure your anchoring script for Republic Day reflects this diversity. Use phrases and references that resonate across different cultural backgrounds.

Patriotic Zeal : Infuse your Republic Day anchoring script  with patriotic elements. This could be through patriotic songs, quotes, or by creating moments in the script where the audience can participate, like a moment of silence to honor the martyrs or a collective singing of the national anthem.

Contemporary Relevance : Address current issues or achievements of the nation. This could be advancements in various fields like science, technology, sports, or education. Acknowledge the resilience and spirit of the Indian people, especially in overcoming recent challenges.

Future Aspirations : Republic Day is not just about looking back but also forward. Your Republic day anchoring script could include hopes and dreams for India’s future, encouraging words about progress and development, and a call to action for citizens to contribute to the nation’s growth.

Engagement Techniques : Keep your audience engaged. This can be through interactive segments, rhetorical questions, or relatable anecdotes. The tone should be uplifting and inclusive, making every listener feel a part of the celebration.

Closing with Impact : End on a high note, perhaps with a powerful quote or a brief recapitulation of the main themes of the day. The closing should leave the audience feeling inspired and proud to be a part of India’s Republic Day celebration.

Remember, the key to a successful anchoring script for Republic Day is to balance information with entertainment and emotion, ensuring it resonates with a wide range of audiences while staying true to the spirit of Republic Day.

FAQ’s Related to anchoring script for Republic Day

Here are 5 FAQs based on the “Morning Assembly Anchoring Script for Republic Day – 26 January” blog post:

What are key elements for a Republic Day anchoring script?

Include history, cultural displays, diversity, patriotism, current topics, future goals, audience interaction, and an inspiring ending.

How to make a Republic Day school assembly engaging?

Add interactive activities like quizzes, songs, dances, dramas, and speeches about India’s heritage and achievements.

What activities are good for Republic Day in school?

Flag hoisting, patriotic songs, cultural dances, speeches, and drama about India’s freedom struggle are ideal.

How to show India’s cultural diversity in the assembly?

Feature performances from different Indian states and traditions to reflect India’s diverse cultures.

Why is historical context important in the Republic Day script?

It helps remember the significance of Republic Day, the Constitution, and pays tribute to India’s freedom fighters and leaders.

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anchoring speech on republic day

Anchoring Script for Republic Day 2024

republic day Anchoring Script

Welcome to My Study Town. Today, we will share the Anchoring Script for Republic Day 2024 with you .  This is a sample script that you can use at your convenience.

An anchoring script is a written guide that outlines the dialogue and activities of an event’s hosts or emcees. The script provides a structured framework for the hosts to follow during the event, ensuring a smooth flow and effective communication with the audience.

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Opening Segment:

[Upbeat Patriotic Music Plays]

Host 1: Good [morning/afternoon/evening], respected guests, teachers, students, and fellow citizens! It is an honor to welcome you to the [School/Organization] Republic Day celebration. I am [Host 1], and the incredible [Host 2] stands beside me.

Host 2: Thank you, [Host 1]! Today, as we gather to celebrate the 73rd Republic Day of our great nation, we reflect on the ideals that bind us together and the shared dreams that unite us.

Flag Hoisting Ceremony:

Host 1: Before we proceed, let’s stand together for a moment of pride and respect. Our national flag is a symbol of unity and integrity. I invite [Name of Chief Guest/Principal] to unfurl the tricolor as we mark the beginning of our Republic Day celebrations.

[Flag Hoisting Takes Place]

Host 2: A salute to the tricolor, the emblem of our sovereignty, as it unfurls in the breeze!

Singing of the National Anthem:

Host 1: To honor our nation, let’s join our voices in singing the national anthem. I request everyone to stand as we pay our respects to our beloved country.

[National Anthem Plays]

Host 2: A moment of unity and patriotism that binds us together. Thank you.

Welcome Address:

Host 1: Today, we are not just celebrating a day but commemorating the values that define our republic. Let’s welcome [Name of Chief Guest/Principal] to share a few words.

[Chief Guest/Principal Addresses the Gathering]

Host 2: Thank you for your inspiring words, [Name]. Your insights remind us of the importance of our responsibilities as citizens.

Cultural Performances:

Host 1: Now, to add a touch of cultural vibrancy to our celebration, we have some special performances by our talented students. Let’s witness the colors of our diverse heritage.

[Cultural Performances Take Place]

Host 2: Mesmerizing performances indeed! Our cultural richness is what makes our nation truly unique.

Student Speech on Republic Day:

Host 1: As we celebrate this momentous day, let’s hear from one of our bright students who will share thoughts on the significance of Republic Day.

[Student Speech Takes Place]

Host 2: Thank you for your thoughtful words, [Student Name]. It’s heartening to see the spirit of patriotism alive and thriving among our youth.

Tribute to Freedom Fighters:

Host 1: On this Republic Day, let’s take a moment to remember and pay tribute to the brave souls who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Their courage and sacrifice continue to inspire generations.

Host 2: A silent salute to the heroes who made it possible for us to breathe the air of freedom.

Interactive Quiz on Indian History:

Host 1: To test our knowledge of Indian history and the Constitution, we have a fun and interactive quiz prepared. Who’s ready for a challenge?

[Interactive Quiz Takes Place]

Host 2: Wonderful participation, everyone! It’s great to see the enthusiasm for learning about our rich history.

Felicitation of Achievers:

Host 1: Today, we take pride in recognizing the achievements of our students who have excelled in various fields. Let’s applaud their hard work and dedication.

[Achievers are Felicitated]

Host 2: Congratulations to all the achievers! Your commitment is an inspiration to us all.

Patriotic Group Song:

Host 1: Let’s continue the patriotic fervor with a group song that celebrates the spirit of our nation. Our talented students will take the stage to captivate us with their melodious voices.

[Group Song Takes Place]

Host 2: A soulful rendition that echoes the love for our country. Thank you to our talented singers.

Showcasing Republic Day Artifacts:

Host 1: In a corner of our venue, we have a display of artifacts that symbolize the essence of Republic Day. Take a moment to explore and appreciate the artifacts that reflect our heritage.

Host 2: It’s heartening to see the creativity and thoughtfulness that went into crafting these representations of our national pride.

Vote of Thanks:

Host 1: As we near the end of our Republic Day celebration, let’s express our gratitude to everyone who contributed to this event.

Host 2: A special thank you to our teachers, students, parents, and our esteemed guests for making this celebration a memorable one.

Closing Segment:

Host 1: Today, as we conclude our Republic Day celebration, let’s carry the spirit of unity, diversity, and patriotism in our hearts.

Host 2: Happy Republic Day, everyone! Until we meet again, let’s continue to uphold the values that make our nation great.

[Closing Music Plays]

Check More: Anchoring Script For Convocation Ceremony

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  • Dipak D. Jagtap in English writing skills 7 months ago

Sample anchoring script for Republic Day celebration with program schedule

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Sample anchoring or compering script for Republic Day celebration with program schedule

Table of Contents


Republic Day is a very important day in the history of the nation. It marks the beginning of the constitution of the country. Every school, college, office, and village celebrates it with great joy. For that, we need to prepare an anchoring script and program schedule. Here is our sample anchoring or compering script for the Republic Day celebration with the sample program schedule.

Sample program schedule for Republic Day celebration

It is as follows

1)Arrival of the chief guest and felicitation

2)Flag hoisting

3)Flag salute

4)National Anthem

5)Flag song

8)Welcome song

9)speeches by the students 1)English II)Hindi III)Marathi

10)cultural program of patriotic songs and dance performance

11)Principal’s speech

12)Prize distribution

13)Introduction of the chief guest

14)Chief Guest’s speech

15)Vote of thanks

16)Vande Mataram

17)Sweets distribution

This is a sample program schedule for information purposes only. You can make any necessary changes as per your needs and convenience. It is not from any government authority and it is only for information and educational purpose.

Sample beginning  for the program of Republic Day celebration

Here are some examples of beginnings for the Republic Day celebration.

“Apne matlab ke waste hamne Asmanonse kuchh nahi manga hai, hamne to watan ki khair mangi hai koi Takht aur taj Nahi manga.(We haven’t asked anything for ourselves, we just want the safety and prosperity of our motherland from the heavens) Very good morning to you all and welcome to this celebration of the national festival of Republic Day 20.. .”

“Sare Jahan Se achchha, Hindostan Hamara, Ham bulble hai iski , Yeh gulsita hamara,(India is the best in the world and we are its loved ones and it is our heaven.)A very warm welcome to you all and I wish you a very happy Republic Day .”

Sample anchoring script for the Republic Day celebration in school and college

here is our sample anchoring  or compering script for the Republic Day celebration

Anchor-1: Respected chief guest, honorable principal, teaching and non-teaching staff caring parents, and excited students good morning to you all, and my best wishes to you all on the occasion of …… the Republic Day celebration. first I would like to welcome you all. what an amazing day full of patriotic zeal and feelings of gratitude, happiness, and new hope.

Anchor-2: Good morning and wish you all a very happy Republic Day. we are very fortunate to celebrate this Republic Day in our independent country and at the same time, we are grateful to our ancestors who sacrificed everything for our freedom and for making this democratic constitution for our country and protecting it from foreign invasions.

Anchor -1: Our honorable chief guest has arrived and I would like to request our principal to honor our guest with the bouquet.

(Guest Felicitation)

thank you for accepting our humble welcome, Now let’s move to the most important task of this day and it is hoisting our national flag. I would like to request our chief guest Mr. …….. to hoist our national flag and further commands will be given by our sports teacher.

flag hoisting by the hands of the chief guest. [All clap after hoisting the national flag]

sports teacher: stand at ease, attention, and salute the flag.

Flag salute

sports teacher: Stand straight, don’t move, and start the national anthem. national anthem

sports teacher: stand straight and start the flag song

sports teacher: get ready for the pledge, take you are right hand ahead, and start the pledge.

sports teacher: Now everybody will raise the slogans,

Bharat Mata ki -Jai

Vande -Mataram

East or West -India is the best

Anchor- 2: We have just carried out the most important part of our Republic Day celebration with discipline, enthusiasm, and accuracy. I would like to congratulate you all. With the waving national flag, the atmosphere is filled with patriotic zeal. Let us make it affectionate and warmer with the sweet welcome song. our school’s music group will give a musical welcome to us all.

[welcome song]

Anchor -1: That was a sweet musical Republic Day treat and we enjoyed it very much. Now our students will show their patriotism through their elocution skills. our school’s/college’s……. class student ……….will give a speech in English.

[English speech]

Anchor-2: Thanks a lot for your motivational thoughts. Now I would like to request ……….. from …….. class to deliver a speech in our national language Hindi.

[Hindi speech]

Anchor -1: Thank you very much for your informative speech. Now our school’s/ college’s ……… from the …….. class will express thoughts in Marathi.

[Marathi speech]

Anchor -2: Thanks a lot for your encouragement and interesting information about our freedom fighters and the process of constitution-making. Now it is time to show our students’ cultural performance of dance and songs.

cultural program of dance and patriotic songs

Anchor- 1: Really it was an opportunity to witness a nice performance by our students. Now I would like to request our principal to express his thoughts.

principal’s speech

Anchor 2: I would like to thank you for your motivational thoughts and creative vision about the future of our school/college. Now the most awaited moment by the students has arrived. Yes, there will be a prize distribution program. I would like to call our chief guest to give away the prizes.

Prize Distribution program

the winner of best sportsperson of the year age – dash thank you now the prize for the student of the year, it goes to………. From ……… class.

Anchor- 1: Thanks dignitaries and congrats to the winners but don’t get upset who have not won prizes as there are a lot of opportunities for the rest to do the best in the coming next. Now I would like to request our teacher……… to introduce our chief guest.

chief guest’s introduction

Anchor- 2: Thank you, sir, now I would like to request our chief guest to guide us

chief guest’s speech

Anchor- 1: Now I would like to thank our chief guest wholeheartedly for sharing valuable thoughts and for explaining the real meaning and importance of the Republic Day celebration. Here we come to the concluding part of our patriotic function of the Republic Day celebration our vice principal will propose a vote of thanks.

vote of thanks

Sample vote of thanks for the Republic Day celebration.

Anchor -1: Thank you, now I request you all to stand up for Vande Mataram.

[ Vande Mataram]

Anchor-2: please be seated, I declare that the function is over and students are requested to go in their respective classes for sweets distribution. Once again, I wish you a very happy republic day and take your leave with a contented heart for this memorable celebration, thank you all.

Sample anchoring script no. 2 for the Republic Day celebration

Respected principal madam, honorable chief guest—–. Guest of honor —-, teachers non-teaching staff, and my friends, good morning and happy Republic Day to you all. 29 states, 1618 languages, 6400 castes, 6 major religions, 6 ethnic groups, and 1 country. This shows that despite having diverse cultural traditions, languages, and religions, we stand together as one. This shows our unity in diversity and we are proud that we are Indians. Today we have gathered over here to celebrate —th Republic Day.

B]  Good morning to you all and Happy Republic Day. Let’s start the celebration with Lamp lighting. I would like to call ——— for it.

A] Thank you all now—— will honor our chief guest—– with a bouquet.

B] Thank you———-. Now the most important moment of this celebration has arrived. Yes, it is flag hosting. I would like to request our chief guest——- to hoist the Indian National Flag.

Stand straight, don’t move, and start the national anthem.

It is time to take the pledge.

Now get ready for the flag song.

Now raise slogans with me. Bharat Mata Ki- Jai, Vande Mataram.

A] It is a very pleasant feeling on this Republic Day celebration morning. Everybody is filled with patriotic spirit. To enhance this feeling our disciplined scouts and guides will perform drill marching. Please boost them with claps.

[ drill marching]

B] It was the union of feet and beat. Amazing. Now get ready for an even more thrilling activity. Yes, our school students will form pyramids.

[ pyramids]

A] It was a breathtaking feat. Let’s appreciate their acrobatic skills with applause.

Now our music group will give a heartwarming welcome through their sweet welcome song.

[ welcome song]

B] it was a very sweet and melodious welcome. Now our 11 th std girls will sing a patriotic song for our motherland.

[ patriotic song 11 th std]

A] The song was dedicated to the motherland that is India. It has made us realize the value of being a free and democratic country. Our patriotic treat on the occasion of the celebration of Republic Day is not over yet.

B] Yes our school’s girl students will present a patriotic dance.

Please welcome them with claps.

[ patriotic dance]

A] it was a very beautiful and graceful dance performance. Now —— will give the introduction of our chief guest.

B] thank you very much ……. Now our school students will give speeches in English, Hindi, and Marathi.

………… from ………. Std. will give a speech in English.

A] thanks a lot for your informative speech. ……….. from  ….. std will give a speech in Hindi.

B] thank you ……….. now …… from  ……… std will give a speech in Marathi.

A] thanks a lot for your motivational speech. Let’s move to the most exciting moment, Along with curricular activities, our school also conducts various extracurricular activities like games sports, elocution competitions, essay competitions, and a lot more. All these activities are meant for our all-round development. Every year our students do their best to excel in all these activities and get the rewards as an appreciation for their efforts. Let’s move towards our prize distribution program. I would like to call ……….. sir for the announcement of the winners and I request our chief guest to give away the prizes to the winners.

[prize distribution]

B] congrats to all the winners and thank you very much our dignitaries. Now I would like to request our principal to guide us.

[principal’s speech]

A] thanks a lot sir for your inspiring words, now I would like to request our chief guest to guide us.

[chief guest’s speech]

B]Thanks a lot sir for your motivational speech and the thoughts on the experience. Now we have arrived at the concluding part of this wonderful and patriotic celebration. Our vice principal will propose a vote of thanks.

[vote of thanks]

A] Thank you, sir, now our Republic Day celebration program will end with Vande Mataram, and I request you all to stand up for it.

[vande mataram]

B] I declare that our program ends here. I request all the students to go to their respective classrooms for sweets distribution. Once again thank you all and I would like to take your leave with a grateful heart.

These are our sample anchoring scripts for the Republic Day celebration in school and college. you can use it by making necessary changes as per your need and convenience.

With love + respect from the team learnhatkey.com

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 republic day anchoring script.

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Republic Day Anchoring Script in English

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Republic Day Speech in English, Short and Long Speech for Students

"Republic Day Celebrates unity, diversity, and freedom in India, marking the adoption of the Constitution on January 26, 1950". Here providing you, long and short Republic Day Speech in English.

Republic Day Speech in English

Table of Contents

Republic Day

Republic Day is a joyous occasion celebrated annually in many countries, symbolizing the establishment of a sovereign state. In India, Republic Day is observed on January 26 with immense pride and favor. This day commemorates the adoption of the Constitution in 1950, marking the nation’s transition to a republic. The festivities include a grand parade showcasing the country’s diverse culture, military prowess, and technological achievements. People gather with enthusiasm, unfurling the national tricolor, singing patriotic songs, and honoring the sacrifices made for freedom. It’s a day to reflect on the values of democracy, unity, and progress that define the nation, making Republic Day a cherished and significant celebration for every Indian.

26 January Speech in English

On 26th January, a significant day in India’s History, the nation commemorates Republic Day. This date marks the adoption of the Indian Constitution in 1950, replacing the Government of India Act (1935). The day is celebrated with patriotic fervor and grandeur, showcasing India’s cultural diversity and military strength during the Republic Day parade in the capital, New Delhi. The event typically includes a colorful display of various state floats, traditional dances, and military exhibits. The highlight is the Republic Day Parade along Rajpath, where the President of India hoists the national flag, and the armed forces showcase their capabilities. It serves as a reminder of Inia’s commitment to democratic principles and unity in diversity. People Across the country come together to express their love for the nation, reinforcing the values enshrined in the Constitution and fostering a sense of national pride.

Check the Republic Day Speech in English, Short and Long Speech for Students and Teachers in the article given below:

Republic Day Speech in English, Short and Long Speech for Students_3.1

Republic Day Short Speech in English

Fellow Citizens,

As we gather to mark the 75th Republic Day on January 26th, let us reflect on the journey of our nation and the responsibilities bestowed upon each of us. Our democratic fabric, woven with threads of diversity, resilience, and inclusivity, stands as a testament to our collective strength. In this evolving global landscape, let’s strive for innovation and progress, nurturing the ideals that bind us as Indians. On this auspicious occasion of Republic Day, let us celebrate the spirit of unity and diversity that defines our great nation, India.

Today, we commemorate the adoption of our constitution, a document that reflects our shared values and commitment to justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. As we hoist the tricolor Flag and sing our national anthem, let’s take a moment to honor the sacrifice of our freedom fighters who paved the way for an independent and democratic India. Our Republic Day is a reminder that the power to shape our destiny lies in the hands of the people.

Let us embrace the diversity that enriches our culture and strengthens our nation. As responsible citizens, let’s pledge to uphold the principles enshrined in our Constitution and work towards a society that ensures the well-being of every individual. May the spirit of Republic Day instill in us a renewed sense of patriotism and civil duty, guiding us toward a brighter and more inclusive India. Jai Hind!

Republic Day Speech in English, Short and Long Speech for Students_4.1

Republic Day Long Speech in English

Republic Day is a momentous occasion in the history of India, celebrated with greater enthusiasm and patriotic fervor every year on January 26th. This day holds immense significance as it marks the adoption of the Constitution of India in 1950, replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document. The transition from a constitutional monarchy to a pivotal step in shaping India’s destiny.

The foundation of Republic Day lies in the struggles and sacrifices made by the freedom fighters who dreamt of an independent and sovereign nation. This day is a tribute to their relentless pursuit of liberty and justice. The Constitution of India was drafted under the leadership of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and embodies the aspirations and principles that define the nation. Its adoption on January 26, 1950, signifies the establishment of India as a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.

As we celebrate Republic Day, it’s essential to reflect on the values enshrined in the Constitution. The preamble, with its emphasis on justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity, serves as a guiding light for the nation. Republic Day is a reminder of our commitment to upholding these ideals, ensuring that every citizen enjoys the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

The celebration of Republic Day is a grand spectacle that unites the diverse tapestry of India. The iconic Republic Day parade at Rajpath in New Delhi is the centerpiece of the festivities. The event showcases the military might, cultural richness, and technological prowess of the country. The marching contingents, vibrant tableaux, and spectacular flypast by the Indian Air Force create a mesmerizing tableau that captivates the nation.

The unfurling of the national flag by the President of India at the Republic Day parade symbolizes the collective pride and unity of the country. Schools, Colleges, and Communities organize flag-hoisting ceremonies, cultural programs, and patriotic events. It’s a time when citizens come together to reaffirm their commitment to the nation and its values.

Moreover, Republic Day serves as an opportunity to recognize the contributions of unsung heroes – individuals who, through their dedication and service, contribute to the progress and well-being of the nation. Awards such as Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, and Bharat Ratna are conferred on deserving individuals for their exceptional achievements in various fields.

Republic Day Speech in English 10 Lines

Good Day, Everyone!

  • Today I am excited to talk about Republic Day, a special day for our country.
  • As we all know Republic Day is celebrated on January 26th every year. It marks the day when our constitution came into effect in 1950, making India a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.
  • Our country has a rich history and diverse cultures. Republic Day is a time to honor our heritage and the unity in diversity that makes India unique.
  • The Constitution is like a rulebook of our country. It guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens and outlines how our government works.
  • On Republic Day, a special flag-hoisting ceremony takes place across the nation. It’s a symbol of national pride and unity.
  • Have you seen the grand parade on TV? Soldiers, cultural displays, and colorful floats make the Republic Day celebrations unforgettable.
  • Republic Day is a time to feel proud of our country. When we sing the National Anthem, it’s a moment to express our love for India.
  • As citizens, we have responsibilities too. We should respect each other, follow rules, and contribute positively to society.
  • In conclusion, Republic Day is a day of joy, unity, and pride.
  • Let’s celebrate it with respect, understanding the importance of being part of this great nation.

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Republic Day Speech: FAQs

Q1. when is the republic day celebrated.

Ans: The Republic day is celebrated every year on January 26th.

Q2. Why is the Republic Day Celebrated?

Ans: Republic Day is celebrated to honor the day when India's constitution came into effect in 1950, marking the country's transition to a sovereign republic with democratic governance.

Q3. Under whose leadership the constitution of India was drafted?

Ans: The Constitution of India was drafted under the leadership of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Q4. Where do the Republic Day parade take place?

Ans: The Republic Day parade in India is held in the capital city, New Delhi, specifically on Rajpath, a ceremonial boulevard that runs from Rashtrapati Bhavan (the President's residence) to India Gate.

Q5. Which republic day is celebrated in 2024?

Ans: 75th Republic Day is going to be celebrated in 2024.

Sonika Singh

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School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script for Republic Day – 26 January 2024

School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script for Republic Day – 26 January 2024

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School Anchoring Script for Republic Day – 26 January 2024

 It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have so many precious things. I am free human being with an independent will… Yes I am free Human being because of our freedom fighters. because of the framers of our Constitution gave us a republic.

A very hearty morning to the Honorable chairman sir, Respected Principal Sir, Respected Teachers and my fellow students. India is celebrating it’s historic day Today. 26 th  January, Republic Day(75th Republic Day), the day when every community comes together and celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. Before we start, let me wish you all a very Happy Republic Day. Let us hold our heads high and speak after me loufly..

Jai Hind… Jai Hind …. Jai Hind

It’s an honour itself to honour this beautiful audience who has gathered here. I Rohan Rathore from Class 9 th  welcome you all on behalf of whole School Family on the Special day of Republic Day.

Let me first introduce our today’s eminent guest Honorable Shri Name MLA. He is giving his best to the society specially in the field of child’s education and women empowerment… (after Introduction of Chief Guest / Welcome Speech)

Deep Prajavalan

Let us light the lamp of new life, the light of goodness, the light of knowledge that dispels the darkness of ignorance. I feel immense pleasure in inviting our Respected Principal sir and our chief guest on the stage to kindle the lamp to the portrait goddess Saraswati. Sir please come on the stage.

And after lighting the lamp, it’s time to unfurl the national flag. Our national flag not just represents the freedom we enjoy but also the effort of our great leaders who struggled to achieve this freedom. Again I would like to invite our Chief guest to unfurl the National Flag, symbol of our National pride.

And I would request to each and everyone to sing National Anthem in respect of our National Flag.and after National Anthem let us March Past.

“Let us march past the flag of the past, saluting our achievement’, pondering over our mistakes and thinking of the lessons for the way forward as we march forward to a great tomorrow’ And now let’s get ready for the tremendous fun through March Past and let’s we see the energetic level of all the 4 houses respectively.

Its our honor to have with us chief guest sir and we are excited to hear some words by our today’s chief guest. so we kindly request respected chief guest sir to continue our event by sharing some words with us.

Think you so much sir for your valuable words and really we are feeling blessed today.

Here is Speech on Republic Day 26 January 2024

My dear friends, this nation will remain the land of the free because it is the home of the brave. because this land is guard by the brave. with this we have a something wonderful for you and hope you would definitely like that.

I would like to call the students from class 9th and 10th on the stage for a group dance on “Teri Mitti Mai Mil Javan.”

After Dance. Such a heart touching performance. Thank you so much. A soldier beautiful said that. “Do not lament the death of a warrior in the battlefield. As those who sacrifice their lives in the war are honored in the heaven”

Dear friends, Republic day is one of the three National Festivals in India and celebrated to commemorate the day on which our constitution came into force. In midst of the celebrations, Let us know some interesting facts related to the first Republic Day 26th January, 1950. And Next, I would like to invite on stage Virat on Class 10th to share original glory of the first Republic Day with us.

After Virat Speech

Nothing can beat the enthusiasm, the charm, the excitement of the people from displaying their love for the nation. It is the euphotic celebration among people irrespective of their religion, cast and ideology. Next, I would like to invite Vraj Patel from class 8th to share a speech on ‘Republic Day’

The Republic Day is marked by Joyous celebrations across the country. For Kids, it may be a fun filled day if they can dress up in tricolor outfits and other fancy dresses that represents our great leaders.

Dear friends, Freedom has not come easy. Let us take the pledge that we would not let the efforts of our brave freedom fighters go in vain and till our last breath we will fight terrorism and protect our mother  INDIA  with all we have.

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Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger. I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

Thanks so much for giving this wonderful script this helps me lots I really like this

Thanks a lot for providing this ultimate script for helping us

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  • Welcome Speech for India Republic Day For Student


Welcome Speech for Republic Day

India Republic Day, celebrated on 26th January, is an occasion for celebrations in all schools. Students would require a well-prepared welcome speech for this occasion. The speech written in an excellent manner is provided by Vedantu. Students can refer to the speech to get familiar with what to deliver on such occasions. Given below is an anchoring script for republic day celebration in school in English. Check out our 26 January Republic Day blog for Happy Republic Day 2024 Quotes and India Republic Day quotes.

Introduction Speech on India Republic Day

Long speech.

A very warm good morning to one and all present here. I am Rahul, a student of Class 8. I am here to present a speech on the auspicious occasion of 26 January Republic Day. I am glad as I am chosen to present this speech and welcome everyone to this occasion. Today, India celebrates its 75th Republic day. On this day, I on behalf of the school committee, welcome our honourable chief guest. I would like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt greetings to our honourable principal, vice-principal, respected teachers, and my dear schoolmates. We all have gathered here today to celebrate India Republic Day 2024 and commemorate India’s 75 years of democracy.

I have got this wonderful opportunity to come on the stage and deliver the welcome occasion speech. I would like to talk about my beloved country on this occasion of Republic Day and how is Republic Day celebrated in India. We all must know India celebrates Republic Day on 26 January as the Constitution of India came into existence on this day in 1950. This not only made us a republic but also made the people of India the highest authority in the country.

Our freedom fighters had struggled and sacrificed their lives so that the future of India is not under slavery. Freedom strugglers like Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi, Chandra Shekhar Azad, and many more must be remembered. We must pay tribute to them on today’s occasion.

India won Independence on August 15th, 1947. About 200 years of British rule came to an end on this day. Even after independence, India was facing Hindu-Muslim riots and corruption. It was the duty of each member of free India to return the country to its glory. After rigorous efforts, the constitution was finally implemented in a full-fledged manner on January 26, 1950. The credit for drafting the Indian constitution goes to B.R. Ambedkar. He was a member of the Constituent Drafting Committee who is considered the chief architect of the constitution of India. 26 January Republic Day is celebrated as colourfully organized cultural events all over the country. Every citizen of India is filled with pride and happiness on the occasion. They play patriotic songs and enjoy sweet dishes to mark the celebrations.

India’s constitution is considered one of the best in the world. India is the largest democracy. However, India is still pulled back by crime, corruption, violence, terrorism, etc. After so many years of being a republic nation, India is still under the captivity of such nation-wide issues. As true citizens of the country, our responsibility is to work towards the development of the country and protect our land as true patriots!

Thank you for your patient hearing. 

Short Speech

Warm good morning and greetings to each one present here. I am Sandhya, a Grade 4 student. I feel blessed to be given the opportunity to welcome esteemed guests, our honourable principal, teachers, and my dear friends to the republic day celebration. India is celebrating its 75th Republic Day today. I welcome each one to this auspicious occasion. India Republic Day (26th January) marks the celebration of the implementation of the Indian Constitution on this date in 1950. Indian constitution is the longest written constitution in the whole world. India’s freedom struggle has been noteworthy where many freedom fighters had to sacrifice their lives so that India breathes the air of freedom. Indian constitution is also the result of the hard work of B.R. Ambedkar. He drafted the constitution which came to force on January 26, 1950.

How is Republic Day celebrated in India, you may ask? The main celebration of India Republic Day is held at the Rajpath in New Delhi before the president of India. The parades are organized at the Rajpath which takes place as a tribute to India and its rich culture. On this day, many schools and colleges around the nation organize flag hoisting and functions in their premises.

We are all gathered here to celebrate the achievement of the finest democracy in the world. This day reminds us of our freedom struggle and how we received ‘Purn Swaraj’ or complete independence. Today, we can enjoy many rights and privileges as a citizen of this country. Some of these rights are the right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion. Cultural and educational rights, etc. However, the true attainment of a republic is a consequence of the long struggles of our freedom fighters. We must never forget them and celebrate this day every year with the same joy and pride.

10 Lines on Welcome Speech for Happy Republic Day

A warm good morning to the respected Principal, teachers, guests, and my dear fellow students. 

I feel elated to speak in front of you all about today’s occasion.

We are here to celebrate the 75th Republic Day of our country.

A Happy Republic Day is celebrated on 26th January every year because the constitution came into effect on this date in 1950.

We hoist the national flag on this day and sing patriotic songs. We give tribute to our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for our country.

India got independence from British rule on August 15, 1947. However, it took some time to bring the longest written constitution into force.

On this day, schools also organize functions, flag hoisting, and various competitions.

We eat sweets and various Indian snacks on this occasion.

Celebration in the true sense means to realize the importance of being a republic nation and fulfilling our duties as true citizens.

Thank you all for hearing my speech with patience.

As we celebrate Republic Day, let us embrace the spirit of unity, diversity, and patriotism that defines our great nation. This occasion serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by our forefathers to secure the principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. As students, it is our responsibility to uphold these values and contribute to the progress of our country. Let this day inspire us to work towards a harmonious and prosperous future, where every citizen can thrive. Together, let us build a stronger, more resilient India, where the flame of democracy continues to illuminate our path towards a brighter tomorrow. Jai Hind!

Students can refer to the Republic day welcome speech on Vedantu’s site. The above speeches will help you in delivering a welcome speech on this topic.


FAQs on Welcome Speech for India Republic Day For Student

1. Why is Republic Day celebrated?

Republic Day is celebrated to honor the day when the Constitution of India came into effect on January 26, 1950, marking the country's transition to a sovereign republic.

2. How can students contribute to the spirit of Republic Day?

Students can contribute by fostering unity, promoting civic awareness, and actively participating in events that uphold the values enshrined in the Constitution.

3. What role does patriotism play in Republic Day celebrations?

Patriotism is central to Republic Day celebrations, serving as a reminder of our commitment to the nation's progress and the responsibility each citizen holds towards its welfare.

4. Are Republic Day celebrations significant for students?

Yes, Republic Day celebrations are crucial for students as they instill a sense of pride, awareness, and civic responsibility, shaping them into responsible and informed citizens.

5. How can the principles of Republic Day be applied in daily life?

Applying the principles involves respecting diversity, upholding justice, and actively participating in democratic processes, fostering a society based on equality and fraternity.

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Celebrating Republic: Republic Day Anchoring Script in English

Anchoring script for Republic Day

Join us as we delve into the captivating world of the “Republic Day Anchoring Script in English.” Explore the essence of patriotism and the significance of this momentous occasion.

Republic day anchoring script in English

Anchor 1: Ladies and gentlemen, a very warm welcome to all of you on this auspicious occasion of our country’s Republic Day. I am [Name], and I am honored to be your host for the day.

Anchor 2: And I am [Name]. Together, we will guide you through this celebration of patriotism and unity. Today, we have a magnificent lineup of cultural programs that will showcase the rich heritage and diversity of our incredible nation.

Anchor 1: Before we begin the cultural extravaganza, let us take a moment to pay our respects to the national flag by standing up for the singing of our national anthem.

[National Anthem is played.]

Anchor 2: Thank you, everyone. We are proud to be citizens of a democratic country where every voice matters. Republic Day is a significant day for all of us as it marks the day when our Constitution came into effect, laying the foundation for a sovereign and secular nation.

Anchor 1: Indeed, it is a day to reflect on the values and principles that our Constitution upholds. It is a day to remember the freedom fighters who fought tirelessly for our independence and the visionaries who drafted our Constitution.

Anchor 2: Today, we have some captivating cultural performances lined up for you. To kick off the festivities, we have a mesmerizing dance performance that beautifully captures the essence of our diverse culture.

[Dance Performance]

Anchor 1: Wow, that was truly captivating! Our rich cultural heritage is a testament to the unity that binds us together as a nation.

Anchor 2: Absolutely! Now, it’s time for some soul-stirring patriotic songs. Let us welcome our talented singers who will take us on a melodious journey celebrating the spirit of our country.

[Songs Performance]

Anchor 1: What a fantastic performance! Those heartfelt songs remind us of the indomitable spirit and love we have for our nation.

Anchor 2: Yes, they certainly do! Moving on, we have a young poet among us who will present a thought-provoking poem that reflects upon the struggles and triumphs of our great nation.

[Poetry Recitation]

Anchor 1: That was beautifully expressed! The power of words has always been a driving force behind change, and that poem truly encapsulated the essence of our journey as a nation.

Anchor 2: Absolutely, [Name]! As we celebrate this day, let us remember that it is not just a day for festivities but also a day to reflect on our responsibilities towards our country.

Anchor 1: That’s right! On this Republic Day, let us pledge to uphold the values of our Constitution, promote harmony and unity, and work towards the progress and development of our nation.

Anchor 2: We must remember that the strength of our country lies in the hands of its citizens. Let us strive to be responsible citizens who contribute positively to the growth of our nation.

Anchor 1: As we conclude this grand celebration, let us once again rise for the national anthem and express our gratitude to our motherland.

Anchor 2: Thank you, everyone, for being a part of this joyous celebration of our Republic Day. We hope that today’s cultural programs have filled your hearts with pride and inspiration.

Anchor 1: On behalf of the organizing committee, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the performers, teachers, parents, and everyone involved in making this event a grand success.

Anchor 2: With that, we come to the end of our program. But let the spirit of Republic Day stay alive in our hearts every day as we work together towards a brighter future for our nation. Jai Hind!

Anchor 1: Jai Hind! Thank you, everyone, and have a wonderful day ahead!

[Both Anchors exit the stage]

Note: This Republic Day Anchoring Script in English can be customized and adapted as per the specific requirements of the assembly and the school.

As we conclude this remarkable journey through the “Republic Day Anchoring Script in English,” let us carry the spirit of unity, liberty, and fraternity in our hearts, fostering a brighter future for our beloved nation.

Also Read:  Anchoring Script for Sports Day: Energizing the Spirit of Competition

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Anchoring script for 74th republic day of India

anchoring speech on republic day

  Anchoring script for 74th republic day of India

Republic day is celebrated with great ferver and enthusiasm all over the country on 26th January every year in our country it is a national festival.

India is a great republic its constitution was enforced on 26th January 1950.

On 26th January in 1950 when our constitution was enforced India became a republic.

All over the country  this day is celebrated with great enthusiasm and ferver programs are held and children celebrate this day with great zeal.

You will find an anchoring script for 74th republic day here.


My love for my nation is boundless

My love for my people is endless.

All I desire for my country is happiness

Happy republic day to all of you!

Honorable Principal Sir, Respected chief guests teachers and my dear friends.

With spring in my steps and anticipation in my heart and joy filled soul I welcome all of you on this sparkling morning to feel the glory all around where the fluttering tricolor majestically proclaims the bright future of India's republic .

Today we have assembled here to celebrate 74th anniversary of our Republic day.

Every 26th January is a special day for all Indians because on this day in 1950 our constitution was enforced.

Republic day is not just a day of pride but to quote in the language of Millennials it is an emotion.

We are blessed to have a right to speak ,a right to be heard, solution to every constitutional problem, a book of law to give good governance to this country and all of these priceless possessions. The credit goes to our forefathers who carved world's longest, written constitution which is the guiding force of our country and today we are cherishing the same golden moment and remembering the sacrifices of our fore fathers for this.

It is our republic day.....

Welcome of Chief guest

On this auspicious occasion it is our proud privilege to welcome Shri Krishna Premji as our chief guest who has been the founding father of this institution please welcome him with the huge round of applause.

Soon will have our flag hoisting ceremony

Our flag our tricolor honours those who have fought to protect it and is remainder of the sacrifices of our Nations heroes

How proud we feel when we see our Indian flag tiranga flying high with the air at the top.

Is Desh se hi meri pahchan Hai 

yahi Mera Dil yahi meri Jaan Hai 

Hai yah Mera Bharat jo ki mahan Hai 

pyara tiranga hamari Shan Hai 

han yah Mera Hindustan hai.

Speech of Chief guest 

Our forefather's bought our freedom with their hard work and sacrifice now we must work hard to create a better nation for generations to follow. In this globalised world Indian youth has to play a challenging role.

Naye Bharat ke Nirman Mein yuvaon ki kya bhumika honi chahie isi vishay per Prakash dalne ke liye Apne hamare mukhya atithi mahoday ko Manch per aamantrit Karti hun.

After performance

Thank you so much for your inspirational message we are feeling blessed sir

 Sir has rightly stressed over the need to give a new definition and direction to India youth to play a decisive role in country's development.

Dance performance

India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, mother of history ,  grandmother of legend and great grandmother of tradition . The most valuable and most artistic materials in the history of man are treasure in India only.

But talent students are going to present an action song exhibiting the same spirit please welcome them with a huge round of applause.

That was indeed a lovely lovely performance thank you so much.

Skit on republic day

Still sleeping

The nation needs you

You need to wake up

You are part of the world's biggest democracy

Today's the day when we got our own constitution.

It is a republic day

But why do we celebrate it on 26 January for this this Great event the history of Lahore session of Congress of 1929.

Students have prepared a short skit on the same session please welcome them.

After the performance.

Oh that was delightful performance

 Now I feel the same desire to rise up to do something significant for my country.

National Song

Oh that was delightful performance now I feel the same desire to rise up to do something significant for my country.

Essence of our constitution lies in its principles -democracy ,equality, economic upsurge for those who are trapped in poverty.

Now it is time for national song 

Baney pahiye Pragati ke path ke Sabse aage badhate jaen 

karte Jahan Roshan Jahan se apne Desh ka man badhaie

Dear friends please put your hands together for a national song performance by students of class 8.

After the performance

Did you also experience the soothing wibes

The soothing song has truly filled our hearts with great fervor

So today let's take some time to value our nation and ever forget the sacrifices from those who have given the freedom to us.

Pyramid formation

New India should pay the tribute to the makers of a free India by serving the country with all devotion and perseverance.

Everyone should become a torch bearer for a positive transformation to occur in the nation building by every little means they can

It is happens India would be hold an optimistic Domino effect and touch zenith it in the future to unfold.

Now get ready for a pyramid formation.

With this is splendid for performance we have come to the end of this program .

I want to express my gratitude to achieve guess what's wearing their precious time for all of us in guiding his on this day.

Let's salute our motherland 

let's salute our republic.

Jay Hind Jay Bharat.

Anchoring script for 74th republic day of India

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Republic Day 26 January Anchoring Script

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Republic Day 26 January 2024: Anchoring Script Guide

Republic Day Anchoring Script: Hello Readers, As you know, we are going to celebrate India’s 75th Republic Day in 2024. Republic Day is one of the grand national events in India, first observed on January 26, 1950. This remarkable day is celebrated in government, semi-government, private, and public organizations alike. Numerous activities are presented by students in schools as well.

However, students and other individuals often face challenges when creating an Anchoring Script for Republic Day in English. That’s why we suggest a sample post for a Republic Day Anchoring Script . With the help of this special 26 January Republic Day anchoring script, you can make a wonderful impact on your audience.

So let’s read a very special anchoring script for Indian Republic Day in English.

Engaging and Inspirational Anchoring Script for 26 January Republic Day

Republic day anchoring script in simple words for you. 

Anchor A: Hello and welcome, everyone! I’m [Anchor A’s Name], thrilled to be part of our glorious 75th Republic Day celebration.

Anchor B: And I’m [Anchor B’s Name]. Together, we’re here to rejoice in our nation’s journey towards freedom and democracy. Let’s start this patriotic day with energy and pride!

[Flag Hoisting on Republic Day]

Anchor B: Now, we come to a solemn yet joyous moment – the flag hoisting. We invite our respected chief guest, [Chief Guest’s Name], to unfurl the tricolor, a symbol of our national unity and integrity.

Anchor A: As the flag soars, let’s feel the pride of our independence and remember the sacrifices that brought us here. [Pause for Flag Hoisting]

Anchor B: The flag is flying high! Please stand as we pay homage to our motherland with the National Anthem.

[Republic Day Special Cultural Segment]

Anchor A: Moving on, let’s embrace the cultural diversity of India. We have some vibrant performances lined up, showcasing the talents of our young, spirited students from [School’s Name].

Anchor B: Yes, let’s welcome our future leaders! They are ready to capture the essence of our Republic Day through dance, music, and drama.

[Republic Day Awards Segment]

Anchor A: Republic Day is also about recognizing our unsung heroes. We now honor individuals who have served our community with dedication and zeal.

Anchor B: Please welcome [Award Presenter’s Name] to the stage for the award presentation. Let’s applaud their contributions to our society.

[Guest Speech on Republic Day]

Anchor A: Next, we have an inspiring speech from [Speaker’s Name], who embodies the spirit of our Republic – unity, progress, and strength.

Anchor B: Your words, [Speaker’s Name], are a beacon of hope and inspiration. Thank you for encouraging us to uphold our democratic values.

[Closing the Republic Day Event]

Anchor A: What an exhilarating celebration this has been! We thank each of you for being a part of this historic day in our nation’s journey.

Anchor B: Let’s conclude with the soul-stirring notes of our national song, Vande Mataram. Please stand as we celebrate our unity and diversity.

[Republic Day Event Ends]

Anchor A: As we wrap up, let’s carry the flame of patriotism beyond today, striving to contribute to our nation’s progress.

Anchor B: Farewell, and Jai Hind! We look forward to continuing this journey of pride and progress with you next year.

Conclude your Republic Day celebration with confidence and pride using our specially crafted 26 January Anchoring Script. Whether you’re addressing a school assembly, a community gathering, or any patriotic event, this anchoring script will ensure your Republic Day narration is both inspiring and memorable.

Let’s come together to make India’s 75th Republic Day a truly splendid occasion with the perfect blend of patriotism and eloquence.

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Independence Day 2024: Perfect anchoring scripts in English and Hindi for 15 August celebrations

Independence day anchoring scripts: looking for the ideal anchoring script for independence day 2024 we’ve got you covered with simple yet impactful scripts in both english and hindi. these will help you confidently lead your 15 august celebration with ease and style..

Pranvi Arora

New Delhi: Independence Day is a special occasion that unites the entire nation in celebration of freedom and patriotism. As we approach 15 August 2024, many schools, colleges, and organizations are preparing to host events filled with enthusiasm and pride. A well-prepared anchoring script can make a big difference in setting the right tone for the day’s events.

Whether you’re anchoring in English or Hindi, having a clear and engaging script is essential for guiding the program smoothly. From the introduction to the conclusion, your script should reflect the significance of Independence Day while keeping the audience engaged and inspired.

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English anchoring script for Independence Day

Anchor 1: Good morning/afternoon, everyone! On this glorious day, we gather to celebrate the freedom and spirit of our nation. I am [Your Name], and along with my co-host [Co-host’s Name], it is our privilege to guide you through today’s Independence Day celebration.

Anchor 2: Yes, indeed! As we stand here today, let’s remember the sacrifices of our great leaders and freedom fighters who gifted us the independence we cherish. To begin our program, we would like to invite [Name of the Person] to come forward and hoist the National Flag.

(Flag Hoisting Ceremony)

Anchor 1: Please rise and join us in saluting the Tricolor as we sing our National Anthem, “Jana Gana Mana.” (Pause for the National Anthem)

Anchor 2: Thank you, everyone. The National Anthem fills us with pride and reminds us of our duties as responsible citizens of India.

Welcome Speech

Anchor 1: To officially start the day, we invite [Name of the Chief Guest or Principal] to address the gathering and share their thoughts on this significant occasion.

(Welcome Speech by the Chief Guest/Principal)

Anchor 2: Thank you, [Name of the Speaker], for your inspiring words. Your message truly resonates with the spirit of Independence Day.

Cultural Performances

Anchor 1: Now, let’s move on to the part of the program that everyone looks forward to – the cultural performances. Our talented students have prepared a series of performances to showcase the rich cultural heritage of our nation.

Anchor 2: Yes! First, we have a patriotic dance by [Class/Group Name] that will set the stage on fire with their energy and passion. Please welcome them with a big round of applause!

(Patriotic Dance Performance)

Anchor 1: That was truly amazing! Thank you to our young performers for that spirited dance. Next, we have a soulful rendition of a patriotic song by [Student’s Name]. Let’s sit back and enjoy the melody that celebrates our country’s freedom.

(Patriotic Song Performance)

Anchor 2: What a beautiful performance! Music truly has the power to touch our hearts. Now, we have a short play/skit by [Class/Group Name] that highlights the struggle for independence and the importance of unity. Let’s watch and learn from this powerful performance.


Anchor 1: That was a touching performance. Our students have really brought history to life today. Let’s give them another round of applause!

Closing Remarks

Anchor 2: As we come to the end of our program, we hope today’s celebration has filled you with pride and inspiration. Let’s take the lessons of our freedom fighters and leaders to heart as we continue to build a brighter future for our country.

Anchor 1: Absolutely! On this Independence Day, let’s pledge to contribute to the nation’s progress and work towards a united and prosperous India. Thank you all for being a part of this celebration. Jai Hind!

Anchor 2: Jai Hind!

Hindi anchoring script for Independence Day

Anchor 1: Suprabhat/namaskar sabhi ko! Aaj ke is shaanadar din par hum sab yahaan ikattha hue hain apne desh ki azadi aur deshbhakti ko manane ke liye. Main hoon [Aapka Naam], aur mere saath hain mere co-host [Co-host ka Naam]. Hum dono ke liye yeh bahut garv ki baat hai ki aaj ke Swatantrata Diwas samaroh mein aap sabhi ka swagat kar pa rahe hain.

Anchor 2: Bilkul! Aaj hum yehan khade hain un mahaan netaon aur swatantrata senaniyon ko yaad karte hue, jinhone humein yeh azadi di hai. Samaroh ki shuruaat karte hue, hum nimantran dete hain [Vyakti ka Naam] ko, jo rashtriya dhwaj vandon ko aage badhane ke liye prastut karenge.

(Dhwaj Vandan Samaroh)

Anchor 1: Kripya sabhi khade ho jaayein aur apne tirange ko salaam dete hue rashtriya gaan “Jana Gana Mana” gayein. (Rashtriya Gaan ke liye rukawat)

Anchor 2: Dhanyavad! Rashtriya gaan humein garv se bhar deta hai aur ek nagrik ke roop mein hamare kartavyaon ki yaad dilata hai.

Anchor 1: Ab aaj ke din ki aupacharik shuruaat karte hue, hum nimantran dete hain [Mukhya Atithi ya Pradhanacharya ka Naam] ko jo is mahatvapurn avsar par apne vichar vyakt karenge.

(Mukhya Atithi/Pradhanacharya dwara bhashan)

Anchor 2: Dhanyavad, [Bhashan dene wale Vyakti ka Naam], aapke prerak shabdon ke liye. Aapka sandesh sachmuch Swatantrata Diwas ke aatma se juda hai.

Anchor 1: Ab hum us hissa ki aur badhte hain jiska sabko besabri se intezar hota hai – sanskritik pradarshan. Hamare pratibhashali vidyarthiyon ne hamare desh ke dharohar ko pradarshit karne ke liye kuch vishesh prastutiyan taiyaar ki hain.

Anchor 2: Haan! Sabse pehle, humare paas hai ek deshbhakti se bhara nritya [Kaksha/Group ka Naam] dwara, jo apni urja aur jazbe se manch ko roshan kar denge. Unka zor-dar taalion se swagat karein!

(Deshbhakti Nritya Pradarshan)

Anchor 1: Wah! Bahut hi shandar pradarshan tha! Dhanyavad hamare jawan kalakaron ko unke is behtareen nritya ke liye. Agli prastuti hai ek madhur deshbhakti geet [Vidyarthi ka Naam] dwara. Chaliye sunte hain yeh geet jo hamari azadi ko manata hai.

(Deshbhakti Geet Pradarshan)

Anchor 2: Kya khubsurat pradarshan tha! Sangeet sach mein hamare dil ko choo leta hai. Ab hamare paas hai ek chhota sa natak/skit [Kaksha/Group ka Naam] dwara jo swatantrata ke liye sangharsh aur ekta ki mahatvapurnata ko darshata hai. Aaiye dekhte hain yeh prabhavit karne wali prastuti.

(Natak/Skit Pradarshan)

Anchor 1: Bahut hi prabhavit karne wali prastuti thi. Hamare vidyarthiyon ne aaj itihaas ko sach mein jeevant kar diya hai. Unhein ek aur zor-dar taaliyon se sammanit karein!

Anchor 2: Hamare karyakram ke samapan par, hum asha karte hain ki aaj ka samaroh aapko garv aur prerna se bhar diya hoga. Aaiye, hum apne swatantrata senaniyon aur netaon se seekh lekar apne desh ke bhavishya ko aur ujjwal banane ka sankalp karein.

Anchor 1: Bilkul! Is Swatantrata Diwas par, aaiye hum apne desh ki pragati mein yogdan dene ka sankalp lein aur ek sarthak aur samriddh Bharat ka nirmaan karein. Aap sabhi ko is samaroh ka hissa banne ke liye dhanyavad. Jai Hind!

Anchoring script for Independence Day in school

Anchor 1: Good morning/afternoon everyone! A very happy Independence Day to all of you. I am [Your Name], and with me is [Co-host’s Name]. We are honored to be your hosts for today’s celebration of India’s 77th Independence Day.

Anchor 2: Yes, indeed! Today is a day of pride, a day to remember the brave souls who fought for our freedom. As we gather here to celebrate this special occasion, let’s feel the spirit of patriotism and unity. To begin our program, we would like to invite [Principal’s Name] to come forward and hoist the National Flag.

Anchor 1: Please rise and join us in saluting the National Flag as we sing our National Anthem, “Jana Gana Mana.” (Pause for the National Anthem)

Anchor 2: Thank you, everyone. The National Anthem reminds us of the unity and strength of our nation.

Anchor 1: To officially start our celebration, we now invite our respected Principal, [Principal’s Name], to address the gathering and share their thoughts on this significant day.

(Principal’s Speech)

Anchor 2: Thank you, [Principal’s Name], for your inspiring words. Your message truly captures the essence of Independence Day.

Anchor 1: Now, it’s time to celebrate our freedom through various cultural performances prepared by our talented students. Let’s begin with a patriotic song that will fill our hearts with pride, presented by the students of [Class/Group Name]. Please give them a big round of applause!

Anchor 2: What a beautiful performance! Thank you, students, for that melodious song. Next, we have a vibrant dance performance by the students of [Class/Group Name] that celebrates the diverse culture of our country. Let’s welcome them on stage with a huge round of applause!

(Dance Performance)

Anchor 1: That was truly a delightful performance! Our students have shown us the true colors of India. Now, we have a short skit by [Class/Group Name] that will take us back in time to the struggle for independence. Let’s watch and appreciate their efforts.

(Skit Performance)

Anchor 2: What an impactful skit! It reminds us of the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. Next, we have a poem recitation by [Student’s Name] that beautifully expresses the love for our country. Let’s listen and be inspired.

(Poem Recitation)

Anchor 1: That was a moving poem. Thank you for sharing those heartfelt words. Now, to bring more energy into the program, we have a group dance by [Class/Group Name] celebrating the joy of freedom. Let’s cheer them on!

(Group Dance Performance)

Anchor 2: That was a spectacular performance! Our students have really made today’s celebration special.

Anchor 1: As we come to the end of our Independence Day celebration, let’s take a moment to reflect on the importance of this day. It’s not just about remembering our past, but also about taking responsibility for our future.

Anchor 2: Absolutely! Let’s pledge to be responsible citizens and contribute to the growth and prosperity of our nation. Thank you all for joining us in today’s celebration. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Anchor 1: Wishing you all a very happy Independence Day once again. Jai Hind!

A thoughtful anchoring script can elevate your Independence Day celebration, making it memorable for everyone involved. Whether in English or Hindi, your words can inspire and bring the spirit of 15 August to life.

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Independence Day Anchoring Script 2024: Best Engaging Scripts for 15th August

Independence day anchoring script for in english: check here for the samples and tips to create an engaging anchoring script on the occasion of independence day 2024 celebration in schools. download the sample scripts in pdf format, mentioned at the end of this article..

Anisha Mishra

Tips for Crafting the Independence Day Anchoring Script

[Opening Music Plays: Patriotic Song]

Greet everyone with a cheerful "Good morning!" and a brief introduction of yourself.

Briefly Explain the Significance of Independence Day

Share a short, inspiring quote about Independence Day 

Flag Hoisting and National Anthem

Announce the flag hoisting ceremony with excitement.

Performances and Speeches

Briefly outline the program for the day. Introduce each performance – dance, skit, song, speech, etc., mentioning the theme or message.

Appreciation Note After Each Performance

Example 1: Thank you so much my dear little friends for such a wonderful energetic performance. Everyone, please give them a huge round of applause.

Example 2: Wow, what an incredible dance performance! A big round of applause for the vibrant and energetic display. Your performance truly brought our traditions to life and filled us with national pride!

Speech by Honored Guest/Principal

Invite the guest of the event or your school principal to deliver a speech and share their reflections on the occasion of Independence Day 2024.


Independence Day 2024: Engaging Short and Long Speeches in English

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Independence Day Essay 2024: Short and Long Essay in English

Resume Next Performances

Closing note and national anthem.

Briefly summarise the highlights of the celebration. Emphasise the importance of Independence Day and our responsibility as citizens. In the end, request all to stand up for the National Anthem.

Example: As we draw this beautiful Independence Day celebration to a close, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Your presence and participation have made today’s event truly memorable. A special thank you to all our performers, speakers, and volunteers who have contributed to the success of our program. To honor the spirit of our nation and conclude our celebration on a high note, let us all stand together and sing our National Anthem. Let this moment be a reminder of the freedom and unity we cherish as a nation. Happy Independence Day to all!

[National Anthem Plays]

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Independence Day 2024 Anchoring Script for Students: Sample

Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone! And a very happy Independence Day to all of you! Welcome to our celebration of the 78th Independence Day. Today, we come together to honor the spirit of freedom, unity, and pride that defines our great nation. Absolutely! As we gather here to celebrate, let’s take a moment to remember the struggles and sacrifices made by countless individuals who fought for our freedom. Their courage paved the way for the country we cherish today. To start with a special performance of our National Anthem. Please stand as we pay tribute to the ideals and values that bind us together. That’s right! First up, we have a very special guest joining us today. Please welcome [Name], [Title/Position]. I would like to invite the guest/principal to come up on the stage and Hoist the flag followed by the National Anthem.  That was truly inspiring! Thank you to our dignitaries. I would request you all to please, take your seats and witness the Independence Day programme. Now, let’s take a look at our program for today. We have a wonderful lineup of events, including [list key events, e.g., cultural performances, speeches, parades, etc.]. Now, it’s time for some entertainment! Get ready to enjoy [describe performance, e.g., a traditional dance, musical performance, or skit], brought to you by [performer/group name]. What a fantastic performance! Thank you to [performer/group name] for bringing so much energy and joy to our celebration. As we have a very special guest with us today. Please welcome [Name], [Title/Position], who will be sharing a few words about the significance of Independence Day and what it means to them. Thank you so much, [Guest Speaker’s Name], for those heartfelt words. Your message reminds us of the values we hold dear and the responsibilities we carry forward. And now, let’s not forget the younger generation. Up next, we have a special segment featuring our local school children, who will showcase their creativity and patriotism through [describe activity, e.g., a play, recitation, or art display]. That was absolutely delightful! A big round of applause for our young stars and their incredible performances. Before we move on to our next event, we’d like to take a moment to thank all our sponsors, volunteers, and organizers who made this celebration possible. Your hard work and dedication are deeply appreciated. Indeed. And as we continue our festivities, let’s carry forward the spirit of Independence Day in our hearts and actions. May we always strive to build a better and more inclusive nation. So, whether you're with us here or celebrating elsewhere, let’s make this Independence Day one to remember. Thank you for joining us today, and once again, a very Happy Independence Day to all! Enjoy the rest of the celebration, and let’s cherish every moment of our freedom and unity.

Essential Tips for Impressive Anchoring

  • Know Your Material - Understand the significance of the event and the key points you need to cover, and rehearse your script multiple times to ensure smooth delivery and familiarity with the content.
  • Engage Your Audience- Begin with an amazing introduction to grab the audience’s attention. Involve the audience with questions, comments, or interactive segments to keep them engaged.
  • Maintain Confidence and Poise- Maintain good posture and project confidence through your body language and stay composed and move on gracefully.
  • Use Clear and Expressive Speech- Speak slowly and clearly to ensure everyone can understand you. Use appropriate and emotion to convey the significance of the event.
  • Connect with the Audience- Share relevant quotes to make your anchoring more relatable. Adjust your tone and energy based on the audience’s reactions and the event’s atmosphere.
  • Keep It Concise and Relevant- Stick to the key messages and avoid unnecessary details. 
  • Coordinate with Your Co-Anchor- Communicate with your co-anchor to ensure smooth transitions and a cohesive presentation. Provide prompts or cues if needed, and back each other up throughout the event.
  • Prepare for the Unexpected- Be ready to handle unexpected changes or technical issues with a calm and flexible attitude. 
  • End on a High Note- Wrap up with a strong closing statement that reinforces the event’s message and leaves a lasting impression. Thank the audience, performers, and organizers for their contributions and participation.

Remember, this is just a reference for you to build upon. Feel free to add your own unique touches and insights. Your personal contributions will add a special touch to the event, making it memorable for everyone involved. Let us carry the spirit of Independence Day with us as we continue to celebrate our nation’s values and strive to contribute positively to our community. Thank you all for being here, and once again, Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day Anchoring Script 2024 Download PDF 

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Independence Day 2024: 5 inspiring short Speech ideas for students to deliver in schools, colleges

Get ready for independence day 2024 with these five inspiring short speech ideas perfect for students to deliver in schools and colleges. capture the essence of freedom and patriotism with powerful, memorable messages..

Independence Day 2024

1. The Power of Unity

Opening Line: "Unity is the strength of a nation."

Idea: Highlight the importance of unity in achieving freedom and maintaining a strong nation. Share examples of how coming together can overcome challenges and how this spirit of unity is essential for progress. Encourage students to work together towards common goals, just as the leaders of the independence movement did.

2. Honouring the Unsung Heroes

Opening Line: "Not all heroes wear capes; some wear simple uniforms and work tirelessly behind the scenes."

Idea: Focus on the lesser-known figures who played significant roles in the struggle for independence. This could include local leaders, freedom fighters, or ordinary citizens who made extraordinary sacrifices. Emphasize how everyone’s contributions are valuable and worthy of recognition.

3. Embracing Freedom Through Responsibility

Opening Line: "Freedom comes with the responsibility of making a positive difference."

Idea: Discuss how freedom is not just a privilege but also a responsibility to contribute to society. Encourage students to use their talents and skills to address current issues and make meaningful changes in their communities. Highlight how responsible actions can honor the legacy of those who fought for independence.

4. Reflecting on Progress and Challenges

Opening Line: "As we celebrate our freedom, let’s reflect on how far we’ve come and the road ahead."

Idea: Reflect on the progress made since independence, including achievements in various fields, but also acknowledge the challenges that remain. This speech can inspire students to appreciate the journey while motivating them to contribute to ongoing efforts for national development.

5. The Role of Youth in Nation Building

Opening Line: "The future of our nation lies in the hands of its youth."

Idea: Emphasize the crucial role that young people play in shaping the future of the country. Encourage students to take an active role in community service, leadership, and innovation. Highlight how their energy and ideas are vital for continuing the legacy of independence and building a better future.

Each of these speech ideas can be adapted to fit different lengths and styles, ensuring that every student has a chance to deliver a memorable and impactful message on Independence Day 2024.

ALSO READ:  Independence Day 2024: 5 easy DIY Tricolor crafts ideas for kids to decorate their living space

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Brain-Computer Combo Lets Mute Man With ALS 'Talk' Again

Key takeaways.

An experimental brain-computer interface restored the ability to speak to a man with ALS

Electrodes in his brain record speech-related activity and feed it to a computer

The man now has a 125,000 word vocabulary, and the computer interprets his words with 97% accuracy

THURSDAY, Aug. 15, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Casey Harrell was losing his ability to speak due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

“Not being able to communicate is so frustrating and demoralizing. It is like you are trapped,” said Harrell, 45.

But a new brain-computer interface is allowing Harrell to speak to others once more, with his brain providing the words and a computer giving them voice.

Four microelectrode arrays implanted into a brain region responsible for coordinating speech detect the words that Harrell wants to say and sends that information to a computer program.

During Harrell’s first session, the system took 30 minutes to achieve more than 90% word accuracy with a 50-word vocabulary, researchers said.

The decoded words appear on a screen and are read aloud in a voice that sounds like Harrell’s did before he developed ALS.

“The first time we tried the system, he cried with joy as the words he was trying to say correctly appeared on screen. We all did,” said researcher Sergey Stavisky , co-director of the University of California, Davis Neuroprosthetics Lab.

ALS affects the nerve cells that control movement throughout the body, researchers said. It causes a gradual loss of the ability to stand, walk, use hands and even speak.

By the time Harrell entered the study, he had developed weakness in his arms and legs and his speech was very hard to understand.

In July 2023, researchers implanted the electrodes into Harrell’s brain, so that they could record brain activity related to speech.

“We’re really detecting their attempt to move their muscles and talk,” Stavisky explained in a university news release. “We are recording from the part of the brain that’s trying to send these commands to the muscles. And we are basically listening into that, and we’re translating those patterns of brain activity into a phoneme -- like a syllable or the unit of speech -- and then the words they’re trying to say.”

One of the roadblocks for developing these sort of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) is that it takes time for the computer to learn how to properly interpret brain signals, researchers said.

“Previous speech BCI systems had frequent word errors. This made it difficult for the user to be understood consistently and was a barrier to communication,” said researcher Dr. David Brandman , an assistant professor of neurosurgery at UC Davis. “Our objective was to develop a system that empowered someone to be understood whenever they wanted to speak.”

During Harrell’s second session with the device, the size of his potential vocabulary increased from 50 to 125,000 words, researchers found.

With just an additional 1.4 hours of training data, the BCI achieved a 90% word accuracy along with this greatly expanded vocabulary.

A report on Harrell's case was published Aug. 14 in the New England Journal of Medicine .

The system now is at a better than 97% accurate, following 84 data sessions over 32 weeks in which Harrell engaged in more than 248 hours of communication, researchers said.

“At this point, we can decode what Casey is trying to say correctly about 97% of the time, which is better than many commercially available smartphone applications that try to interpret a person’s voice,” Brandman said.

“This technology is transformative because it provides hope for people who want to speak but can’t,” Brandman added. “I hope that technology like this speech BCI will help future patients speak with their family and friends.”

Harrell agreed.

“Something like this technology will help people back into life and society,” he said.

More information

The ALS Association has more on ALS .

SOURCE: University of California, Davis, news release, Aug. 14, 2024

What This Means For You

Brain implants are giving people a chance to speak again after they lose their voice to illness.

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DNC 2024: How to Watch the Democratic National Convention, Schedule & What to Expect

The Democratic National Convention will begin on Monday, August 19, and conclude on Thursday, August 22. The event will take place in Chicago, Illinois, at the McCormick Place and United Center and will feature delegates from all 50 states converging to celebrate and amplify the message of the party’s platform and candidates in the 2024 general election.

Who will speak at the 2024 Democratic National Convention?

After the convention features the delegates formally voting for the party’s platform and presidential ticket, current President Joe Biden , who dropped out of the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris , will deliver a speech on night one. It is also reported that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , who was the party’s first female nominee in 2016, will speak on the first night. On the second day of the convention, former President   Barack Obama is expected to take the stage, with Vice presidential hopeful Tim Walz following suit on day three after former President  Bill Clinton . The event will conclude with Vice President Kamala Harris, the DNC’s nominee, delivering an acceptance speech on the fourth night. 

What other events will take place at the DNC?

There are dozens of individual and third-party events taking place in conjunction with the convention, including a Julia Louis-Dreyfus-hosted panel. Plus, there will be events featuring the stars of  The Daily Show and  RuPaul’s Drag Race , as well as musical performances from John Legend, Jimmy Eat World, D.J. Shawna, Lil Jon, Joan Jeet and the Blackhearts, Drive-By Truckers, and SistaStrings. Other celebrities expected to attend include Dana Gurira, Iain Armitage, Uma Thurman, Uzo Aduba, and more.

How do I watch the 2024 DNCt live?

The DNC will feature a live-stream video on its YouTube channel (embedded above), and several networks will present special coverage of the convention throughout the week. 

ABC: The network will feature an hour of nightly coverage — titled The Democratic National Convention — Your Voice/Your Vote 2024 and anchored by David Muir — at 10/9c on each night of the convention. ABC News Live will host coverage from 7/6c to midnight each day, anchored by Linsey Davis, and Hulu will feature running live reports each day as well. Find more details here.

CBS : The network will feature an hour of nightly coverage — titled CBS News 2024: America Decides: Democratic Convention — at 10/9c on each night of the convention.

C-SPAN : The network will feature continuous coverage — titled Campaign 2024 — beginning with a preview at 5:30/4:30c on Monday and 6/5c on Tuesday through Thursday. 

CNN : The network will feature nightly coverage throughout its normal news hours and feature special coverage each night at 8/7c. 

Fox News : The network will begin its coverage of the convention on Sunday, August 19 and conclude on Friday, August 23. It’ll also feature nightly hour-long coverage — titled FOX News Democracy 2024: The Democratic National Convention — coanchored by Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.

MSNBC : The network will begin its coverage of the contention on Sunday, August 19 at 6/5 with Ari Melber kicking off a special cohosted by Joy Reid, who’ll be on location in Chicago, and followed by coverage anchored by Rachel Maddow and Jen Psaki. Throughout the week,  Morning Joe ‘s hosts will provide coverage in the morning, with the afternoon shows hosted by Andrea Mitchell and Chris Jansing following suit during their regular hours. On Wednesday, August 21, the network will air  MSNBC Live: Access for All  as live coverage of the convention. MSNBC’s YouTube page will stream the DNC all four days, and the network’s website and app will feature additional coverage..

NBC : The network will feature an hour of nightly coverage — titled Decision 2024: Democratic National Convention — at 10/9c on Monday and Tuesday and two hours of coverage starting 9/8c on Wednesday and Thursday.

NewsNation : The network will feature convention coverage beginning Sunday, August 18 with a special edition of The Hill Sunday . Then, four hours of nightly coverage — titled Decision Desk 2024: The Democratic National Convention — will commence on Monday, August 19 through Friday, August 22, with Chris Cuomo, Elizabeth Vargas, and Leland Vittert co-anchoring.

Noticias Telemundo : The network will feature daily convention coverage from Monday through Friday, with special editions of the newscast anchored by Juli Vaquiero. Damià Bonmatí will anchor coverage on the streaming channel Noticias Telemundo Ahora (which is available on Peacock and the network’s digital platforms).

PBS : The network will air three hours of nightly coverage — titled PBS News Special: Democratic National Convention — starting at 8/7c, with Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett anchoring. 

Barack Obama

Bill clinton, hillary clinton, jimmy carter, kamala harris.

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In PM Modi's speech, power of 140 crore, not weakness of 240

Prime minister narendra modi on thursday delivered his 11th consecutive independence-day speech as the pm. however, there was a changed reality as the bjp doesn't have a majority of its own in the lok sabha. did modi's speech reflect the strength and confidence of previous years, did it promise to stay on a reform path.

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In his Independence-Day speech on Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also said the country needed a 'secular civil code'.

As Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation from the Red Fort on India's 78th Independence Day, all eyes were on two things -- the turban and the strength or weakness in his voice. The change in the turbans has been a constant, so has been the strength and confidence in his voice. But as Modi delivered his 11th consecutive Independence Day speech as the PM, the reality has changed.

His party, the BJP, doesn't have a majority on its own in the Lok Sabha.

The Independence Day speech is crucial as PM Modi has been outlining his government's plans and highlighting its achievements for the last 10 years. He has been emphasising tough reforms, boosted by the BJP's strength in the Lok Sabha.

The results of the Lok Sabha election, declared on June 4, are fresh in everyone's mind. The BJP, which had a brute majority in the Lok Sabha in 2014 and 2019, was reduced to 240 seats. Short of the 272-seat majority mark, the Modi government now relies on the support of NDA partners.

The Prime Minister's public events have come down significantly since the 2024 general elections. The saturation coverage of his events has also dropped. So much so that the PM's August 11 event at Delhi's Pusa agriculture institute , where he launched 109 crop varieties, wasn't even livestreamed.

The Independence Day speech was the first big event of PM Modi since the election results which would be watched and deciphered by millions of Indians.


Modi started his speech by recounting how just 40 crore Indians defeated a superpower to overthrow the colonial yoke. He then emphasised that Indians were 140 crore now.

"We are 140 crore now. If these 140 crore Indians march together, then whatever the challenges, we can overcome all the hurdles and achieve the dream of Viksit Bharat by 2047," said Modi.

He said the request for suggestions for Viksit Bharat 2047 had seen an overwhelming response from Indians, including from the poor, farmers, tribals and those who live in cities.

It was clear, Modi was speaking with the strength of 140 crore people, and not the 240 Lok Sabha seats.


That Modi was speaking from a position of strength was clear as the day as he spoke of the need for a "secular civil code", hinting at reforms for a uniform civil code. This was an indication that the BJP hadn't forsaken its key ideological issues despite the electoral setbacks.

It's not that coalition governments haven't taken big decisions. The government of PV Narasimha Rao that opened up India's economy was a coalition government.

It is the intent that shouldn't be suspect. And that was made clear by Modi when he spoke about the "strong resolve of the leadership" to deliver on its promises. "We haven't done politics due to compulsion but to put the nation first."

Talking about the reforms undertaken during his two terms, Modi said that it would take hours to list them. But he gave the example of how the banking sector had been reformed. He said after decades of mismanagement, now Indian banks were amongs the strongest globally. They now serve the poor, students and farmers.

In his longest Independence Day speech as PM till date , Modi said policies came from clean intent. "Niti saaf niyat se hoti hai."


Modi has made it clear, electoral politics isn't going to become a stumbling block when it comes to big reforms.

Talking about the Uniform Civil Code, a hotly debated issue, the PM said the country "needed a secular civil code, having spent 75 years with a communal civil code". A Uniform Civil Code is one of the key ideological promises of the BJP.

He peppered his speech with the inspirational and tacky "Chunautiyo ko chunauti dena, Bharatiyo ke fitrat me hai (It is in the nature of Indians to challenge the challenges)," said Modi.

The intent and resolve for reforms was evident in PM Modi's Independence Day speech. Breaking from his usual practice, Modi ditched the teleprompter, and delivered the speech with cues from a piece of paper.

Remarks at the national commemoration of International Youth Day

* The national commemoration on the theme `Skills Development for the Enhancement of Youth Opportunities` was held in Soroti District.

Your Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda

Your Excellency the Vice President of the Republic of Uganda

Members of Parliament

All dignitaries present

Standing on all protocols. 

Good Day to all. 

It is wonderful to be among all here as we gather to celebrate and honour the incredible energy, creativity and potential of our young people. Youth Day is a moment to recognise the profound impact that young individuals have on shaping our world and to reaffirm our commitment to supporting their dreams and aspirations. 

The United Nations commends the Government for all the efforts thus far on youth empowerment, including the many social action funds made available for young people to pursue an entrepreneurial path. We stand by the Government’s side to support that Uganda progressively ensures that every young person has the opportunity to realise their full potential. This of course means providing access to quality education, fostering an environment where creative and entrepreneurial ideas can flourish and ensuring that youth participate in decision making processes that impact their lives.   

As we have already heard, many good programmes are in place. Where we could collectively improve is to better manage what is in place and also expand, grow the programmes to reach more and go to scale. For any programme to have a transformative impact on youth prospects, it has to reach a critical mass of young people. Because despite all the laudable work being done, an approximate 50% of the 7.7 million Ugandan youth that live in rural areas are ‘Not in

Education, Employment or Training’ (NEETs). There are too many young people not being reached effectively.   

I have had the privilege to witness first hand the remarkable achievement of Youth across many communities, their innovation, resilience and determination are the driving forces behind much of the progress we see everyday. 

And on this note, let me please draw attention to the exhibitions and particularly to 2 young individuals – the 1st in Ms, Hellen Munyasa who is innovatively transforming plastics to high quality sewing threads by an innovative recycling process where her start up collects plastics. Shreds it into small pieces, mixes it with cotton waste and transforms it into threads which is later sold in markets across Uganda. I wish to also highlight Mr. Godfrey Sengonzi, a youth proprietor who also transforms plastic waste in Wakiso District into tiles. Both have been supported by the UN – through UNDP – are are creating innovative new products. And we know product innovation can lead to new firms, new sectors and thus new jobs.  

In our context we need a radical upgrade in the jobs available. Innovation, while important, is not enough – it needs to be paired with entrepreneurship. We need the type of innovation that yields many jobs.  

Many of our young people cannot just walk into a job waiting for them.  The reality is most of the youth of today will have to make their own jobs. Blessedly, the creativity and innovation is here. The entrepreneurial spirit is also here. Both very well distributed through out Uganda. Perhaps what we should strengthen urgently is the ecosystem of support required to nurture both innovation and entrepreneurship – thinking through and setting up a deliberate network of institutional actors that support, fund and promote new businesses.  Having the right public policy, regulations, laws and government support in place, having a well trained workforce and scaling up funding – which I recognise are already being thought about, thinking through the infrastructure in place to help entrepreneurs with research and commercialization activities, having  a network of mentors, advisors and business support systems and of course cultivating  access to market. And in our case that will also mean the regional market. Uganda alone cannot absorb the entrepreneurial talent of Ugandans, when unleashed. Ugandans need the regional market. We know the work is ongoing and how engaged you are in bringing it to fruition Mr. President.

Elements of this ecosystem exist. But we need to strengthen, broaden and take to scale what exists. The future of many young people is to either start their own business or work for someone who has. 

Mr. President, last year you launched a UN Joint Adolescents and Youth Programme. I am happy to report that it has taken off and the Honourable Betty Amongi has been guiding us. The programme doesn’t have the scale needed to be transformative yet, but it is a start. What is most commendable about the programme is that we are pulling resources UN wide towards specific issues concerning youth. And the Government is leading us in this effort. We need this – deliberately pulling together our disparate efforts to help us move in the direction of scale and efficiency. And this is an approach we should explore in other thematic areas – this is the approach that moves us in the direction of scale and efficiency. 

To conclude, the UN congratulates the Ministry for organising this commemoration of International Youth Day. We call on us all to renew our commitments, redouble efforts to ensure the 73% of Ugandans under 30 have what they need for a productive adulthood. In many places around the world, young people led by Gen Z, are growing impatient. Their future prospects are dim and they are frustrated. We have to redouble efforts to reignite their hope for the future. Jobs, economic and social progress will do that. 

Dear Young people, You are not only the leaders of tomorrow but increasingly also the trailblazers of today, working to address pressing issues like climate change, social justice and a progress that leaves no one behind. Continue doing your part. Study, work, do. Government and others should/can/will help. But no one can study for you, work for you or do for you.  You are fundamentally the engine for your own growth.  Thank you. 

Ms. Susan Namondo

Susan Ngongi Namondo

Goals we are supporting through this initiative, un entities involved in this initiative.


19 Facts About Tim Walz, Harris’s Pick for Vice President

Mr. Walz, the governor of Minnesota, worked as a high school social studies teacher and football coach, served in the Army National Guard and chooses Diet Mountain Dew over alcohol.

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Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, in a gray T-shirt and baseball cap, speaks at a Kamala Harris event in St. Paul, Minn., last month.

By Simon J. Levien and Maggie Astor

  • Published Aug. 6, 2024 Updated Aug. 9, 2024

Until recently, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota was a virtual unknown outside of the Midwest, even among Democrats. But his stock rose fast in the days after President Biden withdrew from the race, clearing a path for Ms. Harris to replace him and pick Mr. Walz as her No. 2.

Here’s a closer look at the Democrats’ new choice for vice president.

1. He is a (very recent) social media darling . Mr. Walz has enjoyed a groundswell of support online from users commenting on his Midwestern “dad vibes” and appealing ordinariness.

2. He started the whole “weird” thing. It was Mr. Walz who labeled former President Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, “weird” on cable television just a couple of weeks ago. The description soon became a Democratic talking point.

3. He named a highway after Prince and signed the bill in purple ink. “I think we can lay to rest that this is the coolest bill signing we’ll ever do,” he said as he put his name on legislation declaring a stretch of Highway 5 the “Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway” after the musician who had lived in Minnesota.

4. He reminds you of your high school history teacher for a reason. Mr. Walz taught high school social studies and geography — first in Alliance, Neb., and then in Mankato, Minn. — before entering politics.

5. He taught in China in 1989 and speaks some Mandarin. He went to China for a year after graduating from college and taught English there through a program affiliated with Harvard University.

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    Then, four hours of nightly coverage — titled Decision Desk 2024: The Democratic National Convention — will commence on Monday, August 19 through Friday, August 22, with Chris Cuomo, Elizabeth ...

  27. In PM Modi's Independence Day speech, power of 140 corer Indians, not

    The intent and resolve for reforms was evident in PM Modi's Independence Day speech. Breaking from his usual practice, Modi ditched the teleprompter, and delivered the speech with cues from a piece of paper. His turban was colourful and different, his voice beaming with the strength and confidence of 140 crore Indians, not the 240 Lok Sabha seats.

  28. Vance looks to turn tables on Walz

    Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance sought to turn the tables on Democratic rival Tim Walz, claiming that the Minnesota governor is the one being "weird."

  29. Remarks at the national commemoration of International Youth Day

    To conclude, the UN congratulates the Ministry for organising this commemoration of International Youth Day. We call on us all to renew our commitments, redouble efforts to ensure the 73% of Ugandans under 30 have what they need for a productive adulthood. In many places around the world, young people led by Gen Z, are growing impatient.

  30. 19 Facts About Tim Walz, Harris's Pick for Vice President

    Until recently, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota was a virtual unknown outside of the Midwest, even among Democrats. But his stock rose fast in the days after President Biden withdrew from the race ...