Essay On Mango

500 words essay on mango.

Mango is known as the king of fruits. It is also the national fruit of India . This pulpy fruit grows during the summer season. The cultivation of mango started around 6000 years ago. They come in both flavours of sweet and sour. Moreover, they are also very rich in minerals and nutrients. Through essay on mango, we will study about the fruit in detail.

essay on mango

Importance of Mango

Mangoes have unique nutritional and medicinal qualities which makes it very beneficial. It is a rich source of vitamins A and C. In addition to having a beautiful shape and appearance, the taste of mango is very delicious.

Similarly, mango in ripe form is highly energizing and fattening according to nutritional experts. What’s interesting is that we can use every part of the mango from its root to top in a lot of ways.

Even in its various stages of growth, we use it in a lot of ways. For instance, we use it for extracting tannin in its raw stage. Similarly, we also use it to make chutneys, curries and pickles in this stage.

Further, we also use it to make tasty squashes, jams, juices, jellies, nectars, syrups and more. Mango also comes in a can in slice and pulp form which is ready to use. Moreover, we also use the inside kernel of the stone of the mango as a source of food.

My Favourite Fruit

Mango is my favourite fruit of all times. I love eating mangoes because they are sweet and pulpy. My favourite part about eating mangoes is when we eat it with our hands and even though it becomes a mess, it is always worth it.

Moreover, the memories I have with this fruit makes it even more special. During my summer break, we visit my village along with the whole family. Thus, during the hot summer afternoons, my family sits beneath the tree together.

We take out mangoes from a bucket of cold water and sit down to savour them. Looking back at how much fun we used to have makes me extremely happy. Thus, I always get nostalgic when eating mangoes.

As a result, it brings good memories and happiness in my life. I love eating all varieties of mangoes. When we look back at the pre-historic existence of this fruit in India, we find that it has been around for many centuries.

As a result, a lot of varieties of mangoes are available. For instance, Alphonso, Kesar, Dasheri, Chausa, Badami and more. Thus, whatever the shape and size, I truly relish the king of fruits.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Mango

Every year, a huge amount of mangoes are produced. During summers, people eat it almost daily as a dessert. A lot of people also love to eat it in the form of ice creams. Thus, it brings a lot of happiness to all ages of people. Moreover, the added health benefits it provides just makes the fruit even more desirable.

FAQ on Essay on Mango

Question 1: What are the benefits of a mango?

Answer 1: Mango has many benefits. First of all, it is packed with nutrients and is high in antioxidants. Further, it also boosts immunity and supports heart health. It can also improve digestive health and support eye health.

Question 2: What are the ways in which we use mangoes?

Answer 2: Mangoes are eating as it is because they are very sweet. We also use them as squashes, juices, nectars, syrups as well as jams and jellies. They are available in cans too for desserts. Moreover, many people preserve it in the form of a pickle too.

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Essay on Mango For Class 1

The Mango, whose scientific name called Mangiferaindica , is known to be the fruits king. For humankind, it is one of the most vital ancient fruits. In history, it is found that mangoes are the favourite most fruit of the nation and have always been prized in India.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 1 on the topic ‘Mango’ for reference.

Essay 1: Short Essay On Mango Of 100 Words 

The ‘Mango’ is known as India’s National Fruit. The mango belongs to the genus Mangifera and is a fleshy stone fruit. Mangoes are rich in nutrients like vitamin D, C, and A. It is also known as the king of fruits. The mango tree is home to South Asia. Mangoes are harvested in the month of March till the end of May during the Summer Season.

In India, there are almost over a hundred varieties of mangoes. They are in a various range of colours, sizes, and shapes. It has been cultivated in India since time immemorial. People eat mangoes ripely or prepare them green as pickles or sauces.

Essay 2: Long Essay On Mango Of 150 Words 

Mango is called the ‘King of all Fruits’, and I love having mangoes. The ripe mangoes are soft and pulpy in nature and taste sweet. The refreshing and juicy taste of ripped mango is my favourite.

Mango grows well in a warm climate, and it is a tropical fruit. The colour of mango-skin varies from green, bright yellow to red and green. It has one big seed, and the mango seed is inedible.

Mangoes are rich in vitamins and minerals which are very good for our health. Mangoes are rich sources of vitamin C and vitamin A, iron, zinc and calcium, which are good for our skin and makes our bone stronger.

In India, there are several varieties of mangoes available in the summer season. Alphonso mangoes are very popular in the western part of India while the people from the eastern part loved Himsagar and other varieties like Dasheri, Langra, Badami, Baganapalli, etc.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 1  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

10 Lines On Mango Essay In English

  • Mango is known as the National fruit of India and is the “King of Fruits”.
  • It is a pulpy and sweet fruit that grows during the summer season.
  • Mango cultivation started around 6000 years.
  • Mangoes can be sweet or sour flavoured.
  • Mango is rich in Minerals and Vitamins.
  • It can be in different shape and colours like red, yellow, or green.
  • India produces various types of mangoes, like Dasheri, Himsagar, Alphonso, Langra etc.
  • For preparation mango juice, pickles, jams, and milkshakes, ripe mangoes are used.
  • Dried mangoes have a lot of medicinal properties.
  • Mango is my favourite fruit because it is a refreshing fruit.

Frequently Asked Questions on Mango

Question: What is the description of mango?

Answer: Mango, or Mangifera indica, grown for its edible fruit, is an evergreen tree in the family Anacardiaceae. The structure of a mango tree is erect with a thick trunk and rounded, broad canopy. The leaves of the tree are dark green and shiny. The fruit is a drupe, with an outer flesh surrounding a stone.

Question: What is the smell of mango?

Answer: A ripe mango near the stem area always has a kind of fruity smell and by fruity what it means is like a combination of pineapple and melon since mangoes are sweet fruits, so they have a sweet scent.

Question: What are the benefits of mango?

Answer: Mangoes are rich in vitamins and minerals which are very good for our health. Mangoes are rich sources of vitamin C and vitamin A, iron, zinc and calcium, which are good for our skin and calcium makes our bone stronger.

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Essay on Mango Tree – Examples, 10 Lines to 1200 Words

Short Essay on Mango Tree

Essay on Mango Tree: Mango trees are not just a source of delicious fruit, but they also hold cultural and spiritual significance in many cultures around the world. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects of the mango tree, from its botanical characteristics to its role in traditional practices and beliefs. Join us as we delve into the beauty and importance of the mango tree in this insightful and informative piece.

Table of Contents

Mango Tree Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of mango trees and their significance. Mention that mango trees are one of the most popular and widely grown fruit trees in tropical regions.

2. Description of Mango Tree: Describe the physical characteristics of a mango tree, such as its height, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Mention that mango trees can grow up to 100 feet tall and have dense foliage with large, dark green leaves.

3. Types of Mangoes: Discuss the different varieties of mangoes that can be grown on a mango tree, such as Alphonso, Haden, and Tommy Atkins. Mention that each variety has its own unique taste, color, and texture.

4. Cultivation and Care: Explain the process of growing and caring for a mango tree. Mention that mango trees require full sun, well-drained soil, and regular watering. Discuss the importance of pruning, fertilizing, and protecting the tree from pests and diseases.

5. Season and Harvest: Describe the mango tree’s fruiting season, which typically occurs in the summer months. Mention that mangoes are harvested when they are ripe and have a sweet aroma. Discuss the various ways to enjoy mangoes, such as eating them fresh, making smoothies, or using them in recipes.

6. Cultural Significance: Explain the cultural significance of mango trees in various countries. Mention that mangoes are considered a symbol of prosperity, fertility, and abundance in many cultures. Discuss how mango trees are used in religious ceremonies, festivals, and traditional medicine.

7. Economic Importance: Highlight the economic importance of mango trees in agriculture and trade. Mention that mangoes are a valuable export crop in many countries, generating income for farmers and contributing to the local economy. Discuss the global demand for mangoes and their potential for growth in the future.

8. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay on mango trees, emphasizing their beauty, versatility, and importance in various aspects of life. Encourage readers to appreciate and plant mango trees for their many benefits.

Essay on Mango Tree in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Mango trees are tropical fruit trees that belong to the genus Mangifera. 2. They are native to South Asia but are now grown in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world. 3. Mango trees can grow up to 100 feet tall and have a dense, spreading canopy. 4. The leaves of a mango tree are evergreen and can vary in size and shape depending on the variety. 5. Mango trees produce small, fragrant flowers that are pollinated by insects. 6. The fruit of a mango tree is a large, oval-shaped drupe that can vary in color from green to yellow to red. 7. Mangoes are known for their sweet, juicy flesh and are a popular fruit in many cuisines. 8. Mango trees require a warm, humid climate and well-drained soil to thrive. 9. They are typically grown from seed, but can also be propagated through grafting or air layering. 10. Mango trees are susceptible to pests and diseases, so proper care and maintenance are necessary to ensure a healthy tree and a bountiful harvest.

Sample Essay on Mango Tree in 100-180 Words

Mango tree is a tropical fruit tree that is native to South Asia. It is known for its delicious and juicy fruits that are enjoyed by people all over the world. The tree can grow up to 100 feet tall and has a dense canopy of dark green leaves.

The mango tree is also valued for its wood, which is used in furniture making and construction. In addition, the tree provides shade and shelter to various animals and birds.

Mango trees require a warm climate and well-drained soil to thrive. They are also sensitive to frost and drought, so they are typically grown in tropical and subtropical regions.

Overall, the mango tree is not only a valuable source of food and wood, but also plays a significant role in the ecosystem by providing habitat for wildlife and contributing to the overall biodiversity of the area.

Short Essay on Mango Tree in 200-500 Words

Mango tree, scientifically known as Mangifera indica, is a tropical fruit tree that belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. It is native to South Asia but is now grown in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The mango tree is known for its delicious and juicy fruits, which are widely consumed and enjoyed by people of all ages.

The mango tree is a large, evergreen tree that can grow up to 100 feet in height. It has a dense canopy of dark green leaves that provide ample shade from the scorching sun. The tree produces small, fragrant flowers that are pollinated by insects, which then develop into the famous mango fruits. The fruits are typically oval or round in shape and can vary in size and color depending on the variety.

Mango trees are known for their long lifespan, with some trees living for over 300 years. They are also highly adaptable and can thrive in a variety of soil types, as long as they receive adequate sunlight and water. The trees are usually grown from seeds, which are planted in well-drained soil and allowed to germinate. They require regular watering and fertilization to ensure healthy growth and fruit production.

One of the most appealing aspects of the mango tree is its delicious fruits. Mangoes are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as dietary fiber and antioxidants. They are known for their sweet and tangy flavor, which can vary depending on the variety. Mangoes can be eaten fresh, dried, or used in a variety of culinary dishes, such as salads, smoothies, and desserts.

In addition to their culinary value, mango trees also have cultural and religious significance in many parts of the world. In India, mango trees are considered sacred and are often planted near temples and homes as a symbol of prosperity and fertility. The fruits are also associated with festivals and celebrations, such as the Hindu festival of Holi, where mangoes are exchanged as a sign of goodwill and friendship.

Furthermore, mango trees have several medicinal properties and are used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. The leaves, bark, and seeds of the tree are believed to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. They are used to treat conditions such as diarrhea, dysentery, and skin disorders.

In conclusion, the mango tree is a versatile and valuable plant that provides not only delicious fruits but also shade, beauty, and medicinal benefits. Its long lifespan, adaptability, and cultural significance make it a cherished tree in many parts of the world. Whether enjoyed fresh or used in various dishes, the mango tree continues to be a beloved and iconic symbol of tropical fruit trees.

Essay on Mango Tree in 1000-1500 Words

Mango Tree: The King of Fruits


The mango tree, scientifically known as Mangifera indica, is a tropical fruit tree that is native to South Asia but is now grown in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world. It is known as the “king of fruits” due to its delicious taste, nutritional value, and cultural significance. The mango tree is not only valued for its fruits but also for its shade, timber, and medicinal properties. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects of the mango tree, including its botanical characteristics, cultivation, uses, and importance in different cultures.

Botanical Characteristics

The mango tree is a large evergreen tree that can grow up to 100 feet tall, with a dense canopy of dark green leaves. The leaves are oblong in shape, with a pointed tip and a glossy surface. The tree produces small, fragrant flowers that are pale yellow or pink in color. The fruit of the mango tree is a large, oval-shaped drupe that can vary in size and color depending on the variety. The skin of the mango is smooth and can range from green to yellow, orange, or red when ripe. The flesh of the fruit is juicy and sweet, with a unique flavor that is often described as a combination of peach, pineapple, and citrus.


The mango tree is a tropical plant that thrives in warm, humid climates with plenty of sunlight. It is grown in many countries around the world, including India, Thailand, the Philippines, and Mexico. Mango trees are typically grown from seeds, which are planted in well-drained soil and watered regularly. The trees require regular pruning to maintain their shape and promote fruit production. Mango trees are also susceptible to pests and diseases, so they require proper care and management to ensure healthy growth.

The mango tree is valued for its fruits, which are not only delicious but also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Mangoes are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and dietary fiber, making them a healthy addition to any diet. The fruit can be eaten fresh, dried, or processed into various products such as juice, jam, and chutney. Mangoes are also used in cooking to add flavor to dishes such as salads, curries, and desserts.

In addition to its fruits, the mango tree has many other uses. The wood of the mango tree is strong and durable, making it ideal for construction and furniture making. The leaves of the tree are used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, including diarrhea, dysentery, and skin disorders. The bark of the tree is also used to make dyes and tannins for leather production.

Importance in Different Cultures

The mango tree holds a special place in many cultures around the world, where it is revered for its beauty, symbolism, and cultural significance. In India, the mango tree is considered sacred and is often planted near temples and homes as a symbol of prosperity and fertility. The fruit of the mango tree is associated with love and sensuality in Indian mythology, and is often used in religious ceremonies and rituals.

In the Philippines, the mango tree is known as the “national tree” and is a symbol of national pride and identity. Mangoes are a popular fruit in Filipino cuisine, where they are used in a variety of dishes and desserts. The mango tree is also a source of income for many Filipino farmers, who export mangoes to markets around the world.

In Mexico, the mango tree is a symbol of abundance and fertility, and is often planted in orchards and gardens. Mangoes are a staple fruit in Mexican cuisine, where they are used in dishes such as salsas, salads, and smoothies. The mango tree is also a source of shade and beauty in Mexican landscapes, where it is often planted in parks and gardens.

The mango tree is a versatile and valuable plant that is cherished for its fruits, shade, timber, and medicinal properties. It is a symbol of prosperity, fertility, and abundance in many cultures around the world, where it plays an important role in food, medicine, and folklore. The mango tree is truly the “king of fruits,” and its delicious taste and nutritional value make it a favorite fruit for people of all ages. Whether enjoyed fresh, dried, or processed into various products, the mango tree continues to be a beloved and iconic symbol of tropical agriculture and culture.

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Essay on Mango For Class 1

The Mango, whose scientific name called Mangiferaindica , is known to be the fruits king. For humankind, it is one of the most vital ancient fruits. In history, it is found that mangoes are the favourite most fruit of the nation and have always been prized in India. We are providing two essay samples for students of class 1 on the topic ‘Mango’ for reference.

Essay 1: Short Essay On Mango Of 100 Words

The ‘Mango’ is known as India’s National Fruit. The mango belongs to the genus Mangifera and is a fleshy stone fruit. Mangoes are rich in nutrients like vitamin D, C, and A. It is also known as the king of fruits. The mango tree is home to South Asia. Mangoes are harvested in the month of March till the end of May during the Summer Season. In India, there are almost over a hundred varieties of mangoes. They are in a various range of colours, sizes, and shapes. It has been cultivated in India since time immemorial. People eat mangoes ripely or prepare them green as pickles or sauces.

Essay 2: Long Essay On Mango Of 150 Words

Mango is called the ‘King of all Fruits’, and I love having mangoes. The ripe mangoes are soft and pulpy in nature and taste sweet. The refreshing and juicy taste of ripped mango is my favourite. Mango grows well in a warm climate, and it is a tropical fruit. The colour of mango-skin varies from green, bright yellow to red and green. It has one big seed, and the mango seed is inedible. Mangoes are rich in vitamins and minerals which are very good for our health. Mangoes are rich sources of vitamin C and vitamin A, iron, zinc and calcium, which are good for our skin and makes our bone stronger. In India, there are several varieties of mangoes available in the summer season. Alphonso mangoes are very popular in the western part of India while the people from the eastern part loved Himsagar and other varieties like Dasheri, Langra, Badami, Baganapalli, etc. Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our Essay for Class 1 and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

10 Lines On Mango Essay In English

  • Mango is known as the National fruit of India and is the ‘King of Fruits.
  • It is a pulpy and sweet fruit that grows during the summer season.
  • Mango cultivation started around 6000 years.
  • Mangoes can be sweet or sour flavoured.
  • Mango is rich in Minerals and Vitamins.
  • It can be in different shape and colours like red, yellow, or green.
  • India produces various types of mangoes, like Dasheri, Himsagar, Alphonso, Langra etc.
  • For preparation mango juice, pickles, jams, and milkshakes, ripe mangoes are used.
  • Dried mangoes have a lot of medicinal properties.
  • Mango is my favourite fruit because it is a refreshing fruit.

Frequently Asked Questions on Mango

Question: What is the description of mango? Answer: Mango, or Mangifera indica, grown for its edible fruit, is an evergreen tree in the family Anacardiaceae. The structure of a mango tree is erect with a thick trunk and rounded, broad canopy. The leaves of the tree are dark green and shiny. The fruit is a drupe, with an outer flesh surrounding a stone. Question: What is the smell of mango? Answer: A ripe mango near the stem area always has a kind of fruity smell and by fruity what it means is like a combination of pineapple and melon since mangoes are sweet fruits, so they have a sweet scent. Question: What are the benefits of mango? Answer: Mangoes are rich in vitamins and minerals which are very good for our health. Mangoes are rich sources of vitamin C and vitamin A, iron, zinc and calcium, which are good for our skin and calcium makes our bone stronger.

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Physical description


Where do mango trees grow?

Plant seedlings emerging from rich fertile soil

Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.

  • National Center for Biotechnology Information - PubMed Central - Mangifera Indica (Mango)
  • Healthline - 10 Health Benefits of Mango
  • NParks Flora & Fauna Web - Mangifera indica L.
  • Frontiers - Chemical Composition of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Fruit: Nutritional and Phytochemical Compounds
  • UC Davis Western Institute for Food Safety and Security - Mango
  • Purdue University - NEWCROP - Mango
  • Pennsylvania State University - PlantVillage - Mango
  • mango - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11)
  • mango - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up)
  • Table Of Contents


What is a mango?

The term mango refers to the plant Mangifera indica as well as to its fruit. The plant, which is a member of the family Anacardiaceae , is an evergreen tree. Its fruit varies in appearance and is one of the most important and widely cultivated fruits of the tropical world.

The mango is considered indigenous to southern Asia, and mango trees can be found today in Brazil, the West Indies, Florida, and other tropical environments. The mango does not require any particular soil , but the finer varieties yield good crops only where there is a well-defined dry season to stimulate fruit production. The country that produces the most mangoes is India .

Are mangoes good for you?

Mango fruits are a rich source of vitamins A , C , and D . There is also research that suggests that mangoes can help control weight, fight cancer, and improve digestion. Mangoes have high sugar content compared with other fruits, however, which may pose risks to some people.

When are mangoes in season?

Because there are many different varieties that require different growth conditions, mangoes are generally available year-round. However, June and July are considered the best time to buy mangoes in the United States.

mango , ( Mangifera indica ), member of the cashew family ( Anacardiaceae ) and one of the most important and widely cultivated fruits of the tropical world. The mango tree is considered indigenous to southern Asia, especially Myanmar and Assam state of India , and numerous cultivars have been developed. Mangoes are a rich source of vitamins A , C , and D .

mango tree essay in english for class 1

The tree is evergreen , often reaching 15–18 metres (50–60 feet) in height and attaining great age. The simple leaves are lanceolate, up to 30 cm (12 inches) long. The flowers —small, pinkish, and fragrant—are borne in large terminal panicles (loose clusters). Some have both stamens and pistils , while others have stamens only. The fruit varies greatly in size and character. Its form is oval, round, heart-shaped, kidney-shaped, or long and slender. The smallest mangoes are no larger than plums , while others may weigh 1.8 to 2.3 kg (4 to 5 pounds). Some varieties are vividly coloured with shades of red and yellow, while others are dull green. The single large seed is flattened, and the flesh that surrounds it is yellow to orange in colour, juicy, and of distinctive sweet-spicy flavour .

Chef tossing vegetables in a frying pan over a burner (skillet, food).

The mango does not require any particular soil , but the finer varieties yield good crops only where there is a well-marked dry season to stimulate fruit production. In rainy areas a fungal disease known as anthracnose destroys flowers and young fruits and is difficult to control. Propagation is by grafting or budding. Inarching , or approach grafting (in which a scion and stock of independently rooted plants are grafted and the scion later severed from its original stock), is widely practiced in tropical Asia but is tedious and relatively expensive. In Florida, more efficient methods—veneer grafting and chip budding—have been developed and are used commercially.

The mango is inextricably connected with the folklore and religious ceremonies of India. Buddha himself was presented with a mango grove that he might find repose in its grateful shade. The name mango , by which the fruit is known in English- and Spanish-speaking countries, is most likely derived from the Malayam manna , which the Portuguese adopted as manga when they came to Kerala in 1498 for the spice trade . Probably because of the difficulty in transporting seeds (they retain their viability a short time only), the tree was not introduced into the Western Hemisphere until about 1700, when it was planted in Brazil ; it reached the West Indies about 1740.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 13 Murali’s Mango Tree

February 13, 2019 by Bhagya

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 13 Murali’s Mango Tree are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English . Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 13 Murali’s Mango Tree.

Class 1
Chapter 13
Murali’s Mango Tree

Summary In English This is story about the man named Vurali. One day he ate a mango. He threw the seed of the mango behind his house. Few months later, the seed produced one small plant. He started watering the plant. The plant grew into a mango tree. Every summer he and his children enjoy mangoes.

Summary In Hindi यह कहानी मुरली नामक एक व्यक्ति के बारे में हैं। एक दिन उसने एक आम खाया। उसने आम के बीज को अपने घर के पीछे फेंक दिया। कुछ दिनों के बाद बीज से एक छोटा पौधा निकल आया। उसने पौधे में पानी देना आरंभ कर दिया। पौधे ने एक आम के पेड़ का रूप ले लिया। प्रत्येक गरमी में वह और उसके बच्चे आम का आनंद उठाने लगे।

Hindi Translation Of The Story

1. One day Murali ate a mango. He threw the seed behind his house. Many months later, he saw a plant. He watered the plant everyday. The plant grew into a big mango tree. Every summer, many mangoes grow on it. Now, Murali’s children eat the mangoes.

एक दिन मुरली ने एक आम खाया। उसने बीज को अपने घर के पीछे फेंक दिया। कुछ महीनों के बाद उसने एक पौधा देखा। वह प्रत्येक दिन उस पौधे | में पानी देने लगा। पौधा एक बड़े आम के पेड़ के रूप में बदल गया। प्रत्येक गरमी में उस पर बहुत सारे आम फलते थे। अब मुरली तथा उसके बच्चे आम खाने लगे।

Word-Meanings: Mango (मेंगो )-a sweet fruit,आम। Seed ( सीड)-a tiny particle from which plant grows, बीज। Watered (वाटर्ड) – gave water to the plants, पौधे को पानी दिया Summer (समर) – a hot season,गर्मी का मौसम।

NCERT Textbook Questions

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 13 Murali's Mango Tree Q1

Let’s Talk Question 1 Describe the picture using all the words given above. ऊपर दिए गए शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हुए चित्र का वर्णन करो। Answer: Children can describe the above picture in their own words.

Question 2 Should trees be cut? क्या पेड़ों को काटा जाना चाहिए? Answer: No, they should not be cut down.

Question 3 Name some trees which you have seen, कुछ ऐसे पेड़ों के नाम बताओ जिनको तुमने देखा हो? Answer: I have seen mango, banana, neem, coconut and banana trees.

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Essay on Mango | My Favourite Fruit Mango Essay in English

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Mango: Mango is known as the “King of Fruits” and is the National fruit of India. It is a pulpy fruit that grows during the summer season. Mango cultivation started 6000 years ago. Mangoes can be sweet or sour flavoured. Mango is rich in Minerals and Vitamins. It can be of different colours like green, yellow, or red. India produces many types of mangoes, like Dasheri, Alphonso, etc. Ripe mangoes can be used to prepare mango juice, pickles, jams, and milkshakes. Dried mangoes have a lot of medicinal properties. Mango is my favourite fruit because it is a refreshing fruit.

Below we have provided Mango Essay in English for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 school students, written in easy and simple words.

Essay On Mango Fruit 500 Words In English

Find below Essay on Mango Fruit, suitable for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Nature has blessed us with many gifts. Out of those, fruits make the top of the list. From Chinese pilgrims to modern writers, the wonders of fruit have been praised by all. Our old Sanskrit literature is evidence of this fact. Fruits can be juicy, sweet, sour, and delicious, and they can be of a different kind. Today, we are going to discuss the king of fruits- Mango.

It is a pulpy fruit belonging to the genus Mangifera. And it is one of the most ancient fruits to be cultivated by mankind. People in the East have always admired this fruit. Mango is India’s national fruit. Chinese pilgrims who travelled to India back in the 7th century described mango as a delicacy. The cultivation of mango was extensive in the eastern parts of the world. Images of mango have been engraved in the temples and monasteries.

During Akbar’s rule in India, this fruit was greatly promoted. He planted 1 lakh mango trees in Darbhanga, Bihar. This place was named as Lakh Bagh. There are still some of the mango orchards that were planted in that era. The Shalimar Garden of Lahore was preserved to share the rich origin of this fruit in Indian history. Every year, about 16.2 million tons of mangoes are produced in our country.

Various regions of India are extensive producers of mangoes. These regions include Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, etc. Mango comes in all shapes, sizes, and colours. There are numerous varieties of mangoes, like Alphonso, Dasheri, Badami, Chausa, Langra, etc. It is refreshing and has an appetising flavour. Mangoes can be sweet and sour depending on their type.

Besides being tasty, mango has nutritional and health benefits. Mango is rich in Vitamin A, C, and D. Mango also has Vitamin E and beta carotene’s, which are powerful anti-oxidants. It is rich in potassium, magnesium, and other minerals. Ripe mangoes have laxative and diuretic properties.

Mango also has high iron content which helps prevents anaemia in children. A single mango contains around 3 grams of dietary fibre. Fibre is essential for better digestion, and it also reduces cholesterol levels. Mango trees can be 15-30 meters in height. They are considered to be sacred and are worshipped by many people.

Out of all the delicious fresh fruits, mango is my favourite. I love eating this fruit, especially during the summer season . Its fruity pulp provides instant satisfaction. Raw mangoes are used to make chutneys, curries, and pickles. You can also eat it directly with some salt, chilli powder, or soy sauce.

Mango lassi is one of my favourite drinks. People across South Asia enjoy this beverage. Ripe mangoes are amazing. Besides eating them, people also make Aamras, milkshakes, marmalades, and sauces out of ripe mangoes. Moreover, mango ice creams are relished by everyone.


10 Lines on Mango Fruit

10 Lines on Mango Fruit for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Mango Fruit: The mango is a fruit which is also considered as stone fruit. The English word “mango” is derived from the Portuguese word “manga”, Malayan word “Mangga” and the Tamilian word “mankay”. The word man represents the mango tree, and the word kay means the fruit.

The mango fruit is produced from numerous species of tropical trees that belong to Mangifera species, a flowering plant. These species are mostly found as wild mangoes. Mangoes belong to the South of Asia, and they belong to the cashew family named Anacardiaceae. The Indian mango is known as the Mangifera indica, and it has been distributed worldwide.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Mango Fruit for kids

  • Mango is the national fruit of India
  • It is one of the pulpiest, juicy and luscious fruits.
  • Ripe mangoes can be consumed in raw form or consumed in the form of juice, salads or pickles.
  • Mango is known as the king of fruits.
  • Mangoes come in various shapes and sizes.
  • Mangoes are rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • A mango mostly grows during the summer season and is a summer fruit.
  • Mangoes have multiple health benefits and provide nutrition to a great extent.
  • They are primarily found in green and yellow colours.
  • They are sweet and sour flavoured.

10 Lines on Mango Fruit 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Mango Fruit for School Children

  • Since ancient times, the fruit mango is famous to the Indian citizens and has been growing in India for the past 5000 years.
  • Mangoes are highly nutritious and consist of vitamin A, C, and D, and it is also rich in iron, zinc and calcium.
  • Mango helps in bodybuilding since it is highly rich in vitamins.
  • People make various pickles with the unripe mangoes, and pickle-making is one of India’s rising businesses.
  • The most popular form of mango in India is the Alphonso mango, while the Himsagar mangoes are famous in the Eastern part of India.
  • The other varieties of mangoes that are found are Dasher, Badami, Baganapalli and Langra.
  • Uttar Pradesh is renowned for its largest production of mangoes
  • The main types produced in Uttar Pradesh are, Gulab Khas, Amrapali and Langra.
  • The mango has an ample seed which is inedible.
  • The colour varies from green, yellow and red.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Mango Fruit for Higher Class Students

  • Mango trees grow 35-40 metres with a crown radius of 10 metres.
  • The ripe mango fruit varies in size according to the cultivar.
  • The fruit’s shape varies from round, oval or kidney-shaped that ranges from 5 to 25 centimetres.
  • The seeds of the mangoes are known as recalcitrant which do not survive freezing and drying.
  • Mangoes usually grow with germination success highest when seeds are obtained from the mature fruits.
  • Mango is cultivated in most of the frost-free tropical and warmer subtropical climates.
  • Mangoes make eating healthy and a delightful sensory experience with its sweet and sour mix of flavours.
  • Mango is a drupe that consists of an outer skin, a fleshy edible portion and a central stone-like seed.
  • Mangoes travelled with humans from Asia to the Middle East, Africa and South America around 400 A.D.
  • Buddha meditated under the cool shade of mango trees.

10 Lines on Mango Fruit 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Mango Fruit

Question 1.  What is the sugar content in mangoes?

Answer:  If the mango is served in a ¾ cup, it contains 17 grams of sugar. The naturally occurring sugar in mangoes helps it to make the king of fruits so delicious and tasty. The natural sugars, named fructose in the4 mango differs from the added sugars. Mangoes might taste like a treat, but they are filled with nutrients.

Question 2. What kind of allergies occur due to mangoes?

Answer:  Most allergies that occur due to mango are skin rashes resulting from touching the mango peel.

Question 3.  What are the ideal mango growing conditions?

Answer:  Mangoes usually prefer a frost-free climate with cool and dry winters. They typically grow on a wide range of soils but usually prefer light and well-drained soil with low fertility.

Question 4. How do you identify a perfectly ripe mango?

Answer: There are multiple varieties of mangoes that are available throughout the year. Each type of mango has its characteristics, colour and size. The red or green colour in the mango is not an indicator of its ripeness. It should be kept in mind that the colour is not the best indicator of mango. Always judge the ripeness by feeling the texture of the mango. If the mango can be squeezed easily, it is ripe and ready to eat or make milkshakes and other delicacies.

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10 lines on Mango in English - Few lines about Mango - Short essay on Mango

Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Mango . This article can help the students who are looking for information about Mango in English . This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3 .

short essay on Mango

10 lines on Mango in English

  • Mango is a sweet and seasonal fruit.
  • Mango is the national fruit of our country India.
  • Mango is considered the king of fruits.
  • Mangoes are found all over the world.
  • More than 100 varieties of mangoes are found in India, of which Dussehari, Langra, Chausa, and Malda are more famous.
  • Mangoes come during summer days.
  • People like to drink mango juice in the summer season.
  • Many types of vitamins are found in mangoes, such as Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, and Vitamin-D.
  • Ripe mango juice and raw mango pickles are made.
  • Many other types of dishes are made from mangoes.

mango tree essay in english for class 1

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Essay On My Favourite Fruit For Students and Children


Key Points to Remember When Writing An Essay On My Favourite Fruit

  • 5 Lines On My Favourite Fruit Apple
  • 10 Lines on My Favourite Fruit Mango
  • Paragraph on My Favourite Fruit

Short Essay On My Favourite Fruit

  • Essay On My Favourite Fruit In 100 Words

Long Essay On My Favourite Fruit

  • What Will Your Child Learn From My Favourite Fruit Essay?

Fruits are a crucial part of our diet. They are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals and, more importantly, all the sweetness and enjoyable natural flavours ! Although there are hundreds of different varieties of fruits worldwide, mangoes, apples, strawberries, and oranges are the top spots for favourites among children. Not surprisingly, this is an essay topic that students are often asked to write. This article will show you how to compose an essay on ‘My Favourite Fruit’ for classes 1, 2 and 3 in short and long formats.   

Here are some essential things to remember before you start your essay on your favourite fruit:   

  • One-line essays can focus on generic facts about your favourite fruit such as its taste, seasonal availability, varieties, and colour.
  • Long essays should begin with introducing the fruit and why it is your favourite. You can then elaborate on other aspects of the fruit, such as its colour, appearance, seasons, nutrition, etc.
  • Make the long-form essay more relatable to the reader. Add finer details about the fruits such as the different tastes/flavours of different varieties, or about how the fruits are used in other preparations such as milkshakes and desserts.  

5 Lines On My Favourite Fruit Apple   

To get children into the practice of essay writing, you can start by getting them to write a few simple lines on the subject. Here’s an example of five lines on ‘My Favourite Fruit Apple:’   

  • Apples are my favourite fruit. They are round and red.   
  • Apples taste sweet and crunchy. I love to eat them as a snack.   
  • Apples grow on trees. The trees have green leaves and white flowers.   
  • Apples are good for my health. They have vitamins and fibre.   
  • I like to pick apples from the tree and eat them fresh. Apples make me happy!   

10 Lines on My Favourite Fruit Mango  

Short essays on mangoes are an excellent place to start for children in the lower grades. Check out this 10-line essay for classes 1 and 2:    

  • Mango is my favourite fruit. It is sweet and juicy.   
  • Mangoes come in different colours, like yellow, orange, and red.   
  • Mangoes grow on tall trees with big green leaves.   
  • The skin of a mango is smooth, and the flesh is soft.   
  • Mangoes have an ample seed in the middle called a stone.   
  • I love to eat mangoes in the summer when they are in season.   
  • Mangoes can be used to make juice, smoothies, and ice cream.   
  • Mangoes are a good source of vitamins A and C.   
  • My family and I enjoy eating mangoes together as a snack.   
  • Mangoes are my favourite fruit because they are so delicious and refreshing.   

10 Lines On My Favourtie Fruit Mango

Paragraph on My Favourite Fruit   

Short essays on apples can be informative and fun. This is an example of an essay on apples:   

Apple is my favourite because it is a delicious and nutritious fruit. It comes in different sizes, varieties and colours. The red and yellow apple is the most popular type. My favourite one is the green apple because it is tangy and flavourful. One of the characteristic features of apples is that they are one of the most abundant fruit trees in the cold climate; hence, they are available throughout the year. Apples are highly nutritious and contain different types of vitamins and minerals. They are rich in Vitamin C and Iron, which makes them an immunity-boosting fruit. Besides eating them raw, apples can be used to make milkshakes, puddings, pies, and cakes. This fruit will always be my favourite because it is the best!   

Short essays on mangoes are more fun to write when they are your favourite fruit. Here is how to write a paragraph on ‘My Favourite Fruit – Mango’:   

Mango is my favourite fruit. It is sweet and sometimes tangy but always delicious. This fruit is only available during the summer months, which makes it even better because of its scarcity. While mangoes are sweet to taste, they are rich in Vitamins A, C, and D. Mango is the national fruit of our country and is also called the King of fruits.       

Hundreds of mango varieties are in the market, and one season is not enough to taste them all! They have subtle differences in flavour and texture, but mangoes are my favourite. I love mangoes because they always make my day. I look forward eagerly to every summer just for the mangoes!   

Essay On My Favourite Fruit In 100 Words   

Strawberries are also popular among children because of their flavour. Here is a short my favourite fruit essay in English:   

The strawberry is my favourite fruit and also my favourite flavour. Strawberries are tiny, reddish fruits that are highly flavourful and juicy. Strawberries soften and sweeten as they ripen. They are often grown during summers worldwide but are also available yearly because of their popularity. Strawberries are often used for garnishing cakes and desserts. I love eating strawberries whole, and my breakfast is never complete without this fruit!   

A long essay on this topic can delve into the fruit’s nutritional value and the child’s thoughts about it. Here’s how you can write an essay on the subject for Class 3:     

Oranges are my favourite because of their sweet citrus taste. They are available from the end of the monsoon to late spring every year.    Oranges are green in colour before they become ripe. As their colour changes, they become sweeter and lose much of their strong citrus flavour. It is possible to find more than 600 varieties of oranges worldwide. The Nagpur orange is the most famous.   

The region grows the country’s best oranges. I always eat one for breakfast and two more during the day during the orange season. I also like to drink fresh orange juice after a long day of playing outside.    Drinking orange juice is refreshing, and it instantly energises me. Oranges are packed with Vitamin C, which makes them the perfect immunity-boosting fruit for me.     

I always ask for oranges when I come down with a cold since the vitamin C in them helps to fight the infection. After the end of every orange season, I wait eagerly for the next season to taste these tangy fruits again!   

What Will Your Child Learn From My Favourite Fruit Essay?   

Essays on favourite fruits are a frequently asked topic in exams. By studying the sample essays above, your child will learn many facts about common favourite fruits such as mangoes, apples, strawberries, and oranges. They will also learn to write short and long-form essays on the topic and gain input on different essay-writing methods.   

1. How can writing a favourite fruit essay help improve my child’s skills? 

Writing these essays helps develop several essential skills in children:    

  • Creative and descriptive writing abilities   
  • Knowledge acquisition about different fruits   
  • Critical thinking to analyse and express opinions   
  • Communication skills to articulate thoughts clearly   

2. Should the essay be purely factual, or can it include personal experiences? 

The most engaging essays blend factual information about the fruit with the child’s thoughts, feelings and experiences. This makes the essay more relatable and showcases the child’s unique perspective.   

3. How can you make a ‘My Favourite Fruit’ essay more exciting and creative? 

Encourage children to use descriptive language to picture the fruit vividly. They can also discuss their favourite ways of eating or using the fruit. Adding personal anecdotes and comparisons makes the essay more engaging and enlightens the reader about different perspectives.   

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing these essays? 

Here are some common errors to avoid while writing an essay:   

  • Avoid making the essay purely factual without any personal connection   
  • Don’t simply list facts about the fruit without elaborating or explaining them   
  • Steer clear of repeating the same points or ideas multiple times   
  • Proofread carefully to catch any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors 

Mangoes, apples, oranges, and strawberries are common fruits that children love. These fruits are available in different seasons; children love them for their unique flavours and textures. Writing an essay on their favourite fruit can be an enjoyable activity instead of an exercise to sharpen their writing skills. Your child will also learn so many interesting facts about the fruits along the way and be able to express their thoughts and feelings about the fruit.   

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Mango Short Story in English

Kids love reading stories with interesting morals. This story about a worried mango is a must-read for children of young age as they will learn something valuable. 

Read the story about a worried mango.

The story shares the importance of life.

An Introduction to the Mango Short Story

This is a short story about a mango tree and a worried mango. It teaches us that whatever happens in life, happens for a reason. Everything comes back to a full circle as this is life. Children can read this story with pictures and understand its hidden meaning. Let us start with the interesting mango short story in English .

Short Story of a Mango Tree

Once there was a mango tree that was filled with mangoes, yellow as the sun. In the tree, there was a small yellow flower. From that flower, there grew a small mango, yellow in colour. The mango opened its eyes and greeted the world. As time passed, the mango started to grow and become larger and larger.

The mango in the tree

The Mango in the Tree

However, the mango was very worried about the size of its waist. It saw that its waist was growing with time and he was very scared about it. He thought, “If my waist continues to grow, it will become very heavy. The branch will not be able to support my weight and drop me. I will die if I am dropped from the branch.” Just like that, the mango continued to grow.

The Mango is Dropped

As time went by, the mango grew to its full size and became very heavy. As it had expected, the branch dropped the mango and it fell to the ground with a huge thud! The impact made the mango lose consciousness. After some time, when the mango regained its sense, it saw that the birds had taken away its skin and there was only the heart (seed) left on the ground. Now the mango was very scared as it would surely wither and die on the ground. Seeing the mango so scared, the tree said, “Don’t worry dear Mango. This is life, you will be reborn as a huge mango tree.” Saying that the tree buried the mango inside the ground and waited for it to bloom.

Is This the End For the Mango? 

Very soon, the mango came back to life. It saw that it had turned into a beautiful and large mango tree.

The mango seed turned into a tree

The Mango Seed Turned Into a Tree

There were a lot of mangoes in the branches, all yellow in colour. Kids were playing near the mango tree and trying to pick the mangoes. Finally, the mango realized what the tree had said and he was very happy with his new life.

Read the Summary of the Mango Tree Story PDF

The Worried Mango short story moral teaches a valuable lesson to the children about life. They will learn that everything comes to an end and is reborn as the cycle of life goes on. We too, like the mango, will grow old and die, but our children will be there to continue our lives and legacy. The short story about the mango tree is a very inspirational read for the children. Parents should read this story to their kids and teach them the importance of life and how it goes on.

FAQs on Mango Short Story in English

1. Why is the mango worried?

The mango is extremely worried because its waist started to grow larger and larger with time. It was worried that if it gained a lot of weight, the tree will no longer be able to support the mango and drop it on the ground.

2. What happened when the mango fell from the branch?

The mango lost consciousness when it fell from the branch because the impact was too heavy to handle. When it regained consciousness, the mango’s skin was gone because the birds took it. Now only the seed or the heart of the mango was left on the ground.

3. What did the tree tell the mango?

When the mango was worried about its heart, the tree consoled it by saying that it will grow up to become a very beautiful and large tree in the forest. The mango soon saw the roots and branches appear from the seed and was relieved to be reborn as a mango tree.

4. What does the story teach us?

The story of the mango teaches us that we are all connected to nature and life. Everything is connected in a circle of life and death. The mango seed soon turned into a huge mango tree and finally understood the importance of life and nature.


PTE Academic Exam Practice Material

Mango Essay

Learn how to write Mango essay in English language in 300 words. Know more about an essay on Mango for students of class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Now you can also write short Mango essay for kids in 300 words.

Mango Essay

Mango also is known as Mangifera Indica is considered as the king of fruits. It is one of the ancient fruits in the history of mankind and is much-loved fruit in the country. This fruit is mentioned in various literary works and is considered as the most prominent and hot selling fruit in the fruit industry. Mango is the national fruit of India and Indian people are obsessed with this fruit in the summer season. Mango is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals and has great nutritional value. It is known to reduce anaemic issues in people and provides iron which increases haemoglobin in the blood.

Mangoes come in diverse varieties according to their shapes, colours, sizes and other things. It is a quite appetizing and healthy fruit and is one of my favourites. Mangoes can be used in many other forms such as they can be consumed directly or can be converted into sauces, pickles or juices. For this, we usually require unripe mangoes.

Mangoes usually grow on 15-30 meters high tree that has evergreen leaves. This fruit is usually consumed in the summer season as the trees bloom during the winters. Mangoes have a huge demand in India as various types of pickles are prepared in different regions of India. They are also used to prepare jams and chutneys which are immensely loved by kids.

Farmers usually produce a huge amount of mangoes as they have great demand in the market. People usually eat mangoes every day during summers as a dessert. Many people love mango ice creams and sundaes as it has a great taste and people feel delighted once they take a bite of it. This fruit has been liked and loved all over the world and is cultivated in various other countries due to its yummy taste and greater health benefits.

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    Mango is one of the most loved fruits, both among kids and adults. Writing an essay on this topic is a matter of interest for one and all. A complete essay on mango will help young students know all about their favourite fruit, mango. This essay on Mango for Class 1 is particularly dedicated to all the students who are wondering how to write a mango essay for Class 1.

  3. Essay On Mango for Students and Children

    Mango is known as the king of fruits. It is also the national fruit of India. This pulpy fruit grows during the summer season. Through essay on mango, we will study about the fruit in detail.

  4. Mango Tree Essay

    Mango Tree Essay in English in 1000 Words The "Mango Tree Essay" in 1000 words provides an in-depth exploration of the cultural, ecological, and economic significance of the mango tree, delving into its botanical features, cultural symbolism, and multifaceted impact on livelihoods and ecosystems in a detailed and comprehensive narrative.

  5. Essay on Mango in English for Class 1 Students

    The young kids of class 1 have to understand the topic and write down all they know about the topic in simple sentences. For an essay on mango, the kids have to be familiar with the nutritional benefits of mango and the types of mangoes that are most popular.

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    Essay On Mango - Not only in India, Mango is the national fruit of Pakistan and Philippines as well. Bangladesh regards Mangifera Indica, or mango tree as their national tree. Here are a few sample essays on the topic 'Mango'.

  8. Essay on Mango For Class 1

    Essay 1: Short Essay On Mango Of 100 Words The 'Mango' is known as India's National Fruit. The mango belongs to the genus Mangifera and is a fleshy stone fruit. Mangoes are rich in nutrients like vitamin D, C, and A. It is also known as the king of fruits. The mango tree is home to South Asia. Mangoes are harvested in the month of March till the end of May during the Summer Season.

  9. Essay on Mango Tree

    Essay on Mango Tree in 10 Lines - Examples. 1. Mango trees are tropical fruit trees that belong to the genus Mangifera. 2. They are native to South Asia but are now grown in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world. 3. Mango trees can grow up to 100 feet tall and have a dense, spreading canopy. 4.

  10. Essay on Mango For Class 1 -CoolGyan

    Essay 1: Short Essay On Mango Of 100 Words The 'Mango' is known as India's National Fruit. The mango belongs to the genus Mangifera and is a fleshy stone fruit. Mangoes are rich in nutrients like vitamin D, C, and A. It is also known as the king of fruits. The mango tree is home to South Asia. Mangoes are harvested in the month of March till the end of May during the Summer Season.

  11. PDF Essay On Mango For Class 1

    Essay On Mango For Class 1 Mango is the national fruit of India which is loved by one and all.

  12. Mango

    Mango, member of the cashew family and one of the most important and widely cultivated fruits of the tropical world. The mango tree is considered indigenous to southern Asia, especially Myanmar and eastern India, and numerous cultivars have been developed.

  13. NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 13 Murali's Mango Tree

    NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 13 Murali's Mango Tree. Summary In English. This is story about the man named Vurali. One day he ate a mango. He threw the seed of the mango behind his house. Few months later, the seed produced one small plant. He started watering the plant. The plant grew into a mango tree.

  14. Essay on Mango

    Mango is my favourite fruit because it is a refreshing fruit. Below we have provided Mango Essay in English for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 school students, written in easy and simple words.

  15. 10 Lines on Mango Fruit for Students and Children in English

    Set 3 - 10 Lines on Mango Fruit for Higher Class Students Mango trees grow 35-40 metres with a crown radius of 10 metres. The ripe mango fruit varies in size according to the cultivar. The fruit's shape varies from round, oval or kidney-shaped that ranges from 5 to 25 centimetres.

  16. 10 lines on Mango in English

    Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Mango. This article can help the students who are looking for information about Mango in English. This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

  17. Essay On My Favourite Fruit "Mango, Apple, Strawberry & Orange" (in

    Mangoes, apples, oranges, and strawberries are common favorite fruits for children. Learn how to write you my favorite fruit essay for class 1, 2 and 3 in one-line, short and long paragraph formats.

  18. Mango Short Story in English

    An Introduction to the Mango Short Story This is a short story about a mango tree and a worried mango. It teaches us that whatever happens in life, happens for a reason. Everything comes back to a full circle as this is life. Children can read this story with pictures and understand its hidden meaning. Let us start with the interesting mango short story in English.

  19. Murali's Mango Tree || Class- 1 || Lesson-2 || English || Unit

    #NCERTTHEMIND NCERT || CBSE || CLASS-1 UNIT-6 ENGLISH CHAPTER 13 || MURALI'S MANGO TREE Summary of the story: This is a story of a man whose name is Murali. One day Murali eat a mango.

  20. Mango Essay in English for Students of class 1 to 12 or Essay on Mango

    Mango Essay Learn how to write Mango essay in English language in 300 words. Know more about an essay on Mango for students of class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 ...

  21. Class 1 English Book Ch-1 "THE MANGO TREE" by Mrs. Deepika Joshi

    Learn about Ch-1 "THE MANGO TREE" of ENGLISH Book of Class 1 in the interactive and comprehensive session with Mrs.Deepika Joshi a child psychologist & academician for over 12 Years

  22. NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 6 Murali's Mango Tree

    Here we are providing you with the NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 6 Murali's Mango Tree, with every question answered. Download Solutions PDF for free.

  23. Answers to: Write an essay about Mango tree

    Essays Mango trees are among the most popular fruit trees in the world because of their delicious, sweet, and juicy fruits. These beautiful trees belong to the genus Mangifera and are native to the tropical regions of South Asia. They are a part of the Anacardiaceae family, which also includes cashews, pistachios, and poison ivy. Mango trees are cyclical, deciduous, and fast-growing trees, and ...