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personal statement for university of florida

How to Write the University of Florida Essays 2024-2025

The University of Florida has one required prompt for all applicants that asks about your biggest commitment outside of the classroom. There are three prompts for all applicants that are only required if you answer “yes” to specific questions. It also has one required prompt for applicants to its Honors Program, as well as one for applicants to its Innovation Academy.

Since UF receives thousands of applications from academically-strong students, your essays are your chance to stand out. In this post, we’ll discuss how to craft an engaging response to each of these options.

Read this UF essay example written by a real student to inspire your own writing!

University of Florida Supplemental Essay Prompts

All applicants.

Prompt 1: Please provide more details on your most meaningful commitment outside of the classroom while in high school and explain why it was meaningful. This could be related to an extracurricular activity, work, volunteering, an academic activity, family responsibility, or any other non-classroom activity. (100-250 words)

Prompt 2 (optional): Do you have any employment or family obligations that limit your participation in extracurricular activities? If so, please describe. (250 words)

Prompt 3 (optional): Have you participated in or been assisted in your college preparation and search by programs outside of the classroom, such as Educational Talent Search, Take Stock in Children, Upward Bound, Boys and Girls Club, etc.? If so, please provide the name of the program, details/benefits of your involvement, and how long your experiences continued. (250 words)

Prompt 4 (optional): Is there any additional information or extenuating circumstances the Admissions Committee should know when reviewing your application? If so, please provide more information in less than 250 words.

Honors Program

As albert einstein once said, “the important thing is not to stop questioning. curiosity has its own reason for existing.” reflecting on this, what academic subjects, learning opportunities, or extracurricular activities are you most excited to engage in during your college experience how do you imagine or hope the uf honors program will help feed your curiosity and help you achieve your aspirations (150-400 words), innovation academy applicants .

Discuss why you are interested in becoming a UF Innovation Academy student and how it will influence your professional career path. (150-300 words)

All Applicants, Prompt 1

Please provide more details on your most meaningful commitment outside of the classroom while in high school and explain why it was meaningful. this could be related to an extracurricular activity, work, volunteering, an academic activity, family responsibility, or any other non-classroom activity. (250 words).

This prompt is a variation of the common Extracurricular Activity prompt since it’s asking you to write about a meaningful commitment you have outside of the classroom.

Brainstorming your topic:

First, you’ll need to narrow down your list of extracurricular activities to just one to write about. It’s important to choose an activity that you’re passionate about, that you’ve been involved in for a while, and that has helped shape you into the person you are today.

Here are some ideas of the types of topics you might write about:

  • Activities where you’ve shown significant commitment
  • Clubs or groups that you’ve created, or where you’ve had a leadership role
  • Activities that have helped to shape a specific personal aspect of your life
  • Experiences that relate to your future goals
  • Unique extracurriculars that require an explanation for people to thoroughly understand them

Once you’ve chosen a topic, think about the following questions before you begin writing:

  • What is the strongest emotion you feel about this activity?
  • What do you think about when you participate in the activity?
  • Has the activity helped you strengthen or develop any personality traits?
  • Are there any specific skills you’ve developed from participating in this activity?
  • How does this activity impact the rest of your life?

Tips for writing your essay:

A good response will explain what your activity, responsibility, or experience is, what it entails, and why it is important to you. Make sure to address each of these points, as they are either stated in or implied by the prompt.

Here’s an example of an excellent response to this prompt from Sara, a prospective management major:

“During my sophomore year, I started creating charcuterie boards for parties, events, and other occasions for my friends and family. I loved finding the perfect assortment of crackers, fruit, cheeses and jams to arrange into beautiful boards, but more importantly, I enjoyed networking with people at each event I worked.

After a few months, I began to receive so many referrals that I decided to start a small business. Managing my schoolwork, sports schedule, leadership roles, and my small business required me to develop excellent time management skills. I also learned about the financial aspects of running a business—managing cash flow, balancing costs, and paying taxes—and the marketing aspects of running a business—leveraging social media, paying for ad space, and utilizing other channels to promote my business.

Prior to my sophomore year, I had dreams of becoming a doctor. However, after starting my charcuterie business, I realized that my interests in finance, marketing, and business lent themselves to a future in entrepreneurship. I’m grateful for the opportunities my business has given me, and I’m excited to watch my business—and other businesses I might start—grow in the future!”

This example is strong because it very clearly states what the activity is. It then branches off into a discussion of the student’s business, something that was created as a result of the activity. The student also describes her roles in her activity/business throughout the essay, and then ends with a strong argument as to why this passion has become so meaningful to her.

Mistakes to avoid:

Choosing the wrong activity. Don’t choose to write about an extracurricular just because you think it sounds impressive, or even just because you’re skilled at it. This essay is a chance to write about an extracurricular that is meaningful to you, so it’s important that you select an activity you’re really passionate about!

Writing a shallow response. ​​It’s not effective to give a detailed history of your participation, or to tell an enticing story about the extracurricular you’ve chosen if you forget to explain how the activity has affected or changed you. It’s crucial to explain your personal development from participating in the activity.

Listing your accomplishments. Simply listing out your accomplishments with no elaboration will make for an unengaging response that reads like a laundry list. Instead, provide a unique perspective by sharing how the activity impacts your current life as well as your aspirations for the future.

A Note About Prompts 2-4

You are only required to respond to each of the following all applicants prompts if you choose the “Yes” option offered in the first half of each prompt, respectively. If any (or all) of the prompts don’t apply to you, you can choose the “No” option for that prompt, and will not need to respond to it.

All Applicants, Prompt 2 (optional)

Do you have any employment or family obligations that limit your participation in extracurricular activities if so, please describe. (250 words).

This question is similar to the Additional Information section listed in the Common App, as well as the exceptional personal circumstances prompt you might see during the application process. Check out the linked guides for tips for writing an essay like this!

One quick tip: Be sure to at least explain what the employment/obligation entailed, and why you had to take it on, as well as the results of you taking on this extra responsibility. Obligations you might write about include working to contribute financially to your family, taking care of an ill relative, or frequently babysitting younger siblings.

Consider the following example to see what a good response might include:

“Last year, my single mother was let go from her job at an insurance company when it was struggling financially and going through a period of transition. As a result, we both had to take on additional jobs to make ends meet, so I briefly left my school’s robotics team throughout the second semester and summer following junior year. Instead, I worked at a local grocery store after school and on the weekends, where I learned how to work efficiently under pressure while supporting my family.”

All Applicants, Prompt 3 (optional)

Have you participated in or been assisted in your college preparation and search by programs outside of the classroom, such as educational talent search, take stock in children, upward bound, boys and girls club, etc. please provide the name of the program, details/benefits of your involvement, and how long your experiences continued. (250 words).

This prompt is straightforward and simple. It requires you to list your involvement in programs that have helped you with your college search (outside of school), and it also asks you to list the details and benefits of your involvement in the program(s).

Here’s a sample response:

“During my junior and senior years of high school, I participated in the Take Stock in Children Program. While I was involved in the program, I was paired with a volunteer mentor and received frequent college readiness coaching. My mentor, James, was an undergraduate student at the University of Florida.

Before participating in the Take Stock in Children program, I wasn’t interested in attending college, and I was planning to work at my local grocery store after high school to support my hobby, music production. James helped me understand the importance of college and he encouraged me to pursue a Bachelor of Music degree at the University of Florida. I am grateful for how my involvement with Take Stock in Children has impacted my future education and aspirations.”

This student does a great job at answering the prompt. He lists the program name (Take Stock in Children) and the duration (junior and senior year) that he participated in the program. He also includes the details of his involvement (volunteer mentor and college readiness coaching) and most importantly, the benefits of their involvement (how his relationship with James inspired him to apply for college as a music major).

All Applicants, Prompt 4 (optional)

Is there any additional information or extenuating circumstances the admissions committee should know when reviewing your application (250 words).

​​This also resembles the Additional Information section listed in the Common App and the exceptional personal circumstances prompt . This is essentially your shot to either explain a lapse in your performance somewhere or to introduce something new about yourself that isn’t evident elsewhere in your application. 

You may elaborate further upon an extracurricular activity you feel isn’t clearly explained throughout your application (For example, say you were a Head Designer for your town’s Environmental and Aesthetic Initiative, and admissions officers may not know what that is). You could also talk about a personal story or history that has affected you greatly. You may even discuss a previously unmentioned extracurricular activity that says a lot about you.

This is a wonderfully free space for you to dive into whichever information you feel will give the admissions team the most complete version of your identity. If you don’t think this space is necessary for you, that’s fine too! Just leave it blank.

Honors Program Applicants

This prompt is a hybrid of the Academic Interest/Why This Major and Why This College essay archetypes. You’re being asked to do two things: reflect on your intellectual curiosity, and connect it to your aspirations and the University of Florida Honors Program. Your response should demonstrate a deep understanding of the Honors Program’s offerings and how they align with your academic and personal goals.

The prompt also emphasizes curiosity and enthusiasm, so make sure to convey some emotion with your writing. Use imagery to your advantage, be specific when discussing your thoughts and feelings, and describe your emotional response to the subject in a way that reveals something broader about your personality. 

In terms of topic, this essay should be about a  genuine, relevant interest – something you can discuss with passion at length. Don’t try to choose an overly serious or complex topic just to impress admissions officers – they’ll be able to tell this thing isn’t genuinely meaningful to you. Your writing should reflect true excitement and an authentic connection to your interest.

You’ll also want to describe the direction you imagine this interest taking at UF. To do this effectively, you need to do some research on UF and its Honors Program. To start, look around on the UF Honors Program website to find resources that are particularly appealing to you. 

These resources might include particular classes or professors, research groups, study abroad programs, extracurricular opportunities, or Honors traditions. For example, a student who is interested in homesteading might mention how they’re excited to take the Honors Program’s beekeeping classes to expand their knowledge and skills.

Make sure that the resources you cite are truly specific to the University of Florida, and the Honors Program specifically. You don’t want to mention a course that’s available to the university as a whole, and you especially don’t want to mention something that you could do anywhere, like study abroad in England.

Instead, mention the “Medieval Studies in King Arthur’s England” program specifically, and explain how this opportunity, where you would explore what the legend of King Arthur reflects about medieval English society more broadly, connects to your experiences in your school’s book club. That is a concrete bridge between your interests and a resource that you can find only at the University of Florida.

Consider the following questions to help you brainstorm your response:

  • What subjects or fields of study fascinate you the most? Why are these areas so interesting to you?
  • Have you participated in any specific activities, projects, or classes that helped spark a deep interest in this particular subject?

And for connecting your topic to the Honors Program:

  • What unique academic opportunities (e.g., research projects, internships, study abroad programs) at UF Honors are you most excited about? How do they align with your goals?
  • Are there any specific UF Honors professors or courses that intrigue you? How do they connect to your academic or career aspirations?
  • What extracurricular activities do you plan to join or start at UF? How will these activities feed your curiosity and contribute to your personal development?
  • How do you see the UF Honors Program helping you grow intellectually and personally over the next few years?

A compelling essay will be detailed and specific, and demonstrate the writer’s intellectual curiosity and commitment to UF. Use a narrative approach to show how your curiosity has shaped your academic journey so far, and include relevant personal anecdotes that show your passion for learning, and how you have proactively sought out opportunities to satisfy your curiosity.

From there, you’ll want to describe how you have already engaged with these interests or activities in high school, and how you plan to continue doing so at UF by mentioning specific academic subjects, programs, or courses at UF that excite you, and explain why they are meaningful to you and how they align with your goals.

Discuss how the UF Honors Program’s offerings will help you explore your interests in greater depth, and how this exploration will help you achieve your future aspirations. Show how your interests and goals will not only benefit you, but also contribute to the UF Honors community. If applicable, discuss how you might collaborate with peers or bring new ideas and perspectives to the Honors Program. 

Everything just mentioned is a good way to establish a tangible connection to the program, but you might also try to establish an intangible connection as well, which involves discussing how the program’s values–which are listed as opportunity, community, and challenge –might align with your own.

Now, let’s take a look at a weak example, and then see how we could revise and improve it.

“I’m excited to attend UF because it’s a prestigious school with many opportunities. I’ve always been curious about many subjects, and I know UF will provide the resources I need to explore them. Growing up in Florida, I’ve always felt connected to the environment and hope to study marine conservation to preserve the beautiful beaches in my state. I’m particularly interested in the Honors Program because it will allow me to challenge myself academically and grow as a person, especially with the different options the program has. I look forward to taking advantage of all that UF has to offer.”

This example is too vague. There’s no personal connection or clear demonstration of how the student’s curiosity drives their academic and extracurricular interests. Additionally, it doesn’t mention any particular subjects, courses, or opportunities at UF, nor does it explain how the Honors Program specifically will help the student achieve their goals. A better version is below.

“As a budding marine biologist, the sight of coral reefs bleaching off the coast of my hometown in Key West ignited a passion for understanding and protecting our oceans. I am eager to dive (no pun intended) into UF’s Honors courses like ‘Marine Conservation Biology,’ which will allow me to explore the mechanisms behind ecosystem degradation. 

I’m particularly drawn to the Honors Program’s research opportunities with faculty like Dr. David Julian, whose work on coral resilience aligns perfectly with my goal of restoring Florida’s reefs. Beyond the classroom, I plan to go on kayaking, canoeing, and surfing trips through the Center for Outdoor Recreation Education, where I’ll initiate discussions with my peers about how environmental activism benefits human and non-human animals alike.”

This excerpt utilizes more vivid storytelling, and explains more personally why the writer is drawn to their course of study. There is a clear bridge between the student’s past experiences and their future aspirations, and we can clearly see how the UF Honors Program specifically will help them achieve those goals, as well as how the student plans to contribute to the UF community.

Innovation Academy Applicants

This prompt is a narrowed down example of a “ Why This College ” essay archetype, as the focus is on the University of Florida’s Innovation Academy (IA) specifically. The admissions committee wants to know two things: why you’re interested in IA in particular, and how it will influence your future professional career. The key is that your essay should be about IA, not UF at large. 

As a reminder, UF’s Innovation Academy is a specialized minor program with a hands-on, collaborative curriculum that operates on a spring/summer schedule. Its most recent admissions profile included a total of 644 students, which means that only about 5% of UF is also part of the Innovation Academy. 

The uniqueness of IA should be reflected in your essay: emphasize the aspects of the program that can’t be found at any other school, including UF more broadly, and explain how they align with your interests and goals. Think about the following questions to help you get started:

  • Are specific programs, opportunities for interdisciplinary or experiential learning, or the Innovation minor particularly interesting to you?
  • Have you participated in any projects, competitions, or courses related to innovation or entrepreneurship?
  • How do you envision blending different fields of study to create something new and impactful?
  • Which aspects of the IA’s curriculum, like the Innovation minor or spring/summer schedule, are relevant to your future plans and long-term goals?
  • Are there particular classes, faculty, or events that excite you?
  • How will the program’s resources, opportunities, and environment help you prepare for your desired career?

A strong essay will demonstrate a clear, personal connection to IA. It should show that you’ve done your research, and that your interest in the program is genuine, not that you just want another thing to put on your resume. 

Highlight specific aspects of the program that align with your goals, such as the unique spring/summer schedule, the emphasis on innovation, or the opportunity to work on real-world projects, in order to illustrate how IA will help you achieve your career goals. Be concrete about how the skills, experiences, and connections you’ll gain from IA will help you in your future profession.

It’s also a good idea to include personal anecdotes or experiences that have led you to your interest in innovation, entrepreneurship, or interdisciplinary studies. That will help your passion for this field come across as deep and authentic.

Now, let’s look into a potential, rough draft example, and explain how it could be strengthened.

“ I’m interested in joining UF’s Innovation Academy because it will give me the skills I need to succeed in marketing and brand creation. I’ve always been creative, and the program’s focus on innovation and entrepreneurship seems like a good fit to equip me with the abilities and knowledge to market tech products in a unique way. IA will provide the opportunities I’m looking for to fit my personal interests, and I’m also excited to work with other students who share my interests in marketing and technology. ”

This response is generic and lacks depth. It doesn’t explain why the Innovation Academy specifically is the right program for the writer, or how it will help her achieve her career goals, so it seems like it could apply to almost any school/program. Let’s read an improved version below.

“ My fascination with how technology shapes consumer behavior has driven me to explore innovative marketing strategies that captivate audiences, for example through the social media campaign I launched to market the homemade masks I designed during the pandemic. When I discovered UF’s Innovation Academy, I was thrilled by the program’s unique approach to blending creativity with real-world problem-solving, which aligns perfectly with my goal to use tech to develop cutting-edge marketing campaigns.

I’m particularly excited about the opportunity to work on projects through the Innovation in Action course, and present them at the Catalyst showcase. This is a chance for me to pitch my ideas to both my peers and a broader audience, which will give me a more concrete sense of how to incorporate new technology with traditional marketing approaches once I enter the professional world. ”

This response, on the other hand, clearly connects the student’s interest in marketing and technology with specific aspects of the Innovation Academy (a particular course and showcase). It demonstrates that she has not only a concrete vision for her future, but also a deep understanding of how the program will help her achieve her professional goals.

Where to Get Your University of Florida Essays Edited For Free

Do you want feedback on your University of Florida essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

Need feedback faster? Get a  free, nearly-instantaneous essay review  from Sage, our AI tutor and advisor. Sage will rate your essay, give you suggestions for improvement, and summarize what admissions officers would take away from your writing. Use these tools to improve your chances of acceptance to your dream school!

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  • URL: https://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/ENC3254CSD_prof_writing

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How to Write a Compelling Personal Statement for University of Florida Levin College of Law

Learn how to craft a powerful personal statement that will make you stand out from the crowd when applying to the University of Florida Levin College of Law.

Posted May 12, 2023

personal statement for university of florida

Law School Applications: Ask Me Anything

Starting tuesday, september 24.

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Table of Contents

Are you considering applying to the University of Florida Levin College of Law? If so, one of the most important aspects of your application will be your personal statement. Your personal statement gives you the opportunity to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and achievements that make you a strong candidate for law school. In this article, we’ll discuss the key elements of a compelling personal statement and provide tips for crafting one that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Understanding the Purpose of a Personal Statement

A personal statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions committee and convince them that you are a strong candidate for law school. It’s a chance to highlight your strengths, explain any weaknesses or challenges, and demonstrate your passion and commitment to the field of law.

Additionally, a personal statement can also provide insight into your personality, values, and life experiences that have shaped your decision to pursue a career in law. Admissions committees are not only looking for academic achievements, but also for well-rounded individuals who will contribute to the law school community and ultimately, the legal profession.

Researching the University of Florida Levin College of Law

Before you start writing your personal statement, it’s important to do your research on the University of Florida Levin College of Law. This will help you understand the school’s values, culture, and priorities, enabling you to tailor your statement to the specific needs of the school.

One important aspect to consider when researching the University of Florida Levin College of Law is its location. Gainesville, Florida, where the law school is located, is a vibrant college town with a diverse community. The city offers a variety of cultural events, outdoor activities, and opportunities for networking with legal professionals.

Another important factor to consider is the school’s commitment to public service. The University of Florida Levin College of Law has a strong tradition of providing legal services to underserved communities. The school offers a variety of clinics and pro bono opportunities for students to gain practical experience while serving the community.

Identifying Your Unique Selling Proposition

One of the most important elements of a strong personal statement is your unique selling proposition - the qualities, skills, or experiences that make you stand out from other applicants. This could include your academic achievements, work experience, volunteer experience, leadership skills, or personal qualities.

When identifying your unique selling proposition, it's important to consider the specific requirements and expectations of the program or position you are applying for. Tailoring your unique selling proposition to align with these requirements can greatly increase your chances of being selected.

Additionally, it's important to showcase your unique selling proposition in a clear and concise manner. Use specific examples and anecdotes to demonstrate how your qualities, skills, or experiences have prepared you for the program or position. This will help the reader understand why you are the best fit for the opportunity.

Crafting an Attention-Grabbing Introduction

Your introduction should grab the attention of the reader and set the tone for the rest of your statement. Avoid cliches or generic statements - instead, try to start with a personal anecdote or a strong statement that reflects your unique perspective.

One effective way to start your introduction is by posing a thought-provoking question that relates to the topic of your statement. This can immediately engage the reader and encourage them to continue reading to find out the answer. Additionally, you can use statistics or data to highlight the importance of the topic and emphasize why it is relevant to the reader.

It's important to remember that your introduction should not only be attention-grabbing, but also relevant to the rest of your statement. Make sure that the tone and content of your introduction align with the overall message you want to convey. By doing so, you can create a cohesive and impactful statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Highlighting Relevant Work and Volunteer Experience

If you have relevant work or volunteer experience, be sure to highlight this in your personal statement. Explain how your experiences have prepared you for law school and how they demonstrate your passion and commitment to the field.

For example, if you have worked as a paralegal or legal assistant, you can discuss how this experience has given you a strong foundation in legal research and writing. Alternatively, if you have volunteered with a legal aid organization, you can explain how this experience has exposed you to the challenges faced by underserved communities and has motivated you to pursue a career in law.

Emphasizing Academic Achievements

Your academic achievements - including your GPA, honors, awards, and test scores - are an important factor in your application. Be sure to highlight these in your personal statement and explain how they demonstrate your academic capabilities.

Additionally, you can also provide context for your academic achievements. For example, if you had to overcome significant challenges or obstacles to achieve a high GPA or earn an award, be sure to mention this in your personal statement. This can demonstrate your resilience and determination to succeed.

Furthermore, if you have pursued academic interests outside of the classroom, such as conducting research or participating in academic competitions, be sure to mention these as well. This can demonstrate your passion for learning and your commitment to academic excellence.

Demonstrating a Passion for Law and Legal Studies

Showcasing your passion for law and legal studies is essential in a personal statement. Explain why you are interested in pursuing a career in law, and how your experiences have shaped your interest in the field.

For instance, you may have been inspired by a particular case or legal issue that you encountered in your community or through the media. Alternatively, you may have had a personal experience that sparked your interest in law, such as a family member's legal battle or a workplace dispute. Whatever the case may be, be sure to highlight the specific experiences that have motivated you to pursue a career in law.

Showcasing Leadership and Teamwork Skills

Lawyers need strong leadership and teamwork skills - be sure to demonstrate these in your personal statement. Highlight any leadership or teamwork roles you’ve had, and explain how these experiences have prepared you for a career in law.

One way to showcase your leadership skills is by discussing any projects or initiatives you have taken on in your community or school. For example, if you organized a charity event or led a student club, explain how you motivated and guided your team towards success. This demonstrates your ability to take charge and inspire others, which are valuable qualities in the legal profession.

Additionally, teamwork is essential in the legal field, as lawyers often work in groups to achieve common goals. If you have experience working in a team, describe how you collaborated with others to achieve a shared objective. This could be a group project in school or a team sport you played. Emphasize how you contributed to the team's success and how you learned from working with others.

Integrating Personal Experiences and Perspectives

Your personal experiences and perspectives can add richness and depth to your personal statement. Be sure to integrate these in a thoughtful and authentic way, explaining how they have shaped your values, beliefs, and aspirations.

One way to effectively integrate personal experiences and perspectives is to use specific examples. For instance, if you are applying to a program in social work, you could share a story about a time when you volunteered at a homeless shelter and how that experience impacted your desire to pursue a career in social work.

It is also important to consider how your experiences and perspectives align with the values and mission of the program or institution you are applying to. This can demonstrate your understanding of the program and your commitment to its goals.

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Personal Statement Writing

There are several pitfalls to avoid when it comes to personal statement writing. These include being too generic, using cliches, or being too personal or informal. Be sure to proofread and edit your statement carefully to ensure that it is polished and professional.

Another common mistake to avoid is not tailoring your personal statement to the specific program or institution you are applying to. It is important to research the program and highlight how your experiences and goals align with their mission and values.

Additionally, it is important to strike a balance between showcasing your achievements and experiences, and not coming across as arrogant or boastful. Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your strengths and skills, but also be humble and acknowledge areas where you have room for growth and development.

Editing and Proofreading Your Personal Statement

Editing and proofreading are essential steps in the personal statement writing process. Be sure to revise your statement several times, checking for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Consider asking a friend, family member, or professional editor to review your statement and provide feedback.

Another important aspect to consider when editing and proofreading your personal statement is to ensure that it effectively communicates your unique qualities and experiences. Make sure that your statement is not only grammatically correct, but also engaging and compelling. Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points and showcase your strengths. Remember, your personal statement is your chance to stand out from other applicants and make a strong impression on admissions committees.

Seeking Feedback from Peers and Professionals

Getting feedback on your personal statement is essential for improving its quality. Consider seeking feedback from trusted peers, mentors, or professionals in the field of law.

When seeking feedback, it's important to keep in mind that not all feedback is created equal. Be sure to seek feedback from individuals who have experience in the field of law and can provide constructive criticism. Additionally, don't be afraid to ask for feedback from multiple sources to get a well-rounded perspective on your personal statement.

Understanding the Admissions Process at University of Florida Levin College of Law

Finally, it’s important to understand the admissions process at the University of Florida Levin College of Law. Familiarize yourself with the application requirements, deadlines, and selection criteria, and be sure to submit your personal statement well in advance of the deadline.

By following these tips, you can craft a compelling and persuasive personal statement that showcases your unique qualities and demonstrates your commitment to the field of law. Good luck!

It is also worth noting that the University of Florida Levin College of Law offers various resources to help applicants navigate the admissions process. These resources include informational sessions, campus tours, and opportunities to connect with current students and faculty members. Taking advantage of these resources can provide valuable insights into the law school experience and help you make an informed decision about your future.

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Crafting an Exceptional Personal Statement for University of Florida: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you dreaming of joining the Gator Nation? Your journey to the University of Florida (UF) begins with a compelling personal statement. This crucial document can be the key that unlocks the door to your future at one of America's top public universities. But how do you capture the essence of your experiences, aspirations, and unique qualities in a way that resonates with UF's admissions committee? This guide will walk you through the process of creating a personal statement that not only showcases your achievements but also aligns with the vibrant spirit of the University of Florida.

  • Understanding the Personal Statement: Your Ticket to UF

A personal statement is more than just a summary of your accomplishments; it's a narrative that brings your application to life. For University of Florida applicants, it's an opportunity to demonstrate how you embody the Gator spirit of innovation, leadership, and community engagement.

Consider this: In 2023, UF received over 50,000 applications for its freshman class. With such fierce competition, your personal statement needs to be more than just good—it needs to be memorable. It's your chance to step out of the sea of applicants and show why you're not just a great student, but a perfect fit for the UF community.

Why is it Critical for Your UF Application?

The personal statement plays a pivotal role in your University of Florida application for several reasons. First, it allows the admissions committee to see beyond your grades and test scores, providing insight into your character, motivations, and potential contributions to campus life. UF values well-rounded individuals who can thrive in its diverse and dynamic environment.

Moreover, your personal statement can highlight qualities that align with UF's core values, such as academic excellence, leadership, and community service. By effectively communicating these aspects, you increase your chances of standing out in the competitive applicant pool and demonstrating your potential to make a meaningful impact at UF and beyond.

  • Introduction to University of Florida

The University of Florida, founded in 1853, stands as a beacon of academic excellence and innovation in the heart of Gainesville. As one of the top-ranked public universities in the United States, UF boasts a rich history of groundbreaking research, athletic prowess, and a commitment to producing leaders across various fields.

UF's sprawling 2,000-acre campus is home to over 50,000 students from all 50 states and more than 100 countries, creating a vibrant and diverse community. The university offers over 300 undergraduate and graduate degree programs across 16 colleges, ranging from the arts and humanities to cutting-edge STEM fields.

What sets UF apart is not just its academic rigor but also its culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. The university is known for its strong research programs, with annual research expenditures exceeding $900 million. UF is also a leader in technology transfer, ranking among the top universities in the nation for patents granted and startups launched.

Notable alumni include U.S. Senators, Pulitzer Prize winners, and Olympic athletes, demonstrating the university's ability to nurture talent across various domains. The Gator Nation, as the alumni network is affectionately known, is one of the largest and most active in the world, providing students with invaluable connections and opportunities.

UF's commitment to sustainability and community engagement is evident in its numerous outreach programs and its goal to become carbon neutral by 2025. The university's impact extends far beyond its campus, with extension offices in every county in Florida, contributing to agricultural research and community development.

Is a Personal Statement Required for UF Application?

Yes, a personal statement is a crucial component of your University of Florida application. While UF doesn't have a specific "personal statement" section in its application, it requires applicants to respond to essay prompts as part of the Common Application or Coalition Application. These essays serve the same purpose as a personal statement, allowing you to showcase your unique qualities and experiences.

UF typically asks applicants to choose from several prompts and write an essay of about 250-650 words. This is your opportunity to go beyond your academic achievements and standardized test scores to give the admissions committee a more comprehensive view of who you are as a person. The essay prompts often encourage you to reflect on your personal growth, challenges you've overcome, or how you've contributed to your community – all aspects that are highly valued by UF.

Remember, UF seeks students who will contribute to its diverse and dynamic campus community. Your personal statement or essay is your chance to demonstrate how you align with UF's values and how you'll make the most of the opportunities available at the university.

  • How to Write a Personal Statement for University of Florida

Crafting a compelling personal statement for the University of Florida requires careful thought, creativity, and authenticity. Your goal is to create a narrative that not only highlights your achievements but also showcases your personality and potential to contribute to the UF community.

Start by reflecting on your experiences, values, and aspirations. What makes you unique? What experiences have shaped your worldview? How do your goals align with what UF offers? Remember, UF values innovation, leadership, and community engagement. Consider how you've demonstrated these qualities in your life.

When writing, be specific and use concrete examples. Instead of saying you're passionate about science, describe a research project you undertook or a scientific problem you solved. Show how your experiences have prepared you for the rigorous academic environment at UF.

Don't forget to research UF thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with the university's programs, research opportunities, and campus culture. Reference specific aspects of UF that appeal to you and explain how they align with your goals. This demonstrates your genuine interest in the university and your understanding of what it offers.

Lastly, pay attention to your writing style. Your personal statement should be well-structured, engaging, and free of errors. Use a clear, authentic voice that lets your personality shine through. Remember, admissions officers read thousands of essays – make yours memorable by being genuine and passionate about your story.

The Writing Process of Personal Statement for University of Florida

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you craft an outstanding personal statement for the University of Florida:

Brainstorm and reflect : Take time to think about your experiences, achievements, challenges, and goals. Consider what makes you unique and how you've demonstrated qualities valued by UF.

Choose a focus : Select one or two main themes or experiences to highlight. These should showcase your personal growth, leadership potential, or commitment to your goals.

Create an outline : Organize your thoughts into a clear structure. Typically, this includes an engaging introduction, 2-3 body paragraphs developing your main points, and a compelling conclusion.

Write a draft : Start writing, focusing on telling your story authentically. Use specific examples and vivid details to bring your experiences to life.

Show, don't tell : Instead of simply stating your qualities, demonstrate them through stories and examples.

Connect to UF : Explain why UF is the right fit for you. Reference specific programs, research opportunities, or aspects of campus life that align with your goals.

Edit and refine : Review your draft for clarity, coherence, and impact. Ensure each paragraph flows logically into the next.

Get feedback : Ask teachers, counselors, or trusted friends to review your statement. They may offer valuable insights or catch errors you've missed.

Polish and proofread : Make final revisions based on feedback. Carefully proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Stay within limits : Ensure your statement adheres to UF's word count requirements (typically 250-650 words).

  • Generate a Tailored Personal Statement for University of Florida using Gauth AI Personal Statement Writer

Gauth Personal Statement Writer is your ultimate tool for crafting a compelling personal statement tailored to University of Florida application. This tool simplifies the daunting process of writing a personal statement. With Gauth PS Writer, you can write a personal statement and craft a powerful narrative that reflects your unique journey and aspirations.

Let's see how easily Gauth Personal Statement Writer can help you to write a personal statement with a lasting impression for University of Florida application.

Step 1. Access Gauth Personal Statement Writer's official website, and select the "School Application" from the top menu bar.

Step 2. Fill in some of your basic information. For University of Florida's applications, do remember to enter University of Florida in the "Target School" input box.

Step 3. Click the "Start Writing" button to immediately generate a personal statement that is tailored to your University of Florida's application.

Tip: You can always rewrite your University of Florida's personal statement if you are not satisfied with the PS generated.

Exemplary Personal Statement for University of Florida

As the scorching Florida sun beat down on the makeshift soccer field, I watched a group of children from my community struggle to play their favorite sport on the uneven, debris-strewn ground. This moment, seemingly ordinary, ignited a spark within me that would shape my journey towards the University of Florida and beyond.

Growing up in a small town just outside of Jacksonville, I've always been acutely aware of the disparities in resources and opportunities that exist even within our own state. The joy on those children's faces as they played, despite the challenging conditions, stirred something in me. It wasn't just about soccer; it was about equality, community, and the power of small actions to create significant change.

Driven by this realization, I embarked on what would become my most ambitious project yet: "Level Playing Field." Over the next two years, I rallied local businesses, coordinated with the city council, and mobilized a team of volunteers to transform that neglected lot into a proper sports facility. The process was far from smooth – we faced budget constraints, bureaucratic hurdles, and even skepticism from some community members. However, each obstacle only fueled my determination.

This experience taught me the value of perseverance and the importance of community engagement. I learned to navigate complex negotiations, manage diverse teams, and most importantly, to never lose sight of the end goal, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. The day we inaugurated the new field, seeing the pure elation on the children's faces, I understood the true meaning of making a difference.

My passion for community development naturally led me to explore environmental science and urban planning. I began to see how the principles I applied in my project could be scaled up to address larger issues of urban inequality and environmental sustainability. This realization solidified my decision to pursue a degree in Environmental Science at the University of Florida.

UF's renowned program in Environmental Science, coupled with its commitment to sustainability and community outreach, aligns perfectly with my aspirations. I'm particularly excited about the opportunity to engage in research at the Center for Environmental Policy and the chance to participate in UF's various sustainability initiatives.

Moreover, the Gator Nation's spirit of innovation and service resonates deeply with me. I see the University of Florida not just as an educational institution, but as a launchpad for creating meaningful change. Whether it's through participating in the Gator Green Team or contributing to UF's ambitious goal of carbon neutrality, I'm eager to continue my journey of community service and environmental stewardship.

As I stand on the cusp of this new chapter, I'm reminded of that sweltering day on the makeshift soccer field. It taught me that true change begins with a vision and is realized through dedication, collaboration, and unwavering commitment. At the University of Florida, I hope to not only expand my knowledge and skills but also to be part of a community that shares my passion for creating a more equitable and sustainable world. I'm ready to bring my experiences, my drive, and my vision to the Gator Nation, and to continue growing as a leader, innovator, and agent of positive change.

Crafting a personal statement for the University of Florida is your opportunity to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations. Remember, UF is looking for students who will contribute to its diverse and dynamic community, so let your authentic voice shine through. Highlight your achievements, but also demonstrate your potential for growth and your alignment with UF's values of innovation, leadership, and community engagement.

As you write, keep in mind the specific programs and opportunities at UF that interest you. Show how these align with your goals and how you plan to make the most of them. Whether you're passionate about research, community service, or entrepreneurship, UF has resources to support your ambitions – make it clear that you're ready to take advantage of them.

Finally, remember that your personal statement is just that – personal. While following guidelines and tips is important, what will truly make your statement stand out is your unique story and perspective. Be honest, be specific, and most importantly, be yourself. With careful preparation and genuine reflection, you can create a personal statement that not only impresses the admissions committee but also truly represents who you are and why you're an excellent fit for the University of Florida.

  • University of Florida - About UF
  • UF Admissions - Freshman Application
  • The Princeton Review - How to Write a Personal Statement
  • US News - How to Write a College Essay
  • CollegeVine - How to Write the University of Florida Essays

Crafting an Exceptional Personal Statement for University of Colorado Denver: A Comprehensive Guide

Crafting an Exceptional Personal Statement for University of Colorado Denver: A Comprehensive Guide

Crafting a compelling personal statement is essential for your University of Colorado Denver application. This guide provides insights and practical tips to help you shine in your submission.

Crafting an Exceptional Personal Statement for The University of Utah: A Comprehensive Guide

Crafting an Exceptional Personal Statement for The University of Utah: A Comprehensive Guide

Crafting a personal statement for The University of Utah is your chance to shine. Discover how to express your unique journey and aspirations in our comprehensive guide!

Leveraging AI Tools for Enhanced Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

Leveraging AI Tools for Enhanced Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

AI tools like Gauth enhance essay writing by correcting grammar, organizing content, and providing real-time feedback for improved quality.

Does UCF have specific essay or personal statement topics?

Although optional, an essay can assist the Admissions Committee in knowing you as an individual, independent of test scores and other objective data. If you would like to submit an essay, please select from one of the topics below. Your response should be limited to a total of 250 words.

  • Why did you choose to apply to UCF?
  • What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that will allow you to contribute to the UCF community?

Citations and Writing (+styles for Chicago, Turabian, etc.)

  • Citation Management
  • APA Style Guide
  • MLA Style Guide
  • Other Style Guides
  • Citing Government Documents
  • Citation Tools

Guides for Writing Application Essays

  • Citing Specific Databases
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Grammar & Writing
  • UCF Writing Center

University Writing Center - Student Resources

  • Guidelines for Writing Your Personal Statement
  • Writing Personal Statements

The following books focus on various types of essays and cover letters, but much of the guidance provided may be useful for other applications as well.

See also Resumes, Cover Letters & Interviews

Search the UCF Library Catalog for other books on college admissions essays , including:

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  • Graduate Admissions Essays: Write Your Way into the Graduate School of Your Choice Call Number: UCF Rosen General Collection --LB 2366.2.A84 2000 ch2ck availability

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  • Accepted! 50 Successful College Admission Essays Call Number: UCF Main Library Reference -- LB 2351.52.U6.T3 2002 ch2ck availability

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  • Last Updated: Jul 22, 2024 6:35 PM
  • URL: https://guides.ucf.edu/citations
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A resume is a professional summary that highlights your skills, abilities, and achievements. Resumes provide employers with a unique reflection of your experiences and are used for securing part or full-time employment, gaining admission into a graduate program, being awarded a scholarship, and more. An ideal resume should feature your accomplishments, strengths, and transferable skills.

Your resume should be strategically written to briefly and effectively communicate your experience. Whether you’re applying for a part-time position, volunteer opportunity, internship, or full-time job, you want your resume to professionally reflect your qualifications. Think about experiences you are most proud of and want to highlight to tell your story and how you will add value.


  • Who is my audience? To whom am I writing and why will they care?
  • What are my professional career goals?
  • What are the unique strengths I bring?
  • What experiences am I most proud of?
  • Do my descriptions summarize what I’ve learned or accomplished?
  • Which competencies and skills do I want to highlight throughout my resume?
  • Can the reader visualize my experiences?


Transferable skills are skills that you have that can be used in many positions and across multiple disciplines. These are skills that you can develop throughout your collegiate experience that can translate into different areas that are relevant to work and life. On your resume, it is important to think about how your previous skills and experiences could translate into the role you are applying to.

For example, you may be applying to a position that requires “strong communication skills” in the job description. When developing your resume, think about when you might have demonstrated communication skills- maybe it was through a class project? A presentation? A student organization? Think about what experiences would highlight the skill the position is seeking.

Transferrable skills are shared on your resume through strong bullet points under each experience. Bullet points include the following: Action verb + Task + Result. You may want to answer the questions, “What did I accomplish?,” “How did I do this?,” and “Why is this important to share?”. Sharing your transferrable skills through bullet points makes your previous experiences relatable and actionable.

Here are some examples of strong bullet points:

  • Supervised the camp population of 100+ persons in water for 24 hours weekly to ensure safety
  • Planned annual networking events for active members to meet alumni and build mentoring relationships
  • Implemented marketing strategies to promote newspaper to target populations, increasing online readership by 43%


  • Avoid using templates online – they can be difficult to revise in the future
  • Tailor to the job/program applying for
  • When applying for industry positions, keep resume to 1 page
  • When applying for graduate programs or those with advanced degrees, resume can be 1-2 pages
  • Use 10-12 size font in a professional style
  • Margins should be no smaller than 0.5 inches
  • Experiences are to be listed in reverse chronological order or by importance/relevance
  • Proofread! Check punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure
  • Use verbs similar to those found in the job posting or that kind of work
  • Use nouns (keywords) that relate to things that are part of the job with which you may have previous experience
  • All dates, abbreviations, and formatting should be consistent


A curriculum vitae and a resume are similar in that both highlight one’s education and relevant experience. However, a CV tends to be longer and is used more widely when candidates have published works like scientific evidence or journals. Common for graduate students, a CV tends to include any research experience, teaching experience, and publications. CVs are more comprehensive as they are used when applying to positions where specific field knowledge or expertise is required. Like a resume, there is no one correct format for a CV- the key is formatting and organization.

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A sample CV to reference while creating or revising a CV.

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Student resources, impactful personal essays.

Personal essays are a vital component of an application, explaining who you are, why you are applying, and what you plan to accomplish with the opportunity. These essays offer you the chance to let the reviewer get to know you on a deeper level. By explaining your future goals, you help the reviewer understand your vision and the impact the opportunity will have on your aspirations.

Focus on Fit

Reflect on your personal experiences, challenges, and achievements that have shaped your aspirations and motivation. You want some backstory for context, but it shouldn't be the main focus of the essay. It is also essential to be genuine and honest, as authenticity resonates strongly with reviewers. Remember that you are not trying to impress them with the amount you have done in the past. You are demonstrating your commitment, the steps you have taken on the path to your goals, and how this opportunity is the best fit to help you reach those goals. It should not be a retelling of your resume.

Do Your Research and Be Specific

Here's an example for a study abroad application:

Vague Response: The France program is offered by my department. I will be taking some science courses and electives that fit in my major.

Detailed Response : I chose the University of South Florida (USF) Microbiology in France Program because it offers an advanced genetics course which includes an important site visit to the French Institute of Genetics, where we will hear from scientists doing active research projects. We will tour their labs and see an example of one of their professional conference presentations. I plan to work in a genetics lab in my career, so this will provide important networking and growth opportunities.

Remember that this is a general guide, and for national scholarship applications, your ONS advisor can provide much more specific guidance.

For additional assistance, we recommend the following resources:

  • Visit the OWL Purdue writing website
  • Writing Personal Statements Online by Joe Schall
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  • Your Guide to the Perfect Personal Statement

The Perfect Personal Statement

By UM News 10-17-2017

Your personal statement is an important component of your application to one of UOnline’s graduate programs. Starting your statement can be the hardest part, and often it is hard to decide what to write about or write about yourself. We asked our enrollment advisors what they look for in each applicant’s personal statement to help you create a personal statement that clearly communicates why you are a good fit for UOnline.

Before we discuss what should be included in your personal statement, let’s identify what your personal statement should   not   be. Your personal statement should not:

  • Re-iterate your resume in different wording
  • Be longer than one page
  • Be general or applicable to any program or school
  • Contain grammar or spelling errors

Your personal statement should tell us about who you are and your motivation for being an online student. You also want to clearly state your professional or personal goals and how you intend to reach them should you get admitted to the program.


Your first paragraph should introduce yourself and your professional or personal goals. If you have multiple goals we recommend listing them in bullets. This section should be concise and clearly define why you are interested in the program.  

Ex.] Both journalism and science have been passions of mine since I was a child. I am intrigued by the inner-workings of the world around me and always looking to understand the unknown. As a professional, I advanced my passion by pursuing a career as a marketing professional in the tech industry. I would like to enhance my professional experience by developing an in-depth understanding of communication theory as well as current academic research to become a more innovative and effective marketing professional.

The next section of your personal statement will discuss your academic experience. Utilize this section to explain any inconsistencies in your past academic history and how you have overcome those challenges and applied it to your current career. If your major does not reflect your current interests or career path, that is okay. However, use this section to explain why or how you decided to pursue other interests.

Ex.] As an undergraduate at [School Redacted] I majored in Life Science Communication, a program that required both science and mass communication courses. The program was the perfect combination of my interests as it allowed me to research and write about subjects I desired to learn more about such as food science and nutrition.  While my GPA was not as high as I would have liked, I learned valuable lessons of time management by balancing a part-time job and a demanding course schedule. As a professional,l I continue to use the rhetorical and technical writing skills I acquired to communicate complex, scientific concepts to a broader audience.

In this section, explain where you are in your current career. If you want to change careers, explain why. Additionally, include information about how you believe advancing your education will help you reach your professional goals. This is a great place to discuss what you have already done to advance your professional goals.

Ex. As an Account Manager, I employ many of the communication skills. I often have to explain complicated technology in emails as well as create educational material explaining complex processes. There is a need for communication professionals who are able to effectively market and comprehend products in a constantly evolving technical landscape.

I would like to enhance my professional experience by advancing my education and expanding the radius of my marketing knowledge to specific areas such as public relations, qualitative and quantitative research, and digital design and production. These courses will add insight to the current practices and strategies I use at [Name Redacted].  

Why UOnline

Finally, tell us why you choose this program and how this program is going to get you to where you want to be. We want to know not only why you are a good fit for UOnline, but why you believe UOnline is a good fit for you.

Ex. Personally, I have always valued learning and constantly expanding my world-view. I would like to continue my education as a University of Miami student to advance professionally within the tech industry. I am driven to do what it takes to complete the master’s program with a well-rounded understanding of communication management.

My unique professional experience in both print and digital communications combined with my educational background has prepared me to succeed in the X Program with the University of Miami. I am eager to advance my education and become an effective communications professional. 

Ready to Apply? 

If you would like more information about completing your personal statement, your application, or one of UOnline's graduate programs, please contact an enrollment advisor at 800.411.2290 or you can  chat  with them online. Or  visit the  site  for more information.  

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Graduate School


Personal Statement

Applicants will be required to upload a personal statement with the admission application in the space provided. Prior to submitting, please review file upload requirements .


Princeton is strongly committed to welcoming students from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Applicants are required to submit a statement with their application briefly describing how their academic interests and life experiences would help them contribute to Princeton's scholarly community.

The Graduate School does not have specific formatting requirements, however the essay must be written in English and should not exceed 500 words.

Please be sure to review the personal essay before uploading and submitting the admission application. If you submitted an application and need to revise the essay, you may upload the corrected version through the checklist if it is before the deadline. After the deadline, no revised personal essay will be accepted.


  1. How to Write a Personal Statement for University

    personal statement for university of florida

  2. Personal Statement For University Graphic Design

    personal statement for university of florida

  3. Application to Florida International University Personal Statement

    personal statement for university of florida

  4. University Personal Statement Format

    personal statement for university of florida

  5. How to write a REALLY good personal statement for university

    personal statement for university of florida

  6. Writing a Strong Personal Statement for College: Tips and Ideas

    personal statement for university of florida


  1. Personal Statement-University of Victoria MGB Program

  2. 6 STEPS to Write an Excellent PERSONAL STATEMENT for Scholarships


  4. University of Florida issues statement saying campus 'is not a daycare' after protestors' arrest


  6. Difference between Personal Statement & Statement of Purpose


  1. Write a Personal Statement

    Reading your personal statement out loud, to yourself or others, may help clarify if there is cohesion or if anything is vague. It is normal to review a personal statement 2-3 times before deciding on a final draft. Visit the Career Connections Center and the UF Writing Studio for individual help and workshops on creating a personal statement.

  2. PDF Personal Statement Preparation

    It is normal to review a personal statement 2-3 times before deciding on a final draft. Visit the Career Connections Center and the UF Writing Studio for individual help and workshops on creating a personal statement. Introduction: "The Hook" •This section serves as a framework for the rest of the personal statement.

  3. Advice on the Personal Statement? : r/ufl

    This is the unofficial subreddit for the University of Florida, a public university located in Gainesville, Florida. ... So I got to the part of my application where UF asks for a personal statement. I honestly don't know what to put here to increase my chances of being accepted. I'm going for the Sociology major (online) and I will be an upper ...

  4. Personal Statement Guide for Graduate School

    This guide will outline what a personal statement is and walk through the process of writing a personal statement. It also includes next steps for after the personal statement is written. View Resource. Professional and Peer Informational Interview Guide. Navigating Career Fairs and Networking Events Guide.

  5. Standards for J.D. Admission » Levin College of Law

    The law school code for the University of Florida Levin College of Law is 5812. Upon submission of the online application, the CAS report will be requested automatically and will be transferred to the Levin College of Law as soon as the CAS file is complete. ... Personal Statement. UF Law seeks to enroll a class with varied backgrounds and ...

  6. How to Write the University of Florida Essays 2023-2024

    Please use a maximum of 400 words in your essay for full consideration. This prompt is meant to gauge who you are beyond your grades and test scores. It's primarily about a subject that interests you, but there are multiple parts of the prompt that you'll need to address: Identifying the subject or topic of interest.

  7. Personal statements

    Personal statements; Preparing for graduate school in SLH; Building Block for Personal Statements. Personal Marketing Inventory. Similar to Personal Experience Inventory on Resumes page but with some unique ideas/perspectives for the personal statement. Videos. Ehow's How to write for grad school application.

  8. How to Write a Compelling Personal Statement for University of Florida

    A personal statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions committee and convince them that you are a strong candidate for law school. It's a chance to highlight your strengths, explain any weaknesses or challenges, and demonstrate your passion and commitment to the field of law. Additionally, a personal statement can ...

  9. WC100/WC100: Writing Personal Statements

    University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension outreach is a partnership between state, federal, and county governments to provide scientific knowledge and expertise to the public. ... This publication about writing personal statements is the fourth of a four-part publications series on developing effective ...

  10. Crafting an Exceptional Personal Statement for University of Florida: A

    Understanding the Personal Statement: Your Ticket to UF. A personal statement is more than just a summary of your accomplishments; it's a narrative that brings your application to life. For University of Florida applicants, it's an opportunity to demonstrate how you embody the Gator spirit of innovation, leadership, and community engagement.

  11. College Petition Form

    Complete the college petition form. Complete a personal statement. All petitions require that you include a personal statement explaining your extenuating circumstances related to this petition. This is a one-page typed document. Provide documentation of any extenuating circumstances. Documentation should be on official letterhead.

  12. Pre-Health Personal Statement Guide

    Navigating professional school applications can often be challenging, and crafting a compelling personal statement is a critical step in your application journey. Below, you will find a personal statement guide tailored to pre-health students. It includes best practices, some do's and don'ts, and some recommendations to make sure you stand ...

  13. LL.M. and S.J.D. Admissions » Levin College of Law

    Three-Semester LL.M. in International Taxation or Taxation with a Concentration in U.S. Law. S.J.D. in Taxation - Florida Law will accept applications for fall 2025 from February 1, 2025, through February 28, 2025 through the LL.M. application at LSAC - Email Graduate Tax Program ([email protected]) for additional information.

  14. McNair Scholars Program

    University of Florida undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and meet the criteria below are encouraged to apply to the McNair Scholars Program. ... Personal Statement Guidelines. All applicants must upload a personal statement describing their interest in the McNair Scholars Program (2 pages max, ...


    RSONAL STATEMENTS: GETTING STARTED Institutions use personal statements as a way to figure out what kind of a person you are and whether you wo. ld make a good fit in their program. The idea is to show your experiences and why they make you an. ideal candidate for a given program. It is also the only document in your application that can ex.

  16. Does UCF have specific essay or personal statement topics?

    Mailing Address P.O. Box 160111 Orlando, FL 32816-0111 Office Location Duke Energy UCF Welcome Center Contact Email: [email protected] Phone: 844-376-9160 Fax: 407-823-5625 Business Hours

  17. Guides for Writing Application Essays

    University Writing Center - Student Resources. Graduate Applications & Writing ... How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement features 30 actual samples of successful application essays as well as recommendations from admissions officers on winning strategies that have guaranteed students admission into business, law, medical, and graduate ...

  18. Create a Resume

    When applying for industry positions, keep resume to 1 page. When applying for graduate programs or those with advanced degrees, resume can be 1-2 pages. Use 10-12 size font in a professional style. Margins should be no smaller than 0.5 inches. Experiences are to be listed in reverse chronological order or by importance/relevance.

  19. Impactful Personal Essays

    Impactful Personal Essays. Personal essays are a vital component of an application, explaining who you are, why you are applying, and what you plan to accomplish with the opportunity. These essays offer you the chance to let the reviewer get to know you on a deeper level. By explaining your future goals, you help the reviewer understand your ...

  20. Your Guide to the Perfect Personal Statement

    Your personal statement should tell us about who you are and your motivation for being an online student. You also want to clearly state your professional or personal goals and how you intend to reach them should you get admitted to the program. Introduction. Your first paragraph should introduce yourself and your professional or personal goals.

  21. UF transfer statement of intent : r/ufl

    UF transfer statement of intent. Hi guys! I'm currently applying to be a transfer student at UF for the fall 2021 semester. My major is public relations and I heard it's kinda hard to get into. My first two semesters of college weren't the best, I was going to a lot of stuff and I wasn't really focusing on school.

  22. Consider Graduate School • Career Services • UCF

    Semester 1. Determine the schools to which you plan to apply, and request application materials. Contact programs about the possibility of visiting. Make trips if possible. Begin to develop your personal timeline for the application process. Write a draft personal statement. Research graduate admissions prep classes. Semester 2.

  23. Personal Statement

    Princeton is strongly committed to welcoming students from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Applicants are required to submit a statement with their application briefly describing how their academic interests and life experiences would help them contribute to Princeton's scholarly community.