

Among the Akans of Ghana, the most common meal are fufu and ampesie. Fufu is prepared from cassava and eaten with any kind of soup (palm nut soup, peanut soup, light soup etc). Ampasie is boiled cassava, plantain, cocoyam or yam. If an Akan eats any food especially for supper and it is not fufu, he/she says he/she has not eaten. Others include banku (which originally is not Akan food), kenkey (made from corn) and rice. Common food items found in the market are cassava, plantain, cocoyam, yam, maize and rice. Besides, vegetables are essential in the daily meal of the Akans. These include gardens eggs/egg plant, okro, tomatoes, pepper, green leaves, agushi (pumpkin seeds), onions, peanut, beans, and many more. Other food sources are fruits like coconut, oranges, banana, mango, pawpaw, sugar cane, guava and pear. Apart from these food items, the Akans eat a lot of fish and meat. Fish are mostly got from the sea with a few from inland rivers while meat is got from poultry, goat, sheep, cow, pig and animals killed by hunters. It is common to see people selling smoked meat along the highways. Food habits of the Akans have changed over the years as a result of contact with other ethnic groups and the outside world. This has resulted in the springing up of restaurants serving exotic and local foods in addition to local chop bars which prepare traditional food. Some Akans do not eat certain foods due to religious or spiritual reasons. For example, some people do not eat pork because it is used for sacrifices. Food like mashed yam with palm oil and eggs are used as sacrificial food for the ancestors and gods.

Lesson Vocabulary

Lesson Conversation:

Lesson Monologue

Nnuane |foods.

Akwasi kɔ n’adamfo nkyɛn na ɔka sɛ ɛkɔm de no  (Akwasi goes to his friend and indicates he is hungry).  M’adamfo din de Akosua. Akosua nim aduane noa paa. ɔnim paanoo to, nam kye, fufu wɔ na ɔnim aburoo toto nso. ɛtɔ da bi a, ɔka banku. Da korɔ bi mekɔɔ Akosua fie. Meduruu hɔ no na nsukɔm na ɛkɔm de me. Akosua maa me

nsuo na ɔbisaa me aduane a mepɛ. Mekaa sɛ mepɛ aduane biara nanso  mekyiri prɛkonam. ɔyɛɛ nkatekwan dɛɛdɛ bi. ɔtwitwaa nkruma guu mu. ɔhwɛɛ ma nkwan no benn yie. ɔkaa banku nso.  ɔhwɛɛ sɛ banku no anhye. Meka kyerɛɛ Akosua sɛ mepɛ banku

nanso mennim di. Akosua kaa sɛ “te banku na fa bɔ nkwan no mu.  Wode hyɛ w’anom(u) a, men.” Mede banku no hyɛɛ m’anom(u) no, na mentumi mmen enti anka merewe. Akosua kaa sɛ “kae sɛ yɛnwe banku; yɛmen. Akosua de kyenam yɛɛ nkwan no enti ɛyɛɛ dɛ paa.

Lesson Note

Grammar notes.

Negation in Akan is formed with the prefixes m- and n- depending on the consonant initiating the verb. The use of this prefixes will be discussed below. Interestingly, all Akan verbs begin with consonants.

Nhwɛsoɔ (Examples)

mia (squeeze)

kasa (talk/speak)


hwehwɛ (search)

  • From the above examples, when a verb begins with m, p, b, or f the negative is formed by prefixing the verb with m-

Papa no mona ne yere sika daa                      Papa no m mona ne yere sika daa


Abofra no fe koraa

Maame no atadeɛ

Maame no pam atadeɛ

Papa no dua

Papa no mu/ bu dua

ntoma                                               Maame no tɔn ntoma

fufu daa                                                        Yɛ wɔ/ si fufu daa

nkwan dɛɛdɛ yɛ nkwan dɛɛdɛ

fufu ne pr kyi(ri) fufu ne pr

nunu nkwan no mu koraa

  • The verb w ɔ (to have/to be) does not follow the rule discussed above. The negative of w ɔ is nni (don’t have/is not).
  • Kofi w ɔ sika pii                      neg .     Kofi nni sika pii
  • Asuafoɔ no wɔ nwoma pii      neg .     Asuafoɔ no nni sika pii.
  • Papa no wɔ ntoma                  neg .     Papa no nni ntoma.
  • Kofi w ɔ fie                               neg.     Kofi nni fie
  • Twi asuafo wɔ dan no mu       neg.     Twi asuafo nni dan no mu.
  • When there are two or more verbs in a sentence change all of them to the negative if you are negating the sentence.
  • Fa nwoma no kɔ nwomakorabea       neg      M fa nwoma no n kɔ nwomakorabea
  • Kofi nom nsuo na ɔ didi daa.                  neg.      Kofi n nom nsuo na ɔ nnidi /ɔ n didi daa.
  • Kenkan nwoma no na twer ɛ wo din       neg.      N kenkan nwoma no na n twerɛ wo din.
  • Nnipa binom pɛ akokɔnam nanso wɔ kyi(ri)  prɛko          neg.      Nnipa pii m pɛ akokɔnam nanso                                                               wɔ n kyi(ri ) prɛko.
  • Sometimes the adverb is changed in the negative sentence as seen in the sentences below:
  • Kofi w ɔ sika pii neg.                              Kofi nni sika koraa .     
  • Abofra no su dodo         neg.                  Abofra no nsu koraa/pii

The negation of the past tense is formed by inserting n- or m- between the verb and the perfect tense marker prefix a. The past tense negation marker is then realized as an + the verb or am + the verb depending on the consonant initiating the verb. 

Cultural Notes

Sɛ wobɛyɛ abɛkwan  a, wohia aduane nnoɔma te sɛ

abɛ, gyeene, mako, ntoosi, nkyene ne nam.

Wei akyi(re), wobɛhia nnoɔma bi te sɛ sɔneɛ,

abɛwaduro, ne ɛsɛn. Sɛ wobɛyɛ abɛkwan a,

Adi kan, fa abɛ ne mako no si gya so ma ɛngow

Toɛ abɛ no na fa gu abɛwaduro mu

Wɔ/si abɛ no na fa sɔneɛ no sɔne so

Fa nam gu ɛsɛn/nkwansɛn no mu si gya so

Twitwa gyeene gu nam no so na kye ho kakra

Fa abɛkwan no gu nam no so wɔ nkwansɛn no mu

Fa ntoosi gu mu ma enhuru kakra

Yiyi ntoosi no na nyam gu nkwan no mu.

Fa nkyene gu nkwan no mu. Hwɛ na antwa mu.

Ma ɛnsi gya so bɛyɛ simma aduanan ma ɛmbene

Toɛ nkwan no na fa bi di aduane biara a wopɛ.

Lesson Exercise

Yɛfrɛ m’adamfo sɛn? ………………………………………………………………

Nnuane bɛn na m’adamfo nim yɛ? ………………………………………………….

ɛdeɛn na mekyiri? …………………………………………………………………..

ɛdeɛn aduane na m’adamfo  yɛeɛ? …………………………………………………

Yɛsi sɛn di banku

Hwannon hyia diinkɔmmɔno? ………………………………………………………………..

ɛdeɛn aduane na adamfo a adi kan no kaa ho asɛm? ……………………………………………

ɛdeɛn nnoɔma na yɛde yɛ paanoo? …………………………………………………………….

ɛdeɛn aduane n adamfo a ɛtɔ so mienu no kaa ho asɛm? ………………………………………

Aduane bɛn na nnamfo no bɛyɛ no ɔkyena? ……………………………………………………

Wohwɛ a ɛdeɛn nnoɔma na wɔde aduane no? ……………………………………………………

Copyright © ELIAS 2018.  All rights Reserved.

My Favorite Food Essay

500 words essay on my favorite food.

In order to perform well in life, our body needs energy. We get this energy from the food we eat. Without food, there will be no life. In today’s world, there are so many dishes available worldwide. Food comes in a wide variety all around the world. Dosa, Paneer, Naan, Chapati, Biryani, and more Indian delicacies are available. We are also offered western cuisines such as noodles, pasta, burgers, fries, pizzas and more dominating the food industry. In my favourite food essay, I will tell you about the food I like eating the most.

my favorite food essay

My Favorite Food

As the world is advancing day by day, it is becoming easier to get access to many kinds of food at our doorstep. Every day, we all want to consume great and delicious cuisine. There are many different varieties of food accessible all throughout the world. We all like different foods, however, my personal favourite is burgers. I have eaten many cuisines but my favourite food is definitely a burger. I cannot resist myself when it comes to burgers.

Burgers are one of the most convenient and easiest foods to eat on the fly when we’re in a hurry. We can have a burger at any time of day, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or supper, and maybe some fries and a Coke to go with it. Many restaurants are well-known for making their speciality burgers in a particular style. Preparation changes from one establishment to the next. But what exactly makes a burger taste so good? They will taste vary depending on where you go, but they are all built the same. It is made up of a bun, a ground meat patty, and various toppings like cheese, onion slices, lettuce, and other sauces.

They are so soft yet crunchy, fresh and juicy that I love eating them. Even though there are many kinds of burgers, my favourite one is a chicken burger. The chicken patty gives the burger a juicy taste and it tingles my taste buds every time I eat it. I can already smell and taste it in my mouth as soon as I walked inside McDonald’s or any other restaurant that serves chicken burgers. As soon as I take a huge mouthful of it, I forget about any problems or troubles that are going on in the outer world and concentrate my entire concentration just on my chicken burger.

I love eating a burger which is filled with cheese and vegetables . The more vegetables you add, the better it tastes. My personal favourite is lettuce. It gives the burger the right amount of freshness and crunchiness.

I always eat my burger with ketchup. Most importantly, the thing I love about eating burgers is that I get to eat French fries along with them. They work as a great side to the dish and also make my stomach full.

Even though I liked eating a burger from a famous fast food joint, nothing beats the chicken burger my mother makes at home. She prepares everything from scratch, even the burger. Thus, it is extremely fresh and healthy too.

I know and feel that burgers have the great flavour and taste that would make anyone’s stomach pleased after a long day of work. I can tell by the reactions on people’s faces when they order their preferred burger variant. Overall, I don’t believe any other fast food will taste as good as a chicken burger. It’s just difficult to think that something will triumph in the future. As a result, I consider my favourite dish to be the best ever created.

A Great Variety

Perhaps the great thing about burgers is the great variety they offer. It has options for all people, who prefer vegetarian, non-vegetarian and even vegans. Thus, you can select the patty of your burger and dive right in.

There are a large number of burger joints being started in every corner of the city, each serving a variety of their own specialised and self-curated recipes. Burgers that are health-friendly and a go-to with a diet are also being introduced by these newly upcoming burger places. There are a lot many burger cafes that give their customers the choice to create their own burgers by providing them with a choice between patties, fillings, veggies, sauces as well as the number of burger layers they want.

Even though my personal favourite is a chicken burger, I also enjoy eating cheeseburgers and vegetable burgers. For me, all burgers taste delicious. Whenever we go out to eat with friends , I always order a burger.

My friends who do not eat non-vegetarian also eat burgers thanks to the great variety it offers. When we order food at home, we make sure to offer all kinds of burgers from cheeseburgers to chicken burgers, so that we get a taste of everything in our meal. Thus, I love burgers and their great variety makes it better.

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Conclusion of My Favorite Food Essay

Even though my favourite food is a burger, I enjoy other foods as well like Pizza and Pasta. However, I feel when it comes to eating daily, nothing beats homemade food. The food we eat daily is what helps us gain energy. We cannot eat our favourite food daily as it will become boring then, but our staple food is something we enjoy eating on an everyday basis.

FAQ of My Favorite Food Essay

Question 1: Why do we need food?

Answer 1: We need food because it provides nutrients, energy for activity, growth. Similarly, all functions of the body like breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm are made possible because of food. It also helps in keeping our immune system healthy.

Question 2: Should you eat your favourite food all the time?

Answer 2: No, never. Favourite foods are meant to be enjoyed when there is any special occasion, or when you are tired of your regular homemade food. Eating too much of your favourite food will make your taste buds adjust to it and eventually, it will not remain our favourite. Excess of anything is bad and the same goes for our favourite food. Thus, we must eat it occasionally so that it remains our favourite.

Question 3: Is fast food healthy? Should we not consume fast food at all?

Answer 3: Fast food is often high in calories, sodium, and harmful fat, with one meal frequently providing enough for a whole day. It is also deficient in nutrients and nearly devoid of fruit, vegetables, and fibre. That doesn’t mean you should completely avoid fast food. It is feasible to eat fast food without jeopardising your healthy diet. Take advantage of the nutritious side dishes available at many fast-food places. Look for meals that include lean proteins, vegetables, and fibre, and avoid anything that is supersized.

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the food i like best essay in twi

Twi: A Beginner’s Guide!

This simple twi guide has been written with thanks to Alex Boakye Antwi and Joseph Edward Addae – two Junior High School students from Abofour, Ashanti Region! 

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Twi: A Beginners Guide

These are 40 phrases that I have found incredibly useful during my time in Ghana. If you are able to translate and speak all of these phrases and words, then you have officially passed the first stage of the course!

Ete sen? Etty sen? How are you?
Ey3 paa Ay ye paa. I am fine.
Wo ho te sen? Wo ho te sen? How are you?
Me ho y3 Me hoy ye. I am well.
Nyame adom Nya may adom. By the grace of God (they say this a lot!)
Na wonso 33? Na won sua? And what about you?
Wo din de sen? Wo din dee sen? What is your name?
Me din de Cat Me din dee Cat. My name is Cat.
Wofi (ri) he? Wo fri he? Where do you come from?
Mefi (ri) England Mefri England. I come from England.
Akwaaba As written Welcome
Medaase Me daa say! Thank you!
Da yie Da yeeay! Good night!
Nante yie Nan tee yee aay! Safe journey!
Mem a wo akye Maa chi! Good morning!
Mem a wo aha Maa haa! Good afternoon!
Mem a wo adwo Maa jo! Good evening!
Mani agye Manee adjay. I am happy.
Wani agye? Wanee adjay? Are you happy?
Me sua twi kakra kakra Me sueah twi kakra kakra. I am learning twi little by little.
Wote Twi paa Wo tay twi paa! You speak twi very well.
Mereko laibri Me re ko libree. I am going to the library.
Okyena Otchina Tomorrow (can be used as “see you tomorrow!”
Y3behyia bio Ye bishia beo! We’ll meet again!
Aden? Aden? Why?
M’ani gye ho Mani je ho. I’m interested in it/ I like it.
Mani nnye ho Mani ny ho. I’m not interested in it/ I don’t like it.
Me didi Me deedee I am eating.
Me nom Me nom I am drinking.
M’adamfo Me dam foe Friend
Nsuo Un sue oh Water
Kwadu Kwadu Banana
Paanoo Paanoo Bread
Bra Brah Come
Ko Ko Go
Y3nko Yanko Let’s go!
Tw3n me Charn me Wait for me!
Daabi Darbee No
Aane Ahnay Yes
Eebia Eee bee ah Maybe

Basic pronouncation points:

3 –  e (as with French accent)

o – o (sharp o)

dw – j (slightly different sound, see video when uploaded)

Beginners (Improvers) to soon follow!! 

62 thoughts on Twi: A Beginner’s Guide!

Brilliant! Medasse!

meedase (brilliant) tysm (thank you so much)

Im am in love with this

Medaase paa paa! <3

Very important basics to learn and know.

Eten sen m’adamfo

Thank you so much I am a performing artist from the Caribbean who is in my dreams to visit ghana so I must prepare thank you so much

Did you get to Ghana? I am planning a month in Jan – Feb 2023 …

I speak Twi but I don’t know how to read or write Twi,but thanks, helpful

Learn de alphabet oo it will help you.

This one is very helpful! Medaase paa!

Medaase paa! African-American here born in the south, with no knowledge or way to trace ancestry back to Africa. There fore I’ve tasked myself with learning as many African languages as I can, just to have some attachment to a home I’ll never know but will always love. Thank you so much for this there are very few materials for most African languages and every bit helps tremendously.

Try an ancestry kit.

Thank you- Medaase

How are the people doing

I love you; I like you

I’m interested this words so bring more and learn

Sending to my bf I’ve been trying to teach twi for a while. The break down will be very helpful as some words can be hard to pronounce in twi like hair or nose for none native speakers. Thank you!

Medaase bebree . I had told my dad who also speaks twi that I am starting to learn it and know my and family from ghana want to hear me speak twi and are very excited to hear me speak it. So this helped me a lot to not disappoint them

Does your father know the translation of this phrase? “ Aane, me ara ni nnipa a wo twen no.” It’s from a book called Golden Hill. Thank you.

Yes’ i’m the one your waiting on

that’s the translation

My husband is from Ghana and I’m trying to learn his language.. some of these phrases are helpful but where can I learn more?

Hi half Ghanaian here. There is a YouTuber called LEARNAKAN he teaches phrases, numbers, adjectives in Twi and more. My parents really didn’t teach me a lot of Akan(Twi) but this guy helped me a lot and I’m sure he will 🙂

Medaase. This is really helpful.

me so medaasii

Fantastic work. We appreciate your efforts.

This is really helpful, Thank you

Me wo ghana but me tu mi ka twi so medaase nyame shraa wo

Bless you for this. I am so excited to learn now 🙂 Medaase.

Medaase bebree

Wonderful exposition of the TwI language. Please download and install the Ghana keyboard and so that you can type on your phone letters like ?, ?, ƒ, ? and the others. Thank you.

Wonderful exposition of the TwI language. Please download and install the Ghana keyboard so that you can type on your phone letters like ?, ?, ƒ, ? and the others. Thank you.

Can someone help me translate Ay3ka . I’m learning and came across this word but unsure of the meaning

It means you are at a loss – in the sense that you’ve put something into some effort, and not had a good result.

Medaase me firi America but me parents firi Ghana so mey3 50% Ghanani.

but (naaso) parents (awo fo) so (nti) 50% (half – fha) Ghanaian (Ghanani fha)

now you can reconstruct it to sound more like a native or fluent speaker.

?? Medasse I will now show off to my girlfriend.

W’ay3 ade3.

Can someone translate this for me please

It means you’ve done well or well done. This is usually said to congratulate someone for good work done.

My parents were born in ghana and my mom said if I speak twi to them for the whole day then I can get a phone

Hahahaha 3y3 paa, 3b3boa wo amma wasua twi Kasa.

It is good idea it will help you learn the twi language.

possessing the unknown future as a young adult the all knowing god

Medaase. Thank you so much . Keep returning to this. How do you say “please” in Twi?

Also, if greeting a group of people of different ages, is it appropriate to greet the congregation with wo ho te sen?

Please in twi is “mepawokyew”. Also when greeting a group of people the ‘wo’ in wo ho te sen which means “you”(singular) changes to “mo” which means “you” (plural). Hence to greet a group is “mo ho te sen?” and if they are responding as a group, they would say “ye ho ye” meaning “we are fine”.

I found this guide interesting, I love Ghana language alot

Medasse! This is soo helpful, ive been trying to learn ghana for a long time but nothing, everything that went inside my ear went into my brain but it didn’t stay so it came out the other way of my ear but this helped me in alot of different ways, so than, you sooooo mich for this, everyone should just appreciate the time he took to this only to help others learn, it’s not always about money, im sure he did this and ge wasnt paid, this is what they GENEROSITY ! And everyone should be like this fellow citezen! Kudos to you sir! BRAVO

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the food i like best essay in twi

Food Vocabulary in Twi!

Welcome to today's lesson on Food Vocabulary in Twi!


This lesson focuses on expanding your Twi vocabulary with a delicious topic – food! Knowing the names of various food items in Twi is not only practical for everyday conversations but also enriches your cultural understanding of Ghanaian cuisine.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Recognize and name various food items in Twi.
  • Enhance your conversational skills in Twi, especially in contexts involving food and dining.

Learning Outcomes

You will demonstrate your understanding by:

  • Identifying and listing various food items in Twi.
  • Using these terms appropriately in relevant Twi conversations or settings.

Lesson Content

Twi Course Creator

Absolutely! Here's a combined and organized list of 45 food items in Twi, with the Twi names bolded:

  • Ɛmo tuo -Rice ball
  • Burodo/Paano - Bread
  • Akoko nam - Chicken
  • Nsuomnam - Fish
  • Kosua - Egg
  • Nufusuo - Milk
  • Nsuo - Water
  • Nkwan - Soup
  • Koko - Porridge
  • Brodeɛ - Plantain
  • Bayerɛ - Yam
  • Adua - Beans
  • Aburo - Maize
  • Bankye - Cassava
  • Akutu/ankaa - Orange
  • Kwadu - Banana
  • Aborɔbɛ - Pineapple
  • Amango - Mango
  • Kube - Coconut
  • Nkateε - Peanut
  • Mako - Pepper
  • Nεnkyemɔɔno/ntoosi - Tomato
  • Gyeene - Onion
  • Anwo - Garlic
  • Akekaduro - Ginger
  • Ngo/abε ngo - Palm oil
  • Dwanam/odwannam - mutton
  • Atosodeε - Vegetables
  • Nantwinam - Beef
  • Adwe ngo - Palm kernel oil
  • Ahwedeε - Sugarcane
  • Paya/Pɛε - Avocado
  • Aburo - Corn
  • Nkruma - Okra
  • Adwe - Palm kernel
  • Koobi - Salted-dried tilapia
  • Mankani - Cocoyam
  • Aborɔdwomaa - potato
  • Nkontomire - Cocoyam leaves/taro leaves
  • Nkyene - Salt
  • Wɔtermelon - Anamuna
  • Ɛmmɔre - Dough
  • Nyaadewa - Garden egg
  • Asikyire - Sugar
  • Anwa -Cooking oil
  • Ɛmane -Herring
  • Ankaa twadeε - Lime
  • Bɔɔferε/borɔferε -Pawpaw 
  • Abεnkwan - palmnut soup
  • Nkatenkwan -Groundnut/peanut soup

the food i like best essay in twi

Occupation Vocabulary in Twi - Exploring Various Professions

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The Twi Alphabet - Understanding the Building Blocks of the Language

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Bodily Fluids in Twi

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Non-Linguistic Vocalizations in Twi || Understanding Expressive Sounds

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Days of the Week in Twi and Their Significance in Naming

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Twi Synonyms (Nkyerεase Koro)

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Directional Expressions in Twi

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Proper Nouns (Edin Pa) in Twi.

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Common Phrases for Expressing Opinion in Twi

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Showing Appreciation in Twi

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Twi Concrete Nouns

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Twi Antonyms (Abirabɔ)

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Twi Terms Expressing Romantic Love

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Shapes and Mathematical Terms in Twi

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Twi Object Pronouns

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Expressing Love and Affection in Twi

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Introducing Yourself in Twi

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Counting Days in Twi

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"How" Questions in Twi

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Twi Adverbs (ƆKyerɛfoɔ)

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Twi Phrases Expressing Agreement

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Twi Interjections

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Words Expressing Emotions in Twi

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How to Form Twi Noun Plural

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Stative Verbs in Twi

the food i like best essay in twi

Interrogative Pronouns in Twi

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Reflexive Pronouns in Twi

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Twi Abstract Nouns (Adwenemudeε)

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Relative Pronouns in Twi

the food i like best essay in twi

Noun Functions in Twi

the food i like best essay in twi

Twi Nouns (Edin)

the food i like best essay in twi

Twi Numbers: Learn How to Count

the food i like best essay in twi

Simple Future Tense (Daakye Kabea)

the food i like best essay in twi

Relational Terms for People in Twi

the food i like best essay in twi

Health and Diseases in Twi

the food i like best essay in twi

Twi Greetings

the food i like best essay in twi

Body Parts in Twi

the food i like best essay in twi

Twi Conjunctions (Nkabomdeɛ)

the food i like best essay in twi

The Use of the Definite Article in Twi

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Months of the Year in Twi

the food i like best essay in twi

Twi Expressions for Buying and Bargaining

the food i like best essay in twi

Twi adjectives (Edin Nkyerɛkyerɛmu)

the food i like best essay in twi

Simple Present Tense in Twi-Daa Kabea

the food i like best essay in twi

Some Must-Know Twi Phrases for Expatriates, Tourists and Learners

the food i like best essay in twi

Common Twi Expressions of Politeness

the food i like best essay in twi

Telling Time in Twi

the food i like best essay in twi

Verbs in Twi


Pronouns in Twi

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Twi (ch-wee) Language and Food

So Twi is very hard. Sometimes it hardly makes any sense, but I am trying very hard to learn. It means a lot to the Ghanian people!

Here is a sample of the language:

Sample text in Twi


A cow was grazing in a field of grass. This field was near a pond which was full of frogs. When the frogs saw him some of them exclaimed, “This fellow is extremely big.” Just as they said this, one of the frogs remarked, “I can blow myself up as big as this cow.” No sooner had he said it, than he began to blow himself up, and he went on blowing until he burst.  

                                                                                                                              Source: http://www.worldlanguage.com/Languages/Twi.htm

And since my companion is Ghanian, we do teach in Twi. The entire church service is pretty much in Twi in the Asuo Yeboah wards. It’s hard to keep focused during Sunday meetings when I understand very little of what’s being said. But I’m still trying to learn it on my own.

Also since last transfers came, we have a new elder that loves to cook, I’ve kinda halted my learning of how to cook. I still know what I know, but I’m not really learning anything new. He makes me over-eat a lot. At one point after a big lunch and 2 surprise free meals, I went back to the apartment and weighed over 145 lbs.


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Writing A Perfect Essay About Favorite Food

Jessica Nita

Table of Contents

the food i like best essay in twi

Everyone is concerned with matters of nutrition, so this topic is of importance for absolutely anyone reading it. We present you a manual on food essay writing with an outline and advice for the development (and for a balanced diet).

The basic structure of a ‘my favorite food’ essay

Not all students know the importance of healthy eating and a balanced diet. Avoiding bad nutrition and knowing the nutritional principles is important for our health; it helps to avoid food problems.

In the world of young people, this awareness is sometimes lacking, for this reason, a teacher could give you the assignment to write an argumentative essay about food.

In this article, you will find great tips on how to organize your writing, how to structure your essay, and what sources to quote to get a better grade.

How to draw up a topic?

Before starting your argumentative text on food, make an outlay. This tool will help you identify what to talk about in your nutrition topic.

Read the outline carefully and answer: what aspects of the diet science prompt you to argue?

This question is essential to understand what to write about when writing about the relationship between young people and their favorite/staple food.


In the first part of your argumentative text on nutrition, you need to talk about the importance of food for health. What distinguishes a balanced diet from poor nutrition? Introduce the problem by pointing out that it is not right to eat only what you like…

In the second part of your favorite food essay writing, focus on the relationship between young people and food. What influences it? What do kids usually know about nutrition?

You can make real references to the diets you have heard of, and that young people follow. It then illustrates what constitutes a balanced diet and, if the outline requires it, what are the essential nutrients in a diet.

the food i like best essay in twi

What would be the best outline?

My Favorite Food essay: introduction

Food is not only sustenance, but it is also a great part of our culture. Thanks to the energy and the different nutrients that our body takes through food, we can perform all the actions of our day: not only physical efforts but also mental ones work thanks to the calories we introduce.

This fact is even more important for boys, especially during the more delicate phases of their growth, where their development must be accompanied by special nutrition. It is, therefore, necessary to know what distinguishes a balanced diet from an unbalanced one.

To get a higher rating, you can add other famous quotes related to nutrition in general. For instance, you may quote François de La Rochefoucauld’s famous wit’s oeuvre, “To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”

Essay on my favorite food: the main body

An incorrect diet, in the world of young people, is often linked to the type and quality of the food they eat. Some do not have time to cook, others are not able to, while the rest have to eat out due to force majeure and end up having their meals at fast-food restaurants. It is not wrong to eat only what you want, food should be appreciated, or there would be no taste in eating, the important thing is that your meals are healthy dishes concerning the nutritional principles they bring.

Limiting the concept of healthy to fruit and vegetables, no matter how indispensable, is perhaps the reason why poor nutrition is a widespread problem among young people. Carbohydrates, particularly pasta and rice, are the nutrients that give us the most energy and therefore we need them to play sports and endure the most demanding school days. Finally, the proteins we take with meat or legumes play an indispensable role in the formation of muscles.

Since restaurants are adequately equipped to meet the ethical, physical (allergy) and economic needs of everyone, there should be no excuse of not making changes towards healthier diet plans. In many places today you can eat healthy without sacrificing taste, especially in countries where food has a culture of its own like Italy, France or certain parts of the U.S. like New Orleans. But this is not enough, it is necessary to educate children to have a correct diet to avoid that their relationship with food is balanced. In fact, young people are the most affected by food-related problems because their age is often characterized by difficulties that can turn into eating disorders.

Bonus tips for better grades: If the outline requires it and you have sufficient knowledge on the subject, in light of the considerations made, of how a diet should be set to be correct.

Essay on nutrition: conclusion

The philosopher Feuerbach maintained that “we are what we eat” and in a sense, it is so given that it is scientifically proven that the more balanced a diet is in terms of macro-nutrients the healthier an individual is. Feeding children is no exception to this rule, so it must be explained to them what it means to eat properly. For this reason, it is necessary to pay more attention to the relationship between food and the young.

Even food, in fact, can be a constructive way to expand your educational horizons: learning to cook and propose new recipes to friends, going out to lunch in new places and enjoying typical dishes of different traditions are apparently insignificant experiences, but sometimes able to give flavor to our life especially if shared.

Bonus tips for better grades: A brief mentioning of the relationship between food and culture and how varied it is in the world is what will ensure you a solid A-plus.

Most common mistakes when writing an essay

The 5 classic errors to avoid when writing an essay

  • Confuse the subject of an essay with an exercise of pure imagination, free and without constraint.
  • Underestimate the difficulty of writing. An essay often seems more pleasant than a dissertation or a commentary of text. But it is far from easy.
  • Rush . You have to read the subject two or more times and highlight the key terms.
  • Wander off-topic . You have to have a good method to avoid off-topic faux pas. Writing an essay is a methodical and rigorous exercise.
  • Breaking the style . To make a good assignment of your essay, one must have a style of writing, vocabulary, and especially good ideas. It’s about writing as if you were a writer. It is not an easy task.

How to avoid mistakes?

How to not…

…sound ungrounded in your essay

Read as much as you can on the subject, and provide evidential backup for everything that you write – save for your conclusions.

…underestimate the difficulty of writing

An essay gives a literary experience of writing, it is, therefore, important to understand, to read, to build, and to interpret.

…take too little time for the assignment

Make sure you collect and organize your ideas before you put them in writing

It is important to stay out of redundancy. Brevity is the soul of wit; focus on summing up the facts relevant for your topic rather than throwing in things that you find easier to write about or those who just are at the top of your mind.

…breach the style

Be wary of the use of colloquial style in your writing, as well as other stylistic errors. The sense of good academic style can be developed as you read works of others. When in doubt, consult a specialist. The professional essay writer will help you improve your writing style and correct your other errors.

Bottom line

The topic of a favorite food can be summed up with one precise quote

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”

Without doubt, there are only too many things to say on the topic; your task is to pick the ones that reflect your own philosophy, organize them in a logical way, give valid examples and provide scientific evidence, and draw essential conclusions.

If you have problems at any stage of your writing, reach out for professional help!

Prefer cooking your favorite food over writing the essay about it? Cool! We prefer writing an essay for you. Order your perfect piece and save time for trying out a new recipe!

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the food i like best essay in twi

My favourite food essay 22 Models

  • Topics in English
  • December 29, 2021

my favourite food essay

My favorite food essay is one of the wonderful topics through which the student learns about his senses and their goals, and learns more about genetic factors, in addition to knowing how the brain works and receives the senses and how different that is from one person to another.

My favorite food essay

The favorite food article is one of the articles that is described as the favorite of many students, because it is easy to describe and express, and it does not require the student to much effort and research in writing such articles. Therefore, we will put for you some important and useful points beside your personal experiences that you can use in writing your own articles.

We will present several different models short, long, and easy, so that there are different ways of articles that suit everyone and they can see expressing their personality and their favorite food.

Below we will present some points on which the article will be built and integrated into the article so that it appears that it is a research reference, and we have a vision of the dimensions and objectives required of it.

Objectives of the article

1- Demonstrating our awareness of the difference, the genetic factor and the genetic code from one person to another, which shows the reasons why the brain deals with sensory messages to different degrees from one person to another, so the preferred food differs from one person to another.

2- Assigning a specific date for a research conducted, and this is an example. A study conducted in 2004 at the University of California revealed that the olfactory reception center is located in regions of genes with more genetic variation than usual, so people differ in the strength of their appetite for a specific food and make it their favorite.

3- The effect of favorite food on behavior.

4- The effect of favorite food on mood.

5- Get rid of insomnia and stress

6- Increased optimism and happiness.

I love eating fast food, especially burgers, whether on the side of the road or prepared at home. I really liked the atmosphere in which we eat the food right after it comes out of the barbecue, and the ingredients added to this meal make me strangely happy.

So I tried to research and study why I like this type of food more than other foods, because I love burgers and pizza. After research, I found that the brain cells of each person receive the senses in a different way from the other person, and that this has a genetic aspect. Although fast food is a favorite for many people, it is not a favorite also for a large number of other people.

I also found some different studies on this subject that talk about the favorite food of each person, but the most striking thing to me was a study conducted in 2004. Conducted at the University of California, which proved that the olfactory reception center is located in regions of genes with more genetic variation than usual, so people differ in the strength of their appetite for a specific food and make it their favorite because of the homogeneity that occurs due to the state of smell and its translation from brain cells.

So I am very happy to have my favorite food. And whenever I feel that I need to take it, I find that it greatly affects my behavior. Before taking it, I find myself looking forward to it a lot, and after taking it, it affects the mood, I feel great energy and get rid of insomnia and stress, and I feel happy and optimistic and that I have recharged my energy.

Dear student, a basic form was submitted for the topic on my favourite food essay, In addition to many other models such as, my favorite restaurant short essay , my favorite restaurant short paragraph, my favourite food essay, my favorite restaurant short essay, paragraphmy favourite food essay 100 words, my favourite food short essay, my favourite food essay 200 words,my favorite food writing sample.

If you prefer to add any other topic, you can contact us through the comments of this article and we will study your request and add it as soon as possible.

My favorite restaurant short essay

My favorite restaurant short paragraph.

My favorite restaurant is a restaurant with a great ocean view. It is in a high place and therefore the weather is mild and the temperatures are low, sitting in this restaurant and watching the beautiful landscape makes me enjoy the food.

This restaurant offers different types of food, especially that many tourists eat in it. We can find Italian dishes, French dishes, and others. Every time I go to this restaurant, I ask for a new dish in order to get to know the quality of the dishes it offers.

In fact, all the dishes that I ate in this restaurant were special, as they hire foreign chefs to serve the famous dishes in their countries.

  • My favourite food essay

Grilled meat is my favorite, because it has a high nutritional value. I am an athlete and need a large amount of protein, but it should be low in fat, so I prefer grilled meat to be healthy.

In addition, it is served with bread or rice, and I also eat a large plate of green salad that consists of watercress, cucumber, lettuce, parsley, onions and tomatoes, as well as a plate of tahini salad, which is my favorite a lot.

I also prefer to eat fresh fruits or fruit juice prepared at home in order to ensure its cleanliness and that it is prepared from fresh and not spoiled fruits. I make sure to eat the fruit two hours before food.

My favorite restaurant short

Undoubtedly, we are associated with places where we have fond memories. One of these places is a restaurant next to my high school, this restaurant I used to eat with my friends.

After we separated due to studying in different places, I became like going to that restaurant, as it is my favorite place.

Now I go to this restaurant once a week. I remember there my good memories and how I made new friends in this restaurant.

Sometimes I wish I could meet my old friends and eat together like we used to. Our memories follow us everywhere and the beautiful memories cannot be forgotten. So I think this restaurant will continue to be my favourite.

Paragraphmy favourite food essay 100 words

I prefer sea food, it is easy to digest as well as useful. Therefore, I eat different types of marine fish. In my city, there is a restaurant dedicated to seafood, which prepares several types of dishes.

I eat fish three times a week. The great variety in the taste of fish dishes makes me hopeless of eating them, but I prefer shrimp, so I make sure to eat it with other types.

Sometimes I eat with fish a vegetable salad consisting of tomatoes, watercress, carrots, onions and rice. Sometimes I eat bread and tahini salad.

I prefer the food to be hot, that makes the food delicious. I often buy fresh fish and try to cook it at home myself.

My Favourite Food Short Essay

I prefer preparing food at home, and my favorite food is the vegetable dish with meat. Therefore, I go to the market and buy fresh vegetables, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, zucchini, peas, etc. and buy meat from the butcher, especially lamb, which is my favorite.

Then cook the meat and add vegetables to it after cutting it into small pieces, as well as an onion cut into small pieces and tomato juice. This is my favorite food because it contains all the nutrients.

I also eat a small plate of rice with him and a plate of salad, so that I get protein from meat, vitamins and minerals from vegetables, and starches from rice. It’s a complete nutritional meal.

My favourite food essay 200 words

I prefer eating healthy food. One of the best foods that contain beneficial nutrients is salmon and sardines.

Studies have proven that they contain omega-3 in large quantities, and thus are beneficial to the health of our body and mind as well, as they stimulate memory and reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.

So I like to eat salmon or sardines twice a week. Sometimes I buy fish and cook it at home, and sometimes I eat it in the restaurant.

And be sure to eat a large plate of salad consisting of tomatoes, onions, and leafy vegetables such as lettuce, watercress, parsley, and others.

I also make sure to add fresh lemon juice to both fish and salad to get the right amount of vitamin C. I also use olive oil in cooking so that the food is healthy.

I also eat a small plate of rice, so that the meal becomes complete, meaning that it contains all the nutrients, it contains protein, vitamins, minerals, starches and fats.

Cooking fresh fish is much better than cooking frozen fish, so I buy fresh fish from the fishermen, thus ensuring that the food will be tasty and useful.

my favourite food 10 lines

Healthy food is my favorite food. I’m an athlete and keep fit, so I follow a healthy diet. At first I did not like that food, then I got used to it and it became my favorite food.

One of the most important dishes that I eat in every meal is a large plate of salad that contains many types of leafy vegetables such as watercress, lettuce and parsley, in addition to broccoli, tomatoes, onions and carrots. The salad dish provides us with vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of our body.

Also, the method of cooking healthy food should be grilling or boiling, because these methods do not use any fat.

We must also eat a sufficient amount of proteins because they strengthen our bodies and give us muscle strength.

We can get our protein needs from meat, poultry or fish. I prefer eating fish, but there must be a variety in our food so that we do not get tired of it. So I eat fish three times a week, chicken three times a week, and meat once a week.

I also love fruits a lot, so I eat fresh fruits, but there are suitable dates for eating fruits. We should not eat fruits immediately after eating because this will lead to fermentation of the fruit in our stomach, which leads to indigestion and bloating.

Therefore, I eat the fruit two hours before eating, so that it does not ferment in the stomach. The type and quantity of food is closely related to our health, so we must eat healthy food in order to enjoy good health and maintain our physical fitness.

My favourite food is spaghetti essay

Spaghetti is one of my favorite foods, as it is quick to prepare and delicious, and it is also famous worldwide. There is no restaurant that does not serve it.

Including easy-to-prepare types, such as noodles, which are spread all over the world, and are characterized by ease of preparation, as they take only one minute. We put boiling water on the pasta, then add the spices that give it a delicious taste.

As for the spaghetti pasta that we prepare at home, it is another type that is different from the noodles. It is boiled and then the sauce is added to it. It is also delicious, especially if we eat it with grilled chicken pieces, or grilled meat pieces. I prefer to eat spaghetti with grilled chicken pieces.

Favourite food essay

My favorite food is duck. I prefer duck meat and like it more than chicken. In my city, there is a restaurant that cooks ducks in different ways, such as orange duck, roast duck, duck, vegetables, and others.

In fact, all of these items are delicious, so I eat one of these delicious items every time. The restaurant also offers rice with nuts with duck, or stuffed grape leaves. This meal is my favorite.

It is a meal rich in protein and vitamins, and a meal that contains large calories, so it is suitable for winter and cold days, so I never eat it in the summer.

My favorite food paragraph

I’m always a busy person and I don’t have enough time to eat, so I prefer to eat sandwiches, especially burgers.

It contains all the nutrients necessary for the body, as I get protein from meat and get vitamins from the vegetables in the sandwich, as well as bread and fats provide me with carbohydrates needed for energy, movement and activity.

The burger sandwich is characterized as a complete nutritional meal as well as a delicious meal, only we must choose a reliable restaurant in order for the meat to be good, as well as the rest of the sandwich components.

I prefer the burger sandwich because I eat it quickly and because it is delicious too.

Paragraph on my favourite food

I prefer home made food, so grilled chicken and pasta is my go-to.

I helped my mother to prepare food, and I learned to cook this food.

It’s easy to prepare so I cooked pasta and grilled chicken yesterday, and all the family members liked this meal and encouraged me to make it next time.

Grilled chicken is healthy because it does not contain fat or we do not need fat in grilling it, and the pasta is delicious, especially when we add the sauce and spices to it.

Grilled chicken and pasta are my favorite summer and winter food.

My favorite food writing sample

My favorite food is pizza, it’s healthy, tasty and economical too. Pizza is easy to prepare and we can make it at home and it is inexpensive, and we can make it from leftover food such as chicken pieces or pieces of meat, vegetables and others.

The most important thing in pizza is preparing the dough correctly, and cooking it in an oven at an appropriate temperature.

While all other things such as ketchup, chicken pieces, olive slices, tomato slices and mozzarella cheese are all ingredients that are present and do not require any effort.

Therefore, my favorite food is pizza because it is easy to prepare and I can prepare it quickly, so it does not hinder me from studying for my lessons, in addition to its delicious taste.

My favourite food essay 150 words

My favorite food is lamb liver. This may be undesirable for many people, but this meal is very tasty in addition to being very useful, as the liver is one of the most iron-rich foods in addition to protein, which makes it of high nutritional value.

I buy a kilo of fresh lamb liver from the butcher and cut it into thin slices, then chop some garlic cloves on it and add an appropriate amount of salt and cumin, then I put on the fire a pot with an appropriate amount of oil.

Then add pieces of hot pepper to the hot oil and stir for a minute, then add the liver slices, and stir slowly until they are cooked, at this time you can add a tablespoon of vinegar.

Then I serve a hot liver dish with bread and a green salad consisting of watercress, parsley, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and onions, in addition to the tahini salad.

It’s my favorite food, so I told you how to prepare it. It is a delicious and nutritious dish.

My favourite food essay 250 words

I prefer the food that I prepare myself, especially in an open place such as a garden, field, forest, etc.

Therefore, my favorite food is grilled meat or grilled chicken, which I can prepare in the home garden or in the field easily.

In the garden of our house there is a grill that we use for this purpose. The day the family gathers for lunch in the garden is a wonderful day and we eat the most delicious food, as everyone participates in preparing the food.

First, we season the meat pieces with onions, salt, black pepper and some other ingredients such as yogurt and spices.

We light the grill and wipe it with a little oil, and when the grill temperature rises, we start grilling, I am skilled in grilling, so I am responsible for grilling pieces of meat or pieces of chicken.

I must be careful so that the pieces of meat do not burn, and I must make sure that they are fully cooked, and a quantity of peppers, eggplant and tomatoes are also seasoned.

These vegetables are grilled after the meat is finished grilling, so that we can benefit from the fat that fell from the meat during grilling.

The grills are served on plates and served with bread, green salad and tahini salad. It’s really my favorite food, so I always encourage my family to eat in the garden once a week.

After we have finished eating, we can drink the tea or coffee that we have prepared on the charcoal stove. It has a distinct taste that is very different from the cup of tea or coffee that we eat at home or in a cafe.

  • My favourite food pizza essay

My favorite food is pizza, it’s a famous Italian food. Pizza has spread all over the world and is very popular with all age groups, especially children and young people, and pizza is useful because it contains many healthy ingredients.

Pizza is characterized by being easy to prepare and delicious in taste, and we can prepare pizza in several ways depending on the additions we add, such as pieces of chicken, meat, fish, shrimp, crab or tuna.

This gives us a wide choice of pizza. I prefer sausage and meat pizza, I add some ketchup, olive slices, tomatoes, peppers and cheese, and after cooking it in the oven I eat it hot with a cup of tea.

My favorite food essay 120 words

Pizza is my favorite food. This meal is easy to prepare and delicious, and its ingredients are varied, which allows us to prepare it in several ways as desired. Pizza is an Italian meal, but it has become world famous.

Mostly I eat pizza for dinner, where I prepare it myself, I like chicken pizza because it is delicious and nutritious, and I also add a large amount of mozzarella cheese and olive slices.

Pizza is an economical meal, and that is why it has become widespread in all countries of the world, and is prepared in the finest restaurants as well as in small restaurants. It can also be prepared at home at minimal cost.

I prefer to prepare the pizza myself so that I can burn in the amount of ingredients, especially pieces of chicken or meat, and thus ensure that it is of high nutritional value. I also prefer it on trips, especially when we go to the beach or the zoo, as it is a nutritious and inexpensive meal.

Composition about my best food

Kabsa is my favorite food because it contains a high percentage of protein, and this is what I need for my body to grow properly.

The kabsa meal is also very tasty, and we can use chicken pieces or pieces of meat in its preparation as desired.

Kabsa is a meal rich in protein, fats and carbohydrates, and therefore it is my favorite, especially in things, as it gives me warmth, activity and vitality.

I eat this meal in the restaurant with my friends, and I also eat it at home with my family, it is my favorite meal, and I will learn how to cook it so that I can be creative in preparing it.

Write about your favourite food

My favorite dish is lamb and vegetables. This dish is rich in protein, vitamins, salts and fats. It is very nutritious, and it is prepared in one pot, where the meat and onions are placed first for an appropriate period until the meat begins to mature, then we add pieces of vegetables such as zucchini, potatoes, carrots, peas, garlic, tomato juice, hot pepper, spices, salt and olive oil.Thus, the meat is cooked with vegetables. This dish is served hot with bread or rice.

It is a dish that contains all the nutrients needed by the body, and it is considered a healthy and useful dish, which is why I always prefer it.

My favourite food essay 300 words

I prefer eating fish, especially marine fish, as it has a high nutritional value, especially phosphorus and calcium, in addition to its protein content.

I also prefer that the fish be fresh and not frozen for a long time in the freezer, because fresh fish is more delicious and tastier than frozen fish.

Therefore, I make sure to buy fresh fish from the fishermen, and sometimes I catch fish myself because it is my favorite hobby. There are many types of marine fish and each type has a different taste from the other.

Although I love all kinds of marine fish, I prefer shrimp and crab, so I eat them a lot.

There are many types of seafood preparation, including grilling, frying in oil, or cooking in the oven.

They are all delicious, but I prefer the grilling method because it is very healthy, and it is also recommended for people who follow a healthy diet in order to lose excess weight.

Salmon is also one of my favorite marine fish. It is rich in omega-3 and therefore very beneficial for the health of our bodies. In addition, the way to prepare it is easy and quick and is served with bread or rice, in addition to a green salad or sesame paste salad.

I eat seafood in my favorite restaurant, it’s clean and cheap so I always invite my friends to lunch in that restaurant.

I also cook the fish myself at home, as we have a grill in the garden of the house and I can grill fish on charcoal as well.

10 Lines on my favourite food biryani

My favorite food is biryani. It is an Indian food and is characterized by the abundance of spices added to it.

We eat it in the winter, as it provides us with the energy needed to warm our bodies, and this food also provides us with the energy needed for movement and activity.

Biryani is a fatty meal and contains a large amount of protein, fats and starches, so we must eat some leafy vegetables with it in order to get the vitamins needed for our body.

The way to prepare biryani is easy and we can cook it at home, we can also eat it in the restaurant, biryani is a delicious and nutritious meal, and we can use chicken or meat to prepare it.

One of the most important ingredients that we need to prepare the biryani dish is pieces of chicken or meat, depending on our preference.

I prefer chicken pieces, rice and onions as well as spices like black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, curry, saffron, chili and other biryani spices.

We love this meal so much that we eat it at least once a week, and sometimes three times a week, especially in the winter.

My mother is skilled in preparing biryani, I like to eat biryani prepared at home, as it is delicious and less expensive as well.

Essay on my favourite dish biryani

The biryani dish is my favorite, as it is delicious and nutritious as well. It contains a high percentage of protein, especially when we use meat in its preparation. I eat it a lot, especially in the winter season.

I learned the right way to prepare a biryani dish. Last year I preferred to eat it in the restaurant and it cost me a lot of money, then I learned to prepare it and now I am so good at preparing biryani, I even prepare it for my family and guests.

I prefer to use pieces of meat in the preparation of biryani, as I prefer it spicy. It is a very tasty and nutritious dish, as it contains a high percentage of protein, fats and carbohydrates, and thus provides us with the energy needed for activity and movement.

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  • My favourite food essay writing

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How To Write An Essay On ‘My Favourite Food’

Shaili Contractor

Points to Note: When Writing an Essay on ‘My Favourite Food’ for Lower Primary Classes

10-line essay on ‘my favourite food is biryani’, small paragraph on ‘my favourite food is a burger’, short essay on ‘my favourite food is pav bhaji’ in 100 words, essay on ‘my favourite food is rajma chawal’ in 150 words, essay on ‘my favorite food is pizza’ in 200 words, what will your kids learn from this essay.

We’re finally talking to you about one of our favourite topics that one can write about – Food! Apart from being as important as air or water, it nourishes us, and it also is a great source of fun and joy, right? Children enjoy their meals and fondly remember all their favourite foods, from a holiday special family recipe or something they eat at festivals or even birthday parties! It’s all around them and frankly, it’s all that they think about. Well, apart from toys, friends, and fun.

Children are often asked to write about their favourite food in an essay as part of their school assignment. For this essay, they are expected to say which is their favourite food and why they like it. In a more descriptive essay, they can write where they ate it and other facts.

Our country has a vast variety of foods, and each region has its own unique dishes. Everyone has different food preferences. One’s favourite food has a special place in their heart. So writing about it will make them feel good. When your child writes an essay on ‘My Favourite Food’ for classes 1, 2 or 3, they must first think and imagine several ideas that they can write about. This improves their thought process. Then they write those ideas in simple sentences. This activity lays their foundation in English grammar and improves their vocabulary and creative writing skills. Let us guide your child on how to write an essay on their favourite food! 

There are some significant points your child needs to remember while writing a composition on their favourite food. Let us guide them stepwise to compose a paragraph on the food they love:

  • In the first step, let your child imagine the ideas they want to write about their favourite food.
  • Let your child put down the ideas on paper in the second step. It will form an outline, and it will help them cover all the points while writing the paragraph.
  • Next, guide your child to form easy-to-read short and simple sentences from the outline.
  • Motivate your child not to describe any idea too deeply, and stick to the word limit.
  • Help your child to write with the flow. That will make them cherish writing the essay.
  • Your child can mention the name of their favourite food, the region to which that particular food belongs, the nutritional benefits of the food, etc.

Children in lower primary classes would have tasted and enjoyed a variety of foods. They are expected to understand and be able to write about their favourite food and describe its taste and flavours in short and simple sentences. Here is an example of an essay for children of class 1:

  • Food is very important for our health.
  • We need food to survive and stay fit.
  • There are lots of different types of foods. 
  • My favourite food is biryani.
  • Biryani has rice, meat or vegetables, and lots of spices.
  • My mother makes delicious biryani at home.
  • Everyone in my family enjoys eating it every Sunday, it’s a staple!
  • Biryani is best enjoyed along with some curd or raita.
  • It is a one-pot dish that takes time to cook but can be prepared easily.
  • It is a wholesome meal that is healthy, filling and delicious!

As children grow, they are expected to be able to write their ideas in simple sentences weaved into a paragraph. Let us help them write a small composition on their favourite food in about 150 words:

My favourite food is a burger. It has many layers of fresh vegetables, sauces and a patty filled between two buns. A burger is a fun dish, and everyone at home enjoys eating it. Many restaurants serve delicious burgers, but I love the one my mother makes at home. I love the taste of the fresh, crunchy lettuce leaves, the tangy tomatoes and the cheese that melts in the mouth. Burgers are my favourite 4 pm snack, and my mom always makes it as healthy as she can! I love every bite! 

Children love eating a variety of food and take great pleasure in rejoicing in their taste and flavours. Let us help your child express these experiences in words and write a paragraph on My Favourite Food:

My favourite food is pav bhaji . This dish originated in Mumbai, but it is popular throughout the country. The dish consists of delicious mashed vegetables blended with spices, with richly buttered buns called pav. My mother makes yummy pav bhaji at home. I look forward to having it every time she makes it. Pav bhaji is highly nutritious because it is full of healthy vegetables. I enjoy it with lots of melted butter on the piping hot bhaji .

India has different varieties of food coming from different regions of the country. Let us help your child write a beautiful composition on my favourite food:

My favourite food is a homely meal of rajma and chawal . This dish originates from the state of Punjab and has become a hot favourite all over the country! It is a combination of kidney beans ( rajma ) slow-cooked in a flavourful curry, served with rice. I find the taste of rajma chawal delicious! This food is also very healthy and gives us energy because it is packed with nutrition. We get lots of protein from the beans, and rice gives us the right amount of carbohydrates. My mother makes rajma chawal every Sunday for lunch, and my whole family sits together and enjoys it. It is our comfort food. I like adding some lemon juice to the rajma for the tanginess it gives. I love it because it is yummy, healthy and because we always have a great time while enjoying this sumptuous meal!

Food is an essential part of a child’s life. At a growing age, they need food to become healthy and fit. They also have their favourites from the wide range of foods they have tasted and enjoyed. Let us help your child compose a beautiful essay on their favourite food essay 200 words for class 3:

I love eating delicious food, but of them all, pizza is my favourite. It originated in Italy many years ago. A pizza is made of a round flat base, spread with a special pizza sauce and lots of toppings like tomatoes, basil, onions, jalapenos, capsicum, mushroom or meat. To top it all, there is lots of cheese, which is my favourite part!

My mother bakes delicious pizzas at home. On every special occasion, we all enjoy her homemade pizzas. She makes them from scratch, right from making the base. She puts lots of vegetables on top, mixed with mushrooms to make it healthier and more nutritious. I love each bite of the crispy crust with the vegetables and cheese. It is healthy and full of nutritious ingredients and also very yummy. I look forward to the days when we have pizza for dinner!

Food has a special place in our lives. Through this assignment on their favourite food, your child learns about different foods from different regions of the country, and some popular dishes from other countries. They relish their favourite food a lot more after writing about it! This topic also helps them consider the health and nutrition value of food and appreciate what they eat. It encourages them to explore new food and understand its unique flavours, ingredients and characteristics. 

Writing their ideas in the form of essays will improve your child’s thought patterns, and they will learn to structure their thoughts in a certain way to put them down on paper in short and simple sentences. 

Moreover, the act of writing itself develops your little one’s fine motor skills along with their creative writing skills.

We hope the above examples will help your child write an amazing essay on their favourite food. Your little one can read through this essay as a guide and learn to write it on their own.

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How To Write Essay About My Favorite Food

Table of Contents

How to write an essay about my favorite food

  • How to start
  • Main body writing
  • Final checklist

People mostly write descriptive essays about other people, events, animals, or memories. Rarely do essay writing companies offer guidance on how to write descriptive essays about favorite foods. This article will take students and writers step by step on writing. When students are given the task of writing a description of their favorite food, they get a platform to paint words and create a vivid experience for readers. Students should, therefore, strive to use vivid observations and descriptions rather than persuasive figures or facts. This genre of essay writing gives students the artistic freedom of observing and describing what they see, feel, taste, smell, and hear.

How to start a descriptive essay on favorite food?

When writing this type of essay, it is important to understand that describing the favorite food is the core issue, writers and students should, therefore, feel free to talk about various aspects of their favorite food such as how the food smells or tastes. Before you start describing your favorite dish, it very imperative that you highlight some ideas or aspects of the dish you are about to describe. For instance, if a student chooses to describe pizza. A student might start by jotting down some words such as crust, sauce, pepperoni, spices, sausage, cheese, etc. once the student is done listing some ideas, he or she can start compiling descriptions for each.

The main body writing

When writing an essay about your favorite food, it is important you focus on the maxim: show does not tell. Descriptive essays need to be loaded with words showing the writer’s feelings and emotions. This is because readers will easily experience what is being described to them.

Consider these two sentences:

  • I served a plate of stew potatoes.
  • I dipped the serving silver spoon into the already steaming bowl of stew potatoes. The spoon swiftly penetrated through the fluffy mound of potatoes. As I lifted the spoon and poured a pile of potatoes onto my plate, I could smell the strong aroma of garlic, spices, and herbs that made my mouth salivate in anticipation.

The first example is telling us how you served a plate of potatoes.

The second example, on the other hand, shows readers how you served a plate of stew potatoes.

Applying senses

Writers need to use descriptive words that bring a clear, vivid picture of the food they are describing. The best way a writer or a student can achieve this is by applying senses. Readers need to be engaged through their imagination. Words such as warm, soft texture, cold, hot, etc. can spice up your description and bring a vivid picture of what you are describing . One mistake that students make is describing the physical characteristics of their favorite dish. Students need to focus more on feelings towards their favorite food. Describing feelings and emotions enables readers to easily identify and connect with your emotions towards a particular food. Explaining how things feel, look, sound, or smell taps into the emotional reservoir of the readers, enabling you to achieve a deep descriptive potential. Make the preparation more enjoyable by including emotional issues. Talk about the aroma at some point, talk about its physical appearance, and talk about how one feels when preparing the meal.  This unique description will go a long way in creating a positive picture for the readers, making them anticipate making or eating the food you are describing.

Organization of your descriptive essay

When writing a descriptive essay, it is very easy for many writers to find themselves in an incoherent rambling of senses and emotions. Organization is very crucial in descriptive writing . Students should strive to present their descriptions in a logical and organized manner if they want their readers to have a deep picture of the food they are trying to describe. If readers do not understand what you are describing, the chances are that the description you have provided is a random, confusing, and jumbled mess. Readers need to have a multifaceted understanding and visualization of the food being described.

Revising your favorite food descriptive essay

After drafting your descriptive essay about favorite foods, it is imperative you apply the checklist below.

  • Does the essay provide enough description and details that enable readers to gain a clear picture of the food you are describing?
  • Are there minor, but essential details about the dish that you might have left out?
  • Have I used words that show my emotions in my descriptive essay about my favorite food?
  • Does the descriptive essay have unnecessary details and descriptions?
  • Is the descriptive essay on my favorite food organized in the most logical and efficient manner?

To conclude, the primary objective is to generate a profound sense of appreciation and familiarity in the readers. If you feel that the readers will walk away after reading the descriptive essay craving for the very food described, embrace yourself, you have mastered the skill of writing an effective descriptive essay on your favorite food.

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Essay on My Favourite Food – 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on My Favourite Food

Essay on My Favourite Food: Food is not just a source of nourishment for me, it is a passion. Among all the delicious dishes I have tried, there is one that stands out as my absolute favorite – sushi. The combination of fresh fish, sticky rice, and savory seaweed never fails to satisfy my taste buds. In this essay, I will delve into the reasons why sushi holds a special place in my heart and explore the cultural significance of this delectable dish. Join me on a culinary journey as I share my love for my favorite food.

Table of Contents

My Favourite Food Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by brainstorming your favorite food and why you love it. Think about the taste, texture, aroma, and memories associated with it.

2. Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. You can start with a personal anecdote or a vivid description of your favorite food.

3. In the body paragraphs, describe your favorite food in detail. Discuss the ingredients, preparation method, and any special techniques or recipes that make it unique.

4. Share your personal connection to the food. Explain why it is your favorite and how it makes you feel when you eat it. You can also talk about any memories or experiences that are tied to this food.

5. Use sensory language to bring your favorite food to life for the reader. Describe the taste, smell, and texture in a way that allows them to imagine it for themselves.

6. Discuss the cultural significance of your favorite food. Explain any traditions or customs associated with it and how it has influenced your own culinary preferences.

7. Consider including some fun facts or trivia about your favorite food to make your essay more informative and engaging.

8. Conclude your essay by summarizing why this food is your favorite and how it has impacted your life. You can also reflect on how your love for this food has evolved over time.

9. Proofread and edit your essay to ensure it is well-written and free of errors. Make sure your ideas flow smoothly and that your writing is clear and concise.

10. Finally, consider adding a personal touch to your essay by sharing a favorite recipe or inviting the reader to try your favorite food for themselves. This will make your essay more interactive and memorable for the reader.

Essay on My Favourite Food in 10 Lines – Examples

1. My favorite food is sushi. 2. I love the combination of flavors and textures in sushi. 3. The freshness of the fish and vegetables in sushi is unbeatable. 4. Sushi is a healthy option for a meal, packed with protein and nutrients. 5. I enjoy trying different types of sushi rolls, from traditional to creative fusion rolls. 6. Sushi is a versatile food that can be enjoyed as a light snack or a full meal. 7. The presentation of sushi is always beautiful and appealing to the eye. 8. I appreciate the skill and craftsmanship that goes into making sushi. 9. Sushi is a great option for dining out with friends or for a special occasion. 10. Overall, sushi is my go-to choice for a delicious and satisfying meal.

Sample Essay on My Favourite Food in 100-180 Words

My favourite food is pizza. I love the combination of gooey cheese, tangy tomato sauce, and a crispy crust. Whether it’s a classic pepperoni pizza or a gourmet creation with unique toppings, I can never resist a slice of pizza.

What I love most about pizza is its versatility. You can customize it to suit your taste preferences, whether you prefer a meat lover’s pizza or a vegetarian option loaded with fresh veggies. Pizza is also perfect for sharing with friends and family, making it a great option for gatherings or parties.

I also appreciate how easy it is to enjoy pizza. Whether it’s from a local pizzeria or a homemade creation, pizza is always a satisfying and delicious meal. It’s comfort food at its best, and I never get tired of indulging in a cheesy slice of pizza.

Short Essay on My Favourite Food in 200-500 Words

My favourite food is sushi. I have always been a fan of Japanese cuisine, and sushi is one of the dishes that I can never get enough of. The combination of fresh fish, sticky rice, and seaweed is simply irresistible to me.

One of the reasons why I love sushi so much is because of its versatility. There are so many different types of sushi to choose from, whether it’s nigiri, sashimi, or rolls. Each type has its own unique flavor and texture, making it a truly satisfying meal.

I also love the presentation of sushi. The vibrant colors of the fish and vegetables, the delicate arrangement of the rice and seaweed, and the artistic drizzle of soy sauce and wasabi all come together to create a visually stunning dish. It’s like a work of art that you can eat.

Another reason why I love sushi is because of its health benefits. Sushi is a low-calorie, high-protein meal that is packed with essential nutrients. The fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart and brain. The seaweed is a good source of vitamins and minerals, and the rice provides a good source of carbohydrates for energy.

But above all, the taste of sushi is what keeps me coming back for more. The fresh, clean flavors of the fish, the slightly tangy rice, and the subtle umami of the seaweed all combine to create a taste sensation that is unlike any other. Whether I’m enjoying a simple salmon nigiri or a complex dragon roll, each bite is a delight for my taste buds.

In conclusion, sushi is my favourite food because of its versatility, presentation, health benefits, and most importantly, its delicious taste. Whenever I’m in the mood for a satisfying and flavorful meal, sushi is always my go-to choice. I could eat it every day and never get tired of it. It’s a dish that brings me joy and satisfaction every time I eat it, and I will always have a special place in my heart for sushi.

Essay on My Favourite Food in 1000-1500 Words

Food is an essential part of our lives. It not only provides us with the necessary nutrients and energy to function but also brings joy and comfort. Everyone has their own favorite food that they crave and enjoy. For me, that favorite food is pizza.

Pizza is a popular dish worldwide, loved by people of all ages. It is a versatile dish that can be customized to suit individual preferences, making it a favorite for many. The combination of a crispy crust, savory sauce, gooey cheese, and a variety of toppings makes pizza a delicious and satisfying meal.

One of the reasons why pizza is my favorite food is its versatility. There are countless variations of pizza, allowing me to choose different toppings and flavors depending on my mood. Whether I am in the mood for a classic pepperoni pizza, a veggie-loaded supreme pizza, or a gourmet pizza with unique toppings like prosciutto and arugula, there is always a pizza that satisfies my cravings.

Another reason why pizza is my favorite food is its convenience. Pizza is easily accessible and can be delivered right to my doorstep, making it a convenient option for a quick and satisfying meal. Whether I am too busy to cook or simply craving a delicious slice of pizza, I can always rely on this beloved dish to satisfy my hunger.

Furthermore, pizza is a comfort food for me. There is something comforting about biting into a warm slice of pizza, with the melted cheese stretching as I pull it away from the rest of the slice. The combination of flavors and textures in each bite is a comforting and satisfying experience that never fails to put a smile on my face.

In addition to its taste and convenience, pizza holds a special place in my heart because of the memories associated with it. I have fond memories of enjoying pizza with friends and family during gatherings and celebrations. Whether it was a birthday party, a movie night, or a casual get-together, pizza was always a crowd-pleaser that brought everyone together.

Moreover, pizza is a dish that can be enjoyed in various settings. Whether I am dining out at a pizzeria, ordering delivery to enjoy at home, or making my own homemade pizza, the experience of eating pizza is always enjoyable. I love the anticipation of waiting for the pizza to arrive, the aroma of freshly baked pizza filling the room, and the satisfaction of taking that first bite.

Despite the many reasons why pizza is my favorite food, there are also some criticisms of this beloved dish. Some may argue that pizza is unhealthy due to its high calorie and fat content. While it is true that some pizzas can be indulgent and calorie-laden, there are also healthier options available, such as thin-crust pizzas with vegetable toppings.

In conclusion, pizza is my favorite food for a variety of reasons. Its versatility, convenience, comfort, and the memories associated with it make it a beloved dish that I always enjoy. Whether I am craving a classic pepperoni pizza or a gourmet pizza with unique toppings, pizza never fails to satisfy my cravings and bring joy to my taste buds. I will always have a special place in my heart for pizza, and I look forward to enjoying many more slices in the future.

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Narrative Essay: My Favourite Food

Though I have never been fat, I can understand why some people get that way. There are times when I think there is not enough choice in the world when it comes to food, and I feel like I have eaten every type of meal at least 100 times–and then there are times when there is so much good stuff on offer that I simply need to try them all at one time. There are times when I walk around supermarkets and see sliced salmon for sandwiches, quarter pounders with cheese, honey glazed ribs, marshmallow covered pancakes, and toffee pavlova, and I want it all right now. Here are my favourite foods and why I love them so. Toffee pavlovas are brilliant when still frozen

The toffee pavlova is already a brilliant idea because you have meringue on the outside that is crunchy and sweet, and you then have the cream on the inside, which is fluffy and fresh, and on the top, you have soft caramel. They are good as a fresh treat, but are great whilst partially frozen because the cream inside turns to ice cream.

Self-made pizzas using store bought pizzas

Buy a cheap deep-pan pizza from the frozen section at your local store. Buy some tomato paste and cream, and mix it to make a paste. Add a little seasoning to the paste and microwave it to make it warm. Stir it well and smear it on your pizza. Now add grated cheese and toppings. The once-mediocre store-bought pizza is now a homemade success.

Mixed sushi packets

There are mixed sushi packets you can buy in your local supermarket. They are not cheap, but they are also not as expensive as going to a sushi restaurant or bar. The great thing is that they usually come with a little sauce that you can use on them. Scoffing them down one at a time usually provides a mouthful of deliciousness. Even the vegetarian versions are delicious.

Frozen mixed fruits with double cream

There are boxes of ready-picked fruits you can buy. They are usually comprised of pickable cherries and berries. Wait until they are mostly defrosted and drain off the juices to drink on their own. Then, mix some double cream into the box of fruits and chow down whilst it is still cold. The cream will stick to the fruits because the cold makes it harden up and attach itself to the fruit.

Chinese and honey glazed ribs

These are just great to eat no matter how you make them. If you are on a diet, then throw them in a pan, add a little water and boil them because most of the sauce and grease will stay in the pan. If you are already healthy, then fry or oven bake them. You can even put them on a barbeque if you microwave away a little of their rawness first.

Sliced salmon that is eaten alone or on sandwiches

There is nothing finer than salmon slices so long as it is responsibly farmed, and it is even better if it is on offer. The slices can be eaten alone or on a sandwich. They are also fun to eat for lunch on top of a baked potato with added feta cheese.

There are so many great foods that it is tough to pick a favourite, but as a favourite snack, there is nothing better than tuna chunks in sunflower oil that has been poured into a bowl of mixed salad and then the salad has been tossed using the tuna and oil as dressing. It is a taste that never gets old and can be eaten at any time of the day.

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Student Essays

Essay on my favorite food

Essay on My Favorite Food | Short & Long Essay on My Favorite Food

There are many food items that we like as; noodles, food pasta, fish, biryani, pizza, jollof rice, rice chicken, Bangladeshi, indian dishes etc.

The favorite, yummy, delicious food is in fact our life. We have written following short & Long essays, & paragraphs on topic my favorite food, 10 lines, more sentences essay on my favorite food, my favorite food essay in 100,150,200 words, for children & Students

Essay on My Favorite Food | My Favorite Food Essay 100,150,200 words For Children & Students

Food is important for every living being. It is impossible to survive without food for long. Some people like to eat spicy or sour foods while others like sweet food.

We can perform all activities of our daily life efficiently because of the different nutrients that our body takes through food. Being a foodie, I love to eat good food. Sometimes, I help my mom in cooking too. I want to become a good cook like her in future.

My Favorite Food Short Essay For Students

Every person has a favorite food and he never gets tired of eating it. I also have a favorite food and it is pizza. I admire and love its taste a lot. Pizza is an Italian food but now it is popular worldwide and it is liked by people of every age group. It is so versatile that it can be served on any occasion.

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There is nothing more delicious than a warm box of pizza. Those healthy tomatoes, cheese, mushrooms, pepperoni and herbs make it even tastier. I can eat it at any time of my day as a snack or main meal. My favorite toppings on pizza are cheese and mushrooms. I specifically ask the waiter for a thin crust pizza and to add cheese on pizza because I like extra cheese on pizza so much.

I prefer cheese pizza because cheese is healthy for our body. I like its soft texture and puffiness. Most of the times, I also order chicken fajita pizza because it is very tasty.

Pizzas taste the best when they are crispy from sides and soft in the middle. It is my comfort food and no matter how sad I am, it always brings smile on my face. Just thinking about my favorite pizza gives me an irresistible hunger that cannot be filled unless I get my favorite food.

There are my kinds of pizzas including veggie pizza, cheese pizza, meat pizza, pineapple pizza and pepperoni pizza. It is the most loved food of all time and everyone loves to eat pizza.

It is very easy to make pizza at home too. A layer of dough is covered with sauce and different kinds of ingredients. It is then placed in oven and after some time, pizza is ready. I even ask my mother to make pizza for me. She makes the best pizza in this world. Sometimes, she even bribes me with her delicious pizzas to get any work done from me.

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We also organize pizza party at home on weekends. I also challenge my siblings that who can eat maximum number of pizza slices. In the end, I always win.

No matter, how much full my stomach is, I never say no when my favorite pizza is in front of me.As soon as I take first bite of pizza, all the flavors start to explode in my mouth and to be honest, there is no better feeling than this.

Sometimes, I also get scolded for having pizza all the time and my mom advice me not to eat pizza on daily basis because it can affect digestion.

When I think about the most delicious foods in this world, I always prefer pizza. When I am out with my friends to eat at restaurant, pizza is always my first choice. My mouth begins watering the moment I see pizza in front of me. I always have my eyes and ears open for new pizza places I have yet to try. My love for pizza has no end and it will always be my favorite food.

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The food  is in fact makes us to live in this world. The favorite food reflects our personal taste. Every food that is delicious to taste, is in fact the best food. It again, lies in the hands of cook.

Ideas on Writing About My Favorite Food:

Writing about my favorite food can be a fun and enjoyable experience. It allows me to share my love for food with others and also learn more about the dishes that I enjoy. Whether it’s through personal experiences or research, there are many ways to approach writing about your favorite food.

One way to write about my favorite food is by sharing personal anecdotes and memories associated with the dish. For example, I could write about the time my grandmother taught me how to make her famous lasagna recipe or the first time I tried sushi and fell in love with it. These stories add a personal touch to my writing and can also help readers connect with the food on a deeper level.

Another approach is to research the origins and history of my favorite food. This not only adds an interesting element to my writing but also allows me to learn more about the cultural influences and traditions behind the dish. For instance, I could explore the diverse regional variations of pizza in Italy or the rich history of biryani in South Asia.

Furthermore, I can also write about my favorite food by highlighting its nutritional value and health benefits. This can be especially useful for those looking to incorporate new and healthy foods into their diet. For instance, I could discuss the high protein content of lentils in Indian cuisine or the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric in Middle Eastern dishes.

In addition, writing about my favorite food can also involve sharing recipes and cooking tips with others. This not only allows me to showcase my culinary skills but also encourages others to try out new and delicious dishes. I could include step-by-step instructions, ingredient substitutions, and even my own variations on traditional recipes.

Overall, writing about my favorite food is a great way to express my passion for cooking and eating. It allows me to share personal stories, cultural knowledge, nutritional information, and cooking tips with others. So whether it’s through personal experiences or research, I will continue to enjoy writing about my favorite food and inspiring others to do the same. So why not give it a try yourself? Share your love for food with the world and see where it takes you!

Happy writing and happy eating!

Short Essay on My Favorite Food For Class 4

You know how they say “home is where the heart is”? Well, my favorite food feels like a home for my taste buds. That’s right – pizza! Pizza has been my go-to since I was a kid and it still holds strong as my top pick today.

Pizza comes in all shapes and sizes – round, square, with thin crust or thick crust, and with all sorts of toppings. But for me, nothing beats the classic pepperoni pizza. The combination of tangy tomato sauce, melted cheese, and savory pepperoni never fails to make my mouth water.

What I love most about pizza is its versatility. You can have it as a snack or a full meal; you can eat it hot out of the oven or cold the next day. It’s perfect for any occasion – movie night with friends, family gatherings, or even as a quick bite on-the-go.

But it’s not just about the taste – pizza also holds a special place in my heart because of the memories associated with it. I remember how excited I used to get when my parents would order pizza for dinner, and how my siblings and I would fight over who got the biggest slice. Even now, when we gather for family dinners, pizza is always a crowd-pleaser.

As I’ve grown older, my love for pizza has only intensified. I’ve even started experimenting with different toppings – from mushrooms to olives to pineapple (yes, pineapple on pizza is amazing). But no matter how many variations I try, the classic pepperoni pizza will always hold a special place in my heart.

In conclusion, pizza is not just a food for me – it’s an experience. It brings people together and never fails to satisfy. And for that reason, it will always be my favorite food. So next time you’re debating what to have for dinner, I highly recommend you go for a slice of pizza – it’s always a good idea. So next time you’re debating what to have for dinner, I highly recommend you go for a slice of pizza – it’s always a good idea.

Essay on Favorite Food Biryani ( 150-200-250 Words ):

Alright, let’s talk about one of my favorite foods – biryani. If you haven’t tried it yet, you’re definitely missing out! Biryani is a popular dish in many countries and regions such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Middle East. It consists of aromatic rice cooked with meat or vegetables and a variety of spices. There are many different variations of biryani, each with its own unique taste and flavor.

One of the reasons why I love biryani so much is because it reminds me of home. Growing up, my mom would often make biryani for special occasions or family gatherings. The delicious aroma of spices filling our kitchen would instantly make my mouth water.

But biryani is not just a dish for special occasions, it’s also a staple in many households. It’s a complete meal that is both filling and satisfying. The combination of tender meat or vegetables, flavorful rice, and aromatic spices makes for the perfect balance of textures and flavors.

What I love about biryani is that it can be customized according to personal preferences. Some people prefer chicken biryani, while others like beef or mutton biryani. There are also vegetarian options such as vegetable biryani or paneer biryani. And let’s not forget about the different types of biryani like Hyderabadi, Lucknowi, and Kolkata style.

But no matter what type of biryani you prefer, one thing is for sure – it’s a labor of love. Biryani is not something that can be whipped up quickly, it takes time and effort to prepare. The meat or vegetables need to be marinated in spices, the rice needs to be perfectly cooked, and then everything is layered together and slow-cooked for hours.

I also love how biryani brings people together. It’s a dish that is often shared with family and friends, and it’s always a hit at potlucks or dinner parties. Whenever I have biryani, it reminds me of the joy and love that comes with sharing a meal with loved ones.

In conclusion, biryani is not just a food for me, it represents my culture, my memories, and my love for food. It’s a dish that never fails to impress me with its rich flavors and textures, and I will always have a special place for it in my heart (and stomach!). So if you haven’t tried biryani yet, I highly recommend giving it a try – who knows, it might become your favorite too!

Short Essay on My Favorite Food Rice and Beans:

Rice and beans have always been a staple in my family’s diet. Growing up, I remember coming home from school to the delicious aroma of rice and beans cooking on the stove. It was a simple meal, yet it never failed to satisfy my hunger and please my taste buds.

Rice and beans are not only popular in my household but also in many other cultures around the world. In fact, it is considered a complete protein when combined together and is often referred to as the “perfect food”. However, what makes rice and beans so special to me goes beyond its nutritional value.

For starters, rice and beans are extremely versatile. They can be served in various ways – from a hearty bowl of stew to a simple side dish. I love experimenting with different flavors and spices to create new and unique variations of this classic dish. It never gets boring!

Moreover, rice and beans are budget-friendly and can easily feed a large family. As someone who comes from a big family, I appreciate the fact that this dish is not only delicious but also cost-effective.

But what truly makes rice and beans my favorite food is the sentimental value it holds. It reminds me of my childhood, family gatherings, and special occasions. It is a dish that brings people together, and I have fond memories of sitting around the table with my loved ones sharing stories over a steaming plate of rice and beans.

In addition to its delicious taste and versatility, rice and beans also have numerous health benefits. They are high in fiber, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. They are also gluten-free, making them a perfect choice for those with dietary restrictions.

Overall, rice and beans hold a special place in my heart and will always be my favorite food. It not only satisfies my taste buds but also brings back cherished memories and nourishes my body. Whether it’s a simple weeknight dinner or a special occasion, rice and beans will always have a spot on my plate. So, the next time you are looking for a delicious and nutritious meal, give rice and beans a try – you won’t be disappointed!

9 thoughts on “Essay on My Favorite Food | Short & Long Essay on My Favorite Food”

I really enjoyed reading this. Actually I am from Lagos which is in Nigeria

I really enjoyed it but can write on the topic my favorite food not pizza but jolly rice

wow 😲 I love 💕 this It’s really a great essay 😃

Great Essay

Ilove this essay and can write onmy favourite food not pizza

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the food i like best essay in twi

Twi Expressions for Making Friends | Common Twi Expressions Series

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Our last lesson under the Common Twi Expressions module equipped us with a number of directional expressions in Twi .

Now let’s try and make some friends. Today’s lesson seeks to give us a number of Twi phrases that we can use to strike up friendly acquaintances with others.

Twi Vocabulary for Making Friends

adamfo pagood friend
adamfo bɔnebad friend
Wo ho te sɛn?How are you
Me ho yɛ, na wo nso ɛ?I’m well, how about you?
Me nso me ho yɛI’m also well

Wo din de sɛn?

Wɔfrɛ wo sɛn?

Wode sɛn?

Yɛfrɛ wo sɛn?

What is your name?

They call you what?

You’re called what?

We call you what?

Me din de Yaw

Wɔfrɛ me Yaw

Mede Yaw

Yɛfrɛ me Yaw

My name is Yaw

They call me Yaw

I’m called Yaw

(We) call me Yaw

Me yere nieThis is my wife
Me mpena nieThis is my girlfriend/boyfriend
Me ba baa nieThis is my daughter
Me ba barima nieThis is my son
Ne din de Ama/KofiHis/her name is Ama/Kofi

Mepa wo kyɛw, wo din no bio?

Mepa wo kyɛw, bɔ wo din no bio ma me

Please, your name again?

Please, repeat your name for me

Ɛyɛ me anigyeɛ sɛ yɛahyia

M’ani agye sɛ yɛahyia

Happy to meet you

Pleased to meet you

Woyɛ adwuma bɛn?

Adwuma bɛn na woyɛ?

What do you do? 

Ɛhe na woyɛ adwuma?

Ɛhefa na woyɛ adwuma

Where do you work?
Meyɛ adwuma wɔ sikakorabeaI work at the bank
Menyɛ adwumaI don’t work
Meyɛ polisini/ɔsraaniI’m a police officer/a soldier
Wonim me?Do you know me?
Ɛkwan bɛn so na monim mo ho?How do you know each other?

Yɛyɛ adwuma baako

Yɛyɛ adwuma bom

We work at the same place

We work together

Yɛkɔ sukuu korɔWe go to the same school
Wofiri he?

Where do you come from?

Where are you from?

Wote he?Where do you live/stay?

Wokɔ sukuu wɔ he?

Wokɔ sukuu bɛn?

Where do you school?

Which school do you attend?

Borɔno bɛn na woteɛ?Which suburb do you stay/live?
Mpɔtam bɛn na woteɛ?In which community do you reside?
Mefiri AmɛrikaI’m from America
Woyɛ hɔhoɔ wɔ ha?Are you a stranger here?
Mete TafoI live/stay at Tafo
Mefiri Amɛrika nso mete TafoI’m from America but I live at Tafo
Ɛdeɛn na ɛde wo baa ha?What brought you here?
Mebɛsuaa adeɛI came to study
Mebaa sukuuI came to school
MebɛwareeɛI came to marry
Mebɛhwehwɛɛ ɔyere/okunuI came to find a wife/husband
Mebɛdii akwammaI came to spend the holidays
Mebaa no atenaseɛI came to stay
Mebɛpɛɛ adwumaI came to find a job
Wobaeɛ no nna/abosome/mfeɛ dodoɔ sɛn ni?Since you came, how many days/months/years has it been?

Mereduru ara ni

Mereba ara ni

I just arrived

Mebɛduruiɛ no nnawɔtwe nie

Mebaeɛ no nnawɔtwe nie

It’s been a week since I arrived

It’s been a week since I came

Mepɛ wo adamfoɔI want you as a friend
Woyɛ adamfo paYou are a good friend

M’ani sɔ w’ayɔnkofa

M’ani sɔ yɛn ayɔnkofa

I appreciate your friendship

I appreciate our friendship

W’ani gye ha asetena?

W’ani gye ha?

Are you happy with life here?

Are you happy here?/Do you like it here?

Ɛha ne Amɛrika, ɛhe na wosusu sɛ ɛhɔ yɛ dɛ pa ara?Between here and America, which place do you think is more fun?
Ɛdeɛn pa ara/pɔtee na ɛma w’ani gye Ghana ho?What at all/exactly makes you like Ghana the most?
Mo aduaneYour food
Mo amammerɛYour culture
Mo kasaYour language
Woadi mfeɛ sɛn?How old are you?
Madi mfeɛ aduonuI’m 20 years old
Na wo nso ɛ?How about you?
Me nso madi mfeɛ aduasaI’m also 30 years old
Nti da bɛn ne w’awoda?So which day is your birthday?/So when is your birthday?
Da bɛn na wɔwoo wo?On which day were you born?
Wɔwoo me Yawoada, Ayɛwohomumɔ da a ɛtɔ so aduonu-num wɔ afe apem, aha nkron aduowɔtwe nsonI was born on Thursday, June 25, 1987.
Wɔwoo wo bosome bɛn mu?In which month were you born?
Wo ne hwan na ɛteɛ?Whom do you live with?
Me ne me wɔfa/maame/papa/nuabaa/wɔfaase na ɛteɛI live with my uncle/mum/dad/sister/niece
Me ne m’awofoɔ/m’abusuafoɔ na ɛteɛI live with my parents/relatives
Me nko ara na meteɛI live alone

Metumi bɛsra wo?

Mɛtumi abɛsra wo?

Can I come and visit you?

Metumi frɛ wo?

Mɛtumi afrɛ wo?

Can I call you
Wowɔ abɛɛfo kwantenpɔn intanɛt so?Are you online?

Edin bɛn na wode wɔ hɔ?

Edin bɛn na mɛtumi de ahwehwɛ wo wɔ so?

What is your username there?

What name can I search you there with?

Wo nuanom yɛ sɛn?How many are your siblings?
Wowɔ nnamfoɔ dodoɔ sɛn?How many friends do you have?

Meda wo ase pa ara

Meda wo ase pii

Thank you very much

Thank you a lot

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the food i like best essay in twi

Useful Twi Phrases for Expressing Disagreement

In our last lesson, we looked at some useful Twi phrases for expressing agreement. Today, we’re going the opposite direction. We’re looking at some Twi

the food i like best essay in twi

Useful Twi Phrases for Expressing Agreement

Welcome to another lesson in the MUST-KNOW TWI PHRASES series. In our last lesson in the series, we looked at some common Twi phrases that

the food i like best essay in twi

Useful Twi Phrases for Expressing Opinions

The present lesson continues our MUST-KNOW TWI PHRASES SERIES. Thus far, we have looked at: 25 Must-Know Twi Phrases for Learners & Tourists 10 Must-Know

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11 Must-Know Twi Phrases for Learners and Tourists

This is the third lesson in our must-know Twi phrases series. The first one covered 25 phrases, which you’ll find here. In the second one,

the food i like best essay in twi

10 Must-Know Twi Phrases for Learners and Tourists

You’re welcome to the second lesson in our must-know Twi phrases series. In the first one, we looked at 25 Twi phrases to help you,

LEARNAKAN.COM is a community-based e-learning website dedicated to helping you to read, write and speak the Akan language, spoken in most parts of Ghana in West Africa. The site was set up in June 2016 and officially launched on July 17, 2016. Here, you will find a wide range of useful lessons touching on the very important aspects of the language such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading.

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    Mebaeɛ no nnawɔtwe nie. It's been a week since I arrived. It's been a week since I came. Mepɛ wo adamfoɔ. I want you as a friend. Woyɛ adamfo pa. You are a good friend. M'ani sɔ w'ayɔnkofa. M'ani sɔ yɛn ayɔnkofa.