Welcome to the Case Consortium at Columbia University.
Our case collection includes "teaching" cases for the fields of journalism , public policy , public health , and other disciplines. Nearly all the cases are multimedia and based on original research; a few are written from secondary sources. All cases are offered free of charge.
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10 Steps for Case Study Use
This guide from The Journalism School Knight Case Studies Initiative suggests 10 Easy Steps to teach journalism case studies using the Case Method. Download the guide.
Our Digital Future: Boardrooms and Newsrooms
Use this collection of journalism case studies as ready-made curriculum to introduce students of journalism and mass communications to some of the most urgent issues facing the media industry. Available for purchase at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
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Case Consortium
The Case Consortium@Columbia includes a collection of over eighty multimedia case studies covering a range of topics in fields such as journalism, public health, and sustainable development. Most case studies are historically accurate, and were written based on original research by professionals in the field. Some have been translated into Spanish. The case study collection is enhanced with resources for faculty and students who wish to learn more about teaching and learning with case studies.
The case studies are available to the public for free as open educational resources. The Case Method encourages systems thinking and prepares students for the complexity of real life decisions that they will likely face during their careers. The heart of the Case Method is the “teaching” case study, so-called because it is used to facilitate classroom discussion. Most teaching cases are “decision forcing”—that is, the narrative stops at a critical turning point or decision point.
The case study initiative aims to develop students’ analytic, decision-making, management, and leadership skills by adding case-based learning to traditional instruction. Each case requires students to put themselves in the shoes of professionals to grapple with a wide range of issues. The cases are coupled with a teaching note, and most also include an epilogue. These cases can support a variety of pedagogies, and are flexible enough for faculty to develop unique strategies to support their teaching goals. For example, components of some case studies are revealed slowly, thus simulating the actual situation and the stressful decision points that unfold with it.
This rich collection of case studies was developed at the Columbia Journalism School in 2008. The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) now administers the new site, launched in 2015. The CTL also supports case-based learning by providing workshops to the University community on teaching with the Case Method.
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In this case students study Yuhan-Kimberly' s financial performance, product portfolio, and its CSR strategy before considering which direction the company might take. ... Columbia University in the City of New York 665 West 130th Street, New York, NY 10027 Tel. 212-854-1100. Maps and Directions. Centers & Programs; Current Students; Corporate;
A Columbia University Case Study Executive Summary In this case study, we examine the ramifications of a Russian cyber-attack directed towards the Ukraine and associated businesses - now known as NotPetya - for Danish international shipping company A.P. Møller-Maersk. Maersk was one of many high-profile businesses embroiled in the Russian
In conjunction with Columbia CaseWorks, the Jerome Chazen Case Study Series develops teaching cases and materials for use in Columbia Business School classrooms. All material is closely tied to and based on the research and expertise of Columbia's world-class faculty. ... Columbia University in the City of New York 665 West 130th Street, New ...
A Columbia University Case Study Executive Summary In this case study, we examine the 2013 breach of American retailer Target, which led to the theft of personally identifiable information (PII) and credit card information belonging to over 70 million ...
A Columbia University Case Study Executive Summary In 2014, Sony Pictures suffered a devastating and highly publicized cyberattack related to its planned release of the controversial film The Interview, which intelligence reports later attributed to a nation-state attacker. As employees were locked out of thousands of company computers and ...
Intermountain Healthcare Case Study (2013) Author(s): Nelson M. Fraiman, Garrett J. van Ryzin, Carri Chan, Kimberly Williamson ... Columbia University in the City of New York 665 West 130th Street, New York, NY 10027 Tel. 212-854-1100. Maps and Directions. Centers & Programs; Current Students; Corporate;
Welcome to the Case Consortium at Columbia University. Our case collection includes "teaching" cases for the fields of journalism, public policy, public health, and other disciplines.Nearly all the cases are multimedia and based on original research; a few are written from secondary sources.
Audiovisual Case Study Delivery. In 2023, all cases will be available. Image. ... For access to a database of nearly 100 additional Columbia University Case Consortium produced case studies and their accompanying material, ... Columbia SIPA 420 West 118th Street New York, NY 10027. Follow Us
This case study delves into how SAP's leadership worked to reinvigorate the company and how SAP Marketing evolved into a department focused on culture and ROI-driven results. ... Columbia University in the City of New York 665 West 130th Street, New York, NY 10027 Tel. 212-854-1100. Maps and Directions. Centers & Programs; Current Students ...
Case Consortium. The Case Consortium@Columbia includes a collection of over eighty multimedia case studies covering a range of topics in fields such as journalism, public health, and sustainable development. Most case studies are historically accurate, and were written based on original research by professionals in the field. Some have been translated into Spanish.