An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics

Karen F. Owen

Senior Honors Thesis

Duke University

Submitted to the Department of Late-Night Entertainment

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a

Degree in Tempestuous Frolicking (D.T.F)

Senior year and college in general often bring about certain situations that result in the seeking of so-called “ sex .” Until now, no studies have succeeded in developing a methodology for quantifying and ranking these so-called horizontal academics. In this study, we used data from four years at Duke University to create evaluation criteria for such encounters and applied these criteria to the evaluated Subjects, hopefully allowing for future maximization of enjoyment of such procedures.

Subject 1: Tony McDevitt

  • I evaluated Tony on my 19 th birthday, (9/23/08) – We met at Shooters through Ryan McFadyen and he bought me many, many beers. After the final song, he invited me back to his house to “hang out”. Needless to say, this was my first introduction into the glorious, alpha-male dominated world of Duke Lacrosse hookups. After some actual “hanging out” (during which I was asked which laxer I found the most attractive, to which I replied Bo Carrington, upon which I was informed of his lack of, um, largesse), it was back to his bedroom, which sported a lovely king sized bed.
  • Memorable moments : standing outside of Shooters, surrounded by Tony and a few friends (Nick O’Hara, Mike Catalino, etc): “She’s so hot; guys, isn’t she so hot?” [nods and murmurs of assent] “Her breasts…they’re just exquisite. So exquisite”. Being asked to name the lacrosse player I thought was the hottest to a room of other lacrosse players, including the one I was about to hook up with. Actually replying honestly to the question.
  • Pros : He is enormous. Like…I was actually rendered speechless. After a freshman year of frat star-sizing, I wasn’t really even sure what to do with the situation at hand (erm, mouth?). Additionally, he had just broken up with his girlfriend of three years and was a grad student, so experience was on his side. And he used it.
  • Cons : He does not have all that exciting of a personality. It was over too quickly. I was probably a little awkward, and didn’t really know how to move or what to do. And it was a tad bit painful…
  • Raw Score : 4/10

Subject 2: David Goulet

  • This tennis star was assessed before junior year spring break in March of 2009. After many long looks exchanged between us on the path to and from Wilson Gymnasium, he finally approached at Shooters II and asked for a dance before suggesting that we exit the premises. It was on the cab ride back that I discovered he was rude, Canadian, and spoke mostly in French. Needless to say, the warning flags were waving furiously, yet, in the interest of my research and out of a perverse curiosity, I decided to continue towards his apartments.
  • Memorable moments : None. He was terrible, did not even bother to kiss me more than a few seconds, and finished in about five minutes, after which he simply walked out of the room and did not return.
  • Pros : He was at least a successful athlete, and was fairly lengthy; he had a good body.
  • Cons : Absolutely everything else about him and the situation as a whole. Also, I accidentally left my favorite pair of earrings from South Africa. When I texted him this fact, he responded with “I will leave them outside of the building for you.”
  • Raw Score : 1/10. Seriously.

Subject 3: Ben Grisz

  • My introduction to this Subject, baseball player uno, came on Halloween of 2009, after two months of acting like a mature, responsible adult. I blame it on the Freddy Kreuger claw, and by that I mean my increasing need to collect more data to complete my honors thesis. I chatted with the subject throughout the night, he bought me shots, and at closing song he grabbed my shoulders, pushed me against a wall and asked if I wanted to “get out of this place”. Finding myself overwhelmingly attracted to this athletic, intelligent sophomore, and suddenly anxious to stop being a mature person, I agreed and we went back to my place.
  • Memorable moments : I could not walk the next day. Could. Not. Walk. In all the best ways, of course. Also, I sent my roommate the following sexile text: “don’t come backk brousght boy backk SEX!!!!!”. Whenever I went to the bathroom, I arrayed myself in a zebra-print snuggie. At one point, post-hookup, he was literally just running his hands up and down, all over me. When I asked, laughing, what he was doing, he replied, in a deep post-sex voice, “Shh…I’m just trying to explore this body…”
  • Pros : Did I mention I could not walk the next day? He was very, very well equipped. And he knew how to use his hardware. And the aggression was unbelievable. Additionally, we had a lot of things in common, and the conversations preceding and following hookup sessions were extremely enjoyable
  • Cons : He snored. I was completely unprepared for said encounter (as mentioned, I had actually made a serious, and successful, attempt to halt my data collection and behave in a manner more fitting of a responsible adult). As a result, I felt a little self conscious about my state of affairs, and enjoyed the experience a little less than I would have, had I been completely lacking inhibitions per usual.
  • Raw Score : 8/10
  • My next encounter with said subject was the day before classes started in 2010. I walked into Shooters and immediately noticed his rather imposing presence at the bar. Ten minutes later, we were hailing a cab back to his dorm room and I enjoyed a walk of shame (and by shame I mean glory) past ambitiously academic students the next day.
  • The next time, we saw each other at a Wednesday night Shooters and spoke a few times, but did not leave together, preferring to actually enjoy our night out for a change. After returning to our respective abodes, we texted a few times and then he called to ask me if I would like to “hang out”. Eager for some early-morning delight, I went to pick him up and we hooked up on my neighbor’s pull-out couch. I drove him back afterwards, as he had an early morning practice to attend.
  • ** The final time (May 5), I was in line at Shooters and he came walking (staggering?) out to use his phone. Needless to say, after several minutes of conversation I did not even bother paying my $5 entrance fee. At his suggestion that we “do it somewhere new” (and my immediate suggestion that such a place be the library), we made our way to a Perkins library stairwell (for additional research purposes, this event took place during finals week, when the library was flooded with studious creatures) and proceeded to hook up for approximately one hour, without getting caught. After, we went back to his dorm for rounds 2 and 3 (the Gardens was considered, but rejected due to the temperature outdoors).
  • Memorable moments : Taking a breathalyzer with his roommate. Hooking up on the stairs of the packed library. High fiving him while giving him a blow job in the library, because “this is fucking awesome!”. “You can use me to fulfill your graduation requirements any fucking time”. Trying positions I had never heard of. Being unable to walk time and time again. The formation of the greatest quote of all time: “I fail to see how a tee shirt is going to ameliorate this blow job…”. The third time, he said that he might have trouble finishing, as he was “a little drunk”. I assured him that I would be able to help him escape such a potentially painful dilemma. After a little initial difficulty, DMX’s “Ruff Ryder Anthem” came on his iPhone as an alarm, and, fueled by its sheer glory, we got the job done by the end of the song. Amazing.
  • Pros : Aside from his impressive size, amazing ability to keep it up, and incredible stamina, Subject 3 was extremely creative and always eager to engage in hookup sessions in new locations and positions, some of which were familiar to me and some of which seemed ingeniously innovative. Even apart from my research, I am similarly inclined, resulting in hookups that were extremely pleasurable and highly educational, daring and exciting, and never, ever boring.
  • Cons : Did I mention the snoring? In fact, it was best realized when he and his roommate were both sleeping. The degree of synchronization was incredible.
  • Raw Score : 9/10

** On the advice of a close friend, and my own sentiments, I feel that the fourth and final hookup with Subject 3 deserves a bit more attention. As she put it, “I mean fucking in the library IS your entire thesis!” The perfect combination of sex and academics, it represented the climactic culmination of my entire research project. As previously mentioned, we left Shooters before I even went inside of the bar—I was craving physical contact that evening, and wanted another specimen or two (or three) from this aggressive stud. We got in the cab and went back to West Campus; I should probably say that the cab driver got a money and a show. We got out and paid, and he turned to me with this look in his eyes and said “Let’ do this somewhere different this time…somewhere crazy.” I instantly thought of the library (keep in mind this was the middle of finals weeks at 1:00 AM), and so after a quick McDonalds run to help us sober up a bit, we headed that way (we were both stumbling a little, and I was wearing a low cut orange tank, a short skirt, and gold heels – clearly not my typical study outfit). We walked in and I asked where we should try this; he replied simply “I’m following you…you lead the way.”

Emboldened by the few number of visible people on 1 st floor Perkins, I suggested we take the elevator up to the fourth floor, and find some isolated stacks. On the brief journey up we hooked up very briefly; his hands were all over me and I considered pressing the emergency stop button and just going for it there. We got off in the middle of the most packed floor I had ever seen, so I immediately grabbed his hand and made for the nearest exit stairwell, avoiding the stares of millions of students, with both of us laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of it. I made for a stairwell I knew led to the staff’s work area, and thus one very unlikely to be used by students. It was empty; I led him down a few stairs, but we only made it one level before he grabbed my shoulders, pushed me hard against a wall on the landing, and started kissing me. We were both extremely turned on already, just from the anticipation of illicitly fucking in a crowded library, and both of our hands were in rapid-fire motion, all over each other. In other words, it wasn’t long before we had moved on to the R-rated activities. One of my favorite things about Subject 3 has always been the creativity and the variation in positions. Even here in the library stairwell, with my shirt pulled down, my skirt pushed up and the possibility of someone walking in on us an extremely real one, we managed to improvise and appraise different angles and poses. The stairs and railings allowed for positions we had never been able to try before. The lighting was harsh, giving us both the sense that we were starring in a cheap porno (indeed, it really was a miracle that nobody walked in on us), which quite frankly added to the eroticism of the entire sequence. Neither of us bothered to be particularly quiet or gentle (something which definitely resulted in a lot of bruises on me the next day); indeed, we let go of all our inhibitions and just enjoyed the fuck and each other’s bodies. The newness of the location made even the most basic acts such as blow jobs, for example, ten time hotter (or so he told me).

After we were both exhausted, bruised, drenched, and satisfied, we reclothed and continued down the stairs to head back to his dorm room. On the way out, we walked past Joe Tkac (lacrosse), who took one look at me, said “Oh heyyy, Karen…what are you up to tonight?” and died laughing (both of us looked like we had just clearly engaged in ‘extracurricular’ activities) and several other people we knew, a source of great amusement for myself and the Subject. The entire walk back to his dorm was the foreplay for our next hookup (he may or may not have had my panties in his pocket). His hands were all over me, and we kept having to stop in little corners or staircases because we both wanted each other so badly we almost couldn’t wait. The absurd steamy passion of the last hookup, combined with the anticipation for the next made that the most erotic walk of my life. Literally the second we entered his room and shut the door our clothes were off and my clothes were torn off and, as popular culture puts it, he morphed into Mr. Flintstone and made that Bedrock.

Memorable Moments : I mean, we fucked in a fucking Duke University library during fucking finals week.

Pros : Everything. Ev-er-y-thing.

Cons : None.

Raw Score : 10/10

Subject 4: Jeremy Gould

  • My second introduction to the baseball team came towards the end of junior year, on a night during which my research, in the interest of scientific accuracy, should probably have been halted. In other words, I was but a shot away from what is referred to as a ‘black-out’ state. Apparently, Subject 4 and I spoke by the bar and he suggested I go watch porn with him on his large screen television at the Belmont. Also apparently, this suggestion functioned as a grade-A pick-up line for me.
  • Memorable moments : Actually watching porn, along with Mike Seander and several other people whose names and faces I do not recall. Jeremy stressing the important of the clitoris, asking me “So, Karen, how long does it take you to cum?”, and pointing out to the room that I had “quite the nice rack, huh guys?”
  • Pros : Gould is quite an amusing character, as I would find out my senior year in much greater detail. He was also at least somewhat aggressive and what I remember was pretty fun.
  • Cons : He really is not very big, and is unfortunately not a grower. Also, he had severe initial difficulties in keeping it up, resulting in my being exhausted earlier than is typical in such phases of my research

Subject 5: Stephen Coyle

  • Much like my assessment of Subject 4, in the name of solid scientific research, my process of data collection should have been halted during my time spent with Subject 5, as I completely blacked out for the first and last time of my academic career. The last thing I am able to recall was standing on the curb outside of Shooters, frantically calling everyone I knew, but to no avail—I was completely alone. I remember hearing a voice telling me to get into a waiting cab, and I blindly obeyed. I woke up the next day with absolutely no idea as to where I might be. A quick appraisal of my surroundings told me that I was at least on Central Campus (aka not in the bed of a local Durhamite). I slowly turned my face towards the still figure prone beside me, dreading what I might see…and almost burst out laughing with relief and amusement. Although I was lying next to someone whom I had never found particularly attractive, I had somehow, in my black out state, still managed to crawl into bed with a Duke athlete. Furthermore, judging from our unclothed condition it was fairly obvious that we had done more than merely pass out.
  • Memorable moments : From the actual hookup, none. However, after he woke up shortly after me, I actually stayed, chatted, and watched SportsCenter for almost an hour before walking back to my apartment. I actually amazed myself with how chill and relaxed I managed to be, despite having no recollection of going home with or hooking up with this man.
  • Pros : I have no idea. However, judging from certain strategically positioned bruises which I later discovered in the shower, he was fairly aggressive. And, according to the degree of elevation of the blankets covering his morning happiness, he was also quite sizeable. Score.
  • Cons : Not actually remembering the data collection process.
  • Raw Score : 3/10

Subject 6: Alex Hassan

  • This Subject, baseball number three, was evaluated in late November of 2009. Now, I will preface any dialogue by mentioning that I had first noticed said Subject during my freshman year, and had quickly learned his name and sport. He stood at six feet four inches and possessing a beautiful body and incredible confidence—how could I not notice such a fine specimen of manhood? However, my chances at collecting his data seemed doomed when he was drafted by the Boston Red Sox and exited the university after his junior year. So, you can imagine my delight when he visited Duke and struck up a rather flirtatious conversation at Shooters. Adding a measure of class to my research, we ended up hooking up on Subject 4’s couch.
  • Memorable moments : This directly quoted dirty talk: “Mmm tell me about how much you like big, black cocks.” “But, I’ve never even hooked up with a black man!” “Oh… well, just pretend like you have”. “Umm ok…I like big, black...cocks?” “God, that’s sooo fucking sexy.” Also, we hooked up on Subject 4’s couch. 4 lay sleeping ten feet away in his bedroom.
  • Pros : His body was, in fact, even more beautiful than I could have possibly imagined. His take on dirty talk was intensely amusing.
  • Cons : Have you ever opened up a beautifully wrapped present on Christmas morning? Did you carefully peel back the layers of tissue paper and eagerly shake out its contents, excited beyond belief with the anticipation of seeing your dream gift? And then did you ever feel your smile plummet to the floor, and had to force every fiber of your being to appear excited as you thanked your grandpa for the single practical pair of coarse, grey wool socks now lying in your lap? If so, you might be able to appreciate and comprehend my emotions as I seductively eased down his striped boxers to unveil . . . Wait . . . Was that his dick? No, it couldn’t possibly be . . . But yes. Yes it was. That gorgeous, perfect body of his was supporting a penile structure so disproportionately small that I had to take several deep breaths and force a smile before commencing the hookup session, lying every few minutes (when asked) about how he was “the biggest I had ever seen”. Also he came pretty damn quickly.

Subject 7: Jake Lemmerman

  • My first encounter with this Subject, an individual who was to become among my favorite people at Duke (and a source of endless entertainment) came in late January, soon after I had decided to stop being a real person. It happened on a glorious Shooters night (a night that at the time was absurd, but would soon fade into the ‘normal night’ category). Ali and I had held one of our infamous, exclusive pregames, and then headed to Shooters. Our night started with a wonderful sing-a-long with Joe Pak and some soccer players, and also featured an epic rap battle between Christia Ibeagha and me, on the Shooters d-floor to Lil’ Wayne’s ‘Drop the World’. Ali and whipped out blowpops towards the end of the night, and were approached by Seander, Gould, and an individual I did not know, but immediately recognized as good looking. At some point, he stole my lollipop and put it in his own mouth, shooting me a wink in the process. We abandoned the baseball players and left with some Delta Sigs to go back to their section in Edens. There, I discussed with a soccer player, we took shots of Puerto Rican Rum, Ali flirted with a man with a child, and we posed with D-Sigs and Rockstar, because “we need pictures with us, hot girls, and Rockstar.” Seander had been calling all night, but Ali, being Ali, had not picked up. Finally, bored with the frat stars, I offered to call him back on her phone (he somehow immediately knew it was me and not Ali), and he told us to come over to Belmont 13000; we called a cab. When we got there, we chilled on a couch and watched/joked about porn for a while, then Ali and Mike left, leaving me with Subject 4 and 7 and an uneasy feeling that an attempted double-team was on the way. The Subject went to the bathroom, leaving me with 4 (who had been spitting weak, yet amusing game all evening), who immediately relocated to sit next to me on the couch, where 7 had been sitting. Luckily, 7 came back soon, 4 went to the bathroom, and I received verbal confirmation that a double team would NOT happen. 4 came in and informed me “I’m going to sleep now…if you want to join me”. Needless to say, I did NOT follow. 7 asked me what I wanted to do and I responded with a look that clearly expressed my desires. We hooked up, reclothed, and chatted a few minutes waiting for Mike and Ali to come back.
  • Memorable moments : Hooking up on Subject 4’s couch, as he lay sleeping ten feet away. The quote: “I just want to come all over you.” The Subject successfully (and accidentally) marking his territory with reproductive fluid on the couch, in the exact spot that Seander sat upon his reentry (to much general amusement). His dirty talk (his voice is actually incredibly sexy). The randomness of the entire encounter.
  • Pros : His body is really, really good. He is quite well endowed and was really aggressively talented. His hair is incredible. Great sense of humor.
  • Cons : It was my first real “quickie” (the first of many with this subject). Fun, and has its place, but I do prefer longer sessions.

After that session began a long string of Jakob hookups, separated by periods of intense sexting, something which fully deserves its own slide

  • The sexts would commence on a typical Tuesday night (starting usually around 5:30pm):�J: “what are you up to?"�K: “just got out of the shower, you?"�J: “without me?"�[13 mins later]�J: "so..."�[13 mins later]�J: “…?"
  • After my second hookup with Subject 8, whom he knew fairly well and saw me leaving Shooters with:

"so did you both fuck him?"�"3some?"

"tell me about it...need details"�“what did you do? be more descriptive"�"so you both want my D?"

  • “Send a nude pic”.
  • “How was that 3some”. [Me: not a threesome]. “So, just a solo fuck?”
  • “You showered? Without me?”
  • “Can I come on your face?”
  • “Can I come in your mouth?”
  • “So, how bad do you want my D right now?”
  • “Can I come on your chest?”
  • “But I want you now. Come over now.” (Around 3am, after I texted him I was “chilling” in ET)
  • “I want to fuck you so badly right now ” [me: “even though I clearly just hooked up with someone else?”] “well that’s why we’re not…but I really want to fuck you right now.” [ Yes, he actually used an emoticon ]
  • “How do I rank on your fuck list?”
  • “You gonna suck my D?”
  • “You gonna take it all?”
  • “How was that fuck sess?”
  • “Well first I’d fuck all ya’ll…” [in response to me asking him how he would actually handle three girls at once]

Each time, after 13 minutes, to the dot, if I had not yet responded he would send the following text:

  • My second hookup with Subject 7 was an entirely new experience for me: a 100% sober booty call. After days of constant sexting, his roommate was finally asleep at a reasonable hour and he texted me to come over. I had anticipated such a moment being awkward, weird, or simply not sexy—I was mistaken. I drove over to his apartment (406 Oregon Apartment H) and he was waiting for me at the door. It was an intense quickie, and I honestly felt drunk (hormones?) for most of it. Again, it was extremely entertaining, and I left right after it ended (as would become the custom with this subject – neither of us ever spent the night, nor was there any cuddling. It was always simply sexting, sex, and goodbyes, which soon became a routine I anticipated and enjoyed, due especially to the complete lack of clinginess or drama associated with it). The next few were all drunken hookups, and started with either me or him texting the other some inappropriate jargon. He was, for example, the only individual who I would feel perfectly at ease sending a 4 AM sext, or sending him messages such as “Birthday Sex??” [to which he replied “Duh…where you at?”]. He was the definition of a whore, and the only time he wanted to hook up when we were both out, was when I completely ignored him the entire time and flirted with other guys. He’d get a little jealous, and start grabbing my ass whenever I walked by, pretending that it was not him each time. I caught on to this game fairly quickly, and began using it to my own advantage, ignoring him on purpose on evening I wanted to have the option of doing a little more research on him. Additionally, he had a knack for sexting me/wanting me when I had gone elsewhere to collect data from other Subjects; he’d text for hours trying to persuade me (and likely many other girls on his “list”) to go “fuck me” instead. Once, he called (a very unusual move for him) at 4:30am, as I lay on the futon of Subject 4, his teammate. After I explained simply that I was in Edens, we disconnected and I immediately recieved the test: “I’d really like to fuck you right now ”. We sexted for almost 30 minutes that night (class, class, class). The next day, inevitably, he asked me how my “fuck sess” was. The last few times we hooked up were all sober, all quickies, and all a lot of fun.
  • Memorable moments : Hooking up sober; the repeated ass grabs; late night phone calls and how sexy his voice was; sober hookups; the endless sexting; his mastery of the ellipses, his whorish ways; discovering sisterhood with Talia Schwartz, actually feeling extremely depressed (emotional? Gasp.) after we concluded our last session and I said goodbye. The way he referred to his dick as “my D”, always with a capital letter. His endless quotes: “Damn, you don’t have a gag reflex, do you.” “Damn, you have a nice pair on you. I like that.” “Get me wet.” “Solid study break!” “I mean, we just went at it, so it’s gonna be a little warmer than normal in here.” “My girl…what up?”
  • Pros : He was SO entertaining, so clutch for a needed research opportunity, so well equipped, so funny, so good looking, and such a loveable whore that I actually found myself missing him quite a lot after our final hookup, despite the fact that our relationship had been just about as NSA as they get
  • Cons : Quickies, while a ton of fun, don’t fully satisfy everyone involved. Also, playing the you-only-want-me-when-you-think-you-can’t-have-me game got a little annoying.
  • Raw Score : 7.5/10 for the hookups. As an individual, however, he entertained me and my friends to the point where I will raise that score to an 8.5/10.

Subject 8: Sean Brady

  • My very first encounter with Subject 8 actually came on Halloween during my sophomore year, at Shooters. I was walking through the club, focused on reaching the far bar, when someone grabbed onto my arm and pulled me over. I looked up, surprised to see the man who was to become Subject 5 holding onto my forearm. “Hey, come here. My friend wants to talk to you.” I looked over and saw 8 staring intently at me. 5 walked off, and we began to chat a little. When I asked him why he pulled me over, he replied with “Well, I saw you walking and I just thought you had the most beautiful body I had ever seen. When I told my friend, he grabbed you. Wanna dance?” Of course, I did…not only was he incredibly attractive, but at that point in my academic career I was quite insecure, and while I never reached the point of engaging in physical activity with people I found unattractive, I still was more susceptible to compliments than I currently am. Furthermore, he was completely sober, which made me believe his lines even more. We danced for a few songs, and he was extremely aggressive, moving his hands ALL over me. When I commented on it, he replied “Well, don’t you like it?”. I did, and so it continued. He asked me to come back to his friend’s dorm room (as his roommate was sleeping), and so I did. We ended up in the cold on a balcony. Needless to say, real physical intimacy was not going to happen there, and so I did my best to keep him happy in other ways. However, the cold air and his sheer size had me not at my best game, and we soon took an awkward bus ride back to West Campus. Soon after that, he began dating some girl and I didn’t think much about him until my senior year.
  • Memorable moments : His sober quote at Shooters. Hooking up on an Epworth balcony. Two other people looking for a quiet place walking in during it. We then all chatted for approximately ten minutes before they left.
  • Pros : He was really attractive, bold, and enormous.
  • Cons : I was not on my A-game, and we didn’t end up doing all that much.
  • Raw Score : 3/10**
  • ** Not included in total score average, as was not a legitimate hookup
  • The next time I actually bumped into Subject 8 was at He’s Not on February 24 th . We were both pretty drunk, so I can’t actually recall how we started talking. But, not five minutes after we reinitiated contact, he was introducing me to my own friends: “This is my wife. We have four children, but one of them is half-black because she had an affair with a black man. Don’t worry, it’s just because we wanted a running back in the family.” (although, I kept insisting that he was going to be an NBA star instead…our one spousal argument). Needless to say, it was determined fairly early on in the night that I was going to be going home with him. After He’s Not ended, we all went to Time Out Restaurant. The Subject, however, had to deal with some officers who had pulled over an ADPhi pledge for speeding and discovered an open beverage in the vehicle, a black SUV which belonged to Subject 8. After Time Out, when he was still talking to the officers, I went back to the car to discuss with my friends what to do. I had just decided to wait with the Subject, and was reaching into the car to grab my Northface when I heard “Karen! Wait!” and looked up to find the Subject sprinting towards me. “Don’t go; this is almost worked out. Come home with me.” I assured him of my intention to do so, and went back to his car, which we loaded with lacrosse players before leaving. I sat next to Eddie Loftus and chatted with him while listening to the intense argument between soon-to-be Subject 11 and Mike Manley. Finally we reached Erwin Terrace 22. We hooked up for a while, then he wanted to show me a documentary of the gang. The Bra Boys who essentially raised him in Maroubra Beach, Australia (did I mention that he was Australian?). After an emotional run through his childhood, we returned to the research a few more times. And again in the morning.
  • Memorable moments : Him telling EVERYONE, including his friends, that we were married with children. Deciding that Christian Ibeagha was the father of my black child. Discovering his Australian accent (that became much stronger when he drank). Dancing to Bedrock with Eddie in the back of his SUV. Hearing his life story, watching him get a little emotional, and helping him feel better. Hearing dirty talk with an Australian accent. The way he referred to his hardware as ‘that dick’. For example, some direct quotes: “Ride that dick. Mmm, come on that dick! You like that dick? Take that dick!”
  • Pros : He was huge. And Australian. And a professional surfer sponsored by Billabong. And Australian. And hilarious.
  • Cons : A little too much information for a hookup.
  • The final period of data collection on Subject 8 took place the Wednesday before spring break, post-Shooters. I had been looking forward to a repeat session, seeing as I could barely walk after the last one, and therefore was quite pleased to walk in and see him at the bar. He was SO entertaining that night. Having been suspended from Duke for academic violations, he had decided to take the rest of the semester and go play lacrosse in London; he planned to leave that Friday. Needless to say, I was not letting this chance get away. The entire evening was spent laughing and joking with people, mostly at his antics. The Subject had a minimum of three drinks with him at all times, and when questioned as to his state of sobriety, responded without fail, in an Australian accent, with “No, I have to drink all of them! Doctor’s orders.” He also would randomly drop into a surfing stance and sway for a while, before getting up and dancing away. He literally pranced around for the entire night. At the close, he grabbed me and informed me that, as he was leaving Duke, we needed to go a little crazy. Happy to oblige, I consented to go back to Erwin Terrace with him yet again.
  • Memorable moments : Him being pulled aside and questioned by Subject 7 and Mike Seander, and my subsequent text sent from Subject 7 reading “So, how was that threesome? Or was it a solo fuck”. The Subject’s quotes: “You gotta chahhge hahhd all the time when you hit those waves!”. “Doctor’s orders!” “We’re just a couple of good looking people, looking to have a good time, is all!” Him remembering that we had been married. Us arguing about whether or not our half-black son would be an NFL or NBA star. Again, the ‘that dick’ lingo. Getting him Nosh to-go the morning after.
  • Pros : Words cannot describe how much fun this Subject was to evaluate. His accent made every word that came out of his mouth a turn-on. He was both very well equipped and very good at using said equipment. I would marry this kid, no joke. Did I mention that he had an Australian accent yet?
  • Cons : I would have loved a morning hookup, but he was actually incapable of functioning in the morning.
  • Raw Score : 8.5/10

Subject 9: Will McKee

  • My initial sighting of Subject 9 came on Valentine’s Day, when I was in the library writing two papers. He, Slater Hurst, and Michael Hutching sat down at my table (the Subject first politely asked if they could join), and immediately launched into an entertaining conversation regarding Hutch breaking up with his girlfriend, Emily Ackerman, via phone that day. That along with a snoring Asian man (regarding which myself and the Subject shared several laughs and speculation as to what could have caused his exhaustion) made for an extremely entertaining library session, and, feeling overwhelmingly attracted to the humor, size, and appearance of the Subject, I vowed to become better acquainted with him. After a brief period of reconnaissance, I discovered him to be a transfer, and the twin brother of a senior lacrosse player, Parker McKee. I did not have a chance to further speak with the Subject until the Sunday right before Spring Break ended, when the entire team was at He’s Not in Chapel Hill. Attempting to initiate conversation has never been my strong point, but with the help of a friend, I decided to hand him ten dollars and ask him if he would mind buying my friend and I a beer, seeing as he was so far ahead of us in the line. That approach proved the perfect ice breaker, and we talked in groups on and off for the night. After finding out I was “Valentine’s Day girl”, he doubled over from laughter and dragged Slater and Hutch over to reintroduce me. We talked further and I made it clear, through eye contact and strategic physical contact, that I wished to collect more information from him later on that night. Apparently, as I walked away from him (I hate clinging to guys all night), he turned to my friend and said “Pretty sure I get to fuck her later on tonight”. After He’s Not, we all piled into an SUV and headed back to Partners, Sam Spillane repeatedly requesting threesomes with myself and Ali. We hung out for a short time with Slater, Parker, and Hutch before retiring to the Subject’s room and king-sized bed. There commenced what would soon become the single most embarrassing night (and subsequent few days) of my life thus far. We were enjoying ourselves immensely when suddenly the Subject asked, “Um, are you on your period or something?” Now, I was in no way SUPPOSED to be, but when I looked down and saw the state of his sheets, I had no choice but to admit, cheeks burning with humiliation, that it had started early. He was nice enough to finish the hookup, but it was not pleasant for either of us. After he finished, he showered and disappeared, leaving me mortified by his sheets and duvet, all of which, of course, had originally been all-white.
  • Memorable moments : Valentine’s Day and laughing with him over Asians and breakups. For the first time ever, getting my period during the middle of a hookup and not noticing at all (oh alcohol, what a blessed curse you are). Bleeding all over his sheets. Dying of embarrassment.
  • Pros : He was very, very talented and very well equipped. He had a great sense of humor, was ridiculously good looking, had a great body, and some fucking powerful fingers.
  • Cons : I bled all over his bed and had my first real walk (cab ride) of shame
  • Raw Score : 7/10. He was amazing, but the shame was not.
  • Ever since the humiliation of hookup number one, I had seen Subject 9 out and, while we had acknowledged one another, if was clearly awkward. Obviously, other lacrosse players knew about the incident and still were completely relaxed and fun around me, but I hardly blame him for not knowing how to act around me after I singlehandedly destroyed his thread counts. Nevertheless, I could feel him watching me at times, especially when I laughed, joked with, and fooled around with his teammates at Shooters and He’s Not time and time again. While not actively seeking another encounter, I had always wanted the chance to redeem myself more than I could by not being visibly embarrassed to be around him. My chance came on the Saturday before I graduated, May 15, and the story perhaps rivals Tucker Maxx for its scandal and ridiculousness. I had seen him, once again, at Shooters, and had felt him watching me more than normal, probably because every single one of his teammates, from the freshmen (Billy Conners, Josh Offit, Jake Tripucka, David Lawson, Eddie Loftus) to the sophomores (Rob Rotanz, Scot Meyer), juniors (Tom Montelli, Mike Manley, Zach Howell), seniors (Terrence Molinari) and graduates (Ryan McFadyen) grabbed/licked/tickled me and flirted and joked with me. At the time, however, I was more interested in a repeat with Subject 12. Everyone went back to Partner’s apartment for an extremely fun late night, and I did get my repeat with 12, both in his bedroom and in his shower. As I waited for a cab home outside of his apartment, a door opened from an adjacent apartment and Subject 9 walked out, headed for his car to grab something. He saw me standing there and did a 180 towards me. We talked for a few minutes and he got closer and closer to me; soon his enormous presence was almost irresistible. I’m not sure who suggested the next step, but before I knew it we were searching for an empty SUV (he had two underclassmen sleeping on his floor) in which I could further my research and redeem myself. We ended up in the first long seat of Sam Solie’s red SUV, where we talked for a little longer before commencing the data collection process. After the most violent, aggressive, steamy research I have ever conducted, we separated, leaving behind a vehicle with windows fogged with passion.
  • Memorable moments : Hooking up in Sam Solie’s car at 4:30am, after I had hooked up with his teammate. Him COMPLETELY taking control, throwing me around like I weighed nothing, dominating me, grabbing my hair, switching positions rapidly. His repeated references to my chest (I’m talking every 2 minutes or so), which he thoroughly enjoyed, more so than any other Subject ever has. His catonic state while and after I atoned for my past faults: “You’re fucking amazing at that…oh my god, you do it so fucking well”. His conversation: “You gotta give this sheets didn’t have that chance, you know”. “You like it when I take charge, don’t you?” His absolute aggressiveness, incredible good looks, indecently sized package (“You’re lucky I’m not standing right now, or it would be two inches longer.”) and spontaneity. The fact that he literally possessed the ability to turn me on more with one hand than most of the Subjects possessed in their entire being.
  • Pros : Everything. Seriously. This was the most violent sex I had ever had, in a good way, and I was turned on to a degree that I had never really experienced. Also he is fucking hot.
  • Cons : Nothing, except the post-hookup realization that hooking up in someone else’s SUV was a tad sketchy, and that hooking up with the Subject five minutes after my rendez-vous with Subject 12 was a tad whorish. But, it was my last night of college and I in no way regret leaving him on a very, very good note, nor do I regret my redemption.
  • Raw Score : 12/10

Subject 10: Tucker Virtue

  • I first officially “met” the Subject my sophomore year at Shooters, where I had dragged my extremely science-minded friend Kristin Knouse to celebrate her 20 th birthday around April 5 th 2008. After an extremely fun night on the D-Floor, we were near the exit hanging out when we starting talking to a few lacrosse players and were invited to come late night with them at the lacrosse house. As I had been there before and had simply lovely time, we agreed and went back, taking a cab with the Subject. On the way back, well, it might as well have been a threesome, as the Subject alternated drunken makeout sessions between the two of us, much to the cab drivers delight and/or chagrin. After we got back to the house, Kristin made her introductory rounds and I sat on the Subject’s lap, at his urging. Next thing I knew, his dick was out of his pants and in his hands, as though it were the most normal thing in the world (as I would find out two years later, this was in fact extremely normal) and he had requested dome. Rather taken aback, I compromised by engaging in a little more making out (compromising my standard practice of never practicing PDA) and then told him that we should cab back to my dorm room for a little more privacy. We headed back and engaged in a partial hookup. In other words, he owed me a favor or two by the end of the night, although I wasn’t exactly ignored.
  • Memorable moments : Looking down at him and seeing his dick out in front of about 14 other people. Him going to the bathroom (fully nude) in the middle of our hookup and accidentally going back into the wrong room. Him flipping on the light and standing, fully nude, by the bed of the girl next door to me. Her intense confusion and surprise, made known to me the next morning (“Karen, you’ll never believe what happened to me…I woke up and there was this dude, fully naked, standing by my bed!”)
  • Pros : He was so vastly ridiculous that I enjoyed myself despite the partial hookup. I and Kristin got some fantastic stories for the grandkids.
  • Cons : There was no legitimate opportunity to collect data on the Subject.
  • Raw Score : 3.5/10**
  • As previously discussed, I had known Subject 10 since I was a sophomore and he was a freshman, and had already collected some specimens from him, without officially including him in my data. Contact was reinitiated during various outings during my senior year, as I was given multiple views of his hardware in public and was subjected to several attempts to engage in a full-scale PDA festival. It wasn’t until we were celebrating our NCAA Championship victory in basketball (April 5), however, that my data collection began. I was standing outside of Shooters, sober, with Liz, Dan Theodorides, and the Subject. Upon being informed of our mutual enjoyment of my research topic, we hopped into a cab to pursue it a little more at Ninth Street Commons. Immediately after an amazingly fun hookup, Tom Montelli walked in the door and told us to put our clothes back on, as we were “gonna go steal signs and shit…because we won a fucking national championship!” We walked (staggered?) up their street, climbed a Fire House staircase, and then returned to their house, where after an unsuccessful Jimmy Johns call and a long conversation with Montelli, I returned to the Subject’s room for round 2, and snuck out early in the morning.
  • Memorable moments : The Subject, dropping his pants whipping his dick out on countless occasions: “Look…it’s touching your leg for free right now!”. Tom’s quote: “I tell all the girls, like ‘hey girls! Suck.My.Dick.’ and their all like ‘okaaayyy [high-pitched voice]!’ and then I’m all like ‘No, wait…I have a giirrrrlllfrieeeennnd!”. The Subject’s ridiculous noises of enjoyment. The Subject’s quote: “You are a pro. You are a goddamn, fucking PRO! That’s pretty much all I can say right now.”
  • Pros : Incredibly, incredibly fun hookup and I am not even entirely sure why. The Subject himself is just incredibly entertaining, and was pretty damn skilled, as well as packing some rather decently sized hardware (although I had seen it multiple times before this, he was definitely a grower)
  • Cons : Decent body, but definitely skinnier than I preferred. I felt a little badly about leaving in the middle of the night, but as I found out, it worked out better this way on the whole. Also, I would have liked him to last a little bit longer.
  • A week or so after said encounter, I ran into the Subject at Shooters. After I went up to him and apologized for leaving in the middle of the night, he fist-bumped me, held up his hand for a high-five and replied “Nah, that was AWESOME! Girls are usually so clingy and shit; I fucking hate that shit”, and then asked for my number, promising to “hit me up” sometime soon. I went on my merry way, developing my research topic amongst various other individuals. On LDOC, after Shooters, I and two friends were on our way to Joe Tkac’s and Brandon Allen’s (and Subject 8’s) Erwin Terrace 22 apartment when I received a text: “Late night?”. I informed him as to my destination, and he replied that he was already there; I told him I’d see him soon: “Solid”. Well, it appeared as though I were about to amass more specimens on said Subject that evening. When we got there, we all chilled on the couches, smoking a little and watching Brandon Allen, Jimmy O’Reilley, and a few others play Mario Kart Wii, and then all retired to our respective chambers (Read: Subject 8’s old room and bed). The hookup ensued, and was just as fun as the first.
  • Memorable moments : Hooking up with this Subject on the exact same bed as I had used with Subject 8. The quote “How the FUCK are you so good at that?”. Again, leaving early-ish the next morning, after the Subject had been put back to sleep with a good-morning frolick amidst the sheets and blankets. Hooking up with the subject in the morning wearing Subject 8’s Billabong plaid shirt, which I then stole and wore all day (I had regretted not obtaining such a shirt since the last time I had seen 8, and so seized upon this opportunity to acquire one). Seeing the Subject on the plaza in the evening, both of us wearing the clothing we had last seen one another in (aka he was still wearing a pair of ridiculous swim trunks as he swagged his way up the BC plaza). Again, it not being awkward at all the next time we saw each other.
  • Pros : It was just as fun as the first time. This Subject is quite possibly the most ridiculous individual I have ever met in my life.
  • Cons : Again, wishing that he didn’t immediately fall asleep and that he lasted a little bit longer.
  • Raw Score : 7.5/10

Subject 11: Sam Spillane

  • Subject 11 represents what was among the most tramp-esque behavior I exhibited during the course of my research. Merely two days after my escapades with Subject 10, I was at a Wednesday night Shooters. I had chosen to adorn myself that evening in a pair of Superman boxer shorts and high heeled shoes. Needless to say, such an outfit necessitated that I imbibe massive quantities of alcohol and release all inhibitions, flirting madly with every attractive male lucky or unlucky enough to fall in my path. The oddest thing was that I had done little more than greet said Subject throughout the duration of the night, focusing most of my energies on the dance floor (a very unusual strategy for me) and attempting to prevent one David Putman (baseball) from making out with me. At the very end of the evening, I was chatting with a person who would soon be Subject 13 when I was grabbed from behind in a tight bear-hug and told “Come back with me. You look ridiculous and hot right now and I want you.” Turning, I was somewhat surprised to see Subject 11 a mere inches from my face. I had always found said Subject to be attractive, and was, per usual, fully willing to appreciate physical contact with attractive members of the opposite sex, so I agreed, still somewhat surprised, to accompany him back to his apartments on Ninth Street Commons. We proceeded to hook up, and I left around 6 o’clock the next morning.
  • Memorable moments : Agreeing to hook up with the roommate of Subject 10, only two days after the fact. Having to sneak past said Subject’s room as he conversed with Subject 11. Seeing a Superman hat on the Subject’s dresser (“It’s because we’re both fucking baller”). Fleeing to a fire department the next morning in search of a cab (the same fire department I had almost broken into two days earlier with Tom Montelli and Subject 10). Being cooked eggs by the firemen. Being offered a ride back to my apartment in the local fire truck.
  • Pros : His body was, as they say, bangin’. We had a fun talk on the way over to his apartment, and I fully enjoyed the my interactions with the firemen (while wearing an oversized lacrosse fleece, Superman boxers, and high heels).
  • Cons : While he had girth on his side, the Subject was severely lacking in length. Additionally he was the ‘silent’ type, and made no noises to indicate pleasure or discontent in any way, although he assured me he was enjoying himself when asked. He finished rather quickly and then immediately passed out. Also, I felt like a prostitute for hooking up with the roommate of a man whose data I had gathered mere days before. I still am not entirely sure why I went back with him—I blame it on the whiskey limes, horniness, and sheer curiosity.

Subject 12: Zach Howell

  • My introduction to this Subject occurred, surprisingly, neither at Shooters nor at He’s Not (as he had had a steady girlfriend for several years, he did not go out as frequently as his teammates, and when he did I had simply not noticed him out). Note: Several days before meeting him, I and several friends had been discussing which men at Duke merited entry into the exclusive ‘township’ we referred to as Woodcock Pocket; entry was based exclusively on the size of their male appendages. Although none of us had experienced the wonders of this particular Subject, my friend Ali submitted him as a candidate based on an incident when he had randomly whipped his dick out in the middle of working on a class project. We had laughed about it, but I hadn’t given it much thought until we were introduced (and then it was all I could think about). Liz, Steph Neissel and I were at the ‘Pound (The Compound, site of ADPhi housing—many of the laxers were members of this particular fraternity, and all of them hung out here a lot) [before, briefly, and] after a Saturday night Shooters (May 1 st ) and were outside, hanging out with Joe Tkac and a few other people when the Subject walked by and was introduced. We chatted in a friendly manner for a few minutes, then I went inside for a little. When I came back outside, the mood suddenly switched to flirtatious, and suddenly we were all in Liz’s car going back to Erwin Terrace 22. We got there and danced around in the living room for a while, before retiring to separate bedchambers. We hooked up once that night, and five (yes, five) times the next morning, in Subject 8’s old room and bed.
  • Memorable moments : His line before we went back to ET: “If you beat me at Mario Kart Wii, I just might let you make out with me”. His attempts at PDA in the car ride home. Him singing Trey Songz ‘Say Aah’ to me in its entirety on the car ride. Him grabbing me to dance in the ET living room. Me walking into the bedroom to get my phone and being grabbed by the waist and kissed for a solid five minutes. His quote, as we talked about baseball: “Wow…I thought for a second that you were just a regular girl, But you’re like…a cool girl!”. His ridiculous, ridiculously sized dick and accompanying incredible talent. His insistence that I come before him, each time. At one point he looked at me for a while, and when I asked him what was up he replied: “I just think you have a really beautiful body.” He was the first guy I have hooked up with that kept an intense level of eye contact throughout the hookup, which honestly brought the entire experience to a level of hotness that I had never before experienced. His talented hands. His goodnight line: “Maybe, if I get really lucky, you’ll wake me up with a kiss in the morning.” The next morning, although hungover, when I told him I could leave with my friend then or stay a while, he looked at me and said “Stay…I’m exhausted but I want to fuck you again.”. His incredible stamina; after a five minute break in between morning sessions he would look over at me and ask “Do you want to do it again?”. Him refusing to allow me to leave before noon (although I did not exactly try all had to escape). Around 11:30 I mentioned that I was getting hungry and he peeked at me, only his eyes visible above the blanket and said “Oh. Well…are you horny? Any chance you want to fuck again?”. Of course, I did. I have never had the opportunity to conduct that much research in one session with a Subject.
  • Pros : Did you READ the above? This was, quite honestly, the most amazing sex I had ever had. The eye contact, the creativity of positions, the size of his dick, the intensity, his blue eyes, how into my body he was, his talent, how important it was to him that I got off as well, his hair (I like to grab onto something, too), and how he wouldn’t let me leave in the morning, regardless of the fact that I probably looked like hell at that point, and especially so in the harshness of the morning light, as there were no curtains
  • Cons : None. Absolutely none. It was amazing. I kind of love that bed in ET 22…
  • Ever since the absurd gloriousness of the first segment of research with Subject 12, I had been hoping beyond hope to engage in a second (foolishly, and as befit my non-clingy modus operandi , I did not ask for nor give a number; I also decline to facebook friend him, as I had never before done so with a Subject, deeming it stalkerish and clingy). I saw him out briefly at Devines the Tuesday after, but since we had only just seen each other (and I was still recovering from the first session), I did not even approach him, only making sure that he saw me in passing (my reward: a nice, long stare, which I felt out of the corner of my eye as I chatted with Alex Lazarides, Elderidge Nichols, Ali and Liz). The next time I saw him out was at Shooters on the Saturday before graduation, one of the most fun nights of my life (Shooters was off the hook, and I noticed nobody but the lacrosse team and Ali). I did not spend much time with him there, but Ali conveniently “introduced us”, and he laughed, told her we already knew one another, hugged me, and we chatted for a little. He told us that we should come back to his Partners Apartment complex to late night with him and the team; the word threesome was thrown out a few times (but then again, I can’t think of a single person that night who did not ask Ali and me to do one, as “it’s the last night of college!”) After an extremely entertaining late night, in which I was picked up and twirled around by half of the guys on the team, he came up to me and said “So, that’s my room. I’m going into my room now. Join me when you want to.” Well…I wasn’t about to keep him in too much suspense, so after making sure Ali was all right, I snuck on in. Soon after my entrance, someone Montelli, I believe), put Biggie on the speakers, and we hooked up to amazing old-school lyrics. Every few minutes he would start rapping to me, and I found myself turned on even more by this hot, skilled man who could knew as many rap lyrics as I myself did. After our first hook up, he turned and asked me if I wanted to “take a shower”. I had ALWAYS shied away from his particular hookup venue, as I felt as though it would make me look terrible (false, as demonstrated by a later repeat with Subject 9) and expose my flaws (false, it hides them even better). However, in the spirit of Senior year (also I had had an entire beer poured on my head by the Subject earlier in the late-night), I agreed. It was amazingly sexy, with little water drops falling all around us as we improvised standing positions and just enjoyed the newness of the location nd experience. Afterwards, we chilled in his bed for a while before I left to cab home for a few hours of sleep (well, at least to try and cab home…)
  • Memorable moments : Him rapping Biggie to me ( Hooking up in a room with doors that did not lock. Fucking in the shower. His size/hair/hands/amazing talents/insistence on my coming first. Having Subject 5, his roommate, walk into the room. Leaving and walking right by said Subject’s room and saying goodbye to him.
  • Pros : Amazing hookup. Again.
  • Cons : I would have liked to have hooked up many more time than two, but he was tired and I needed to graduate the next day. Having Subject 5 walk in was a little awkward, also. It wasn’t quite as much fun as the first time,

Subject 13: Tyler Rice

  • Subject 13 represents a somewhat unusual case, simply because I met and conversed with him multiple times before physical contact was actually initiated. I had seen him around for quite some time, usually at Wednesday night Shooters, and finally spoke to him when he “accidentally” bumped into my friend and I, then turned in mock concern to “apologize”. We exchanged numbers, and texted back and forth several times (once, he texted repeatedly asking to hang out while I was with Subject 12). It wasn’t until the Friday I finished my finals that we hung out at Alivia’s and things got more physical. We left the bar with his roommate and Liz, and drove around in search of weed. After a fruitless hunt for 4 Loko, we went to Onslo’s house, where we smoked hookah with some Sigma Nus, before heading over to Kappa Sig house, where we enjoyed a finely rolled blunt before all going back to his place in West Village where we ultimately (and completely silently, as Liz was on the couch) hooked up.
  • The second time came when I was somehow awake and eager to do some research at 4:00 in the morning. I texted the Subject, and drove over to West Village, where, as his roommates’ families were in the apartment, I consented to rendez-vous in his BMW. The experience was completely old-school, and reminded me of high school only hardly PG-rated.
  • Memorable moments : Sitting outside his locked apartment for over an hour, Cookout spread around us, before realizing that if we had only knocked, his roommate would have opened the door for us. Hearing his neighbor’s violent S&M sex: “Whip me HARDER!! AHHHH! Spank me, ohhhhhhhh harderrrrrr!!!!”. Hooking up in total silence. Waking up the next morning to discover that Liz was in the ER, to where he kindly drove me. As for the second time, I mean, we hooked up in his beamer.
  • Pros : Although not as big as I had become used to, Subject 13 knew how to work his equipment quite well. The complete silence, and the weed, somehow added to the excitement. The post hookup and morning-after conversations were amazing. The Subject was, in a word, chill.
  • Cons : Not really many, except that we didn’t get to hookup in the morning, as I needed to get to the ER. The beamer was a little tricky, but lots of fun.
  • Raw Score : 7/10

Evaluation Process

The Subject’s Raw Scores were based on an, admittedly subjective, range of criteria that I had established long before commencing my research project:

  • Physical Attractiveness : points were awarded or deducted based on the Subjects’ height, body build (muscle mass and definition), jaw-line, quality/texture/cut of hair, facial structure, penile structures, and eyes/eyebrows
  • Size : points were determined based on the length and girth of the Subjects’ hardware
  • Talent : points were awarded or deducted based on how well the Subjects utilized their hands, mouths, and equipment (this category is strictly separate from Size)
  • Creativity : points were given if the Subject showed a willingness to go beyond the standard research positions and/or locations (and a knowledge of how to operate once said position was at hand)
  • Aggressiveness : points were given if the Subject displayed aggressive behavior and an alpha-male mentality of assuming control of the given situation; points were deducted severely if they simply lay there or did not act assertively.
  • Entertainment : points were given for extremely amusing actions, great personalities, quotes, sexts, good senses of humor, or simply dirty talk, and were removed if no noises of enjoyment or talk of any kind was present. In other words, how entertained I was
  • Athletic Ability : points were awarded if the Subject regularly performed exceptionally well on the diamond or field
  • Bonus : Bonus points were given for extraneous factors, such as the presence of an Australian accent and/or profressional surfing skills. Points were deducted for rudeness or being Canadian.

The Official Fuck List

Rank Subject (Score)

1 . Zach Howell (10.25/10)

2 . Will McKee (9.5/10)

3 . Ben Grisz (9/10)

4 . Sean Brady (8.75/10)

5 . Jake Lemmerman (8.25/10)

6 . Tucker Virtue (7.75/10)

7 . Tyler Rice (7/10)

8 . Jeremy Gould (4/10)**

9 . Tony McDevitt (4/10)**

10 . Alex Hassan (3/10)**

11 . Sam Spillane (3/10)**

12 . Stephen Coyle (3/10)**

13 . David Goulet (1/10)

** Where the scores were tied, rank was awarded for looks, body type, creativity, and most importantly, my level of entertainment


I would like to thank all of my Subjects, without whose willing participation, cooperation, and specimens I would not have been able to complete this project. I sincerely thank Shooters, He’s Not Here, my friends, and alcohol in general, without whose help and support my task would have been greatly impeded. I extend a special thanks to Jakob Lemmerman, whose sext “How do I rank on your fuck list?” provided the initial inspiration for my thesis, and Talia Schwartz, who encouraged me to expand it far beyond its original scope.

Duke University student's PowerPoint sex 'thesis' goes viral

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critiquing the men she’s slept with to her nearest, dearest friends?

Oh, you can imagine.

,” and complete with pictures of the men she slept with — has gone viral online. It’s attracting

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and possibly even a

(in this day and age, of course it will).

In the extraordinary sexual dossier, Miss Owen, from Connecticut, graphically describes her lovers, how they met in bars and what they did after their binge drinking sessions. Each of her 13 lovers are named and pictured – sometimes partially naked – while intimate details are also revealed. She details their “pros” and “cons” and ranks their sexual prowess out of 10 in coloured charts and an “official f—” list.

a few years ago.

, frames the Karen Owen story as the

once and for all:

…unlike the senescent suffragettes of collectible coin fame, Karen Owen didn’t just achieve equality; she actually managed to demean the opposite sex to the point where one must ask if the term “weaker sex” shouldn’t be replaced with “freakier sex.” Can anybody really argue that gender inequality still exists when a seemingly innocent and fairly generic Duke girl can bring down the reputations of more than a dozen varsity athletes with a simple .pptx file, and the only comeuppance she receives is a rumor of a book deal? I’m telling you, the glass ceiling is in a million little pieces, and Palin and Hilldog had nothing to do with it. So instead of throwing around words like “slut” and “whore,” why not celebrate this achievement as the Seneca Falls Convention of the Internet age?
“I regret it with all my heart. I would never intentionally hurt the people that are mentioned on that.”

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Mostly Sunny

Duke grad Karen Owen's "sex thesis" goes viral

  • Published: Oct. 08, 2010, 7:18 p.m.
  • S.J. Velasquez,

A saucy joke ended up becoming the latest Internet sensation when Duke University alumna Karen Owen published a PowerPoint document outlining three year's worth of sexual activity on campus.

Owen, who graduated from the university this year, pulled together photos of 13 sexual partners, along with detailed information about each intimate tryst -- including bits of dirty dialogue, and physical descriptions and brutally candid evaluations of each man's performance in bed -- and created a mock senior honors thesis, "An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics."

The 42-page PowerPoint document, according to , was meant for eyes of just three of Owen's friends. But those few friends forwarded the inside joke to other friends, and it eventually landed on and other popular websites. From there, a viral Internet sensation was born.

Back at Owen's alma mater, fellow Blue Devils are embarrassed by the 22-year-old alumna's antics and the public attention drawn to the campus, which is all too familiar with sexual scandal after a group of lacrosse players in 2006 were accused of assaulting a stripper. They were later found to be innocent . Many of the 13 men listed in Owen's document played for school's lacrosse team.

"It makes me ashamed that the Duke name is attached to what she's done," Duke senior Nicole Queathem told The New York Times . "And it's the age-old double standard: people are more critical of what she did because she's a girl."

Administrators at Duke have expressed concern over the male students identified in Owen's faux thesis, even though many websites that have published the document have distorted students' photos and blurred names.

"On a personal basis, I'm saddened by the behavior," Duke University Vice President for Student Affairs Larry Moneta told The Chronicle , the university's student-run paper. "Many of the circumstances that are referenced in it continue to make me really concerned about some of the judgments and some of the norms that persist."

Owen's sudden infamy has pushed her into virtual hiding. She's deleted social network accounts, and she's publicly apologized for her lapse of judgment. "I regret it with all my heart," she told . "I would never intentionally hurt the people that are mentioned on that."

Did Owen go to far? Would you send friends privacy-sensitive, personal information without intending for it to spread on the Internet? Leave your comments below.

» The New York Times: Duke Winces as a Private Joke Slips Out of Control » The Chronicle: Sex list draws media to Duke » Karen Owen: Duke student's sex 'powerpoint presentation' goes viral » CBS News: Duke Student Powerpoint: The New Exhibitionism? » Duke Student's Sex-Rating 'Thesis' Goes Viral

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The Hazards of Duke

A now infamous PowerPoint presentation exposes a lot about men, women, sex, and alcohol—and about how universities are letting their female students down.

N o matter what your opinion of the now notorious online “ thesis ” of the recent Duke graduate Karen Owen—a comprehensive and often pornographic report on her sexual encounters with 13 athletes, most of them lacrosse players—you have to admit that it was a terrible PowerPoint . That program is intended for creating a visual accompaniment to a lecture, keeping audience and speaker on track by reducing the essential ideas of a complex presentation to a series of bullet-pointed phrases and concepts, the irreducible takeaway. But the 42 slides of Owen’s report on her “horizontal academics” are so dense with narrative detail, bits of dialogue, descriptions of people and places, and reproduced text-message conversations that they are a chore to read. It’s as though two impulses are at war with one another: the desire to recount her sexual experiences in a hyper-masculine way—marked by locker-room crudeness and PowerPoint efficiency—fighting against the womanly desire to luxuriate in the story of it all.

Clearly the very last thing Karen Owen would want is for a reader of her thesis to perceive her as a vulnerable creature whose desire for sex with campus big shots was at least partly motivated by a powerful and unmet desire for affection. But in the sheer amount of anecdotal detail, and in particular in her relentless descriptions of the anatomical shortcomings of various partners, she reveals that the thesis is motivated by the same force that has prompted women through the ages to describe with savage precision their liaisons with men who discarded them: revenge.

In 2009, GQ magazine named Duke America’s second-douchiest college, a distinction that came with a caveat: “They’re probably number one. But we’d rather not rank Duke number one at anything.” It’s difficult to argue with GQ ’s thinking on either score; something ugly is going on at the university—a mercenary intensity that has been gathering strength for the past two decades, as the institution made the calculated decision to wrench itself into elite status by dint of its fortune in tobacco money and its sheer ambition. It lured academic luminaries—many of them longer on star power than on intellectual substance—built a fearsome sports program, and turned its admissions department into the collegiate version of a head-hunting firm. (I was a college counselor at a prep school in the ’90s, and the zeal with which Duke gunned for our top students was unseemly.)

In some respects Duke has never moved on from the values of the 1980s, when droves of ambitious college students felt no moral ambivalence about preparing themselves for a life centered largely on the getting and spending of money. With a social scene dominated by fraternities and sororities (a way of life consisting of ardent partying and hooking up, offset by spurts of busywork composing angry letters to campus newspapers and taking online alcohol-education classes), with its large share of rich students displaying their money in the form of expensive cars and clothing, and with an attitude toward campus athletics that is at once deeply southern (this is a part of the world where even high-school athletes can be treated with awestruck deference by adults) and profoundly anti-intellectual, it’s a university whose thoughtful students are overshadowed by its voraciously self-centered ones.

It was from both within this world and outside it that Karen Owen emanated. She reports that she had spent her freshman year gazing at “frat stars” ( frat star and sorostitute are terms of art at Duke and at other similarly composed schools), but the predictable angry letter to the school newspaper about the episode, written by a group of “female Greek leaders on campus,” was quick to point out that Owen was not herself a member of any sorority. It was not only an attempt to distance sorority life from the antics of someone like Karen Owen, it served to underscore the disdain that the actual Karen Owen seems to have engendered in her fellow students, whose closed social system offered her no safe harbor.

One of the many implausible aspects of the entire incident is the notion, which Owen has forcefully asserted in her brief communications with the press, that she sent the PowerPoint to only three friends, and then was shocked when it was sent onward, ultimately reaching a huge audience, including the men whom she describes. It’s absurd to believe that she was innocent enough to think that such an incendiary document, transmitted by email, would not quickly enjoy a large audience. But it’s not at all hard to believe that Owen had only three friends in college. The overwhelming sense one gets from the thesis is of a young woman who was desperate for human connection, and who had no idea how to obtain it.

The thesis, which was prompted into being when one of Owen’s partners asked her where he stood on her “Fuck List,” includes a section for each of the 13 athletes, containing a slide of flattering photographs of the young man, and then an evaluation of each sexual encounter she had with him. She rates each of these experiences on several criteria, among them physical attractiveness, penis size, sexual talent, and—tellingly—aggressiveness. For all the attention Owen has received as a boundary-breaking, sexually empowered new woman, there has been almost no discussion of the fact that the kind of sex she most enjoyed was rough to the point of brutalizing. One encounter that occurred during an alcoholic blackout was still, as Karen Owen would say, “baller,” because in the shower the next day she found bruises on her body; another was great because it was so “violent”—and she means that “in a good way.” He was “throwing me around like I weighed nothing.” Her modus operandi for initiating these assignations seems to have been hanging out at bars frequented by Duke athletes, getting hammered, letting a “subject” know she was open for business, and then grabbing a cab back to his apartment; she seems to have been willing to do absolutely anything to please the men, which often meant hanging out with their boorish roommates until it was her time to perform.

What a glittering social world came along with these athletes. With their king-size beds, their huge television sets, their love of porn and Mario Kart, their apparent unconcern for matters cerebral (one of the 13 was suspended from play for academic violations; another dropped out when he got drafted into a Major League Baseball team), their eagerness to whip out their genitals on almost any occasion, and their casual racism, they offer any parent ample reason to think twice before sending a beloved child to Duke. These louts did not operate on the fringes of polite society at the university, but existed—were lionized—at its epicenter.

We have been invited , by both Karen Owen’s supporters and her detractors, to view her as the arrival of something new: either as the embodiment of women’s complete victory over the old double standard, or as proof positive that our culture has finally run aground. She is a puzzling character, because she seems on the one hand to have been invented by a committee of frat boys. In a way, she more closely resembles them than she does the sorority girls who spurn her. She’s like a fraternity’s ideal pledge: she races around to deliver hot breakfasts to the brothers, drives them to practices, hangs out loyally on cold streets while they work out potential DUI hassles with the cops, listens to them chew over their buddies’ girlfriend problems, tells them—with apparent sincerity—that they’re awesome at spitting Biggie raps, never demands her own turn at Mario Kart. Even her attitude toward (and during) sex seems to have been dreamed up during a Sigma Nu smoker: she’s certainly not the first young woman to perform fellatio in a crowded college library, but surely there aren’t many others who in the middle of this act earned an appreciative—and robustly returned—high five.

If what we are seeing in Karen Owen is the realization of female sexual power, then we must at least admit that the first pancake off the griddle is a bit of a flop. What rotten luck that the first true daughter of sex-positive feminism would have an erotic proclivity for serving every kind of male need, no matter how mundane or humiliating, that she would so eagerly turn herself from sex mate to soccer mom, depending on what was wanted from her. There is every reason, in fact, to believe that Owen’s sense of herself, both as a sexual being and as a raconteur of outrageous sexual exploits, was shaped not by her own desires but by a particular male sensibility, in fact by a particular male: Tucker Max, whom she specifically mentions as a rival in the art of the scandalous and ridiculous hookup. The notion of becoming his female counterpart is clearly not far from her mind in each of her lurid descriptions and ratings of her sexual encounters.

Max, a brainy and reasonably attractive kid from a troubled family, attended the University of Chicago, graduating in three years and earning a scholarship to Duke law school, where his life changed. He ascertained quickly that sexual aggression—not just in the act of sex, but in the way a man can choose to treat women, verbally and emotionally—is a force to which a huge number of educated, liberated young women are deeply attracted. Combining this aggression with a Howard Stern–style vulgarity, he quickly became the unofficial king of Duke. He published his exploits in an unbelievably nasty little book called I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell , a compendium of anecdotes that was a best seller for several years; it has made him a legendary figure to fraternity members across the country, who treat him—and his simple system of playing directly on women’s insecurities to get them in bed immediately—as a messiah.

Crucial to his technique is the titanic amount of alcohol he and his potential partners consume before the hookup, a transaction that often includes not just having sex, but also vomiting copiously and then passing out near or sometimes in the effulgence. Today’s typical middle-aged man (the father of a teenage daughter, perhaps) may hear about college drinking and shrug his shoulders: he remembers similar antics from his own days. But the best book about the current state of girls and young women in America, Girls on the Edge , by a physician and psychologist named Leonard Sax, offers astonishing and troubling new insight into the role and consequences of binge drinking in so many girls’ lives. While the rate at which boys abuse alcohol has remained relatively constant over the past 40 years, for girls the rate has “roughly quadrupled.” Among college students who meet the clinical criteria for alcohol abuse, women now outnumber men, and drinking affects the women in a different and more pernicious way than it does men. Sax writes,

Drink per drink, alcohol is more dangerous to young women than it is to young men, even after adjusting for differences in height and weight. Alcohol abuse appears to damage girls’ brains differently and more severely than the same degree of alcohol abuse affects same-age boys.

If you’ve been on a college campus recently—or merely followed a college newspaper online—you know the toll that this kind of drinking is taking on students, particularly on young women. The institutions have it within their power to change the situation, but only by exerting the long-dead patriarchal approach, with parietals and curfews—something that no elite institution will touch, because the old system was inherently sexist. Instead, many university presidents—including Duke’s own president, Richard Brodhead—have signed on to something called the Amethyst Initiative, a perplexing document that essentially absolves them of any responsibility for what is taking place. Apparently, the current legal drinking age of 21 is bad for young people because the need for fake IDs forces students to “make ethical compromises that erode respect for the law.” How much would you have to hate yourself to sign a document that made that assertion?

A positive spin on the current state of young women and alcohol was offered two years ago in a New York magazine story that asked “Should Gender Equality Extend to Drinking?” Reporting on the number of young professional women who drink regularly and in great quantity, the article suggested that

a woman exerting her power by making herself incapacitated does not read as a disjunction Control over her life—and the decision of when and how to lose that control—seems to be the point.

Two young women who were interviewed described the role that getting drunk played in their sexual conquesting:

“Drinking gives you an excuse to do something you wouldn’t want to believe you would normally do,” one young woman told me. “You can be on a mission because you’re not self-conscious.” “For me, it’s not about getting up the guts to seduce someone,” added her friend, “It’s about getting up the guts to allow myself to be seduced.”

That female sexual desire is deeply enmeshed in the desire to be seduced, taken, treated—as Karen Owen herself puts it so forthrightly—with a measure of aggression is one reason there will never really be a female Tucker Max. We know from far greater figures than these two that many women’s sexual appetites include (even center on) men who are in most ways beneath them, in terms of intellect, sensibility, social refinement. Mary McCarthy, in her brilliant and clearly autobiographical short story “The Man in the Brooks Brothers Shirt,” describes a young woman traveling across country by train. She is sitting in the club car when a well-dressed man enters, a kind of man who is entirely “Out of the Question”—“He looked, she decided, like a middle-aged baby, like a young pig, like something in a seed catalogue.” How like the Duke lacrosse boys, with their porn and their Mario Kart, is this description. The two talk, and he makes a bold move, inviting her into his compartment to drink some whiskey with him, and she feels the old self-loathing begin to rise:

She felt bitterly angry with the man for having exposed her—so early—to this supreme test of femininity, a test she was bound to fail, since she would either go into the compartment, not wanting to (and he would know this and feel contempt for her malleability), or she would stay out of the compartment, wanting to have gone in (and he would know this, too, and feel contempt for her timidity).

But she goes with him, alone, into the compartment, and they drink together.

She liked him. Why, it was impossible to say. The attraction was not sexual, for, as the whisky went down in the bottle, his face took on a more and more porcine look that became so distasteful to her that she could hardly meet his gaze.

They talk, and she feels a desperate need to explain herself, to atone for how many lovers she has had in her past, to lay the blame for her promiscuity on them, not her: “It was as if she had been a prosecuting attorney drawing up a brief against each of her lovers.” In other words, she presents to him her own 42-slide PowerPoint of rejection and disappointment, but it doesn’t really make her feel better; it just marks the time until the whiskey has gone down enough in the bottle for her to do the thing she wants to do. When she wakes up, she thinks for a moment that she has not allowed herself to be seduced, but then the memory of the fulfilling, humiliating encounter comes back to her: “Oh my God,” she says, finding herself lying next to the naked pig: “get me out of this and I will do anything you want.”

Penelope Trunk, the author of Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for Success , wrote on a CBS business Web site that she just loves Karen Owen:

I, for one, am fascinated that Owen has so much self-knowledge. I wish I had had Owen’s self-confidence, pluck, and earning power when I was her age. I wish I had been taking control of male tools when I was that young. I wish I had been so good at getting the guy. I am twenty years older than Owen, but she inspires me to be brave, take risks, and let my creativity get the best of me.

A young female student at Duke told a reporter for the Today show who asked her about the PowerPoint: “I guess, like, the inner feminist in me was pretty excited when I saw it. I was like, ‘Yeah, good for her—this is awesome.’”

The notion that Karen Owen is good at getting the guy, that she represents something awesome for the future of feminism, is an assertion that cannot withstand a careful reading of the actual PowerPoint, a package that—far more than Owen could ever have intended—constitutes a story, one with a beginning, middle, and very sad end, and reveals her to be one of the most pitiable women to emerge on the cultural scene in quite a while. Her assignations are arranged chronologically in the thesis, and in the arc of experience that led her from Subject 1 to Subject 13, there is a very old story about women, desire, expectation, dashed hope, and (to use the old, apt, word) ruin.

After a freshman year spent in the thrall of the school’s handsome white athletes, something exciting happened: on the night of her 19th birthday, in September of her junior year, one handsome lacrosse player, recently broken up from his girlfriend of three years, bought her “many, many beers” at a Durham club called Shooters, and then asked her to go back to his house to “hang out.” The invitation was thrilling; it’s easy to imagine that the prospect of becoming his next years-long girlfriend was enticing, and even if the night began with some strange twists and turns—such as the man inviting his pals to admire her breasts outside the bar—wasn’t that the way it had probably begun for the last girlfriend? But once they went to his house, and then to his bed, things weren’t quite what she had hoped for: “It was over too quickly. I was probably a little awkward and didn’t really know how to move or what to do. And it was a tad bit painful …”

She never slept with him again—apparently he had no interest in seeing her again—and she was chastened enough by the events not to risk a repeat of them for several months. It’s not difficult to imagine what the days and weeks following the encounter were like: the expectation that he would call again, the anxious and depressing realization that he was done with her. But the following March, she was ready to try again. After many “long looks” exchanged with a campus tennis star on her way to and from the gym, the young man approached her at Shooters and asked her to dance; on the dance floor, he asked her to go home with him. What followed was the kind of one-night stand that changes a woman. He was rude to her in the cab, and things only got worse once they were in bed: “He was terrible, did not even bother to kiss me more than a few seconds, and finished in about five minutes, after which he simply walked out of the room and did not return.” She reports that “absolutely everything,” except for the fact that he was a successful athlete, was terrible about him, that the whole situation was terrible: “I accidentally left my favorite pair of earrings from South Africa. When I texted him this fact, he responded with ‘I will leave them outside of the building for you.’”

The story of Karen Owen is the story of those forgotten earrings. Imagine the moment in which she paused to take them off—her favorite earrings, the ones that came all the way from South Africa and that she took care to remove before going to bed, because that’s what you do if you’re a responsible girl with a nice pair of earrings. You keep them safe. At the very least, she must have imagined that Subject 2 was inviting her to do what Subject 1 had done—not just to have sex with him, but to hang out with him. And then to be turfed out so rudely, so quickly, to be treated with such ugliness afterward. Imagine having been so young and so hopeful, being used sexually and then held in such contempt that rather than see you again, a young man leaves your jewelry outside his building, where anyone could come along and take it.

Subject 2, who was rated a 1 out of a possible 10, is the impetus for the entire thesis. In fact, at the very end of the whole ugly mess of it, after she has become so good at oral sex that she is repeatedly praised for having no gag reflex, after she has learned to crave sex so rough that she’s left battered, after she’s been cast aside over and over again, the final line of the thesis—before her jaunty “Acknowledgements” slide— is another angry remark about Subject 2. Being rejected by Subject 1 was hurtful and embarrassing, but being treated like a whore by Subject 2 is what broke her heart and her spirit, and if you are the kind of person whose heart and spirit can be broken by a one-night stand, then you may not be the brave new face of anything at all.

When everything went to hell, when the thesis was splashed across the Internet, there weren’t any young men by her side to protect or defend Karen Owen. It was a man’s job, though, and the man it fell to (goodbye, bold new face of feminism) was her father. He’s the one who told the New York Times reporter who called the house looking for Karen that his daughter did not have anything to say about the situation. What a moment that must have been at the Owen family home, how much it recalls the ending of “The Man in the Brooks Brothers Shirt.” In that story, years after the affair on the train, the narrator’s father dies; the seducer reads the obituary, and he sends her a telegram: YOU’VE LOST THE BEST FRIEND YOU WILL EVER HAVE.

In the week after the scandal broke, a very pretty, golden-haired Fox News anchor named Megyn Kelly interviewed a couple of equally beautiful female attorneys about the incident, and ended the segment warning other young women not to follow in Owen’s footsteps. She had special knowledge on this subject, she told the audience, because she herself had “dated the captain of the lacrosse team at Syracuse.”

What a fantastic little nugget of information this was, about the person and character of Megyn Kelly! Syracuse University, whose famous department of television communications had clearly set her on the path to the golden hair and the job at Fox; the fact that all these years later she was still proud of the boy’s having been not just a member of the team, but its captain; the clear authority that she derived from having actually dated him, having been his girlfriend, not his Karen Owen. “Men do not respect women who do this,” she said. “You may sleep with half the lacrosse team—they don’t think that’s a great thing.”

She became more adamant, the words tumbling out faster and faster. “They don’t talk about how great you are,” she said, and now she was actually looking angry. I realized she was no longer warning young women away from unwise behavior. She was now defending the righteous tradition of Division I Men’s Lacrosse and all of the excellent guys who play it, and she was punishing the woman who had dared to come forward and make the sport and its players look bad. “They don’t talk about how great you are,” she said scornfully; “they talk about what a joke you are.”

It’s impossible to read Karen Owen’s encomium to the “glorious, alpha-male dominated world of Duke lacrosse hookups” without thinking back to the events of 2006, when the Duke lacrosse team threw a private party that became infamous. Three of the teammates were eventually accused of raping a stripper, and although the charges proved false and the investigation a travesty, few people would suggest the night represented any kind of high-water mark for the team or the university that it represented. Hiring strippers—two desperately poor women, one of them a mother of two, both with lives shaped around more sorrow and misery than the average Duke lacrosse player could begin to imagine—becoming angry when they turned out not to be white, suggesting the women use a broomstick as a sex toy, and then hurling racial slurs at them as they stumbled back into their car falls so far outside the realm of what anyone can call decent behavior that the accused players’ improbable turn as victimized solid citizens was the most unpleasant result of the D.A.’s bungled case.

In fact, the man identified as Subject 1 in Owen’s PowerPoint was a member of that very team, present and accounted for at the ugly party and named in several of the police reports garnered about the night. Player Dan Flannery said that when he “tried to apologize and reason with” one of the strippers in a bedroom of the house, Subject 1 may have been with him, and David Evans told police that Subject 1 at one point followed the women out into the street.

Ironically, it was his role in that awful scene that put Subject 1 in Durham in time to spend his ill-fated night with Karen Owen. Although he had already graduated with his bachelor’s degree, the NCAA had offered him a rare extra year of eligibility as a compensation for the season he’d lost to the scandal. All he’d had to do was enroll in graduate school, and before you knew it he was back on the field, as an M.B.A. student.

How many college athletes, especially those on successful teams, would dream of one more year of glory? But Subject 1’s experiences off the field prove that you really can stay too long at the fair, especially if you’re a sexually voracious white male on an American college campus. The poor bastard caught the tail end of Take Back the Night and then the first draft of Sexual Empowerment Through PowerPoint. In the space of two and a half years, his blandly handsome face and powerfully built body had taken on the cast of a thug rapist and then of a hapless sex partner who couldn’t even keep it up long enough to satisfy an inexperienced co-ed.

This past fall, just a couple of weeks before the students and administration at Duke were faced with the chagrin and bad press of the Karen Owen situation, an unrelated but—to my mind—far more significant occurrence was reported, albeit far more briefly, in the student newspaper. A sophomore returning to campus for the new term was arrested and charged with two very serious crimes: the kidnapping and second-degree rape of a fellow student. He’d been freed from jail on a $75,000 bond, had withdrawn from school, and was awaiting trial. This astonishing bit of news seemed to be of relatively little interest to the readers and editors of The Chronicle an interesting fact all on its own.

Apparently one night last spring, according to the statement she gave campus police, a young woman started drinking with some friends, beginning at around five o’clock and continuing into the night. At 11 o’clock they went to a party at a crowded on-campus apartment, where she continued drinking, and where a young man introduced himself to her. They talked, and then, she told the police, he put a hand on the small of her back, led her to a bathroom, locked the door, and “sexually assaulted her.” Later, a friend found her passed out and took her home. When she woke up, the details of the experience in the bathroom came swimming back to her, and she decided to report it. The young man admitted to having had sexual contact with her, but denied that the contact had been in the form of vaginal intercourse—a critical distinction, legally, as in North Carolina only that act can lead to a rape charge. He requested to have a DNA test to prove his innocence but for some reason the police refused. And the case lay fallow through the summer, but in September, with the return of classes, he was charged with the crimes. The police then collected DNA samples from the young man.

Reading the woman’s statement, what struck me was how adamant she was about the extent of her drunkenness, how central this fact was to the narrative she gave the police. She had been “very intoxicated,” she told them; she’d had “a few more drinks” when she got to the party. “Witnesses” had corroborated her level of intoxication, and it’s not difficult to imagine these witnesses including the friends who’d been partying with her and were eager to attest to just how wasted she had been.

From a legal standpoint, the case will rest on the evolving notions of “consent,” and on the fact that intoxication can render null even a verbal consent to sex. It also falls into the body of case law that has emerged from the once revolutionary but now increasingly meaningless concept of date rape; reasonable people can disagree as to whether this encounter constituted a rape, but surely no one would suggest it was a date.

As I read the woman’s report, and imagined the tones of outrage and hurt and violation in which it was surely given, and as I lingered on her account of how drunk she’d been, a very old-fashioned phrase suddenly floated through my mind. It was a phrase I hadn’t thought of in years, a simple formulation that carried within it a world of assumptions and beliefs. “She’s angry,” I thought to myself, “because he took advantage of her .”

It was a phrase that they taught you to keep you safe, and it was predicated on the facts of the double standard: men were always after you for sex; you had to be on your guard against them; and at the very least, you had to make sure you kept your wits about you whenever you were in mixed company. It was built on the premise that the dubious pleasures of what is today called the drunken hookup were not for you to sample. A man who had done what the accused admits to having done—made a beeline to a really drunk girl and then led her somewhere private for sex—probably wouldn’t have faced legal consequences, but would at the very least have been considered a cad. Such a thing was known not to be the right, or the proper, or the gentlemanly thing to do.

In those days, we relied on our own good judgment to keep us safe, but also—and this is the terrible, unchanging fact about being female—on the mercy of the men around us. So, too, the young women of today, including this Duke student. She may have a world of legal recourse that my friends and I didn’t have a quarter century ago, but when it came to that moment in that bathroom, how much did that recourse really help her? Not at all.

We’ve made a culture for our college women in which they have been liberated from the curfews and parietals that were once the bane of co-eds, but one in which they have also shaken off the general suspicion of male sexuality that was the hallmark of Andrea Dworkin–style campus activism; they prefer bikini waxes and spray tans to overalls and invective. So they have ended up with the protections of neither the patriarchy nor those old-school, man-hating radical feminists.

Maybe they’re all the better for it. Or maybe an awful lot of these young women at our very best colleges are being traumatized by what takes place during so much of this mindless, drunken partying when they’re steeped in alcohol, which brings out the least engaging aspects of their young selves.

Inebriate of air—am I— And debauchee of dew —Emily Dickinson I was but a shot away from what is referred to as a “black-out state”. —Karen Owen

There’s every reason to believe the latter. Take a look, for instance, at the stories collected in the three-volume campus publication Saturday Night: Untold Stories of Sexual Assault at Duke . Even in the words of Karen Owen herself, we can find evidence that the balls-out composer of the Fuck List may have a very different, if little-explored, side of her personality, one that befits less the bard of the blow job than the heartbroken heroine of a Jane Austen novel. Asked by a reporter from Jezebel for her thoughts on everything that had happened, she responded with a fully human and entirely feminine sentiment. “I regret it,” she said, “with all my heart.”

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Leber: Duke sex thesis intriguing, not inspiring for women

October 15, 2010 at 1:01 a.m. | Updated October 15, 2010 at 1:01 a.m.

by Holly Leber

Karen Owen, a recent graduate of Duke University, has produced what she calls her "sex thesis," a 42-page PowerPoint presentation in which she analyzed the sexual proclivities of 13 of her fellow students. She titled it "An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics."

Wow. OK. Um. Where to start? There are so many questions that arise.

Is this another example of Internet culture gone awry? Owen apparently sent her project to three friends as a private joke. They allegedly shared it and, poof, it went viral.

According to a CBS news report, some of the men involved are "furious." When a woman's sexuality is exposed against her will, one tends to hear words like "violated." Is it fair that women are habitually painted as victims or that men are habitually painted as victimizers? No. Not to either party.

But here's the question I find really interesting: Is the Duke sex thesis an example of feminist empowerment? After all, men have been analyzing women for years, right?

For context, I called upon my own former thesis advisor, Mary Zeiss Stange, professor of religion and women's studies at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York. Oh, and for the record, my thesis did not include the same type of, shall we say, field research as Ms. Owen's.

"The question is, do we want that kind of equality, or do we want equality on those terms?" Stange asked. Turning the tables on men might be leveling the playing field, but as she put it, is that the field we want to be playing on? In other words, do two wrongs make a right?

"I don't feel that (Owen's project) is the triumph of women's rights," said Natalie Taylor, another Skidmore professor. "I think it's reprehensible behavior in both instances."

Neither Taylor nor Stange is suggesting that women should be held to higher standards of decorum than men. We often are, and frankly that's a lot of garbage. Expectations should be the same, regardless of gender.

Karen Owen isn't actually breaking new ground. In 1977, two female students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published a similar document titled "Consumer Guide to M.I.T. Men." The intent, they said, was to give men an idea of how it feels to be objectified.

I don't know what Owen's intention was. The document is actually pretty entertaining to read. But interesting and entertaining don't mean admirable.

I'm not lambasting her behavior, I'm questioning the inclination to label it some example of genius and social progression. To think that this thesis an example of empowerment underestimates the potential women, and men as well, have to do something that is really empowering and truly worthy of admiration.

After all, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton weren't at Seneca Falls talking about all the men they let get into their pantaloons.

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duke sex thesis powerpoint

Duke Student’s Sex-Rating ‘Thesis’ Goes Viral

duke sex thesis powerpoint

Jim R. Bounds/Bloomberg/Getty

What started out as a private joke ended up around the Internet — and hurting a university’s reputation.

Recent Duke graduate Karen Owen, 22, put together a mock “thesis,” comparing and rating her sexual conquests from her sophomore year to her senior year of college. The PowerPoint presentation named names, showed pictures and provided graphic details of each encounter. Owen claims the list was only meant for three friends, but it was forwarded through most of the university before it made Gawker Media blogs Jezebel and Deadspin . (Warning: The details, though humorous and well-written, may not be safe for work.) The Internet went crazy after that.

( More on See how Internet privacy has changed in the Facebook age .)

Most of the men Owen claims to have been with are members of the Duke lacrosse team, which has already seen its share of scandal in recent years. Owen’s PowerPoint hitting the news won’t do much to help her school’s image, but it’s still the hot topic on campus.

Owen spoke to Jezebel about the list, saying, “I regret it with all my heart. I would never intentionally hurt the people that are mentioned on that.” She points out, though, that fraternities often make similar lists and don’t face the same level of scandal. “It’s the age-old double standard,” Duke senior Nicole Queathem told the New York Times . “People are more critical of what she did because she’s a girl.”

( More on NewsFeed: Adult-Video Sharing List Leaked: Are You On It? )

Lists like this were widespread long before the Internet. In 1977, students at MIT produced a similar list, ranking 36 male undergrads. They wanted to “turn the tables” on male objectification, but were put on academic probation instead.

( More on 5 Little-Known Truths About American Sex Lives )

2010 Duke University faux sex thesis controversy

The 2010 Duke University faux sex thesis controversy arose from a private 42-page PowerPoint document written by a Duke University senior, Karen Owen, in the format of a thesis about her sexual experiences during her time attending the university.

The controversy

Following the controversy, in popular culture, external links.

Shortly before graduating from Duke University in May 2010, Karen Owen wrote a thesis styled document about her sexual experiences during her time attending the university. She privately distributed the document to three friends. In mid-September 2010, during Homecoming weekend, one of these friends decided to forward it onward, and the document went viral . [1] [2] In the faux thesis, titled "An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics", Owen ranked her partners based on her criteria for performance.

The bulk of the controversy surrounded whether she invaded her partners' rights to privacy , and whether the subjects of Owen's faux thesis have a right to sue, as was done in the case of Jessica Cutler when Cutler published details of her sex life on a blog . [3] It also raised questions as to whether double standards exist if the reaction would have been the same had the faux thesis been written by a male. [4] The faux dissertation attracted additional attention because some of the men whom Owen ranked were from the lacrosse team , and there was an unrelated sex controversy surrounding the team a few years prior. [5]

About a month after the faux thesis made headlines, the Duke University History Department held a forum about the long term implications of the faux thesis. [6] A few months after that, The Atlantic published an article discussing this incident in the context of Duke's culture as well as binge drinking by women. [7]

Karen Owen, the author of the faux thesis, grew up in Branford, Connecticut and graduated from Branford High School in 2006. She won a scholarship to attend Duke and was a very avid sports fan during her time there. [8]

After her faux dissertation went viral , Owen deleted, closed down, or blocked access to her social networking sites. She stated "that fraternities 'make lists like this all the time.'" She also expressed deep regret over the incident, saying that she would have "never intentionally hurt the people that [were] mentioned [in the faux thesis]." [8] [9]

  • On December 1, 2010, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit aired an episode called "Rescue", based on the story of Karen Owen's faux sex thesis. [10]
  • The feature film The Escort features a prostitute with a similar back story, making it impossible for her to get a non-sex work job.

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  • ↑ Daulerio, A. J. (October 1, 2010). "A Glimpse Into How The Duke Fuck List Went Viral" . Deadspin . Archived from the original on 4 October 2010 . Retrieved 11 October 2010 .
  • ↑ Finnegan, Leah (October 7, 2010). "Karen Owen's Duke Sex-Rating PowerPoint Goes Viral (VIDEO)" . Huffington Post . Archived from the original on 8 October 2010 . Retrieved 9 October 2010 .
  • ↑ "Karen Owen PowerPoint: Duke University Student's Sex Thesis Poses Question Of Double Standard" . Huffington Post . October 8, 2010. Archived from the original on 11 October 2010 . Retrieved 9 October 2010 .
  • ↑ Inbar, Michael (October 7, 2010). "Duke coed's scandalous sex ratings are viral sensation" . NBC News . Archived from the original on January 14, 2012 . Retrieved 9 October 2010 .
  • ↑ Carmon, Irin (October 29, 2010). "Duke History Department Hosts "Fuck List" Forum" . . Retrieved 2010-11-20 .
  • ↑ Flanagan, Caitlin (January–February 2011). "The Hazards of Duke" . The Atlantic . Retrieved 11 December 2011 .
  • 1 2 Zaretsky, Mark (October 13, 2010). "Branford High grad's sex life 'thesis' goes viral; Online slide show rates prowess of Duke athletes" . New Haven Register . Retrieved 16 January 2012 .
  • ↑ Alptraum, Lux (22 July 2018). "There Is Life After Campus Infamy" . New York Times . Retrieved 22 July 2018 .
  • ↑ Love, Julia (December 3, 2010). "Popular TV show airs episode inspired by Owen PowerPoint" . The Chronicle (Duke University) . Retrieved 2011-12-06 .
  • A redacted version of Karen Owen's document at
" "
Student life

Kristi Gustafson Barlette

Duke graduate creates a sex-rating powerpoint ‘thesis’.

Did you see this story about Duke graduate Karen Owen who created this “thesis,” for lack of a better word, ranking and comparing her college-life, um, conquests with 13 different Duke athletes.

Like any solid PowerPoint presentation, hers included photos, names, graphs and intimate details of each and every man she “encountered” from her sophomore through her senior year.

This wasn’t meant for public consumption, or so she says, but now its gone viral and curious eyes and ears around the world are getting the dish on Owen’s life between the sheets.

Check out the full story here.

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The privacy landmine that is duke graduate karen owen's 'senior thesis'.

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Duke's reputation takes a hit. Again.

My alma mater has a habit of getting into the news, especially for stories that involve Duke athletes and sex. The latest story is jaw-dropping even for the Blue Devils.

Karen Owen, a 2010 graduate, kept detailed notes on her sexual adventures with 13 members of Duke's lacrosse, baseball and tennis teams over the last four years.  She then put those notes, along with the athletes' names and photos into a PowerPoint presentation, that concludes with a ranking of the 13 on what she calls her "F*** list." (Congratulations, I suppose, to this guy for topping the list.)

According to Jezebel , Owen sent the "unofficial senior thesis" titled "An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics" to three friends and did not intend for it to go further than that. But one of those friends forwarded it on and it went viral, going out on listservs and eventually winding up on Gawker sites, Jezebel (for women) and Deadspin (for sports addicts).

Interestingly, Jezebel redacted the names of all those involved and blurred out the athletes' faces. Deadspin , on the other hand, did not.

When something like this goes viral, it's hard to keep people's identities under wraps. Mainstream blogs often deliberate on whether to reveal people's identities at the risk of being sued for defamation and invasion of privacy. It's strange that the bloggers at Gawker came to two different conclusions on how to handle it. ( Update : 24 hours and 300,000 page views later, Deadspin went back and redacted those names .)

I'll leave you to check out the PowerPoint at Gawker if you're interested in seeing what I am Charlotte Simmons could have been if Charlotte Simmons was a hot, sexually-aggressive sorority girl. Meanwhile, here's some advice for those involved...

When Owen realized that this list was going to go viral, she deleted all of her social network profiles, reports Irin Carmon at Jezebel. That's unwise. Now the stories on her "senior thesis" are going to take over the Google search result hits on her name. If this ever happens to you, it's best to keep your LinkedIn profile and Facebook page up, just make sure to lock down the privacy settings so that nosy journalists like me can't come looking.

Thanks to the friend that forwarded this on, Owen will never be able to escape this incident (unless she changes her name), so she may as well embrace it. The text in her PowerPoint attests to her writing abilities -- a book deal could certainly be in her future, or at least a part-time gig as a sex columnist.

There's no going back now, but maybe Owen should have written out her thesis with pen on real paper, or printed out just one copy that she shared with her friends in person. By putting it in an electronic format and sending it out by email, she practically invited it to go viral.

(If you just must keep track of your sexy times electronically and share it with your friends by email, you may want to look into the James-Bond-self-destruct-upon-reading mechanism for documents that companies like TigerText are working on. And it's always kind not to include your partners' real names -- especially when they're unaware they're being included in your sexual memoirs.)

What about the male athletes whose names, photos, and tales of sexual prowess (or lack thereof) are now tabloid fodder? I suspect there are going to be invasion of privacy lawsuits in the near future; I imagine their lawyers are already working hard to get Gawker to take the PowerPoints down.

The good news for them is that Google doesn't appear to be picking up their names from the PowerPoint because the slides are uploaded as photo files. Their Google results are safe for now. Their offline reputations -- especially those at the bottom of the rankings -- are not.

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2010 Duke University faux sex thesis controversy

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Duke Student Powerpoint: Karen Owen Describes Sexual Partners

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A Duke student’s risque PowerPoint has firmly implanted itself in the annals of legendary internet stories for generations to come.

Karen F. Owen, a 2010 Duke grad, composed an in-depth, thesis-like document titled “An Education Beyond The Classroom: Excelling In The Realm Of Horizontal Academics,” in May. In the report, she describes the men she’s slept with in near-scientific detail and even provides charts ranking their sexual prowess. She sent the show to a few friends after she wrote it and, from there, it went into a forward frenzy, ending up on fraternity listservs and making its way to the media.

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Our Inevitable Culture: Skipping Ahead to the Duke-Sex-Thesis Television Show

Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Today’s New York Times contains an exposition of what many less patrician publications are calling the Duke University “Fuck List,” a 2010 graduate’s prolix PowerPoint presentation that details the bedside manner of 13 student-athletes. For 42 pages, paramours are scored on such subjects as attractiveness, size, and talent. On September 30, the document was posted on Jezebel , and it has since been tweeted “with the frenzied speed of the Indianapolis 500,” according to the Times, which gamely stuck to athletic metaphors. The Duke student newspaper published a wry editorial about the scandal , drolly suggesting the dossier’s author, Karen Owen, achieved a type of feminist victory. “Can anybody really argue that gender inequality still exists when a seemingly innocent and fairly generic Duke girl can bring down the reputations of more than a dozen varsity athletes with a simple .pptx file, and the only comeuppance she receives is a rumor of a book deal?” the piece asked. Yesterday morning, the Today show sent a correspondent to Duke’s Durham, North Carolina, campus on a fact-finding mission. “People gossip with their friends all the time about sex … I’ve been told,” a diffident Jeff Rossen reported, “but this is something entirely different.” Sociologically speaking, perhaps, but the Fuck List, a, um, viral sensation, has all the trappings of various successful computer-screen-to-silver-screen ventures, such as $h*! My Dad Says , Shh! Don’t Tell Steve , and Awkward Family Photos . The document has already attracted the attention of literary agents , so it should be only a matter of months until The F$ k List leads into $h ! My Dad Says on CBS’s lineup. It will then once again return to its Internet origins, this time in the form of weekly re-caps.

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Karen Owen: Duke student's sex 'powerpoint presentation' goes viral

A Duke University student, Karen Owen, has become an internet hit after a graphic “PowerPoint presentation” was leaked detailing her sex conquests with more than a dozen men.

Duke University student Karen Owen: Karen Owen: Duke student's sex 'powerpoint presentation' goes viral

The 22 year-old graduate produced the unofficial “senior honours thesis” on her alcohol-fuelled sexual flings, mostly with male athletes from the Duke Lacrosse team.

The 42 page PowerPoint Presentation, titled “An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics”, describes her “subjects” in almost scientific detail.

In the extraordinary sexual dossier, Miss Owen, from Connecticut, graphically describes her lovers, how they met in bars and what they did after their binge drinking sessions.

Each of her 13 lovers are named and pictured – sometimes partially naked – while intimate details are also revealed. She details their “pros” and “cons” and ranks their sexual prowess out of 10 in coloured charts and an “official f---” list.

The brutally frank “kiss and tell” – submitted to the “Department of Late-Night Entertainment in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Degree in Tempestuous Frolicking” – was originally meant as a joke when emailed to three friends after she graduated in May.

But it was subsequently leaked to the university’s 14,000 student population before becoming a global viral hit.

It was the hot topic at Duke, one of the most prestigious American colleges , which is an expensive private academy with a predominantly white student population located in the North Carolina town of Durham.

The student newspaper ran an editorial earlier this week simply headlined: "Karen Owen shatters the glass ceiling", in which they condemn her stating: "She actually managed to demean the opposite sex to the point where one must ask if the term 'weaker sex' shouldn’t be replaced with 'freakier sex'."

The electronic “thesis” , compiled from her three years at Duke, was then published by several websites before going viral and becoming one of the most searched terms on the internet.

It has made national news in the United States and reopened the debate about privacy on the internet. One publishing company is reported to be considering offering a book deal.

Miss Owen is said to have been left devastated by the sex scandal and expressed her “regret with all my heart”. She went to ground on Friday after deleting all of her profiles on social networking sites.

“Senior year and college in general often bring about certain situations that result in the seeking of so-called ‘sex’,” she writes in the introduction.

“Until now, no studies have succeeded in developing a methodology for quantifying and ranking these so-called horizontal academics.

“'In this study, we used data from four years at Duke University to create evaluation criteria for such encounters and applied these criteria to evaluated subjects.”

She added: "The people that are named in it are the kinds of people that everyone wants to be or be with. The top dogs, or whatever."

She tells how she watched pornography with her lovers, exchanged explicit text messages and had sex in dorms, SUV and BMW cars and even in the university library during her final weeks of examination.

Miss Owen ranks her lovers’ “raw score” by their “physical attractiveness, (anatomy) size, talent, creativity, aggressiveness, entertainment, athletic ability” while “bonus” points are given for other factors such as accents.

“Points were deducted for rudeness or being Canadian”, she adds.

While she is full of praise for some she is vicious in her criticism of others, including one unfortunate student of whom their encounter “was over too quickly”.

She added: “(I have) got some fantastic stories for the grandkids.”

But on Thursday, after the presentation made international headlines, she expressed her sorrow for the incident.

"I regret it with all my heart," she told The News of Today website .

"I would never intentionally hurt the people that are mentioned on that." Her family later declined to comment.

None of the men featured in the "thesis" would comment.

A University spokesman said officials were “reaching out to those who’ve been affected by this incident” and said the wellbeing of their students was their primary concern.

He said students were being educated about the dangers of the internet.

"Our foremost concern is to provide for the well-being of our students, and to respect their privacy," he said.

"We've been reaching out to those who've been affected by this incident and will continue to support them.

"This is an unfortunate and highly visible reminder that anything you create or send in digital form can find its way to the web, where the media have an insatiable appetite for the outrageous and your privacy and reputation can be shredded with a few clicks."

The incident comes after the Duke lacrosse team was embroiled in a sex scandal in 2006.

Members were accused by a young black woman who falsely claimed she was beaten, raped and subjected to racial abuse by three white men from Duke's highly rated Blue Devils lacrosse team after being hired as a stripper for a sports club party.

The athletes denied the allegations and a year later the charges were dropped and the prosecutor disbarred.

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Karen Owen List: What Does Mock Duke Thesis Say about Female Sexuality?

By David W Freeman

October 7, 2010 / 12:56 PM EDT / CBS News

(CBS) What do young women today really think about sex? It's a question guys might not want to hear answered, if a "senior thesis" by recent college grad Karen Owen is any indication.

The mock thesis, subtitled "Excelling in the Realm of Horizontal Academics," features lots of stuffy academic language - but it's actually a brutally frank kiss-and-tell about the physical attributes and sexual prowess of 13 male students Owen claims to have hooked up with.

The PowerPoint presentation includes a bar chart showing the overall rankings of her sexual conquests and photos of the men in question - many from the Duke lacrosse team. Points were awarded on the basis of physical attractiveness, sexual skills and creativity, aggressiveness, humor, and athletic ability.

Oh yes, and on "the length and girth of the subjects' hardware."

The paper is now a viral sensation online. What do sex therapists make of it?

"Men have engaged in this sort of behavior for time immemorial," says Dr. Ian Kerner , the author of "She Comes First." Now here is a woman who feels empowered to rate and rank men in much the same way. It's giving men a dose of their own medicine."

Kerner says men have been telling tales of their exploits since the dawn of time. But is turnabout fair play?

Kerner doesn't think so. He says Owen's "f*** list" reflects the coarsening of sexual mores among young people, as well as the perils of social media.

Owen reportedly intended the paper to be seen only by friends and has since said she is deeply sorry.

"I regret it with all my heart," she told, "I would never intentionally hurt the people that are mentioned on that."

That point seems especially pertinent, given the the recent apparent suicide of Rutgers University student Tyler Clementi, whose roommate had posted a video of him making out with a man.

Then again, says Kerner, Owen deserves some credit for including emotional and intellectual attributes in her ranking system. A similar ranking system developed by a man might not include humor or intelligence, he says.

"It would start with breast and butt and maybe eyes," says Kerner, and go straight downhill from there.

Can't we all just get along?


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Duke University Graduate Karen Owen Pens Sex Life Thesis

Duke graduate Karen Owen saw her so-called thesis on sex go viral.

Oct. 8, 2010 &#151; -- If Internet users were grading Duke University graduate Karen Owen's thesis on her active sex life, she'd likely get an 'A' for attention to detail.

Owen has become a much-discussed topic on blogs, Web sites and even morning shows after her so-called thesis, chronicling her sexual escapades during her undergraduate years at Duke, went public.

The 42-page PowerPoint presentation titled, "An Education Beyond the Classroom: Excelling in the Realm of Horizontal Academics," ranked 13 men Owen was sexually involved with during college, according to their physical attractiveness, athletic ability and talent -- in the bedroom.

The thesis was reportedly e-mailed by Owen to only a few of her close friends. But after one of those friends forwarded the document, and then that recipient did the same, the document soon went viral, first appearing on the blog

Now, Owen is an Internet legacy for her description of picking up student athletes at Durham, N.C., bars, and what happened behind closed doors.

According to the PowerPoint that was obtained by in full, Owen gave bonus points to sexual partners who had an "Australian accent and/or professional surfing skills." Points were deducted for rudeness, she wrote.

Owen wrote that her project was spurred, after one of the men included in her project, texted her to ask how "he ranked on her f**k list." What followed was a detailed list of everything from memorable moments to the pros and cons of each of her conquests.

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There Is Life After Campus Infamy

How five people recovered — or vanished — after intense scrutiny at an early age.

By Lux Alptraum

From the earliest days of college coeducation, women on campus have been subjected to scrutiny. Only since the advent of blogs and social media, however, have average Janes been transformed into viral causes célèbres overnight.

Below, a survey of female and non-binary students who got more attention than they bargained for, and how they’ve fared since leaving school.

Jennifer Ringley

Age: 41. alma mater: dickinson college. major: economics..

Controversy : In 1996, Ms. Ringley, then 19, stumbled upon a new technology known as the webcam. As she began exploring its possibilities, she accidentally innovated an entirely new genre of entertainment: one in which ordinary people broadcast their lives to a captive audience of strangers.

Although Ms. Ringley’s project, Jennicam, was low-fi by today’s standards — a still photo set in her dorm room refreshed every 15 minutes — it quickly found an international audience.

Aftermath: Ms. Ringley kept Jennicam going even after she graduated, and as the internet grew, so did her audience. By 1998 she was a full-fledged media darling, appearing on “This American Life” and “The Late Show With David Letterman.”

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  22. Theses & Dissertations

    Outside of Duke. Obtain by requesting through Interlibrary Requests; Online: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (Duke login required) Theses or dissertations written by students at non-American schools: contact the subject librarian for the region. Submitting a Thesis or Dissertation. Find policies and procedures on The Graduate School site; For ...

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