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मेरो देश नेपाल बारे निबन्ध | Essay on my country nepal in nepali

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Nepali Essay Topics Lists | Nibandha Lekhan

Nepali essay topics, nibandha lekhan

Here I have put some Nepali essays (nibandha) which are frequently asked in exams:

Here are your tips to write an essay.

Here is the topic list of Nepali Essay :

1 नेपाल

2 मेरो देश

3 सगरमाथा

4 मेरो देश मेरो गौरव

5 नेपालको राष्ट्रिय झण्डा

6 नेपालको राष्ट्रिय जनवार

7 तिज

8 दशैँ

9 तिहार

10 होली

11 नेपाली चाडपर्वहरु

12 नेपालको सस्कृति

13 पुस्तकालय

14 गाउँले जीवन

15 सहरिया जीवन

16 शिक्षाको महत्व

17 मेरि आमा

18 मेरो बुबा

19 मेरो परिवार

20 मेरो मिल्ने साथी

21 मेरो विद्यालय

22 मेरो घर

23 मेरो गाउँ

24 पानीको महत्व

25 हाम्रो स्वास्थ्य

26 स्वास्थ्य नै धन हो

27 वाताबरण

28 विधार्थी जीवन

29 अनुशासन

30 विधार्थी जीवनमा अनुशासनको महत्व

31 भ्रष्टाचार

32 लोकतन्त्र

33 प्राविधिक शिक्षाको महत्व

34 विज्ञान र प्रबिधि

35 संचार प्रविधि

36 सरस्वती पुजा

37 गाईको बारेमा निबन्ध

38 कुकुर बारेमा निबन्ध

39 महिला हिंसा

40 मेरो जन्मस्थान

41 फूलबारी

42 इन्टरनेट

43 मोबाइल

44 टेलिभिजन

45 फुटवल

46 क्रिकेट

47 मेरो जीवनको लक्ष्य

48 नेपालको विकाशमा पर्यटनको महत्व

49 प्राकृतिक स्रोतहरु

50 मनपर्ने खेल

51 मनपर्ने खानेकुरा

52 नेपालको राजनीतिक अवस्था

53 वायु प्रदूषण

54 नेपालको भौगोलिक अवस्था

Also read:   मेरो विद्यालय।

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Culture and Traditions of Nepal: A Journey Through the Heart of Nepalese Heritage

Article 12 Feb 2023 4976 0

Living Goddess Kumari

Nepal is a country steeped in rich cultural heritage and traditions. With a unique blend of Hindu and Buddhist influences, Nepalese culture is a vibrant and colorful tapestry of festivals, customs, music, and art. In this article, we'll explore the diverse cultural landscape of Nepal, from its religious roots to the unique traditions of its ethnic groups.

A Brief History of Nepal and its Cultural Influences

Nepal has a long and storied history, with influences from Hindu and Buddhist cultures and the presence of various ethnic groups. The country was ruled by a Hindu monarchy until the late 18th century, when it became a Hindu state. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Buddhism gained popularity, and today both religions coexist in Nepal. This fusion of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs and practices has shaped the country's culture and traditions.

Nepal is a landlocked country located in South Asia and is bordered by India and Tibet (China). Its history is rich and diverse, with cultural influences from the Hindu and Buddhist religions. The country has been ruled by various dynasties and kingdoms throughout its history, and its culture has been shaped by these influences as well as by its geographic location and contact with neighboring countries.

The earliest inhabitants of Nepal were likely animist tribes who worshipped nature and natural elements. Over time, Hinduism and Buddhism were introduced to the country, and these religions have played a major role in shaping its culture and traditions. Nepal was officially declared a Hindu kingdom in the 19th century, but the influence of Buddhism has remained strong, particularly in the northern regions of the country.

Today, Nepal is a diverse country with many different ethnic and cultural groups, each with its own unique customs and traditions. Despite this diversity, there is a strong sense of national identity in Nepal, and its people take great pride in their cultural heritage.

Overview of the Major Religions in Nepal and Their Impact on the Country's Culture and Traditions

The majority of Nepalese people practice Hinduism, and it is the dominant religion in the country. Hinduism has had a profound impact on Nepalese culture and traditions, with many customs, festivals, and rituals being rooted in this religion. The festivals of Dashain and Tihar, for example, are celebrated by Hindus in Nepal and are closely tied to Hindu mythology.

Buddhism is also widely practiced in Nepal, particularly in the northern regions of the country. The Kathmandu Valley is home to many Buddhist monasteries, and the Stupa of Swayambhunath is one of the most important Buddhist pilgrimage sites in the world. Buddhism has influenced Nepalese culture in many ways, including the traditional art and architecture of the country.

Traditional Festivals and Celebrations

Nepal is a country with many colorful and vibrant traditional festivals and celebrations. Some of the most important and widely celebrated festivals include:

  • Dashain: Dashain is the biggest and most important festival in Nepal and is celebrated by Hindus across the country. The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil and is marked by feasting, dancing, and the exchange of gifts. The festival lasts for 15 days, and families come together to participate in the celebrations.
  • Tihar: Tihar is another major festival in Nepal, and it is also celebrated by Hindus. The festival is also known as the Festival of Lights, and it is marked by the lighting of oil lamps and the decoration of homes with flowers and other decorations. During the festival, families come together to offer prayers, sing songs, and exchange gifts.
  • Holi: Holi is a spring festival that is celebrated by Hindus and is known as the Festival of Colors. The festival is marked by the throwing of colored powders and the singing of traditional songs. Holi is a time of joy and celebration and is a time when people put aside their differences and come together to celebrate.
  • Gai Jatra: Gai Jatra is a traditional festival that is celebrated by the Newar community in Kathmandu. The festival is a time of celebration and remembrance, and it involves the procession of people dressed in cow costumes. The festival is believed to bring comfort to the families of those who have died in the previous year.

These are just a few of the many traditional festivals and celebrations that take place in Nepal. Each festival has its own unique customs and traditions, and they serve as an important part of the country's cultural heritage.

Unique Customs and Traditions of the Ethnic Groups in Nepal

Nepal is home to a rich tapestry of ethnic groups, each with their own unique customs and traditions. These ethnic groups are an important part of Nepalese culture and contribute to the country's diverse heritage.

  • Gurungs: The Gurungs are an ethnic group native to the western region of Nepal and are known for their hospitality and bravery. They have a rich tradition of music and dance and are famous for the Ghantu dance, which is performed during festivals and celebrations. The Gurungs are also known for their traditional woven textiles and handicrafts, which are popular among tourists visiting Nepal.
  • Tamangs: The Tamangs are an ethnic group native to the central region of Nepal and are known for their rich cultural heritage. They have a tradition of storytelling, passed down from generation to generation, and are famous for their unique instruments like the Madal drum. The Tamangs also have a rich tradition of metalwork, including the creation of traditional knives and other tools.
  • Newars: The Newars are an ethnic group native to the Kathmandu Valley and are known for their elaborate wood carvings, metalwork, and traditional festivals. The Newars have a rich history, dating back to the time of the ancient kingdoms in the Kathmandu Valley, and are known for their distinctive architecture and art. The Newars are also famous for their traditional food, which is a fusion of Nepalese, Tibetan, and Indian cuisine.

The customs and traditions of each of these ethnic groups add to the rich cultural heritage of Nepal and provide a unique insight into the country's diverse history. From the traditional music and dance of the Gurungs to the intricate wood carvings of the Newars, each ethnic group offers a unique glimpse into the customs and traditions of Nepal.

An examination of how modern Nepalese society is impacting traditional cultural practices

With the advancement of technology and globalization, modern Nepalese society has brought about changes to traditional cultural practices. The younger generation is becoming more westernized, and traditional customs and beliefs are slowly being replaced by modern ideas. For instance, the younger generation is more likely to celebrate Western holidays like Christmas, rather than traditional festivals like Dashain and Tihar.

Additionally, with the rise of urbanization, many rural Nepalese are moving to cities, and as a result, traditional practices are being lost. Many of the younger generation do not have access to or the opportunity to learn traditional practices from their elders. The influence of modern society has also led to a decline in traditional crafts like wood carving and metalwork.

However, the Nepalese government and cultural organizations are taking steps to preserve and promote traditional cultural practices. The preservation of cultural heritage is seen as an important aspect of Nepalese identity and is necessary for the continuation of traditional practices.

"Nepal has a rich cultural heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation. It is our responsibility to preserve and promote these traditions so that they can continue to be a part of our identity," says a cultural expert from Nepal.

Preservation and promotion of Nepalese culture and traditions

The preservation and promotion of Nepalese culture and traditions are crucial for ensuring the longevity and relevance of this rich cultural heritage. There are several organizations and initiatives aimed at promoting Nepalese culture and traditions, both domestically and internationally.

For instance, the National Museum of Nepal, located in Kathmandu, serves as a hub for showcasing the country's cultural heritage through its exhibits and cultural programs. The museum works to preserve traditional Nepalese artifacts and promote the country's cultural heritage to both domestic and international audiences.

Similarly, the Nepalese government, along with local communities, have been working to preserve traditional festivals and celebrations. For example, the Gai Jatra festival in Kathmandu has been officially recognized as an important cultural event and is protected by the government, ensuring its continuation for future generations.

In addition to these efforts, cultural exchange programs have been established between Nepal and other countries, promoting the country's unique traditions and customs globally. The Gurkha Museum in Winchester, England, for example, showcases the cultural heritage of the Gurkha soldiers and their contributions to the British Army.

Moreover, there are numerous non-government organizations that are working to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of Nepal. These organizations aim to raise awareness about Nepalese culture and traditions, particularly among the younger generation, to ensure that these customs and traditions continue to be passed down from one generation to the next.

In conclusion, Nepal is a country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage that is shaped by its history, religion, and traditions. From the elaborate wood carvings of the Newars to the traditional festivals and celebrations of Dashain, Tihar, and Holi, Nepalese culture is a tapestry of fascinating customs, practices, and art forms. With a focus on preservation and promotion, Nepalese culture will continue to thrive and provide a unique and rich experience for future generations.

"Nepalese culture is like a treasure trove, with something new to discover at every turn. It is our duty to preserve and promote it, so that future generations can experience and appreciate its richness and diversity," says cultural historian, Dr. Bhagat Singh.

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Is Humanities In Decline ?


Humanity is a term having multiple meanings, ranging from a virtue linked with altruism to a discipline of systematic studies. In one sense, it refers to ethics, love, compassion, kind feelings, fairness and justice in attitudes towards all human beings. In another sense, it refers to the entire human race. It is a word for the qualities that make us human as opposed to irrational animals, with such ability as to be creative and critical, not simply be a robot machine or an alien being existing in a different world from that of humans. This article, however, focuses on humanities, a collective discipline of studies that supposedly inculcate the sense of humanity in all humans that would make all citizens imbued with advanced civilization and culture. 

It seems that we are heading towards a place different from what our earlier sages had envisaged. The religious leaders of all religions in all ages and places tried to inculcate the notion of virtue and vice into the minds of millions. Their concept of heaven and hell created two worlds where the virtuous would be allowed to go straight in heaven whereas the wicked would be doomed to hell. Despite a wide ranging impact of the concept of heaven and hell, millions of people on earth are in pursuit of happiness on here and now. In explanation of most religious leaders, there would be no place on earth where humans would create a heaven. 

Ideal republic 

In ancient Greece, however, Plato envisioned an ideal republic where all citizens would be enlightened and there would be a philosopher king to rule the enlightened citizens. His dictum was the best ruler is one who is the most reluctant to rule. This concept of the philosopher king in an ideal republic never came to this world despite its dire need. In the present world situation we can find the opposite of it. Even under democracies, many political actors are willing to get to power by any unfair means. In the eighteenth century Europe, another idea of an ideal world emerged. According to the eighteenth century philosophers, all humans would be rational. Their ideal world would be based on the notion of conscience, wisdom, and ethics. Human mind, therefore, should be at the center of all to create an ideal world.  

These egalitarian principles did not come true even in the nineteenth century. In mid nineteenth century there came a veteran materialistic German philosopher named Karl Marx (1848) who propounded a concept of communism where the proletariat would be the rulers after winning the battle against the bourgeoisie. His staunch follower Lenin tried to put this principle into practice in Russia, which unfortunately did not last for even a single century. At present the Chinese government claims that they are practicing socialism which too is not without controversy. It is thus difficult to precisely say what is in essence. 

The present world situation seems to be the opposite of what the philosophers envisioned.  Civilization seems to turn into decadence. The subsistence economy is turning into commercialism. Production industries are becoming weapon manufacturing factories. Green economy has been a utopia. Good governance has become a mere slogan. Joy has turned into sorrow, pleasure into pain, comfort into trouble, and hope into despair. Thomas Jefferson’s concept of the pursuit of happiness (1776) has turned into Sisyphus’s futile struggle. People of the third world countries are moving to the first world in pursuit of happiness but they are running after the job for bare livelihood in the new land. It seems humanity is degenerating. It looks like we are heading nowhere. Something has gone wrong and we have gone awry somewhere. There is no substantial evidence to claim that that we are in the right direction.

What is to blame for all these mishappenings? Nobody is to blame individually. As a longtime experienced person in educational field, I would like to blame the educational system which at present seems to be ignoring human science education. It was once assumed that life transforming education was human science. Even a half century before in Nepal, higher education essentially meant human science education. Today we are experiencing an alternative trend in understanding the mainstream education as technical education. No one can deny the significance of technical education in the changed context. 

But what is rather unnatural is we are running after technical education ignoring the value of human science education. If a fallacious understanding of this kind continues, nothing can be more unfortunate than this. In higher education, human sciences are academic disciplines that study different aspects of human society and culture, human condition, and the relation between life and the universe. This stream of education includes such disciplines as history, culture, anthropology, religion, language, literature, art and the like. These are the basic academic discipline that started centuries ago and are still continuing in many universities across the world, if only without a discernible focus in the present century. 


Despite the lack of uniformity in views about what is education for, one purpose of human science education is quite understandable – education is for transformation of human life. Human science education transforms human life through knowledge and wisdom that educationists are trying to educate with throughout history. Many higher education institutions are focusing on knowledge apparently ignoring the wisdom which is closely connected with knowledge. 

The education authorities should understand that technical education focuses only on knowledge without due weight to wisdom. Albert Einstein disseminated unequalled knowledge, most notably physical science. But unfortunately the users of that knowledge manufactured life-threatening nuclear weapons which devastated human civilisation as byproduct of technical education. Not to blame him for his contribution to the field of science, his knowledge nevertheless seemed to ignore wisdom that would only save human civilization of ages and ages. It is thus essential to understand that knowledge without wisdom is lopsided the latter of which seems to be ignored in the current educational system, so educational authorities should place equal weightage to both human science and technical education.

(The author is the chairman of Molung Foundation. [email protected])

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Humility (Essay) Summary


by Yuval Noah Harari

About the author

Prof. Yuval Noah Harari is a historian, philosopher, and the bestselling author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, and Sapiens: A Graphic History. He is a Co-founder of Sapienship, a multidisciplinary organization advocating for global responsibility whose mission is to clarify the public conversation, support the quest for solutions and focus attention on the most important challenges facing the world today. He is now a lecturer in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Harari exemplifies the virtue of humility in that he debunks humanity’s illusions of superiority and mastery. He claims morality, art, spirituality and creativity are universal human abilities embedded in our DNA.

The essay Humility is written by a renowned essayist of Jerusalem, Yuval Yuval Noah Harari. In this essay he exemplifies the virtue of humility in that he debunks humanity’s illusions of superiority and mastery. He claims morality, art, spirituality and creativity are universal human abilities embedded in our DNA.

In this essay, the essayist exemplifies the virtue of  humility , which can be defined as “ a recognition of the real limits of our techno-social knowledge and ability” , in that he debunks humanity’s illusions of superiority and mastery. Harari tells us that humility is a quality that most cultures lack. Most of the people tend to believe that they are the centre of the word and their culture is linchpin of human history.

Greeks believe that history began with Homer, Sophocles and Plato, and that all important ideas and inventions were born in Athens, Sparta, Alexandria or Constantinople. There are Indians that believe that the invention of airplanes and nuclear bombs were invented by ancient sages in the Indian subcontinent long before Confucius or Plato, not to mention Einstein and the Wright brothers. The Jews believe that monotheism should be credited to them and that they are a significant group in the world – the top three religions. But there are only 15 million Jews and there is no reason to think that they should be considered more important than the Hindu religion that has far more followers.

Each group believes itself to be the center of the of the universe and the inventor of the most important philosophies and contributions. But no group is truly unique – some form of their philosophy and beliefs has existed before them. The religions that survived are those that were the most violent – they managed to convert the largest number of populations to their belief. For example, the Biblical phrase that Jews take credit for “love thy neighbour as thyself” has appeared before in China. Similarly, monotheism can be traced back to Egypt and is not originally Jewish. Monotheism has contributed to catastrophise in the world and one should not be proud for having invented it. Christianity a few centuries after its inception banned all religions except for the Jewish religion although many Jews were still persecuted, while Islam today considers all history prior to Mohammed to be irrelevant.

The Chinese nationalists believe that many great ideas originated in their culture. The Jews believe that they are the chosen people, and that the gentiles are not equal to them in importance according to God. While some sages have called for religious tolerance, the prevailing trend throughout history has always been to persecute those who have different beliefs. And this is ironically the same self-centeredness that most religions have warned against.

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Essay on Nepali Culture

Students are often asked to write an essay on Nepali Culture in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Nepali Culture

Introduction to nepali culture.

Nepali culture is like a beautiful garden with many kinds of flowers. It is a mix of traditions, values, and customs. This culture comes from the people of Nepal, a country in South Asia. It is known for its mountains, like Mount Everest, and its history.

Language and Religion

In Nepal, many people speak Nepali, but there are over 120 other languages too. Religion is important, with Hinduism and Buddhism being the most followed. Many festivals come from these religions, which people celebrate with joy.

Festivals and Food

Nepali festivals are colorful and full of life. Dashain and Tihar are the biggest ones. People eat special foods, play music, and enjoy dances. The food in Nepal is tasty and includes dishes like dal bhat (rice and lentils) and momo (dumplings).

Traditional Clothing

In Nepal, traditional clothes are worn with pride. Men wear a daura-suruwal and women wear a sari or kurta. These clothes are often made with bright colors and fine materials, showing the beauty of Nepali handwork.

Art and Music

250 words essay on nepali culture.

Nepali culture is like a beautiful garden with many kinds of flowers. It is rich with traditions, festivals, music, and dances. Nepal is a country in South Asia, home to the tall Mount Everest and many other mountains. The people living there come from different backgrounds and speak many languages, but they all share the culture of Nepal.

Festivals and Celebrations

One of the most important parts of Nepali culture is festivals. Dashain is the biggest festival where families come together, enjoy food, and children get gifts. Tihar, another festival, is when people light up their homes with candles and lamps. They also honor animals like crows, dogs, and cows. These festivals show how Nepalese people love family, nature, and animals.

Food in Nepal

The food of Nepal is tasty and unique. Dal Bhat, which is rice and lentil soup, is a common meal. Momos, which are like dumplings filled with meat or vegetables, are very popular too. The food is not just about eating; it is a way for families to sit together and share their day.

In Nepal, people wear special clothes that are part of their culture. Men often wear a dress called Daura-Suruwal and a cap named Dhaka Topi. Women wear beautiful long skirts called Gunyu Cholo. These clothes are not just for daily wear but also for special occasions to show respect to their culture.

In conclusion, Nepali culture is full of life, colors, and joy. It brings people together through festivals, food, and clothing. Even though it has many different parts, they all fit together to make the culture of Nepal special and interesting for everyone, especially for students learning about new places in the world.

500 Words Essay on Nepali Culture

In Nepal, many languages are spoken. Nepali is the main language, but people also speak Maithili, Bhojpuri, and dozens of other languages. This shows how diverse the country is. Religion is a big part of life in Nepal. Most people follow Hinduism or Buddhism. The two religions mix in many ways, showing respect and peace among the people.

Nepal is known for its colorful festivals. Dashain is the biggest festival. It is a time when families come together, share food, and give blessings. Tihar, also known as the festival of lights, is another important celebration. People light up their homes and honor animals like dogs and cows. These festivals show the joy and kindness in Nepali culture.

Food and Cuisine

The clothes in Nepal are bright and beautiful. Women often wear sarees or a long skirt called a ‘gunyu cholo’. Men wear a ‘daura suruwal’, which is a shirt and trousers with a Nepali style. These clothes are worn with pride, especially during festivals and important events. They are a symbol of the Nepali way of life.

Music and Dance

Music and dance are important in Nepal. They tell stories of the land and its people. Traditional instruments like the ‘madal’ and ‘sarangi’ make music that touches the heart. Folk dances are performed during festivals. They are full of energy and smiles, showing the happiness of the Nepali spirit.

Arts and Crafts

Nepali culture is a wonderful mix of people, traditions, and nature. It is like a colorful painting that tells a story of harmony and friendship. The culture is deep and alive, touching everyone who experiences it. It is a treasure that the people of Nepal share with the world, and it makes the country a special place full of warmth and beauty.

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Essay on Humanity

500 words essay on humanity.

When we say humanity, we can look at it from a lot of different perspectives. One of the most common ways of understanding is that it is a value of kindness and compassion towards other beings. If you look back at history, you will find many acts of cruelty by humans but at the same time, there are also numerous acts of humanity. An essay on humanity will take us through its meaning and importance.

essay on humanity

Importance of Humanity

As humans are progressing as a human race into the future, the true essence of humanity is being corrupted slowly. It is essential to remember that the acts of humanity must not have any kind of personal gain behind them like fame, money or power.

The world we live in today is divided by borders but the reach we can have is limitless. We are lucky enough to have the freedom to travel anywhere and experience anything we wish for. A lot of nations fight constantly to acquire land which results in the loss of many innocent lives.

Similarly, other humanitarian crisis like the ones in Yemen, Syria, Myanmar and more costs the lives of more than millions of people. The situation is not resolving anytime soon, thus we need humanity for this.

Most importantly, humanity does not just limit to humans but also caring for the environment and every living being. We must all come together to show true humanity and help out other humans, animals and our environment to heal and prosper.

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The Great Humanitarians

There are many great humanitarians who live among us and also in history. To name a few, we had Mother Teresa , Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana and more. These are just a few of the names which almost everyone knows.

Mother Teresa was a woman who devoted her entire life to serving the poor and needy from a nation. Rabindranath Tagore was an Indian poet who truly believed in humanity and considered it his true religion.

Similarly, Nelson Mandela was a great humanitarian who worked all his life for those in needs. He never discriminated against any person on the basis of colour, sex, creed or anything.

Further, Mahatma Gandhi serves as a great example of devoting his life to free his country and serve his fellow countrymen. He died serving the country and working for the betterment of his nation. Thus, we must all take inspiration from such great people.

The acts and ways of these great humanitarians serve as a great example for us now to do better in our life. We must all indulge in acts of giving back and coming to help those in need. All in all, humanity arises from selfless acts of compassion.

Conclusion of the Essay on Humanity

As technology and capitalism are evolving at a faster rate in this era, we must all spread humanity wherever possible. When we start practising humanity, we can tackle many big problems like global warming, pollution , extinction of animals and more.

FAQ of Essay on Humanity

Question 1: What is the importance of humanity?

Answer 1: Humanity refers to caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible. It means helping others at times when they need that help the most. It is important as it helps us forget our selfish interests at times when others need our help.

Question 2: How do we show humanity?

Answer 2: All of us are capable of showing humanity. It can be through acknowledging that human beings are equal, regardless of gender, sex, skin colour or anything. We must all model genuine empathy and show gratitude to each other and express respect and humility.

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✍️Essay on Humanity in 100 to 300 Words

humanity essay in nepali

  • Updated on  
  • Oct 26, 2023

Essay on Humanity

Humanity could be understood through different perspectives. Humanity refers to acts of kindness, care, and compassion towards humans or animals. Humanity is the positive quality of human beings. This characteristic involves the feeling of love, care, reason, decision, cry, etc. Our history reveals many acts of inhuman and human behaviour. Such acts differentiate the good and the bad. Some of the key characteristics of Humanity are intelligence, creativity , empathy and compassion. Here are some sample essay on Humanity that will tell about the importance and meaning of Humanity!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Humanity 100 Words
  • 2.1 Importance of Humanity 

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Essay on Humanity 100 Words

Humanity is the sum of all the qualities that make us human. We should seek inspiration from the great humanitarians from our history like Mahatma Gandhi , Nelson Mandela , Mother Teresa , and many more. They all devoted their life serving the cause of humanity. Their tireless efforts for the betterment of the needy make the world a better place. 

In a world suffering from a humanitarian crisis, there is an urgent need to raise awareness about the works of humanitarians who died serving for a noble cause. World Humanitarian Day is celebrated on 19 August every year to encourage humanity. 

Here are some examples of humanity:

  • Firefighters risking their lives to save someone stuck in a burning building.
  • Raising voices for basic human rights.
  • Blood donation to save lives is also an example of humanity.
  • A doctor volunteering to work in a war zone.

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Essay on Humanity 300 Words

Humanity is the concept that lies at the core of our existence. It contains the essence of what makes us humans. It encompasses our capacity for empathy, compassion, and understanding, and it is a driving force behind our progress as a species. In a world often characterized by division and war, the essence of humanity shines as a ray of hope, reminding us of our shared values and aspirations.

One of the defining characteristics of humanity is our ability to empathize with others. Empathy allows us to connect with people on a profound level, to feel their joys and sorrows, and to provide support in times of need. It bridges the gaps that might otherwise separate us, creating a sense of unity in the face of adversity. Even comforting a friend in distress is a sign of humanity. 

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Importance of Humanity 

Compassion is the fundamental element of humanity. It is the driving force behind acts of kindness, charity, and selflessness. Humanity is important to protect cultural, religious, and geographical boundaries, as it is a universal language understood by all.

When we extend some help to those in need out of humanity, we affirm our commitment to the well-being of others and demonstrate our shared responsibility for the betterment of society.

Humanity balances out the evil doings in the world. It creates a better world for all to reside. Humanity is the foundation of the existence of humans because it makes us what we are and differentiate us from other living organism who do not possess the ability to think and feel. It is a testament to our potential for progress and unity.

In conclusion, humanity, with its pillars of empathy, compassion, and understanding, serves as a guiding light in a complex and divided world. These qualities remind us that, despite our differences, we are all part of the human family. 

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Humanity is a complex characteristic of any human being. It includes the ability of a person to differentiate between good and bad and to show sympathy and shared connections as human beings. The human race can win any war be it harsh climatic conditions, pandemic, economic crisis, etc, if they have humanity towards each other. Humans have the potential to solve problems and make the world a better place for all.

An essay on humanity should be started with an introduction paragraph stating the zest of the complete essay. It should include the meaning of humanity. You need to highlight the positive characteristics of the act of humanity and how it can work for the betterment of society.

Humanity is very important because this characteristic of human beings makes the world a better place to live. It is what makes us humans. Humanity is the feeling of care and compassion towards other beings and gives us the ability to judge between right and wrong.

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  • Essay On Humanity

Essay on Humanity

Humanity definition.

Humanity is a cumulative term used for all human beings, showing sympathy, empathy, love and treating others with respect. The term humanity is used to describe the act of kindness and compassion towards others. It is one of the unique things that differentiates us from animals. It is a value that binds all of us. A human being requires a gentle heart to show empathy with others.

We as human beings are creative, and with our will and hard work, we can achieve anything in our life. When we reach something in our life, it is considered a milestone of the human race. The value of humanity should be included in academics in schools for a better future.

Humanity can be defined as unconditional love for all human beings irrespective of gender, caste, religion, etc., and it also includes love for plants and animals. The most significant humanitarian dedicates their life serving the poor and needy, which individuals can provide in their lifetime. Serving the impoverished means you are thinking about others more than yourself. If you are capable enough, you must help the poor and needy. It is a sign of good humanitarianism.

Importance of Humanity

As humans, our race is progressing into the future, due to which the true essence of humanity is being corrupted. We should remember that the acts of society should not be involved with our gain, like money, power or fame. Our world, where we inhabit, is divided by borders, but we are fortunate to have the freedom to travel anywhere in this world. A few countries or nations are in the constant process of acquiring land, which results in the loss of many innocent human lives.

Countries like Syria, Yemen, Myanmar and many more have lost many innocent lives. These countries face a crisis, and the situation is still not resolved. In these countries, there is no humanity, but we need it to tackle the ongoing problems. We all should come forward to show true humanity by helping the poor and needy and also for birds, animals, etc. Society will heal and make our environment prosperous.

The Great Humanitarians

While going through our history, we get to know about many humanitarians who used to live among us. These names are well-known personalities that almost everyone knows. A few examples are Nelson Mandala, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, etc.

Mahatma Gandhi, popularly known as the Father of the Nation, is a great example who devoted his entire life to free his country from the British rulers. He lost his life serving the nation and working to better the nation. Thus, he is a great inspiration for all humans.

Another inspiration is Nelson Mandela, a great humanitarian who served the poor and needy of the nation. The great poet Rabindranath Tagore truly believed in humanity.

These famous humanitarians’ acts and ways are great examples for today’s generation to help the poor and needy. As good human beings, we should indulge in acts of kindness and giving back. Humanity is all about selfless acts of compassion.

Conclusion of the Essay on Humanity

The happiest man on this planet is one who serves humanity. Real happiness is the inner satisfaction you can get from society; no matter how rich you are, you can’t buy inner happiness.

All religions teach us about humanity, love, and peace in this world. You don’t need to be a rich person to showcase your humanity. Anyone can show their humanity by helping and sharing things with the poor. It can be anything like money, food, clothes, shelter, etc.

But humans have always indulged in acts that defy humanity, but as a generation, we have to rise and strive to live in a world where everybody is living a fair life. And we can attain it through acts of humanity.

An essay on humanity will be of great help while writing an essay. The correct method of writing an essay will help them to crack their exam with flying colours. Students can also visit our BYJU’S website to get more CBSE Essays , question papers, sample papers, etc.

Frequently asked Questions on Humanity Essay

What is the meaning of humanity.

Humanity refers to all the basic qualities that are expected to be exhibited by humans.

Why is humanity important in one’s life?

As a human being, helping and lending support to fellow human beings is an important aspect.

Name some humanitarians who changed the world.

Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi are some humanitarians who changed the world with their actions and are still remembered today.

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    आज मेरो देश नेपाल बारे निबन्ध (essay on my country nepal in nepali) कक्षा ५, ६, ७, ८, ९, १०, ११ र १२ का लागि 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 शब्दमा छन ।

  7. Nepali Essay Topics Lists

    Do not make the body of the essay lengthy or monotonous. 12. Do not repeat the same thing, the same words time and again. 13. Conclude the essay in short in one paragraph including the main points that support the topic of the essay. Here is the topic list of Nepali Essay: 1 नेपाल. 2 मेरो देश.

  8. प्रकृति र हाम्रो जीवन एक निबन्ध Nature and our Life Essay Writing in Nepali

    प्रकृति र हाम्रो जीवन एक निबन्ध । Essay Writing on Nature is our life. Easy writing for students.https://youtu ...

  9. Culture and Traditions of Nepal: Heart of Nepalese Heritage

    Nepal is a country with a rich cultural heritage, blending Hindu and Buddhist influences and reflecting the presence of various ethnic groups. The country has a long history, with cultural influences from Hinduism and Buddhism and ruled by different dynasties and kingdoms. The majority of Nepalese people practice Hinduism, with Buddhism being ...

  10. Is Humanities In Decline

    Humanity is a term having multiple meanings, ranging from a virtue linked with altruism to a discipline of systematic studies. In one sense, it refers to ethics, love, compassion, kind feelings, fairness and justice in attitudes towards all human ... Even a half century before in Nepal, higher education essentially meant human science education ...

  11. Humility (Essay) Summary

    Summary. The essay Humility is written by a renowned essayist of Jerusalem, Yuval Yuval Noah Harari. In this essay he exemplifies the virtue of humility in that he debunks humanity's illusions of superiority and mastery. He claims morality, art, spirituality and creativity are universal human abilities embedded in our DNA.

  12. Writing essays: Motives, Processes and Structures (in Nepali)

    This paper in the Nepali language explores motives, processes and structures for writing creative essays. This research examines English language and literature essays written by First Year students of the English Department at Dhaka University (Bangladesh) using multi-method genre analysis. The first method used was text analysis.

  13. Essay on Nepali Culture

    250 Words Essay on Nepali Culture Introduction to Nepali Culture. Nepali culture is like a beautiful garden with many kinds of flowers. It is rich with traditions, festivals, music, and dances. Nepal is a country in South Asia, home to the tall Mount Everest and many other mountains. The people living there come from different backgrounds and ...

  14. Essay On Humanity in English for Students

    500 Words Essay On Humanity. When we say humanity, we can look at it from a lot of different perspectives. One of the most common ways of understanding is that it is a value of kindness and compassion towards other beings. If you look back at history, you will find many acts of cruelty by humans but at the same time, there are also numerous acts of humanity.

  15. ️Essay on Humanity in 100 to 300 Words

    Humanity could be understood through different perspectives. Humanity refers to acts of kindness, care, and compassion towards humans or animals. Humanity is the positive quality of human beings. This characteristic involves the feeling of love, care, reason, decision, cry, etc. Our history reveals many acts of inhuman and human behaviour.

  16. Essay on Environment in Nepali । Writing Environment Essay in Nepali

    Essay on Environment in Nepali । Writing Environment Essay in Nepali । वातावरण निबन्धपृथ्वीमा रहेका जीव ...

  17. OHCHR

    It is closely related to Hindi and the other languages of north India, and possesses a rich body of modern literature. Devanagari script is used. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is the leading United Nations entity in the field of human rights, with a unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights for all people.

  18. Translate essay about humanity in Nepali with examples

    Contextual translation of "essay about humanity" into Nepali. Human translations with examples: मानवता बारे निबन्ध. ... Results for essay about humanity translation from English to Nepali. API call; Human contributions. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation ...

  19. Nepali language

    Nepali (English: / n ɪ ˈ p ɔː l i /; [3] Devanagari: नेपाली, ) is an Indo-Aryan language native to the Himalayas region of South Asia.It is the official, and most widely spoken, language of Nepal, where it also serves as a lingua franca.Nepali has official status in the Indian state of Sikkim and in the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration of West Bengal.

  20. Human rights in Nepal

    Poverty is an ongoing detriment to human rights in Nepal. 42-45% of Nepalis are impoverished (surviving on income that falls beneath the poverty line) according to Parker (2013) and Paul (2012), while the 2014 Human Development Report for Nepal claims that 25% of Nepalese are in poverty. [5][7][8] The UN gives 64.7% as the proportion in ...

  21. Essay on Humanity For Students In English

    Humanity Definition. Humanity is a cumulative term used for all human beings, showing sympathy, empathy, love and treating others with respect. The term humanity is used to describe the act of kindness and compassion towards others. It is one of the unique things that differentiates us from animals. It is a value that binds all of us.

  22. Translate essay on humanity in nepal in Nepali in context

    Contextual translation of "essay on humanity in nepal" into Nepali. Human translations with examples: essay on nepal, नेपालमा कृषि निबन्ध.

  23. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.