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110 Top-Rated Invitational Speech Topics For Students

invitational speech topics

Table of Contents

Impressive invitational dialogue speech topics, fun invitational speech topics, good invitational speech topics in education, controversial topics for invitational speech, best invitational speech topics in environment, easy invitational speech topics in ethics, invitational rhetoric speech topics, topics for an invitational speech on laws.

Let us look at the invitational speech outline in brief, shall we?

It follows the typical essay structure with a hook introduction, a well-structured 3-5 body paragraph, and a memorable conclusion. To have a better grip on this, you can explore the numerous invitational speech examples available on our site.

Here is our expert-recommended invitational speech topics list for you:

  • How prepared are you for the coronavirus
  • Is the government’s hurricane preparedness effective at all?
  • Do you trust the airline safety measures already in place?
  • Is genetic engineering right for either animals or humans?
  • Why do you think the arms trade is still going on despite all the measures?
  • Are humans the sole beings to blame for global warming?
  • Are the conflicts in Africa going to end any time soon?
  • Is the growing human population a threat to existing resources?
  • How can lower age affect voting decisions?
  • Flag burning is not acceptable
  • Wearing masks make some people look like Zorro
  • Watching cartoons makes people lazy and crazy
  • Wearing trousers make women act bossy and classy
  • Why older men only play golf with big bellies
  • Sleeping too much is a character of pregnant ladies
  • Men are evil in the kitchen
  • Wearing masks is contributing to a high crime rate
  • Copying assignments is a character of most college students
  • Monkeys are the most thrilling wild animals to watch
  • Working from home adds to obesity
  • Students should have sessions where they teach others on a subject they are best on
  • Sign language should come in additional foreign languages
  • Cheating in exams should lead to automatic dismissal
  • Schools should have a standard dress code
  • The government should support students based on academic performance.
  • Students should not have mobile phones in school.
  • Pregnant students should be allowed to continue with their studies.
  • Hairstyles should not be allowed in schools.
  • Students should choose their courses independently.
  • Schools should offer one gender education.

What are some good controversial topics for an invitational speech? Let us explore some of them.

  • Gays and lesbians should not be legal
  • Parents should help their children choose marriage partners
  • Watching action movies leads to society violence
  • Politics is not a good option for anyone
  • Ladies can be heads of families too
  • Copying makes students lazy
  • Role models contribute to frustrations among many people
  • Female news anchors attract more audience than male
  • Coronavirus came from bat meat
  • Social media is not suitable for children
  • Recycling water helps conserve this valuable resource
  • Renewable energy technologies can be economically and politically viable
  • Human encroachment into the forest is dangerous
  • Safari-Rally motor races should use environmentally-friendly fuel.
  • Alternative energy sources should be of emphasis by governments.
  • Solar-powered vehicles help reduce environmental pollution.
  • Environmental offenders should face stringent penalties.
  • Eating vegetables helps save planet earth.
  • Marine vessels have increased water pollution
  • The environment is at rest when people work from home
  • Illegal logging should be criminal
  • Hunters contribute to the ecological cycle.
  • A paperless society would save the environment
  • Surgical masks are the next environmental hazard
  • Recycling companies should get more emphasis
  • Plastic surgery is exploitive
  • Science should not promote cloning
  • Wild animals should not be in homes
  • Population control should not involve killing
  • Self-esteem is essential for growth
  • Slaughtering donkeys and zebras are unethical
  • Human rights should be applied equally to the disabled
  • Workers should exercise honey at all times
  • Political assassinations are unethical
  • Selling of human organs should be illegal
  • Discrimination against women is unethical
  • Religion should be free
  • Surrogacy is not ethical
  • People should enjoy religious freedom
  • We shouldn’t eat dogs and snakes
  • The coronavirus is human-engineered
  • World wars are not justified
  • Terrorism deserves harsh punishment
  • Female genital mutilation kills
  • Violence destroys peace
  • Conspiracies destabilize countries
  • Global pandemics bring down economies
  • Body cremation is against many cultures
  • Money laundering is a threat to the economy
  • The death sentence should be applied
  • Power is dangerous
  • Nuclear weapons should be illegal
  • Corruption has derailed Africa
  • Modern colonialism is still prevalent
  • Cancer is a killer monster
  • Divorce should not be legal
  • Death penalty should exist for penal offenses
  • Women should have protection against domestic abuse
  • Aggressive behavior in schools should go to court
  • Changing gender should not be legalized
  • Drug peddlers should face a life sentence
  • Banks should have stringent money forgery penalties
  • Under 18’s should not be allowed to drive
  • Unpaid leaves are not legal during global pandemics
  • Defiling minors should lead to life imprisonment
  • People should retire at 60
  • Abortion should not be legal
  • The government should regulate product prices
  • Plagiarism should be tamed
  • Smoking should not be in the public
  • People should have permits to own animals
  • Murder trials should be for any age
  • All citizens should be allowed to vote
  • Refugees should have equal employment rights as others
  • Minors should not donate organs
  • Slavery is illegal
  • Prostitution is not legal
  • Owning firearms should be illegal
  • Children are not allowed to smoke
  • Driving while talking on the phone is illegal

You can always pick out a topic or writing an idea and try to write on it. Remember, with maximum practice, you can come up with your original invitational speaking topics.

However, if you are not able to do this, don’t you worry? Our professional writing experts will provide you with all the necessary writing and great topics to do for an invitational speech. Reach out to us today!

invitational speech topics for college students

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Secrets of Successful Invitational Speech Topics

The invitational tournament is one of the forms of communication. It is aimed at sharing personal ideas, values, and beliefs. Once taking a part in the tournament, the speaker must get into a dialog with the audience. Moreover, he needs to maintain this dialog.  Often, it gets really complicated dealing with complex topics and questions from the audience. Still, this type of speech is quite important and reveals very interesting topics.

There is no need to persuade your listeners and make them fully believe in what you are saying. You simply need to share your point of view. Your speaking must be aimed at revealing a certain subject, exploring the main points, and delivering important messages. Since it has proceeded like a challenge, you have to keep your audience interested in your arguments. Always bring up strong arguments and evidence. Moreover, be very polite when communicating. You must respect your audience. Be genuine with your listeners and make them get interested in your invitational speech.

Write a Great Invitational Speech

When preparing an invitational speech, everything matters. First, you need to come up with an interesting subject. Thus, you must conduct prior research before selecting a certain topic. Make sure to check every material on the topic. Use the latest and reliable sources. Write an outline to organize the speech properly. It will help you to reveal your topic once covering all the important elements. Be ready to impress your audience with interesting information.

You can make your invitational speech quite fascinating. Intrigue your listeners with interesting facts, important details, and new information. There are two ways of delivering a great invitational speech:

Picking up a Side

You can choose the side and explain why you prefer it. Use strong arguments, supporting evidence, and proper transitions. You need to ask the audience questions. Therefore, you must deal with their opinions once providing your personal point of view. Be polite and let your listeners explain their ideas. Discuss freely the topic and provide contra arguments. There is no need to persuade your audience, just make them understand your ideas.

Exploring a Hot Topic

Exploring a hot topic is a unique form of public speaking. It allows informing listeners with some hot aspects. You should provide valuable facts, important details, background information, figures, etc. You must help the listeners to understand the pros and cons of the subject. Stay transparent and honest with your audience. Share your knowledge with them. Let them join you in your thinking.

Top Invitational Speech Topics

Preparing great invitational speech topics can be difficult since you need to be well-aware of the subject. If you want to deal with the topic, analyze it first. You need to be ready for a discussion. Make short prior research looking for the latest and relevant sources and materials on the topic. It will help you with writing a strong speech.

  • Animal Testing: How to Make People Less Cruel
  • Airline Safety: New Challenges and Expectations
  • Arms Trade: How to Reduce Weapon Use in The World
  • Climate Change: Top Ways to Save a Planet
  • Conflicts in Africa: Reasons and Main Factors
  • Genetic Engineering: Moral Side of Phenomenon
  • Immigration Reform: Why to Keep a National Interests Above
  • Nuclear Power: The Ways to Prevent a Global Disaster
  • Pandemic Flu: How to Prevent a New Epidemic Horror
  • Natural Disaster Prevention Methods
  • War on Terrorism: Modern Measures
  • Wildlife Conversation: How to Save a Planet
  • Water Security: Danger of Poisoned Water
  • Lower Voting Age: Pros and Cons
  • Greenhouse Effect: How to Improve the World
  • Border Control: Where Set Ethical Measures
  • Censorship in the XXI Century: Reasons and Outcomes
  • Cyber Bullying: New Reality of Virtual World
  • Foreign Aid: What Humanitarian Campaigns Are About
  • Free Speech: How to Draw the Line

You free to use any of the provides topics or come up with your own. Just make the topic really appealing. Your audience must be interested in reveling the topic you discover in your invitational speech.

Developing Invitational Speech: Key Aspects

There are the key aspects you need to pay your attention to when writing an invitational speech. In order to prepare a great speech, you must follow the next steps:

  • Learn your audience’s interests. You need to be well-aware of your audience. Moreover, make sure you know the interests of your listeners. It will allow you starting a dialog with the audience and maintain it properly. Once you know your target people, you can choose a proper topic. Further, you will be able to come up with proper words and phrases to discover a chosen topic. Your listeners must be hooked on what you are speaking.
  • Choose your side. In order to choose your side, you need to be well-aware of the reveled topic. Learn what side are you on before starting a dialog with the audience. You must sound confident and inspired. Therefore, you need to be quite appealing to let your listeners pay attention to your speech. You can check a bunch of the latest sources and materials to find enough information on the topic.
  • Outline your purpose. You must choose for yourself what purpose your speech has. Think of staying convincing. Since you need to make your listeners take a part in a conversation, you must know what you are talking about and with what exact purpose. The determination of your speech is significant. Additionally, you must consider all significant reasons before starting writing your invitational speech.
  • Conduct profound research. When you have a certain topic to disclose, be very careful with a preparation stage. You must conduct profound research on the topic. It will help you collect all the needed information on a topic, check available and relevant sources and materials. Be careful when checking the topic. Define the key points of the speech in advance. You must always sound confident and knowledgeable.

How to Choose the Most Advantageous Topic

Choosing a good invitational speech topic is very important. The right topic and accurate structure assure flawless storytelling and top-notch content. You also need to come up with an attention-grabbing introduction and a strong evidence base. You must remain confident when revealing your speech. Select intriguing topics for your invitational speech. Thus, conduct deep research on the topic first to assure you have all the needed information for your communication. Delivering a good speech can be quite challenging. When you need to get into a dialog with the audience, a lack of ideas on how to maintain a speech can lead to failure. You must check the tips and guides offered in the article. Furthermore, you can check the list of additional interesting invitational speech topics to use them as basic ideas for your subject.

  • Stem Cell Research: Ethics Aspects of a Phenomenon
  • Third World Reality: How Do Developing Countries Exist
  • War on Drugs: Saving Young Generation
  • Welfare Reform: The Way to Make Everyone Happier
  • Middle East: The War for World Resources
  • Human Population: How to Prevent Overpopulation
  • New Resolution On Abortion: What Age We Live In
  • Virtual Reality: The Top Aspects of Informational World
  • Hurricane Preparedness: How to Not Become Panicked
  • Social Media: Virtual Era Disasters

How to Deliver a Perfect Invitational Speech

If you want to deliver a perfect invitational speech, check all the information you are about to provide. The invitational speech is aimed at sharing personal ideas, values, and beliefs with the audience. The speaker always gets into a dialog with the audience. He also maintains this dialog. Thus, it is important to come up with a really interesting and important invitational speech topics. Frequently, it gets really complicated dealing with complex topics and questions from the audience. Still, you must reveal valuable information once discovering your subject.

When arranging a dialog, there is no need to persuade your spectators and make them believe in what you are saying. You simply need to share your standpoint. The dialog must be aimed at revealing a certain highly important theme once exploring the main points and delivering important messages. Since it is progressed like a challenge, you have to keep your audience interested in your arguments once supporting them with strong and relevant evidence. Always bring up strong arguments and proof. What is more, be polite to your audience. You must respect your spectators. Be genuine with your listeners and make them get inspired by your invitational speech.

Choosing a proper invitational speech topic is crucial. The right topic makes your final speech really appealing. You have to be quite confident when revealing your prepared discourse. Delivering good talking requires real talent. Be ready to invite your audience to an interesting communication, maintain a dialog, and share your own point of view. Your standpoint matters. Be genuine and your audience will like your speech for sure.

invitational speech topics for college students

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150 Good Persuasive Speech Topics for Students in 2024

April 1, 2024

Do you know that moment in your favorite film, when the soundtrack begins to swell and the main character stands up and delivers a speech so rousing, so impassioned, it has the entire room either weeping or cheering by the time it concludes? What distinguishes the effectiveness of such a speech is not only the protagonist’s stellar delivery but also the compelling nature of the subject matter at hand. Choosing an effective persuasive speech topic is essential for guaranteeing that your future speech or essay is as moving as these . If this sounds like a tall order, have no fear. Below you’ll find a list of some of the best and most interesting persuasive speech topics for high school students to tackle, from the playful (“Pets for President”) to the serious (“Should We Stop AI from Replacing Human Workers?”).

And if you’re craving more inspiration, feel free to check out this list of Great Debate Topics , which can be used to generate further ideas.

What is a Good Persuasive Speech?

Before we get to the list, we must address the question on everyone’s minds: what is a persuasive speech, and what the heck makes for a good persuasive speech topic? A persuasive speech is a speech that aims to convince its listeners of a particular point of view . At the heart of each persuasive speech is a central conflict . Note: The persuasive speech stands in contrast to a simple informative speech, which is intended purely to convey information. (I.e., an informative speech topic might read: “The History of Making One’s Bed,” while a persuasive speech topic would be: “Why Making One’s Bed is a Waste of Time”—understand?)

And lest you think that persuasive speeches are simply assigned by your teachers as a particularly cruel form of torture, remember that practicing your oratory skills will benefit you in all areas of life—from job interviews, to business negotiations, to your future college career in public policy or international relations . Knowing how to use your voice to enact meaningful change is a valuable skill that can empower you to make a difference in the world.

Components of a Great Persuasive Speech Topic

The ideal persuasive speech topic will inspire the audience to action via both logical arguments and emotional appeals. As such, we can summarize the question “what makes a good persuasive speech topic?” by saying that the topic must possess the following qualities:

  • Timeliness and Relevance . Great persuasive speech topics grapple with a contemporary issue that is meaningful to the listener at hand. The topic might be a current news item, or it might be a long-standing social issue. In either case, the topic should be one with real-world implications.
  • Complexity . A fruitful persuasive speech topic will have many facets. Topics that are controversial, with some gray area, lend themselves to a high degree of critical thinking. They also offer the speaker an opportunity to consider and refute all counterarguments before making a compelling case for his or her own position.
  • Evidence . You want to be able to back up your argument with clear evidence from reputable sources (i.e., not your best friend or dog). The more evidence and data you can gather, the more sound your position will be. In addition, your audience will be more inclined to trust you.
  • Personal Connection. Do you feel passionately about the topic you’ve chosen? If not, it may be time to go back to the drawing board. This does not mean you have to support the side you choose; sometimes, arguing for the opposing side of what you personally believe can be an effective exercise in building empathy and perspective. Either way, though, the key is to select a topic that you care deeply about. Your passion will be infectious to the audience.

150 Good Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Should tech companies regulate the development of AI systems and automation to protect humans’ jobs?
  • Should we limit screen time for children?
  • Is it ethical for AI models like Dall-E to train themselves on artists’ work without the artists’ permission?
  • Should the government regulate the use of personal drones?
  • Is mass surveillance ethical? Does its threat to civil liberties outweigh its benefits?
  • Are virtual reality experiences a valuable educational tool?
  • Do the positive effects of powerful AI systems outweigh the risks?
  • Do voice assistants like Siri and Alexa invade individuals’ privacy?
  • Are cell phone bans in the classroom effective for improving student learning?
  • Does the use of facial recognition technology in public violate individuals’ privacy?
  • Should students be allowed to use ChatGPT and other AI tools for writing assignments?
  • Should AI-generated art be allowed in art shows or contests?
  • Who holds responsibility for accidents caused by self-driving cars: the driver or the car company?

Business and Economy

  • Should we do away with the minimum wage? Why or why not?
  • Is it ethical for companies to use unpaid internships as a source of labor?
  • Does the gig economy benefit or harm workers?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system?
  • Is it ethical for companies to use sweatshops in developing countries?
  • Should the government provide free healthcare for all citizens?
  • Should the government regulate prices on pharmaceutical drugs?
  • Should the government enact a universal base income?
  • Should customers be required to tip a minimum amount in order to ensure food service workers make a living wage?
  • Should someone’s tattoos or personal appearance factor into the hiring process?
  • Should US workers have more vacation time?
  • Is big game hunting beneficial for local communities?
  • Should we legalize euthanasia?
  • Is it ethical to use animals for medical research?
  • Is it ethical to allow access to experimental treatments for terminally ill patients?
  • Should we allow genetic engineering in humans?
  • Is the death penalty obsolete?
  • Should we allow the cloning of humans?
  • Is it ethical to allow performance-enhancing drugs in sports?
  • Should embryonic stem cell collection be allowed?
  • Do frozen IVF embryos have rights?
  • Should state and federal investigators be allowed to use DNA from genealogy databases?
  • Should the government limit how many children a couple can have?
  • Is spanking children an acceptable form of discipline?
  • Should we allow parents to choose their children’s physical attributes through genetic engineering?
  • Should we require parents to vaccinate their children?
  • Should we require companies to give mandatory paternal and maternal leave?
  • Should children be allowed to watch violent movies and video games?
  • Should parents allow their teenagers to drink before they turn 21?
  • Should the government provide childcare?
  • Should telling your children about Santa Claus be considered lying?
  • Should one parent stay home?
  • Should parental consent be required for minors to receive birth control?
  • Is it an invasion of privacy for parents to post photographs of their children on social media?

Social Media

  • Should social media platforms ban political ads?
  • Do the benefits of social media outweigh the downsides?
  • Should the government hold social media companies responsible for hate speech on their platforms?
  • Is social media making us more or less social?
  • Do platforms like TikTok exacerbate mental health issues in teens?
  • Should the government regulate social media to protect citizens’ privacy?
  • Is it right for parents to monitor their children’s social media accounts?
  • Should social media companies enact a minimum user age restriction?
  • Should we require social media companies to protect user data?
  • Should we hold social media companies responsible for cyberbullying?
  • Should schools ban the use of social media from their networks?
  • Should we be allowed to record others without their consent?
  • Do online crime sleuths help or hurt criminal investigations?

Education – Persuasive Speech Topics 

  • Would trade schools and other forms of vocational training benefit a greater number of students than traditional institutions of higher education?
  • Should colleges use standardized testing in their admissions processes?
  • Is forcing students to say the Pledge a violation of their right to freedom of speech?
  • Should school districts offer bilingual education programs for non-native speakers?
  • Should schools do away with their physical education requirements?
  • Should schools incorporate a remote learning option into their curriculum?
  • Should we allow school libraries to ban certain books?
  • Should we remove historical figures who owned slaves from school textbooks and other educational materials?
  • Should we have mixed-level classrooms or divide students according to ability?
  • Should grading on a curve be allowed?
  • Should graphic novels be considered literature?
  • Should all students have to take financial literacy classes before graduating?
  • Should colleges pay student athletes?
  • Should we ban violent contact sports like boxing and MMA?
  • Should sports leagues require professional athletes to stand during the national anthem?
  • Should sports teams ban players like Kyrie Irving when they spread misinformation or hate speech?
  • Should high schools require their athletes to maintain a certain GPA?
  • Should the Olympic committee allow transgender athletes to compete?
  • Should high schools ban football due to its safety risks to players?
  • Should all high school students be required to play a team sport?
  • Should sports teams be mixed instead of single-gender?
  • Should there be different athletic standards for men and women?
  • In which renewable energy option would the US do best to invest?
  • Should the US prioritize space exploration over domestic initiatives?
  • Should companies with a high carbon footprint be punished?
  • Should the FDA ban GMOs?
  • Would the world be a safer place without nuclear weapons?
  • Does AI pose a greater threat to humanity than it does the potential for advancement?
  • Who holds the most responsibility for mitigating climate change: individuals or corporations?
  • Should we be allowed to resurrect extinct species?
  • Are cancer screening programs ethical?

Social Issues – Persuasive Speech Topics

  • College education: should the government make it free for all?
  • Should we provide free healthcare for undocumented immigrants?
  • Is physician-assisted suicide morally justifiable?
  • Does social media have a negative impact on democracy?
  • Does cancel culture impede free speech?
  • Does affirmative action help or hinder minority groups in the workplace?
  • Should we hold public figures and celebrities to a higher standard of morality?
  • Should abortion be an issue that is decided at the federal or state level?
  • Should the sex offender registry be available to the public?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have a path to amnesty?
  • Do syringe services programs reduce or increase harmful behaviors?
  • Should there be a statute of limitations?
  • Should those who are convicted of a crime be required to report their criminal history on job and housing applications?

Politics and Government

  • Is the Electoral College still an effective way to elect the President of the US?
  • Should we allow judges to serve on the Supreme Court indefinitely?
  • Should the US establish a national gun registry?
  • Countries like Israel and China require all citizens to serve in the military. Is this a good or bad policy?
  • Should the police force require all its officers to wear body cameras while on duty?
  • Should the US invest in the development of clean meat as a sustainable protein source?
  • Should the US adopt ranked-choice voting?
  • Should institutions that profited from slavery provide reparations?
  • Should the government return land to Native American tribes?
  • Should there be term limits for representatives and senators?
  • Should there be an age limit for presidential candidates?
  • Should women be allowed in special forces units?

Easy Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Should schools have uniforms?
  • Can video games improve problem-solving skills?
  • Are online classes as effective as in-person classes?
  • Should companies implement a four-day work week?
  • Co-ed learning versus single-sex: which is more effective?
  • Should the school day start later?
  • Is homework an effective teaching tool?
  • Are electric cars really better for the environment?
  • Should schools require all students to study a foreign language?
  • Do professional athletes get paid too much money?

Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Should we allow pets to run for public office?
  • Does pineapple belong on pizza?
  • Would students benefit from schools swapping out desks with more comfortable seating arrangements (i.e., bean bag chairs and couches)?
  • Is procrastination the key to success?
  • Should Americans adopt British accents to sound more intelligent?
  • The age-old dilemma: cats or dogs?
  • Should meme creators receive royalties when their memes go viral?
  • Should there be a minimum drinking age for coffee?
  • Are people who make their beds every day more successful than those who don’t?

Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Is the movie ranking system an effective way to evaluate the appropriateness of films?
  • Should the government place a “health tax” on junk food?
  • Is it ethical to create artificial life forms that are capable of complex emotions?
  • Should parents let children choose their own names?
  • Creating clones of ourselves to serve as organ donors: ethical or not?
  • Is it ethical to engineer humans to be better and more optimized than nature intended?
  • Should we adopt a universal language to communicate with people from all countries?
  • Should there be a penalty for people who don’t vote?
  • Should calories be printed on menus?
  • Does tourism positively or negatively impact local communities?
  • When used by non-Natives, are dreamcatchers cultural appropriation?
  • Should companies require their employees to specify pronouns in their signature line?
  • Should commercial fishing be banned?
  • Are cemeteries sustainable?
  • Is it okay to change the race, culture, and/or gender of historical figures in movies or TV shows?

I’ve Chosen My Topic, Now What?

Once you’ve selected your topic, it’s time to get to work crafting your argument. Preparation for a persuasive speech or essay involves some key steps, which we’ve outlined for you below.

How to Create a Successful Persuasive Speech, Step by Step

  • Research your topic. Read widely and smartly. Stick to credible sources, such as peer-reviewed articles, published books, government reports, textbooks, and news articles. The right sources and data will be necessary to help you establish your authority. As you go, take notes on the details and nuances of your topic as well as potential counterarguments. Research the counterarguments, too.
  • Choose an angle. For example, if you chose the topic “Should we limit screen time for children?” your speech should come down firmly on one side of that debate. If your topic is frequently debated, such as abortion, capital punishment, gun control, social media, etc. try to find a niche angle or new research. For example, instead of “Should abortion be legal?” you might consider “Should you be able to order abortion pills online?” Another example: “Should the death penalty be banned?” might become “How long is it ethical for someone to stay on death row?” If you do some digging, even the most cliche topics have incredibly interesting and relatively unexplored sub-topics.
  • Create an outline. Your outline should include an introduction with a thesis statement, a body that uses evidence to elaborate and support your position while refuting any counterarguments, and a conclusion. The conclusion will both summarize the points made earlier and serve as your final chance to persuade your audience.
  • Write your speech. Use your outline to help you as well as the data you’ve collected. Remember: this is not dry writing; this writing has a point of view, and that point of view is yours . Accordingly, use anecdotes and examples to back up your argument. The essential components of this speech are logos (logic), ethos (credibility), and pathos (emotion) . The ideal speech will use all three of these functions to engage the audience.

How to Practice and Deliver a Persuasive Speech

  • Talk to yourself in the mirror, record yourself, and/or hold a practice speech for family or friends. If you’ll be using visual cues, a slide deck, or notecards, practice incorporating them seamlessly into your speech. You should practice until your speech feels very familiar, at least 5-10 times.
  • Practice body language. Are you making eye contact with your audience, or looking at the ground? Crossing your arms over your chest or walking back and forth across the room? Playing with your hair, cracking your knuckles, or picking at your clothes? Practicing what to do with your body, face, and hands will help you feel more confident on speech day.
  • Take it slow. It’s common to talk quickly while delivering a speech—most of us want to get it over with! However, your audience will be able to connect with you much more effectively if you speak at a moderate pace, breathe, and pause when appropriate.
  • Give yourself grace. How you recover from a mistake is much more important than the mistake itself. Typically, the best approach is to good-naturedly shrug off a blip and move on. 99% of the time, your audience won’t even notice!

Good Persuasive Speech Topics—Final Thoughts

The art of persuasive speaking is a tricky one, but the tips and tricks laid out here will help you craft a compelling argument that will sway even the most dubious audience to your side. Mastering this art takes both time and practice, so don’t fret if it doesn’t come to you right away. Remember to draw upon your sources, speak with authority, and have fun. Once you have the skill of persuasive speaking down, go out there and use your voice to impact change!

Looking for some hot-button topics in college admissions? You might consider checking out the following:

  • Do Colleges Look at Social Media?
  • Should I Apply Test-Optional to College?
  • Should I Waive My Right to See Letters of Recommendation?
  • Should I Use the Common App Additional Information Section?
  • High School Success

Lauren Green

With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University and an MFA in Fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, Lauren has been a professional writer for over a decade. She is the author of the chapbook  A Great Dark House  (Poetry Society of America, 2023) and a forthcoming novel (Viking/Penguin).

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invitational speech topics for college students

112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

What’s covered:, how to pick an awesome persuasive speech topic, 112 engaging persuasive speech topics, tips for preparing your persuasive speech.

Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

When it comes time to select a topic for your persuasive speech, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options to choose from—or your brain may be drawing a completely blank slate. If you’re having trouble thinking of the perfect topic, don’t worry. We’re here to help!

In this post, we’re sharing how to choose the perfect persuasive speech topic and tips to prepare for your speech. Plus, you’ll find 112 persuasive speech topics that you can take directly from us or use as creative inspiration for your own ideas!

Choose Something You’re Passionate About

It’s much easier to write, research, and deliver a speech about a cause you care about. Even if it’s challenging to find a topic that completely sparks your interest, try to choose a topic that aligns with your passions.

However, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests as you. Try to choose a general topic to grab the attention of the majority of your audience, but one that’s specific enough to keep them engaged.

For example, suppose you’re giving a persuasive speech about book censorship. In that case, it’s probably too niche to talk about why “To Kill a Mockingbird” shouldn’t be censored (even if it’s your favorite book), and it’s too broad to talk about media censorship in general.

Steer Clear of Cliches

Have you already heard a persuasive speech topic presented dozens of times? If so, it’s probably not an excellent choice for your speech—even if it’s an issue you’re incredibly passionate about.

Although polarizing topics like abortion and climate control are important to discuss, they aren’t great persuasive speech topics. Most people have already formed an opinion on these topics, which will either cause them to tune out or have a negative impression of your speech.

Instead, choose topics that are fresh, unique, and new. If your audience has never heard your idea presented before, they will be more open to your argument and engaged in your speech.

Have a Clear Side of Opposition

For a persuasive speech to be engaging, there must be a clear side of opposition. To help determine the arguability of your topic, ask yourself: “If I presented my viewpoint on this topic to a group of peers, would someone disagree with me?” If the answer is yes, then you’ve chosen a great topic!

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for what it takes to choose a great persuasive speech topic, here are over one hundred options for you to choose from.

  • Should high school athletes get tested for steroids?
  • Should schools be required to have physical education courses?
  • Should sports grades in school depend on things like athletic ability?
  • What sport should be added to or removed from the Olympics?
  • Should college athletes be able to make money off of their merchandise?
  • Should sports teams be able to recruit young athletes without a college degree?
  • Should we consider video gamers as professional athletes?
  • Is cheerleading considered a sport?
  • Should parents allow their kids to play contact sports?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as professional male athletes?
  • Should college be free at the undergraduate level?
  • Is the traditional college experience obsolete?
  • Should you choose a major based on your interests or your potential salary?
  • Should high school students have to meet a required number of service hours before graduating?
  • Should teachers earn more or less based on how their students perform on standardized tests?
  • Are private high schools more effective than public high schools?
  • Should there be a minimum number of attendance days required to graduate?
  • Are GPAs harmful or helpful?
  • Should schools be required to teach about standardized testing?
  • Should Greek Life be banned in the United States?
  • Should schools offer science classes explicitly about mental health?
  • Should students be able to bring their cell phones to school?
  • Should all public restrooms be all-gender?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have the same employment and education opportunities as citizens?
  • Should everyone be paid a living wage regardless of their employment status?
  • Should supremacist groups be able to hold public events?
  • Should guns be allowed in public places?
  • Should the national drinking age be lowered?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should the government raise or lower the retirement age?
  • Should the government be able to control the population?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?


  • Should stores charge customers for plastic bags?
  • Should breeding animals (dogs, cats, etc.) be illegal?
  • Is it okay to have exotic animals as pets?
  • Should people be fined for not recycling?
  • Should compost bins become mandatory for restaurants?
  • Should electric vehicles have their own transportation infrastructure?
  • Would heavier fining policies reduce corporations’ emissions?
  • Should hunting be encouraged or illegal?
  • Should reusable diapers replace disposable diapers?

Science & Technology

  • Is paper media more reliable than digital news sources?
  • Should automated/self-driving cars be legalized?
  • Should schools be required to provide laptops to all students?
  • Should software companies be able to have pre-downloaded programs and applications on devices?
  • Should drones be allowed in military warfare?
  • Should scientists invest more or less money into cancer research?
  • Should cloning be illegal?
  • Should societies colonize other planets?
  • Should there be legal oversight over the development of technology?

Social Media

  • Should there be an age limit on social media?
  • Should cyberbullying have the same repercussions as in-person bullying?
  • Are online relationships as valuable as in-person relationships?
  • Does “cancel culture” have a positive or negative impact on societies?
  • Are social media platforms reliable information or news sources?
  • Should social media be censored?
  • Does social media create an unrealistic standard of beauty?
  • Is regular social media usage damaging to real-life interactions?
  • Is social media distorting democracy?
  • How many branches of government should there be?
  • Who is the best/worst president of all time?
  • How long should judges serve in the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • Should a more significant portion of the U.S. budget be contributed towards education?
  • Should the government invest in rapid transcontinental transportation infrastructure?
  • Should airport screening be more or less stringent?
  • Should the electoral college be dismantled?
  • Should the U.S. have open borders?
  • Should the government spend more or less money on space exploration?
  • Should students sing Christmas carols, say the pledge of allegiance, or perform other tangentially religious activities?
  • Should nuns and priests become genderless roles?
  • Should schools and other public buildings have prayer rooms?
  • Should animal sacrifice be legal if it occurs in a religious context?
  • Should countries be allowed to impose a national religion on their citizens?
  • Should the church be separated from the state?
  • Does freedom of religion positively or negatively affect societies?

Parenting & Family

  • Is it better to have children at a younger or older age?
  • Is it better for children to go to daycare or stay home with their parents?
  • Does birth order affect personality?
  • Should parents or the school system teach their kids about sex?
  • Are family traditions important?
  • Should parents smoke or drink around young children?
  • Should “spanking” children be illegal?
  • Should parents use swear words in front of their children?
  • Should parents allow their children to play violent video games?


  • Should all actors be paid the same regardless of gender or ethnicity?
  • Should all award shows be based on popular vote?
  • Who should be responsible for paying taxes on prize money, the game show staff or the contestants?
  • Should movies and television shows have ethnicity and gender quotas?
  • Should newspapers and magazines move to a completely online format?
  • Should streaming services like Netflix and Hulu be free for students?
  • Is the movie rating system still effective?
  • Should celebrities have more privacy rights?

Arts & Humanities

  • Are libraries becoming obsolete?
  • Should all schools have mandatory art or music courses in their curriculum?
  • Should offensive language be censored from classic literary works?
  • Is it ethical for museums to keep indigenous artifacts?
  • Should digital designs be considered an art form? 
  • Should abstract art be considered an art form?
  • Is music therapy effective?
  • Should tattoos be regarded as “professional dress” for work?
  • Should schools place greater emphasis on the arts programs?
  • Should euthanasia be allowed in hospitals and other clinical settings?
  • Should the government support and implement universal healthcare?
  • Would obesity rates lower if the government intervened to make healthy foods more affordable?
  • Should teenagers be given access to birth control pills without parental consent?
  • Should food allergies be considered a disease?
  • Should health insurance cover homeopathic medicine?
  • Is using painkillers healthy?
  • Should genetically modified foods be banned?
  • Should there be a tax on unhealthy foods?
  • Should tobacco products be banned from the country?
  • Should the birth control pill be free for everyone?

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can  use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original persuasive speech ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

Do Your Research

A great persuasive speech is supported with plenty of well-researched facts and evidence. So before you begin the writing process, research both sides of the topic you’re presenting in-depth to gain a well-rounded perspective of the topic.

Understand Your Audience

It’s critical to understand your audience to deliver a great persuasive speech. After all, you are trying to convince them that your viewpoint is correct. Before writing your speech, consider the facts and information that your audience may already know, and think about the beliefs and concerns they may have about your topic. Then, address these concerns in your speech, and be mindful to include fresh, new information.

Have Someone Read Your Speech

Once you have finished writing your speech, have someone read it to check for areas of strength and improvement. You can use CollegeVine’s free essay review tool to get feedback on your speech from a peer!

Practice Makes Perfect

After completing your final draft, the key to success is to practice. Present your speech out loud in front of a mirror, your family, friends, and basically, anyone who will listen. Not only will the feedback of others help you to make your speech better, but you’ll become more confident in your presentation skills and may even be able to commit your speech to memory.

Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to write a powerful, unique persuasive speech. With the perfect topic, plenty of practice, and a boost of self-confidence, we know you’ll impress your audience with a remarkable speech!

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  • Top 99 College Speech Topics

Ninety-nine emotional, controversial, or relatable speech ideas for college students

invitational speech topics for college students

Here's my list of 99 college speech topics! They cover all sorts of subjects, and you should be able to find something suitable for whatever type of speech you've been asked to deliver.

To make things easy on yourself, pick a topic that interests you and something you'll be able to speak about with passion!

It will make your research more interesting, and your speech more engaging for your listeners!

Are you returning to college, or just starting your freshman year?

Then check out these tips for time management for college students .

These tips for post-secondary students give you a fighting chance of thriving during your college years because you're capable of so much more than you realize if you schedule things right!

Round 1 - First 50 College Speech Topics

1st Fifty (50) College Speech Topics

  • The death penalty
  • Hazing in fraternities and sororities
  • Succeeding in college
  • What it means to be a hero
  • The dangers of drugs
  • The dangers of smoking
  • The dangers of alcohol
  • How to find a job
  • The dangers of credit cards
  • Staying Christian in college
  • Planning a party
  • How to make money on eBay
  • Tips to save money in college
  • Reality television
  • Today's music
  • Athletes as role models
  • My favorite celebrity
  • My best childhood memory
  • My worst childhood memory
  • The person who most influenced my life
  • My definition of "Family"
  • All about me!
  • My best friend
  • How to change a flat tire
  • How to get a second date
  • How to meet new people
  • My new year's resolution
  • We are living in the end times
  • The life and death of Robin Williams
  • Civil disobedience
  • Sex education
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • Gun control
  • Legalizing marijuana
  • Passing your driving tests
  • Study strategies - WaPo ex. " College Students: They don't know how to study "
  • Caffeine - Check out a sample informative speech - "The Truth About Caffeine"

Round 2 - 49 More College Speech Topics

49 More College Speech Topics

  • The importance of exercise
  • A turning point in my life
  • Gangs or gang violence
  • What type of legacy will you leave behind?
  • A moment that changed my life
  • If I won the lottery…
  • Platonic relationships
  • How to plan a vacation
  • The 'fake news' phenomenon and its dangers
  • Is Ebola a worldwide threat?
  • Energy drinks - useful or dangerous?
  • Practice makes perfect
  • A fair trial
  • What is a tornado?
  • The importance of a good night's sleep
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Cell phones
  • Ideas for spring break trips
  • How to entertain on a budget
  • How to lose weight and keep it off
  • How to stop smoking
  • The media and self-esteem
  • The Kardashians
  • Immigration
  • O.J. Simpson
  • Trump and Twitter
  • Stephen King
  • The history of the internet
  • The invention of the telephone
  • The importance of a college education
  • Don't drop out of school
  • Muhammad Ali
  • Satellite vs. cable television
  • America's Got Talent
  • Should the school year be extended?
  • Teacher pay raises
  • The failure of the public school system
  • What is your credit score?
  • How to buy a car
  • What to look for in a roommate
  • How to reduce your carbon footprint
  • Is there life after death?
  • Life on other planets
  • Scientology

Knockout Your College Speech with a Great Topic

So there you have it - 99 college speech topics on which to base your presentation, or to inspire you to come up with a subject of your own!

Good luck with creating your speech - and if you'd like to share your creation, I'd love to publish it to help inspire others!

Need More Help - Here are a few free speech samples on some more topics that may be appropriate for college students:

Truth About Caffeine

Hybrid Animals

Childhood Obesity

Global Warming

If you like to publish or share, submit your speech here as an example for others to read after completion.

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133 Invitational Speech Topics for Top Students

invitational speech topics

Invitational speech topics invite the audience for a discussion on a specific issue. When writing an invitational speech, your subject should ask the audience without convincing them to support your side. Thus, you use informative and persuasive speech principles. However, this write-up allows your audience to join in the public dialogue.

Essentially, you don’t convince or persuade the audience to trust what you tell them wholeheartedly. Instead, you aim to deliver relevant messages, explore the key points, and show a particular issue. Thus, an invitational speech topic enables you to share ideas and viewpoints. But because this can seem like a challenging task, you need an interesting topic to capture your audience’s attention. That way, you can develop strong arguments and gather adequate valid evidence to support your theory.

When selecting a topic, consider your positions and rough thoughts on the way you see things. That way, you can decide on what to write about and the stand to take. After that, you can explain your stance to your audience throughout the discussion of your arguments. And the best way to do this is by drafting an invitational speech outline to guide you through the writing process.

Also, make sure that your discussion favors your topic. That means selecting an interesting topic so that you can enjoy the entire research and writing process. Ideally, don’t settle on a topic just because it’s popular. Instead, select a topic you’ll find interesting to research and work with to develop an exciting speech or you can use do my homework service. Here is a list of interesting invitational speech ideas.

Table of Contents

Popular invitational speech topics, good invitational speech topics for college students, controversial topics for invitational speech, brilliant invitational dialogue speech topics, fun invitational speech topics, easy invitational speech topics.

Do you want to write a speech on a popular topic? In that case, this category comprises some of the best ideas to consider. Pick any title in this category, and then develop it into your speech.

  • Where to draw the line in terms of speech freedom
  • What are humanitarian campaigns about with regards to foreign aids
  • Cyberbullying is a new virtual world’s reality
  • What are the reasons and results of censorship in the current century?
  • Ethical measures in border control
  • How the greenhouse effect can improve the world
  • Pros and cons of lowering the voting age
  • What are the dangers of water poisoning?
  • Is conserving wildlife the best way to save the planet?
  • Modern measures for fighting terrorism
  • Modern methods for preventing natural disasters
  • How to make humans less cruel during animal testing
  • New expectations and challenges in airline safety
  • How to minimize weapon use in the current world
  • How to save the planet from a climate change perspective
  • Main factors and reasons for conflicts in the developing world
  • The moral side of the genetic engineering phenomenon
  • Why the national interest should always stay above in terms of immigration reforms
  • How to prevent the horror of a new flu pandemic
  • How to avoid a disaster when dealing with nuclear power

Any of these topics can be a good title for a speech. However, take your time to research your subject and develop it with relevant information.

Your educator might ask you to write this speech as part of your classwork assignment. In that case, consider these titles for your address.

  • How gym classes affect the students
  • Music regulation at school dances to prevent cursing
  • Students should learn proper nutrition in schools from the beginning to the end
  • Modern technology like tablets should replace books
  • Community service should be a high school graduation requirement for students
  • Every student should be fluent in at least one second-language
  • Attending a college has minimal bearing on your future success
  • Phones as distracters for students
  • Why schools should team learners about global religions
  • Textbooks’ history- They don’t tell the entire truth
  • Teachers should take tests on basic skills regularly to maintain certification
  • Single-sex public schools as the best option
  • College applications- Discussing the SAT Scores
  • Why hazing on campuses is problematic
  • Higher education as a success fundamental in modern life
  • Why schools should stop serving soda and French fries
  • Studying online prompt students to cheat
  • Why only college students should study classic literature
  • Why wearing a uniform should be mandatory for students
  • Attending trade schools should be required after acquiring a primary education
  • Exam scores don’t indicate a learner’s abilities

This category has some of the best invitational speech topics. Nevertheless, take your time to research and write about your title to develop a brilliant speech.

Selecting a controversial topic is lively. However, you need skills and experience in crowd control to develop your title. So, what are some good controversial topics for an invitational speech? Here are exciting ideas to explore.

  • Exposing children to social media is wrong
  • Coronavirus originated from bat meat
  • Most male audiences watch the news because of beautiful female anchors
  • Role models are the leading causes of frustrations among the young people
  • Copying makes a student lazy
  • A family can have a lady as the head too
  • Politics are not suitable for everyone
  • Watching too many action movies can cause societal violence
  • Parents should play a role in selecting marriage partners for their children
  • Lesbianism should be illegal
  • Schools should provide single-gender education
  • Students should be independent to choose their courses
  • Schools should not allow hairstyles
  • Schools should allow pregnant students to further their studies
  • Students shouldn’t carry mobile phones in class
  • Academic performance should form the basis for the government’s support for students
  • Every school needs a standard dress code
  • Schools should automatically dismiss students for cheating on exams
  • Students need sessions for teaching others on their favorite subjects

These topics will elicit varied reactions from the audience. However, they can help learners write excellent speeches.

invitational speech topics

Perhaps, you want to come up with the most impressive speech. If so, consider the following topic ideas.

  • Burning a flag is unacceptable
  • How a low age can affect the voting decision
  • How the increasing population is a threat to the available resources
  • Will conflicts in the African continent end any time soon?
  • How prepared is the world for coronavirus?
  • How effective is the government’s preparedness for hurricanes?
  • How effective are the safety measures for airlines?
  • How suitable is genetic engineering for humans and animals?
  • Why is the arms trade continuing despite the current efforts to stop it?
  • Are humans the only beings responsible for global warming?
  • How to avoid panicking during hurricanes
  • Social media disasters during the virtual era
  • How to prevent overpopulation
  • How to save the young generation from drug addiction
  • How to make humans happier through welfare reforms
  • The developing countries’ reality
  • Stem cell research- What are the ethical aspects?
  • Top aspects of virtual reality in the informational world
  • How to minimize human’s cruelty during animal testing
  • Genetic engineering- What is the phenomenon’s moral side?

These are good topics to write about if you want to come up with an impressive speech. However, take your time to research your preferred title to develop an exciting address or you can use homework writers .

Fun ideas can also be great topics to do for invitational speech. Here are some of the best titles to explore in this category.

  • Working from home increases the risk of obesity
  • Watching monkeys is a thrilling hobby
  • Copying homework is a common characteristic of college students
  • Wearing masks is increasing the crime rate
  • Men can be evil in their kitchens
  • Pregnant ladies can sleep a lot
  • Why only older men with big bellies play golf
  • Most women act classy and bossy when wearing trousers
  • Watching cartoons can make a person crazy and lazy
  • Wearing a mask can make you look like Zorro
  • Children benefit more than parents in a dual-parent household
  • Staying together for kids is wrong for couples
  • Why parents should stop forcing their dreams on children
  • Why couples should live together before marriage
  • Why married couples should have date nights
  • Rewards as the basis of discipline, not punishment
  • Why divorce doesn’t always hurt children
  • Low-cost childcare- Is it good?
  • Why should never borrow or lend money to friends
  • Advantages and disadvantages of abstinence

These are great invitational speaking topics. However, learners should take their time to develop their chosen ideas into good pieces to impress educators.

Perhaps, you’re looking for something easy to research and write about before presenting to an audience. In that case, pick an idea from this invitational speech topics list.

  • Having two children should be a worldwide rule
  • The world should illegalize smoking in public places
  • Abortion for incest and rape cases should be legal
  • Governments should punish buyers more than poachers
  • Governments should regulate cosmetic surgery
  • Less protection and equal punishment for celebrities when they break the law
  • Why pets are not better pets than dogs
  • Why an exotic animal is not a pet
  • Why humans have made pit bulls monsters
  • Animals don’t have enough space in the zoos
  • The intelligence of dolphins
  • Humans should not cage birds
  • Why zoos hurt animals
  • Dogs as the best man’s friend
  • Why people must respect human rights
  • Why the world doesn’t need more prisons
  • Why you should visit your dentist more often
  • How to protect drinking water’s quality
  • How to weed out dirty politicians
  • Medical marijuana is not a cure
  • A vegan diet is too extreme
  • Why drinking 2 liters of water daily is a myth
  • Why calcium won’t make your teeth stronger
  • Keeping off weight is not as easy as losing it
  • Why fat is not that bad for you
  • Diet pills don’t work
  • Negative implications of social media
  • Why paparazzi are stalkers
  • Why video games aren’t that evil
  • Violence and sex on television can hurt your children
  • Why governments should strictly regulate children ads
  • Why romantic movies and soap operas set unrealistic standards
  • Why TV will eventually be something of the past

Students have many topics to choose from for their academic assignments. Perhaps, you’re looking for invitational rhetoric speech topics. Maybe you need invitational speech examples. Well, the internet is awash with many resources with ideas and samples. You can also get professional writing help online. Nevertheless, choose a reliable resource to get the best assistance with your speech or you can use buy assignment online .

What is an invitational speech?

An invitation speech aims to share unique ideas, values, and beliefs with the audience. The aim of the invitational speech is not to encourage the audience to join in a respectful dialogue by asking the audience to join in and give their ideas so you can explore various viewpoints on the subject.

Which topics are best for speech?

Some of the best topics for speech are; the dangers of water poisoning, natural methods that people can use to prevent natural disasters, ways that weapon use can be reduced worldwide, and studying online promoting students to cheat. Ensure that you find a topic that will interest the audience or something trending.

What is a good speech topic for school?

A good speech topic for school is humanity. Most people connect humanity to the act of helping and caring for others. However, some claim that humanity is not about serving humans but instead serving nature.  When choosing a topic for your speech, ensure it is something that you can speak confidently on.

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invitational speech topics for college students

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Invitational speech ideas for everyone.

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Invitational speech ideas request the audience for a discussion on a particular issue. When composing an invitational speech, your subject should ask the audience without convincing them to sustain your side. Therefore, you make use of helpful and persuasive speech concepts. Nevertheless, this write-up permits your target market to participate in the general public discussion.

You don’t encourage the target market to trust what you tell them. Instead, you aim to supply relevant messages, discover the bottom lines, and reveal a particular concern. Hence, an invitational speech subject enables you to share suggestions and perspectives. However, because this can appear like a challenging task, you require a fascinating subject to capture your audience’s interest. You can develop solid debates and collect ample valid proof to sustain your theory by doing this.

When choosing a subject, consider your settings and harsh thoughts on the way you see points. That way, you can choose what to discuss and the stand to take. Afterwards, you can clarify your stance to your target market by discussing your disagreements. And also, the very best means to do this is by composing an invitational speech summary to direct you through the writing process.

Likewise, make sure that your conversation prefers your topic. That means selecting an intriguing topic to take pleasure in the entire research study and the writing process. Preferably, do not settle on a subject even if it’s prominent. Instead, pick a topic you’ll locate interesting to study and work with to develop an exciting speech. Right here is a checklist of intriguing invitational speech ideas.

Popular Invitational Speech Ideas

Do you want to write a speech on a prominent subject? In that instance, this category makes up several of the very best ideas to consider. Select any title in this group, and after that, create it into your speech.

  • Cyberbullying is a brand-new digital world’s reality
  • How to save the world from a climate change point of view
  • Pros and cons of reducing the voting age
  • Exactly how to make humans much less terrible during pet testing
  • How the greenhouse effect can enhance the globe
  • New expectations and challenges in airline company safety and security
  • Where to draw a line in regards to speech freedom
  • What are the threats of water poisoning?
  • How to prevent a catastrophe when managing nuclear power
  • The moral side of the genetic modification sensation
  • Why the nationwide rate of interest should constantly stay above in regards to migration reforms
  • How to stop the horror of a new influenza pandemic
  • Modern techniques for preventing natural disasters
  • What are charitable campaigns regarding with regards to foreign aids
  • Additionally, what are the reasons and outcomes of censorship in the existing century?
  • How to lessen weapon use in the existing globe
  • Moral measures in border control
  • Main variables and reasons for conflicts in the establishing world
  • Modern measures for battling terrorism
  • Is preserving wildlife the most effective means to conserve the earth?

Any of these subjects can be a good title for a speech. Nonetheless, take your time to investigate your issue and establish pertinent information.

Excellent Invitational Speech Ideas for College Students

Your teacher could ask you to create this speech as part of your classwork project. Because instance, consider these titles for your address.

  • Single-sex public colleges as the most effective option
  • Also, why institutions ought to stop serving soda and French fries
  • Phones as distracters for trainees
  • Every pupil should be fluent in a minimum of one second-language
  • Songs regulation at college dances to avoid cursing
  • Educators should take examinations on basic abilities consistently to maintain certification
  • Why just college students need to examine classic literary works
  • Higher education as a success essential in modern-day life
  • University applications- Discussing the SAT Ratings
  • Also, modern technology like tablet computers must change publications
  • Social workers need to be a senior high school graduation requirement for pupils
  • Examining online prompts pupils to rip off
  • Exactly how gym classes influence the trainees
  • Books’ history- They don’t tell the entire reality
  • Examination scores don’t suggest a student’s capacities
  • Why hazing on campuses is troublesome
  • Attending trade institutions ought to be needed after obtaining a primary education
  • Why wearing an attire needs to be required for pupils
  • Students ought to discover appropriate nourishment in colleges from the beginning throughout
  • Attending a university has minimal bearing on your future success
  • Why schools must team students about global religious beliefs

This classification has some of the most effective invitational speech topics. Nonetheless, take your time to research, study and blog about your title to establish a dazzling speech.

Debatable Topics for Invitational Speech

Picking a debatable subject is lively. However, it would help establish your title if you had abilities and experience in group control. So, what are some excellent, questionable issues for an invitational speech? Here are unique concepts to discover.

  • Good examples are the leading reasons for aggravations among the youths
  • Academic performance must develop the basis for the government’s support for students
  • Institutions ought to immediately dismiss pupils for dishonesty on tests
  • Seeing too many action movies can create social, physical violence
  • Schools should supply single-gender education and learning
  • Also, subjecting children to social media is wrong
  • Schools ought to allow expecting students to further their studies
  • A family member can have a lady as the head also
  • Pupils need sessions for teaching others on their preferred subjects
  • Coronavirus originated from bat meat
  • Lesbianism must be unlawful
  • The majority of male audiences see the news due to gorgeous women’s support.
  • Parents need to play a role in selecting marriage partners for their children.
  • Pupils should not lug cellphones in class
  • Duplicating makes a student lazy
  • Schools need not allow hairdos
  • Politics are not appropriate for everyone
  • Also, every college requires a conventional gown code
  • Pupils should be independent to select their courses.

These subjects will evoke diverse reactions from the audience. However, they can assist learners in creating memorable speeches.

Dazzling Invitational Speech Ideas

Maybe, you intend to think of the most remarkable speech. If so, take into consideration the adhering to topic concepts.

  • How efficient is the federal government’s readiness for typhoons?
  • Exactly how reliable is the precaution for airlines?
  • How to make humans happier through welfare reforms
  • Precisely how to avoid overpopulation
  • Will disputes in the African continent ended whenever quickly?
  • Exactly how prepared is the world for coronavirus?
  • Stem cell research- What are the natural elements?
  • Genetic engineering- What is the sensation’s moral side?
  • Additionally, are human beings the only beings responsible for international warming?
  • Social media disasters throughout the virtual period
  • Leading facets of virtual reality in the informative globe
  • Burning a flag is unacceptable
  • The developing nations’ truth
  • Why is the arms trade proceeding regardless of the current efforts to stop it?
  • How to save the young generation from a medication addiction
  • Just how the rising populace is a risk to the available sources
  • How a reduced age can influence the ballot choice
  • Exactly how appropriate is a genetic modification for humans and also animals?
  • How to stay clear of panicking throughout cyclones
  • How to lessen human’s ruthlessness during animal testing

If you want to create a remarkable speech, these are great topics to discuss. Nevertheless, take your time to investigate your preferred title to develop an exciting address.

Enjoyable Invitational Speech Ideas and Topics

Enjoyable suggestions can likewise be excellent subjects to do for an invitational speech. Here are some of the very best titles to explore in this category.

  • Male can be wicked in their kitchens.
  • Enjoying animes can make an individual crazy as well as careless
  • Staying together for kids is wrong for pairs
  • Why couples ought to cohabit before a marital relationship
  • Duplicating homework is a common characteristic of college students
  • Children profit greater than moms and dads in a dual-parent home
  • Using a mask can make you appear like Zorro
  • Functioning from residence raises the threat of weight problems
  • Benefits as the basis of self-control, not punishment
  • Why just older men with large stubborn bellies play golf
  • Also, advantages and downsides of abstinence
  • Using masks is increasing the crime price
  • Low-cost child care- Is it excellent?
  • Why separation does not always wound children
  • Also, why need to never obtain or lend cash to pals
  • Enjoying apes is an exhilarating hobby
  • Why do parents need to quit completing their dreams on children
  • A lot of females act elegant as well as bossy when putting on pants
  • Pregnant girls can sleep a whole lot
  • Why married couples should have day nights

These are great invitational talking subjects. However, students need to take their time to create their picked suggestions into excellent pieces to thrill instructors.

Easy Invitational Speech Topics

Maybe, you’re looking for something straightforward to study and write about before presenting to a target market. In that situation, choose a concept from this invitational speech subjects checklist.

  • Why calcium won’t make your teeth stronger
  • Federal governments should regulate cosmetic surgery.
  • Also, why TV will become something of the past
  • The knowledge of dolphins
  • Exactly how to secure drinking water’s high quality
  • Why people have made pit bulls monsters
  • Why alcohol consumption 2 litres of water every day is a misconception
  • Violence and sex on television can injure your youngsters
  • Governments should penalize customers greater than poachers
  • Why video games aren’t that evil
  • Diet tablets don’t work
  • Why enchanting motion pictures and also daytime drama established unrealistic criteria
  • Human beings need to not cage birds.
  • Why pet dogs are not better pets than canines
  • The globe must illegalize smoking cigarettes in public areas
  • Why paparazzi are stalkers
  • Abortion for incest, as well as rape situations, must be lawful
  • Also, why individuals must appreciate civil rights
  • How to weed out filthy politicians
  • Unfavourable effects of social media
  • Why zoos hurt pets
  • Why federal governments should strictly control kids’ ads
  • Keeping off weight is not as very easy as losing it
  • Much less defence as well as equal penalty for stars when they damage the regulation
  • Additionally, why the globe does not require more prisons
  • Medical marijuana is not a cure
  • A vegan diet regimen is also severe
  • Why fat is not that negative for you
  • Why do you need to see your dental professional more frequently
  • Animals don’t have adequate space in the zoos
  • Why a unique animal is not a pet
  • Pets as the most effective male pal
  • Having two children ought to be a global rule

Final Words

Trainees have lots of topics to select from for their academic tasks. Furthermore, you’re seeking invitational rhetoric speech subjects. Maybe you require invitational speech instances. Well, the net is flooded with many sources with concepts and examples. You can also obtain specialist writing aid online. Nevertheless, choose a reputable source to get the best assistance with your speech.

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About the Author: Roy

  • Games, topic printables & more
  • The 4 main speech types
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  • Declamation
  • Demonstration
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  • Introduction
  • Student Council
  • Speech topics
  • Poems to read aloud
  • How to write a speech
  • Using props/visual aids
  • Acute anxiety help
  • Breathing exercises
  • Letting go - free e-course
  • Using self-hypnosis
  • Delivery overview
  • 4 modes of delivery
  • How to make cue cards
  • How to read a speech
  • 9 vocal aspects
  • Vocal variety
  • Diction/articulation
  • Pronunciation
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  • How to use pauses
  • Eye contact
  • Body language
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Speech Topics - 100s of them!

By:  Susan Dugdale   | Last modified: 01-10-2023

Speech ideas ordered by speech type & theme 

So you're preparing to give a speech.

The next step, unless you've been told or you've already decided for yourself, is choosing a topic.

What will you talk about?  There are literally so many possibilities.

To make choosing a subject easier, here's a collection of speech topic suggestions arranged either by speech type,  age group or theme. 

  • Demonstration speech topics  (5 pages: 738 + topics)
  • Speech topics for kids  (2 pages: 150 + topics)
  • Persuasive topics  (6 pages: 998+ topics)

125 examples of narrative speech topics

  • 60 vocal variety and body language topics

145 good cause and effect topics for students

  • Fun public speaking topics  (2 pages:165 topics)
  • 180+ interesting topics for students  (1 page: 180 + topics)
  • Good informative speech topics  (1 page: 100s of topics)
  • Commemorative speech topic ideas  (1 page: themes)
  • Argumentative/controversial speech topics  (1 page: 290 topics)
  • Easter themed speech topics  (1 page: 32 topics)
  • Impromptu speech topics  (4 pages: 570 topics)
  • Printable impromptu speech topics  (98 proverbs or quotations ready-to-go)

Teacher or student, these lists are for you.

I hope they're useful! Happy speaking, Susan

Demonstration speech ideas

Image: row of men's neckties. Text: Demonstration speech topic possibilities-How to knot a tie.

These are the 'show and tell' or 'how to' speeches where you demonstrate a skill, make something, or explain how something works. Think of these speeches as stepping through a process from beginning to end, showing and explaining every step of the way.

The goal of them is often to inspire those listening to try whatever is being shown for themselves.

I have five pages of topics specifically selected because they are good for demonstration speeches. You'll see the lists are adaptable to meet the needs of people of middle school age and upwards.

  • 290 themed 'how to' demonstration speech ideas   
  • 6 themed demonstration topic lists using the magic of 'how'
  • 50 soft skill 'how to' demonstrative speech topics
  • 100+ 10-minute, or less, demonstration speech topics
  • 188 funny how-to speech topics

Return to Top

Speech topics for kids

Graphic: painting of a girl swinging on a tire swing. Text: Graffiti is art. Speech topics for middle school.

I've got two pages of speech topics especially chosen with children in mind. They're mainly for kids in the middle school age bracket (11 - 14 years old) but are readily adaptable for those either younger or older.

Both pages are really useful if you're a teacher or parent looking for inspiration! I've carefully put together lists covering social/community issues, arts and culture, sports and games, food, fun and whimsy, hobbies, and more. 

-  8 themed lists of speech topics for children

- 50+ elocution topics for kids

Persuasive speech topics

Image: plate with the remains of a piece of chocolate cake. Text: Having your cake and eating it too is fair. Fun persuasive speech topics -

Convince me!

Change my mind!

Challenge my thinking!

Convert me!

And, if appropriate, make me laugh!

Whatever topic you choose you will be expected to take a position on it and persuade your audience to consider what you're saying about it seriously.

For example:

'To be vegan is the only right, and moral way to live.'

'Good or right thinking is a matter of opinion.' 

My six persuasive speech topic pages are below.

  • 50 good persuasive speech topics
  • 5 0+ persuasive speech topic ideas
  • 105 fun persuasive speech topics
  • 309 easy persuasive speech topics
  • 310 persuasive speech topics for college
  • 108 feminist persuasive speech topics

Chalkboard with text written in white chalk: What's your story? 125 narrative speech topics.

125 strong ideas for effective story telling speeches, preparation guidelines, plus a printable narrative speech outline.

If you're looking for suggestions for the Toastmasters Level Three Project 'Connect with storytelling' these will get you off to a great start.

Go to: 125 examples of narrative speech topics

60 vocal variety & body language topics

Label: Your Body Speaks - 60 vocal variety and body language speech topics.

60 speech topic ideas to help you work with body language and gesture. They're perfect for evocative personal storytelling speeches or for either of these Toastmasters Pathway projects:

  • Level 2: Learning Your Style: Effective Body Language or,
  • Level 1:  Mastering Fundamentals: Vocal Variety and Body Language

Go to 6 0 vocal variety and body language speech topics

WW2 cause and effect speech topic question with outline of soldiers in background

Cause and effect topics for speeches and essays to challenge, connect and make a difference. With explanations, examples and a free printable blank fish bone diagram, (an extremely useful visual cause and effect analytical tool), to download for your own use.

Go to 145 good cause and effect topics

Fun public speaking topics

Image:drawing of a man laughing.Text: The purpose of life is to be happy.

They're silly; deliberately daft and ridiculous!

These speech topics focus on light-hearted nonsense, tilting the world side-ways, giving your audience a glimpse of it funny side-up.

Gems include:

  • 'How to procrastinate like a professional',
  • 'How to look innocent',
  • 'Why lying can be useful', ...

Go on. Make them snort with laughter. Visit:

  • 60 fun public speaking topics for kids of all ages 
  • 1 88 funny how-to speech topics

180 + interesting speech topic ideas

Image: young girl with badge showing Facebook thumbs up icon on her tee-shirt. Background text: Please like me, please like me, please like me...

Here's a page of topic suggestions encouraging people to push beyond ordinary.

There's a bundle of 50 ideas around the growing influence of social media, a collection of 45 thought provoking suggestions centered on your very own community and family history, 61 'weird' topics, and more. 

You only need ONE truly bright and original idea, right?

Have a look here for it.

There are  180  interesting speech topic ideas   to browse through. 

Good informative speech topics

Informational speech topics button

An informative speech does what its title says: it informs. It gives the facts about the topic. Not people's feelings about the subject - just the facts.

Informational speech topic possibilities are quite truly endless.  Use my page as a beginning to set your own creative juices in motion.

Visit:  100s of good informational speech topics

Commemorative speech topic ideas

Definition of the word commemorate.

A commemorative or tribute speech honors the memory of  a person, a group, an institution, a thing, an event or an idea.

Use this  commemorative speech topic helper  page (and its resource links) to identify the right topic and theme to match the event you've been asked to speak at.

239 controversial or argumentative speech topics

Image:drawing of homeless man on street sitting a heart shaped beam of light. Text: The homeless on our streets need our help.

These topics are deliberately provocative. They cover four broad areas affecting us all: the food we eat, our children (from infancy through to teenage years), and the communities/countries we live in.

In addition to the 239 topics there are comprehensive guidelines about choosing the best topic: one fitting yourself and your audience. 

Find yourself a controversial speech topic .

Note: these topics are best suited for high school and college students.

32 Easter themed speech topics

Graphic : drawing of palm tree lined street leading to old buildings. Text: What is the history of Palm Sunday? 30+ Easter themed speech topics.

Easter - what is its history? What are the special days, like Palm Sunday, all about? What do bunnies and chocolate eggs have to do with it? Why does the White House have a tradition of egg-rolling as part of its Easter celebrations?

Use this page of 32  Easter speech topic possibilities  to find an idea for an inspirational  demonstration or an interesting informative speech.

Impromptu speech topics

Graphic - antique light bulb. Text: Dozens of bright ideas for impromptu speaking topics.

Help! I have a class and need lots of impromptu speech topics for them to practice with.

You've got them here. I have four pages of topics for impromptu speeches.

You'll find them suitable for middle school and upwards. They're great for public speaking clubs too.

  • 200 impromptu speech topics
  • 150 1 minute speech topics - with sample speech outlines, speeches: full text & audio
  • 11 themed sets of fun topics for impromptu speeches
  • 80+ themed table topic questions, with printables   

And last, but not least there's ...

98 printable impromptu speech topic cards, an almost* instantly available resource for busy public speaking teachers.

If you're time-poor and need a grab-and-go solution to your "HELP! I want speech topics for my public speaking class, and I need them now" problem, check these out.

Printable Impromptu Speech Topic Cards

Graphic: girl riding a wolf. Text: Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.

* It'll take you 5 minutes to select the set you want, (proverbs or quotations), pay, and have it downloaded ready for printing. You'll be getting 98 themed speech topic cards - a great reusable resource for $4.75.

& One Minute Speeches!

Another almost instantly available resource. - one minute speeches

A fun and hugely effective impromptu speaking activity. You get topics + instructions for the core activity, plus three advanced variations for $5.95. Take a look - One Minute Speeches .

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invitational speech topics for college students

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

259 Interesting Speech Topics [Examples + Outlines]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

interesting speech topics

The most asked question I get almost every day from students is this:

What makes a topic interesting?

Well, the answer is simple. You have to like it yourself, the subject has to be appropriate to the rules of the assignment, to the audience and the setting of the meeting:

In this article:

How To Find An Interesting Topic

Best interesting speech topics, interesting persuasive speech topics, interesting informative speech topics, topics with outline.

1 – Look in magazines, journals, and newspapers for events.

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

Current or historical, that does not matter at this point, both are okay – and recent engaging and exciting facts, and perhaps valuable information that attracts the attention.

Articles about subjects that interests you and that are comfortable for you to talk about are good indications.

2 – Jot down any possible idea that comes up for interesting speech topics. I always draft a short list for myself of candidate issues if I am contracted for a public speaking engagement.

And then I skip the ones that are too difficult and too complex to prepare and master in 8 to 10 minutes time.

3 – Review some online books on the subject for more detailed current information about your topic. Or go to a library and ask for books and reference articles about your subject.

Without exception, all librarians I know will help you sorting out the speechwriter subject with their advice and recommendations. For example you choose for an alluring pleasure physical activity or farming and countryside topic.

Try to understand how the author has covered it. What’s his structure? What points, information or arguments are the strongest? What examples and illustrations has she or he used?

4 – Peerless reliable statistics and new discoveries can help writing and refining.

Look for controversies, rare and strange opinions. What do you think of it? What do you want your audience to think of it?

5 – Think about related engaging interpretive hints to talk about. When you view your rough list, try to find new points, different angles of view or just turn your thoughts upside down. Look at the special aspects that surprise the listeners.

>>>  For example try these 2 more detailed summary outlines with main points and subpoints. Use my sample structure to add or otherwise wipe steps and stages you do not need.

>>>  In addition to these patterns, you find more ideas for outlined main points in my Minute Section (in the navigation menu bar right on your left of this portal page). Or move straight to sixty plus lineups for speechwriters.

That can be very enlighting for enhancing public discernment. They also can  see , feel, or even  taste  and  smell  what you try to explain or demonstrate in a couple of minutes.

6 – Look for supporting and also for opposing opinions, plus interesting speech topics statements. Add visual aids where you want to emphasize or to give some prominence to an unimaginable point in your interesting topic idea.

7 – Watch news shows, history documentaries and debating programs – for example, the morning shows and the evening news. They are especially helpful for developing a rough list of wheedling brainstorms.

Interesting Speech Topic Examples

Don’t have time to read our full list of 200+ topic ideas? Here is our list of 10 interesting speech topics.

  • Beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder
  • Children don’t play enough
  • Animal testing is necessary
  • Girls are too mean to each other
  • Men should get paternity leave
  • Tattoos are an addiction
  • If I had a year to do what I want
  • Butterflies: deadly creatures
  • How to ruin a date in the first minute
  • The meaning of dreams

Here is our list of top interesting persuasive speech topics.

  • Beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder.
  • Hyper active kids don’t need medication.
  • Books are always better than the movie.
  • Pick up lines do work.
  • Televise all court proceedings.
  • Suspend referees that are found to show too much bias.
  • There is no place for monarchs any more.
  • It is false that no one is above the law.
  • You tube needs to monitor comments.
  • Online friends show more compassion.
  • Cross cultural couples respect each other more.
  • Graffiti must be recognised as art.
  • You can loose weight without exercising.
  • Children don’t play enough.
  • Carpets are harmful and shouldn’t be in homes.
  • Sex education doesn’t work.
  • Ban smoking in all public places.
  • Women cheat just as much as men.
  • Prohibit destruction of rainforests.
  • Global warming is a myth.
  • Justice is never the same for all.
  • Video games are not the blame of violence at school.
  • Financial rewards is the only way employees stay loyal.
  • The world isn’t only black and white.
  • Give girls over 16 contraceptives without parents consent.
  • Calories should be included in restaurant menus.
  • Sugar tax won’t reduce obesity.
  • Pregnancy as a result of rape should be terminated.
  • All couples must live together before getting married.
  • Animal testing is necessary.
  • Children’s beauty pageants are wrong.
  • There are not enough cameras in public spaces.
  • Freedom of speech rights needs to be rewritten.
  • Random DUI test should be done on parents picking up children after school.
  • Atheists are more peaceful than religious people.
  • Heterosexual men and women can be just friends.
  • Adoptive parents need maternity leave too.
  • Print advertisements don’t work.
  • Click bate headlines are the cause of less followers.
  • Don’t give children allowances.
  • Stop checking in on social media.
  • There would be more divorces if couples didn’t have children.
  • Compensate organ donors.
  • Celebrities are not role models.
  • Do drug tests on welfare recipients.
  • Stem cell research is murder.
  • People should be considered adults at 21.
  • Religion is the cause of war.
  • Life was not easier a century ago.
  • Men are better forgivers.
  • Making substances illegal only makes people want them more.
  • Parenting classes must be compulsory.
  • Helicopter parents are damaging their children.
  • Give working moms special privileges.
  • Social media fame is a scam.
  • Make paparazzi photographing children a criminal offence.
  • Food should never be seen as a reward.
  • 6 hours is not enough sleep for an adult.
  • People can live without eating meat.
  • Curfews do not keep teens out of trouble.
  • Electronic textbooks don’t have the same impact as the printed version.
  • This generation cannot fix anything.
  • Boredom always leads to trouble.
  • Girls are too mean to each other.
  • Affirmative action isn’t right.
  • School system is responsible for low test scores.
  • Men should get paternity leave.
  • Fast food needs to come with more warnings.
  • Killing a murderer is immoral.
  • Famous people must stay away from politics.
  • Long distance relationships do work.
  • Men are the stronger sex.
  • Jobs shouldn’t be gender specific.
  • Religion won’t die away.
  • Women shouldn’t give birth after 40.
  • Abortion is murder.
  • Tattoos are an addiction.
  • Drug addiction is a choice.
  • Social media will run it’s course and die out.
  • Caesarian sections are safer than normal births.
  • There is a connection between science and religion.
  • Never pay children for good grades.
  • People in open marriages are not happy.
  • The soul does exist.
  • People’s salaries should reflect their performances.
  • English will always be the business language of the world.
  • Why you should always put yourself first.
  • Earth has not been explored properly.
  • Women are more intelligent than they give away.
  • Alternatives to evolution exist.
  • Prisons create criminals.
  • Sick building syndromes exist.
  • Strategic defense and ethics do not match.
  • The War on Terror is based on a hidden agenda.
  • Aging is a threat to pension funding.
  • Airline safety restrictions won’t stop terrorists.
  • Alcohol advertising stimulates underage alcohol use.
  • All humans are spiritual in one way or another.
  • Arts express the level of quality in different cultures.
  • Atheists do care about Christmas.
  • Australian aboriginal tattooing is art.
  • Ban the filibuster from Congress.
  • Body piercings can cause serious complications.
  • Books are outdated.
  • Censorship is a violation of freedom of speech.
  • Charities must minimize the organizational and overhead costs.
  • Child testimonies in abuse cases are not credible.
  • Corporal punishment could be ethical, provided that it is proportional.
  • Creative expression and creativity are not the same.
  • Electronic baby timeshare does help to prevent teen pregnancy.
  • English and Spanish should be the only languages in the world.
  • Establishing democracy in Iraq is mission impossible.
  • Fashion gurus have good reasons to promote skinny girls.
  • Female genital mutilation is not unethical when done by cosmetic surgery doctors.
  • Feminism will help improve the position of females in Africa.
  • Fill in a country … should be condemned as human rights violator.
  • Future generations have to keep their jobs until they drop.
  • George Orwell was just right when he wrote his novel ‘1984’ … Big Brother is watching us all the time.
  • Governments should not own news broadcasting corporations.
  • Granting amnesty perpetuates immigration and makes border patrols fruitless.
  • Harry Potter books are more popular among elderly persons.
  • Hollywood movies have a bad influence on the world.
  • Homelessness in rural areas is substantially undercounted compared to metropolitan and suburban areas.
  • Hospitality is a valuable instrument to better foreign relationships.
  • Houses affected by natural disasters should not be rebuilt.
  • International satellite news broadcasting poses a threat to indigenous cultures.
  • It is possible to be pro-life and pro-choice.
  • It’s a myth that bottled water is better than tap water.
  • Journalism codes are no longer respected by journalists.
  • Limiting immigration is limiting opportunities.
  • Link debt relief of developing countries to carbon emission reduction.
  • Local aid to African communities is more effective than national aid.
  • Mentally disabled people cannot be executed.
  • Motivation courses only have one objective: to fund the instructor’s bank account.
  • MP3 music belongs in the free public domain for educational institutions and the general public.
  • News programs must be interesting rather than important.
  • Open source software is better than Microsoft.
  • Parental advisory labels hinder the freedom of speech of artists.
  • People have the right to decide about their own life and death.
  • Political correctness kills freedom of speech.
  • Poverty can be cut by half in this century.
  • Princess Diana’s death was not a tragic accident.
  • Public insults should be considered as hate speech and should not be protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
  • Right to work laws are useless.
  • Robin Hood was a not a hero.
  • Sex and sexuality are from different hemispheres.
  • Telling lies is a justifiable instrument.
  • The local council elections in Cuba are no elections at all.
  • The right to privacy is not absolute.
  • There is no secure protection of property rights in developing countries.
  • There should be cultural content quotas in broadcasting.
  • Tobacco and alcohol billboards litter the streets.
  • United Nations will never truly exist in Europe.
  • Vegetarians would not eat vegetables if they were born in rural Africa.
  • We should have a king instead of a president.
  • Weblogs are intellectual property and therefore must be legally protected.
  • With the current economic situation, we will all be working until we are old and grey.
  • Zero tolerance is a useful instrument to prevent violence.

Here is our list of top interesting informative speech topics.

  • A comparison of the official definition of terrorism in different parts of the world.
  • A week of monastery life.
  • Abu Sayyaf links to global terror organizations.
  • Architectural movements in the late nineteenth century.
  • Armed conflicts in Africa.
  • Artificial intelligence opportunities.
  • Biochemical weapons explained.
  • Bioethics versus human rights.
  • Combatting modern slavery.
  • Debunking weight loss myths.
  • Development goals of the United Nations.
  • Everything we can find in our Solar System.
  • Five ways to give and donate to charity funds.
  • Forms of public diplomacy.
  • Fraud detection systems explained.
  • How giant sea aquariums are constructed.
  • How nepotisms started in the Middle Ages.
  • How the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is structured.
  • How the American Civil War began.
  • How the application for immigration and naturalization works.
  • How the CIA can track terrorists.
  • How to apply Feng Shui to your bedroom.
  • How to outlaw reactionary conservative groups and individuals.
  • Is it possible to clone humans?
  • Major incidents and consequences in the first decade of this millennium.
  • Middle East roadmap for peace.
  • Migration trends.
  • Offshore installation accidents over the years.
  • Racism and cultural diversity in mass media.
  • Refugees and forced displacement.
  • Result on foreign aid funding in the long term.
  • Scientific explanations for the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle.
  • State sponsored tyranny explained.
  • The 9/11 Commission assignment and its main conclusions.
  • The best consumer electronics innovations to date.
  • The chain of cargo and freight services at international airports.
  • The difference between soft and hard drugs.
  • The effect of counter terrorism legislation on ordinary people.
  • The European convention on human rights explained.
  • The flying fortress called Air Force One.
  • The four general goals of the Homeland Security Department.
  • The functions of Samurai warriors in Ancient Japan.
  • The future of fashion.
  • The Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war.
  • The governing system of rules during the Middle Ages.
  • The history of Amtrak.
  • The innovative and unique styling of Dodge trucks.
  • The long term complications of sunburn.
  • The philosophical doctrine of Nihilism.
  • The pros and cons of pacifism.
  • The relations between federal budget deficit, national debt and trade balance.
  • The role of Emperor Akihito in Japan.
  • The secrets of crop circles revealed.
  • The short history of the second man on the Moon, Buzz Aldrin.
  • The struggle to patent computer software.
  • The war costs in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • Two party system compared multiple party systems.
  • What is acne and what are its causes.
  • Why the NASA shuttle program was stopped.
  • Why the Romans built huge aqueducts in France.
  • Venezuela and the constitutional power crisis.
  • A diamond exploration certification system will not prevent conflict-diamonds trade.
  • Handwriting analysis and how it reveals aspects of your personality.
  • Hindu Cinema: not just Bollywood movies.
  • How many disasters always happen at Christmas time.
  • How sleepwalkers perform the most unusual things while asleep.
  • Different lifestyles of generations.
  • Importance of sleeping
  • What makes me happy
  • My ideal trip to Asia
  • What would it be like to live with a famous person?
  • If I were a volcano
  • If l could the queen
  • Benefits of being a vegetarian
  • How girls worldwide are treated differently
  • History of Mainamati in Bangladesh
  • Broccoli flavored Oreos
  • The Importance of public speaking
  • A world without boundaries
  • Stars and shooting stars
  • How I came to school for the first time
  • Conspiracy theories
  • The pros and cons of being dead
  • Confusing grammar
  • When my birthday was there
  • Importance of languages
  • How to study effectively
  • If I walked backwards
  • The power of a lie
  • Power of words
  • If I was invisible
  • Why I smile
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fashion trends I hate
  • Why do we have toes?
  • Why I want to be a lawyer (or whatever job u pick)
  • How colours affect your mood

Need a topic for your speech about an interesting persuasion statement?

Here are some of the best speech ideas and two easy informative subjects you can alter into a firm convincing claim.

Need other attracting ideas?

Check the navbar on the left and you will find thousands of special hints and tips for your public presentation 🙂

1. Whistleblower Protection Is Not Effective

  • Whistleblower laws don’t protect against reprisals, disciplinary measures and spin from superiors.
  • Huge companies have enough money to buy legal advice for a long period, laws offer employees no financial shield.
  • Legislation often doesn’t address the issue itself, the problem, the allegations often are not investigated.

Another topic for your speech on business could be on fair trade:

2. Is Fair Trade Really Fair?

  • Protectionism and markets are often stronger than fair trade appointments.
  • Buying products is subsidizing poor farmers and manufacturers in developing countries. It isn’t helping them to make them stronger.
  • It is anti-competitive and it undermines the economy in Third World nations.

And what do you think of this explosive persuasive topic for your speech?

3. Nuclear Power Is Dangerous Stuff

  • An accident could cause thousands of fatalities and for billions of dollars property damage.
  • There is no proper technology to handle radioactive waste material.
  • Health risks for people working in the plant and for those who are living nearby could not be foreseen in advance and certainly not at the long term.
  • Costs of nuclear plant safety measurements are very high.

And now two informative suggestions for a topic for your speech. But you easily transform them into some of the best speech ideas for persuasion speeches:

4. Checklist Before Taking A New Job

  • A bigger company means more interesting job and task opportunities.
  • It makes it possible to extend your existing network of trusted contacts.
  • Like to travel abroad? Is it a Yes or No?
  • How about the probability that you will keep your job – in other words what about the job security? What are the hidden clues?
  • Is there a chance you can make you professional dreams and personal goals come true?
  • How about the pay? Get all salary information, and decide on how much you want to earn from the start.
  • Are there other requirements? Some personal wishes you would like to fulfill?

5. The Advantages Of Working In The Night

  • No disturbing by telephone.
  • No traffic jam.
  • Not being awakened by the alarm clock in early morning hours …

You can think about the disadvantages too … Approach this subject from different sides and you double your opportunities!

89 Medical Speech Topic Ideas [Persuasive, Informative, Nursing]

292 Sports Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

10 thoughts on “259 Interesting Speech Topics [Examples + Outlines]”

Are you in the Now?

Renewable energy pros and cons.

I want to learn the most detailed writing. Am a New student and i need to improve my own My subject is an informative one : Ivorians women teaching in Abidjan universites.

I need more topics to choose from for my oral presentation

Hello, I’d appreciate it if you’d stop perpetuating falseties about global warming and climate change. They are very much real, and putting them on a list like this only further pushes the myth that they are false. These topics are not up for debate.

Some of these are really creative.

#184 made me laugh. As someone who grew up with Harry Potter, perhaps students these days will consider me an older person ha.

Regards, Chris

thaaaank you very much this is help me a lot

Thanks for the ideas!

A lot of these “creative” topics are not only offensive but help push distructive rhetoric.

this helped me out so much.was just sitting there lost about what to speak at the academic decathlon.thanks

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Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis euismod libero facilisi.

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50 Topics for Impromptu Student Speeches

Illustration by Catherine Song. ThoughtCo. 

  • Homework Tips
  • Learning Styles & Skills
  • Study Methods
  • Time Management
  • Private School
  • College Admissions
  • College Life
  • Graduate School
  • Business School
  • Distance Learning
  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

For the many people who break out in a sweat at the very idea of speaking in front of an audience , the prospect of speaking on an unknown topic with little to no preparation is likely terrifying. But you don't have to be afraid of impromptu speeches. As it turns out, the secret even to off-the-cuff speeches is preparation.

Impromptu Speech Tips

  • Decide on your topic
  • Come up with three supportive statements related to your topic
  • Prepare a strong conclusion

Use this list of impromptu speech topics to practice making a quick speech outline in your head. For each of the topics below, just think of three main points you'd like to make. For example, if your speech topic is "Your least favorite chores," you could quickly come up with three statements:

  • I don't know anybody who likes to fold laundry, so the first task on my list of unhappy chores is folding laundry.
  • Taking out the trash is another chore that most people dread, and I'm no different.
  • The worst chore in the entire household has to be cleaning the toilet.

If you go into your speech with these statements in your head, you can spend the rest of your time thinking up supporting statements as you speak. When you've identified your three main points, think of a great finishing statement. If you end with a great closer, you'll really impress your audience.

Start Practicing With This List

  • My three favorite animals.
  • What you would find in my closet. Make something up.
  • What you'd find under my bed.
  • The best letter of the alphabet.
  • Why your mom/dad is special.
  • A day that stands out.
  • The best surprise ever.
  • If I had a million dollars to give away.
  • If cats/dogs ruled the world.
  • A trip to remember.
  • My favorite day of the year.
  • If I could only eat three foods forever.
  • If I could design a school.
  • Why books are important.
  • Three surprising facts about me .
  • How to impress your parents.
  • How to plan a party.
  • A job I'd love to have.
  • A day in my life.
  • If I could have dinner with anyone.
  • If I could travel through time.
  • My favorite book.
  • An important lesson I've learned.
  • What I've learned from cartoons.
  • The smartest cartoon character.
  • Three things I'd change if I ruled the world.
  • Why sports are important.
  • The worst chores at home.
  • Why I deserve an allowance.
  • If I were in charge of school lunches.
  • If I had invented school.
  • The best theme park rides.
  • Whom do you admire most?
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • How to achieve your dreams.
  • Why you need a baby brother.
  • How to annoy an older sister.
  • How to save money.
  • Three things that scare me.
  • Great things about snow days.
  • Things you can make out of snow.
  • How to spend a rainy day.
  • How to walk a dog.
  • Great things about the ocean.
  • Things I'll never eat.
  • How to be a slacker.
  • Why I like my town.
  • The best parts of a parade.
  • Interesting things you see in the sky.
  • Things to remember when you're camping.
  • An experience with a bully.
  • How to Give an Impromptu Speech
  • 100 Persuasive Speech Topics for Students
  • Mock Election Ideas For Students
  • 5 Tips on How to Write a Speech Essay
  • Controversial Speech Topics
  • How to Write a Graduation Speech as Valedictorian
  • Questions to Ask a College Representative
  • What Is a Blue Book?
  • Benefits of Participating in High School Debate
  • Tips to Write a Great Letter to the Editor
  • Homework Guidelines for Elementary and Middle School Teachers
  • How to Write and Structure a Persuasive Speech
  • Writing a Paper about an Environmental Issue
  • College School Supplies List
  • The Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives
  • Nonverbal Communication Activities
  • Essay Topic Generator
  • Summary Generator
  • Thesis Maker Academic
  • Sentence Rephraser
  • Read My Paper
  • Hypothesis Generator
  • Cover Page Generator
  • Text Compactor
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  • Essay Plagiarism Checker
  • Hook Generator
  • AI Writing Checker
  • Notes Maker
  • Overnight Essay Writing
  • Topic Ideas
  • Writing Tips
  • Essay Writing (by Genre)
  • Essay Writing (by Topic)

243 Informative Speech Topics for College Students: Fun & Easy Ideas [UPD 2024]

In an informative speech, your goal here is to share information on a certain topic with others.

Searching for informative speech ideas for college students can give you lots of trouble. However, when a team of professionals offers you a list of topics, you know that you can count on each of the informative speaking topics in the list being a real gem. 

Here, we’ve prepared lots of good informative speech topics for college students. Also, you’ll learn about the purpose of an informative speech and how to do it.

So, let’s not waste any time – let’s dive into the pool of fantastic ideas for informative speech writing!

  • 📝 Purpose of an Informative Speech
  • 💬 How to Prepare a Speech?
  • 📚 50 Best Topics
  • 🔥 Mind-blowing Topics
  • 💡 Easy Topics
  • 📎 Short Topics
  • 📋 Interesting Topics
  • ❓ Mysterious Topics
  • 🦄 Unique Topics
  • 📱 Topics about Social Media
  • 🏺 About Cultural Artifacts
  • 💼 About Business
  • 🧠 Psychology Topics
  • 🎓 Speech Topics about College Life
  • 🗣️ Public Speaking Topics for College Students

👨‍🎓 Fun Informative Speech Topics for College Students

📢 oral presentation topics for college students, 🎤 informative speech examples for college students, 📝 the purpose of an informative speech.

If you decide to prepare an informative speech, you should understand its central purpose. Your goal here is to share information on a certain topic with others. To achieve this aim, you should find a way to present the theme to your audience.

Another essential aim to keep in mind: your informative speech should be memorable . It means that people should be able to remember the main point. To make your speech stand out, you need to work out its structure.

It’s quite a challenging task! But don’t worry, we’re here for you. Dive into the next section to find out how to do an informative speech.

💬 How to Prepare an Informative Speech?

Before we offer you a wonderful list of informative speech topics for college students, have a look at this section! Here we’ve prepared a three-step plan on how to prepare an informative speech.

The picture contains a three-step plan on how to prepare an informative speech.

Step #1: Choosing Informative Speech Ideas for College Students

Firstly, you should decide upon what subject interests you the most. It is essential to be curious about what you’re talking. Below you’ll find 200+ informative speech ideas from different areas. You can decide to talk about art, nursing, business, cultural artifacts, or many other themes.

Step #2: Writing Your Informative Speech

Secondly, you should prepare your speech in a written form. To have your speech written is vital, as:

  • it is well-structured;
  • you don’t forget anything;
  • you can always go back to your notes.

Step #3: Checking Your Informative Speech

Thirdly, remember to have these essential parts in your informative speech:

  • Catchy introduction – pose a question for your audience.
  • Thesis statement – the main point of your informative speech.
  • Clear arguments.
  • Conclusion – answer the initial question.

📚 50 Best Speech Topics for College Students

Here we’ve created a list of 50 excellent informative speech topics from different areas. Enjoy!

  • Differences in non-verbal communication in different cultures.
  • Insomnia and its causes: Blowing the cover off the old mystery.
  • Sleepwalking: Myths and prejudices.
  • Communication technology impacts.
  • Something people never knew about WWII: Unknown soldiers and their deeds.
  • Anne Frank: The girl who believed in people’s good nature despite everything
  • Hip-hop music, culture, and famous artists.
  • Things people never knew about space: Bordering a sci-fi novel.
  • Modern popular culture.
  • Recent discoveries about neutrinos: Travel at the speed of light.
  • Unknown inventors: Chester Carlson and his Xerox machine.
  • The entire story of the Higgs boson: No parallel universe.
  • Paris major tourist attractions.
  • D. Squad against lung cancer: New prospects, new discoveries.
  • The invention of Segway: Down with the cars of yesterday!
  • Social psychology in people’s life.
  • In the light of recent fuel issues: Storage of solar energy.
  • The Manhattan Project and its effects.
  • Stem cells as a probable solution to terminal diseases.
  • Newest methods of child upbringing: Success and failure.
  • The effect of music on culture.
  • World War II in Africa.
  • The Social institution of family in the USA.
  • Social factors and family issues.
  • What is cultural pluralism?
  • What life of ordinary people looked like in the Middle Ages?
  • Who created Latin America?
  • Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in Germany.
  • Ecotourism effects on Eskimos in Canada.
  • Japanese & Chinese families and their differences.
  • The impact of social networks on adolescent psyche.
  • The lack of sleep and driving: The USA case.
  • Is religion compatible with secularism?
  • Cultural diversity and inclusion in society.
  • US-Mexican border and drug problem.
  • Artificial Intelligence and the problem of unemployment.
  • Why is Latin America called ‘Latin’?
  • Global warming: causes and consequences.
  • Social workers in students’ life.
  • How does YouTube improve our laziness?
  • Women’s role in Victorian society.
  • Medicine and life expectancy in the Middle Ages.
  • Bilingual education: Advantages and drawbacks.
  • Should cellphone use in cars be banned?
  • The real effects of greenhouse gases.
  • Humanism and Renaissance period.
  • The Chinese Cultural Revolution and its effects.
  • Corporate culture: West versus East.
  • Should schools teach morals?
  • Psychology: How do children succeed?

🔥 Mind-Blowing Informative Speech Topics for College

Here are some more wonderful speech topics for you. To better help you understand what your informative speeches should be about, we also provide a short description of the subject. Let’s go!

  • Why is the sky blue? The mechanism of refraction. Many of us have wondered since our childhood about the color of the sky. Today, most of us can probably say that the sky is blue due to refraction, but very few can explain the mechanism of this process. Choose this as a topic for your informative speech and give others the ability to answer when their children ask them this question.
  • Black holes: Concentrations of mass that can suck in the light. Black holes are some of the most interesting cosmic objects that are known today. They are massive concentrations of matter in a relatively small space. Their density is so high that their gravity is immense; even light cannot escape such gravity once it gets under the event horizon. If you want to prepare for an informative speaking event, you can choose this as your topic to impress your audience.
  • The deepest depths: The Mariana Trench. The Mariana Trench is known to be the deepest place underwater on Earth. Its depth reaches almost 11 kilometers (nearly 36,000 feet) at specific points. However, the underwater surface of the trench also has its landscape; it is known that there are mountains in it. Find out more about these unimaginable depths and prepare an impressive and fascinating speech for your audience.
  • The “dangers” of dihydrogen monoxide: A hoax for the scientifically illiterate. In the 1980s, a hoax was published by a newspaper on April Fool’s day, reporting the presence of “dihydrogen oxide” in the waters of a city. Later, in 1989-1990, the hoax was published on the Web; the name has been changed to “dihydrogen monoxide” to make it sound even scarier. Find out if your audience is as gullible as the people who organized campaigns to ban the chemical, or just make an informative speech to enlighten the naive ones.
  • Qualitative versus quantitative: what type of research method to choose? When planning a study, you may not know what type of methodology to choose: qualitative or quantitative. However, the choice should depend on the nature of your inquiry, and sometimes even on how much is already known about the subject. Make an excellent informative speech on this topic and help your group mates with their next research project.
  • The history of data storage devices. Computers are virtually ubiquitous nowadays, and data storage devices are used both inside computers (e.g., hard drives) and outside them (DVDs, flash memory, data storage arrays). Preparing and delivering an exciting and informative speech on this topic can cause your audience to enjoy themselves truly.
  • Brown dwarfs: “stars that didn’t quite make it.” Brown dwarfs are substellar objects with a mass that falls in the range between the smallest stars and the enormous gas giants. They are, however, much more massive than gas giants due to their higher density. However, their mass is not enough to sustain the nuclear reaction of hydrogen into helium fusion; one might say that the most massive brown dwarfs only “barely” lack the mass to become the lightest stars. Selecting this as a topic for your informative speaking will help both you and your audience to learn more.
  • The invention of photography. Making photos is one of the most popular hobbies today now that we have digital cameras. In the past, however, photo cameras used film to take pictures, and even before then, there have not been any cameras around. The invention of photography became a crucial point in the history of humanity.
  • The mysteries of the Indian caste system. The Indian caste system is one of the most ancient traditions in India. While the caste system means formalized inequality, this idea has interesting religious and cultural roots. Your audience will enjoy an informative speech on this topic about the cultural tradition of a foreign country.
  • Cannabis and the history of the word “assassin.” Did you know that the word “assassin” is derived from the word “hashish”? Hashish was a drug popular in a medieval Islamic sect known as Nizari Ismailis. Its members are reputed to have been well-trained killers performing surgical strikes at their opponents.
  • Epigenome and its role in gene expression. Nowadays, virtually everyone knows that genes carry hereditary information from parents to children and provide the data for the creation of almost all molecules, cells, and tissues in living organisms. However, much fewer people are aware of the mechanism that allows for the formation of different cells and tissues for various purposes, for not all the information from DNA needs to be used when a cell is created. Learn more about the mechanism of the epigenome , and deliver an informative speech on this exciting subject to your audience.
  • “Shining magic powder”: the Goiânia accident. In 1987, in the city of Goiânia in Brazil, a local businessman, the owner of a scrapyard, found a capsule with a mysterious powder that glowed with a thick blue light. Having thought that the dust was precious and probably magical, the businessman took the powder to his home to show it to his family and friends. However, the fairy tale soon turned into a deadly nightmare. Find out more about the accident, and make an informative speech for your audience to tell them about why glowing “magical” powders are probably very dangerous.
  • The invention of the first clock. All sorts of clocks and watches are an indispensable part of modern life. However, before the first clock was invented, people could not tell the time precisely and had to rely on things such as the Sun, stars, and mechanisms such as sundials to tell the time approximately. Tell your audience about the history of the brilliant invention in an informative speech on this exciting subject.
  • The phenomenon of male bisexuality in the culture of Ancient Greece. In Ancient Greece, it was believed that a middle-aged man should find a young man and serve as a mentor for him, also engaging in sexual contact with him. However, that older man still needed to have a wife and children. Tell your audience more about this exciting tradition in an informative speech on this topic.
  • Does “real-life” water freeze at 0°C (32°F)? The freezing point depression. Today, virtually everyone knows that water freezes at 0°C (32°F). However, this is only true of pure water in certain conditions. Few people know that water freezing temperature depends on factors such as pressure and, importantly, the number of particles of substances dissolved in water. Tell your audience more about this in an excellent informative speech about such a phenomenon as the freezing point depression .

💡 Easy Informative Speech Topics for College Students

Here is another list for you if you’d like to choose one of the easy informative speech topics for college students.

  • The Parisian culture: European and Islamic cultures.
  • The future of snowboarding.
  • New Olympic sports.
  • Popular music in America.
  • Tourism in France and globalization influences.
  • Major religious beliefs.
  • Current environmental issues.
  • World history of smoking.
  • Noise pollution in big cities.
  • How do childhood memories work?
  • Fashion trends during 2014-2015 years.
  • Yoga as a phenomenon in Western culture.
  • Heavy metal music: History.
  • English East India Company: Interesting Facts.
  • The history of money.
  • Nelson Mandela: Important life facts.
  • Negative impacts of fast food.
  • How did the world population grow?
  • Global poverty: Current situation.
  • Why are trees important for our life?

📎 Short & Easy Speech Topics for College Students

Sometimes you need to be concise with your speech . For this reason, we’ve prepared a list of short speech topics for you! Let’s go!

  • The influence of social media on concentration.
  • Global health: Problems and its solutions.
  • United Nations: Main functions.
  • Global warming problems and solutions.
  • Why do people have stereotypes?
  • The UK National Health Service.
  • Death penalty around the world: Overview.
  • The future of healthcare.
  • Human rights organizations: Is it essential?
  • Why is ethics inevitable in healthcare?
  • Sustainability and obesity in the US.
  • Healthcare informatics: Overview.
  • Why should you not abandon fat in food?
  • Medical waste management.
  • Why is iron deficiency dangerous?
  • American health care system.
  • Where did the manners come from?
  • European healthcare systems.
  • What news can be called ‘fake’?
  • Electronic health record: Pros and cons.
  • Mandatory health insurance : Advantages and disadvantages.
  • Pain management in nursing.
  • Trends in organic food.
  • GMO: Is it dangerous?
  • Social networks: Major trends.
  • Causes of depression.
  • Why are so many people afraid of public speaking?
  • What is environmental protection?
  • Why do people have emotions?
  • Where do cultural traditions come from?

📋 Interesting Informative Speech Topics for College Students

That’s not all yet! If you’re interested in even more speech topics, keep reading! Here is a list of other interesting informative speech topics.

❓ Mysterious Speech Topics for College Students

  • The mystery of John F. Kennedy’s death.
  • The mystery of Easter Island: Where did the statues come from?
  • The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.
  • Stonehenge: What is still unknown?
  • Top 3 mysterious places on the planet.
  • Who is Banksy?
  • Why are people attracted by mysteries?
  • Snowman: Where does it come from?
  • Loch Ness and its mystery.
  • City of Atlantis: Has it ever existed?

🦄 Unique Speech Topics for College Students

  • Origins of art: Where does it come from?
  • What do people with bipolar disorder feel like?
  • Where do trends come from?
  • What regular actions can everyone take to care about the environment?
  • What challenges do technologies bring?
  • Based on technological development, what might our future look like?
  • Mental illnesses stigmatization in the 21st century.
  • Overpopulation: Can we solve this issue?
  • What is culture for?
  • What is positive psychology about?

📱 Informative Speech Topics for College about Social Media

  • How has the world changed with the rise of social media?
  • Body image: Is social media harmful?
  • Politics: How is social media used for political purposes?
  • Privacy: Is it still possible?
  • Cyberbullying: What can be done against it?
  • Social media and mental health: Overview.
  • Male versus female: Who is more active on social networks?
  • Fake News and social media: Overview of the problem.
  • Why do people enjoy social media?
  • Should social media be controlled by governments?

🏺 Informative Speech Topics about Cultural Artifacts

  • How did people learn to understand cultural artifacts?
  • What are the latest important cultural artifacts that have been found?
  • Eastern ceramics: History and features.
  • Postage stamps: History.
  • Mexican pyramids: The meaning behind.
  • Cultural artifacts from the Middle Age: Overview.
  • Religious artifacts of Western cultures from the 19th century.

💼 Speech Topics for College Students on Business

Sometimes you might want to choose a broad topic for your informative speech. Don’t worry! Here is a list of broad informative speech topics on business, marketing, and management.

  • Management information systems in business processes.
  • Performance management in business.
  • Activity-based management.
  • Latest online marketing strategies: Overview.
  • Levels of management.
  • Concept of international marketing.
  • Relationship marketing and its practical uses.
  • Social media influences on marketing.
  • How does business planning work?
  • The concept of business communication.
  • International business and cultural differences.
  • Motivation theories in business.
  • Ethics and morals role in business.
  • Management in multinational companies.
  • The future of small businesses.
  • Small businesses marketing strategies.
  • Business competitive strategies.
  • Mission statements.
  • Management in small businesses.
  • Operations management.
  • Growth strategy.
  • Strategic financial management.
  • Sustainability policy.
  • Management functions.
  • Team management.
  • Cash flows statement.
  • International standards.
  • Project manager.
  • Organizational communication.
  • Organizational change.
  • Human resource management.

🧠 Informative Speech Topics for College about Psychology

Psychology is a very popular topic today. Many people are curious to know more about psychological questions. So, you might think of preparing an informative speech on psychology. Have a look at our topic list!

  • How can psychology be used to improve people’s lives?
  • How to avoid burnout syndrome? Useful tips.
  • How does our memory work?
  • How is psychology used in marketing?
  • Sigmund Freud: Central ideas and their influence on modern psychology.
  • Business psychology: How does it work?
  • Goals setting and psychology.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Why is it essential?
  • Can money make people happy? Psychological point of view.
  • Why are people biased towards mental illnesses?
  • Is it possible to learn stress resistance?
  • Personality tests: Are they trustworthy?
  • How does a lie detector work?
  • Social networks and self-esteem: Does one affect the other?
  • How is Emotional Intelligence measured?
  • Dreams: What psychology says?
  • What is critical thinking?
  • Why does music evoke emotions?
  • Does IQ really matter?
  • Why do social networks make us addicted?

🎓 Easy Informative Speech Topics about College Life

Another idea is to focus on an informative speech about college life . It will be likely interesting for your classmates! Let’s dive in!

  • How does college life benefit academic motivation?
  • College life: Pros and cons.
  • The first year of college.
  • Living on campus: Advantages versus drawbacks.
  • College education in the modern world: Pros and cons.
  • Online education: Pros and cons.
  • Extracurricular activities in college life.
  • Major challenges in college life.
  • College life for students of different ages.
  • Expectations from college life.

️🗣 Public Speaking Topics for College Students

  • Responsible ways of using ChatGPT in education.
  • How trustworthy is online voting?
  • The benefits and pitfalls of investing in cryptocurrency.
  • Strategies to maintain work-life balance.
  • Discrimination of women in sports and how to stop it.
  • How can we protect mental health in the age of social media?
  • The efficiency of yoga in reducing anxiety.
  • Habits you need to have to become successful.
  • The dangerous effects of air pollution.
  • How do sports assist children in developing their character?
  • The evolution of Internet slang and abbreviations.
  • Ten ways to find a lover on social media.
  • How can humor heal our daily stress?
  • Dropping out of the university as a strategy to become successful.
  • The use of chemical reactions in cooking and baking.
  • The key secrets of clowning: funny makeup and balloons.
  • How can you cheat on exams without being caught?
  • The beneficial side of telling a lie.
  • Sports nicknames and their importance.
  • What were the causes of depressive Tweets during COVID-19?
  • The importance of recycling in the modern world.
  • Co-educational institutions: benefits and drawbacks.
  • Why should body-shaming be banned?
  • The practical methods of stopping racial discrimination.
  • How can we deal with terrorism in the world?
  • Five ways of breaking bad habits.
  • The efficiency of reading in transforming one’s life.
  • How does the gender pay gap impact the economy?
  • The value of protecting minority cultures in the US.
  • The same rating system for all students: for or against.

If you are still in doubt about how the informative speech should look, we have helpful examples and famous speech samples that can come in handy!

Example of Informative Speech about Global Warming

Welcome, everyone, Today, let’s talk about something that we are all responsible for — global warming. And it is not an abstract concept but a global phenomenon occurring ever so slowly, even at this moment. Over the past century, the average temperatures have increased by just over one degree. This may not appear to be much, but many experts agree that the Earth’s temperatures are beginning to rise more rapidly. But what causes global warming? Global warming happens when greenhouse gases trap heat inside the Earth’s atmosphere. Consider what occurs when you open your car door after you have rolled up your windows on a hot day. The sun’s heat enters the car but cannot escape due to its frame. This is, to some extent, an illustration of what happens during global warming. Global warming has detrimental effects on our planet. It is not just about extreme weather events. It is about issues that threaten the delicate balance of life on Earth. The rising sea level, driven by melting polar ice caps, inundates coastal regions, causing widespread flooding and damaging coral reefs, the very foundation of marine ecosystems. Air quality deteriorates, and seawater acidity increases, impacting marine life and disrupting the food chain. Global warming, caused by greenhouse gas emissions, is not a distant threat but an impending catastrophe the consequences of which will escalate dramatically in the near future. The time to act is now. Individual actions to reduce energy consumption, using fuel-efficient vehicles and electronics, can make a significant difference. These efforts, coupled with collective action, will not only restrain greenhouse gas emissions but also improve air quality. It is not enough to rely on global policies. Individual contributions are also crucial for preventing irreversible damage. Let us seize the moment, take action, and secure a brighter future for the generations to come. Thank you for your attention.

More Sample Informative Speeches for College Students

Here are five famous informative speech samples that you can view to learn from the best speakers.

  • Andrew Blum: What Is the Internet, Really? This speech dwells on the fundamental principles of Internet work, focusing on its physical side. According to Blum, the internet is not only a stream of 0s and 1s traveling over the air, but it is a physical network of cables and servers that connect people all over the world.
  • Pranav Mistry: The Thrilling Potential of Sixth Sense Technology Pranav Mistry’s speech describes Sixth Sense technology, which allows people to interact with the world around them using gestures and movements. The author highlights how Sixth Sense may boost our productivity and efficiency while opening new avenues for creativity and innovation.
  • David Gallo: Underwater Astonishments This speech explores the wonders of the underwater world, from majestic coral reefs to amazing marine life. Gallo’s purpose is to remind us that the undersea world is a magical place and that it is critical to maintain this endangered ecosystem.
  • Pamela Meyer: How to Spot a Liar This speech lays up a framework for detecting lies based on the study of liars’ behavior patterns. While there is no reliable technique to identify if someone is lying, Pamela Meyer emphasizes that there are numerous crucial symptoms that can evoke suspicion.
  • Greg Brockman: The Inside Story of ChatGPT’s Astonishing Potential Greg Brockman’s speech explains how ChatGPT works and how it can be used for various purposes, from education to entertainment. The author predicts a future where ChatGPT is incorporated into our daily lives, helping us to learn and create.

Now you have more than 200 informative speech ideas! Also, you’ve got an understanding of how to prepare an informative speech. Why wait? Start doing your own informative speech. Good luck!

🔗 References

  • Informative Speeches – University of Minnesota
  • Defining an Informative Speech – Lumen Learning
  • Informative Speaking – University of Pittsburgh
  • Informative Speech Topics – Medium
  • Informative Speaking – WAC
  • Major Types of Informative Speeches – CSU
  • Informative Speech – UWLAX
  • Informative Speech Objectives –
  • Speech Resources – SPC
  • Informative Speech – Illinois State University

This is a very informative and truly inspiring article..These ideas helped me give an excellent speech and i would like to congratulate Jack who has prepared the same..Gr8 job

100+ Informative Speech Topics & Ideas for All Students 

  • Post category: Uncategorized
  • Reading time: 30 mins read

As a student tasked with delivering an informative speech, finding the right topic can be a difficult first step. The challenge doesn’t just end with selecting a topic; it extends to researching, preparing, and effectively presenting it. We’ve got you covered.

Our selection of informative speech topics is filled with captivating and relevant ideas to keep your audience engaged while educating them. You can choose any of these topics as a starting point for an informative and memorable speech.

List of Informative Speech Topics for Students

When selecting informative speech topics for students, the aim is to find subjects that are educational, engaging, and relevant to their interests and experiences. Here are some diverse and thought-provoking informative topic ideas that college students can explore for their informative speeches:

Good Informative Speech Topics for Students

  • First Aid Basics and Their Importance
  • Cold and Flu: Symptoms and Prevention
  • Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children
  • Mental Health Awareness in Adolescence
  • Essentials of Nutritional Health
  • The Science and Importance of Vaccines
  • Hygiene Practices to Prevent Illness
  • The Role of Sleep in Maintaining Health
  • Understanding and Managing Allergies
  • An Introduction to Human Anatomy
  • Special Considerations in Geriatric Nursing
  • Effective Stress Management Techniques
  • The Health Benefits of Regular Exercise
  • Ethical Considerations in Nursing
  • Managing and Understanding Diabetes
  • Fundamentals of Wound Care
  • Common Skin Conditions and Treatments
  • The Diverse Role of Nurses in Healthcare
  • Basics of Pain Management
  • Promoting Cardiovascular Health

Best Informative Speech Topics for College

  • Advanced First Aid and Crisis Management
  • In-depth Analysis of Mental Health Disorders
  • Pediatric Oncology: Challenges and Care
  • Lifestyle’s Impact on Chronic Diseases
  • Nutritional Therapy in Healthcare Settings
  • Vaccine Development and Effectiveness
  • Infection Control Techniques in Hospitals
  • Sleep Psychology and Related Disorders
  • Comprehensive Allergy Management
  • Detailed Study of Human Physiology
  • Geriatric Nursing and Age-Related Diseases
  • Advanced Stress and Anxiety Management
  • Exercise Physiology in Disease Prevention
  • Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing
  • In-depth Look at Diabetes and Endocrine Health
  • Advanced Techniques in Wound Healing
  • Dermatology from a Nursing Perspective
  • Leadership and Management in Nursing
  • Comprehensive Approaches to Pain Management
  • Cardiac Care and Rehabilitation Techniques

Easy Informative Speech Topics

  • Basic First Aid Techniques Everyone Should Know
  • The Importance of Hand Hygiene in Preventing Infections
  • Understanding Common Cold: Symptoms and Treatment
  • Introduction to Healthy Eating and Nutrition
  • Basic Steps for Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Sleep Hygiene: Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep
  • Stress Management: Simple Relaxation Techniques
  • Basics of Diabetes: Types and Management
  • Understanding and Preventing Seasonal Allergies
  • Basic Wound Care: Do’s and Don’ts
  • The Role of Vaccinations in Public Health
  • The Impact of Smoking on Health
  • Introduction to Mental Health and Well-being
  • Basic Skin Care and Sun Protection
  • The Importance of Regular Exercise
  • Understanding Asthma: Basics and Management
  • Principles of Healthy Weight Management
  • Dehydration: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
  • Introduction to Geriatric Health Issues
  • Pediatric Health: Common Childhood Illnesses

Short Informative Speech Topics

  • Handwashing: The Best Way to Prevent Germs
  • Quick Tips for a Healthy Heart
  • Introduction to CPR: Basic Steps
  • The Dangers of Antibiotic Resistance
  • Understanding Migraines and Headache Management
  • Basic Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals Essentials
  • The Significance of Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Recognizing and Responding to a Stroke
  • Basic Eye Care and Common Eye Problems
  • Importance of Vaccines in Disease Prevention
  • Ear Health and Preventing Hearing Loss
  • Simple Techniques for Anxiety Relief
  • Oral Hygiene and Dental Health Basics
  • Foot Care for Diabetics
  • Dealing with Common Digestive Disorders
  • Bone Health: Preventing Osteoporosis
  • Overview of Common Respiratory Diseases
  • Basic Understanding of Arthritis
  • Skin Cancer Awareness and Prevention
  • Basics of Maternal and Child Health

Interesting/ Fun Informative Speech Topics

  • The Evolution of Nursing Throughout History
  • Fascinating Medical Discoveries and Innovations
  • The Role of Pets and Animals in Healing
  • Bizarre but True: Unusual Medical Conditions
  • Medical Miracles: Remarkable Recovery Stories
  • How Laughter Benefits Physical Health
  • Exploring the Power of the Placebo Effect
  • Myths and Facts About the Human Brain
  • Pioneering Women in the Field of Nursing
  • The Science Behind Love and Its Health Benefits
  • Unique Traditional Healing Practices Around the World
  • The Future of Telemedicine and Virtual Healthcare
  • The Psychology of Pain: Perception vs. Reality
  • The Weird World of Rare Genetic Conditions
  • How Music Therapy Enhances Health and Well-being
  • The History and Significance of World Health Day
  • Famous Medical Experiments in History
  • The Impact of Space Travel on Human Health
  • The Influence of Social Media on Health Trends
  • Nursing in War: Stories from the Frontline

Unique Informative Speech Topics

  • The Link Between Climate Change and Public Health
  • The Future of Genetic Engineering in Medicine
  • Exploring the World of Rare Diseases
  • Nursing Practices in Different Cultures
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • The Psychology of Color in Healing Environments
  • The Impact of Globalization on Healthcare
  • Revolutionary Medical Treatments Under Development
  • The Ethical Dilemmas of Modern Medicine
  • The Role of Nutrition in Chronic Disease Management
  • Virtual Reality and its Application in Healthcare
  • The Evolution of Surgical Techniques
  • The Role of Nurses in Disaster Response
  • Breakthroughs in Brain-Computer Interfaces
  • The Connection Between Art and Healing
  • The Growing Field of Gerontechnology
  • The Science of Sleep Disorders
  • The Challenges of Healthcare in Remote Areas
  • The Effects of Social Isolation on Mental Health
  • The Role of Robotics in Modern Surgery

Popular Informative Speech Topics

  • The COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned
  • The Opioid Crisis: Understanding and Prevention
  • Mental Health: Breaking the Stigma
  • The Importance of Healthcare Accessibility
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Nursing
  • The Impact of Diet on Mental Health
  • The Challenges of Nursing in a Pandemic
  • Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Breastfeeding: Benefits and Challenges
  • The Rise of Telehealth Services
  • The Importance of Patient Advocacy in Nursing
  • The Effects of Social Media on Teen Mental Health
  • The Growing Problem of Antibiotic Resistance
  • The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation in Healthcare
  • Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
  • The Impact of Stress on Physical Health
  • The Role of Community Health Nursing
  • Advances in Cancer Treatment and Research
  • The Importance of Health Education in Schools
  • The Growing Trend of Wellness and Preventative Care

Informative Speech Topics – 2024 Ideas

  • The Role of Nursing in Global Health Initiatives
  • Advances in Stem Cell Research and Therapy
  • The Future of Personalized Medicine
  • The Ethics of Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Patient Care
  • The Growing Trend of Plant-Based Diets and Health
  • The Use of Big Data in Healthcare
  • The Challenges of Providing Healthcare in Conflict Zones
  • The Role of Mental Health First Aid
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Diseases
  • Innovations in Wound Care and Healing
  • The Future of Nursing Education
  • The Role of Nurses in Palliative and End-of-Life Care
  • The Effects of Pollution on Respiratory Health
  • The Importance of Global Vaccine Equity
  • The Challenges of Rural Healthcare Delivery
  • Emerging Trends in Healthcare Technology
  • The Psychology Behind Chronic Pain Management
  • The Importance of Cultural Competence in Nursing
  • The Growing Field of Nursing Informatics

Creative Informative Speech Topics

  • The Art and Science of Nursing
  • The Role of Storytelling in Patient Care
  • Innovative Approaches to Patient Education
  • The Impact of Urban Design on Public Health
  • The Intersection of Fashion and Medical Wearables
  • Creative Therapies in Mental Health Care
  • The Use of Gamification in Health Education
  • The Role of Nurses in Health Policy Development
  • Exploring the World of Holistic Nursing
  • The Future of 3D Printing in Medicine
  • The Importance of Empathy in Healthcare
  • The Use of Augmented Reality in Surgical Training
  • The Role of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention
  • Innovations in Home Health Care Technology
  • The History and Future of Epidemics and Pandemics
  • The Role of Nurses in Climate Change Advocacy
  • The Use of Social Media in Health Awareness Campaigns
  • The Evolution of Maternal and Neonatal Care
  • Exploring the Benefits of Alternative Medicine
  • The Role of Nurses in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

What Is An Informative Speech?

An informative speech is a type of speech that aims to educate the audience on a specific topic, providing them with facts, insights, and information in a clear and understandable manner. Its main objective is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the listeners about the subject being discussed.

What are the 4 Types of Informative Speeches?

Informative speeches are a cornerstone of effective communication, especially in educational and professional settings. They serve the crucial purpose of educating and enlightening audiences on various topics. Broadly categorized, there are four distinct types of informative speeches, each serving a unique role in conveying information.

The four types of informative speeches are:

Descriptive Speeches:  These speeches aim to provide a detailed, vivid, and clear picture of a person, place, object, or event. The goal is to make the audience feel as if they are familiar with the subject through the use of descriptive language.

Explanatory Speeches: These focus on explaining a concept, idea, or phenomenon. The objective is to clarify the subject matter and help the audience understand it better, often involving the breaking down of complex ideas into simpler parts.

Demonstrative Speeches: These speeches are about showing or demonstrating how to do something. They are often accompanied by visual aids and step-by-step instructions, making them particularly useful for teaching processes or procedures.

Definition Speeches: This type involves explaining the meaning, context, or background of a specific term, concept, or issue. It’s about providing a clear and precise definition that enhances the audience’s understanding of a subject that might be abstract or complex.

Choosing Informative Speech Ideas

When writing an informative speech, one of the most critical steps is selecting a compelling and appropriate topic. Choose an informative speech topic that is interesting and can captivate your audience and ensure your message is conveyed and understood. Here’s how to choose a topic using the Five W’s – Who, What, When, Where, and Why –  approach:

Who: Consider your audience. Who are they? What are their interests, age group, and educational background? Selecting an interesting topic that resonates with the specific demographics of your audience will make your speech more impactful.

What: Determine the subject of your information speech. What topic do you want to address? Ensure it’s informative, interesting, and something you’re passionate about. The ‘what’ should also align with the purpose of your speech – are you aiming to educate, explain, demonstrate, or define?

When: Timing can be crucial. When is the best time to talk about these essay topics? Choose a subject that is timely and relevant. For instance, discussing technological advancements would be more engaging if aligned with recent breakthroughs.

Where: The setting or context where your professional speech will be delivered can influence your choice. Where will you be speaking? In a classroom, a business meeting, or a community event? The environment and occasion can dictate the appropriateness and tone of your topic.

Why: Finally, consider why this topic is essential. Why should your audience care about it? The ‘why’ is crucial for creating a compelling speech that informs and connects with the audience on a deeper level.

How to Write a Killer Informative Speech

Writing a good informative speech involves several key steps, each designed to ensure that your speech is engaging, informative, and memorable. Here’s a guide to help you craft an effective informative speech:

Choose a Topic

When selecting a topic for an informative speech essay, choose one that aligns with your interests and expertise, ensuring a passionate and knowledgeable presentation that resonates with your audience. The topic should be engaging, offering new insights or a deeper understanding of a subject, and appropriately scoped to be thoroughly covered within the time allotted for your speech. This balance ensures that your speech is informative, interesting, relevant, and impactful to those listening.

Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience is a crucial aspect of preparing an informative speech. This involves analyzing their interests, background knowledge, and expectations to tailor your presentation for maximum engagement and relevance. For instance, a speech aimed at industry professionals should differ in complexity and terminology compared to one intended for high school students. 

Knowing the audience’s baseline understanding of the topic helps avoid oversimplification or excessive complexity. Additionally, understanding their interests can guide you in choosing which aspects of the topic to emphasize, making the speech more appealing and relatable. A well-tailored speech, cognizant of its audience, delivers information effectively and ensures that the audience remains engaged and interested throughout the presentation.

Gather Evidence and Facts From Credible Scholarly Sources

Gathering evidence and facts from credible scholarly sources is fundamental in preparing an informative speech. This process involves extensive research to ensure the information you present is accurate, current, and authoritative. Utilizing sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable online databases adds depth and credibility to your speech. It’s important to critically evaluate these sources for their reliability and relevance to your topic. 

Incorporating well-researched facts and evidence strengthens your arguments and enhances your speech’s overall quality. It demonstrates to your audience that you thoroughly understand the subject and are committed to providing them with trustworthy and informative information. This careful attention to source selection and fact verification is key to delivering a speech that is engaging and intellectually robust.

Deconstruct the Topic to Select the Best Ideas

Deconstructing the topic involves brainstorming and breaking down the overarching subject into its constituent components or key ideas. By identifying these core elements, you can structure your speech in a logical and organized manner. 

This ensures you cover all relevant aspects of the topic and enables you to prioritize and emphasize the most significant and compelling ideas. Through this deconstruction and selection process, you can create a clear, focused, and engaging speech, providing your audience with a well-structured and informative presentation.

Write a Thesis Statement for Your Informative Speech

A thesis statement serves as the compass that guides the entire public speaking presentation. It encapsulates the main message you aim to convey and provides a roadmap for both you as the speaker and your audience. 

A well-constructed thesis statement should state the topic and indicate the specific angle, perspective, or key points you plan to cover. It’s the nucleus around your informative essay speech, ensuring your content remains focused and relevant. Moreover, a strong thesis statement provides your audience with a clear understanding of what to expect, enhancing their comprehension and engagement throughout your speech.

Inform Rather Than Persuade the Audience

Here, the primary objective is to inform and educate the audience rather than to persuade or convince them. This key distinction underlines the importance of objectively presenting facts, data, and information without bias or attempting to sway opinions. The aim is to give the audience a well-rounded understanding of the topic, enabling them to form opinions and make informed decisions. 

While persuasive speeches focus on advocating for a particular viewpoint, informative speeches prioritize clarity, objectivity, and the dissemination of knowledge. By adhering to this principle of informing rather than persuading, speakers can build trust with their audience and ensure that their message is received as credible and unbiased.

Write the First Draft of Your Speech

Here, you transform your research, unique ideas, and thesis statement into a cohesive and structured narrative. Focusing on getting your ideas down on paper without being overly concerned about perfection is important. Start with a strong introduction that grabs the audience’s attention and presents your thesis statement. In the body of the speech, present your key points or ideas logically, providing supporting evidence and examples. 

Finally, craft a conclusion summarizing the main points and leaving a lasting impression. While the first draft may be rough around the edges, it serves as the foundation for refining and improving your speech in subsequent revisions. It’s a critical step in turning your knowledge and insights into an informative and engaging presentation.

Start Writing Your Essay with Power Words 

Power words can include compelling statistics, vivid anecdotes, thought-provoking questions, or impactful quotations. The goal is to grab your audience’s attention immediately, piquing their curiosity and drawing them into your speech. They set the tone for your presentation and create an initial impression that can linger throughout the speech. 

They also serve as hooks, enticing the audience to listen attentively and setting the stage for the valuable information you are about to impart. Starting your speech with such impactful words creates an engaging opening that sets the tone for the rest of your presentation.

Develop the Body of the Speech

The body of your informative speech is where you delve into the core content, presenting your key points, supporting evidence, and explanations. Each key point should be organized logically, and transitions between them should be smooth to maintain the flow of your speech. To ensure clarity, providing examples, statistics, and relevant facts that bolster your main ideas is essential. Visual aids, if applicable, can enhance comprehension and engagement. 

Remember to maintain an objective and informative tone, steering clear of persuasion or bias. By developing the body of your speech with a clear structure and comprehensive content, you enable your audience to follow along easily and gain a deep understanding of the topic. This is where the substance of your speech lies, and a well-structured body ensures that your informative message is effectively conveyed to your audience.

End Your Informative Speech with a Bang

Concluding your informative speech with impact is essential to leave a lasting impression on your audience. This closing section is where you summarize your main points, reinforcing the key takeaways for your listeners. It’s also an opportunity to make a final statement or leave the audience with something to ponder. 

An effective conclusion can involve a powerful quote, a thought-provoking question, or a call to action, depending on the nature of your speech. By ending your speech with a “bang,” you ensure that your audience departs with a clear understanding of the topic and a sense of closure, making your presentation memorable and impactful.

Proofread and Edit, Then Present

Proofreading and editing your informative speech is the final critical step before the presentation. Carefully review your speech for clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy. Check for any factual inaccuracies or inconsistencies in your content. Ensure that your speech flows smoothly, with logical transitions between ideas. Pay attention to your pacing and tone to ensure a natural and engaging delivery. 

If using visual aids, ensure they are well-prepared and integrated seamlessly into your presentation. You must practice your speech multiple times to refine your delivery and become comfortable with the content. Effective proofreading and editing, followed by diligent rehearsal, contribute to a polished and confident presentation that will effectively inform and engage your audience.

Bottom Line

Selecting topics for an informative speech requires thoughtful consideration to ensure the audience is engaged, informed, and enlightened. The key is to choose subjects that are not only interesting and relevant but also rich in content, allowing for a deep dive into facts, data, and insights. A compelling informative speech topic should entertain and cater to the audience’s interests and knowledge level while offering new perspectives or information. 

Balancing complexity with clarity is crucial, ensuring the topic is neither too esoteric nor overly simplistic. Whether the speech aims to educate, raise awareness, or provide a fresh outlook on a familiar subject, the topic should spark curiosity and invite further exploration. Ultimately, the success of an informative speech lies in its ability to convey knowledge in a compelling and accessible manner.

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What is Invitational Rhetoric?

Invitational Rhetoric is a speech format designed to invite an audience to learn about a critical controversy.  T he speaker must demonstrate to the audience that the controversy is indeed critical.   This speech introduces a topic as a controversy and provides explanation of the various "sides" surrounding the topic, including the areas of contention.

In this assigned speech, the speaker will faciliate a conversation with the audience after the introduction of the controversy.  After this discussion,  the speaker will conclude with a brief summary of what appears to be the underlying issues surrounding the topic.

Choosing a Controversy

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Everything begins with an idea!

Invitational Speech Essay Topics

An invitational essay invites the audience to discuss an issue. It presents enough information for the audience to do so without persuading to support one side. You use principles from persuasive speeches and informative speeches, but unlike them, it allows the viewer to join the public dialogue. You do not need to convince your readers and persuade them to trust everything you are telling them wholeheartedly. Your speech should aim at delivering relevant messages, exploring key points, and showing a particular point. You need to share your ideas and point of view. Because it looks challenging, you must ensure that your points are interesting to keep the audience attentive. Use valid evidence and strong arguments to back up your theory

Moreover, use polite words when addressing your audience. It would be best if you show respect to the people listening to you. Be honest with your audience and excite the audience with your speech.

When choosing a topic, work out your rough thoughts and positions on how you view the things. To decide what to write about, take a stand, and then explain it to the audience by discussing your arguments in favor of your topic of choice. Secondly, explore an interesting topic. The challenge, when choosing is the topic you want, is something that interests you. It will help you with invitational speech essay topic ideas and make it easy to prepare for your essay. Don’t just go for any popular topic.

Below are some theme proposal examples to assist you best when choosing invitational speech essay topics. The list should facilitate your process of choosing your topic.

  • Wildlife Conservation.
  • Welfare Reform
  • Water Security
  • War On Terrorism
  • War on Drugs
  • Sustainable Development
  • Stem Cell Research
  • Renewal in Iraq
  • Patriot Act
  • Pandemic Flu
  • Nuclear Power
  • Natural Disaster Prevention
  • Middle East
  • Lower Voting Age
  • Immigration Reform
  • Hurricane Preparedness
  • Human Population
  • Greenhouse Effect
  • Globalization
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Flag Burning
  • Conflicts in Africa
  • Climate Change
  • Biodiversity
  • Animal Testing
  • Third World Debt
  • Airline Safety
  • Foreign Aid
  • Where to Set Ethical Measures in border control
  • The new reality of cyberbullying in the virtual world
  • Reasons and outcomes of the censorship in the 21st Century
  • How to improve the world from the greenhouse effect
  • The pros and cons of lower voting age
  • The danger of poisoned water
  • How to save a planet and wildlife conservation
  • Modern measures towards the war on terrorism
  • Natural disaster prevention methods
  • Ways of preventing the new epidemic flu horror
  • Ways to avoid nuclear power causing global disaster
  • The moral side of the phenomenon of genetic engineering
  • Top ways to stop climate change and conserve planet
  • New challenges and expectations in airline safety.
  • How to make people less cruel during animal testing
  • Virtual era disasters of social media
  • How not to panic during hurricanes?
  • The top aspects of the informational world of virtual reality
  • The new resolution on abortion
  • Ways of preventing overpopulation
  • The war for world resources in the middle east
  • The way to make people happier through welfare reforms
  • Saving the young generation against drugs
  • The reality of third world developing countries
  • Ethic aspects of the stem cell research phenomenon

It would be best to have a clear perception and recognize the different aspects of the topic you are tackling. It will help in the process of your reader to understand and explore the various perspectives and viewpoints.

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100+ Good Informative Speech Topics for College Students

A group of multi-ethnic people gather around a speaker in a studio

Public speaking is a phase many students will go through before completing their academic careers. However, students find it challenging to stand before their class and speak. This action prompts students to browse educational websites, searching for informative speech topics that will help them out.

Coming up with essay topics and informative speech topics for college may be difficult but not impossible. We have 100 informative speech topics for college students to give you fresh ideas for your upcoming speech.

Interesting Informative Speech Topics for College Students

Accessible informative speech topics, fun informative speech topics, college informative speech topics, informative speech topics for high school, easy informative speech topics for college students, good topics for informative speeches, the best informative speech topics, unique informative speech topics, informative speech topic ideas for college students.

When searching for informative topics for speech, you must put all your informative speech topics in a well-structured format. Additionally, writing down your informative speech ideas will help you avoid leaving anything out.

Here are topic cases for informative speech writing.

  • Best career opportunities in IT
  • How to start an investment portfolio
  • How to choose the right career for you
  • What are the effects of greenhouse gasses
  • Is the media a reliable source of information?
  • The importance of validation to a person’s morale
  • The worst movie of the year.
  • How Hip Hop music affects American culture
  • What creates sibling rivalries?
  • Dealing with hyperactive children at school

Sometimes, your informative speech topic ideas are meant for a young audience; hence the informative topics should be exciting and easy to understand. Whichever informative speech topic you choose, it must also address current issues.

Here are some accessible informative speech ideas you can consider.

  • How does good or bad governance affect policy implementation
  • How vital are elections to the youth?
  • Disadvantages of student loans
  • Does journalism promote good governance?
  • Advantages of the public over private employment
  • Is it possible to effectively study while working?
  • Importance of teaching taxation to children
  • Are scholarships fairly handed out?
  • How to cater for your expenses while in college
  • How competition affects product or service delivery

Good topics for informative speeches should also be fun to help the audience remain engaged throughout the speech. When searching for good informative speech topics for college students, find out what subjects will interest your audience. Do you need some info speech topics or speech topics for college students?

Here are some informative speech topics for college students in 2020 for you.

  • How to plan for a holiday
  • How much bargain is a bargain vacation?
  • How the great wall of China became a world wonder
  • How to travel safely in these COVID times
  • What is the origin of St Patrick’s Day?
  • How did sending animals to space change space travel?
  • How did valentines come to be
  • Do party games improve social interactions?
  • Discuss the beginning of peanut butter.
  • Are people with tattoos viewed differently?

You may be a student searching for ideas for informative speeches for college students or informative speeches for college students for an upcoming address. For such occasions, it’s essential to go with informative speech topics college that touches on matters affecting students.

Check below if you’re looking for informative speech topics for students or informative issues for college students.

  • Disadvantages of too much caffeine
  • When does birth control not work?
  • Is there such a thing as a bad memory?
  • Effects of alcoholism on the family
  • Advantages of getting employment on campus
  • College tours; is DIY better than tour guides?
  • Should students enroll in college immediately after campus?
  • When is it best for students to study?
  • Women’s roles during and after world war 2
  • Is there life after death?

High school students also require informative speech topics 2021 for their class presentations. When choosing informative informational topics or speech topics informative ideas for a class debate, choose an example of informative speech topics that will help you make a stand.

Here are some informative speech ideas for college students and high school students.

  • Sex education should be left to the parents, not the school
  • How LGBTQ rights change the family structure
  • What is cultural pluralism?
  • Internet control as a way of preventing cyberbullying
  • Advantages of school uniforms
  • Why high school students should engage in political activities
  • Is homework effective?
  • How effective are online learning programs
  • Bunking classes: Right or wrong
  • Advantages of extracurricular activities

Are you searching for informative topics for college students or topics on informative speech? Look no further as other sites may give some outdated examples. Here are some informative speech ideas for college or informative speech topics for you.

  • Growing your business post COVID
  • Ways technology influences business
  • Why personal goals are essential for personal growth
  • Effects of fast food on children’s health.
  • Ways of reducing stress in college
  • What your posture says about you
  • How dangerous is sleepwalking?
  • Does social media cause depression in young adults?
  • How effective are safe spaces in college
  • How college basketball changed the NBA positively

The interesting informative speech topics need to be catchy; otherwise, you may choose good topics for speeches but your audience will find them dull. Below are some excellent informative presentation topics for your following remarks.

  • Discuss the relationship between innovation and technological advancement
  • Advantages of cultural diversity in today’s society
  • Discuss the benefits of learning different languages in school
  • Problem-solving through technology
  • Why Steve Jobs is considered the father of technology
  • Does violence in movies have an impact on children?
  • Discuss technological advancement in medical science
  • Discuss the quote, “News is verified gossip.”
  • Discuss media freedom about Russia Ukraine conflict
  • Is there a possibility of life on Mars?

You may have searched for great informative speech topics without any success. Don’t worry because the following topics to give an informative speech on are ready for use. Here are topics for an informative speech for college students.

  • Discuss the connection between Latin and English
  • Do you need a college education to be successful?
  • Discuss how pop music influenced the youth in the 1990s
  • Is war good for the economy?
  • Discuss UK’s dwindling land situation
  • Japan’s respect and honor culture
  • How nutrition influences life expectancy
  • Should robots be intelligent?
  • How safe is information in the cloud?
  • Discuss the origin of golf

Many unique informative speech topics touch on matters that some find pretty sensitive to talk about or are about a specific topic. These informative speech topics may also spark debate among your audiences. Here are some cases for an informative speech.

  • Is Jazz music the origin of Rock and Roll?
  • Do spiders make good pets?
  • How to tell if a rabbit is male or female
  • Can music influence a person’s mood?
  • Discuss the process of rescuing a dog.
  • Should religious classes be allowed in schools?
  • Should abortion be made illegal?
  • Should the WNBA lower the rim?
  • Should the 2 nd amendment be reviewed?
  • What are the effects of Finland and Sweden joining NATO?

For an informative speech topic to be termed so, it must be well-researched. These informative speech topics must be interesting for the audience and touch their daily lives. Here are issues on informative speech to consider.

  • Should religious clothes be allowed in school?
  • Is Jeff Bezos’ space industries viable?
  • How old should a child be before joining the school?
  • Is nuclear energy feasible in the future?
  • Is the death penalty a violation of human rights?
  • The earth can fix itself; discuss
  • Do mothers make better parents than fathers?
  • Is hydroponics the future of farming?
  • Discuss the world’s water situation by 2050
  • How to make your hobby profitable

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Whenever you want ideas for an informative speech or good topics for an informative speech, we are here for you. You shouldn’t have any challenges finding social media research topics , informative speech topics 2020, or 2022 informative speech topics for use.

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Top 100 Invitational Speech Essay Topics

May 22, 2022

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May 22, 2022 | Topics

An invitational essay is a form of writing that invites the audience to discuss an issue. Unlike persuasive or informative essays, this piece does not force readers to accept the author’s opinion wholeheartedly. The point is for them to join in on the public dialogue and voice their own opinions about the topic at hand without any persuasion from outside sources. Your speech should aim at delivering relevant messages, exploring key points, and showing a particular moment. You need to share your ideas and show the audience why they’re essential; you must make them see just how interesting it is! Use valid evidence as well as strong arguments to back up your theory. It would be best never to use rude words when addressing your audience. Showing respect to the people listening gives them a better feeling about you and what you have to say. If someone is paying attention, make it worth their time by being honest with them and exciting the crowd. Some people have a hard time choosing their topic for an essay because they are afraid of picking something too popular and not saying anything. But, the secret is that you find your interest in one idea rather than just looking at what’s trendy or on everyone else’s mind. The best way to do this is by going back through old texts from when we were younger or reading books about subjects we’ve always been interested in but never really taken any action. This list has some great ideas to help you choose the best invitational speech essay topic! If none of these topics end up being your cup of tea, then go ahead and brainstorm a new one.� 1. Wildlife Conservation. 2. Welfare Reform 3. Water Security 4. War On Terrorism 5. War on Drugs 6. Sustainable Development 7. Stem Cell Research 8. Renewal in Iraq 9. Patriot Act 10. Pandemic Flu 11. Nuclear Power 12. Natural Disaster Prevention 13. Middle East 14. Lower Voting Age 15. Immigration Reform 16. Hurricane Preparedness 17. Human Population 18. Greenhouse Effect 19. Globalization 20. Genetic Engineering 21. Free Trade 22. Flag Burning 23. Fair Trade 24. Conflicts in Africa 25. Climate Change 26. Biodiversity 27. Arms Trade 28. Animal Testing 29. Third World Debt 30. Airline Safety 31. Foreign Aid 32. Where to Set Ethical Measures in border control 33. The new reality of cyberbullying in the virtual world 34. Reasons and outcomes of the censorship in the 21st Century 35. How to improve the world from the greenhouse effect 36. The pros and cons of lower voting age 37. The danger of poisoned water 38. How to save a planet and wildlife conservation 39. Modern measures towards the war on terrorism 40. Natural disaster prevention methods 41. Ways of preventing the new epidemic flu horror 42. Ways to avoid nuclear power causing global disaster 43. The moral side of the phenomenon of genetic engineering 44. Top ways to stop climate change and conserve planet 45. New challenges and expectations in airline safety. 46. How to make people less cruel during animal testing 47. Virtual era disasters of social media 48. How not to panic during hurricanes? 49. The top aspects of the informational world of virtual reality 50. The new resolution on abortion 51. Ways of preventing overpopulation 52. The war for world resources in the middle east 53. The way to make people happier through welfare reforms 54. Saving the young generation against drugs 55. The reality of third world developing countries 56. Ethic aspects of the stem cell research phenomenon It would be best to have a clear perception and recognize the different aspects of the topic you are tackling. It will help in the process of your reader to understand and explore the various perspectives and viewpoints.

1 3

With a passion for education and student empowerment, I create blog content that speaks directly to the needs and interests of students. From study hacks and productivity tips to career exploration and personal development

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100 Motivational Speech Topics

invitational speech topics for college students

Choosing the right motivational speech topics can be a difficult task. It’s important to select topics that will engage and inspire your audience. Whether you’re speaking to a group of employees, students, or community members, the topics you choose should be relevant to your audience and be something they can connect to. 

To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of 101 motivational speech topics that will help you reach your desired goals. From inspiring stories to actionable advice, these topics will give you the tools you need to inspire and motivate your audience.

  • Unleashing Your Creativity
  • Unlock Your Potential: Harness the Power of Positive Thinking
  • Embracing Diversity 
  • Transform Fear into Strength
  • Make Failure a Stepping Stone to Success
  • Choose Courage Over Fear: Overcome Your Challenges and Reach Your Goals
  • Start Small and Create Big Impact: Live with a Purpose and Make a Difference
  • Discover the Power of Resilience
  • Overcoming Adversity and Finding Your Purpose
  • Cultivate Gratitude: Appreciate What You Have and Create a Life of Abundance
  • The Law of Attraction: How to Manifest Your Desires
  • How to Live a Fulfilling Life
  • The Journey to Personal Growth
  • Embracing Change
  • Don’t Settle for Anything Less
  • Make a Difference in the World: Find Your Voice
  • Be Fearless and Believe in Yourself
  • You Are Stronger Than You Think 
  • Overcoming Challenges
  • Taking Control of Your Journey
  • Remember Your Why: Staying Inspired and Motivated
  • Unlock Your Inner Wisdom
  • The Potential for Growth and Achievement
  • Unlock Your Hidden Potential
  • Create the Future You Want
  • The Art of Communication: Building Strong Relationships and Connections
  • The Role of Positive Habits in Success
  • The Journey to Success: Lessons from Inspiring Role Models
  • Visualize Your Success and Make it Happen
  • Unleash Your Inner Leader: Strategies for Becoming a Leader
  • The Art of Self-Confidence: How to Believe in Yourself
  • How to Reclaim Your Life and Pursue Your Dreams
  • The Link Between Success and Confidence: How to Boost Both
  • Making the Most of Your Time
  • Don’t Just Waste Time – Invest It
  • Prioritizing to Get the Most Out of Each Day
  • Carpe Diem – Seize the Day
  • Don’t Let Time Become Your Master
  • Your Self-Worth is Not Defined by Others
  • Start Loving Yourself Today
  • Living Courageously and Reaping the Rewards
  • Daring to Dream Big
  • Rising Above Fear and Uncertainty
  • Maximizing Your Productivity: Tips and Strategies
  • The Role of Habits in Being Productive
  • The Power of a Positive Mindset and Productivity
  • Finding Your Flow: How to Get into a Productive State of Mind
  • The Importance of Taking Breaks and Recharging
  • The Power of Planning and Organization in Increasing Productivity
  • Benefits of Eating Healthy: Why It’s Important for Your Body and Mind”
  • Power of a Balanced Diet and How to Achieve It
  • Importance of Eating Real, Whole Foods
  • The Role of Hydration in a Healthy Diet
  • Overcoming Cravings and Making Healthy Choices
  • How to Make Healthy Eating a Sustainable Lifestyle
  • The Power of Plant-Based Eating
  • The Importance of Meal Planning and Preparing Healthy Meals
  • The Connection Between Mind and Body: How Healthy Eating Affects Your Mental Health
  • Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome: Believing in Your Own Enoughness
  • Reframing Your Inner Critic and Believing in Your Own Capabilities
  • Taking Pride in Your Accomplishments
  • Confidence is a Choice: How to Make It Yours
  • Creating a Confident Mindset
  • Your Body is a Work of Art: Celebrate It
  • Find Gratitude in Your Physical Being
  • Your Body is a Temple: Treat It with Care and Respect
  • Focus on Health and Well-Being, Not Appearance
  • How to Overcome the Fear of Judgement
  • The Art of Letting Go
  • How to Reject the Pressure to Fit In
  • The True Meaning of Freedom
  • How to Pursue Your Own Path
  • How to Find the Courage to Stand Out from the Crowd
  • Overcoming the Fear of Criticism
  • How to Let Go of Other People’s Opinions
  • Live a Life Unbound by Society’s Rules
  • The Art of Being Fearless
  • The Courage to Choose Your Own Path: How to Tune Out the Naysayers
  • Embrace Your True Self
  • How to Find Authenticity in a World of False Standards 
  • The Art of Problem-Solving
  • Finding the Silver Lining: How to Make the Most of Difficult Situations
  • How to Bounce Back from Setbacks
  • Turning Challenges into Opportunities
  • From Adversity to Triumph
  • The Mindset of a Champion
  • The Power of Focus and Determination
  • Reaching the Summit: How to Achieve Success
  • The Top of the Mountain: Celebrating Your Accomplishments and Looking Ahead
  • The Secret to Staying at the Top
  • Turning Dreams into Reality: How to Reach the Highest Level of Success 
  • Climbing the Ladder of Success
  • Reaching the Pinnacle of Achievement
  • Achieving Success in the Face of Adversity
  • Living with Purpose: Stepping into Your Potential and Making an Impact
  • Don’t Just Survive, Thrive: Living Life with Intention
  • Life Is What You Make It
  • Appreciating What You Have and Going After What You Want
  • Life Is Yours to Create: Making Your Mark and Making a Difference
  • Embracing the Present Moment 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, motivational speech topics can be used to inspire and motivate audiences of all ages. They can be tailored to specific audiences and topics, making them a great way to reach out to people who may be struggling with something. Whether it’s a fear of failure, a lack of self-confidence, or just a desire to make positive changes in their lives, motivational speech topics can provide the spark needed to make those changes. 

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Speech Topics For College Students

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110 Top-Rated Invitational Speech Topics For Students

Invitational speech topics can be an effective way to challenge and stimulate students. By participating in these events, students learn important public speaking skills such as researching a topic, organizing thoughts into a cohesive presentation and delivering their message with persuasion. By selecting from among the top-rated invitational speech topics for students suggested here, young speakers will have the chance to practice their craft and shine in front of peers or judges.

1) How To Balance Schoolwork And Extracurricular Activities: An argumentative essay discussing how one might juggle all of their activities while maintaining good grades 2) The Pros And Cons Of Social Media Use In Education: An informative essay that examines both the benefits and drawbacks of using social media platforms in educational settings 3) Mental Health Awareness For Young Adults: A persuasive piece highlighting mental health issues prevalent amongst adolescents/teenagers as well as methods which may reduce stigma associated with seeking out help 4) Dissecting Cultural Appropriation From Multiple Perspectives: Investigating various opinions on cultural appropriation either within music, fashion trends etc… 5) Motivating Yourself To Succeed Through Challenges You Face At Home Or In Academics: Discuss ways to persevere through obstacles presented by more personal struggles like stress caused by family life or academics hindered due to financial restrictions 6) Making Sustainable Choices As Early Adopters Of Technology – Exploring how this generation can make responsible choices when it comes to consumption of resources like energy & water 7). Morality Behind Animal Testing In Science – Examining ethical implications surrounding animal testing used for medical research purposes 8). Decoding Corporate Responsibility When It Comes To Climate Change – Discussing strategies corporations should use when mitigating environmental impact 9). Implications Of Artificial Intelligence On Society– Considering potential consequences AI could generate when implemented into larger scale projects 10). Breaking Gender Norms Within STEM Fields – Arguing why we need diverse representation within science fields 11). Fake News Vs Real News Discourse – Understanding the divide between differentiating truth from lies 12.) “The New Normal” vs Traditional Family Values Debate– Comparing current collectivist movements against previous traditional values 13.). Ethical Considerations With Regards To Genetic Modification – Investigating moral dilemmas faced when implementing genetic modification technologies 14.) Impactful Storytelling As A Means For Social Activism– Highlighting examples where storytelling has been used successfully during protests/social justice movements 15.). Exploring Strategies That Help Diffuse Tensions During Political Debates – Analyzing techniques that allow people who are passionate about political debates share differing views respectfully 16.) Can Capitalism Be Made More Equitable? Analyzing factors contributing towards inequality within capitalist systems 17.). Recognizing Privilege – Identifying disparities between those who have privilege based on certain characteristics such race class gender sexual orientation etc 18.). Religion & Politics Unmasked- Delving deeper into controversial topics revolving around religion & politics 19.). Parental Involvement In Kids Lives : Determining whether parents being too involved is beneficial or harmful 20.). Gun Control Laws : Assessing what measures are necessary curb gun violence

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invitational speech topics for college students

College Student Views on Free Expression and Campus Speech 2024

Full reports.


A look at Key Trends in Student Speech Views Since 2016

A knight foundation-ipsos study from the knight free expression research series.

“College Student Views on Free Expression and Campus Speech 2024” continues Knight Foundation’s research series tracking college student views on the First Amendment and free expression, which began in 2016. This work seeks to elevate the voices of students and understand their complex attitudes on free expression, especially within the college setting. This latest report is particularly timely as the 2024 election nears and as the war in Gaza has sparked contentious protests on campuses across the country, bringing the specific complexities of free speech to the center of the national debate. This research was conducted before the spring 2024 campus protests, thus not capturing students’ responses to these events. [1]

This Knight Foundation-Ipsos report continues the investigation into the complexities of free expression on campus and highlights the evolving views of students. This survey shows that the story of free speech on campus continues to be nuanced and characterized by lived experiences, good-faith efforts and genuine student interest to build a constructive learning environment.

During this tumultuous time, it’s more important than ever that university leaders are equipped with data that elevates the views of students to guide their campus decision-making. The findings described in this report cover many of the rich insights contained in this expansive dataset. Higher education administrators, the public, and researchers are welcome to continue exploring this publicly available survey database.

Read the full report here .

Download the topline and methodology here . For access to the full raw data set, please reach out to [email protected] .

Key Findings

Students believe free speech is essential to american democracy, but confidence in the security of this right has plummeted since 2016..

While 9 in 10 college students continue to feel that citizens’ free speech rights are very important to them, fewer students believe their freedom of speech is secure in 2024, down 30 percentage points from 2016. Notably, since 2021 the increased concern about security of free speech is driven by Democratic students.

Discomfort with the speech environment on campus is rising, and 7 in 10 students say speech can be as damaging as physical violence.

The percentage of students who felt uncomfortable due to speech about race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation on campus has almost doubled, from 25% to 44%, since 2017. More than half (55%) report feeling uncomfortable due to political speech. However, there has been little change in reported rates of students feeling physically unsafe (15%) due to speech on campus.

Students want to be exposed to a wide range of viewpoints, though tension persists between promoting free expression and protecting students from hateful or threatening speech.

Most students continue to support allowing all types of speech, even offensive speech. Few students are in favor of restrictive speech measures on campus such as speech codes. However, students do draw lines, with a majority saying that both hate and threatening speech should be restricted from campus. [2]

Few students report they would take part in disruptive actions toward invited speakers they oppose.

Eight percent of students report they would engage in disruptive actions – either trying to stop a speech ahead of time or disrupt it during – to halt a speaker they oppose. The large majority of students report they would take no action (51%), boycott the event (23%), or other non-disruptive actions.

Compared with white students, Black, Asian, and multiracial students report challenging experiences and diverging opinions of campus speech.

Half or more of these students report feeling uncomfortable on campus due to something someone else said about race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. A decisive majority of Black students (85%) also agree that hate speech should not be allowed on college campuses, in line with Asian, Hispanic, and multiracial students.

Students feel self-censorship hampers educational value.

Two in 3 students say self-censorship limits educationally valuable conversations on campus, and 2 in 3 report self-censoring on some topics during classroom discussions. This is particularly true when it comes to discussing topics of gender or LGBTQ+ issues, racial issues, or religion.

Students crave opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue.

Most students are unaware of programs at their institution to promote constructive dialogues. Among those who definitively report that their schools do not have such programs, a clear majority favor creating programs to help foster healthy debate.

Students are increasingly skeptical of social media’s role in productive conversations.

Only 1 in 4 students feel the dialogue that occurs on social media is usually civil, down from 40% in 2016. Only half feel comfortable sharing opinions online, with many believing social media stifles free expression due to fear of attacks or shaming.

A selection of key student views on free expression and campus speech. Full findings are in the body of the report.

invitational speech topics for college students


Experience with and attitudes toward speech vary widely among different student groups. The greatest differences exist among partisanship and race, and less so by gender or other demographic groupings. The following is a brief summary of the major findings and how opinion has changed over time, including the degree to which students have a formed opinion at all.

Democratic students

Half of Democratic students believe that freedom of speech is secure in America today, down from about 3 in 5 Democratic students who felt that way in 2021. Since 2021, Democratic students have been driving the increased concern about the security of free speech. Democratic students are split on whether to allow all types of speech on campus, even speech that is offensive. Similar to 2021, more Democratic than Republican or independent students are in favor of protecting students by prohibiting speech they may find offensive, something that was also true in prior Knight-Gallup research. [3] Since 2019, a large majority of Democratic students have believed that colleges should be able to restrict the use of racial slurs on campus. When it comes to other speech policies, about 3 in 4 support the creation of safe spaces on campus, close to half support the creation of speech codes that could limit offensive or biased speech, and about 2 in 5 favor schools disinviting a speaker because of their views. These views are consistent with previous surveys. A majority of Democrats and independents feel that their campus climate prevents people from saying what they believe for fear of offending others, although they are less likely to feel this way than Republicans.

Independent students

Independent students express growing concerns about the fundamental security of free speech in America today while indicating their wariness of colleges limiting speech on campus. Just about 2 in 5 independent students feel that free speech is secure today, down from under half of independents in 2021, and down even more from the 3 in 4 who felt this way in 2016. Yet a large majority feel that the First Amendment protects people like them, a view that has held steady since 2019. A majority believe that colleges should allow students to be exposed to all forms of speech. Opinion is split among the remaining minority with equal numbers either believing that colleges should foster a protective environment or having no opinion on the matter. Much as in previous surveys, few support colleges disinviting controversial speakers or instituting speech codes. A majority feel that their campus climate limits free expression, a view that has remained roughly the same since 2019.

Republican students

Few Republican students feel that freedom of speech is secure today, with about 1 in 3 feeling this right is secure. However, that has increased since 2021, when only about 1 in 4 felt that freedom of speech was secure. Still, that is down substantially from the 2 in 3 Republicans who felt free speech was secure in 2016. About 2 in 3 Republican students feel that their campus prevents people from saying things they believe because others might find it offensive, roughly in line with where Republican students stood in 2021 on this question. A strong majority (7 in 10) say it is more important for colleges to allow students to be exposed to all types of speech, even if they find it offensive or biased, than to prohibit offensive or biased speech. This is consistent with 2021, but down from 2019. A majority (53%) – albeit a smaller share than either Democratic or independent students – believe that colleges should be allowed to prohibit the use of racial slurs on campus, in line with attitudes from 2021. Republicans are more divided around whether safe spaces should be allowed on campus – half favor this – but come down firmly against schools disinviting controversial speakers, something that was also true in 2019 and 2021. Half oppose schools instituting speech codes that could restrict offensive or biased speech.

White students

White students tend to favor allowing all types of speech on campus, over protecting students by prohibiting certain speech. They are least likely to report having felt unsafe or uncomfortable on campus because of comments about their identity, as compared with Black and Hispanic students. This has not changed substantially since 2021. Overall, over half of white college students believe that freedom of speech is under threat in America today. Yet a large majority feel that the First Amendment protects people like them, a view that has held steady since 2019. When it comes to free expression on college campuses, white students are more likely than their Black or Hispanic counterparts to agree that schools should favor exposing students to all forms of speech, rather than protecting them from speech they may f ind offensive or biased. This was also true in 2019 and 2021. A majority agree that their campus climate prevents some people from saying things they believe because others might find it offensive, in line with attitudes among Black and Hispanic students.

Black students

A growing number of Black students favor a more protective campus environment. In 2021, 36% of Black students favored a campus environment that protects students by prohibiting speech they may find offensive or biased, up from the 28% who favored this in 2019. Now, 43% favor this more protective speech environment over allowing students to be exposed to all types of speech even if they may find it offensive or biased. Black students, in particular, are among the most supportive of speech restrictions, including being the most likely to say hate speech should not be legally protected (71%), and the most likely to report that “people like them” have a harder time exercising their free speech rights, a sentiment that has grown since 2021. A decisive majority of Black students (85%) also agree that hate speech should not be allowed on college campuses, in line with Asian, Hispanic, and multiracial students. In both in 2019 and 2021, a majority of Black students felt that colleges should restrict the use of offensive racial slurs on campus. This year, around half of these students report feeling uncomfortable on campus due to something someone else said about race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Notably, 1 in 5 Black students also report feeling unsafe on campus because of something someone said about their race, ethnicity, or religion, statistically the same as Hispanic students. Only 1 in 10 white students report the same.

Hispanic students

Hispanic students’ views of campus speech, and personal experiences, fall somewhere between the differing views of Black and white students. Half of Hispanic students say colleges should allow students to be exposed to all types of speech even if they may find it offensive or biased over having a more protective speech environment that limits speech students may find offensive or biased. Hispanic students fall between white and Black students on their view about allowing students to be exposed to all types of speech over protecting students by having a more prohibitive policy. Hispanic students align closely with white students on perceptions that free speech is under threat; just under half agree. A majority of Hispanic students also feel that colleges should be able to restrict offensive racial slurs, in line with attitudes among white students, with 2 in 3 supporting this, even as more Black students support colleges being able to restrict racial slurs. A plurality of Hispanic students oppose disinviting controversial speakers, though after that, Hispanic students are split between having no opinion on the subject and favoring disinviting a controversial speaker. Like Black students, a plurality (43%) favor instituting speech codes to restrict potentially offensive or biased speech on campus, while far fewer white students (25%) agree. Likewise, close to 7 in 10 Hispanic students favor the creation of safe spaces on campus, less than the share of white students who do but statistically no different from Black students. Sixteen percent of Hispanic students report feeling unsafe on campus because of something someone said about their race, ethnicity, or religion, statistically the same as Black students. Only 1 in 10 white students report the same.

Male and female students

For the most part, male and female students are aligned in their attitudes and experiences of free speech, with a few key differences. Overall, a majority of both male and female students say that free speech rights are important to American democracy. Now, male students are more likely than female students to strongly agree that free speech is an important part of American democracy. Nearly twice as many female students (19%) as male students (10%) report that they have felt personally unsafe on campus because of something someone said in reference to their race, ethnicity, or religion. Additionally, far more female students (51%) than male students (35%) report feeling uncomfortable in a class, living area, public space, or other part of campus because of something someone said about their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, something that was also true in 2021 and 2019.

[1] The 2024 Knight Foundation-Ipsos survey was conducted March 7-28, 2024.

[2] In the survey hate speech was defined as an attack based on someone’s race, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation. This definition was used in order to maintain trend with previous surveys. It should be noted that this could be interpreted to cover abstractly hateful speech or unprotected conducts such as harassment.

[3] Knight-Gallup Free Expression Research, 2016, 2017, 2019

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