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How to Prepare an Online Product Presentation

Madalena Castro

The growth of video presentations

Online users’ preference towards video, the key: original and free videos, how to prepare your online presentation: step by step.

  • Pre-recorded video presentations
  • Live video presentations

In recent years, video has become an increasing trend in terms of marketing strategies. Users prefer to consume video content rather than text and images, and this type of material also has arrived to ecommerce and product sales.

A video is tremendously functional for all product creation and sale stages: from prototype presentation to samples for distributors and big debuts and launches for the public.

New call-to-action

During recent months, consumption of digital content has grown, just like online purchases . Consumers are spending more time at home and they are seeking to access the classic shopping experience from their screens. That’s why video marketing has become the great tool for online product presentations: you can reach the buyer in an attractive way with what buyers no longer browse for on shelves and in the shop windows of physical stores.

In this sense, we must note that said growth has been in video streaming. A large part of the audience no longer consumes the conventional television and, therefore, does not see commercials. A reduction in visits to the movie theater and to other public events has also closed off those presentation channels.

Average video streaming subscriptions

According to a study by Google, 79% of people say they use a streaming service that is either a paid service or financed with ads, like Netflix or YouTube, where you can make a brand channel to upload your video content or do live presentations.

→ Learn more!  What is live streaming for products and how is it used?

  • Long format (more than 20 minutes in length)
  • Related and suggested content
  • Entertainment
  • Content from creators

Consumption of content from creators is what has grown most over the last few months according to Google – 27%. And YouTube is the streaming service used most by users and creators .

This opens a dual window of opportunity for sales and online product presentations: YouTube is a great platform for creating a brand channel and for looking for opportunities to collaborate with micro-influencers who can promote your product to their audience and to a specific, target niche.

A recipe channel could be an excellent place to showcase a certain model of blender, or a gamer who always wears a hat could show of a new model by your brand. The possibilities increase constantly: the important thing is to position your product on the most appropriate channel.

→ Look for your alleys: how to apply an influencer marketing strategy

Online presentations can be your next great digital tool: whether you want to create a video that explains all the features of your new product or a practical demonstration with a specialist, a video to be shared privately with your network of sales contacts or openly for everyone.

Here, we must distinguish between a pre-recorded online presentation and a live presentation. You should prepare differently for each one.


Pre-recorded online product presentations

You can record a conventional video in whatever format you prefer and with whatever equipment you have access to and share that video on your website, social networks, and on a platform like YouTube.

What is recommendable is to combine everything: in this way, you’ll cover more channels and generate traffic on different channels.

To publish your product presentation on YouTube, you need:

  • A Google account and an associated YouTube channel. You can create these easily in just a few steps.
  • A brand environment: it is preferable to personalize your channel as much as possible with a brand icon, a background, a banner, and a unique design for your channel’s feed. In addition, you can highlight specific videos or show a general presentation to serve as a cover page.
  • Sections: organize your content by categories so that it is easier to find. YouTube allows you to create up to 10 sections in one channel.
  • Complete video content: just like a product datasheet , optimize your video with all the data necessary for searches and positioning (like title, description, a thumbnail image, tags, and cards to invite viewers to subscribe to your channel), add promotions on other channels or link to other websites or your online shop.
  • Promotion: the video’s content can be advertised like in Google Ads by hiring campaigns and segmenting them with the criteria you choose.

→ Analyze your videos: you can also use Google Analytics for ecommerce


Live online product presentations

Things that you should ensure before livestreaming a presentation or a product:

  • A good internet connection: this is key for any live stream. A problem can lead to frozen or black screens, or a disconnected participant if you are inviting other people for a collaborative video. Do tests several days and hours before the big debut.
  • Hardware : here, the equipment depends on your capabilities. A cell phone may suffice, which is the fastest system but the least sophisticated. With a PC and a webcam and sound and lighting equipment, you’ll get a more professional and attractive result. An the most professional step of all is to use an encoder (LCR) for live broadcasting, which will allow for external video cameras to be added to get cinema quality.
  • Software: YouTube allows for video broadcasts to be done live, but there are more programs to do presentations that can be used for this purpose, like GoToWebinar, Vimeo, and StreamYard. Even the majority of social networks have an option for live videos, such as Instagram TV, Facebook Live , and LinkedIn Live. Or even on Amazon marketplace . Check out their features, because some are more limited in their free form.
  • Video planning: although you are broadcasting live (or perhaps because of that), you have to study the camera angles and shots that you will use, and how the audio and other elements that you want to add will work (text, camera changes, products, etc.).
  • Broadcast schedule: program your video in advance to be able to promote it with sufficient time. Share it on your social networks, channel, and in your mailings. You can add an option for users to receive a reminder before the start of the broadcast of your live presentation.
  • Interactivity: decide if you want to add a chat so that viewers can send their questions or comments live, and consider how to moderate that content to avoid problems. For Example, YouTube allows you to block words so that comments that contain those words will not be shown live.

And after the broadcast, keep using video! You can create a small snippet to attract users to a complete video, or divide your video into shorter videos by using the most interesting parts to later share them on any channels you wish.

Video marketing is on the rise, and even more so considering the times we are currently living in. Consumers are spending more time online than in stores; thus, it's time to take your products to them, to their homes and screens, doing so in an attractive and interesting way.

Working with video gives a lot of margin for creativity, it is not necessary to have expensive professional equipment, and live online presentations awaken curiosity and expectation amongst users.

Make video another part of your quality product content – content that you can always keep organized with a PIM solution like Sales Layer, free here for 30 days . And if you also like live presentations more, contact us and we’ll set up a guided demo that is personalized for you and your company.

Guide to sell on marketplaces

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Crafting a Powerful Product Presentation: A Comprehensive Guide

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Table of contents, how do you make a product presentation, what do you present in a product presentation, what is a good product presentation, best practices in presenting a new product, what are the benefits of presenting a product, how do you present a product to a customer, top 8 presentation software or apps:.

Introducing a new product or service can be a challenging task. That's where a product presentation comes in handy. It is an invaluable tool to present...

Introducing a new product or service can be a challenging task. That's where a product presentation comes in handy. It is an invaluable tool to present the product's key features and value proposition in a persuasive way. But how do you create an impactful product presentation?

Creating a product presentation involves a careful blend of content, design, and delivery strategy. Utilizing presentation templates can significantly ease the process. Many platforms, like PowerPoint and Google Slides, offer a wide array of presentation templates suitable for various industries and audiences.

Start your presentation with an attention-grabbing intro. This sets the stage for what's to come and immediately captures the audience's attention. Follow this with an outline of what will be covered in the presentation. Here, you may introduce the product manager or team members who will present various segments.

To create a compelling story around your product, focus on the pain points it solves. Showcasing a product roadmap, using infographics, graphs, or timelines, can be very effective. This visually communicates how your product has evolved and where it's heading.

Design plays a pivotal role in the presentation. A clean, professional look with easy-to-read fonts helps your key points stand out. Adhere to brand guidelines to ensure a consistent visual identity. Visual aids like pictures, videos, and diagrams can further enhance your presentation.

In a product presentation, you present all aspects of the product that are relevant to the potential customers or stakeholders. Begin with the product's features, emphasizing how they address customer needs. An effective way to build trust and authenticity is through testimonials and case studies, as they provide social proof of your product's benefits.

Pricing is another crucial aspect to address. Be transparent and elaborate on the value the customer receives for their investment. Include a clear call to action, telling your audience what you want them to do next.

A good product presentation effectively conveys the value of the product to the target audience. It tells a compelling story, keeping the audience engaged from start to finish. It's not just about the slides or pitch deck, but how the information is presented.

Use techniques like the 'Problem-Solution-Benefit' approach. Identify a problem (pain points), introduce your product as the solution, and highlight the benefits. This aligns your product with the audience's needs and wants.

Include social media mentions, user reviews, or notable achievements to bolster credibility. A great product presentation also leaves room for interaction, questions, and feedback, making the audience feel valued and engaged.

Let's assume you are launching a new fitness app. Begin by expressing the challenges faced by many in managing their fitness routines (the problem). Then, introduce your app as the solution. Show how its features simplify the fitness management process. Display some infographics or graphs to show how the app improves overall fitness over time.

Substantiate your claims with testimonials from beta testers or case studies from a pilot run. Discuss the pricing model, possibly comparing it with other similar apps. Finally, conclude with a call to action like 'Download now' or 'Start your free trial today.'

Presenting a product effectively can significantly increase its chances of success. It allows you to showcase the product's value proposition and benefits clearly, convincing potential customers of its worth. It is a great opportunity to clarify any doubts or misconceptions about the product, giving the sales team an edge.

It also helps set a positive first impression about the product and the company. A successful product presentation can generate buzz, heightening anticipation and leading to a successful product launch.

Presenting a product to a customer involves understanding their needs, tailoring your presentation to address those needs, and highlighting how your product fills that gap. Remember, your main points should revolve around the customer – not the product.

Stress on the product's benefits over features. Use simple, understandable language and avoid jargon. Where possible, offer a hands-on experience or a demo. Reinforce your claims with testimonials or case studies for a more powerful product presentation.

  • PowerPoint: This Microsoft product is arguably the most widely used presentation software. It offers a vast range of templates and tools for creating professional presentations.
  • Google Slides: A web-based presentation tool that allows real-time collaboration. Its integration with other Google services makes it highly convenient.
  • Prezi: Prezi stands out with its zoomable canvas, enabling non-linear presentations. It's ideal for those looking to break away from the traditional slide-by-slide approach.
  • Apple Keynote: Known for its clean, intuitive interface and high-quality templates, Keynote is the go-to for Apple users.
  • Slidebean: Slidebean offers AI-powered presentation design. You provide the content, and the software takes care of the design.
  • Visme: Visme stands out with its vast collection of images, icons, fonts, and templates. It also allows users to animate objects and data.
  • Canva: Canva is an online design and publishing tool that offers a variety of presentation templates. It's known for its user-friendly interface and vast library of elements.
  • Zoho Show: An online tool that supports real-time collaboration, integrates well with other Zoho apps and Google Drive, and allows importing presentations from other software.

Product presentations are crucial in introducing a product, communicating its benefits, and persuading the audience of its value. With careful planning, understanding of customer needs, and the right tools, you can craft a powerful product presentation that leaves a lasting impression.

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Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.

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How to create and deliver an impactful product presentation

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As a product leader, a crucial part of your job is to communicate with and present to other teams across your company (e.g., the engineering team, the sales team, etc.).

How To Create And Deliver An Impactful Product Presentation

One of the best ways to do this is to deliver a product presentation. In this guide, we’ll share some tips on how to prepare and deliver an effective product presentation that cuts to the chase and aligns stakeholders on your product direction .

How to structure your product presentation

Giving a good, short, and sharp product presentation can be done in a super straightforward way that effectively follows the Pain-Agitate-Solution (PAS) framework.

This three-step framework is a great tool to help you frame a compelling story around your product strategy and align and rally the team around a common goal.

From there, based on the information presented in the first three sections, explain, in audience-appropriate terms, what you plan to do to solve customers’ problems and how you plan to do it.

Following this structure, your product presentation should flow as follows:

  • What will you do?
  • How will you do it?

This is your chance to set up the entire presentation and create a memorable first impression.

You want to keep this section short and to the point. In some cases, this could be your first interaction with a team, executive, investor, prospect, or customer, so make it count.

Start with an image that figuratively or literally depicts the problem and add some text. For example:

  • “Is this you?”
  • “This is our customer”
  • “This is our focus for the next quarter”

A good example of a pain point is the way people used to seek support for their software products: They would email or call a support contact, send screenshots and attachments, and explain — often poorly — the steps they took so the agent could attempt to reproduce the problem.

Product Presentation Example Slide: Pain

Once you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to agitate it — in other words, make the problem seem as big and as urgent as possible.

The goal here is to get your audience members thinking about how much better things could be if this problem were solved.

Describe the implications if the problem goes unaddressed: What are the consequences of not solving it? Again, make this relatable and digestible for your audience.

Instead of slides upon slides of market insights and trends analysis , this is a great place to drop in two or three key stats to back up your argument and highlight the problem you’re setting out to solve.

For example:

Product Presentation Example Slide: Agitate

3. Solution

Finally, it’s time to introduce your solution. This is where you get to talk about how you plan to solve the customer’s problem.

Be sure to focus on the features and benefits that matter most to the customer . What makes your product unique? Why should people care?

Ideally, you should have an image that depicts — figuratively or literally — what a successful customer looks like. Bonus points if you include a quote from a real customer that explicitly indicates a cessation of the pain referenced in the first slide.

Product Presentation Example Slide: Solution

The tone you want to present is something like, “Fear not! There is a product with a solution. Here’s how it will help our users solve their problems.”

4. What will you do?

What will you do to help your customers solve their problems?

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Describe the features and benefits using language that resonates with your audience. The goal is to help them understand how your product will improve the lives of your customers.

Product Presentation Example Slide: Plan

5. How will you do it?

Finally, you get the slide that most people are after: the product roadmap .

Explain to your audience how you plan to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in your roadmap. What do you plan to focus on today, tomorrow, and beyond?

Product Presentation Example Slide: Roadmap

The roadmap section of your presentation is also an opportunity to showcase the product in action.

A live demonstration or video serves as an effective tool for promotion and solidifies understanding. By walking through the product’s use, you can help the audience understand how your product solves customer problems.

What is the goal of a product presentation?

Following the PAS framework when creating and delivering a product presentation will help you persuade internal stakeholders of the product’s value and gain the buy-in you need to execute your roadmap .

An effective product presentation clearly articulates the problem, agitates its implications, introduces a solution, and outlines what you will do and how you will do it. This framework is designed to help product managers rally product and cross-functional teams around common goals.

Using storytelling techniques and referencing key data points as you go through these steps helps you captivate your audience and drive home key points. This product presentation format can work for product introductions, product strategy, quarterly kick-off meetings, sales pitches, marketing briefs , and more.

Product presentation template

Click here to access the template I used to create the example presentation referenced throughout this guide.

To customize this product presentation template , select File > Make a Copy or download the file to your computer.

How to deliver an engaging product presentation: 4 tips

By this point, you’ve prepared an awesome presentation. Now it’s time to deliver it.

Here are some tips on how to take that compelling presentation you created and deliver it with the oomph it deserves:

  • Know your audience
  • Start with a bang
  • Keep it concise
  • Engage with your audience

1. Know your audience

The first step to giving an effective presentation is to know your audience:

  • Who are you presenting to?
  • What are their needs and wants?
  • How knowledgeable are they about the subject matter?

Answering these questions will help you tailor your presentation so that it resonates with your audience.

For example, if you’re presenting to a group of engineers, you’ll want to focus on the technical aspects of your product . If you’re presenting to a group of salespeople, you’ll want to focus on how your product can be sold effectively.

By understanding who your audience is, you can ensure that your talking points hit the right note.

2. Start with a bang

You only have one chance to make a first impression and hook the audience, so make it count by highlighting the problem in powerful, impactful terms. The first few minutes of your presentation are crucial in terms of setting the tone and grabbing your audience’s attention.

One way to do this is to start with a strong opening statement that tells your audience exactly what to expect from your presentation.

For example, you could start by saying something punchy and ambitious, like: “Our new product has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business.” This will immediately pique the interest of your audience and set the stage for the rest of your presentation.

3. Keep it concise

When it comes to presentations, less is almost always more. No one wants to sit through a long, drawn-out presentation — they’ll tune out before you even get to the good stuff.

The product presentation template used in the example above only includes five slides; there’s no real need to go beyond that. The template is versatile enough to be used across many different types of audiences.

Get your point across in as few words as possible. Use short sentences and bullet points instead of long paragraphs and resist the urge to include too much information.

Remember, you can always provide more details later if necessary; for the core presentation, just focus on hitting the key points.

If needed, add an appendix that you can jump to depending on the audience. For example, you might have a marketing spend breakdown, engineering resourcing by team, or more elaboration on the detail of the product roadmap.

4. Engage with your audience

An effective presentation is not a one-way street; it should be interactive and engaging.

Don’t just stand at the front of the room and lecture your audience. Instead, try to get them involved in what you’re saying. Ask questions, invite input from the group, and encourage discussion.

The more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to remember what you’ve said — and, hopefully, buy into it.

Giving an effective product presentation doesn’t have to be difficult — it just takes a little planning and preparation.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your next product presentation goes off without a hitch!

Featured image source: IconScout

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Product Presentation Examples | 2024 Ultimate Guide

Ellie Tran • 07 April, 2024 • 20 min read

Are you looking for product launch presentation example? The headlines below are just a tiny part of what you can find in the media just a couple of days after these brands delivered their product presentation . They all made it a success.

  • ‘ Tesla’s next-gen Roadster stole the show from the electric truck ’, Electrek .
  • ‘ Moz unveils Moz Group, new product ideas at MozCon ’, PR Newswire .
  • ‘ 5 mind-boggling tech sneaks from Adobe Max 2020 ’, Creative Bloq .

So, what did they do both on stage and behind the scenes? How did they do it? And how can you nail your own product presentation just like them?

If you’re looking for answers to these questions, you’re in the right place. Take a look at the full guide for how to make a successful product presentation.

Ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

What is the goal of the product presentation?Match out customer's needs and features and benefits of product
What are the 5 P's in product presentation?Planning, preparation, practice, performance, and passion
What a good product presentation should be?Lots of colors and visuals

Table of Contents

What is a product presentation.

  • Why Is It Important?
  • 9 Things in the Outline
  • 6 Steps to Host

In A Few Words…

Frequently asked questions, tips from ahaslides.

  • Marketing presentation
  • Business presentation

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A product presentation is a presentation you use to introduce your company’s new or renovated product, or a newly developed feature, for people to get to know more about it. 

In this type of presentation , you’ll take your audience through what it is, how it works, and how it helps solve their problems.

For example, the Tinder pitch deck and Tesla's Roadster launch are both fascinating product presentations used in different ways. The former presented their product idea and the latter unveiled their final product .

So, who will you present for? As you can do this kind of presentation at different stages while developing your product, there are some common groups of audience:

  • Board of directors, shareholders/investors - To this group, typically you’ll pitch a new idea to ask for approval before the whole team starts working on it.
  • Colleagues - You can show a trial or beta version of the new product to other members of your company and collect their feedback .
  • The public, potential & current customers - This can be a product launch, which shows your target audience everything they need to know about the product.

The person in charge of presenting is actually quite flexible and not necessarily the same one or role in every situation. That could be a product manager, a business analyst, a sales/customer success manager or even the CEO. At times, more than one person can be hosting this product presentation.

Why Is Product Presentation Examples Important?

A product presentation gives your audience a closer look at and deeper understanding of the product, how it works and what values it can bring. Here are some more benefits that this presentation can offer you:

  • Raise awareness and grab more attention - By hosting an event like this, more people will know about your company and product. For example, Adobe hosts MAX (a creativity conference to announce innovations) in the same format every year, which helps to build the hype around their products.
  • Stand out in the cutthroat market - Having great products isn’t enough as your company is in a tight race against other competitors. A product presentation helps set you apart from them.
  • Leave a deeper impression on your potential customers - Give them another reason to remember your product. Maybe when they’re on the go and see something similar to what you’ve presented, it would ring a bell for them.
  • A source for external PR - Ever noticed how Moz dominates the media coverage after their annual professional ‘marketing camp’ MozCon? CEO at the  WhenIPost guest posting agency  says: "You can get the source of external PR (but to a lesser extent, of course) by building better relationships with the press, your potential and current customers as well as other stakeholders."
  • Boost sales and revenue - When more people have the chance to know about your products, it can bring you more customers, which also means more revenue.

9 Things in a Product Presentation Outline

To put it simply, a product presentation often involves a talk and slideshows (with visual aids like videos and images) to describe the features, benefits, market fit, and other relevant details of your product.

Let’s take a quick tour of a typical product presentation 👇

An infographic of a product presentation outline.

  • Introduction
  • Company Information
  • Product Information
  • Benefits of the Product
  • Positioning Map
  • Examples and Testimonials
  • Call to Action

#1 - Introduction

An introduction is the first impression people have of your product presentation, that’s why you should start strong and show people what they can expect to hear.

It’s never easy to blow the audience’s mind with an introduction ( but you still can) . So at least, try to get the ball rolling with something clear and simple, like introducing yourself in a friendly, natural and personal way ( here’s how ). A great start can boost your confidence to nail the rest of your presentation.

If you want to make this product presentation super-duper clear, you can give your audience a preview of what they’re going to see. This way, they will know how to follow better and not miss any important points.

#3 - Company Information

Again, you don’t need this part in every one of your product presentations, but it’s best to give the newcomers an overview of your company. This is so they can know a bit about your team, the field your company is working in or your mission before digging deeper into the product.

#4 - Product Introduction

The star of the show is here 🌟 It’s the main and most important section of your product presentation. In this part, you need to present and highlight your product in a way that wows the whole crowd.

There are many approaches when it comes to introducing your product to the crowd, but one of the most common and effective is the problem-solution method .

As your team has invested massive amounts of time in developing your product to meet the market’s demands, it’s essential to prove to your audience that this product can solve their problems.

Do some research, discover your customers’ pain points, list out some potential consequences and here comes a hero to the rescue 🦸 Emphasise that your product can do wonders for the situation and make it shine bright like a diamond, just like how Tinder did in their pitch deck many years ago.

You might give other approaches a try when presenting your product. Talking about its strengths and opportunities, which can be taken out from the familiar SWOT analysis , probably works well too.

Or you can answer the 5W1H questions to tell your customers all the basics of it. Try using a starbursting diagram , an illustration of these questions, to help you delve more deeply into your product.

Starbursting diagram.

#5 - Benefits of the Product

What else can your product do, aside from solving that particular problem? 

What values can it bring to your customers and the community? 

Is it a game-changer? 

How is it different from other decent similar products on the market?

After grabbing the audience's attention on your product, poke into all the good things that it can bring about. It’s also vital to spotlight your product’s unique selling point to distinguish it from others. Your potential customers can then have a deeper understanding of what it can do for them and why they should use this product.

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#6 - Positioning Map

A positioning map, which tells people the position of your product or service in the market compared to competitors, can help your company stand out in a product pitch. It also acts as a takeaway after laying out all the descriptions and benefits of your product and saves people from getting lost in loads of information.

If a positioning map doesn’t fit your product, you can choose to present a perceptual map, which illustrates how the consumers perceive your product or service.

In both of these maps, your brand or product is rated based on 2 criteria (or variables). It can be quality, price, features, safety, reliability and so on, depending on the type of product and the field it’s in.

#7 - Real-Life Product launch Presentation Examples and Testimonials 

Everything you’ve said to your audience so far can sound like theories that go in one ear and out the other. That’s why there should always be a section of examples and testimonials to put the product in its real setting and etch it into the memories of your audience.

And if possible, let them see it in person or interact with the new product right away; it’ll leave a lasting impression on them. To make it more engaging, you should use more visuals on your slides during this phase, such as pictures or videos of people using, reviewing the product or mentioning it on social media.

✅ We have some real-life examples for you too!

#8 - Call to Action 

Your call to action is something you say to encourage people to do something . It actually depends on who your audience is and what you want to achieve. Not everyone writes it on their face or says something directly like ‘ you should use it ’ to persuade people to purchase their product, right?

Of course, it’s still crucial to tell people what you expect them to do in a few short sentences.

#9 - Conclusion

Don’t let all your effort from the beginning stop in the middle of nowhere. Reinforce your key points and end your product presentation with a quick recap or something memorable (in a positive way).

Quite a huge load of work. 😵 Sit tight; we’ll walk you through everything in the simplest way possible to get you prepared.

6 Steps to Host a Product Presentation

Now you get what should be included in your product presentation, it’s time to start making one. But from where? Should you jump right into the first part of the stuff we outlined above?

The outline is a roadmap for what you will say, not what you will do to prepare. When there are a lot of things that need to be done, it can easily get you into a mess. So, check out this step-by-step guide to keep yourself from feeling overwhelmed!

  • Set your goals
  • Define audience needs
  • Make an outline & prepare your content
  • Choose a presenting tool & design your presentation
  • Anticipate questions & prepare the answers
  • Practice, practice, practice

#1 - Set your goals

You can define your goals based on who your audience members are and the purposes of your product presentation. These two factors also are your background to establish the style you’re going for and the way you present everything.

To make your goals more clear and achievable, set them based on the SMART diagram.

A SMART goal illustration.

For example , at AhaSlides, we have product presentations among our big team quite often. Let’s imagine we’re having another one real soon and we need to set a SMART goal.

Here’s Chloe, our Business Analyst 👩‍💻 She wants to announce a recently developed feature to her colleagues.

Her audience is made up of colleagues who don’t directly build the product, like the ones from the marketing and customer success teams. This means that they’re not experts in data, coding or software engineering, etc.

You might think of a general goal, such as ‘everyone understands thoroughly about the developed feature’. But this is pretty vague and ambiguous, right?

Here’s the SMART goal for this product presentation:

  • S (Specific) - State what you want to achieve and how to do so in a clear and detailed way.

🎯 Ensure that marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and data charts.

  • M (Measurable) - You need to know how to measure your goals afterwards. Numbers, figures or data can be of great help here.

🎯 Ensure that 100% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts (i.e. conversion rate, activation rate & daily active user).

  • A (Attainable) - Your goal can be challenging, but don’t make it impossible. It should encourage you and your team to try and achieve the goal, not put it totally out of reach.

🎯 Ensure that at least 80% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts.

  • R (Relevant) - Have a look at the big picture and check whether what you’re planning on doing will hit your goals directly. Try to answer why you need these goals (or even the 5 whys ) to ensure everything is as relevant as possible.

🎯 Ensure that at least 80% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts. Because when these members know the feature well, they can make proper social media announcements and assist our customers better, which helps us build stronger relationships with customers.

  • T (Time-bound) - There should be a deadline or a time frame to keep track of everything (and steer clear of any tiny bit of procrastination). When you finish this step, you’ll have the ultimate goal:

🎯 Ensure that at least 80% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values before the end of this week by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts. This way, they can further work with our customers and maintain customer loyalty.

A goal can get quite big and sometimes make you feel too much. Remember, you don’t have to write down every part of your goal down; try and write it into one sentence and keep the remainder of it in mind.

You can also consider chunking down a long goal into smaller objectives to do one by one. 

Check out: Use idea boards to brainstorm better for your next presentation!

#2 - Define audience needs

If you want your audience to stay focused and engaged in your presentation, you need to give them what they want to hear. Think about their expectations, what they need to know and what can keep them following your talk.

First thing first, you should discover their pain points via data, social media, research or any other reliable sources to have a solid background on the things you definitely need to mention in your product presentation.

In this step, you should sit down with your team and work together (maybe try a session with right brainstorm tool ) to develop more ideas. Even though only a few people will be presenting the product, all the team members will still prepare everything together and will need to be on the same page.

There are some questions you can ask to understand their needs: 

  • What are they like?
  • Why are they here?
  • What keeps them up at night?
  • How can you solve their problems?
  • What do you want them to do?
  • See more questions here .

#3 - Make an outline & prepare your content

When you know what you should say, it’s time to draft the main points to have everything in hand. A careful and coherent outline helps you stay on track and avoid overlooking anything or going too deep into a particular part. With this, you can have better flow and a good sense of time management, which also means fewer chances to go off-topic or deliver a wordy, rambling speech.

After finishing your outline, go through each point and decide exactly what you want to show your audience in that section, including images, videos, props or even sounding and lighting arrangements, and prepare them. Make a checklist to ensure that you and your team won’t forget anything. 

#4 - Choose a presenting tool & design your presentation

Talking is not enough on its own, especially in a product presentation. That’s why you should give the audience something to look at, and maybe interact with, in order to liven up the room.

With slide decks, it’s not that easy to create something aesthetically pleasing or to create content that is interactive for your audience. Many online tools offer you some help with the heavy lifting of making, designing and customising an appealing presentation.

A product presentation slide on AhaSlides.

You can have a look at AhaSlides to create a more creative product presentation compared to using traditional PowerPoint. Besides slides with your content, you can try adding interactive activities that your audience can join easily with just their phones. They can submit their responses to random team generator , word cloud , online quiz , polls , brainstorming sessions, Q&As tool , spinner wheel and more.

💡Looking for more Powerpoint product presentation templates or alternatives? Check them out in this article .

#5 - Anticipate questions & prepare the answers

Your participants, or maybe the press, can ask some questions during your Q&A session (if you have one) or sometime after that. It would be really awkward if you couldn’t answer all questions related to the product that you’ve created, so try your best to avoid that situation.

It’s a good practice to put yourself in the audience’s shoes and look at everything from their perspective. The whole team can imagine being the audience members in that pitch and predicting what the crowd will ask, and then finding the best way to answer those questions.

🎉 Check out: 180 Fun General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers [2024 Updated]

#6 - Practice, practice, practice 

The old saying still rings true: practice makes perfect. Practice speaking and rehearse a few times before the event takes place to make sure that your presentation is smooth.

You can ask a few colleagues to be your first audience and collect their feedback to revise your content and polish your presentation skills. Remember to have at least one rehearsal with all your slideshows, effects, lighting and sound system too.

5 Product Presentation Examples

Many giant companies have delivered great product presentations throughout the years. Here are some great real-life success stories and the tips we can learn from them.

#1 - Samsung & the way they started the presentation

Imagine sitting in a dark room, staring at the space in front of your eyes and boom! The light, the sounds, and the visuals hit all your senses directly. It’s loud, it’s eye-catching, and it’s satisfying. That is how Samsung made great use of video and visual effects to begin their Galaxy Note8 product presentation.

Alongside videos, there are many ways to start , like asking an intriguing question, telling a compelling story or using performance. If you can’t come up with any of these, don’t try too hard, just keep it short and sweet.

Takeaway: Start your presentation on a high note.

#2 - Tinder & how they laid out problems

As you’re presenting your product to ‘sell’ them to a cohort of people, it’s important to find out the thorns in their side.

Tinder, with their first pitch deck back in 2012 under the very first name Match Box, successfully pointed out a big pain point for their potential customers. Then they pledged that they could provide the perfect solution. It’s simple, impressive and can’t be any more entertaining.

Takeaway: Find the true problem, be the best solution and drive your points home!

#3 - Airbnb & how they let the numbers speak

Airbnb also used the problem-solution tactic in the pitch deck that granted this start-up a $600,000 investment a year after it first launched. A significant thing that you can notice is they used quite a lot of numbers in their presentation. They brought to the table a pitch that investors couldn’t say no to, in which they let their data gain trust from the audience.

Takeaway: Remember to include data and make it big & bold.

#4 - Tesla & their Roadster appearance

Elon Musk might not be one of the best presenters out there, but he definitely knew how to wow the whole world and his audience during Tesla's product presentation.

At the Roadster launch event, after a few seconds of impressive visuals and sounds, this new classy electric car appeared in style and took the stage to cheers from the crowd. There was nothing else on stage (except for Musk) and all eyes were on the new Roadster.

Takeaway: Give your product a lot of spotlights ( literally ) and make good use of effects.

#5 - Apple & the tagline for Macbook Air presentation in 2008

There’s something in the Air.

This was the first thing Steve Jobs said at MacWorld 2008. That simple sentence hinted at the Macbook Air and immediately caught everyone's attention. 

Having a tagline reminds people of your product’s characteristics. You can say that tagline right at the beginning like Steve Jobs did, or let it appear a few times throughout the event.

Takeaway: Find a tagline or slogan that represents your brand and product.

Other Product Presentation Tips

🎨 Stick to one slide theme - Make your slides uniform and follow your brand guidelines. It’s a good way to promote your company’s branding.

😵 Don’t cram too much information on your slides - Keep things neat and clean, and don’t put walls of text on your slide. You can try the 10/20/30 rule : have a maximum of 10 slides; maximum length of 20 minutes; have a minimum font size of 30. 

🌟 Know your style and delivery - Your style, body language and tone of voice matter greatly. Steve Jobs and Tim Cook had different styles on stage, but they all nailed their Apple product presentations. Be yourself, everyone else is already taken!

🌷 Add more visual aids - Some pictures, videos or gifs can help you grab people’s attention. Make sure that your slides also focus on the visuals, rather than overfilling them with text and data. 

📱 Make it interactive - 68% of people said they remember interactive presentations longer. Engage with your audience and turn your presentation into a two-way conversation. Using an online tool with exciting interactivities could be another great idea to get your crowd pumped up.

Feeling snowed under with all the information in this article?

There are a lot of things to do when presenting your product, whether it’s in the form of an idea, a beta version or a ready-to-release one. Remember to highlight the most important benefits that it can bring and how it helps people solve their problems.

If you forget anything, head to the step-by-step guide or reread some key takeaways from the product presentation examples of behemoths like Tinder, Airbnb, Tesla, etc. and give yourself more motivation to make yours a massive success.

A product presentation is a presentation you use to introduce your company’s new or renovated product, or a newly developed feature, for people to learn more about it.

Why product presentation is important?

Effectively product presentation helps to (1) raise awareness and grab more attention (2) Stand out in the cutthroat market (3) Leave a deeper impression on your potential customers (4) A source for external PR and (5) Boost sales and revenue

What a good product presentation should be?

A great product presentation blends between the presenter's delivery of the information and the visuals that illustrate the product itself, to impress listeners, including investors, colleagues and public in general

Ellie Tran

A lifelong learner, a traveller and content creator eager to explore the best of both worlds: the real and virtual one full of interactive activities with AhaSlides.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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Creative Presentation Ideas - Ultimate Guide for 2024 Performance

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17 fun presentation ideas (with video!) to wow your audience

Three professionals in a meeting, discussing over a digital tablet with positive expressions, using Biteable video maker.

  • 30 Mar 2023

So you want to be the next Steve Jobs. Or Martin Luther King. Or any other dazzling orator you look up to. But you need a little something to add to your presentation ideas – you don’t want to bore people to death with Powerpoint.

Whether you’re creating a sales presentation, an event presentation, or just showing your travel video to Uncle Ron, we’ve compiled some of the best ways to get your audience seriously hyped up about your message.

Biteable offers online video presentation software, so we know a thing or two about making engaging presentation videos. In this guide, we share some of our favorite video presentation inspiration and show you some of the different types of presentations you might consider.

When you’re ready to make your own video presentation, head over to  Biteable  for hundreds of brandable templates, video scenes, and workplace-ready animations. With Biteable, making a video presentation is as easy as making a PowerPoint – only a whole lot more fun.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Types of video presentations

If you’re looking to win over your audience with a presentation, videos are the best way to do it. According to Insivia, viewers retain  95% of a message  when they see it in a video, but only 10% if they have to read on-screen text.

When you’re making your presentation, you could either make your video the whole presentation, or just a part of the whole. Did you know, for example, that you can  embed a video in a Powerpoint document?  Either is possible with our video templates and it can be interesting to mix things up once in a while.

There are four main types of presentations:

  • Informative
  • Demonstrative
  • Inspirational

Picking the right one will ensure you’re onto a winner with your video presentation. For example, if you’re onboarding some new employees, you might choose a video template that’s an informative presentation like this one:

Or, if you want to show off how something works, a demonstration presentation might be what you want to create:

A persuasive presentation would involve creating a video more like this charity infographic example:

And if you want something a little more inspirational, try something like this positive quote video template.

But that’s not all, folks! If you’d like to check out more awesome Biteable video templates, visit our  templates page here .

Creative (and fun!) video presentation ideas

You’ve now picked the type of presentation you need. But how do you get creative with your video?

First of all, it’s important your video is top-notch. Without high-quality graphics and production value, your message may fall by the wayside. Choose online  video presentation software  that’s easy to use and makes great-looking videos. That’s where Biteable comes in.

Whatever the topic of your presentation, your video format and design need to match the overall tone and message.

Delivering a corporate presentation on climate change? A fast-paced, wildly colorful template with upbeat music is going to feel a little off-message.

To identify how to design your presentation, think about the feelings you want to evoke in your audience. Want them to be crying with laughter? Moved to tears? Motivated into taking action? Pinpointing the emotions behind your presentation will help you choose the right template and make the best video possible.

17 great video presentation ideas

Now you’ve nailed down the type of video presentation you want to make, it’s time to master the finer details. Here’s just some of the ways you can make your message sing.

1. Start with a bold statement

A bold statement can capture your audience’s attention right from the get-go. Your statement should offer something slightly unusual and maybe even a little controversial. Something to make people sit up and take notice.

2. Tell a story

One of the best ways to get your audience’s attention is to tell a story – it’ll hit them right in the feels.

A personal, human story works because it the audience can relate to it on a personal level. Think about some stand-out examples of human stories that relate to your business or idea, and tell that story so people will connect with the central character. The bigger the emotion the better: love, longing, overcoming obstacles, things we’ve all had to deal with at some point in our lives.

Think about the  ‘story arc’  – how will you frame your message so the audience immediately empathizes?

If you’re selling trainers, perhaps you’ll talk about someone who’s training for a marathon. If you’re lobbying for women’s rights, perhaps you’ll tell a story of when a passing comment affected you deeply. Maybe you should think back to the decision that started your business, and start your presentation with that.

Here’s a great example of storytelling from one of the world’s top brands:

3. Use music

Music has great power to support and enhance the emotion in a video presentation, and has been proven to sustain an audience’s attention and aid in information retention. Music is used in movies to suggest an emotional state to the viewer, so why not in a video presentation?

Modern, up-tempo music will snap people to attention at the right moment, while slow, minor-key sounds relax the brain, which is useful for reviewing content so it can slip more easily into long-term memory.

It can be a struggle to find good quality  royalty free music , but here at Biteable we have a selection of great royalty free tracks (or you can upload your own if you’re that way inclined).

Music is one of the most critical (and often overlooked) aspects of any presentation. Here’s a good example of a Biteable template where the music does a great job of supporting the message.

4. Visual metaphor

Research has shown that combining pictures and text is one of the best ways to help people engage with and retain information. There’s something about how our brain works that makes text by itself far less memorable, so if you can combine something visual with your message, you’ll keep people’s attention longer and they’ll remember more of your presentation.

Talking to a group of people about taking action on something that scares them? A picture of someone diving or bungee jumping could work. Telling your boss how important that company retreat is next year? Show them an image of happy, relaxed people with their toes in the sand.

It doesn’t have to be obvious and clichéd, either. Closed doors, wide open roads, and lighting a candle all have subconscious messages that you don’t really need to explain. (Whatever you do, just don’t use the ultimate cliche: the overused  ‘water ripple’ .)

5. Use questions

Questions can be a great way to open a presentation, because they encourage the audience to think for themselves. It opens them up to a realm of critical thinking, which is perfect when you’re gonna sock it to them with your impactful message.

‘Did you know 15 billion trees are cut down each year?’

‘Have you ever considered what life would be like if you didn’t have to save money?’

The art of asking questions in a presentation means you can incorporate them into your video as a great lead-in. Combined with some appropriate music, it can really get your audience thinking about the issue, and then you’ll go on to explain exactly what your solution is.

Having a laugh can really do a lot to win over an audience. There’s no need to be too serious, and even if you’re dealing with a heavy topic, lightening the mood can work wonders.

Whether you’re looking to create a funny sales video, an event presentation, or a presentation for an interview — one thing’s for sure, you can’t go wrong by including humor.

7. Repetition

Simple. Effective. Powerful.

Repetition can be used in several ways: by offering several one-word sentences in a row (the repetition is in the rhythm), or by repeating a word or a key phrase several time throughout your presentation.

In his famous Stanford speech in 2005, for example, Steve Jobs concluded by saying  “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

Repetition is powerful. It drives home your key message and strengthens your position.

8. Motion Graphics

Motion graphics  are basically animation with text as a major component, and is a staple of what we do at Biteable.

When you use moving graphics in a presentation, it instantly captures attention. If your audience is just taking their seats, or are halfway through hearing your story, there’s no doubt they’ll sit up and take notice if you introduce some cool motion graphics, like this Meeting Tips example.

Although they can sometimes feel clichéd, quotes are a great way to impart a message in a presentation. Want your audience to understand something complex? A quote from Einstein should do it. Or would you like to say something meaningful and poetic? A couple of lines of Shakespeare should convey some wisdom.

10. Audio narration

Narration can give a different mood to your presentation, especially if the voice is powerful and the words are heartfelt. Use it to change the tone or pace of your presentation and it will certainly keep your audience hooked if there’s a danger of them losing interest.

11. Go bright with color

Color can have a huge effect on how your video comes across. Don’t be afraid to experiment. The contrasts of black and white can be extremely effective, but you can also grab people’s attention with some carefully-chosen primary and secondary colors, like in our Motion Graphics template.

12. Use illustrations

Illustrations are a great way to communicate information, especially if you’ve got lots to say. Whether you want to create a crowd of people or a cool depiction of some new fancy gadget, illustrations can draw the eye and make your presentation more interesting.

13. Infographics

When you utilize infographics, you can pack in a huge amount of data and information without confusing your audience. Think pie charts, digital numbers, and ascending animated graphs. These can show your audience boring data in an exciting way.

14. Create interesting transitions

The one advantage of video over a standard presentation is that you can do all types of funky things with transitions, like a whip pan transition, when the camera quickly pans between scenes. It’s a bit like a wipe, but much faster. Check out our full article on transitions  here .

15. Make it look cinematic

Adding a cinematic touch can help your audience feel receptive to your message because subconsciously, they will associate these elements with being at the cinema, eating popcorn, and generally having a good time.

16. Go retro

A cool, retro look for your presentation will make it hard to ignore. By going retro, you add a little bit of cheeky style to your message. You don’t need to go  quite as retro as the template below, but taking a step back in time is a sure way to add a little bit of zing to things.

17. End on a meaningful note

Your presentation will only give your audience a lasting impression if you end it right.

It’s important to let the audience know what you want them to do next: to visit a website for more information, to ponder an idea or new direction, or to take action toward a particular goal.

An attention-grabbing visual will work really well here, along with a meaningful end to the music – a change of pace, volume, or pitch.

What’s the takeaway message? A strong CTA (call to action) will ensure your presentation is memorable and much more likely to be talked about.

Video brings your presentation alive

Of course, we’re a little biased here at Biteable, but we’ve also sat through enough mind-numbingly dull presentations to know that video offers a delightful treat for your audience. It brings your message to life in a way no other medium can.

Ready to start crafting your presentation? Check out our range of templates  here .

Make stunning videos with ease.

Take the struggle out of team communication.

Try Biteable now.

  • No credit card required
  • No complicated design decisions
  • No experience necessary

Make a Product Launch Presentation (+ Examples & Templates)

Master how to make a product launch presentation with our guide. Explore examples usable as templates to outshine competitors and captivate your audience.


9 minute read

Product launch presentation examples

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What makes an effective product launch presentation?

An effective product launch presentation captivates with a clear value proposition, engages with compelling storytelling, and persuades with data-driven results.

It's visually appealing, audience-focused, and concludes with a strong call-to-action, setting the stage for market success.

Most new products fail - does yours have what it takes to succeed?

Think about this: every year, over 30,000 new products try to make their mark, yet 95% of them don't catch on.

Most new products fail to launch because they fail to grab attention with a compelling product launch presentation.

In a sea of competition, only the most compelling, clear, and persuasive presentations manage to break through the noise.

So, how do you make sure your product doesn't become just another statistic?

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through real, actionable strategies and examples to make your product launch presentation a hit.

Let’s get started!

What is the purpose of a product launch presentation?

Capture attention: Immediately engage your audience with a striking introduction that makes them want to learn more.

Highlight value: Directly address how your product solves a specific problem or fulfills a need, making it indispensable to your audience.

Drive action: Motivate your audience to take the next step, be it purchasing, subscribing, or sharing, by presenting a clear and compelling call to action.

How to structure a product launch presentation?

Introduction: Begin with an impactful opening that immediately captures interest. Use a compelling question, a relatable problem, or a striking statistic to draw your audience in and set the tone for what’s to come.

Problem statement: Articulate the specific problem or need your product addresses. This is where you connect with your audience by highlighting a universal challenge they face.

Solution presentation: Unveil your product as the solution to the problem identified. Detail its features and benefits, emphasizing how it offers a practical and innovative solution.

Market analysis: Provide an overview of the current market landscape. This includes trends, consumer behavior, and market needs, establishing the context in which your product enters the market.

Competitive analysis: Dive into how your product stands out from the competition. Discuss your product’s unique selling points (USPs) and how these differences position it as a superior choice.

Customer testimonials or case studies: Share success stories or endorsements from early users or beta testers. Real-world examples add credibility and illustrate the tangible impact of your product.

Pricing and packages: Provide clear, straightforward information about pricing and any packages or deals. Make it easy for your audience to understand what they're getting.

Marketing strategy: Before you call your audience to action, outline your marketing strategy. This shows how you plan to support the product post-launch, reassuring your audience of its longevity and value.

Call to Action (CTA): Conclude with a compelling CTA. Direct your audience towards a specific action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a demo, or following your brand for more updates.

Interactive product launch presentation templates

Starting from scratch on a product launch presentation can feel like a huge task, especially when so much depends on this one moment.

Interactive product launch presentation templates offer a structured starting point. They come packed with features that are optimized to engage and guide your audience through the story of your product.

Grab one and create your best deck yet.

What does a product launch presentation look like?

A product launch presentation is a dynamic and interactive deck that captivates your audience, making them feel like active participants rather than passive listeners. It does more than just share information; it creates an experience.

Here’s what a modern product launch presentation looks like:

What makes a successful product launch presentation?

Engaging storytelling: It starts with a story that resonates. This narrative weaves through the entire presentation, making the problem, solution, and benefits of your product felt on a personal level.

Visual impact: High-quality images, embedded videos, and data visualization components bring your product and its benefits to life. These elements work together to create a visual story that complements your spoken words.

Interactivity : Interactive elements like narrated design, surveys, and clickable demos involve the audience, transforming your presentation into a two-way conversation.

Strong Call to Action: The presentation ends with a clear and compelling call to action. Whether it's signing up for a trial, making a purchase, or simply learning more, the CTA is direct and easy for the audience to follow.

How to make a product launch presentation?

In a world where the majority of new products struggle to make an impact, your presentation is the golden ticket to standing out. Let's explore how to craft a product launch presentation that not only showcases your product but also makes it irresistible.

1) Know your audience

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of a successful presentation. Dive deep into their world—what challenges do your ideal customers face? What solutions have they tried and found wanting?

Personalizing your presentation to address these specific concerns makes your audience feel seen and valued, significantly boosting the relevance and impact of your message.

2) Define your presentation goals

Clarity in your presentation's purpose is crucial. Are you aiming to ignite interest, drive pre-orders, or secure investment?

This goal will dictate your presentation's structure, content, and call to action. It acts as a guiding light, ensuring every element of your presentation is aligned with achieving this objective.

3) Start with a bang

Your first words are your first impression. Start with something that sticks—a startling statistic, a compelling story, a question that piques curiosity, or a bold statement that challenges conventional wisdom.

For example:

"In a world where every second counts, we've found a way to give you hours back."

piques curiosity and positions your product as a revolutionary solution from the outset.

4) Highlight the problem

David Ogilvy's insight, “More often new products fail because they are not new enough,” underscores the importance of highlighting a genuine problem.

Make your audience feel the pinch of the issue your product resolves, making your solution not just wanted, but needed.

Illuminate the problem your product solves in a way that your audience can feel the pain. This creates a context for your product's introduction and underscores its necessity. Remember, the more relatable the problem, the more desirable the solution.

It's about striking a balance—your product shouldn't be so ahead of its time that it's alien, nor should it be so familiar that it fails to excite.

Here's a great example of a problem slide:

Product launch presentation problem slide example

5) Unveil the solution

When introducing your product, clarity and simplicity are key. Explain how it addresses the problem you've outlined, focusing on features that translate directly into benefits.

This is where your product moves from being a concept to a tangible solution in the minds of your audience.

6) Highlight the benefits

Features tell, but benefits sell. Articulate how your product enriches or simplifies life for your customer. Whether it's saving time, reducing costs, or enhancing well-being, benefits that resonate on an emotional level are incredibly compelling.

Here's a great example of solution and benefits slides:

Product launch presentation solution and benefits slide

7) Conduct solid research

Akio Morita once famously said:

“We don’t believe in market research for a new product unknown to the public. So we never do any.”

While this may have worked for Sony, today's market demands solid research. Understanding your market, competition, and consumer behavior is non-negotiable for crafting a presentation that hits home.

Here's a great market research slide:

Product launch presentation market research slide

8) Incorporate interactive elements

Enhancing your presentation with interactive elements can transform a standard pitch into an engaging, memorable experience.

For instance, embedding interactive charts allows your audience to explore data points relevant to your product's success in real-time.

Interactive timelines can illustrate your product's development journey or future roadmap in a visually dynamic way, inviting the audience to engage with your content at their own pace.

Additionally, incorporating clickable sections within your presentation can lead viewers to more detailed information, videos, or testimonials, enriching their understanding and appreciation of your product without overwhelming them with information all at once.

These interactive elements keep your audience engaged and provide a deeper, more personalized exploration of what your product has to offer.

Here's a great example of an interactive slide:

Product launch presentation interactiv slide

9) Demonstrate your product in action

A live demo or a well-crafted video demonstration can be incredibly persuasive. It offers proof of concept and allows your audience to see your product in action. This tangible experience can be the push your audience needs to move from interest to action.

10) Personalize your presentation

Personalization can significantly increase the impact of your presentation.

Tailoring content to reflect your audience's specific industry, interests, or challenges shows that you understand and care about their unique needs, making your product more relevant and appealing.

Here's how you can easily personalize your presentation using Storydoc:

How to personalize your decks with Storydoc

11) Provide social proof

Incorporating social proof lends credibility to your product. It's the difference between taking your word for it and seeing evidence of your product's impact. This builds trust and can significantly influence decision-making.

For new products, traditional forms of social proof like user testimonials may not be readily available. However, you can leverage beta tester feedback, expert endorsements, or pilot study results as powerful forms of social proof.

By using influencer search tools you can engage with industry influencers to review your product or secure a seal of approval from a reputable authority within your field. This can also serve as compelling evidence of your product's value and effectiveness.

Even highlighting the number of pre-orders or waitlist signups can act as social proof, showcasing demand and anticipation for your product.

Example of a social proof slide:

Product launch presentation social proof slide

12) Present your marketing strategy

When it comes to your product launch presentation, unveiling your marketing strategy is like showing the roadmap of how you plan to introduce your product to the world.

It's not just about the product itself but how you're going to make sure it reaches the right people, in the right way, at the right time.

This part of your presentation should clearly outline the channels you'll use, whether it's social media, email marketing, influencer partnerships, or traditional advertising.

Explain how each channel fits into your overall strategy and the role it plays in engaging your target audience. This is your chance to show that you've not only created a great product but that you also have a solid plan to ensure it's a success.

Here's a great example of a marketing strategy slide:

Product launch presentation marketing strategy slide

13) Create a compelling call to action

Your conclusion should be a clear, compelling invitation to take the next step—whether that's to learn more, sign up, or make a purchase. Make this action as simple and straightforward as possible, removing any barriers to engagement.

Here's a great example of a CTA slide:

Product launch presentation CTA slide

Winning product launch presentation examples

When it comes to product launches, standing out is everything. A successful presentation goes beyond facts and figures; it captivates, convinces, and converts.

Let's dive into some product launch presentation examples that do just that, leveraging interactivity to outshine the competition.

Product launch proposal

This deck showcases how interactivity can elevate a product launch presentation from good to great, engaging the audience in a way that traditional slides simply can't match.

What makes this product launch presentation great:

Engaging and interactive: The presentation uses an interactive format, inviting the audience to actively participate in the journey of discovering the product.

Clear value proposition: It effectively communicates the unique selling points of the headphones, such as advanced noise cancellation and intuitive controls, making it clear why they set a new standard in audio excellence.

Compelling narrative: The presentation tells a story of innovation and passion, from the problem statement to the solution, and wraps up with a vision for the future, making it memorable and impactful.

Light mode product newsletter

This feature launch within the light mode product newsletter is a game-changer for businesses looking to deepen engagement and track the effectiveness of their communications.

Personalization using dynamic variables: It introduces the ability to personalize using dynamic variables. This means businesses can now tailor their messages to each recipient, making communications more relevant and engaging.

Access to analytics panel: With the panel, businesses gain real-time insights into how readers are interacting with their newsletters. It tracks opens, clicks, and engagement time on each slide, providing valuable data to optimize future decks.

Clickable links: You can incorporate clickable links throughout the presentation. These links offer the audience the opportunity to explore additional information, access detailed resources, or even sign up for product demos.

SaaS product demonstration presentation

This product demonstration presentation effectively communicates the value of the company’s solution, making a strong case for why businesses should consider their platform to revolutionize their operations.

Clean design: The presentation leverages a clean design with ample white space, making it easy for viewers to focus on key information without feeling overwhelmed.

The option to embed videos: The option to embed a product demo video directly into the deck allows potential customers to see the product in action within the context of the presentation.

Clear pricing package overview: The presentation includes a clear overview of pricing packages, making it easy for potential customers to understand their options and make informed decisions.

Physical product demo presentation

This product launch presentation aims to bridge the gap between traditional business processes and modern efficiency, highlighting a physical product's role in streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity.

Option to extract branding from a website: One of the standout features is the ability to extract branding elements directly from a website, ensuring that the presentation is consistent with the company's branding.

Access to analytics panel: The presentation includes access to an analytics panel that provides insights into how viewers are interacting with the deck.

Option to edit details post-send: This presentation allows for the editing of details even after it has been sent. This ensures that the information remains up-to-date, reflecting any changes in the product, pricing, or other critical details.

Software demo presentation

Through a detailed walkthrough of the software's capabilities, this presentation aims to illustrate the seamless integration of tasks, the automation of workflows, and the facilitation of real-time collaboration, all designed to optimize performance and eliminate inefficiency.

Option to embed links to case studies: This feature allows viewers to explore in-depth examples of how your software has been successfully implemented in various businesses, providing tangible evidence of its effectiveness and versatility.

CRM integrations: The presentation leverages CRM integrations, enabling it to pull live data directly into the deck.

Responsive design: The presentation is designed with responsiveness in mind, ensuring that it looks and functions flawlessly across a variety of devices and screen sizes.

ERP software demo presentation

This product launch presentation is designed to showcase how the offered solution can revolutionize business operations by integrating various processes into a single, efficient system.

It aims to demonstrate the software's ability to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and significantly improve operational efficiency across the board.

Quirky design: The presentation employs a quirky and engaging design that mirrors the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the ERP industry.

Use of grayed-out content to direct attention: Strategic use of grayed-out content effectively directs viewers' attention to the most critical information, ensuring that key features and benefits of the ERP software are highlighted.

Logo placeholders: The presentation includes customizable logo placeholders, empowered by a logo finder feature, allowing for seamless integration of your or partner branding directly into the presentation.

Modern product launch

This product launch presentation introduces a groundbreaking solution designed to revolutionize how companies operate. It promises to streamline operations and boost efficiency through innovative features tailored for the digital era.

Interactive approach: Using an interactive platform, the presentation engages the audience directly, making the exploration of the product an immersive experience.

Clear solution to a common problem: It effectively communicates how the product addresses the pressing needs of businesses looking to enhance collaboration and automate processes in a rapidly evolving corporate landscape.

Visionary and inspirational message: The presentation focuses on the product's features but also shares a compelling vision for the future, emphasizing the transformative impact on businesses and the industry as a whole.

Light mode product launch

This approach to the product launch educates the audience about the product's capabilities and gets them excited about the potential for transformation in their own operations.

User-centric design: The presentation emphasizes the product's user-friendly interface, showcasing how it simplifies complex processes for everyday users, making technology accessible to all levels of technical expertise.

Direct address of business needs: The presentation zeroes in on the specific challenges faced by companies today, demonstrating how the product directly solves these issues with innovative technology.

Scalability and integration: It highlights the product's ability to scale with business growth and seamlessly integrate with existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition and long-term utility.

Dark mode product launch

This striking dark mode-themed presentation unveils a product designed to captivate and cater to modern businesses. This launch introduces a groundbreaking product with a keen eye on user experience and market demands.

Comprehensive market analysis: It dives deep into market trends, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscapes. AI product research provides a detailed view of where the product fits within the current market and how it's poised to meet emerging needs.

Segmented marketing strategies: The content is organized into tabs, each detailing strategies tailored to different segments of their target audience. This ensures that potential customers receive personalized and relevant information.

Multiple smart CTAs: The presentation features various smart Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons, guiding viewers through a journey from initial interest to taking actionable steps.

Versatile product launch presentation

In a market flooded with standard pitches, this deck sets a new standard. By leveraging the latest in presentation technology, it crafts a narrative that's not only about a product but about inviting the audience into a new ecosystem of efficiency and innovation.

Use of grayed-out content: It uses grayed-out content to subtly direct viewers' attention to key areas. This visual technique ensures that the focus is on the most important information, enhancing the audience's retention.

Embeddable videos: It comes with the option to embed videos that can be played directly within the deck. This allows you to showcase your product in action, providing an immersive experience that text and static images cannot achieve.

Data visualization components: The deck incorporates advanced data visualization components, enabling the presentation of complex data in an intuitive and easily digestible format.

Modern product demo presentation

By incorporating interactive features, this modern product demo presentation effectively captures the audience's attention and guides them through a compelling narrative, from identifying with the problem to seeing the offered product as the ideal solution.

Clear value proposition: The presentation effectively communicates the company’s value proposition, outlining how their SaaS product can transform business operations.

Problem-solution framework: The presentation is structured around a clear problem-solution framework, making it easy for the audience to understand the context and need for the offered product.

Option to embed multiple smart CTAs: The presentation enhances interactivity by incorporating the option to embed multiple smart CTAs (Calls to Action). This makes readers more likely to take the desired next step after viewing the deck.

product presentation on youtube

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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Best Practices for Pitching Your Product with Video

Learn from companies like Shopify, Quip, and Intercom, and start making your product pitches more human (and creative).

January 24, 2019

  • Storytelling
  • Business Strategy

Jenny Coppola

When Shopify prepared for its IPO, CEO Tobias Lütke didn’t present the typical pitch deck that investors are used to seeing. Instead, the company launched a documentary.

The Shopify documentary dives deep into company history, starting with the kernel of an idea to make an online shop, and ending with the future of retail. Along the way, a story emerges of a product that has helped customers, created jobs, and changed the way ecommerce functions. This kind of grand, out-of-the-box product presentation isn’t just entertaining to watch; it’s also good for business.

So, what can we learn from companies like Shopify about pitching our products to potential customers? As it turns out, many of the creative tactics used to produce these compelling videos can be applied to the sales pitches we make every day. In this post, we take a look at what companies like Shopify , Quip , and Intercom have done with product videos to uncover some helpful tactics for crafting the perfect product pitch.

Taking creativity to the bank

You don’t have to make a public offering or a high-budget documentary to tell your product’s story. Any sales rep can make a creative sales video that surprises and delights prospective buyers.

Shopify’s 25-minute video presentation is a great model for sales presentations because:

  • It’s sympathetic: It positions the product in the context of people (partners, customers, employees).
  • It’s structured: The sections of the video make it super clear where the pitch is going.
  • It’s surprising: No investor expects to get company information in this way, which makes it that much more effective.

By the end, you feel like you know how the product could have a positive impact on every person in the room. A video sales presentation can be a powerful tool for proving your value to customers. If you’re just starting out with sales video, here are some of the best practices to follow and the key mistakes to avoid.

“A video sales presentation can be a powerful tool for proving your value to customers.”

Start your sales pitch on a human note

You relate with other people, not the things they’ve built.

Without people, customers will never fall for your products. Your story is the reason people buy at first, and it’s the reason they stick around over time. At Wistia, our sales presentations begin with personal introductions and anecdotes so that customers can get to know us before we “talk shop.” We even built Soapbox to make sales presentations more human — here’s a quick overview of what it’s all about.

If you want people to keep watching your sales-pitch video, “why” is a better starting place than “how to." Here are a few actionable tips for making people care about what you have to say in your sales presentations:

  • Don’t start with the pitch. While it’s important in any online medium to get to the point quickly, your first word should never be “buy.” Instead, greet the person as if you’re meeting them face-to-face.
  • Share anecdotal details. Anecdotes are concrete details that stick in the mind. Quirky things, like the fact that you and the prospect both have a sister named Gertrude, will make you stand out as a salesperson and deepen the relationship more quickly and authentically. Don’t force it though.
  • Give a quick summary of what you’re about to say. The customer watching your video is making a quick judgment about whether to keep watching. Give a short rundown of your main points at the beginning so they know you’re thinking of them and their time.

By starting with stories about people, you can help your customers understand why you’re doing what you’re doing and where you’re going to go next.

Use structure to drive your sales message home

Structuring your sales presentation will make it a lot easier for the customer to digest. This product video from Quip follows a structure from small to large. It starts with a single spreadsheet and eventually shows the product as part of more complex, collaborative projects.

The simple, logical formula makes you feel like you could get started with Quip today, but also that you’ll continue to get value from it down the line.

Here are a few other storytelling structures you can adopt for your next sales presentation:

  • The list: Lists set up a clear expectation for the viewer and are easy to digest. A list video is like a traditional slide deck, just more dynamic — whether it’s “3 Reasons to Try Your Product” or a five-step demo. To make things super clear, use title slides for each point, and don’t forget to include the number in the title of your video.
  • The hero’s journey : Set up a story where your customer is the “hero” setting out on a journey of discovery. You can discuss what conditions are leading the hero to seek change, discuss challenges they’ll overcome with your product, and explain how they can bring back newfound wisdom to their team. This personalized approach will make your customers feel special.
  • Sparklines : In her book Resonate , presentation expert Nancy Duarte explains how great speeches go back and forth between lines of what life is like now and what it could be in an ideal future. Contrast life without your product (blah) to life with your product (fantastic!) to create an emotionally impactful presentation.

While video pitches should always have a firm structure, be sure to focus on substance over style. Structure should guide your presentation, not lead it. A good narrative structure reinforces the message inside. As long as you know your audience and the main value you’re offering inside and out, you can use the structure to make that message pop.

“While video pitches should always have a firm structure, be sure to focus on substance over style.”

Finally, surprise with creativity

Unexpected asides, fun graphics, and other creative personal touches add the element of je ne sais quoi that your presentation needs to succeed. Focus on small details to show prospects and customers what makes your company unique and delightful to work with.

Intercom goes above and beyond when it comes to design. Look at the way they stage this demo video:

From naming the example company and showing faces of team members to creating interesting collages for the background, the presentation video is full of tiny, clever surprises. Intercom makes their product look amazing while also informing the viewer how to use it.

Here are some tips and tricks for surprising your customers:

  • Keep it simple and play to your strengths: If you have a set of skilled designers onboard (who aren’t working on a zillion other things), then go ahead and add design flourishes. But if you only have your webcam and your cubicle mate Bryan handy, then bring him into a Soapbox video and talk about how fun it is to work with your team.
  • Don’t overlook the soundtrack: Background music works on our subconscious to set a mood and stir emotions. If your product is a little bit technical and you want to spice up your demo, find a triumphant musical track that shows off your enthusiasm for solving hard problems.
  • Show off your workspace: Yes, you’ll have to tidy up a bit first. But setting up a DIY studio in your office will show customers how you work and help them get to know you a bit better. This will create a feeling of familiarity right off the bat.
  • Choose fresh examples: One of the best ways to flex creativity in a product-focused video is to use entertaining examples, demo customers, and use cases. Privy , an email tool for marketers, features cute dogs on all of their demo pages.

Ultimately, empathy for the customer and a deep understanding of your product should drive the way you think creatively about your sales presentation. Creative surprises come after you determine the desired action and the structure of your presentation. If a joke or graphic doesn’t help the customer understand your product better, cut it out.

“Creative surprises come after you determine the desired action and the structure of your presentation.”

The best way to learn is by doing

These tips should get you started on the right foot, but learning doesn’t stop there. As you create more and more video sales presentations, you’ll find out what works and what doesn’t.

The quickest way to learn is to ask your customers. Take their feedback and incorporate it into your next presentation. That’s the beauty of presentation videos: Iteration is your best friend. With Wistia’s webcam and screen recorder , you can constantly create new versions of presentations. You can answer specific customer questions or explore different ways to help people understand what your product does and why. The sooner you start, the better!

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Wideo » Blog » Video Marketing » Top 3 Secrets of A Successful Product Presentation

Top 3 Secrets of A Successful Product Presentation

by mngwide | Video Marketing , Wideo Tips

Product Presentation

A great product presentation blends two important components: the presenter’s delivery of the information and the visuals that illustrate it.

Pitching your product ideas to investors and colleagues means packaging information into a presentation that persuades your audience to take action. This is what ultimately makes a successful presentation.

So what steps can you take to create a great product presentation?

Be straightforward.

product presentation on youtube

Being clear about what your product is and how it helps your viewers is they key to capturing people’s attention and maintaining it. People are not likely to engage with the presentation in the first place if they’re not clear what it is, and more importantly, why it’s relevant. It can be hard to be straightforward and showcase value, so you might want to consider to hire presentation writing services for the best results.

How would you describe your product or service? Trim that description down to the essentials. Buzzwords or jargon can add a flashy element, but in a presentation that is meant to be precise, they can create confusion for the audience or even detract them from your business.

Try breaking up your presentation into more scenes to highlight certain words or ideas. Use visuals to complement your message in the right moments so that the viewer leaves the presentation with a clear idea of who your are, what you do and how, and why your business over the competition.

Pro-tips for an understandable, focused presentation:

  • Start with Why, Who, What
  • Avoid buzzwords

Be memorable.

product presentation on youtube

A clear but catchy presentation is a memorable one. Leave the audience with a clear takeaway. What major problem does your product solve? Instead of listing features that solve this problem, show them how.

It helps to think of your product presentation as a story to tell . You’re not just presenting facts; you’re narrating the story of the ways your product fixes a pain for the viewer. By breaking it down into a beginning, middle, and conclusion, you allow the audience to develop an understanding of what your business is about.

Pro-tips for a memorable presentation:

  • Tell a story
  • Don’t list features, build a narrative with the benefits
  • Use animations for visual impact

Be emotional.

product presentation on youtube

What I mean is: Relate to your audience’s emotions; don’t just tell them a list of facts. Your product presentation can have statistics, charts, and data visualization, however, if it doesn’t appeal to emotions, chances are it will fail to inspire any sort of action from the viewer. Emotional connection is what brings your presentation to life and what ultimately moves people.

Pro-tips for creating emotion:

  • Use anecdotes or a real-life story to tie your themes together
  • Match the design and feel of product presentation to the tone of your presentation

Is your business ready to discover the power of video? Try Wideo marketing video maker and create your own videos today. 

For more tips and templates: Product Video Maker

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What is a product video?

How to create a product video for free [steps-by-step], history of product videos, types of product videos with examples, tips for making product videos, final words, how to create a product videos | pro tips and best tools.

Tanoy Chowdhury

Tanoy Chowdhury - September 22, 2021 Leave your thoughts. -->

Create a product video , How to Create a Product Videos , Make a product video , product demo video best practices , product demo video software , product demo videos , Product launch video , Product video maker , product videos

Unless you’re living under a rock or on an island with no internet or cable connection, you must have seen at least one product video in your lifetime. We will get to the definition of product videos in a while, but this dramatic opening is intended to tell you that product videos are abundant.  However, product videos are multifaceted. It could very well be possible that you’re used to watching a particular type of product video that could be new for someone else. The vice-versa could be true too. 

This is good enough for an introduction. Let’s explore the different aspects of product videos and what’s the most ideal technique for making a product video. Here’s a table of content for your quick reference - 

  • Definition of Product videos
  • History of Product videos
  • How to make a product video for free
  • Tips on making the perfect product videos

A video that explains your product, its features, and its benefits is a product video. That’s the simplest way of putting down the definition. 

However, the purpose of making a product video will differ depending on the type of video you’re making. Moreover, the style of your video will be influenced by the type of product too. For example, an SUV walkthrough video will be a lot different from software walkthrough videos. Nevertheless, the motivation behind making these product videos remains identical: inform the prospective buyer about the potential of the product.

In current times, making product videos is beneficial for companies. People are well-connected by the internet, and, therefore, they have better access to watching videos online. There are numbers that show a positive correlation between watching a product video, and the buying behavior of the user. 

Here are three of my favorite product videos statistics —

  • 55% of shoppers prefer watching a product video online before actually buying that product from a store ( source)
  • 69% of the consumers admitted that they like to watch a short product video while learning about a new product ( source )
  • 87% of Gen Z users like engaging with branded videos and videos that show someone talking about their product ( source ) 

These numbers are fascinating, especially if you’re a marketer or a product owner. But, product videos have not been on the internet since its inception. In fact, to know the birth of product videos, we have to go back 65 years. If history is not one of your favourite subjects, feel free to skip this part and scroll to the next. However, I would strongly recommend reading this section too if you want to learn the evolution of product videos over the years.

No, this title is not a clickbait. Yes, you can make product videos for free. And, not just make it, edit and share it online too. I will share exactly five steps that can help you to get your product video all set. 

But, first, here’s the tool that will help you with the process: Screen recorder

In case you’re not aware, a screen recorder is a video-making tool that can record your computer or laptop’s screen, webcam, and voice all at the same time. This means that you can show the content to your audience, and record your voice-over too. This makes a screen recorder a perfect choice for product videos — you can show the features and narrate the instructions. Another huge advantage that screen recorders have over other video-making tools is that you can make a video all by yourself. You don’t need a team or multiple tools to fix the video. This is great for churning out regular video content without compromising on the quality of content. 

record product videos

Enough said. Let’s head over to the 5 steps for making your product video with a screen recorder. 

Step 1: Find a good screen recorder

This is the most essential requirement. Unless you have figured out the right screen recorder that fits your needs, there’s no point in moving forward with your video-making process. To find out the right screen recorder, evaluate it on different parameters like budget, ease-of-use, and device compatibility. It will give a lot of clarity on what works the best for you.

For the next part of this blog, I will be showing how Vmaker, a free, advanced screen recorder and one of the best product video maker , can help you to make product videos . I will be sharing screenshots too, so that you get familiar with the interface.

find a good screen recorder for creating a good product video

Step 2: Get the script ready

One of the most common rookie mistakes is starting to record a video without having a script . Writing a script gives you the time to think about the points that you want to cover in your video. Moreover, you can look at your product from the customer’s perspective, and try to visualize the difficult areas. This will help you to be more empathetic to your customer’s requirements. With scripting, you also get the chance to experiment with the language and add more humor to make the video more engaging.

Step 3: Record both — Screen and Webcam

Record both — Screen and Webcam for creating a good product video

The best way of using a screen recording tool is by allowing it to record both your screen and webcam both. So you can show the content to the users, personally guide them with your voice and facial expressions. These quirks might not sound very big, but when you know that a human is going to watch this video, these characteristics make a lot of difference. 

On top of that, if you’re using Vmaker , you can make the experience look more professional by using filters, customizing the background, using annotations, and a lot more.

Step 4: Edit your videos

You can use Vmaker as it can record your screen and help you in editing the videos. Once you completed the recordings, you can use our AI video editor that lets you edit the screen recording instantly by intelligently adding intros, outros, B-rolls, background music, subtitles, animations, stickers, and more. Additionally, users have the flexibility to edit the output video further using the comprehensive editing suite provided.

Video editor for product video creation

Step 5: Let’s share

Share your product video

Finally, when you’re done giving the final touches, it’s time to share the videos. Whether you’re making the video for YouTube or sharing the link in an email, the process has to be effortless. If you’re using an advanced screen recorder, you have made a great choice. Because these screen recorders are built intuitively to support your plan of action. Take Vmaker for example. After the recording is done, you can upload the video on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter right from the dashboard. You don’t have to spend additional time figuring out the options. In one tap, your video is ready to be uploaded.

product video maker

Before we head on to the conclusion, there are a few tips that will help you make your product videos even better.

In the year 1955, Gibbs SR Toothpaste won the lottery against 23 other participants to get the chance to air their advertisement for the first time on ITV, UK’s first commercial broadcaster. Only 100,000 households watched that video all over the UK. This 70-second advertisement is the earliest known example of a product video. Here’s the link to the video .

At this moment, you will be tempted to think that product video is another term for referring to  TV commercials. While you’re not completely wrong, you’re not right either. Earlier, product videos were made for the purpose of selling the product. The intent was commercial, and that’s all it was. Companies used the same formula in every commercial — show the product or a person using the product explaining what the product does and why anyone needs to purchase the product.

However, this has undergone a lot of changes now, because the market is more dynamic. Also, it’s not just about selling anymore. A product video has a broader purpose and a bigger role to fulfill.

Product videos at the present

Product videos started gaining more importance in the 90s when software became a household name. Although the software was great for getting complex tasks done in minimal time, it was giving a hard time to a lot of people in understanding the in and out of its working. Software companies realized the problem, and, as a solution, started sharing demos, walkthroughs, and onboarding videos with their customers.  

This transformation in product videos was catapulted by the cloud revolution in the early 2000s. Software companies were making new products that were hosted on the cloud instead of being on-premise. This new revolution gave rise to the term, Software as a Service (SaaS). As users slowly started to go along with the tectonic shift in technology, sellers realized that product videos can play a pivotal role in showing their target audience how SaaS is here to make a difference in their lives. 

As I’m writing this blog, the Gibbs SR toothpaste is nearing its 66th anniversary. The years in between have increased the importance of product videos for companies. TV commercials are still a thing, but that’s just one piece of the puzzle. Let’s explore a few other pieces in the next part of this blog.

It will be challenging to talk about all the possible types of product videos in this blog. With the changes in the video technology industry, there are probably more to come in the future. However, to keep the blog informative, here are the 8 most common types of product videos along with examples for each of the eight common types of product videos.

1) Product demo videos

Product demo videos are like teasers. They give a quick overview of what the product does and how it can benefit the user. It’s for this reason that product demo videos are very popular with sales and support teams.  Once a prospective customer shows an interest in the product, the support reps can record a demo video and embed it in the email. There are different ways of recording a product demo video , but if it’s personalized with webcam recording, it tends to have a higher resonance with the audience.

Here’s an example of a product demo video. It starts with a human introduction, followed by the product description, and ends with a CTA for booking an online meeting with the team.

Bonus: Why Product Videos Play a Big Role in Signups and Conversions

2) Product walkthrough videos

Product walkthrough videos are like cousins of product demo videos but more chatty. On a serious note, product walkthrough videos are like a detailed tour of a product. It highlights the features, benefits, and use cases too. This type of product videos are usually made by using a screen recorder and voice-over. Since it is an extensive video covering the complete product, it becomes important for a video creator to keep the video as engaging as possible.

A perfect example of this type of video is our own product walkthrough video. Look at how the presenter shows the Vmaker app on her screen while recording her face and voice at the same time.

3) User Onboarding videos

The title says it all, but let me build on this to make sure we’ll be on the same page. User onboarding videos are used by companies to make the process of onboarding effortless for new users. An onboarding video comes in the latter part of your conversion funnel when the user has already decided to use your product. However, getting started with a new product can be overwhelming for your new customer. Therefore, a user onboarding video can be great for simplifying things by helping the user figure out where to start. So, instead of a quick demo or a detailed walkthrough, a user onboarding video will feature a single feature or only a few of them to give a head start to the customers.

Example of a user onboarding video

4) Product tutorial videos

A tutorial video is like holding your user’s hand and guiding them on how to perform a particular task or an action using your product. A tutorial video can be longer if there are many steps to be followed by performing than action. Alternatively, it can be shorter if it’s a simple click, select and press the “OK” kind of operation. Either way, product tutorial videos get more effective when they can see and hear the instructor. It makes the video more engaging and more fun as compared to looking at animated figures.

Here’s another example from our video library that does justice to this concept.

5) Feature explanation video

If you use a SaaS product, this will be very relevant for you. SaaS products have a plethora of features, and to help their audience understand its functionality, they usually record feature-specific videos. These videos keep the content short and to the point. So if you want to learn about a feature, you can watch this video and get all the details. You don’t have to spend 

time skimming through an entire product walkthrough video to know about the feature. 

Feature explainer videos are highly engaging and informative. Here’s an example of such a video - 

6) Product explainer videos

A product explainer video is similar to a demo video as it explains what the product is all about and how it is useful for users. The difference is that these are shorter than demo videos and less personal. Explainer videos are commonly uploaded on YouTube channels or added to landing pages so that visitors can use them as a visual reference for the content written on the website. 

Animated explainer videos are very common as they keep things simple, and the visual imagery accentuates the feature capabilities. Here’s an example of the explainer video which clearly depicts how you can start recording videos with Vmaker’s Google Chrome extension in a snap.

7) Product unboxing videos

In contrast to the other types of product videos in this list, unboxing videos are mostly made by product reviewers and individuals who have purchased a product. This makes it more candid, and therefore, a go-to choice for a lot of users who are planning to buy the same product. The premise of unboxing videos is simple - open the box, show the contents and explain them to the people. These videos are very popular on YouTube, and in fact, they’re the most searched type of product video on YouTube.

For reference, here’s an unboxing video of the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 - 

8) Product support videos

If you haven’t realized already, product videos are great problem-solvers. They exist because they want to make things easy to understand and remember. Hence, it’s natural that product videos are a great resource for solving customer support requests . Apparently, a lot of companies are already doing it. Once a customer expresses an issue or difficulty in figuring out functionality, the support team quickly records a video giving a visual guide on how to overcome the problem. Since this is a more personal form of product video, a screen plus webcam recording with voice narration will be a great fit for these forms of videos.

So that was a glimpse of different product videos that are seen very often. In the next part of this blog, we will focus on making a product video , and what tips you can follow to make the content even better.

A few points to remember to add that final level of perfection to your product videos - 

  • Keep the video length short, preferably less than 6 minutes. If it’s a product walkthrough video, don’t stretch it beyond 30 minutes
  • Add branded content to the video, but don’t overdo it. Include examples of your brand vision and values. You can also show customer testimonials to gain more trust
  • Show more, tell less. Don’t end up just talking on the camera without actually showing the product. Do the other way around, show more of your product, and narrate only where it’s necessary. 
  • Leave with a call-to-action at the end of the video. This will push your customers to start an interaction with you. It will also make them feel valued and appreciated

A product video is effective for showing the different facets of your product. It’s great for engaging with your audience and getting more conversions. However, product videos were mostly made for selling. With the emergence of SaaS companies and the booming of the software market, product videos started gaining more importance. 

Today, there are different types of product videos to choose from. All of these have a specific purpose, which makes the customer experience even better. Therefore, if you’re planning to make a product video, think about the purpose of making the video, and then choose the right type. And, while you do that, start looking for a screen recorder to record your product video. Screen recorders are the best tool for making product videos because, like product videos, screen recorders are also multi-faceted. It’s a complete video-making suite that helps you to generate content quickly and effortlessly. Vmaker is a great example of an advanced screen recorder, and it’s worth checking it out.

Lastly, a few tips will ensure that you follow the guidelines that will make your product videos even more interesting. 

If you enjoyed reading the above article, then here are a few cherry-picked ones you might be interested in reading further!

Ultimate How-to Video Guide with Examples, Tips, and Ideas

Training Video: Definition, Forms, Tips & Free Tool

Ultimate Tutorial videos Guide with Tips and Free Template

The Ultimate Guide to Screen Recorder

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Top 10 PowerPoint Templates to Create a Dynamic YouTube Marketing Plan

Top 10 PowerPoint Templates to Create a Dynamic YouTube Marketing Plan

Kritika Saini


YouTube has been around since 2004 – from then, there are multiple creators like the comedian and gamer “Addicted A1” and “Pewdiepie” who have managed to grow their subscribers expeditiously. 

Besides creators, enterprise brands like Facebook, SAS, Microsoft, Google, Skype, Amazon, Twitter, and more use YouTube to publish customer stories, trending topics, social issues, business communications, and webinars. 

This camaraderie has made YouTube the second-best search engine worldwide with 2.29 billion users. It is a highly preferred source of entertaining content and an essential tool for marketers. Reports state that more than 55% of marketers use YouTube as a part of their marketing strategy. 

But is this information sufficient to popularize your business with YouTube? How did these creators and brands improve their business presence and SEO? 

The answer - by creating a dynamic YouTube marketing plan!

The gist of a YouTube marketing plan

YouTube marketing is an intimidating tool that combines the strategic principle – SEO – with the most resourceful media – videos. It helps marketers publish unique content that’s easy for viewers to understand, consume, and share. 

So if you want to triumph over the “Play Button”, you must ensure time and resources to post quality content regularly. In other words, you need to create an actionable YouTube marketing plan. To help you expand your business reach and create new leads, we present the practical tips for framing a YouTube marketing plan. 

Whether you are a YouTube pro or newcomer, read along this guide featuring amazing PowerPoint templates that will act as a cherry in your YouTube marketing presentation. These PPT slides are crafted by our team of expert designers and are easy to edit. So download the ones that interest you the most! 

1. Set goals and create a YouTube channel 

In the first step, you have to create a Google and YouTube brand account to manage the editing permissions and establish a holistic online presence. Then, set objectives covering clicks, traffic, engagement, reach, and subscriber numbers you want to achieve. This preparation will help you measure your progress accurately. And now, you just need to share interactive and informative content with your audience. You can select this handpicked template to structure your plan effectively. 

Use this invigorating slide to set goals for the number of subscribers to be gained, videos to be published in a month, views to be achieved, and more. Also, you can use the SMART goal-setting method given in the template to initiate this process. Therefore, download it immediately. 

Creating YouTube Goals for the Business

2. Figure out your audience

Analyze your target audience beforehand. You can determine this by evaluating the competitors or creators of the same industry. It will help you produce content that aligns with your audience’s needs. Use this pre-designed template to share your evaluations with other team members. 

This PPT design will help you determine your potential market size and define the target audience. You can use it to cover parameters like gender, age, parental status, household income, demographic, want, and more. Download it now and edit with your required information. 

Defining Target Audience for YouTube

3. Commit to a schedule

We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day. Similar is the case with YouTube if you’re determined to keep growing your channel. Therefore, while creating a plan, you should consider the frequency and time to publish your content. Also, ensure that you stick to the schedule as this will make your video indexing easier. Pick this PPT design and create a well-thought-out calendar. 

Use the diagram given in this PowerPoint graphic to set a schedule for your YouTube posts. With this template, you can plan the date, time, and content that will go live each month. So download once and use it multiple times!

Setting a Budget, Schedule and Bid Strategy

4. Select the type of video

Who does not want their audience to get entertained and come back for more? Therefore, you should keep on experimenting with the type of videos you have to publish. You can choose from listicles, how-to videos, behind the scenes, product videos, case studies, interviews, advertisements, customer testimonials, live videos, vlogs, launches, and more. Choose this stunning template design and drive more traffic to your channel. 

This template will help you represent the challenges and solutions of video marketing before selecting the correct video format for your YouTube business channel. Besides, you can share this design with your team members using Google Slides. So download now!

Video Marketing Challenges PPT

5. Optimize your videos for SEO

Now that your YouTube channel is running, it is critical to optimize your videos for YouTube and Google search. However, to become a marketing pro and rank your videos, you need to optimize the metadata – video title, description, tags, category, thumbnail, subtitles, and closed captions. We advise you to be straightforward and truthful while filling the metadata as your content can be removed if you use the wrong keywords. Our template will surely help you comply with YouTube guidelines efficiently. 

Create a powerful distribution channel strategy for your YouTube videos using this impressive PPT design. You can use this template to further calculate the organic traffic from each platform. Therefore, download it instantly and make the desired changes. 

Considering Appropriate Distribution Channels Strategy

6. Promote your channel

To increase your reach and subscribers, you can share your YouTube videos on social media, blog posts, websites, emails, and Q&A sites. Additionally, you can keep your channel branding consistent, feature real people or animated faces, include call-to-action, create playlists, and more. Select this well-designed template to pick the right strategy for your brand. 

This YouTube promotion template will help you achieve an edge over the competitors. You can use it to follow various promotional techniques like choosing Google-friendly keywords, creating a custom thumbnail, a compelling YouTube profile, interacting with customers, putting high-quality videos, and more. So download now!

Ways to Promote YouTube Channel

7. Manage your YouTube channel

Engagement is a critical part of YouTube, and you achieve it by using various automation tools. They will help you save comments, schedule posts, monitor mentions, track your subscribers and connections, and more. Besides these tools, you can ask questions in the video descriptions and use the community tab to post images, polls, or video previews. You can explore more engagement options with this visually appealing design!

Use this template to optimize your customer engagement process for the YouTube channel. This design encourages you to control the network, inventory type, labels, and content to be used. So grab and put it in your YouTube marketing plan presentation. 

Controlling Where the YouTube Ad will be Shown

8. Understand analytics like a pro

YouTube analytics might seem daunting at first, but it is pretty simple. You can open the analytics dashboard to get an overview of some top-line performance metrics, engagement metrics, demographics, traffic sources, geography, location, customer information, and more. It also provides information related to watch time and retention rate. So collect your data and download this PowerPoint slide to create a comparison with the set objectives. 

Use this dashboard template to depict your YouTube campaign’s performance. This design includes acquisition, behavior, conversions, and more. So grab it right now!

YouTube Marketing Campaign Analytics Dashboard

9. Run an advertising campaign

Other than organic traffic, you can also promote your YouTube videos by running a paid advertising campaign like video discovery and in-stream advertisements. In addition, you can also use YouTube marketing software to boost your channel’s health. So use this PPT graphic and represent the pros and cons of each advertising tool. 

This template will help you plan a fantastic YouTube advertising campaign. The design includes nine well-researched steps, so follow them to lift your brand image. Grab it to customize as per your needs. 

How to Set up a YouTube Ads Campaign

10. Set a budget

You should choose a setup for your business channel, including the type of editor and presenter. For the success of your YouTube videos, be prepared to make an upfront investment. Also, keep fewer expectations for revenue in the beginning as it begins to increase once you garner enough traffic to have consistent views. Pick this PowerPoint slide and create a budget for your YouTube marketing plan. 

Template 10

Use this design to procure investor funding for your YouTube business. You can include the highlights, advantages, and benefits of your channel or product in this slide. So download and create an authentic campaign estimate. 

Setting a Bid Amount for the Campaign

 →Download the complete template package here

Ready, set, action.

YouTube may seem mind-boggling at first, but the platform makes it simple to create, share, and digest content. Today, the audience wants to learn, get entertained, and engage with your brand. And you can achieve this connection by making the most out of our templates. These designs will act as a guide in your YouTube marketing plan journey. Therefore, purchase your membership, and download them without delay! 

P.S: You can also encapsulate your marketing plan in a one-page template by exploring this all-inclusive guide . 

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Google Reviews

ReelShort - Short Movie & TV 12+

Movie reels & tv mini series, newleaf publishing, designed for ipad.

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Never have enough time to finish a movie anymore? Tired of paying for subscriptions that you don’t use? Watch ReelShort - Every Second is Drama. Tired of never finishing a movie or paying for unused subscriptions? Watch ReelShort — Every Second is Drama Say hello to ReelShort, a next-gen HD streaming short movie platform offering exclusive vertical TV mini series. Recognized by Times100 for our movie reels innovation in the entertainment industry, we're changing the way you watch movies with our one-minute short movie episodes that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere, all from the convenience of your phone with the ReelShort App. Choose from our TV mini series library packed with endless addictive movie shorts added daily, from romantic encounters with billionaires and heart-wrenching tragedies to epic comeback stories and more—you won't ever be short on short movie entertainment! Featured Shows: [Breaking the Ice] Single mom Caroline dumped her first love Easton Black eight years ago…But she never told him he got her pregnant! Now he’s the hottest hockey star in the league and Caroline's boss! Will Caroline tell him the truth, or is it all too late? Based on Shutout by Jami Davenport! [We Will Love Again] You left Noah Preston, the love of your life, when he was dirt poor and had nothing. Five years later, he's now a billionaire who's looking to acquire your company and make your life a living hell. Will you tell him the truth about why you really left him, or is it too late for a second chance at love? [The Double Life of a Billionaire Heiress] You married Wes Sterling out of love, but he thinks you are a cheating gold-digger! Fed up with Wes’s accusations and mistreatments, you finally divorce him and re-embrace your true identity...a billionaire heiress! What will Wes do when he realizes he made the biggest mistake of his life? Will you make him pay...or fall for him all over again? Here's why you'll love ReelShort: Bite-sized original movie shorts designed for on-the-go viewing •Exclusive short movies with juicy vertical content that will keep you hooked •New TV mini series added daily, with hundreds of new episodes each month •Hollywood-quality entertainment, crafted for the big screen delivered to your small screen •The first ever interactive live action short movies, where you decide what happens next Experience the future of short movie entertainment, one minute at a time — download ReelShort now! "Crazy Maple Studio is quietly changing the streaming game with its ReelShort app." - Time100 "The biggest player in this new genre is ReelShort." - New York Times "Every minute has a hook that keeps you watching." - Wall Street Journal "ReelShort, which has dozens of shows — similarly light on character development and packed with curveballs — made for binge-watching in minutes." - Washington Post Follow Us on Social Media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reelshortapp Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reelshortapp YouTube: https://youtube.com/@reelshortapp TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@reelshortapp ReelShort's Website: https://www.reelshort.com Notice: If you subscribe through Apple, the payment will be deducted from your App Store account upon purchase confirmation. Subscription privileges: While your subscription is active, you can watch all tv mini series for free. Your subscription will take effect within 24 hours after purchase, depending on the status of your order in the Apple Store. The subscription is valid for 7 days. Auto-Renewal: Your subscription will automatically renew. You will be charged within 24 hours before the start of each subscription period until you cancel your subscription. Cancellation: On iOS devices, you can cancel your subscription at least 24 hours before the next renewal date by going to Settings > iTunes & App Store > Apple ID > View Apple ID > Subscriptions > ReelShort. The subscription is billed weekly. The actual price may vary by region. Terms of Service: https://crazymaplestudios.com/v/user-agreement Privacy Policy: https://crazymaplestudios.com/v/privacy-agreement

Version 2.0.00

1. Add many popular dramas. 2. Fix some bugs to improve your experience

Ratings and Reviews

43.1K Ratings

This app ate and left like 3 crumbs😌😂

I didn’t expect to enjoy this app as much as I did. The stories are so intriguing and I was a little shocked to see K-dramas. I do wish that some of the K-dramas weren’t voiced by English actors though. I prefer just reading subtitles. It gets irritating when the mouth and words don’t match. I’m not the biggest fan of the ad situation, but I also don’t mind it either. I wish every episode was 2 minutes long and that there wasn’t a recap at the beginning. I noticed there aren’t many shows but I don’t know how long this app has been a thing so I hope more are to come. Overall I love the app. The acting is cringe at times but not as bad as some reviews make it seem. I can tell there’s a low budget so I wouldn’t expect too much anyway. Plus I feel like bad acting can make shows funnier. Still this app eats every show it puts out. I get so invested off of just a trailer. I feel like the use of adds and coins brings back what it felt like to watch shows on cable TV. Sometimes the anticipation made the show better. I also loved commercial bathroom breaks. At least I’m not waiting for a 1-2 minute clip everyday. I only have to watch an ad.

Developer Response ,

Thank you for your feedback and we very appreciate that. Could you please tell us which show has the problem of discrepancy between the mouth and the words? We will convey your suggestion to relevant department and improve it. Please stay tuned for our new version. Thank you for your support.
Normally I do not leave reviews especially negative ones. These shorts are really entertaining and I ultimately enjoy watching them. However, I am very disappointed and upset that each “short” takes up a various amount of your coins. I started out watching every ad to get my coins for the day which landed me just over 230 coins. So I was a bit excited to watch more of the series I have been trying to get through. I figured that I would be able to watch at least 4 to 5 shorts (5 minutes or so of the series for the day) but I didn’t even get that. I was able to watch two which were less then a minute long. Afterwards it says I do not have enough coins. I would give this app a 5 star review if it wasn’t for the fact that somehow the price for each short adjusts based on how many coins you have. On top of that you cannot see the price of how much each episode costs until you are out of coins. Yesterday, the next episode said it was 58 coins. Today I had over 230 coins and was only able to watch two episodes? In other words one episode cost 58 coins and the next one took the rest. It seems like a major scam to get people to really fork out the money for the game without realizing what is going on. If the company fixes the issues then I will come back and update my review. If not my review will stay. Thank you for reading. Again this is not something I do in fact this is the first review I have ever done but I would hate to see people get scammed.
Hello, please rest assured that our app will not overcharge your coins/bonus for unlocking episodes. You can also check the record of spending coins to unlock episodes by yourself: by clicking Profile-My Wallet-Detail-Episodes Unlocked. If you still have concerns in your Bonus History, please reach us via Profile-Feedback.❤️❤️

Money Hungry App

This app is a money grab. I downloaded it because I kept getting an ad for one show. I was like I might as well watch it. They prompt you every like 7 words to buy the app or watch more shows. It’s ridiculously expensive for corny shows. It cost more to buy this app then ANY streaming services and the shows are short and corny. I don’t think anyone besides children who aren’t spending their own money would do that. Anyway I watched one show over like a month would watch the ads whenever I was bored enough to do it then I get to the end of the show and they won’t let me watch the last few episodes without paying I can no longer use adds. As if they don’t make money from the ads already. Luckily because the show is corny and predictable I already know how it ends so it is what it is. And it’s $20 a week (which is $100-$120 a month, $1040 a year). not even for unlimited shows you get a certain about of coins that let you watch certain shows. It’s all confusing and a way to take money. The most expensive streaming service I know of hulus bundle with live tv is like $74 a month and that’s 3 services AND live tv. The ads are all over a minute long for less than an minute of content you will be wasting your time if you are using this app. I wouldn’t waste your time with this app. Just watch your corny shows on your normal streaming platform and save yourself the time, energy, and money. You’re not missing anything by skipping this app.
Dear, during the VIP period, you will gain unlimited access to all series on ReelShort without coins/bonus watching ads, and you can also earn free rewards: 1. Daily check-in; 2. Watch Ads; 3. Watch Ads to unlock episodes without paying. As we now with 2 new shows added weekly, hope you can give the subscription a try!


Wed 7:00 am, app privacy.

The developer, NewLeaf Publishing , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Used to Track You

The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Identifiers

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The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • User Content

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  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


English, Filipino, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Thai, Turkish

  • Subscription $19.99
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  • One-time Purchase $19.99
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    To publish your product presentation on YouTube, you need: A Google account and an associated YouTube channel. You can create these easily in just a few steps. A brand environment: it is preferable to personalize your channel as much as possible with a brand icon, a background, a banner, and a unique design for your channel's feed.

  6. Crafting a Powerful Product Presentation: A Comprehensive Guide

    Discover how to create a compelling product presentation. This detailed guide offers insights into templates, design, key points, and effective sales techniques

  7. How to create and deliver an impactful product presentation

    Step-by-step guide to creating and delivering a product presentation that effectively aligns stakeholders on product direction.

  8. 11 Product Presentation Examples Driving Business Results

    Get product presentation examples & templates that drive results and learn to create effective product presentations with interactive slides & storytelling.

  9. Product Presentation Examples

    A product presentation is a presentation you use to introduce your company's new or renovated product, or a newly developed feature, for people to get to know more about it. In this type of presentation, you'll take your audience through what it is, how it works, and how it helps solve their problems. For example, the Tinder pitch deck and ...

  10. 17 video presentation ideas to wow your audience

    17 fun presentation ideas (with video!) to wow your audience Whether you're creating a sales presentation, an event presentation, or just showing your travel video to Uncle Ron, we've compiled some of the best ways to get your audience seriously hyped up about your message.

  11. Make a Product Launch Presentation (+ Examples & Templates)

    Master how to make a product launch presentation with our guide. Explore examples usable as templates to outshine competitors and captivate your audience.

  12. Best Practices for Pitching Your Product with Video

    Best Practices for Pitching Your Product with Video. Learn from companies like Shopify, Quip, and Intercom, and start making your product pitches more human (and creative). When Shopify prepared for its IPO, CEO Tobias Lütke didn't present the typical pitch deck that investors are used to seeing. Instead, the company launched a documentary.

  13. Top 3 Secrets of A Successful Product Presentation

    Pitching your product ideas to investors or colleagues means packaging information into a presentation that persuades your audience to take action. This is what ultimately makes a successful presentation. In this post, we show what steps can you take to create a great product presentation.

  14. How to Create a Product Videos

    Product videos are great for showing product features & benefits. Read this blog to find different types, tips and how to record them with screen recorders

  15. HOW TO Give a Great Presentation

    If you've ever given a presentation before, you might know where you can improve and what your strengths are, but Dana has compiled a list of 7 presentation skills and ideas everyone needs to ...

  16. Perfect Product Presentations: 4 Before & After Examples

    4 Before & After Examples If you have goods or services to sell, you need a product presentation to highlight your product over the competition. Recently, our client, Pynwheel, came to us for help with multiple product presentations. Most important in persuasive selling competitions is to focus on the client's needs and make sure your design emphasizes your best selling points.

  17. Free Product Presentation Templates to Customize

    Use one of our product presentation templates to impress the attendees of your next meeting. Edit your presentation online and download it for free.

  18. Top 10 PowerPoint Templates to Create a YouTube Marketing Plan

    Expand your business reach and create new leads with this actionable YouTube marketing plan guide featuring stunning PowerPoint templates.

  19. Former Florida deputy charged in killing of Black man

    Aug 23 (Reuters) - A former Florida sheriff's deputy was charged on Friday with manslaughter in the shooting death of a Black man who responded to a knock on his apartment door, prosecutors said.

  20. 31 Creative Presentation Ideas to Delight Your Audience

    Don't be! Combine this video with 31 creative presentation ideas and Visme's presentation design software to create a presentation that will delight your audience.

  21. Chocolate maker Barry Callebaut halts production at Mexico plant

    Empoyees of chocolate and cocoa product maker Barry Callebaut prepare chocolates after the company's annual news conference in Zurich, Switzerland November 7, 2018.

  22. Audience reacts to Harris' unexpected entry on night one

    Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, delivered remarks on the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago to a roaring crowd.

  23. Fed's Schmid signals open mind on September rate cut

    President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Jeffrey Schmid hosts the Kansas City Fed's annual economic symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, U.S., August 24, 2023.

  24. ‎ReelShort

    ‎Tired of never finishing a movie or paying for unused subscriptions? Watch ReelShort — Every Second is Drama Say hello to ReelShort, a next-gen HD streaming short movie platform offering exclusive vertical TV mini series. Recognized by Times100 for our movie reels innovation in the entertainment…

  25. Product launch presentation

    Present your product with this 6 slide launch presentation. It includes an intro, benefits, timeline, and launch slide. ...more

  26. How to give effective sales presentations?

    How to give effective sales presentations? Michael Humblet 11.5K subscribers Subscribed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...

  27. US appeals court scraps Biden tipped wages rule

    A U.S. appeals court on Friday struck down a rule adopted by President Joe Biden's administration designed to raise pay for tipped workers, citing a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that curtailed ...

  28. Ghana cocoa regulator will not raise a syndicated loan for the 2024/25

    Ghana's cocoa regulator Cocobod will not raise a syndicated loan for its 2024/25 cocoa season for the first time in over three decades, Chief Executive Joseph Boahen Aidoo said on Tuesday.

  29. Honda Odyssey 2014 full video TVC + product presentation ...

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