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MyMaths provides complete curriculum coverage; our Primary school subscription is available for KS1 to KS3, with our Secondary subscription covering KS2 right up to A Level. Perfect for your whole school!

MyMaths in action

Diane Axford from Cumnor Primary School talks through how teachers at her school use MyMaths to set and track pupils’ work online, and why parents and pupils love using MyMaths at home.

It's pretty hard to beat really […] There's not another package like it for the price that it's offered at. I'm a big big fan and will be using again and again. Connor McKenna, Teacher at Ralph Allen School

Oxford Impact

Impact study

To what extent does using mymaths save teachers time.

An impact study was undertaken to understand ‘To what extent does using MyMaths save teachers time?’ It included interviews with 22 teachers across Primary and Secondary schools in England. The time they reported saving varied from 15 minutes to 5 hours a week, with the average saving being around 2 hours a week.

An impact study is research that investigates a particular change or outcome that a product or service has on the group of people it is intended to help or benefit.

Learn more about the impact study

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Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School

Shinfield St Mary’s is a 3-form entry Junior school with 360 pupils on roll. The school has expanded significantly; extensive building work and improvements have been made to the facilities the school has to offer, whilst still retaining our village school feel. 

The majority of pupils are of White British heritage. Many pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils who are considered to be disadvantaged is in line with the national average. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is in line with the national average. 

Vision Statement

Jesus said  ‘As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’  John 13, 34

This commandment guides us all to love and value all members of the school community. Children and adults from all backgrounds will thrive in the belief that diversity is to be celebrated and respected.  As well as loving those who are present in our lives they will interact in the world in ways that reflect their responsibilities as global citizens and custodians of our planet. Our children will make an impact in the wider world which will benefit future generations

Love is Patient

Love is Kind

Love is Honest

It trusts, hopes, preserves and protects.

Contact information

Get directions to rg2 9ej using google maps, when is it on/open .

Wokingham Term Dates

Facilities and Accessibility

Accessing this service.

Local Offer

Local Offer - Support available for children and young people with additional needs

Local Offer last reviewed 14/11/2023

  • Information provided by parents on enrolment or through conversations with existing parents
  • Liaising and hand over material and assessments from previous educational settings
  • On-going assessment and monitoring of  progress and attainment of all pupils in line with the assessment policy
  • Screening of Year Three pupils, pupils who are new to the school and pupils who are giving cause for concern, using the Holborn Reading Scale and the Helen Arkell Spelling Test (HAST2)
  • Assessment of all pupils’ Reading, Grammar and mathematics skills using NFER
  • Analysis of data provided by Accelerated Reader program 
  • Formative and summative assessments made by class teachers 
  • Observations carried out by the SENCo
  • Once an issue has been identified, we meet the child’s needs from within the school’s resources and use outside agencies to gain further understanding of a child’s SEND when necessary.
  • Speak to class teacher about any initial concerns, who will liaise with the SENCo
  • Contact to the school SENCo 
  • Class Teacher and Year group leaders
  • The year group team or SENCo will undertake initial assessments to identify the child’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • If necessary, the SENCo will seek advice from outside agencies to inform the nature of support for your child
  • The SENCo will support the year group team and class teachers and liaise with parents and carers
  • Discussion between parents and Class Teacher
  • Meeting with the SENCo if child is on the SEND register.
  • Individual Learning Plans and review meetigns if there is external agency support 
  • Annual reports
  • Parents’ evenings
  • Annual Reviews / Interim Reviews if a child already has an Education, Health and Care Plan
  • Since we try to avoid children becoming overly dependent on adult support, work will be carefully tailored to the needs of your child to provide the appropriate level of challenge
  • It will provide a stimulating, supportive learning environment
  • Ipad integrated learning (1:2 in Year 3/4 - 1:1 in Year 5/6)
  • Your child will be taught strategies that support their independence
  • We teach strategies for children to use when they are ‘stuck’
  • Provide visual time tables, instruction/task organisation support, 
  • Peer support and pair work
  • Manipulatives and practical resources
  • Sensory support and resources
  • Time limiting activities and open ended tasks
  • ECO School with a large resource for practical outdoor lessons and animal care
  • The curriculum is differentiated to meet the needs of individuals and groups within a class. Differentiation may be by activity, support, outcome, resources and timings.
  • Daily teaching is informed by Assessment for Learning during every lesson.
  • We endeavour to support children within the class environment; however, it may be necessary for some interventions to take place outside the class.
  • Provision for Nurture support with trained adults and designated programme
  • Sensory resources; physical resources, sensory breaks. 
  • Well-structured interventions with pace, based upon needs, which are frequently reviewed
  • Each child’s needs are looked at individually to determine the best strategies for them
  • When necessary, advice, support and resources from outside is sought
  • Strategies used within the classroom:

Differentiation by outcome/task/support

Use of Ipad integrated learning

Visual aids and visual timetables

Self-imporvement based reward systems praising indivudual growth not acheivment

Stiulating environment: Learning walls, mixed media resources, physical manipulatives.

Multisensory activities where appropriate

Oracy: Talk/work partners, oral rehearsal, speaking scaffolds

Student whiteboards & Ipads used to share learning and monitor progress

Targeted questioning

Thinking time

‘Hands down’ time with 'kind calling out'

Writing scaffolds, word banks and writing models

  • Team Leaders
  • Lead TeachingAssistants
  • Teaching Assistants
  • Parent Support Advisor
  • Learning Support Assistants
  • Nurture Assistants
Type / TitleIntervention Type
Precision teaching (for reading, spelling and maths) One to one
Additional reading support for fluency (Daily reading, Totem) One to one
Nessy Reading and Spelling Programme One to one
Reading Comprehension ("Reading & Thinking," Accelerated Reader) Small group
Handwriting support (Motor activities and scheme of work) Small group
Additional maths support (First class number, number stacks, Plus 1 & Power of 2, Scaling activities) Small group
Champion pupils and Tutoring One to one
Boosters inReading, Grammar and Maths (Year Six) Small group
Holiday Schools (Year Six) Small group
Anger management support ("Retracking," Foundry College support) One to one
Talking Partners and Oracy work Small group
Social stories One to one
Speed typing course One to one
Nurture Support - with designated classroom space (Anxiety support, Social support) Small group
Nurture Support (Anxiety support, Social support) One to one
Multi-sensory support and OT (Sensory objects, breaks and 'Sensory Den') One to one
Speech and Language therapy One to one
Phonics lessons and intervention Small group

This will vary for each child.  We will endeavour to provide the resources necessary for each child based on recommendations made by specialist services. Currently we have the following resources and equipment in school:

  • Sloping desks
  • Pencil grips/pencils
  • Sensory objects: reistance and fiddling
  • iPads (1:1 for Year 5 and 6, 1:2 for Year 3 and 4)
  • Desktop computers and Laptops
  • Nessy Reading and Spelling programme
  • Speed typing programme
  • Plus 1 and Power of 2 tution programme
  • Number stacks Maths intervention
  • Coloured overlays
  • Accelerated Reader
  • Mathematical manipulatives
  • Writing scaffolds
  • Talking scaffolds
  • Social Stories
  • SEN Room -  dedicated inclusive classroom for Nurture group work, other interventions or sensory breaks
  • Large site with a variety of spaces indoor and outdoors
  • Additional time
  • Quiet areas
  • Movement breaks
  • Enlarged print
  • Disapplication arrangements
  • Transcription

Children's progress will be monitored in a variety of ways:

  • On-going teacher assessments and consultations
  • Standardised tests where necessary
  • Provision mapping
  • Pupil conferences
  • ILP reviews
  • Accelerated Reader and NFER data analysis
  • Nessy data analysis
  • ‘Before and after’ intervention assessments
  • Internal Pupil Progress reviews and moderation
  • External cluster moderation
  • Review of child’s progress by external agencies.

Parents / carers will be involved through:

  • Informal meetings with teachers initiated by Parent or Teacher
  • Meetings with Year leaders and the SENCo
  • Access to technolgy: Accelerated reader, Nessy, etc
  • "Showcase" Events of learning
  • Meetings with external agencies
  • End of Year report
  • As part of the whole school assessment schedule; at 9 points through the acedemic year
  • Targets are revised regularly by the Class Teacher following ILP review
  • Individual appointments as required
  • Annual review / interim reviews (for pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans)
  • Annual / Interim Reviews (if a child already has an Education, Health and Care Plan)
  • Teacher consultations by appointment initiated by Teacher or Parent
  • Meeting with the SENCo or Year Leader by appointment initiated by Teacher or Parent
  • Emails and telephone calls 
  • Teacher consultations by appointment
  • Pupil Planner
  • If it is felt to be useful, Home/School Liaison Books can be used
  • Phone calls when required
  • Text messages
  • Weekly Newsletters (electronic) individual section for each year group news
  • Year 3 Drop off and collection areas
  • "Showcase" of Learning events
  • Adhering to the home/school agreement
  • Reading regularly with my child and signing the record book
  • Homework support
  • Regular school attendance
  • Regular communication with the school about issues that may arise outside of the learning environment, which may have an impact at school
  • Complete additional intervention support for precison or nessy
  • Curriculum workshops for specific subjects as arranged
  • Parent Support Advisor time
  • On-site Family support advisor
  • Parenting workshops
  • Champion Pupil programme
  • Attendance at meetings, if appropriate
  • Child-centred Education, Health and Care Plan reviews
  • Three stars and a Wish
  • Nurture sessions
  • Promotion of personal reflection and voice
  • Regular monitoring of the impact of interventions
  • Governor monitoring reports each term
  • Assessment of progress made and achievement of pupils with Special Educational Needs using whole school tracking system.
  • Review of government published data
  • OFSTED reviews
  • Advice and support from outside agencies
  • Counselling
  • Social stories
  • Social skills groups
  • Additional adult support during unstructured times
  • Mood mountains
  • Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum
  • Nurture groups
  • Anxiety groups
  • Anger management groups
  • ECO School opportunities
  • Engaging learning environments, dedicated SEN spaces and large outdoor space
  • Visual timetables
  • Home/school liaison books
  • Getting it Right books
  • Scaling activities
  • Sensory activities
  • Behaviour support plans
  • Outside agencies support
  • Safe room / place
  • Quiet areas-inside and out
  • Supervision during unstructured time
  • Identification of antecedents, behaviour and consequences, and opportunities to reflect
  • Implementation of the Behaviour Policy
  • 20:20:20 program
  • Medical Room
  • Trained First Aiders
  • Epipen, asthma and allegy training for the staf
  • Epilepsy training for the staff
  • Diabetic training for key staff
  • Defibrillator training
  • Forms are completed by parents to allow prescribed medicines to be administered during the school day by office staff
  • Administartion of Medicines is addressed in the School policy
  • Medicines are stored appropriately
  • Disabled toilet
  • Disabled shower facility
  • 2:1 support when required
  • Spare clothing at school
  • Liaison with parents
  • Shower if required
  • Dining support
  • "Play Kitchen"
  • Education psychologists
  • Foundry College (Behaviour support)
  • Speech and Language therapists
  • CAMHS – mental health team
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Sensory Consortium
  • ASSIST – ASD support
  • Family Support Workers and direction to Red Kite Children’s Centre
  • Speak initially to Class Teacher or Year leader
  • Speak to SENCo
  • Speak to Parent Support Advisor
  • A therapist can assess the child and deliver therapy in or out of school
  • When appropriate school staff can follow a programme given by the OT, Physio or S&L Thearpist
  • School can access all services through the CYPIT referral system
  • In some cases, parents can self-refer, or be referred by the child’s GP
  • Advice can be sought by the school from the appropriate service
  • School will liaise with these services to support programmes set by health professionals
  • School has access to Children’s Social Care when required
  • Training is provided by specialists
  • Staff can attend training courses and cascade to staff
  • Training can be arranged through the School Planning Meetings
  • Specific training is given based up a cohort
  • Fortnightly training for Teaching Assistants, which includes SEND training
  • Information from training courses is cascaded to staff
  • Training is provided dependent on current needs

Some teachers have received training in the following:

  • Talking Partners

Circle of Friends

  • Manipulatives 

Some Teaching Assistants have specific expertise or qualifications in SEND but all have some experience in dealing with a range of SEND pupils.

Some Teaching Assistants have received training in the following:

  • Number stacks / First class number
  • Happy Secrets
  • Speech and Language
  • All children are included in out of school activities and trips in discussions with parents
  • Risk assessments undertaken in line with the Local Authority’s guidelines
  • Advice is sought from the venue regarding their facilities and accessibility
  • Adjustments can be made to the programme to accommodate the needs of SEND pupils
  • 1-1 support may be provided depending on the level of need
  • Staff are trained to support children who have specific medical needs
  • Discussion with the child and use of social stories where appropriate
  • Discussion between parents, school staff and the child
  • Ramp access to front entrance
  • All access on ground floor
  • Width of doors and access/exit points
  • Height of windows
  • Wide open coridoors
  • Large classrooms which exit onto playground
  • These adaptations have been given consideration in light of the new build
  • Staff with experience of auditory needs and how to create an inclusive environment
  • Disabled toilet facilities 
  • Medical Room with bed, sink and shower attachment 
  • Use of resources for the visually and hearing impaired 
  • Inclusive approach to learning, experiences and trips
  • Adjustments made as required for ECO session, drama or PE
  • Use of sensory breaks, ear-defenders, etc
  • Visual timetabling 
  • Written communication
  • Verbal communication
  • We seek to find a method of communication that will be accessible to every parent/carer
  • A translation service can be arranged for meetings and written communication
  • Introductory meeting with Inclusion Team, which will involve discussion with the parent to build a profile of the new pupil
  • Information from the previous school
  • Meeting the Class Teacher in advance of move
  • Photos of new school environment and staff if appropriate
  • Meetings with specialist services if appropriate
  • Tours of the building
  • Additional transition visits in advance of arrival, if appropriate
  • Class visits
  • Meeting with new Class Teacher/Teaching Assistants
  • Discussion between previous Class Teacher and new Class Teacher
  • Photos of key adults and places if appropriate
  • Progress data and relevant information shared with new Class Teacher

A transition programme will be planned to meet the individual needs of the child, and may include:

  • Transition meetings with the next school
  • Additional visits to the next school
  • Meetings with key adults at the next school
  • Photos of key adults and setting at the next school
  • Progress data and relevant information shared with the next school
  • Meet and discuss individual needs with staff at the new school
  • Share child’s strengths and areas for development
  • Samples of child’s work
  • Share strategies that have been effective with new school staff
  • Teaching Assistants may accompany child on visits to their new school
  • Vulnerable child transition programme developed by WBC
  • Assessment of child’s needs
  • Progress data
  • Assessments and test results
  • Records of interventions and their effectiveness
  • Overview of strategies that have been used with the child
  • Safeguarding concerns where applicable
  • Discussed during annual reviews fro children with EHCP
  • Career related events annually for all students 
  • Class teacher
  • Parent Support Advisor is available and Family Support Workers
  • Parenting team recommends programmes and provides support
  • ASSIST for children with ASD
  • Regular feedback forms
  • Open door policy
  • Questionnaires / Parent Voice
  • Parentmail and email
  • All contacts as described above

11.1: School admission arrangements for children with special educational needs and disabilities

11.2: school accessibility plan, 11.3: special education needs policy, last update.

Data last checked: 14/11/2023

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Shinfield St Mary’s Church of England Junior School, Reading RG2

Chestnut Crescent, Shinfield, Reading, Berkshire RG2 9EJ

10 reasons to choose Shinfield St Mary's Church of England Junior School

Main point of differentiation.

Shinfield St Mary’s Church of England Junior School is one of the best state primary schools in Reading, with a Schoolsmith Score® of 70. It also has one of the best sports programmes among local primary schools. (read the area review here)

School fundamentals

Shinfield St Mary’s Church of England Junior School is a state junior school for boys and girls (50%/50%) between the ages of 7 and 11 years. It is a Church of England voluntary aided faith school. The school was also rated as Good by Ofsted in its last (2023) inspection.

Average class size

Shinfield St Mary’s Church of England Junior School has three classes per year, and an average class size of 30 pupils.

Exam results

Average Year 6 SATS results from 2016-19 and 2022 show that Shinfield St Mary’s Church of England Junior School ranks in the top 8% of schools in the country by attainment. By the same measure, progress score rank the school in the top 33% of schools.

The Shinfield St Mary's Church of England Junior School curriculum

School curriculum emphasises Christian social morality and also includes PSHE, French. Maths and English are taught separately, but all other subjects are taught as cross-curricular termly topics. There may be an occasional extra-curricular academic or hobby club.

More on the curriculum

There are educational day trips, visiting speakers and a residential trip in Year 6.

Specialist teaching

Most lessons are taught by the class teacher with some peripatetic and specialist teaching.

Sport at Shinfield St Mary's Church of England Junior School

School offers between 10 and 15 different sports over the course of the year. Competitive teams in major sports from Year 3. School Games Mark Platinum Award.

The Arts at Shinfield St Mary's Church of England Junior School

Art and music are taught as discrete subjects to all pupils. DT, drama, dance integrated into other subjects. Choir. There are some extra-curricular creative and performing arts clubs.

Wraparound care

Out of school hours care from 7.30am to 6.00pm provided by an external contractor.

Find another school near Shinfield St Mary's Church of England Junior School

Crosfields School (1.3 miles); Reddam House Berkshire, Junior School (2.7 miles); The Abbey School, Junior School (2.9 miles).

Aldryngton Primary School (2.5 miles); The Hawthorns Primary School (3.5 miles); Finchampstead Church of England Primary School (4.5 miles).

St Joseph’s College, Reading (3.4 miles); The Abbey School Reading (4.1 miles); Reddam House Bearwood (4.2 miles).

Reading Girls’ School (3.3 miles); Maiden Erlegh School (3.4 miles); Kendrick School (3.9 miles).

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Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School

Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School

  • Ofsted Good
  • C+ Overall Grade
  • Shinfield RG2 9EJ
  • Snobe Grade
  • Ofsted Report
  • Exam Results
  • Holidays & Terms
  • Student Teacher
  • C+ Academics
  • C+ Diversity
  • B- Teachers
  • C+ Resources
Previous inspection Satisfactory
Leadership and management Good
Achievement of pupils Good
Quality of teaching Good
Behaviour and safety of pupils Good
  • Maintained good quality of education during period of substantial change
  • Clear set of values including inclusion and diversity
  • Strong culture and ethos of improvement
  • Pupils are happy and enjoy school
  • Effective safeguarding measures
  • Consistently strong teaching and learning
  • Good progress made in mathematics
  • Thorough evaluation and actions taken to improve progress in writing
  • Most able pupils not always challenged enough
  • Limited use of ICT across the whole curriculum

*We have extracted the pros and cons from the latest Ofsted report to provide you with valuable insights about the school.

Historical Ofsted reports

  • 2023 20 June School inspection View
  • 2018 27 February Short inspection Good View
  • 2013 12 December Full inspection Good View
  • 2011 23 November Full inspection Satisfactory View
  • 2011 28 June Monitoring visit View
  • 2011 02 February Monitoring visit View
  • 2010 22 September Monitoring visit View
  • 2010 18 May Monitoring visit View
  • 2009 23 November Full inspection Inadequate View
  • 2009 19 May Monitoring visit View
  • 2008 29 September Full inspection Inadequate View
  • 2004 01 March Full inspection View
  • Visit website
  • Chestnut Crescent, Shinfield, Shinfield, South East RG2 9EJ View on Map

Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School is a Primary, Co-Ed, Church of England school located in Berkshire, South East.

It has 358 students from age 7-11 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 21 : 1.

At this school, 65% of pupils achieved higher standard in reading, writing & maths at key stage 2.

This school rated Good by recent Ofsted inspection.

  • Headteacher/Principal Mrs Philippa Chan
  • Phase of Education Primary
  • School Type Voluntary aided school
  • Gender Co-Ed
  • Age range 7-11 yr
  • School Size 360
  • Student Teacher Ratio 21 : 1
  • Expense per pupil £4,839
  • Religion Church of England
Phase of Education Primary Primary Primary
Type Local Authority Maintained Schools Local Authority Maintained Schools Local Authority Maintained Schools
Snobe grade
Ofset report Good Good Good
Age range 7-11 4-11 4-11
Gender Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed
Student teacher ratio 21.7 24.4 16.3
Proficient Math 105 107 105
Proficient Read 106 108 106
Grade 5 or above GCSE - - -
Grade 5 or above A Level - - -
Day Fees - - -

Key Stage 2 Reading & Math Performance

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 105 96 96
Reading 106 97 98

Pupils Academic Success

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 65% 60.93% 55.82%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 3% 9.57% 7.37%

Pupils Progress Scores KS2-KS3

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading 0.3 Average
Writing -0.4 Below Average
Maths 1 Above Average

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic 2020, 2021 and 2022 Primary school exam results were not published at school level.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 108 87 96
Reading 109 1 87 95
Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 76% 61.26% 60.34%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 12% 6 11.32% 9.67%
Subject Progress score Description
Reading 0.2 Average
Writing -1.9 Below Average
Maths 0.8 Above Average
Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 108 83 94
Reading 108 84 95
Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 76% 3 55.97% 59.43%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 6% 1 10.48% 9.12%
Subject Progress score Description
Reading 1.5 Above Average
Writing -2 Below Average
Maths 3.6 Above Average
Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 108 78 93
Reading 108 79 93
Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 73% 50.89% 56.24%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 7% 10.48% 8.15%
Subject Progress score Description
Reading 3.1 Above Average
Writing -1.6 Below Average
Maths 3.3 Above Average
  • Shinfield RG7 1JB
  • Shinfield RG7 1JY
  • Shinfield RG2 9EH
  • Shinfield RG2 9RA

Snobe ranks nearly 20,000+ schools according to their exam results, teaching quality, resources & many more indicators. ( How Do We Calculate Rankings? )

  • Best Primary Schools in Berkshire #105 of 175
  • Best Church of England Schools in Berkshire #20 of 57
  • Largest Schools in Berkshire #118 of 221

How Do We Calculate Rankings?

Our school rankings are meticulously determined through a rigorous process:

  • Factor Selection: We choose relevant factors for the ranking, balancing statistical accuracy and practical relevance.
  • Data Evaluation: We assess data quality, ensuring it distinguishes schools and is accurate. Bayesian methods are used for user-generated data
  • Standardized Scores: Factors are converted into standardized scores (z-scores) for fair comparison among schools.
  • Weight Assignment: We assign weights to factors, preventing any single factor from overly influencing rankings. We consider user preferences and industry research.
  • Overall Score: Each school's overall score is calculated by applying weights to individual factor scores.
  • Data Completeness: Schools missing over 50% of data are excluded. Those with at least 50% data but lacking required factors get a grade but not a numerical ranking. Eligible schools have all factors and 500+ full-time undergraduates.
  • Ranking and Grades: Qualified schools are numerically ranked based on z-scores. Grades are assigned using the ordered z-scores, following a standard distribution.

This meticulous process ensures our rankings provide accurate and meaningful insights for your school choices.

  • Admission by Wokingham local authority
  • Application start date 13th Nov, 2023
  • Application end date 15th Jan, 2024
  • Offer date 16th Apr, 2024

Holidays 2023/24

Holidays Date
Autumn Half Term Holidays 23rd Oct 2023 - 27th Oct 2023
Winter Holidays 18th Dec 2023 - 1st Jan 2024
Spring Half Term Holidays 12th Feb 2024 - 16th Feb 2024
Spring Holidays 29th Mar 2024 - 12th Apr 2024
Summer Half Term Holidays 27th May 2024 - 31st May 2024
Summer Holidays 23rd Jul 2024 - 2nd Sep 2024

Terms Dates 2023/24

Terms Dates
Autumn Term 1st Sep 2023 - 22nd Oct 2023
Autumn Term-2 28th Oct 2023 - 17th Dec 2023
Spring Term 2nd Jan 2024 - 11th Feb 2024
Spring Term-2 17th Feb 2024 - 28th Mar 2024
Summer Term 13th Apr 2024 - 26th May 2024
Summer Term-2 1st Jun 2024 - 22nd Jul 2024

Claim your school for free to update your school’s information, ofsted / ISI reports, images and more.

  • Total students 358 (170 boys & 188 girls)
  • Students eligible for free school meal 44
  • Student absence 5.4%
  • Student with SEN support 12.7%
  • English not first Language 19.9%
  • Full time teacher 16.7
  • Full time assistant teacher 12
  • Church of England
  • Wokingham Without

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shinfield st mary's my maths homework

Tutor Hunt Schools

Shinfield St Mary's Junior School

School summary.

  • Catch-up Tutors


  • School Accounts
School TypeVoluntary Aided School
AdmissionsNot applicable
School AddressChestnut Crescent
Local Authority
Age Range7 - 11
ReligionChurch of England
Total Pupils225
School GenderMixed
Boy | Girl %54.7% | 45.3%

A small number of just 225 pupils for Shinfield St Mary's Junior School is significantly less than average in the UK. With only 45.3% girls against 54.7% boys, the school has slightly more males than females. Absence is monitored closely by most schools to enable them to ensure pupils are reaching academic potential. A 96.4% attendance rate gives it an average attendance record. 9.5 members of staff leaves Shinfield St Mary's Junior School below average in staffing numbers. This School has a very low (pupil to teacher) ratio, which permits the teacher to give more focused attention in a smaller class size.

KS2 results are important for schools as they are part of the story when Ofsted rate the school's overall performance An average KS2 score of 108 is just above the normal result for the school. With an average salary of only �33396 , the wages of the teachers at this school are very far below the nations average. Only 79.6% of pupils speak English as a 1st language in Shinfield St Mary's Junior School, a proportion much lower than the countries average figure.

School Statistics

Gender split, gender count by age.

Total Pupils 225
Total Girls 102 (45.3%)
Total Boys 123 (54.7%)
This School Regional Avg National Avg
Pupil Average Attendance 96.4% 96.6%
Persistent Absence 6% 5.5% 8.2%

School Staff Information

This School Regional Avg National Avg
Avg. Full-time Qualified Teacher Salary £33,396 £36,374 £35,362
Pupil to Teacher Ratio 23.7 : 1 21.4 : 1 20.4 : 1
Total Teachers in School 12 15.6 15
Total Teaching Assistants 14 18.3 16.3
Total Support Staff 2 7.1 5.1
Total Full-time Teachers 9.5 12.9 13
Total Full-time Teaching assistants 6.8 9.7 10.3
Total Full-time Support Staff 1.7 3.9 3.4

Other Stats

    This School Regional Avg National Avg
Average Class Size 25 28 27.3
Pupils where English is first Language 79.6%  (179) 82.6% 79.1%
Pupils with Special Educational Needs 0.9%  (2) 2.9% 2.8%
Pupils eligible for free school meals 8.0%  (44) 5.1% 15.4%

Key Stage 2 Results (2016)

Average scaled scores (ks2 test results).

This School Regional Avg National Avg
Total number of pupils ( ) 37 40.7 36.8
Maths Scaled Score 109 104.5 102.9
Reading Scaled Score 105 104.6 102.7
GPS Scaled Score 110 105.7 103.8

Progress Scores between KS1 and KS2

This School Regional Avg National Avg
Maths Progress score 4.2 0 -0.3
Reading Progress score -0.3 0.8 -0.1
Writing Progress score -0.3 -0.9 -0.3
This School Regional Avg National Avg
Percentage of pupils achieving expected scores 97% 77.3% 70.3%
Percentage of pupils achieving high scores 44% 25.5% 16.8%

Reading Test

This School Regional Avg National Avg
Percentage of pupils achieving expected scores 92% 75.7% 66.6%
Percentage of pupils achieving high scores 14% 29.7% 18.9%

Writing Test

This School Regional Avg National Avg
Percentage of pupils achieving expected scores 92% 75.3% 74.7%
Percentage of pupils achieving high scores 11% 15.1% 14.9%

GPS Test (Grammar, Punctuation and spelling)

This School Regional Avg National Avg
Percentage of pupils achieving expected scores 97% 82.2% 73.2%
Percentage of pupils achieving high scores 50% 32.1% 22.8%

Teacher Assessments

This School Regional Avg National Avg
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard in Maths 97% 83.2% 78.6%
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard in Reading 83% 84.4% 80.3%
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard in Science 92% 85.8% 81.5%

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About Ofsted

Ofsted have been inspecting schools on a regular basis since 2005. After a cursory warning period they undertake a thorough examination of the whole school. Inspectors will sit in on classes, assessing each teacher's teaching ability. They will also evaluate the way the current curriculum is implemented, and how the progress of each student is tracked throughout their tenure.

Each school is graded on a four point scale: 1 being outstanding, 2 being good, 3 means they require improvement, and 4 signifying inadequate. Those schools attaining an outstanding or good grade might not be re-inspected for as long as five years; while those receiving lower grades will be reassessed with greater frequency, with little or no notice prior to the inspectors arriving.

Ofsted Report for Shinfield St Mary's Junior School on 12/12/2013

Inspection Date12/12/2013 - 13/12/2013
Inspection TypeS5 Inspection
Category of Concernn/a

Ofsted Report for Shinfield St Mary's Junior School on 23/11/2011

Inspection Date23/11/2011 - 24/11/2011
Inspection TypeSpecial Measures
Category of Concernn/a

Ofsted Report for Shinfield St Mary's Junior School on 23/11/2009

Inspection Date23/11/2009 - 24/11/2009
Inspection TypeSection 5 inspection
Category of Concernn/a

Financial Accounts

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Admin Costs (per pupil)

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Teachers Pay (cost per pupil)

Total costs (per pupil).

  2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013
  Total Per Pupil Total Per Pupil Total Per Pupil Total Per Pupil
Grant Funding £848,025 £3,769
School Generated Income £27,000 £120
Total Income £875,025 £3,889
All Teachers Pay £427,725 £1,901
Support Staff + Insurance £98,100 £436
Subtotal £525,825 £2,337 £587,250 £2,610 £573,975 £2,551 £557,325 £2,477
Supply Teachers Pay £44,100 £196 £61,875 £275 £44,775 £199 £19,800 £88
All Other Staff Pay £23,850 £106
Building and Premises Cost £54,000 £240
Administrative/Legal Costs £80,550 £358 £99,900 £444 £111,825 £497 £103,725 £461
Catering/Food Costs £5,400 £24
Energy Costs £7,650 £34 £15,525 £69 £21,375 £95 £26,325 £117
Books/Equipment/School Trip Costs £63,000 £280
Software/IT Costs £24,525 £109
Bought in Professional Services £14,175 £63
All Other Costs £9900 £44
£1,077,525 £4,789 £1,064,250 £4,730 £899,325 £3,997

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Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School

URN: 109976

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About Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School

  • Type: Primary
  • Boarding: No
  • Religious character: Church of England
  • Local authority: Wokingham
  • Age Range: 7 - 11
  • Gender: Mixed
  • Number of pupils: 358
  • School capacity: 360
  • Address: Chestnut Crescent, Shinfield, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 9EJ
  • Region: South East

Contact details and general enquiries

  • Principal: Mrs Philippa Chan
  • Telephone: 01189883663
  • Fax: 01189886138
  • Website: http://www.shinfield-st-marys.eschools.co.uk

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Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School moves from 'special measures' to 'good' in Ofsted ratings in three years

Head: "An outcome like this, it makes all the hard work and effort worthwhile and rewarding."

  • 08:44, 5 FEB 2014
  • Updated 10:14, 5 FEB 2014

Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School Ofsted score

A rapidly improving village school has within three years moved from requiring ‘special measures’ and is now judged to be ‘good’.

Teachers at Shinfield St Mary’s CE Junior School are aiming for an outstanding future after a winter inspection continued the school’s upward trajectory.

The school in Chestnut Crescent was placed in special measures in 2009 after a series of changes in leadership led to disruption, lack of direction and inconsistencies across the teaching and management.

A new governing body was installed in 2011 and the school was ranked ‘satisfactory’ by inspectors.

A December inspection, published online last week, has now judged the school to be ‘good’.

Following the inspection, headteacher Clare Wagstaff announced she will be leaving.

She joined the school in April 2011 and by September of that year she was headteacher.

Mrs Wagstaff said: “The school has been on a journey but with an outcome like this, it makes all the hard work and effort worthwhile and rewarding.

“It has been a privilege to lead such a committed staff team over the last three years and it is testament to the strong team ethos that the progress and achievements of our children have been recognised by Ofsted.”

She added: “The ‘good’ Ofsted inspection leaves the school with a solid platform to continue its progress towards ‘outstanding’. The children here are a delight and the school in all areas has significantly improved.”

Mrs Wagstaff will take the role of headteacher at St Teresa’s Catholic Primary school in Wokingham from September after previously working there as deputy headteacher.

Mark Taylor, chair of governors, said: “This is a well deserved outcome and the culmination of a huge amount of effort from everyone involved with the school both past and present.

“We are an ambitious school that strives to be at the centre community of Shinfield and to become an outstanding school.”

Reading, writing and maths results have all improved over the past three years.

The Ofsted report states: “Since the previous inspection, improvements have continued. Teaching is now consistently good and some is outstanding.”

Read the Ofsted report at www.shinfieldschools.co.uk/junior/school/ofsted .

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Ephesians 3.17-19 May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith, that being rooted and grounded in love, you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

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St. Marys Academy Longmeadow

Dear parents and students , Please note that all homework assignments will be posted by 6:30 p.m. nightly. These assignments are posted as a reminder and backup for all written assignments in the student’s agenda notebook. Always refer back to the agenda notebook for accuracy. Thank you. —Mrs. Kane

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St. Mary's Church, Shinfield -  Nash Ford Publishing

In Saxon times, Shinfield was served by the Minster at Sonning . The first church in the parish was built by order of the lord of the manor, William FitzOsbern, the Earl of Hereford, in 1069. He features in the modern window at the end of the south aisle. FitzOsbern gave the church, and its sub-chapel at Swallowfield , to his monastic foundation in Lire (France) but foreign abbeys were not popular in England and it was confiscated during Edward I's reign. In 1320, it was given to the Dean & Chapter of Hereford and its profits used for the rebuilding of their Cathedral. Seven years later, they passed the church to the Bishop of Worcester in thanks for his help in obtaining the canonization of their former master, St. Thomas Cantilupe . 

The present building at Shinfield was largely put up in the decorated style of the 14th century, and still retains the original nave roof with a fine array of huge timbers in an uncommon form. It does, however, incorporate parts of an older building, as particularly evidenced by its good Norman doorway (late 12th century).

The South or Martyn Chapel was added in the last years of the 16th century by the lord of the manor, Edward Martyn, as recorded on a tablet outside: 'EM 1596'. His renaissance style wall monument has been moved to the south aisle. Though his wife and daughter are prominently displayed, unfortunately his own kneeling figure has disappeared. The contemporary ceiling of the chapel is wood panelled with moulded ribs and decorative bosses. Some of the fittings in the south aisle are also of this period, including the grand Elizabethan altar table and the Jacobean chest. The superb monument to Henry Beke (died 1580) of Hartley Court, which was so admired by John Betjeman, is one of the finest in the county. he has a second memorial at the west end of the nave, alongside an unusual monument to a young boy called Huick Steward, whose family heraldry records their supposed descent from the Royal Stuarts. He was the brother of Lady Forster of Aldermaston House and of Simeon Steward, the poet. The hatchments are Victorian, one to a vicar and two to the Hulme family of Shinfield Grove, relatives of the Breedons of Bere Court whose hatchments are so prolific in the parish church at Pangbourne .

During the Civil War, a group of retreating Royalist troops took refuge in Shinfield Church and took up a strategic position at the top of the tower. However, the Parliamentarians soon arrived and, surrounding the building, blasted the men out of the sky! The tower was thus left a ruin and, it was not rebuilt until four years after the Restoration of the Monarchy, in 1664. It was then decided to rebuild in Berkshire brick, the clay for which was dug from the fields opposite. It has very lively friezes or string-courses marking the division of each storey. It may be surmised that much of the tower masonry  fell onto the south aisle as the roof there was restored around the same time; and buttresses were added to the Martyn Chapel.

The Vicar of Shinfield had been ousted in 1646 for "lewd behaviour"! He, however, appointed a local cordwainer, and anabaptist preacher, in his place who served the local community throughout the Commonwealth period. However, at the Restoration, the vicar was ordered to return. Both he and his replacement protested and the preacher, being popular with the locals, brought sixty "stout fellows" from Reading to support his claim. The final outcome of the dispute is, however, unknown.

This is not the official Shinfield Church website. Please do NOT mail me about use of the church. Visit the C of E's Church Near You website instead.


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  1. Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School

    The educational experience at Shinfield St Mary's is transformational. Based on our Christian vision of ''As I have loved you, so you must love one another.'. John 13, 34 we teach far more than will be found in the National Curriculum. With love at the centre, our broad, inclusive and ambitious curriculum offers opportunities for all ...

  2. Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School

    Mathematics at Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School. ... Our Maths Team. Lower KS2- Jessica Pinyoun. Upper KS2 -Corinne Bullen. In this section. 1. Intent; 2. Implementation; 3. Impact; 4. Help for parents (Maths with Michael) 5. Help for parents (free workbooks) 6. Calculation policies; 7. White Rose Maths curriculum

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    Did you know MyMaths can save teachers up to 5 hours per week? A MyMaths impact study found 100% of teachers saw a time-saving benefit from MyMaths, with most seeing a reduction in time spent planning and marking homework, allowing them to focus more time on interventions, one-to-one teaching and other tasks.. Find out how MyMaths can save you time with a free trial.

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  5. Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School

    Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School. 107 likes · 41 talking about this. School.

  6. Wokingham Directory

    Shinfield St Mary's is a 3-form entry Junior school with 360 pupils on roll. The school has expanded significantly; extensive building work and improvements have been made to the facilities the school has to offer, whilst still retaining our village school feel. The majority of pupils are of White British heritage. Many pupils speak English as an additional language.

  7. Shinfield St Mary's Church of England Junior School, Reading RG2

    The Shinfield St Mary's Church of England Junior School curriculum. School curriculum emphasises Christian social morality and also includes PSHE, French. Maths and English are taught separately, but all other subjects are taught as cross-curricular termly topics. There may be an occasional extra-curricular academic or hobby club.

  8. Matthew Knight

    About. If your school, business or charity is interested in incorporating ecology and sustainability into your systems please reach out. I've worked as an ecology teacher since 2012; designing and implementing an ecology program within St Marys. We're now leaders in the field and have been fortunate to be represented at COP 25, 26 & 27.

  9. Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School

    Here Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School, Chestnut Crescent, Shinfield, Reading, RG2 9EJ, is put into focus to show its scores in relation to other schools in the area.

  10. Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School

    Chestnut Crescent, Shinfield, Shinfield, South East RG2 9EJ. View on Map. Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School is a Primary, Co-Ed, Church of England school located in Berkshire, South East. It has 362 students from age 7-11 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 21 : 1. This school rated Good by recent Ofsted inspection.

  11. PDF Shinfield St Mary's C.E. Junior School Parent Handbook

    Step 1 STEP 1: Data Collection SheetShinfield St Mary's C.E. Junior School Please tear here Sue Runciman, Headteacher, says… At Shinfield St Mary's C.E. Junior School, we know that every child can achieve success to successfully achieve and through inspiring a love of learning, we will help them reach their potential and beyond.

  12. St Mary's Church

    The official YouTube channel for St Mary's Church, Shinfield, UK. A beautiful building and a spiritual home, with remarkable architecture and services to app...

  13. Shinfield St Mary's Junior School

    Information about Shinfield St Mary's Junior School, located in Wokingham. Our School Tutors Programme is available for this school and nationally. Check their latest performance tables, staff and pupil statistics, test results, teacher assessments, financial accounts and reviews.

  14. Mathway

    Free math problem solver answers your algebra homework questions with step-by-step explanations. Mathway. Visit Mathway on the web. Start 7-day free trial on the app. Start 7-day free trial on the app. Download free on Amazon. Download free in Windows Store. Take a photo of your math problem on the app. get Go. Algebra. Basic Math. Pre-Algebra ...

  15. Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School

    Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School - Open - Find an Inspection Report - Ofsted. Home. Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School. Shinfield St Mary's CofE Junior School. URN: 109976. Address: Chestnut Crescent, Shinfield, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 9EJ.

  16. Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School, 'rapidly improving' say Ofsted

    Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School moves from 'special measures' to 'good' in Ofsted ratings in three years Head: "An outcome like this, it makes all the hard work and effort worthwhile and ...

  17. Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School

    Start of Term Tuesday 22 nd April 2025. Half Term Holiday Monday 26 th May - Friday 30 th May 2025. End of Term Wednesday 23 rd July 2025. May Day Monday 5th May 2025. Inset Day: Monday 2nd June 2025. Notes: School ends at 1.30pm on the last day of each term (but not half terms) School clubs do not usually start until the second week of each ...

  18. Home

    Welcome To. Shenfield St. Mary's CofE Primary School. Ephesians 3.17-19 May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith, that being rooted and grounded in love, you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be ...

  19. Homework

    Homework Dear parents and students, Please note that all homework assignments will be posted by 6:30 p.m. nightly. These assignments are posted as a reminder and backup for all written assignments in the student's agenda notebook. Always refer back to the agenda notebook for accuracy. Thank you. —Mrs. Kane For families with students in grades

  20. PDF Millie, Ahmed and Lucy are excited to be starting at Shinfield St Mary

    Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School and they think you will too! Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School Chestnut Crescent, Shinfield Reading, RG2 9EJ Tel: 0118 988 3663 - Fax: 0118 988 6138 Email: [email protected] - Web: shinfield-st-marys.eschools.co.uk

  21. Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School

    Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School, Chestnut Crescent, Shinfield, Reading, RG2 9EJ. 0118 9883663; [email protected] . Headteacher: Mrs Philippa Chan [email protected] Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Samantha Lawless

  22. Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior School

    Shinfield St Mary's CE (VA) Junior School. Menu. Close. Home; Our School. Our Vision; Our History; Curriculum; Our Staff; Our Governors; British Values; Collective Worship; ... White Rose maths National Curriculum & ready to progress mapping 22-23 . pdf. In this section. 1. Intent; 2. Implementation; 3. Impact; 4. Help for parents (Maths with ...

  23. RBH: History of St. Mary's Church, Shinfield, Berkshire

    ShinfieldSt. Mary's Church. Shinfield. In Saxon times, Shinfield was served by the Minster at Sonning . The first church in the parish was built by order of the lord of the manor, William FitzOsbern, the Earl of Hereford, in 1069. He features in the modern window at the end of the south aisle. FitzOsbern gave the church, and its sub-chapel at ...