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Forest and woodland habitats

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What are forest and woodland habitats?

Forests and woodlands are places where there are mostly trees. There are many different kinds of forests in different climates, but trees are the one thing they have in common!

Forests provide everything that the creatures who live there need – food, water and shelter. Forests can be hot or cold, with different kinds of trees in different climates around the world. There are deciduous forests, coniferous forests, and rainforests – just to name a few!

Top 10 facts

  • The main thing to know about forest and woodland habitats is that they are areas that have a lot of trees pretty close to each other.
  • Woodlands are a little more open than forests – woodlands have space to let a bit of light in between trees, while forests have so many trees that it’s actually pretty dark when you walk around.
  • Trees can grow pretty much anywhere in the world, as long as it’s in a spot that has enough water for them. Because of that, forest habitats can be very different depending where in the world they are.
  • There are many different kinds of trees, but a couple of the main groups are coniferous trees and deciduous trees .
  • Coniferous trees are trees that produce seeds in cones, like pine trees and spruce trees (Christmas trees!)
  • Deciduous trees are trees that lose their leaves in the winter, but grow them back in the summer.
  • Fruits and nuts found in the forest make a perfect meal for animals who live there, so they don’t have to search too far to find food.
  • Forests also provide shelter for animals, whether it’s within the tree roots or trunks, or high up in the branches.
  • Animals that live in forests and woodlands include big animals like bears, moose and deer, and smaller animals like hedgehogs, raccoons and rabbits.
  • Because we use trees to make paper , we need to be careful about what that does to forest habitats. One way to care for forests is to recycle paper.

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Did you know?

Forest and woodland habitats are places that have a lot of trees. If you can see more trees around you than patches of grass and open spaces, chances are you’re in a forest!

Trees grow pretty much everywhere, but not all trees are the same. Two main groups of trees are:

  • Coniferous – conifers are trees that grow cones and have thin, needle-like or scaly spikes for leaves, which is where their seeds are stored; pine trees, fir trees and spruce trees are conifers (and they are the kind of trees that we decorate at Christmas!)
  • Deciduous – deciduous trees have flat leaves that change colours in the autumn, fall off in the winter, and grow back in the spring; oak trees and maple trees are deciduous

You’ll mostly find forests of conifer trees along the northern parts of the world. These are also called boreal forests.

Conifer leaves stay green all year round, so they are also called evergreens (meaning ‘always green’).

Coniferous forests have short summers and long winters, so animals there need to be able to keep warm for a long time. Some birds and butterflies go south, and some animals hibernate, which means they sleep during the coldest times of the year.

Deciduous forests are dotted all over the place, but mostly along the eastern side of North America, central and northern Europe, and northeast Asia. These forests look very pretty in the autumn when all the leaves change from green to red, orange and yellow.

Deciduous forests don’t provide much shelter in the winter because all the leaves are gone from the trees. So, animals need to store up enough food for the winter, or hibernate.

Conkers are the seeds of a deciduous tree called a horse chestnut tree.

Acorns are the seeds of a deciduous tree called an oak tree.

Animals and insects who live in forest and woodland habitats rely on the trees to give them what they need – shelter, food, and protection from other creatures higher up the food chain. They also use the streams and ponds within forests to get water and (if they’re the sort of animal that eats them) fish.

Animals in grasslands have to work really hard to make shelters for themselves in the ground or find places to hide in tall grass. But, animals in forests can hide inside dead trees, around tree roots, or climb way up into the tree branches.

One way we can help care for forest and woodland habitats is to recycle paper! We get paper from trees, so the more paper we can recycle (which means making new paper from old paper), the fewer trees have to be cut down to make new paper.

You often find forests on the slopes of high mountains, but when it gets too high up the mountain and it gets too cold, the forests stops all at once. This is called the tree line. Above this line there often aren’t many plants at all – just snow and rocks.

Forest and woodland gallery:

  • A map showing where you can find coniferous forests
  • A map showing where you can find most of the forests of deciduous trees around the world (in dark green)
  • The food chain in a coniferous forest
  • The food chain in a deciduous forest:
  • A conifer forest
  • Conifer leaves
  • A deciduous forest
  • Great grey owl (it looks like the branch it’s sitting on!)
  • Siberian tiger
  • Leaves in autumn
  • Bluebells in UK woodland
  • Sunlight through the trees

woodland homework

The words ‘forest’ and ‘woodland’ mean pretty much the same thing, but there is a tiny difference.  A woodland has an open canopy , meaning if you stand in the middle of a woodland and look up at the sky, you can see a bit more sky than you can leaves and branches. Forests are much more dense (there are more trees, and closer together), and if you look up at the sky you’d only just see a little bit of it in the middle of all the tree branches.

Parts of a forest are:

  • The forest floor , which is where all the dead leaves and branches fall, where animals leave bits of their dinner and where mushrooms grow. It’s sometimes called the recycling layer because it’s where everything in the forest falls down, breaks down and becomes part of the ground again to help more plants and trees grow.
  • Looking up a little bit, you can see the herb layer , which includes all the ferns and flowers that grow along the forest floor.
  • A little above that is the shrub layer , which includes larger plants like bushes and shrubs that have woody twigs and branches.
  • The understory of the forest is all the trees that are still growing – they haven’t reached the same height as most of the trees in the forest, but they’re getting there.
  • The canopy is what we call the tree branches and leaves that join up with other tree branches and leaves nearby, forming something like an umbrella over the forest.
  • The emergent layer is what we call trees that poke through the canopy – they’ve just kept growing faster than the trees around them, and reached up over everything else.

The leaves of deciduous trees change colour because the trees are getting ready for winter. As the weather gets colder in the autumn months, there is less light and water for trees. They begin to slow themselves down in preparation for cold winter months and stop producing food ( photosynthesis ). As green chlorophyll leaves the leaves, all that’s left are the red, orange and yellow colours we see around the month of October. The leaves die and fall off the tree, but the tree will grow more leaves when the weather warms up in the spring so it can start making food again.

When spring comes in deciduous forests, plants shorter than trees (like flowers on the forest floor) grow very quickly to make sure they get enough light before leaves start growing on the trees, which will stop most of the sun’s rays from coming into the forest.

The leaves on conifer trees don’t fall off in the winter – they stay on all year long. They are dark green because this helps them get the most energy from the sun even if there’s not a lot of light.

Some of the animals that you’ll find in coniferous forests are:

  • Great grey owl

Some of the animals that live in deciduous forests include:

  • Duckbill platypus
  • Whitetail deer

Some of the insects you’ll find in coniferous forests include:

  • Bark beetle
  • Swallowtail butterfly

Some of the insects you’ll find in deciduous forests are:

  • Woodboring beetle

Some of the trees and flowers in coniferous forests are:

  • Douglas fir tree
  • Ponderosa pine tree
  • Redwood tree
  • Saskatoon berry shrub
  • Thimbleberry bush
  • White spruce tree

Some of the trees and flowers in deciduous forests are:

  • Chestnut tree

Words to know:

Acorn – the seed of an oak tree Boreal – forests of conifer trees in the northern parts of the world Cone – what conifer trees have instead of flowers; cones hold their seeds so they stay safe until they are ready to try to grow Coniferous – trees that have spiky or scaly leaves that stay green all year round Deciduous – trees that have broad, flat leaves that change colour in the autumn and fall off in the winter Hibernation – a long sleep that animals take in the winter to save up energy and warmth

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Just for fun...

  • Explore Pancake Wood and learn more about what each plant and animal needs to survive.
  • Play a game about animals in the forest
  • Download Forestry England's Tree Trumps card game to play
  • Play games to help you identify twigs and leaves when you're in woodland
  • Try the Complete some Children's University activities in a woodland setting
  • Make your own paper forest diorama and bamboo forest diorama

Children's books about forest and woodland habitats

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Find out more about forest and woodland habitat:

  • A kids' guide to land habitats including coniferous forests and deciduous forests
  • The World Wildlife Fund guide to  forest habitats
  • The BBC Bitesize animation guide to woodland habitats
  • Information about  deciduous forests
  • Read about common trees found in Britain , both native and non-native
  • Find out about forests, one of the most biodiverse habitats in the UK , in a BBC Teach video
  • See time-lapse footage of the forest floor
  • Learning resources from the Forestry Commission
  • The  Woodland Trust  is the UK's leading woodland conservation charity
  • Tree Tools for Schools from the Woodland Trust is packed with tree-related activities , woodland habitat activities , nature crafts and wood-themed information and worksheets
  • Discover the importance of forests
  • Find out how a forest is like a city for animals in a video clip

See for yourself

Find woodland near you and explore it!

Look at a beautiful collection of different kinds of tree bark from Roby Milling's countryside blog

Brilliant woodland activities to try , including building a dam, making a rope swing and blackberry picking

Walk in a virtual forest in the UK

On the Woodland Trust's YouTube channel you can see a playlist featuring videos of A Year in the Life of lots of different trees

Birdwatch in the forest and track what you see

Consult the  Ancient Tree Inventory and see if there are any very old trees near where you live

Explore temperate forests in Arizona and Colorado in the USA and move between summer, fall, and winter seasons, all in virtual reality

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Wonderful Woodland Homework Pack - 51 Tasks

Wonderful Woodland Homework Pack - 51 Tasks

Subject: Primary science

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

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3 January 2024

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Enhance your students’ home learning experience with our Wonderful Woodland Homework Pack. This meticulously crafted resource comprises a versatile task grid with 51 engaging activities, ensuring a delightful exploration of the natural world right from the comfort of home. The pack includes a thoughtfully designed parent letter to foster a collaborative home-school environment, a convenient record sheet for tracking progress, and curated book recommendations encompassing both fiction and non-fiction titles to complement the woodland theme.

Resource Highlights: ★ Task Grid: A diverse array of 51 tasks catering to various learning styles and interests. In the themes of reading, writing, maths, science, history, geography, RE, PSHE, PE, art and music. ★ Parent Letter: Foster a strong home-school connection with our informative and supportive letter. ★ Record Sheet: Facilitate easy tracking and monitoring of students’ progress. ★ Book Recommendations: Handpicked fiction and non-fiction titles to complement the woodland theme, encouraging reading exploration.

Make homework a delightful journey into the wonders of the woodland. This pack is not just a set of tasks; it’s an invitation for students to explore, learn, and connect with nature.

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Tags: Homework Pack, Home Learning, Woodland Theme, Engaging Tasks, Parent Letter, Record Sheet, Book Recommendations, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Education.

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Embark on a thrilling journey of home learning with our Exciting Explorations Homework Bundle, encompassing seven captivating packs that promise to ignite curiosity and creativity in young minds. Each pack is meticulously crafted to offer an engaging blend of tasks, fostering a love for learning beyond the classroom. **Bundle Highlights**: ★ **Dinosaur Planet Homework Pack**: Roar into the world of dinosaurs with 51 exciting tasks, providing a prehistoric adventure for young explorers. ★ **Beside the Seaside Homework Pack**: Dive into oceanic wonders with 44 seaside-themed tasks, sparking curiosity about marine life and coastal environments. ★ **Explorers Homework Pack**: Uncover the spirit of exploration with 51 tasks that delve into the lives and adventures of famous explorers, inspiring the next generation of adve ★ **Memory Box Homework Pack**: Ignite creativity with 51 tasks that encourage students to curate their virtual memory boxes, reflecting on personal experiences. ★ **Splendid Skies Homework Pack**: Soar into the wonders of the sky with 51 tasks, exploring weather, seasons, and celestial phenomena. ★ **Paws, Claws, and Whiskers Homework Pack**: Delight in the animal kingdom with 51 tasks celebrating furry, feathery, and finned friends. ★ **Wonderful Woodland Homework Pack**: Connect with nature through 51 tasks that explore the enchanting world of woodlands and wildlife. **Bundle Features:** ★ Diverse themes catering to varied interests. Comprehensive task grids for each pack. ★ Parent letters for effective communication. ★ Record sheets for progress tracking. ★ Book recommendations for further exploration. Transform home learning into an adventure of discovery and imagination with this Homework Pack Bundle. **Customer Support:** Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to our support team at [email protected] for a prompt response. **Special Offer:** Love these resources? Leave a review for the bundle and choose an additional resource for FREE! Email us your purchase receipt and review screenshot to avail this offer. Tags: Homework Bundle, Home Learning, Exploration, Dinosaur, Seaside, Memory, Skies, Animals, Woodland, Education.

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Welcome to woodland tutoring.

Woodland Tutoring was started as a math help service in June of 2020 by Timothy Erday. Founded on the core values of a commitment to a personalized curriculum and making learning fun, we have expanded into many core subjects. Let us help you today!

Here at Woodland Tutoring, we understand that every student is unique and our goal is to help teach in a way that works for your child - not just their peers. Unlike other large-scale tutoring companies whose goal is to create one curriculum they can use to maximize profits, our tutors are committed to never using the same lesson twice. Additionally, every one of our tutors is a current college student majoring in the area that they tutor. As such, not only do they bring the expertise of a person experienced in the field but also, being fresh out of high school means they understand exactly what your student is going through because they just did it themselves! Choosing to work with one of our amazing tutors means that you are giving your student the chance to learn in a way that works for them. No matter the challenge, our tutors are always willing to put in the extra effort needed to overcome it.

Meet the tutors

Wake forest university.

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Hi, my name is Tim Erday and I am the founder and CEO of Woodland Tutoring. Currently, I am a freshman at Wake Forest University studying Finance and Economics. After graduating from Summit High School this past June, I decided to spend my summer helping students build a good foundation in math and parents were beyond satisfied. Although I only started Woodland Tutoring recently, as the oldest of four, I think it’s safe to say my tutoring days started much earlier than that! In the end, my goal is to make learning fun and I cannot wait to do just that for your family!

David Staub

Miami university.

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Hey! My name is David Staub and I serve as the CFO of Woodland Tutoring. I am currently a freshman at Miami University in Ohio studying Economics and Finance. After graduating from Summit High School this past June, I wanted to give back, so I joined Woodland Tutoring. Since then, I have helped a variety of students in a plethora of subjects ranging from college entrance exams to elementary school math. Ultimately, I have a passion for helping kids realize their full potential and I’m committed to giving students the tools they need to succeed!

Julia Gangi

Northwestern university.

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Hey, my name is Julia Gangi and I’m currently a freshman at Northwestern University studying Computer Science and Economics. Before that, I graduated from Summit High School with honors. Although only a recent addition to Woodland Tutoring, I have individually worked with several students in math in the past. Additionally, I served as a Teacher’s Assistant in AP Chemistry, where I hosted many review sessions and answered student questions. Ultimately, I believe that a detail-oriented approach paves the road for success and cannot wait to help walk that road with your student!

Duke University

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Hi, my name is Ryan Colon and I am currently a freshman at Duke University studying Economics and Public Policy! Before that, I graduated from Summit High School with honors this past June. Although I only recently joined Woodland Tutoring, I grew up in a family of four where I’ve been helping my siblings with homework for as long as I can remember. In addition to that, I played baseball through high school and have plenty of experiencing coaching others. Mathematics has always been a passion of mine and I look forward to having the opportunity to help your students find that passion as well!

Janvi Kavathia

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Hi! My name is Janvi Kavathia and I’m currently a freshman at Duke University studying Biology on the Pre-Med track. Before that, I graduated from West Morris Mendham High School with honors. Although I only recently joined Woodland Tutoring, I have been tutoring at Kumon of Chester since I was a freshman in high school. Outside of that, I also have a younger brother who I’ve been helping with homework for as long as I can remember! Most importantly, I believe that a tutor’s job is not just to teach but also to mentor, and I cannot wait to do just that for your family!

Ethan Zucker

Brown university.

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Hello, my name is Ethan Zucker and I am currently a freshman at Brown University studying History! Before that, I graduated from Summit High School with honors this past June. Although I only recently joined Woodland Tutoring, I have spent my whole life helping my younger brother and sister with school and homework. Additionally, spending so much time in my mom’s “Don’t Hide It, Flaunt It” movement growing up has given me lots of experience helping others. Ultimately, I have a passion for helping students realize their full potential and I cannot wait to bring that passion to your family!

Georgetown University

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Hi! My name is Jack Quinn and I recently graduated from Summit High School with honors. Now, I am studying in the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Before joining Woodland Tutoring, I had previous experience working with children of all ages as an individual tutor. Additionally, as the president of my high school class council, I had the opportunity to build my leadership skills and gain experience in helping others grow. Overall, my goal is to help students realize their full potential and give them the tools they need to achieve the level of success you know they are capable of!

Eray Sabuncu

University of michigan.

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Hi! I’m Eray Sabuncu and I am currently studying Computer Science and Economics at the University of Michigan. Before that, I graduated at the top of my class from Summit High School. In addition to my time at Woodland Tutoring, I also have past experience teaching at Dr. Wholesome’s Academy during their summer session and have worked with a multitude of other families independently. In addition to that, I have a younger sister who has given me plenty of experience in explaining concepts to younger kids (and in patience!). I cannot wait to help your student find their stride!

Beatrice Halper

University of southern california.

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Hey! My name is Beatrice Halper and I am currently a freshman at the University of Southern California in the Screenwriting program. Before that, I graduated from Summit High School with honors. Even before joining Woodland Tutoring, I have always had a passion for helping and mentoring others. I truly believe that tutoring not only consists of teaching the material but also giving students a positive role model to look up to and showing them the general skills that they need to succeed, like time management. Ultimately, I am truly excited to equip your student with the tools they need to excel!

Michael Sullivan

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Hey! I’m Mike Sullivan and I am a current freshman at the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. Before that, I graduated from Seton Hall Prep! Although I’ve only been with Woodland Tutoring since this past August, I independently tutored elementary and middle school students all through high school. In addition to that, I’ve been helping my younger sister with her homework for as long as I can remember. Needless to say, I know how to help students grow! I truly believe that education is a gift and I would like to help give that gift to you!

Hannah Mercurio

University of virginia.

woodland homework

Hi! My name is Hannah Mercurio and I am currently a freshman at the University of Virginia studying Biology on the Pre-Med track. Before college, I graduated from Summit High School with honors. Although I only recently Woodland Tutoring, I’ve spent plenty of time helping younger students with their work during my time running the Spanish Help Desk at Summit High School and as President of the SHS Girls for STEM club. I also have a younger sister in high school who I’ve been tutoring for as long as I can remember! In the end, I have a passion for helping people find their stride and cannot wait to help your student do just that.

Aaron Tobias

Middlebury college.

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Hey! My name is Aaron Tobias and I am a current freshman at Middlebury College where I plan on studying Economics and Political Science. Prior to that, I graduated from Summit High School with honors this past June. Before joining Woodland Tutoring, I worked as a YMCA camp counselor and have had plenty of experience working with kids of all ages. In my free time, I enjoy running and volunteering at homeless shelters. Ultimately, my mission is to teach students how to analyze deeper so they can build the confidence they need to succeed and I cannot wait to do just that for your family!

Ryan Shimek

University of florida.

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Hey, my name is Ryan Shimek! I recently graduated with honors from Summit High School and I am now studying Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida. Although only a recent addition to Woodland Tutoring, I’ve been a twin all my life! As such, I’ve had plenty of experience helping my sister with her classes. Outside of working with her, I’ve coached golf to everyone from kindergarteners to high school students, giving me plenty of experience working with all age groups. Overall, my passion is helping students learn to love learning as much as myself!

Kevin Palphreyman

Colgate university.

woodland homework

Hi, my name is Kevin Palphreyman and I am currently a freshman at Colgate University, where I am studying Economics and Computer Science. Previously, I graduated from Summit High School with honors. Although I only recently joined Woodland Tutoring, I have worked as a tutor for the YMCA in the past. Additionally, I have helped my younger sister navigate through difficult classes over the years. Overall, the process of helping a student through a tough class is an incredibly rewarding experience that excites me every time I tutor.

Grace Hauer

Bucknell university.

woodland homework

Hey, my name is Grace Hauer! This past June, I graduated from Summit High School with honors and am now studying Animal Behavior and Biology at Bucknell University. Although I only recently joined Woodland Tutoring, I have always had a passion for helping others, especially younger kids! In fact, I’ve lived in Summit my whole life and have babysat for numerous families whose children I also helped with homework. In the end, I love learning new things and I cannot wait to share that same love with the people I get the chance to help!

Ryan Schatzel

woodland homework

Hi! My name is Ryan Schatzel and I am a rising sophomore at Bucknell University where I am a finance major and kicker for the football team. Before that, I graduated from Sleepy Hollow High School with honors. I have a 13 year-old brother and I worked for multiple years as a summer camp counselor, so I have a lot of experience working with kids of all ages. My goal is to help my students build a well-rounded skill set, from both an academic and time management standpoint, by offering advice based on my prior experiences. I look forward to helping you however I can!

Texas Tutors

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Summer Assignments

Students who have enrolled in the courses listed below for the 2024-2025 school year can find their summer assignments by clicking on the course number or title. (Classes not listed do not have any summer assignments.) No specific edition is necessary for the books listed below.

Please read:

To Kill a Mockingbird , Lee 

Be prepared to discuss and write about this book during the first weeks of class.

Please read  ONE  of the following:

In The Time of the Butterflies , Alvarez

Wild Swans , Chang

Great Expectations , Dickens

Crime and Punishment , Dostoevsky

Lord of the Flies , Golding

A Thousand Splendid Suns , Hosseini

The Kite Runner , Hosseini

One Hundred Years of Solitude , Marquez

First Person Singular , Murakami

Reading Lolita in Tehran , Nafisi

The Joy Luck Club , Tan

The Kitchen God's Wife , Tan

Anna Karenina , Tolstoy

The Orphanage , Zhadan

Please take some notes as you read and be prepared to talk about your reading experience during the first days of class. If you dislike the first book you select, please pick a different text that you enjoy and feel more motivated to complete.

Please read   ONE   book from of the following:

Little Women,  Alcott

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , Angelou

The House on Mango Street , Cisneros

Behold the Dreamers , Mbue

Girl in Translation , Kwok

Firekeeper's Daughter , Boulley

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , Twain

Be prepared to discuss and write about your selected book during the first weeks of class.

Please also select ONE additional book of your choice (from any genre) that you genuinely enjoy. Please also be prepared to discuss your selection with the class.

Please read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , Twain. 

Please make sure to get the Norton Critical Edition, 4 th Edition, of this text: ISBN #978-0393284164. 

Read only the novel itself, not any of the editorial material or essays. 

Be prepared to discuss and write about this controversial text on the first day of class.

Please read a minimum of one independently selected work of fiction or nonfiction that you genuinely enjoy.  (You may have to try a few books before you discover a new favorite summer read!)  

Please be prepared to share and describe this recommendation with the class on our first day of school.

Atonement , McEwan

Plus ONE from of the following:

Tess of the D'Urbervilles , Hardy

Wuthering Heights , Bronte

Jane Eyre , Bronte

Heart of Darkness , Conrad

Tale of Two Cities , Dickens

Be prepared to discuss and write about these books during the first weeks of class.

Fine Arts & International Languages

Aa300 & aa405, fs300 & fs301, fs400 & fs401.

Advanced Studio Art & AP Art

Spanish III Hnrs & Spanish III CP1

Spanish IV Hnrs & Spanish IV CP1

AP Spanish Literature

Mathematics & Science

Pre-Calculus CP1

Chemistry Honors

Chemistry CP1

Forensic Science Honors

Social Studies

AP World History

AP European History

Read and take notes on chapters 1 & 2 of your textbook Give Me Liberty . 

Contact Mr. Sands for access questions.

The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks

Students will engage with the book by annotating questions in the margins, highlighting passages, and responding to the book with ideas and thoughts. Within the first three class periods, there will be a class discussion of the book and a writing assignment will be issued.

AP US Government

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Maykop city, Russia

The capital city of Adygeya republic .

Maykop - Overview

Maykop (meaning “the city at the mouth of the apple valley” in the Adyghe language) is a city located in the south of European Russia, the capital of the Republic of Adygea.

The population of Maykop is about 139,000 (2022), the area - 69.6 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 8772, the postal codes - 385000-385745.

Maykop city flag

Maykop city coat of arms.

Maykop city coat of arms

Maykop city map, Russia

Maykop city latest news and posts from our blog:.

18 December, 2021 / Maykop - the view from above .

21 August, 2017 / Walking through the streets of Maykop .

History of Maykop

Foundation of maykop.

The history of Maykop goes back to antiquity. In the 7th-12th centuries AD, the Great Silk Road passed through the territory of Maykop and Adygea. Adyghe, as a separate ethnic group, were first mentioned in the 12th century. In 1557, after the conclusion of the marriage alliance between Ivan the Terrible and the daughter of the Kabardian prince, the Adyghe tribes officially became part of Russia.

The first mention of the Adyghe toponym “Maykop” and related “Maykop heights”,”Maykop gorge”, etc. in Russian documents dates back to 1810. In January - February 1810, a detachment under the command of General of Infantry S.A. Bulgakov made an expedition to these lands. The second time the toponym Maykop was mentioned in documents 15 years later, in the summer of 1825, during an expedition of troops under the command of General A.A. Velyaminov. In the fall of 1825, by his order, a fort was erected on the bank of the Belaya River.

On May 25, 1857, on the site of the present Maykop, a Russian fortress was laid, surrounded by a high rampart and a moat. Until 1864, the year of the end of the Caucasian War, the fortress was an important strategic point during the conquest of Circassia. After the end of the Caucasian War, it gradually lost its military significance and the active development of industry began: pottery, butter, soap, and brick production.

In 1870, Maykop was given the status of a county town. In 1888, the Assumption Cathedral was built on the territory of the town. For a long time it occupied a central place in the Orthodox life of the local residents. Then, one after another, cultural and educational institutions began to appear.

More Historical Facts…

Maykop in the late 19th - 20th centuries

In 1897, Maykop gained world fame with the discovery of the famous burial mound “Oshad”, which was the burial of a tribal leader belonging to the archaeological culture of the second half of the third millennium BC. The objects found in the mound are among the most ancient cultural monuments of the Bronze Age.

At the end of the 19th century, there were about 5,500 houses in Maykop, including 121 stone buildings, five Orthodox churches, a synagogue, two pharmacies, several schools. Industrial production was represented by 112 enterprises including 50 cooperage and 8 pottery workshops, 13 brick factories, an iron foundry, 6 water mills. Agriculture also developed, primarily animal husbandry and tobacco growing. In 1897, the population of Maykop was about 34,300 people.

In 1909, oil fields were discovered southwest of Maykop. On December 12, 1910, the first train arrived from Belorechensk to Maykop. In 1911, the construction of the water supply was completed.

On July 27, 1922, Circassian (Adyghe) Autonomous Oblast was formed. In 1936, the city of Maykop became its administrative center. In 1938, pumping of Maykop oil began through the Grozny-Tuapse pipeline to the Tuapse port and to the oil refinery. In 1939, the population of Maykop was 55,871 people.

During the Second World War, Maykop was occupied by German troops from August 9, 1942 to January 29, 1943. In 1952, the Maykop hydroelectric power station was put into operation on the Belaya River. Today, it is the most powerful hydroelectric power plant in Adygea. In 1960, the development of the Maykop gas condensate field, located 15 kilometers from the city, began. In the 1960s, the number of city residents exceeded 100 thousand.

In 1989, the population of Maykop was about 148,600 people. In 1990, the Adyghe Regional Council of People’s Deputies made a decision to transform Adyghe Autonomous Oblast into the Republic of Adygea.

Streets of Maykop

At the pedestrian crossing in Maykop

At the pedestrian crossing in Maykop

Author: Asker Koshubaev

Maykop is a green city

Maykop is a green city

Author: Konstantin Seryshev

MiG-23 jet fighter in Maykop

MiG-23 jet fighter in Maykop

Author: Aleksey Pogoryansky

Maykop - Features

Maykop is located on the right bank of the Belaya River (a tributary of the Kuban River) at an altitude of 210-230 meters above sea level about 1,400 south of Moscow and 130 km southeast of Krasnodar. This city is one of the greenest in Russia - there are a lot of parks and green spaces. According to the 2010 census, Russians made up about 71% of the city’s population, the Adyghe people - 18%.

The current coat of arms of Maykop was adopted in 1972. It depicts gold figurines of bulls found during excavations of the Maykop mound in 1897. Today, they are kept in the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg.

This area is characterized by a temperate continental climate with mild winters, warm summer months and significant rainfall. The summer period lasts 180-198 days. The average temperature in January is minus 0.5 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 22.8 degrees Celsius.

The system of intercity bus transportation connects Maykop with Krasnodar, Sochi, Gelendzhik, Nalchik, Stavropol, Makhachkala, Rostov, Armavir, Belorechensk, Tuapse, Astrakhan, and other cities. Buses and trolleybuses are used for passenger transportation on intracity routes.

The main sectors of the Maykop industry are food, woodworking, pulp and paper, machine building. The tourism industry is actively developing, hiking, horse, and bicycle routes are being created that run through the territory of the Northwest Caucasus. In the village of Pobeda, on the southern outskirts of the city, there is a balneological institution. Mineral water from local springs is used for medical procedures.

Today, Maykop is, first of all, the main cultural center of Adygea. The city has a lot of preserved historical and architectural monuments. In addition, it is easy to get to a number of beautiful natural sights of the Caucasus from the capital of the Adygea Republic.

Main Attractions of Maykop

National Museum of the Republic of Adygea . The museum has unique collections numbering more than 270 thousand exhibits: collections of clothing, musical instruments, porcelain, precious stones, coins, sculpture, graphics, fine arts of the 20th-21st centuries, arts and crafts, art of the countries of the East, natural science, historical-household, ethnographic collections, and much more. This is the only museum in Russia with a sector of the Adyghe diaspora, which is devoted to the life of the Adygs (Circassians) living abroad. Sovetskaya Street, 229.

Maykop Mosque - the main mosque of Maykop and the seat of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Adygea and Krasnodar Krai. The construction of the mosque was started in April 1999 and completed in October 2000. It is crowned with a huge azure dome. One of the characteristic features of this religious site is that non-Muslim tourists are allowed to visit it. Sovetskaya Street, 200.

Monument of Memory and Unity - a monument dedicated to the victims of the Caucasian War of 1817-1864, the symbol of unity of all residents of the republic. This original 20-meter building has the shape of a traditional Adyghe hearth. Its facade is decorated with high reliefs based on the national epic, images of mythological and cult scenes, portraits of famous cultural figures, famous historical figures. The monument is surrounded by a park and is an important component in the architectural composition that unites the Maykop Mosque, the Philharmonic Society, the National Museum of Adygea. Pobedy Street, 36.

Maykop Park of Culture and Recreation - one of the most beautiful places in the city. This park was laid out in the center of Maykop in 1966. In 2009, a full-scale reconstruction was carried out. Among other things, a light and music fountain was installed. During the summer season, a large open-air pool 3 meters deep is open (one of the largest outdoor pools in Europe). Nearby, you can have a snack in one of the cafes. Pushkina Street, 278.

Museum of Oriental Art . This museum was created to collect exhibits about the culture of the North Caucasus and preserve the traditions of folk art. The exhibits are divided into the following collections: “Fabrics and Woven Products”, “Precious Metals and Precious Stones”, “Ceramics, Wood, and Metal”, “Painting, Graphics, and Sculpture”, “Archeology”. Pervomayskaya Street, 221.

Picture Gallery of the Republic of Adygea . In total, there are about 1,300 exhibits in this small museum. The collection “Graphics of Adygea” is especially interesting. It also hosts temporary exhibitions of local artists. In one of the halls, you can see the permanent exhibition “Folk crafts and trades of the Adygs”. Krasnooktyabrskaya Street, 27.

Maykop Brewery . The buildings of this large brewery are recognized as architectural monuments. Its malt shop (1910) resembling a castle can be rightfully called the most picturesque building in Maykop (Lenina Street, 1). The main building of the brewery is located at Gogolya Street, 2. There are guided tours of the Maikop brewery.

St. Michael’s Athos Hermitage - a monastery of the Maykop diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Founded in 1877, it is located in the village of Pobeda, about 7 km southeast of the center of Maykop. The buildings of this monastery are an architectural monument. Today, the monastery is visited by thousands of tourists and pilgrims. Excursions are organized around the monastery.

Maykop city of Russia photos

Pictures of maykop.

The House of Communications in Maykop

The House of Communications in Maykop

Movie theater October in Maykop

Movie theater October in Maykop

Polar bear Maykop

Polar bear Maykop

Sights of Maykop

Eternal Flame memorial in Maykop - To the Fallen in the Battles for the Soviet Motherland

Eternal Flame memorial in Maykop - To the Fallen in the Battles for the Soviet Motherland

Philharmonic of Maykop

Philharmonic of Maykop

Main Mosque of Maykop

Main Mosque of Maykop

Author: Radjeb Tsey

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  23. Maykop

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