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How specific should I be with duty and area assignment when filling out the DA 160-R Application for Active duty?


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duty assignment and area assignment

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First Duty and Future Assignments in the Military

There are circumstances where military members can request assignment

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Future Assignments

Follow-on assignment, hardship assignments, joint spouse assignments, permissive reassignments, base of preference, travel entitlements, privately owned vehicle shipment.

Rod Powers was a retired Air Force First Sergeant with 22 years of active duty service.

  • Air Force NCO Academy

First duty station selection is made (in either basic training or technical school/AIT/A-School), based ​upon your preferences, and the needs of the service. While the services will consider your preferences, the overriding deciding factor is where the military needs you the most.

Some Navy jobs  allow your assignment to be based on your class-standing in "A-School." And of course, it goes without saying that assignments are based on valid vacancies. If you have the job of tank-fixer, you're only going to be assigned to bases that have tanks to fix.

After the first duty assignment, subsequent assignments are done a little differently. In most cases, you'll have a little more say in future assignments, than you have for the first duty assignment . There are a few restrictions, however.

First-term (those in their first enlistment ) enlisted members assigned to a continental (CONUS) U.S. location must have 12 months time-on-station before being eligible to move to an overseas location and must have 24 months time-on-station before being allowed to move to another continental U.S. location.

Career (those who have re-enlisted at least once) enlisted members assigned to the continental U.S. must have 24 months time-on-station to move to an overseas location and must have 36 months time-on-station in order to move to another continental U.S. location.

The length of time one spends on an overseas tour depends on the location. For example, most of Europe and Japan are considered standard overseas tours. The length of the assignment is 24 months for single people, or those with dependents who elect not to bring their dependents, and 36 months for those who bring their dependents.

Another type of overseas assignment, like most assignments to Korea, is considered remote. On a remote tour one cannot bring their family at government expense, and the tour-length is 12 months. On the other hand, those returning from a remote tour usually get assignment preference over those returning from a standard tour.

For standard overseas tours, one can generally increase his or her chances of being selected by volunteering for the extended tour length. This is the standard tour, plus 12 months.

Of course, one can be involuntarily assigned overseas as well. In general, this is done based on the military member's last overseas return date. 

A follow-on assignment is an assignment after a remote tour. Those with orders for a remote tour can apply for their next assignment before they even depart to the remote tour.

When is assigned to a 12-month remote tour, military members can move their dependents anywhere they want to live in the United States, at government expense, while the member is away. The government must then pay again to relocate the dependents from where they are living to the new assignment when the member returns from the remote tour. Single people, even though they don't have dependents can use the follow-on program, as well.

It's important not to confuse assignments with deployments , which are of course based on many factors such as geopolitical situations and the need for U.S. military troops around the world. 

Each of the services also has procedures for hardship assignments. This allows a military member to apply for reassignment to a specific area/base, due to a valid family hardship. The military's definition of hardship is when there are extreme family problems such as illness, death, or extremely unusual circumstances that are temporary in nature and the specific circumstances necessitate the military member's presence.

If the problem is not one that can be resolved within one year, a  hardship discharge  will be considered, rather than a hardship assignment.

When one military member is married to another military member, both must apply to be assigned together. This is called a joint spouse assignment. The military will try to assign spouses together, but there are no guarantees. The success rate for joint spouse assignments is about 85 percent.

Joint spouse assignments are obviously much easier to accommodate if both spouses are in the same branch of the military. 

A permissive reassignment is one that doesn't cost the government any money. Most permissive reassignments are in the form of swaps, which is when one military member finds another with the same rank and job, currently assigned (or with orders) to a base they want to go to.

Both members who agree to swap must pay for their own move. This includes shipment of personal property. Usually, military personnel offices maintain lists of military people worldwide who are looking to swap. In order to be eligible for a swap, one must have the required time-on-station mentioned above. In other words, a first-termer must have 24 months time-on-station to swap with someone at another continental U.S. location.

Before a military member re-enlists, he can apply to move to a base of his choice. The military, of course, wants this person to re-enlist, so they try to accommodate such base of preference requests. If approved, the member must then re-enlist to accept the assignment. 

When you graduate technical school, the military will pay the authorized costs for you to go to your next duty assignment or, to the port of your military flight for overseas assignments. 

The military does not pay you for travel on leave. They pay you for direct travel from your old duty assignment to your next duty assignment. If you travel home on leave, any additional cost is out of your pocket.

If you own a vehicle and get an overseas assignment, the military will either ship the vehicle for you or store it while you are away. 

Some locations don't allow the shipping of a personal vehicle and others restrict this privilege to certain ranks. In these cases, the military will store the vehicle for you for free while you are assigned overseas.

The military will pay to move your personal property from your home location to your first permanent duty station, or, you can rent a truck, move it yourself. In such cases, the military will reimburse you a portion of what it would have paid a contractor to move the vehicle.

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Marines often serve in a variety of special capacities, whether protecting our Nation’s embassies abroad, recruiting the next generation of United States Marines, or even serving the United States Special Operations Command as a MARSOC Raider. These duties are earned by Marines who have proven their exceptional ability to fight and win in the primary Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs) .

Every Marine takes on a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) for which he or she is optimally trained, but beyond these roles are the opportunities to take on special duty assignments. Many of these advanced opportunities are called “B” Billets, a designation separate from a Marine’s primary MOS. Explore these critical but atypical roles in the Corps.

Recruiting duty is a vital assignment in the Marine Corps, as it puts Marines in the position of ensuring the standards of our Corps remain high. Those Marines selected for recruiting duty carry the essential duty of screening, selecting, and preparing the next generation of Marines for the physical and mental rigors of recruit training.

Those Marines selected to serve on Drill Instructor Duty carry the essential responsibility of directly shaping the future of the Marine Corps, providing guidance, discipline, and direction for future Marines.

“These recruits are entrusted to my care. I will train them to the best of my ability. I will develop them into smartly disciplined, physically fit, basically trained Marines, thoroughly indoctrinated in love of Corps and country. I will demand of them, and demonstrate by my own example, the highest standards of personal conduct, morality and professional skill."
—Excerpt from Drill Instructor's Creed

The Marine Corps is the only military service that is entrusted with the responsibility of providing security for U.S. Embassies and Consulates around the world. Marines selected for these special duty assignments will have the opportunity to serve at embassies and consulates located in various countries around the globe.

Security Force duty is among the most challenging the Corps offers, and Marines who take on this opportunity must be highly-trained in advanced security procedures. Our Nation places special trusts in these Marines, as they are assigned the responsibility of maintaining a worldwide presence, guarding and protecting key naval assets and special strategic weapons.


Ready to stand on the frontline of any battle, the Marine Raiders of MARSOC are built up in their Corps ethos, warfighting philosophy and values and represent the Marine Corps contribution to the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Two of the prominent roles within the Marine Raider community include Critical Skills Operators, who support the full spectrum of special operations on a global scale, and Special Operations Capability Specialists, who provide combat support expertise in intelligence, fire support, communications, EOD, and canine operations.

Gain direct access to a Marine Recruiter who has fought alongside Marines and is prepared to show you how to become one.

One doesn't consider an endeavor of this magnitude without having questions. Here are some of the most common.


It takes many different roles to win our Nation’s collective fight. These are the many ways in which optimally trained Marines take part in a common moral cause.

This is the organizational structure that ensures remain ready to fight and win for our Nation all over the globe.

Reserve Marines are ready to supplement Marine active-duty forces when called upon, providing our Nation with a balanced, prepared force to win its battles.



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Areas of Special Emphasis

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NCOER Duty Descriptions

Below are duty descriptions by MOS or position or additional duty. If you don't see a page for your MOS or additional duty, enter it in the form at the bottom of this page and a page will be made for it within a couple of days.

  • 00F MOS Immaterial, National Guard
  • 00G MOS Immaterial, Reserve
  • 09L Interpreter/Translator
  • CMF 11 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 12 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 13 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 14 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 15 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 17 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 18 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 19 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 21 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 25 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 27 Duty Descriptions
  • 29E Electronic Warfare Specialist
  • CMF 31 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 35 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 36 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 37 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 38 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 42 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 46 Duty Descriptions
  • 51C Contracting NCO
  • 52D (Now 91D) Power Generation
  • CMF 56 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 63 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 66 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 68 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 70 Duty Descriptions
  • 74D Chemical Operations Specialist
  • CMF 79 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 88 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 89 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 91 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 92 Duty Descriptions
  • CMF 94 Duty Descriptions
  • 96B (now 35F) Intelligence Analyst
  • 96D (now 35G) Imagery Analyst

Additional duty

  • Ammunition NCO/Manager
  • Arms Room NCO
  • Assistant Operations NCO
  • Aviation Element
  • Aviation Platoon Sergeant
  • Barracks Management NCO
  • Battalion Maintenance officer
  • Brigade Strength Manager
  • Building Manager/Facility Management
  • Casualty Affairs Office
  • Clinical Flight Coordinator
  • Combat Lifesaver
  • Combatives Advisor
  • Command Language Program Manager
  • Command Post
  • Command Sergeant Major (CSM)
  • COMSEC Custodian
  • Current Operations NCO
  • Defense Travel System (DTS)
  • Deployment NCOIC
  • Detachment Sergeant
  • Drill Sergeant
  • Enlisted Aide
  • Entry Control Point (ECP)
  • Equal Opportunity Advisor
  • Escort, Security
  • Executive Officer (XO)
  • Executive Operations NCO
  • Family Readiness Liaison
  • Fire Team Leader
  • First Sergeant
  • Force Protection NCO
  • Forward Observer
  • Future Operations (FUOPS)
  • Honor Guard
  • Information Management Office (IMO)
  • Inspector/IG
  • International Military Student Officer (IMSO)
  • Instructor/Writer
  • Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC)
  • Knowledge Manager
  • Liaison Noncommissioned Officer (LNO)
  • Mail Clerk/NCOIC
  • Material Management NCO
  • Medical Readiness NCO
  • Military Financial Advisor
  • Motor Sergeant
  • NCOIC Duty Description
  • Observer Controller Trainer (OC/T)
  • Operations NCO
  • Orderly Room NCO
  • Physical Security Officer (PSO)
  • Plans Officer
  • Platoon Sergeant
  • Property Book Officer (PBO)
  • Protective Service Agent
  • Protocol Officer
  • Provost Marshals Office
  • Quality Control
  • Range Operations
  • Readiness NCO
  • Rear Detachment NCOIC/1SG/SGM
  • Rear Detachment Sergeant
  • Rear Detachment Platoon Sergeant
  • Rear Detachment Shift Leader
  • Recruiter Duty Descriptions
  • RSP Training NCO
  • S-3 Duty Descriptions
  • S-4 Duty Descriptions
  • SAMS-E Operator
  • Schools and DTS NCO
  • Senior Leader Course (SLC)
  • Senior Mechanic
  • Senior Supply NCO
  • Sergeant of the Guard
  • Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
  • Small Group Leader
  • Soldier Recovery Unit (SRU)
  • Sponsorship Program NCO
  • Squad Leader
  • Staff Duty NCO
  • Subsistence NCO
  • Survey Administrator
  • Targeting NCO
  • Terminal Area Security Officer (TASO)
  • Team Leader
  • Technical Inspector
  • Test Control Officer
  • Training NCO
  • Unit Administrator
  • Unit Armorer
  • Unit Movement Officer
  • Unit Prevention Leader (UPL)
  • Unit RESET Planner
  • Unit Supply Sergeant
  • Victim Advocate
  • Voting Assistance Officer (VAO)
  • Warehouse Manager
  • XO (Executive Officer)
  • Misc Duty Descriptions

Divider Line

DA PAM 623-3, Evaluation Reporting System

3-6. Part III, Duty Description

This information is written by the rater and verified with the rated NCO. Refer to DA PAM 623-3, Evaluation Reporting System, table 3-3 for duty description evaluation instructions. The duty description:

Is an outline of the normal requirements of the specific duty position. Should show type of work required rather than frequently changing tasks. Is essential to performance counseling and evaluation. It is used during the first counseling session to tell the rated NCO what the duties are and what needs to be emphasized. May be updated during the rating period. Is used at the end of the rating period to record what was important about the duties.

NCOER Part : IIIc: Daily Duties and Scope

These must include a series of phrases, starting with verbs/action words and separated by semicolons and ending in a period. This block should address the most important routine duties and responsibilities. Ideally, this should include the number of people supervised, equipment, facilities, and dollars involved and any other routine duties and responsibilities.

Readiness NCO or training NCO. For ARNGUS AGR Soldiers assigned as readiness NCO or training NCO, enter both the NCO's TOE or TDA assignment and the full-time support titles such as Chief or Firing Battery/Readiness NCO. Include a mix of both the position duties and the full-time support duties in Part IIIc, d, and e.

NCOER Part : IIId: Areas of Special Emphasis

Enter areas of special emphasis/appointed duties. These must include a list of tasks/duties separated by semicolons and ending with a period. This block is the most likely to change during the rating period. It should include the most important items that applied at any time during the rating period. ARNGUS AGR Soldiers assigned as readiness NCO or training NCO, enter both the NCO's TOE or TDA assignment and the full-time support titles such as Chief or Firing Battery/Readiness NCO. Include a mix of both the position duties and the full-time support duties in Part IIIc, d, and e.

NCOER Part : IIIe: Appointed Duties

Include duties appointed that are not normally included in the duty description. For ARNGUS AGR Soldiers assigned as Readiness NCO or Training NCO, enter both the NCO's TOE or TDA assignment and the full-time support titles such as Chief or Firing Battery/Readiness NCO. Include a mix of both the position duties and the full-time support duties in Part III, d, and e.

NCOER Part : IIIf: Counseling Dates

Enter the actual dates of the counseling obtained from the DA Form 2166-8-1 (YYYYMMDD). When counseling dates are omitted, the senior rater will enter a statement in part Ve, explaining why counseling was not accomplished. The absence of counseling will not be used as the sole basis for an appeal. However, the lack of counseling may be used to help support other claims made in an appeal.

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IHSAA Executive Committee approves sectional assignments, more at first meeting

Aug. 28—Holding its first meeting of the 2024-25 school year, the IHSAA Executive Committee has released the results of a few items covered.


The first announcement Wednesday finalized details on the postseason assignments for baseball and softball sectionals.

The most notable change affecting our area is that Penn, a recent powerhouse in both sports, will no longer be tied together with the likes of Concord, Goshen and Northridge.

With the Kingsmen out of sectional 4, the field shrinks to five teams for the next two seasons with the Minutemen, RedHawks and Raiders staying with Elkhart and Warsaw.

Concord is the defending champ in baseball, beating Goshen in the championship game this last fall. Penn topped Elkhart in softball.

In 3A, the trio of area schools in Fairfield, NorthWood and Wawasee stay connected with West Noble. Lakeland and East Noble are no longer in the mix, instead being replaced by Tippecanoe Valley and Columbia City.

Lakeland, which dropped to 2A now joins Westview's sectional bracket. Bethany Christian's grouping remains similar.

Concord athletic director Dave Preheim was part of the Realignment Committee for baseball, softball, basketball and volleyball.


The IHSAA also announced that this next season's state track finals will now take place at North Central High School in Indianapolis, leaving behind Indiana University's track in Bloomington, used 19 of the past 21 years to host.

The track features 10 lanes and seating for 4,000 spectators and is next to where tennis holds its state finals — now both on the North Central campus. North Central last hosted the track final in 1997 and also from 1972-1982.

Boys will still run on Friday (June 6), the day before both the Unified and girls teams run on the following Saturday.


Thanks to representatives of the Indiana Girls Lacrosse Association, the IHSAA will have a new "emerging sport" in 2025.

Lacrosse, a spring sport, will have an "emerging" label in the 2025-26 school year, with the IHSAA providing rule books, coaches rule meetings and more.

For the sport to receive full recognition, which includes an IHSAA-sponsored state tournament, 100 schools will have to maintain a team. Currently, there are 39 schools that either have a school-sponsored varsity team or club program.

Out of The Goshen News' area schools, Northridge is the lone supporter of a girls club team. The Raiders commonly face off against schools such as Penn, South Bend St. Joseph, Crown Point and more.

Reach Matt Lucas at 574-533-2151, ext. 240325, or at [email protected] .

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June 2024 - OCR Sports Studies - R186 Sport and the Media - Topic Area 2

June 2024 - OCR Sports Studies - R186 Sport and the Media - Topic Area 2

Subject: Physical education

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Other

Mr A's BTEC Shop

Last updated

29 August 2024

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duty assignment and area assignment

Updated for the live assignment for 2024-25.

Resources adapted to include new sports:

Whole-topic area PowerPoint which includes:

  • All areas from the specification
  • Allows students to access all assessment criteria
  • Embedded videos and discussion points to guide students towards detailed discussions in their assignments

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    Adjusting the assignment start date instead of using the in-transit grid will cause the absence request to be out of sync with the assignment, and makes the in-transit grid unusable. You must manually adjust the absence requests before arriving the Soldier. Assignment Errors and Solutions Early Report.

  16. Higher Duty or Temporary Assignment

    The actual HDA computation payout at a higher duty rate is handled in Payroll Australia. A temporary assignment is when an employee works for a specific period temporarily within the boundaries of their existing contract for at least 1 day. When the temporary assignment position is of a higher classification or grade, it is termed as higher duty.

  17. Day-to-Day Seniority Mail Processing Clerks Step 4 Settlement

    Any employee not holding a bid duty assignment, within the principal assignment area, will be moved prior to moving any mail processing employee who holds a bid duty assignment. Document Type: Step 4 Agreement. APWU National Grievance Number: HQTC20052. GATS Number: 60653. Craft: Clerk. Tags: mail processing , day to day seniority.

  18. PDF By Order of The Department of The Air Force Secretary of The Air ...

    3.14. Assignment of Family Members to Command or Supervisory Positions..... 28 3.15. Assignment of Former Members of the Peace Corps. ..... 29 3.16. Assignment of Members Who Were Previously Designated as "Missing"

  19. Special Duty Assignment Pay, Assignment Incentive Pay, and Volunteer

    r 031945z feb 22 maradmin 039/22 msgid/genadmin/cmc washington dc mra mp// subj/special duty assignment pay, assignment incentive pay, and volunteer supplemental incentive//

  20. PDF Principal Assignment Area

    Needs. One of our ongoing problems continues to be management=s failure to properly designate the principal assignment area on job postings. For whatever the reason certain offices continue to merely identify a large work area or simply identify the physical building where the employee will work. In a very small office this might make sense.

  21. NCOER Duty Descriptions

    This information is written by the rater and verified with the rated NCO. Refer to DA PAM 623-3, Evaluation Reporting System, table 3-3 for duty description evaluation instructions. The duty description: Is an outline of the normal requirements of the specific duty position. Should show type of work required rather than frequently changing tasks.

  22. Duty Assignment Sample Clauses

    Duty Assignments are defined as the type or nature of work assigned to a Sergeant or Lieutenant by the Chief or chief's designee. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3. Duty Assignment. If the duty assignment for an employee is modified or changed as a result of a voluntary rehabilitation program, and the employee successfully completes his/her ...

  23. PDF Special Education: Practicum Assignments, Fall 2024 NOTE: Assignment

    Special Education: Practicum Assignments, Fall 2024 NOTE: Assignment dates are recommendations and are dependent on individual scheduling needs, communication from Program Area Faculty, and the Office of Field and Clinical Partnerships and Outreach. ST=Student Teacher; CT=Cooperating Teacher; US=University Supervisor

  24. 138th Regiment 11Z50 State-wide Vacancy Announcement (Traditional)

    statewide vacancy announcement announcement number: 2024-031 closing date: 20240930 applications are being accepted for the following position: unit: 138th regiment, building 5, camp atterbury, edinburgh, in 46124 military grade: e8 para/ln: 003-01 mos: 11z pos: 03180246 duty title: infantry branch chief vacancies: 1 female assignment eligibility: yes projected entry date: 20241001 soldier ...

  25. IHSAA Executive Committee approves sectional assignments, more at first

    The most notable change affecting our area is that Penn, a recent powerhouse in both ... Aug. 28—Holding its first meeting of the 2024-25 school year, the IHSAA Executive Committee has released ...

  26. R186 Sport and the Media

    Updated for the live assignment for 2024-25. Resources adapted to include new sports: Gymnastics Athletics Hockey Whole-topic area PowerPoint which includes: All are ... June 2024 - OCR Sports Studies - R186 Sport and the Media - Topic Area 2. Subject: Physical education. Age range: 14-16. Resource type: Other. Mr A's BTEC Shop. 4.38 11 reviews ...