Essay on Pollution for Students and Children

500+ words essay on pollution.

Pollution is a term which even kids are aware of these days. It has become so common that almost everyone acknowledges the fact that pollution is rising continuously. The term ‘pollution’ means the manifestation of any unsolicited foreign substance in something. When we talk about pollution on earth, we refer to the contamination that is happening of the natural resources by various pollutants . All this is mainly caused by human activities which harm the environment in ways more than one. Therefore, an urgent need has arisen to tackle this issue straightaway. That is to say, pollution is damaging our earth severely and we need to realize its effects and prevent this damage. In this essay on pollution, we will see what are the effects of pollution and how to reduce it.

essay on pollution

Effects of Pollution

Pollution affects the quality of life more than one can imagine. It works in mysterious ways, sometimes which cannot be seen by the naked eye. However, it is very much present in the environment. For instance, you might not be able to see the natural gases present in the air, but they are still there. Similarly, the pollutants which are messing up the air and increasing the levels of carbon dioxide is very dangerous for humans. Increased level of carbon dioxide will lead to global warming .

Further, the water is polluted in the name of industrial development, religious practices and more will cause a shortage of drinking water. Without water, human life is not possible. Moreover, the way waste is dumped on the land eventually ends up in the soil and turns toxic. If land pollution keeps on happening at this rate, we won’t have fertile soil to grow our crops on. Therefore, serious measures must be taken to reduce pollution to the core.

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Types of Pollution

  • Air Pollution
  • Water Pollution
  • Soil Pollution

How to Reduce Pollution?

After learning the harmful effects of pollution, one must get on the task of preventing or reducing pollution as soon as possible. To reduce air pollution, people should take public transport or carpool to reduce vehicular smoke. While it may be hard, avoiding firecrackers at festivals and celebrations can also cut down on air and noise pollution. Above all, we must adopt the habit of recycling. All the used plastic ends up in the oceans and land, which pollutes them.

how to solve pollution problem essay

So, remember to not dispose of them off after use, rather reuse them as long as you can. We must also encourage everyone to plant more trees which will absorb the harmful gases and make the air cleaner. When talking on a bigger level, the government must limit the usage of fertilizers to maintain the soil’s fertility. In addition, industries must be banned from dumping their waste into oceans and rivers, causing water pollution.

To sum it up, all types of pollution is hazardous and comes with grave consequences. Everyone must take a step towards change ranging from individuals to the industries. As tackling this problem calls for a joint effort, so we must join hands now. Moreover, the innocent lives of animals are being lost because of such human activities. So, all of us must take a stand and become a voice for the unheard in order to make this earth pollution-free.

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FAQs on Pollution

Q.1 What are the effects of pollution?

A.1 Pollution essentially affects the quality of human life. It degrades almost everything from the water we drink to the air we breathe. It damages the natural resources needed for a healthy life.

Q.2 How can one reduce pollution?

A.2 We must take individual steps to reduce pollution. People should decompose their waster mindfully, they should plant more trees. Further, one must always recycle what they can and make the earth greener.

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how to solve pollution problem essay

How can we stop this?

Pollution is everywhere — from the highest reaches of our atmosphere to the darkest depths of our oceans. And it’s killing us. But together, we can stop it.  

Together, we can #BeatPollution

How many people are dying from unhealthy environments.

The World Health Organization says 12.6 million people died due to environmental causes in 2012

Pollution has enormous human costs. Particulate matter in the air we breathe, organic pollutants and heavy metals in our food supply and drinking water — all of these pollutants cut short millions of lives every year. Those 12.6 million people represent almost a quarter of all deaths worldwide that year. The same report also found that two thirds of those killed by an unhealthy environment died of noncommunicable diseases like strokes, heart conditions, cancers, and chronic respiratory disease, mostly attributable to air pollution. The impact falls disproportionately on children and the poor, especially in less developed countries. Here's the percentage of all deaths that unhealthy environments cause in each country.

In low-income countries in Africa , diseases attributable to the environment are mostly caused by infections, parasitic illnesses, and nutritional deficiencies.

In low- and middle-income countries in South-East Asia , they are increasingly due to outdoor air pollution and the declining access to drinking water.

Even though lower-income countries bear the largest share of environmental diseases, they're rising in other regions, like Latin America ...

… and some parts of Eastern Europe .

Data from WHO’s Global Health Observatory

Why are the impacts so disproportionate? Look at fossil fuels, an important source of pollution that constitutes about half of all trade volume worldwide. The most significant environmental burden of exploiting those resources is in the countries that extract them. That means that the human cost associated with that pollution remains out of sight of those whose consumption habits drove the extraction in the first place.

how to solve pollution problem essay

Why is our environment so unhealthy?

It’s our own doing

Our industries, transport systems and power facilities churn out black carbon, methane, and other pollutants that penetrate deep into our lungs. We dump our wastewater untreated into lakes and rivers, killing wildlife and contaminating our own drinking supplies. We practice unsustainable farming, fundamentally altering entire ecosystems. And we dump millions of tons of plastic into our oceans every year, threatening wildlife and fragile marine habitats. While some pollutants affect only one of those spaces, others — like waste — can impact air, soil and freshwater, as well as our oceans and coasts. Between 1970 and 2000, the amount of waste generated per person every year almost doubled. This rate will continue to grow unless we take steps to stop creating waste — and that's the key. We need to reduce the amount of trash we generate in the first place, while also finding new ways to reuse it, recycle it — or dispose of it safely. Here's how many kilograms of waste (municipal solid waste) a person produces every year, by country.

Source: What a Waste, A Global Review of Solid Waste Management , World Bank; GNI data from the World Bank

Dumpsites are sources of complex pollution mixtures: methane emissions, electronic and other hazardous waste, and heavy metals all mixed together. The 50 biggest active dumpsites in the world directly affect about 64 million people. Waste is especially of concern to small island states. These countries — many of which are tourist destinations and ports of call for international shipping — often have limited space to store their trash, and limited capacity to manage pollution. These countries are also highly vulnerable to climate change and other weather-related stresses. In such a scenario, a single storm can lead to flooding that quickly spreads waste, endangering human and environmental health.

how to solve pollution problem essay

Do we know how much damage we’re doing?

We can use certain indicators to measure our impact. This information can help us prioritize our efforts.

We can use specific measurements — from levels of pollutants to access to sanitation, to consumption or environmental policies already in place — to assess the impact of pollution and reveal the trends and geographic differences that can guide our plans to combat it. In the table below, we've used four metrics: exposure levels to fine particles as an indicator for the state of air pollution; availability of renewable water ; fertilizer consumption as a measure of our impact on soil and land; and lastly, the rate of reporting of chemicals and waste , as mandated by international conventions, to gauge how often countries meet their obligations on the matter.

Source: Towards a Pollution-Free Planet , UN Environment

Let’s take one of those proxies, the exposure to fine particles — since air quality is still a problem in most regions, and it’s the most severe of our environmental health concerns. Fine particles are the most concerning of air pollutants, and are mostly the product of burning fossil fuels, but also waste disposal, and wildfires and the burning of peatlands. The levels of fine particles (PM 2.5 ) , unlike coarse dust particles (PM 10 ) have remained resistant to the efforts to tackle the problem. And the changing weather patterns caused by climate change are exposing people to them for longer periods of time.

Data from the World Bank

how to solve pollution problem essay

So, what are we doing about it?

Many policies are helping, but more need to come.

 Of course, pollution isn’t a new phenomenon - nor is action to counter it. A number of international conventions and national laws are already tackling the problem, and some of them - including efforts to repair the ozone layer and the phasing out of a number of toxic chemicals and pesticides - have been very successful. The Convention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi Biodiversity Targets call for a decrease in pollution and demand specific actions on excess nutrients. The Paris Climate Agreement is a major step forward in tackling both climate change and air pollution. We need to adapt these models, and scale up what works. We also need to dramatically step up our ambitions.   Although no international agreement explicitly recognizes the right to a healthy environment, many countries around the world have chosen to do so. As of 2015, over 100 countries guaranteed their citizens a right to a healthy environment, with the majority building this into their national constitutions.  

Source: Towards a Pollution-Free Planet , UN environment assembly

Essay Service Examples Environment Pollution

How to Reduce Pollution? Essay

Table of contents

Essay on pollution for students, pollution essay 1 (100 words), pollution essay 2 (200 words), introduction, what is pollution, pollution essay 3 (300 words), types of pollution, the atmosphere in my family, pollution essay 4 (500 words), effects of pollution on the environment, pollution essay 5 (800 words), pollution level in london, pollution level in detroit, pollution level in delhi, pollution essay 6 (1300 words).

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Air Pollution Solutions

While air pollution is a serious problem, it is a problem that we can solve! In the United States and around the world, people are taking action to reduce emissions and improve air quality.

The Clean Air Act: How Laws Can Help Clean Up the Air

Creating policies and passing laws to restrict air pollution has been an important step toward improving air quality. In 1970, fueled by persistent visible smog in many U.S. cities and industrial areas and an increase in health problems caused by air pollution, the Clean Air Act paved the way for numerous efforts to improve air quality in the United States. The Clean Air Act requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set air quality standards for several hazardous air pollutants reported in the Air Quality Index (AQI) , requires states to have a plan to address air pollution and emissions reduction, and also addresses problems such as acid rain, ozone holes, and greenhouse gas pollution which is causing the climate to warm.

Since the Clean Air Act was passed:

  • The amounts of the six common pollutants in the atmosphere measured by the EPA (particulates, ozone, lead, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide) are declining.
  • The risks of premature death, low birth weight, and other health problems due to air pollution have decreased.
  • Vehicle emissions have decreased, despite increases in the number of miles driven each year, due to stricter emissions standards and increased efficiency in vehicle engines.
  • Emissions and toxic pollutants (such as mercury and benzenes) from factories and power plants have decreased, due to new technologies.
  • There is less acid rain, due to decreased power plant emissions.
  • The ozone hole continues to shrink as a result of banning the use of CFCs.
  • Pollution-caused haze in cities and wilderness areas has decreased.

Source: EPA

Most industrialized countries have laws and regulations about air quality. The United Kingdom first passed its Clean Air Act in 1956 following a deadly smog event that killed many London residents. In China, where rapid industrial and urban growth in recent decades resulted in a sharp decrease in air quality, numerous laws about air pollution have been passed, including a frequently updated five-year national plan to meet target reductions in air pollution.

It is important to note that while laws and regulations are helping, the effects of air pollution are still apparent. The decline of toxic air pollutants and health improvements are welcome changes, yet the growing threat of climate change due to fossil fuel emissions remains a problem that still needs to be solved.

There Are Many Solutions to Air Pollution

In order to improve air quality and slow climate warming, change needs to happen on a national and global scale. However, actions at the individual and community level are also important.

  • Burn less coal. Pollution from burning all fossil fuels is harmful to the atmosphere, but burning coal has a larger impact on air pollution than burning oil or gas because it releases more carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and heavy metal pollutants per unit of energy. Also, over one-third of the electricity produced in the world comes from burning coal. As of 2014, the global demand for coal is beginning to decline. In North America, coal plants are being replaced by natural gas. Some countries, such as Japan and South Korea, rely more on nuclear energy, and there is a global increase in electricity supplied by clean, renewable sources like wind, solar, and water.

This is an illustration showing ways that you can help reduce air pollution: wind turbines are a source of renewable energy; drive low pollution vehicles; choose alternative transportation modes, such as walking, riding the bus, or riding a bicycle; refueling in the evening; and around the house choose low VOC products, use less energy, forgo the fire, and mow the grass in the evening.

  • Conserve energy — at home, work, and everywhere! The demand for electricity, which is most often produced by burning fossil fuels, has grown exponentially over the past decades. Conserve energy by turning off lights, buy appliances rated for energy efficiency, and keep the thermostat set higher in the summer and lower in the winter. Whenever possible, invest in renewable energy sources to power your home. Several countries are using renewables, nuclear power, or lower-emission sources like natural gas to meet their increasing power demand. And many countries plan to significantly increase their use of renewable energy sources in the future.
  • Monitor air quality warnings and take action on poor air quality days. On days when pollution levels are high, taking action can help reduce the risk of harm to those who are most vulnerable. Reducing overall car usage and avoiding idling your car can help on days with high levels of ozone pollution. Save refueling and use of gas-powered yard equipment for the evening when it is cooler and ozone levels are lower. On days when particle pollutants are high, avoid burning yard waste and wood. Choosing to carpool or using a clean transportation method is always helpful, especially on days with high levels of air pollution. Check on the air quality in your area at the AirNow website .
  • Take action within your community to find solutions to air pollution. Around the world, many of the current solutions are the result of communities coming together to demand change. Citizens in Shenzhen, China, inspired a switch to electric buses in their city. In Brussels, Belgium, a movement started by parents concerned about poor air quality in schools led to a plan to invest in public transportation and bicycling, along with a ban on fueled cars by 2030. And in many countries, governments are closing coal plants and exploring new sources of energy because of citizens who are concerned about climate warming.

Check out the EPA's website to learn more about actions you can take to reduce air pollution.

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Essay on Environmental Pollution Problem Solution

Students are often asked to write an essay on Environmental Pollution Problem Solution in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Environmental Pollution Problem Solution

What is environmental pollution.

Environmental pollution means dirtying the air, water, and land around us. It’s when harmful things like smoke, chemicals, and plastic get into places they shouldn’t be. This can make people, animals, and plants sick.

Causes of Pollution

Pollution comes from cars, factories, and waste. Cars release smoke, factories pour chemicals into air and water, and trash like plastic bags can hurt land and sea animals.

Stopping Pollution

To stop pollution, we can use less plastic, recycle more, and plant trees. Riding bikes instead of cars and using less electricity at home also help clean the air and save energy.

Working Together

Everyone can help. Schools can teach kids about recycling. Governments can make laws to keep air and water clean. When we all work together, we can make our planet healthier.

250 Words Essay on Environmental Pollution Problem Solution

Understanding environmental pollution, types of pollution.

There are different kinds of pollution. Air pollution is when the air gets dirty from smoke and gases. Water pollution happens when waste goes into rivers and oceans. Soil pollution is when chemicals from factories and farms make the land harmful.

Solving Pollution Problems

To fix pollution, we need to start with small steps. We can use less plastic, recycle more, and not waste water. Planting trees helps clean the air, and using fewer cars can reduce air pollution. Industries should use clean technologies.

Everyone’s Role

Everyone has a part in stopping pollution. Schools can teach kids about recycling. Parents can use less harmful products at home. Leaders can make laws to protect our environment. If we all do our part, we can make a big change.

Pollution is a big problem, but we can solve it. By changing our daily habits and working together, we can make our planet cleaner and safer for everyone. Let’s start today and make a difference for our future.

500 Words Essay on Environmental Pollution Problem Solution

Environmental pollution means dirtying our surroundings with harmful substances. This includes the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land where we grow our food. When factories, cars, and even farms release bad chemicals and waste, they can hurt plants, animals, and people.

Why is Pollution a Problem?

Pollution can make us sick. It can give us problems like coughing, trouble breathing, and diseases. Animals and plants can also get sick or even die because of pollution. Dirty water can’t be used for drinking or farming, and polluted land can’t grow healthy food.

How Can We Solve Pollution?

To fix pollution, we need to do many things. First, we should use less of the things that cause pollution. We can walk or ride bikes instead of using cars. We can also recycle things like paper, plastic, and metal so they don’t end up as trash.

Using Clean Energy

Clean energy is power that doesn’t make pollution. Solar panels use the sun, wind turbines use the wind, and both are clean ways to make electricity. If we use more of these instead of coal or oil, we can reduce air pollution.

Keeping Water Clean

To keep water clean, we should not throw trash or chemicals into rivers or oceans. Factories should clean their waste before it goes into the water. We can also save water by using less when we brush our teeth or take a shower.

Protecting the Land

To protect the land, we can stop using harmful chemicals on farms and gardens. We should also make less trash by using things again or fixing them instead of throwing them away. When we do have trash, we should put it in the right place, like a recycling bin or a trash can.

What Can Everyone Do?

Everyone can help solve pollution problems. We can turn off lights when we leave a room to save energy. We can tell others about how to reduce pollution. We can also join groups that clean up beaches, plant trees, or help animals.

Pollution is a big problem, but we can solve it by working together. By using less, recycling, and choosing clean energy, we can make our planet a better place. It’s important for everyone, including kids, to do their part in fighting pollution. When we all help, we can keep our air, water, and land clean for the future.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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261 Pollution Essay Topics & Essay Examples

The problem of environmental pollution is one of the main subjects for discussion worldwide. Manufacturing, carbon emissions, plastic, etc., have an adverse impact on air, water, and soil entire the world. That is why it is crucial to understand the problem and develop solutions to mitigate our negative effects on Earth.

In this article, you will find interesting research questions about pollution, ideas for your argumentative and persuasive papers, and essay examples to inspire.

Keep reading!

💡 8 Tips for Writing Essays on Pollution

🏆 best pollution topic ideas & essay examples, 🥇 captivating pollution research topics, 🌩️ shocking pollution essay examples and topic ideas, 🎓 simple & easy topics related to pollution, ✅ most interesting pollution topics to write about, ✍️ pollution essay topics for college, ❓ research questions about pollution.

There is a rising interest in ecological awareness and an overall building desire to move towards sustainable living within society. Thus, a pollution essay requires much more than merely outlining cause and effect occurrences.

Tackling a topic that should be both conscientious and demanding may be a difficult task, but with these few tips below, you can quickly address all pollution essay topics. Here are some ideas on how to make your assigned essay more comfortable to write:

Do your research beforehand. This action will help you start your bibliography, which you should begin by writing down every book and article you hope to use.

Additionally, doing so will help you better understand your subject and be more comfortable writing about it. Readers can always feel when writers are too vague because they want to avoid some aspects of a problem.

Introduce your issue from a historical viewpoint. You should explain the origin of your problem, outlining what changes began affecting the environment and why.

Doing so not only allows engaging your readers but also prevents needlessly confusing them by being evasive about your subject.

If some key terms and processes are not common knowledge, then you should explain them. Topics on pollution have tricky terminology, and you should allow your readers to read your essay while on the same level of knowledge as you.

For example, if you are writing about air pollution, then the terms you use may range from “particulate matter” to “hygroscopicity,” depending on the complexity of your essay’s subject.

The pollution essay thesis statement is a guiding line throughout your writing process. Every sentence you write should relate to your central argument and help advance it forward.

From when you start outlining until you write your conclusion and even when revising your draft, you should always ask yourself whether your writing helps you uphold your thesis.

Use credible sources to support your writing. Book and journal titles, research papers, and even interviews with respected scientists are good examples of what you should include in a bibliography.

You may also use pollution essay quotations to demonstrate scientists’ opinions or statistical numbers. When you reference your facts, your readers trust your writing and accept it as credible and truthful, as well as show a good understanding of the subject.

Give your essay an appropriate heading. Your pollution essay titles should clue your readers in on your argument. Using a “talking” title, which explains your subject at a glance, is a useful way of making your essay stand out among others.

If your subject ties together different issues, then you should think about using subheadings to make your essay more readable.

For example, when writing about nonpoint source pollution, you may need to mention its effects on both ocean and forest environments.

Doing so in different sections of your essay may help you structure your thoughts and bring together your arguments for a well-written conclusion.

Read sample essays written by others to help you understand your subject and essay structure better. Doing so will help you be consistent with your chosen citation style and immerse yourself in your research.

However, do not commit an academic offense by plagiarizing from the work of others.

Need more tips? Want to read an essay example? Visit IvyPanda!

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  • The Impact of Industrial Pollution on the Environment The attainment of these higher costs is through compulsory inclusion of the social costs of production in determination of the price of the goods.
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  • Preposition 23: Suspension of Air Pollution Control Act On the one hand, it was approved by the California Air Resources Board that considered it more realistic to suspend the implementation of this law due to the existing $ billion deficit leading to the […]
  • Beat Plastic Pollution Essay These tips will help people to reduce the circulation of plastic in their lives. In conclusion, the best method to protect the environment is to minimize the accumulation of plastic waste by recycling, composting, and […]
  • Reducing Traffic Noise Pollution in Cairo In conclusion, it seems reasonable to state that the issue of traffic noise pollution is rapidly growing in Egypt’s capital Cairo and increasingly impacts public health.
  • Noise Pollution: Environmental Issue in Lagos, Nigeria The aim of the study would be to understand and evaluate the amount of noise pollution in Lagos, Nigeria and its affects on public health.
  • Smog, Its Harm and Pollution Reduction Progress Smog can be defined as the mixture of solid and liquid fog and smoke particles that are formed under the impact of high humidity and calm air.
  • China Shenhua Energy Company: Pollution Reducing Although the Chinese government recognized the issue of pollution and announced a course for liberalization of the economy and a greater emphasis on ecology during the 12th 5-year plan, the transformation from a coal-based energy […]
  • Air Travel as a Cause of Severe Pollution Ecologists cite the growth of air travel as one of the factors that are contributing to environmental pollution. Restricting air transport can minimize the amount of noise that airplanes make, therefore improving the quality of […]
  • Air Pollution in Beijing and Its Effects on Society It is worth noting that different regions/countries/cities in the world have different levels of air pollution depending on the intensity/presence of causing agents and the techniques applied in dealing with air pollution.
  • Pollution & Climate Change as Environmental Risks The purpose of this essay is to provide an analysis of the three articles, focusing on the environmental risks and the risk perceptions of the authors.
  • Water Pollution and Management in the UAE The groundwater in UAE meets the needs of 51% of users in terms of quantity mainly for irrigation. Surface water is the source of groundwater and plays a major role in groundwater renewal.
  • Dealing With Air Pollution Polluted air contains nitrogen oxides and other toxic substances that dissolve in the atmosphere to return to the Earth in the form of acid rain, which is detrimental to the ecosystem.
  • The World Oceans Pollution and Overfishing Human beings have taken a lot of time to realize the need for ocean conservation to the extent that the ocean has succumbed to ecological challenges that have affected their lives in a variety of […]
  • Technological Applications in Industrial Pollution Prevention I also understand that pollution prevention emerged from the need to protect the environment from degradation and that appropriate regulations require manufacturers to put in place measures to prevent the release of dangerous emissions.
  • How Bad Pollution Is in the Arab World Currently, the Arab world materializes to be amongst the fastest growing countries in terms of population. UNDP estimate that by 2003, the amount of emissions in the Arab world rose to 1013 metric tons from […]
  • Mud Lick Creek Project – Fresh Water Pollution This potential source of pollutants poses significant risks to the quality of water at the creek in terms altering the temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and the turbidity of the water.
  • Smog and Air Pollution in Los Angeles The city is often covered with a yellow veil in the sky, so the problem of smog is an actual problem of the state.
  • Graveyard Ship Pollution in Kuwait The main legal issue of this case is the collision of two ships that led to the killing of millions of people and the dumping of waste along the sea.
  • Cashion Water Quality: Spatial Distribution of Water Pollution Incidents This essay discusses the quality of water as per the report of 2021 obtained from the municipality, the quality issue and the source of pollution, and how the pollution impacts human health and the environment […]
  • Environmental Pollution and Human Health The effects of sprawl on health workers are discussed in the article by Pohanka. It is similarly essential to take social justice and fairness into account because the effects of sprawl on population health are […]
  • The Ecogeographical Impact of Air Pollution The weakness of the text is that the safety of NPs and their probable toxic effects on human health and the environment are not evaluated.
  • Water Pollution as a Crime Against the Environment In particular, water pollution is a widespread crime against the environment, even though it is a severe felony that can result in harm to many people and vast territories.
  • Carbon Offsets: Combatting Environmental Pollution I think that using other organizations or projects to offset an entity’s carbon footprint avoids the main goal of any present environmental protection efforts sustainability.
  • Environmental Pollution: Waste Landfilling and Open Dumping The solution is simple and practical it is necessary to put efforts into further development of hard industries and stop financing the research of the issue that is useless.
  • Air Pollution and Impact of Transportation Emissions of greenhouse gases, air pollution, the release of ballast water, aquatic invasive species, and oil and chemical leaks are only some of the environmental problems that marine transportation continues to cause.
  • Pollution and Respiratory Disease in Louisiana The United States of America is an industrial powerhouse, a powerful nation that devoted much of its time to the growth and development of the petrochemical industry.
  • Air Pollution and Lung Disease To design a study in order to explore the link between lung disease and air pollution, it would be possible to follow a four-step process started by identifying the level or unit of analysis.
  • American Society on Health and Pollution’s Activity The organization is purposed to inspire newly elected leaders to act as examples and lead the way in the promotion of a green economy that is sustainable for all American citizens.
  • Air Pollution in China: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics One of the most acute environmental problems in China is air pollution, which the authorities are trying to solve, but still, many people, factories, and active processes of globalization do not allow environmental programs to […]
  • CSR Initiatives in Reducing Pollution and Carbon Emissions in GCC The purpose of this paper is to conduct a literature review evaluating the impact of CSR initiatives in reducing pollution and carbon emissions in GCC and the Middle East.
  • The Negative Impact of Soil Pollution The picture does not show where the water is coming from, and that is how to determine whether the pollution is from a non-point source.
  • Algae Explosion and Nitrogen Pollution in Lakes One of the most problematic aspects of nitrogen pollution as a form of nutrient pollution in lakes is the algae explosion.
  • A Pollution Concern in the Anacostia River In addition, the unending sedimentation affected the river’s ecosystem due to the lack of sunshine, especially at the bottom of the river.
  • Environmental Protection: Pollution and Fossil Fuels The term used to describe a combination of oil and petroleum-related businesses, fossil fuel has been continuously cited as being dangerous for the planet.
  • Importance of Mercury Water Pollution Problem Solutions The severity of the mercury contamination consequences depends on the age of the person exposed to the contamination, the way of contamination, the health condition, and many other factors.
  • The Impact of Atmospheric Pollution on Human Health and the Environment Atmospheric pollution is a set of environmental problems associated with releasing chemicals and accumulating concentrations of natural gases in the air.
  • Air Pollution and Vulnerability to Covid-19 In other words, the findings will be used as one of the key arguments for showing that air pollution is detrimental to both individual and societal health.
  • Technical Report Pollution in Cities of Trinidad Many people who live in the environment close to the dumping sites are exposed to the daily combustion of the refuse, coupled with the inhalation of the emissions from the combusted material.
  • Cultural Pollution in the Middle East The importance of the cultural patriarchal society suffers the whims of the feminist movement that has underscored the cultural values and roles of women.
  • Fundamentals of Air Pollution The components of secondary air pollution include ozone and nitrogen oxides. Smog occurs when “car exhausts are exposed to direct sunlight”.
  • The Reduction of Agricultural Nutrient Pollution: Possible Solutions The nutrients that are contained in fertilizer or manure may reach water basins and cause a dramatic increase in the populations of phytoplankton and algae.
  • The Perspectives of Pollution for International Business Turning to the society’s role in changing the unsustainable system, the most important part of the discussion is usually dedicated to the role-changing possibility in the governmental structure.
  • Pollution Problem: Sewage Spills in San Jose Water is a crucial element for all known forms of life to be able to live. Groundwater quality is essential for human consumption and social and economic activities.
  • Equipment to Monitor Pollution Emissions In assessing the situation, the vital aspects are: the quality of the decision, the commitment of the subordinates, the knowledge of the leader, the structure of the problem, the probability of subordinates’ commitment, sharing the […]
  • Global Plastic Pollution Problem and Its Drivers The primary challenge is the production and use of plastic products, which overwhelm the environment’s capacity to withstand. It cannot be burned because of air contamination, and the process of recycling equally results in plastic […]
  • Plastic Pollution and Its Consequences Water in vapor form is also a product of combusted carbon-rich molecules and forms part of the hydrosphere from where it is absorbed into the biosphere.
  • Newark Water Crisis: Water Pollution Problem The main problem was rooted in the fact that lead levels in the drinking water were highly elevated, which is dangerous and detrimental to the population’s health.
  • Pollution Caused by Plastic Materials However, it is important to note that regardless of the many pleasant and appealing uses of plastics, the numerous health problems and dangers presented to the environment are gruesome.
  • Pollution and Illegal Dumping in Chilliwack River Chilliwack River Watershed maintenance is under great pressure because of differing use of resources and activity, high demands for growth and recreation, and impacts to quality of water and riparian habitation from different water-use and […]
  • Simply Green Products Firm: Pollution Allegations The natural decomposition is the surety that the company to the environmentalist organizations and the citizens. There is considerable proof that the company has been the primary producer of the packaging materials for the orchards […]
  • Atmospheric Pollution Constituents A department dealing with the effects of atmospheric pollutants in the vicinity of an industrial complex has established a data table of measurements of a purity index Y on a scale of 0 to 1000 […]
  • Air Pollution: The Problem’ Review Indoor pollution and related conditions are a big burden to the already suffering world according to the reports of the world health organization that it’s the 8th most important risk factor and is perceived to […]
  • Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution In the law of torts, ‘harm’ is considered when there is physical invasion to a person there fore in the case there was no violation of this law as the secretary was not harmed by […]
  • Air Pollution in Middle East: Saudi Arabia The rate of air pollution in the world has increased gradually since the advent of the industrial revolution in the early 1800s.
  • Global Pollution and Climate Change Both of these works address the topic of Global pollution, Global warming, and Climate change, which are relevant to the current situation in the world.
  • Health Science: Pollution and Health The spill was apparently a result of the containing dam wall being weak and the ensuing heavy rains rapidly increased the volume of the contents resulting in breaking of the reservoir.
  • Noise Pollution: Best Practicable Means Magistrates’ Court identified Statutory Nuisance in the case and forwarded an abatement order against respondents along with a huge fine for their misconduct that led to noise pollution.
  • Public Policy Issue: Particle Pollution in Chicago Metropolitan Area The Chicago metropolitan area has been mentioned quite a number of times in American Lung Association’s State of the Air 2008, an annual report that grades the quality of the air across the different cities […]
  • Air Pollution and Health Issues in the US The industry of health care is closely connected to the industrial activities sector, which has the largest impact on the atmosphere through polluting the air, soil, and waters.
  • Air Pollution and Ecological Perspectives of the Atmosphere The major contributors to CO2, one of the main pollutants in the atmosphere, are the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
  • Pollution Is a Consistent Demolition of the Earth Pollution means the introduction into the environment of substances or energy that is liable to cause hazards to human health, harm to living resources and ecological systems, damage to structure or interfere with the legitimate […]
  • The Influence of Global Warming and Pollution on the Environment This essay is going to address global warming from a psychological point of view with an emphasis on the psychological and social reasons that make it important to tackle this problem which is threatening the […]
  • As China Roars, Pollution Reaches Deadly Extremes The idea is to harness the excess waters of the Yangtze River to replenish the Yellow River which perennially suffers from lack of water and the formation of silt.
  • Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Environmental management is dynamic and it is concurrent to the existing management strategies and agenda of the company. Statutes and legislations pertaining to environmental compliance enforce the need to implement environmental management and monitoring of […]
  • Earth’s Atmosphere and Natural Pollution The stratosphere is the next layer of the atmosphere and is from that 7 17 km range to about 30 km above the earth’s surface.
  • Water Pollution: OIL Spills Aspects The effects of the oil spill on a species of ducks called the Harlequin ducks were formulated and the author attempted to trace out the immediate and residual effects of the oil on the birds.
  • Atmospheric Pollution and Global Warming Green forests help in soaking the suspended particles in the air and thus clean the air for all of us to breathe.
  • Recurrent Pollution of the Tisza River of Hungary The Tisza basin is located almost precisely in the geographical center of Europe and crosses the near-future boundary of the European Union.
  • Marine Pollution: Sources, Types, Pathways, and Status By examining sources, types, pathways, and status of water contamination in the context of the World Ocean, it is clear that most marine pollution caused by human actions, especially the mismanagement of plastic debris.
  • The Public Perceptions of Air Pollution and Related Policies in London The primary questions for consideration are the public perceptions of air pollution and related policies in London and other cities of the United Kingdom, previous surveys regarding existing policies related to the environment or air […]
  • Concerns of Ocean Ecosystem Pollution The range of adverse outcomes for ocean ecosystems can be discussed in volumes; however, the current discussion will focus on trash in the ocean waters, acidification, and the disruption of the marine life cycles.
  • Food Distribution and Water Pollution Therefore, food distribution is one of the central reasons for water pollution. According to Greenpeace, one of the ways to improve the ecology of the planet is by creating healthy food markets.
  • How China Cuts Its Air Pollution 5, which is the smallest and one of the most harmful polluting particles, were 54 percent lower in the last quarter of 2017 as compared to the same period in 2016, specifically in Beijing.
  • Haze Pollution in China One of the outstanding aspects of pollution in the country is that the Chinese are highly desensitized and aware of issues surrounding this matter.
  • Pollution and Federal Environmental Policy Pollution continues to influence the flora and the fauna of the United States, as well as people in urban and even rural areas.
  • Plastic Pollution and Social Institutions The purpose of this paper is to investigate the political and economic barriers that hamper the efforts to reduce plastic pollution and discuss the ways in how they could be overcome.
  • Climate Change: Reducing Industrial Air Pollution One of the most effective measures of air quality in the USA is the Air Quality Index, which estimates air conditions by concentrations of such pollutants as particle solution, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, […]
  • Plastic Pollution From a Sociological Standpoint Wagner, as well as Miranda and de Carvalho-Souza, are in favor of increased recycling efforts to prevent more plastic from escaping into the sea.
  • Low Pollution Car Engine The following is a discussion on the introduction of the low pollution car engine and its benefits to the UAE. In addition, pollution and climate change will be a thing of the past.
  • Chemistry: Environmental Pollution in Hungary The acidification of water bodies leads to the death of numerous species that are susceptible to the presence of acid. Part of the problem is caused by the fact that Hungary is currently forced to […]
  • Environmental Pollution Analysis The author explains that the damaging alterations have become possible due to the use of a large number of pesticides in the area.
  • Coal Pollution in China as an Environmental Problem Thesis: Coal pollution in China has been a significant cause of environmental pollution-China being one of the largest coal producers in the world- therefore, necessitating the development of appropriate measures to reduce its severity.
  • The Deepwater Horizon Oil Platform Pollution The oil spillage in the sea can result to the death of sea animals as well as plants that thrive in the water because of the dangerous chemicals that are contained in the oil.
  • Air Pollution in the United Arab Emirates’ Cities In the article called Evaluating the Potential Impact of Global Warming on the UAE Residential Buildings, the author focuses on the negative consequences of global warming on the situation in the United Arab Emirates.
  • Advanced Pollution Prevention in the United States In the United States, the overview of the previous legislation shows that the government used to enforce measures that would deal with pollution control which occurred at the final stage of production processes. The Pollution […]
  • Environmental Pollution and Increased Birds Death The increase in the population of different animals may also cause the death of birds. This leads to the extinction of some animals and birds hence massive death.
  • Climate Change, Air Pollution, Soil Degradation Then followed by outdoor air pollution, soil degradation which can also be called as soil contamination, global overpopulation, drinking water pollution, nuclear waste build-up, disappearing of the water supplies, indoor air pollution, depletion of the […]
  • Air Pollution in Washington State and Healthy Living of People The problem of air pollution is closely related to the issue of the energy supply of the US. Due to the high level of air pollution in Washington state, there is a growing threat to […]
  • Podocnemis Lewyana: Habitat Loss, Overfishing and Pollution The second factor is overhunting, which in the case of Magdalena River Turtle leads to the inability of these animals to locate food.
  • Pollution in the San Francisco Bay The rivers provide fresh water for domestic use to many civilians, and it is apparent that the authorities have given the power plant the freedom to test the quantity of chemicals in the waste water.
  • Water Pollution and Associated Health Risks The results of plenty of studies indicate the existence of the relation between the contamination of water by hazardous chemicals and the development of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, cancer, asthma, allergies, as well as reproductive […]
  • Lake Erie Water Pollution There are worries among the members of the community that the lake could be facing another episode of high toxicity, and they have called for the authorities to investigate the main causes of the pollution […]
  • Environmental Pollution and Green Policies Although various scholars are of the view that green technology reduces the level of pollution, adequate research on the use of this form of technology needs to be conducted so as to fully contain environmental […]
  • Air Pollution as the Trigger of the Ecological Catastrophe The key data collection tool is a survey that is targeted at determining the main factors of air pollution, finding out the social opinion regarding the quality of air in different cities, and estimating the […]
  • Agricultural Nutrient Pollution and Its Reduction The solutions that have been proposed for the issue are varied: there is the possibility of upgrading farms with the help of better technologies, controlling the use of fertilizers and waste discharge with the help […]
  • Air Pollution Impact on Children’s Health in the US In these parts of the country, the level of air pollution is much higher. Nevertheless, the growing number of vehicles in the United States contributes to air pollution.
  • Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Health Effects It emphasizes the fact that air contamination has a negative influence on the health of the representatives of the general public.
  • Nebraska Pollution Prevention Project The article is about Nebraska’s Partners in Pollution Prevention program and the benefits it has brought to the state in the reduction of pollution caused by small businesses.
  • Water Pollution in the US: Causes and Control Although water pollution can hardly be ceased entirely, the current rates of water pollution can be reduced by resorting to the sustainable principle of water use in both the industrial area and the realm of […]
  • Importance of Water in Economics: Uses, Pollution, and Sustainable Growth Some of the water is found in the continents’ rivers, lakes and in the subsurface. This research tries to explain the importance of water especially in an economist’s perspective by explaining the uses of water […]
  • Air Pollution in Los Angeles The escalation of congestion in the city has worsened the problem of air pollution because of the volume of unhealthy air emitted in the atmosphere.
  • Noise Pollution: Urban Traffic Noise Besides these two, noise also has an effect on the learning of an individual so that it distracts the individual in a way that s/he is not able to learn, as would be the case […]
  • Environmental Revolution: Air Pollution in China For instance, a case study of the current pollution levels in China reveals that the country is struggling with the management of hazy weather.
  • Environmental Behavior and Air Pollution in Ohio Once people become aware of the harmful effects of air pollution on the environment and health, it is likely that they will adopt positive behaviors, reduce behaviors and activities that contribute to air pollution and […]
  • Pollution of the Ganges and Its Main Factors The Ganges is one of the most important rivers in the history of humanity as well as in the life of Indian people.
  • Pollution Externalities Role in Management Economics The externality is detrimental to the health of U. The Federal government is the U.S.has moved fast to limit the number of emissions from the factories and industries.
  • Marine Pollution and the Anthropogenic Effects Upon It Marine pollution denotes the introduction of harmful materials or chemicals in our oceans which may disrupt the marine ecosystem, cause other harmful effects to marine life or change the chemical properties of the water.
  • The New York City Air Pollution As the reports say, the state of health of some of the New York residents has grown increasingly worse, mostly due to the air pollution and the diseases that it has triggered.
  • Air Pollution Effects on the Health and Environment According to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, there are six principal air pollutants, the excess of which critically affects the health, lifestyle, and welfare of the population. Still, to my mind, the priority should […]
  • Environmental Justice and Air Pollution in Canada One of the best ways is to explain that air pollution is a major contributor to the burgeoning problem of global warming.
  • Big Coal and the Natural Environment Pollution The book’s thesis is the hidden adverse effects of coal as a source of energy to the livelihood of human beings in the contemporary world.
  • Principles of Air Pollution Control and Analysis The increased attention to air quality is a recent development as people were previously not concerned about the quality of air in the atmosphere.
  • New York City Air Pollution Problem One positive impact of technological advancements on the environment in New York is the ability to provide communication options that are friendly to the environment.
  • China’s Air Pollution Problem The fact that we do not know the rate at which the economy is slowing down denotes that we cannot tell the rate at which air pollution in the country is reducing and those who […]
  • Hudson River Pollution Concerns
  • Pollution and Human Health
  • Business and Pollution Inequality in Poor States
  • China’s Air Pollution Is Not Unique
  • Water Pollution and Its Challenges
  • An Investigation of Green Roofs to Mitigate Air Pollution With Special Reference to Tehran, Iran
  • Air Pollution: Human Influence on Environment
  • Water Pollution Sources, Effects and Control
  • Issues in Non-Point Source Pollution
  • Air Pollution Sources in Houston
  • Pollution Prevention in the Industrial Production
  • Pollution Caused by Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Means to Prevent It
  • Air Pollution: Public Health Impact
  • Solutions to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Watershed Pollution Problem
  • Environmental Impacts of Air Pollution
  • Pollution and Neglect in America
  • Pollution in Beijing, China
  • Nitrate and Phosphate Pollution of Freshwater Ecosystem: Sources, Impacts and Cost Effective Measurements
  • Automobile Pollution in the US
  • How Mechanical Engineering Used to Prevent and Fix Oil Pollution
  • Technologies for Reduction of Automobile Pollution
  • “Water and Pollution” Class Game
  • Water in Crisis: Public Health Concerns in Africa
  • Does Air Pollution in Schools Influence Student Performance?
  • Regulation and Management of Haze Pollution in Canada
  • Air Pollution Characteristics and Effect
  • Impact of Blowing Drums on Air Pollution
  • The System for Pollution Offsets
  • The Nature of Nonpoint Pollution Control Problem
  • Air and Water Pollution
  • Health Hazard of Noise Pollution
  • Fossil Fuels Subsidies and the Impact of Pollution on Health and Lifetime Earnings
  • Causes of Water Pollution and the Present Environmental Solution
  • Water Pollution & Diseases (Undeveloped Nations)
  • Environmental Pollution in Canada
  • Water and Water Pollution in Point of Economics’ View
  • Environmental Justice Issues Affecting African Americans: Water Pollution
  • Air Pollution Effects on the Health in China
  • The Pollution Within: Foreign Substances in the Human Body
  • Air Pollution and Its Consequences
  • The Problem of Atmospheric Pollution in Modern World
  • Four Marketing Practices That Cause Noise Pollution
  • Air Pollution by Automobiles
  • Air and Water Pollution in Los Angeles
  • Tehran Chokes and Blames Severe Pollution on US Sanctions
  • Water Pollution Causes and Climate Impacts
  • The Case of PBC Pollution in Hudson River
  • Climate and Air Pollution
  • Urban Pollution – Many Long Years Ago
  • Water Pollution Origins and Ways of Resolving
  • Can Pollution Rights Trading Effectively Control Environmental Problems?
  • A Discussion of Air Pollution & Related Health Implications on the Community
  • Car Pollution in Moscow
  • What Causes Air Pollution and What Effect Does It Have on People?
  • Why Air Pollution Can Harm the Environment Dramatically?
  • What Are the Sources of Air Pollution?
  • Does Air Pollution Affect Health and Medical Insurance Cost in the Elderly?
  • What Are the Causes and Effects of Water Pollution in Lake Huron?
  • What Causes Water Pollution and Its Effects?
  • What Can the Public Do to Curb Pollution?
  • Will COVID-19 Containment and Treatment Measures Drive Shifts in Marine Litter Pollution?
  • Does Inequality Matter Air Pollution and Health Relationship?
  • Why Environmental Management May Yield No-Regret Pollution Abatement Options?
  • How Can Be Organised Curbing Environmental Pollution Through Recycling?
  • What Will the Effects Be if We Don’t Stop Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans?
  • Does Air Pollution Crowd Out Foreign Direct Investment Inflows?
  • Does Off-Farm Employment Contribute to Agriculture-Based Environmental Pollution?
  • Does Environmental Pollution Affect Metropolitan Housing Prices?
  • Does Financial Instability Increase Environmental Pollution in Pakistan?
  • What Are the Leading Factors of Water Pollution Around the World?
  • What King of Cost-Effective Control Strategies for Energy-Related Transboundary Air Pollution in Western Europe?
  • Which Firms Are More Sensitive to Public Disclosure Schemes for Pollution Control?
  • What Are the Kinds of Water Pollution?
  • Does Air Pollution Affect Consumption Behavior?
  • What Are the Causes and Effects of Water Pollution?
  • Does Animal Feeding Operation Pollution Hurt Public Health?
  • Does Industry Self-Regulation Reduce Pollution?
  • Will Pollution Free Cars Become a Reality of the Near Future?
  • Who Pays for Industrial Pollution Abatement?
  • Does Trade Promote Environmental Coordination of Pollution in International Rivers?
  • Who Suffers From Indoor Air Pollution?
  • What Are the Main Ways to Reduce Pollution?
  • What Causes Haze Pollution?
  • Environment Research Topics
  • Global Warming Essay Titles
  • Climate Change Titles
  • Water Issues Research Ideas
  • Deforestation Research Ideas
  • Hazardous Waste Essay Topics
  • Extinction Research Topics
  • Environmentalism Essay Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 261 Pollution Essay Topics & Essay Examples.

"261 Pollution Essay Topics & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '261 Pollution Essay Topics & Essay Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "261 Pollution Essay Topics & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "261 Pollution Essay Topics & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "261 Pollution Essay Topics & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

Solutions to Plastic Pollution Essay: Tips and Ideas on How to Beat Plastic Pollution

Published by team sy on september 15, 2023.

Solutions to Plastic Pollution Essay:  On 5 June 2023, World Environment Day will shed light on addressing plastic pollution as part of its campaign, #BeatPlasticPollution. The global community is grappling with an overwhelming influx of plastic materials, posing a significant challenge to our environment. Plastic pollution is a serious environmental problem that affects millions of people and animals around the world. It also contributes to climate change, biodiversity loss, and human health issues. But what are some solutions to plastic pollution? How can we reduce our plastic consumption and waste? What are some ways to prevent plastic pollution from reaching our oceans, landfills, and ecosystems? In this article, we will explore some of the most effective and innovative solutions to plastic pollution, and how you can implement them in your daily life. Whether you are a consumer, a business owner, a policy maker, or an activist, you will find some useful tips and ideas on how to tackle this global challenge.

Read about World Environment Day

Table of Contents

Solutions to Plastic Pollution Essay: 200 Words

Plastic pollution has become a global environmental crisis, with devastating effects on ecosystems and human health. To combat this issue, it is crucial to implement effective solutions that address the entire lifecycle of plastic. This essay explores some key strategies to tackle plastic pollution.

Reduce and Reuse:

The first step in mitigating plastic pollution is to minimize its production and consumption. Governments, industries, and individuals should promote the use of alternatives to single-use plastics, such as reusable bags, bottles, and packaging. Encouraging the adoption of a circular economy model will lead to reduced waste generation and resource conservation.

Improving recycling infrastructure and increasing awareness about proper recycling practices is essential. Governments should invest in advanced recycling technologies, while individuals and communities should be educated about sorting and recycling their plastic waste correctly. Promoting the use of recycled plastics in manufacturing processes will also help create a market for recycled materials.

Plastic Waste Management:

Efficient waste management systems are vital to prevent plastic from entering water bodies and ecosystems. Governments should invest in waste collection and treatment facilities, particularly in areas lacking proper infrastructure. Implementing strict regulations and penalties for illegal dumping and littering will discourage irresponsible disposal practices.

Innovation and Research:

Encouraging research and innovation in developing sustainable materials and packaging solutions is crucial. Governments, academia, and industries should collaborate to support research and development of biodegradable and compostable plastics. Investing in technology to capture and remove plastic waste from oceans and rivers can also make a significant impact.

Public Awareness and Education:

Raising public awareness about the consequences of plastic pollution is essential to drive behavioral change. Educational campaigns, community initiatives, and media outreach can help inform individuals about the environmental impact of plastic and motivate them to adopt eco-friendly practices.

Addressing plastic pollution requires a multi-faceted approach involving individuals, governments, industries, and researchers. By reducing plastic consumption, improving recycling practices, enhancing waste management systems, fostering innovation, and raising public awareness, we can combat this global crisis and protect our planet for future generations. It is crucial that we take action now to create a cleaner and healthier environment.

Attempt World Environment Day Quiz

Solutions to Plastic Pollution Essay: 300 Words

Plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, endangering ecosystems and human well-being. To address this crisis, it is crucial to implement comprehensive and innovative solutions. This essay explores key strategies to effectively combat plastic pollution and foster a sustainable future.

Legislation and Policy:

Governments play a vital role in combating plastic pollution by enacting stringent legislation and policies. They should impose bans or restrictions on single-use plastics, promote extended producer responsibility, and incentivize the use of sustainable alternatives. Additionally, implementing plastic import controls and promoting international cooperation can help prevent the transfer of plastic waste to developing countries.

Circular Economy Approach:

Transitioning to a circular economy model is crucial for reducing plastic pollution. This approach focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency. Governments and industries should encourage product design for durability, recyclability, and repairability. Furthermore, promoting the use of recycled plastics in manufacturing processes and developing efficient recycling infrastructure will contribute to a circular economy.

Innovative Technologies:

Investing in research and development of innovative technologies is essential to address plastic pollution effectively. Governments and private sectors should support the development of bioplastics derived from renewable sources, as well as advanced recycling technologies that can process complex plastic waste. Furthermore, exploring alternative materials and packaging solutions can help reduce plastic usage.

Education and Awareness:

Creating awareness and promoting education about the impacts of plastic pollution is crucial for long-term change. Educational campaigns, school programs, and community initiatives can inform individuals about sustainable practices and the importance of reducing plastic consumption. Encouraging responsible waste management and proper recycling practices through public awareness campaigns can significantly reduce plastic pollution.

Industry Collaboration and Responsibility:

Industries have a vital role to play in combating plastic pollution. Collaboration among manufacturers, retailers, and packaging industries is necessary to drive sustainable production and supply chain practices. Encouraging industry responsibility through certifications, labeling, and rewards for sustainable practices will promote the adoption of environmentally friendly alternatives and reduce plastic waste generation.

Plastic pollution requires a multi-faceted approach that combines legislative measures, circular economy principles, innovative technologies, education, and industry collaboration. By implementing these strategies, we can create a sustainable future with reduced plastic pollution. It is imperative that governments, industries, communities, and individuals come together to address this global crisis and safeguard our planet for generations to come.

Read about UN World Ocean Day

Solutions to Plastic Pollution Essay: 500 Words

Plastic pollution has reached alarming levels, posing a significant threat to our planet’s ecosystems and human health. To combat this crisis, it is imperative to adopt a comprehensive and holistic approach that encompasses various aspects of plastic production, consumption, and waste management. This essay examines a range of solutions aimed at mitigating plastic pollution and fostering a sustainable future.

Sustainable Product Design:

One of the primary solutions lies in reimagining product design to minimize plastic usage. Manufacturers should prioritize the development of sustainable packaging alternatives that are biodegradable, compostable, or made from recycled materials. By promoting eco-friendly product design, we can reduce the demand for single-use plastics and encourage the adoption of more sustainable options.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR):

Governments should enforce Extended Producer Responsibility policies, holding manufacturers accountable for the entire lifecycle of their products, including their proper disposal. This would incentivize companies to invest in recycling infrastructure, establish take-back programs, and design products for recyclability. EPR programs can help shift the burden of plastic waste management from taxpayers to producers, creating a more sustainable and circular economy.

Plastic Waste Management and Recycling:

Efficient waste management systems are crucial for preventing plastic pollution. Governments should invest in robust recycling infrastructure, including collection, sorting, and processing facilities. Furthermore, promoting the use of recycled plastics in manufacturing industries can help create a market for recycled materials and reduce the reliance on virgin plastic. Developing innovative recycling technologies capable of handling a broader range of plastics will also contribute to effective waste management.

Consumer Behavior and Awareness:

Empowering individuals through education and awareness campaigns is key to combating plastic pollution. By increasing public understanding of the environmental impact of plastic, encouraging responsible consumption habits, and promoting alternatives to single-use plastics, individuals can play an active role in reducing plastic waste. Governments, NGOs, and businesses should collaborate to conduct widespread awareness campaigns and provide resources for individuals to make informed choices.

Plastic Bans and Regulations:

Implementing targeted bans and regulations on single-use plastics can significantly reduce plastic pollution. Governments can prohibit or limit the use of plastic bags, straws, cutlery, and other non-essential plastic items. These measures encourage the adoption of reusable alternatives and stimulate innovation in sustainable packaging solutions. Additionally, governments should regulate the disposal of plastic waste, imposing strict penalties for littering and illegal dumping.

International Cooperation:

Plastic pollution is a global problem that requires international collaboration. Governments should work together to develop and implement global agreements to address the transboundary movement of plastic waste. Sharing best practices, technology transfer, and capacity building among countries can facilitate the adoption of effective plastic waste management strategies worldwide.

Tackling plastic pollution necessitates a holistic approach that encompasses sustainable product design, extended producer responsibility, efficient waste management, consumer education, regulatory measures, and international cooperation. By implementing these solutions, we can significantly reduce plastic pollution, preserve our ecosystems, and secure a sustainable future. It is essential for governments, businesses, communities, and individuals to unite in their efforts to combat plastic pollution and safeguard our planet for future generations.

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how to solve pollution problem essay

  • B2 Pollution Problems

B2 Pollution Problems

The essay for B2 First Writing Part 1 is always written for the teacher. It should be well organised, with an introduction, your opinions on the ideas given and an appropriate conclusion.

For this essay, you have been talking about the environment in your class. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the environment. Do you think these problems can be solved?

Write about:

1. transport 2. rivers and seas 3. energy at home

Write your article in  140-190  words in an appropriate style.

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You are required to produce two pieces of writing. The first piece is compulsory and will be an essay of 140-190 words. For the second, you can choose from an article, email/letter, essay, review or report (B2 First for schools the report is replaced with a story) of 140-190 words.

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  • B2 Book Review Video
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  • B2 Being a Celebrity
  • B2 Life Away
  • B2 Preventing Crime
  • B2 School Improvement
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  • School Canteen
  • B2 A School Trip to Italy
  • B2 An Important Day
  • B2 Forgetful Girl
  • The Hidden Beach
  • The Lost Photo
  • B2 IMDb Website Review
  • B2 Jurassic Park Book Review
  • B2 Mountain Bike Park
  • B2 Romeo and Juliet Play Review
  • B2 Ted Film Review
  • Scarlett Animation Review
  • B2 Berlin Travel Report
  • B2 Shops Report
  • B2 Visiting Places Report
  • B2 Birthday Party Letter
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You need to be able to understand a range of texts, including how they are organised and the opinions and attitudes expressed in them. The texts will be from sources familiar to you such as magazines, articles, fiction and advertisements, but targeted at the interests of students.

Students’ use of English will be tested by tasks which show how well they can control their grammar and vocabulary.

  • Use of English Part 1
  • Use of English Part 2
  • Use of English Part 3
  • Use of English Part 4
  • Reading Part 5
  • Reading Part 6
  • Reading Part 7

For this part, you practice vocabulary by using words with similar meanings, collocations, linking phrases, phrasal verbs, etc.

  • B2 First Use of English Video
  • Becoming Famous
  • Cycling Scheme
  • Film Stars and Music Celebrities
  • Going on a diet
  • Single or Mixed Sex Schools
  • The History of Football
  • The Poor and Less Fortunate
  • The Special Bus
  • Why do we need to play?

For this part, you practice grammar and vocabulary.

  • Better swimming
  • Cardboard Bike
  • Dealing with waste plastic
  • Drinking Water
  • Fit for Sports
  • Following Your Nose
  • Growing Bananas
  • Holiday with a Friend
  • Making Perfume
  • The Farm Trip
  • The Jobs Market
  • Tree Climbing
  • Weather Forecasting
  • Young Enterprise

For this part, you practice vocabulary word-building by changing different words using a base word.

  • Angel of Mercy
  • Fast Food Industry
  • Life on Other Planets
  • Music in Schools
  • Mystery Weekend Break
  • Pollution Problems
  • Understanding Time
  • Workforce on the Move

For this part,  you have to express a message in different ways showing flexibility and resource in the use of language.

  • B2 First Use of English Part 4
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 1
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 10
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 2
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 3
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 4
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 5
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 6
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 7
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 8
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 9

For this part, you practice how to understand the details of a text, including opinions and attitudes.

  • Cycling to India
  • Hottest Place on Earth
  • Living and Working in Another Country
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • The Wrestler who Wrote a Book

For this part, you practice how to understand the structure and follow the development of a text.

  • Benefits of Getting Fit
  • Our Polluted World

For this part, you practice how to find specific information in a text or texts.

  • Collecting Things
  • English Seaside Resorts
  • Teenage Summer Camps

how to solve pollution problem essay

Requires being able to follow and understand a range of familiar spoken materials, such as news programmes, public announcements and other sources, but targeted at the interests of the learners.

  • Speaking Part 1
  • Speaking Part 2
  • Speaking Part 3
  • Speaking Part 4
  • Listening Part 1
  • Listening Part 2
  • Listening Part 3
  • Listening Part 4

In this part you talk to the examiner about yourself and your life, e.g. your name, school, interests and future plans.

B2 Speaking Part 1 Exercise 1 B2 Speaking Part 1 Exercise 2 B2 Speaking Part 1 Exercise 3

In this part, you talk about two photos on your own which you have to compare for about 1 minute . After you have finished, your partner will be asked a short question about your photo. When your partner has spoken about their photos for about 1 minute , you will be asked a question about their photos.

B2 Speaking Part 2 Exercise 1

In this part you express ideas with your partner by looking at a discussion point that the examiner gives you.

This will be available soon.

In this part, you focus on general aspects of a topic with the examiner or you may involve your partner.

In this part, you will hear people talking in eight different situations.

Entertainment Short Conversations Talking about Sports

In this part, you will hear someone being interviewed.

Extreme Snowboarding Future Options Newly Published Book The Talent Show

In this part, you will hear five people talking about different things.

Demonstration Travel Worries

In this part, you will hear an interview.

Protecting the Environment Staying Healthy


  • Customs and Traditions
  • Entertainment and Leisure
  • Environmental and Nature
  • Future Jobs and Education
  • Identity and Well-being
  • Travel and Adventure

Customs and Traditions explores how we celebrate our cultural identity across the globe.

  • Christmas Hard Exercises
  • Story of Halloween
  • Valentine Message

Entertainment and Leisure explores how we spent our free time.

Environment and Nature explores the way humans and animals live, adapt and change on our planet.

  • Global Changes

Exploring how different societies create roles for people to develop their skills and knowledge.

  • Future Schools
  • Sport at School
  • School Rules
  • Fashion Design

Exploring how we learn and adjust to the world around us. .

  • Taking Risks
  • Natural Disasters

Exploring how we experience the world through our life journeys

  • Travelling around the World

Cambridge English exams are designed for learners at all levels from the pre-intermediate level Cambridge English: Key (KET) to the very advanced level Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE). These exams give candidates proof of their ability to use English in a wide variety of contexts, relevant to work, study and leisure activities.

A2 Key | B1 Preliminary | B2 First

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plastic production fractory

Plastic factories like this one in China are increasing production of virgin plastic, even as plastic pollution sweeps into the oceans in record volumes.

Plastic pollution is a huge problem—and it’s not too late to fix it

Correcting our plastic waste problem requires a fundamental change in thinking about how plastics are made, used, and discarded, two new studies say.

The global campaign to gain control of plastic waste is one of the fastest-growing environmental causes ever mounted. Yet it hasn’t been enough to make a dent in the growing tonnage of discarded plastic that ends up in the seas.

In the next 10 years, the waste that slides into waterways, and ultimately the oceans , will reach 22 million tons and possibly as much as 58 million tons a year. And that’s the “good” news—because that estimate takes into account thousands of ambitious commitments by government and industry to reduce plastic pollution.

Without those pledges, a business-as-usual scenario would be almost twice as bad. With no improvements to managing waste beyond what’s already in place today, 99 million tons of uncontrolled plastic waste would end up in the environment by 2030.

These two scenarios, the result of new research by an international team of scientists, are a far cry from the first global tally published in 2015, which estimated that an average of 8.8 million tons flow into the oceans annually. That was a figure so startling to the world when it was published five years ago, it helped invigorate the plastic trash movement.

Jenna Jambeck, the University of Georgia engineering professor who calculated that number, also came up with a vivid analogy to put it in context. It would be the equivalent of one dump truck tipping a load of plastic into the ocean every minute every day for a year. Jambeck is also part of the team that came up with the new calculations. But coming up with a new way to visualize 22 to 58 million tons proved a challenge.

“I don’t know. We’re getting into the realm of what’s incomprehensible,” she says. “How about a football stadium filled with plastic every day? Or enough plastic to cover Rhode Island or the country of Luxembourg ankle deep?”

Neither of these new analogies, while accurate, capture the magnitude of what’s at stake. (More: We're drowning in plastic—find out why. )

Like climate change, a lot rides on how the global community responds in the next couple of decades. And, though the parallels between the problem of plastic waste and climate change are obvious—both are rooted in oil, the basic ingredient to make plastics, they are dissimilar in one key way: plastic’s persistence. While there is some possibility, however remote, that technology and restoration of natural ecosystems could remove CO 2 from the atmosphere, there is no such analog for plastic. Virtually indestructible, it doesn’t disappear.

“For me, the biggest issue is the question of permanence,” says George Leonard , the Ocean Conservancy’s chief scientist and a member of the team that produced this newest forecast. “If we don’t get the plastic pollution problem in the ocean under control, we threaten contaminating the entire marine food web, from phytoplankton to whales. And by the time the science catches up to this, perhaps definitively concluding that this is problematic, it will be too late. We will not be able to go back. That massive amount of plastic will be embedded in the ocean’s wildlife essentially forever.”

The power of two

plastic pellets

Royal Dutch Shell will produce plastic pellets like these at its new plant in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. The plant will create more than a million tons of the tiny pellets. Many in the Pittsburgh area see it as an economic engine, but others worry about the long-term environmental harm.

The analysis is the second in recent weeks to look ahead to the future of the plastic economy and conclude that correcting the waste problem—40 percent of plastic manufactured today is disposable packaging—requires a fundamental change in thinking about how plastics are made, used, and discarded.

The new findings were made by a team of scientists funded by the National Science Foundation through the University of Maryland’s National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center ( SESYNC ). The other project, which looks ahead to 2040, was led by the Pew Charitable Trusts and SYSTEMIQ, a London-based environmental advisory and investment firm, and was first made public in July. Both studies were published together in the journal Science in September.

What’s unusual is that two independent scientific working groups, using differing methodologies and timelines, reached the same broad conclusions. Both laid blame for the rising tonnage of plastic in the seas on the growth of plastic production that is outpacing the world’s ability to keep up with collecting plastic trash. They also agreed that reducing surging waste requires reducing surging production of virgin plastic.

“The magnitude of the problem is the same. The difference is in methodology,” says Stephanie Borrelle, a marine biologist in New Zealand and lead author of the SESYNC study. “We have to do something about this and do it soon. Our annual count of leakage doesn’t account for what’s already in the oceans.”

Both projects also concluded that plastic waste could be significantly reduced, though not eliminated, using existing technologies. That includes improving waste collection and recycling, redesigning products to eliminate packaging made from unrecyclable plastics, expanding refillables, and in some cases substituting other materials. But solutions such as recycling, now globally hovering around 12 percent, would also require a massive scaling-up with many additional recycling facilities that don’t exist.

The SESYNC project also calls for cleaning up plastic waste from shorelines, where possible. To give an idea of the scale involved in achieving that goal, it would require a billion people to participate in the Ocean Conservancy’s annual beach cleanup that now attracts about one million volunteers.

“The inconvenient truth now is that this business-as-usual growth in production of new plastics is not compatible with ending plastics in nature,” says Ben Dixon, a former sustainability manager at Royal Dutch Shell and partner at SYSTEMIQ. “That’s the inconvenient truth both studies get to the heart of. We may see more pressures from investors, customers, and a changing of the world underneath the feet of these companies.”

Both projects captured the attention of the plastics industry, which was quick to praise the research, but dismissed the idea of reducing production of virgin plastic as “highly counterproductive and impractical,” in the words of the American Chemistry Council, a trade group for the petrochemical industry. In emailed responses, ExxonMobil and Dow Chemical, two of the world’s leading manufacturers of polyethylene, agreed.

“Reducing production to solve the waste problem will, in turn, aggravate the carbon and climate problem as alternative materials have higher emissions,” Dow said.

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The world’s nations agree to fix the plastic waste crisis

The manufacturing of plastic emits less CO2 and uses less water than for glass or aluminum. Some argue that such accounting doesn’t always factor in all the costs, such as environmental cleanup and weight. Glass manufacturing emits less CO2 per gram, but glass bottles are heavier. And, in the marine world, they say, it’s beside the point: Turtles eat plastic bags, not glass bottles and aluminum cans.

Todd Spitler, an Exxon spokesman, said the company’s focus will be on “increasing plastic recyclability, supporting improvements in plastic waste recovery and minimizing plastic pellet loss from our operations."

The SESYNC study calls for setting global limits on the production of virgin plastic, a recommendation unlikely to be realized. At the last United Nations Environmental Program meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2019, negotiations to pass a resolution calling for phasing out single-use plastic by 2025 and to draft a legally binding treaty on plastic debris ended in a stalemate.

The Pew/SYSTEMIQ study calls for reducing virgin production by 11 percent, arguing there is enough waste plastic that could be recycled and remade into new plastic to satisfy demand. The problem is that virgin plastic—new resin created from natural gas or oil—is so cheap to make that it undermines the economics of the recycling market. It is simply less expensive to manufacture new plastic than to collect, sort, and process disposable plastic into new feedstock. Especially now, with the collapse of oil prices. (Read more on the SYSTEMIQ study here.)

Plastic production to increase by 2050

In fact, production is forecast to more than double by 2050—increasing to 756 million tons anticipated in 2050 from 308 million tons produced in 2018, according to a report published by the American Chemistry Council in 2019. In the United States, $203 billion has been invested in 343 new or expanded chemical plants to produce plastics, according to ACC figures published last February. Production capacity for ethylene and propylene is projected to increase by 33 to 36 percent, according to an estimate by the Center for International Environmental Law.

Keith Christman , the ACC’s managing director of plastics markets, says the demand for plastic products, such as lightweight automobile parts and materials used in home construction, including insulation and water piping, is only going to grow.

“New technologies is the direction that we see the industry going,” he says.

Historically, plastic production has increased almost continuously since the 1950s, from 1.8 million tons in 1950 to 465 million tons in 2018. As of 2017, 7 billion of the 8.8 billion tons produced globally over that whole period have become waste.

The industry attributes future growth to two factors: the increasing global population and demands for more plastic consumer goods, fueled by the increasing buying power of a growing middle class. The UN projects that the world’s population, now about 7.8 billion, will add about two billion more by 2050, primarily in Asia and Africa. Globally, the middle class is anticipated to expand by 400 million households by 2039—and that is where the plastics market growth will occur.

Africa, to cite one example, shows the complications that lie ahead for gaining control of plastic waste in the coming decades. The continent today generates waste at a low rate by global standards, according to a UN report published last year. It also has limited environmental regulations, weak enforcement, and inadequate systems in place to manage waste. But as its population explodes and becomes more urban, and as buying habits change with higher standards of living, sub-Saharan Africa is forecast to become the dominant region producing municipal waste.

“Everyone is going to need to play a role along the whole value chain,” says Guy Bailey , a leading plastics analyst at Wood Mackenzie, a consulting firm specializing in energy, chemicals, mining and other research.

“If you are a recycler, it is difficult to make an investment when oil prices completely destroy the economics of your business. If you are a packing company, you are faced with so many choices of materials, it’s hard to know which to pick. If you are a chemical company, you clearly can see the reputational challenge. They risk losing their social license to operate if things go too far. They want to address those challenges.”

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste, founded last year by 50 industry titans, committed to investing $1.5 billion in creating solutions to improve methods for collecting plastic waste and recycling into new products. So far, it has launched 14 projects, many in Southeast Asia and Africa, including in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Ghana.

Jacob Duer, president and CEO, said the new report “reiterates the necessity and the urgency in addressing the issue and underlines the importance of a paradigm shift.”

As the organization, based in Singapore, matures, he says the number of projects and capital investment will grow. But it opposes reducing virgin plastic production.

Both Duer and Martyn Ticknet, head of the Alliance’s project development, see similarities between tackling plastic waste and global efforts to close the hole in the ozone layer that began in the 1970s. Last year the hole had shrunk to its smallest size on record since its discovery.

“We’ve solved major crises before,” Ticknet says. “It takes some time to get going.”

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Ocean Plastic Pollution—and Solutions to This Problem—Can Come in Many Forms

Innovation, collaboration, and bold policies can stop the flow and help restore marine health.

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Plastic pollution in the ocean is one of the greatest environmental challenges of our generation, visible throughout the ocean and along almost every coast in the world. Plastic has been found in hundreds of marine species, from whales to sea birds, and in some of the most remote places on Earth, from the Galapagos Islands to the Mariana trench and to the Arctic and Antarctic. And the problem is only getting worse.

Projected growth in plastic production and a growing global population are set to significantly increase the already-large flow of plastic  into our oceans in the coming years. The Pew Charitable Trusts is working on solutions to this mounting problem and will release a new analysis in the coming months with the goal of helping inform government and industry actions to address this immense challenge.

In partnership with SYSTEMIQ , the University of Oxford, the University of Leeds, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation , and Common Seas , Pew will present evidence-based pathways to reduce the flow of plastics in the ocean. Achieving that will not be easy and will require major shifts by many, from producers to waste managers, along with significant new investments and policy changes from government. But, as our analysis will show, by working together societies can significantly reduce the amount of plastic flowing into the ocean.


A closer look at plastics

Plastic products come in a variety of forms that make some easier to eliminate, substitute, or recycle than others. Solving the plastic pollution problem requires knowing what kinds of plastic are being produced and why. Below we look at several different categories of plastic, and how likely they are to be recycled.


Rigid monomaterial plastics

Rigid monomaterial items are made from a single plastic polymer that holds its shape. The most popular products include:

  • Soda, water, or milk bottles and cleaning product bottles.
  • Food service disposables such as takeaway boxes, cups and lids, cutlery, and stirrers.
  • Pots, tubs, and trays such as those used for yogurt, sandwiches, and meat in markets.
  • Packaging materials such as plastic pallets, crates, and bulk containers.
  • Household goods such as combs, buckets, and flip flops.

The good news is that the volume of rigid monomaterial items, many of which end up in the ocean, can be significantly reduced through elimination, reuse, new delivery models, or substitution with alternative materials, such as paper. Rigid monomaterial plastics also tend to be easier to recycle and, therefore, are the most commonly recycled plastic type today.

Flexible monomaterial plastics

These products are also made from a single polymer, but they don’t hold their shape. Some examples of flexible monomaterial plastic products are:

  • Plastic bags.
  • Packaging such as the clear bags around food items and six-pack rings.
  • Films, such as those used to wrap food, electronics, toys, and shipping pallets.

Flexible monomaterial plastic is often hard to recycle, partly because its low weight makes cost-effective collection and recycling difficult and partly because the plastic is often contaminated. However, reduction—through bans, incentives, packaging redesign, and reuse models—and substitution with alternative materials, such as paper, can help reduce flexible monomaterial plastic waste.


Multilayer/multimaterial plastics

These items, primarily used for packaging, are typically made of a mix of plastic and nonplastic materials such as laminated paper and aluminum or different types of polymers. Examples include:

  • Sachets, individual packets typically used for condiments, shampoo, pet food, instant coffee, and other household items, as well as chips, cookies, and candy.
  • Toothpaste and cosmetics tubes.
  • Laminated drink cartons.
  • Pens, cigarette filters, and toys.
  • Hygiene products such as diapers.

Some of these products could be eliminated and replaced by new delivery models or alternative packaging materials, while others could be redesigned using monomaterial plastics so that they can be more readily recycled.

The plastic economy is complex, diverse, and wasteful, contributing mightily to ocean pollution. Simplifying and changing this economy—from production and supply chains to point-of-sale options and recycling—could significantly boost efficiency in use of resources and generate far less waste.

Accomplishing that begins with eliminating as many single-use plastic products as possible, including by replacing them with renewable and biodegradable materials where feasible, and by prolonging the useful life of some items through reuse and new delivery models. Next steps should include a concerted effort to redesign products to maximize usable life and recyclability, shift to sustainable alternative materials, and eliminate the use of hard-to-recycle and toxic plastics.

The volume of plastic both in and flowing into the ocean might seem overwhelming, but it’s a problem that can be solved.

Winnie Lau is a senior officer and Sarah Baulch is a senior associate with The Pew Charitable Trusts’ preventing ocean plastics project.

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Essay on Environmental Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solution

Profile image of Nagaraj Shervegar N

Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful pollutants into the environment. The major types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, soil pollution and light pollution. Deforestation and hazardous gaseous emissions also leads to environmental pollution. During the last 10 years, the world has witnessed severe rise in environmental pollution. We all live on planet earth, which is the only planet known to have an environment, where air and water are two basic things that sustain life. Without air and water the earth would be like the other planets – no man, no animals, no plants. The biosphere in which living beings have their sustenance has oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon and water vapor. All these are well balanced to ensure and help a healthy growth of life in the animal world. This balance does not only help the life-cycles of animals and plants, but it also creates the perennial sources of minerals and energies without which the human civilization of today could not be built. It is for this balance that the human life and other forms of existence have flourished on earth for so many thousands of years. But man, as the most intelligent animal, never stopped being inquisitive, nor was he content with the bounties of nature. His quest for knowledge and search for security succeeded in exploring newer and wider avenues of mysteries that remained baffling so long. Man's excursions into the darkest regions of mysteries laid foundations for the stupendous civilization, for the conquests of men had ensured their domination in their world and gave them a key to control all the forces in nature. With the dawn of the age of science and technology, there has been huge growth and development of human potentials. And, it is here that man first began losing control and became prisoner of his own creations. Sources and Causes The sources and causes of environmental pollution includes the following: • Industrial activities: The industries all over the world that brought prosperity and affluence, made inroads in the biosphere and disturbed the ecological

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Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of any substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or energy (such as radioactivity, heat, sound, or light). Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Although environmental pollution can be caused by natural events, the word pollution generally implies that the contaminants have an anthropogenic source – that is, a source created by human activities. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. In 2015, pollution killed nine million people worldwide (one in six deaths). This remained unchanged in 2019, with little real progress against pollution being identifiable. Air pollution accounted for ¾ of these earlier deaths.Major forms of pollution include air pollution, light pollution, litter, noise pollution, plastic pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, visual pollution, and water pollution.

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Md. Hasib Uddin

Md. H A S I B Uddin

Introduction:-Now a days, environmental pollution is a major cause for concern, not only for us, but also for the whole mankind. In the last century, the rise of this menace assumed so gigantic that it has cast its melancholic shadow on nature itself. The diminishing ozone ionosphere leading to global warming and the unpredictable seasonal variations are some of the adverse effects of worldwide environmental pollution that are threatening to the existence of human beings on this planet.

International Journal of Natural Disasters & Health Security (IJNHS) SciDoc Publishers

Pollution induces harmful effects on environment and health security. Main deep causes will be analyzed including natural disasters like volcanoes eruption, climate change as well as and men-caused disasters which are nuclear explosions and dioxin sprays.

Prof.Dr.Suaad AL-Taai

The importance of the environmental pollution lies in its great impact on human life and the surrounding environment. In addition to its disastrous results that extend for many years, it contributes to crystallize the life of man, animal, and plant. The research discusses the concept of environmental pollution, and all the undesirable changes that occur in the environment. It sheds light on the causes of pollution, especially radiation and chemical types result from cars, fumes, gases, smoke and industrial wastes, which included liquid, solid wastes and others. It emphasizes air pollution, its causes, sources, and effects on humans, animals, plants, and the weather. It has a major role in making a foremost change in temperatures degree. Conceivably, the waste is extremely dangerous, and the smoke, fumes, toxins and unpleasant odors of factories and cars cause a fuel combustion with all its preventive measures and procedures. There is no doubt that the expansion of transportation means will negatively affect the percentage of environmental pollution. The research debates the most important factors and causes of water pollution due to throwing liquid and solid wastes into rivers and lakes. The causes of soil and plant pollution can be linked to the use of large quantities of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which affect the quality of agricultural crops and reduces their fertility. They contribute to the loss of their beneficial organic materials, which harmfully disturbs the life of both humans and animals.

IJERA Journal

Environment Pollution is one of the greatest problems today which is increasing with every passing year and causing crucial and severe damage to the earth. It has become a real problem since the beginning of the industrial revolution. It is the contamination of physical and biological components of the Earth / atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes are harmed. Pollution of the environment consists of five main types of pollution, namely air, water, soil, noise and light. Development activities such as construction, transport and manufacturing not only deplete natural resources, but also produce large quantities of waste which leads to air pollution, water, soil and the oceans; global warming and acid rain. This paper provides the insight view about the affects of environment pollution in the perspective of air pollution, water and land/ soil waste pollution on human and also provide the ways to save the environment with all these pollution.

Earth is the only known planet which supports life. The environment of earth has made the existence, growth and development of all living beings possible. The word "environment" means surroundings. The environment is polluted in various ways. The dictionary explains pollutions as "The presence dictionary explains pollutions as "The presence in or introduction into the environment of substance which has harmful or poisonous effect." Pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in our surroundings that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings. This occurs when only short-term economic gains are made at the cost of the long-term ecological benefits for humanity. No natural phenomenon has led to greater ecological changes than have been made by mankind. During the last few decades we have contaminated our air, water and land on which life itself depends with a variety of waste products. Pollutants: include solid, liquid or gaseous substances present in greater than natural abundance produced due to human activity, which have a detrimental effect on our environment. The nature and concentration of a pollutant determines the severity of detrimental effects on human health. An average human requires about 12 kg of air each day, which is nearly 12 to15 times greater than the amount of food we eat. Thus even a small concentration of pollutants in the air becomes more significant in comparison to the similar levels present in food. Pollutants that enter water have the ability to spread to distant places especially in the marine ecosystem.

Siniša Franjić

The environment is everything that surrounds us. The environment is subject to constant changes that can be caused by natural factors such as soil erosion, earthquakes, floods, fires, and anthropogenic factors such as urbanization, industry, traffic, population growth, the accumulation of waste, and others. Due to the ubiquitous interaction of man in the environment, most often without respecting the natural rhythm in nature, man changes the environment with a harmful effect on biological and landscape diversity and often with negative consequences for human health and quality of life. By neglecting the environment in favor of economic growth and development, man has changed the environment more than any other biological species in a relatively short time with such irresponsible behavior. The consequences of such actions are unsustainable and call into question the future of that same environment. Therefore, protecting and preserving the environment in all spheres of life and work on the basis of sustainability becomes the biggest challenge for modern man and society as a whole.


Developmental activities such as construction, transportation and manufacturing not only deplete the natural resources but also produce large amount of wastes that leads to pollution of air, water, soil, and oceans, global warming and acid rains. Untreated or improperly treated waste is a major cause of pollution of rivers and environmental degradation causing ill health and loss of crop productivity. In this research paper a study is undertaken about the major causes of pollution, their effects on our environment and the various measures that can be taken to control such pollutions

Pureheart Irikefe

sadguru prakash

The word environmental pollution basically describes pollution related to air, water and soil ecosystem, that is directly and indirectly affect lives on earth. Climate change is a serious subject to talk regards damaging species in ocean that took a part of environmental disturbance. The main reasons behind disturbing ecosystem and harming natural beauty of environment are anthropogenic activities. To fulfil own desires, human beings are exploiting natural resources unexpectedly and ultimately damaging ecosystem via polluting air, water and soil systems. Present article’s main focus is on the different environmental pollution and its impact on lives of plant.

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Band 7+: Problems with environmental pollution have become so serious that many countries are trying to solve these problems. Suggest possible solutions and give your own opinion.

In recent years, environmental issues have become common and severe in many countries. This essay will explore some of these problems and propose suitable solutions.

There are numerous problems with our environment in today’s world. One of these is deforestation, which includes the cutting down of millions of trees. Trees, which are beneficial for human life, releasing a vast amount of oxygen that humans need and absorbing a huge amount of carbon dioxide that humans do not need, are cut down within deforestation processes. As a consequence, many countries can be damaged by a shortage of fresh air and a huge amount of dust. To tackle this issue, the governments can take steps by prohibiting logging companies and giving them several punishments.

Another considerable problem concerning the environment is carbon emissions. These hazardous elements are emitted from cars and vehicle pipes, and then these fumes are raised to the atmosphere layer, causing possible natural disasters such as acid rain. This type of rain involves hazardous elements for people’s health in its every drop as well as damaging our delicate environment. To mitigate this issue, the governments could offer alternative hybrid transports after increasing the cost of fuel, as it triggers quite troubles for people, without being unaffordable. These cars and vehicles use electricity instead of fuel, without damaging our surroundings.

In conclusion, although there are deforestation and transport issues, the governments can take steps to alleviate these problems by prohibiting logging companies and proposing alternative cars and vehicles.

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In recent years, environmental issues have become common and severe in many countries. This essay will explore some of these problems and propose suitable solutions. There are numerous problems with our environment in today’s world. One of which is deforestation, including to be cutting down of millions of trees. Trees – which are beneficial for […]

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How Can We Reduce Plastic Pollution?

Plastic is incredibly useful in modern life, but its widespread use may impair human sustainability. The production and disposal of plastic generates greenhouse gases and hazardous waste. Plastic and the chemicals it emits are building up on land and in oceans, lakes, rivers, ice, and air, and the resulting damage to human and ecological health is currently poorly understood. Most plastic is not recyclable and the vast majority does not biodegrade. Further, plastic products often break down into very small fragments called microplastics that can pollute ecosystems and harm organisms.

Why Plastic Pollution Is a Problem

Plastic is everywhere, from bags and single-use bottles and packages to car parts, pipes, and siding. Likewise, plastic waste is ubiquitous . It has been found, for example, in Arctic sea ice , beer , farm soil , trout and other wild freshwater fish , shrimp and other shellfish , songbirds and seabirds , human placentas , the Great Pacific Garbage Patch , midoceanic atolls , sea caves , the air and rain , and national parks and wilderness areas . While the impact of plastic pollution on sea life is well documented, scientists are just beginning to measure plastic's effects on humans and human fertility , land ecosystems , and crops and other plants .

The United States alone generated 35.7 million tons of plastic waste in 2018. Of that, 27 million tons was landfilled, 5.6 million tons incinerated, and three million tons, or 8.7 percent may have been recycled. (Some reports suggest that plastic scrap shipped abroad for recycling may instead end up in landfills and waterways.)

Researchers estimate that nearly 7,000 million tons of virgin plastic have been manufactured around the world as of 2015. Of that, 9 percent may have been recycled, 12 percent has been incinerated, and the rest is in landfills, still in use, or in our environment. Globally, about one fourth of plastic waste is never collected . In less wealthy countries, waste plastic is sometimes burned in the open, releasing toxic chemicals into the air.

What is plastic made of?

The main ingredients in plastic come from oil and natural gas processing . Different molecules are used to make different types of plastic, giving them distinctive properties and chemical structures. Manufacturers also mix in additives to give specific products their desired qualities. These chemicals, such as colorants, plasticizers, flame-retardants, stabilizers, fillers, reinforcing fibers, and biocides sometimes contain hazardous substances, including lead, arsenic, and cadmium compounds, as well as BPA .

Caltech chemists and their colleagues are designing molecules and nanoscale catalytic devices that may make it possible to produce plastic from chemicals derived from carbon dioxide rather than fossil fuels, with the goal of reducing the climate impact of plastic manufacturing .

What types of plastic can be recycled?

Many consumer plastic products are imprinted with triangular recyclable symbols . But only two kinds of plastic commonly end up recycled : #1, PET or polyethylene terephthalate, and #2, HDPE or high-density polyethylene, and within those, usually only bottles, tubs, and jugs (generally not, for example, salad containers, berry boxes, or clamshell packages). Together, these account for a small fraction of all plastic waste .

Plastics that are recyclable are typically downcycled rather than fully recycled. This means that they are turned into products of lesser value that often cannot be recycled again. When plastic waste is turned into a more valuable product, such as clothing or shoes, that is called upcycling.

Recycling results in a product of equivalent value that can be recycled multiple times. However, the number of times a plastic can be effectively recycled is currently limited.

Recycling Innovation

Chemical recycling is an emerging method that chemists are trying to develop. It would break plastics down into their basic, raw materials, sometimes through the use of customized enzymes , so that they can be remade and recycled an infinite number of times. Using similar approaches, polymers that are more difficult to recycle could potentially be turned into biodegradable compounds and used in cleaning products.

Because different types of plastics have varying properties, plastic products need to be sorted before they can be recycled. Some packaging, usually used to keep food fresh, cannot be sorted or recycled because it is made from layers of different types of plastic. Scientists are working on solvents that could separate multilayer packaging into its component polymers, which could then be used instead of new plastic. Others are making molecules that would allow multiple types of polymers to mix and still create viable recycled materials.

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Plastic water bottle production

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Saving Earth | Encyclopedia Britannica

The Pollution Problem

how to solve pollution problem essay

Pollution , also called environmental pollution , the addition of any substance ( solid , liquid , or gas ) or any form of energy (such as heat , sound, or radioactivity ) to the environment at a rate faster than it can be dispersed, diluted, decomposed, recycled, or stored in some harmless form. The major kinds of pollution, usually classified by environment, are air pollution , water pollution , and land pollution . Modern society is also concerned about specific types of pollutants, such as noise pollution , light pollution , and plastic pollution . Pollution of all kinds can have negative effects on the environment and wildlife and often impacts human health and well-being.

different types of pollution

History of pollution

Although environmental pollution can be caused by natural events such as forest fires and active volcanoes , use of the word pollution generally implies that the contaminants have an anthropogenic source—that is, a source created by human activities. Pollution has accompanied humankind ever since groups of people first congregated and remained for a long time in any one place. Indeed, ancient human settlements are frequently recognized by their wastes— shell mounds and rubble heaps, for instance. Pollution was not a serious problem as long as there was enough space available for each individual or group. However, with the establishment of permanent settlements by great numbers of people, pollution became a problem, and it has remained one ever since.

By the middle of the 20th century, an awareness of the need to protect air, water, and land environments from pollution had developed among the general public.

Cities of ancient times were often noxious places, fouled by human wastes and debris. Beginning about 1000 CE, the use of coal for fuel caused considerable air pollution , and the conversion of coal to coke for iron smelting beginning in the 17th century exacerbated the problem. In Europe, from the Middle Ages well into the early modern era, unsanitary urban conditions favoured the outbreak of population-decimating epidemics of disease, from plague to cholera and typhoid fever . Through the 19th century, water and air pollution and the accumulation of solid wastes were largely problems of congested urban areas. But, with the rapid spread of industrialization and the growth of the human population to unprecedented levels, pollution became a universal problem.

By the middle of the 20th century, an awareness of the need to protect air, water, and land environments from pollution had developed among the general public. In particular, the publication in 1962 of Rachel Carson ’s book Silent Spring focused attention on environmental damage caused by improper use of pesticides such as DDT and other persistent chemicals that accumulate in the food chain and disrupt the natural balance of ecosystems on a wide scale. In response, major pieces of environmental legislation, such as the Clean Air Act (1970) and the Clean Water Act (1972; United States), were passed in many countries to control and mitigate environmental pollution.

Pollution control

The presence of environmental pollution raises the issue of pollution control . Great efforts are made to limit the release of harmful substances into the environment through air pollution control, wastewater treatment , solid-waste management , hazardous-waste management , and recycling . Unfortunately, attempts at pollution control are often surpassed by the scale of the problem, especially in less-developed countries . Noxious levels of air pollution are common in many large cities, where particulates and gases from transportation , heating, and manufacturing accumulate and linger. The problem of plastic pollution on land and in the oceans has only grown as the use of single-use plastics has burgeoned worldwide. In addition, greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane and carbon dioxide , continue to drive global warming and pose a great threat to biodiversity and public health .

plastic pollution in the ocean

Written by Jerry A. Nathanson , Professor of Engineering, Union County College, Cranford, New Jersey.

Top image credit: ©Vladimir Melnik/Fotolia

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Air Pollution: Current and Future Challenges

Despite dramatic progress cleaning the air since 1970, air pollution in the United States continues to harm people’s health and the environment. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA continues to work with state, local and tribal governments, other federal agencies, and stakeholders to reduce air pollution and the damage that it causes.
  • Learn about more about air pollution, air pollution programs, and what you can do.

Outdoor air pollution challenges facing the United States today include:

  • Meeting health-based standards for common air pollutants
  • Limiting climate change
  • Reducing risks from toxic air pollutants
  • Protecting the stratospheric ozone layer against degradation

Indoor air pollution, which arises from a variety of causes, also can cause health problems. For more information on indoor air pollution, which is not regulated under the Clean Air Act, see EPA’s indoor air web site .

Air Pollution Challenges: Common Pollutants

Great progress has been made in achieving national air quality standards, which EPA originally established in 1971 and updates periodically based on the latest science. One sign of this progress is that visible air pollution is less frequent and widespread than it was in the 1970s.

However, air pollution can be harmful even when it is not visible. Newer scientific studies have shown that some pollutants can harm public health and welfare even at very low levels. EPA in recent years revised standards for five of the six common pollutants subject to national air quality standards. EPA made the standards more protective because new, peer-reviewed scientific studies showed that existing standards were not adequate to protect public health and the environment.

Status of common pollutant problems in brief

Today, pollution levels in many areas of the United States exceed national air quality standards for at least one of the six common pollutants:

  • Although levels of particle pollution and ground-level ozone pollution are substantially lower than in the past, levels are unhealthy in numerous areas of the country. Both pollutants are the result of emissions from diverse sources, and travel long distances and across state lines. An extensive body of scientific evidence shows that long- and short-term exposures to fine particle pollution, also known as fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ), can cause premature death and harmful effects on the cardiovascular system, including increased hospital admissions and emergency department visits for heart attacks and strokes. Scientific evidence also links PM to harmful respiratory effects, including asthma attacks. Ozone can increase the frequency of asthma attacks, cause shortness of breath, aggravate lung diseases, and cause permanent damage to lungs through long-term exposure. Elevated ozone levels are linked to increases in hospitalizations, emergency room visits and premature death. Both pollutants cause environmental damage, and fine particles impair visibility. Fine particles can be emitted directly or formed from gaseous emissions including sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides. Ozone, a colorless gas, is created when emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds react.  
  • For unhealthy peak levels of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide , EPA is working with states and others on ways to determine where and how often unhealthy peaks occur. Both pollutants cause multiple adverse respiratory effects including increased asthma symptoms, and are associated with increased emergency department visits and hospital admissions for respiratory illness. Both pollutants cause environmental damage, and are byproducts of fossil fuel combustion.  
  • Airborne lead pollution, a nationwide health concern before EPA phased out lead in motor vehicle gasoline under Clean Air Act authority, now meets national air quality standards except in areas near certain large lead-emitting industrial facilities. Lead is associated with neurological effects in children, such as behavioral problems, learning deficits and lowered IQ, and high blood pressure and heart disease in adults.  
  • The entire nation meets the carbon monoxide air quality standards, largely because of emissions standards for new motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act.

In Brief: How EPA is working with states and tribes to limit common air pollutants

  • EPA's air research provides the critical science to develop and implement outdoor air regulations under the Clean Air Act and puts new tools and information in the hands of air quality managers and regulators to protect the air we breathe.  
  • To reflect new scientific studies, EPA revised the national air quality standards for fine particles (2006, 2012), ground-level ozone (2008, 2015), sulfur dioxide (2010), nitrogen dioxide (2010), and lead (2008). After the scientific review, EPA decided to retain the existing standards for carbon monoxide.  EPA strengthened the air quality standards for ground-level ozone in October 2015 based on extensive scientific evidence about ozone’s effects.

EPA has designated areas meeting and not meeting the air quality standards for the 2006 and 2012 PM standards and the 2008 ozone standard, and has completed an initial round of area designations for the 2010 sulfur dioxide standard. The agency also issues rules or guidance for state implementation of the various ambient air quality standards – for example, in March 2015, proposing requirements for implementation of current and future fine particle standards. EPA is working with states to improve data to support implementation of the 2010 sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide standards.

For areas not meeting the national air quality standards, states are required to adopt state implementation plan revisions containing measures needed to meet the standards as expeditiously as practicable and within time periods specified in the Clean Air Act (except that plans are not required for areas with “marginal” ozone levels).

  • EPA is helping states to meet standards for common pollutants by issuing federal emissions standards for new motor vehicles and non-road engines, national emissions standards for categories of new industrial equipment (e.g., power plants, industrial boilers, cement manufacturing, secondary lead smelting), and technical and policy guidance for state implementation plans. EPA and state rules already on the books are projected to help 99 percent of counties with monitors meet the revised fine particle standards by 2020. The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for new and existing power plants issued in December 2011 are achieving reductions in fine particles and sulfur dioxide as a byproduct of controls required to cut toxic emissions.  
  • Vehicles and their fuels continue to be an important contributor to air pollution. EPA in 2014 issued standards commonly known as Tier 3, which consider the vehicle and its fuel as an integrated system, setting new vehicle emissions standards and a new gasoline sulfur standard beginning in 2017. The vehicle emissions standards will reduce both tailpipe and evaporative emissions from passenger cars, light-duty trucks, medium-duty passenger vehicles, and some heavy-duty vehicles. The gasoline sulfur standard will enable more stringent vehicle emissions standards and will make emissions control systems more effective. These rules further cut the sulfur content of gasoline. Cleaner fuel makes possible the use of new vehicle emission control technologies and cuts harmful emissions in existing vehicles. The standards will reduce atmospheric levels of ozone, fine particles, nitrogen dioxide, and toxic pollution.

Learn more about common pollutants, health effects, standards and implementation:

  • fine particles
  • ground-level ozone
  • sulfur dioxide
  • nitrogen dioxide
  • carbon monoxide

Air Pollution Challenges: Climate Change

EPA determined in 2009 that emissions of carbon dioxide and other long-lived greenhouse gases that build up in the atmosphere endanger the health and welfare of current and future generations by causing climate change and ocean acidification. Long-lived greenhouse gases , which trap heat in the atmosphere, include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. These gases are produced by a numerous and diverse human activities.

In May 2010, the National Research Council, the operating arm of the National Academy of Sciences, published an assessment which concluded that “climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for - and in many cases is already affecting - a broad range of human and natural systems.” 1 The NRC stated that this conclusion is based on findings that are consistent with several other major assessments of the state of scientific knowledge on climate change. 2

Climate change impacts on public health and welfare

The risks to public health and the environment from climate change are substantial and far-reaching. Scientists warn that carbon pollution and resulting climate change are expected to lead to more intense hurricanes and storms, heavier and more frequent flooding, increased drought, and more severe wildfires - events that can cause deaths, injuries, and billions of dollars of damage to property and the nation’s infrastructure.

Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas pollution leads to more frequent and intense heat waves that increase mortality, especially among the poor and elderly. 3 Other climate change public health concerns raised in the scientific literature include anticipated increases in ground-level ozone pollution 4 , the potential for enhanced spread of some waterborne and pest-related diseases 5 , and evidence for increased production or dispersion of airborne allergens. 6

Other effects of greenhouse gas pollution noted in the scientific literature include ocean acidification, sea level rise and increased storm surge, harm to agriculture and forests, species extinctions and ecosystem damage. 7 Climate change impacts in certain regions of the world (potentially leading, for example, to food scarcity, conflicts or mass migration) may exacerbate problems that raise humanitarian, trade and national security issues for the United States. 8

The U.S. government's May 2014 National Climate Assessment concluded that climate change impacts are already manifesting themselves and imposing losses and costs. 9 The report documents increases in extreme weather and climate events in recent decades, with resulting damage and disruption to human well-being, infrastructure, ecosystems, and agriculture, and projects continued increases in impacts across a wide range of communities, sectors, and ecosystems.

Those most vulnerable to climate related health effects - such as children, the elderly, the poor, and future generations - face disproportionate risks. 10 Recent studies also find that certain communities, including low-income communities and some communities of color (more specifically, populations defined jointly by ethnic/racial characteristics and geographic location), are disproportionately affected by certain climate-change-related impacts - including heat waves, degraded air quality, and extreme weather events - which are associated with increased deaths, illnesses, and economic challenges. Studies also find that climate change poses particular threats to the health, well-being, and ways of life of indigenous peoples in the U.S.

The National Research Council (NRC) and other scientific bodies have emphasized that it is important to take initial steps to reduce greenhouse gases without delay because, once emitted, greenhouse gases persist in the atmosphere for long time periods. As the NRC explained in a recent report, “The sooner that serious efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions proceed, the lower the risks posed by climate change, and the less pressure there will be to make larger, more rapid, and potentially more expensive reductions later.” 11

In brief: What EPA is doing about climate change

Under the Clean Air Act, EPA is taking initial common sense steps to limit greenhouse gas pollution from large sources:

EPA and the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration between 2010 and 2012 issued the first national greenhouse gas emission standards and fuel economy standards for cars and light trucks for model years 2012-2025, and for medium- and heavy-duty trucks for 2014-2018.  Proposed truck standards for 2018 and beyond were announced in June 2015.  EPA is also responsible for developing and implementing regulations to ensure that transportation fuel sold in the United States contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel. Learn more about clean vehicles

EPA and states in 2011 began requiring preconstruction permits that limit greenhouse gas emissions from large new stationary sources - such as power plants, refineries, cement plants, and steel mills - when they are built or undergo major modification. Learn more about GHG permitting

  • On August 3, 2015, President Obama and EPA announced the Clean Power Plan – a historic and important step in reducing carbon pollution from power plants that takes real action on climate change. Shaped by years of unprecedented outreach and public engagement, the final Clean Power Plan is fair, flexible and designed to strengthen the fast-growing trend toward cleaner and lower-polluting American energy. With strong but achievable standards for power plants, and customized goals for states to cut the carbon pollution that is driving climate change, the Clean Power Plan provides national consistency, accountability and a level playing field while reflecting each state’s energy mix. It also shows the world that the United States is committed to leading global efforts to address climate change. Learn more about the Clean Power Plan, the Carbon Pollution Standards, the Federal Plan, and model rule for states

The Clean Power Plan will reduce carbon pollution from existing power plants, the nation’s largest source, while maintaining energy reliability and affordability.  The Clean Air Act creates a partnership between EPA, states, tribes and U.S. territories – with EPA setting a goal, and states and tribes choosing how they will meet it.  This partnership is laid out in the Clean Power Plan.

Also on August 3, 2015, EPA issued final Carbon Pollution Standards for new, modified, and constructed power plants, and proposed a Federal Plan and model rules to assist states in implementing the Clean Power Plan.

On February 9, 2016, the Supreme Court stayed implementation of the Clean Power Plan pending judicial review. The Court’s decision was not on the merits of the rule. EPA firmly believes the Clean Power Plan will be upheld when the merits are considered because the rule rests on strong scientific and legal foundations.

On October 16, 2017, EPA  proposed to repeal the CPP and rescind the accompanying legal memorandum.

EPA is implementing its Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions released in March 2014. In January 2015 EPA announced a new goal to cut methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 40 – 45 percent from 2012 levels by 2025, and a set of actions by EPA and other agencies to put the U.S. on a path to achieve this ambitious goal. In August 2015, EPA proposed new common-sense measures to cut methane emissions, reduce smog-forming air pollution and provide certainty for industry through proposed rules for the oil and gas industry . The agency also proposed to further reduce emissions of methane-rich gas from municipal solid waste landfills . In March 2016 EPA launched the National Gas STAR Methane Challenge Program under which oil and gas companies can make, track and showcase ambitious commitments to reduce methane emissions.

EPA in July 2015 finalized a rule to prohibit certain uses of hydrofluorocarbons -- a class of potent greenhouse gases used in air conditioning, refrigeration and other equipment -- in favor of safer alternatives. The U.S. also has proposed amendments to the Montreal Protocol to achieve reductions in HFCs internationally.

Learn more about climate science, control efforts, and adaptation on EPA’s climate change web site

Air Pollution Challenges: Toxic Pollutants

While overall emissions of air toxics have declined significantly since 1990, substantial quantities of toxic pollutants continue to be released into the air. Elevated risks can occur in urban areas, near industrial facilities, and in areas with high transportation emissions.

Numerous toxic pollutants from diverse sources

Hazardous air pollutants, also called air toxics, include 187 pollutants listed in the Clean Air Act. EPA can add pollutants that are known or suspected to cause cancer or other serious health effects, such as reproductive effects or birth defects, or to cause adverse environmental effects.

Examples of air toxics include benzene, which is found in gasoline; perchloroethylene, which is emitted from some dry cleaning facilities; and methylene chloride, which is used as a solvent and paint stripper by a number of industries. Other examples of air toxics include dioxin, asbestos, and metals such as cadmium, mercury, chromium, and lead compounds.

Most air toxics originate from manmade sources, including mobile sources such as motor vehicles, industrial facilities and small “area” sources. Numerous categories of stationary sources emit air toxics, including power plants, chemical manufacturing, aerospace manufacturing and steel mills. Some air toxics are released in large amounts from natural sources such as forest fires.

Health risks from air toxics

EPA’s most recent national assessment of inhalation risks from air toxics 12 estimated that the whole nation experiences lifetime cancer risks above ten in a million, and that almost 14 million people in more than 60 urban locations have lifetime cancer risks greater than 100 in a million. Since that 2005 assessment, EPA standards have required significant further reductions in toxic emissions.

Elevated risks are often found in the largest urban areas where there are multiple emission sources, communities near industrial facilities, and/or areas near large roadways or transportation facilities. Benzene and formaldehyde are two of the biggest cancer risk drivers, and acrolein tends to dominate non-cancer risks.

In brief: How EPA is working with states and communities to reduce toxic air pollution

EPA standards based on technology performance have been successful in achieving large reductions in national emissions of air toxics. As directed by Congress, EPA has completed emissions standards for all 174 major source categories, and 68 categories of small area sources representing 90 percent of emissions of 30 priority pollutants for urban areas. In addition, EPA has reduced the benzene content in gasoline, and has established stringent emission standards for on-road and nonroad diesel and gasoline engine emissions that significantly reduce emissions of mobile source air toxics. As required by the Act, EPA has completed residual risk assessments and technology reviews covering numerous regulated source categories to assess whether more protective air toxics standards are warranted. EPA has updated standards as appropriate. Additional residual risk assessments and technology reviews are currently underway.

EPA also encourages and supports area-wide air toxics strategies of state, tribal and local agencies through national, regional and community-based initiatives. Among these initiatives are the National Clean Diesel Campaign , which through partnerships and grants reduces diesel emissions for existing engines that EPA does not regulate; Clean School Bus USA , a national partnership to minimize pollution from school buses; the SmartWay Transport Partnership to promote efficient goods movement; wood smoke reduction initiatives; a collision repair campaign involving autobody shops; community-scale air toxics ambient monitoring grants ; and other programs including Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE). The CARE program helps communities develop broad-based local partnerships (that include business and local government) and conduct community-driven problem solving as they build capacity to understand and take effective actions on addressing environmental problems.

Learn more about air toxics, stationary sources of emissions, and control efforts Learn more about mobile source air toxics and control efforts

Air Pollution Challenges: Protecting the Stratospheric Ozone Layer

The  ozone (O 3 ) layer  in the stratosphere protects life on earth by filtering out harmful ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun. When chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-degrading chemicals  are emitted, they mix with the atmosphere and eventually rise to the stratosphere. There, the chlorine and the bromine they contain initiate chemical reactions that destroy ozone. This destruction has occurred at a more rapid rate than ozone can be created through natural processes, depleting the ozone layer.

The toll on public health and the environment

Higher levels of  ultraviolet radiation  reaching Earth's surface lead to health and environmental effects such as a greater incidence of skin cancer, cataracts, and impaired immune systems. Higher levels of ultraviolet radiation also reduce crop yields, diminish the productivity of the oceans, and possibly contribute to the decline of amphibious populations that is occurring around the world.

In brief: What’s being done to protect the ozone layer

Countries around the world are phasing out the production of chemicals that destroy ozone in the Earth's upper atmosphere under an international treaty known as the Montreal Protocol . Using a flexible and innovative regulatory approach, the United States already has phased out production of those substances having the greatest potential to deplete the ozone layer under Clean Air Act provisions enacted to implement the Montreal Protocol. These chemicals include CFCs, halons, methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. The United States and other countries are currently phasing out production of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), chemicals being used globally in refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment and in making foams. Phasing out CFCs and HCFCs is also beneficial in protecting the earth's climate, as these substances are also very damaging greenhouse gases.

Also under the Clean Air Act, EPA implements regulatory programs to:

Ensure that refrigerants and halon fire extinguishing agents are recycled properly.

Ensure that alternatives to ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are evaluated for their impacts on human health and the environment.

Ban the release of ozone-depleting refrigerants during the service, maintenance, and disposal of air conditioners and other refrigeration equipment.

Require that manufacturers label products either containing or made with the most harmful ODS.

These vital measures are helping to protect human health and the global environment.

The work of protecting the ozone layer is not finished. EPA plans to complete the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances that continue to be produced, and continue efforts to minimize releases of chemicals in use. Since ozone-depleting substances persist in the air for long periods of time, the past use of these substances continues to affect the ozone layer today. In our work to expedite the recovery of the ozone layer, EPA plans to augment CAA implementation by:

Continuing to provide forecasts of the expected risk of overexposure to UV radiation from the sun through the UV Index, and to educate the public on how to protect themselves from over exposure to UV radiation.

Continuing to foster domestic and international partnerships to protect the ozone layer.

Encouraging the development of products, technologies, and initiatives that reap co-benefits in climate change and energy efficiency.

Learn more About EPA’s Ozone Layer Protection Programs

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1 National Research Council (2010), Advancing the Science of Climate Change , National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., p. 3.

2 National Research Council (2010), Advancing the Science of Climate Change , National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., p. 286.

3 USGCRP (2009).  Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States . Karl, T.R., J.M. Melillo, and T.C. Peterson (eds.). United States Global Change Research Program. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA.

4 CCSP (2008).  Analyses of the effects of global change on human health and welfare and human systems . A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. Gamble, J.L. (ed.), K.L. Ebi, F.G. Sussman, T.J. Wilbanks, (Authors). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA.

5 Confalonieri, U., B. Menne, R. Akhtar, K.L. Ebi, M. Hauengue, R.S. Kovats, B. Revich and A. Woodward (2007). Human health. In:  Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability  .  Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  Parry, M.L., O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson, (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

7 An explanation of observed and projected climate change and its associated impacts on health, society, and the environment is included in the EPA’s Endangerment Finding and associated technical support document (TSD). See EPA, “ Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act ,” 74 FR 66496, Dec. 15, 2009. Both the Federal Register Notice and the Technical Support Document (TSD) for Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings are found in the public docket, Docket No. EPA-OAR-2009-0171.

8 EPA, Endangerment Finding , 74 FR 66535.

9 . U.S. Global Change Research Program, Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment , May 2014.

10 EPA, Endangerment Finding , 74 FR 66498.

11 National Research Council (2011) America’s Climate Choices: Report in Brief , Committee on America’s Climate Choices, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Division on Earth and Life Studies, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., p. 2.

12 EPA, 2005 National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment (2011).

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13 ways to save the Earth from pollution

You might use plastic water bottles, yogurt cups, and straws for just a day, but they can remain in the environment for years. And that pollution can harm habitats and the animals that live there. Cut down Earth’s trash with these tips. 

Bust the balloons

Balloons eventually fall back down to Earth … and can end up in the ocean, entangling animals or being mistaken for food. Skip the balloons at your next party, and ask friends to do the same. Make pom-pom decorations instead!

Bin for the win

Always throw trash in the can. Garbage left outside might harm wildlife and end up in the ocean. Trash that’s properly brought to a landfill is kept out of the sea.

Fish responsibly

If you go fishing, don’t leave nets or lines in the water. Animals can become entangled in the trash.

Scientists estimate that about half the world’s sea turtles accidentally eat plastic and other trash. Keep the ocean clean by never leaving toys or trash at the beach.

Dump plastic

According to one study, over eight million tons of plastic pollution end up in the ocean each year. Drink from a refillable water bottle, place your sandwich in cloth or a reusable container, and use bar soap instead of bottled.

Garbage club

Form a club in your classroom to reduce your waste at school . Monitor what’s thrown away each week, and think about ways to cut down on those items.

Trash trooper

Participate in a community cleanup . The groups that host the events sometimes weigh the collected trash, which helps leaders make decisions about laws that encourage people to waste less.

Recycle right

People in the United States recycle only about 35 percent of their waste, so recycle what you can. Ask for help to create a paper and plastic recycling program in your classroom.

Business talk

Does your favorite ice-cream shop use plastic spoons? Ask an adult to help you talk to the owner about switching to a non-plastic option. Some kinds of spoons are even edible!

Do-good goodie bag

Don’t fill your birthday goodie bags with plastic yo-yos and other trinkets for your friends. Instead, give them homemade treats or coupons to a local bakery.

Straw sense

Experts estimate that Americans use about 500 million plastic straws a day, and they’re one of the top 10 trash items found during ocean cleanups. If you must use a straw, find a reusable metal straw or a paper version or make your own.

Pest Friends

Ask your parents to buy food and clothes that are made without pesticides—chemicals sprayed on crops to kill bad bugs. The problem? Pesticides also can kill critters like bees that are eco-friendly.

Stuffed with stuff

Items shipped to your home often come wrapped in plastic packaging; toys bought at the store are covered in it. Think about what can be bought secondhand, what can be shared, and what doesn’t need to be purchased at all.

explore more

Learn about plastic and how to reduce your use., save the earth, save the earth tips, endangered species act.

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  • 04 September 2024

Waste management won’t solve the plastics problem — we need to cut consumption

  • Matthew MacLeod   ORCID: 0

Matthew MacLeod is in the Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University, SE-11418 Stockholm, Sweden.

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In a paper in Nature , Cottom et al . 1 present an inventory of plastics that pollute the environment, derived from measurements taken at a local scale around the world. The inventory could support policy actions to reduce emissions of plastic, and provides a global baseline for researchers who are modelling the effects of plastic pollution under alternative policy scenarios. It also highlights the fact that strategies for dealing with large pieces of plastic litter can exacerbate emissions of other pollutants, including microplastics, hazardous air pollutants and greenhouse gases.

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Nature 633 , 37-38 (2024)


Cottom, J. W., Cook, E. & Velis, C. A. Nature 633 , 101–108 (2024).

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Lau, W. W. Y. et al. Science 369 , 1455–1461 (2020).

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Stegman, P., Daioglou, V., Londo, M., van Vuuren, D. P. & Junginger, M. Nature 612 , 272–276 (2022).

Duan, Z., Scheutz, C. & Kjeldsen, P. Waste Manag . 119 , 39–62 (2021).

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Competing Interests

M.M. has funding for a research project (LRI ECO56) from CEFIC, the European Chemical Industry Council. It is conceivable that publication of this article could lead to financial gains or losses by CEFIC member companies.

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