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IELTS band 9 essay: immigration

Here you can find advice how to structure IELTS essay and IELTS model answer for immigration topic. Question type: reasons and consequences .

Here is the question card:

Immigration has a major impact on the society.

What are the main reasons of immigration?

To what consequences can it lead?

To write a band 9 essay you should first of all choose your arguments to answer the questions from the topic. You don't have to find some complicated ideas. Remember: you won't be judged upon the quality of your thoughts, you will be judged upon the quality of your writing. So even simple, but well-written arguments can often give you a band 9 writing .

  • Reasons why people immigrate
  • Results of immigration

Some of the possible arguments :

  • Reasons of immigration :
  • People want to live in a safe country
  • People search better jobs with higher salaries
  • People escape from wars/disasters
  • Results of immigration :
  • People’s expectations come true / don’t come true
  • Immigrants face other difficulties
  • Countries of destination have to give money to support refugees
  • Overpopulation

How to structure my answer?

Of course, there are a lot of ways to organise this essay. But here is one possible way of structuring the answer to produce a band 9 essay :

Introduction : simply rephrase the topic and say what this essay is about. When your essay question asks you about reasons/consequences or causes/solutions, you shouldn’t try to describe all that in your introduction. Instead, state that you’ll describe them later in your essay.

Body paragraphs :

  • paragraph 1: main reasons of immigration
  • paragraph 2: main consequences of immigration

Conclusion : sum up the ideas from body paragraphs and briefly give your opinion.

Band 9 essay sample (immigration)

Immigration has a significant impact on the contemporary society. Each year, more and more people from all over the world decide to leave their home countries and move to another place. This essay will examine the reasons and the consequences of immigration.

In my view, the main reason of immigration is a strong desire of better life quality and safe future. A lot of people from so-called Third World move to developed countries in search of better employment opportunities, and therefore, higher incomes. Moreover, living in a wealthy country implies living in a country with stable economy, so risks of losing their savings also lessen. For example, labour migration from Mexico to the USA is caused by these facts. Other reasons that force whole families to cross borders are wars and various cultural conflicts in their homeland. Many people migrate, seeking security and safe future for their children. For instance, most of the refugees who arrived in the European Union were escaping from wars.

However, sometimes immigration causes more problems than it solves, resulting in negative consequences for both immigrants and their countries of destination. First of all, most of the refugees can’t find jobs because of the lack of language skills and difficulties in adaptation. That’s why the countries have to run various refugee assistance programs to help those people. But disproportionate burden of maintaining the immigrants leads to tension in the society. Secondly, not all of the refugees receive proper asylum, food and medical care. So they are at risk even after crossing the border. Finally, even highly qualified specialists, who seek better employment, often don’t get what they are looking for.

In conclusion, I think that people immigrate to have better life prospects. However, life after immigration may not always meet people’s expectations. So it’s very important to consider all the possible outcomes and decide whether leaving your homeland is worth it.

(315 words)

Useful vocabulary

better employment opportunities – opportunity to find a better job

burden of maintaining immigrants – difficulties in helping immigrants faced by the governments

country with stable economy – rich and safe country

to cross the border – immigrate

labour migration – when people migrate to find better jobs

refugee – person who is forced to leave his birth place because of war

refugee assistance programs – when the government gives to the refugees asylum and food

to seek better employment – look for better job

Third World – developing countries

to meet expectations – if something doesn’t meet your expectations, it’s not as good as you have thought


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Immigration Topic [IELTS Writing Task 2]

Posted by David S. Wills | Aug 6, 2018 | IELTS Tips , Writing | 0

Immigration Topic [IELTS Writing Task 2]

Today we’re going to look at a typical IELTS writing task 2 question about immigration. I will show you how to analyze the question , generate ideas and examples, structure your essay, and then finally write it. This question type is “discuss both views” but remember that the topic of immigration could be addressed in various ways for IELTS writing task 2.

Analyze the Question

Here is the question we will answer today:

Some people claim that immigrants should adopt the local culture when immigrating to a new country. While others think that they can establish a minority community instead. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Let’s look first at some of the key words that can help us to understand what we should do:

  • immigrants – people who have moved to a new country
  • immigrating – the process of moving to a new country
  • adopt – to begin to use something
  • minority – meaning less than half; a small proportion of something

So what is this question about?

It is about whether or not immigrants should adopt the local culture or establish a minority community.

What do you need to do?

You need to (1) discuss both views and (2) give your opinion.

Choosing the Right Language

By now you have read the question and should be familiar with its meaning. You should have already noted down useful vocabulary from the question that you may want to use in your essay.

Remember: Don’t copy from the question. You can use some words or a short phrase, but don’t repeat the question in your essay.

Changing Word Form

statue of liberty

  • immigrant/immigrating -> immigration
  • culture -> cultural
  • adopt -> adoption

Think of Synonyms

It is also very important to have some synonyms handy to avoid repetition. It also makes your writing look much better to have a few carefully chosen synonyms for key words in the question.

  • immigrants -> new arrivals/ newcomers
  • local -> native/ regional
  • establish -> create/ set up

A word I think is really, really useful for the topic of immigration and culture is “assimilate” or “assimilation”. This means the same as “adopt the local culture”.

And Don’t Forget Antonyms

Everyone knows that you need to be good with synonyms to do well in IELTS, but it also helps to know a few antonyms, too. (Antonym means the opposite of synonym.)

  • minority -> majority
  • adopt -> reject
  • immigrating -> emigrating

By the way, it’s really useful to have a good dictionary or thesaurus for this sort of thing.

Generating Useful Ideas and Examples

When writing an IELTS writing task 2 essay, you need to be able to explore complex topics in an intelligent manner. As such, you need to be able to generate useful ideas and examples to use in your essay. It shows logical thought and will impress the examiner.

The first step is to fully understand the question. You cannot begin planning an answer until you fully comprehend the task. Go back to step one if you are unsure.

Next, you need to brainstorm . Brainstorming means thinking of lots of ideas. You can quickly think about or note down any ideas related to the question.

brainstorming ielts ideas

Here are my notes on the above question:

For – good for local culture (multiculturalism)
– makes life easier
– more job opportunities
– people will trust you more
– learn more about new country
Against – safer
– preserve traditions and language
– scary to mix
– fear of other people
– fosters strong sense of identity

If we look at the above list, we can clearly see some good ideas, and some bad ones. There are also some that would be easy to write about and some that would not be easy to write about.

When choosing ideas for your essay, ask yourself whether you (1) know enough about the subject and (2) have the language to describe it.

Pick just your very best ideas and then think of how to explain them. Can you cite examples, or give details? You must be able to elaborate in order to write a fully-developed paragraph.

Remember: It is better to describe one thing in detail than four things briefly. This is because it shows your ability to construct arguments and usual transitional phrases.

Here are some of my ideas from above, with the worst ones removed:

Developing Your Ideas

From the remaining two ideas in favour of adopting the local culture, I would probably choose to write about job opportunities .

But what could I say about job opportunities? What are some ideas relevant to immigration and culture?

  • I could explain that assimilation to the local culture would increase job opportunities.
  • This would then result in better quality of living for the immigrant.
  • It would also be beneficial to society and the economy.
  • I could then give a real or hypothetical example.

Learning to structure an IELTS writing task 2 essay is really easy. It have lots of articles on this topic here:

  • IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Structures
  • Selecting Ideas and Structuring an Essay [IELTS Writing Task 2]
  • Structuring an IELTS Task 2 Essay
  • How to Structure a Paragraph
  • IELTS Writing: Should I Write 4 or 5 Paragraphs?

You should be able to master the basics of essay structure in under a day. Just follow these instructions:

  • Analyze the question
  • Choose 4 or 5 paragraph structure 
  • Generate several good ideas
  • Decide on the order of your ideas
  • Make notes on the content of each paragraph
  • Write the essay

In the above sections, I have outlined steps 1-3, and now I will show you my notes, which make up steps 3-4.

Introduction – paraphrase question essay outline Para #1 – in favour of assimilation main argument: job opportunity explain Para #2 – in favour of minority community main argument: preserve traditions and language explain Conclusion – state my position and review para 1-2

Here’s a useful video about structuring IELTS essays

Sample answer.

Here is my sample answer to the above question about immigration.

As the world population grows and people become increasingly mobile, people are divided over the extent to which immigrants should attempt to assimilate into the local culture. This essay will look at the main argument from each side of the debate, and then suggest that a compromise is needed, wherein immigrants both assimilate and form a strong community. The people who argue in favour of immigrants assimilating into the local culture often point out that it increases the number of job opportunities available to the newcomers. Immigrants often find it difficult to find a job when they move to a new country, but by becoming part of the wider community, they open themselves to more possibilities. The immigrant will be able to improve his quality of life, as well as to contribute to the economy, so there are clear benefits from both the perspective of the immigrant and the local society. On the other hand, the people who think immigrants should form minority communities point to the preservation of cultural traditions and language. They believe that adopting the local culture would cause a loss of the immigrants’ original language and culture. Indeed, this is something that has happened all around the world, and it is not hard to find a Little Italy or Chinatown far from Italy or China. Therefore, it makes sense that immigrants form tight-knit communities in their new countries. In conclusion, it is clear that a balance needs to be sought between these two approaches to immigration, and so neither is entirely correct. Without assimilating into the local culture, immigrants may find it difficult to get ahead in life, but if they become completely immersed in the new culture, they might forget their roots and their language may disappear.

A Final Note

If you have followed my instructions above, you should have a pretty good essay!

Remember to leave a few minutes for editing at the end. Here’s a good checklist:

  • Have I spelled all the words correctly?
  • Is my grammar correct?
  • Did I stray off-topic in any paragraph?
  • Is my position clear from beginning to end?
  • Did I completely answer the question?

If you are struggling with #2, you can pick up a FREE copy of my grammar textbook :

ielts essay topics about immigration

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Mastering Essays on the Impact of Immigration on the Economy

The topic of immigration’s impact on the economy is a recurring theme in IELTS Writing Task 2. Based on past exam trends and current global issues, this subject is likely to appear frequently in future tests. Let’s explore a relevant question that reflects real IELTS exam patterns and craft sample essays for different band scores.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay

Analyzing the Question

Let’s examine a typical IELTS Writing Task 2 question on this topic:

Some people believe that the influx of immigrants can boost a country’s economy, while others argue that it puts a strain on economic resources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

This question requires you to:

  • Discuss the positive impacts of immigration on the economy
  • Explore the potential economic challenges caused by immigration
  • Present your personal viewpoint on the issue

Now, let’s look at sample essays for different band scores.

Sample Essay for Band 8-9

Immigration’s impact on a nation’s economy is a complex and often contentious issue. While some argue that immigrants contribute significantly to economic growth, others contend that they place undue pressure on a country’s resources. In my opinion, when managed effectively, immigration can be a powerful driver of economic prosperity.

Proponents of immigration often highlight its positive economic effects. Firstly, immigrants frequently fill crucial labor gaps , particularly in sectors like agriculture, construction, and healthcare, where native workers may be scarce. This influx of labor can boost productivity and economic output. Moreover, many immigrants are entrepreneurs , starting businesses that create jobs and contribute to innovation. For instance, in the United States, companies founded by immigrants or their children, such as Google and Apple, have become global economic powerhouses.

On the other hand, critics argue that immigration can strain economic resources. They contend that an influx of low-skilled workers may depress wages for native workers in similar positions, potentially leading to increased unemployment or underemployment. Additionally, there are concerns about the short-term costs of providing public services such as healthcare and education to immigrant populations, particularly in countries with extensive welfare systems.

In my view, while these concerns are valid, they often overlook the long-term economic benefits of immigration. Research consistently shows that immigrants tend to be net contributors to public finances over time . As they integrate into society, learn the language, and advance in their careers, their economic contributions typically outweigh any initial costs. Furthermore, in many developed countries facing aging populations, immigrants can help offset demographic challenges by contributing to pension systems and maintaining a robust workforce.

To maximize the economic benefits of immigration while mitigating potential challenges, countries should implement thoughtful policies . These might include targeted skill-based immigration programs, support for immigrant entrepreneurship, and investments in integration services. By doing so, nations can harness the economic potential of immigration while addressing concerns about resource allocation.

In conclusion, while immigration can present short-term economic challenges, its long-term benefits to a country’s economy are substantial. With proper management and supportive policies, immigration can be a key driver of economic growth, innovation, and prosperity.

(Word count: 345)

Analysis of Band 8-9 Essay

This essay demonstrates characteristics of a high band score:

Task Response : The essay fully addresses all parts of the task, discussing both viewpoints and clearly presenting a personal opinion.

Coherence and Cohesion : Ideas are logically organized with clear progression. Paragraphs are well-linked, and cohesive devices are used effectively.

Lexical Resource : A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately and appropriately. Examples include “contentious issue,” “undue pressure,” “productivity,” and “demographic challenges.”

Grammatical Range and Accuracy : The essay uses a variety of complex structures accurately. It demonstrates good control of grammar and punctuation.

Development of Ideas : Each main point is well-developed with relevant examples and explanations.

Sample Essay for Band 6-7

Immigration’s effect on the economy is a topic that many people have different opinions about. Some think it helps the economy grow, while others believe it causes problems. I will discuss both sides and give my own thoughts on this issue.

People who support immigration say it can be good for the economy. One reason is that immigrants often do jobs that local people don’t want to do . For example, in many countries, immigrants work in farms or factories, which helps these businesses to keep running. Also, some immigrants start their own businesses, which can create new jobs and help the economy grow.

However, there are also people who think immigration can hurt the economy. They worry that too many immigrants might make it harder for local people to find jobs . This could happen if immigrants are willing to work for lower pay. Another concern is that immigrants might use public services like hospitals and schools, which could cost the government more money.

In my opinion, immigration can be good for the economy if it is managed well. I think the benefits, like having more workers and new businesses, are important for a country’s growth. But I also understand the worries about jobs and public services. I believe governments should have good plans to help immigrants settle in and contribute to the economy.

To make immigration work better, countries could focus on bringing in people with skills that are needed . They could also help immigrants learn the language and understand the culture, which would make it easier for them to find good jobs and start businesses.

In conclusion, while immigration can bring some challenges, I believe it can overall be positive for a country’s economy. The key is to have good policies that help both immigrants and local people benefit from the changes that immigration brings.

(Word count: 309)

Analysis of Band 6-7 Essay

This essay demonstrates characteristics of a mid-range band score:

Task Response : The essay addresses all parts of the task, presenting both viewpoints and a personal opinion. However, the ideas could be more fully developed.

Coherence and Cohesion : The essay is generally well-organized, but the use of cohesive devices is sometimes repetitive or mechanical.

Lexical Resource : There is a sufficient range of vocabulary, but more sophisticated words and phrases could be used. Some attempts at less common vocabulary are made.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy : The essay uses a mix of simple and complex sentence structures. There are some errors, but they do not impede communication.

Development of Ideas : Main points are supported, but some ideas could be elaborated further with more specific examples or explanations.

Key Vocabulary to Remember

Here are some important vocabulary items from the essays:

  • Influx (noun) /ˈɪnflʌks/ – The arrival of large numbers of people or things
  • Contention (noun) /kənˈtenʃn/ – Heated disagreement
  • Demographic (adjective) /ˌdeməˈɡræfɪk/ – Relating to the structure of populations
  • Entrepreneurship (noun) /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜːʃɪp/ – The activity of setting up businesses
  • Integration (noun) /ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃn/ – The action of combining into an integral whole
  • Mitigate (verb) /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/ – Make less severe, serious, or painful
  • Prosperity (noun) /prɒˈsperəti/ – The state of being successful or thriving
  • Strain (noun) /streɪn/ – Pressure or tension exerted on a material object
  • Undue (adjective) /ʌnˈdjuː/ – Excessive or disproportionate
  • Welfare (noun) /ˈwelfeə(r)/ – The health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group

The Impact Of Immigration On The Economy is a complex and frequent topic in IELTS Writing Task 2. To excel in your essay, focus on presenting balanced arguments, using specific examples, and demonstrating a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Practice writing essays on related topics such as:

  • The effects of skilled vs. unskilled immigration on the economy
  • The role of immigration in addressing labor shortages
  • The economic impact of immigration on different sectors of the economy

Remember to time yourself and aim for at least 250 words. Feel free to share your practice essays in the comments section for feedback and discussion. Good luck with your IELTS preparation!

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Migration and Immigration

Achieve excellence in Migration and Immigration essays for IELTS with IELTS24. Expert questions and model essays guide your test preparation journey.

IELTS24 caters to IELTS Writing Task 2 aspirants with a section dedicated to the nuanced themes of Migration and Immigration. Our questions explore the complexities of population movement, integration, and the socio-economic effects on host and origin countries. With model essays that provide exemplary responses, students can learn to craft essays with clarity and insight. Comprehensive feedback aims to refine students' skills, equipping them with the ability to write essays that engage critically with migration topics, a crucial edge for attaining top IELTS scores.

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Immigration Essays

ielts essay topics about immigration

Essay is good but need to elaborate more, examples are lacking.
Jul 12, 2015

For me, movement form poor to rich does not matter because poor make you what you are now today. There is a sign of hope when poor goes there and work hard to become rich therefore most of the people especially poor play a major role in rich countries.
Jul 24, 2015

no lexical resources....don't suite to ielts buddy
Mar 11, 2016

Guys, I've got a question...

Is it possible that the topic will have the next view:


So to speak, is it real to write CONTRAST/COMPARISON essay with such a topic?
Mar 12, 2016


You can't rule anything out because IELTS never state exactly any types of format of questions they will present.

However, I've never seen a question that asks you to 'compare' two things in the prompt.

But that said, you often do have to compare things but it may be more indirect. For example:



You are not directly told to 'compare' big and small families but you may well end up doing this if you want to discuss the pros and cons of each.

So I would say it is unlikely to be asked directly but you still need to know how to compare things and the language for this if necessary.

Click here to add your own comments

Impacts of Immigration

More and more qualified people are moving from poor to rich countries to fill vacancies in specialist areas like engineering, computing and medicine. 
 Some people believe that by encouraging the movement of such people, rich countries are stealing from poor countries. Others feel that this is only part of the natural movement of workers around the world. Discuss both opinions and give your opinion. Qualified workers always seek to be hired at rich countries for better life. Specifically, these employees such as engineers and doctors move from their developing to developed countries in order to acquire jobs at the high-standard companies. While some encourage this type of movement between the rich and poor countries and see it as natural process, others have seen that developed countries attempt to steal these educated people. In my point of view, workers usually move to the rich countries due to main reasons. First of all, rich countries offer huge salaries for outstanding workers. Because these countries have strong economic and financial status, the incomes each year would be at peak rate. Eventually, it is easy for them to hand hard workers this tremendous number of money per month. For instance, France is one of the richest countries in the world, so there have been immigration programs for people, who have qualifications in unique specializations. This kind of supporting leads to exchange the benefits between the rich country and certified individuals. Secondly, it seems to me that unusual experiences could be added to the qualified movers’ careers in developed countries. In spite of difficult studying chances there, people are certainly able to practice their previous knowledge and earn plenty of rare skills throughout working at sophisticated companies. Because these widespread institutions have chosen fully professional, educational, and talented people from all over the world, this would allow immigrants to increase their capacities and backgrounds at their majors. Steven Jobs is an excellent example for this circumstance. Before he has died, electronic computer employees have dreamed to move to the United States for learning from his long creative experience in technology. Still, many have came to his team to join and discover more about this science. To wrap up, moving from poor to rich countries is excited these days, and qualified people should have the freedom to move where they want and improve their life’s pattern. This movement could not be expressed with stealing people from country to country. Instead, developing governments have to compete the rich countries and pay more attentions at the local problems in order to make these ambitious individuals staying in their original homes. Please give me your opinion on my essay.

Living as a Non-native Speaker in Another Country

Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Language forms an important part of our everyday life. It serves as the means of communicating our desires, moods and feelings; therefore living in a country where we have to speak a foreign language can often pose not only social but also pragmatic problems. The primary reason that one might face social issues while residing in a nation where they have to speak a non-native language is that they can feel conscious or insecure about their language proficiency, leading to excess stress and anxiety; therefore some trouble in making friends can be experienced. Uncertainties about their communication skills might hold them back from expressing themselves honestly and making valuable connections. Additionally, when one learns a second language, it tends to lie more on the formal side of the spectrum whereas in everyday life people use informal language, in such a scenario, individuals might face some adversity in comprehending other people’s statements. Culture differences can also be linked to language barrier, as one might be unaware about the suitable public behaviour; they can unknowingly offend the people around them. Language barrier can also hinder one’s professional life. For instance, while trying to communicate with authorities one might misunderstand what is expected out of them and act inappropriately or fail to positively communicate about the troubles they are facing, this affects their rapport in the cooperate world and can stagnate their work life. Moreover finding a job can be difficult, as during interviews they might come off as hesitant under confident and uncomfortable in their surroundings. In my opinion, living in a country where one has to adapt a second language does pose innumerable threats and can prove quite troublesome, but if people try and educate themselves about the culture they are surrounded by then these issues are bound to be resolved. Furthermore, native speakers can also be kinder and more accepting towards the non-native speakers.

IELTS Essay - Family Migration

by Abdur Rehman (Peshawar, KPK,Pakistan )

ielts essay topics about immigration

You must use paragraphs.

Living and Working in a Foreign Country

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country. Global is developing more and more in many fields. Therefore, people’s demand is found new opportunities. However, living and working in a foreign country have a lot of cons and pros. First of all, living and working in a foreign country have a lot of the advantages. Of course, everyone always will choose a foreign country have good economy, medicine, insurance and security, which made anybody wants to live there. Additionally, oversea students would like to live and work at their study-abroad places after they experienced all of things in this country. Living in a foreign country also help people approach another cultures, they can open their mind with great knowledge. Beside that, working at foreign workplaces will improve people’ skills in career. For example, work culture of Asia has differed from ones of America, American do their job fast and clearly while Asian is contrary to American, they follow feeling a lot of. Living and working in a foreign country also have disadvantages. Climate is a big problems when people change their living areas. Weather change lead to affect people’s health. If people can know many new cultures, which is the advantage, people sock off the strange style life, which is the disadvantages. Moreover, language is also difficult problem when people move their houses and live foreign countries. For example, there are many differ in opinions and ideas, but the obstacle of language make people can not explain own thinking exactly. In summary, living and working in s foreign country or own country also have the advantages and the disadvantages. However, everybody can recognize and solve these problems, which is the most important. *** Please can someone correct my essay? I will be happy. thanks in advance.

u did some spelling mistakes.. when u read it again hope u will find..
Dec 06, 2015

7 but correct spelling mistakes
Dec 08, 2015

Yup have a lot of mistakes. Grammar and sentence structure is broken and impedes the meaning. Paragraphs are uses well, however there is lack of progression and discourse markers are used incorrectly or absent. Lastly, a lot of spelling mistakes.

A band 5 essay at best.

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Immigration has a major impact on the society. What are the main reasons.. IELTS Band 9 Sample Essay

Updated: Jun 27

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Immigration has a major impact on the society.

What are the main reasons of immigration?

To what consequences can it lead?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample (Immigration has a Major Impact on the Society)

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Sample Essay 1

Immigration profoundly impacts societal structures globally, driven primarily by the quest for better economic opportunities and escaping adverse conditions in native countries. This movement leads to significant cultural and economic shifts in the host nations.

Economic motivations are the most cited reasons for immigration. Individuals from less developed countries often migrate to richer states in search of higher-paying jobs that promise a better quality of life. For instance, software engineers in India may move to Silicon Valley, not merely for the substantial salaries but also for the innovation-driven work environment that such locales offer, allowing them to engage in cutting-edge technological advancements. Additionally, political instability and lack of safety compel people to seek more stable societies where they can secure a future for themselves and their families. Syrian refugees, for example, have sought asylum in Turkey to escape the perils of civil war, underscoring how dire circumstances push populations towards more peaceful nations, where they hope to find safety and stability.

Cultural and economic consequences in host countries are manifold. Economically, while immigrants can fill labour shortages and contribute to the economy, their influx might also strain public services and infrastructure. For example, cities like Toronto have experienced soaring housing costs and increased pressure on healthcare and educational services due to rapid population growth from immigration. This surge has required adjustments in urban planning and increased budget allocations to accommodate the growing population. Culturally, while the blending of diverse backgrounds can enrich a society, it may also lead to integration challenges and social tension if not managed with effective multicultural policies. The integration process is crucial for fostering understanding and cooperation among native citizens and newcomers, preventing social fragmentation.

In conclusion, immigration is driven by the search for improved economic conditions and escape from instability. This movement profoundly affects receiving countries, manifesting in cultural enrichment and social challenges, alongside increased demands on public infrastructure and services.

Sample Essay 2

Many people prefer living in a different country rather than their hometowns and societies have been affected by this preference. While job opportunities and high salaries can be two main reasons for this tendency, unfortunately, this preference can result in an increase in prices and traffic.

In terms of causes, job opportunities may be the major factor to move to other countries, in particular developed countries. Some people suffer from unemployment in their own countries, and they cannot maintain their life standards in acceptable circumstances. Therefore, they look for jobs in foreign countries. Additionally, some professions, such as engineers and health workers, gain much higher salaries in developed countries compared to their own. As a result, people work for international companies to maintain high standard of living which is merely possible with sufficient salaries. For example, engineers graduating from Turkey's top universities often prefer employment with international companies like BMW over local firms such as Tofas, which offers less competitive salaries.

One significant consequence of immigration is the rise in rent prices. To be more precise, immigration can cause  overpopulation and excess supply for accommodation in some regions. Furthermore, homeowners can increase the rental fee which will be disadvantageous to not only low-paid immigrants but also natives. Secondly, Immigration can lead to traffic congestion. If the public transportation is not enough, people can be likely to use their private cars to commute. Thus, there can be many cars on the roads. As a result, it will lead to traffic jams in some places. Istanbul can be a good example of this issue as this city suffer from traffic due to increased use of private cars because of the overcrowding of public transportation.

In conclusion, immigration can mainly stem from job opportunities and high salaries in developed countries and this movement may result in increased rental expenses and traffic congestion. 

Sample Essay 3

Immigration undeniably wields a profound influence on society, propelled by multifaceted motivations and yielding a spectrum of repercussions. At the heart of this phenomenon lies a quest for better opportunities, escape from persecution, or familial reunification. This essay aims to unpack the primary catalysts for immigration and explore its consequent societal impacts, highlighting both the benefits and challenges it engenders.

Central to understanding immigration is recognizing the dual forces of push and pull factors. Economically, individuals migrate in pursuit of improved employment prospects and living standards, a reflection of the stark disparities between developed and developing nations. Furthermore, political instability and persecution drive countless individuals to seek refuge in more stable environments, underscoring a fundamental desire for safety and human rights. Such movements not only enrich the cultural tapestry of host societies through diversity but also stimulate economic growth by addressing labour shortages and fostering innovation. However, the influx of immigrants can precipitate societal strain, manifesting in challenges related to integration, resource allocation, and sometimes, a rise in xenophobic sentiments. These dynamics underscore the complexity of immigration's societal impact, necessitating nuanced policy responses that balance economic benefits with social cohesion.

Conversely, the consequences of immigration extend beyond the immediate economic and cultural spheres, influencing the social fabric and identity of communities. While immigrants contribute significantly to the cultural diversity and economic vitality of their new homes, their arrival can also ignite debates on national identity, social integration, and resource distribution. The challenge for societies is to harness the positive aspects of immigration—such as innovation, cultural exchange, and demographic rejuvenation—while effectively addressing and mitigating potential tensions and inequalities.

In conclusion, immigration stands as a potent force shaping societies, driven by the search for betterment and safety. Its impacts are multifaceted, offering avenues for cultural enrichment and economic growth while also posing challenges to social cohesion and resource management. Recognizing and addressing these dimensions is crucial for leveraging immigration's benefits and fostering inclusive, resilient communities. As societies navigate these complexities, the enduring truth remains: immigration has a major impact on the society, weaving a rich tapestry of change and continuity.

Sample Essay 4

The discourse on immigration often revolves around its profound societal impact, a phenomenon driven by myriad factors and leading to diverse outcomes. Through the prism of seeking better livelihoods, fleeing adversities, or reuniting with family, individuals cross borders, thereby weaving the intricate mosaic of global migration. This essay endeavours to dissect the primary reasons behind immigration and delineate its multifaceted consequences on society.

Foremost, the impetus for immigration can largely be attributed to the pursuit of enhanced economic prospects and the escape from regions marred by conflict or oppression. The allure of higher wages, superior living conditions, and the promise of a more secure future magnetize individuals from less affluent backgrounds. Simultaneously, political turmoil and persecution compel people to seek sanctuary in lands where freedom and safety are more than mere aspirations. These movements invariably infuse host societies with fresh talents, cultural diversity, and a broader worldview. Nonetheless, the surge of newcomers can precipitate socio-economic strains, encompassing job competition, infrastructural pressure, and cultural integration challenges, which test the resilience and adaptability of host communities.

The tapestry of immigration's aftermath is intricate, with threads of positive enrichment intertwined with strands of contention. Economically, immigrants often fill critical labor gaps, driving innovation and contributing to the cultural vibrancy and dynamism of their new homes. However, the societal fabric can be stretched, necessitating dialogues on identity, cohesion, and equitable resource distribution to ensure the harmony and prosperity of increasingly diverse communities.

In sum, the narrative of immigration is one of profound societal transformation, underscored by the dualities of opportunity and challenge, enrichment and tension. It beckons societies to navigate these complexities with a balanced approach, fostering environments where the benefits of immigration can flourish while mitigating its potential for discord. Recognizing and embracing the impact of immigration is pivotal in sculpting communities that are not only resilient but also inclusive, underscoring the immutable truth that immigration has a major impact on society.

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IELTS Common Essay Topic: Immigration and Migration

ielts essay topics about immigration

Immigration: Immigration is when people move from their native place to another permanently. Immigrants do not return back to their native places, they settle down there.

Migration: Migration is when people move from one place to another. In this case, migrant come back to their native places after certain period of time.

Advantages of moving abroad:

Social, political and economic development of personality is the main reason people shift from one place to another.

Better job opportunities/Salaries:

  • Many people migrate for better job opportunities and salaries. Many foreign countries offer better jobs in MNC (Multinational National Companies), which provide better facilities. And there are several professions, which are paid well in other countries.

Better lifestyle:

  • Many foreign countries provide better lifestyle to their citizens.
  • Well organized society- rules and regulations.
  • Respect towards fellow citizens.

Better environment:

  • Many foreign counties have clean environment like clean water supply, fresh (less polluted) air, etc.

Better facilities:

  • Several foreign countries provide better medical facilities, better pension after the age of retirement, better transport system, etc.

People get a chance to explore new cultures and customs(International Exposure):

  • People come across new people from different cultures and tradition. Immigrants can learn and explore new things about them.

Consequences of moving abroad :

  • People find language as an obstacle, as they may face social as well as practical problems:

Social Problems:

  • People may lose certain job opportunities due to lack of communication with their colleagues.
  • Some people may find it difficult to co-ordinate with other coworkers during the team work.
  • Jobs regarding marketing, salesperson or any other in which they have to interact with other native people, can be problematic. They may need to hire a translator for them.

Practical Problems:

  • People can have troubles in the market places. Language may act as an obstacle when they are buying the daily needs.
  • It is difficult for the people to make friends and they lack social circle.
  • Some people even find it difficult to get along the neighbors.
  • People may feel the culture difference at new places.
  • People find homesick being away from their home, family and friends.

Sample Topics:

  • Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language us in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  • Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish. Discuss bith these views and give your own opinion.
  • So many are migrating to other countries each year in recent years. Immigration has a major impact on society. What are the main reasons for immigration? What consequences can it lead?

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts essay # 1328 - immigration has a major impact on society, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, immigration has a major impact on society., what are the main reasons for immigration what consequences can it have on people who migrate to other countries.

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Emigration is a natural consequence of an individual’s desire to improve their lives. Therefore there should be no restrictions on international migration. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

One of the central premises of emigrating is to improve quality of someone’s life and it is felt that for human right, there should be no border controls between Western countries and their less-rich neighbors. Nevertheless, it is asserted that this will cause lots of negative impacts when compared to having sophisticated methods of control.

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Firstly, moral foundations of liberal democracies will be threatened by exotic culture unless there are adamant and border policies on international migration. It is stressed that culture assimilation may be the central issue in the foreseeable future as more and more Asian emigrants step into Australia to seek greater employment opportunities. Features of distinct Australia such as traditional dress, ingrained rituals and religious practices now seem not to be fortified because they have been replaced by similarities in clothing, music and cultural tradition imported from Asian states.

In addition, economic wealth and security tend to decrease in quality provided that restrictive measures do not apply on migration governance. It is argued that external control to migration flows before they reach their destination countries and internal control after migration are essential. The reason for this is because the government needs to assure the safety and well-being of all their residents including refugees. Therefore, strict control border policies and selective process in choosing appropriate migrants play a pivotal role in securing people of developed countries. Also, it is thought to be one of the efficient ways to help avoid destabilization of economic growth.

In conclusion, it is human nature to have their lives improved and emigrating is one of possible ways to satisfy their desire. However, restrictive measures in terms of border controls need to be imposed in developed nations in order to avoid cultural blurring and insecurity.

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IELTS Task 1: UK Immigration and Emigration

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IELTS Task 1: UK Immigration and Emigration

This is an IELTS writing task 1 sample answer essay on the topic of UK immigration and emigration.

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ielts task 1 uk immigration

The pie charts detail the rationales for immigration to and emigration from the UK in 2007. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that immigration was mainly related to various kinds of work, study, and accompanying someone, with no reasons stated and other less typical. Emigration was similarly focused on work (non-definite work being more prevalent) but formal study was a less likely reason and less defined reasons were more common.

In terms of study and work, 30% of immigrants came to the UK for definite jobs, just 1% above the number emigrating for the same purpose. The disparity regarding looking for work was greater (12% for immigration and 22% for emigration) and even more significant concerning formal study (26% immigrating and just 4% emigrating for school).

There was relative alignment for other reasons with 11% immigrating with another purpose and 14% emigrating, comparable to the figures for accompanying another person (15% and 13%, respectively). Finally, only 6% of individuals immigrate to the United Kingdom without a reason, while three times this figure emigrate lacking a stated purpose.

1. The pie charts detail the rationales for immigration to and emigration from the UK in 2007. 2. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that immigration was mainly related to various kinds of work, study, and accompanying someone, with no reasons stated and other less typical. 3. Emigration was similarly focused on work (non-definite work being more prevalent) but formal study was a less likely reason and less defined reasons were more common.

  • Paraphrase what the bar chart shows.
  • Write a clear overview summarising the differences and the overall trend.
  • This one is a little complex so it needs a second sentence for the overview.

1. In terms of study and work, 30% of immigrants came to the UK for definite jobs, just 1% above the number emigrating for the same purpose. 2. The disparity regarding looking for work was greater (12% for immigration and 22% for emigration) and even more significant concerning formal study (26% immigrating and just 4% emigrating for school).

  • Begin writing about the data for the first categories.
  • Compare between each sentence.

1. There was relative alignment for other reasons with 11% immigrating with another purpose and 14% emigrating, comparable to the figures for accompanying another person (15% and 13%, respectively). 2. Finally, only 6% of individuals immigrate to the United Kingdom without a reason, while three times this figure emigrate lacking a stated purpose.

  • Write about the final other parts of the graph – include everything!
  • Compare the categories.

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

The pie charts detail the rationales for immigration to and emigration from the UK in 2007. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that immigration was mainly related to various kinds of work, study, and accompanying someone, with no reasons stated and other less typical . Emigration was similarly focused on work ( non-definite work being more prevalent ) but formal study was a less likely reason and less defined reasons were more common .

In terms of study and work, 30% of immigrants came to the UK for definite jobs, just 1% above the number emigrating for the same purpose . The disparity regarding looking for work was greater (12% for immigration and 22% for emigration) and even more significant concerning formal study (26% immigrating and just 4% emigrating for school).

There was relative alignment for other reasons with 11% immigrating with another purpose and 14% emigrating, comparable to the figures for accompanying another person (15% and 13%, respectively ). Finally, only 6% of individuals immigrate to the United Kingdom without a reason, while three times this figure emigrate lacking a stated purpose .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

detail show

rationales for reasons for

immigration to and emigration from people moving to and away from

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

mainly related to various kinds of mostly having to do with different types of

accompanying going with someone

no reasons stated didn’t say why

less typical not as common

similarly focused on also cared about

non-definite not clear

more prevalent more common

formal study university

less defined reasons not as clear reasons

common prevalent

In terms of concerning

immigrants people moving to a country

just a little

for the same purpose the same reason

disparity regarding difference concerning

greater more

even more significant concerning more important having to do with

relative alignment for about the same for

comparable to the figures for similar numbers for

respectively in turn

three times this figure 3x the number

lacking a stated purpose no clear reason said


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈdiːteɪl   ˌræʃəˈnɑːlz fɔː   ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃᵊn tuː ænd ˌɛmɪˈɡreɪʃᵊn frɒm   ˈlʊkɪŋ frɒm ən ˈəʊvərɔːl pəˈspɛktɪv ,  ɪt ɪz ˈrɛdɪli əˈpærənt ðæt   ˈmeɪnli rɪˈleɪtɪd tuː ˈveəriəs kaɪndz ɒv   əˈkʌmpəniɪŋ   nəʊ ˈriːzᵊnz ˈsteɪtɪd   lɛs ˈtɪpɪkᵊl   ˈsɪmɪləli ˈfəʊkəst ɒn   nɒn-ˈdɛfɪnɪt   mɔː ˈprɛvələnt   ˈfɔːmᵊl ˈstʌdi   lɛs dɪˈfaɪnd ˈriːzᵊnz   ˈkɒmən   ɪn tɜːmz ɒv   ˈɪmɪɡrənts   ʤʌst   əˈbʌv   fɔː ðə seɪm ˈpɜːpəs   dɪˈspærəti rɪˈɡɑːdɪŋ   ˈɡreɪtə   ˈiːvᵊn mɔː sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt kənˈsɜːnɪŋ   ˈrɛlətɪv əˈlaɪnmənt fɔː   ˈkɒmpərəbᵊl tuː ðə ˈfɪɡəz fɔː   rɪsˈpɛktɪvli   θriː taɪmz ðɪs ˈfɪɡə   ˈlækɪŋ ə ˈsteɪtɪd ˈpɜːpəs  

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

The pie charts d______l the r________________r i______________________________m the UK in 2007. L___________________________________________________________________t immigration was m _____________________________________ f work, study, and a___________g someone, with n______________d and other l____________l . Emigration was s_________________n work ( n______________e work being m______________t ) but f___________y was a less likely reason and l_________________s were more c__________n .

I__________f study and work, 30% of i_____________s came to the UK for definite jobs, j____t 1% a____e the number emigrating f ______________________ e . The d _____________________ g looking for work was g_______r (12% for immigration and 22% for emigration) and e ______________________________ g formal study (26% immigrating and just 4% emigrating for school).

There was r______________________r other reasons with 11% immigrating with another purpose and 14% emigrating, c___________________________r accompanying another person (15% and 13%, r_____________y ). Finally, only 6% of individuals immigrate to the United Kingdom without a reason, while t________________________e emigrate l________________________e .

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Your Home Nation/Country

  • Where are you from?
  • What do you like the most about your country?
  • Where would you like to live in your country?
  • Are people in your country patriotic?

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IELTS vocabulary about employment and immigration

Home  »  IELTS vocabulary  » IELTS vocabulary about employment and immigration

In this brand new tutorial, we dive into high scoring IELTS vocabulary , included in the tutorial is a model essay, a guide for generating ideas, and a list of collocations you can use in your next essay.

- First we look at the vocabulary list and definitions - Then we look at task 2 questions (on this topic) - After we learn how to plan your essay - Then we finish with a model IELTS task 2 essay

Grab your pen and take notes if you want to improve your writing skills!

Topic specific collocations:

employment vocabulary

Collocations and examples sentences

Refugee group: Refugee groups are coming to the United States to escape violence in their native countries.

Increased movement: The increased movement of immigrants from Mexico is due to conflict in the Mexican government.

Developing world: The developing world is struggling with economic success and employment opportunities.

Western countries: Western countries are trying to figure out how to take in more immigrants without ruining opportunities for their native people.

Public opinion: The public opinion suggests that immigrants are acceptable as long as they enter the country legally.

Middle-income countries: Middle-Income countries struggle with benefits of the rich countries and downfalls of the poor countries.

Multicultural society: A multicultural society in America is what the country was based on, which is why immigrants should be welcome.

Global situation: The global situation involves western countries not giving enough support while developing countries not progressing enough.

International community: The international community needs to come together as one in order to solve our problems.

IELTS task 2 sample questions on employment / immigration

An increasing amount of people are emigrating from third world to western countries to fill openings in special job fields like engineering, computing, and medicine. Some think that by encouraging this immigration, rich countries are stealing from the poor. Others feel that this is only a natural movement. Explain your opinion and why.

Some people believe that the government should give health care benefits to all employed people even if they are illegal immigrants. What is your view on this issue? Explain with specific reasoning. -----

Unemployment is a very serious issue in many developing nations across the world today. How can we solve the problem of unemployment in poorer nations in order to boost the economies of these countries? Explain.

In many countries, children are engaged in some kind of paid work. While some believe this to be morally wrong, others believe it builds children’s character and prepares them for the future. Which side do you agree with and why? Discuss.

Some people believe that governments should be more strict on immigration policies in order to boost employment opportunities for native citizens. Do you think this is wrong or is it a necessary move to make? Explain your position with examples.

Click here for a free master list of collocations!

Video to get ideas, 5 questions eliciting the collocations:.

1. Why did the amount of refugees into Europe spike so fast in 2015? Explain using examples and evidence.

2. Why are so many Syrians feeling the need to become refugees and fleeing their country? How does Antonio explain this in his TEDtalk? Discuss.

3. Does the presence of refugees hurt natives when it comes to employment opportunities? Or can refugees help boost the economy in the countries they inhabit? Explain.

4. How does Antonio suggest we fix the refugee problem and distribute refugees evenly across Europe? Provide examples and specific reasoning.

5. Why is it impossible for countries to try and avoid their societies becoming multiethnic, multicultural, and multi-religious? Discuss.

Sample task 2 gap fill exercise

While an increasing number of people are moving from developing countries to _______ ________ in order to pursue job opportunities, this is not a method of rich stealing from the poor, but a helpful way for people to find opportunity and success in the West.

Firstly, rich countries are not stealing from the __________ _____ by welcoming these workers, because these workers willingly choose to come to western countries in the United States and Europe. Studies show that ______ _______ agrees and believes that this _________ ________ is helpful to the ____________ _________. Both the workers and the western countries benefit from this transition. Therefore, this movement for employment is a good thing.

Secondly, the international community supports this movement because it helps the ______ _________ of people in poverty and western countries needing specialized workers. The incorporation of a _____________ _______ in the West is also helpful, because it allows everyone to benefit from the success of these booming economies. Studies show that _______ ______, even coming from ____________ _________ such as Libya, are helpful to our society if they can find work and make a difference for themselves and for rich country.

In conclusion, when people from developing countries immigrate to western countries, it should not be seen as a bad thing. It should be seen as a mutually beneficial agreement where people are able to find specialized jobs and the West is able to fill them.

Answers: 1. Western countries 2. Developing world 3. Public opinion 4. Increased movement 5. International community 6. Global situation 7. Multicultural society 8. Refugee groups 9. Middle-income countries

Sample task 2 essay

While an increasing number of people are moving from developing countries to western countries in order to pursue job opportunities, this is not a method of rich stealing from the poor, but a helpful way for people to find opportunity and success in the West.

Firstly, rich countries are not stealing from the developing world by welcoming these workers, because these workers willingly choose to come to western countries in the United States and Europe. Studies show that public opinion agrees and believes that this increased movement is helpful to the international community. Both the workers and the western countries benefit from this transition. Therefore, this movement for employment is a good thing.

Secondly, the international community supports this movement because it helps the global situation of people in poverty and western countries needing specialized workers. The incorporation of a multicultural society in the West is also helpful, because it allows everyone to benefit from the success of these booming economies. Studies show that refugee groups, even coming from middle-income countries such as Libya, are helpful to the society if they can find work and make a difference for themselves and for rich the country.

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  23. IELTS Writing Topics September & October 2024

    IELTS Writing Topics September & October 2024. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! The collection of writing topics that were reported by IELTS student in 2024. These questions could be repeated from previous months. Keep in mind that the provided questions are not predictions.