Independent And Dependent Variables Quiz


Our Independent and Dependent Variables Quiz is designed to test your ability to discern the key components of scientific inquiry. This quiz focuses on identifying independent variables, the elements you manipulate, and dependent variables—the outcomes you measure in response. Each question will prompt you to analyze scenarios and data sets to determine which variable influences the outcome and which variable is influenced by the changes. This quiz is ideal for students, researchers, or curious learners aiming to refine their grasp of how variables function within an experimental framework. It will enhance your critical thinking skills by making you consider Read more the cause-and-effect relationships in different contexts. Take our Independent and Dependent Variables Quiz and improve your ability to navigate through the complexities of data interpretation and scientific experiments.

Independent And Dependent Variables Questions and Answers

In an experiment testing plant growth under different light conditions, what is the dependent variable.

Type of plant

Amount of water

Growth rate

Type of light

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What variable would you change to test the effectiveness of a new fertilizer?

Type of soil

Type of fertilizer

Plant growth

Weather conditions

If studying the effect of study time on test scores, which is the independent variable?

Test scores

Type of subject

Classroom environment

In testing how temperature affects the solubility of sugar in water, what is the dependent variable?

Amount of sugar

Type of sugar

Solubility of sugar


What is the independent variable in an experiment measuring the impact of exercise on heart rate?

Type of exercise

Time of day

Duration of exercise

When analyzing the effect of caffeine on alertness, what is the dependent variable?

Type of caffeine

Dosage of caffeine

Level of alertness

Time of consumption

If observing how different diets affect weight loss, what is the independent variable?

Type of diet

Amount of exercise

Weight loss

Water intake

In a study on the influence of reading on vocabulary size, which variable is dependent?

Age of participants

Number of books read

Vocabulary size

Reading frequency

What would be the independent variable in a trial testing the effects of light exposure on sleep quality?

Light intensity

Sleep quality

Bed comfort

When determining how music volume affects concentration, which is the dependent variable?

Type of music

Music volume

Level of concentration

Number of participants

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  • Aug 19, 2024 Quiz Edited by ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Sep 08, 2011 Quiz Created by Ryan Feltner

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An Adventure in Statistics: The Reality Enigma

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1.    Which of the following best describes a confounding variable?

  • A variable that is manipulated by the experimenter.
  • A variable that has been measured using an unreliable scale.
  • A variable that affects the outcome being measured as well as, or instead of, the independent variable.
  • A variable that is made up only of categories.  

The correct answer is c) A variable that affects the outcome being measured as well as, or instead of, the independent variable. This is correct because a confounding variable is an unforeseen and unaccounted-for variable that jeopardizes reliability and validity of an experiment's outcome.

2.    A variable that measures the effect that manipulating another variable has is known as:

  • A dependent variable
  • A confounding variable
  • A predictor variable
  • An independent variable  

The correct answer a) A dependent variable. This is because a dependent variable (or outcome variable) is a variable that is thought to be affected by changes in an independent variable.

3.    A predictor variable is another name for:

  • An independent variable
  • A discrete variable  

The correct answer is b) An independent variable. An independent variable (or predictor variable) is a variable that is thought to be the cause of some effect. This term is usually used in experimental research to denote a variable that the experimenter has manipulated.

4.    The discrepancy between the numbers used to represent something that we are trying to measure and the actual value of what we are measuring is called:

  • The ‘fit’ of the model
  • Reliability
  • Measurement error  

The correct answer is d) Measurement error. This is because, it’s one thing to measure variables, but it’s another thing to measure them accurately.

5.    What kind of variable is IQ, measured by a standard IQ test?

  • Categorical

The correct answer is b) Continuous. A continuous variable is one for which, within the limits the variable ranges, any value is possible

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1) Who was the author of the book named "Methods in Social Research"?

c) Goode and Halt

The book named "Methods in Social Research" was authored by Goode and Hatt on Dec 01, 1952, which was specifically aimed to improve student's knowledge as well as response skills.

a) Association among variables

Mainly the correlational analysis focus on finding the association between one or more quantitative independent variables and one or more quantitative dependent variables.

d) Research design

A conceptual framework can be understood as a Research design that you require before research.

d) To help an applicant in becoming a renowned educationalist

Educational research can be defined as an assurance for reviewing and improving educational practice, which will result in becoming a renowned educationalist.

c) Collecting data with bottom-up empirical evidence.

In qualitative research, we use an inductive methodology that starts from particular to general. In other words, we study society from the bottom, then move upward to make the theories.

d) All of the above

In random sampling, for each element of the set, there exist a possibility to get selected.

c) Ex-post facto method

Mainly in the ex-post facto method, the existing groups with qualities are compared on some dependent variable. It is also known as quasi-experimental for the fact that instead of randomly assigning the subjects, they are grouped on the basis of a particular characteristic or trait.

d) All of the above

Tippit table was first published by L.H.C Tippett in 1927.

b) Formulating a research question

Before starting with research, it is necessary to have a research question or a topic because once the problem is identified, then we can decide the research design.

c) A research dissertation

The format of thesis writing is similar to that of a research dissertation, or we can simply say that dissertation is another word for a thesis.

d) Its sole purpose is the production of knowledge

Participatory action research is a kind of research that stresses participation and action.

b) It is only the null hypothesis that can be tested.

Hypotheses testing evaluates its plausibility by using sample data.

b) The null hypotheses get rejected even if it is true

The Type-I Error can be defined as the first kind of error.

d) All of the above.

No explanation.

a) Long-term research

In general, the longitudinal approach is long-term research in which the researchers keep on examining similar individuals to detect if any change has occurred over a while.

b) Following an aim

No explanation.

a) How well are we doing?

Instead of focusing on the process, the evaluation research measures the consequences of the process, for example, if the objectives are met or not.

d) Research is not a process

Research is an inspired and systematic work that is undertaken by the researchers to intensify expertise.

d) All of the above

Research is an inspired and systematic work that is undertaken by the researchers to intensify expertise.

b) To bring out the holistic approach to research

Particularly in interdisciplinary research, it combines two or more hypothetical disciplines into one activity.

d) Eliminate spurious relations

Scientific research aims to build knowledge by hypothesizing new theories and discovering laws.

c) Questionnaire

Since it is an urban area, so there is a probability of literacy amongst a greater number of people. Also, there would be numerous questions over the ruling period of a political party, which cannot be simply answered by rating. The rating can only be considered if any political party has done some work, which is why the Questionnaire is used.

b) Historical Research

One cannot generalize historical research in the USA, which has been done in India.

c) By research objectives

Research objectives concisely demonstrate what we are trying to achieve through the research.

c) Has studied research methodology

Anyone who has studied the research methodology can undergo the research.

c) Observation

Mainly the research method comprises strategies, processes or techniques that are being utilized to collect the data or evidence so as to reveal new information or create a better understanding of a topic.

d) All of the above

A research problem can be defined as a statement about the area of interest, a condition that is required to be improved, a difficulty that has to be eradicated, or any disquieting question existing in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to be solved.

d) How are various parts related to the whole?

A circle graph helps in visualizing information as well as the data.

b) Objectivity

No explanation.

a) Quota sampling

In non-probability sampling, all the members do not get an equal opportunity to participate in the study.

a) Reducing punctuations as well as grammatical errors to minimalist
b) Correct reference citations
c) Consistency in the way of thesis writing
d) Well defined abstract

Select the answers from the codes given below:

B. a), b), c) and d)

All of the above.

a) Research refers to a series of systematic activity or activities undertaken to find out the solution to a problem.
b) It is a systematic, logical and unbiased process wherein verification of hypotheses, data analysis, interpretation and formation of principles can be done.
c) It is an intellectual inquiry or quest towards truth,
d) It enhances knowledge.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

A. a), b), c) and d)

All of the above.

b) Fundamental Research

Jean Piaget, in his cognitive-developmental theory, proposed the idea that children can actively construct knowledge simply by exploring and manipulating the world around them.

d) Introduction; Literature Review; Research Methodology; Results; Discussions and Conclusions

The core elements of the dissertation are as follows:

Introduction; Literature Review; Research Methodology; Results; Discussions and Conclusions

d) A sampling of people, newspapers, television programs etc.

In general, sampling in case study research involves decisions made by the researchers regarding the strategies of sampling, the number of case studies, and the definition of the unit of analysis.

a) Systematic Sampling Technique

Systematic sampling can be understood as a probability sampling method in which the members of the population are selected by the researchers at a regular interval.

a) Social relevance

No explanation.

c) Can be one-tailed as well as two-tailed depending on the hypotheses

An F-test corresponds to a statistical test in which the test statistic has an F-distribution under the null hypothesis.

a) Census

Census is an official survey that keeps track of the population data.

b) Observation

No explanation.

d) It contains dependent and independent variables

A research problem can be defined as a statement about the concerned area, a condition needed to be improved, a difficulty that has to be eliminated, or a troubling question existing in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice pointing towards the need of delivering a deliberate investigation.

d) All of the above

The research objectives must be concisely described before starting the research as it illustrates what we are going to achieve as an end result after the accomplishment.

c) A kind of research being carried out to solve a specific problem

In general, action research is termed as a philosophy or a research methodology, which is implemented in social sciences.

a) The cultural background of the country

An assumption can be identified as an unexamined belief, which we contemplate without even comprehending it. Also, the conclusions that we draw are often based on assumptions.

d) All of the above

No explanation.

b) To understand the difference between two variables

Factor analysis can be understood as a statistical method that defines the variability between two variables in terms of factors, which are nothing but unobserved variables.

a) Manipulation

In an experimental research design, whenever the independent variables (i.e., treatment variables or factors) decisively get altered by researchers, then that process is termed as an experimental manipulation.

d) Professional Attitude

A professional attitude is an ability that inclines you to manage your time, portray a leadership quality, make you self-determined and persistent.

b) Human Relations

The term sociogram can be defined as a graphical representation of human relation that portrays the social links formed by one particular person.

c) Objective Observation

The research process comprises classifying, locating, evaluating, and investigating the data, which is required to support your research question, followed by developing and expressing your ideas.


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Research Methodology Quiz | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

In order to enhance your understanding of research methodology, we have made thought-provoking quiz featuring multiple-choice questions.

The quiz aimed to sharpen your critical thinking skills and reinforce our grasp on essential concepts in the realm of research. By actively participating in this exercise, we deepened your appreciation for the significance of selecting the right research methods to achieve reliable and meaningful results.

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Multiple Choice Quiz

allows you to look at more complex relationships than does the univariate strategy.
provides a more powerful test of your hypotheses.
allows you not to worry about meeting restrictive assumptions characteristic of univariate statistics.
both a and b
diriminant analysis.
multiple regression.
canonical correlation.
all of the above
both a and b only.
affects the magnitude of the correlations calculated but not the slope of the regression line.
affects the slope of the regression line but not the magnitude of the correlations calculated.
affects both the slope of the regression line and the magnitude of the correlations calculated.
is less of a problem for multivariate statistics than it is for bivariate or univariate statistics.
convert raw scores to z scores and evaluate the degree of deviance of the z scores.
conduct individual Pearson correlations on your data before conducting any multivariate test.
do nothing; outliers do not significantly affect multivariate statistics.
both a and b
Outlier bias
An outlier
Error of measurement
fairly large samples.
small samples.
less concern over meeting assumptions than do univariate tests.
sampling from a population that is not normally distributed.
discriminant function.
factor loading.
squared semipartial correlation.
canonical function.
converting raw scores to z scores prior to analysis.
eliminating variables that have low correlations with other variables.
applying a square root transformation to the raw data prior to analysis.
statistically rotating factors.
help infer causality from correlational data.
extract as many factors as possible from your data prior to a factor analysis.
experiment with different communality values after an exploratory factor analysis.
determine the degree of contribution of a variable in a multiple regression analysis.
Discriminant analysis
Canonical correlation
Partial correlation
Factor analysis
hierarchical regression.
simple regression.
stepwise regression.
none of the above
only three predictor variables can be entered at a time.
it tends to be too sensitive to causal relationships among variables.
it tends to capitalize on chance and may be limited to a particular sample.
all of the above
stepwise regression.
canonical correlation.
factor analysis.
discriminant analysis.
is a nonparametric statistic.
works much like chi-square.
can be used in place of ANOVA, MANOVA, or multiple regression where your data are categorical.
all of the above
stepwise regression.
canonical correlation.
factor analysis.
discriminant analysis.
allows you to circumvent some of the restrictive assumptions of the univariate within-subjects ANOVA.
allows you to include more than two independent variables in your analysis.
uses separate error terms to test effects rather than a pooled error term.
none of the above
canonical correlation.
multiple t tests.
path analysis.
multiway frequency analysis.
a unique statistical test, allowing you to evaluate multiple dependent variables in one test.
an application of multiple regression to investigating causal relationships among variables.
not used to investigate causal relationships, but is a multivariate statistic.
an extension of the Pearson r to multivariate designs.
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Our team has conducted extensive research to compile a set of Research Methods MCQs. We encourage you to test your Research Methods knowledge by answering these multiple-choice questions provided below. Simply scroll down to begin!

1: Intensive interviewing seeks in-depth information using _____________ questions.

A.   Indexes based on many closed-ended

B.   Probing, systematically structured

C.   Open-ended, relatively unstructured

D.   Many systematically structured

2: The number of main effects that need to be examined is _____ the number of independent variables.

A.   Main effect

B.   The same as

C.   A difference in differences

D.   Generalizes // interacts

3: A major advantage of case studies is ________.

A.   It is easy to generalize your findings

B.   You have a large sample size

C.   You get a lot of detailed information

D.   You can collect a large amount of data very quickly

4: A ____________________ is a relationship between two variables that allows us to make predictions.

A.   Correlation

B.   Regression

C.   Causation

D.   Covariance

5: An experimental study is one that _____.

A.   Attempts to capture a population's characteristics by making inferences from a sample's characteristics and testing resulting hypotheses

B.   Involves manipulation of one or more variables to determine the effect on another variable

C.   Discovers answers to the questions who, what, when, where, or how much

D.   Attempts to reveal why or how one variable produces changes in another

E.   Provides repeated measures over an extended period of time

6: Foreign-born _____ have highest levels of education in the hispanic population overall.

A.   Venezuelans

B.   Chileans

C.   Ecuadorians

D.   Columbians

E.   Argentineans

7: A scientific poll uses ________ sampling techniques.

A.   Exit poll.

B.   Straw poll.

C.   Random sampling.

D.   Representative sampling.

8: Ideally, everything in the experimental situation except the __________ is held constant.

A.   Inferential statistic

B.   Hypothesis

C.   Independent variable

D.   Placebo

9: A true experiment involves the _____ of the independent variable.

A.   Manipulation

B.   Elimination

C.   Measurement

D.   Correlation

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270+ Operations Research Solved MCQs

A. objective function
B. decision variable
C. constraints
D. opportunity cost
Answer» A. objective function
A. infeasible region
B. unbounded region
C. infinite region
D. feasible region
Answer» D. feasible region
A. outgoing row
B. key row
C. basic row
D. interchanging row
Answer» C. basic row
A. dummy
B. epsilon
C. penalty
D. regret
Answer» B. epsilon
A. ncwr
B. lcm
C. vam
D. hungarian
Answer» D. hungarian
A. head path
B. sub path
C. critical path
D. sub critical path
Answer» C. critical path
A. 7
B. 10
C. 18
D. 8
Answer» B. 10
A. interfering float = total float – free float
B. total float =free float + independent float
C. total float ≄ free float ≄ independent float
D. free float = total float – head event slack
Answer» B. total float =free float + independent float
A. expected
B. pessimitic
C. optimistic
D. most likely
Answer» C. optimistic
A. processing order
B. idle time
C. processing time
D. elapsed time
Answer» D. elapsed time
A. physical
B. symbolic
C. deterministic
D. probabilistic
Answer» C. deterministic
A. physical
B. symbolic
C. deterministic
D. probabilistic
Answer» D. probabilistic
A. cpm and pert
B. assignment & transportation
C. game theory
D. decision theory & inventory models
Answer» A. cpm and pert
A. objective function
B. decision variables
C. constraints
D. opportunity cost
Answer» B. decision variables
A. objective function
B. decision variables
C. constraints
D. opportunity cost
Answer» A. objective function
A. objective function
B. variables
C. constraints
D. profit
Answer» C. constraints
A. infeasible
B. unbounded
C. improper
D. unknown
Answer» A. infeasible
A. less than or equal to
B. greater than or equal to
C. mixed
D. equal to
Answer» D. equal to
A. infeasible
B. infinite
C. unique
D. degenerate
Answer» B. infinite
A. key column
B. incoming column
C. important column
D. variable column
Answer» A. key column
A. vital element
B. important element
C. basic element
D. key element
Answer» D. key element
A. surplus
B. artificial
C. slack
D. additional
Answer» C. slack
A. null resource
B. scarce resource
C. abundant resource
D. zero resource
Answer» B. scarce resource
A. either zero or positive
B. either zero or negative
C. only positive
D. only negative
Answer» A. either zero or positive
A. vogel’s approximat ion method
B. nwcr
C. lcm
D. modi
Answer» C. lcm
A. infeasible solution
B. feasible solution
C. optimum solution
D. degenerate solution
Answer» B. feasible solution
A. infeasible solution
B. feasible solution
C. non degenerate solution
D. degenerate solution
Answer» C. non degenerate solution
A. vam
B. nwcr
C. modi
D. lcm
Answer» A. vam
A. balanced
B. unbalanced
C. infeasible
D. unbounded
Answer» B. unbalanced
A. vam
B. nwcr
C. modi
D. hungarian
Answer» D. hungarian
A. cost
B. regret
C. profit
D. dummy
Answer» B. regret
A. critical
B. sub-critical
C. best
D. worst
Answer» A. critical
A. tentative
B. definite
C. latest
D. earliest
Answer» C. latest
A. machines order
B. job order
C. processing order
D. working order
Answer» C. processing order
A. processing
B. waiting
C. free
D. idle
Answer» D. idle
A. objective function
B. decision variables
C. constraints
D. opportunity cost
Answer» C. constraints
A. less than
B. greater than
C. not greater than
D. not less than
Answer» A. less than
A. infeasible
B. infinite
C. unbounded
D. feasible
Answer» D. feasible
A. multiple constraints
B. infinite constraints
C. infeasible constraints
D. mixed constraints
Answer» D. mixed constraints
A. outgoing row
B. key row
C. interchanging row
D. basic row
Answer» B. key row
A. null resource
B. scarce resource
C. abundant resource
D. zero resource
Answer» C. abundant resource
A. unit price
B. extra price
C. retail price
D. shadow price
Answer» D. shadow price
A. either zero or positive
B. either zero or negative
C. only positive
D. only negative
Answer» B. either zero or negative
A. vogel’s approximat ion method
B. nwcr
C. lcm
D. modi
Answer» A. vogel’s approximat ion method
A. dummy
B. penalty
C. regret
D. epsilon
Answer» D. epsilon
A. there is no degeneracy
B. degeneracy exists
C. solution is optimum
D. problem is balanced
Answer» A. there is no degeneracy
A. dummy
B. non-critical
C. important
D. critical
Answer» D. critical
A. one
B. zero
C. highest
D. equal to duration
Answer» B. zero
A. optimistic
B. pessimistic
C. expected
D. most likely
Answer» A. optimistic
A. processing time
B. waiting time
C. elapsed time
D. idle time
Answer» C. elapsed time
A. invitees
B. players
C. contestants
D. clients
Answer» B. players
A. income
B. profit
C. payoff
D. gains
Answer» C. payoff
A. choices
B. strategies
C. options
D. actions
Answer» B. strategies
A. centre point
B. saddle point
C. main point
D. equal point
Answer» B. saddle point
A. 2
B. 3
C. 1
D. 4
Answer» B. 3
A. parallel to x axis
B. parallel to y axis
C. passes through the origin
D. intersects both the axis
Answer» A. parallel to x axis
A. qualitative
B. quantitative
C. judgmental
D. subjective
Answer» B. quantitative
A. exact
B. earliest
C. latest
D. approximate
Answer» B. earliest
A. alternate
B. feasible solution
C. critical
D. sub-critical
Answer» D. sub-critical
A. degenerate
B. prohibited
C. infeasible
D. unbalanced
Answer» B. prohibited
A. Research
B. Decision – Making
C. Operations
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Decision – Making
A. J.F. McCloskey
B. F.N. Trefethen
C. P.F. Adams
D. Both A and B
Answer» D. Both A and B
A. 1950
B. 1940
C. 1978
D. 1960
Answer» B. 1940
A. Civil War
B. World War I
C. World War II
D. Industrial Revolution
Answer» C. World War II
A. Battle field
B. Fighting
C. War
D. Both A and B
Answer» D. Both A and B
A. Morse and Kimball (1946)
B. P.M.S. Blackett (1948)
C. E.L. Arnoff and M.J. Netzorg
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Morse and Kimball (1946)
A. E.L. Arnoff
B. P.M.S. Blackett
C. H.M. Wagner
D. None of the above
Answer» C. H.M. Wagner
A. C. Kitte
B. H.M. Wagner
C. E.L. Arnoff
D. None of the above
Answer» A. C. Kitte
A. Scientists
B. Mathematicians
C. Academics
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Scientists
A. Economists
B. Administrators
C. Statisticians and Technicians
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above
A. System Orientation
B. System Approach
C. Interdisciplinary Team Approach
D. none
Answer» D. none
A. Answers
B. Solutions
C. Both A and B
D. Decisions
Answer» C. Both A and B
A. Quality
B. Clarity
C. Look
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Quality
A. Scientific
B. Systematic
C. Both A and B
D. Statistical
Answer» C. Both A and B
A. Two or more
B. One or more
C. Three or more
D. Only One
Answer» B. One or more
A. Conducting experiments on it
B. Mathematical analysis
C. Both A and B
D. Diversified Techniques
Answer» C. Both A and B
A. Policies
B. Actions
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both A and B
A. Science
B. Art
C. Mathematics
D. Both A and B
Answer» D. Both A and B
A. Scientific Models
B. Algorithms
C. Mathematical Models
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Mathematical Models
A. Quailing Theory
B. Waiting Line
C. Both A and B
D. Linear Programming
Answer» D. Linear Programming
A. Inventory Control
B. Inventory Capacity
C. Inventory Planning
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Inventory Planning
A. Inventory Control
B. Inventory
C. Inventory Planning
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Inventory
A. Game Theory
B. Network Analysis
C. Decision Theory
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Decision Theory
A. Game Theory
B. Network Analysis
C. Decision Theory
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Network Analysis
A. Simulation
B. Integrated Production Models
C. Inventory Control
D. Game Theory
Answer» A. Simulation
A. Search Theory
B. Theory of replacement
C. Probabilistic Programming
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Theory of replacement
A. Probabilistic Programming
B. Stochastic Programming
C. Both A and B
D. Linear Programming
Answer» C. Both A and B
A. Programme Evaluation
B. Review Technique (PERT)
C. Both A and B
D. Deployment of resources
Answer» C. Both A and B
A. Schedule
B. Product Mix
C. Both A and B
D. Servicing Cost
Answer» C. Both A and B
A. Men and Machine
B. Money
C. Material and Time
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Two
Answer» A. Three
A. Sequencing
B. Allocation Models
C. Queuing Theory
D. Decision Theory
Answer» B. Allocation Models
A. Linear Programming Technique
B. Non – Linear Programming Technique
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both A and B
A. Deterministic Models
B. Probabilistic Models
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Deterministic Models
A. Deterministic Models
B. Probabilistic Models
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Probabilistic Models
A. Iconic Models
B. Analogue Models
C. Symbolic Models
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Iconic Models
A. Optimum
B. Perfect
C. Degenerate
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Optimum
A. Research
B. Operation
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Operation
A. Decision Theory
B. Simulation
C. Game Theory
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Simulation
A. Queuing Theory
B. Decision Theory
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Queuing Theory

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Research methodology.


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    Quiz questions assess your knowledge of control variables and examples of variables. Quiz & Worksheet Goals In these assessments you'll be presented with a situation and asked to identify the ...

  2. Research Methods- multiple choice exam questions Flashcards

    1. The distance between points on the scale is equal across the range of interval data. 2. Ordinal data can be ordered, but interval data cannot. 3. Interval variables contain only two categories. 4. Ordinal variables have a fixed zero point, whereas interval variables do not. 5.

  3. PDF MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Subject Research Methodology Unit I

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  6. Independent And Dependent Variables Quiz

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    Research Questions and Types of Statistical Studies. In a statistical study, a population is a set of all people or objects that share certain characteristics.A sample is a subset of the population used in the study.Subjects are the individuals or objects in the sample.Subjects are often people, but could be animals, plants, or things. Variables are the characteristics of the subjects we study.

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    Operations Research uses models built by quantitative measurement of the variables c a given problem and also derives a solution from the model using ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ of the diversified solution techniques oncerning A. Two or more: B. One or more: C. Three or more: D. Only One: Answer» B.

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  24. Multiple Choice Questions

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