Seaman To Admiral-21 Program

Enlisted commission program sta-21.

Seaman to Admiral-21 (STA-21) is a full-time undergraduate education and commissioning program open to enlisted personnel of all paygrades and ratings who meet the eligibility requirements specified OPNAVINST 1420.1B , the Enlisted to Officer Commissioning Programs Application Administrative Manual.

NAVADMIN 116/22 formally announced submission deadlines for FY-2022. Use this Webpage for an informational overview of program application requirements only!

Navy STA-21 Application Submission

Deadline for submission of applications for the FY-2023 STA-21 program is 1 July 2022. Application packages must be postmarked on or before the deadline date. It is recommended that applications be mailed prior to the deadline as early submission allows timely feedback to the Sailor for submission of missing or illegible documents. Deadline for submission of additional documentation to the package of an applicant is 1 August 2022. No additional documents can be added after this date. The selection board is scheduled to convene between late August and early September 2022 and the selectees will be announced via NAVADMIN.

The following target options and core are open for application for the FY-2023 selection board: Surface Warfare (SWO), Surface Warfare Engineering Duty (SWO/ED), Nuclear (Surface/Sub), Special Warfare, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Naval Flight Officer, Aviator Pilot, Civil Engineering Corps, Nurse Corps, and Information Professional.

The following target options have zero select opportunity for FY-2023: Human Resources, Intelligence, Information Warfare, Medical Corps, Supply Corps, Surface Warfare Officer/Information Professional (SWO/IP), Oceanography (OCEANO) and SWO/OCEANO.

The Nuclear (Surface/Sub) target option is now open to Sailors who are serving in the Fleet and hold an active nuclear Navy enlisted classification (NEC) (N1XO, N1XS, N2XO, N2XS) and to those Sailors who are in the nuclear training pipeline with the N91T NEC. Applicants holding a nuclear NEC must receive conditional release, in line with NAVADMIN 177/17 (NUCLEAR TRAINED SAILOR APPLICATIONS TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS), if applying for an option outside the Nuclear community, from the Nuclear Enlisted Community Manager (OPNAV N133D). All applicants for STA-21 nuclear option (STA-21(N)) must be able to begin their first day of class in the first semester of their course work prior to commencing their eighth year of service. See the STA-21(N) Program Authorization (PA 150A) dated May 2019 for more specific information and all other requirements to apply for the STA-21(N) program. Additionally, supplementary information applicable to this years STA-21(N) application is as follows:

  • If a physical fitness assessment (PFA) was not performed within the last year, a commanding officers (CO) statement in the endorsement is required to ensure the applicant is within height and weight requirements as required.
  • For STA-21(N) candidates, SAT/ACT scores are not required to submit an application. Candidates are advised to verify school admission requirements, as the STA-21(N) SAT/ACT waiver does not supersede university SAT/ACT admission requirements.
  • The Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART) per OPNAVINST 1420.1B, enclosure (1), Chapter 8, paragraph 6.b(9) is not required to be submitted for this application. A future revision of OPNAVINST 1420.1B will remove this requirement.
  • The applicants photograph per OPNAVINST 1420.1B, enclosure (1), Chapter 8, paragraph 6.b(10) is not required to be submitted for this application. A future revision of OPNAVINST 1420.1B, will remove this requirement.

The following information addresses lessons learned from the FY-21 STA-21 selection process and board. This information is provided to preclude common errors:

  • Of the 429 applications received for FY-2022, only 394 were board eligible. A total of 55 were selected to participate in the FY-2022 STA-21 Program.
  • Each year, packages are not considered due to non-qualifying SAT/ACT scores, missing CO endorsement/recommendation, recent non-judicial punishment, missing or illegible submission of documents, and not meeting program age or PFA requirements.
  • Minimum eligibility requirements must be met before submitting an application. Applications should be mailed or preferably sent electronically via DODSAFE only when fully completed. Officer interview boards shall consist of three officers, the applicants CO may not be a board member and should not submit an interview appraisal sheet, the COs personal interview should be conducted only after the application is complete and the officer interview board has submitted their appraisals. The full picture of an applicants academic and officer potential can only be determined by reviewing the SAT/ACT scores (if available), high school/college transcripts, and a completed application package.
  • The CO endorsement is extremely important, especially the ranking of the individual among his/her peers. The endorsement should contain specifics about academic potential, commitment, leadership, service above self, and potential as a naval officer of the individual. CO comments should specify the primary option to which the individual is applying and address how the individual meets qualifications for that option. For junior Sailors with only schoolhouse evaluations, the CO must address this issue in his or her endorsement.
  • An interview board and nomination review board shall be conducted in line with OPNAVINST 1420.1B. It is recommended that officers of the applicants designator of choice, if available, be asked to participate in the interview/nomination review board to assess the applicant for their community. Officer appraisals provide important insight on the applicant. The appraisal from the board should be a frank and honest assessment of the applicants leadership and academic potential. Appraisal forms should be typed in 10 or 12 point font.
  • The applicant personal statement should address why the Sailor wants to become an officer, how the Sailors selection would improve the Navy and why the Sailor is applying for a specific option. Sailors must also address any hardships or unique experiences that shaped their character. Junior Sailors should provide information on high school experiences as high school transcripts rarely provide in-depth information on involvement in sports, clubs, volunteer hours, work, etc. Additionally, applicants should address any anomalies in the package (e.g., poor high school grades, college grades, service school grades or poor evaluation performance). The explanation should include details of the situation, how the applicant has overcome these issues and why the applicant will be successful in the future.
  • Qualifying SAT/ACT scores are required for all but STA-21(N) applicants. Applications can still be submitted pending receipt of SAT/ACT scores or with a command statement indicating non-availability for overseas locations and deployed units. SAT/ACT scores can be from exams taken between 1 July 2017 and 1 July 2022 (five years - an exception to policy has been approved for FY-2023 extending SAT/ACT validity window specified in NAVADMIN 177/17, "NUCLEAR TRAINED SAILOR APPLICATIONS TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS" from three to five years). Applicants without a SAT/ACT score and who meet the SAT/ACT exception to policy criteria of having either been stationed outside the United States at any time between April 2021 and April 2022 or deployed at any time between April 2021 and April 2022 should ensure their high school cumulative grade point average (minimum 2.5 grade point average (GPA)) is within the last five years or have a minimum 2.5 cumulative college GPA on a 4.0 scale with 12 or more semester hours.
  • It is recommended that the command retain a copy of the entire application package. The command copy should not be given to the applicant.

The Navy needs innovative and bold men and women to lead, think creatively, challenge assumptions, and take well-calculated risks. Today's Navy is composed of men and women representing dozens of different ethnic groups and literally hundreds of cultural backgrounds. The Navy's ability to meet leadership challenges relies on having leaders from our entire Navy who reflect our very best.

Applications should be mailed to:

  • Naval Service Training Command (N92 STA 21)
  • 2601A Paul Jones St Building 1
  • Great Lakes, IL 60088-2845

For questions, specific details, eligibility criteria, application requirements and selection procedures, refer to OPNAVINST 1420.1B or contact your command career counselor for the most up-to-date information.

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Information obtained from NAVADMIN 116/22 dated May 19, 2022.

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By Tony February 17, 2023 in Navy Enlisted to Officer Forum | LDO, CWO, Commissioning

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CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//  ROUTINE  R 162101Z FEB 23 MID200080744573U  FM CNO WASHINGTON DC  TO NAVADMIN  INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC  BT  UNCLAS    NAVADMIN 044/23    PASS TO OFFICE CODES:  FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1//  INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1//  MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB//    SUBJ/FY-24 SEAMAN TO ADMIRAL-21 PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT//    REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/14DEC09//  REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/171350ZJUL17//  REF/C/DOC/BUPERS/02MAY19//    NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1420.1B, ENLISTED TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS  APPLICATION ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL.    REF B IS NAVADMIN 177/17, NUCLEAR TRAINED SAILOR APPLICATIONS TO OFFICER  COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS.    REF C IS PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION 150A, SEAMAN TO ADMIRAL-21 NUCLEAR OPTION  COMMISSIONING PROGRAM.//    RMKS/1.  This NAVADMIN solicits applications and provides guidance for the  Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Seaman to Admiral-21 (STA-21) Commissioning  Program.  Due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, applicants  stationed outside the United States at any time between 1 February 2022 and  30 June 2023 or those who were deployed at any time between 1 February 2022  and 30 June 2023 may apply without a valid Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or  American College Test (ACT), if they meet the requirements detailed in  paragraph 7h of this NAVADMIN.  The SAT or ACT application requirement is  also waived for STA-21 Nuclear option (STA-21(N)) applicants.  Supplemental  information for applicant submission is provided in paragraphs 7g and 7h of  this NAVADMIN.    2.  STA-21 is a full-time undergraduate education and commissioning program  open to enlisted personnel of all pay grades and ratings who meet the  eligibility requirements specified in reference (a).    3.  Deadline for submission of applications for the FY-24 STA-21 Program is   1 July 2023.  Application packages must be postmarked on or before the  deadline date.  It is recommended applications be submitted prior to the  deadline as early submission allows timely feedback to the Sailor for  submission of missing or illegible documents.  The additional documentation  submitted must be postmarked on or before 24 July 2023.  No additional  documents may be submitted after this date.  The selection board is scheduled  to convene in August 2023 and the selectees will be announced via NAVADMIN  message.    4.  The core program and the following target options are open for  application for the FY-24 Selection Board:  Surface Warfare Officer (SWO),  SWO Engineering Duty Option SWO (ED), Nuclear (Surface and Sub), Special  Warfare, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Naval Flight Officer, Aviator, Civil  Engineering Corps, Nurse Corps, and Information Professional.    5.  The following target options have zero select opportunities for FY-24:    Human Resources, Intelligence, Information Warfare, Medical Corps, Supply  Corps, SWO Information Professional (IP), Oceanography Officer (OCEANO), and  SWO (OCEANO).    6.  The Nuclear (Surface and Submarine) target option is now open to Sailors  who are serving in the Fleet and hold an active nuclear Navy enlisted  classification (NEC) (N1XO, N1XS, N2XO, N2XS) and to those Sailors who are in  the nuclear training pipeline with the N91T NEC.  Applicants holding a nuclear NEC must receive a conditional release from the  Nuclear Enlisted Community Manager (OPNAV N133D), in line with reference (b),  if applying for an option outside the nuclear community.  All applicants for  STA-21(N) must be able to begin their first day of class in the first  semester of their coursework prior to reaching 8 years of service.  Reference  (c) provides specific information and all other requirements to apply for the  STA-21(N) program.  Additional information applicable to this year's STA-21  application is as follows:      a.  If a physical fitness assessment (PFA) was not performed  within the last year, commanding officers (CO) will provide an  affirmative statement in their endorsement certifying the applicant  is within height and weight requirements as required by paragraph 7  of this NAVADMIN.      b.  Standardized test scores are required in the application submission  in line with paragraph 7h of this NAVADMIN.  Candidates are advised to verify  school admission requirements, as the STA-21(N) SAT or ACT waiver does not  supersede university admission requirements.      c.  The Sailor and Marine American Council on Education Registry  Transcript, in line with reference (a), enclosure (1), chapter 8, paragraph  6b(9), is not required to be submitted for this application.  A future  revision of reference (a) will remove this requirement.      d.  The applicant's photograph, in line with reference (a), is no longer  required for this application.  A future revision of reference (a) will  remove this requirement.    7.  The following information addresses lessons learned from the FY-23 STA-21  selection process and board.  This information is provided to preclude common  errors:      a.  Of the 265 applications received for FY-23, only 243 were board  eligible.  A total of 79 were selected to participate in the FY-23 STA-21  Program.      b.  Each year, packages are not considered due to non-qualifying SAT or  ACT scores, missing CO endorsement or recommendations, recent non-judicial  punishment, missing PFA cycles, missing or illegible submission of documents,  and not meeting program age or PFA requirements.      c.  Minimum eligibility requirements must be met before submitting an  application.  Applications should be mailed only when fully completed.    Officer interview boards will consist of three officers.  The applicant's CO  may not be a board member and should not submit an interview appraisal  sheet.  The CO's personal interview should be conducted only after the  application is complete and the officer interview board has submitted their  appraisals.  The full picture of an applicant's academic and officer  potential can only be determined by reviewing the SAT or ACT scores (if  required), high school or college transcripts, and a completed application  package.      d.  The CO's endorsement is extremely important, especially the ranking  of the individual among their peers.  The endorsement should contain  specifics about the individual's academic potential, commitment, leadership,  service above self, and potential as a naval officer.  CO comments should  specify the primary option to which the individual is applying and address  how the individual meets the qualifications for that option.  For junior  Sailors with only schoolhouse evaluations, the CO must address this issue in  their endorsement.      e.  An interview board and nomination review board will be conducted in  line with reference (a).  It is recommended officers of the applicant's  designator of choice, if available, be asked to participate in the interview  and nomination review board to assess the applicant for their community.    Officer appraisals provide important insight into the applicant.  The  appraisal from the board should be a frank and honest assessment of the  applicant's leadership and academic potential.  Appraisal forms should be  typed in 10 or 12-point font.      f.  The applicant's personal statement should address why the Sailor  wants to become an officer, how the Sailor's selection would improve the  Navy, and why the Sailor is applying for a specific option.  Sailors must  also address any hardships or unique experiences that shaped their  character.  Junior Sailors should provide information on high school  experiences as high school transcripts rarely provide in-depth information on  involvement in sports, clubs, volunteer hours, work, etc.  Additionally,  applicants should address any anomalies in the package (e.g., poor high  school grades, college grades, service school grades, or poor evaluation  performance).  The explanation should include details of the situation, how  the applicant has overcome these issues, and why the applicant will be  successful in the future.      g.  The application is a reflection of the applicant.  Applicants must review their packages in their entirety before submitting  them.  Check for misspelled words and improper grammar.  Ensure all high school and college transcripts are enclosed.  Applicants must submit results from the last PFA completed including their  overall score.  Applicants who have not taken the PFA within the past year  and meet the exception criteria must have a CO's endorsement including a  statement verifying the applicant is currently within height and weight  standards.      h.  Qualifying SAT or ACT scores are required for all non- nuclear  officer candidates except as noted in paragraph 1 of this NAVADMIN.    Applications can still be submitted pending receipt of SAT or ACT scores or  with a command statement indicating non-availability for overseas locations  and deployed units.  SAT or ACT scores can be from exams taken between 1 July  2018 and 1 July 2023. Applicants without a SAT or ACT score and who meet the  exception criteria should ensure their high school cumulative grade point  average (minimum 2.5 GPA) is within the last 5 years or have a minimum 2.5  cumulative college GPA on a 4.0 scale with 12 or more semester hours.      i.  It is recommended the command retain a copy of the entire application  package.  The command portion of the application (such as command endorsement  and interview appraisal sheets) should not be given to the applicant.    8.  The preferred method of delivery for applications is through mail.  If  mail delivery is not possible, contact the Naval Service Training Command  STA-21 Program Office (N92 STA-21) at grlk_sta21(at) for alternative  delivery methods.  Mail completed applications to:    Naval Service Training Command  ATTN:  N92 STA-21  320A Dewey Ave Building 3, Room 106  Great Lakes, IL 60088-2845    9.  For questions, specific details, eligibility criteria, application  requirements, and selection procedures, refer to reference (a), contact your  command career counselor, or visit the STA-21 website at: 21/  for the most up-to-date information.    10.  The point of contact for STA-21 is Naval Service Training Command,   N92 STA-21, and can be reached at (847) 688-5454 ext 243 DSN 792 or via   e-mail at grlk_sta21(at)  The point of contact for the STA-21(N)  Program Office is the Nuclear Enlisted Community Manager, OPNAV N133D, and  can be reached at (703) 604- 5491/DSN 664 or via e-mail at  bullnuke(at)    11.  Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman Jr., N1.//    BT  #0001  NNNN  CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//  

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STA-21 Personal Statement

  • Thread starter tniel04
  • Start date Feb 25, 2018


  • Feb 25, 2018

When writing the personal statement, how specific should you be when talking about what option you want to apply for? Should I only mention that I want to be a pilot or should I also mention that I want to fly helicopters?  


"Wild Horse"

  • Feb 27, 2018

IMPO you should just keep it general and taylor it towards being a pilot. Your STA-21 personal statement has absolutely nothing to do with the platform you select out of Primary. You also dont want to risk the selection board being filled with pilots from all other communities and your statement somehow swaying their decision.  

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Is STA 21 worth the trouble and can you choose what you want to do

As seen above I'm not sure if I've made a post before explaining it but I want to go the special warfare route from my current command but I'm wanting to go officer. I'm asking because would I even be able to do that from the fleet or am I stuck attempting to go over enlisted?

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  1. Personal Statement for STA-21 2

    sta 21 personal statement requirements

  2. Personal Statement for STA-21 (2)

    sta 21 personal statement requirements

  3. STA-21 OFFICERS PROGRAM Fy 12 fleet-brief

    sta 21 personal statement requirements

  4. Personal Statement for STA-21 (2)

    sta 21 personal statement requirements

  5. Personal Statement for STA-21 (2)

    sta 21 personal statement requirements

  6. STA-21 OFFICERS PROGRAM Fy 12 fleet-brief

    sta 21 personal statement requirements


  1. Seaman to Admiral-21 Program

    STA-21 Data Form. (Submit via STA-21 Online Application Page or Download ). Download form only if online application is not possible. Applicant's personal statement. (Signed and dated). Last (5) observed evals, if applicable. (No missing time). Some applicants will not have five evals due to length of time in the Navy. That is fine.

  2. Seaman to Admiral-21 Program

    The STA-21 Program will keep all participants on active duty at their current enlisted pay grade. This means they will receive all the pay, allowances, benefits, and privileges they currently enjoy and will still be eligible for enlisted advancement while in the program: Time spent in school will not count towards retirement, however, it will ...

  3. Seaman to Admiral-21 Program

    All STA-21 applicants must be BELOW both the Graduated Body Fat limit and the DoD BCA limit. Q: I am a CO/XO/ESO/CCC/LCPO/LPO and have a sailor who meets the minimum eligibility requirements and wants to apply for STA-21, but is not yet qualified in his/her rating and is an average performer. I do not believe that this sailor is competitive for ...

  4. Personal Statement format question

    Here is the STA-21 website. Format - plain bond paper; 10 or 12 pitch; on the top of the page center "Personal Statement"; paragraphs blocked or indented; keep it at one page; four lines below the last line of typing, add your full name, SSN, and signature above your name.

  5. MyNavyHR

    Reference (c) provides specific information and all other requirements to apply for the STA-21(N) program. Additional information applicable to this year's STA-21 application is as follows: a. ... Appraisal forms should be typed in 10 or 12-point font. f. The applicant's personal statement should address why the Sailor wants to become an ...


    SEAMAN TO ADMIRAL-21 (STA-21) PROGRAM. Purpose. To provide administrative guidance for the STA-21 program for enlisted personnel of the Regular Navy and the Naval Reserve including Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) and Selected Reserve (SELRES) who apply for this program. Applicability. This program is open to enlisted personnel ...


    STA-21 is a full-time undergraduate education and commissioning program open to enlisted personnel of all paygrades and ratings who meet the eligibility requirements specified in reference (a). 3.

  8. MyNavyHR

    2. STA-21 is a full-time undergraduate education and commissioning program open to enlisted personnel of all paygrades and ratings who meet the eligibility requirements specified in reference (a). 3. Deadline for submission of applications for the FY-23 STA-21 Commissioning Program is 1 July 2022.

  9. FY-22 Seaman to Admiral Applications

    Download. The Navy's annual call for Seaman to Admiral-21 (STA-21) program applications is now on the streets. This year's board will meet in September, according to NAVADMIN 094/21 released ...

  10. FY-23 Seaman to Admiral Applications

    From MC1 Mark D. Faram, Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs. The Navy's annual call for Seaman to Admiral-21 (STA-21) program applications is now on the streets. Download. This year's ...

  11. Navy Accepting STA-21 Applications

    The STA-21 point of contact is Naval Service Training Command, STA-21 Program Office, at (847) 688-4607 extension 124, DSN 792 or via e-mail at [email protected]. The point of contact for the nuclear target-option policy change is the Nuclear Enlisted Community Manager, OPNAV N133D at (703) 604-5491/DSN 664 or via e-mail at [email protected].

  12. STA-21 Personal Statement : r/newtothenavy

    Considering STA-21 is 90%+ nukes, this isn't going to set you apart. Overall, STA-21 is very competitive. Unless you're a nuke you're essentially competing against fleet sailors for just a handful of spots. I would suggest start looking at some backup plans if your overall goal is Officer.

  13. USN

    Advice I was given with regards to the personal statement: (1) Answer all the questions from the 1420.1B and the STA-21 website. (2) Paint a clear picture of what you bring to the Officer community. (without sounding boilerplate) (3) It should read smooth and too the point. (4) And the most obvious --> It has to be grammatically correct!

  14. Seaman to Admiral-21 Program

    STA-21, enlisted-to-officer commissioning program, Seaman to Admiral, for young Sailors to earn their commission and become naval officers, navy, education, training, warfighter, development, Seaman. The Naval Education and Training Command recruits and trains those who serve our nation, taking them from street-to-fleet by transforming civilians into highly skilled, operational, and combat ...

  15. Sailors share lessons on STA-21 commissioning

    According to Boisselle, although every aspect of the application process is essential, two of the many requirements outweigh them all: the commanding officer's recommendation and Sailor's personal statement. Once the STA-21 applicant has been selected, the Sailor will then be sent to a testing site in preparation to attend college. ...

  16. Seaman To Admiral-21 Program

    Enlisted Commission Program STA-21. Seaman to Admiral-21 (STA-21) is a full-time undergraduate education and commissioning program open to enlisted personnel of all paygrades and ratings who meet the eligibility requirements specified OPNAVINST 1420.1B, the Enlisted to Officer Commissioning Programs Application Administrative Manual.. NAVADMIN 116/22 formally announced submission deadlines for ...

  17. Fy-24 Seaman to Admiral-21 Program Announcement

    STA-21 Program Office (N92 STA-21) at grlk_sta21(at) for alternative delivery methods. Mail completed applications to: Naval Service Training Command ATTN: N92 STA-21 320A Dewey Ave Building 3, Room 106 Great Lakes, IL 60088-2845 9. For questions, specific details, eligibility criteria, application

  18. STA-21 personal statement suggestions? : r/navy

    Avoid dramatics. Just be honest. Move on to something along the line of *" I am confident I will be successful if selected because I have a proven record of academic achievement as demonstrated by my high school grades and grades at my community college courses.". Consider addressing any blemishes in your record.

  19. STA-21 Questions : r/navy

    The instruction 1420.1B states "Service members may submit applications for the STA-21 core option, one of the target group options, or one target group option plus the core option. Those desiring selection to a target group option are advised to also apply to the core option" (8.4.f); I would interpret that as you're limited to Core + one ...

  20. Seaman to Admiral-21 Program

    OPNAVINST 1160.8A - Enlisted Bonus and Special Duty Assignment Pay Programs. Messages. NAVADMIN 061-24- FY- 25 Seaman To Admiral - 21 Program Announcement. NAVADMIN 23-256- FY-24 Seaman To Admiral-21 Selection of Applicants. NAVADMIN 044-23- FY-24 Seaman To Admiral-21 Program Announcement.

  21. STA-21 Personal Essay : r/NavyNukes

    STA-21 Personal Essay. Hello all! I'm currently about to finish A-school (I&CE 4 this Wednesday/Thursday) and I'm starting my application for STA-21. I'm having a little trouble with the personal statement. I've read online that a lot of people suggest to find past personal statements to see how they worded there's and to hopefully ...

  22. STA-21 Personal Statement

    Feb 27, 2018. #2. IMPO you should just keep it general and taylor it towards being a pilot. Your STA-21 personal statement has absolutely nothing to do with the platform you select out of Primary. You also dont want to risk the selection board being filled with pilots from all other communities and your statement somehow swaying their decision.

  23. STA-21 Personal Statement : r/NavyNukes

    It was a little while between writing my personal statement and my interviews. Before you do any interviews (if you have to), re-read your statement and anything else you wrote for your application! I had basically forgotten what I wrote and then had an interviewer reference my personal statement. 1.

  24. Is STA 21 worth the trouble and can you choose what you want to do

    The first time I applied for STA-21 CORE and tailored my statement for NSW, I wasn't selected.. changed it to IP the following application and picked up. STA-21 is a "lottery", but it's also a program for those who want to both make this a career, and for those who want to be a great officer over a specific type of officer.