Creating a Business Model Slide: How to Communicate Your Business Model Effectively

Creating a Business Model Slide: How to Communicate Your Business Model Effectively

This article will discuss how you can create the perfect business model slide, along with examples, ideas, and tips on getting excellent results.

Let’s start with the very basics:

What is a Business Model?

A business model outlines how a company plans to make profits. It mainly identifies the products and/or services it plans to sell, the target market, and any expenses.

Business models are important for every kind of business since they can be used to attract investors, recruit talent, and motivate the team. If you’re a company trying to get funding, a business plan can make or break your efforts. A business plan can help investors evaluate good investment opportunities. Even employees who wish to join the company might be interested in your business plan to better understand your company’s future.

So, it goes without saying that having a solid business model slide in your pitch deck is SUPER IMPORTANT!

Your business model slide and how you present it can sometimes be the sole deciding factor responsible for you to land the funding you need.

This article will explain how you can create the perfect business model slide and the mistakes you should avoid.

Pay good attention; this has the potential to change your life…

How to Create a Business Model Slide for Your Pitch Deck

Follow these 6 steps to create your business model slide:

– Identify the key components of your business model

– Create a visual representation of your business model

– Explain each component of your business model

– Make the slide visually appealing and easy to understand

– Review the slide to ensure that it effectively communicates your business model

– Practice presenting the slide

Let’s explore each step in detail:

Identify the key components of your business model

To identify the key components of your business model, you can follow the following steps:

  • Identify your revenue streams.

How will your business make money? Are you selling a product or a service?

  • Define your target market.

Who are the people that you will you be targeting with your products and/or services? What are their pain points?

  • Value proposition

What value do you provide your target market? How does your product/service solve their problems?

  • Key partners and suppliers

Are there any key partners or suppliers that you might need to work with to ensure smooth operation?

  • Distribution channels

How will your product/service reach your target market? Are you going to use online channels, physical stores, or a mix of both?

  • Cost structure

What are the costs associated with running your business? This can be anything from production costs to marketing expenses and overhead. Also, mention how you will control these costs and maintain profitability.

These 6 areas will give you an overview of your business model. Once you have identified these key elements, you can move on to creating a visual representation of your business slide . This is where SlideBazaar can make your life easier!

Business Mode Slides – Examples & Templates

This is an example of a simple business model slide. Download this as a PowerPoint template

Business Slide Design

The design of your business model slide is just as important as the contents. You need to make sure that your business slide is well-designed. Here are a few pointers that can help you out.

  • Make sure your business slide is easy to read and clear. Choose an appropriate font for your pitch deck, and select colors with good contrast for the text and background.
  • Use good quality, high resolution graphics in your business model slides. These graphics can help the viewer understand your slides better, so make sure you pay close attention to them.
  • Use appropriate charts, graphs, and other diagrams to convey data information effectively.
  • Branding of your business slide should be consistent throughout your pitch deck. Your business model slide should also have consistent branding.

Common mistakes in business model slides:

The people you’re presenting your business model slide to probably don’t have much time to sit through your entire presentation and take everything in.

The biggest mistake people often make is adding too much information to their business model slide. You need to avoid overwhelming your audience with information.

Keep your business model slide simple and focus on the most important information.

Another common mistake people make is not using visual cues to guide the user.

You should use graphics, icons, and other visual elements to guide the viewer through your presentation. This will help them understand the key elements of your presentation much faster.

Keep the language clear and concise. Do not use jargon or technical terms that may confuse your audience.

And lastly, the most important part. Practice. An excellent slide isn’t enough if you haven’t practiced presenting it. Make sure you review the slide and practice presenting it to someone else. You could also record yourself doing it and closely observe to see how you can improve the presentation.

Business model vs business plan

A business model is different from a business plan and a business plan gives an outline of how a company might generate revenue. A business plan goes into detail on how the business model would work and how revenue could be generated.

If you’re interested in knowing more about business plans and creating business plan presentations, we have a detailed article that you can check out .

Why Do You Need a Business Model Slide in Your Pitch Deck?

Investors usually don’t spend much time going through your entire pitch deck. To get the best result, you should be able to communicate all the important details in your slide effectively without taking too much time.

A business model slide includes everything from how your company functions to the strategy you will be using to generate revenue. A business slide is perhaps the most crucial part of your pitch deck since it provides enough reason for an investor to believe your venture is worth investing in.

  • Business model canvas template
  • Business model innovation template

I hope the points I’ve covered in this article will help you create your own business model slide. Make sure to practice your presentation well. Even the best slides can fall short with mediocre presentation skills. You can learn how to present better by exploring our blog.

Good luck with your presentations!

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The Easy Guide to Making a Business Plan Presentation


Failing to plan is planning to fail.

That’s why a business plan is crucial to your business. If you want to make sure that the promising business idea in your head is feasible, you have to start with a business plan .

Visuals make anything easier to understand. That’s why including them in your business plan presentation is a foolproof way to ensure that it’s readily welcomed by your audience and digested without confusion.

By no means is this business plan template limited to presentations; you can also include these diagrams in your business plan documents to make them more readable.

Following are downloadable Simple Business Plan Templates

  • Business Plan Template PDF
  • Business Plan Template Word
  • Business Plan Template PowerPoint

What is a Business Plan?

Benefits of using a business plan presentation, executive summary, company profile, customer profiles.

  • Perpetual Map
  • Porter’s Five Forces

SWOT Analysis

Pest analysis, competitor profile.

  • Competitive Intelligence

Marketing and Sales Strategies

Organizational structure and management, product canvas, value proposition canvas.

  • Financial plan

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Business Plan Presentation

Faqs about business plan presentations, want to extend the guide to creating a business plan presentation.

Let’s start by clarifying the business plan definition.

A business plan is a document that describes your business in terms of what it does, the products and services it offers, your business strategy and business goals, and your action plan outlining how you plan to achieve your goals and earn money.

The main purposes of a business plan are to

  • Show the future financial performance of the company and its economic situation for the owners and investors.
  • Help identify risks that may affect the growth of the company and provide strategies to overcome them.
  • Help make predictions about market trends, competitor behavior, customer requirements and define and prioritize key business objectives .
  • Serve as a key resource for developing budgets

Clarity and Communication

A business plan presentation helps you communicate your business idea, goals, and strategies with clarity. It allows you to distill complex information into concise and visually appealing slides, making it easier for your audience to understand and grasp the key points. Presenting your business plan in a structured and organized manner enhances clarity and ensures that your message is effectively communicated.

Engaging and Persuasive

A well-designed and well-delivered business plan presentation can be highly engaging and persuasive. By using visual aids, such as graphs, charts, and images, you can capture the attention of your audience and create a memorable impact. Effective storytelling and compelling visuals can help you convey the value proposition of your business, showcase market opportunities, and convince investors, stakeholders, or potential partners to support your venture.

Feedback and Interaction

Presenting your business plan allows you to receive immediate feedback and engage in discussions with your audience. This feedback can be invaluable in refining your business strategy , identifying potential gaps or weaknesses, and addressing questions or concerns. The interactive nature of a presentation enables you to have a dialogue, gather insights, and build relationships with key stakeholders. It also provides an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, passion, and confidence, which can further strengthen your credibility and increase the likelihood of securing support or funding for your business.

The Key Elements of a Business Plan

A business plan should contain the following key components.

  • Executive summary
  • Company profile
  • Market analysis
  • Marketing and sales strategies
  • Organizational structure and management
  • Services and products

Although this comes first, it’s smarter to write it at the end. The executive summary of your business plan should explain what is great about your business model and its products or services.

It should be concise and appealing to the reader. And it’s easier to write a meaningful summary once you have filled in the rest of your plan.

Your company profile should provide details on,

  • Company history
  • Overview of the company
  • Mission Statement
  • Key resources
  • Business contact information
  • Products or services
  • Location details
  • The market you serve
  • Your key customers
  • The customer issue you seek to solve

All these details can be presented in a much nicer way with an infographic like the one below. It’s easier to read and understand and more compact and clearer than paragraphs of detail.

Company Profile Template

Market Analysis

Through a market analysis , you can find enough detail to define your target market, its size, customer segments, and their needs.

Your market analysis should also include a competitor analysis, where you will research your key competitors in terms of their influence in the market, their strengths and weaknesses, the threats they pose to you, their products and services, their pricing plans, their marketing strategies etc.

Some visual techniques you can use in this section to present your data are

These aptly summarize all your findings on your customers such as their demographic details, jobs, responsibilities, needs, challenges etc.

Customer Profile Template for Business Plan

Perceptual Map

This tool helps you depict and analyze how your (potential) target customer perceives the brands or products of your competitors. It helps you make sense of your product or service’s competitive positioning through the survey data at your hand.

Perceptual Map for Business Plan

Porter’s Five Forces

This tool is used to assess your business competitive strength and position against your competitors. Using it you can understand whether your new product or service is profitable.

Porters Five Forces Template for Business Plan

SWOT analysis is a great way to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and the opportunities and threats they bring to you within the industry. You can also use it to assess the capabilities of your own company.

SWOT Analysis Template for Business Plan

More on SWOT Analysis: What, Why and How to Use Them Effectively

PEST stands for Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Technological factors. It’s a great way to examine how the external forces in your market can impact your company. It will also help you shape your marketing strategy and develop your risk management plan.

PEST Analysis Example

View More More on SWOT Analysis: PEST Analysis Tools

All the details you have gathered on your competitors, such as their sales numbers, strategies, partners, suppliers etc. can be organized here. It’s a great way to prepare your competitor analysis data to be added to your business plan presentation.

Competitor Profile Template for Business Plan

View More Competitor Analysis Tools

Competitive Intelligence Mind Map

Or you can convey these data in a mind map. You can use Creately Viewer to add this to your online documents, websites, intranet, Wiki, or business plan presentations. This way you can view any links included in the mind map and navigate through it easily.

Competitor Intelligence Mind Map Template

You can learn how to use these tools along with other useful techniques in more detail in;

View More Market Strategy Planning Tools

This is where you outline how you plan to market and sell your product. It’s easier to do now as you have extensive knowledge about your market, target customer and your competitors.

With your marketing strategy, you have to consider factors like your marketing or communication channels, marketing goals, marketing budgets, resources etc.

With your sales plan , pay attention to your sales targets, sales tools, resources etc.

You can use mind maps to visualize all this data to your audience. You can either use two mind maps to outline your sales and marketing strategies separately or a single mind map to showcase both.

Marketing and Sales Plan Template

Marketing and Sales Plan template for business presentation

If you want separate a marketing plan and sales plan, check out the templates below,

  • Marketing Plan Template for Business Plan Presentation
  • Sales Plan Template for Business Plan Presentation

Who are the key personnel involved in your organization? List them down in this section along with their expertise.

Use an organizational chart to represent your team, their roles and skills. It can help you highlight the hierarchy of your organizational structure as well.

Organizational Structure for Business Plan Presentation

Services and Products

This section explains your services or products and how they can benefit the customers. Here are some visualizations you can use to make this section more interesting to your audience.

Product canvas is a tool used to map, design and describe your product strategy. It takes into consideration your target audience, the important features of your product decided by storyboards , epics, design sketches, mockups , and the tasks you need to carry out to build the product.

Product Canvas Template

Learn about this in more detail here .

It’s a tool you can use to ensure that your product or service fits the requirements of your customer. It helps you look into

  • The value you can deliver to the customer via your product or service
  • Which customer problems/s that you are trying to solve
  • Which is the job that your product helps the customer to finish
  • Which customer needs you are satisfying
  • What are the different products you are offering to each customer segment

Value Proposition Canvas for Business Plan

Financial Plan

This is the section where you provide all financial information related to your business. This section is required if you are presenting your business plan to investors.

It will include both historical data such as cash flow statements,profit and loss statements, income statements etc. and financial projections based on the impact of your new product.

If you are pitching a new product to your investors, you may also want to include your funding requirements.

For a business plan presentation, you can use a digital database of your financial information with a simple Creately mind map. You can link up all your financial statements on your mind map.

This way anyone who refers to the mind map can easily access the linked resources from one single place.

Financial Plan Template

Overloading with Information

One of the most common mistakes is including too much information on each slide. This overwhelms the audience and makes it difficult for them to follow along. Keep your slides concise and focused on key points. Use bullet points or visuals to convey information effectively.

Lack of Visual Appeal

A presentation that lacks visual appeal can fail to engage the audience. Avoid using too much text and opt for visually appealing elements such as images, graphs, and charts. Use a consistent color scheme and fonts that are easy to read. Make sure your visuals support your message rather than distract from it.

Ignoring the Audience’s Needs

It’s essential to consider the needs and interests of your audience when creating a presentation. Tailor your content to address their concerns and provide relevant information. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand. Focus on presenting the most compelling aspects of your business plan that align with their interests.

Lack of Practice and Rehearsal

Presenting a business plan without sufficient practice and rehearsal can lead to a lack of confidence and a disjointed delivery. Practice your presentation multiple times to become familiar with the content, timing, and transitions. Rehearse in front of a mirror or a small audience to receive feedback and improve your delivery.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a compelling and effective presentation that effectively communicates your business plan to your audience.

In this post we have explained how to create a business plan presentation step-by-step. Make use of the templates that are provided to make your presentation more eye-catching and easy-to-understand.

Here are some more tips on making your presentation a hit.

Join over thousands of organizations that use Creately to brainstorm, plan, analyze, and execute their projects successfully.

How long should a business plan presentation be?

Should i include all the details of my business plan in the presentation, more related articles.

Process Mapping Guide: Definition, How-to and Best Practices

Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

Blog – Creative Presentations Ideas

September special: Business Transformation PPT Templates

how to make business model presentation

3 Ways to Illustrate Business Model Canvas Using PowerPoint


  • March 3, 2018
  • PowerPoint templates for download , Project Management & Scrum , Strategy Management

Explaining how the company operates can get pretty complex. One of the frequently used business model frameworks is Business Model Canvas (Alex Osterwalder describes it in his book “Business Model Generation”). This model effectively grasps all key elements of how a company operates and enables one to see the big picture.

Adding catchy visuals and diagrams to illustrate this framework will help you get people’s interest and support an understanding of the specific business model. Here we share ideas of how you can present the full picture and details of BMC on a slide clearly and simply.

All slide examples below are from Business Model Canvas PPT template . Click the pictures to see the details.

When designing the graphics for the canvas, we wanted to help people use this model without extra hassle. So they can focus on fulfilling the canvas content, not creating the graphics from scratch. Tell us, if we managed :). One of the first user testimonials was:

Your graphics are a lifesaver! I’ve always struggled with recreating it in PowerPoint. I wasn’t looking for a Business Model Canvas presentation template because it never occurred to me that there was one. So I feel very lucky about the discovery.

– Terry Ribb, Relevens, Inc.

Business Model Canvas in a Nutshell

Business Canvas is a well-known strategic management tool for developing new business models (e.g. for start-ups) or documenting and improving existing ones. BMC is a widely used framework by companies and startups to analyze their strategy and to apply the lean startup approach.

The Business Model Canvas is based on a simple visual representation of core activities, resources, and partners. All elements are put into one model, as a kind of jigsaw puzzle. Their position reflects the activities flow, from resources, activities, and value definition, towards customers. It includes all the main players in the functioning of the company.

Colorful business model canvas illustrated with icons

The Business Model Canvas framework helps a company align its activities and understand the potential trade-offs. You can explain the core elements that drive the business on a single page using this model (read more about BMC here ).

Unlike other business models (SWOT or PEST for example), Business Model Canvas includes a set of important internal factors driving a business (value proposition, revenue streams, or customer relationships) that proved to be key success factors in the rise of companies such as Amazon or Nescafe.

Presenting Components of Business Model Canvas

The Canvas has nine elements and together they provide a pretty coherent view of a business’s key drivers:

  • Customer Segments : Who are the customers? What do they think? See? Feel? Do?
  • Value Propositions : What’s compelling about the proposition? Why do customers buy, and use?
  • Channels: How are these propositions promoted, sold, and delivered? Why? Is it working?
  • Customer Relationships : How do you interact with the customer through their ‘journey’?
  • Revenue Streams : How does the business earn revenue from the value propositions?
  • Key Activities : What uniquely strategic things does the business do to deliver its proposition?
  • Key Resources : What unique strategic assets must the business have to compete?
  • Key Partnerships : What can the company not do so it can focus on its Key Activities?
  • Cost Structure : What are the business’ major cost drivers? How are they linked to revenue?

For visualizing each part of the business canvas you can use slides with elegant outline icons and virtual sticky notes:

business canvas key partners value proposition cost structure ppt

To present the whole model on one slide we prepared slide versions in three different visual styles:

Light modern style with Outline Icons

You can use this light mono-color deck with subtle yet modern outline icons when you want to focus on section names and content. Such a template will suit any presentation and audience.

Simple flat sections and sticky notes

Use simple flat icons when you want to make them small, as they still remain recognizable even if shrunk to a pretty small size. The sticky note graphics create a nice natural-looking design of the whole canvas. You can alter the color of the note cards, they are all editable vector shapes.

Getting the creative look with hand-drawn canvas symbols

The third variation you can reuse is with creative scribble icons. You can choose the multi-color canvas layout or the one that has all 9 sections colored in the same way.

Business Model Canvas creative scribble icons powerpoint

Choose a canvas style that fits your business or product better, whether you want to create a more unique, modern, or functional presentation.

Putting the Business Model Canvas presentation in PowerPoint format and asking your whole team to collaborate on it is a great way to make sure that everyone understands what you have in mind. A collaborative approach brings up new ideas as well.

Graphical Resources – the BMC template

To help you prepare fresh attractive slides, we designed this universal editable slide deck for presenting a business model canvas. It’s designed for PowerPoint, however, you can import this template to other presentation software, e.g. Google Slides or Keynote.

What’s inside the Business Model Canvas PPT Template?

The template contains pre-designed layouts and visuals for each canvas element. You can easily replace existing images, adapt content to describe your business idea, and encourage others to brainstorm on it.

The PowerPoint template with diagrams and symbols representing all nine areas of BMC contains:

  • Diagram overview with all areas on one slide with a place for short text or editable Post-it notes.
  • 9 single slides to describe each part in detail with more space for text.
  • Over 20 icon symbols represent key activities, key resources, partner networks, and value propositions. Followed by channels, customer segments, and relationships.
  • The template contains slides in three graphical styles: unique scribble graphics, modern outline icons, and simple flat icons.

If you enjoyed the graphics above, you can see the full deck and get it here:

Canvas PowerPoint Slide Redesign Guide

See four tips on how to design creative BMC slides:

If you need more business frameworks a roadmap, business review, SWOT, or PEST, then visit our  Business & Marketing diagrams page .

Looking for a single symbol to illustrate the business concept, like strategy, competition, process, or other? Check our blog , where we gathered ideas for illustrating abstract concepts with only one icon.

Subscribe to the newsletter  and follow our  YouTube channel  to get more design tips and slide inspiration.



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The Business Model Slide: How to make it and include

how to create a pitch deck for investors - image shows two guys chatting with their laptops in front of them

How to create a pitch deck for investors?

If you're reading this, you are probably in the process of pitching investors to raise money for your company. I'm the CEO of a company called Slidebean. I've not only managed to raise funding for our startup, but hundreds of companies have also used our templates to do so.

In this article, we are going to dig deep into how to create a pitch deck for investors, with special attention to the pitch deck structure. There is a pretty standardized pitch deck outline that most presentations follow, so we'll look at each slide and dig into what content you should include in each one of them.

Check out our article pitch deck design guidelines if you are looking for guidance on your design and pitch deck examples from successful startups if you are looking for inspiration. Remember, the pitch deck is the very first impression an investor might get at your business, and it should look stellar.

Pitch deck outline?

Let's not reinvent the wheel here. For anyone wondering what is a pitch deck, dozens of accelerators, venture funds, successful startups and internet personalities have published the 'ideal' contents of an investor deck. Also, we cover this on a more extended article here.

But, pretty much every pitch deck follows this structure:

The Problem

The solution, product demo.

‍ Why we'll make you rick:

  • Market Size
  • Business Model     --> We'll get to this
  • Competition
  • Underlying Magic
  • Go-to-Market Plan
  • Traction / Milestones

Fundraising Info

For most of this article, I am going to use the Uber pitch deck as an example. Now the original version doesn't look particularly good, so we'll use Slidebean's redesigned version.

The Intro Section

This is where you present your case, your problem premise, and your proposed solution. This is a critical part of your pitch because it will determine if you can capture an investors attention for the rest of the presentation.

The Cover Slide

Little to add here on the structure side, we'll look at some design tips later.

This is where you present the status quo. The founders of Uber made it very clear- Cabs in 2008 are far from a great user experience: they use aging, and inefficient technology and hailing is done by hand of phone.

uber pitch deck problem

Check Airbnb' pitch deck. This was the reality in 2009, all you had was Craigslist and CouchSurfing, and neither of those was a pleasant user experience.

airbnb pitch deck problem slide

I also love the way Airbnb summarized it in just three short sentences: - Price is important for travelers. - Hotels are bubbles. - There's no way to book a room with a local or to host a spare room or apartment.

See how down to earth this problem has been summarized? No complicated jargon, no debatable arguments, 100% straightforward, verifiable claims.

Creating empathy with your investors is critical at this point. If you offer a questionable statement, then the whole premise of your pitch will be doubted. If the problem you are trying to solve can be applied to them, great, use that! If you are solving a problem for an entirely different audience, then acknowledge it and again, make sure your premise is solid.

uber pitch deck solution slide

The solution is quite obviously you, and your company and your product. Mention three or four core functions of your app and how they address the problems you just talked about.

One important tip here is to, once again, avoid tech jargon. Think of benefits instead of features- so instead of saying: 'fully responsive editor,' rephrase it to 'edit your presentation anywhere, even your phone.'

This is a killer line right here: Convenience of a cab in NYC + experience of a professional chauffeur. But in SF and NYC.

There's a whole thing about product demos. If you are presenting live, for example, then a product demo is a double edge sword. You risk the demo crashing and ruining your whole pitch, so sticking with a video is safer.

If you are sharing the pitch with an investor via email, then a video capture is a nice courtesy and a way to guarantee that the viewer will get a glimpse of your product: you can't assume they'll go to your website, create an account and check it out themselves.

Finally, if you are in an in-person meeting, following the flow yourself might be the best choice. Remember, in either case, your video demo should reach an 'aha moment' in 30 seconds or less.

Why we'll make you rich:

if you managed to catch their attention in the first minute or so, now it's time to prove why are you are going to make them reach.

Remember, few investors (actually no investors) will give you money because they like you, your team, and your product. They'll do it because they believe your team, led by your vision, can grasp a market opportunity, great a sizable company and give them a significant return on their investment.This is where you look at how large can this company become. Two ways to tackle it, with what is called a 'bottom up' or a 'top-down' market approach.

A Top-Down analysis is calculated by determining the total market, then estimating your share of that market.  A typical top-down analysis might go something like this:  "Hmm... I will sell rubber duck everyone can use, and since there are 500,000 people in my area, even if I only manage to land 5 percent of that market I'll make 25,000 sales."

A bottom-up analysis is calculated by estimating potential sales to determine a total sales figure. A bottom-up study evaluates where products can be sold, the sales of comparable products, and the slice of current sales you can carve out. While it takes a lot more effort, the result is usually much more accurate.

There's a great article you can look into for more details.

uber pitch deck market size

So going back to our example, Uber planned to start as a NYC + SF service, which makes almost $1.3 Billion per year. Then they planned to expand to LA, Chicago, Houston, PA, and Dallas, which make up 50% of the US taxi market.

So based on this information, they estimated three scenarios: A Worst-Case Scenario where they remain a ten car, 100 client service in SF. A Realistic Success Scenario where UBer gets 5% of the top 5 US Cities, which represents 20-30M+ per year profit.

And a Best-Case Scenario , where Uber became a market leader, $1B+ in yearly revenue. Who would've guessed even that prediction fell short of the company they'd become.


The business model slide.

airbnb pitch deck business model slide

Now, the pitch deck business model slide is, in most cases, a slide that makes or break your pitch. I'm taking Airbnb's example here, whose business model is dead simple: they make a 10% commission on each transaction. That's it.

Airbnb makes money in many other ways these days, but the premise remains, there's a percentage of each transaction, and when dealing with a $500MM serviceable market (Budget + Online Trips), even a small portion of the equation yields fantastic economics.

The founders elaborated by making a rough estimate that serving 15% of the addressable market would yield them $200MM of revenue in the first three years. A bold, but eventually accurate prediction.

We are working on a new video dedicated exclusively to studying and understanding powerful Business Model slides (We'll be updating this post with the link any time soon).

What Makes up a Startup Business Model?

Simply put, a business model defines how your company functions. It states for professionals and investors, as much as it does so for family and friends, what your business strategy is mostly about in operational terms.

What we mean by the above is that your business model pitch deck template should clearly define not only who your customers are, but what value propositionthey find in your company, service or product offering, how you make revenue off of this entrepreneurship and how you manage to upkeep a business relation with your clientele in a way that is profitable to both.  

What Is Osterwalder’s startup Business Model Canvas?

Unfortunately, we are at a point in the business world where we cannot speak of business model slides without referencing Swiss business theorist Alex Osterwalder and a model that has nurtured a big part of what is known as a Lean Startup Movement.

Business model canvas is more commonly abbreviated as BMC. They are mainly strategic tools that facilitate business model analysis and development in business presentations .

Why do we mention this? Let’s move on to our key facts to successful business model slides to find out.

1- Work On Your Business Model Canvas

The first key fact for you here is: If you have not done so already, please take out a simple sheet of paper and work on your BMC. Yes, no computers for this one but back to old-fashioned (and very fun, actually!) pen and paper.

Furthermore, do NOT do this by yourself. Fundamentally, this should be seen as a team activity and hopefully done together with your business team.

Used as a creative impulse, the BMC should help you define the purpose of your business through your value proposition and network to get to your revenue projections.

2- Study the business model

This might feel like a cheat, but we cannot stress it enough just how relevant it is that you actually spend time studying and crafting an actual and functional business model. We highlight this as it is not only important for the sake of a winning business model slide to your upcoming pitch deck , but it is furthermore essential to good business health and long-term positive entrepreneurial trajectory.

You might be surprised how many startups fail to work on their business model to their exhaustion as a foundation for their entire business operation. For the number of hours spent trying to scale your business, pausing here - for as tedious and hard as it can feel - is a long-term life and time saver.

3- Make sure how you make and sell works

Breaking your business model in two sections, you would thus tell us not only how you make your product or business offer, but how you plan on putting it out there in the market, thus coming up with your value chain business model.

Moreover, when you present the above, make sure what you outline actually works in a way that it passes any possible numeric test (and also a logical narrative one) towards actual profitability in the financial model .

Image contains an operating costs template

Check our Financial Model Templates

4- Consider and stress your innovation

There are two ways in which you can typically be innovative in regards to business models; either in the making or on the selling aspects of that on which you are basing your startup. We say “typically” here as fantastic and ground-breaking business models actually manage to be innovative in both aspects.

Therefore, can you innovate how you make, sell or distribute your product? Or could you do so in the way in which you meet consumer needs? Can you actually do so both ways?

If you really do on any of the above and by any means, definitely stress this out in your upcoming business model slide.

Warning here, though, as, if you truly do NOT manage to find an innovative way to crack at your business model, please do not make it up. A bluff here is easier to see from miles away than most think; and investors are awfully good at sniffing that, as well. It’s one of many pitch deck facts . In fact, you need not be an investor to consider from a consumer perspective whether your idea or business proposition is actually innovative at all. So spare yourself a loss of considerable credibility throughout your business presentation by adding something you do not possess; innovation should be an awfully valuable asset, not a required aspect.

5- Make the best of your timing

Part of the things most startup pitch decks leave out is how the time in which business presentations are being pitched is precisely the right one for any investor or party to be looking at their business offer. This, of course, goes along with reasons why the time at which pitches are being delivered is the perfect one for the product or service to be out there.

In this sense, it is best when you have a business pitch targeting something that is happening or is executed at a moment when the launch or offer works more than ever before - and prior to any further events unfolding.

Many successful businesses have thrived solely based on timing, as a matter of fact. And that is not surprising at all; timing really matters! It does so considerably. So include that in your presentation if the timing is just perfect and on your side.

The Competition Slide

competition comparative

I'm going to use the Slidebean example for the competition slide. This grid approach to comparing your company to your competitors was popularly used by Steve Jobs when he used to compare the iPhone to any other phone available at the time.

If you have a product that stands far apart from your competitors, then this might be the best way to make sure everyone understands the premise.

In our case, the horizontal axis would be represented by 'time required to make a presentation or pitch deck,' and 'quality of design' on the vertical axis.

slidebean competition slide

Traditional presentation software like PowerPoint would have an average design quality, with terrible efficiency. Prezi, for example, provides somewhat better results, at the cost of even more time. All the way to the extreme, you can create a top of the line presentation using Adobe Illustrator, but this is a professional tool for designers.

Slidebean's niche is right here, where high quality meets efficiency- and with this diagram is easy to see how it stands apart.

Underlying magic or competitive advantage

Uber pitch deck technology slide

The Underlying Magic slide also referred to as the Competitive Advantage slide, is where you elaborate on the technologies and patents you've developed to make your product or service unique. Feel free to get more technical here.

Going back to Uber, this is where they get to brag about their route optimization system, reputation tracking, and demand forecasting: that's right, surges. As much as we users hate them, that is one of Uber's most powerful innovations.

The Go-To-Market Plan

Airbnb pitch deck market adoption

The go-to-market slide should refer to your plans to acquire a mass audience. Now the reality of any startup is that there is no way to know how these 'plans' will work until you try them out, and you'll likely need to update this slide regularly as you try and fail with different marketing tactics.

It's essential, however, to remember and fake it till' you make it: always have a plan and pitch it as if you are 100% sure that's the way to go. The point of this slide is proving that you can figure out ways to grow your business, both with a large pool of ideas and the ability to execute.

Airbnb's slide refers to three alternatives: events, partnerships, and the 'dual posting feature.' In the end, they never managed to make a deal with Kayak, but they hit the nail on the head with the dual posting function.

In a nutshell, they developed a bot that would take any Airbnb listing, repost it on Craigslist and link back to the original Airbnb post, thus increasing their traffic and awareness, as well as the chances of getting a listing booked when they had few customers.

Airbnb pitch deck, team slide

Almost done now, moving up to the team. This slide should be simple: mention your founders and why are you the right people to grow this company.

Remember the ideal founder combination is the hustler/hacker/hipster trio. A hustler, usually the CEO that can sell the company and keep investors excited around it; a hacker, often the CTO that can lead the product development for the first few years; and finally a hipster that can build a brand both through high-quality design and marketing.  

Do not talk about your advisors, first employees or anyone who is not dedicated 100% to the company.

Wrapping Up


slidebean pitch deck, traction slide

The Traction/Milestone slide is another crucial piece of your pitch. Actually, if you are pitching in front of an audience in a demo-day type of event, this slide should probably go first, right after your cover; this gives you credibility early on and captures people's attention for the rest of the pitch.

In the storytelling arch of your presentation (click below to see our video on Storytelling) the Traction is the lethal blow and the climax of your story.  

If you have revenue, and it's growing, that should be the only chart on this slide. If you don't have any sales, you might want to reconsider pitching investors, as it's tough to raise money without income. If you must, then talk about user growth, monthly and weekly active users.

airbnb pitch deck financial slide

Both of the pitch deck templates we are referencing, Uber and Airbnb, have a final fundraising slide with their ask. In the US, the SEC has certain regulations as to whom can you show your financial data, so you should be careful when sending your deck to people who aren't accredited investors.

This is not my expertise by any means, but a couple of tips are: - If you are pitching on stage, to an audience, do not add this slide. - If you are sending this deck privately to a VC, then you are probably OK.

When in doubt, check out this article for more info.

So all of the pitch deck templates we talked about are available to use on Slidebean. Creating an account is free, and you can start editing right away. Slidebean's algorithm will handle the design for you, so all you need to care about is the design.

If you want to do this in PowerPoint or your platform of choice, well shame on you, but check out our next video with some Pitch Deck Design guidelines.

Need some extra help with your Pitch Deck? Go and check Slidebean's

‍ Pitch Deck Design Service

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A co-founder is usually a very vital piece of a puzzle to get a startup off the ground.

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Business Model Canvas Template (+ Free Presentation Templates)

Business Model Canvas Template

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that helps businesses visualize and analyze their business models. It consists of nine key components that are essential for designing and evaluating a business model.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the Business Model Canvas, explaining each component in detail and providing insights into their significance. Additionally, the article includes examples of free and premium presentation templates that entrepreneurs and managers can use to effectively communicate their business models to stakeholders, investors, and team members.

With this text, we continue the series of four articles:

  • Introduction to Business Models ;
  • Comparative Analysis of Business Models ;
  • Business Model Canvas Template ◄ You are here ;
  • Business Model Examples and Case Studies

dedicated to business models, accompanied by examples of presentation templates from the PoweredTemplate library . The use of these templates can be beneficial in practice when developing a presentation for various business models.

Table of Contents

Overview and Purpose of the Business Model Canvas

1. key partners, 2. key activities, 3. key resources, 4. value proposition, 5. customer segments, 6. distribution and communication channels, 7. customer relationships, 8. revenue streams, 9. cost structure, presentation templates of business models.

The Business Model Canvas is an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs and business managers seeking to understand, design, and communicate their business models effectively. It provides a holistic and visual representation of the key elements that drive a business’s success. With its intuitive framework, the Business Model Canvas allows stakeholders to grasp the intricacies of a business model at a glance.

how to make business model presentation

The primary purpose of the Business Model Canvas is to facilitate strategic thinking and analysis. By breaking down the complex structure of a business into nine distinct components, it enables entrepreneurs and managers to identify critical areas for improvement, innovation, and optimization. Moreover, the canvas acts as a common language that aligns different teams and departments within an organization, fostering collaboration and a shared understanding of the business model.

Through the Business Model Canvas, businesses can identify opportunities for growth, streamline their operations, and enhance their value proposition to customers. By visualizing the interdependencies between each component, businesses gain insights into how changes in one aspect of the model can impact other areas. This holistic approach allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the business model’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of disruption.

how to make business model presentation

Furthermore, the Business Model Canvas promotes agility and adaptability. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations need to be flexible and responsive to changing market conditions. The canvas empowers businesses to iterate and experiment with different strategies and configurations, ensuring they remain competitive and resilient in dynamic environments.

It’s important to note that when using the Business Model Canvas, businesses have the option to leverage premium or free business model presentation templates . These templates offer a convenient and professional format for showcasing the business model visually. Whether opting for premium templates with enhanced features or free templates that provide a solid foundation, entrepreneurs and managers can effectively communicate their business models to stakeholders, investors, and team members.

In the next section, we will delve into each component of the Business Model Canvas, providing a detailed explanation of their significance and how they contribute to the overall business model.

Explanation of Each Business Model Canvas Component

The Business Model Canvas consists of nine essential components that collectively form a comprehensive representation of a business model. Each component plays a crucial role in shaping the overall strategy and operations of a business. In this section, we will explore each component in detail, highlighting their significance and how they contribute to the business model canvas.

Business Model Canvas Template -- Lean Canvas Model Free Template - Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template

The Key Partners component identifies the external entities and organizations that collaborate with the business to create value and achieve mutual success. These partners can include suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, technology providers, strategic alliances, or any other key stakeholders with whom the business forms strategic relationships. By leveraging the expertise, resources, or distribution channels of these partners, businesses can enhance their capabilities, reach new markets, reduce costs, and create a competitive advantage.

Key Activities encompass the core actions and processes that a business must undertake to deliver its value proposition and fulfill customer needs. These activities can include manufacturing, designing, marketing, distribution, research and development, customer support, and any other essential tasks required to operate the business. Identifying and optimizing key activities helps businesses streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and create value for their customers.

Key Resources refer to the essential assets, both tangible and intangible, that a business needs to operate effectively. These resources can include physical resources like infrastructure, equipment, or inventory, as well as intellectual property, patents, trademarks, human capital, or financial resources. Understanding and managing key resources allows businesses to allocate their assets efficiently, leverage their strengths, and differentiate themselves from competitors.

The Value Proposition component defines the unique value that a business offers to its customers. It encapsulates the products, services, or solutions that address customers’ needs, solve their problems, or fulfill their desires in a superior way compared to alternatives in the market.

Business Model Canvas Template -- Value Proposition Canvas Template - Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template

A compelling value proposition is essential for attracting customers, creating customer loyalty, and sustaining a competitive advantage. By continuously refining and enhancing their value proposition, businesses can stay relevant and meet evolving customer demands.

Customer Segments involve segmenting the target market and identifying distinct groups of customers with similar needs, preferences, or characteristics. Understanding the diverse customer segments enables businesses to tailor their offerings, marketing messages, and customer experiences to specific customer groups. By effectively targeting and serving different customer segments, businesses can maximize customer satisfaction, increase market share, and drive sustainable growth.

Distribution and Communication Channels encompass the ways in which a business reaches its customers, delivers its value proposition, and engages in communication. These channels can include physical stores, e-commerce platforms, distribution networks, direct sales, social media, or any other means through which the business interacts with its customers. Optimizing distribution and communication channels allows businesses to effectively reach their target audience, ensure timely delivery, and maintain strong customer relationships.

Customer Relationships involve the types of relationships a business establishes and maintains with its customers. This component focuses on understanding and meeting customer expectations, delivering exceptional customer service, and building long-term customer loyalty. Whether through personalized interactions, self-service options, or ongoing support, cultivating positive customer relationships enhances customer satisfaction, promotes repeat business, and generates positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Revenue Streams encompass the various sources of revenue that a business generates through its value proposition and customer segments. This component involves identifying and optimizing revenue streams, which can include product sales, subscription fees, licensing, advertising, freemium models, or any other revenue generation strategies. Diversifying revenue streams and finding the right balance between pricing and value proposition helps businesses sustain financial stability and maximize profitability.

The Cost Structure component deals with the costs and expenses incurred by the business to operate, deliver its value proposition, and generate revenue. It involves understanding and managing the cost drivers, cost-saving opportunities, and economies of scale. Optimizing the cost structure allows businesses to achieve efficiency, profitability, and sustainable growth.

Understanding each component of the Business Model Canvas and their interconnections is vital for businesses to design, evaluate, and refine their business models. In the next section, we will explore presentation templates that can help showcase the business models effectively, enabling businesses to communicate their strategies and value propositions to stakeholders and investors.

Presentation templates provide a convenient and visually appealing way to showcase business models using the Business Model Canvas framework. These templates offer a structured format that helps entrepreneurs, managers, and teams effectively communicate their business models to various stakeholders.

Business Strategy Two - Premium Google Slides Presentation Template

When it comes to business model presentation templates, there are both premium and free options available. Premium templates often offer additional features, customization options, and a polished design that can elevate the visual representation of the business model. These templates may be suitable for professionals who require a high level of customization and advanced presentation capabilities.

On the other hand, free business model presentation templates can be an excellent starting point for those who are looking for a solid foundation and a straightforward way to present their business models. These templates often include the key sections and components of the Business Model Canvas, allowing users to input their specific information and customize the template to align with their branding and style.

how to make business model presentation

Whether opting for premium or free templates, it’s essential to choose a design that aligns with the overall message and tone of the business model. Clear and visually engaging templates can captivate the audience’s attention , enhance understanding, and facilitate meaningful discussions around the business model.

Business model presentation templates typically include placeholders for each component of the Business Model Canvas, such as Key Partners, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Proposition, Customer Segments, Distribution and Communication Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, and Cost Structure. These templates guide users to input relevant information and create a visually cohesive and professional presentation.

By utilizing presentation templates, businesses can save time and effort in designing their business model visualizations while ensuring a clear and structured representation. Whether presenting to potential investors, sharing insights with team members, or discussing strategies with stakeholders, the use of templates can enhance the clarity, impact, and professionalism of the business model presentation.

The Business Model Canvas is a dynamic tool that requires continuous evaluation and refinement. As businesses evolve and market conditions change, the canvas can be adapted to reflect new strategies, innovations, and customer insights.

Incorporating the Business Model Canvas into strategic management practices allows businesses to identify opportunities, optimize operations, and create value for customers. By understanding the interdependencies between the components and leveraging presentation templates, businesses can enhance collaboration, align different teams, and effectively communicate their strategies.

As you seek to enhance your existing model, we encourage you to utilize the Business Model Canvas and leverage the available presentation templates. Embrace the power of strategic visualization and communication to drive your business forward, adapt to changing markets, and succeed in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Remember, your business model is the foundation for your success, and the Business Model Canvas is the roadmap that brings it to life.


Business Model Slides

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Product details

The term business model refers to a company’s plan for making a profit. It identifies the products or services the business plans to sell, its identified target market, and any anticipated expenses. Business models are important for both new and established businesses. They help new, developing companies attract investment, recruit talent, and motivate management and staff. Established businesses should regularly update their business plans or they’ll fail to anticipate trends and challenges ahead. Business plans help investors evaluate companies that interest them.

A business model is a high-level plan for profitably operating a business in a specific marketplace. A primary component of the business model is the value proposition. This is a description of the goods or services that a company offers and why they are desirable to customers or clients, ideally stated in a way that differentiates the product or service from its competitors.

A new enterprise’s business model should also cover projected startup costs and financing sources, the target customer base for the business, marketing strategy, a review of the competition, and projections of revenues and expenses. The plan may also define opportunities in which the business can partner with other established companies.

Successful businesses have business models that allow them to fulfill client needs at a competitive price and a sustainable cost. Over time, many businesses revise their business models from time to time to reflect changing business environments and market demands.

Every successful business model has nine building blocks, which include: key partners, key activities, key resources, cost structure, value proposition, customer relationships, customer segments, channels and revenue streams. Our business model slides in this PowerPoint template is no different. Launch your business with confidence after using this template to guide your growth strategy.

Whether you’re starting your own business, eyeing potential investors or refining your existing business, having the right blueprint is key to setting a solid foundation. Our template has six design variations to visually show your business model, growth strategy and cultural values.

This template will be useful for startup executives when developing a company management model. You can describe the business model in detail and prepare a presentation to meet with potential investors. This template has all the necessary tools to build a professional presentation and it will not be difficult for you to prepare a professional slide for your business model of company management.

Also, this template will be useful for investment companies when preparing a report on the activities and structure of joint stock companies. Mergers and crisis managers can also use the slides of this template in their day-to-day work.

Business trainers can use this template when preparing a course on building business management models and developing an enterprise management strategy. Also, this template will be useful for the head of companies when preparing for a strategic session with the company’s shareholders. For example, you can prepare your new company development strategy and describe in detail cash flows, functional relationships within the company, sales markets, and resources required.

This business model template is ideal for companies of all sizes. You can also use this template for internal purposes, as well as in presentations to potential investors, shareholders, internal stakeholders and executive team members. Visually-appealing, well-organized and structured, every presenter is sure to effectively pitch the value of their business using this template. Business Model Slides template will be a worthy addition to your collection of professional presentations.

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How to Make a Business Presentation in 7 Easy Steps [Free Business Presentation Templates]

Lucy Alexander

Updated: May 02, 2022

Published: September 11, 2019

There’s a reason many people despise public speaking. Defining your presentation style , putting together engaging slides, getting your point across clearly, handling unexpected questions, and squeezing a laugh out of the audience is a lot to consider.


Still, nearly all of us have to give business presentations every so often — especially salespeople . And the most daunting part of preparing for any presentation is that there’s always room to improve. 

Even the most seasoned speakers headlining at conferences or reps who top the leaderboard every month can improve their storytelling, deliver their message more clearly, and perfect their physicality. And so can you.

There are an infinite number of presentation tips out there, so we’ve distilled the vast pool of tips down to what will make the biggest impact on your presentation — and we’ve left you with actionable takeaways you can apply to your presentations today.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

How to Make a Business Presentation

1. make a plan.

Things won’t go according to plan if you don’t even have a plan in the first place. Before building your slide deck , create an outline that includes the main points and pieces of evidence you want to get across.

This outline will act as your anchor while you build a slide deck and give your presentation, pointing you toward the key arguments you know you need to touch on.

I like to start with the bare bones: introductory remarks , the three points I hope my audience remembers from my talk, and concluding remarks. Then, I add sub-points to each of those three points that comprise the meat of my presentation.

These bullet points become helpful later, too, when I’m putting together my slides. They show me how much material I have on each takeaway, which allows me to split my content into the appropriate number of slides.

A well-delivered, memorable introduction and conclusion are essential ingredients of a presentation. Don’t overlook them in your outline.

Even a couple of quick bullet points on exactly what you plan to cover in each will help you set an engaging, confident tone at the start and wrap up in a way that helps your material stick in your audience’s mind.

how to make business model presentation

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

  • Creative templates.
  • Data-driven templates.
  • Professional templates.

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2. Choose a slide deck

Select a slide deck that matches the tone of your presentation. There are three primary factors that can influence your deck style:

  • The formality of your workplace . A good litmus test is your company’s dress code. For example, if you wear business formal attire to work, stick with a slide deck with neutral colors like navy, white, grey, and black, and keep your fonts sharp. If your workplace is more casual or prizes creativity over ceremony, consider a more colorful deck, but keep it to two to three complementary colors to avoid creating slides that are too busy.If you’re looking for a slide deck that’s creative but not overwhelming, consider something like this ( you can download this slide deck template for free here ):

presentation slide deck best practices

  • The content you’re presenting. Serious research and financial data, for example, are suited for more professional decks. Informal recaps, brainstorms, and planning sessions may give you more bandwidth to use brighter colors.Here’s an example of a slide that would be well-suited for data:

template for a business slide deck

Download the Slide Deck Template for Free

  • Your personal brand . If you’re known at work for your sense of humor or your GIF reaction time on Slack, you’ll be able to get away with a more friendly font and colorful template. If you lean into professionalism and want to express rigor in your analysis or ideas, select a deck with few distractions — keep the colors neutral.

We had our designers here put together a set of free business presentation templates that you can start using today. 

3. Lead with a story and a laugh

One of the reasons it’s so easy to get wrapped up in TED Talks for hours on end is that nearly every presenter begins with a compelling story.

Whether it’s the harrowing tale of a near-death experience or a heartwarming recap of the speaker’s daughter’s first day of preschool, a great story engages the audience’s attention. It should also allow the speaker to build a personal connection with listeners and serve as a memorable cornerstone of the presentation.

When possible, begin your presentations with a story. The key, once you’ve shared your story, is to succinctly tie its main point back to the focus of your presentation.  

Don’t feel you must tell a story that’s groundbreaking or unique — in fact, relatable stories will be most effective at breaking through to your audience.

For example, a marketing director at HubSpot recently began a presentation about her team’s redesign project by sharing a personal anecdote about her struggles clearing weeds in her garden.

Finally, add humor where it feels natural. Getting a laugh out of your audience within the first minute will put them at ease and set a positive tone for the information they’re about to take in. 

4. Add verbal signposts

One of the best pieces of presentation advice I’ve ever gotten came from a college professor who believed our brains needed what he called “signposts”: verbal cues that could stick in an audience’s mind even as the details slipped away. 

He challenged us to distill our presentations down to three key takeaways and come up with one-to-three-word phrases that represented each point. Then, we were to reference those three cues or signposts in our introduction — just before diving into their details — and once again at the end.

If there were slides involved, he also had us select a simple image for each signpost that would be repeated throughout the deck.

Here’s an example: if you were giving a presentation pitching a website redesign, you might talk about all of the benefits a redesign would bring. Your website would be more visually consistent with your brand, the user experience would vastly improve, and you’d improve loading time to boost your search rankings.   

The signposts for this presentation might be: 

  • Brand Consistency
  • Improved UX

Even if the audience forgot the mechanics of how each of these areas would improve with the redesign, they would walk away with three easy-to-remember phrases that summarized the value of your proposed project.

Since taking that professor’s class, I’ve watched and created presentations completely differently. I always look for a speaker’s signposts and incorporate my own into every presentation I build. Signposts help me retain more material and communicate my points more directly.

5. Rely on images and charts rather than text and tables

Humans process images faster than text. And, as a speaker, it’s a disconcerting experience to see your audience squinting their eyes as they try to make out a hundred tiny words or numbers on your slides, scribbling down as much information as they can before you skip to the next section.  

To avoid this issue, rely on images whenever possible. Keep the attention on you, the expert, by selecting an image or two to drive home your point. Don’t try to squeeze all of your information on a single slide.

6. Incorporate audience interaction

We all dread sitting through boring presentations. And no matter how experienced a speaker you are, there’s inevitably going to be a low-energy point of your talk during your first dry run.  

To keep the energy up, add in a quick moment of audience interaction. There are many different ways to re-engage listeners with participation:  

  • Quiz them and have them raise their hands to vote on options.
  • Ask a question.
  • Have them turn to a neighbor and share one reaction to what they just heard.
  • Have people stand up momentarily if they agree with a given statement.

Movement will engage attention in a new way and refresh the energy of the room, carrying you through to the end of the presentation.

7. Hold a couple of non-essential data points until the Q&A at the end

You will always want to use adequate data to make a business case and provide a meaningful, truthful presentation. However, it’s okay if you’re not able to fit every detail into your presentation. 

In fact, if you intend to hold a question and answer session at the end of the presentation , leaving a couple of interesting but non-essential data points out during the presentation can give you impressive material to work with during the Q&A.

Anticipate several questions you’re likely to get or have a colleague watch a practice run-through and come up with three questions for you. Then, choose a couple of pieces of evidence not included on the slides themselves and have them in your mental back pocket to support your answers. 

Data always speaks more loudly than statements that don’t have a specific piece of evidence behind them. Remember, you’re an expert on your presentation topic — and additional, specific points can only help you when it comes to demonstrating your expertise.

how to make business model presentation

25 Voicemail Script Templates

25 voicemail script templates for any occasion.

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From Idea to Income: Building a Successful Business Model

Updated: August 31, 2024 · Reviewed by: Ahmad Nasrudin

Business Model 101

This post may contain affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission if you purchase through our links. This helps support our work.

A business model is the blueprint that outlines how a company generates revenue, attracts customers, and delivers value. It’s the strategic plan that guides a company’s operations.

Understanding business models is essential for anyone who wants to start or grow a business . By knowing the different types of business models and how they work, you can make informed decisions about your entrepreneurial journey .

What is a Business Model?

A business model is a comprehensive plan that outlines how a company creates, delivers, and captures value. It’s more than just a strategy; it’s a roadmap that guides a company’s operations, from product development to customer acquisition and revenue generation. A well-crafted business model ensures that a company’s activities align with its goals and provides a clear framework for decision-making.

Key Components of a Business Model

Understanding these key components can create a solid foundation for your business model and help you make informed decisions about your company’s strategy and operations.

  • Value proposition: The unique benefits a company offers to its customers.
  • Customer segments: The different groups of customers a company serves.
  • Channels: The ways a company reaches and communicates with its customers.
  • Customer relationships: The type of relationship a company establishes with its customers.
  • Revenue streams: The ways a company generates income from its customers.
  • Key resources: The assets a company needs to operate its business.
  • Key activities: The most important actions a company undertakes.
  • Cost structure: The expenses incurred in operating a business.

Value Proposition

A compelling value proposition is the cornerstone of a successful business model. It sets your business apart from competitors and attracts customers. Your value proposition should clearly articulate the unique benefits your product or service offers and address the specific needs and pain points of your target market.

To craft a strong value proposition, consider these questions:

  • What problem does your product or service solve for your customers?
  • How does your offering differ from competitors?
  • What unique value do you provide?
  • How do your customers benefit from using your product or service?

Answering these questions can help you develop a value proposition that resonates with your target audience and drives customer acquisition .

Customer segments

Understanding your customer segments is essential for tailoring your business model to meet their specific needs. Customer segments can be defined based on various factors, including demographics (age, gender, income), psychographics (lifestyle, values, interests), behavior (purchase frequency, usage patterns), and geography.

Once you’ve identified your customer segments, consider these questions:

  • What are the common needs and wants of each segment?
  • How do these segments differ from each other?
  • Which segments are most profitable for your business?

By targeting specific customer segments, you can optimize your marketing efforts, product offerings, and pricing strategies to maximize customer satisfaction and revenue.

Channels are the touchpoints through which your business interacts with customers. They can include your website, social media, physical stores, sales representatives, advertising campaigns, and more. Choosing the right channels is crucial for effectively delivering your value proposition to your target audience.

When selecting channels, consider these factors:

  • What channels do your target customers prefer?
  • Which channels are most cost-effective for reaching your audience?
  • How well do these channels align with your value proposition?

Using a combination of channels, you can create a multi-channel customer journey that enhances customer engagement and drives sales.

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Note: While those offer many free courses, some might require payment for certificates or additional materials. Please check individual course details.

Customer relationships

Building strong customer relationships is essential for long-term business success. These relationships can range from transactional (one-time purchases) to more personalized and ongoing interactions.

Consider these strategies for building strong customer relationships:

  • Provide excellent customer service.
  • Personalize your interactions.
  • Offer loyalty programs and rewards.
  • Encourage customer feedback.
  • Build a strong online community.

You can increase customer loyalty, reduce churn, and generate repeat business by fostering positive customer relationships.

Revenue streams

Revenue streams are the ways your business generates income. Identifying your primary revenue streams is essential for understanding your business’s financial sustainability.

Common revenue streams include:

  • Product sales: Selling physical or digital products.
  • Service fees: Charging for services provided.
  • Subscriptions: Offering ongoing access to products or services for a recurring fee.
  • Advertising: Generating revenue by selling advertising space.
  • Licensing: Granting permission to use intellectual property for a fee.
  • Affiliate marketing: Earning commissions for referring customers to other businesses.

By diversifying your revenue streams, you can reduce your reliance on any single source of income and improve your business’s resilience.

Key resources

Key resources are the assets that your business needs to operate effectively. These can include:

  • Physical assets: Buildings, equipment, and inventory.
  • Intellectual property: Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.
  • Human capital: Talented employees and skilled professionals.
  • Financial resources: Cash, investments, and loans.

Identifying your key resources helps you assess your business’s strengths and weaknesses and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

Key activities

Key activities are your business’s most important actions to deliver its value proposition. These can include:

  • Product development: Creating and improving products or services.
  • Marketing and sales: Promoting your products or services and attracting customers.
  • Customer service: Providing support and assistance to customers.
  • Operations: Managing day-to-day business activities, such as production, distribution, and administration.

Focusing your resources and efforts on your key activities can maximize efficiency and help you achieve your business goals.

Cost structure

Cost structure is the expenses incurred in operating your business. Understanding your cost structure is essential for managing profitability.

Common cost categories include:

  • Cost of goods sold: The direct costs of producing or acquiring products.
  • Operating expenses: Costs of running the business, such as salaries, rent, utilities, and marketing.
  • Fixed costs: Costs that remain constant regardless of production or sales volume.
  • Variable costs: Costs that fluctuate based on production or sales volume.

By analyzing your cost structure, you can identify areas where you can reduce expenses and improve your profitability.

Popular Business Model Types

Imagine you’re starting a new business. To attract customers and generate revenue, you’ll need to consider your monetization strategy carefully. You can identify the approach that best suits your goals and resources by exploring different business models. This section will explore popular options, including their key characteristics and advantages.

Subscription model

A subscription model is a recurring revenue model where customers pay a regular fee for ongoing access to a product or service. This model is particularly effective for businesses that offer digital products or services, such as software, streaming content, or membership-based services.

Key advantages of the subscription model include:

  • Predictable revenue stream: Subscriptions provide a steady income stream, making it easier for businesses to forecast revenue and manage expenses.
  • Increased customer loyalty: Subscribers are likelier to remain loyal to a brand if they find the product or service valuable and convenient.
  • Opportunities for upselling and cross-selling: Subscription-based businesses can easily offer additional products or services to existing subscribers, increasing revenue.

Examples of subscription-based businesses include:

  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Microsoft 365
  • Amazon Prime

Freemium model

A freemium model offers a basic version of a product or service for free, while premium features or additional benefits require a fee. This model often attracts new customers and encourages them to upgrade to the paid version.

Key advantages of the freemium model include:

  • Low-cost customer acquisition : Offering a free version can help businesses acquire new customers at a lower cost.
  • Customer testing: Freemium models allow businesses to test their products or services with a wider audience before charging for premium features.
  • Increased customer loyalty: Customers who enjoy the free version are more likely to upgrade to the paid version.

Examples of freemium businesses include:

Advertising model

The advertising model generates revenue by charging advertisers to reach customers through a platform. Websites, social media platforms, and mobile apps commonly use this model.

Key advantages of the advertising model include:

  • Multiple revenue streams: Advertising can be a significant income source for businesses with a large audience.
  • Cost-effective for advertisers: Advertising can be a relatively affordable way for businesses to reach potential customers.
  • Opportunities for personalization: Advertisers can target specific customer segments and personalize their ads to increase relevance.

Examples of advertising-based businesses include:

Transactional model

In a transactional model, customers pay a one-time fee for a product or service. Businesses that sell physical goods or services that are consumed once use this model.

Key advantages of the transactional model include:

  • Simplicity: The transactional model is straightforward to understand.
  • Immediate revenue: Businesses can generate revenue immediately upon selling a product or service.
  • Flexibility: The transactional model can be used for various products and services.

Examples of transactional businesses include:

  • Retail stores
  • Restaurants
  • Service providers (e.g., plumbers, electricians)
  • Online marketplaces

Affiliate model

An affiliate model earns revenue by referring customers to other businesses. Bloggers, influencers, and online marketers who promote products or services on their platforms often use this model.

Key advantages of the affiliate model include:

  • Passive income: Affiliates can earn income without creating or selling their own products or services.
  • Flexibility: Affiliates can choose to promote products or services that align with their interests and audience.
  • Opportunities for collaboration: Affiliates can collaborate with businesses to create mutually beneficial partnerships.

Examples of affiliate marketing programs include:

  • Amazon Associates
  • Commission Junction
  • PartnerStack

By understanding these popular business models, you can better evaluate different business opportunities and choose the one that best aligns with your goals and resources.

How to Develop a Business Model

A well-crafted business model outlines how to attract customers, generate revenue, and manage expenses. Let’s discuss the essential steps to developing a business model that will set your venture up for success.

1. Define your value proposition

2. identify your target market.

Understanding your target market is essential for tailoring your business model to meet their specific needs. Customer segments can be defined based on various factors, including demographics (age, gender, income), psychographics (lifestyle, values, interests), behavior (purchase frequency, usage patterns), and geography.

3. Choose your revenue model

Your revenue model determines how you will generate income from your business and how you will charge customers for your products or services.

Common revenue models include:

Your revenue model should align with your value proposition and target market.

4. Outline your cost structure

5. develop your marketing and sales strategy.

Your marketing and sales strategy outlines how you will reach and attract your target market. It involves determining the channels you will use to communicate with customers, developing messaging that resonates with your audience, and creating a sales process to convert leads into customers.

Key elements of a marketing and sales strategy include:

  • Target market identification: Clearly define your ideal customer.
  • Value proposition messaging: Craft compelling messaging that highlights the benefits of your product or service.
  • Channel selection: Choose the most effective channels to reach your target market (e.g., social media, email marketing , content marketing , public relations).
  • Sales process: Define the steps in selling your product or service, from lead generation to closing the deal.
  • Customer relationship management: Implement a system to track and manage customer interactions and data.

6. Create a financial projection

A financial projection forecasts your business’s future revenue and expenses. It helps you assess its financial viability and make informed decisions about its operations.

Key components of a financial projection include:

  • Income statement: A forecast of your projected revenue and expenses.
  • Balance sheet: A snapshot of your business’s financial health at a specific time.
  • Cash flow statement: A projection of your business’s cash inflows and outflows.

By creating a detailed financial projection, you can identify potential risks and opportunities and adjust your business plan as needed.

Common Business Model Mistakes

Lack of differentiation. One of the most common mistakes businesses make is failing to offer a unique value proposition. If your product or service is not distinctive or doesn’t clearly benefit customers, it won’t be easy to compete in the marketplace.

Ignoring customer needs. Understanding your target market is essential for a successful business. Failing to understand your customers’ needs and preferences can lead to products or services that don’t resonate with them. Conduct market research to gather insights into your target audience and tailor your offerings accordingly.

Overreliance on a single revenue stream. Relying solely on one source of income can be risky. If that revenue stream dries up, your business could be in trouble. Diversify your revenue streams by exploring multiple income sources, such as sales, subscriptions, advertising, licensing, or affiliate marketing .

Underestimating costs. Many businesses underestimate their costs, which can lead to financial difficulties. Accurately calculate your expenses, including production, marketing, sales, and administrative costs. This will help you set realistic pricing and avoid financial losses.

Neglecting marketing and sales. It won’t sell itself even if you have a great product or service. Neglecting marketing and sales can lead to low customer awareness and sales. Develop a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy to reach your target market and attract new customers effectively.

Additional Resources

  • Business model canvas: The Business Model Canvas is a popular tool for visualizing and understanding your business model. It’s a one-page diagram that outlines the key components of your business, including your customer segments, value proposition, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, and cost structure. This tool can help you identify your business model’s potential strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.
  • Lean startup methodology: The Lean Startup Methodology is a framework for building and growing businesses through experimentation and iteration. It emphasizes rapid prototyping, customer feedback, and continuous improvement. By following the Lean Startup principles, you can reduce risk, increase efficiency, and accelerate your time to market.
  • Business plan template: A business plan is a structured document that outlines your business strategy and financial projections. A well-written business plan can attract investors, secure financing, and guide your business operations. Many online resources and templates, such as those offered by HubSpot and Shopify , are available to help you create a comprehensive business plan.

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How to Create an Expert Business Model: A Detailed Guide + Templates

How to Create an Expert Business Model: A Detailed Guide + Templates

Written by: Chloe West

How to Create an Expert Business Model: A Detailed Guide + Templates

If you’re looking to create your own business, there are two things you need: a business plan and a business model. Your business plan helps you explore your overall business idea; your business model determines how your business will make money.

Creating a business model from scratch can be overwhelming—this is why working with a business model template or canvas is such a great idea.

Throughout this article, we’re going to cover what a business model is, introduce you to different types of business models, show you how to create a business model and share a number of templates you can use to get started with your own business model.

Table of Contents

What is a business model, nine key elements of a business model template, what are the different types of business models.

  • Business Models FAQs

A business model provides the overall structure for your new business idea. A business model canvas (BMC) is often used as a starting point for this structure, including nine key elements (that we’ll address shortly) that help you flesh out your business model.

The typical structure for your business model should look something like this:

Business model canvas

Image Source

Why Use a Business Model?

Using a business model makes sure you’re ready to launch a successful business. Especially if you’re hoping to pitch investors , you need to have a solid business model and plan to showcase why they should invest and how your business will generate revenue.

A few other benefits of a business model—especially if you use a business model template—include:

  • You have a starting structure for your business model so you can simply plug in the key information
  • Using a business model template helps you fill in any gaps you may otherwise have missed
  • A business model helps you focus exclusively on your value proposition and why your business matters
  • Working with a business model template helps you flesh out your business model quickly and efficiently
  • Having a business model provides you with a tangible document you can include within your business plan , investor pitch and other important external documents

Essentially, you shouldn’t consider starting a business until you’ve created a business model. However, with a business model template, the process is relatively straightforward. We’ll walk you through each of the elements your business model needs and provide you with a number of templates to help you get started.

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As we’ve mentioned, there are nine key elements that you need to include in your business model. A good business model canvas template will have space for you to input information about each of these sections.

Bundling Business Model Whiteboard

Let’s walk through each one so you can start thinking about how they’ll pertain to your business.

Key Partners

Who are the key partners in your business? This will be the people or companies that your business will rely on for supplies, processes, etc., to succeed.

Some questions to ask yourself here are:

  • Who are your key partners and suppliers?
  • What are the key resources you receive from these partners?
  • What are the key activities (more on this in the next section) your partners will be doing?

Key Activities

Key activities refer to the essential processes your business needs to perform in order to offer its products and/or services to customers. This is what allows you to deliver on your company’s value proposition.

Key Resources

Your key resources are the supplies, equipment and other assets that your business needs in order to operate. For example, a brewery needs brewing equipment and a photographer needs a camera and editing software.

Value Propositions

What sets your business apart from the competition? What is your company offering and what is the value for your customers? Share pain points that your company is solving for its customers along with the specific products and services you’re planning to sell.

Customer Relationships

What kind of relationship will you have with your customers? How will you help them? Will your relationship be fully online? Will you have an in-person location? How will you be accessible to your customers?

Describe the channels you will use to reach your customers—website, social media, retail store, front desk, etc. Also include information on the specific channels you’ll be using to provide your business’s products and services.

Customer Segments

Who are your ideal customers? Build out a user persona for each customer segment you plan to service. For example, you might offer a direct-to-consumer model where you’d list out the specific types of customers who might buy your product directly, while also offering a wholesale model where you’d include customer segments about decision makers in retail stores.

Cost Structure

List out the costs that your business will have based on your key resources and activities. What do you have to pay in order to operate your business?

Revenue Streams

How will your business make money? What are the available areas that your business can use to bring in revenue and stay afloat? For example, an information business might offer paid coaching calls, paid online courses, as well as a few different types of services to generate revenue.

There are many different types of business models, or rather, different ways that businesses can structure themselves to generate revenue.

We’ll walk you through the top 10 types of business models and share a pre-made template for each so you can easily get started fleshing out your own business model.

1. Subscription Business Model Template

Subscription business models are based around regular payments, typically monthly. However, they can also be quarterly or annually, where subscribers input their payment information and automatically have the subscription fee pulled out of their account on the same day each month.

This model has long been popular for service-based businesses, but many product-based businesses selling monthly subscription boxes are getting into this business model as well.

Some examples of businesses using this model include BarkBox, Netflix, Massage Envy, Stitch Fix, QuickBooks, Spotify and Dollar Shave Club.

Subscription-based models are popular because they provide a guaranteed revenue stream from month to month. While yes, a certain percentage of subscribers will likely cancel every month, there isn’t quite as much stress on generating new customers because you know you’ll have $X amount of revenue from month to month.

Product Subscription Model

Use the template above to flesh out your own subscription business. Make it interactive by adding clickable elements to your business plan, financial statements or other documentation.

how to make business model presentation

2. Bundling Business Model Template

A bundling business model offers standalone products while also offering “bundles” or “kits” of multiple products in one for a much more appealing price point. While we all know the most common users of the bundling business model—cable companies—there are actually a lot of ways to make this model work.

Yes, companies like AT&T and Xfinity offer things like internet and cable in a bundled package with a discount. Insurance companies like Geico and Progressive also offer discounts when customers bundle things like home and auto insurance into one.

However, this can also be used for product-based businesses. Men’s grooming brand Harry’s offers standalone products while also offering a bundled starter kit. Some companies might offer some sort of BOGO (buy one, get one) sale that offers 50% off a second item if multiple are purchased.

MOOC Bundling Model

The bundling business model can be a great idea if offering multiple products or services for a lower price point will still be profitable for your business. Here's a template you can use to explain this model to stakeholders.

how to make business model presentation

3. Freemium Business Model Template

The freemium business model is typically used by online service providers and software companies. For example, Visme utilizes the freemium business model. We offer our software completely free of charge for life, but it comes with limited access. To get access to more premium features, users will need to sign up for a paid plan.

This is a great way to build trust with your customers. By offering part of your product or service for free, users can try it out to see how they like it. If they find that they’re using it often, it only makes sense to sign up for the full version of the product for a one-time or monthly fee.

Other examples of businesses using the freemium model include Grammarly, Notion, Calendly, LinkedIn, Zoom, and even online games that are free to play but offer in-game purchases, like Fortnite or Roblox.

Freemium Business Model

When you create your business model template, you may end up sharing it with potential investors, other co-founders and more. You can also present it in a PowerPoint format using the template below.

how to make business model presentation

With Visme, you can generate a shareable link that also gives you access to analytics , so you’re able to see how many people have viewed your business model and for how long.

4. Product-as-a-Service Business Model Template

The product-as-a-service business model essentially rents out products again and again to customers. This can be a great business model as you only have to purchase a set of products once—then you get paid each time customers want to use them.

City bike or scooter rentals are examples of this. Another is Rent the Runway, a high-scale clothing company that rents out dresses and other formal wear for people needing a one-time outfit for a fancy event. Completing the Puzzle is another example of this (also mixed with a subscription model) that sends out one puzzle at a time to its customers, who do the puzzle and then send it back.

Product as a Service Business Model Whiteboard

While this business model can have a lot of upfront costs, getting investor funding or early signups can help to alleviate some of that.

With Visme, you can easily collaborate with co-founders and other team members on your business model to ensure you include all pertinent information. Simply invite them as editors to your project and you can work together in real-time .

5. Crowdsourcing Business Model Template

Crowdsourcing has become a popular business model due to the inception of sites like Kickstarter that host business ideas and allow the general public to fund them. As the name suggests, this business model is funded by a crowd of people.

Some very successful businesses and products have started this way, like card games Cards Against Humanity and Exploding Kittens, the now-defunct but once successful Pebble smartwatch, EcoFlow, the Wyrmwood Gaming modular table and video gaming console OUYA.

Crowdsourcing Model

When editing this detailed business model template , make sure to take advantage of cool icons. Visme’s icon library boasts tens of thousands of different icon designs in several different styles. A business model canvas often uses icons to differentiate the sections anyways, so this is the perfect opportunity to get creative.

6. Franchise Business Model Template

The franchise business model is one of the oldest in the book. Nearly every popular fast-food restaurant chain has dipped its toes into franchising.

A franchise model is when a company allows private individuals to purchase the licensing of their name to create their own branch of a big-name corporation. For example, McDonald’s is one of the most well-known franchises.

Other businesses using the franchise business model include The UPS Store, Dunkin’, Great Clips, Ace Hardware, Planet Fitness, and 7-Eleven.

Franchise Business Model Whiteboard

7. Manufacturer Business Model Template

The manufacturer business model starts with raw materials, like metal and plastic, and uses them to create a new product to sell to the end user. Popular examples of this would be car manufacturers like Ford, Toyota, and Chevrolet.

These businesses may then sell directly to the consumer or ship to a warehouse and sell through a retailer. Examples of manufacturers include Airstream, L.L. Bean, Burt’s Bees, Vitamix and Zippo.

Manufacturer Business Model Whiteboard

8. Retailer Business Model Template

Speaking of retailers, this is another popular, tried-and-true business model. In fact, one of the most successful businesses of all time, Walmart, uses the retailer business model.

With this model, the company doesn’t actually make any of its own products. Instead, it compiles products from various suppliers and manufacturers to sell in its own storefront. This is one of the most popular business models, and as the last step of the supply chain, it’s one that consumers are most used to.

Examples of the retailer business model include Walmart, Target, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kroger, Costco, The Home Depot, Best Buy, PetSmart and GameStop.

Retailer Business Model Whiteboard

If you’ve already created your new business’s brand guide, make sure to utilize those brand fonts and colors within your business model template. It’s never too early to work on brand strength , and incorporating your branding into documentation that gets in front of the eyes of investors is a great idea.

how to make business model presentation

9. Distribution Business Model Template

The distribution business model falls right in between the manufacturer and retailer. This type of business often purchases the products in bulk from the manufacturer to then sell to the retailer for a profit.

Because these guys are the middleman, consumers likely aren’t well-versed with distribution businesses. Instead, they stay focused on the business side of things, building up solid relationships with manufacturers to ensure they get a good deal on bulk products. They then oversee the entire distribution process from the manufacturer until the products are on the shelves.

E-Commerce Store Model

Use this stunning template to present your business model to partners, investor, suppliers and other key stakeholders.

how to make business model presentation

10. Ecommerce Business Model Template

The last business model example that we’re going to cover is ecommerce. This type of business creates and sells its products exclusively online. It’s an easy type of business to create, especially with platforms like Shopify making creating an ecommerce website easy.

Some examples of ecommerce businesses include Warby Parker, Edloe Finch, Rothys, Day Designer, The Sill, and Beekman 1802.

If you have a product you want to create and sell, an ecommerce business model can be a quick way to get your new business started. Creating a website and shipping your products can have a relatively low overhead, so the only costs you need to worry about are the raw materials for creating your product.

Here's a customizable template you can use to present your e-commerce business model.

Business Model FAQs

Do you have pressing questions about business models? These FAQs are here to help.

What is the most common business model? 

The most common business model is retail, the sale of products or services to an end consumer. A brick-and-mortar store uses the traditional retail model while an e-commerce site uses the online version.

What are the 4 types of business models? 

The four core business models are:

  • Suppliers: Focuses on providing products or services to other businesses or consumers.
  • Modular Products: Centered around creating customizable or interchangeable components or services.
  • Multichannel Businesses: Utilizes multiple distribution channels, such as online, brick-and-mortar and direct sales.
  • Ecosystem Drivers: Creates and sustains a network of interconnected products, services or participants.

What is the difference between a business model and a business plan?

A business plan explains your overall business idea including your goals and the strategies you have set in place to achieve them. A business model determines what you’ll do to make your business profitable.

Get Started With a Business Model Template Today

Set your new business up for success by getting started with a business model template from Visme. Take advantage of our professional document creator to create a business model, as well as all your other business needs, like a business plan, sales collateral, pitch decks and more.

Easily visualize your business model with Visme

how to make business model presentation

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how to make business model presentation

About the Author

Chloe West is the content marketing manager at Visme. Her experience in digital marketing includes everything from social media, blogging, email marketing to graphic design, strategy creation and implementation, and more. During her spare time, she enjoys exploring her home city of Charleston with her son.

how to make business model presentation

Home Blog Business Consulting Presentation Slides: A Guide to PPT Consultant Tools

Consulting Presentation Slides: A Guide to PPT Consultant Tools

Cover for Consulting Presentation Tools Guide for PowerPoint

Consulting presentations are the foundation of professional communication in disciplines like strategic planning, management, and corporate decision-making. Notably, firms like McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and other leading management consulting firms have mastered the art of creating effective slide decks to a level where these presentations are not just tools but strategic assets.

Fundamentally, consultant presentation slides allow business professionals to share insights, recommendations, and any kind of complex data in a coherent, visual, engaging format that facilitates understanding [3]. In this article, we will explore what defines a consulting presentation, what a consulting slide deck is, and the types of templates we can implement in our daily work lives for this purpose.

Table of Contents

What is a Consulting Presentation?

What is a consulting presentation template, types of consulting presentation slides, final words.

A consulting presentation is a carefully structured visual tool consultants use to communicate analyses, findings, and recommendations to clients. It synthesizes complex information into digestible, visually engaging slides that facilitate understanding and decision-making [1]. Typically, these presentations are grounded in rigorous research and analysis and aim to address specific client challenges or opportunities. 

Consulting presentations serve multiple purposes: to inform, persuade, and provide a clear path forward based on data-driven insights and strategic thinking. The effectiveness of a consulting presentation lies in its ability to make the complex simple, turn data into narratives, and inspire action among its audience, which often includes key stakeholders and decision-makers within an organization.

We can define a consulting presentation template as a slide or slide deck tailored to create assets inside consulting presentations. These templates can depict graphs, diagrams, roadmaps, dashboards, strategies, etc. Presenters can mix and match templates from different styles, modify their PowerPoint theme, customize the content, and get it ready to create a unique slide deck for a consultancy report.

In this section, we will group the different consultancy presentation templates by category. Remember that McKinsey presentations, BCG slides, and other popular consulting deck options are made from these tools.

Strategy Consulting Templates

Strategy consulting templates are visual tools designed to assist in developing and presenting business strategies. They facilitate a systematic approach to analyzing market conditions, competitive landscapes, and internal capabilities to make strategic decisions. McKinsey slide decks are fine examples of this category.

Market Analysis and Competitive Landscape

Whenever we use market analysis or competitive landscape templates, we aim to present research on market trends, customer behavior, and competitive landscapes. To name a few potential options, we can work with a Go-To-Market template outlining the target market, value proposition, marketing and sales strategies, distribution channels, and competitive analysis of a product or service release.

Consulting firm presentation go-to-market slide

A second option would be to work with a Sales Battlecard , a concise, strategic document used by sales teams to understand and communicate the key features, benefits, and differentiators of their product or service compared to competitors. It’s designed to equip sales representatives with quick references and talking points highlighting competitive advantages and addressing potential objections during sales conversations. For this reason, it can be instrumental in consulting presentations to develop new sales strategies for your operators.

Sales battlecard consulting presentation slide

A third option is to implement a Competitive Landscape slide in the format of a competitor matrix to identify the leading competitors and understand their products, strategies, strengths, weaknesses, market share, and positioning. By analyzing competitors’ performance and strategies, a business can better position itself, differentiate its offerings, anticipate competitor moves, and identify areas for growth and improvement.

Competitive landscape slide in consultant slide deck

Business Model Canvas

The business model canvas evaluates a company’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. Therefore, it helps businesses align their activities by illustrating potential trade-offs. The canvas includes nine key components: Key Partners, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships, Channels, Customer Segments, Cost Structure, and Revenue Streams.

Business model canvas in a consulting slide deck

If you seek a creative option, try this layout alternative to the typical business model canvas PPT template.

Creative Business Model canvas in a consultant slide deck

SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

The SWOT analysis framework is a popular tool across presenters as it can be repurposed for any industry. They allow us to provide a comprehensive overview of the current strategic situation for consultancy presentations. Organizations can then leverage strengths and opportunities while addressing weaknesses and mitigating threats.

Some options of SWOT Analysis PPT templates include:

SWOT diagram consulting presentation

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Porter’s Five Forces is a framework developed by Michael E. Porter that analyzes the industry structure and corporate strategy. It identifies the intensity of competition and attractiveness of a market through five forces: Competitive Rivalry, Threat of New Entrants, Threat of Substitute Products or Services, Bargaining Power of Suppliers, and Bargaining Power of Buyers. In consulting presentations, this framework is instrumental for several reasons:

  • Industry Analysis and Strategic Planning: This tool allows us to get a comprehensive overview of the external environment, which helps customers understand an industry’s dynamics. It will also enable consultants to identify where power lies in business situations, guiding the decision-making toward profitability and competitiveness. You can find some McKinsey slides examples covering this approach [2].
  • Assessment of Profitability Potential: A market with weak forces suggests higher profitability potential, while solid forces may signal a competitive and challenging market.
  • Investment Decisions: For clients considering entering new markets or industries, Porter’s Five Forces can guide investment decisions by highlighting the barriers to entry, the potential for rivalry, and other critical factors influencing the sector’s attractiveness.

how to make business model presentation

Blue Ocean Strategy

The Blue Ocean Strategy , developed by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, is a business strategy that encourages companies to create new demand in an uncontested market space, or a “Blue Ocean,” rather than competing head-to-head with other companies in an existing industry, or “Red Ocean.” This approach focuses on innovation, differentiation, and creating value for both the company and its customers, leading to new opportunities for growth.

Consultants can apply this framework to encourage clients to explore new, uncontested markets. Another approach is to emphasize the importance of the unique value proposition. 

Presenters can also combine this tool with strategic planning to boost organizational innovation.

Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas consultant presentation slides

Strategy Roadmap

To implement the strategies defined in a plan, consulting firm presentations must use graphic methods to clearly depict the different stages. This is where Strategic Roadmaps become valuable resources for consulting presentations. We can use the road metaphor for the roadmap, work with timelines, or use any other visual tool to depict a segmented plan.

Strategic roadmap for priorities consulting slide

Operations Consulting Templates

Operations consulting templates are visual tools designed to showcase the analysis and improvement of business processes and operations. Business professionals can use these graphic elements in presentations to identify bottlenecks, waste, and opportunities for improvement. In short, operations consulting templates enable consultants to deliver actionable recommendations that enhance operational performance.

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a critical element in Operations as it involves overseeing/managing the flow of goods and services, from raw materials to delivered products to the customer. Working with SCM templates helps consultants present tailored reports about supply chain processes and their inefficiencies: bottlenecks, sub-optimized stages, etc. Consequently, organizations can work on cost-reduction strategies, leverage IoT technologies, and aim for sustainable practices.

Supply chain management consulting PPT

Lean Management and Six Sigma

Presenters can use a multitude of slides to discuss lean management or Six Sigma processes, but above all, two elements stand out: the DMAIC and the SIPOC diagram .

The DMAIC diagram can be used for multiple cases in consulting presentations. One option would be presenting a case study where defining the project scope led to targeted improvements, illustrating how a similar focus could benefit the client. For companies already implementing Six Sigma strategies, consultants can share benchmark data and metrics from past projects during the Measure phase, showing how precise measurement informed the strategy. Or discuss an Analyze phase from a previous engagement where deep data analysis revealed unexpected insights, suggesting a thorough examination could uncover similar opportunities for the client.

DMAIC slide in a consulting presentation

In turn, the SIPOC diagram can visually summarize a process by mapping out its key components, aiding in understanding and communication with the client. Consultants can highlight specific segments of the SIPOC diagram to pinpoint where inefficiencies or issues occur, directing focus to areas with the most significant potential for improvement. Another use in consulting presentations is before implementing changes, as the SIPOC diagram can capture the current state of a process as a baseline, making it easier to measure the impact of improvements post-implementation.

SIPOC diagram consulting presentation

Performance Dashboard

As the final element in this category, consultants are often hired to analyze a company’s performance. This is where Performance Dashboard PPT templates shine, offering a visual method to share condensed data extracted from analysis. The performance dashboard can reflect sales operations, logistics, marketing engagement rate, and plenty of other options. It’s a versatile tool that can be customized to track different metrics.

Performance dashboard slide

Financial Consulting Templates

Financial consulting templates help consultants guide the analysis and presentation of financial data, strategies, and recommendations. They enable systematically reviewing and communicating aspects of financial health, including performance analysis, budgeting, forecasting, and investment strategies. Elements like financial ratios, cash flow analysis, and cost-benefit assessments are typical examples, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of financial stability and growth opportunities.

Financial Performance Analysis

Several tools can be used to conduct a financial performance analysis in a consulting presentation. The typical options are the Profit & Loss (P&L), financial dashboards, and performance review templates.

P&L dashboard in consulting presentations

Cost Reduction Strategies

These templates showcase proposed strategies to minimize operational costs and increase overall profit. We can select the preferred presentation template depending on the company’s size, operational complexity, and other variables. Here, we leave you two potential options.

Cost reduction diagram slide in consulting report

Investment Appraisal

The Investment Appraisal slide deck contains tools to evaluate the viability and profitability of proposed investments or projects. Although you can find some valuable tools for this in the format of Porter’s Five Forces, DMAIC and SIPOC, and SWOT analysis, it’s best to work with tailored slide decks for investment and financial projects.

Investment appraisal slide in consulting presentation

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Strategy

Business deals and negotiations regarding mergers or company acquisitions should be handled carefully. Consultants addressing clients about these two situations must communicate clearly, simplify the steps to follow, define the best practices to complete the process smoothly and define how to communicate with the personnel. You can check our Business Partnership PowerPoint template for a well-rounded framework for consultants to discuss these topics.

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Strategy slide

Financial Modeling Overview

We can work with plenty of templates for this last element to discuss financial modeling. For instance, the P&L model is a good fit in this category, but we can broaden our horizons – depending on the type of analysis – by using tools like the ones below.

The Efficient Frontier Curve is a concept from portfolio theory. It illustrates the set of optimal portfolios that offer the highest expected return for a given level of risk or the lowest risk for a given level of expected return. As part of a financial model overview, it can help investors understand the risk-return trade-off of different investment portfolios, aiding in selecting an investment strategy that aligns with their risk tolerance and return objectives.

Efficient frontier curve consulting report

The Optimal Capital Structure Curve demonstrates the relationship between a company’s debt-to-equity ratio and its overall cost of capital. Including this in a financial model overview can provide insights into how different financing strategies might affect a company’s value. It highlights the theoretically optimal mix of debt and equity financing that minimizes the company’s cost of capital and maximizes its value.

Optimal Capital Structure Curve consulting slide

The Trade Off Theory of Capital Structure Curve suggests that there’s an optimal capital structure where the tax benefits of debt financing are balanced against the costs of financial distress. Including this curve in an overview can illustrate companies’ balancing act in deciding how much debt to take on, considering the benefits of tax shields against the potential costs of bankruptcy or financial distress.

Trade Off Theory of Capital Structure Curve consulting slide

Finally, the CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model Curve determines the expected return on an asset or portfolio based on its beta (volatility or risk relative to the market). This model can be part of a financial model overview to demonstrate the relationship between the expected return of a security or portfolio and its risk, helping investors understand how to price risk when making investment decisions.

CAPM curve consulting PPT slide

Human Resources Consulting Templates

Human Resource (HR) consulting templates are PPT templates designed to assist in evaluating and improving HR functions such as recruitment processes, talent management, and employee performance evaluation, to name a few. HR consulting templates enable consultants to offer actionable insights and recommendations that support the development of a motivated, efficient, and cohesive workforce aligned with the organization’s goals.

Organizational Design and Development

Whenever we think about organizational development, Org Charts come to mind. We can work with the classical, tier-oriented chart that is easy to understand from a quick view or opt for more complex models like matrices, multi-layered level org charts, etc.

Animated org chart slide

Talent Management Strategy

Talent Management PPT templates are oriented to increase the efficiency levels of talent supply inside organizations. HR teams can implement these templates to identify vacant areas, establish suitable candidate criteria, or develop training programs for the current workforce.

Talent management slide

Employee Engagement and Satisfaction

HR consultants often collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to boost employee engagement and foster a company culture across all levels. Employee satisfaction remains a core factor, which can be linked to financial or environmental factors and career development opportunities. To address those needs in presentation design, consultants can use models like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Employee Engagement or the X Model of Employee Engagement.

Maslow's pyramid of employee engagement slide

Compensation and Benefits Analysis

Another stage in HR consultancy services is tailoring attractive recruiting strategies for companies in highly competitive markets, such as the IT industry. Since employees often ask for the benefits of their job offer, consultants can use tools like Employee Benefits Diagrams to express the importance of their value proposition regarding the company culture.

Employee benefits slide in consulting presentation

Training and Development Roadmap

Continuous education plans are among the tasks requested by HR consultancy services. Professionals can impact clients by delivering custom-made slide decks as if the stakeholders were part of the event, a practice commonly seen in McKinsey slides [2]. These slide decks will state the learning objectives to achieve, development roadmap, roles and responsibilities, knowledge assessments, etc.

Training slide concept in consulting slide deck

Digital Transformation Consulting Templates

Digital Transformation Consulting Templates are slides or slide decks designed to guide organizations through integrating digital technology into all business areas. These templates help map out strategies to change how businesses operate and fundamentally deliver value to customers. They cover digital strategy formulation, technology adoption, process digitization, and digital skill development.

IT Infrastructure Review

This category features a long list of templates, as we can talk about reviewing the current network infrastructure, a migration process from physical storage to the cloud, or ITIL processes.

Network diagram slide for IT consulting

Digital Marketing Strategy

In our experience, consultants offering digital marketing services are required to use slide decks to wow prospective clients into hiring their agency. This can be either for SEO consultancy, e-commerce, social media marketing, and plenty of other options.

Content marketing slide example in consulting mentoring

Another take in this category is when internal consultancy is done regarding the current digital marketing strategy, and the experts have to share their findings across all levels of the organization to adjust the efforts in the right direction.

Internal audit consultancy slide

Risk Management Consulting Templates

Risk Management Consulting Templates help consultants identify, assess, and present mitigation strategies for potential risks within an organization. The core aspect these templates focus on is analyzing the impact those threats can pose on a business’s operation, financial health, or reputation.

Risk Assessment Framework & Compliance

Multiple methods and tools are used for risk assessment . For instance, we can use a typical Deloitte Governance Framework Model, work with a ROAM chart, use an RMF Framework, or the COSO Cube, to name a few.

Deloitte Governance Framework slide

Alternatively, we can use a risk assessment matrix. Keep in mind that some of the tools mentioned in this category work both for compliance and risk assessment.

Risk assessment matrix slide in consulting presentation


Consultancy presentations regarding cybersecurity can have two potential main uses: the first one, is where the findings of research about cybersecurity are presented to the management or key team members. This is with the objective of fixing potential threats to the organization. The second take is from a consultancy agency on cybersecurity that aims to promote its services, thus requiring high-quality visuals to communicate its value proposition to potential clients [3].

Cybersecurity consulting slide

Change Management Consulting Templates

Change Management Consulting Templates are designed to support organizations through transition processes. Whether implementing new technologies, organizational restructuring, new manufacturing processes, or other changes, these templates ensure that employees are guided, supported, and motivated throughout the transformation process.

Change Management

Management consulting slide decks are used to guide clients through the process of planning, implementing, and sustaining changes within their organizations. Several models can be a good fit for this purpose, like the ADKAR framework , change management diagrams, change management models, and even change management slide decks.

Change management model slide

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Analysis templates are ideal whenever we need to systematically identify, categorize, and assess the interests and influence of individuals or groups critical to the success of a project or initiative. This can involve working with a stakeholder matrix to evaluate their influence level and prioritize strategies, or simply identifying the stakeholders in a diagram at the initial stages of a project.

Stakeholder analysis matrix

Communication Plan

A communication plan is a high-level document that includes all the information pertinent to the organization’s business objectives, goals, competitors, and communication channels. These kinds of presentations are created when the communication plan is presented to key stakeholders and management, so all details can be reviewed before sharing the document across all levels of the organization. We can work with generalist communication plans or niche-specific ones, like marketing communication plans.

Consulting slide communication plan example

Customer and Marketing Consulting Templates

Customer and Marketing Consulting Templates were created to enhance engagement with target markets and customers. By implementing these templates, consultants can represent insights for market segmentation, product positioning, or mapping the customer journey. This, in turn, helps businesses align marketing efforts with real consumer needs and preferences in their niche.

Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Journey Mapping templates are used in consulting presentations to provide a visual overview of a customer’s experience with a brand, product, or service from initial contact through various stages of engagement and long-term relationships. They serve to identify key interactions, touchpoints, and the emotional journey customers undergo. 

The usage of these consulting slides helps pinpoint areas for improvement, uncover customer pain points, and highlight moments of delight. By mapping out the customer journey, consultants can offer targeted recommendations for enhancing the customer experience, improving customer satisfaction, and ultimately driving business growth.

Customer journey consulting slide

Market Segmentation

Market Segmentation Templates are utilized in consulting presentations to visually categorize a market into distinct groups based on various criteria like demographics, psychographics, behavior, and needs. These templates help illustrate the composition of a market, showcasing how each segment differs in terms of preferences, purchasing behavior, and responsiveness to marketing strategies. 

By employing market segmentation templates, a consulting company presentation can effectively communicate targeted strategies for reaching and engaging specific customer segments. This approach aids businesses in focusing their marketing efforts more efficiently, tailoring products, services, and messaging to meet the unique needs of each segment. Examples of templates we can use are the PAM TAM SAM SOM model, a target market diagram, the VALS framework, or generic market segmentation slides.

Market segmentation slide in consulting presentation

Marketing Mix Strategy (4Ps)

The Marketing Mix Strategy (4Ps) templates help consultants delineate how each component (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) can be optimized to meet the target market’s needs and achieve a competitive advantage. This, in turn, allows us to provide recommendations on product development, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and promotional tactics.

Marketing Mix consulting slide

Alternatively, we can work with more complete frameworks, like the 7Ps Marketing Mix or the 8Ps Marketing Mix.

Marketing Mix 8Ps slide example

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Analysis

One commonly asked consultancy service is to explore customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, and for that reason, presenters can work with customer lifecycle templates, which explore the process from a buying need to a recurring consumer of a brand.

Customer lifecycle journey consulting slide

If the issue regarding customer satisfaction is linked to customer service, then consultants can evaluate factors like the customer service maturity level – going from cost-based strategies to customer service that adds value to a consumer’s life.

Customer service consulting slide

Customer satisfaction surveys are typically conducted in this kind of analysis, and results can be presented using templates like the NPS Gauge Infographic.

Customer satisfaction analysis consulting slide

Sustainability and ESG Consulting Templates

Sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Consulting Templates are slides that help presenters communicate sustainable practices and ESG principles into their organization’s operations. They assess the importance of environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices, becoming actionable tools to define sustainable goals, measure progress, and communicate achievements.

Sustainability Strategy and Roadmap

Sustainability Strategy and Roadmap consultancy PowerPoint templates allow us to outline an organization’s approach to integrating sustainable practices into its business operations. Consultants work with these templates to present a structured plan, from setting sustainability goals to implementing initiatives and monitoring progress.

5S Strategy diagram slide example

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Reporting Framework

ESG slide templates enable consultants to communicate a company’s commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and social responsibility to stakeholders. By showcasing achievements, challenges, and future goals, these templates facilitate transparent dialogue with investors, customers, and regulatory bodies. They are crucial for companies looking to demonstrate accountability, enhance their reputation, and attract sustainability-conscious investors and consumers.

ESG report slide

Circular Economy Strategy

In our final category, we can find the circular economy strategy templates, which aim to redefine growth and focus on positive society-wide benefits. These templates enable consultants to illustrate how businesses can transition from a linear “take-make-waste” model to a circular economy model that designs out waste, keeps products and materials in use, and regenerates natural systems. By detailing strategies for sustainable product design, recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing, the templates help visualize companies’ steps to become more sustainable and efficient.

Circular economy animated 3D slide

Creating a tailored consulting slide deck from scratch involves hours of planning, including which information you intend to deliver, which graphic outlook will engage the audience, how you will highlight key factors, and the list goes on. Therefore, we invite you to explore the possibilities that consulting presentation templates offer regarding reduced effort and better time management for your presentations. All the designs shown in this article can be fully customized to the presenter’s requirements or preferences.

[1] Alexander, E. R. (1982). Design in the Decision-Making Process . Journal Name, 14(3), 279-292.

[2] Rasiel, E. (1999). The McKinsey Way . McGraw-Hill.

[3] Sibbet, D. (2010). Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivity . Wiley.

[4] Baret, S., Sandford, N., Hida, E., Vazirani, J., & Hatfield, S. (2013). Developing an effective governance operating model: A guide for financial services boards and management teams . Deloitte Development LLC.

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