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Mathematics Personal Statement Examples

Hopefully, these examples of Mathematics Personal Statements will help you create a unique statement for your UCAS application . 

I have always been fascinated by the world of mathematics and its ability to explain and understand complex phenomena in the world around us. From a young age, I have been drawn to the beauty and elegance of mathematical concepts and their ability to provide answers to some of the most challenging questions we face.

At school, I have excelled in mathematics, consistently achieving top grades in my exams and regularly participating in extra-curricular math competitions. I have particularly enjoyed studying topics such as calculus, algebra, and geometry, and I have found that my natural aptitude for problem-solving has allowed me to excel in these areas.

In addition to my passion for mathematics, I have also developed a strong interest in computer science. I have taught myself several programming languages and have enjoyed using these skills to create my computer programmes and simulations. I believe that the combination of my mathematical knowledge and computer programming skills would make me an ideal candidate for a degree in mathematical sciences.

As a university student, I am eager to continue exploring the fascinating world of mathematics and to push myself to the limits of my abilities. I am confident that a degree in mathematical sciences would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this exciting and rewarding field.

I am applying to your university because I believe that it offers an outstanding programme in mathematical sciences, with a strong emphasis on both theoretical and practical applications. I am particularly impressed by the diverse range of research opportunities available, and I am eager to participate in cutting-edge research projects that will challenge and inspire me.

As a student with a passion for mathematics, I am excited at the prospect of studying at such a prestigious institution and I am confident that your programme would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this field.

At school, I have consistently achieved top grades in my mathematics exams, and I have regularly participated in extra-curricular math competitions. I have a particular interest in topics such as calculus, algebra, and geometry, and I have found that my natural aptitude for problem-solving has allowed me to excel in these areas.

In addition to my passion for mathematics, I have also developed an interest in computer science. I have taught myself several programming languages and have enjoyed using these skills to create my computer programmes and simulations. I believe that the combination of my mathematical knowledge and computer programming skills would make me an ideal candidate for your degree programme.

As a university student, I am eager to continue exploring the fascinating world of mathematics and to push myself to the limits of my abilities. I am confident that a degree from the University of Cambridge would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this exciting and rewarding field.

I am particularly impressed by the wide range of research opportunities available at your university, and I am eager to participate in cutting-edge research projects that will challenge and inspire me. I am also excited by the opportunity to study at such a historic and prestigious institution, and I believe that the intellectual environment at Cambridge would be the perfect place for me to grow and develop as a student.

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Mathematics Personal Statement Guide

Your Personal Statement plays a crucial role in your mathematics university application , as i t’s the first chance you have to introduce yourself as an individual to the admissions tutors .

Y ou can demonstrate your passion to study maths, show the contribution you would make to the cohort, and prove that you have the abilities and motivation to receive an offer.   

A lot of applicants struggle to write personal statements. It’s difficult to balance writing about academic interests with personal achievements, keep everything relevant to the maths courses you’re applying to, and fit it all within just over one A4 page of text.   

To help you get on the right track, our Personal Statement Guide takes you through everything you need to know to create a great maths personal statement :  

  • Why are Personal Statements Important?
  • What Should I Include in a Mathematics Personal Statement?  
  • What Should I Avoid in a Mathematics Personal Statement?  

Advice on How to Start a Mathematics Personal Statement  

Advice on how to finish a mathematics personal statement  .

maths lead personal statement

What Should I Avoid in a Mathematics Personal Statement ?  

Do not be wishy-washy with your statements . Rather than saying that you have always loved maths, perhaps explain how numbers or equations fit into your world view; rather than saying you like a particular mathematician, discuss their specific contributions and how they have inspired your maths journey.   

Being specific and digging down into the academic side of maths is what is really going to impress admissions tutors.   

Avoid cliched statements like the plague . Even though you are passionate about maths, don’t state “I am passionate about maths”; find a less cliched way to say it instead.   

Your statement might require several drafts to ensure the language is interesting yet accurate, but it’s worth it: if you came up with something in a minute, then it’s likely so did lots of other applicants.  

Don’t be tempted to mention personal achievements that are not related or involve transferable skills relevant to maths. We understand that it’s tempting to include details of your Judo black belt, your gold Duke of Edinburgh award, or your prize for best history essay, but unless you can clearly argue its relevance to studying mathematics, then it won’t impress the tutors.

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There are a thousand different ways that you can begin a personal statement, which often makes it the most difficult part of the process.   

There’s one one-size-fits-all answer to this: some applicants begin with a quote from a mathematician that has inspired them, others start by discussing what inspired them to pursue maths at university, whilst others jump straight into a discipline that they find most interesting.   

The opening of the statement sets the tone for the entire personal statement , so it’s crucial that it’s in your own words and reflects your own personality; admissions tutors will be able to tell if it’s someone else’s words! If you’re struggling to find an opener, we recommend drafting the rest of the personal statement before coming back to write the introduction.   

This can help you have a better idea of what opening will best set the groundwork for the rest of the statement body.   

Knowing how to close out a personal statement can be just as difficult as beginning one. The final paragraph of your personal statement should round up the statement and summarise your dedication to maths and your academic interest.   

Like the opening, the final section of your personal statement will likely need a good few rewrites, so don’t feel disheartened if you haven’t captured it perfectly first time round.   

  • What are some Tips for Writing a Strong Mathematics Personal Statement?
  • How Long Should my Mathematics Personal Statement Be?
  • What Kind of Extracurricular Activities Should I Include in my Mathematics Personal Statement?
  • How Can I Tailor my Mathematics Personal Statement to the Oxford/Cambridge Course?

Getting started is one of the trickiest parts of the personal statement process. We recommend making a big list of everything you have done or are interested in to help focus your mind.   

Just because STEM subjects like maths seem less creative than other subjects, it doesn’t mean that your inspiration has to be stale. Perhaps try:  

  • Watching films about maths or mathematics (the most famous examples are Good Will Hunting, Moneyball, and A Beautiful Mind ) to get you in the right frame of mind  
  • Getting into a podcast about maths (Oxford University has one called The Secret of Mathematics )  
  • Reading some accessible maths books (such as Humble Pi: A Comedy of Maths Errors by Matt Parker or The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets by Simon Singh)  

Remember to Keep note of the things you read, watch, and experience that inspire you as you do them; this will help make writing the statement easier.  

UCAS has strict limits for all personal statements: 4,000 characters or 47 lines on the UCAS form (whichever limit is reached first). This is roughly one to two sides of typed A4.   

This may feel like a lot of space, but once you get going you’ll realise that it’s not! We recommend using up the majority if not all the space given to you so that you give admissions tutors the best possible idea of who you are as a maths student.   

It can be difficult to decide what you should or shouldn’t include in a maths personal statement.   

As a general rule, if you include something, you must be able to relate it to maths – either through its content or through transferrable skills.   

For example, if you spent time working as a maths tutor or competed in maths competitions, then clearly these are relevant. However, the link you find can be more creative than this: perhaps you have studied multiple languages which exercises your skills at pattern-spotting, or maybe you have won a critical thinking essay competition which demonstrates your problem-solving skills?   

The key is to think outside of the box, and for every activity you mention, clearly state how it links to important maths-related skills.   

Tailoring a personal statement to any one course is difficult, since the same statement is sent by UCAS to all of your university choices (of which you have up to five). This means that you should not directly mention the specifics of any one course, since it signals to other universities that you are not considering their course as your main option.   

Instead, we recommend targeting Oxbridge through the style of your statement: keep it tight to the academic study of maths and demonstrate your analytical skills.   

Showing that you’ve researched maths outside of school to a high level, and leaving out any personal interests that don’t relate to maths, is a good way to keep Oxbridge tutors interested.

Book your Mathematics Personal Statement Package

You can contact our Oxbridge-graduate Consultants on +44 (0) 20 7499 2394 or email [email protected] to discuss our personal statement packages.  

If you’d like to know more about Mathematics, we have admissions test guidance and interview preparation readily available.  

Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

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By Nik Taylor (Editor, The Uni Guide) | 21 September 2023 | 5 min read

Writing a mathematics personal statement: expert advice from universities

Ace your maths personal statement with these tailored tips from university admissions teams

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The university application personal statement is changing in 2025
University admissions service Ucas has announced that a new style of personal statement will be launched in 2025. This will affect anyone making a university application from autumn 2025 onwards.


Don’t list out your A-levels

  • Read more:  how to write an excellent personal statement in ten steps

Focus on yourself 

  • Read more:  how to write your university application

Don’t use quotes unless you’re expanding on them

  • Read more:  teacher secrets for writing a great personal statement

Mention any maths-related activities you’ve been involved with outside the classroom

  • Read more:  personal statement FAQs

Include your unexpected extracurriculars

  • Read more:  the ten biggest mistakes to avoid when writing your personal statement

Don’t make excuses for disappointing grades

  • Read more:  universities reveal all about personal statements

If you’re not taking the traditional A-level route to university…

  • Read more:  universities explain how to end your personal statement with a bang

Talk about the future

You may want to look at these..., personal statement secrets – universities reveal all.

Want to know how to craft an amazing personal statement? Take some advice from the experts...

How to write an excellent personal statement in 10 steps

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Personal statement FAQs

We've gone through some of the most commonly asked personal statement questions and put all the answers in one place

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Successful Personal Statement For Cambridge Mathematics And Physics

Last Updated: 6th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Mathematics and Physics applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Cambridge University. The Mathematics and Physics Course at Cambridge offers the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects: everything from abstract logic to black holes.

Read on to see how this strong Personal Statement addresses both maths and physics to showcase a high level of their ability. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:


Enrolling on our Oxbridge Maths comprehensive Programme will give you access to Personal Statement redrafts. 

Your tutor will give you actionable feedback with insider tips on how to improve and make your Personal Statement Oxbridge quality for the best chances of success.  

Mathematics And Physics Personal Statement

Since childhood, I’ve always loved complex puzzles, logical problems and challenges. Later on I discovered mathematics and physics which offered a lot of interesting problems and I enjoyed spending time on them. I loved the fact that real-life events, such as throwing a ball, could be described by a virtual language created by humans. However the most impressive fact for me was when I discovered that mathematicians and physicists can predict events just by solving equations. That’s is when I decided that maths and physics are what I want to do in life to contribute to the world.

Even though my passion in mathematics started very early, I have struggled to get to where I am now. When I got into Bratislava’s best gymnasium in mathematics I found myself at a position I had never been before. That was the first time I wasn’t the best in mathematics in our class, in fact I was one of the weaker students in this field. However over time I made my way to the top, but I still couldn’t surpass my classmates. When I got to the 5th grade, I realized why I didn’t succeed. That year we got a new mathematics teacher and she opened my eyes and showed me the beauty of maths. The most important thing that happened that year however was when I won the regional mathematics Olympiad and they invited me to KMS which is a camp for people interested in mathematics. There I realized that the school mathematics is just a fraction of the possibilities in this area. However the thing that I believe helped me in mathematics is that I started enjoying it. Rather than solving a Sudoku or crossword puzzle I was solving geometry problems. Since then I have won many prizes including bronze medals from the Middle European Mathematical Olympiad and the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Besides maths and physics I also love playing the piano and practicing Kung Fu. I have played the piano for 13 years and my personal favourites are Chopin’s Nocturnes. I may not be great at it, but playing the piano helps me relax and forget about my worries for a while. I practice Kung Fu mainly for health. My favourite style is Bagua. I learned that Kung Fu is not only a martial art, but a way of living. Besides Kung Fu and the piano, I also enjoy teaching kids interesting facts or problems in mathematics. During school, I teach a mathematics club and I want to teach the kids that mathematics isn’t just numbers.

Every summer I help organize a mathematics day camp for children. Mathematics may be the subject which I’m best at, but I don’t want to be ‘just a mathematician’ in the future. Since I was little, I’ve always wanted to do something great like solving global issues or inventing something useful, however I realize that it is very hard to achieve this with pure mathematics. People advised me to go study economics and financial mathematics so I could have a good job and earn money, but that is not what I want to achieve in life. My goal is to shape the world and make it a better place for future generations. This is the reason I want to study physics or engineering. I started doing physics two years ago and since then I participated and won some competitions including the Regional Physics Olympiad. To be better at physics I started reading Feynman’s lectures which helped me a lot, but also taught me that there is much to learn out there about the world. The reason why I want to study in the UK is because there are many opportunities compared to Slovakia. I have many friends who study there and heard from them that it’s an amazing experience. The most important fact, though, is that in the UK I can study and work with people who are ambitious. I know what I want to achieve in life, and even though I don’t yet know exactly how to get there or where ‘there’ will be, I believe that a UK university education will steer me in the right direction.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This is a very good statement. The statement is well-written and structured. The student describes their life experiences without making the statement sound like a list of achievements. This is achieved because the student explains every experience described, rather than listing their life experiences with no context. It is clear that the student has many talents and achievements, and these are stated in a humble manner that does not make it seem as though the student is bragging. It is clear that the student is aware of the significance of their decision to study outside of their native homeland and the challenges that this will bring. The student explains their reasons for applying to study a dual honours course and does not neglect either discipline.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The student uses the word ‘gymnasium’ instead of school/college. Whilst this may be the term used in Slovakia, in the UK a ‘gymnasium’ is a place where people exercise and its use in this statement is somewhat confusing. The way in which the student writes about their personal experiences makes the statement sound somewhat like an autobiography.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 

This is a very good statement. The student clearly has personality and a high level of ability. Strange terminology used can be excused due to the fact that the student’s first language is not English, and that the vast majority of the statement is very well-written.

This Personal Statement for Maths and Physics is a great example of how to showcase a high level of ability. The candidate’s interest and achievements are clearly shown which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

You can find more successful personal statements and our expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Cambridge Mathematics and Physics application.

With our  Oxbridge Maths Premium Programme, we help you craft the perfect Personal   Statement , score highly on the STEP and teach you how to  Interview effectively .

Discover our  Oxbridge Maths Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

UniAdmissions students placed at Oxford And Cambridge

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Personal Statement Starter Guide

We have developed an 80-page E-Book filled with expert Personal Statement Advice. Inside, you’ll find guides on planning and writing your personal statement, as well as our full collection of 25+ Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements.

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August 28, 2023, how to write a personal statement for maths, rowan wright.

Your personal statement provides an opportunity to convey your passion for your chosen subject. Its importance is sometimes exaggerated for applications to top Russell Group universities, but it is nevertheless an important aspect of an application and may form the basis of some discussion at interview.

Personal statement writing is an iterative process. You should start early enough to allow plenty of time for preparatory reading, drafting, feedback, and revisions. The summer holiday is the ideal time to start reading and exploring super-curricular material you might like to include (see our reading list for some recommendations). There is no prescribed structure for the 2023 admissions round (the format will be changing in 2024) but we recommend the structure outlined below. UCAS screens for plagiarism in personal statements, so it’s very important that you don’t 'borrow' any content from sample personal statements or articles found online (including this one!).

Personal Statement Structure

Our recommended structure may provide a good starting point for putting together some ideas and drafting the first version of your personal statement. However, the structure of your final version will very much depend upon the ideas you choose to focus on and the way in which you tie them together. There will likely be several ways to convincingly structure your writing, and the key is to redraft several times until you find the version that works best.

A table listing sections of the personal statement.


Avoid clichés and use specific examples where possible:

  • “I’m intrigued by the mysterious links between seemingly unrelated topics, such as the appearance of π in the solution to the Basel problem, or probabilistic proofs for number theorems.”

Try to make it as personalised as possible (this goes for the whole personal statement!):

  • “As a bilingual student who has studied maths in English, Spanish and Japanese, I’m drawn to the fact that mathematical proofs depend only on a set of axioms and not on culture, place, or time.”

Discussion of Super-Curricular Reading

Don’t merely regurgitate a book summary but give your own thoughts and demonstrate engagement with the content:

  • “I was fascinated by the implications of the Abel-Ruffini theorem, which defies the common assumption that every problem in mathematics has a solution.”

Give examples of how you pursued the topics in the book(s) further, and what you learned:

  • “captured by the simple proofs of divisibility rules using modular arithmetic, I decided to try and prove analogous rules in other number bases such as base8. I came away with a much deeper understanding of why there are simple rules for some numbers but not others.”

Don’t bluff and write about anything you haven’t understood, or worse, read! You might be asked about your personal statement at interview.

You can engage with a variety of materials: lectures, videos, podcasts, and journals are also excellent resources. You might like to link this section to an EPQ or IB extended essay.

Discussion of A Level/IB Subjects

You should aim to explain the links between your A level subjects and how you have explored them further. You can also mention academic pursuits such as maths challenges and other competitions.

Try to explore natural links rather than links that may sound overly forced:

  • “After my physics teacher mentioned the Friedmann equation, I was surprised to see that it was a simple differential equation which I could solve using knowledge from A level mathematics. It was fascinating to explore solutions for different matter combinations and see how mathematics reveals that small changes can completely alter the long-term fate of the Universe.”

Discussion of Extracurriculars

This section is less important for the most competitive universities, but some discussion of extracurricular activities and achievements allows you to demonstrate positive character traits and the fact that you have been able to juggle your academic studies with other pursuits.

If you are able to link your extracurriculars to your chosen subject of study, you could make links between them in this section to demonstrate your interest in the subject. However, try to avoid manufacturing links that sound very contrived, for example, linking the game of pool and angles! This is a successful example:

  • “Outside of school, I have trained in ballet for 15 years, completing grades 1-8 with distinction. Ballet has allowed me to develop strong organisational skills and resilience. This year, I developed a physics experiment to study spinning tops, torque, and angular momentum in order to better understand pirouettes, as I am drawn to the power of mathematics to describe the physical word accurately.”

This is where you should summarise why you are suited to the courses you are applying for:

  • “As a passionate student in maths, attracted by abstract concepts and problem solving, I believe that I am fit to study mathematics at university level. I have actively pursued opportunities to lean more about maths outside the classroom, which have only reinforced by determination to continue to grow as a mathematician at university."

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What's on this page?

What is a personal statement, why has the personal statement format changed, the new personal statement questions, what universities and colleges are looking for.

Your personal statement is a chance to get noticed for the unique talents and experiences you have. It’s an important part of the application process as it’s an opportunity to talk about yourself and your passions, outside of your grades.

We’re going to talk you through how to make the most of the 4000 characters and write a personal statement that stands out.

You may have heard announcements that the personal statement has changed from one longer piece of text to three separate questions. We wanted to make the process easier and more structured for you to really shine in your application. We know how daunting it can be to be faced with a blank page, so the new questions should help give you a starting point to shout all about you and your achievements, helping you to give strong examples to prove you're a good fit for your chosen course.

The three questions will help you to scaffold your answers and ensure you include exactly what universities and colleges want to see, to help you succeed in your applications. Each answer will have a minimum character count of 350 characters, which is clearly labelled on the question boxes, along with an overall character counter, so you can keep track. The 4000 overall character limit (including spaces) remains the same, as does what you're expected to include. 

Question 1: Why do you want to study this course or subject?

This is your opportunity to showcase your passion and knowledge of your chosen subject area and to demonstrate to universities and colleges why it’s a good fit for you and your future ambitions.

Examples of what you might talk about here are:

Have you been inspired by a key role model or moment in your life? Maybe it’s a subject you love and want to pursue further. We’re all driven by something and it’s important to talk about how yours has led you to this course or subject area.

Perhaps there’s a particular subject area you’ve researched and can’t wait to learn more about. A book or subject expert doing great things that have sparked your interest? Universities and colleges want to see you’ve done your research so they can be confident this is something you will enjoy and excel in. Universities and colleges want to see you have done your research so they can be confident this is something you will enjoy and excel in. This is a great place to highlight super-curricular activities as evidence of curiosity and interest in the subject outside of the classroom. 

If you already have a particular profession in mind you could talk about how you’ll use this to launch your career. If you don’t, think about what’s important to you and your future, and how the knowledge gained from your chosen course(s) will help you achieve this.

Question 2: How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

This is your chance to shout about the relevant or transferable skills you’ve gained from your formal education and highlight your understanding of how they will help you succeed in this subject area.

  • How your studies or training relate to your chosen course(s) or subject area This could be current or previous studies within a school, college, training provider, or even a short online university course – any form of formal education. The main thing here is to focus on what’s most recent and relevant to your chosen course(s). If you are no longer in full-time education, use section three to talk about your experiences since leaving.
  • What relevant or transferable skills you have that make you a great candidate Maybe there are a couple of subjects that have helped you develop a core set of skills required for your chosen course(s). Or, a particular module that helped you understand where your interests and strengths lie.
  • Any relevant educational achievements Universities and colleges will see your grades elsewhere on your application so don’t waste time talking about these. Consider accomplishments like winning a school or national competition, serving as a student ambassador or team captain, or landing the lead role in a play.

Question 3: What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

This is your chance to talk about any other activities you have undertaken outside of your formal education or personal experiences which further demonstrate your suitability for the course. This section is likely to be highly personal to you and anything you do include should reflect on why you’re including it.

  • Work experience, employment, or volunteering Whether it’s in-person work experience at your local school or virtual work experience through  Springpod , or volunteering at a dog shelter, the key thing here is for you to reflect on your experiences and the skills gained relevant to your chosen course.
  • Personal life experiences or responsibilities Is there a situation you’ve personally overcome that has influenced your decision? Are there responsibilities such as caring for a family member that has helped you develop essential qualities for the course like resilience and empathy?
  • Hobbies and any extracurricular or outreach activities Think sports, reading, community work, summer schools – any activities outside of your studies that help further showcase why you’d make a great student.
  • Achievements outside of school or college This could be a position of responsibility such as captain for your local club, a music, competition you won, or a qualification you’ve attained outside of the classroom.
  • Post-education activities If you’re no longer in full-time education, it’s a good idea to detail what you’ve been doing since and how this has equipped you with the skills and qualities for your desired course(s).

When reading your personal statement, admissions tutors are looking for evidence that you’re passionate and knowledgeable about the subject area you’re looking to study further and have the relevant skills, experiences, and potential to be a great student. 

Helen Bousfield-Myatt

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The new personal statement

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Virtual Work Experience

Luckily, logical thinking and problem-solving skills are the enviable traits of students who have a strong mathematical ability and such versatile skills are transferable to any workplace.   Although gaining work experience is not highly essential for a maths degree, it is another way of showing an admissions tutor (the person who reads your personal statement) that there is more to you than just your studies.    

Work experience has been difficult to obtain this year due to Covid-19, but there are plenty of virtual work experience opportunities available through the online platform Inside Sherpa.   If you’re having problems accessing the site, just view it on Chrome. Some current opportunities on offer will enable you to develop employability skills as well as financial maths skills, such as the Auditing opportunity, where you can gain experience in payroll tax or the Citibank experience where you can perform a discount cash flow analysis.   For something more data-driven and analytical, try the Virtual Data Analytics Experience with KPMG .   However, if you are seeking a more general type of business insight, Barclays Lifeskills are also offering virtual work experience at Freeformers , a digital transformation agency.  

If any of the above does not suit you, try and gain some experience at your own school in the autumn term.   You could ask a maths teacher if you can assist their lessons in order to help younger year groups or try volunteering your time with maths tutoring opportunities through Vinspired .   Although opportunities are currently available on the website, check to see if they can be done virtually as your safety is paramount.

Learning Online and Wider Research

If you know where to look, you will find that you have several opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge of maths online, so start researching your chosen university courses to gain insight into what you will be studying at degree level.   For an introduction to Calculus, Differential Equations, Data Science, Maths for Machine Learning, Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio,  try the online learning platform Coursera where you can access free short courses to expand your knowledge. Also check under the Science, Maths and Technology section of the free Open University online courses. For further mathematical puzzles and cryptarithms or academic maths courses, you can also try the platform FutureLearn .   These courses will require your commitment but think of all the skills you will be developing!

maths lead personal statement

Logic and Problem-solving skills

You can probably evidence plenty of logic and problem-solving through your A Level Maths or Further Maths course.   However, do you have any experience of these skills outside of your maths lessons?   Do you play a sport where you use special tactics?   Or do you enjoy mathematical puzzles such as Sudoko online?    You may also want to start solving daily mathematical problems such as those available through the website nrich or brush up on your spreadsheet skills by taking a free Excel course.   Problem-solving skills can also be evidenced by getting involved in competitions.   Try looking for some on the Maths Careers website or for summer programmes, go to gothinkbig – both of which have some brilliant careers resources too!  

And finally, remember that an admissions tutor also wants to see evidence that you are a well-rounded individual and that there is more to you than just maths so do include other hobbies and interests you have too!

These are only some ideas to keep you busy, but do keep an eye out for other opportunities too.   For other ideas related to maths, do also check out the personal statement blogs for Engineering and Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics too!

For further advice on your personal statement, email: [email protected]

* Always be cautious and check any online forum or employer with your teacher or people at home first, as your safety is paramount!

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Mathematics degree personal statement example (1i) Cambridge offer

This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our . 

Throughout my time at school and college, mathematics has been the subject whose lessons I have relished. Studying the subject at A-level has served only to increase my enjoyment of it, owing to the great depths to which it can be explored and the satisfaction that solving a difficult problem can give. Some of my most enjoyable lessons have been ones where I have been allowed to simply open a textbook and work independently through some enjoyable problems.

As my enjoyment of mathematics has grown, I have found myself taking an interest in reading a number of books on the subject. I found the rigorous definitions and explanations provided by Courant and Robbins in “What is Mathematics?” particularly exciting. Perhaps the most intriguing chapter was that on the calculus, as it covered the concept of limits, to which very little reference is made at A-level, in an enjoyably thorough manner. Singh’s “Fermat’s Last Theorem” is one of the most riveting books that I have read, depicting the plight of a mathematician and the ingenuity required to prove such an elegant result by a largely indirect method.

I have also taken pleasure in reading about the prime numbers. Wells’ “Prime Numbers” gave me a very broad understanding of the topic, covering much general background information necessary for further study. I found Hampshire’s “Prime Obsession” told me a lot about the history surrounding discoveries about the primes, particularly owing to the book’s focus on the Riemann Hypothesis, which is stated so simply yet of which a proof seems to be so elusive.

Over the last few years, I have been part of teams in school “Pop Maths Quizzes”, one of which we won due to my answering of a tiebreak question. I have also taken part in the three levels of the UKMT Mathematics Challenges on five occasions overall, achieving a gold award each time, and in my first year of sixth form I sat the first round of the British Mathematical Olympiad. Recently, in a bid to improve my mathematical ability, I have been working through STEP examination papers at home, and I enjoy the satisfaction gained from solving a question which is gratifyingly more difficult than the average one found on an A-level paper.

On a further academic note, over the past year I have edited my college’s French newsletter, which is entitled “**** *****” – a literal translation of the college’s name. I was responsible for appointing people to write articles and was in charge of assembling the final publication. This experience, along with my college’s Curriculum Enrichment Project – where groups meet weekly and research a mainstream topic on which to give a presentation and a report – impressed upon me the importance of teamwork. Within these two projects, I enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment when the final pieces came together.

Away from college, I enjoy playing chess with family and friends. I am a member of the Conservative Party, and take an avid interest in its policies and in politics in general.

The opportunity to study mathematics further at university, with the emphasis on rigorous proofs and an understanding of the fundamental concepts, is appealing. It is for these reasons that I very much look forward to the challenges ahead.

Universities applied to:

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  • Bristol (Offer)
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  • Durham (Offer)

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Mathematics personal statement example 14.

The challenge of problem solving has always been key to my passion for mathematics. For me, the satisfaction gained from systematically working through a complex problem to an often unobvious solution is unmatched by other areas of study. It is a continually intriguing and limitless academic discipline due to the fresh challenges that it provides. However, as my studies have developed, I have realised that it is much deeper than just solving problems. Having read "Mathematics: The New Golden Age" by Keith Devlin, I have enjoyed learning about fractals such as the remarkable Mandelbrot Set. I have investigated number theory and have attempted some primality tests myself. I have also studied Non-Euclidean geometry, topology, and various other topics outside the A-level specification. They have all intrigued me and have given me a glimpse into the diversity of mathematics. Studying maths has also enabled me to develop both a new level of comprehension and a more rational way of thinking. It is therefore, without a doubt, my chosen path for further study at university. I have thoroughly enjoyed the variety of modules included in my studies, with a particular interest in the pure modules. I have always liked working with algebra and rearranging a jumbled set of coefficients into a wonderfully simple form - such as in summations, using standard results and in proof by induction. Calculus is another favourite of mine, and I have often relished using it in diverse contexts, such as calculating rates of change, using it on graphs and interchanging between a pdf and CDF in statistics. The mechanics module perfectly coincided with my physics course. By taking physics, I have had the opportunity to apply my mathematical skills to a variety of situations and have developed my practical skills through a wide range of experiments. By assisting others in their physics and mathematical studies, I have also further developed my communication skills and my own understanding of these subjects. I take my role within the school community seriously. As a prefect, I have the responsibility of taking part in open evenings, school events and acting as a role model for younger students. Furthermore, I mentor a year 8 class and have undertaken child protection training to assist them more effectively. I have received various merits and awards from the school as well as certificates in the UK Maths Challenges. This summer I secured a week of work experience at an accountancy firm to gain an insight into a potential maths-related career. Whilst I found the placement enjoyable, it reaffirmed my passions towards the pure and applied mathematics I have studied. Like many mathematicians, I also have a real fascination for music. The link between the two subjects intrigues me, because the way musical melodies and harmonies are meticulously ordered and pieced together is reminiscent of the process of solving a complex maths problem. I find that music allows me to stretch my creative wings and I am fond of performing with my classmates and friends. I am currently working towards grade 5 piano and have played piano and sung in many charity concerts both in and out of school. Despite having not studied the GCSE course, I successfully taught myself the required theory for my music AS-level. By learning to compose and appreciate various styles of music in the course, I was inspired to start writing, recording and editing an album, which I intend to put on iTunes upon completion. I am also a keen admirer of technology, keeping up to date with the latest technology news, specifically relating to the games industry. I also enjoy playing Sudoku in my spare time. My choices of university reflect my ambitions and I look forward to meeting the challenge of university life head-on. I keenly await the transition to university and I am excited about studying mathematics at a higher level.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by AgentKB for application in 2012.

AgentKB's university choices Cambridge University University of Bath University of Bristol The University of Warwick Loughborough University

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

AgentKB's Comments

I put a lot of work into this statement and I have uploaded it so that anybody can read it to get a few ideas of what sort of things to put into a maths personal statement. (Do not copy - you will get caught out)

Related Personal Statements

I was impressed by your.

Thu, 28/06/2012 - 22:19

I was impressed by your personal statement, also I had an opportunity to enjoy reading that you have so many the same interests as I do. Pity, I would like to have an ability to write even similar as you (speaking about the way you express your thoughts)... Thanks for sharing your ps :) I would like to have some advices from you if it would be possible. My email [email protected] :)

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1. Get The Basics Right

You need to spend a lot of time making sure that your personal statement sounds professional – this means excellent grammar, spelling and punctuation, and a good choice of words. It is definitely advisable to read example personal statements online, but you need to make sure that you don’t let any stock phrases creep into your own statement. There is nothing worse than a personal statement which looks like it has been cut and pasted from the internet. Make sure you ask someone else to check your statement – it is all too easy to miss errors when the same 600 words have been swimming before your eyes for a whole day.

2. Follow The Instructions

The personal statement is an essential component of the initial application stage.  Very specific instructions are given about what you should include in your personal statement, even providing a bullet pointed list of what is needed. It might sound obvious – but you need to include everything in this list – if you miss anything then your application will be rejected. At the same time, you don’t want to make your personal statement sound wooden by simply following lists – always make sure that what you are writing flows well and sounds natural.

It could be well worth printing off the application instructions and ticking off each point to make sure that you have covered everything. If a candidate looks like they haven’t followed instructions then it puts their application in a very bad light.

There is a strict limit of 600 words – make sure you stay within this length, but also make sure you don’t write a statement which is too short – candidates who submit a statement which is nearer the minimum of 400 words may look like they are struggling to find things to write.

3. Make It Relevant

Make sure you focus on relevant experiences - particularly your experience of teaching and observation in schools It is fine to include other experiences, but you always need to make sure they are linked back to the purpose of your application – i.e. your ability to be an inspirational and passionate maths teacher. If you coach a youth football team then you need to relate this experience back to your passion for teaching young people, rather than emphasising how much you love football. If you have an experience which is not directly related to working with young people then it is important that you make it relevant, for example if you worked weekends in a restaurant, then you may have discovered that you enjoyed training new staff, helping you decide on a career in education. You might find yourself in the lucky position that you have far too much relevant experience to fit in the statement, meaning that you need to be ruthless and prioritise what to put in.

4. Don’t Repeat Yourself

Don’t include anything in the personal statement which you have already included in the application form – this is simply a waste of space. Your degree is already listed on your application form, so there is no need to include it again in the personal statement. It can be tempting to include absolutely everything in the personal statement, whereas you need to be looking at your application as a whole – have you covered all the points across the whole application?

5. Don’t Copy The Website Verbatim

Whilst you may think you are being clever by copying and pasting text from the Maths Scholarships website into your personal statement, be warned that those who are reading your personal statement also wrote this website. Basically, they recognise when they are having their own words quoted back at them. It also shows that you do not fully understand what it is you are applying for.

Take the time to fully understand what the Maths Scholarship is, why the additional support is being offered and that may help you to address the bullet points relating to being a Maths Scholar.

6. Replacing Maths Teacher With Maths Scholar

It can be tempting to replace 'maths teacher' with 'Maths Scholar' in the personal statement that you produced for your application to teacher training. As a word of caution, doing that normally makes no sense and you appear to not fully understand the Maths Scholarship and its benefits.

7. And Finally...

Try and remember that the effort you put into your personal statement will be well worth it and will hopefully be the first step on an exciting and rewarding adventure. When you read your personal statement, you need to imagine it sitting in a large pile of statements from other people. Does yours read well? Is it relevant? Does it have an excellent opening paragraph? If using clichés such as “maths is my passion”, expand on this by explaining why you are passionate about maths, and what is it that gets you all fired up. It’s OK to say you love a specific equation, or that it’s applicable to everyday life but show us how you interpret that. It’s a line that’s all too easy to say and all too hard to prove!

You could have the best teaching ability in the world, but if you have a poor personal statement then you won’t be invited to the Assessment. On the other hand – if you make the effort to write an excellent personal statement, then you will be giving yourself the best chance possible of progressing to the next stage of the application process.

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