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PYQ NPTEL Project Management For Managers Assignment Answers 2022

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[Week 1] NPTEL Project management for managers Assignment Answer 2024


NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 1 Assignment Answers 2024

1. What is a project?

  • It is a physical object
  • It has the end result
  • It is not a physical object, nor it is the end result
  • None of the above

2. What are the characteristics of a project?

A. Human and non-human resources B. Temporary organization C. Permanent organization D. Specific purpose E. General purpose

  • a, b, and d
  • a, b, and e
  • a, c, and d
  • a, c, and e

3. A project is a _________ endeavor undertaken to create a ____ product, service or result.

  • temporary, general
  • permanent, unique
  • temporary, unique
  • permanent, general

4. Conditions exhibited by the project include A. Unique B. General C. Finite D. Infinite E. Complex F. Simple G. Heterogeneous H. Non-Heterogeneous I. Non-repetitive J. Repetitive

  • b,d,f,h, and j
  • a,c,e,g, and i
  • a,b,d,c and j

5. What is the full form of “SMART” related to project management?

  • Specific, Measurable, Attention, Real, and Time-limited
  • Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-unlimited
  • Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-limited

6. What are the factors that differentiate a project from a process A. One objective B. More heterogeneous C. On-going D. Support status quo

7. What are the different factors that distinguish operation management from project management? A. Non-repetitive B. Repetitive C. No revenue D. Revenue E. High-Risk F. Low-Risk

8. What are the determinants of project success?

  • Performance
  • All of the above

9. Key indicators of IT project success include: A. system quality B. Information quality C. Use D. User satisfaction E. Individual impact F. Organizational impact

  • b, c, d, and e
  • a, c, d, e and f

10. What are the benefits of project management for an organization? A. Improved efficiency B. Reduce profit C. Increase waste D. Reduce waste E. Improve effectiveness

  • a, b, d and e

NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Which of the following is not a discounted capital budgeting technique?

  •  Discounted PBP
  •  Pr o fitability index

2. Internal Rate of return (IRR) is the discounting rate in which Net Present value (NPV) is equal to _.

3. Which of the following statement is false about ARR method?

  • It takes into account accounting profits
  • It considers t ime v alue of money
  • Cut off rate is chosen by management
  • The concept of average investment and average earnings differ widely

4. Mr X wants to receive 120,000 every year for next 10 years (starting from next year from now). How much money should he deposit now? The int e rest rate is 10%.

5. Calculate the net present valu e of a project which requires an initial investment of $243,000 and it is expected to generate a cash inflow of $50,000 each month for 12 months. Assume that the sal v age value of the project is zero. The target rate of return is 12% per annum.

6. The first p u blic offering of equity shares of a company, which is followed by a listing of its shares on the stock market is called?

  •   IO P

7. The first public offering of equity shares of a company, which is followed by a listing of its shares on the stock market is called?

8. Which of the following is n o t a key factor for determining the debt-equity ratio for a project?

  • Nature of assets
  • Business risk
  • Pr ic e elasticity

9. Who are the owners of a company?

  •  Creditors
  •  Equity Share h olders
  •  Managers
  •  Debenture holders

10. Which of the following is not t r ue about Net present Value (NPV)?

  •  It considers all cash flows
  •  It considers time value of money
  •  It considers risk factors
  •  It allows expe c ted changes in cost of capital

NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 3 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Which one of the followi n g is not an MCDM technique?

  •  SMART

2. In order to get a “feel” of the relationship between the product and its market, the project analyst may informally talk to customers, competitors, middlemen, and others in the industry. This is a ___________________ analysis?

  •  Demand Analysis
  •  Situational Analysis
  •  Customer A n alysis
  •  Product Analysis

3. In TOPSIS, how are the alternatives ranked?

  •  Based on their proximity to the ideal solution and their distance from the negative ideal solution
  •  Based on their random assignment of ranks
  •  Based on their alphabetical o rder
  •  Based on their initial order in the dataset

4. How normalized score is calculated in TOPSIS method?

  • Rij=xij/(Σx2ij)
  • Rij=xij/(Σxij)
  • Rij=x i j/(Σx3ij)
  • Rij=xij/(Σx4ij)

5. Which of the following is not a quantitative forecasting method?

  •  Trend projection
  •  Exponential smoothing
  •  Delp h i
  •  Moving Average

6. Which of the following is not related to Information sought in market survey?

  •  Total demand
  •  Price elasti c ities
  •  Purchasing plans
  •  Production schedule

7. Which of the following is not a key step in Mark e t and Demand Analysis?

  •  Situational analysis
  •  Market survey
  •  Resource p l anning
  •  Characterization of the market

8. Which of the following is not a Causal method?

  •  Chain ratio method
  •  Jury execution method
  •  End use met h od
  •  Econometric method

9. Which of the following is not a step in a sample survey?

  •  Selecting sample size
  •  Developing questionnaire
  •  Resour c e planning
  •  Scrutinizing

10. Which of the following is a limi t ation of TOPSIS?

  •  It can only handle binary decision problems
  •  It assumes all criteria are equally important
  •  It requires a large amount of computational resources
  •  It is not suita b le for multi-objective optimization

NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 2 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Which of the following is not a classification of Brownfield projects?

  • Diversification
  • Modernization
  • Vertical Integration

2. Project Life Cycle generally does not define which of the following?

  • Technical work
  • Deliverables
  • Control and approval

3. Which of the following is the longest phase of a Project life cycle in terms of time?

  • Concept phase
  • Implementation phase
  • Planning phase
  • Termination phase

4. What is the correct sequence of Project Life Cycle phases?

  • Initiation, Implementation, Planning and Project Clean-up
  • Initiation, Project Clean-up, Planning and Implementation
  • Initiation, Project Clean-up, Implementation and Planning
  • Initiation, Planning, Implementation and Project Clean-up

5. Arrange the following elements of the Project Cycle in the right order: A- Project Appraisal B- Feasibility Analysis C- Negotiation D- Project Selection

6. Select the correct statement.

  • Stakeholder identification should be completed prior to constructing the project charter
  • Stakeholder identification should be performed at the beginning of each project phase
  • Where a project begins pursuant to a contract, stakeholder identification is not necessary
  • Stakeholder identification is a continuous process that should be performed throughout the entire project life cycle

7. BCG Matrix is used for?

  • Project appraisal
  • Project selection
  • Project controlling
  • Project budgeting

8. Project identification is generally done through ___ ?

  • Brainstorming
  • Questionnaire
  • Fundamental analysis
  • Technical analysis

9. New ventures by fresh entrepreneurs/promotors are _ ?

  • Greenfield projects
  • Brownfield projects
  • Conglomerate projects
  • Concentric projects

10. Which of the following is not correct about initial phase of a project?

  • The cost associated at the beginning of the project is highest
  • Stakeholders have maximum influence during this phase
  • The highest uncertainty is at this stage of the project
  • All the above statements are correct.

NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 1 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Which of the following is not a project management goal?

  • Keeping overall costs within budget
  • Delivering the software to the customer at the agreed time
  • Maintaining a happy and well-functioning development team
  • Avoiding customer complaints

2. Which of the following does not constitute the role of a project manager?

  • Integrator and coordinator
  • Business case approval
  • Project delivery
  • Project planning and controlling

3. Effective communication is one of the most important skills required by

  • The project team
  • The management
  • The project Manager
  • The project Contractor

4. Which of the following is not an objective of a project?

5. What does ‘R’ represent in a SMART project?

6. What does term ‘KSTT’ stands for with respect to project management?

  • Knowledge, Skills, Tools and Technology
  • Knowledge, Skills, Techniques and Technology
  • Knowledge, Skills, Tools and Techniques
  • Knowledge, Skills, Tools and Time

7. Which of the following is not a Project Management Maturity Model?

  • SEI’s (Software Engineering Institute)
  • Center for Business Practices
  • ETI (Education Technical Institute)
  • Kerzner’s model

8. What does ‘PMMM’ stands for?

  • Project Management Measurement Model
  • Project Management Maturity Model
  • Project Management Mixed Model
  • Project Management Mass Model

9. _______ is an organizational unit to centralize structure with specific mandated that can include an enterprise-wide perspective?

  • Project Management
  • Project Management Office
  • Functional department

10. What are the determinants of project success as per Iron Triangle?

  • Resources, Cost, Performance
  • Knowledge, Time, Resources
  • Cost, Skills, Performance
  • Cost, Performance, Time

NPTEL Project management for managers Assignment Answer Week 1 2022

1. Developing a technology is an example of 

  • Project 

2. Following is(are) the responsibility(ies) of the project manager:

  • Budgeting and cost control
  • Allocating resources
  • Tracking project expenditure

3. Project performance consists of

4. Project and organizational strategy is nothing but science of 

  • Formulation to achieve objective 
  • Implementation to achieve objective
  • Evaluating cross functional decisions to achieve objective

5. What are the criteria on which a project is evaluated

  • Time and Cost
  • Cost and Performance
  • Performance only
  • Time, Cost and performance

6. What are the determinants of a project success?

  • Scope, Performance, Time, Client acceptance
  • Time, Scope, Performance, Cost/Budget
  • Scope, Cost/Budget, Performance, Time, Client acceptance
  • Client acceptance

7. Project success includes the dimensions such as

  • Project efficiency, Impact on customers, Business success, Future preparation
  • Project efficiency, Impact on customers 
  • Project efficiency, Impact on customers, Business success
  • Impact on customers, Business success, Future preparation

8. If project is organized as a weak matrix, the project manager seeks a commitment of work from the 

  • Personnel’s 
  • Functional Departments
  • Subcontractors 
  • Senior Manager

9. The entire process of a project may be considered to be made up on number of sub process placed in different stage called the 

Technical key resources  Work key structure Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) None of the above

10. Following are the characteristics of Project Mindset:

Time, Responsiveness, Information sharing, Processes, structured planning  Time, Project management, Information sharing, Processes, structured planning  Time, Responsiveness, Information sharing, capability, structured planning Time, Responsiveness, Information sharing, Processes, project planning

NPTEL Project management for managers Assignment Answer Week 2 2023 . Which project is not based on risk?

  • Cooperative

2. Which are the essential parts in the brown field project?

  • Expansion, vertical integration, and Diversification
  • Vertical integration and Diversification
  • Diversification and Expansion

3. A green field project is a project when you 

Finish a project Continue with the same project  Start a new project Diversify a project

4. Steel industry moves for manufacturing of steel pipes is an example of 

  • Forward integration
  • Backward integration
  • Horizontal integration

5. Upstream expansion is called

6. Conceptual phase and definition phase are an integral part of 

  • Planning and organizing phase
  • Initiation phase
  • Project clean up phase

7. Selection of a project is broadly a function of

  • Risk, Returns and Resources
  • Risk and Returns
  • Return only 

8. During brainstorming session, the management has to be

  • Vision for future growth
  • Keep long term objectives in mind 

9. Boston consultancy group matrix give idea where there is a lack 

  • In portfolio
  • Of resources

10. Boston consultancy group matrix is basically an order of

Week 1 NPTEL Introduction To Machine Learning Assignment Answer 2023

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NPTEL Project Management Assignment 1 Answers 2022

NPTEL Project Management Assignment 1 Answers 2022 :- Hello students in this article we are going to share NPTEL Project Management Assignment week 1 answers. All the Answers are provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment with your own knowledge.

1. You are the project manager for a high-visibility project. The margin on this project is low, and it is extremely important that the cost estimates for the work on the project be accurate. While reviewing the cost estimates for this project you notice that one of the cost estimates for an element in the WBS is 10% higher than two previous projects for very similar work. What should you do? a. Accept the estimate because you trust all of the people on your project team, and they are responsible for estimates b. Reduce the estimate and add the additional budget to the management reserve c. Ask the person responsible for the estimate to explain the difference and bring supporting information to you d. Reduce the estimate and add the additional budget to the contingency reserve

2. A person who is involved in or may be affected by the activities or anyone who has something to gain or lose by the activity of the project is called a: a. Team member b. Customer c. Stakeholder d. Supporter

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NPTEL Project Management Assignment 1 Answers 2022

3. A brief attempt embraced to make a new product or service is known as a: a. New product development b. Project c. Program d. Enterprise

4. A project manager makes a narrative description of the work that must be done for her project. This is called: a. Project plan b. Control chart c. Statement of work d. Project objective

5. A project manager is employed by a construction and development organization and is in charge of the outfitting of the finished building. One of the primary things that the project manager for this venture ought to do is to compose a: a. Work breakdown structure b. Budget baseline c. Project charter d. Project plan

6. Amid the life of a venture, the venture will experience a few stages – initiating, planning, execution, and closeout. Which period of the venture is probably going to have the greatest amount of its financing spent? a. Initiating b. Planning c. Executing d. Closeout

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7. The coordinated undertaking of interrelated activities directed toward a specific goal that has finite period of performance is a: a. Project charter b. Project c. Set of project objectives d. Program

8. The document that is proof of upper management’s commitment to the project and gives the authority to manage the project to the project manager is called: a. The project plan b. The project goals and objectives c. The project charter d. The project definition

9. A venture is proposed to a client. Price and schedule for conveyance are settled upon. The work breakdown structure is consented to too. The client asks for that one of the points of reference of the venture be finished by a specific date. The venture calendar is looked into, and it is found that the normal culmination date for this point of reference is impressively prior that the date asked for by the client. The date for this milestone is which of the following? a. Consideration b. Summary activity c. Constraint d. Suggestion

10. The scrum approach began with agile software development as professionals searched for approaches to: a. Enhance Communication b. Decrease throughput c. Increment hazard d. All of Above

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About Project Management

With the concept of managing Big Projects under costs and time constraints, it is imperative, that people working in the manufacturing/process/service industry have a very good understanding of the general and advanced concepts of Project Management. It is with this motivation that this course is designed, to meet the demand in the market from, UG to PG students coming  from a variety of fields, be it Engineering or Management.


  • Risk associated with Projects Decision 
  • Tree Modeling 
  • Cost Evaluation Techniques in Project Management
  • GANNT Chart and Precedence Diagrams
  • Project Life Cycles
  • Concepts of Scheduling
  • Critical Chain and Theory of Constraints
  • Activity Network Diagram
  • Resource requirement, Resource constraints, Crashing of Jobs
  • Project Control Techniques
  • Earned Value Project

The course is free to enroll and learn from. But if you want a certificate, you have to register and write the proctored exam conducted by us in person at any of the designated exam centres. The exam is optional for a fee of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only). Date and Time of Exams:  25 September 2022  Morning session 9 am to 12 noon; Afternoon Session 2pm to 5pm. Registration url: Announcements will be made when the registration form is open for registrations. The online registration form has to be filled and the certification exam fee needs to be paid. More details will be made available when the exam registration form is published. If there are any changes, it will be mentioned then. Please check the form for more details on the cities where the exams will be held, the conditions you agree to when you fill the form etc.


Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course. Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

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NPTEL Project Management Week 1 Assignment Answers

NPTEL Project Management Week 1 Assignment Answers:- In this post we have provided the answers to the Project Management Week 1

NPTEL Project Management Week 1 Assignment Answers 2022

Q1. You are the project manager for a high visibility project. The margin on this project is low, and it is extremely important that the cost estimates for the work on the project be accurate. While reviewing the cost estimates for this project you notice that one of the cost estimates for an element in the WBS is 10% higher than two previous projects for very similar work. What should you do?

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    #nptel #projectmanagementformanagers #nptelanswersCOURSE- Project Management for ManagersORGANIZATON- IITPLATFORM- SWAYAMIn this video, you can solutions for...

  12. NPTEL :: Management

    Project Time Management- Introduction: Download: 34: Project Time Management (Project Scheduling) Download: 35: Project time Management- Numbering of Nodes: Download: 36: Project Time Management- PERT Networks : Download: 37: Project Time Management- CPM : Download: 38: Project Time Management- Laddering in PERT/CPM : Download: 39: Probability ...

  13. Project management for managers

    He has published more than 100 research papers in international journals of repute. COURSE PLAN Week 1: Project Management Fundamentals. Week 2: Project life cycle analysis. Week 3: Project selection methods. Week 4: Capital budgeting techniques. Week 5: Risk management. Week 6: Risk and technical analysis.

  14. NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 1 Assignment Answers

    NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 1 Assignment Answers 2022. Q1. Developing a technology is an example of. Q2. Following is (are) the responsibility (ies) of the project manager: Q3. Project performance consists of. Q4. Project and organizational strategy is nothing but science of.

  15. [Week 1] NPTEL Project management for managers Assignment Answer 2024

    NPTEL Project management for managers Assignment Answer Week 1 2022. 1. Developing a technology is an example of . Process; Project ; Scope; All of the above; Answer :- All of the above. 2. Following is(are) the responsibility(ies) of the project manager: Budgeting and cost control; Allocating resources; Tracking project expenditure; All of the ...

  16. NPTEL Project Management Assignment 1 Answers 2022

    NPTEL Project Management Assignment 1 Answers 2022. 1. You are the project manager for a high-visibility project. The margin on this project is low, and it is extremely important that the cost estimates for the work on the project be accurate. While reviewing the cost estimates for this project you notice that one of the cost estimates for an ...

  17. SWAYAM NPTEL Project Management for Managers Week 12 Assignment 12

    SWAYAM NPTEL Project Management for Managers Week 12 Assignment 12 Answers for October 2022.

  18. NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 8 Assignment Answers

    NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 8 Assignment Answers 2022. Q1. An activity in a network diagram is said to be —- if the delay in its start will further delay the project completion time. Q2. In PERT analysis the maximum time that is required to perform the activity under extremely bad conditions is known as —-. Q3.

  19. GitHub

    Are you looking for NPTEL Week 1 assignment answers for 2024 for July Dec Session ! If you're enrolled in any of the NPTEL courses, this post will help you find the relevant assignment answers for Week 1. Ensure to submit your assignments by August 8, 2024.

  20. NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 2 Assignment Answers

    NPTEL Answers. Join Our Telegram. NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 2 Assignment Answers:- In this post, we have provided the answers to the NPTEL Project Management For Managers Week 2. All the answers are provided here on the basis of data available on the internet.

  21. Project management for managers

    Week 1:Project Management FundamentalsWeek 2:Project life cycle analysisWeek 3:Project selection methodsWeek 4:Capital budgeting techniquesWeek 5:Risk managementWeek 6:Risk and technical analysisWeek 7:HRM issues in project managementWeek 8:PERT and CPMWeek 9:Probability models in networksWeek 10: Crashing of networksWeek 11: Cost management ...

  22. NPTEL Project Management Week 1 Assignment Answers

    NPTEL Project Management Week 1 Assignment Answers 2022. Q1. You are the project manager for a high visibility project. The margin on this project is low, and it is extremely important that the cost estimates for the work on the project be accurate. While reviewing the cost estimates for this project you notice that one of the cost estimates ...

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 3
Start Date : 29 Jul 2019
End Date : 18 Oct 2019
Exam Date : 17 Nov 2019 IST