

1.0 Introduction

Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST) is launching the 7 th internal call for research proposals as part of its mandate. The proposed research work must be conducted in Kenya and must have an application components and potential impact on the beneficiaries.

1.1 Objectives of the Call

  • Improve research output in forms of information, products and services that address national needs for socio-economic development.
  • Increase the roles of scientific research and technological innovation in contributing to achievement of national and international goals.
  • Promote collaborative and multi-disciplinary solution-based research with tangible outcomes
  • Inculcate the culture of research and development through mentorship and peer learning

2.0 Categories of Fundable Research Proposals

This call consists of two (2) types of research proposals and their funding limit is as indicated.

  • Multi-disciplinary research        1,000,000
  • Individual project                         500,000

3.0 Thematic Areas

All research proposals should address at least one of the following thematic areas

  • Any of the 17 SDGs with specific deliverables
  • Any of the 3 pillars of the Kenya Vision 2030 with specific deliverables
  • Any of the Big Four Agenda with specific deliverables

This call emphasizes on establishment of a strong link between the academic rigor and practical knowledge product that is useful for local, national and international consumption.    The applicants are required to demonstrate tangible and short-term research outputs that will have significant outcomes on the beneficiaries.

4.0 Eligible Applicants

Individuals and groups eligible to apply for the research project funding are,

  • Full time academic staff (including staff on contract, technicians in academic division, library staff and TFs) of the University up to grade 13
  • Current postgraduate student in the University

The following individuals and/or groups are not eligible to apply,

  • Members of the University Management Board
  • Members of research committee
  • Beneficiaries of the 6 th call
  • Beneficiaries of previous grants which are incomplete

Postgraduate students should submit their research proposals with their supervisors as principal investigators because of overall project management and contractual obligations.

4.1 Eligible Cost

  • The research fund shall cover costs of research permit, data collection, analysis of results, publication, conference registration fees, conference participation costs and facilitation for the researchers.
  • Subsistence allowances during the research period should not exceed 20% of the total amount awarded.
  • The researchers must allocate at least 10% of the total budget to community extension component of the research.

The research fund shall not support any other costs outside those identified in (a). After completion of the project, all capital items bought by the research fund will revert to the University.

5.0 Plagiarism

  • All research proposals shall be subjected to plagiarism test at the University library and the Directorate of Quality Assurance.
  • The plagiarism report must be signed by both the dedicated officers as in (a) and the researcher for transparency purpose.
  • Cut-off acceptable plagiarism levels of the proposals will be determined by the University Librarian and Directorate of Quality Assurance guided by the industry practices.

6.0 Deliverables from the Researcher

All successful grantees are expected to deliver as follows,

  • Submit mid-term progress report that is six (6) months after receiving the grant.
  • Publish at least one (1) paper from the research project in a peer reviewed journal.

Researchers must acknowledge financial support from Meru University of Science and Technology in their publication(s).

3.Submit a soft copy of the published paper to the Directorate of Research Development and Extension.

4.Submit end of the project report in soft copy (electronically signed) and make a seminar presentation at the end of the research project.

Any patent(s) made out of the research finding must be co-register between the University and the grantees.

7.0 Research Proposal Format

The proposal should not exceed fifteen (15) pages in Times New Roman, font size 12, and spacing of 1.5. It must contain the following sections: (i) Title of the project; (ii) Summary; (iii) Statement of problem (iv) Research questions/hypotheses; (v) Specific study objective(s); (vi) Justification of the study (vii) Up-to-date literature review; (viii) Methodology (ix) Expected outputs and outcomes; (xi) References; (xii) Itemized budget; (xiii) Work plan  (xiv) Monitoring and Evaluation log-frame.

8.0 Schedule for Proposal Processing

Following schedules will guide the processing of the research proposals

1 February, 2021 Call for research proposals launched
15   February, 2021 Deadline for proposal submission
16  February – 26th February, 2021 Proposal evaluations – internal & external
5 March, 2021 Award of grants

8.1 Duration of Research  

The duration of the research is one (1) calendar year

9.0 Proposal Review Method

Each research proposal will be reviewed by an independent internal and external reviewer. Decision to award an applicant or not will depend on an average score arrived at from the independent scores given by the internal and external reviewers as well as pass mark determined by the research committee guided by the available financial resources. The proposals will also be subjected to ethical review where necessary. Each successful grantee will be required to sign research grant contract form obtained from RDE.

10.0 Monitoring and Evaluation

The Directorate of RDE will monitor research projects based on the indicators outlined in the project monitoring and evaluation log-frame. The Directorate of research will ascertain the compliance with the proposal and expected research impact using standardized M&E tool

11.0 Application Procedure

Applicants are required to submit a soft copy (signed electronically) of the proposal through: [email protected] within the deadline provided.

For enquiries, contact the Directorate on [email protected] [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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The Success Story of ENGAGE Graduates at MUST

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Adopt a Tree for a Cancer Patient Campaign

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National Call for Cancer Research (Ref No: NCI-NRF001/2024)

The National Cancer Institute of Kenya (NCI-K), in collaboration with the National Research Fund (NRF), is pleased to announce the launch of the National Call for Cancer Research (Ref No: NCI-NRF001/2024) . Both NCI-K and NRF are statutory bodies established under specific Acts of Parliament—the Cancer Prevention and Control Act, No.15 of 2012, and the Science, Technology, and Innovation Act 2013, respectively. These entities are mandated to promote cancer research within their respective legal frameworks. This Call aims to provide support for robust scientific cancer research that directly addresses the challenges outlined within the framework of the National Cancer Control Strategy, 2023-2027 priority areas.

Researchers/Investigators attached to public and private institutions are invited to submit research proposals for consideration. Proposed projects should clearly demonstrate how they intend to carry out research on specific focus areas encompassing a range of critical issues in cancer research, aiming to contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge and the development of effective interventions around cancer prevention and control.

Proposals should be well designed and structured based on the guidelines available below. Successful applicants will be funded up to a maximum of Kenya shillings three million (Ksh.3,000,000).

Funding preferences will be given to research project proposals whose focus is on the following aspects:

  • Cancer burden description
  • Cancer prevention and causation
  • Screening and early detection
  • Cancer diagnosis, treatment, palliative care and survivorship
  • Cancer care economics and finance
  • Health systems and policies in cancer care


research proposals kenya

NACOSTI Plaza, 3rd Floor, Upper Kabete

P.O. Box 26036 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya


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ERP Web Client

Research Proposal Writing

Proposal writing support, 1. introduction: background to the study.

We at KENPRO take our clients through the following introductory parts of chapter one of most of research projects undertaken by college and university students:

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Objectives/ Questions/Hypothesis

1.4 Significance of the Study

1.5 Scope of the Study

1.6 Limitation of the Study

1.7 Conceptual OR Theoretical Framework

1.8 Operational Definition of Key Terms

It should be noted that there are a little variations on this outline depending on the individual requirements of various colleges and universities. However, this outline constitutes the key parts of the introduction in essence.

We assist our clients in developing background to the study. We have nuemrous authoritative and scholarly online resources to build the most comprehensive up-to-date background to any education and social sciences research.

There are other critical parts of this introduction that students of research find difficulties. These include  research problem analysis  in order to up with good research questions or objectives to guide the study. Other parts include drawing up a good conceptual framework while taking into account both dependent and independent variables or constructs.  

Research Problem Analysis

The identification of research problem is the first and foremost step that every researcher has to undertake. At times, it becomes rather difficult for an inexperienced researcher or a novice/beginner in research to conceptualize a research problem. In general, a research problem should be understood as some difficulty, unclear situation which a researcher experiences in practical or theoretical context and wants to obtain a tangible explanation, clarification or offer solution to it. For students, this problem may be as a result of theoretical encounter in the area of specialization. As such, before embarking on any research, you should identify the major research area of your interest, mostly the area of your specialization. For instance from: Education, Social sciences, Humanities, Business administration among others.

Once you have the broad area, you narrow down the area by selecting a particular topic. This should be done after going through most of the literature related to the area. The topic should further be narrowed down to a specific researchable problem.

Components of a Research Problem. For a research problem to exist, there are a number of core elements that have to be inherent. There must be:

1. An individual or community or an organization/institution to whom the problem could be attributed.

These occupy a certain geographical area. For instance, teacher/parental factors affecting students performance in private secondary schools in Embu Municipality. In this study, there are individuals (parents, teachers, students), there are institutions (private secondary schools), and there is the area of study (Embu Municipality).

2. Some Objectives for pursuing the problem

There must be some objectives pursuing the problem, otherwise, it would be repugnant to reason and common understanding to undertake the research. For example: To find out teacher/parental factors affecting the students academic performance in private secondary schools in Embu Municipality.

3. Some lines of action to be taken

There must be at least two lines of action to be taken to attain the objective. For example, poor academic performance may be attributed to negative teacher and parental factors. Thus altering negative teacher factors and parental factors become the lines of action to be pursued. Here, the underlying question is “what is the cause of this problem – poor academic performance?” It is in answering this question that you must pursue some lines of action through stating some variables (teacher factors and parental factors).

We at KENPRO help our customers in identifying research topic(s). Once identified, the client is supposed to agree with the supervisor to be allowed to proceed.

2. Literature Review

We support our customers by providing literature resources that may be required for both theoretical and empirical review. We have access to hundreds of online international journals and digital libraries.

A literature review is an evaluative report of information found in the literature related to your selected area of study. The review should describe, summarize, evaluate and clarify this literature. It should give a theoretical base for the research and help you (the researcher) determine the nature of your research. Works, which are irrelevant, should be discarded and those, which are peripheral, should be looked at critically.

In general, the literature review should:

  • Provide a context for the research
  • Justify the research
  • Ensure the research hasn’t been done before
  • Show where the research fits into the existing body of knowledge
  • Enable the researcher to learn from previous theory on the subject
  • Illustrate how the subject has been studied previously
  • Highlight flaws in previous research
  • Outline gaps in previous research
  • Show that the work is adding to the understanding and knowledge of the field of study
  • Help refine, refocus or even change the topic

This chapter is generally divided according to the specific research objectives guiding the study. Each research objective / question should be reviewed. Such review helps in identifying knowledge gaps in the previous related studies and in the discussion of the findings.

Literature resources retrieval depends on the topic and the number of resources required. They may vary depending on the clients program of study and educational level. Roughly, we charge as low as Ksh. 250 /- to 1000/- per page.

3. Research Design and Methodology

We assist our clients in coming up with Research Design and methodology.

The most common sections of the methodology include the following:

3.1 Research Design

3.2 Target Population

3.3 Sample and Sampling procedure

3.4 Description of instruments

3.5 Validity of the Research Instruments

3.6 Reliability of the Research Instrument

3.7 Data collection procedure

3.8 Data analysis procedure

3.9 Ethical Considerations

Research Design: The most commonly used research designs in education and social sciences research include survey research design, the case study and naturalistic research designs. As a student of research, be ware of confusion between research designs and research approaches (qualitative and quantitative research approaches or paradigms).

Sample and sampling procedure: This is another tricky part of methodology which can pose a great challenge to a student of research or even a practitioner. There are a number of approaches that are used to arrive at the sample size. Some maintain that at least 10% (Gay, 1996) of the total population is representative; Others 30% (Gall, Borg and Gall, 2003). However, this is disputed. As such, use of Krejcie, and Morgan, table of determining sample size which is formula based is encouraged. One may also opt to use the formula to determine the sample size.

Reliability: Determining reliability of data collection instruments is also tricky. We encourage students to validate and determine the reliability of the instruments. To determine the reliability of research instruments, one must conduct a pilot test using related target population which does not form part of the final sample. Correlations (spearman’s rank correlation, Pearson’s correlation or Cronbach’s apha may be used to determine reliability). IBM SPSS is a valuable tool in computing reliability.

We offer support in drawing up research design and methodology.

Developing Data Collection Instruments

We assist our customers in developing research instruments. This MAINLY include Questionnaires and Interview guides. However, there are other instruments that we assist our clients to develop like observations guides among others depending on varied research designs:

Questionnaire Method

One method which can be used to ask questions is to use a questionnaire. This is a set of written questions on a sheet with spaces provided for respondents to reply to the questions. Questionnaires are frequently self-administered or they may be used during an interview. A questionnaire is most useful when you want to collect a small amount of clearly defined facts from a large number of people. Although very useful, there are two important disadvantages of self-administered questionnaires: Only people who can read and write can answer them (many street children are not literate); Less opportunity exists for street children to explain confusing answers.

Interviewing is one of the commonest method of collecting information from individuals. It is not surprising, then, that interviewing takes several forms:

Structured interviews, in which the wording of the questions and their sequence is the same from one interview to another; the respondents must choose from a limited number of answers that have been written in advance.

Semi-structured interviews, in which the interviewer asks important questions in the same way each time but is free to alter the sequence of the questions and to probe for more information; respondents can answer the questions in any way they choose.

Unstructured interviews, in which interviewers have a list of topics they want respondents to talk about but are free to phrase the questions as they wish; the respondents are free to answer in any way they choose.

Focus Group Discussion

Some important points to remember about the focus group as a means of collecting information:

a) This method is frequently used to explore a new issue in monitoring and evaluation studies and to discover what a group of people or project workers might think or feel about a question or problem.

b) The goal is to provide an opportunity for participants to talk to one another about a specific topic.

c) The facilitator is there to guide the discussion but should avoid intervening in the discussion.

Observation Method

It is, perhaps, the technique most closely related to everyday life. It involves watching and recording the behaviour of individuals or groups, or the events that occur in a particular place. One of the advantages of using this approach is that you may choose when and where to carry out the observation procedure and so ensure that you will have a good chance of seeing the people or the behaviour you wish to observe.

The charges range between Kshs.1,500 to Kshs. 3,500.

The charges depend on the level of the study (Diploma, Degree, Undergraduate and Postgraduate) and on the types and the number of instruments (Questionnaires, Interview guides, Observation schedules, etc).

KENPRO strengthens human and institutional capacities through providing best practices in project management, research and IT solutions, with a component of training.

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Call for Proposals

Access all the proposals from AERC and network members. Our objective is to strengthen local capacity for conducting independent, rigorous inquiry into problems pertinent to the management of Sub-Saharan African economies.

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Call for Policy Comments for Food Policy

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Call for Proposals for Review Papers for Food Policy

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Call for Proposals for Africa – Europe Research Partnership

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Calls for proposals – TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme – SSA

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  1. Abstract

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  2. (PDF) Kenya’s Social Development Proposals and Challenges: Review of

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  3. How to Write a Project Proposal in Kenya- Tips on Writing a Thesis

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  5. Sample Research Paper Kenya

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  2. PDF I. Research Proposal Format

    For proposals (spiral bound) the cover page should include the title, author and affiliation (all on one page) and centered. Page number does not appear on the title page B) Declaration: Should include both the candidate's and the supervisor's declaration and duly signed.

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    o sign the Anti-plagiarism declaration form.Proposal development should take at least one and half (11⁄2) months after which the. l presentation.B. Plagiarism Check/TurnitinOnce the proposal has been approved, the student submits it for plagiarism check as per the guidelines on the allocation form i.e. submitting.

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    PROPOSAL WRITING SUPPORT 1. Introduction: Background to the Study We at KENPRO take our clients through the following introductory parts of chapter one of most of research projects undertaken by college and university students: 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1.3 Objectives/ Questions/Hypothesis 1.4 Significance of the Study 1.5 Scope of […]

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