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Career Discovery and Success

Auburn University believes in student success. From the Exploration Center to our Career Strategists, as well as our Employer and Alumni engagement team, the services, programs, individual support, and professional networking opportunities provided by Career Discovery and Success, along with our campus partners, are designed to support each student at any phase of their college to career journey. We help transform IDEAS into reality through a network of support that allows students to  I nvestigate their interests, D esign an action plan,  E xperience career options and mentorship,  A rticulate their skills, and  S ucceed academically and professionally. Our holistic approach to serving students, supporting faculty and staff across the campus landscape, and building partnerships with employers and alumni, provides the foundation for comprehensive career development and experiential learning that empowers students to realize and successfully pursue their educational and career goals.

To learn more about Career Discovery and Success programs, services, and resources, or to schedule an appointment with a career counselor or career strategist, visit .

Exploratory Advising

Becoming educated and finding a fulfilling vocation is hard, but we believe that with the proper support and guidance any college student can learn about themselves and their options, discover the best path to pursue, and find a way to thrive. The Exploration Center in Career Discovery and Success provides personalized academic advising and career counseling to Auburn students at any stage of exploration. Incoming freshmen can declare as an Exploratory major for up to two semesters and will follow a structured exploring process through the exploratory first year seminar, taken for academic credit. Current Auburn students can get help thinking about a change of major, identifying possible career paths, or developing a personalized academic success plan. All students coming to Exploratory gain the support of our academic advisors and career counselors who specialize in helping students explore, discover, and pursue their best options. The Exploration Center is located at 101 Mary Martin Hall and is open from 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Additional information may be obtained by calling (334) 844-7277, emailing  [email protected] , or visiting the website at​ .

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  • Job Shadowing & Other Experiences

A Resume Is

  • A marketing tool for your job search
  • An individually designed document tailored to each job description
  • A highlight of your background, experience, and skills
  • Used by employers as a screening device
  • Just one piece of the job search process

What's on a Resume?

Resume Sections
Identifying Information Name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. You may also choose to include your pronouns. If you have an ePortfolio, professional blog, or LinkedIn profile, you may include that information as well.
Objective or Summary This is optional. If you choose to include one, it should be a short, specific statement that includes position, industry, and relevant skills. These can be useful during recruitment events, such as career fairs or tabling events, as well as when connecting with specific employers or industry professionals virtually.

In reverse-chronological order, this section includes the schools you have attended, graduation date or dates of attendance, as well as degrees sought or completed.

Although there is no requirement to list your GPA, you may include your cumulative GPA, major GPA, or most recent semester GPA, labeling it appropriately. This is a topic that will come up throughout an interview process.

Other information may include: scholarships and honors, percentage of college expenses earned by you, certifications, relevant courses (if significant) and study abroad experiences.


This section includes all experience types such as work, volunteering, extracurricular activities, class projects. List in reverse-chronological order and include the following information:

This section may be divided into multiple subsections with separate headings. Examples include:

Focus on what you want employers to notice first. They will read top to bottom, so make sure the sections most relevant come at the top of the page after education.


This may include knowledge of specific computer programs, lab test methods, language skills, or earned certifications. Depending on your industry area of interest, you may choose to place this section closer to the top of the page.

Qualify skills (proficient in, expert in) only when it is advantageous due to a high skill level.

Don't list soft skills in this area. Soft skills need to be expressed in your bullet points.

Resume language should be professional, succinct, and expressive. Make the reader pay attention by using strong action verbs.

  • Use the minimum number of words necessary to convey meaning
  • Use precise action verbs to describe accomplishments and responsibilities (i.e. "Supervised 4 accounts that resulted in..." rather than "Responsible for supervising 4 accounts...")
  • Avoid personal pronouns, but write in the first person
  • Leave out articles: a, an, the. Use short sentences or phrases
  • Use parallel grammatical structures and consistent verb tenses

Build Your Bullet Points

In your experience sections, describe what you achieved in each of your roles. Go beyond the "duties" of your role and describe specific tasks and accomplishments! Help the reader to understand the context, scope, and significance of your experience.


SKILL [strong action verb] + SPECIFIC TASK [job / responsibility] + OUTCOME / IMPACT [how / why]

Try the "5 W and H" questions to help you brainstorm what to include

  • WHO | Who did your experience help?
  • WHAT | What did you actually do? What was the result of your actions?
  • WHERE | Where did your experience take place?
  • WHEN | When did this happen?
  • WHY | Why did your experience matter? What was the overall impact?
  • HOW | How did you do your work? How does your experience relate to what you're applying for?
  • Wrote C++ static performance code to calculate performance data
  • Managed capital projects with budgets up to $20,000 from the design to startup phases
  • Conducted sieve analysis and verified quality of mortar per the requirements of ASTM C790 standards
  • Procured $5,000 in donations for University funds from 25+ alumni


Senior Design Project  |  Department Name                                                             January - May 2023 Team Lead

  • Coordinated with a team of four engineering students to design plans and renovate a building on campus while pursuing a LEED Platinum certification

Resume Types

Master Resume Every resume you send with a job application should be customized to that specific opportunity. However, you won't want to begin each resume from scratch. A "master" resume should house a wide variety of experience and serve as a digest from which to draw upon for your industry-specific resumes.

Tailored Resume

You need a customized resume for every job application. A tailored resume signals two important things to employers:

  • It makes you stand out as a more appealing and relevant candidate.
  • It shows the employer you put forth time and thoughtfulness when applying and didn't simply send your general resume to every employer you could find.

Action Verbs

Each descriptive phrase in your resume should begin with a strong action verb, and verbs should not repeat themselves throughout your document. Use the list below to identify verbs descriptive of your experiences.

Resume Samples

Quinncia | Instant feedback virtual resume review. Use your Auburn email address to create an account

Nuts + Bolts of Engineering Resumes  | Attend a one-hour workshop about the basics of building a resume

Resume + Cover Letter Reviews  |  Meet with an Engineering Career Coach at drop-ins or schedule an appointment in Handshake

Computer Science

Applicant tracking systems.

What are Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)? ATS consists of AI software programs that aid companies in recruiting and hiring. ATS serves as a medium between the applicant and the company’s hiring body, filtering resumes before they reach employers. The purpose of ATS is for employers to narrow down wide applicant pools to the most qualified candidates.

Why are ATS important? Nearly 70% of large companies use ATS as a means of candidate screening. In the process, most applications are thrown out by ATS before they even reach an employer’s eyes. Ensuring your resume passes through ATS parameters can significantly improve your chances of being considered and hired for positions.

What does the ATS process look like?

Applicant submits resume  → AI converts to TXT  → parsing algorithm  → gathers relevant skills/experience  → aligns skills/experience with job role

Note: 80% of resumes get rejected at the 2-3 rd stage!

What can I do?

  • Create your resume from a blank Word document instead of a template
  • Convert your Word document straight to a PDF and submit
  • Stick to standard title sections. Keep it simple!
  • Include the word “experience” in your title sections, as this will tip off ATS to register and prioritize that information (e.g. project experience, professional experience, relevant experience)
  • In the skills section, make sure to use either bullet points or commas to separate skills (vertical lines will not work), or else all skills will be read as one
  • Add the same skills from the skills section to your experience section; this will make them more meaningful to the AI and provide a timeframe


  • Use a resume template: Templates will often trigger ATS to throw out a resume. The software cannot gather the text it needs to analyze, so your resume will be removed from the applicant pool. Stick to blank word documents!
  • Google Doc → Word → pdf = will not pass ATS
  • Word → pdf = will pass ATS (recommended way)
  • Paste bullet points from chatGPT; they will not be read

Helpful Tips!

To check if your resume will be read by ATS, copy the text and paste it into a blank Word document. It should read in the same sequence with no errors. If the formatting gets slightly changed but is overall still similar, it will be partially read, but may not pick up on everything. If the text can’t be copied at all, ATS will not be able to gather any of that information.

If you’ve created a graphic or templated resume that you would like to share, add this to the “additional documents” section in the application, and submit a basic resume that will pass ATS. 

Review resume guidelines and samples to see an outline that passes ATS parameters.


Do you need printed copies of your resume for an upcoming interview or career fair? We have you covered!

Resume submissions are due 24 hours (excluding weekends) before the career fair begins.  After that, resume prints will not be made due to career fair preparations.

The CDCR offers up to 10 free resume paper prints.

  • Step 1 – Get a resume review with the Engineering CDCR. Make an appointment with a career coach (review must take place during the current semester)
  • Step 2 – Make resume revisions
  • Step 3 - Submit your revised resume for free printing
  • Step 4 – Pick up your resumes from Brown-Kopel 1133 once you have received a confirmation email stating your resumes are ready

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The Vault Guide to the Top 100 Law Firms is the most comprehensive, candid guide on the nation’s most prestigious …

The Vault Guide to Resumes and Job-Hunting Skills, Third Edition

The Vault Guide to Resumes and Job-Hunting Skills, Third Edition

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A proper résumé and effective job-hunting skills can go a long way in getting a foot in the door. An …

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ARC Resumes

Resume Service in Auburn, AL

Are you searching for a resume writing service in Auburn, Alabama? My name is Arlen Crawford and I’m the founder of ARC Resumes. Although we are not based in Auburn, AL we have helped thousands of job seekers in towns and cities just like yours. Thanks to today’s technology we are able to help job seekers just like yourself land their dream job with our unique approach to resume writing and career consulting.

People tend to search for terms like “resume service near me” and look for someone local because they feel more comfortable with a local provider. At ARC Resumes we want you to feel comfortable throughout the process and we want you to get AMAZING results. We’re so confident you’ll get results with ARC Resumes we offer an iron-clad guarantee.

Resume Service in Your Area

Here is why you should pick ARC resumes instead of a local resume writer in Auburn, AL:

We write resumes that get results..

We have created a unique 6 step process that is proven to get your resume seen by more recruiters and hiring managers. We optimize all our resumes for applicant tracking systems which is a key to getting your resume read by the right decision makers.  Learn more about The ARC Simple 6 Difference .

We get to know you BEFORE any writing starts.

We ask questions about your employment history, your education, your goals and objectives for the resume, and what you want to do going forward. We discuss your core competencies and soft skills and help you determine what you can do if you are unsure. You’ll speak with an expert recruiter over the phone prior to us writing your resume.

We offer an iron-clad guarantee.

We guarantee that you will be getting at least 2x the number of interviews using our resume. If after 60 days you are not receiving at least twice as many callbacks and interview requests, we will rewrite your resume free of charge. If you are still not getting the results you desire after an additional 30 days, we will refund you 100% no questions asked.

We help you with more than just a resume.

Having a great resume is only one part of the process. We are also available to help you with cover letters, thank you letters, LinkedIn profile optimization, salary negotiation, and even interview coaching. Get the help you need today to land your dream job.

  • Andrew H. Took the time to call and get to know me and my goals and helped craft and revise my resume in an incredibly impactful way. Veronica S. Very responsive and professional. In addition to writing a good looking functional resume, he also provided additional tips and suggestions.
  • Christian B. I am very happy with the package that I purchased from ARC Resumes. Arlen's knowledge and understanding of the industry and applicant tracking system is impressive. My LinkedIn profile was also improved and optimized to attract recruiters. Cynthia W. Mr. Arlen's service was expeditious and he was attentive to all of my questions. I am pleased with the final product and the professionalism of his service.
  • Gianna C. Excellent job, very helpful. Extremely informative and offered other helpful advice and I got the job, on my way into a new career. Bob M. Arlen was very knowledgeable in how to craft a resume, update LinkedIn profile as well as prepare for an interview.
  • Chris B. I had a wonderful experience working with Arlen, he was very professional and did a great job! My resume looks great. Carla W. Everything about this experience was easy and efficient. Arlen turned my old resume into a new fresh professional trendy resume with all the key points strategically mentioned and methodically placed accordingly. Answered all questions and provided great tips!
  • Erika B. Arlen was prompt and patient when my timeline needed to be adjusted. He quickly gets back and follows through. The most important piece is his commitment to being there for you moving forward as things change and questions inevitably arise. thanks Arlen! Alex T. Felt personalized and created for a much more robust resume. He listened to additional input over the phone and translated that into what recruiters want to see.
  • Ted S. I do not have enough words to express my gratitude. Arlen had taken an old and out dated resume and brought it into the future. What a great looking resume, cover letter and thank you letter. His turn around time and professionalism are exemplary! Jocelyn M. I liked the fact that Arlen seemed genuinely interested in helping me find the job that suits my needs. There were other offers of very high quality sounding work..but it seemed like their end goal was to write me an excellent resume, not help me find suitable employment.
  • Carrie A. Arlen did a great job on my resume. He also provided me with job search tips, a cover letter, and thank you letter. I recommended him to a friend who also needs help and I would definitely recommend him again. Mary L. Arlen was great to work with. My resume needed an overhaul and he did it for me in two days. I’ve already recommended him to a friend!
  • Debra J. Received additional information related to the whole process of the resume and it’s associated letters. Done to today’s standards. And has a lifetime offer. Not intimidating to work with. Did Four revisions and very satisfied. Nicole A. Updated my resume. Also included a cover letter as well and am very happy with the results. Would highly recommend.
  • Giniva M. The overall experience was great. I saw my resume and was in awe. He did a wonderful job and was very professional and punctual. I am very satisfied and definitely recommend him. Nicholas C. Arlen did a great job updating my resume. He was very helpful throughout the whole process. I would highly recommend him.
  • Kourtney R. Arlen was very personable, incorporated my personal attributes into my resume, organized it in a professional way, and even gave me some career advice with the option to call back at a later date if any questions or problems arose. Very pleased. Claudine E. Arlen did a great job! My husband even used him the day after he saw what Arlen dis for me!

The Two Most Important Functions of Your Resume

  • Successful Applicant Tracking System digital search
  • Creating a positive first impression on a recruiter or hiring authority

Give yourself the maximum advantage for career advancement by choosing our proven processes. Our recruiting and resume-writing history and experience enhances your opportunities for employment. 

We have experience with many and various industries and disciplines.  Some of these include engineering, healthcare, finance, sales/marketing, manufacturing, project management, operations management, administrative, event planning, executive (CFO, COO, CEO).

How does our resume writing process different from a professional resume writer in Auburn, AL?

The arc simple 6 difference.

Everyone wants their resume to stand out from the competition. You want to ensure that you will get noticed. ARC Resumes uses the ARC SIMPLE 6 Process to design a resume guaranteed to hit your goals.

What’s the ARC Simple 6 Process?  The ARC Simple 6 Process follows six clear guidelines to deliver quality resumes every time.

Clean, concise, and clear format
Length matches your level of experience
Definitive Professional Profile or Summary
Keyword optimization for applicant tracking systems
Thematic use of capitalization, bolding, italics, and underlining
Correct grammar, spelling, and verb tense usage

These guidelines are basic. However, most resumes often violate several of these. The way in which your resume is written creates a first impression. If that impression is negative, your chances of landing an interview significantly decrease, regardless of your qualifications.

Our Packages

Basic package.

  • Initial Phone Consultation
  • Resume (Word & PDF Format)
  • Cover Letter
  • Delivery Phone Call
  • Thank You Letter
  • LinkedIn Profile Assistance
  • Job Searching Assistance
  • Career Counseling
  • Follow Up Letter
  • Salary or Compensation Tips
  • First 30-60-90 Day Job Plans
  • Interview Coaching

Standard Package

Professional package.

Auburn, Alabama is a City in Lee County and is in the America/Chicago timezone. The area Zip Codes include 36801, 36804, 36830, 36831, 36832, 36849, 36879.

Located at the coordinates 32.60986, -85.48078 – Auburn, AL has a land area of 60 Square Miles and 1 Square Miles of water.

Auburn, AL has a population of 66259 people among 22850 households. They have a median income of $44,654.00.

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The  University Career Center  at Auburn University is here to provide career assistance to all Auburn University graduates from now through five years post-graduation. As you transition from college to career, especially during these unprecedented times, we hope you will take advantage of the resources offered by the career center. Learn more at

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Curriculum Vitae (CV)

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  • Job Shadowing & Other Experiences

In addition to a resume, you may develop a CV to represent your accomplishments and experiences as an academic, establishing your professional image within the field.

This document is utilized in applying for roles in academia, including faculty or professorships, but also for fellowships and grants. This may also accompany publications for conference papers, leadership roles or consulting projects. In addition, CVs are heavily utilized for research positions, both at institutes, as well as in industry.

A CV markets educational and academic backgrounds, covering areas such as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, grants, honors and awards.


As you begin developing your CV, consider the following sections:

  • Contact Information | Name, email, phone number and portfolio link
  • Education | All institutions included, articulating formalized degree program names. Also include thesis and/or dissertation content, with a brief description being optional.
  • Research Experience
  • Teaching Experience
  • Publications | Utilizing standard citation format for professional field, including the status of any publications (in review, invited or submitted for publication, etc.)
  • Presentations and Conferences
  • Professional Affiliations | student and/or professional organizations and associations membership and involvement
  • Trainings and Certifications | Workshops, symposia, certificates and/or licenses, including specific name, licensing status and date of issue
  • Honors and Awards | Academic awards such as honor societies, scholarships, grants; professional awards such as workplace awards, staff recognition, etc. This may include both undergraduate and graduate level accomplishments

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When you visit our website, we will use cookies to make sure you enjoy your stay. We respect your privacy and we’ll never share your resumes and cover letters with recruiters or job sites. On the other hand, we’re using several third party tools to help us run our website with all its functionality.

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Auburn University Resume and Cover Letter Samples

Auburn University Graduate Teaching Assistant Cover Letter Example

Let your resume do the work.

Join 5,000,000 job seekers worldwide and get hired faster with your best resume yet.

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Insider Q&A: LinkedIn is bullish on AI. Will that help job seekers?


(AP Illustration/Jenni Sohn)

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Like many other technology companies, LinkedIn is all in on generative AI, the artificial intelligence systems that can create text, images and other media in response to queries.

The professional networking platform last month rolled out new AI features to help users search for jobs, tailor their resumes and create personalized cover letters from scratch.

Consumer-facing brands have shown more interest in LinkedIn, according to a May report by Emarketer, The market research firm credited the increased attention to new advertising formats and changes in user behavior on the Microsoft-owned platform.

The Associated Press recently spoke with LinkedIn Chief Product Officer Tomer Cohen about generative AI, the job market , brand marketing and TikTok creators . The conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

Q: The job market has been strong even though there are other economic challenges, such as high interest rates. What are you seeing on the platform in terms of hiring and recruitment?

A: We’re seeing a very competitive job market and a lot more applications coming from people year-over-year. It differs slightly between industries. But you see the demand for talent right now with AI. We’re seeing an increase in people looking at AI-specific roles, and companies investing in it.

At the same time, we’re seeing about 50% of people wanting to change roles this year. So the inclination to look for new roles is still there and still strong.


Q: Is it mostly tech companies looking for employees with AI skills, or is it other sectors as well?

A: We’re seeing it across multiple industries, everything from tech to finance and fashion. As a whole, AI presents a profound shift in how we work and bring things to market.

But we’re also seeing a gap right now in AI proficiency. When we talk to leaders, 80% of them – across industries – say they know it’s really important for them to adopt AI in their companies. But most of them don’t know how to do it. They lack the confidence, and the skill set, to actually bring it to the fold.

As a result, you’re seeing people across all seniority levels really working hard to learn AI skills, and they are coming to LinkedIn to do that. We’re seeing a 160% increase in professionals learning these skills – and showcasing it on their profile.

Q: A lot of companies are launching AI initiatives. How much of it do you think is going to move the needle?

A: It’s clear for everybody that AI presents a very big, profound shift. So it’s really about focusing on what customer or member value it can produce. For example, the idea that AI can start really focusing on tedious tasks that you do throughout the day and help you focus on what matters the most is 100% real.

We basically relaunched our recruiter tool and are powering our direct-messaging features right now with AI to help recruiters write their messages. And we’re seeing a 40% increase in messages accepted. If you’re a recruiter, this is a game changer for you in how you do your job.

In November, we launched a job seeker experience, just helping users understand their fit to a specific role. We saw great retention for that, and now we are launching an enhancement that can help people look across many jobs, not just one. We’re going to help you actually build a resume for those specific jobs when you apply and a cover letter. So we see that it’s helping people progress, and it’s amazing. And we see business results from it, both for our customers but also us as a company.

Q: LinkedIn also facilitates a lot of B2B, or business-to-business, marketing. Is the company putting more investment into helping brands directly market to customers?

A: B2B marketing works really well on LinkedIn. Because when you think, usually you’re trying to reach multiple decision-makers. It’s more complex in terms of how you reach out to those members. It requires multiple touch points. And the sale can take everything from weeks to months, and sometimes years.

When it comes to B2C (business-to-customer) sales, there are marketing campaigns that mimic B2B. You can be very successful on LinkedIn with B2B campaigns - but also B2C campaigns - when what you’re trying to promote and what you’re trying to sell requires a lot of consideration.

Q: The tone on LinkedIn has shifted in the past few years. Users are posting more personal things like being fired from a job or struggling with impostor syndrome. What do you think has led to that?

A: One of the growing trends we’re seeing on LinkedIn is people coming in to look for views and news that matter to their professional career. And that includes more aspects of your life. People think about the ability to be more authentic at work and share their authentic selves on LinkedIn. You can think about it like the ideal workplace, where you can be open. That’s been a growing theme for us – everything from knowledge sharing, looking for expertise and bringing one’s full professional self to LinkedIn. As a result, we’re seeing top voices on topics from AI technology to sustainability to well-being experts coming to the platform to share.

You’re seeing brands come to the platform and spend more time thinking about how they can cultivate and curate their audiences. And professionals finding the experts they want to learn from and having conversations with them. We’re doing things to lean into it, like investing in video. We’re seeing a 45% increase in video creation on LinkedIn.

Q: TikTok could be banned in a few months due to the federal law that passed earlier this year. Is there anything LinkedIn is doing to recruit professional-oriented creators who are on that platform?

C: Top voices on TikTok, YouTube or Instagram’s Reels see the opportunity on LinkedIn naturally. They ultimately come in, see how it’s working for others, and they can see they can find their audience here. When you realize as a creator, you can find your audience on multiple platforms, it’s really a great opportunity for you to expand your reach, which is usually what creators are seeking.

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  • Auburn Career Services Network
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Cleveland Program Specialist

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HELP US CHANGE THE WORLD! Booster is an elementary school fundraiser on a mission to change the world. Proudly serving over 3,600 schools and 2.3 million students across the nation, we’re reinventing the way schools do fundraising. If you love the idea of impacting students, working with an amazing team, thriving in a high-energy environment, and having fun, this job is for you.

OUR VIRTUES: Every Booster team member embodies these six virtues:

  • GRATITUDE: We express gratitude daily. We live a life of humble optimism thankful for all we have been given to steward.
  • WISDOM : We pursue wisdom with a growth mindset. We have a teachable posture and a love of learning. We seek to live holistic lives of integrity seeking wisdom daily.”
  • CARE : We generously give honoring attention to others. We serve, listen and lead with hospitality. Care means we love our community and they know it and they feel it.
  • COURAGE : We live and lead with confidence and bravery. We have hope and a bias for action. We take initiative personally and professionally.
  • GRIT : We persevere with resilience knowing that endurance builds character. We take the long view with the right perspective and we love a challenge.
  • CELEBRATION : We love to celebrate the value of others. We take great joy in enthusiastically affirming others’ strengths and accomplishments.

THE PROGRAM SPECIALIST ROLE AND WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO BOOSTER: Booster is growing at double-digit rates each year. To keep up with that tremendous growth, we’re looking for fun-seeking world changers who want to jumpstart their careers and make a difference in the lives of others. As a Program Specialist, you and your team will be the face of the Boosterthon program on elementary school campuses. Alongside your team, you’ll serve on campus with excellence, help schools reach their fundraising goals, and positively impact students. You’ll continually display enthusiasm, professionalism, and intentionality to serve schools with remarkable client care.

HERE’S WHY THIS IS A GREAT CAREER STEP FOR YOU: This is an ideal part-time job or first job out of college for someone who wants to do fun, impactful work alongside a community of world-changing leaders. In this role, you’ll learn a variety of valuable skills, receive coaching to help you succeed, and have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally.


  • Helping your team set up and host a Pep Rally for students each week.
  • Teaching and presenting character curriculum to students in schools daily.
  • Setting up and hosting our premier fitness fundraiser, the Boosterthon Fun Run.
  • Motivating students to raise funds for their school.
  • Engaging with teachers, parents, and administrators.
  • Learning and understanding our business models and principles.
  • Being a part of a team who models Fitness, Leadership, and Character to others.

WHO WE’RE LOOKING FOR: Here are some signs that you’d be a great fit for this role:

  • Excellent Communication – You can connect professionally and enthusiastically with students, faculty, and staff through written and verbal communication.
  • Positive Attitude – You display optimism, enthusiasm, and intentionality when interacting with clients and team.
  • Growth Mindset – You demonstrate a continual desire to learn and grow both personally and professionally.
  • Good Judgment – You have a strong sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
  • Outcome-oriented – You don’t avoid deadlines and you can model that kind of work ethic on your team.


  • You’re a licensed driver with reliable transportation
  • You can pass Booster’s Background and Motor Vehicle check
  • You’re able to lift up to 45 lbs.
  • You’re able to be active and on your feet while on campus


  • Career Development Opportunities: Upward mobility in the company
  • Bonus Opportunities: Recruiting Bonus
  • Fun and Engaging Culture: Team events, award ceremonies, free lunches, dinners, and more!
  • Travel Opportunities: Ability to travel nationally to serve schools across the nation.

Are you ready to change the world with us? If the answer is yes, this opportunity is for you!

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Auburn's Suni Lee shines to help United States win gold medal at 2024 Paris Olympics

Suni Lee has added another gold medal to her collection.

The former Auburn gymnastics star shined in front of the world Tuesday, helping the United States, alongside teammates Simone Biles, Jada Carey, Jordan Chiles and Hezley Rivera, win a gold medal in the women's team final of the 2024 Paris Olympics. Lee participated in three of four events — bars, beam and floor — with her highest score coming on beam with a 14.600.

Lee notched a 14.566 on bars and an 13.533 on floor. She suffered a deduction on her bar score because her feet touched the floor during her routine, but her mark still paced the U.S.

The U.S. finished with a score of 171.296. Italy earned silver with a 165.494 and Brazil got bronze with a 164.497. Other countries participating included Canada, China, Great Britain, Japan and Romania. The U.S. has now won gold four times at the Olympics (1996, 2012, 2016 and 2024). It brought him silver in 2020.

It's Lee's second gold medal and the fourth medal overall of her Olympic career. She won gold for the individual all-around during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, which helped her meteoric rise, in addition to the U.S. snagging silver in the team final and Lee also receiving bronze on bars.

Lee still has a chance to take home more awards in Paris. She's set to compete in the all-around final Thursday, the bars final Sunday and the beam final Monday.

Richard Silva is the Auburn athletics beat writer for the Montgomery Advertiser. He can be reached via email at [email protected] or on X, formerly known as Twitter, @rich_silva18.


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Stalkers, Disease and Doubt: A Gymnast’s Hard Road Back to the Games

Sunisa Lee, the all-around women’s champion at the Tokyo Olympics, overcame personal strife, family expectations and serious illness to get to Paris.

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A portrait of gymnast Sunisa Lee standing beneath the uneven bars in a gym.

By Juliet Macur

Juliet Macur is in Paris, covering her 13th Olympic Games. She reported this article from Paris, Fort Worth and Minneapolis, and St. Paul, Minn.

Simone Biles aims for her second gymnastics all-around title. Follow live updates from the Paris Olympics.

Sunisa Lee, the all-around gold medalist in women’s gymnastics at the Tokyo Olympics, woke up one morning last year and was startled by her reflection in the mirror.

Her face looked as if it had been inflated with an air pump. Her leg joints were so swollen that she could hardly bend her knees or ankles. A scale revealed she had gained more than 10 pounds.

Her mind raced: Had she been eating too much? Was it the pollen in the air? Maybe she was allergic to her roommate’s new dog?

“I was like, who is this person looking back at me?” Lee, who is competing for the United States at the Paris Games, said in an interview. “It was so scary. I didn’t know it then, but the old Suni was gone. And she would never be back.”

Lee had been a surprise winner in Tokyo : Simone Biles — the overwhelming favorite for that gold medal — had withdrawn from the Games with a mental block that made her feel unsafe performing her flips and twists in the air.

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  1. Resumes

    Make an appointment with a career coach (review must take place during the current semester) Step 2 - Make resume revisions. Step 3 - Submit your revised resume for free printing. Step 4 - Pick up your resumes from Brown-Kopel 1133 once you have received a confirmation email stating your resumes are ready.

  2. Create a Resume / Cover Letter

    Engineering resumes can be particularly tricky, and demand in the industry is high, which makes a stand-out resume even more … Vault Author info A comprehensive resource for students and job seekers looking for career advice, job postings, company reviews from employees, and rankings of the best companies and industry employers.

  3. Create a Resume

    Create, edit, and evolve your resume to land your dream job. One of the most important documents you will create is your résumé. The primary pupose of a résumé is to get you an interview. It is your personal marketing tool for applying to clubs, leadership positions, scholarships, internships, employment, or graduate schools.

  4. Quinncia

    Meet Quinn - AI Advisor for Resumes and Interviews. ... Career Service Hours. Day of the week. Daily Hours Drop-In Hours M Monday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm 10:00 am - 2:00 pm ... Headshot Booth: Located in Auburn University Bookstore. Monday - Friday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm. 334-844-4744.

  5. Career Discovery and Success

    Nuts + Bolts of Engineering Resumes Group Coaching. Mon, Aug 19 at 3pm - 3:50pm. Aug 20. Winkelmann Flowforming Table Talk. ... Career Discovery and Success, along with the Auburn Career Services Network is ready to support you at any phase of your career journey. ... National Park Service. ASL Medical Interpreter- Full Time. Children's ...

  6. Office of Professional and Career Development

    Prepare Your Resume & Cover Letter; Practice Interviewing; How to Negotiate Your New Position ... Find mentors, internships, and jobs to help launch your career. Our career counselors are always here to help! ... (334) 844-7203. Email. [email protected]. Address. Lowder Hall 101 405 West Magnolia Ave Auburn, AL 36849. Career Service Hours ...

  7. Career Discovery and Success < Auburn University

    All students coming to Exploratory gain the support of our academic advisors and career counselors who specialize in helping students explore, discover, and pursue their best options. The Exploratory Advising Center is located at 101 Mary Martin Hall and is open from 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Additional information may be obtained by calling (334 ...

  8. Resumes

    Resume Sections; Identifying Information: Name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. You may also choose to include your pronouns. If you have an ePortfolio, professional blog, or LinkedIn profile, you may include that information as well. Objective or Summary

  9. How to Fill Out Common Resume Sections

    Campus Career Closet Hours: Monday - Friday by appointment only. Schedule an Appointment Headshot Booth: Located in Auburn University Bookstore. Monday - Friday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm

  10. Common Resume Questions

    Writing a resume can be an intimidating process; it's a first impression used by employers to determine whether or not to proceed to an interview. ... Career Service Hours. Day of the week. Daily Hours Drop-In Hours M Monday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm 10:00 am - 2:00 pm ... Headshot Booth: Located in Auburn University Bookstore. Monday - Friday 7:45 ...

  11. Career Discovery and Success

    Exploratory Career Counseling. Career Discovery and Success provides comprehensive career and major exploration to support you at any stage of your Auburn career by helping students uncover and identify their interests, values, and skills that align with academic and professional goals. For more information, you can email [email protected] .

  12. Career Development

    Career Development. Develop your professional skills and define your path to a career in business. With two specialized career development offices—one dedicated to undergraduate and the other to graduate support—we have the staff bandwidth, specific knowledge, and resources to help you wherever you are on your academic trajectory. We'll ...

  13. Office of Professional and Career Development

    Share This: Share The Vault Guide to Resumes and Job-Hunting Skills, ... Auburn, AL 36849. Career Service Hours. M Monday 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM T Tuesday 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM W Wednesday 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM TH Thursday 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM F Friday ...

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    Call Now 770-692-3189. Home » Local Pages » Alabama » Auburn. Are you searching for a resume writing service in Auburn, Alabama? My name is Arlen Crawford and I'm the founder of ARC Resumes. Although we are not based in Auburn, AL we have helped thousands of job seekers in towns and cities just like yours.

  15. How to join the resume book

    If your resume needs help, come by our office in Lowder 114 during office hours (9:00am - 3:00pm). Make the necessary edits to your resume and re-upload it to Handshake. Throughout the semester as you make changed to your resume, be sure to keep your most up-to-date version visible on Handshake.

  16. Handshake

    Handshake. Handshake is the primary platform for Auburn University students to find internships, co-ops, and full-time jobs. It's also where you can find Auburn career resources, schedule career coaching appointments, learn about career paths, and register for career events with recruiters, career coaches, and alumni! Handshake Login.

  17. Career Toolbox

    Career Toolbox. We know that deciding on your career path and preparing to enter the workforce can be a daunting task. That's why we've compiled videos, podcasts, websites, and more to help guide you along the way. Whether you're new to college and looking for the right major or about to graduate and begin your job search, we have the ...

  18. Cover Letters

    Cover Letters. A cover letter introduces you to a potential employer. It is an opportunity to provide a specific explanation for your interest in applying and demonstrate your unique fit for the role. Use the position description to make explicit connections between your skills and experience and what the organization is looking for in a candidate.

  19. Alumni & Career Resources

    The University Career Center at Auburn University is here to provide career assistance to all Auburn University graduates from now through five years post-graduation. As you transition from college to career, especially during these unprecedented times, we hope you will take advantage of the resources offered by the career center. Learn more at ...

  20. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

    Undergraduate. Curriculum Vitae (CV) In addition to a resume, you may develop a CV to represent your accomplishments and experiences as an academic, establishing your professional image within the field. This document is utilized in applying for roles in academia, including faculty or professorships, but also for fellowships and grants.

  21. Auburn University Resume and Cover Letter Samples

    Let your resume do the work. Join 5,000,000 job seekers worldwide and get hired faster with your best resume yet. Create Resume. Resume and cover letter samples from professionals who got hired by Auburn University.

  22. Resources

    FOCUS 2 guides users through a reliable, intuitive career and education decision making model to help them choose a college, …

  23. Resume for Teens: Examples & Writing Tips

    Resume Help. The Best Resume Builders for 2024: Top 11 Online Resume Builder Websites . Conrad Benz. January 29, 2024. Resume Help. The Best Resume Format To Land a Job in 2024 . Conrad Benz. July 24, 2024. LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Facebook Twitter Tiktok Pinterest Giphy. Resumes. Resume Builder; Resume Templates;

  24. Lewiston/Auburn/Portland

    "The LAP" is the Maine Department of Transportation's commuter bus service between Lewiston/Auburn and Portland. While the focus is on workforce transportation, this service is open for all trip purposes. ... "The LAP" is a two-year pilot commuter bus service that will serve as an indicator of the latent demand and potential market ...

  25. Insider Q&A: LinkedIn is bullish on AI. Will that help job seekers

    Like many other technology companies, LinkedIn is all in on generative AI, the artificial intelligence systems that can create text, images and other media in response to queries. The professional networking platform last month rolled out new AI features to help users search for jobs, tailor their resumes and create personalized cover letters from scratch.

  26. Glenn Thomas on the radio: Talking quarterbacks

    Kaelin: Thomas said he's "a true fan of Danny" and recalled texting him about something last Wednesday to find Kaelin was working his schedule around that day to include community service in Omaha ...

  27. Cleveland Program Specialist

    Quinncia Resumes. Appointments. Who We Are. Auburn Career Services Network; Career Discovery and Success. ... HELP US CHANGE THE WORLD! ... Headshot Booth: Located in Auburn University Bookstore. Monday - Friday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm. 334-844-4744.

  28. Auburn's Suni Lee shines to help United States win gold medal at 2024

    The former Auburn gymnastics star shined in front of the world Tuesday, helping the United States, alongside teammates Simone Biles, Jada Carey, Jordan Chiles and Hezley Rivera, win a gold medal ...

  29. Spaceman, Senator, V.P. Pick? Kamala Harris Sizes Up Mark Kelly

    The Arizona senator, a Navy veteran and former astronaut, has an almost impossibly strong political résumé. But an overlooked asset is his expertise on the Southern border.

  30. Olympic Gymnast Suni Lee Overcame Stalkers, Kidney Disease and Doubt

    Fans packed the arenas — the phenomenon became known as "the Suni effect" — to see her score her perfect 10s, finish second in the all-around at the N.C.A.A. championship and help the ...