transportation research part a call for papers

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Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Volume 12 • Issue 12

  • ISSN: 0965-8564

Editor-In-Chief: Elisabetta Cherchi

  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.9
  • Impact factor: 6.3
  • Journal metrics

Transportation Research: Part A considers papers dealing with policy analysis (design, formulation and evaluation); planning; interaction with the political, socioecon… Read more

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Subscription options

Institutional subscription on sciencedirect.

Transportation Research: Part A considers papers dealing with policy analysis (design, formulation and evaluation); planning; interaction with the political, socioeconomic and physical environments; and management and evaluation of transport systems . Topics may be approached from any discipline or perspective: economics, engineering, psychology, sociology, urbanism, etc., but must have a clear policy concern or be of interest for practice, and must be based on solid research and good quality data. The journal is international, and places equal emphasis on the problems of industrialized and non-industrialized regions.

Part A's aims and scope are complementary to Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Part C: Emerging Technologies and Part D: Transport and Environment. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. The complete set forms the most cohesive and comprehensive reference of current research in transportation science.

Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .

Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

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transportation research part a call for papers

Instructions For Authors

Paper Review Schedule

June 1: Submission site opens (full papers again this year) - August 1: Submission site closes

August 15–September 15: Paper review - October 1–30: Paper decisions sent

Mid November: Option to upload Research Summary or post full paper for meeting attendees

*Please note that you do not   need to begin a submission to gain access to the TRR. Please click here for futher instructions .*  

2025 TRB Annual Meeting Presentation Submission Requirements:

  • Full papers are required for all submissions to TRBAM 2025
  • Accepted papers or research summaries will be made available to meeting attendees (more information about summaries will be provided at acceptance)
  • Your paper should demonstrate a clear connection to, and application for, transportation in some way.
  • If you are using Large Language Models (LLMs) or Generative AI for your paper, refer to the guidelines below .
  • File Format: PDF
  • All papers must be submitted in English
  • Include a title page with title, authors, affiliations, and word count
  • Include all coauthor names, affiliations, and email addresses
  • ORCiD numbers are optional, but encouraged
  • Tables and figures should be embedded in the text, near the text that discusses the item
  • 8.5x11 page with normal margins
  • The title should have the first letter of each word capitalized, except for conjunctions, prepositions, and articles
  • Font: Times Roman font, 10 pt size or larger
  • Single spaced
  • Single column
  • Line numbers are required (restart numbering on each page)
  • Page numbers are required
  • Manuscript Length: The length of each paper, including the abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, and tables, must not exceed 7,500 words. Each table counts as 250 words. Papers not meeting this requirement may be withdrawn from the peer review process at any time. Abstract (250 words max). 
  • References should be numbered and called out in numerical order in the text
  • Supplemental Material/Appendices are not permitted in TRB Annual Meeting papers.

View Sample Paper .

Criteria for Desk Rejection

We reserve the right to withdraw papers with the following attributes:

  • In excess of 7500 words, excluding figures
  • Figures and Tables not embedded in text
  • Missing coauthors in the submission system
  • Tables and text converted to figures to circumvent the word count
  • Multiple tables combined into one to circumvent the word count
  • Papers divided into parts to circumvent the word count
  • Writing that cannot be understood by a native English speaker
  • Topics outside the scope of the Transportation Research Board
  • Inappropriate or offensive language
  • Endorsement or promotion of a commercial product
  • Unclear or confusing paper organization
  • Papers that do not demonstrate a clear connection to, and application for, transportation

Fragmented or Redundant Publication: The TRB Annual Meeting does not have any limits on the number of submissions that can be submitted or published by an author. However, the following bullet points outline situations where the Committee may choose to desk reject a paper if the research does not make a substantial contribution on its own or otherwise seems to be broken into pieces or redundant.

  • Breaking a single piece of work into many papers that are derived from the same or similar hypothesis dilutes the information and makes it difficult for reviewers and readers to assess the advances that may have been made.
  • A TRB Standing Committee may desk reject papers with similar hypotheses, methodologies, or results; papers that are redundant in that there is significant overlap; and papers with limited practical application or appeal.
  • Papers submitted for review should stand on their own; papers submitted as Part I, Part II, etc., will not be accepted for review.
  • The TRB follows guidance from the Committee on Publication Ethics. Please refer to the following case study on “ Salami Publication .”

Go to the TRBAM Editorial Manager site to start a submission.

Usage of Large Language Models/Generative AI in Papers

Authors: If you are considering using a large language model [(LLM), e.g. ChatGPT] or Generative AI to help prepare your manuscript for submission to TRBAM or TRR, you must comply with the following statement from COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics):

• Authors who use AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the Materials and Methods (or similar section) of the paper how the AI tool was used and which tool was used. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics.

Specifically, authors are required to:

1. Clearly indicate the use of language models in the manuscript, including which model was used and for what purpose. Please use the methods or acknowledgements section, as appropriate.

2. Verify the accuracy, validity, and appropriateness of the content and any citations generated by language models and correct any errors or inconsistencies.

3. Provide a list of sources used to generate content and citations, including those generated by language models. Double-check citations to ensure they are accurate and properly referenced.

4. Be conscious of the potential for plagiarism where the LLM may have reproduced substantial text from other sources. Check the original sources to be sure you are not plagiarizing someone else’s work.

5. Acknowledge the limitations of language models in the manuscript, including the potential for bias, errors, and gaps in knowledge.

Please note that AI bots such as ChatGPT should not be listed as an author on your submission.

Reference Guidelines

The reference list should contain only references that are cited in the text, numbered in the order in which they are first cited. Summaries that do not conform to a standard reference style may be rejected.

Do not denote text references with superscripts.

Do not include in the reference list personal communications or similar material that would not be available to readers. Instead, cite the unpublished work in the text and enclose the author’s name along with the term “personal communication” in parentheses.

You may use the following content guidelines and samples in preparing reference lists:

TRR Journal Articles: Note: Do not add “In” before the journal title; do not include the publisher or place of publication. Dewan, S. A., and R. E. Smith. Creating Asset Management Reports from a Local Agency Pavement Management System. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2018. Volume: doi or page range.

TRB Presentation Papers: Ghiasi, A., J. Ma, F. Zhou, and X. Li. Speed Harmonization Algorithm using Connected Autonomous Vehicles. Presented at 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2017

Please check references citing papers presented at the Annual Meeting to see whether or not the paper was subsequently published in the Transportation Research Record (TRR). If the paper was published in the TRR, the reference should be changed to the corresponding TRR citation.

Other Journals: Dawley, C. B., B. L. Hogenwiede, and K. O. Anderson. Mitigation of Instability Rutting of Asphalt Concrete Pavements in Canada. Journal of Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 2018. 59: 481–508. Sansalone, M., J. M. Lin, and W. B. Streett. Determining the Depths of Surface-Opening Cracks Using Impact-Generated Stress Waves and Time-of-Flight Techniques.  ACI Materials Journal, 2018. 95: 168–177.

TRB Publications: Morcous, G., K. Wang, P. C. Taylor, and S. P. Shah. NCHRP Report 819: Self-Consolidating Concrete for Cast-in-Place Bridge Components. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2016.

Book: Newland, D. E. Random Vibrations: Spectral and Wavelet Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1998.

Chapter in a Book: Shunk, G.A. Urban Transportation Systems. In Transportation Planning Handbook (J. D. Edwards, Jr., ed.), Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1992, pp. 88–122.

Government Report: Von Quintus, H. L., and A. L. Simpson. Documentation of the Back calculation of Layer Parameters for LTPP Test Sections. Publication FHWA-RD-01-113. FHWA, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2002.

Websites: References to websites should include corporate or personal authors, title of document, date of document (if available), web address (complete URL), and date accessed by the author. State and Local Policy Program. Value Pricing. Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Feb. 5, 2008. Guide to Developing Performance-Related Specifications.FHWA-RD-98-155, FHWA- RD-98- 156, FHWA-RD-98-171,Vol. III, Appendix C. March 5, 2003.

Unpublished papers: References to unpublished papers presented at meetings should include name(s) of author(s); title of paper; and title, sponsor(s), location, and dates or year of meeting. Corbett, J. J. Toward Environmental Stewardship: Charting the Course for Marine Transportation. Presented at 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2018.

About the Review Process:

The TRB Annual Meeting peer review process is used for all presentations submitted to TRB’s Annual Meeting. The process is organized by TRB’s standing technical committees under the supervision of TRB staff. A minimum of two reviews is required for a decision to be made on a submission for presentation.

Papers submitted for Presentation and Publication will first go through the TRB Annual Meeting peer review process described above. The committee entering the decision will come to two conclusions. First, a decision will be made on if your paper will be accepted or rejected for presentation in the annual meeting. They will also make a recommendation on if your paper should be reviewed for publication by the TRR Editorial Board. If so, the TRR Editorial Board will perform additional steps of review and come to an independent publication decision. The publication decision may or may not match the decision you received for presentation due to the different scopes of each reviewing body.

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transportation research part a call for papers

Welcome to the NECTAR website

Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research

Call for Papers on the Special Issue in Transportation Research Part A: Integration of passenger and freight transport

Background According to the “Green Paper on Urban Mobility”, a strong inter-modal and inter-sectorial passenger and freight integration could improve the overall efficiency of transport. The operational organization of an integrated passenger/freight system may contribute to this single logistics system. The idea of bridging freight and passenger transport is not new, since first academic discussions date back to more than a decade ago. Nowadays, this scheme is partially adopted for specific transport solutions, such as air, ferry and long-distance rail transport. However, it is less common in urban rail and road transport, as well as in non-urban areas. In these contexts, several technical and policy-related issues make this integration difficult and its application in real cases limited.

The interest for the phenomenon has been growing, as confirmed by the increase in the publications during the last five years. However, a preliminary literature analysis made on the documents published in the database “Scopus” reveals mostly the development of conceptual frameworks. Indeed, the interest on simulations, real case studies, and policy-related aspects is still limited.

Significance of topics proposed This special issue of Transportation Research Part A tries to systematise the different approaches adopted so far in dealing with the issue “integration of passenger and freight transport”. It explores the research opportunities related to the topic from different perspectives, focusing on implications of integrated freight/passenger transport on transport policy and practice. The SI is meant as a reference for the scientific debate about the theme. Papers included in the SI should clarify: (a) the importance of the issue addressed and problem solved, (b) novelty and distinctive features of proposed approaches against published methods, (c) important findings/managerial insights drawn from analytical results, (d) implications for practitioners and policy makers.

Analytical contributions and empirical studies that report significant research contributions on policy and practice are welcomed, covering topics including, but not limited to:

Models and schemes for the integration of passenger and freight transport, including automation; Behavioural analysis of the willingness to adopt the scheme from users; Simulation of impacts deriving from the introduction of a new passenger-freight service; Evaluation of the economic, environmental and social impacts deriving from the adoption of the mixed passenger-freight transport; Integrated passenger and freight transport and urban mobility planning; Integration of passenger and freight transport in non-urban contexts; Innovative solutions and policy aspects related to the topic, deriving from properly focused research and consistent evidence.

Potential market The cross-cutting approach of this SI is intended to cover different practical and strategic aspects related to passenger and freight transport, as well as their impacts on the society and the environment. The implementation of this approach includes passengers and freight transport providers from urban to rural areas, from short to long distance services. Thus, potential readers are not limited to scholars interested in transportation, supply chain management and/or urban planning, but they also include policy makers and practitioners that seek for innovative solutions to make their transport solutions more efficient and more economically viable in this connected and automated age of transportation. Topics may be approached from any discipline or perspective but must have a clear policy concern or be of interest for practice, and must be based on solid research and good quality data. As a matter that can be tackled effectively by experts from many different fields, we expect possible contributions by transport economists (i.e., innovative business models), transport engineers (i.e., behavioural analyses), operational researchers and applied mathematicians (i.e., routing and scheduling models), environmental economists (i.e., impact quantification and appraisal), computer experts (i.e., simulations and models), urban planners and transport policy makers (i.e., considerations on urban mobility planning), and so on.

Submission Method Submission process and papers must adhere to the normal author guidelines of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, which can be found at:

Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently submitted for journal publication elsewhere. Please follow the submission guidelines which can be found from the journal website

All submissions to the SI should be submitted via the Transportation Research Part A online submission system. When you submit your paper to the SI, please choose article type “Integration passenger-freight” otherwise your submission will be handled as a regular manuscript. Papers submitted to the SI will be subjected to normal thorough double-blind review process. If you are not sure whether your contribution would be appropriate for the Special Issue, we invite you to contact the guest editors for an initial assessment of scope suitability. The option also exists to submit for consideration for a regular issue.

Tentative timeline

Paper submission opens: 1 October 2021

Paper submission closes: 30 April 2022

Referee reports: 31 July 2022

Revisions: 31 October 2022

Referee reports: 31 January 2023

Final manuscripts: 30 April 2023

Publication: Late 2023

Guest editors:

Silvio Nocera ( [email protected] )

Constantinos Antoniou ( [email protected] )

Yusak Susilo ( [email protected] )

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Transportation Research Symposium 2025

Transportation research symposium.

25-28 May 2025| Postillion Hotel, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Submit your abstracts by 15 November 2024


Join us for the Transportation Research Symposium 2025

The Transportation Research Symposium (TRS) will give you an outstanding opportunity to interact with the editors of many of the most important journals in the transportation field, to learn about current research, and to present your own work to expert audiences.

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Elsevier’s Transportation Research (TR) family of journals covers scientific and practical aspects of transportation research. TRS is an international conference organised by the TR editors and is equally comprehensive in scope. Other Elsevier transport journal editors will organise themed sessions within TRS.

The program will include numerous ‘Meet the Editor’ sessions and other special events.

The TR journals provide the core structure of the conference. By their subject scope, they serve as ‘umbrellas’ for six broad topic areas, with the comprehensive-scope seventh (TRIP – ‘General’) serving to ensure there are no gaps. All transportation topics are in the scope of the conference and will be accommodated within an appropriate topic area, as will any special sessions run by other journals.

Conference topics

Transportation Research Part A: Policy & Practice Policy & Practice

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Operations Research & Methodologies

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Implications of Emerging Technologies

Transportation Research Part D: Transport & Environment Environment, Equity & Sustainability

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics & Transportation Review Logistics & Supply-Chain

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology & Behaviour Safety, Psychology & Behaviour

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives General

Submit your abstracts on the following topics using the online abstract submission system   opens in new tab/window .

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 November 2024

Conference deadlines

Abstract submission deadline – 15 November 2024

Author notification deadline – 27 January 2025

Author registration deadline – 5 March 2025

Keynote and plenary talks from renowned speakers

The program will include invited plenary lectures, contributed talks and poster sessions highlighting the latest transportation research. The program will be curated by a committee of world class academic leaders in their respective fields.

transportation research part a call for papers

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Sponsors & Exhibitors

Choose from a variety of sponsorship and commercial options to raise your profile and position your company as a thought leader in the community.

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Supporting publications

The Transportation Research family of journals forms the most cohesive and comprehensive reference of current research in transportation science.

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP)   opens in new tab/window is an addition to the family which accepts papers on any topic within the scope of any of Parts A-F . It is an interdisciplinary journal concerned with any and all social science aspects of transportation.

transportation research part a call for papers

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice   opens in new tab/window considers papers dealing with policy analysis (design, formulation and evaluation); planning; interaction with the political, socioeconomic and physical environments; and management and evaluation of transport systems .

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological   opens in new tab/window publishes papers on all methodological aspects of the subject, particularly those that require mathematical analysis. The general theme of the journal is the development and solution of problems that are adequately motivated to deal with important aspects of the design and/or analysis of transportation systems .

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological

The focus of Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies   opens in new tab/window is high-quality, scholarly research that addresses development, applications, and implications, in the field of transportation systems and emerging technologies.

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment   opens in new tab/window publishes original research on the environmental impacts of transportation, policy responses to those impacts, and their implications for the design, planning, and management of transportation systems.

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review   opens in new tab/window publishes informative and high quality articles drawn from across the spectrum of logistics and transportation research .

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour   opens in new tab/window focuses on the behavioural and psychological aspects of traffic and transport .

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour

Related event

Urban Transitions 2024

5 - 7 November 2024 | Melia Sitges, Sitges, Spain

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transportation research part a call for papers

TRB 104th Annual Meeting

Call for papers details.

Authors interested in submitting papers are advised to check the Paper Author Resource Page and read Requirements for Submitting Papers . Authors submitting papers in response to this Call for Papers should submit full papers for peer review to the Transportation Research Board online at . Paper submission is open from June to August 1. The paper submission website will close when it is no longer August 1 anywhere in the world. When submitting please indicate the Call for Papers title if you want your paper to be associated with a call. Note that this will not affect your chances of acceptance. Please contact the Call for Papers organizer if you need additional information.

Paper Author Warning – It is critical that you check the Paper Author Resource Page and read Requirements for Submitting Papers . Remember after you submit there are no second chances – be very careful with your paper submission. If you are unsure, hit “Save and Submit Later” until your paper is ready for review.

Paper Submission is open from June 1 – August 1, please visit Paper Author Resource Page for more details.

The Transportation Research Board Airfield and Airspace Performance Committee (AV060) is concerned with the development, evaluation, and application of metrics and techniques for analyzing airfield and airspace performance and with emerging technologies, actions, and policies that influence system performance.

We are actively looking for papers addressing the aspects concerned by the committee. Every year, given the collective interests of committee members and collaborative organizations, we propose a short list of areas/issues and encourage paper submissions responding to the issues. However, paper submissions address other problems in the scope of the committee are also welcome.

For the coming 102 nd TRB Annual Meeting (January 2023 in Washington DC, USA), we encourage paper submissions in the following areas. 

  • Analysis of aviation system performance in a low-traffic environment (i.e., experiments that use operation/performance data collected during the pandemic)

The deadline for paper submission for the 2023 TRB Annual Meeting is 8/1/2022. Papers will be reviewed for lectern presentations and posters. The TRB review process includes recommending the papers to be considered by the Journal of Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record . Normal journal review process will be triggered after the paper is recommended to the editorial board of the journal.

Helpdesk Email Address: [email protected]

Helpdesk telephone number: 202-334-1738, helpdesk operating hours: monday-friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm et., calls for papers (cfp) help files.

Please click on the appropriate link below to view the help file for the relevant section of the paper submission process, or view the Calls for Papers user guide .

  • How to Propose a New Call for Papers Video - PDF

transportation research part a call for papers

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(TRR) contains technical papers that have been accepted for publication through a rigorous peer-review process refereed by TRB technical committees.
present the results of policy studies, including studies mandated by Congress or requested by executive-branch federal agencies. These studies are conducted by expert committees appointed by the National Research Council (NRC).
contain the findings of individual research projects sponsored by TRB's Cooperative Research Programs.  Syntheses of Practice are also published for the Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program.
include the findings of individual research projects as well as updates on ongoing activity within SHRP 2.
contain papers, presentations, and summaries of discussions from conferences, workshops, and symposia convened by TRB.
present technical material considered to be of immediate interest to the transportation community.

An Open Access Journal

European Transport Research Review Cover Image

Call for Papers

Transport for inclusive societies - 2022 itf pre-summit research day.

The European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), the US Transportation Research Board (TRB), in association with the International Transport Forum (ITF), are pleased to invite authors to submit papers addressing the subject of “Transport for Inclusive Societies.” Papers may be submitted to either ECTRI’s European Transport Research Review or TRB’s  Transportation Research Record for consideration for publication. The International Transport Forum (ITF), together with ECTRI, TRB, the European Commission (EC), and the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) organized the Pre-Summit Research Day, which was held in-person in Leipzig, Germany, on Tuesday, 17 May 2022, as an ancillary event to the 2022 ITF Annual Summit. The event brought together top academics, researchers and practitioners to present and discuss topics relevant to the Summit’s theme, “Transport for Inclusive Societies.” It is important that research results are brought into practice, especially considering the pace with which our transport system is currently evolving. The Research Day provided a great opportunity to exchange ideas not only between researchers, but also with representatives from governments, cities, and other decision makers. Submission of papers   The 2022 ITF Summit on “Transport for Inclusive Societies” explored the role of transport policies for fostering an environmentally-friendly, people-centric world that leaves no-one behind, notably as regards vulnerable and disadvantaged groups of persons. It highlighted linkages between transport and inclusion in all of its dimensions: how to design inclusive transport governance frameworks and decision-making processes; how to foster access for all to essential goods and services, and economic opportunities in a sustainable way; how to design transport systems that everyone can use; and how to ensure that the transport labour market is as open and inclusive as possible. To this end, the Summit discussions cut across passenger and freight transport activities while providing a multi-modal perspective. The 2022 Summit also discussed the role of the transport sector in generating a greener, safer, more secure, more equal and healthier world in the wider context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Pre-Summit Research Day limited its scope to four specific topics as listed below. In order to plan their actions for the coming years, policy makers need insights from researchers to provide knowledge and solutions on how to:

  • Mitigate and adapt to climate change with environmentally-friendly, inclusive and equitable transport solutions;
  • Involve everyone in transport policy decision-making and pro-actively reach out to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups;
  • Make digitally enabled transport innovations part of accessible and safe systems for all;
  • Fund public and active transport for all in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

We would like to now invite the submission of full-length papers that address “Transport for Inclusive Societies” with regard to one of the above four topics for publication in either the  European Transport Research Review (ETRR) or in the Transportation Research Record (TRR).  

Deadline for submissions 31 October 2022   

Submission Instructions Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the  Instructions for Authors  for  European Transport Research Review . The complete manuscript should be submitted through the  European Transport Research Review   submission system . To ensure that you submit to the correct topical collection please select the appropriate section in the drop-down menu upon submission. In addition, indicate within your cover letter that you wish your manuscript to be considered as part of the topical collection on ' Transport for Inclusive Societies '. All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review and accepted articles will be published within the journal as a collection.

Sign up for  article alerts  to keep updated on articles published in  European Transport Research Review  - including articles published in this topical collection!

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European Transport Research Review is affiliated with the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes  (ECTRI).

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Annual Journal Metrics

Citation Impact 2023 Journal Impact Factor: 5.1 5-year Journal Impact Factor: 4.8 Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.640 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.106

Speed 2023 Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 24 Submission to acceptance (median days): 251

Usage 2023 Downloads: 786,682 Altmetric mentions: 136

  • More about our metrics

On the blog

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Developing Mobility as a Service: user, operator and governance perspectives

17 August 2021

Human factors of digitalized mobility forms and services

Human factors of digitalized mobility forms and services

12 August 2020

Rethinking Transport: Highlights of the Transport Research Arena 2020

Rethinking Transport: Highlights of the Transport Research Arena 2020

10 August 2020

Selecting an APC payment method

All details on how to select your article-processing charge payment method during submission can be found here .

Institutional membership

transportation research part a call for papers


  1. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research

    transportation research part a call for papers

  2. 【期刊推荐23】Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 学术资讯

    transportation research part a call for papers

  3. Transportation Research Part C

    transportation research part a call for papers

  4. Transportation Research Part A

    transportation research part a call for papers

  5. (PDF) Call for Papers: Transportation Research Part C Special Issue

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  6. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies template

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  2. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

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  7. Call For Papers Details

    The deadline for paper submission for the 2023 TRB Annual Meeting is August 1 st, 2022. Papers will be reviewed for both lectern presentations and posters. The review process for the TRB annual meeting includes recommending papers to be considered for publication by the Journal of Transportation Research Board:Transportation Research Record. If ...

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    Special Issue: Development in Interdisciplinary Methods in Travel Behavior Analysis. This topical collection will be part of the post-conference publication of 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, which be hosted by BOKU, Vienna, and will take place on July 14-18, 2024,... Submission status.

  9. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

    Transportation Research: Part A considers papers dealing with policy analysis (design, formulation and evaluation); planning; interaction with the political, socioeconomic and physical environments; and management and evaluation of transport systems. Topics may be approached from any discipline or perspective: economics, engineering, psychology ...

  10. Transportation Research Board

    Instructions For Authors. Paper Review Schedule. June 1: Submission site opens (full papers again this year) - August 1: Submission site closes. August 15-September 15: Paper review - October 1-30: Paper decisions sent. Mid November: Option to upload Research Summary or post full paper for meeting attendees.

  11. Call for Papers on the Special Issue in Transportation Research Part A

    Call for Papers on the Special Issue in Transportation Research Part A: Integration of passenger and freight transport. Background According to the "Green Paper on Urban Mobility", a strong inter-modal and inter-sectorial passenger and freight integration could improve the overall efficiency of transport. The operational organization of an ...

  12. Transportation Research Symposium

    Transportation Research Part B: Methodological opens in new tab/window publishes papers on all methodological aspects of the subject, particularly those that require mathematical analysis. The general theme of the journal is the development and solution of problems that are adequately motivated to deal with important aspects of the design and ...

  13. Transportation Research Record: Sage Journals

    Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board is one of the most cited and prolific transportation journals in the world, offering unparalleled depth and breadth in the coverage of transportation-related topics. TRR Journal publishes outstanding, peer-reviewed papers presenting research findings in policy, planning, administration, economics and financing ...

  14. Call For Papers Details

    The deadline for paper submission for the 2023 TRB Annual Meeting is 8/1/2022. Papers will be reviewed for lectern presentations and posters. The TRB review process includes recommending the papers to be considered by the Journal of Transportation Research Board:Transportation Research Record. Normal journal review process will be triggered ...

  15. TRB Annual Meeting

    Annual Meeting Papers Timeline June 1: Submission Site Opens June 15: ... TRB is a leading organization in transportation research and provides valuable resources and expertise to transportation professionals and policymakers worldwide. As part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the Transportation Research Board ...

  16. Call for papers

    All submitted manuscripts will undergo the standard double-blind review process employed by Transportation Research Part E. For the paper's formatting, please consult guides for authors on the journal's webpage. To ensure full consideration, please submit your paper by 31 October 2024. ... Call for papers on the special issue: COVID-19 and ...

  17. Transport and Mobility Planning for Sustainable Development

    Search calls for papers Journal Suggester Open access publishing We're here to help. Find guidance on Author Services. Login ... Docherty, I., Marsden, G., & Anable, J. (2018) The governance of smart mobility, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 115, pp. 114-125.

  18. Publications

    Transportation Research Record (TRR) contains technical papers that have been accepted for publication through a rigorous peer-review process refereed by TRB technical committees.: Special Reports present the results of policy studies, including studies mandated by Congress or requested by executive-branch federal agencies. These studies are conducted by expert committees appointed by the ...

  19. Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice

    The Impact IF 2023 of Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice is 6.96, which is computed in 2024 as per its definition. Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice IF is decreased by a factor of 0.32 and approximate percentage change is -4.4% when compared to preceding year 2022, which shows a falling trend. The impact IF, also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS), of an ...

  20. Call for papers

    All inquiries regarding this call for papers should be directed to the guest editors (see email addresses above). Submission deadline 24th Jan 2025. Keywords: ... Authors should submit their full manuscripts via the Transportation Research Part D (TRD) online submission system and indicate that the paper is submitted for consideration for ...

  21. Call for Papers

    We would like to now invite the submission of full-length papers that address "Transport for Inclusive Societies" with regard to one of the above four topics for publication in either the European Transport Research Review (ETRR) or in the Transportation Research Record (TRR). Deadline for submissions. 31 October 2022. Submission Instructions.

  22. Call for papers

    Call for papers for the special issue: Big Data Analytics and ML for Traffic and Demand Management. ... All submissions for this special issue should be submitted to the Transportation Research Part C online submission system and will go through the journal's standard peer-review process.

  23. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

    Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment publishes original research on the environmental impacts of transportation, policy responses to those impacts, and their implications for the design, planning, and management of transportation systems.It covers all aspects of the interaction between transportation and the environment.For example, it includes papers ranging in their ...