1. +15 Ways to Say BUT in English

    using but in an essay

  2. Sentences with But, But in a Sentence and Meaning

    using but in an essay

  3. Sentences with But, Definition and Example Sentences

    using but in an essay

  4. BUT Synonym: 16 Alternative Ways to Say BUT with Examples

    using but in an essay

  5. But For in a Sentence, Definiton and Example Sentences

    using but in an essay

  6. Sentences with But, But in a Sentence, Sentences about But

    using but in an essay


  1. Using Essay Feedback

  2. How to use HOWEVER

  3. Classmarker

  4. How to Write an Essay #1: 4 Minute Step-by-step Guide #shorts #essay #studyhacks #study

  5. How Students Are Using AI for Essay Writing

  6. Deconstruction of the Essay Topic || Brainstorming || Essay Workshop