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Essay On ‘Save Trees’ – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing This Essay For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘save trees’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘save trees’ for kids, short essay on ‘save trees’ for children, long essay on ‘save trees’ for kids, what will your child learn from the ‘save trees’ essay.

Essay writing is very important for kids as it shapes their thoughts and imagination. They could choose writing as a medium to express their knowledge and understanding of things they observe. Kids are usually very good at imagination, and essay writing could become a skill for them to communicate their observations in writing. Trees are the breathing lungs of the earth. They are as important as the food we eat, and an essay on saving trees could increase awareness among kids. Your little ones will grow up to become responsible citizens who will understand the importance of planting greenery around them to make a sustainable environment. This article will showcase an essay on saving trees for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Kids in primary classes usually lack a lot of vocabulary, even in their native language. It could be safe to avoid too many technical terms and use easy words to help understand them and write with ease. Given here are a few of the key points you should remember when essay writing on save trees –

  •  The essay should have a proper introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Ask kids to use simple language and words.
  • In the essay, talk about trees; their importance, uses, and benefits.
  • Provide a proper conclusion for the same.

Kids are sensitive to their environment. An essay on saving trees could trigger various emotions in them to be vocal about saving trees. Here is the essay on saving trees for classes 1 and 2.

  • Trees are like breathing lungs for the earth. They keep the earth’s temperature balanced by releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.
  • Trees provide life to humans, consuming carbon dioxide to release oxygen. Carbon dioxide traps heat in our atmosphere and makes the earth warmer, whereas oxygen keeps the earth cool and provides the air we breathe.
  • Trees provide food to humans and herbivorous animals in the form of fruits and vegetables and shape a dependent ecology for the earth.
  • Trees are resourceful as they provide a lot of inputs for various industries like paper, gums, fibre, wood, rubbers, etc.
  • Trees offer shelter, shadow, and life to wildlife and a cold breeze to humans.
  • Trees are functioned to produce micro water droplets when they release oxygen that causes the atmosphere to cool down, resulting in the clustering of clouds, and the ultimate result is rain. The process helps the earth to function as a self-balanced and self-sufficient planet, making it a habitat for humans.
  • Planting more trees adds more to the beautification of the earth.
  • Trees help us prevent air pollution and soil erosion. Trees are structured with strong roots lying deep into the soil. When the water pressure increases due to heavy rains, the root holds the soil, or the waters force the ground to dislocate to river streams.
  • Climate change is one of the biggest concerns; the plantation of trees helps to balance the climate of a region and prevent sudden climate disturbance.
  • A wise man said, “save trees, save lives!”. It holds true in our life; Deforestation has contributed much to global warming. Saving trees could mean more breathing air means more life.

Small paragraphs are easier for kids as they require short sentence construction and limited topic knowledge. Given below is a small paragraph on trees.

Saving a tree means saving a life! Trees contribute so much to our planet that they are a vital part of our ecosystem, just like humans. Trees produce oxygen, the air we breathe, and they consume carbon dioxide, the air we release. Trees make our environment and atmosphere habitable for us by keeping the temperature balanced. Trees provide so much to humans in the form of fruits, medicines, and shelter that thinking life without them is impossible. Even herbivorous animals also benefit from them. In return, we should save trees and increase plantations in our surroundings, eventually creating a balanced environment for humans to live peacefully.

Short essays on saving trees allow kids to explore this important asset of this planet and understand its importance. Given below is a short essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 for reference.

Trees are the best gift given by mother nature to us. Trees are essential for life on earth. Trees give necessary resources for survival, including foods like fruits, vegetables, and raw materials for various industries. We use trees to make many products such as gums, papers, furniture, etc. Small trees and weeds are food to many wild animals like deer. Thus, trees are an essential component of the wildlife ecosystem. Many animals could die out of hunger without trees. Trees also control the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas and, if not controlled, can cause an increase in the earth’s temperature resulting in global warming. In return, trees release oxygen which is the crucial component of the air we breathe. Trees are also crucial for preventing soil erosion. Thus, we should plant as many trees to save ourselves and some of the most prestigious wild animals in the ecosystem.

A long essay allows kids to explore the topic in more detail. Here we have drafted an essay on saving trees for class 3:

The air we breathe and the food we eat all come from our environment, and trees are one of the significant parts of that environment. Trees consume carbon dioxide, which, if not controlled, causes the earth’s temperature to rise and causes glaciers to melt down. Those waters eventually, through rivers, flow to the ocean, causing water levels to grow in the sea, and as a result, the landmass, which is currently 29 % of the entire earth, decreases. The ultimate effect could be that we will be left with a little of the whole world to live upon. Trees release oxygen which we breathe. Saving trees means we save most of the living beings on the earth and lead to a balanced ecosystem. Trees are vibrant and green, making us feel fresh, and provide valuable resources such as food, fruits, vegetables, and input for many industries such as gum, rubber, paper, wood, furniture, etc.

Why Is It Important To Save Trees?

  • Trees are fundamental to our life.
  • Trees provide oxygen, the air we breathe.
  • They provide foods like fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • They are themselves food to a lot of herbivore animals.
  • Trees cool up our atmosphere and make it habitable for us.

How To Save Trees?

To save trees, we must consume less of the products we obtain from trees. Below are some points for your reference.

  • Plant more trees
  • Minimise the use of paper
  • Buy recycled paper products
  • Use cloth products
  • Increase plantation awareness in your community
  • Volunteer yourself to trees plantation
  • Start an online campaign to save trees

Like you, now your children know that their life depends on trees. When they grow up, they become vocal about the issue of saving trees. They might be a responsible citizen for protecting the environment.

As mentioned above, saving trees means saving a life! Our life so much depends on our environment, including trees, that any imbalance in it could severely affect our life, and it may even threaten our existence.

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Save Trees Essay

Save trees is a slogan used to motivate people to save trees and plant more trees in the surrounding areas by spreading the importance of trees among people as well as reduce deforestation and cut down of trees. Trees are as much important to our life as food and water. Life becomes very difficult without trees or we can say that life would be finished because trees are most important aspect of giving us healthy and wealthy life. Save trees is the important social awareness now-a-days and have been included in the student’s life through the study.

Long and Short Essay on Save Trees in English

Students are generally assigned this topic to discuss or write short or long essay in their exams or any quiz competition in their school. We have provided variety of short and long essay on save trees under different words limit to help school students. You can select any save trees essay according to the need:

Save Trees Essay 1 (100 words)

Trees give us life directly and indirectly as they are source of oxygen production, CO2 consumption and source of rain. They are most precious gift to the humanity on the earth from nature for which we must be grateful, give honour and preserve for the mankind wellness.

We should understood importance of trees in our lives and do our best to save trees in order to save life, save environment on the earth and make earth a green earth. Trees are as valuable as gold that’s why they are called as “Green Gold” on the earth. They are the real source of our health as well as wealth because they give us oxygen, cool air, fruits, spices, vegetables, medicines, water, wood, furniture, shadow, fuel to burn, houses, fodder to animals and other useful things. They consume all the CO2, refresh air from toxic gases and prevent us from the air pollution.

Save Trees

Save Trees Essay 2 (150 words)

Trees gives us life and really very important for the survival on the earth. Many people are dependent on the tree for their survival economically for example paper industries, rubber industries, match industries, etc are totally dependent on trees. The main role of trees is giving fresh and oxygenated air to us and consumption of CO2 however they also give protection, shadow, food, source of money, home, medicines, etc to the people.

Trees are the source of rain on the earth as they attract clouds which ultimately bring rain. They also help in checking soil erosion and keep environment fresh by preventing from pollution. They are the home of wild animals and source of wild life in forests. Trees are very helpful and useful friends of humanity. They clean soil by filtering sewage and chemicals, control noise pollution, air pollution, reduce flash flooding, etc. By seeing the importance and value of trees in our life, we should honour and save trees in order to save life and environment.

Save Trees Essay 3 (200 words)

Trees are precious gift to our life from the nature. They are the green gold on the earth and very important for everyone’s life. Some of the importance of trees is mentioned below proving why save trees is save life:

  • Trees are very important source of cleaning and refreshing air (as they produce oxygen and consume green house gases) by filtering and intercepting the airborne particles, chemicals, toxic gases, reducing heat, absorbing CO2 and other pollutants like sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
  • Trees acts as natural dustbins to the harmful gases in the environment.
  • Trees are source of natural shadow and cool air and most comfortable than the artificial cooling technologies like fan, coolers, air conditioning, etc.
  • They are effective in breaking the force of wind thus helpful in protecting houses, vegetation, farmland, etc.
  • They keep us healthy by lowering the dust levels and pollution levels especially in the urban areas.
  • They prevent us from the respiratory disorders and breathing problems by refreshing air.
  • They help in reducing noise pollution and most effective as sound barriers because they act most effectively like stone walls in stopping sound. They prevent us from the noises of crowded roads, railway stations, airports, etc.
  • They prevent soil from erosion, helpful in rainwater conservation, and prevent sediment deposit during storms.

Save Trees Essay 4 (250 words)

Save trees, save life is not only a slogan, it is a responsibility which should be followed by each and every person living on the earth. It is a big opportunity to all of us to save our healthy environment and green earth by saving trees. Trees are symbol of life on the earth and natural home for many people and wild animals. Saving trees have been must at any cost in such a modern world where urbanization, industrialization and global warming is going very fast. In such a technological world, where people are fighting and working for themselves only, only trees are living for benefiting others (human beings and animals).

Trees are nourishing life on the earth in many ways by providing fruits, vegetables, foliage, flowers, spices, cool shade, medicines, roots, bark, wood, sprouts, etc. One fully grown tree may serve humanity for many years without getting anything in return. They prevent us from many diseases by purifying the air, maintaining the ecological balance, providing medicines, etc. Plants are like important assets prevent soil erosion, provide habitats to the faunal species, provide nutrients to soil etc. I have mentioned following ways to save trees and environment:

  • We should make some effective efforts from our own end by joining the organizations working for save trees.
  • We should make our trees saving service volunteer so that other people may also motivate.
  • We should encourage our family members, friends, neighbors, small kids to get involve in saving our important resources.
  • We should participate in the discussion or meeting related to the trees conservation issues in the community or state.
  • We should hugely involve our new generation and teach children to respect trees, nature and environment by getting them to the hikes or camping.
  • We should promote new planting in our surroundings.

Save Trees Essay 5 (300 words)


We are really bestowed by our mother earth many precious gifts nourishing our lives. One of the important precious gifts is trees. It is the source of food and shelter too for human beings and animals on the earth. Trees are natural home to many tribes living inside forests and home to all the birds. They give us timber to make furniture, refresh air, prevent soil erosion and floods, give cool and clean air in summer, source of products like gum, paper, rubber, medicine, rain, etc. We should understand the roles and importance of trees in our life and take a pledge to not destroy them as well as encourage people to plant more trees.

How to Save a Tree

Here are some effective ways to save tree and save life and environment on the earth:

  • We should find out the reasons of trees removal in the particular region and analyze that whether tree was need to be removed because of being dead, damaged, diseased or planted in an inappropriate location.
  • We should get proper information about the street tree removal by contacting city department, calling to local division of urban forestry, or writing a letter to the city forester regarding trees removal objection.
  • We can contact our city council representatives regarding tree removal issue.
  • We should join our hands together with neighbors and set a public hearing in front of officials regarding saving of the tree.
  • We should research and collect all the benefits of trees in order to make case strong and effective.
  • We should contact with the media and make them on our side to reach tree removal issue to the public and generate awareness.
  • If trees have been removed, we should contact local governmental or nonprofit organization for ensuring re-plantation in the same area

Life is possible on the earth because of water, oxygen and trees and we cannot ignore that trees are source of oxygen and water on the earth. If we are destroying trees or forests, we are destroying our lives and environment from the green earth. Human beings are considered as the most intelligent creature on the earth, so we should understand our responsibility towards the nature and start saving trees, the green gold of earth.

Save Trees Essay 6 (400 words)

Trees are most valuable and important source of life on the earth. They are very critical to the healthy and vibrant communities on the earth. They benefit all the living things on the earth in some direct and indirect ways. Everything on the earth connect to each other and running according to the nature’s balance, if any disturbance occur to it whole environment may disturb and harm the lives on earth.

Plants protect us from many natural disasters and nourish our lives in many ways. They keep our environment clean and earth green so, we are also responsible to them and try our best to protect trees. Large and mature trees are more benefiting in nature than smaller ones as they capture more carbon, filter green house gases at high rate, capture more storm water, provide big shadow and combat urban heat, reduce energy use and many more, so we should not cut them even in emergency.

Benefits of Trees

Here I have mentioned some real benefits of the trees which help you to understand that why trees should not be cut however need to be planted time to time.

  • Mature trees help us to combat the climate changes by refreshing air and absorbing green house gases as they are the main source of climate change.
  • Trees helps in air cleaning by refreshing the air as they absorb all the odors and pollutant gases in the environment.
  • An acre of mature trees may provide required oxygen to 18 people per year.
  • Trees help in combating summer heat as well as low winter temperature.
  • Trees are best energy conservation and global warming management technique as they reduce the need of summer air conditioning by up to 50 percent.
  • They save water by slowing down the water evaporation from ground through their shadow.
  • Trees are natural water filter and play great role in preventing water pollution by allowing water to flow down to the earth below tree thus prevent rainwater to carry pollutants to the ocean.
  • Trees prevent soil erosion by holding large amount of soil to one place.
  • Trees provide us a strong shield to get protected from the ultra-violet rays and thus from the skin cancer and other skin disorders.
  • Trees are good source of foods (like fruits, vegetables, etc), shelter, medicines, economy, etc.
  • Trees have good healing property among patients having any health related complications like children with ADHD if they have direct exposure to the trees and nature.
  • Trees are good source of identifying seasons, they reduces violence, and create economic opportunities to people.
  • Trees are best teacher who never talk but shows everything. They are also best playmate of the kids.
  • They are good example of unity in diversity.
  • Trees are good source of reducing noise pollution, water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution.

By seeing all the benefits of trees mentioned above, we can completely understand the value of trees in our lives. Thus we should not cut trees, we always oppose the cutting of trees and forests, we should promote more tree plantation in the human crowded area, and motivate common people to save trees.

Save Trees Essay 7 (800 words)

Trees play great role in cleaning the air, soil and water and thus making earth a better place to live. People who live close to the trees are generally healthier and happier. Trees help us a lot through their limitless servings all across the life. As a human being, have we ever thought our responsibilities towards trees or only we are enjoying their benefits. Saving plants we are not showing any kindness to the plants instead we are showing kindness to our lives because life is not possible without trees on the earth. So, if we want to live life in healthy way, we have to save plants forever.

Importance of Trees

I have mentioned below some importance and precious value of trees which will help us to know why trees are called as green gold on the earth and most important for the healthy life.

  • Trees add lots of value to our lives as well as and improve our living status by providing fresh oxygen and nutritious foods.
  • Trees also fulfill our additional necessities like shelter, medicine, and other needs of our modern lifestyles.
  • Trees in the society, community, streets, parks, playgrounds and backyards play great role in providing peaceful environment and aesthetically pleasing environment. Trees help to increase quality of life by providing cool shadow during our outdoor activities.
  • Old trees in the living area become historic landmarks and source of town pride.
  • Trees help in deflecting sunlight thus reduces heat island effect and keep environment clean and cool.
  • Trees provide fresh oxygen and reduce air pollution by filtering harmful gases.
  • They help in water conservation by preventing water evaporation.
  • They prevent soil erosion and support wildlife.
  • Trees are useful source controlling climate by managing the effects of sun, rain and wind.
  • Trees are very essential in balancing the ecosystem in the nature.
  • They are good source of absorbing and storing rainwater thus prevent from harms after storms.
  • They are good source of food and shelter for forest animals. Birds make their nest on the trunk of plants.
  • Trees have their personal and spiritual value as they look colourful and very beautiful. Some of the trees are traditionally worshipped by the people from ancient time.
  • They are source of economy for many people as they are used commercially as a fuel, building construction, tools, furniture manufacture, sporting equipment, household items, paper and so many purposes.

Why to Save Trees

Below I have mentioned some points proving why we should save trees:

  • Trees always clean and refresh air by releasing oxygen and filtering particulate matter including dust, micro metal particles, pollutants, green house gases (ozone, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxides), etc.
  • Trees reduce smog and air pollution from the environment.
  • They improve water quality, prevent water pollution, their root system reduce storm water runoff, prevent flooding and soil erosion.
  • Trees are good source of energy saving because they reduce the use of air cooling system during summer season like electric fan, air conditioning, etc.
  • Well-landscaped yards and real estate have nice value because of having positive economic influence on real estate they speeds up the sale of home.
  • According to the Human-Environment Research Lab, trees are very effective in reducing violence level in the neighborhood.
  • Four trees near by the home may save around 30% of the summer cooling costs whereas 1 million trees may save around $10 million energy costs per year.
  • Forty to fifty trees help in removing approximately 80 pounds of the air pollutants per year.
  • Trees have very less water requirement per year (400 trees need approximately 40,000 gallons of rainwater).
  • A tree throughout its life period of 50 years provides oxygen worth $31,250.
  • Trees around home boost its market value by 6 or 7% and add around 10% to a property’s value (according to the USDA Forest Service).
  • A healthy and mature tree may provide cooling effect equivalent to air conditioner cooling ten room size area (20 hours/day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture).

As we have seen above about the importance of trees, values of trees in our lives and also well aware of why we should save trees; we should start a campaign of tree saving awareness in our surrounding to aware common public. We should promote people to highly participate in such type of events to know the issues related to reducing number of plants on the earth.

We should be always active and open our eyes regarding existence of green gold on the earth. We should not involve in cutting trees and always oppose cutting of trees and forests. We should always participate in the tree plantation activities especially in the human crowded and polluted area.

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Essay on Save Trees

Shalaka Naik

Updated February 13, 2023

Introduction on Trees

The abundance of resources that nature provides for us is essential for the continuation of life. Trees are one of these things. All species, especially humankind, depend on oxygen for breathing, produced by trees from the atmosphere’s Co2. However, there has been widespread tree removal due to population growth and the adoption of contemporary lifestyles. In addition, deforestation has frequently contributed to environmental disasters in many parts of the globe. Essay on Save Trees, explains that saving trees is needed to aid the new generations in maintaining their presence on this beautiful earth.

Essay on Save Trees 1

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Value of Trees

The value of trees to people goes beyond how well they can produce oxygen. There are numerous other benefits of having trees around people. Mainly in urban settings, trees play a significant role in enhancing our standard of living. Trees also secure us from the sun’s intense heat. In addition, the existence of trees enhances the environment. By serving as regular air routes, trees improve pollution by trapping them on their branches by removing pollutants from the surroundings. Just 1 acre of woodland can remove 4 tonnes of trash annually from the atmosphere. A fully mature tree may also generate ten persons worth of oxygen annually. Furthermore, trees act as an actual speed of sound and help reduce noise pollution. Additionally, birds and other animals use trees as their homes.

Negative Consequences of Deforestation

Deforestation is the act of removing trees for several reasons. The earth’s temperature has changed drastically due to the extensive removal of trees. Vast soil destruction has caused torrents in several parts of India and the rest of the world. Additionally, because of a lack of necessary minerals in the soil, the earth’s condition has been impacted, resulting in a decrease in crop yield or a change in the state of the crops. As trees are known to hinder clouds from forming and serve as engines for precipitation, their removal has also contributed to global warming. Deforestation has also contributed to the ozonosphere depletion, which prevents the earth from being damaged by ultraviolet radiation.

Historical Lessons

In the 1970s, activists established a campaign called the Chipko Movement to halt the expansion of forest clearance in India. The word “grab” is where the term growth comes from because the people hugged the trees and forbade the manual workers from touching them.

Few people know that several connections in India have contributed to the preservation of nature during the last few centuries. One such example from the state of Rajasthan is the Vishnoi movement. Approximately 260 years ago, in Rajasthan, the first ecological and nonviolent social movements got underway at the beginning of the 18th century. A large group of people from 84 towns led by a woman named Amrita Devi dedicated their lives to preventing the trees from being cut down in response to the Maharaja of Jodhpur’s pleas. Ultimately, the initiative was effective because the Maharaja decided to halt the tree-clear-cutting.

Take Action to Save Trees

Everyone must make a personal commitment to preserve the trees. One way we may diminish the deforestation of trees is to discover another possibility to utilize wood for several other goals. An additional small step but the essential global goal of Mother Nature is to plant more trees. To preserve the accurate stability between development and forest clearance, we should plant two trees for every uprooted tree. Another action that can significantly support saving trees is reducing the usage of paper derived from trees.

Essay on Save Trees 2

Conclusion – Essay on Save Trees

People frequently refer to trees as the green gold of the world. Essay on Save Trees explains to save trees, we should all contribute a little. Trees, oxygen, and water make it possible for life to exist on earth, and we cannot ignore the fact that trees are the planet’s primary source of both universal solvent and dioxygen. People are the most intelligent animals on earth. Thus we should understand our responsibility to the environment and preserve trees for the advantage of all plant life and animal life on the planet. Let us keep our earth as stunning as it was initially.

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Save Trees Paragraph

Save Trees Paragraph: Why We Should All Care And What We Can Do

Save Trees Paragraph: Trees are an essential part of our planet’s ecosystem. They provide us with oxygen, clean air, soil conservation, and wildlife habitat. Unfortunately, trees are facing numerous threats, including deforestation, illegal logging, and climate change. As a result, it’s more important than ever to understand why we should all care about saving trees and what we can do to help. In the article Save trees paragraph, we discuss the benefits of trees, threats to trees, and What we can do to save trees.

In this blog, we include the Save Trees Paragraph, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover the Save Trees Paragraph belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines, and about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Save Trees Paragraph is also available in different languages.

The Benefits Of Trees

Trees are not just a beautiful part of our environment, but they also have many critical benefits. One of the most important benefits of trees is carbon sequestration, which means that trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and store it in their trunks, branches, and roots. This process helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is essential in the fight against climate change.

  • Another important benefit of trees is oxygen production. Through the process of photosynthesis, trees release oxygen into the air, which we need to breathe. Trees also help to clean the air by removing pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone.
  • Trees also play a crucial role in soil conservation and erosion prevention. Trees help to hold soil in place, which reduces erosion and the risk of landslides. In addition, the roots of trees help to filter water and prevent sediment from entering streams and rivers.
  • Finally, trees provide essential habitats for wildlife, which is crucial for maintaining biodiversity. Trees provide shelter and food for a wide range of animals, including birds, insects, and mammals.

The Threats To Trees

Despite the numerous benefits of trees, they are facing numerous threats. One of the most significant threats is deforestation, which involves the clearing of forests for agriculture, mining, and other uses. Deforestation is a significant contributor to climate change, as it releases large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.

  • Illegal logging and overharvesting are also major threats to trees. These activities involve the cutting down of trees without proper permits or without regard for sustainability. Illegal logging is a significant contributor to deforestation, and it can also have a severe impact on local communities that depend on the forest for their livelihoods.
  • Climate change and natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, also pose a significant threat to trees. Changes in temperature and rainfall patterns can make it difficult for trees to grow and thrive, and extreme weather events can cause significant damage to forests.
  • Finally, urbanization and development are also major threats to trees. As cities expand, more and more trees are being cut down to make way for roads, buildings, and other infrastructure.

The Threats To Trees

What We Can Do To Save Trees

Despite the many threats to trees, there are several things we can all do to help. One of the most effective things we can do is to plant trees. Reforestation efforts can help to restore degraded areas, and planting new trees can help to increase the overall tree cover. Trees can also be planted in urban areas, which can help to reduce the urban heat island effect and improve air quality.

  • Reducing paper consumption and recycling paper products are also essential steps in saving trees. Every year, millions of trees are cut down to make paper products, and reducing paper consumption can help to reduce the demand for new trees. Recycling paper products can also help to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.
  • Supporting sustainable forestry practices is also crucial in saving trees. This involves harvesting trees in a way that allows the forest to regenerate and minimizes the impact on the surrounding ecosystem. Sustainable forestry practices also help to ensure that local communities can continue to benefit from the forest in the long term.
  • Finally, advocating for stronger environmental policies is essential in saving trees. Governments can play a critical role in protecting forests and promoting sustainable practices. By supporting policies that protect forests and reduce deforestation, we can ensure that trees continue to provide us with the many benefits we rely on.

In addition to these steps, there are several other things we can all do to help save trees. Supporting organizations that work to protect forests and promote sustainable practices is an excellent way to make a difference. Volunteering with local groups to plant trees and participate in reforestation efforts is also a great way to get involved.

It’s also essential to educate ourselves and others about the importance of trees and the threats they face. By raising awareness, we can help to ensure that more people understand why it’s crucial to protect trees and take action to do so.

In conclusion save trees paragraph, trees are an essential part of our planet’s ecosystem, and they provide us with numerous benefits. Unfortunately, trees are facing many threats, including deforestation, illegal logging, and climate change. It’s crucial that we all understand why we should care about saving trees and what we can do to help.

By planting trees, reducing paper consumption, supporting sustainable forestry practices, and advocating for stronger environmental policies, we can all play a part in protecting our planet’s trees. Let’s take action today to ensure that trees continue to provide us with the many benefits we rely on for generations to come. You can also read further information about the save trees paragraph or about trees, you can simply follow the given below link.

Read More: Cant Climb Trees Anymore

FAQs On Save Trees Paragraph

Question 1.

How can we save trees 10 lines? And save trees paragraph

How can we save trees 10 lines

  • Plant new trees: One of the easiest and most effective ways to save trees is to plant new ones.
  • Reduce paper usage: Reduce your paper usage by using electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, and phones.
  • Use recycled products: Opt for recycled products such as paper, toilet paper, and tissue paper.
  • Use cloth bags: Instead of using plastic bags, use cloth bags for shopping.
  • Reduce meat consumption: The meat industry is responsible for deforestation in many parts of the world. Reducing meat consumption can help save trees.
  • Choose sustainable wood products: When buying wood products, choose sustainable options that are certified by organizations such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
  • Don’t waste paper: Use both sides of a paper before discarding it, and recycle paper products whenever possible.
  • Support organizations working to protect trees: Support non-profit organizations that work to protect and preserve forests and trees.
  • Reduce carbon footprint: Reducing your carbon footprint can help to slow down the effects of climate change which is one of the biggest threats to trees.
  • Spread awareness: Spread awareness about the importance of trees and the dangers of deforestation to encourage others to take action to save trees. You can also read about save trees paragraph in the above given information.

Question 2.

What is the importance of trees in 150 words?

  • Trees play an essential role in maintaining the balance of life on our planet. They are crucial to the survival of human beings, animals, and the environment.
  • Trees provide us with oxygen, clean air, and act as a carbon sink, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and storing it as carbon. Trees also play a crucial role in regulating the climate by controlling temperatures, reducing heat, and providing shade.
  • Trees provide shelter and habitat for various species of animals and insects, which are important for biodiversity. They also prevent soil erosion, improve water quality by filtering pollutants, and maintain the water cycle by absorbing and releasing water.
  • Trees are also important in the social and economic development of communities. They provide a source of food, medicine, and raw materials for various industries. They also enhance the aesthetic value of our surroundings and promote mental and physical well-being.
  • In summary, trees are critical to our existence and the survival of the planet. They are a vital component of the ecosystem and contribute significantly to the social, economic, and environmental development of society. It is crucial to conserve and protect them for future generations. You can also read about save trees paragraph in the above given information.

Question 3.

Why should we save trees 5 points?

Here are five reasons why we should save trees:

  • Combat climate change: Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Deforestation and tree loss contribute to the rise in greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change.
  • Biodiversity: Trees provide habitat and shelter for numerous species of animals and plants, contributing to the preservation of biodiversity. The loss of trees can lead to the loss of various species, which can negatively impact the ecosystem.
  • Clean air and water: Trees filter pollutants from the air, improving air quality. They also prevent soil erosion and filter water, helping to maintain water quality and availability.
  • Economic and social benefits: Trees provide economic and social benefits to communities, such as food, timber, medicine, and recreational opportunities. Trees also have aesthetic value, enhancing the beauty of landscapes and contributing to mental well-being.
  • Sustainable future: Trees are a vital part of a sustainable future. They contribute to environmental stability and promote a healthy ecosystem, ensuring that the planet remains habitable for future generations. You can also read about the save trees paragraph in the above-given information.

Question 4.

How do you save trees 10 points for Class 1?

Here are 10 ways to save trees that can be explained to Class 1:

  • Plant trees: One of the easiest ways to save trees is to plant new ones. Explain to children the importance of planting trees and how it benefits the environment.
  • Use both sides of paper: Teach children to use both sides of the paper before discarding it, reducing paper usage, and saving trees.
  • Recycle: Encourage children to recycle paper, cardboard, and other materials to reduce waste and save trees.
  • Use cloth bags: Explain to children the negative impact of plastic bags on the environment and encourage them to use cloth bags for shopping.
  • Save water: Trees need water to grow, and conserving water helps to maintain healthy trees.
  • Turn off lights: Teach children to turn off lights when leaving a room to save electricity and reduce the use of non-renewable resources.
  • Use sustainable wood products: Explain to children the importance of choosing wood products that come from sustainable sources to protect trees from deforestation.
  • Reduce meat consumption: The meat industry is responsible for deforestation, and reducing meat consumption can help save trees.
  • Spread awareness: Encourage children to spread awareness about the importance of trees and the dangers of deforestation.
  • Support conservation organizations: Children can support conservation organizations working to protect trees and the environment. Explain to them how their support can make a difference in saving trees. You can also read about save trees paragraph in the above-given information.

Question 5.

How do you save trees 15 points?

Here are 15 ways to save trees:

  • Plant trees: One of the most effective ways to save trees is to plant new ones. You can start by planting trees in your backyard or in a community garden.
  • Use both sides of the paper: Using both sides of the paper before discarding it helps to reduce paper usage and saves trees.
  • Recycle: Recycling paper, cardboard, and other materials reduces waste and saves trees.
  • Use digital devices: Using digital devices such as laptops, tablets, and phones reduces paper usage and saves trees.
  • Use cloth bags: Using cloth bags instead of plastic bags reduces waste and saves trees.
  • Use sustainable wood products: Choosing wood products that come from sustainable sources helps to protect trees from deforestation.
  • Turn off lights: Turning off lights when leaving a room saves electricity and reduces the use of non-renewable resources.
  • Support conservation organizations: Supporting conservation organizations working to protect trees and the environment helps to save trees.
  • Reduce carbon footprint: Reducing your carbon footprint helps to slow down the effects of climate change, which is one of the biggest threats to trees.
  • Choose eco-friendly products: Choosing eco-friendly products reduces waste and saves trees.
  • Spread awareness: Spreading awareness about the importance of trees and the dangers of deforestation can encourage others to take action to save trees.
  • Lobby for government action: Lobbying for government action to protect trees and the environment can make a significant impact.
  • Educate others: Educating others about the importance of trees and how to save them can make a difference in saving trees. You can also read about the save trees paragraph in the above-given information.

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10 Lines on Save Trees

Trees are very important element on the earth. It can be said that trees are the lifeline of every living being because every living being, be it human, animals, reptiles or any other organisms; everyone is dependent on the trees. But nowadays, lots of trees are cut down and numbers of jungles are being cleaned just for the sake of fulfilling the greed of human beings. As a result there have been various threats which have affected the ecosystem and environment of earth.

By observing all these issues and problems, a campaign to save trees is started which involves taking out processions, rallies and door to door campaign for spreading the importance of saving trees.

Ten Lines on Save Trees in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on save trees in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competitions. This will also be very useful while writing save tree essay, speech on save trees, few sentences on save trees or best lines on save trees.

1) ‘Save Trees’ is a slogan used to motivate people to protect trees in their area.

2) Trees are very important to us just like food and water are for life.

3) No trees on earth will lead to no life on earth hence saving trees is very important for us.

4) Trees give us life by giving us Oxygen and absorbing Carbon Dioxide.

5) Trees also help to have better rainfall and prevent soil erosion against floods.

6) Trees also give us woods, medicines, habitat to birds, and shelter to animals etc.

7) They also contain a whole ecosystem within them and support various forms of life.

8) Save trees campaign spreads awareness regarding the importance of trees in our life.

9) Campaigns, processions and rallies are organised to promote reforestation and tree planting.

10) Huge number of people gather and support save trees campaigns and request people to plant trees in their surroundings.

10 Lines and Sentences on Save Trees

1) Trees are one of the precious gifts which have been given by Mother Nature to every living being and are also called as “green gold”.

2) Trees give us life by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon di-oxide which is very essential for the existence of any kind of life.

3) Trees also act as a source of livelihood for many people as they get wood, leaves, fruits, herbal medicines and many more things.

4) Trees are the source of rainfall on the earth and also prevent soil erosion during floods.

5) Continuous deforestation and cutting of trees is making the environment of earth toxic and leading to various ecological threats.

6) Absence of trees will highly impact the rain condition giving rise to floods at some places and drought at another.

7) Climatic Change, Global Warming and pollution are highly affecting the environment of earth which are the side effects of deforestation.

8) In order to save trees we must plant more trees and people who cut trees should be heavily fined.

9) No unnecessary construction should be allowed which requires cutting of trees.

10) Illegal cutting of trees should be immediately reported the concerned authority.

10 Sentences on Save Trees

1) ‘Save Trees’ can be often heard when people are talking about pollution.

2) Trees must be saved as they are a very important natural resource.

3)  ‘Save Trees’ means don’t make a land survive without Trees.

4) Trees are an important resource of Oxygen for human so they must be saved.

5) Saving Trees is all about making nature beautiful and attractive.

6) Trees are asked to be saved because they purify the air, provide oxygen and save the land from erosion.

7) Saving Trees means not cutting the trees in a huge number.

8) There have been many movements launched in the whole world to protect the Trees.

9) Many NGOs work for saving Trees and one can join them very easily.

10) Saving the Trees is indirectly saving the human from calamities.

5 Lines on Save Trees

1) Trees give us oxygen.

2) It maintains climate change.

3) It supports the lives of many species.

4) It cleans the environment.

5) It gives us wood, fruits, rubber, medicines, etc.

20 Lines on Save Trees

1) Trees are very essential for the health of the environment and must be saves at any cost.

2) What lungs are to human body, trees are to the earth.

3) Trees shelter variety of flora and fauna, which would have otherwise become extinct.

4) Trees play an essential role in preventing floods and other natural calamities.

5) Save trees because they provide oxygen which is essential for our survival.

6) Trees play a significant role in keeping the earth’s temperature moderate and livable.

7) Trees act as natural filters by absorbing carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen.

8) Always buy recycled products to save trees.

9) To save trees, minimize the use of paper, or recycle it, if at all you have to use it.

10) Keep your surroundings clean if you want to save the trees from destruction.

11) Trees are our lifeline and most essential for survival of all living beings on earth.

12) Trees are our best weapons in fighting with global warming and climate change.

13) Billions of people rely directly on trees for food and shelter.

14) Switching to digital technology is a significant way to save paper, thus saving trees.

15) If you are unable to save a tree, plant two in exchange.

16) No trees should be cut down for building factories and other commercial activities.

17) General awareness of people for saving trees must be raised through various programs.

18) Trees must be protected from fire and other manmade disasters.

19) Trees support local population and economy by providing fruits and medicines.

20) Trees make our surroundings green and beautiful as well as lively with animals and birds.

10 Lines on Save Trees

With the increasing population, deforestation has increased since the last decade leading to various ecological threats. There is a famous saying that nature fulfills human needs but not human greed. The greed of the human race has given rise to many issues and the effects have been already felt in recent times.

Time has come to stop deforestation and it can be best done through campaigns like save trees with mass involvement then only we can make our earth clean and green.

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Essay on Save Trees for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Essay on Save Trees: Save trees is a slogan used to motivate people to save trees and plant more trees in the surrounding areas by spreading the importance of trees among people as well as reduce deforestation and cut down of trees. Trees are as much important to our life as food and water. Life becomes very difficult without trees or we can say that life would be finished because trees are most important aspect of giving us healthy and wealthy life. Save trees is the important social awareness now-a-days and have been included in the student’s life through the study.

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Long and Short Essay on Save Trees in English

Students are generally assigned this topic to discuss or write short or long essay in their exams or any quiz competition in their school. We have provided variety of short and long essay on save trees under different words limit to help school students. You can select any save trees essay according to the need:

Save Trees Essay 100 words

Trees give us life directly and indirectly as they are source of oxygen production, CO2 consumption and source of rain. They are most precious gift to the humanity on the earth from nature for which we must be grateful, give honour and preserve for the mankind wellness.

We should understood importance of trees in our lives and do our best to save trees in order to save life, save environment on the earth and make earth a green earth. Trees are as valuable as gold that’s why they are called as “Green Gold” on the earth. They are the real source of our health as well as wealth because they give us oxygen, cool air, fruits, spices, vegetables, medicines, water, wood, furniture, shadow, fuel to burn, houses, fodder to animals and other useful things. They consume all the CO2, refresh air from toxic gases and prevent us from the air pollution.

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Save Trees Essay 150 words

Trees gives us life and really very important for the survival on the earth. Many people are dependent on the tree for their survival economically for example paper industries, rubber industries, match industries, etc., are totally dependent on trees. The main role of trees is giving fresh and oxygenated air to us and consumption of CO2 however they also give protection, shadow, food, source of money, home, medicines, etc., to the people.

Trees are the source of rain on the earth as they attract clouds which ultimately bring rain. They also help in checking soil erosion and keep environment fresh by preventing from pollution. They are the home of wild animals and source of wild life in forests. Trees are very helpful and useful friends of humanity. They clean soil by filtering sewage and chemicals, control noise pollution, air pollution, reduce flash flooding, etc. By seeing the importance and value of trees in our life, we should honour and save trees in order to save life and environment.

Save Trees Essay 200 words

Trees are precious gift to our life from the nature. They are the green gold on the earth and very important for everyone’s life. Some of the importance of trees is mentioned below proving why save trees is save life:

  • Trees are very important source of cleaning and refreshing air (as they produce oxygen and consume green house gases) by filtering and intercepting the airborne particles, chemicals, toxic gases, reducing heat, absorbing CO2 and other pollutants like sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
  • Trees acts as natural dustbins to the harmful gases in the environment.
  • Trees are source of natural shadow and cool air and most comfortable than the artificial cooling technologies like fan, coolers, air conditioning, etc.
  • They are effective in breaking the force of wind thus helpful in protecting houses, vegetation, farmland, etc.
  • They keep us healthy by lowering the dust levels and pollution levels especially in the urban areas.
  • They prevent us from the respiratory disorders and breathing problems by refreshing air.
  • They help in reducing noise pollution and most effective as sound barriers because they act most effectively like stone walls in stopping sound. They prevent us from the noises of crowded roads, railway stations, airports, etc.
  • They prevent soil from erosion, helpful in rainwater conservation, and prevent sediment deposit during storms.

Save Trees Essay 250 words

Save trees, save life is not only a slogan, it is a responsibility which should be followed by each and every person living on the earth. It is a big opportunity to all of us to save our healthy environment and green earth by saving trees. Trees are symbol of life on the earth and natural home for many people and wild animals. Saving trees have been must at any cost in such a modern world where urbanization, industrialization and global warming is going very fast. In such a technological world, where people are fighting and working for themselves only, only trees are living for benefiting others (human beings and animals).

Trees are nourishing life on the earth in many ways by providing fruits, vegetables, foliage, flowers, spices, cool shade, medicines, roots, bark, wood, sprouts, etc. One fully grown tree may serve humanity for many years without getting anything in return. They prevent us from many diseases by purifying the air, maintaining the ecological balance, providing medicines, etc. Plants are like important assets prevent soil erosion, provide habitats to the faunal species, provide nutrients to soil etc. I have mentioned following ways to save trees and environment:

  • We should make some effective efforts from our own end by joining the organizations working for save trees.
  • We should make our trees saving service volunteer so that other people may also motivate.
  • We should encourage our family members, friends, neighbors, small kids to get involve in saving our important resources.
  • We should participate in the discussion or meeting related to the trees conservation issues in the community or state.
  • We should hugely involve our new generation and teach children to respect trees, nature and environment by getting them to the hikes or camping.
  • We should promote new planting in our surroundings.

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Save Trees Essay 300 words

We are really bestowed by our mother earth many precious gifts nourishing our lives. One of the important precious gifts is trees. It is the source of food and shelter too for human beings and animals on the earth. Trees are natural home to many tribes living inside forests and home to all the birds. They give us timber to make furniture, refresh air, prevent soil erosion and floods, give cool and clean air in summer, source of products like gum, paper, rubber, medicine, rain, etc. We should understand the roles and importance of trees in our life and take a pledge to not destroy them as well as encourage people to plant more trees.

How to Save a Tree?

Here are some effective ways to save tree and save life and environment on the earth:

  • We should find out the reasons of trees removal in the particular region and analyze that whether tree was need to be removed because of being dead, damaged, diseased or planted in an inappropriate location.
  • We should get proper information about the street tree removal by contacting city department, calling to local division of urban forestry, or writing a letter to the city forester regarding trees removal objection.
  • We can contact our city council representatives regarding tree removal issue.
  • We should join our hands together with neighbors and set a public hearing in front of officials regarding saving of the tree.
  • We should research and collect all the benefits of trees in order to make case strong and effective.
  • We should contact with the media and make them on our side to reach tree removal issue to the public and generate awareness.
  • If trees have been removed, we should contact local governmental or nonprofit organization for ensuring re-plantation in the same area

Life is possible on the earth because of water, oxygen and trees and we cannot ignore that trees are source of oxygen and water on the earth. If we are destroying trees or forests, we are destroying our lives and environment from the green earth. Human beings are considered as the most intelligent creature on the earth, so we should understand our responsibility towards the nature and start saving trees, the green gold of earth.

Save Trees Essay 400 words

Trees are most valuable and important source of life on the earth. They are very critical to the healthy and vibrant communities on the earth. They benefit all the living things on the earth in some direct and indirect ways. Everything on the earth connect to each other and running according to the nature’s balance, if any disturbance occur to it whole environment may disturb and harm the lives on earth.

Plants protect us from many natural disasters and nourish our lives in many ways. They keep our environment clean and earth green so, we are also responsible to them and try our best to protect trees. Large and mature trees are more benefiting in nature than smaller ones as they capture more carbon, filter green house gases at high rate, capture more storm water, provide big shadow and combat urban heat, reduce energy use and many more, so we should not cut them even in emergency.

Benefits of Trees

Here I have mentioned some real benefits of the trees which help you to understand that why trees should not be cut however need to be planted time to time.

  • Mature trees help us to combat the climate changes by refreshing air and absorbing green house gases as they are the main source of climate change.
  • Trees helps in air cleaning by refreshing the air as they absorb all the odors and pollutant gases in the environment.
  • An acre of mature trees may provide required oxygen to 18 people per year.
  • Trees help in combating summer heat as well as low winter temperature.
  • Trees are best energy conservation and global warming management technique as they reduce the need of summer air conditioning by up to 50 percent.
  • They save water by slowing down the water evaporation from ground through their shadow.
  • Trees are natural water filter and play great role in preventing water pollution by allowing water to flow down to the earth below tree thus prevent rainwater to carry pollutants to the ocean.
  • Trees prevent soil erosion by holding large amount of soil to one place.
  • Trees provide us a strong shield to get protected from the ultra-violet rays and thus from the skin cancer and other skin disorders.
  • Trees are good source of foods (like fruits, vegetables, etc), shelter, medicines, economy, etc.
  • Trees have good healing property among patients having any health related complications like children with ADHD if they have direct exposure to the trees and nature.
  • Trees are good source of identifying seasons, they reduces violence, and create economic opportunities to people.
  • Trees are best teacher who never talk but shows everything. They are also best playmate of the kids.
  • They are good example of unity in diversity.
  • Trees are good source of reducing noise pollution, water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution.

By seeing all the benefits of trees mentioned above, we can completely understand the value of trees in our lives. Thus we should not cut trees, we always oppose the cutting of trees and forests, we should promote more tree plantation in the human crowded area, and motivate common people to save trees.

Save Trees Essay 800 words

Trees play great role in cleaning the air, soil and water and thus making earth a better place to live. People who live close to the trees are generally healthier and happier. Trees help us a lot through their limitless servings all across the life. As a human being, have we ever thought our responsibilities towards trees or only we are enjoying their benefits. Saving plants we are not showing any kindness to the plants instead we are showing kindness to our lives because life is not possible without trees on the earth. So, if we want to live life in healthy way, we have to save plants forever.

Importance of Trees

I have mentioned below some importance and precious value of trees which will help us to know why trees are called as green gold on the earth and most important for the healthy life.

  • Trees add lots of value to our lives as well as and improve our living status by providing fresh oxygen and nutritious foods.
  • Trees also fulfill our additional necessities like shelter, medicine, and other needs of our modern lifestyles.
  • Trees in the society, community, streets, parks, playgrounds and backyards play great role in providing peaceful environment and aesthetically pleasing environment. Trees help to increase quality of life by providing cool shadow during our outdoor activities.
  • Old trees in the living area become historic landmarks and source of town pride.
  • Trees help in deflecting sunlight thus reduces heat island effect and keep environment clean and cool.
  • Trees provide fresh oxygen and reduce air pollution by filtering harmful gases.
  • They help in water conservation by preventing water evaporation.
  • They prevent soil erosion and support wildlife.
  • Trees are useful source controlling climate by managing the effects of sun, rain and wind.
  • Trees are very essential in balancing the ecosystem in the nature.
  • They are good source of absorbing and storing rainwater thus prevent from harms after storms.
  • They are good source of food and shelter for forest animals. Birds make their nest on the trunk of plants.
  • Trees have their personal and spiritual value as they look colourful and very beautiful. Some of the trees are traditionally worshipped by the people from ancient time.
  • They are source of economy for many people as they are used commercially as a fuel, building construction, tools, furniture manufacture, sporting equipment, household items, paper and so many purposes.

Why to Save Trees?

Below I have mentioned some points proving why we should save trees:

  • Trees always clean and refresh air by releasing oxygen and filtering particulate matter including dust, micro metal particles, pollutants, green house gases (ozone, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxides), etc.
  • Trees reduce smog and air pollution from the environment.
  • They improve water quality, prevent water pollution, their root system reduce storm water runoff, prevent flooding and soil erosion.
  • Trees are good source of energy saving because they reduce the use of air cooling system during summer season like electric fan, air conditioning, etc.
  • Well-landscaped yards and real estate have nice value because of having positive economic influence on real estate they speeds up the sale of home.
  • According to the Human-Environment Research Lab, trees are very effective in reducing violence level in the neighborhood.
  • Four trees near by the home may save around 30% of the summer cooling costs whereas 1 million trees may save around $10 million energy costs per year.
  • Forty to fifty trees help in removing approximately 80 pounds of the air pollutants per year.
  • Trees have very less water requirement per year (400 trees need approximately 40,000 gallons of rainwater).
  • A tree throughout its life period of 50 years provides oxygen worth $31,250.
  • Trees around home boost its market value by 6 or 7% and add around 10% to a property’s value (according to the USDA Forest Service).
  • A healthy and mature tree may provide cooling effect equivalent to air conditioner cooling ten room size area (20 hours/day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture).

As we have seen above about the importance of trees, values of trees in our lives and also well aware of why we should save trees; we should start a campaign of tree saving awareness in our surrounding to aware common public. We should promote people to highly participate in such type of events to know the issues related to reducing number of plants on the earth.

We should be always active and open our eyes regarding existence of green gold on the earth. We should not involve in cutting trees and always oppose cutting of trees and forests. We should always participate in the tree plantation activities especially in the human crowded and polluted area.

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Essay on Save Trees FAQs

How to save the trees essay.

To save trees, write an essay emphasizing their importance and advocating for responsible practices.

How to save trees 10 lines?

Save trees with 10 simple steps like planting more, reducing paper usage, and raising awareness.

Why we should save trees?

We should save trees to maintain a healthy environment, support wildlife, and combat climate change.

Write an essay on saving trees, highlighting their vital role in our ecosystem.

What is the short paragraph of save tree?

In short, saving trees to protect our planet, air, and future generations.

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Essay on Save Trees | For Students

The towering giants we call trees are not just part of our landscape; they are essential to our survival. In this essay, I will argue for the urgent need to save trees. Trees are not only majestic but also vital for our environment, our health, and the future of our planet.

Oxygen Production

Trees are nature’s oxygen factories. They absorb carbon dioxide—a harmful greenhouse gas—and release oxygen during a process called photosynthesis. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, a single tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people. Saving trees means ensuring a cleaner and healthier atmosphere for all of us to breathe.

Biodiversity and Habitats

Trees are not just tall and leafy; they are entire ecosystems. Forests are home to countless species of plants, animals, and insects. When we save trees, we protect these habitats and the biodiversity they support. According to the World Wildlife Fund, forests are essential for preserving endangered species and maintaining ecological balance.

Climate Change Mitigation

Trees are powerful allies in the fight against climate change. They absorb and store carbon dioxide, preventing it from entering the atmosphere and contributing to global warming. A study published in the journal “Nature” estimates that trees could remove up to 200 gigatons of carbon from the atmosphere. Saving trees is crucial for stabilizing our climate and preventing extreme weather events.

Soil Conservation

The roots of trees anchor the soil, preventing erosion and landslides. Trees also improve soil quality by enhancing its fertility and structure. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), trees play a significant role in sustainable agriculture. They protect farmland, reduce soil erosion, and support the growth of crops.

Water Resources

Trees are essential for maintaining our water resources. Their roots absorb rainwater, reducing the risk of flooding and soil erosion. Moreover, trees release water vapor into the atmosphere, which contributes to rainfall patterns. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) emphasizes the role of trees in sustaining our freshwater supply.

Human Health Benefits

Trees have a positive impact on human health. Urban forests, in particular, provide shade, reduce air pollution, and lower temperatures. A study in the journal “Environmental Pollution” suggests that exposure to green spaces, including trees, is associated with improved mental well-being and reduced stress. Saving trees in our cities enhances our quality of life.

Economic Value

Trees have significant economic value. The forestry industry provides jobs and contributes to our economy. Additionally, trees enhance property values, making neighborhoods more desirable. A report by the U.S. Forest Service highlights the economic benefits of forests, including recreation, tourism, and timber production.

Sustainable Practices

Saving trees is not about stopping all tree harvesting but about practicing sustainable forestry. Sustainable forestry ensures that trees are harvested responsibly, with an emphasis on reforestation and minimizing environmental impact. Organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) promote sustainable forestry practices.

Education and Awareness

Saving trees requires education and awareness. When we learn about the importance of trees, we become advocates for their protection. Educational programs, such as Arbor Day celebrations and environmental curricula, play a crucial role in raising awareness about tree conservation among students and communities.

Conclusion of Essay on Save Trees

In conclusion, saving trees is not just an environmental cause; it is a responsibility that affects every aspect of our lives. Trees provide us with oxygen, support biodiversity, combat climate change, and protect our soil and water resources. They enhance our physical and mental well-being and contribute to our economy. Saving trees is about safeguarding our planet for future generations.

As we recognize the significance of trees, let us commit to preserving and planting them. Let us support reforestation efforts, practice sustainable forestry, and advocate for policies that protect our forests. Every tree we save is a step toward a healthier, more balanced planet. Trees are not just nature’s wonders; they are our lifelines, and it is our duty to be their guardians.

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Tree Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on tree.

Tree Essay- Trees are our best friends because they clean the air we breathe. Likewise, they also clean the water and soil and ultimately make the earth a better place. It is also a fact that people who live near trees are healthier, fit, and happier than people who do not.

Moreover, it is our responsibility to look after our friends who serve us in many ways. Most importantly by saving plants, we are not doing any favor to plants but to ourselves only. Because trees and plants life does not depend on us but our lives depend on them.

Tree Essay

Importance of Trees

Trees are important to us in a lot of ways and we cannot ignore their importance. They are important because they give us fresh air to breathe , food to eat and shelter/shade from sunlight and rainfall . Besides this, there are many medicines in the market that are made up of trees extracts. Apart from this, there are plants and trees that have medicinal value.

They bring peacefulness; create a pleasing and relaxing environment. Also, they help in reflecting the harmful rays of the sun and maintaining a balanced temperature . Besides, they also help in water conservation and preventing soil erosion . They also manage the ecosystem and from ancient times several varieties of plants are worshipped.

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Benefits of Trees

Trees provide us many benefits some of which we can’t see but they make a huge difference. They help in fighting back the climate changes by absorbing greenhouse gases which are the main cause of climate change.

Moreover, they replenish groundwater and filter the air from harmful pollutants and odors. Besides, they are a great source of food and the king of fruits ‘Mango’ also grow on trees.

why we should save trees essay

Moreover, they are the cause of rainfall as they attract clouds towards the surface and make them rain. They can be teachers, playmates and a great example of unity in diversity.

Above all, they are a good source of reducing air, water, and noise pollution.

Value of Trees

When a seed of a plant or tree grow it makes the area around it greener. Also, it supports many life forms. Birds make their nests, many reptiles and animals live on it or near it.

Besides, all these many beautiful flowers, food growing on it. Moreover, many parts of trees such as roots, leaves , stem, flower , seeds , are also edible. Most importantly they never ask anything in return for their services and the gifts they give. Trees also keep the balance in the ecosystem and ecology.

To conclude, we can say that trees are very important and beneficial for every life form on earth. Without them, the survival of life on earth will become difficult and after some time every species starts to die because of lack of oxygen on the planet. So, to save our lives and to survive we have to learn the importance of trees and also have to teach our children the importance of trees.

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  • Importance of Tree Plantation Essay


Essay on Tree Plantation

Tree planting is recognised as one of the most engaging, environmentally-friendly activities that people can participate in to help the planet when done properly. Trees provide numerous long-term and short-term benefits. They not only look nice, but they also remove and store carbon from the atmosphere, slow heavy rain and thus reduce the risk of flooding, improve air quality, and reduce the urban heat island effect by reflecting sunlight and providing shade. Let us take a look at the long and short essay on tree plantation.

Long Tree Plantation Essay in English

When you plant a tree, you are not only planting a sapling but also hoping for the best. We have learned the hard way that trees are critical to our survival. We began by deforesting the earth to make room for more buildings. Later, when we saw the environment deteriorating, we were introduced to “afforestation,” a simple process of planting more trees for a better future.

Trees are essentially human and other living organisms' livestock. They have unconditionally provided us with food, oxygen, and a variety of other necessities for human survival, such as shelter, medicines, tools, and so on.

Despite their rich values and importance, trees are still not properly cared for. They are cut down, eradicating all forms of life in the surrounding area.

However, the relevance and importance of planting trees have only grown with each passing day. More trees must be planted as a collective effort by all of humanity to save our ailing planet.

As a result, we have our global Tree Plantation Day, which is observed on March 21st all over the world. The purpose of observing the said day is to make people aware of the importance of planting trees and to assist them in doing so. Planting saplings to invest in the future is a common practice on tree plantation days.

Deforestation has resulted in devastating floods and landslides. The significance of "tree plantation" can also be emphasised for forest conservation and wildlife protection. Wild animals are facing a scarcity of inhabitable forest areas as lands are cleared for farming and industrial purposes.

Because urban areas lack trees, they suffer from severe problems such as smog and polluted air. The “Tree Plantation” becomes a long-term solution to such problems. Vehicle exhaust, wood and coal combustion, factories and industries all emit hazardous pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The Indian government is allocating funds through the Compensatory afforestation fund management and planning account (CAMPA) to carry out such massive “tree plantation” campaigns in both urban and rural areas. State governments are also taking extensive measures to improve forest and tree coverage. The Maharashtra government entered the coveted Limca Book of Records by conducting a massive "tree plantation" with the help of citizens and various Non-Governmental Organizations, planting 2.82 crore trees in a single day.

Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in India are taking proactive steps to encourage ordinary people to participate in “tree plantation” programmes and to raise awareness about the importance of tree plantation in combating climate change. Green Yatra, a Maharashtra-based organisation founded by Mr Pradeep Tripathi, has launched a programme called ‘Go Green Kids,' which provides free saplings to schools in both rural and urban areas of the state.

The Sankalp Taru organisation established a programme in a school in Barmer, Thar Desert, in 2013 to educate students and surrounding communities about the importance of "tree plantation." The organisation makes routine visits to ensure the health of the trees and provides irrigation and water to underserved areas. SayTrees is a Bengaluru-based organisation founded by individuals dedicated to preserving nature's ecological balance.

Our planet's ecological system is a shared responsibility of all citizens. The “importance of tree plantation” is becoming more apparent as we observe the deterioration of the forests and the ecosystem. The Indian government and various non-governmental organisations are working to raise awareness about climate change and other environmental issues. Massive “tree plantation” programmes must be implemented to address the current ecological issues.

Short Importance of Plantation Essay

Tree plantation is significant because it is linked to our basic need for good food to eat and clean air to breathe. Aside from these necessities, they preserve biodiversity, conserve water, preserve soil, and control climate, among other things.

Tree plantation is important because it provides fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other foods for the survival of life on Earth. They are the producers and the source of food energy for all living things to survive, as they are at the bottom of the food chain. Aside from this basic need, tree plantation is important for humans to meet their medicinal needs, fodder for domestic animals, household tools, fuel, and so on.

Trees provide clean air for living beings to breathe and generate energy. The importance of plantations for a healthy life free of suffocation and pollution cannot be overstated, particularly in urban areas.

The importance of tree plantation in preserving biodiversity and balancing the ecosystem cannot be overstated. Trees provide a natural habitat for many different species. A diverse and healthy ecosystem revitalises the land and life on Earth.

Trees are also known for their ability to hold soil and prevent erosion. 

The topsoil of the earth is washed away by water during rain and floods. The roots of the trees play an important role in preventing erosion of the topsoil.

Because trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, tree plantation is the most effective organic method for reversing global warming and preventing climate change. In recent years, particularly since the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the importance of tree plantation has grown significantly in many countries.

Benefits of Tree Plantation

They are so valuable and significant that their applications have only grown to meet the demands of our modern lifestyles. Initially, the tree’s wood was used as fuel, and the fruits were devoured by people. The shade was utilized to keep cool in the summer and the fire was used to keep warm in the winter.

Here are some of the benefits that a tree plantation can provide: 

1. Importance in terms of ecology and environment

Trees provide a significant contribution to their surroundings by giving oxygen, sustaining species, improving air quality, saving water, maintaining soil and reducing climate change. It provides more than it gets by concentrating on its principal job of photosynthesis. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and create oxygen for the surrounding living, breathing species. According to one research, one acre of forest may create up to 4 tons of oxygen while absorbing up to 6 tons of carbon dioxide, enough to feed about 20 people for a year.

This procedure involves not just trees, but also bushes and grass. Pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide are absorbed by them, purifying the air. The contaminants are washed away by the rain once they come into touch with the trees. The air in the atmosphere is managed and preserved as a result of this process, owing to the trees. One of the most important tasks of trees is to manage and modify the climate. To keep the climate under control, they mitigate the impacts of the sun, rain, and wind. The sun's rays are absorbed and filtered by the leaves, which assist to maintain a cool temperature surrounding it.

The most significant role of trees is to keep greenhouse gases at bay by lowering air temperature, maintaining low carbon dioxide levels, and thereby minimizing the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. Aside from that, they keep the heat in by acting as a screen against strong winds, heavy rain, sleet, and hail. As a result, trees may control and affect wind speed and direction to maintain a balanced environment.

Trees serve an important part in the ecosystems in which they reside, whether above or below ground. The trees' extensive roots assist in keeping the soil in place and preventing erosion. The reason for this is that soil erosion is not a regular occurrence. They absorb and retain rainwater, reducing runoff and sediment deposits during big storms.

The herbivorous creatures can only survive on the leaves and fruits that the trees give. Elephants, koalas, and giraffes are just a few of the creatures that eat leaves. The blooms attract monkeys, while the delicious nectar attracts birds, bats, and other insects. Animals, like ourselves, ingest the fruits, which results in another process in which seeds are distributed across large distances.

Many creatures, birds, and squirrels live in them and prefer to keep hidden among the leaves to avoid predators. Trees are a crucial aspect of our environment and every living organism on the planet has a place in them. Many animals call trees home, and they live peacefully in them.

2. Contribution to the Community

Trees are an important component of every community and it takes a lot of effort to keep them that way. You may have noticed that trees border your streets, parks, playgrounds, and backyards because of their medicinal and life-giving powers. Trees provide a serene and tranquil environment, therefore human settlements are incomplete without them. The number of trees surrounding you can impact the quality of your life.

Trees provide natural aspects and wildlife habitats into urban areas, making them more desirable places to live. We all take advantage of the shade given by trees during the day for family picnics and afternoon outdoor activities. The relevance of planting trees and the quality of life in a community may both be enhanced by the presence of trees. Many ancient trees serve as historic markers and act as a source of pride for the community. Commercial buildings and pavements produce heat island effects in the atmosphere, while trees may deflect sunlight and significantly diminish the heat island impact.

3. Personal Well Being

Planting trees may also help people become better versions of themselves since it gives them a sense of accomplishment while also helping to safeguard the environment.

As they grow and develop with you and your family, trees play an important part in the development of one's youth and chronicle the family's history. People have an emotional connection with the trees they plant and form an immediate link with them. Because of our close relationships with trees, there are numerous organizations all over the globe dedicated to safeguarding and saving huge and historic trees from the dangers of contemporary development.

Trees have spiritual and religious significance in certain nations since they are regarded as equal to gods and are worshipped on special occasions. As a result, trees play an important role in forming our environment.

We recognise that one of the most serious issues in the current state is the devaluation of trees. To make our world greener and better, we must pay more attention to tree planting in the future. Individual contributions should be made first. We should also put a stop to tree cutting and remember that without trees, there will be no life.

The tree is very important in our lives. Everyone should be aware of the importance of tree planting and should motivate and encourage others to do the same.


FAQs on Importance of Tree Plantation Essay

1. What Do You Mean By Tree Plantations?

Plantation forests are a type of managed forest in which trees are planted (rather than naturally regenerated), of the same age, and generally of the same species, in order to maximise wood fibre production.

2. What is the Best Time For a Tree Plantation?

The best time to plant is in early spring, just as the ground thaws. Fall may be too late because trees will not be able to withstand freezing temperatures, which can damage roots and prevent moisture from reaching the tree.

3. How do trees nurture different animals?

Food, shelter, and reproductive sites are all found in trees. Trees are also used by many animals for resting, nesting, and hunting or capturing prey. A variety of birds and tiny animals, such as squirrels and beavers, find refuge and food in trees. Trees increase growth variety by creating an environment that permits the development of plants that would not otherwise flourish. Many diverse species use flowers, fruits, leaves, buds, and woody sections of trees.

4. What do plants teach children?

Watering plants, making sure they get enough sunshine, and even trimming may be done with their assistance. This also aids kids in developing a healthy relationship with the Earth and all of its inhabitants. Plants can even be used to teach the concept of respecting limits. I tell my friends that while we can gently touch the plants, they would also like some privacy. In addition, the tree-planting process teaches youngsters faith, confidence, patience, commitment, independence, and contentment.

5. How can trees help to keep our atmosphere clean?

By trapping particles on their leaves and bark, trees absorb smells and pollution gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and ozone) and filter them out of the air. By lessening the power of rain as it falls to the ground and storing water, trees assist to prevent runoff and ground erosion. They also absorb carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and purify the environment by absorbing and storing the carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air.


Paragraph on Save Trees

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Save Trees in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Save Trees in 100 Words

Trees are like big friends that help us breathe fresh air. We must protect them! Trees give us shade to play and homes for birds. When we save trees, we help animals and keep our planet healthy. We can plant new trees to make our world greener. Trees are important for us to live happily. Remember, trees need water, space, and love to grow big and strong. So, let’s all work together and take care of trees! We can hug trees, water them, and never harm them. Saving trees is cool and kind! Let’s be tree heroes!

Paragraph on Save Trees in 200 Words

Trees are very important for us. They give us oxygen to breathe and help us stay healthy. We must save trees because they also provide homes for birds and animals. Trees make our environment beautiful and are important for the earth to stay cool. If we cut down too many trees, we won’t have enough clean air to breathe, and animals will lose their homes. We can help save trees by not wasting paper and recycling it when we can. We should also plant trees whenever possible to replace the ones that are cut down. Trees are like our friends, and we should take care of them. So, let’s all work together to save trees and protect our planet. Remember, every little thing we do to help trees makes a big difference in the world. Let’s all be tree heroes and make our earth a greener and healthier place for everyone!

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Paragraph on Save Trees in 250 Words

Trees are crucial for keeping our planet healthy. They provide us with oxygen to breathe and help clean the air we all share. Trees also give homes to many animals and birds. But, sadly, trees are disappearing fast because of deforestation. When people cut down trees for things like paper, furniture, and land development, it harms the environment. We need to act now to save trees. By planting more trees and using recycled paper, we can make a big difference. Trees also help prevent soil erosion and provide shade on hot days. If we don’t take care of our trees, the consequences can be severe. We might experience more pollution, loss of wildlife, and even changes in the climate. Every single tree counts, so let’s work together to protect them. Encourage your friends and family to plant trees, participate in tree-planting events, and recycle paper products. Together, we can make a positive impact and ensure a greener, healthier future for everyone. Remember, trees are our friends, and it’s up to us to take care of them. Let’s all do our part to save trees and protect our beautiful planet Earth.

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  • 02 September 2024

Why repairing forests is not just about planting trees

  • Debraj Manna 0

Debraj Manna is a PhD student and science writer at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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Indigenous peoples use plants grown in the Amazon rainforest as medicinal herbs. Credit: Ricardo Oliveira/AFP/Getty

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Treewilding: Our Past, Present and Future Relationship with Forests Jake Robinson Pelagic (2024)

Trees first appeared around 400 million years ago. They survived the mass-extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs some 66 million years ago and lived through several glacial periods during which ice covered up to one-quarter of Earth’s land. Now, they face another threat: humans .

Since the birth of agriculture, people have been clearing forests to make space for crops and livestock. Over the past 300 years, 1.5 billion hectares of forest have been lost — equivalent to around 37% of today’s total forest cover. This has resulted in biodiversity loss, desertification and increased flooding risks. Deforestation has also been linked to an increased chance of disease outbreaks , because people come into contact more often with animals, such as bats, that carry potential pathogens and whose habitats have been destroyed.

In Treewilding , microbial ecologist Jake Robinson explores how we can best protect existing forests from deforestation and restore those that have been lost, while acknowledging that some degree of deforestation is inevitable. His meticulous explanations and vivid descriptions make this book a must-read.

why we should save trees essay

Greener cities: a necessity or a luxury?

Robinson questions whether just planting trees is the solution to deforestation. Although tree-planting initiatives have been going on since the Second World War, they have exploded since the turn of the century. The public has become increasingly aware that trees can help to prevent soil erosion and desiccation, and are crucial to mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon. Globally, the area of planted forests rose from 170 million hectares in 1990 to 293 million hectares in 2020. Tree-planting initiatives are used by many organizations to ‘greenwash’ their high carbon footprints — making them seem environmentally friendly when they are not. However, unless thoroughly researched and well implemented, tree planting can do more harm than good to ecosystems.

Often, only one type of tree is planted across swathes of land. Such monocultures reduce biodiversity, in terms of plant species and the wildlife and microorganisms associated with them. Because trees of the same species are susceptible to the same diseases, a whole forest can be wiped out at once. Moreover, non-native trees can be invasive species, disrupting delicately balanced local ecosystems.

Regenerate forests to restore them

To solve rather than compound environmental crises, Robinson argues, a more informed approach is needed. Regulators must understand the deep connections that trees and forests share with people, animals and microbes .

He speaks to Forrest Fleischman, a scholar of forest and environmental policy, who underscores how Indigenous peoples depend on forests for subsistence farming and grazing animals. High-income countries contribute the most to climate change, yet tree-planting initiatives risk unfairly displacing Indigenous people in low-income countries, says Fleischman. He proposes that people should not just plant trees but ‘grow’ them. This means knowing what species suit an area and how they are connected to the lives of the local people and wildlife. Growers should make use of local knowledge and spend time and money caring for young trees.

Aerial view of people planting seeds in a field.

The Great Green Wall project aims to reforest a belt of land across the Sahara desert. Credit: TCD/Prod.DB/Alamy

Robinson details a range of forest-restoration projects that fit this brief. The ‘Great Green Wall’ project, for instance, aims to grow a belt of trees nearly 8,000 kilometres long and 15 kilometres wide across the Sahara Desert, along a route that was forested 50 years ago. If successful, it could prevent the southward expansion of the desert by reducing land degradation; increasing the amount of arable land, the crop yield and the availability of jobs; and sequestering millions of tonnes of carbon. Several million trees have been planted since 2007. But funding has dried up, and the author cautions that more money must be found if the Great Green Wall is to succeed.

Another admirable restoration project is Western Australia’s Gondwana Link, which aims to reduce vegetation loss by reconnecting small patches of previously linked forest across 1,000 kilometres. This should help species at risk of extinction in isolated patches to endure. It could increase the chance of survival for birds, such as the Australasian bittern ( Botaurus poiciloptilus ) and hooded plover ( Charadrius cucullatus ), and plants, including the Corackerup marlock ( Eucalyptus vesiculosa ). When populations that are currently separated can intermix, their genetic diversity is improved. This can help to protect them against environmental adversity. Since 2002, the project has planted 14,500 hectares of land, funded in part by investors who receive carbon credits or tax exemptions in return.

The author also describes his own work in ecoacoustics. The approach uses the sounds made by organisms including birds and bats to explore the composition of and changes in ecosystems. Working with bioacoustics specialist Carlos Abrahams, Robinson is studying soil biodiversity to track forest restoration. As forests are rejuvenated, they’ve found, the number of invertebrates hidden in the soil increases, producing a “subterranean soundscape — a hidden orchestra of life”.

why we should save trees essay

Wood — the vein that runs through human history

Robinson ultimately concludes that natural regeneration — leaving a damaged woodland to repair itself — is one of the best ways to restore forests. He compares this phenomenon to a phoenix: “Just as the mythical bird is reborn from its own ashes, a forest can regenerate from the remnants of its own destruction.”

I was hooked by Robinson’s ability to paint rich pictures of beautiful scenery. Arriving at a restored forest on a limestone cliff in the Peak District, UK, for example, he sees “a vast sea of greater knapweed glancing down at me from the edge like floral guardians in a watchtower”. The soil underfoot is “a bed of compressed and mineralised marine creature skeletons from bygone eras”.

And I enjoyed the thought-provoking questions raised throughout. For instance, to what extent can people alive today understand what the baseline state of the environment should be, given how rapidly human activity is changing the world? And how do jays ( Garrulus glandarius ) — voracious acorn eaters — understand that they need to set aside some nuts to help to regenerate the oaks they depend on for nutrition? The birds probably simply forget that they’ve hoarded caches of food, but Robinson speaks to several scientists who have found evidence that hoarding is an intelligent, rather than hard-wired, behaviour. This exploration exemplifies the author’s ability to avoid bias as he explores delicate subjects, despite his clear passion for them.

Treewilding effortlessly integrates current theories with fresh insights and consolidates strands of research into a coherent narrative that should encourage researchers to come up with better ways to help forests. It is an enlightening journey for anyone interested in the science of nature.

Nature 633 , 30-31 (2024)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-02834-3

Competing Interests

The author declares no competing interests.

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Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art

In 1953, Roald Dahl published “ The Great Automatic Grammatizator ,” a short story about an electrical engineer who secretly desires to be a writer. One day, after completing construction of the world’s fastest calculating machine, the engineer realizes that “English grammar is governed by rules that are almost mathematical in their strictness.” He constructs a fiction-writing machine that can produce a five-thousand-word short story in thirty seconds; a novel takes fifteen minutes and requires the operator to manipulate handles and foot pedals, as if he were driving a car or playing an organ, to regulate the levels of humor and pathos. The resulting novels are so popular that, within a year, half the fiction published in English is a product of the engineer’s invention.

Is there anything about art that makes us think it can’t be created by pushing a button, as in Dahl’s imagination? Right now, the fiction generated by large language models like ChatGPT is terrible, but one can imagine that such programs might improve in the future. How good could they get? Could they get better than humans at writing fiction—or making paintings or movies—in the same way that calculators are better at addition and subtraction?

Art is notoriously hard to define, and so are the differences between good art and bad art. But let me offer a generalization: art is something that results from making a lot of choices. This might be easiest to explain if we use fiction writing as an example. When you are writing fiction, you are—consciously or unconsciously—making a choice about almost every word you type; to oversimplify, we can imagine that a ten-thousand-word short story requires something on the order of ten thousand choices. When you give a generative-A.I. program a prompt, you are making very few choices; if you supply a hundred-word prompt, you have made on the order of a hundred choices.

If an A.I. generates a ten-thousand-word story based on your prompt, it has to fill in for all of the choices that you are not making. There are various ways it can do this. One is to take an average of the choices that other writers have made, as represented by text found on the Internet; that average is equivalent to the least interesting choices possible, which is why A.I.-generated text is often really bland. Another is to instruct the program to engage in style mimicry, emulating the choices made by a specific writer, which produces a highly derivative story. In neither case is it creating interesting art.

I think the same underlying principle applies to visual art, although it’s harder to quantify the choices that a painter might make. Real paintings bear the mark of an enormous number of decisions. By comparison, a person using a text-to-image program like DALL-E enters a prompt such as “A knight in a suit of armor fights a fire-breathing dragon,” and lets the program do the rest. (The newest version of DALL-E accepts prompts of up to four thousand characters—hundreds of words, but not enough to describe every detail of a scene.) Most of the choices in the resulting image have to be borrowed from similar paintings found online; the image might be exquisitely rendered, but the person entering the prompt can’t claim credit for that.

Some commentators imagine that image generators will affect visual culture as much as the advent of photography once did. Although this might seem superficially plausible, the idea that photography is similar to generative A.I. deserves closer examination. When photography was first developed, I suspect it didn’t seem like an artistic medium because it wasn’t apparent that there were a lot of choices to be made; you just set up the camera and start the exposure. But over time people realized that there were a vast number of things you could do with cameras, and the artistry lies in the many choices that a photographer makes. It might not always be easy to articulate what the choices are, but when you compare an amateur’s photos to a professional’s, you can see the difference. So then the question becomes: Is there a similar opportunity to make a vast number of choices using a text-to-image generator? I think the answer is no. An artist—whether working digitally or with paint—implicitly makes far more decisions during the process of making a painting than would fit into a text prompt of a few hundred words.

We can imagine a text-to-image generator that, over the course of many sessions, lets you enter tens of thousands of words into its text box to enable extremely fine-grained control over the image you’re producing; this would be something analogous to Photoshop with a purely textual interface. I’d say that a person could use such a program and still deserve to be called an artist. The film director Bennett Miller has used DALL-E 2 to generate some very striking images that have been exhibited at the Gagosian gallery; to create them, he crafted detailed text prompts and then instructed DALL-E to revise and manipulate the generated images again and again. He generated more than a hundred thousand images to arrive at the twenty images in the exhibit. But he has said that he hasn’t been able to obtain comparable results on later releases of DALL-E . I suspect this might be because Miller was using DALL-E for something it’s not intended to do; it’s as if he hacked Microsoft Paint to make it behave like Photoshop, but as soon as a new version of Paint was released, his hacks stopped working. OpenAI probably isn’t trying to build a product to serve users like Miller, because a product that requires a user to work for months to create an image isn’t appealing to a wide audience. The company wants to offer a product that generates images with little effort.

It’s harder to imagine a program that, over many sessions, helps you write a good novel. This hypothetical writing program might require you to enter a hundred thousand words of prompts in order for it to generate an entirely different hundred thousand words that make up the novel you’re envisioning. It’s not clear to me what such a program would look like. Theoretically, if such a program existed, the user could perhaps deserve to be called the author. But, again, I don’t think companies like OpenAI want to create versions of ChatGPT that require just as much effort from users as writing a novel from scratch. The selling point of generative A.I. is that these programs generate vastly more than you put into them, and that is precisely what prevents them from being effective tools for artists.

The companies promoting generative-A.I. programs claim that they will unleash creativity. In essence, they are saying that art can be all inspiration and no perspiration—but these things cannot be easily separated. I’m not saying that art has to involve tedium. What I’m saying is that art requires making choices at every scale; the countless small-scale choices made during implementation are just as important to the final product as the few large-scale choices made during the conception. It is a mistake to equate “large-scale” with “important” when it comes to the choices made when creating art; the interrelationship between the large scale and the small scale is where the artistry lies.

Believing that inspiration outweighs everything else is, I suspect, a sign that someone is unfamiliar with the medium. I contend that this is true even if one’s goal is to create entertainment rather than high art. People often underestimate the effort required to entertain; a thriller novel may not live up to Kafka’s ideal of a book—an “axe for the frozen sea within us”—but it can still be as finely crafted as a Swiss watch. And an effective thriller is more than its premise or its plot. I doubt you could replace every sentence in a thriller with one that is semantically equivalent and have the resulting novel be as entertaining. This means that its sentences—and the small-scale choices they represent—help to determine the thriller’s effectiveness.

Many novelists have had the experience of being approached by someone convinced that they have a great idea for a novel, which they are willing to share in exchange for a fifty-fifty split of the proceeds. Such a person inadvertently reveals that they think formulating sentences is a nuisance rather than a fundamental part of storytelling in prose. Generative A.I. appeals to people who think they can express themselves in a medium without actually working in that medium. But the creators of traditional novels, paintings, and films are drawn to those art forms because they see the unique expressive potential that each medium affords. It is their eagerness to take full advantage of those potentialities that makes their work satisfying, whether as entertainment or as art.

Of course, most pieces of writing, whether articles or reports or e-mails, do not come with the expectation that they embody thousands of choices. In such cases, is there any harm in automating the task? Let me offer another generalization: any writing that deserves your attention as a reader is the result of effort expended by the person who wrote it. Effort during the writing process doesn’t guarantee the end product is worth reading, but worthwhile work cannot be made without it. The type of attention you pay when reading a personal e-mail is different from the type you pay when reading a business report, but in both cases it is only warranted when the writer put some thought into it.

Recently, Google aired a commercial during the Paris Olympics for Gemini, its competitor to OpenAI’s GPT-4 . The ad shows a father using Gemini to compose a fan letter, which his daughter will send to an Olympic athlete who inspires her. Google pulled the commercial after widespread backlash from viewers; a media professor called it “one of the most disturbing commercials I’ve ever seen.” It’s notable that people reacted this way, even though artistic creativity wasn’t the attribute being supplanted. No one expects a child’s fan letter to an athlete to be extraordinary; if the young girl had written the letter herself, it would likely have been indistinguishable from countless others. The significance of a child’s fan letter—both to the child who writes it and to the athlete who receives it—comes from its being heartfelt rather than from its being eloquent.

Many of us have sent store-bought greeting cards, knowing that it will be clear to the recipient that we didn’t compose the words ourselves. We don’t copy the words from a Hallmark card in our own handwriting, because that would feel dishonest. The programmer Simon Willison has described the training for large language models as “money laundering for copyrighted data,” which I find a useful way to think about the appeal of generative-A.I. programs: they let you engage in something like plagiarism, but there’s no guilt associated with it because it’s not clear even to you that you’re copying.

Some have claimed that large language models are not laundering the texts they’re trained on but, rather, learning from them, in the same way that human writers learn from the books they’ve read. But a large language model is not a writer; it’s not even a user of language. Language is, by definition, a system of communication, and it requires an intention to communicate. Your phone’s auto-complete may offer good suggestions or bad ones, but in neither case is it trying to say anything to you or the person you’re texting. The fact that ChatGPT can generate coherent sentences invites us to imagine that it understands language in a way that your phone’s auto-complete does not, but it has no more intention to communicate.

It is very easy to get ChatGPT to emit a series of words such as “I am happy to see you.” There are many things we don’t understand about how large language models work, but one thing we can be sure of is that ChatGPT is not happy to see you. A dog can communicate that it is happy to see you, and so can a prelinguistic child, even though both lack the capability to use words. ChatGPT feels nothing and desires nothing, and this lack of intention is why ChatGPT is not actually using language. What makes the words “I’m happy to see you” a linguistic utterance is not that the sequence of text tokens that it is made up of are well formed; what makes it a linguistic utterance is the intention to communicate something.

Because language comes so easily to us, it’s easy to forget that it lies on top of these other experiences of subjective feeling and of wanting to communicate that feeling. We’re tempted to project those experiences onto a large language model when it emits coherent sentences, but to do so is to fall prey to mimicry; it’s the same phenomenon as when butterflies evolve large dark spots on their wings that can fool birds into thinking they’re predators with big eyes. There is a context in which the dark spots are sufficient; birds are less likely to eat a butterfly that has them, and the butterfly doesn’t really care why it’s not being eaten, as long as it gets to live. But there is a big difference between a butterfly and a predator that poses a threat to a bird.

A person using generative A.I. to help them write might claim that they are drawing inspiration from the texts the model was trained on, but I would again argue that this differs from what we usually mean when we say one writer draws inspiration from another. Consider a college student who turns in a paper that consists solely of a five-page quotation from a book, stating that this quotation conveys exactly what she wanted to say, better than she could say it herself. Even if the student is completely candid with the instructor about what she’s done, it’s not accurate to say that she is drawing inspiration from the book she’s citing. The fact that a large language model can reword the quotation enough that the source is unidentifiable doesn’t change the fundamental nature of what’s going on.

As the linguist Emily M. Bender has noted, teachers don’t ask students to write essays because the world needs more student essays. The point of writing essays is to strengthen students’ critical-thinking skills; in the same way that lifting weights is useful no matter what sport an athlete plays, writing essays develops skills necessary for whatever job a college student will eventually get. Using ChatGPT to complete assignments is like bringing a forklift into the weight room; you will never improve your cognitive fitness that way.

Not all writing needs to be creative, or heartfelt, or even particularly good; sometimes it simply needs to exist. Such writing might support other goals, such as attracting views for advertising or satisfying bureaucratic requirements. When people are required to produce such text, we can hardly blame them for using whatever tools are available to accelerate the process. But is the world better off with more documents that have had minimal effort expended on them? It would be unrealistic to claim that if we refuse to use large language models, then the requirements to create low-quality text will disappear. However, I think it is inevitable that the more we use large language models to fulfill those requirements, the greater those requirements will eventually become. We are entering an era where someone might use a large language model to generate a document out of a bulleted list, and send it to a person who will use a large language model to condense that document into a bulleted list. Can anyone seriously argue that this is an improvement?

It’s not impossible that one day we will have computer programs that can do anything a human being can do, but, contrary to the claims of the companies promoting A.I., that is not something we’ll see in the next few years. Even in domains that have absolutely nothing to do with creativity, current A.I. programs have profound limitations that give us legitimate reasons to question whether they deserve to be called intelligent at all.

The computer scientist François Chollet has proposed the following distinction: skill is how well you perform at a task, while intelligence is how efficiently you gain new skills. I think this reflects our intuitions about human beings pretty well. Most people can learn a new skill given sufficient practice, but the faster the person picks up the skill, the more intelligent we think the person is. What’s interesting about this definition is that—unlike I.Q. tests—it’s also applicable to nonhuman entities; when a dog learns a new trick quickly, we consider that a sign of intelligence.

In 2019, researchers conducted an experiment in which they taught rats how to drive. They put the rats in little plastic containers with three copper-wire bars; when the mice put their paws on one of these bars, the container would either go forward, or turn left or turn right. The rats could see a plate of food on the other side of the room and tried to get their vehicles to go toward it. The researchers trained the rats for five minutes at a time, and after twenty-four practice sessions, the rats had become proficient at driving. Twenty-four trials were enough to master a task that no rat had likely ever encountered before in the evolutionary history of the species. I think that’s a good demonstration of intelligence.

Now consider the current A.I. programs that are widely acclaimed for their performance. AlphaZero, a program developed by Google’s DeepMind, plays chess better than any human player, but during its training it played forty-four million games, far more than any human can play in a lifetime. For it to master a new game, it will have to undergo a similarly enormous amount of training. By Chollet’s definition, programs like AlphaZero are highly skilled, but they aren’t particularly intelligent, because they aren’t efficient at gaining new skills. It is currently impossible to write a computer program capable of learning even a simple task in only twenty-four trials, if the programmer is not given information about the task beforehand.

Self-driving cars trained on millions of miles of driving can still crash into an overturned trailer truck, because such things are not commonly found in their training data, whereas humans taking their first driving class will know to stop. More than our ability to solve algebraic equations, our ability to cope with unfamiliar situations is a fundamental part of why we consider humans intelligent. Computers will not be able to replace humans until they acquire that type of competence, and that is still a long way off; for the time being, we’re just looking for jobs that can be done with turbocharged auto-complete.

Despite years of hype, the ability of generative A.I. to dramatically increase economic productivity remains theoretical. (Earlier this year, Goldman Sachs released a report titled “Gen AI: Too Much Spend, Too Little Benefit?”) The task that generative A.I. has been most successful at is lowering our expectations, both of the things we read and of ourselves when we write anything for others to read. It is a fundamentally dehumanizing technology because it treats us as less than what we are: creators and apprehenders of meaning. It reduces the amount of intention in the world.

Some individuals have defended large language models by saying that most of what human beings say or write isn’t particularly original. That is true, but it’s also irrelevant. When someone says “I’m sorry” to you, it doesn’t matter that other people have said sorry in the past; it doesn’t matter that “I’m sorry” is a string of text that is statistically unremarkable. If someone is being sincere, their apology is valuable and meaningful, even though apologies have previously been uttered. Likewise, when you tell someone that you’re happy to see them, you are saying something meaningful, even if it lacks novelty.

Something similar holds true for art. Whether you are creating a novel or a painting or a film, you are engaged in an act of communication between you and your audience. What you create doesn’t have to be utterly unlike every prior piece of art in human history to be valuable; the fact that you’re the one who is saying it, the fact that it derives from your unique life experience and arrives at a particular moment in the life of whoever is seeing your work, is what makes it new. We are all products of what has come before us, but it’s by living our lives in interaction with others that we bring meaning into the world. That is something that an auto-complete algorithm can never do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. ♦

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