Creating Your Educational Legacy: What Matters Most to You?

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debate on education is the best legacy essay

Although we may not talk about it much, it’s most educators’ aspiration to leave behind a legacy of some kind. Our job from day to day is often a grind and the focus gets drilled down to success criteria and skill-building along the way, but ultimately, the relationships we develop and the larger picture outcomes are a part of that experience too.

This past weekend, the #ECET2 team challenged participants of the chat to think about their educational legacy, both intended and perhaps unintended as well. And as I lingered on my own responses in that chat, it was time to dig a little deeper.

Why I think it’s important to have big-picture goals

As a high school English teacher and instructional coach, my days are often dictated by the responsibilities of the classroom. What will I be teaching? Who will I be teaching it? What do I hope students learn from it? And how can I continually adjust to ensure that as many of them as possible are doing their best?

Starting with a plan is essential, but abandoning the plan equally so if the plan isn’t working. I know when the plan isn’t working because of the behaviors and responses as well as other formative check-ins from my students. After all, the students are why I do it all.

Despite the necessity of having these short-term goals, there is a larger goal in place as well. And for me, this larger goal is all about assessment and the way students view themselves as learners.

For as long as I can remember, the system judges and labels students largely on their abilty to comply and play the game of school and less so on the valuable skill acquisition we are tasked with inspiring kids to learn. Once this realization became evident to me (which wasn’t right away), I couldn’t sit idly by and continue to do the same old, just because it was expected. The same way I wouldn’t expect students to do things that didn’t matter to them or make sense to them just because it was required.

So I invested my time in exploring alternative ways to make the learning environment better for my students. These new goals that extended way beyond my classroom have shaped the last few years of my teaching and changed the entire trajectory of my career.

Once you know your passion , you must explore it.

My passion reinvigorated my teaching and got me connected to other educators. It thrust me outside my comfort zone and forced me to invest in, and take risks around, making changes that weren’t wide-spread in my current system. These choices have been pervasive in everything I’ve done since then and the consistency in which I promote these beliefs models for my students (and my son) and my colleagues what it can look like when you really put your heart and soul into what you do.

The relationships I have made around these beliefs have strengthened my core as an educator and my ability to affect change with my students. I know that I inspire them because they tell me I do. This kind of passion is infectuous and when the students feel inspired and empowered, they do great things too.

It is my greatest hope to have a some lasting impact in the way we assess and communicate learning. I started talking about these ideas after reading a bunch of books that challenged my beliefs. Then I got involved in Twitter, began to network and then started blogging. Sharing my ideas on the blog offered an opportunity to blog here for a larger audience and then I was offered the honor of sharing my ideas in books (that people actually read!).

It is through my advocacy to change grading systems and empower students that I hope to leave a lasting legacy that will potentially do more than just impact the students or teachers in my community. The more people read the books, the more I push myself to get out there and have broader conversations with other educators from around the world.

In addition to being a part of the change, my hope is that my students remember me as the teacher who preached what she practiced and inspired them to do the same. Being responsibly fearless is so much of the battle.

What will your educational legacy be? How are you cultivating it now? Please share

The opinions expressed in Work in Progress are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.

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debate on education is the best legacy essay

English Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2016

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You are the main speaker in a debate on the topic: Education is the best legacy a parent can give a child. Write your arguments for or against the motion.


As the main speaker in a debate, the candidate was required to write his/her argument for or against the motion: “Education is the best legacy a parent can give a child”.

Quality writing lessons: everyday writing tips for college and high school students., completing an essay about education is the best legacy.

Education is the best legacy is a saying that is often used to encourage parents to invest in the course. It is argued that education refines an individual, socializes them and broadens their scope of knowledge. Further, it offers children a chance to access employment in their future. Writing an essay about the topic should not only cover such points, but it should also be written in a clear and flawless manner. Some of the tips to consider in such writing are:

  • Come up with a schedule

To beat the deadline of submitting your paper, it is vital that you come up with a schedule. Write down the activities that you will do on a daily basis.

  • Get a specific point of view

Since the topic is already selected for you, it is important that you get a unique point of view and present it. Still, it is at this point that you may want to brainstorm and draft a few major points to support your thesis statement.

  • Come up with a list of sources

Go through different scholarly data bases and find peer-reviewed sources to use in your paper. Journals, books and websites from credible institutions can be useful at this point.

  • Do a thorough research

While the topic may seem simple, it is important to understand what other authors think about it. In fact, you will get a unique point of view by doing your research.

  • Come up with an outline

A structure gives you a good foundation of writing your paper. This should be inclusive of an introduction, main body and conclusion.

  • Write down the main body

Here, you should write down all the points you listed prior and explain them well. Specially, you should start by writing the main idea in every paragraph and offering examples in the other sentences.

  • Write down the introduction

Write down an introduction that attracts the attention of your audience. You can start by giving statistics on the number of students who enroll in school every year. Henceforth, you can explain why such students are privilege and in the process mention that parents who invest in the course leave a good legacy to their children. Finally, write down the thesis statement.

  • Write down the conclusion
  • Edit your paper

The final step of completing a paper is to edit it. Here, you must eliminate all the errors and check whether the ideas flow well. As well, find out whether you have considered the specified number of words when writing.

Ultimately, your essay should showcase your writing skills and your understanding of the topic of education is the best legacy.

Need help with essay? Follow this link: write: "essay help" , to get your essay written by professional essay writer.

Education is The Best Inheritance, policy,child,society,debate and argue

Education is the Best Legacy

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Education is the Best Legacy and Policy

Education is a process of facilitating learning and imparting knowledge. It enhances the transfer of knowledge, skills, norms, morals, values, and beliefs usually from an adult to young ones, from an experienced individual to a less experienced individual or a learner. It could also be from a child to an adult but this is not common.

Legacy  is handed down or passed down from one period of time to another from an ancestor to predecessor. It could be some amount of money, property. it can also be seen as an inheritance.

There have been numerous debates and arguments on the best legacy children can inherit from their parents and society at large, it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Education is the uncontested winner. Education is the best legacy and policy parents can give to their offspring and the primary legacy a nation can give to her citizens. Other legacies such as money in the bank, inheritance which could be movable or immovable are secondary. It could be formal or informal. Both should be embraced for total growth and development of a child at the micro level and the society at the macro level. Education is one of the major institutions which is pivotal to the development of all other social institutions such as the family institution, legal institution, and medical institution (health), political institution among others. ( How modern medicine came into Nigeria )

Education refines individua l. It teaches, empowers, exposes them to various ways of doing things and teaches them how to handle and manage other legacies. It improves the quality of life and affects the total way of life of an individual. It reflects in the way of dressing, nutrition, speech and so on. An educated individual should do averagely better in business, money, land management and other areas of life than his uneducated counterpart. ( Dealing with stress through your diet )

Socialization  process is possible through education – teaching young ones the ways of life in the society they found themselves. The ‘clean slate’ state of the mind of a child is beings filled up by the writings done through learning which starts with the family followed by the environment, school, peer pressure religious houses. The social make-up of results from the kind of education he or she receives. The social behavior of a child is from the actualization of the socialization process.

Education broadens the scope of knowledge ; it brings about learning, sharpens the brain, and opens eyes to new developments and invention. It changes the way of thinking and brings about critical reasoning, intellect, enlightenment. Educated people do not take in words hook, line, and sinker. He or she knows what to believe and what not to, through careful analysis.  Education led to the transition of the world from the era of the dark ages to the renaissance or the enlightenment era which later resulted in the modern age which is the present age. There is this possibility of further advancement in reasoning with time. People become educated so as to know more, add to their knowledge. As they do so, they come about new and various discoveries which could have never been possible without education. As new discoveries evolve, it came with growth and development. ( Effects Of Social Media On Education )

Education brings about  social Interaction  as it brings people closer to each other and ensures close contact, it allows confab, making friends, meeting different people, exchange of ideas and exposure to different fields. Although the manifest function of formal education and attending various educational institutions is to acquire knowledge. Notwithstanding, some latent or hidden functions are associated with education. People from different backgrounds meet and they interact with people they would not have met.  Mate selection processes are rampant in educational institutions. Many couples meet their partners in schools, libraries, research institutes, in the course of excursion, museums and other places where knowledge are acquired. ( The Importance of Sex Education In Children )

Globalization  is possible through the aid of education. Education makes the interaction of countries, exchange of goods and services in terms of export and imports. It allows foreign investment and breaks the communication barriers among countries. Almost if not all investors and globalized countries have a common language which is the English Language which is used as a means of communication. English Language is being taught in educational institutions and is seen as an official language in the country, Nigeria and almost all parts of the world. In places where it is not the official language, it is being taught. It would have been impossible for countries to come together without a common language, confusion will be rampant, a conflict will abound thus weakens unity. Lack of a common language may result in issues like that of the Tower of Babel in the Bible. The unification of countries by the aid of a common language makes them stronger, social bond and solidarity. It will be difficult for an external or opposing agent or country to overcome them.

The  unification of countries  by globalization leads to the growth of a country. There will be an exchange of goods in terms of import of scarce goods and export of surplus goods out of the country which will generate more revenues and increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP), per capita and others. The exchange of technologies, techniques, modes of governance come with globalization. ( Falling Standard of Education in Nigeria )

Education  provides employment opportunities  and means of livelihood. An educated individual has a higher advantage of been financially secure and stable and been independence than the uneducated ones. Education puts one in the path to a good job instead of roaming about, being idle. An idle man they say is the devil’s workshop. Idleness leads to various forms of social vices like thuggery, ‘yahoo boyism’ , armed robbery, Insurgencies, kidnapping, hooliganism among others. It brings a sense of responsibility to the lives of people as they will not want to do what they should not, this is a good legacy.

Lastly, education is important as it  adduces equality . It bridges the gap of inequality between the social classes. It builds social status and enhances self-esteem. People of different social classes attend the same school, write the same exam, are educated equally, and got for the same job interview. Education serves as an equilibrium for people in the lower and middle social class division as it allows them to be on the same level as people in the upper social class division. It alienates inequality both on the social and economic level. (Read an interesting article on  Relationship Barriers ; Educational and Social Class Barriers here )

In conclusion , education is the best legacy and policy and inheritance given to a child. It should be a joint effort of the society to give adequate education to the young ones.  Quality and good education enhance the overall development of a child and the nation as a whole. Parents and Guardians should pay adequate attention and monitoring to the education of their wards. They should visit the schools of their children and on the other hand, the government should provide good infrastructures, good working conditions so that all of us as a whole will give the leaders of  tomorrow  the best legacy and policy available. Being educated is the greatest asset an individual can acquire. ( read on the effects of parental support on education )

37 thoughts on “Education is the Best Legacy”

it is really the best legacy thank you now im gonna win my debate

Thank you for helping me understand that education is the best legacy a parent has to give to a child

I’m looking for a short play on education is the best legacy

This help me to much

Wow actually I have seen what I am looking for and am so annihilated

Nice one I need to know how to create website

Am looking education is the best legacy a parents can give a child

Yes education is the best thing you can give a Child

Thank u so much we are very excited

Thank you very much but I need a good answer to my question .

What is education is the best legacy

Yeah I finally found wat am looking for

yes it is the best legacy but my school thinks the opposte without knowing types of education

Very good , I am in full support of your words.

Wonderful. May you continue to increase in knowledge day by day till eternity. Great work.

I have not seen what I am looking for , I am looking for a story which illustrates the saying “Education is the best legacy, Thank You.

Are u preparing a presentation

Nice one gud work

Exactly what i needed to carry on…Keep it up dude,your iq is at work.

This is what I have been looking for

Type here..thanks very much

glad u love it

Thanks …….. Keep on the good work

Thanks sooooooo much

Cul,i hv seen wat am luken 4

I have not seen what i am looking for

Ese gaaaaan

You are welcome

Good work, more wisdom, knowledge sir.

Bravo nice one

really nice

TANK uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are welcome, we are glad you enjoyed it

I like dis infact luv it. I hv seen wat i wanted. Tnks.

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The Education Debate: What Everyone Needs to Know®

By Kevin Macpherson , David Kirp

The Education Debate: What Everyone Needs to Know


In statehouses, school boards, and communities across the US, battles are raging over the direction of education policy—from the standards that are shaping what students learn to how test results are being used to judge a teacher’s performance. These battles are being waged against a backdrop of shifting demographics, rapidly developing technology, a transforming economy and workplace. What’s more, the COVID-19 pandemic is prompting educators to rethink the school’s mission in society.

In  The Education Debate: What Everyone Needs to Know® , nationally recognized education authority David Kirp and WestEd’s Improvement Specialist, Kevin Macpherson, provide a balanced, accessible overview of the key policy and practice issues in pre K–12 education today. They expose the fault lines of the major debates–what values should guide education and how can those values best be incorporated in policy and practice. They focus on equity and equality of opportunity as well as the tension between market and bureaucratic mechanisms as drivers of school improvement. Many of the topics they address, including racial integration, charter schools, student rights and teachers’ unions, are hotly contested. In an area where partisanship reigns, Kirp and Macpherson take an approach guided by research and not driven by ideology. A primer for educational policymakers and administrators, parents, and undergraduate and graduate students in education courses, The Education Debate  offers a solid grasp of the major debates in contemporary education policy.

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The Education Essays That Sparked Debate This Year: Our 19 Most Shared Columns and Commentaries From 2018

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H ere at The 74, we love a good debate. Just about every day, we publish an array of essays that take critical looks at, or offer innovative approaches to, schools, standards, practice, and policy. They’re often our most shared, circulated, and debated links of the week. We went back through the archive to look at which essayists stirred up the most discussion across 2018; here are the nine top standouts of the year, along with the following 10 runners-up. (Get every 2019 op-ed delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for The 74 Newsletter )

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By David Cantor

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debate on education is the best legacy essay

Why Teacher Strikes Aren’t Like Other Strikes (Hint: Teachers Often Get Paid)

By Mike Antonucci

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debate on education is the best legacy essay

Income Share Agreements Are an Innovative Way of Financing Tuition — and an Investment in the Workplace of Tomorrow

By John Bailey

Student Finances: The evolving nature of work requires evolving our system of training students for the jobs of today and tomorrow and rethinking how we provide financial support, writes contributor John Bailey. One such innovation: replacing traditional tuition with Income Share Agreements, which give students private funds for classes in exchange for a percentage of earnings for a set period after graduation. Repayments rise and fall depending on the student’s income, making them responsive not just to changing economic conditions but also to changing circumstances in life. ISAs give students early access to their future earnings and insurance against bad financial outcomes, Bailey writes — and they give the institutions that train them a stake in their success. Read the full essay .

debate on education is the best legacy essay

Falling Into the Belief Gap: What It Feels Like to Realize Your Child’s Teachers Have Sized Him Up and Dumbed Down Their Estimations

By Beth Hawkins

4Fams: Beth Hawkins writes about the hardest lesson she has learned advocating for her two sons. Both boys are white, are exceptionally bright, and live in a zip code that entitled them to seats in the best schools in the city where they live, Minneapolis. When it was time for her oldest, Royce, to enter kindergarten, principals and teachers rushed to assure her that they would nurture his gifts. And they did, pushing him to take the hardest classes and steering him to one opportunity after another. His younger brother Corey — not so much. The gatekeepers to those same opportunities saw his autism but not his intellect, steering him away from the same level of academic challenge. Never mind that his goal is the same: to graduate and go on to a college where he’ll be encouraged to develop his passions. “Call it stereotype threat, implicit bias, or pity born of privilege — there is a mountain of data on how poorly students fare when the adults in their lives don’t set high bars and push them to vault them,” Hawkins writes, in a first-person account of what it’s like to live a reality she’d previously understood from the remove of a reporter’s vantage. “But to parse those decades of research isn’t to understand on a gut level what it feels like to realize your teachers have sized you up and dumbed down their estimation.” Read her full reflection .

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By Conor Williams

Equity: A decision by seven Washington, D.C.-area private schools to leave the Advanced Placement curriculum may not seem important in the overall scheme of things, but contributor Conor Williams is concerned. By abandoning AP, he writes, these schools for the privileged are seceding that little bit further from the educational experiences available to other, not-rich kids in their community and country. It is emblematic of the cancerous way that inequality drives today’s democratic crisis: Rich Americans are getting richer, staying rich, and separating themselves from the rest of us, moving further and further away from the shared principles that have guided our nation’s common life and enabled our democracy to survive. Read the full column .

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By Richard Whitmire

Integration: 74 contributor Richard Whitmire profiles Boston Collegiate, a high school that manages a student enrollment about evenly split between black and white teens in a city forever associated with its ugly response to forced busing in the 1970s. Even more intriguing: Boston Collegiate students come from still highly segregated, working-class neighborhoods; its student diversity remains steady at a time when schools nationally are becoming more racially isolated; and it’s a charter school, a type of public school some have blamed for worsening school segregation. The secret, Whitmire says, is that Boston Collegiate offers black and white parents the same thing — a chance their kids will get into a good college. Read the full analysis .

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Do Charter Schools Take Districts’ Money? Only If You Think Children, and the Funding That Comes With Them, Are District Property

By James V. Shuls

Funding: Have you ever heard anyone ask, “How much do farmers markets cost Walmart?” Of course not, writes contributor James V. Shuls; it’s a ridiculous question that presupposes the customer belongs to Walmart and is robbing the store of its rightful funds by purchasing produce somewhere else. So why, he asks, does that question make sense when asked about education? His answer: It doesn’t — and the idea that charter schools are somehow robbing districts when students transfer in dehumanizes children, reducing them to mere economic units. Indeed, he writes, this is the fundamental problem with America’s public education system: We presume the tax dollars that fund a child’s education belong to the public school district and the child belongs in a district school seat. Read the full argument .

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Investigation: In NYC School Where a Teenager Was Killed, Students & Educators Say Lax Discipline Led to Bullying, Chaos, and Death

By Max Eden

School Discipline: When 15-year-old Matthew McCree was stabbed to death at the Urban Assembly School for Wildlife Conservation in September 2017, it was the first killing in a New York City school in decades. The incident initially received substantial media coverage, focusing particularly on homophobia and unaddressed bullying at the Bronx school. Abel Cedeno, 18, who is facing manslaughter charges in the case, said he was tormented and threatened because of his sexuality. But those close to McCree say there is more to the story. Eight of his teachers and six of his friends spoke to 74 contributor Max Eden, who has become well known nationally as a critic of restorative justice discipline practices. Those inside UA Wildlife told Eden that after edicts came down to reduce suspensions and weak leadership was put in charge of the once-thriving school, “meaningful consequences for misbehavior were eliminated, alternative approaches failed, and administrators responded to a rising tide of disorder and violence by sweeping the evidence under the rug.” If school leaders had “prioritized student safety over statistics, McCree’s teachers believe, he would still be alive. And they fear that the dynamics that destroyed UA Wildlife are playing out across New York City.” Read Eden’s full analysis .

debate on education is the best legacy essay

From Report Cards to Parent-Teacher Conferences, Schools Must Do a Better Job of Telling Families How Their Kids Are Doing

By Michael Petrilli

Family Engagement: Engaging parents means shooting straight about how their daughters and sons are performing and committing to making hard changes and expending real resources to help those children do better. It’s a promise to be honest and do right by all kids. But when it comes to two time-honored means of sharing news, good or bad, about student performance — report cards and parent-teacher conferences — communication is often anything but clear, writes contributor Michael Petrilli. What can be done about it? Find out here .

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Appraisal: Cory Booker Could Have Run Away From School Reform. Instead, He’s Doubling Down on Newark’s Education Revival. That’s a Smart Move, By Laura Waters

Go Deeper: See our complete archive of columnists and essays . Get the latest editorials, columns, and analyses delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for The 74 Newsletter .

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Our views on the saying: ‘Education is the best legacy’

Our views on; Education

In life, people pass things down from one generation to another as legacies. These include property, wealth, knowledge, etc. Among these beautiful things, why do elders say education is the best legacy anyone can have? Some students of MEDMINA COLLEGE, Ibadan, share their views on this question.

Basit Oladini, 11 yrs old, JSS 3

I strongly believe that education is the best legacy. I have observed that the chances of the educated ones achieving set goals are very high in the journey of life but illiteracy at one point creates a vacuum. The uneducated have overtime appreciated education and therefore, invested in it through their children in order to enjoy its benefits. They have weighed the options. The benefits of education to the student, parents and by extension, the society is beyond using it to get white-collar jobs. A parent might not have a business to leave for the children after their demise, but if they were able to give the children formal education, that would open doors that the unschooled might not have. The elders must have weighed the options between giving education as a legacy and other forms of it before coming to the conclusion that education is the best.

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Asma Yasmin Shuaib, 15 yrs old, SSS 2

Education is the best legacy and tool which aids critical thinking needed in solving problems in the society. It helps in personal development which is the ability to know oneself, what one wants and also to adapt to situation of things. It is a tool for career opportunity on which one plans to survive and also contribute positively to the development of the society and the nation.

Through the help of education, a chain for global awareness that unites the world especially through the knowledge of technology, science, and culture, to mention a few is developed. Without proper education, none of all these would be possible. I believe it is the best legacy.

Khadijah Hassan, 13 yrs old, JSS 2

I totally agree that education is the best legacy because without it, there will be no platform to continually produce professionals in various fields such as doctors, lawyers, computer engineers and the like who have transformed the society with their wealth of knowledge from time to time. If the education professionals acquired had stopped at one generation, the society would have been affected negatively. With this view, you see why parents should give their children education for a better future, country and society.

Fareedah Adebesin, 11 yrs old, JSS 1

I strongly believe that education is the best legacy for anyone because we all will need it at one point in life. One cannot over-emphasise the importance of education for the fact that it is the only way to learning, acquiring as well as imparting knowledge. If a child is granted access to material things but he or she is not guided, it will not be long before such is squandered. However, being educated lasts a lifetime. No one can take it away from you as seen in this quote by B.B King: “The beautiful thing about learning is nobody takes it away from you.”

Salaou Ajani, 17 yrs old, SSS 3

The statement is valid because it serves as a catalyst to success both physically and mentally. Education is the best legacy to pass to younger ones by their parents or relatives. It is the best thing for one to experience in order to banish illiteracy. Education will surely guide  one in one’s daily affairs. Owing to the fact that education is the process of acquiring knowledge, it is the best gift a child could have or a parent could pass down. Education edifies one’s character and guides one’s way of life.

Fuad Adeleke, 15 yrs old, SSS 1

One of the greatest attributes of education is that it never dies rather it helps to nurture one’s passion. Of a truth, I consider it the best legacy parents/guardians can leave behind for a child to find fulfillment in life. Anything you do in life requires a form of education either formal or informal. Education is the process of training and learning to develop or improve skills and has a way of polishing an individual. Some argue that a lot people with formal education find it difficult to get employment, it is true but it does not go on like that forever. At one point in such people’s lives, the education still opens doors for them because what they have, they give. Every young one should be eager to receive this lasting legacy.

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20 Debate Topics About Education

A topic which is guaranteed to stimulate passionate debate in your class is education. After all, education issues have the potential to directly affect your students and their futures. In this post, you will find 20 debate topics about education that you can use in your debate class. These are suitable for middle school students, high school students, and adults.

Debate Topics About Education

Here are 20 debate topics about education. All the topics below are formed as a statement so ask your students if they agree or disagree with the statements below.

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Why Education Remains the Best Legacy

Jonah Thomas . N

  • Educational Technology
  • November 2, 2023 November 2, 2023

Education is the bedrock of every successful society.Everyone who knows its value understands Why Education Remains the Best Legacy . A legacy that will continue to inspire people for a lifetime.

Education as we know it.

Education is a purposeful activity that aids achieving goals. Such goals include the transmission of knowledge , skills, and character traits. However, there is extensive debate regarding its exact nature beyond these general features. One approach is to view education as a process that occurs during educational events such as schooling, teaching, and learning.Another outlook understands education not as a process but as the product resulting from this process. It emphasizes the mental states and dispositions of a person that is knowledgeable.

Additionally, the term may also refer to the academic field that studies the methods, processes, and social institutions. It also involves teaching and learning. Although Having a clear idea of what the term means is important to correctly identify “education” itself. Since it also matters when trying to measure or improve them.The term “education” is from the Latin words educare , meaning “to bring up, rear, educate” in relation to the mind, and educere , meaning “to bring out, lead forth” in reference to the bodily level.

However, Some theorists provide precise definitions by identifying the specific features that are exclusive to all forms of education. Education theorist R. S. Peters , for instance, outlines three essential features of education:

  • It is concerned with the transmission of knowledge and understanding.
  • This transmission is worthwhile.
  • It is usually in a morally appropriate manner in tune with the student’s interests.

Such precise definitions are characterizing the most typical forms of education. But they do so because there are counterexamples. This means that all the forms of education are similar to each other. But they need not share a set of essential features that all of them have in common. According to one view, the term “education” is context-dependent. This implies that its meaning varies depending on the situation.

Furthermore, There is disagreement in the academic literature on whether education is an evaluative concept. Thick definitions of education affirm this. Although, They state that it is part of the nature of education that it is beneficial to the student or leads to some kind of improvement.

Different thick definitions disagree about what kind of improvement. They contrast with thin definitions , which provide a value-neutral explanation of education.A distinction is between descriptive and prescriptive conceptions of education. Descriptive conceptions discuss how the term is actually used by regular speakers. Prescriptive conceptions express what good education is or how education should be practiced. Moreover, Many thick and prescriptive conceptions hold that education is an activity that tries to achieve certain aims . Some concentrate on epistemic aims, like knowledge and understanding. Others give more emphasis to the development of skills. Skills like rationality and critical thinking , and character traits, like kindness and honesty .

In addition, One approach is to focus on a single overarching purpose of education. Since one can see the more specific aims as means to this end. According to one suggestion, socialisation is the aim of education. It is usually by transmitting  knowledge from generation to the next. This process can help a person to function in society as a regular citizen.

Why Education Remains the Best Legacy 

01. security and stability:,   education equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to secure stable employment. also individuals who have a proper education are generally more competitive in the job market. they have a better chance of finding and retaining employment. although higher education often leads to higher earning potential. this increase in income can provide financial security, and stability. this also helps in ensuring one’s ability to meet basic daily needs., 02. enlightenment and empowerment:.

Education supports personal development and growth. This helps individuals to discover their talents, interests, and passions. It also makes it easier for people to find what they want to do and work on it. This self-awareness is empowering as it enables people to pursue their passion and purpose.

03. Purpose and Fulfillment:

A person that is educated has better job opportunities and career fulfillment. Having a meaningful career can significantly contribute to a person’s sense of fulfillment in life. Individuals with good quality education has higher chances of living better lives. They are able to achieve their aims since they have more knowledge and have a clear sense of purpose. Education can broaden an individual’s perspective by exposing them to diverse ideas, cultures, and global issues. This broader awareness can lead to a sense of fulfillment in both their personal and professional lives.


Education is not just a legacy; it is the ultimate legacy. It is the gift of enlightenment, empowerment, and endless possibilities. 

Education is a legacy that transcends time, empowers individuals and communities, breaks the chains of inequality, and fosters innovation, understanding, and personal fulfilment. Education is a timeless treasure that enriches not only the minds but also the hearts of those who receive it. As we pass on this profound legacy to future generations, we invest in a brighter, more equitable,future for all.

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  • English Language
  • 2013 WAEC English La...

2013 WAEC English Language Theory You are the Chief Speaker in a debate on the topic: Education is not as...

You are the Chief Speaker in a debate on the topic: Education is not as important as riches. Write your argument for or against the topic.


      Chairman, Panel of Judges, Co-debaters, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here to speak against the motion which states that education is not as important as riches. Education is a process of acquiring learning and knowledge which equips an individual for the challenges of life. It makes an individual to be adequately fit into the society in which he finds himself. Education as against ignorance, brings out the best in every individual. Riches, on the other hand, has to do with acquiring wealth and opulence which may be difficult to maintain without adequate knowledge.

      There is a common saying that if education is expensive, try ignorance. This is true as education has to do with acquiring knowledge with which riches can be adequately administered and controlled. What is riches without education? It is useless and unworthy without education. A rich man without education will definitely discover that something i substantial and great is missing in his life. He feels the yawning gap n his life. He may have the money to throw around but he may fritter away his money if he lacks good education to administer his wealth. He may hire educated people to assist him in the company or business he establishes but the fact is that he lacks the knowledge to adequately control his enormous wealth. He has to depend on educated people around him for the successful administration of his wealth.

      Apart from this, an uneducated rich person is already restricted and limited in the society. His experience is not complete if he has not attended any school as there is giving to be a yawning gap between him and those who are educated. He cannot be trusted with positions where education is a Prerequisite. He cannot aspire to become a governor of a state or the president of a country.

      Education has the capacity to transform   from being ignorant to being informed. Riches, no matter how enormous it is, cannot do this. It is a mind opener as it makes a person not to be narrow-minded. Education is a liberator of the mind in a way that riches deformed mind. Riches can't do this;  cannot be. An informed person is already liberated and he cannot have a person to be self-assuming. s, it can only make a person to be arrogant and proud because wealth can make a person self-assuming.

      Definitely, education is the most important factor in determining a successful life. Even education is essential in one's life and it could be a pathway to riches. Chairman, Panels of Judges, I hope that with these few points of mine, I have been able to convince you that education is as important as riches.

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Unlocking the Power of Education: Why Education is the Best Legacy

Education is often referred to as the best legacy one can leave behind. It is a powerful tool that empowers individuals and societies, shaping the course of their lives and the world they inhabit. In this digital age, where knowledge is at our fingertips, understanding the significance of education and making the most of it is crucial, particularly for the youth. Our website is dedicated to unraveling the importance of education as the best legacy and guiding the youth on how to make sense of it.

Why is Education the Best Legacy ?

Empowerment and Personal Development :

Education is a transformative process that enables individuals to unlock their potential and acquire essential knowledge, skills, and values. It provides a platform for personal growth, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Education empowers individuals to make informed decisions, enhances self-confidence, and promotes lifelong learning.

Social and Economic Mobility :

Education serves as a pathway to social and economic mobility. It equips individuals with the necessary skills and qualifications required to pursue better opportunities and achieve success. Education opens doors to various professions and industries, expanding career prospects and improving earning potential. It enables individuals to break free from cycles of poverty and create a better future for themselves and their families.

Active Citizenship and Social Responsibility :

Education plays a pivotal role in shaping responsible citizens who actively participate in their communities. It cultivates a sense of social responsibility, instilling values such as empathy, tolerance, and respect for diversity. Education equips individuals with knowledge about their rights, duties, and the democratic process, empowering them to contribute positively to society.

Personal Fulfillment and Well-being :

Education is not just about gaining knowledge; it also enriches our lives, leading to personal fulfillment and overall well-being. Through education, individuals are exposed to a wide range of subjects, ideas, and perspectives, broadening their horizons and nurturing their curiosity. It fosters a sense of purpose, self-awareness, and meaningful engagement with the world.

Making Sense of Education: Guidance for Youth

Identify Your Passion and Interests:

Start by exploring your passions and interests. Reflect on what excites you, what topics you enjoy learning about, and what kind of impact you aspire to make. This self-discovery process will help you align your educational journey with your goals and aspirations.

Set Clear Goals :

Define your educational goals based on your passions and interests. Set both short-term and long-term goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). These goals will provide you with a clear direction and motivation to make the most of your educational opportunities.

Embrace Lifelong Learning :

Education extends beyond the walls of classrooms. Embrace the concept of lifelong learning by seeking knowledge and growth opportunities beyond formal education. Engage in self-study, attend workshops, participate in online courses, join clubs or organizations related to your interests. Embracing lifelong learning will keep your mind open, adaptable, and constantly expanding.

Seek Mentors and Role Models

Find mentors and role models who inspire you in your chosen field or areas of interest. These individuals can provide guidance, share their experiences, and offer valuable insights. Networking and building relationships with like-minded individuals can open doors to new opportunities and broaden your perspectives.

Embrace Technology :

In today's digital era, technology plays a vital role in education. Embrace technology tools and platforms that enhance your learning experience. Leverage online resources, educational apps, and digital platforms to access a wealth of information, collaborate with peers, and engage in interactive learning experiences.

Education is indeed the best legacy one can receive and pass on. It empowers individuals, opens doors of opportunity, and shapes responsible citizens.


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The Gazelle News

Education Is The Best Legacy Parents Can Bequeath On Their Wards – Lagos Lawmaker

The Gazelle News

A member of the Lagos state House of Assembly, Hon Ibrahim Ajani Owolabi has described education as the key to the nation’s development and best legacy parents can bequeath on their wards.

He said Nigerians should be inspired by countries that have maximized the potentials in education to proffer solutions to most of their challenges.

Hon Ibrahim Ajani Owolabi who represents Lagos Mainland 1 Constituency in the assembly was speaking ahead of one Month FREE UTME Revision Class for all the indigent students and youths that benefited from the Free UTME Forms which he distributed in February.

Also to benefit from the Free UTME Revision Class are every other students that are residents of Lagos Mainland 1 Constituency who had also registered on their own to sit for the Exam. 

The exercise is being handled by the committee on education set up by the lawmaker with support from the Center for Youth Development and Skill Acquisition.

During interaction with the Chief Executive Officer of CYDAS, Comrade Alaba Olapade, Hon Ajani, said he was touched by the statement made by one of the over one hundred beneficiaries of the Free Utme Forms, that he was very happy for the free form given to him, that if not for him, he might not be privileged to write this year’s Utme.

The programme has since commenced on Monday 2nd March will come to an end on Friday 3rd April at Nawair Ud Deen Senior High school, Ebute Metta (East).

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Biden talks about dropping out of race, says he’s ‘not confident’ there will be peaceful transition of power if Trump loses

In his first interview since stepping aside from the Democratic presidential ticket, President Joe Biden described how he reached that decision in late July.

“Look, the polls we had showed that it was the neck-and-neck race would have been down on the wire,” Biden said in a  “CBS News Sunday Morning ”  interview taped at the White House on Wednesday. “But what happened was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races, and I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic. You’d be interviewing about why did Nancy Pelosi say? Why did someone -- and I thought it'd be a real distraction.”

What You Need To Know

In his first interview since stepping aside from the democratic presidential ticket, president joe biden described how he reached that decision in late july "what happened was a number of my democratic colleagues in the house and senate thought that i was going to hurt them in the races, and i was concerned if i stayed in the race, that would be the topic," biden said on "cbs news sunday morning" the president also said that he's "not confident at all" in a peaceful transfer of power if trump loses the election in november "he means what he says, we don't take him seriously. he means it," biden said, adding: "all the stuff about 'if we lose it’ll be a bloodbath,' or 'it'll have to be a stolen election.'".

Biden said he had “a really, really bad day in that debate because I was sick,” but insisted he had “no serious problem” and said he would be on the campaign trail for Vice President Kamala Harris, now the Democratic presidential nominee. Biden said he and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro are working on a campaign tour of the key swing state where the incumbent president was born.

“I’m going to do whatever Kamala thinks I can do to help the most,” Biden said. 

He also praised Harris’ selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, calling him a "great guy."

"As we say, if we grew up in the same neighborhood, we'd have been friends,” Biden said. “He's my kind of guy. He's real, he's smart. I've known him for several decades. I think it's a hell of a team.”

For her part, Pelosi said in a New Yorker interview last week that she “never called one person” or spoke to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., about pressuring Biden to drop out. But she said many of her fellow Democratic House members called her with their concerns.

“People were calling. I never called one person. I kept true to my word. Any conversation I had, it was just going to be with him. I never made one call. They said I was burning up the lines, I was talking to Chuck [Schumer]. I didn’t talk to Chuck at all,” Pelosi said. “I never called one person, but people were calling me saying that there was a challenge there. So there had to be a change in the leadership of the campaign, or what would come next.” 

Biden went on to say being president an "honor" but said he felt an "obligation" to do whatever he could to defeat former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee.

"When I ran the first time, I thought of myself as a transition president," Biden said, before joking that he "can't even say how old I am, it's hard for me to get it out of my mouth."

But, Biden continued, "although it's a great honor being president, I think I have an obligation to the country to do ... the most important thing we can do, and that is we must, we must defeat Trump."

The president also said that he's "not confident at all" in a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses the election in November.

"If Trump loses, I'm not confident at all," Biden told CBS News' Robert Costa .

"He means what he says, we don't take him seriously. He means it," Biden continued, adding: "All the stuff about 'if we lose it’ll be a bloodbath,' or 'it'll have to be a stolen election.'"

The president was referencing Trump's comments from earlier this year warning of a "bloodbath" if he loses the election .

"If I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath," Trump said at an event in Ohio in March. "It's going to be a bloodbath for the country."

Trump and his allies insisted that he was talking about the U.S. auto industry when referring to a "bloodbath."

The ex-president has continued to baselessly contend that there was widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, even though officials from both parties, including individuals in his own administration, have directly refuted that statement. Claims of fraud brought by Trump and his allies were rejected from courts in states nationwide, including the U.S. Supreme Court.

Those false claims culminated in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, when a mob of Trump's supporters stormed the building to disrupt the certification of Biden's victory in the 2020 election.

"Look what they're trying to do now in the local election districts where people count the votes, or ... putting people in place in states that they're going to count the votes, right?" Biden said, adding: "You can't love your country only when you win.

Reflecting on his legacy, Biden said he wanted to be remembered as a president who “proved democracy can work, that got us out of a pandemic, that produced the single greatest economic recovery in American history.” But he argued, with Trump’s potential return to the White House looming, the work isn’t done. 

“Mark my words. If he wins this election, watch what happens. It's a danger. He's a genuine danger to American security,” Biden said. “Look, we're  at an inflection point in world history. We really are. The decisions we make in the last three-four years, the next three-four years are going to determine what the next six decades look like, and democracy is the key.”


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