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Number and algebra

  • The Number System and Place Value
  • Calculations and Numerical Methods
  • Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion
  • Properties of Numbers
  • Patterns, Sequences and Structure
  • Algebraic expressions, equations and formulae
  • Coordinates, Functions and Graphs

Geometry and measure

  • Angles, Polygons, and Geometrical Proof
  • 3D Geometry, Shape and Space
  • Measuring and calculating with units
  • Transformations and constructions
  • Pythagoras and Trigonometry
  • Vectors and Matrices

Probability and statistics

  • Handling, Processing and Representing Data
  • Probability

Working mathematically

  • Thinking mathematically
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  • Cross-curricular contexts
  • Physical and digital manipulatives

Advanced mathematics

  • Decision Mathematics and Combinatorics
  • Advanced Probability and Statistics

For younger learners

  • Early Years Foundation Stage

Addition and Subtraction

These activities are part of our Primary collections , which are problems grouped by topic.

Butterfly Flowers

Can you find two butterflies to go on each flower so that the numbers on each pair of butterflies adds to the number on their flower?

Subtraction Slip

Can you spot the mistake in this video? How would you work out the answer to this calculation?

Number Lines

A resource to try once children are familiar with number lines, and they have begun to use them for addition. It could be a good way to talk about subtraction. Leah and Tom each have a number line. Can you work out where their counters will land?

The Add and Take-away Path

Two children made up a game as they walked along the garden paths. Can you find out their scores? Can you find some paths of your own?

Equivalent Pairs

Can you match pairs of cards which show the same amount?

Two Spinners

What two-digit numbers can you make with these two dice? What can't you make?

Cuisenaire Counting

Here are some rods that are different colours. How could I make a yellow rod using white and red rods?

Find all the numbers that can be made by adding the dots on two dice.

What Could It Be?

In this calculation, the box represents a missing digit. What could the digit be? What would the solution be in each case?

What's in a Name?

What do you notice about these squares of numbers? What is the same? What is different?

Sort Them Out (1)

Can you each work out the number on your card? What do you notice? How could you sort the cards?

Unit Differences

This challenge is about finding the difference between numbers which have the same tens digit.

Number Balance

Can you hang weights in the right place to make the the number balance balanced?

This project challenges you to work out the number of cubes hidden under a cloth. What questions would you like to ask?

Domino Sorting

Try grouping the dominoes in the ways described. Are there any left over each time? Can you explain why?

What Was in the Box?

This big box adds something to any number that goes into it. If you know the numbers that come out, what addition might be going on in the box?

One Big Triangle

Make one big triangle so the numbers that touch on the small triangles add to 10.

Arranging Additions and Sorting Subtractions

Order these four calculations from easiest to hardest. How did you decide?

Pairs of Numbers

If you have ten counters numbered 1 to 10, how many can you put into pairs that add to 10? Which ones do you have to leave out? Why?

How Do You See It?

Here are some short problems for you to try. Talk to your friends about how you work them out.

What could the half time scores have been in these Olympic hockey matches?

Strike it Out

Use your addition and subtraction skills, combined with some strategic thinking, to beat your partner at this game.

Poly Plug Rectangles

The computer has made a rectangle and will tell you the number of spots it uses in total. Can you find out where the rectangle is?

Dicey Addition

Who said that adding couldn't be fun?

Sitting Round the Party Tables

Sweets are given out to party-goers in a particular way. Investigate the total number of sweets received by people sitting in different positions.

Doing and Undoing

An investigation looking at doing and undoing mathematical operations focusing on doubling, halving, adding and subtracting.

Cuisenaire Environment

An environment which simulates working with Cuisenaire rods.

Birthday Cakes

Jack's mum bought some candles to use on his birthday cakes and when his sister was born, she used them on her cakes too. Can you use the information to find out when Kate was born?

Find the Difference

Place the numbers 1 to 6 in the circles so that each number is the difference between the two numbers just below it.

Noah saw 12 legs walk by into the Ark. How many creatures did he see?

Heads and Feet

On a farm there were some hens and sheep. Altogether there were 8 heads and 22 feet. How many hens were there?

Jumping Squares

In this problem it is not the squares that jump, you do the jumping! The idea is to go round the track in as few jumps as possible.

Ladybirds in the Garden

In Sam and Jill's garden there are two sorts of ladybirds with 7 spots or 4 spots. What numbers of total spots can you make?

Eggs in Baskets

There are three baskets, a brown one, a red one and a pink one, holding a total of 10 eggs. How many eggs are in each basket?

Secret Number

Annie and Ben are playing a game with a calculator. What was Annie's secret number?

The Tall Tower

As you come down the ladders of the Tall Tower you collect useful spells. Which way should you go to collect the most spells?

Using the cards 2, 4, 6, 8, +, - and =, what number statements can you make?

Number Round Up

Arrange the numbers 1 to 6 in each set of circles below. The sum of each side of the triangle should equal the number in its centre.

The Brown Family

Use the information about Sally and her brother to find out how many children there are in the Brown family.

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Addition and Subraction

This collection of resources supports the teaching of Number and Place Value in primary mathematics. These activities are linked to the year groups containing the corresponding content in the National Curriculum. 

Here are some favourite activities selected by the NRICH team.

  • Two Dice (Y1) Find all the numbers that can be made by adding the dots on two dice.
  • Strike it Out (Y2) Use your addition and subtraction skills, combined with some strategic thinking, to beat your partner at this game.
  • Sealed Solution (Y4) Ten cards are put into five envelopes so that there are two cards in each envelope. The sum of the numbers inside it is written on each envelope. What numbers could be inside the envelopes?
  • Maze 100 (Y5 ) Can you go through this maze so that the numbers you pass add to exactly 100?

These are just a few of the activities on Addition and Subtraction that you can find on the  NRICH curriculum pages .

The activities below, taken from the STEM Learning website , complement the NRICH activities above.

Starting Number Skills

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Collins Educational

This is a great book to use across the mathematics curriculum to practise number skills. Aimed at children working between the old National Curriculum levels of one to three it provides 40 activities. Some examples are:

Sheets 7 and 8  practise number bonds to 10.

Sheet 11  practises addition and subtraction facts.

Sheet 13 looks at simple addition involving money and sheet 18 looks at solving money problems involving addition and subtraction.

There are a lot of good short activities which could be used in a whole class context or with smaller groups to supplement lessons.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Calculation Games for Students Aged 5-7

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Nelson Thornes

A selection of 19 games which may be laminated and used when required to practise many aspects of addition and subtraction.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: SMILE

Three resource packs contains work cards including games, activities and calculations based around simple counting, number bonds to ten, addition using money and adding two and three digit numbers. Some activities use base ten to support column addition, others practise addition through games and investigation. They start with simple addition and extend to more difficult tasks.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Calculation Activities for Students Aged 7-9

A collection of worksheets which can be used to reinforce calculation skills. They are useful for homework or as a reinforcement of key ideas. They may be laminated and used by children to practise calculation with many games on addition and subtraction. Use as a starter, activity with small groups, to extend or support or even for homework.

Numeracy: Reckonings - Lesson Starters and Enders

The activities in this pack are designed for use as lesson starters or plenaries, but some could also be extended into a longer activity. The activity on page 8 is a ready-made chain game which could be used with the whole class to practise mental addition and subtraction. Classes could set themselves a time limit in which to complete it and improve on this each time. Blank cards are provided for teachers to write in extra questions to help differentiate the activity. The cards are at the end of the file.

Go Further with Games

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Unwin Hyman Ltd

This older book provides a wealth of games which practise many aspects of mathematics.

Stopper (sheet 23) practises a dding several single-digit numbers.

Snowman (sheet 25) practises addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers.

Add and Match (sheet 32) practises a dding sets of three single-digit numbers, aiming to make equal totals.

Go further with Number Skills provides 40 more activity sheets which are a great addition to many lessons.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction


This resource contains one pack of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching and learning of subtraction.

The six work cards provide activities covering subtracting two digit numbers using physical apparatus, and using the column method.

Cambridge University Faculty of Mathematics

Or search by topic

Number and algebra

  • The Number System and Place Value
  • Calculations and Numerical Methods
  • Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion
  • Properties of Numbers
  • Patterns, Sequences and Structure
  • Algebraic expressions, equations and formulae
  • Coordinates, Functions and Graphs

Geometry and measure

  • Angles, Polygons, and Geometrical Proof
  • 3D Geometry, Shape and Space
  • Measuring and calculating with units
  • Transformations and constructions
  • Pythagoras and Trigonometry
  • Vectors and Matrices

Probability and statistics

  • Handling, Processing and Representing Data
  • Probability

Working mathematically

  • Thinking mathematically
  • Mathematical mindsets
  • Cross-curricular contexts
  • Physical and digital manipulatives

For younger learners

  • Early Years Foundation Stage

Advanced mathematics

  • Decision Mathematics and Combinatorics
  • Advanced Probability and Statistics

Resources tagged with: Addition and subtraction

There are 267 results.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Consecutive Negative Numbers

Do you notice anything about the solutions when you add and/or subtract consecutive negative numbers?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

First Connect Three

Add or subtract the two numbers on the spinners and try to complete a row of three. Are there some numbers that are good to aim for?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Connect Three

In this game the winner is the first to complete a row of three. Are some squares easier to land on than others?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Cunning Card Trick

Delight your friends with this cunning trick! Can you explain how it works?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

The Twelve Pointed Star Game

Have a go at this game which involves throwing two dice and adding their totals. Where should you place your counters to be more likely to win?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Diagonal Sums

In this 100 square, look at the green square which contains the numbers 2, 3, 12 and 13. What is the sum of the numbers that are diagonally opposite each other? What do you notice?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Number Differences

Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in the squares below so that the difference between joined squares is odd. How many different ways can you do this?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Carrying Cards

These sixteen children are standing in four lines of four, one behind the other. They are each holding a card with a number on it. Can you work out the missing numbers?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Consecutive Seven

Can you arrange these numbers into 7 subsets, each of three numbers, so that when the numbers in each are added together, they make seven consecutive numbers?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Finding Fifteen

Tim had nine cards each with a different number from 1 to 9 on it. How could he have put them into three piles so that the total in each pile was 15?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Number Pyramids

Try entering different sets of numbers in the number pyramids. How does the total at the top change?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

A Mixed-up Clock

There is a clock-face where the numbers have become all mixed up. Can you find out where all the numbers have got to from these ten statements?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Amazing Card Trick

How is it possible to predict the card?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

The Deca Tree

Find out what a Deca Tree is and then work out how many leaves there will be after the woodcutter has cut off a trunk, a branch, a twig and a leaf.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

A Square of Numbers

Can you put the numbers 1 to 8 into the circles so that the four calculations are correct?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Four bags contain a large number of 1s, 3s, 5s and 7s. Can you pick any ten numbers from the bags so that their total is 37?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Cinema Problem

A cinema has 100 seats. Show how it is possible to sell exactly 100 tickets and take exactly £100 if the prices are £10 for adults, 50p for pensioners and 10p for children.

1, 2, 3 Magic Square

Arrange three 1s, three 2s and three 3s in this square so that every row, column and diagonal adds to the same total.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

A game for two people, or play online. Given a target number, say 23, and a range of numbers to choose from, say 1-4, players take it in turns to add to the running total to hit their target.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

This is an adding game for two players. Can you be the first to reach the target?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Sealed Solution

Ten cards are put into five envelopes so that there are two cards in each envelope. The sum of the numbers inside it is written on each envelope. What numbers could be inside the envelopes?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Cubes Within Cubes

We start with one yellow cube and build around it to make a 3x3x3 cube with red cubes. Then we build around that red cube with blue cubes and so on. How many cubes of each colour have we used?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Two Primes Make One Square

Can you make square numbers by adding two prime numbers together?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Choose four different digits from 1-9 and put one in each box so that the resulting four two-digit numbers add to a total of 100.

One Wasn't Square

Mrs Morgan, the class's teacher, pinned numbers onto the backs of three children. Use the information to find out what the three numbers were.

Four Goodness Sake

Use 4 four times with simple operations so that you get the answer 12. Can you make 15, 16 and 17 too?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Super Shapes

The value of the circle changes in each of the following problems. Can you discover its value in each problem?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Twenty Divided Into Six

Katie had a pack of 20 cards numbered from 1 to 20. She arranged the cards into 6 unequal piles where each pile added to the same total. What was the total and how could this be done?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Amy's Dominoes

Amy has a box containing domino pieces but she does not think it is a complete set. Which of her domino pieces are missing?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Find at least one way to put in some operation signs to make these digits come to 100.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Abundant Numbers

48 is called an abundant number because it is less than the sum of its factors (without itself). Can you find some more abundant numbers?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Zios and Zepts

On the planet Vuv there are two sorts of creatures. The Zios have 3 legs and the Zepts have 7 legs. The great planetary explorer Nico counted 52 legs. How many Zios and how many Zepts were there?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Highest and Lowest

Put operations signs between the numbers 3 4 5 6 to make the highest possible number and lowest possible number.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Prison Cells

There are 78 prisoners in a square cell block of twelve cells. The clever prison warder arranged them so there were 25 along each wall of the prison block. How did he do it?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Number Daisy

Can you find six numbers to go in the Daisy from which you can make all the numbers from 1 to a number bigger than 25?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Two and Two

How many solutions can you find to this sum? Each of the different letters stands for a different number.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

In a square in which the houses are evenly spaced, numbers 3 and 10 are opposite each other. What is the smallest and what is the largest possible number of houses in the square?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Summing Consecutive Numbers

15 = 7 + 8 and 10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. Can you say which numbers can be expressed as the sum of two or more consecutive integers?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Have You Got It?

Can you explain the strategy for winning this game with any target?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

The Puzzling Sweet Shop

There were chews for 2p, mini eggs for 3p, Chocko bars for 5p and lollypops for 7p in the sweet shop. What could each of the children buy with their money?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Buying a Balloon

Lolla bought a balloon at the circus. She gave the clown six coins to pay for it. What could Lolla have paid for the balloon?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Use these four dominoes to make a square that has the same number of dots on each side.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Domino Square

Use the 'double-3 down' dominoes to make a square so that each side has eight dots.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Ben has five coins in his pocket. How much money might he have?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Can you go through this maze so that the numbers you pass add to exactly 100?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction


We can arrange dots in a similar way to the 5 on a dice and they usually sit quite well into a rectangular shape. How many altogether in this 3 by 5? What happens for other sizes?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Find a great variety of ways of asking questions which make 8.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Roll These Dice

Roll two red dice and a green dice. Add the two numbers on the red dice and take away the number on the green. What are all the different possible answers?

Three children are going to buy some plants for their birthdays. They will plant them within circular paths. How could they do this?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Consecutive Numbers

An investigation involving adding and subtracting sets of consecutive numbers. Lots to find out, lots to explore.

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NRICH - One Big Triangle

NRICH - One Big Triangle

Subject: Addition and subtraction

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Other


Last updated

22 February 2018

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National Curriculum Resource Tool

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Year 5 - Addition and Subtraction

New curriculum.

add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods (columnar addition and subtraction)
add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers
use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, levels of accuracy
  • solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.

Non-Statutory Guidance

Pupils practice using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction with increasingly large numbers to aid fluency (see Appendix 1) .

They practice mental calculations with increasingly large numbers to aid fluency

(e.g. 12 462 – 2 300 = 10 162).

Links and Resources

  • Making connections
  • Exemplification

Connections within Mathematics

Making connections to this topic in adjacent year groups.

  • Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate
  • Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation
  • Solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why
  • use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a 
problem, levels of accuracy

Cross-curricular and real life connections

Learners will encounter addition and subtraction when focusing on:

Money – when required to add prices, calculate change, add surcharges or interest, or subtract discounts;

Measurement – when required to add lengths, calculate remaining distance in a journey, find how much more/less liquid is needed, add quantities when cooking, calculate perimeters of regular and irregular shapes, work out time differences e.g. how many days until Christmas, how many minutes until break time etc.;

Statistics – comparing and combining sets of data, interpreting data.

Learners will encounter addition and subtraction in:

Science – when adding and subtracting test measurements;

History – when comparing historical data from different periods, calculating the duration of monarchs' reign;

Geography – when comparing populations, temperatures and other data for contrasting regions around the world.

  • Mental Calculation Strategies for Addition and Subtraction (pdf).

Ian Thompson explores the strategies used by children when calculating mentally and concludes that some are particularly important for later work.

Thompson, I. (1999). Mental Calculation Strategies for Addition and Subtraction. Mathematics in School. 28 (5), 1-4. Last accessed 2nd September 2013.

  • Why does Subtraction Seem Difficult to Teach or Learn.

A brief exploration of some of the reasons for difficulties with subtraction and the connections which need to be made for a fuller understanding.

Devon Primary Maths Team. Why does Subtraction seem Difficult to Teach or Learn. Last accessed 20th August 2013.

  • Calculation Strategies used by Year 5 Children (pdf).

A study of the calculation strategies used by Year 5 children in practice, which argues that children need mental strategies as well as written algorithms.

Borthwick, A. and Harcourt-Heath, M.. (2007). Calculation Strategies Used by Year 5 Children. Proceedings of the British Society for Learning Mathematics. 27 (1), 12-17. Last accessed 2nd September 2013.

Programme of Study statements Activities
Add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods (columnar addition and subtraction)        
Add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers        
Use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, levels of accuracy      
Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why        

Activity A – Two and Two

Challenging activity which requires finding the numbers which each letter stands for in an alphanumeric question

Activity B- Reach 100

A challenging activity from Nrich requiring the children to place digits in a 2x2 grid so that the four 2-digit numbers made, total 100. Can they extend it to a 3x3 grid? What might their total be? What about a 4x4 grid? Can their reach a total that is a multiple of 1000?

Activity C- Rounding Spreadsheets

‘Rounding’ and ‘Rounding Decimals’ are two spreadsheets from this wider set, produced by the National Strategies, and now hosted in the STEM Centre E-library. They allow a number of a given size to be generated and a level or accuract for the number to be rounded to. The rounded number can then be revealed. Teachers’ notes are also included.

Activity D- Ordering the Problems

Children could be provided with a variety of one and two-step problems. They can be asked to estimate the answers to each, then order the problems according to their estimates.

Activity E-CIMT Problems (pdf)

Pages 70 – 75 of this workbook contain a variety of multi-step problems

Write the Problems

Children could be given written calculations such as 23 456 + 46 019. They could be asked to write an imaginative problem that would require this calculation. Can they extend their problem to make it a multi-step problem?

As a variation of this, give children a selection of cards. Some should contain word problems and others should contain the corresponding calculations. Children should match the problems to the appropriate calculation.

Other problem solving opportunities

Wherever possible, try to link problems to cross-curricular topics, so that children get used to solving problems with a real-life context.

Display a ‘problem of the week’ in the classroom, with an opportunity for pupils to respond, perhaps by posting their answer into a box or container.

Examples of what children should be able to do, in relation to each (boxed) Programme of Study statement

Children should be able to use standard written methods for addition and subtraction,

e.g. calculate 14 136 + 3258 + 487 or 23 185 – 2078

Use written methods to find missing numbers in addition and subtraction calculations,

e.g. 6432 + □ = 8025

Use written methods to add and subtract numbers with different numbers of digits,

e.g. Find all the different totals that can be made using any three of these five numbers: 14 721, 76, 9534, 788, 6

Children should be able to respond rapidly to oral or written questions, explaining the strategy used,

e.g. 750 take away 255, take 400 from 1360, 4500 minus 1050, subtract 3250 from 7600, 1800 less than 3300, 4000 less than 11 580

Derive quickly related facts,

e.g. 80 + 50 = 130, 130 – 50 = 80, 800 + 500 = 1300, 1300 – 800 = 500

Derive quickly number pairs that total 100 or pairs of multiples of 50 that total 1000,

e.g. 32 + 68 = 100 or 150 + 850 = 1000

Identify and use near doubles,

e.g. work out 28 + 26 = 54 by doubling 30 and subtracting first 2, then 4, or by doubling 26 and adding 2

Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10, 100 or 1000 and adjust,

e.g. adding or subtracting 9, 19, 29 ... to/from any two-digit number

Work out mentally by counting up from a smaller to a larger number e.g. 8000 – 2785 is 5 + 10 + 200 + 5000 = 5215

Understand and use language associated with addition and subtraction, e.g. difference, sum, total

Children should be able to use rounding to approximate and check e.g. 2593 + 6278 must be more than 2500 + 6200, 2403 – 1998 is about 2400 – 2000

Write approximate answers to calculations, e.g. write an approximate answer for 516 ÷ (15 + 36)

solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why

Children should be able to choose the appropriate operations to solve multi-step problems, decide whether the calculations can be done mentally or using a written method and explain and record how the problem was solved using numbers, signs and symbols.

e.g. 13 502 people were at the match last week and there are 2483 more this week, how many more people need to attend to bring the total to the club’s target of 20 000 people?

Identify and obtain the necessary information to solve the problem and determine if there is any important information missing,

e.g. calculating total cost of a holiday for a family, given prices for adults and children and surcharges for particular resorts.

A suite of videos looking at elements of progression in subtraction in KS2, with a particular focus on the vertical written method.

  • Basic column addition explained.
  • Examples of column subtraction of numbers with up to 4 digits.
  • Problem solving language – a lesson exploring how the language used in problems is related to the operations needed to solve them.

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Resources tagged with: Dice

There are 28 results.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Six Ten Total

This challenge combines addition, multiplication, perseverance and even proof.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Round the Dice Decimals 1

Use two dice to generate two numbers with one decimal place. What happens when you round these numbers to the nearest whole number?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Round the Dice Decimals 2

What happens when you round these numbers to the nearest whole number?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Round the Four Dice

This activity involves rounding four-digit numbers to the nearest thousand.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

The Dice Train

This dice train has been made using specific rules. How many different trains can you make?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Dice in a Corner

How could you arrange at least two dice in a stack so that the total of the visible spots is 18?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Non-transitive Dice

Alison and Charlie are playing a game. Charlie wants to go first so Alison lets him. Was that such a good idea?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Investigate the sum of the numbers on the top and bottom faces of a line of three dice. What do you notice?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Tug Harder!

In this game, you can add, subtract, multiply or divide the numbers on the dice. Which will you do so that you get to the end of the number line first?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

First Connect Three

Add or subtract the two numbers on the spinners and try to complete a row of three. Are there some numbers that are good to aim for?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Odds or Sixes?

Play this dice game yourself. How could you make it fair?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

The Twelve Pointed Star Game

Have a go at this game which involves throwing two dice and adding their totals. Where should you place your counters to be more likely to win?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Roll These Dice

Roll two red dice and a green dice. Add the two numbers on the red dice and take away the number on the green. What are all the different possible answers?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Roll over the Dice

Watch this video to see how to roll the dice. Now it's your turn! What do you notice about the dice numbers you have recorded?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Dice Stairs

Can you make dice stairs using the rules stated? How do you know you have all the possible stairs?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Troublesome Dice

When dice land edge-up, we usually roll again. But what if we didn't...?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

KS2 Teacher Playing with Dice Collection

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Dice, Routes and Pathways

This article for teachers discusses examples of problems in which there is no obvious method but in which children can be encouraged to think deeply about the context and extend their ability to think mathematically, especially geometrically.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Right or Left?

Which of these dice are right-handed and which are left-handed?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Tricky Track

In this game you throw two dice and find their total, then move the appropriate counter to the right. Which counter reaches the purple box first?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Game of PIG - Sixes

Can you beat Piggy in this simple dice game? Can you figure out Piggy's strategy, and is there a better one?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Asteroid Blast

A game for 2 people. Use your skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to blast the asteroids.

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Scoring with Dice

I throw three dice and get 5, 3 and 2. Add the scores on the three dice. What do you get? Now multiply the scores. What do you notice?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

A Bit of a Dicey Problem

When you throw two regular, six-faced dice you have more chance of getting one particular result than any other. What result would that be? Why is this?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Three dice are placed in a row. Find a way to turn each one so that the three numbers on top of the dice total the same as the three numbers on the front of the dice. Can you find all the ways to do this?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Dicing with Numbers

In how many ways can you arrange three dice side by side on a surface so that the sum of the numbers on each of the four faces (top, bottom, front and back) is equal?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

How Many Dice?

A standard die has the numbers 1, 2 and 3 are opposite 6, 5 and 4 respectively so that opposite faces add to 7? If you make standard dice by writing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on blank cubes you will find there are 2 and only 2 different standard dice. Can you prove this ?

nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

Taking a Die for a Walk

Investigate the numbers that come up on a die as you roll it in the direction of north, south, east and west, without going over the path it's already made.


  1. Nrich Place Value Problem Solving Ks2

    nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

  2. Nrich Problem Solving

    nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

  3. Problem solving using addition and subtraction

    nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

  4. Nrich Problem Solving

    nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

  5. solving word problem involving addition and subtraction

    nrich problem solving addition and subtraction

  6. NRICH Problem-Solving Activities for Students Aged 14-16

    nrich problem solving addition and subtraction


  1. Rock N Learn Addition & Subtraction Rock (Adding Up sums to 10)


  3. A Collection of Maths Problem Solving Questions:#328 (Percentages

  4. Addition with carrying/ Addition Properties #exam #maths #class1to5 #education #cbseboard #hbse_exam

  5. Using bar models for Problem solving

  6. Solving Addition Equations Using Subtraction


  1. Addition and Subtraction KS2

    Use your addition and subtraction skills, combined with some strategic thinking, to beat your partner at this game.

  2. Addition and Subtraction

    Addition and Subtraction. These activities are part of our Primary collections, which are problems grouped by topic. Addition and Subtraction. Age 5 to 7. These lower primary tasks all involve addition, subtraction or both.

  3. Addition and Subtraction KS1

    The lower primary tasks in this collection all focus on adding and subtracting.

  4. Addition and Subtraction

    Age 5 to 11. Challenge Level. Use your addition and subtraction skills, combined with some strategic thinking, to beat your partner at this game.

  5. Resources tagged with: Addition and subtraction

    We have found 80 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Addition and subtraction, you may find related items under Calculations and numerical methods

  6. Resources tagged with: Addition and subtraction

    Same Answer Aisha's division and subtraction calculations both gave the same answer! Can you find some more examples? Age 11 to 14 Challenge Level Problem Secondary curriculum

  7. NRICH topics: Calculations and numerical methods Addition and subtraction

    We have found 225 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Addition and subtraction, you may find related items under Calculations and numerical methods

  8. NRICH topics: Place value and the number system Positive and negative

    Adding and Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers How can we help students make sense of addition and subtraction of negative numbers?

  9. NRICH topics: Thinking mathematically Reasoning, convincing and proving

    Strike it Out Use your addition and subtraction skills, combined with some strategic thinking, to beat your partner at this game.

  10. Years 5 & 6: Addition and subtraction

    Year 5: Add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including formal written methods, add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers, use rounding to check answers and determine levels of accuracy, solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts.

  11. Resources tagged with: Addition and subtraction

    There are 336 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Addition and subtraction, you may find related items under Calculations and numerical methods. Broad Topics > Calculations and numerical methods > Addition and subtraction. Problem Primary curriculum.

  12. PDF Part 3: Flexible strategies with three-digit numbers

    Flexible additive strategies involve students using what they know (such as known facts, properties, part-part-whole knowledge), using landmark numbers (like multiples of 10 and 5) and using partitioning to solve problems. Students understanding about how numbers and operations work is a critical part of developing deep, meaningful mathematical skills, understanding and confidence.

  13. Addition and Subraction

    Here are some favourite activities selected by the NRICH team. Two Dice (Y1) Find all the numbers that can be made by adding the dots on two dice. Strike it Out (Y2) Use your addition and subtraction skills, combined with some strategic thinking, to beat your partner at this game. Sealed Solution (Y4) Ten cards are put into five envelopes so ...

  14. NRICH topics: Calculations and Numerical Methods Addition & subtraction

    How can we help students make sense of addition and subtraction of negative numbers?

  15. PDF Mapping NRICH Aust Curriculum Number

    Mapping to the Australian Curriculum - Number and Algebra. Many Australian teachers access the problems, games and investigations from the website www.nrich.maths.org to use with their students either as launch activities or as longer investigations during mathematics lessons. This resource maps the NRICH tasks to the Australian Curriculum ...

  16. National Curriculum Resource Tool

    New Curriculum add and subtract numbers mentally, including: add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction.

  17. PDF Number: Addition and Subtraction

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 solve one -step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = - 9 solve problems with addition and subtraction: * using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers ...

  18. Problem Solving

    Problem Solving This feature is somewhat larger than our usual features, but that is because it is packed with resources to help you develop a problem-solving approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics. Read Lynne's article which discusses the place of problem solving in the new curriculum and sets the scene. In the second article, Jennie offers you practical ways to investigate ...

  19. NRICH

    NRICH - One Big Triangle Subject: Addition and subtraction Age range: 5-7 Resource type: Other File previews png, 15.5 KB html, 688 Bytes Addition, Number Bonds Key Stage: 1 ★ Can you place the small triangles in the large triangle so that the numbers that touch add up to 10.

  20. National Curriculum Resource Tool

    New Curriculum. add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods (columnar addition and subtraction) add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers. use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, levels of accuracy.

  21. addition and subtraction problem solving nrich

    The answer to a subtraction problem is called the difference. The value being subtracted is called the subtrahend, and the value from which the subtrahend is being subtracted is called the minuend.... BODMAS is a helpful acronym meaning brackets, order, division, multiplication, addition and subtraction, ensuring that equation steps are completed in the right order.

  22. NRICH topics: Physical and digital manipulatives Dice

    The NRICH Project aims to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners. To support this aim, members of the NRICH team work in a wide range of capacities, including providing professional development for teachers wishing to embed rich mathematical tasks into everyday classroom practice.