Financial Development, Integration and Access to Finance in Africa

--> Essien, Grace Etim (2017) Financial Development, Integration and Access to Finance in Africa. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

This thesis is made up of three empirical studies that fall under the general classification of international and financial economics, particularly the study focuses on the financial system of selected African countries. The first empirical study presented in Chapter 2 examines the role of financial development in improving the effect of FDI on the economic growth of some African countries. Investigations were conducted to pinpoint which financial structure could provide the best improvement by applying the bank-based vs. market-based debate. Results from the regression analysis conducted show that the effect of FDI on economic growth becomes significant only when financial development measures were factored in. Analysis of results indicate that development of the overall financial system of African countries would be more beneficial in comparison to developing either the banks or financial markets alone. Chapter 3 empirically measures the level of financial integration in Africa’s Regional Economic Communities (RECs) using beta and sigma convergence to measure the speed and degree of financial integration in four RECs. These chapter also theoretically examines how regional financial integration contributes to financial development and economic growth in Africa. Analysis of the results show that Africa’s RECs are integrating at a relatively slow and diverse rate. Therefore, policy makers in Africa would need to focus on reform strategies that would strengthen financial integration in their regions. A fully financially integrated system would contribute immensely to financial development and promote sustainable economic growth. The fourth chapter investigates the effect of access to finance on firms’ productivity. Using cross-sectional firm-level data to estimate the effect of access to finance on labor productivity, total factor productivity (TFP), and the stochastic frontier trans-log model. This study estimates an instrumental variable (GMM) model to address potential endogeneity bias between access to credit and firms’ productivity. The results obtained show that the lack of access to finance negatively affects the productivity of firms in Africa. This study suggests that the development of a balanced financial system should be of topmost priority to policy makers. This ensures that more finance is channelled towards those firms whose productivity depends heavily on the availability of finance irrespective of their characteristics. This would result in firms increasing their investments in productivity-enhancing activities, which would benefit long-term economic growth.

Supervisors: Chaudhuri, Kausik and Sawyer, Malcolm
Keywords: Financial development, Foreign Direct Investment, Financial Integration, Financial constraint.
Awarding institution: University of Leeds
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Depositing User: Miss Grace Etim Essien
Date Deposited: 09 Mar 2017 10:34
Last Modified: 11 Apr 2020 09:53

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Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports

Three essays on financial and trade integration.

Elena Bondarenko , West Virginia University

Date of Graduation

Document type.


Degree Type

Chambers College of Business and Economics

Committee Chair

Shuichiro Nishioka

Committee Co-Chair

Ronald Balvers

Committee Member

Arabinda Basistha

Stratford Douglas

Alexander Kurov

This dissertation consists of three essays on financial and trade integration. Financial and trade integration are the processes though which a country's financial and commodities markets become more integrated with those in other countries. The first essay addresses the determinants of financial integration, the second essay examines the contribution of financial and trade integration to the convergence in marginal products of capital, the third essay accesses the effect of international trade in physical capital on economic growth.;The first essay addresses the empirical question of whether international financial flows are responsive to capital account restrictions or liberalization policies. The effect of capital controls on financial flows differs across countries and types of financial flows (FDI, portfolio equity, and debt). Capital controls are found to be effective for all types of international capital flows in developed countries. However, short-term volatile flows are not responsive to capital controls in developing countries. Capital controls can be an effective policy tool in developed countries with liberalized international trade and adequate reserves. Policies in developing countries should facilitate FDI flows and restrict non-productive short-term equity or debt flows in order to maintain macroeconomic stability and lower the probability of a crisis.;The second essay examines the determinants of convergence in the marginal product of capital. The essays derives an empirical model from Solow's growth model and augment it to include global factors of financial flows and capital embodied in commodity trade. The marginal products of capital converges, however, this convergence is conditional upon country- specific variables such as reproducible capital share. Saving rates, foreign direct investment, and international trade are essential determinants of this conditional convergence. There is no evidence that debt financial flows reduce the global difference in the marginal product of capital. International trade also contributes to this convergence by equalizing international prices of investment and consumption goods.;The final essay estimates the effects of inflows of foreign physical capital on the output per capita growth. The essay uses an open economy extension of a neoclassical growth model to include the share of foreign physical capital in domestic investment. Inflows of machinery and capital equipment reinforce a positive growth in output per worker. Non-industrial (non-OECD) countries that rely on foreign high-quality capital grow faster. The findings suggest that policies should facilitate trade liberalization in developing countries and strengthen the domestic ability to absorb technological benefits from abroad.

Recommended Citation

Bondarenko, Elena, "Three Essays on Financial and Trade Integration" (2012). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports . 150.

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Financial inclusion, institutional quality and financial development: empirical evidence from oic countries.


School of Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, P. R. China

E-mail Address: [email protected]

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School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, P. R. China

School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P. R. China

Corresponding author.

This unique study examines the moderation effect of institutional quality (IQ) on the relationship between financial inclusion (FI) and financial development (FD) of 45 Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries. For empirical analysis, panel data are used for the period 2000–2016. We use the Arellano–Bond generalized method of moments (GMM) and two-stage least-squares (2SLS) method in our estimations to draw multidimensional results. The empirical results confirm the significant positive relationship between FI, IQ and FD. Interestingly, we find that IQ moderates FI and has a significant positive impact on FD. Our findings are robust to alternative econometric specifications of FI, IQ and FD. Therefore, policymakers must sensibly understand the pivotal role of FI and IQ in establishing sustainable future development of OIC countries.

  • Financial inclusion
  • institutional quality
  • financial development
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  • Financial Development, R&D and Knowledge Production: Empirical Evidence from China Abdul Jalil, Abdul Rauf and Li Han 22 December 2023 | Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Vol. 10
  • Nexus between financial inclusion, workers’ remittances, and unemployment rate in Asian economies Wen Wu, Leow Hon-Wei, Siyao Yang, Iskandar Muda and Zhaoyi Xu 12 October 2023 | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Vol. 10, No. 1
  • Financial inclusion: a catalyst for financial system development in emerging and frontier markets Josephine Ofosu-Mensah Ababio, Eric B. Yiadom, Emmanuel Sarpong-Kumankoma and Isaac Boadi 27 September 2023 | Journal of Financial Economic Policy, Vol. 15, No. 6
  • Regulatory policy uncertainty, banking industry innovations and financial development among emerging markets Rexford Abaidoo and Elvis Kwame Agyapong 3 October 2023 | Journal of Financial Economic Policy, Vol. 15, No. 6
  • The trilogy between CEO overpower, green credit, and core competence: Evidence from commercial banks in Vietnam Khoa Dang Duong, Phuc Huu Truong, Diep Van Nguyen and Ai Ngoc Nhan Le 1 Oct 2023 | Heliyon, Vol. 9, No. 10
  • The impact of fiscal decentralization on economic growth: A comparative analysis of selected African and OECD countries Melat Sima, Peng Liang and Zhou Qingjie 1 Sep 2023 | Heliyon, Vol. 9, No. 9
  • Nonlinear relationship between financial inclusion and inclusive economic development in developed economies: evidence from panel smooth transition regression model Sehrish Timer and Syed Ali Raza 18 October 2022 | International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 50, No. 8
  • Testing the resource curse hypothesis: The dynamic roles of institutional quality, inflation and growth for Dragon ShiYong Zheng, Hua Liu, Muhammad Hafeez, Xiaofeng Wang and Shah Fahad et al. 1 Aug 2023 | Resources Policy, Vol. 85
  • Does foreign aid procurement in resource-rich countries depend on these countries’ financial development and institutional quality? Evidence from PVECM and quantile-on-quantile regression Rudra P. Pradhan, Sara E. Bennett, Mahendhiran S. Nair and Mak B. Arvin 1 Aug 2023 | Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol. 88
  • Institutional quality, financial development and sustainable economic growth among lower income countries Rudra P. Pradhan, Mahendhiran S. Nair, Mak B. Arvin and John H. Hall 15 May 2023 | Natural Resources Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3
  • Corporate governance and financial inclusion Peterson K. Ozili 25 May 2023 | Journal of Money and Business, Vol. 3, No. 1
  • Governance, regulatory quality and financial institutions: emerging economies perspective Rexford Abaidoo and Elvis Kwame Agyapong 19 June 2023 | Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Vol. 24
  • Financial Instability and CO 2 Emissions in India: Evidence from ARDL Bound Testing Approach Muhammad Qayyum, Yuyuan Yu, Mir Muhammad Nizamani, Saqlain Raza and Minhaj Ali et al. 1 February 2022 | Energy & Environment, Vol. 34, No. 4
  • Sustaining Performance of Wheat–Rice Farms in Pakistan: The Effects of Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Ali Raza, Guangji Tong, Vasilii Erokhin, Alexey Bobryshev and Lyubov Chaykovskaya et al. 23 April 2023 | Sustainability, Vol. 15, No. 9
  • Does financial inclusion control corruption in upper-middle and lower-middle income countries? Rajesh Barik and Sanjaya Kumar Lenka 2 December 2022 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 7, No. 1
  • The role of institutional quality in assessing the environmental externality of financial inclusion: A DCCE approach Nazia Latif, Noreen Safdar, Malka Liaquat, Kanwal Younas and Nadia Nazeer et al. 24 January 2023 | Frontiers in Environmental Science, Vol. 11
  • Analyzing the dynamic relationship between financial development, financial inclusion, and institutional quality in developing countries Orhan Cengiz and Muge Manga 1 Jan 2023
  • Financial inclusion in developing countries: Do quality institutions matter? Veton Zeqiraj, Kazi Sohag and Shawkat Hammoudeh 1 Nov 2022 | Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol. 81
  • How Do Institutional Quality, Natural Resources, Renewable Energy, and Financial Development Reduce Ecological Footprint without Hindering Economic Growth Trajectory? Evidence from China Muhammad Sohail Amjad Makhdum, Muhammad Usman, Rakhshanda Kousar, Javier Cifuentes-Faura and Magdalena Radulescu et al. 26 October 2022 | Sustainability, Vol. 14, No. 21
  • Effects of Financial Inclusion on Economic Growth, Poverty, Sustainability, and Financial Efficiency: Evidence from the G20 Countries Nasir Khan, Mahwish Zafar, Abiodun Funso Okunlola, Zeman Zoltan and Magda Robert 6 October 2022 | Sustainability, Vol. 14, No. 19
  • A symmetric and asymmetric nexus between environmental sustainability and tourism development in BRIC nations: What is the role of good governance and globalization? Changchun Guan and Md Qamruzzaman 19 September 2022 | Frontiers in Environmental Science, Vol. 10
  • Nexus between government debt, economic policy uncertainty, government spending, and governmental effectiveness in BRIC nations: Evidence for linear and nonlinear assessments Ru Ma and Md Qamruzzaman 19 August 2022 | Frontiers in Environmental Science, Vol. 10
  • Do Income Inequality and Institutional Quality affect CO2 Emissions in Developing Economies? Bo Yang, Minhaj Ali, Shujahat Haider Hashmi and Atif Jahanger 28 January 2022 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 29, No. 28


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Published: 9 January 2021

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Finance Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Do Industries' Political Profiles Affect Their Portfolio Return Performance? , Shaddy S. Douidar

Do Firms Overreact to the Enactment of Corporate Laws: Evidence from Anti-Price Gouging Laws , Mario Marshall

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Essays on CEO Personal Characteristics and Corporate Outcomes: Athlete CEOs and Foreign CEOs , Kirill Pervun

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Predictors of Economic Outlook in Stability Operations , Juan Carlos Garcia

The Warren Buffett Project: A Qualitative Study on Warren Buffett , Christian G. Koch

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Closing America’s Retirement Savings Gap: Nudging Small Business Owners to Adopt Workplace Retirement Plans , Peter W. Kirtland

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Growth Options and Corporate Goodness , Linh Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Essays on the Tax Policy and Insider Trading , Han Shi

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Two Essays on Lottery-type Stocks , Yun Meng

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Two Essays on IPOs and Asset Prices , Gaole Chen

Essays on the impact of CEO gender on corporate policies and outcomes , Nilesh Sah

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Essays on Corporate Finance , Hari Prasad Adhikari

Two Essays on Individuals, Information, and Asset Prices , Joseph Mohr

Two Essays on Investment , Bin Wang

Two Essays on Corporate Finance , Qiancheng Zheng

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Two Essays on Mergers and Acquisitions , Dongnyoung Kim

Two Essays on Politics and Finance , Incheol Kim

Two Essays on Stock Repurchases-The Post Repurchase Announcement Drift: An Anomaly in Disguise? and Intra Industry Effects of IPOs on Stock Repurchase Decisions , Thanh Thiet Nguyen

Two Essays on Investor Distraction , Erdem Ucar

Two Essays on Politics in Corporate Finance , Xiaojing Yuan

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

On The Efficiency of US Equity Markets , Mikael Carl Erik Bergbrant

Two Essays on the Sell-side Financial Analysts , Xi Liu

Two essays on Corporate Restructuring , Dung Anh Pham

Two Essays on Corporate Governance , Yuwei Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Capital Structure, Credit Ratings, and Sarbanes-Oxley , Kelly E. Carter

Institutional Investors and Corporate Financial Policies , Ricky William Scott

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  1. (PDF) Financial Integration and Economic Growth: Theory and a Survey of

    phd thesis financial integration

  2. (PDF) Financial Integration and Entrepreneurial Activity: Evidence from

    phd thesis financial integration


    phd thesis financial integration

  4. Thesis Statements and Quote Integration

    phd thesis financial integration

  5. Flow of financial integration, inclusion, development and economic

    phd thesis financial integration

  6. Phd thesis on financial management

    phd thesis financial integration


  1. PDF Financial Development, Integration and Access to Finance in Africa

    financial development measures were factored in. Analysis of results indicate that development of the overall financial system of African countries would be more beneficial in comparison to developing either the banks or financial markets alone. Chapter 3 empirically measures the level of financial integration in Africa's Regional

  2. PDF The Depth of Financial Integration and Its Effects on Financial ...

    THE DEPTH OF FINANCIAL INTEGRATION AND ITS EFFECTS ON FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE SACU COUNTRIES A thesis submitted in accordance with the requirements of PhD degree in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, Department of Economics at the University of the Free State by MESHACH JESSE AZIAKPONO May 2008

  3. Essays on financial integration

    Financial integration has progressively increased over the past decade. Following the global financial crisis and the turmoil that ensued, external financing conditions changed. ... Thesis (PhD) Qualification Level: Doctoral: Keywords: Capital flows, financial development, global financial crisis, unconventional monetary policy, international ...

  4. PDF Impact of Financial Inclusion and Liberalization on ASEAN Economic

    from greater access to markets. Financial inclusion promotes financial integration through financial stability as the later would enhance the resilience of financial system. Chapter 4 identifies the key trends and examines the determinants of financial inclusion in ASEAN countries. The Global Findex dataset is employed to examine the

  5. PDF The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Poverty in Low-and Middle-Income

    %PDF-1.4 %öäüß 1 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Version /1.4 /Pages 2 0 R >> endobj 3 0 obj /Author (Schubert, D.) /Title (The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Poverty in Low-and Middle-Income Countries.) /Subject (The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of financial inclusion on poverty in lowand middle-income countries.\r\nIt contributes to the existing literature by 1\) developing ...

  6. PDF University of Groningen Essays on Financial Development and Financial

    and Financial Inclusion PhD thesis to obtain the degree of PhD at the University of Groningen on the authority of the Rector Magnificus Prof. C. Wijmenga and in accordance with the decision by the College of Deans. This thesis will be defended in public on Monday 8 November 2021 at 14.30 hours by Yiqing Peng born on 16 July 1989 in Shanghai, China

  7. Financial Inclusion, Financial Development, and Economic ...

    the Nigerian financial market has been the accelerating pace of financial integration. This development, fostered by deregulation and advances in telecommunications, has boosted investment and financial opportunities for businesses and individuals around the country. y = -0.0067x + 0.9788 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

  8. Three Essays on Financial and Trade Integration

    Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports 2012 Three Essays on Financial and Trade Integration Elena Bondarenko West Virginia University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bondarenko, Elena, "Three Essays on Financial and Trade Integration" (2012). Graduate Theses,

  9. Financial integration, bank performance and economic growth in Africa

    Understanding the effects of deeper financial integration on the conduct and performance of banks and economic growth therefore forms the central theme of this thesis. The study employs several panel data estimation methods to test these hypotheses using data from 405 banks across 47 African countries over the period 2007-2014 and compares the ...

  10. PDF Regional Financial Integration and Economic Activity in Africa

    markets, and the effect of financial integration on economic activity. First, using time-varying parameters from a state-space model, we assess the degree and timing of financial integration in Africa and find results that indicate contemporary patterns toward increasing financial globalisation relative to regionalization.

  11. Regional financial integration, financial development and industrial

    currently a PhD, Economics student at Babcock University, Ogun State. Leonardo Chaves Borges Cardoso is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural ... sector, regional financial integration, institutional quality does not have significant effect on industrial output in ECOWAS. Also, another null hypothesis tested is that ...

  12. Financial Development, Integration and Access to Finance in Africa

    This thesis is made up of three empirical studies that fall under the general classification of international and financial economics, particularly the study focuses on the financial system of selected African countries. The first empirical study presented in Chapter 2 examines the role of financial development in improving the effect of FDI on the economic growth of some African countries.

  13. PDF Ph.D. THESIS

    Ph.D. THESIS . The role of economic integration on the growth of the Tajik economy . Bilbao, Spain, 2020 (c)2021 MUBINZHON ABDUVALIEV. 2 . 3 . Acknowledgements . Undertaking this PhD has been a truly life-changing experience for me and I consider this thesis not only the main achievement of my academic trajectory, but also the greatest victory ...

  14. PDF Financial Innovation and Its Implications in The

    2.3. Premises of the European financial integration 2.3.1. Impact of the internationalisation process on the European financial markets 2.3.2. Euro and the European directives in the financial sector - catalytic factors of the financial integration process 2.4. Challenges of the mission for the integration of the European financial markets 2.5.

  15. Three Essays on Financial and Trade Integration

    This dissertation consists of three essays on financial and trade integration. Financial and trade integration are the processes though which a country's financial and commodities markets become more integrated with those in other countries. The first essay addresses the determinants of financial integration, the second essay examines the contribution of financial and trade integration to the ...

  16. PDF The Evolution of FinTech in Emerging Markets:

    FinTech is disrupting various areas of financial services and redefining how the market is served. Remittance services are also being transformed by FinTech solutions that are faster and cheaper. Remittance payments are significant for emerging markets economies. This thesis explores the remittances sector in emerging markets

  17. PDF A thesis submitted in fulfilment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

    prioritised financial aspects in others aspects as remuneration, promotion and appraisal, employee sustainability engagement and investor dialogue regarding sustainability. The results also show that there are great discrepancies in the levels of sustainability embeddedness coverage between integrated reporters.

  18. PDF Finance: Selected Doctoral Theses

    ts a theoretical model of an ETF. Conventional wisdom warns that exchange-traded funds (ETFs) harm stock price discovery, either by ``stealing'' single-stock liquidity o. forcing stock prices to co-move. Contra this belief, I develop a theoretical model that investors with stock-specific information.

  19. PDF Peng, Hao (2020) Shadow banking and corporate finance. PhD thesis

    during my whole PhD life. My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my life-coach, my supervisor, my mentor as well as my friend, Prof. Frank Hong Liu, who gave me the chance to pursue my dreaming PhD at University of Glasgow; who gave me his unfailing support and guidance throughout each stage of my PhD life; who


    integration, or RMI for short in this paper. The study took into account both financial institutions (FI) and non-financial institutions (NFI) when comparing the parameters relevant to the scope of the RMI. ... This dissertation work realised its success because of the unmatched help from the following ... 2.5.1 Integration of Risk management ...

  21. Browsing LAW PhD Theses by Subject "International trade"

    Title: Financial regulation and economic integration : central counterparties in WTO, economic integration agreements, and EU competition law  Author(s): PAPACONSTANTINOU, George A. Date: 2020 Citation: Florence : European University Institute, 2020 Type: Thesis Series/Number: EUI; LAW; PhD Thesis Abstract: This thesis investigates the interplay between financial regulation and economic ...

  22. Financial Inclusion, Institutional Quality and Financial Development

    Mimir, Y [2016] On international consumption risk sharing, financial integration and financial development. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 52(5), 1241-1258. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar; Minea, A and P Villieu [2010] Financial development, institutional quality and maximizing-growth trade-off in government finance.

  23. PDF Finance: Selected Doctoral Theses

    they become publicly available. Chapter 3 proposes a methodology to recover countries' stochastic discount factors (SDFs) from exchange rates under three assumptions: 1) the Euler equation holds internationally; 2) there is a factor structure among exchange rates; 3) there does not exist a special global risk factor which has ide.

  24. PDF Finance: Selected Doctoral Theses

    COMMITTEE: ton, Daniel Greenwald ABSTRACT:This dissertation consists of three essays on financial economics, specifically focusing on the role of government banks in the aggregate economy and in the role of capital. tilization to determine leverage. The first essay shows the empirical relevance of state-owned banks nowadays and their.

  25. Finance Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2014. PDF. Essays on Corporate Finance, Hari Prasad Adhikari. PDF. Two Essays on Individuals, Information, and Asset Prices, Joseph Mohr. PDF. Two Essays on Investment, Bin Wang. PDF. Two Essays on Corporate Finance, Qiancheng Zheng.

  26. PDF Microsoft Word

    4.1 Descriptive statistics. GDP has a mean of 5720000, a coefficient skewness of -0.10908, and a standard deviation of 1160000, indicating that it is more responsive to influences than trade openness, which has a much lower standard deviation. The mean trade openness is 28.93, with a standard deviation of.