scheme of work for primary 4 civic education second term

Primary 4 Civic Education Scheme of Work

Download the Unified Basic 4 Scheme of Work for Civic Education  to serve as a guide for educators and primary school teachers

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About civic education scheme of work for primary 4.

Civic Education is a subject that equips the pupils on how to be an active citizen and participate in democratic processes. The topics covered in this subject covers more of government like what is government, types of government, arms of government etc. 

The topics covered in this class include; Definition of governance, types of governance, what is governance structure, arms of government, national value, characteristics of national values, ethnicity, solution and effect to ethnicity

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Primary 4 First Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 4
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 4
 SUBJECTCivic Education
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1-Definition of Governance
-Meaning of Good Governance
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Explain governance
ii. Discuss the meaning of good governance
iii. Demonstrate good governance in the community.
2Types of Governance e.g.
-Democratic governance
-Economic and Financial
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Identify types of Governances
ii. Explain the types of Governance
iii. Analyses The Features of Good Governance.
3What is Governance Structure?By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Explain Governance Structure
ii. Highlight examples of Governance Structure
iii. Draw a Chart illustrating Government Structure.
4Characteristics of Good GovernanceBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Outline Characteristics of Good Governance
1. Openness/Transparency
5-Definition of Govemment and
-Types of Govemment
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Explain Government
ii. Highlight types of Government
iii. Analyze the types of Government.
6Arms of Governments:
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Highlight the arms of Government
ii. Draw a Chart showing Legislative, Executive and
8Forms of GovernmentBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
1. Outline at least five functions performed by
Government e.g.
Provision of good roads;
Provision of pipe borne water;
Provision of Schools;
Provision of Electricity;
Provision of Health Clinics;
2. Explain the Functions of Government
3. Describe how the government functions affects
them e.g. Schooling
9Difference between the various
types of Governments.
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Highlight the differences between various types of
ii. Explain the differences between various types of
iii. Analyze some of the similarities between Various
types of Government.
10Problems Facing GovernmentBy the end of the lesson pupils should bo ablo to:
1 . Outline some of the problems facing Federal
Government, State Government, Local Government
2. Analyze the Problem facing Govemment
3. Suggest some of the solutions to some of the
problems facing the govemment
11Solution to Problem Facing
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Identify three solutions to problems facing
ii. Explain solutions to problem facing government
iii. Discuss ways bribery and corruption can be

Primary 4 Second Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 4
 SUBJECTCivic Education
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of Last Term Work/
Readiness Test
-National Values
2Meaning of National ValuesBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Discuss the meaning of National Values
ii. Explain what values are
iii. Demonstrate examples of national values.
(1 Obedience
(2.) Loyalty
(3.) Dedication
(4.) Honesty etc.
3Types ef National Values
e.g Civil Values
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Identify at least four types of National Values
ii. Describe each of the types of values.
e Analyze examples of civil values E.g. Obedience
4Importance of Natuonal valuesBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Highlight the impottance of National Values.
ii. Analyze the need to imbibe values in the society
iii. Debate the importance of national value
5Characteristics of National valuesBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Outline the characteristics of National Values
1. Loyalty
2. Co-operation
3. Humility
ii. Explain the characteristics of national values
iii. Demonstrate characteristics of national values
6Meaning of a nation e A body of
people sharing a spirit of unity
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of a nation using relevant
ii. Identify some nations of the world
iii. Locate their nation in the map of the world
8Characteristics of a Nation e.g.
-Common territory
-Common customs and tradition e
-Common language
(understanding each other)
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Identify the characteristics of a nation
ii. Explain various characteristics of a nation
e.g.. Common customs, common territory, common
iii. Indicate on a map some of the characteristics e.g.
States that share territories
9Reasons why wo should build our
By the end of the lesson pupils should be ablo to:
i. Identify the reasons why wo should build our
ii. Discuss why we should build our nation
e.g. For peaceful co-existence
-For common use of resources
-To benefit from one another
-To unite against exits and aggression
-To provide a framework for social order
iii. Justify why we need to build our nation
10Duties and Responsibilities of
parents and children in building the

Primary 4 Third Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 4
 SUBJECTCivic Education
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of Second term Work/
Readiness test
2Meaning of EthnicityBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of Ethnicity
ii. Analyze the problem of ethnicity in Nigeria
iii. Mention different ethnic groups in Nigeria
3Causes of EthnicityBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
1. Highlight at least Five causes of ethnicity
-Economic reason
-Political reason
2. Explain the causes of Ethnicity
3. Debate the causes of Ethnicity
4Consequences of Ethnicity
E.g. Communal conflicts,
Political violence, Nepotism.
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Itemize the consequences Of Ethnicity
ii. Explain the consequences of Ethnicity
iii. Justify the consequences of Ethnicity.
5Solution to EthnicityBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Mention how to solve the problems of Ethnicity
ii. Explain how to solve the problem of Ethnicity
6Duties of
Community leaders jn ensuring
peaceful co -existence between
ethnic groups
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of peaceful co-existence
ii. Highlight the duties of community leaders in
ensuring peaceful co-existence
iii. Analyze the duties of community leaders.
8Tribalism and EthnicityBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Explain identity
ii. Analyze the meaning of Tribalism
9Similarities Ethnicity and TribalismBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Identify the similarities between ethnicity and
ii. Distinguish between ethnicity and tribalism
iii. Describe some tribal intolerance in Nigeria
10Similarities between ethnicity and
Tribalism (PROJECT)
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. Identify the similarities between ethnicity and
ii. Describe the different tribes

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scheme of work for primary 4 civic education second term



Civic education scheme of work for primary 4.

scheme of work for primary 4 civic education second term

Civic Education is an integral component of a child’s education because it exposes them to the society in which they reside and how it operates. In this respect, the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4 has been developed to equip children aged from 8-9 years with detailed knowledge about governance, national values, ethnicity, and their values.

The scheme of work is arranged in three terms with different content based on the understanding of Civic Education. In term one, for example, there is an introduction about governance which includes types of governance and the structure and characteristics of good governance.

Additionally, there is a lesson about the meaning and types of government, the arms of government, and the roles of government. This is finalized with a revision lesson and examination to assess that the pupils have understood the course.

The second term of the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4 is based on national values, nation-building, and the roles of parents and children in building a nation. Among the topics, there are the meaning of national values and types of national values, the importance of national values and the nature of a nation.

Position duties and responsibilities of parents and children in nation-building. The term is completed by the pupils’ final revision and examination to guarantee a good understanding of the lesson

The third term of the scheme of work is pertains about ethnicity and tribalism. Under this term, pupils learn about the definition of ethnicity, factors that cause ethnicity, as well as the outcomes of ethnicity that including communal violence, nepotism, conflicts, and political discordance.

Pupils also learn about the remedies to ethnicity, including the role of community leaders in maintaining peace within a living group. Moreover, pupils learn about the distinctions and similarities between ethnicity and tribalism. The term closes with a continuation test to ascertain that the pupils understand the topic adequately.

Table of Contents

First term civic education scheme of work for primary 4.

2Definition of governance (meaning of good governance)
3Types of governance e.g Democracy governance, economic and finance governance
4What is governance structure
5Characteristics of good governance
6Definition of government and types of government
7Mid-term Break
8Arms of governments (legislative, executive, judiciary)
9Function of government
10Difference between the various types of government
11Problems facing government
12Solution to problem facing government

Check All Primary Schemes of Work Below

Primary 1 Scheme of Work

Primary 2 Scheme of Works

Primary 3 Scheme of Works

Primary 4 Scheme of Works

Primary 5 Scheme of Works

Primary 6 Scheme of Works

Second Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2Meaning of Nation value & example
3Types of national value e.g (civil value)
4Importance of National values
5Characteristic of national values
6Meaning of a nation
7Mid-term Break
8Characteristics of a nation e.g (common territory. common customs and tradition, common language)
9Reason why we should build our nation
10Duties and responsibilities of parents and children in building the nation

Check All Jss Scheme Of Work Bellow

J S S 1 Scheme of Work

J S S 2 Scheme of Work

J S S 3 Scheme of Work

Third Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2Meaning of ethnicity
3Causes of ethnicity
4Consequences of ethnicity. E.g. communal violence, nepotism, conflicts, political disagreement
5Solution to ethnicity
6Duties of community leaders in ensuring peaceful coexistence
7Mid-term Break
8Tribalism and ethnicity (Meanings)
9Similarities between ethnicity and tribalism
10Similarities between ethnicity and tribalism(continued)
13 Examination

Check All SSS Scheme Of Work Bellow

S S S 1 Scheme of Work

S S S 2 Scheme of Work

S S S 3 Scheme of Work

The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4 is a continuum subject that teaches pupils about governance, national values, ethnicity and many others. The scheme of work is structured to cover all aspects and ensure pupils of the age bracket of 8-9 years have a complete knowledge of their communities and how they operate.

It comprises three terms covering the subject’s elements and evidence-based tests at the end of each term for three weeks to revise them and examine the pupils.

scheme of work for primary 4 civic education second term

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scheme of work for primary 4 civic education second term

Civic Education Primary 4

On this page, get all Civic Education Primary 4 topics from First Term to Third Term. Find them below, study them, and excel in your examination!

Basic Civic Education for Primary 4 by B J Obebe, F J Muåzu, H O C Ambåssådor-Brikins and S O Koledoye

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Lesson note on Civic Education Primary 4 (Basic Four) Second Term

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This Lesson Note on Civic Education Primary 4 (Basic Four) Second Term  covers weekly prepared lesson notes and each of them is rich in classwork, curriculum compliant, and syllabus based.

The lesson note is well-detailed with adequate evaluation to ensure that the learning objectives are achieved.

The scheme of work used in preparing the lesson note is based on the latest unified NERDC/UBE curriculum which is suitable for all schools in all the States in Nigeria.

Keep reading, you will find the Link to Download the complete lesson note in Ms-Word (Microsoft Word) Editable format below.

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4 (Basic 4) Second Term

1 Revision 2 Responsibilities of every member of the family 3. Civic value 4 National Consciousness 5 National consciouness 6 Ethnicity 7 Consequences of ethnicity 8 Solutions to problems of ethnicity 9. Constituted authority 10 Responsibilities of constituted authority 11 Responsibilities of constituted author


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Why should you purchase Civic Education Lesson Note for Second Term Basic 4 (Primary 4)?

The content of the lesson note is well-structured with adequate evaluation.

The lesson note will help the teacher know the topics to teach and how to teach them to achieve learning objectives.

It will instill confidence in the teacher when delivering the lesson note in the classroom and inspire respect from the students.

It will help you to avoid over-reliance on textbooks giving you more time to focus and teach.

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CIVIC EDUCATION Primary 4 (Basic Four) Second Term. Civic values

  • Civic values

Topic : Civic Values

Objective:- At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to state the meaning of civic values and examples

Reference Material:- Macmillian Civic Education for Primary School book 4

Meaning and examples of civic values

Civic values can be regarded as virtues and character traits which help the growth and development of a country. When such values are imbibed by citizens of a country, there will tend to be unity and progress.

Examples of civic values include the following:

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  • Responsibilities of every member of the family
  • National Consciousness
  • Consequences of ethnicity
  • Solution to the problem of ethnicity in Nigeria
  • Constituted authority
  • Constituted Authority 2
  • Category Primary 4
  • Author ClassNotes Edu

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Civic Education (NVE) Plan Lesson Notes According to the the Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 4 (Basic 4) Lesson Notes







FIRST TERM NVE TERM 1 CIVIC EDUCATION TERM 1 WEEKLY PLAN LESSON NOTES  WEEK 1 ( FREE ACCESS ) – Meaning of Cultural Diversity WEEK 2 – Respect for other People’s Views WEEK 3 – Meaning of Community Leadership
WEEK 4 – Meaning of Communalism WEEK 5 – Meaning and Types of Government
WEEK 6 – Different between Traditional and Constitutional Form of Governance
WEEK 7 – Democracy, Presidential and Parliamentary WEEK 8 – Meaning of Local Government WEEK 9 – Meaning of State Government and The Tiers of State Government
WEEK 10 – The Roles of State Government are to the People WEEK 11 – The Problems of State Government and State Motto WEEK 12 – Revision
WEEK 13 – First Term Examination Civic Education Basic 4
SECOND TERM NVE TERM 2 CIVIC EDUCATION TERM 2 WEEKLY PLAN LESSON NOTES  WEEK 1 – First Term Examination Links For Primary Schools WEEK 2 ( FREE ACCESS ) – Responsibilities of Members of a Home WEEK 3 – Meaning (Examples) of Civic Values and Need for Civic Value
WEEK 4 – Meaning and Characteristics of A Nation WEEK 5 – Reasons Why We Should Build Our Nation WEEK 6 – Meaning and Causes of Ethnicity
WEEK 7  –  Consequences of Ethnicity in Nigeria WEEK 8  –  Solutions to the Problems of Ethnicity WEEK 9 –  Duties of Citizens to Constituted Authority WEEK 10 – Responsibilities of Constituted Authority to her Citizens WEEK 11 – REVISION WEEK 12 – EXAMINATION  Second Term Examination Civic Education Primary 4 (Basic 4) Exam Questions
WEEK 1 – Useful and Quick Links for Second Term Plan Lesson Notes All Subjects Primary 4, Primary 5 and Primary 6 WEEK 2 ( FREE ACCESS ) – Meaning and Reasons of Traffic Regulations and Signs WEEK 3  – Reasons We Need to Obey Traffic Regulations
WEEK 4 – Agencies Enforcing Traffic Regulations WEEK 5  – Problems of Traffic Regulations WEEK 6 – Solutions to Problems of Traffic Regulations
WEEK 7  – Attitudes to Accidents Victims WEEK 8  – Health Issues – Personal Hygiene (Clothes) WEEK 9 – Types of Clothes Suitable Under Different Weathers
WEEK 10 – Types of Clothes Suitable Under Different Occupations WEEK 11  – How to keep our dirty clothes clean and Items used for keeping our clothes WEEK 11 – Revision WEEK 12 – EXAMINATION  Third Term Examination Civic Education Primary 4 (Basic 4) – Exam Questions
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scheme of work for primary 4 civic education second term

Alabi M. S.

Michael is Principal Education Officer at LASUBEB. With 15+ years experience in teaching and learning, He loves talking about Plan Lesson Notes and Quality Assurance in Education. He also believes teachers inspire our future. CRN (ClassRoomNotes) is a website FOR TEACHERS BY TEACHER, and He aims to continuously inform and encourage teaching! All materials are subject to TERMLY review.

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Primary 4 Civic Education 1st, 2nd and 3rd Term Lesson Notes

Primary 4 first term scheme of work civic education.

First Term Civic Education Primary 4

Respect for other people’s culture

Community leadership


Types of Government

Difference between traditional and constitutional form of government

Local Governments in Nigeria

State Government

The roles of Government To The People

Nigerian States and their slogans


Primary 4 Second Term Scheme of work Civic Education 

Responsibilities of Every Family Member in The House 

Meaning and examples of civic values

National consciousness

National Consciousness (2)

Consequences of ethnicity

Solutions To Problems  of Ethnicity in Nigeria

Topic : Constituted authority

Types of Constituted Authority

Primary 4 Third Term Scheme of work Civic Education

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Scheme of Work for Primary 4

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scheme of work for primary 4

Table of Contents

What is Scheme of Work?

Scheme of work is a plan that outlines all the learning to be covered in first term, second term and third term of a particular grade or level especially in primary schools. Usually, it is the UBE ( Universal Basic Education ) that prepares the scheme of work. The UBE is an agency of the government under the Ministry of Education.

There are many subjects that pupils in primary schools offer. Each of these subjects has its own separate scheme of work. The Universal Basic Education expects every teacher to teach the pupils according to the scheme of work. The teachers are also expected to cover all the topics in the scheme of work for each term but not to go beyond it.

The reason is because there are learning objectives for every age or age bracket. So teachers are to limit themselves within the boundaries set by the scheme of work.

Read Also: Scheme of Work for Primary 6

What is the Difference Between Scheme of Work and Lesson Plan?

Teachers should not confuse scheme of work with lesson plan. They are not the same although they are closely related.

Scheme of work is the document that gives the list of topics to be taught and learned in a term or session. The government agency draws the scheme of work from the syllabus and breaks it down into pieces to be taken on a termly basis.

However, a lesson plan is a further breaking down of work to be done.

What is the Difference Between Scheme of Work and Syllabus?

A syllabus is a document that contains information about everything pertaining to a course or subject and specifies the learning objectives, expectations and responsibilities.

However, a scheme of work is designed around a syllabus but it gives more details.

primary 4 is the class that some schools now refer to as Grade 4 or Basic 4. Whichever name the class goes by in your school (or your ward’s school), it’s all the same thing.

Of course, you know that primary 4 is completed in one academic session and a session has three terms. That is, first term, second term and third term.

For each of the three terms, there is a primary 4 scheme of work. Actually, it’s more correct to say that there are schemes of work . This is because each subject also has its own specific scheme of work.

Read Also: Scheme of Work for Grade 1

First Term Scheme of Work for Primary 4

You can check out the first term scheme of work for primary 4 for each of the following subjects. Just click on any of the links:

  • English First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Mathematics First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Basic Science and Technology First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Physical and Health Education First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Information Technology First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • National Value Education First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Social Studies First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Civic Education First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Security Education First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Pre-Vocational Studies First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Agricultural Science First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Home Economics First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA) First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Christian Religious Studies First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Islamic Religious Studies First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4

Read Also: Scheme of Work for Grade 2

Second Term Scheme of Work for Primary 4

You can check out the primary 4 scheme of work for second term for each of the following subjects. Just click on any of the links:

  • English Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Mathematics Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Basic Science and Technology Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Physical and Health Education Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Information Technology Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • National Value Education Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Social Studies Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Civic Education Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Security Education Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Pre-Vocational Studies Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Agricultural Science Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Home Economics Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA) Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Christian Religious Studies Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Islamic Religious Studies Second Term Scheme of Work for primary 4

Third Term Scheme of Work for Primary 4

You can check out the third term scheme of work for primary 4 for each of the following subjects. Just click on any of the links:

  • English Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Mathematics Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Basic Science and Technology Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Physical and Health Education Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Information Technology Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • National Value Education Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Social Studies Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Civic Education Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Security Education Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Pre-Vocational Studies Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Agricultural Science Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Home Economics Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Cultural and Creative Third (CCA) First Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Christian Religious Studies Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4
  • Islamic Religious Studies Third Term Scheme of Work for primary 4

Read Also: Scheme of Work for Grade 5

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scheme of work for primary 4 civic education second term


Senior secondary school curriculum second term ss2-, second term ss2 civic education curriculum lagos state.


  • Achieving popular participation in politics
  • Meaning of popular participation
  • Reasons why people do not participate in politics.


  • Definition of popular organisation
  • Formation of popular organization


  • The meaning
  • Limitation to human right



  • Meaning of drug abuse
  • The types of drugs and ways they are abused
  • Symptoms of drug abuse.


  • Limitations to human right


  • Drug law enforcement agency and administration
  • Law promulgated to curb drug abuse.

WEEK 11- 12. Revision and Examination


WEEK           TOPIC

  • Popular Participation
  • Formation of Popular Organization

Human Rights

  • Drug Use and Abuse I
  • Drug Use and Abuse II
  • Effects of Drug Abuse
  • Prevention of Drug Abuse
  • Activities of Drug Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Examination


  • Revision of last term’s work

Popular participation

  •  Types of popular participation (a) Campaign (b) Donation (c) Contesting election
  • Reasons why people do not participate in politics i.e. economics obstacles, discriminations, illiteracy
  • How popular organisations are formed
  • Limitation of human rights (a) War (b) State of emergencies (c) Conviction in high court (d) madness or unsound mind etc. 
  • Definition of emergency
  • Limitation of movement
  • Lack of freedom of speech
  • What are the roles of individual during emergency period

Drug and Drug Abuse

  • Types of drugs and drug abused
  • Importance of drug
  • Cause of drug abuse

Effect of drugs and drug abuse

  • Symptoms of drug abuse
  • Behaviour of drug abuse

Drug and drug abuse (continues)

  • Prevention of drug abuse
  • List of some of the government organisation agencies working to protect

Drugs and drug abuse (Continues)

  • Identify drug laws promulgated by the government
  • Describe some of the activities of drug law enforcement
  • Burning fake or expired drugs
  • Closing identified fake drug market
  • Arresting drug traffickers
  • Prosecuting drug traffickers

Project work

  • Vocating and visiting some of the agencies concerned with drug law enforcement
  • Browsing through the internet the locate other world agencies responsible for drug law enforcement

Drug use and abuse

  • Government roles in fighting drug abuse and trafficking
  • Group roles in fighting drug abuse and trafficking
  • Individual’s roles in fighting drug abuse and trafficking
  • Treatment of drug addicts/rehabilitation


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