Faculty of Social Sciences | Lund University

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Doctoral programme

PhD studies at the School of Social Work

The doctoral programme consists of four years of full-time study. The programme leading to a doctoral degree comprises a total of 240 credits divided into a course component of 75 credits and an academic thesis of 165 credits. The education is completed with the public defense of the doctoral thesis.

A doctoral student is employed to fulfill the requirements of the doctoral programme, and is also expected to contribute and take active part in the research environment at the School of Social Work. Doctoral students may teach or do administrative work up to 20% of the employment, also depending on the department’s requirements. Swedish as well as English are used as languages in the programme, during courses, seminars and meetings.

Admission of Doctoral students

Our routine is to announce, rank and appoint PhD-candidates every second year. Applications are accepted only following a vacancy announcement.  Applicants who are eligible are those who have completed a Master's Degree in Social Work or a related field and whose scholastic achievement, previous experience, and aptitude for social welfare research and scholarship indicate the greatest promise for achieving the objectives of the program. Our next announcement is likely to appear in late 2024 with start in September 2025, although this will depend on our general situation. It could be earlier and it could be later.

All admitted doctoral students receive a salary so there is no need to apply for scholarships. There is no need to contact potential supervisors in advance. All doctoral position vacancies are announced on the  university website. We recommend that you visit this site regularly if you are interested in the doctoral programme.

At present, about 20 doctoral students are actively involved in research studies and each year around four or five students obtain their doctoral degrees.

Reading courses

These are reading courses specially designed for the doctoral programme:

  • SASA007 Theories on the construction of social problems (reading course; third cycle) 7.5 credits (PDF, 60 kB)
  • SASA009 Ethnography (reading course; third cycle) 7.5 credits (PDF, 60 kB)
  • SASA016 An introduction to social work research and practice (reading course; third cycle) 7.5 credits (PDF, 64 kB)
  • SASA017 Phenomenology, ethics and social work (reading course, third cycle) 7.5 credits (PDF, 64 kB)
  • SASA018 Care theories in social work (reading course; third cycle) 7.5 credits PDF, 64 kB)
  • SASA019, SASA020, SASA021 Research in the History of Social Work (reading course, third cycle) 2.5, 5, 7.5 credits (PDF, 224 kB)

Reading courses, in Swedish.

Kristina Göransson Director of doctoral studies

Frontpage of Handbook for Research Studies.

Handbook for Research Studies

Download the Handbook for Research Studies (PDF, 2,81 MB)

General Syllabi

Here you can find general syllabuses for the third-cycle study programmes at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Quick guide to PhD seminars

A quick guide for supervisor and doctoral student on planning seminars. Note that other routines apply to the final seminar, see the Handbook for Research Studies.

Quick guide to PhD seminars (PDF, 140 kB)

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Doctoral studies in Social Work

Research education subject information.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences

  • General syllabus social work

Subject representative

  • Björn Johansson

As a research discipline, social work mainly discusses issues related to social problems, their origin, causes and solutions. The conditions and circumstances of vulnerable groups and individuals, as well as analyses of welfare policy, socio-political measures, community and societal interventions, and human services organisations and professions are also examined. Furthermore, social work encompasses the analysis of different types of solutions to social problems but also development of knowledge that can be turned into preventive measures and help designing interventions for practitioners within the social work field. Competence and skills central to the field are social science theory and methods, as well as creativity and an ability to critically analyse knowledge processes, social processes and society's interventions within the social work field.

Postgraduate courses

Postgraduate courses are organized by The Research School in Social Work , RSSW ,  a network between 13 Universities in Sweden. It aims to strengthen and improve postgraduate studies and research in social work by collaborate courses, seminars and international networking.

Doctoral courses in social work

  • Introduction to Quantitative Methods, 7.5 credits

15 October 2024 - 19 December 2024

  • Quantitative Methods of Analysis, 7.5 credits

04 December 2024 - 16 January 2025

29 October 2024 - 28 November 2024

03 September 2024 - 12 November 2024

31 October 2022 - 18 January 2023

February 2025

The Doctoral Programme in Social Work

The doctoral programme in social work aims to give students in-depth knowledge of social work and allow them to develop the knowledge and skills needed to carry out independent research, and contribute to advancing knowledge of social work by producing a scientific thesis.

The doctoral programme in social work also aims to advance students' ability to utilise the scientific skills and knowledge they develop in the programme in their future research or other qualified professional work, and to present and disseminate their research results nationally and internationally.

The programme takes four years and leads to degree of doctor (240 credits) and/or licentiate (120 credits).

The programme is organised in cooperation with the Research School in Social Work .

Head of Research

Photo of Anna Olaison

Anna Olaison

Senior Associate Professor

  • Department of Culture and Society (IKOS)

Division of Social Work (SOCARB)

  • anna.olaison@ liu.se
  • +4611363058

Director of Doctoral Studies

social work phd in sweden

Ingemar Grandin

Associate Professor, Docent

  • Division of Culture, Society, Design and Media (KSFM)
  • ingemar.grandin@ liu.se
  • +4611363164


Photo of Sofie Ekman

Sofie Ekman


  • Division of Administrative Support (VS)
  • sofie.ekman@ liu.se
  • +4611363085

Research on Social Work

social work phd in sweden

The Social Work research environment

The Social Work research environment nurtures justice and is guided by the principle of equal value for all persons. It acts to promote social change towards a more sustainable and inclusive society.

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Courses within the doctoral programmes at the Department of Culture and Society

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Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences offers a wide variety of doctoral studies, both in single disciplines and in interdisciplinary programmes.

The Research School in Social Work

The Research School in Social Work (RSSW) is a network which includes 14 Swedish universities. The Department of Social Work at Stockholm University is now hosting the research school.

social work phd in sweden

Public defence of doctoral thesis and licentiate seminar at Linköping University

Find upcoming public defence of doctoral thesis and public licentiate seminar at Linköping University.


Hands and gestures of a group of discussing people.

The division oversees education and research in the field of social work.

social work phd in sweden

At the Department of Culture and Society (IKOS), social sciences and the humanities gather in environments where research and education work together.


  • Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FILFAK)

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences provides education and research in humanities, social- and behavioral sciences, commercial law, art disciplines and thematic science.

Doctoral studies at Linköping University

social work phd in sweden

If you want to gain a profound understanding of a particular field, doctoral studies at LiU could be for you.

  • Third-cycle subject area
  • Doctoral studies
  • Division Social work (SOCARB)

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Doctoral studies

Faculty of Social Sciences

Doctoral studies (PhD) is the highest formal education available. It provides training to become an independent and critically minded researcher, and prepares for work with research and development issues inside or outside the university.

A person holding a degree diploma. Photo.

About doctoral studies

Doctoral studies involves a total of four years of full-time study, forming a total of 240 ECTS credits. A programme consists of both courses and thesis, of which the doctoral thesis is to account for at least 120 credits. At the Faculty of Social Sciences you can get a PhD degree in twelve different disciplines.

Admitted doctoral students normally get a salaried position. This means that they will be employed as staff members and will get a salary whilst undertaking the doctoral studies. In return, the doctoral student often provides some departmental or teaching duties.

Admission to the doctoral studies requires one year of studies at the advanced level, and normally a total of three semesters of study of the discipline in question, including a half-semester thesis. The doctoral studies start in September.

All vacant positions for doctoral students are publicly announced. Applications are accepted only following a vacancy announcement. The application procedures vary from one department to another - refer to the doctoral studies contacts at this site for further details.

PhD vacancies - lu.se

Thesis work and courses

The doctoral thesis should be based on independent research and should be of a high scholarly standard. The thesis can take the form of a monograph or a compilation thesis in which different articles are gathered, together with a summarising chapter.

All doctoral students will be appointed a main supervisor and an assistant supervisor. The main supervisor and the assistant supervisor have the task of helping the doctoral student move the work forward from the idea stage to the finalised manuscript.

The course component includes methodology courses as well as thematic courses, chosen for their relevance to the thesis work. Courses are offered both at the departments and at faculty level. Doctoral students are also encouraged to take courses at other universities, in Sweden or abroad.

More about doctoral studies

More information about doctoral studies in a specific subject can be found on each department's website. Each research subject has a Director of Doctoral Studies to whom you can turn to for questions.

The links below lead to each department’s website.

  • Communication and Media
  • Gender Studies
  • Human Ecology
  • Human Geography
  • Political Science
  • Service Studies
  • Social Antropology
  • Social Work
  • Sociology of Law
  • Strategic Communication
  • Sustainability Science

Already a doctoral student?

Check out the Faculty internal pages for doctoral students.

PhD programmes

When you apply for a phd programme in sweden, you’re actually applying for a job. yeah, you read that right. 👀.

social work phd in sweden

“Do a master’s here – I’d say it’s a very good step to doing a PhD in Sweden. I did my master’s at Malmö University and now I’m doing a PhD at Lund University” – Sanjay, Malmö University. Photo: Oskar Omne

So that means – no tuition fees, no scholarships. But you’ll receive a monthly salary instead. Nice, eh? And that’s why available PhD positions are listed on a university’s job board.

How to apply for a PhD position? You’ll apply directly to the university.

Just so you know, there’s no centralised application process. And things like requirements and application dates? This kind of stuff is decided by each department. But we do know that you’ll need to have a master’s degree – in the same field of study – and a great level of English to apply for a PhD here. You might even need to be fluent in Swedish. But that’ll depend on the subject.

+ - Find a PhD at a Swedish university

  • PhD at Blekinge Institute of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Chalmers University of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Dalarna University ↗️
  • PhD at Halmstad University ↗️
  • PhD at Jönköping University ↗️
  • PhD at KTH Royal Institute of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Karlstad University ↗️
  • PhD at Karolinska Institutet ↗️
  • PhD at Konstfack ↗️
  • PhD at Linköping University ↗️
  • PhD at Linnaeus University ↗️
  • PhD at Luleå University of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Lund University ↗️
  • PhD at Malmö University ↗️
  • PhD at Marie Cederschiöld University ↗️
  • PhD at Mälardalen University ↗️
  • PhD at SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ↗️
  • PhD at Stockholm School of Economics ↗️
  • PhD at Stockholm University ↗️
  • PhD at Stockholm University of the Arts ↗️
  • PhD at the Swedish Defence University ↗️
  • PhD at Södertörn University ↗️
  • PhD at Umeå University ↗️
  • PhD at University College Stockholm ↗️
  • PhD at University West ↗️
  • PhD at University of Borås ↗️
  • PhD at University of Gothenburg ↗️
  • PhD at University of Gävle ↗️
  • PhD at University of Skövde ↗️
  • PhD at Uppsala University ↗️
  • PhD at Örebro University ↗️

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+ - Useful info about research

  • CORDIS ↗️ – EU Research and Information Service
  • EURAXESS information ↗️ – Portal for information and practical assistance for researchers moving to Sweden
  • Formas ↗️ – The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
  • Swedish Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare ↗️
  • Swedish Research Council ↗️
  • Vinnova — Sweden’s Innovation Agency ↗️ – An organisation that integrates research and development in technology, transport and working life
  • Handbook for International Researchers ↗️ – Stockholm University’s handbook for international researchers

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Department of Social Work

The department of social work is an education- and research unit with 85 employees and over a 1000 students. In the department we have a bachelor program in social work and several courses on bachelor- and master level. We also have a PhD-program. Our research is mainly in social work and our research holds a unique quality of both width and depth.

Find our researchers, professors, doctoral students and administrative staff in our staff directory.

Research network that focuses on the relationship between disabled people and their environment

The vast majority of our courses and our Bachelor Program are taught in Swedish, but some of our courses are taught in English. The majority of our students attend our Bachelor Program in social work.

You can find information about courses, programs, research, international cooperation and other important issues on our website. If you cannot find the information that you are searching for, or if you want to know more about something, please contact the relevant contact person at the department.

Research: Urban Markström PhD-program: Fredrik Snellman

Student Administration: Maria Berg

International contact person for students: Christin Johansson

Director of studies, elementary level: Marcus Blom Nilsson

Director of studies, advanced level: Liv Zetterberg

  • International website
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  • Find organisation

Disputation på institutionen för globala studier

  • Faculty of Social Sciences

Doctoral Studies

The Faculty of Social Science offers programmes in eleven subjects. The programmes comprise 240 higher education credits (four years) and conclude with the doctoral examination. There is also the option of taking a licentiate's examination after 120 higher education credits (two years).

The Faculty is responsible for coordination and quality assurance of doctoral studies. The Faculty Board determines issues such as establishment and phasing out of subjects for doctoral study programmes, general curricula, as well as principles within the framework of the University’s normative decisions.

social work phd in sweden

Doctoral studies on the departments' pages

social work phd in sweden

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21 PhD jobs in Sweden

Find PhD jobs in Sweden here. To have jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

  • PhD positions in Stockholm (10)
  • PhD positions in Gothenburg (2)
  • PhD positions in Karlstad (2)
  • PhD positions in Örebro (2)
  • PhD positions in Jönköping (1)
  • PhD positions in Lund (1)
  • PhD positions in Malmo (1)
  • PhD positions in Linköping (1)
  • PhD positions in Huddinge (1)

Other countries

  • PhD positions in Belgium (146)
  • PhD positions in The Netherlands (123)
  • PhD positions in Germany (55)
  • PhD positions in Finland (55)
  • PhD positions in Switzerland (51)
  • PhD positions in Luxembourg (24)
  • PhD positions in Austria (21)
  • PhD positions in Norway (17)
  • PhD positions in France (13)
  • PhD positions in Israel (5)

Search results (21)


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Doctoral student in light-controllable fluorescent proteins in microscopy

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Phd students in System Security, Formal Verification and Machine Learning

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Jobs by field

  • Programming Languages 209
  • Electrical Engineering 197
  • Artificial Intelligence 177
  • Machine Learning 171
  • Molecular Biology 146
  • Materials Engineering 146
  • Computational Sciences 145
  • Electronics 136
  • Materials Chemistry 128
  • Cell Biology 126

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 353
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 153
  • Researcher 131
  • Professor 106
  • Research assistant 72
  • Engineer 70
  • Management / Leadership 60
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 57

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 286
  • The Netherlands 200
  • Germany 130
  • Morocco 124
  • Finland 118
  • Switzerland 105
  • Luxembourg 79

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 128
  • KU Leuven 125
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 79
  • University of Luxembourg 77
  • Ghent University 53
  • ETH Zürich 48
  • Leiden University 41
  • University of Twente 36
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 30

social work phd in sweden

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Social Work in Sweden, an Introduction

Course · 7.5 credits

On this page :


The main aim of this introductory course is to provide you with basic knowledge of social work in Sweden. The goal is to enhance your theoretical and practical knowledge of social work in Sweden, and highlight different types of actors and contexts where social work operates (public, private and/or voluntary sector).

Course content

The course focuses on Swedish social work and consists of two parts: one theoretical and one oriented at practical social work in the Swedish welfare state. The course is offered as a single subject course at the first cycle level. The language of instruction is English. In the first part of the course you will:

  • Map your conception of social work in Sweden
  • Receive a theoretical introduction to welfare and social work in Swedish society
  • Be provided with historical perspectives to the present situation including current changes
  • Acquire knowledge about legal aspects of the Swedish society in general and social work in particular

In the second part of the course, the focus turns to practical social work. By inviting you and your fellow students to field studies and discussions with professional social workers and service users who represent different organizations and authorities, you will be introduced to different perspectives of social work.

The course concludes with an individual written paper, were you analyse social work in Sweden from different perspectives, interweaving the theoretical and practical knowledge you have achieved during the course.

Course documents

Syllabus (PDF - new window)

Closed for applications

Head Teacher

Ulrika Levander

Phone : 070-990 17 90

Email : ulrika [dot] levander [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se

Course Coordinator

Sara Hall Magnusson

Email : info [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se

Requirements and selection

Entry requirements, selection criteria, english language requirements.

Most of Lund University’s programmes require English Level 6 (unless otherwise stated under 'Entry requirements'). This is the equivalent of an overall IELTS score of 6.5 or a TOEFL score of 90. There are several ways to prove your English language proficiency – check which proof is accepted at the University Admissions in Sweden website. All students must prove they meet English language requirements by the deadline, in order to be considered for admission.

How to prove your English proficiency – universityadmissions.se

Country-specific requirements

Check if there are any country-specific eligibility rules for you to study Bachelor's or Master's studies in Sweden:

Country-specific requirements for Bachelor's studies – universityadmissions.se

Country-specific requirements for Master's studies – universityadmissions.se

Start Autumn Semester 2024

Day-time Lund, full time 100%

Study period

1 November 2024 - 3 December 2024


You can only apply for this course in the 'Swedish student' application round. Find out more: Applying for studies – when to apply

How to apply

Lund University uses a national application system run by University Admissions in Sweden. It is only possible to apply during the application periods.

When to apply for studies

Step 1: Apply online

  • Check that you meet the  entry requirements of the programme or course you are interested in (refer to the section above on this webpage).
  • Start your application – go to the University Admissions in Sweden website where you create an account and select programmes/courses during the application period. Visit the University Admissions in Sweden website
  • Rank your programme/course choices in order of preference and submit them before the  application deadline .

Step 2: Submit documents

  • Read about how to document your eligibility and how to submit your documents at the University Admissions in Sweden website. Follow any country-specific document rules for Master's studies or Bachelor's studies Country-specific requirements for Bachelor's studies – universityadmissions.se Country-specific requirements for Master's studies – universityadmissions.se  
  • Get all your documents ready: - official transcripts and high school diploma (Bachelor's applicants) - official transcripts and degree certificate or proof that you are in the final year of your Bachelor's (Master's applicants) - passport/ID (all applicants) and - proof of English proficiency (all applicants).  
  • Prepare  programme-specific documents  if stated in the next paragraph on this webpage.
  • Upload or send  all  required documents to University Admissions before the  document deadline .
  • Pay the application fee (if applicable – refer to the section below on this webpage) before the  document deadline .

* Note that the process is different if you are applying as an exchange student or as a part of a cooperation programme (such as Erasmus+). * If you have studied your entire Bachelor's programme in Sweden and all of your academic credits are in Ladok, you do not have to submit transcripts or your diploma when applying for a Master's programme.  However, there may still be other documents you need to submit! See the link below.  *  Svensk student?  Läs instruktionerna om att söka till ett internationellt masterprogram på lu.se

Tuition fees

Non-eu/eea citizens.

Full programme/course tuition fee: SEK 14 375

First payment: SEK 14 375

  • Convert currency – xe.com

Citizens of a country outside of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland are required to pay tuition fees. You pay one instalment of the tuition fee in advance of each semester.

Tuition fees, payments and exemptions

EU/EEA citizens and Switzerland

There are no tuition fees for citizens of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.

Application fee

If you are required to pay tuition fees, you are generally also required to pay an application fee of SEK 900 when you apply at the University Admissions in Sweden website. You pay one application fee regardless of how many programmes or courses you apply to.

  • Paying your application fee – universityadmissions.se
  • Exemptions from paying the application fee – universityadmissions.se

*Note that there are no tuition or application fees for exchange students or doctoral/PhD students, regardless of their nationality.

Scholarships & funding

Lund university global scholarship programme.

The Lund University Global Scholarship programme is a merit-based and selective scholarship targeted at top academic students from countries outside the EU/EEA.

Lund University Global Scholarship

Swedish Institute Scholarships

The Swedish Institute offers scholarships to international students applying for studies in Sweden at Master's level.

Scholarship information on the Swedish Institute website

Country-specific scholarships and funding options

Lund University has agreements with scholarship organisations and funding bodies in different countries, which may allow applicants to apply for funding or scholarships in their home countries for their studies at Lund University.

  • Country-specific scholarships
  • Canada student loans

External scholarships

Information about scholarships from external organisations

General doctoral education picture

Ethnography: theory, method and ethics

The subject of Sociology at the Department of Social Studies offers the doctoral course – Ethnography: Theory, Methods and Ethics, 7.5 credits in collaboration with the subject of social work. During the course, the boundaries between what characterizes ethnographic research compared to other qualitative approaches are discussed, and how ethnographic research has developed over time. The limitations and possibilities of ethnographic research are discussed. The relationships between theory, method and method development, research ethics and ethnographic writing are the main themes of the course. In addition to these, the relationship of ethnographic research to politics and social development is discussed. During the course, ethnographic fieldwork is practiced through field observations.

Course information

Number of credits.

7.5 credits

Department of Social Studies

All doctoral students admitted to doctoral studies

Teaching language

Swedish or English depending on the composition of participants


Next course occasion

Spring 2025

Study rate, or the equivalent


Admission to the course requires that the student is admitted to doctoral studies.

Teaching method

The teaching on the course consists of lectures and seminars.

Course description

Course description Ethnography: theory, method and ethics

The literature is subject to change.

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Social Work PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Sweden

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Master of Social Work

Social worker assisting a client.

Embrace difference. Seek justice. Be the change.

The online MSW program offers two pathways to the master’s degree. In both Master of Social Work options, you can attend part-time or full-time, and no GRE is required. All courses are asynchronous, which means you can take online courses on your own schedule, and many courses offer live sessions that provide opportunities to engage in real time with faculty and other students.

Students who earned a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) in the last 5 years, a 3.0 undergraduate GPA and a “B” or better in all required social work courses are eligible for the ASAP Master of Social Work program, which provides an accelerated path to your degree. The ASAP program typically takes 3 semesters (1 year, including summer semester) to complete for full-time students and 6 semesters (2 years, including summer semester) for part-time students.

Online Master of Social Work program graduate Kelsey Parker.

"My overall experience with the College of Social Work has been amazing. Being in the online program and not on campus, I still feel like a part of the college and have all of the support as if I was on campus."

Online Master of Social Work graduate Alyssa Warner.

"As a student of the first cohort, it has been beneficial to stay in contact with classmates for a sense of community."

Frequently asked questions, is the program 100% online are any campus visits required.

This program can be completed 100% online with no campus visits required. Field placement will be completed with an agency within a student’s local area.

How flexible are online classes? What is my expected time commitment?

Online programs are Ohio State are designed for working professionals. The amount of credits you schedule will help determine how long it will take to complete your program. Your expected time commitment will vary based on your course load, but for every credit hour you are enrolled in, expect to complete three hours of work outside of class for studying or projects.

What does an online classroom look like?

Online courses at Ohio State are different from on-campus courses. We have designed online courses to take advantage of the benefits of the virtual experience, including connecting to outside people and ideas, presenting information, and engaging in discussions with your classmates and faculty.

Council on Social Work Education Logo square.


The Council on Social Work Education’s Board of Accreditation is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation as the sole accrediting agency for social work education in the United States and its territories.

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Academic Calendar

For the convenience of students, multiple start dates are offered during the academic calendar year for the Master of Social Work program. Social Work has a long and rich tradition at Ohio State; we offered our first social work course in 1875 and awarded our first Master’s degree in 1923. Accredited in 1919, Ohio State is the country’s oldest continuously accredited social work program in a public university.

More than 9,000 alumni serve as leaders and change agents across the United States working as direct practitioners, administrators, evaluators, and analysts in a wide range of public, private, and government agencies.

Spring 2025

Application Deadline December 9, 2024

Term Start Date January 6, 2025

Summer 2025

Application Deadline April 1, 2025

Term Start Date May 6, 2025

Autumn 2025

Application Deadline July 30, 2025

Term Start Date August 26, 2025

Admission Criteria

  • Any baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
  • Grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher (based on a 4.0 system) for last highest degree earned is preferred. Applicants who do not meet the 3.0 GPA will be reviewed for admission on a case-by-case basis.
  • At least 15 quarter or 10 semester credit hours of coursework in the social sciences (examples of approved subjects are typically: Anthropology, Communications, Criminology, Economics, Geography, Globalization Studies, International Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Speech and Hearing Science, and World Politics). If you believe you have taken a social science course, but it is not directly from one of the departments listed, a course syllabus will be needed for review.
  • Bachelor of Social Work within the last five years from an accredited college or university by the Council on Social Work Education.
  • “B” or better in all social work required courses (a “B-” does not meet eligibility requirements).
  • Cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher (based on a 4.0 system) for the Bachelor of Social Work degree.
  • Successful completion of field evaluation/learning agreement from their undergraduate program.
  • At least 15 quarter hours or 10 semester hours of coursework in the social sciences (examples of approved subjects are typically: Anthropology, Communications, Criminology, Economics, Geography, Globalization Studies, International Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Speech and Hearing Science, and World Politics). If you believe you have taken a social science course, but it is not directly from one of the departments listed, a course syllabus will be needed for review.


The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, also known as  SARA , establishes uniform standards for distance education for all participating states and institutions. Ohio State joined SARA in 2015, which means Ohio State can offer most online and on-ground courses and programs in  SARA member states, districts and territories without seeking authorization in each state.

Career Outlook

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, overall employment of social workers is projected to grow 7 percent from 2022 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations. Graduates from the Master of Social Work program will be able to serve their community in a variety of industries and workplace settings, including but not limited to:

  • Correctional facilities
  • Mental health and addiction centers
  • Foster care and adoption agencies
  • International aid organizations
  • Military bases
  • Private practice
  • Community centers
  • Child welfare agencies
  • Nursing homes and adult day centers

Completion of the online master in social work will prepare you to sit for your social work licensure exam, subject to state educational requirements  for licensure and certification.

Experience top-tier curriculum in our online master’s in social work program, structured to provide graduates with expertise in social work to help their community and advance their careers.

SWK 6188 – Preparing for Field Education

This course is designed to prepare students for a successful and meaningful field education experience. By providing an orientation to field education, policies and procedures, training on resource acquisition, safety in the field, mental wellness, resilience and self-care, students will be ultimately prepared to be active learners and leaders in field. 

SWK 6189 – Field Practicum

The focus in field practicum during this part of the educational program is on core social work competencies and learning activities with interrelated and interdependent human systems: individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. 

SWK 6201 – Social and Economic Justice

This course will provide students with foundation knowledge related to social justice in the context of social welfare in advancing human rights of all people.

SWK 6202 – Diversity and Cultural Competence

Conceptual framework for effective and culturally sensitive social work practice with oppressed and vulnerable populations. 

SWK 6301 – Social Work Perspectives on Development and Behavior Across the Lifespan

Understand the biopsychosocial processes of human development that influence individuals’ behavior across the lifespan in order to conduct effective prevention and intervention plans.

SWK 6302 – Organizational & Community Systems

Critically examines explanatory theory regarding the functioning of human service organizations, residential institutions, and communities with applications to social work assessment and intervention. 

SWK 6501 – Engaging and Entering the Profession

Introduces students to the knowledge, skills and values needed to prepare for and engage in social work with vulnerable and oppressed populations. 

SWK 7189 – Advanced Field Practicum

An internship in a social work agency where students will integrate advanced classroom knowledge and skills with practice experiences. 

SWK 7400 – Evidence in Social Work Practice

This course is designed for ASAP students to develop the requisite values, skills, and knowledge for beginning to apply evidence in identifying, selecting and evaluating social work practices at all levels of intervention.

SWK 7401 – Social Work Evaluation I

This is a two semester course sequence focusing on how to evaluate social work practice and programs. Over the two semesters students will learn how to design an appropriate evaluation strategy, select relevant outcome measure, collect and analyze evaluation data, and use evaluation outcomes to guide practice and policy decisions. 

SWK 7402 – Social Work Evaluation II

Swk 7510 – strengths-based clinical social work with individual adults.

Students will learn several research-informed clinical social work approaches for working with the strengths of individual adults to effect client change such as solution-focused therapy, narrative therapy, strategic therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. 

SWK 7511 – Clinical Social Work with Children and Adolescents

Course focuses specifically on the preschool, school aged children and adolescents and provides an overview of: 1) the background of mental health treatment of children/adolescents; 2) development in context; 3) developmental psychopathology; 4) the helping process; and 5) common childhood/adolescent disorders. 

SWK 7512 – Clinical Social Work with Couples and Families

Emphasizes a treatment approach that views family members as making up an interlocking system that is the context for the formation and resolution of problems of the family and its members. Focuses on the family as the client rather than individual family members and emphasizes the process and stages of intervention. 

SWK 7515 – Crisis Intervention and Trauma Treatment

Covers different approaches and common steps involved in intervening with clients experiencing a crisis. Given that many clients find experiencing a crisis to be traumatic, this course will also cover several research-informed approaches for treating trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

SWK 7516 – Assessment and Diagnosis in Clinical Social Work Practice

This course looks at patterns of human behavior and psychosocial functioning conceptualized as psychopathology, deviance, and/or responses to extreme stress. The content addresses such concepts as function and dysfunction, mental health and mental illness, and normality and abnormality. 

SWK 7517 – Social Work Practice in Schools

Prepares students to work effectively in the education setting as a licensed school social worker. 

SWK 7518 – Advanced Case Management

Development of competencies in the provision of case management services to address various complex client problems. 

SWK 7630 & 7631 – Integrative Seminar on Child & Youth Services

This area of emphasis prepares social workers to be employed in schools, child welfare agencies, juvenile court systems, or community-based youth development settings to serve children, youth, and their families. Area of Emphasis: Child and Youth Services.

SWK 7620 & 7621 – Integrative Seminar on Mental Health & Substance Abuse

This course provides a comprehensive survey of social work practice, policy, program, and organizational issues and outcome evidence related to the delivery of mental health services. Area of Emphasis: Mental Health and Substance Abuse.

Understanding Online Course Types

As you research the right online program for you, you likely will come across the terms “asynchronous” and “synchronous.” Learn what these terms mean and how they’re important to consider when understanding how a program will fit into your life.

Diagram explaining the differences between synchronous and asynchronous online courses.

Program Faculty

The College of Social Work’s shared values demonstrate deep commitment to educate, volunteer, serve, and improve the quality of lives of those in our communities. You will learn from some of the most knowledgeable and passionate faculty in the field of social work. Our faculty will inspire you with their expertise in areas including aging, child welfare, health, mental health, substance abuse, corrections, juvenile justice, positive youth development, school social work, immigrants and refugees, environmental justice, community food security, international issues, grandparents, human trafficking, health disparities, and many more.

Dr. Shannon Jarrott of the College of Social Work and Master of Social Work online program.

Shannon Jarrott, PhD

Trained as a gerontologist, Dr. Jarrott has studied community-based services, therapeutic programming, and research strategies involving a wide range of youth and older adults possessing diverse strengths and needs, such as chronic disease and disability. Dr. Jarrott collaborates extensively with students, practitioners, and researchers across diverse disciplines. She has contributed to United Nations, NIH, USDA, and international efforts to promote developmental theory, research, and practice.

Anna Stewart

Anna Stewart of the College of Social Work's Online Master of Social Work program.

Joe Guada, PhD

Joe Guada of the College of Social Work's Online Master of Social Work program.

Master´s Programme in Social Work

  • 120 credits cr.
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For persons working with social issues the Department of Social Work offers Master's programme in Social Work. All of the courses in the programme, except for the thesis writing course, can be read as freestanding courses.

This programme builds on the research being carried out at the Department and at our collaborating institutions. You will be sharing in the latest research findings which you will then be able to process and adapt to your own work or to other situations. Our idea is for you to be able to use social work as a knowledge base for more in-depth analyses in your work. Teaching is based on the knowledge gained from your previous university education and your own active pursuit of knowledge. This demands independence of mind and the ability to take own initiatives. Some part of the required reading is in English but instruction is given in Swedish. The programme begins with a course in philosophy of science and ends with a thesis writing course where you will apply scientific methods and theories to the writing of a paper under the tutelage of experienced supervisors. Obligatory is the following:

Evidence and Knowledge in Social Work, 7.5 HEC's

At least 30 HEC's from the Department's range of Master's courses, Courses in philosophy of science and research methods amounting to 22.5 HEC's, Independent Project for the Master’s Degree in Social Work 30 HEC's. When accepted to the programme you are automatically registered for the first course in philosophy of science, 7.5 HEC's.

social work phd in sweden

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Campus Albano

House 2, Level 3

Albanovägen 18, Stockholm

Firouzeh Esnaasharan

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Send an e-mail to book appointment on Zoom or at Albano.

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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 09:30 - 11:00 AM

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Students at Skinnarviksberget in central Stockholm.

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As a student at Stockholm University you get the benefit of living in the Swedish capital.

Two students in front of a computer.

Step-by-step guide

Here we explain all the different steps you need to go through when applying to a course or programme. Please read the instructions carefully.

A woman in focus holding a tablet and smiling, a couple of other blurred people in front of her.

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Mahmoud Suliman on a boat in Stockholm.

Students of Stockholm University

Every year Stockholm University welcomes thousands of international students from all over the world. Each bringing their own backpack full of experiences, expectations and dreams. Each with their own story.

Photo montage of close-ups of researchers.

Our researchers. Your teachers

As a student at Stockholm University, you will have direct contact with leading researchers in your field and access to the most recent scientific findings. Our researchers. Your teachers. Meet a few of them here.

Nora Veerman

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  • Micro-Credentials

School of Social Work Micro-Credentials

The next level of learning is here.

Smaller that a minor, certificate or degree program, micro-credentials allow you to meet your personalized learning needs by gaining knowledge and skills in areas that are relevant to your academic or professional goals. 

student intern with elderly client.

Continuing Education/Professional Development

Foundations trauma-informed care micro-credential badge.


heart in mother and child's hands.

What is a Digital Badge?

Micro-credentials equip you with digital badges that showcase your achievements and all it took to get there.

When you complete a micro-credential program you will earn a digital badge or a series of digital badges. A digital badge is a clickable icon that houses important information, including the issuing institution, the date earned, the criteria required to earn the badge and evidence showing you have met that criteria.

Digital badges are dynamic credentials that you own, so you can decide how you wish to use them. You can add them to your social media profiles, digital résumé, e-portfolio and more.

UB digital badges are issued through  Acclaim , allowing you to display your skills and accomplishments for employers, colleagues and peers. For questions about using Acclaim, contact the Office of Micro-Credentials at  [email protected]  or 716-645-1357.


  1. Doctoral programme

    PhD studies at the School of Social Work. På svenska. The doctoral programme consists of four years of full-time study. The programme leading to a doctoral degree comprises a total of 240 credits divided into a course component of 75 credits and an academic thesis of 165 credits. The education is completed with the public defense of the ...

  2. Social Work in Sweden: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Studying Social Work in Sweden is a great choice, as there are 4 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 32,000 international students choose Sweden for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world. We counted 547 affordable PhD degrees ...

  3. Doctoral studies in Social Work

    Societal Communication and Impact of Research on Ageing and Health, 3 credits. 31 October 2022 - 18 January 2023. Systematic literature reviews, 7.5 credits. February 2025. Updated: 2023-10-05. Editor: [email protected]. Social Work, third-cycle courses and study programmes, research programs, Örebro University.

  4. PhD studies at Stockholm University

    Our doctoral studies take four years and result in a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), the highest academic degree in Sweden. During this period you will both take advanced courses in your field of interest and work in a original research project. However, after two years, you might have the possibility to take an intermediate degree of ...

  5. Social Work

    Subject description. The BSc programme in Social Work covers a broad range of topics preparing the students for future careers in different fields of social work, such as in the social services, the health care and education system, rehabilitation, correctional services or the private sector. The BSc is taught in Swedish.

  6. The Doctoral Programme in Social Work

    The doctoral programme in social work also aims to advance students' ability to utilise the scientific skills and knowledge they develop in the programme in their future research or other qualified professional work, and to present and disseminate their research results nationally and internationally. The programme takes four years and leads to ...

  7. Department of Social Work

    Education in social work. Here you will find our education pages. Read more about Education in social work. Puff Education. Courses and programmes. Social work can be studied as separate courses at bachelor and master level. Our courses focus on various aspects of the Swedish welfare state and its relationship to social work.

  8. Doctoral studies

    Faculty of Social Sciences. På svenska. Doctoral studies (PhD) is the highest formal education available. It provides training to become an independent and critically minded researcher, and prepares for work with research and development issues inside or outside the university. Doctoral studies involves a total of four years of full-time study.

  9. Doctoral Studies

    The Department of Social Work; Doctoral Studies ... studies allow you to develop a deeper understanding of a scientific field of study and are provided free of charge in Sweden. Contact Frida Petersson Assistant Head of Department +46 766-18 63 83 +46 31-786 63 83. [email protected] ...

  10. Social Work, Ph.D.

    The doctoral Social Work programme at the Lund University consists of four years of full-time study. You can apply for and start this programme anytime. The university is constantly recruiting new PhD students. Check the university's website for application deadlines. The Social Work programme leading to a doctoral degree at Lund University ...

  11. PhD programmes

    When you apply for a PhD programme in Sweden, you're actually applying for a job. Yeah, you read that right. 👀. "Do a master's here - I'd say it's a very good step to doing a PhD in Sweden. I did my master's at Malmö University and now I'm doing a PhD at Lund University" - Sanjay, Malmö University. So that means - no ...

  12. The Department of Social Work, University of Gothenburg

    Welcome to the Department of Social Work! We offer the Bachelor of Science Programme in Social Work, which has one of the highest numbers of applicants in Sweden. Studies in social work focus on socially vulnerable people, their living conditions and their experiences. Our research aims to understand and explain social phenomena and problems at ...

  13. Social Work, Ph.D.

    The Department of Social Work at the University of Gothenburg studies social problems, their causes and consequences for individuals, groups, and societies. University of Gothenburg. Göteborg , Sweden. Top 1% worldwide. Studyportals University Meta Ranking.

  14. Department of Social Work

    The department of social work is an education- and research unit with 85 employees and over a 1000 students. In the department we have a bachelor program in social work and several courses on bachelor- and master level. We also have a PhD-program. Our research is mainly in social work and our research holds a unique quality of both width and depth.

  15. Doctoral Studies

    Doctoral Studies. The Faculty of Social Science offers programmes in eleven subjects. The programmes comprise 240 higher education credits (four years) and conclude with the doctoral examination. There is also the option of taking a licentiate's examination after 120 higher education credits (two years).

  16. Social Work PhD and DSW Programs in Sweden

    Within social work doctoral programs, the two main terminal degrees are the DSW and the PhD Social Work degree. The Doctor of Social Work, abbreviated DSW, is a professional doctorate in social work. The Social Work PhD program is an academic degree. Each may therefore be better suited to different goals.

  17. 21 PhD jobs in Sweden

    PhD student in brain-inspired neuromorphic computing systems on chip Ref LiU-2024-04086We have the power of over 40,000 students and co-workers. Students who provide hope for the future. Co-workers who contribute to Linköping University meeting the challenges of the day.

  18. Social Work, Ph.D.

    The dissertation project in this Social Work programme at Karlstad University belongs to one of the subjects two research orientations: Critical welfare studies or Applied welfare research. The subject of social work belongs together with sociology, psychology, and gender studies to the Department of Social and Psychological Studies.

  19. Social Work in Sweden, an Introduction

    The course focuses on Swedish social work and consists of two parts: one theoretical and one oriented at practical social work in the Swedish welfare state. The course is offered as a single subject course at the first cycle level. The language of instruction is English. In the second part of the course, the focus turns to practical social work.

  20. Study Programme in Social Work

    The study program in social work leads to a bachelor's degree with your major subject social work. During this course of education you will also study sociology, law, psychology, political science and social policy. You will delve deeply into issues concerning different cultural environments and international perspectives of relevance for ...

  21. Ethnography: theory, method and ethics

    The subject of Sociology at the Department of Social Studies offers the doctoral course - Ethnography: Theory, Methods and Ethics, 7.5 credits in collaboration with the subject of social work. During the course, the boundaries between what characterizes ethnographic research compared to other qualitative approaches are discussed, and how ethnographic research has developed over time.

  22. Social Work PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Sweden

    FindAPhD. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Sociology, Social Work in Sweden. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world.

  23. 106 Ph.Ds in Social Sciences in Sweden

    Find the best Ph.D in the field of Social Sciences from top universities in Sweden. Check all 106 programmes. Explore; Decide; Apply; ... Ph.D in Social Sciences in Sweden. Programmes Universities Scholarships. Page 1 | 106 PhDs. Filters 3. Filters 3. 106 PhDs. ... Sociology and Work Science. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. Free. 4 years ...

  24. Master of Social Work

    Social Work has a long and rich tradition at Ohio State; we offered our first social work course in 1875 and awarded our first Master's degree in 1923. Accredited in 1919, Ohio State is the country's oldest continuously accredited social work program in a public university.

  25. Master´s Programme in Social Work

    At least 30 HEC's from the Department's range of Master's courses, Courses in philosophy of science and research methods amounting to 22.5 HEC's, Independent Project for the Master's Degree in Social Work 30 HEC's. When accepted to the programme you are automatically registered for the first course in philosophy of science, 7.5 HEC's.

  26. Micro-Credentials

    School of Social Work Micro-Credentials The next level of learning is here Smaller that a minor, certificate or degree program, micro-credentials allow you to meet your personalized learning needs by gaining knowledge and skills in areas that are relevant to your academic or professional goals.