Assignment 3: Narrative Writing ( CIE IGCSE English Language )

Revision note.

Deb Orrock

Assignment 3: Narrative Writing

Assignment 3 of your coursework portfolio is a piece of narrative writing. To reach the highest levels of the mark scheme you are required to create a developed, well-defined plot and include features of fiction writing, such as characterisation and setting.

The following guide is broken into the following sections:

Assignment examples

How to write to narrate, narrative writing techniques.

In this assignment you are only examined on your writing skills, and your piece of writing should be between 500 and 800 words in length. There are 10 marks available for content and structure, and 15 marks available for style and accuracy, as follows:

Narratives may be written in any relevant form, such as the opening or closing chapter of a longer story, or a short story in itself, but features of fiction writing should be evident. Your ideas should be explored and developed imaginatively. Remember, a story that entertains is normally a successful one!

You may be asked to write a story that creates suspense and atmosphere, or something that explores relationships and emotions. Alternatively, you may be asked to write about adventure, achievement or something that contains unexpected events. Any possibility that addresses specific readers and maintains the reader’s interest and engagement are valid. The best short stories are based on a single plot idea, have a maximum of two main characters and tend to be set in a place familiar to you.

Narrative story writing develops an idea to a conclusion. The way to achieve this in an exam is by planning an ending with a resolution (you should plan whether your story will end happily or not).

In order to adhere to the conventions of story writing, it is best to: 

  • Plan your writing in an order which takes your character (and reader) on a clear journey:
  • The best way to do this is to plan one main event
  • Ensure your plot is simple enough to be coherent and cohesive
  • Consider employing structural techniques, such as a flashback:
  • This can give background information to the reader and provide context
  • Ensure you use past-tense verbs for this
  • Develop your characters:
  • Consider essential narrative character archetypes, such as “villain”, “victim”, “hero”, etc.
  • Decide on how your characters fit these descriptions 
  • When describing people, focus on relevant details only:
  • You could focus on their body language or movements
  • If using dialogue, the verbs you use to describe how your characters speak can reveal more about them than what they say, e.g. “shrieked”, “mumbled”, “whispered”
  • It is effective to repeat ideas related to colour
  • You can repeat ideas for emphasis:
  • For example, black and grey or green and blue

Narrative writing responses should be structured into five or six paragraphs. You should plan your response carefully as you have limited time to create a cohesive plot. Writing a response which has not been planned is likely to have an abrupt ending, or no ending at all, which will not get you high m arks.

There are lots of different narrative structures or arcs that you could use to plan your story. Bearing in mind you only have 15 minutes to plan, your story needs to be controlled and concise. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is to consider a five-part narrative structure, such as Freytag’s Pyramid:

Freytag's pyramid 5 part narrative structure

Stick to one main setting and start at the location:

Hook your reader:

Decide which and tense you are going to write in:

Employ the five senses to create an atmosphere:

This paragraph could end with an 'inciting incident', which prompts the rising action and moves the story forward

This paragraph should build tension, drama or interest:

This paragraph should also develop your character(s):

, direct or indirect characterisation to create well-rounded, 3D characters

This is the turning point of your story:

Your protagonist could face an external problem, or an internal dilemma:

You should vary your sentence structure, length and language here for dramatic effect

What happens in this paragraph should be as a direct result of the climax paragraph:

It also should focus on your characters' thoughts and feelings as a result of the climax of the story:

You can choose to resolve your story, or end on a cliff-hanger:

Your setting and atmosphere could reflect a change from the setting or atmosphere you established in the opening paragraph:

Remember, each paragraph does not have to be the same length. In fact, better answers vary the lengths of their paragraphs for effect. What is important is to develop separate ideas or points in each paragraph, and to avoid repeating the same descriptions throughout your response. 

Once you have planned out the structure of your narrative, it’s a good idea to consider how to incorporate methods and techniques into your response. Below we have included some guides to help you when thinking about setting, characterisation and other linguistic techniques to make your narrative as engrossing as possible.

As this task assesses the ability to communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, it is important to consider how to use language constructively in a short story to convey an atmosphere or mood. Building an effective setting is key as it contributes to atmosphere and mood.

  • Your setting should reflect your main character’s mood:
  • You may know this as pathetic fallacy , which reflects the character’s mood in the environment, e.g., “the lonely road”
  • As your setting reflects your character’s mood, your setting may change as the story progresses:
  • Contrasting scenes is an effective way to convey ideas and to engage your reader:
  • For example, your story may have started on a sunny afternoon, but may end as the sun sets or as a storm approaches 
  • Whatever way you decide to contrast the scenes, ensure it reflects your character’s mood
  • The best answers build a clear setting before introducing other information, such as introducing character:
  • Describing setting is best done with sensory language as we experience places with all of our five senses
  • This means you could describe the dark, light, colours, sounds, smells and weather
  • The best way to clearly create setting is to allow an entire paragraph to describe the scene without confusing readers with other information like who is there
  • Ensure all of your descriptive language builds the same mood and avoid mixing ideas. For example: “The graveyard was dark, cold and smelled like fragrant flowers” is confusing for your reader
  • However, do not give too much away all at once!
  • Keep your reader guessing and asking questions, such as “What is going on?”, “Why is this like this?” and “Who is this?”
  • Think of establishing a setting a bit like the game “Taboo”, in which you have to describe something without stating explicitly what it is


This question asks you to create a short story and therefore you will need to build some elements of detailed characterisation. This means you need to consider what your character(s) represent. They may represent an idea, such as hope or strength or abandonment, or you could include a villain to represent injustice or evil. It is best to limit yourself to two characters in the time you have.

Well-rounded characters are taken on a journey: a character should undergo some form of development or change. The mark scheme rewards answers which clearly and effectively convey ideas, meaning that you need to consider the most effective ways of building a character in a short piece of writing. Ideally, you should focus more on indirect characterisation than direct characterisation:

Here, we will consider how to plan your character(s) effectively to engage your reader. This is what the examiner is looking for in your answer:

Your character’s appearance may not always be relevant:

, remember that it is rare that we describe our own appearance perspective can describe appearance more effectively 

One of the most effective ways to describe a character is through their movements:


If you use the first-person perspective, a monologue helps readers engage with the character:

will help your reader understand your character better

Dialogue can convey the relationships between your characters and provide insights into what other characters think about each other:

Linguistic devices

When considering your choice of language and the techniques you wish to employ, you must always remember that you are making deliberate choices for effect. It is important to consider the connotations of words and phrases, and how these may add depth to your writing. For example, do your word choices evoke certain emotions or feelings in the reader, or do they reveal aspects of a character’s personality, background or emotions? You should employ the principle of “show, not tell” in order to bring your writing to life in the reader’s mind.

Below you will find a brief explanation of some of the key techniques you could employ in your narrative (or descriptive) writing:


Repeating a word, phrase, image or idea. This is much more effective if you think of repetition as a that you use throughout your piece of writing


Remember, the words starting with the same consonant sound do not have to be consecutive. Consider the effect you are trying to achieve through the use of alliteration


Metaphors can be as simple as figures of speech, but are especially effective where they are extended and developed


A great way to create atmosphere at the start of your writing is by personifying the setting to your story or description


The representation of sound on paper should be more sophisticated than comic-book terms such as “boom”. It is also not helpful to put onomatopoeic words all in capital letters. Consider sound as a way of evoking the senses in order to create atmosphere


A simple comparison using “like” or “as” should be used sparingly, as this creates more impact


Engages the reader’s senses by using vivid and detailed language to create an image in the reader’s mind


Places two contrasting ideas, images or concepts side by side to highlight their differences or to create a striking effect

Emotive language

Words or phrases that are intentionally used to evoke a strong emotional response in the reader

Power verbs

Verbs are doing, action or being words. Power verbs are the deliberate, interesting choice of verb to help the reader picture what you are writing. They can be especially useful for characterisation

Pathetic fallacy

The ability to evoke a specific mood or feeling that reflects a character’s internal or emotional state

  • Ensure that your response is a well organised and thoughtful interpretation of your title
  • Demonstrate your ability to shape a narrative, including incorporating moments of tension and drama
  • Use characterisation to create believable protagonists and characters
  • Avoid cliches or over-used narratives, such as abandoned cabins in the woods
  • Do not just “tell” a series of events:
  • Consider imaginative ways to tell your story, apart from just a chronological account
  • Include your characters’ thoughts and feelings, not just what happens
  • Do not over-complicate your language unnecessarily:
  • Do not underestimate the power of simple words and sentences to create significant impact
  • Start at your story’s main setting, not in the journey or build up
  • Ensure that all of the words you choose contribute to the overall atmosphere and effect you want to create
  • Vary your sentence and paragraph lengths to keep the style and tone dynamic
  • Do not over-use dialogue:
  • Only use dialogue if it drives forward the plot and you are able to punctuate it correctly
  • Consider the “message” of your story and how your characters represent this
  • Consider the narrative perspective which will work most effectively for your story

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Author: Deb Orrock

Deb is a graduate of Lancaster University and The University of Wolverhampton. After some time travelling and a successful career in the travel industry, she re-trained in education, specialising in literacy. She has over 16 years’ experience of working in education, teaching English Literature, English Language, Functional Skills English, ESOL and on Access to HE courses. She has also held curriculum and quality manager roles, and worked with organisations on embedding literacy and numeracy into vocational curriculums. She now manages a post-16 English curriculum as well as writing educational content and resources.

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How to Write an English Assignment

Last Updated: December 6, 2021

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Writing an English assignment can be troublesome at times. The students lack the proper information which is required to write an assignment. Apart from this there are many more things which are necessary for an assignment writing and such things are highlighted in this article.

Step 1 Understand the Topic.

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  • It was a jammy assignment - more of a holiday really.
  • He took this award-winning photograph while on assignment in the Middle East .
  • His two-year assignment to the Mexico office starts in September .
  • She first visited Norway on assignment for the winter Olympics ten years ago.
  • He fell in love with the area after being there on assignment for National Geographic in the 1950s.

(Translation of assignment from the Cambridge English–Hindi Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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VMOU MA English Assignment 2023

VMOU MA English Assignment 2023 for July 2022 and January 2023 admission sessions has been uploaded by Vardhman Mahaveer Open University on its official website. Students of the Master of Arts English Course can download assignment questions from this page for both MA first and final year.

Students who have got admission to VMOU for the Master of Arts English Programme, have to prepare assignments and submit them to Regional Centre before examinations. It’s compulsory otherwise their result will be withheld by the university.

vmou ma english assignment

Master of Arts in English Programme is a two-year course offered by Vardhman Mahaveer Open University with a maximum duration of 6 years. The Programme code of the Master of Arts in English course is MAEG .

Students can get admission in MA English with a bachelor’s degree at VMOU. No entrance test is conducted for admission to MA English offered by VMOU.

For each paper of MA English, Internal Assignment will be of 20 marks. So, it’s important to make quality assignments to get the highest marks.

Programme NameM.A. English
SessionJuly 2022 & January 2023
1st Year Assignment

VMOU MA Final English Assignment

Questions of second-year assignment of the VMOU MA English programme have been uploaded online. You can download all your final year assignments using the table.

Course / YearAssignment
MA Final (English)

If you are looking for solved assignments for your course, you can download them from here: VMOU Assignments Answers .

After solving your assignments, you have to submit assignments to the Concerned Regional Centre on or before the last date of assignment submission. The online Assignment submission facility is not available now.


Kindly request to send MA previous assignment 2023 at the earliest, please

Last date kya hai assignment ki

Please share the assignments of ma final

Please send me English previous year’s assignment

Please send me assignment paper in English literature 1st year

Please send me MA previous English assignment

Did you get the assignment?? please help me out as well

Previous ka assignment send kre plz

Sir Ma English pre ke assignment kab tak aayenge

Sir july 2021 admission assignments of m.a final …pls send me…

Hey Aapke assignment aa gye kya Plzzz tell me

What is the last date to submit the assessments, till when can I submit

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A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern.

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